path: root/test/scaladoc
diff options
authorSeth Tisue <>2017-01-23 14:35:47 -0800
committerSeth Tisue <>2017-01-27 09:29:53 -0800
commit4386b948a0b597cc78e4f3b22b51e0588a5b6d60 (patch)
treeeca8cea41d110d8b14d27a83ae06a90e966f9621 /test/scaladoc
parent27c10db549e6f43571663d0162b58fc04fbb34bf (diff)
run ScalaCheck tests directly, not through partest
ScalaCheck ever being under partest in the first place is ancient history, from back in the Ant build days (shudder) ScalaCheck support was removed from partest 1.1.0, which we already upgraded to in a recent commit also upgrades ScalaCheck from 1.11.6 to 1.13.4, since we might as well. no source changes were necessary.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/scaladoc')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 1027 deletions
diff --git a/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/CommentFactoryTest.scala b/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/CommentFactoryTest.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d30b78087c..0000000000
--- a/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/CommentFactoryTest.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-import org.scalacheck._
-import org.scalacheck.Prop._
-class Factory(val g: Global, val s: doc.Settings)
- extends doc.model.ModelFactory(g, s) {
- thisFactory: Factory
- with ModelFactoryImplicitSupport
- with ModelFactoryTypeSupport
- with DiagramFactory
- with CommentFactory
- with doc.model.TreeFactory
- with MemberLookup =>
- def strip(c: Comment): Option[Inline] = {
- c.body match {
- case Body(List(Paragraph(Chain(List(Summary(inner)))))) => Some(inner)
- case _ => None
- }
- }
- def getComment(s: String): Comment =
- parse(s, "",, null)
- def parseComment(s: String): Option[Inline] =
- strip(getComment(s))
- def createBody(s: String) =
- parse(s, "",, null).body
-object Test extends Properties("CommentFactory") {
- val factory = {
- val settings = new doc.Settings((str: String) => {})
- val reporter = new
- val g = new Global(settings, reporter)
- (new Factory(g, settings)
- with ModelFactoryImplicitSupport
- with ModelFactoryTypeSupport
- with DiagramFactory
- with CommentFactory
- with doc.model.TreeFactory
- with MemberLookup)
- }
- def parse(src: String, dst: Inline): Boolean = {
- factory.parseComment(src) match {
- case Some(inline) =>
- inline == dst
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- }
- property("parse") = parse(
- "/** One two three */",
- Text("One two three")
- )
- property("parse") = parse(
- "/** One `two` three */",
- Chain(List(Text("One "), Monospace(Text("two")), Text(" three")))
- )
- property("parse") = parse(
- """
-/** One two
- * three */""",
- Text("One two\nthree")
- )
- property("parse") = parse(
- """
-/** One `two`
- * three */""",
- Chain(List(Text("One "), Monospace(Text("two")), Text("\n"), Text("three")))
- )
- property("parse") = parse(
- """
-/** One `two`
- * three */""",
- Chain(List(Text("One "), Monospace(Text("two")), Text("\n"), Text(" three")))
- )
- property("parse") = parse(
- """
-/** One
- * `two` three */""",
- Chain(List(Text("One"), Text("\n"), Monospace(Text("two")), Text(" three")))
- )
- property("Trac #4361 - ^...^") = parse(
- """
- * hello ^world^ */""",
- Chain(List(Text("hello "), Superscript(Text("world"))))
- )
- property("Trac #4361 - single ^ symbol") = parse(
- """
- * <pre>
- * hello ^world
- * </pre>
- *
- */""",
- Chain(List(Text(""), Text("\n"),
- HtmlTag("<pre>\nhello ^world\n</pre>")))
- )
- property("Trac #4366 - body") = {
- val body = factory.createBody(
- """
- /**
- * <strong><code>foo</code> has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please call <code>bar</code> instead.</strong>
- */
- """
- )
- body == Body(List(Paragraph(Chain(List(
- Summary(Chain(List(HtmlTag("<strong><code>foo</code> has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please call <code>bar</code> instead.</strong>"), Text("\n"), Text(""))))
- )))))
- }
- property("Trac #4366 - summary") = {
- val body = factory.createBody(
- """
- /**
- * <strong><code>foo</code> has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please call <code>bar</code> instead.</strong>
- */
- """
- )
- body.summary == Some(Chain(List(HtmlTag("<strong><code>foo</code> has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please call <code>bar</code> instead.</strong>"), Text("\n"), Text(""))))
- }
- property("Trac #4358 - body") = {
- factory.createBody(
- """
- /**
- * Implicit conversion that invokes the <code>expect</code> method on the <code>EasyMock</code> companion object (<em>i.e.</em>, the
- * static <code>expect</code> method in Java class <code>org.easymock.EasyMock</code>).
