path: root/tools
diff options
authorSeth Tisue <>2017-02-08 17:10:32 -0800
committerSeth Tisue <>2017-02-08 17:10:32 -0800
commit0bf343e000dd725933f8a08bcfd1c6fa700889b6 (patch)
tree49d6627f2e91e5db2d4b6d8a2b27678f6685d532 /tools
parent7311a29a992db1d3d16a73a9c49c80b0a4383103 (diff)
run partest from sbt always, command line never
these scripts are (I assume) unused these days and there's no reason to maintain them. and it's risky to have two different ways of running the same thing which could get out of sync with each other sbt forks a JVM to run partest, so it's not like we need these scripts in order to get a more isolated environment in that respect.
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 158 deletions
diff --git a/tools/partest-ack b/tools/partest-ack
deleted file mode 100755
index ab722e3b1c..0000000000
--- a/tools/partest-ack
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# wrapper around partest for fine-grained test selection via ack
-declare quiet failed update partest_debug