- */
- """
- ) match {
- case Body(List(Paragraph(Chain(List(Summary(Chain(List(Chain(List(
- Text("Implicit conversion that invokes the "),
- HtmlTag("<code>expect</code>"),
- Text(" method on the "),
- HtmlTag("<code>EasyMock</code>"),
- Text(" companion object ("),
- HtmlTag("<em>i.e.</em>"),
- Text(", the\nstatic "),
- HtmlTag("<code>expect</code>"),
- Text(" method in Java class "),
- HtmlTag("<code>org.easymock.EasyMock</code>"),
- Text(")")
- )), Text(".")))), Text("\n")))))) =>
- true
- case other => {
- println(other)
- false
- }
- }
- }
- property("Empty parameter text should be empty") = {
- // used to fail with
- // body == Body(List(Paragraph(Chain(List(Summary(Text('\n')))))))
- factory.getComment(
- """
- * @deprecated
- */
- """).deprecated match {
- case Some(Body(l)) if l.isEmpty => true
- case other =>
- println(other)
- false
- }
- }
diff --git a/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/HtmlFactoryTest.flags b/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/HtmlFactoryTest.flags
deleted file mode 100644
index b2264ec4f4..0000000000
--- a/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/HtmlFactoryTest.flags
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
--encoding UTF-8 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/HtmlFactoryTest.scala b/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/HtmlFactoryTest.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index ab2c058a03..0000000000
--- a/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/HtmlFactoryTest.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,784 +0,0 @@
-import org.scalacheck._
-import org.scalacheck.Prop._
-import{URLClassLoader, URLDecoder}
-import scala.collection.mutable
-import scala.xml.NodeSeq
-object XMLUtil {
- import scala.xml._
- def stripGroup(seq: Node): Node = {
- seq match {
- case group: Group => {
- <div class="group">{ _) }</div>
- }
- case e: Elem => {
- val child = _)
- Elem(e.prefix, e.label, e.attributes, e.scope, child : _*)
- }
- case _ => seq
- }
- }
-object Test extends Properties("HtmlFactory") {
- final val RESOURCES = "test/scaladoc/resources/"
- import
- import{DocFactory, Settings}
- import
- def getClasspath = {
- // these things can be tricky
- // this test previously relied on the assumption that the current thread's classloader is an url classloader and contains all the classpaths
- // does partest actually guarantee this? to quote Leonard Nimoy: The answer, of course, is no.
- // this test _will_ fail again some time in the future.
- // Footnote: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to
- val loader = Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader.asInstanceOf[URLClassLoader]
- val paths = => URLDecoder.decode(u.getPath))
- paths mkString
- }
- def createFactory = {
- val settings = new Settings({Console.err.println(_)})
- settings.scaladocQuietRun = true
- settings.nowarn.value = true
- settings.classpath.value = getClasspath
- settings.docAuthor.value = true
- val reporter = new
- new DocFactory(reporter, settings)
- }
- def createTemplates(basename: String): collection.Map[String, NodeSeq] = {
- val result = mutable.Map[String, NodeSeq]()
- createFactory.makeUniverse(Left(List(RESOURCES+basename))) match {
- case Some(universe) => {
- new HtmlFactory(universe, new ScalaDocReporter(universe.settings)).writeTemplates((page) => {
- result += (page.absoluteLinkTo(page.path) -> page.body)
- })
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- result
- }
- def createTemplate(scala: String) = {
- val html = scala.stripSuffix(".scala") + ".html"
- createTemplates(scala)(html)
- }
- /**
- * This tests the text without the markup - ex:
- *
- * <h4 class="signature">
- * <span class="modifier_kind">
- * <span class="modifier">implicit</span>
- * <span class="kind">def</span>
- * </span>
- * <span class="symbol">
- * <span class="name">test</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span name="scala.Int" class="extype">Int</span></span>
- * </span>
- * </h4>
- *
- * becomes:
- *
- * implicit def test(): Int
- *
- * and is required to contain the text in the given checks
- *
- * NOTE: Comparison is done ignoring all whitespace
- */
- def checkText(scalaFile: String, debug: Boolean = true)(checks: (Option[String], String, Boolean)*): Boolean = {
- val htmlFile = scalaFile.stripSuffix(".scala") + ".html"
- val htmlAllFiles = createTemplates(scalaFile)
- var result = true
- for ((fileHint, check, expected) <- checks) {
- // resolve the file to be checked
- val fileName = fileHint match {
- case Some(file) =>
- if (file endsWith ".html")
- file
- else
- file + ".html"
- case None =>
- htmlFile
- }
- val fileTextPretty = htmlAllFiles(fileName).text.replace('→',' ').replaceAll("\\s+"," ")
- val fileText = fileTextPretty.replaceAll(" ", "")
- val checkTextPretty = check.replace('→',' ').replaceAll("\\s+"," ")
- val checkText = checkTextPretty.replaceAll(" ", "")
- val checkValue = fileText.contains(checkText) == expected
- if (debug && (!checkValue)) {
- Console.err.println("")
- Console.err.println("HTML Check failed for resource file " + scalaFile + ":")
- Console.err.println("Could not match: \n" + checkTextPretty)
- Console.err.println("In the extracted HTML text: \n" + fileTextPretty)
- Console.err.println("NOTE: The whitespaces are eliminated before matching!")
- Console.err.println("")
- }
- result &&= checkValue
- }
- result
- }
- def shortComments(root: scala.xml.Node) =
- XMLUtil.stripGroup(root).descendant.flatMap {
- case e: scala.xml.Elem => {
- if (e.attribute("class").toString.contains("shortcomment")) {
- Some(e)
- } else {
- None
- }
- }
- case _ => None
- }
- property("Trac #3790") = {
- createTemplate("Trac3790.scala") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val comments = shortComments(node)
- comments.exists { _.toString.contains(">A lazy String\n</p>") } &&
- comments.exists { _.toString.contains(">A non-lazy String\n</p>") }
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("Trac #4306") = {
- val files = createTemplates("Trac4306.scala")
- files("com/example/trac4306/foo/package$$Bar.html") != None
- }
- property("Trac #4366") = {
- createTemplate("Trac4366.scala") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- shortComments(node).exists { n => {
- val str = n.toString
- str.contains("<code>foo</code>") && str.contains("</strong>")
- } }
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("Trac #4358") = {
- createTemplate("Trac4358.scala") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node =>
- ! shortComments(node).exists {
- _.toString.contains("<em>i.</em>")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("Trac #4180") = {
- createTemplate("Trac4180.scala") != None
- }
- property("Trac #4372") = {
- createTemplate("Trac4372.scala") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val html = node.toString
- html.contains("<span title=\"gt4s: $plus$colon\" class=\"name\">+:</span>") &&
- html.contains("<span title=\"gt4s: $minus$colon\" class=\"name\">-:</span>") &&
- html.contains("""<span class="params">(<span name="n">n: <span class="extype" name="scala.Int">Int</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Int">Int</span></span>""")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("Trac #4374 - public") = {
- val files = createTemplates("Trac4374.scala")
- files("WithPublic.html") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val s = node.toString
- s.contains("""href="WithPublic$.html"""") &&
- files.get("WithPublic$.html") != None
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("Trac #4374 - private") = {
- val files = createTemplates("Trac4374.scala")
- files("WithPrivate.html") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val s = node.toString
- ! s.contains("""href="WithPrivate$.html"""") &&
- files.get("WithPrivate$.html") == None
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("Trac #4325 - files") = {
- val files = createTemplates("Trac4325.scala")
- files.get("WithSynthetic.html") != None &&
- files.get("WithSynthetic$.html") == None &&
- files.get("WithObject.html") != None &&
- files.get("WithObject$.html") != None
- }
- property("Trac #4325 - Don't link to syntetic companion") = {
- val files = createTemplates("Trac4325.scala")
- files("WithSynthetic.html") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val s = node.toString
- ! s.contains("""href="WithSynthetic$.html"""")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("Trac #4325 - Link to companion") = {
- val files = createTemplates("Trac4325.scala")
- files("WithObject.html") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val s = node.toString
- s.contains("""href="WithObject$.html"""")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("Trac #4420 - no whitespace at end of line") = {
- val files = createTemplates("Trac4420.scala")
- files("TestA.html") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val s = node.toString
- s.contains("""See YYY for more details""")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- //
- // property("Trac #484 - refinements and existentials") = {
- // val files = createTemplates("Trac484.scala")
- // val lines = """
- // |type Bar = AnyRef { type Dingus <: T forSome { type T <: String } }
- // |type Foo = AnyRef { ... /* 3 definitions in type refinement */ }
- // |def g(x: T forSome { type T <: String }): String
- // |def h(x: Float): AnyRef { def quux(x: Int,y: Int): Int }
- // |def hh(x: Float): AnyRef { def quux(x: Int,y: Int): Int }
- // |def j(x: Int): Bar
- // |def k(): AnyRef { type Dingus <: T forSome { type T <: String } }
- // """.stripMargin.trim.lines map (_.trim)
- //
- // files("RefinementAndExistentials.html") match {
- // case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- // val s = node.text.replaceAll("\\s+", " ")
- // lines forall (s contains _)
- // }
- // case _ => false
- // }
- // }
- property("Trac #4289") = {
- val files = createTemplates("Trac4289.scala")
- files("Subclass.html") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- node.toString.contains {
- """<dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>123</p></dd>"""
- }
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("Trac #4409") = {
- createTemplate("Trac4409.scala") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- ! node.toString.contains("""<div class="block"><ol>since""")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("Trac #4452") = {
- createTemplate("Trac4452.scala") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node =>
- ! node.toString.contains(">*")
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("SI-4421") = {
- createTemplate("SI_4421.scala") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val html = node.toString
- html.contains(">Example:") && html.contains(">Note<")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("SI-4589") = {
- createTemplate("SI_4589.scala") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val html = node.toString
- html.contains(">x0123456789: <") &&
- html.contains(">x012345678901234567890123456789: <")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("SI-4714: Should decode symbolic type alias name.") = {
- createTemplate("SI_4715.scala") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val html = node.toString
- html.contains(">:+:<")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("SI-4287: Default arguments of synthesized constructor") = {
- val files = createTemplates("SI_4287.scala")
- files("ClassWithSugar.html") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- node.toString.contains(">123<")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("SI-4507: Default arguments of synthesized constructor") = {
- createTemplate("SI_4507.scala") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node =>
- ! node.toString.contains("<li>returns silently when evaluating true and true</li>")
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("SI-4898: Use cases and links should not crash scaladoc") = {
- createTemplate("SI_4898.scala")
- true
- }
- property("SI-5054: Use cases should override their original members") =
- checkText("SI_5054_q1.scala")(
- (None,"""def test(): Int""", true)
- //Disabled because the full signature is now displayed
- //(None, """def test(implicit lost: Int): Int""", false)
- )
- property("SI-5054: Use cases should keep their flags - final should not be lost") =
- checkText("SI_5054_q2.scala")((None, """final def test(): Int""", true))
- property("SI-5054: Use cases should keep their flags - implicit should not be lost") =
- checkText("SI_5054_q3.scala")((None, """implicit def test(): Int""", true))
- property("SI-5054: Use cases should keep their flags - real abstract should not be lost") =
- checkText("SI_5054_q4.scala")((None, """abstract def test(): Int""", true))
- property("SI-5054: Use cases should keep their flags - traits should not be affected") =
- checkText("SI_5054_q5.scala")((None, """def test(): Int""", true))
- property("SI-5054: Use cases should keep their flags - traits should not be affected") =
- checkText("SI_5054_q6.scala")((None, """abstract def test(): Int""", true))
- property("SI-5054: Use case individual signature test") =
- checkText("SI_5054_q7.scala")(
- (None, """abstract def test2(explicit: Int): Int [use case] This takes the explicit value passed.""", true),
- (None, """abstract def test1(): Int [use case] This takes the implicit value in scope.""", true)
- )
- property("SI-5287: Display correct \"Definition classes\"") =
- checkText("SI_5287.scala")(
- (None,
- """def method(): Int
- [use case] The usecase explanation
- [use case] The usecase explanation
- Definition Classes SI_5287 SI_5287_B SI_5287_A""", true)
- ) // the explanation appears twice, as small comment and full comment
- property("Comment inheritance: Correct comment inheritance for overriding") =
- checkText("implicit-inheritance-override.scala")(
- (Some("Base"),
- """def function[T](arg1: T, arg2: String): Double
- The base comment.
- The base comment. And another sentence...
- T the type of the first argument
- arg1 The T term comment
- arg2 The string comment
- returns The return comment
- """, true),
- (Some("DerivedA"),
- """def function[T](arg1: T, arg2: String): Double
- Overriding the comment, the params and returns comments should stay the same.
- Overriding the comment, the params and returns comments should stay the same.
- T the type of the first argument
- arg1 The T term comment
- arg2 The string comment
- returns The return comment
- """, true),
- (Some("DerivedB"),
- """def function[T](arg1: T, arg2: String): Double
- T the type of the first argument
- arg1 The overridden T term comment
- arg2 The overridden string comment
- returns The return comment
- """, true),
- (Some("DerivedC"),
- """def function[T](arg1: T, arg2: String): Double
- T the type of the first argument
- arg1 The T term comment
- arg2 The string comment
- returns The overridden return comment
- """, true),
- (Some("DerivedD"),
- """def function[T](arg1: T, arg2: String): Double
- T The overridden type parameter comment
- arg1 The T term comment
- arg2 The string comment
- returns The return comment
- """, true)
- )
- for (useCaseFile <- List("UseCaseInheritance", "UseCaseOverrideInheritance")) {
- property("Comment inheritance: Correct comment inheritance for usecases") =
- checkText("implicit-inheritance-usecase.scala")(
- (Some(useCaseFile),
- """def missing_arg[T](arg1: T): Double
- [use case]
- [use case]
- T The type parameter
- arg1 The T term comment
- returns The return comment
- """, true),
- (Some(useCaseFile),
- """def missing_targ(arg1: Int, arg2: String): Double
- [use case]
- [use case]
- arg1 The T term comment
- arg2 The string comment
- returns The return comment
- """, true),
- (Some(useCaseFile),
- """def overridden_arg1[T](implicit arg1: T, arg2: String): Double
- [use case]
- [use case]
- T The type parameter
- arg1 The overridden T term comment
- arg2 The string comment
- returns The return comment
- """, true),
- (Some(useCaseFile),
- """def overridden_targ[T](implicit arg1: T, arg2: String): Double
- [use case]
- [use case]
- T The overridden type parameter comment
- arg1 The T term comment
- arg2 The string comment
- returns The return comment
- """, true),
- (Some(useCaseFile),
- """def overridden_return[T](implicit arg1: T, arg2: String): Double
- [use case]
- [use case]
- T The type parameter
- arg1 The T term comment
- arg2 The string comment
- returns The overridden return comment
- """, true),
- (Some(useCaseFile),
- """def added_arg[T](implicit arg1: T, arg2: String, arg3: Float): Double
- [use case]
- [use case]
- T The type parameter
- arg1 The T term comment
- arg2 The string comment
- arg3 The added float comment
- returns The return comment
- """, true),
- (Some(useCaseFile),
- """def overridden_comment[T](implicit arg1: T, arg2: String): Double
- [use case] The overridden comment.
- [use case] The overridden comment.
- T The type parameter
- arg1 The T term comment
- arg2 The string comment
- returns The return comment
- """, true)
- )
- }
- property("Comment inheritance: Correct explicit inheritance for override") =
- checkText("explicit-inheritance-override.scala")(
- (Some("InheritDocDerived"),
- """def function[T](arg1: T, arg2: String): Double
- Starting line
- Starting line
- The base comment. And another sentence...
- The base comment. And another sentence...
- Ending line
- Author: StartAuthor a Scala developer EndAuthor
- T StartT the type of the first argument EndT
- arg1 Start1 The T term comment End1
- arg2 Start2 The string comment End2
- returns StartRet The return comment EndRet""", true),
- (Some("InheritDocDerived"),
- """Definition Classes InheritDocDerived → InheritDocBase
- Example: StartExample function[Int](3, "something") EndExample
- Version StartVer 0.0.2 EndVer
- Since StartSince 0.0.1 EndSince
- Exceptions thrown
- SomeException StartEx if the function is not called with correct parameters EndEx
- SomeOtherException StartSOE Should Warn <invalid inheritdoc annotation> EndSOE
- To do StartTodo Call mom. And dad! EndTodo
- Note StartNote Be careful! EndNote
- See also StartSee The Manual EndSee
- """, true))
- property("Comment inheritance: Correct explicit inheritance for usecase") =
- checkText("explicit-inheritance-usecase.scala")(
- (Some("UseCaseInheritDoc"),
- """def function[T](arg1: T, arg2: String): Double
- [use case] Starting line
- [use case] Starting line
- The base comment. And another sentence...
- The base comment. And another sentence...
- Ending line
- Author: StartAuthor a Scala developer EndAuthor
- T StartT the type of the first argument EndT
- arg1 Start1 The T term comment End1
- arg2 Start2 The string comment End2
- returns StartRet The return comment EndRet""", true),
- (Some("UseCaseInheritDoc"),
- """Example: StartExample function[Int](3,"something") EndExample
- Version StartVer 0.0.2 EndVer
- Since StartSince 0.0.1 EndSince
- Exceptions thrown
- SomeException StartEx if the function is not called with correct parameters EndEx
- SomeOtherException StartSOE Should Warn <invalid inheritdoc annotation> EndSOE
- To do StartTodo Call mom. And dad! EndTodo
- Note StartNote Be careful! EndNote
- See also StartSee The Manual EndSee
- """, true))
- property("Comment inheritance: Correct explicit inheritance in corner cases") =
- checkText("inheritdoc-corner-cases.scala")(
- (Some("D"),
- """def hello1: Int
- Inherited: Hello 1 comment
- Inherited: Hello 1 comment
- Definition Classes D → A
- """, true),
- (Some("D"),
- """def hello2: Int
- Inherited: Hello 2 comment
- Inherited: Hello 2 comment
- Definition Classes D → B
- """, true),
- (Some("G"),
- """def hello1: Int
- Inherited: Hello 1 comment
- Inherited: Hello 1 comment
- Definition Classes G → D → A
- """, true),
- (Some("G"),
- """def hello2: Int
- Inherited: Hello 2 comment
- Inherited: Hello 2 comment
- Definition Classes G → D → B
- """, true),
- (Some("I"),
- """def hello1(i: Int): Unit
- [use case] Inherited: Hello 1 comment
- [use case] Inherited: Hello 1 comment
- Definition Classes I → G → D → A
- """, true)
- // traits E, F and H shouldn't crash scaladoc but we don't need to check the output
- )
- property("Indentation normalization for code blocks") = {
- val files = createTemplates("code-indent.scala")
- files("C.html") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val s = node.toString
- s.contains("<pre>a typicial indented\ncomment on multiple\ncomment lines</pre>") &&
- s.contains("<pre>one liner</pre>") &&
- s.contains("<pre>two lines, one useful</pre>") &&
- s.contains("<pre>line1\nline2\nline3\nline4</pre>") &&
- s.contains("<pre>a ragged example\na (condition)\n the t h e n branch\nan alternative\n the e l s e branch</pre>") &&
- s.contains("<pre>Trait example {\n Val x = a\n Val y = b\n}</pre>") &&
- s.contains("<pre>l1\n\nl2\n\nl3\n\nl4\n\nl5</pre>")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("SI-4014: Scaladoc omits @author: no authors") = {
- val noAuthors = createTemplates("SI-4014_0.scala")("Foo.html")
- noAuthors match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val s = node.toString
- ! s.contains("Author")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("SI-4014: Scaladoc omits @author: one author") = {
- val oneAuthor = createTemplates("SI-4014_1.scala")("Foo.html")
- oneAuthor match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val s = node.toString
- s.contains("<h6>Author:</h6>") &&
- s.contains("<p>The Only Author</p>")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("SI-4014: Scaladoc omits @author: two authors") = {
- val twoAuthors = createTemplates("SI-4014_2.scala")("Foo.html")
- twoAuthors match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val s = node.toString
- s.contains("<h6>Authors:</h6>") &&
- s.contains("<p>The First Author</p>") &&
- s.contains("<p>The Second Author</p>")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- {
- val files = createTemplates("basic.scala")
- //println(files)
- property("class") = files.get("com/example/p1/Clazz.html") match {
- case Some(node: scala.xml.Node) => {
- property("implicit conversion") =
- node.toString contains "<span class=\"modifier\">implicit </span>"
- property("gt4s") =
- node.toString contains "title=\"gt4s: $colon$colon\""
- property("gt4s of a deprecated method") =
- node.toString contains "title=\"gt4s: $colon$colon$colon$colon. Deprecated: "
- true
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- property("package") = files.get("com/example/p1/index.html") != None
- property("package object") = files("com/example/p1/index.html") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node =>
- node.toString contains "com.example.p1#packageObjectMethod"
- case _ => false
- }
- property("lower bound") = files("com/example/p1/LowerBound.html") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => true
- case _ => false
- }
- property("upper bound") = files("com/example/p1/UpperBound.html") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => true
- case _ => false
- }
- property("SI-8514: No inconsistencies") =
- checkText("SI-8514.scala")(
- (Some("a/index"),
- """class A extends AnyRef
- Some doc here
- Some doc here
- Annotations @DeveloperApi()
- """, true),
- (Some("a/index"),
- """class B extends AnyRef
- Annotations @DeveloperApi()
- """, true)
- )
- }
- // SI-8144
- {
- implicit class AttributesAwareNode(val node: NodeSeq) {
- def \@(attrName: String): String =
- node \ ("@" + attrName) text
- def \@(attrName: String, attrValue: String): NodeSeq =
- node filter { _ \ ("@" + attrName) exists (_.text == attrValue) }
- }
- implicit class AssertionAwareNode(node: scala.xml.NodeSeq) {
- def assertTypeLink(expectedUrl: String): Boolean = {
- val linkElement: NodeSeq = node \\ "div" \@ ("id", "definition") \\ "span" \@ ("class", "permalink") \ "a"
- linkElement \@ "href" == expectedUrl
- }
- def assertMemberLink(group: String)(memberName: String, expectedUrl: String): Boolean = {
- val linkElement: NodeSeq = node \\ "div" \@ ("id", group) \\ "li" \@ ("name", memberName) \\ "span" \@ ("class", "permalink") \ "a"
- linkElement \@ "href" == expectedUrl
- }
- def assertValuesLink(memberName: String, expectedUrl: String): Boolean = {
- val linkElement: NodeSeq = node \\ "div" \@ ("class", "values members") \\ "li" \@ ("name", memberName) \\ "span" \@ ("class", "permalink") \ "a"
- linkElement \@ "href" == expectedUrl
- }
- }
- val files = createTemplates("SI-8144.scala")
- def check(pagePath: String)(f: NodeSeq => org.scalacheck.Prop): org.scalacheck.Prop =
- files(pagePath) match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => f(XMLUtil.stripGroup(node))
- case _ => false
- }
- property("SI-8144: Members' permalink - inner package") = check("some/pack/index.html") { node =>
- ("type link" |: node.assertTypeLink("../../some/pack/index.html")) &&
- ("member: SomeType (object)" |: node.assertValuesLink("some.pack.SomeType", "../../some/pack/index.html#SomeType")) &&
- ("member: SomeType (class)" |: node.assertMemberLink("types")("some.pack.SomeType", "../../some/pack/index.html#SomeTypeextendsAnyRef"))
- }
- property("SI-8144: Members' permalink - companion object") = check("some/pack/SomeType$.html") { node =>
- ("type link" |: node.assertTypeLink("../../some/pack/SomeType$.html")) &&
- ("member: someVal" |: node.assertMemberLink("allMembers")("some.pack.SomeType#someVal", "../../some/pack/SomeType$.html#someVal:String"))
- }
- property("SI-8144: Members' permalink - class") = check("some/pack/SomeType.html") { node =>
- ("type link" |: node.assertTypeLink("../../some/pack/SomeType.html")) &&
- ("constructor " |: node.assertMemberLink("constructors")("some.pack.SomeType#<init>", "../../some/pack/SomeType.html#<init>(arg:String):some.pack.SomeType")) &&
- ( "member: type TypeAlias" |: node.assertMemberLink("types")("some.pack.SomeType.TypeAlias", "../../some/pack/SomeType.html#TypeAlias=String")) &&
- ( "member: def >#<():Int " |: node.assertValuesLink("some.pack.SomeType#>#<", "../../some/pack/SomeType.html#>#<():Int")) &&
- ( "member: def >@<():TypeAlias " |: node.assertValuesLink("some.pack.SomeType#>@<", "../../some/pack/SomeType.html#>@<():SomeType.this.TypeAlias"))
- }
- }
- property("SI-9599 Multiple @todo formatted with comma on separate line") = {
- createTemplates("SI-9599.scala")("X.html") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => node.text.contains("todo3todo2todo1")
- case _ => false
- }
- }
diff --git a/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/IndexScriptTest.scala b/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/IndexScriptTest.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 61f462186d..0000000000
--- a/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/IndexScriptTest.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-import org.scalacheck._
-import org.scalacheck.Prop._
-import{URLClassLoader, URLDecoder}
-object Test extends Properties("IndexScript") {
- def getClasspath = {
- // these things can be tricky
- // this test previously relied on the assumption that the current thread's classloader is an url classloader and contains all the classpaths
- // does partest actually guarantee this? to quote Leonard Nimoy: The answer, of course, is no.
- // this test _will_ fail again some time in the future.
- // Footnote: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to
- val loader = Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader.asInstanceOf[URLClassLoader]
- val paths = => URLDecoder.decode(u.getPath))
- paths mkString
- }
- val docFactory = {
- val settings = new doc.Settings({Console.err.println(_)})
- settings.scaladocQuietRun = true
- settings.nowarn.value = true
- settings.classpath.value = getClasspath
- val reporter = new
- new doc.DocFactory(reporter, settings)
- }
- val indexModelFactory = doc.model.IndexModelFactory
- def createIndexScript(path: String) =
- docFactory.makeUniverse(Left(List(path))) match {
- case Some(universe) =>
- Some(new IndexScript(universe))
- case _ =>
- None
- }
- property("allPackages") = {
- createIndexScript("src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/page/IndexScript.scala") match {
- case Some(index) =>
- == List(
- "scala",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- ""
- )
- case None =>
- false
- }
- }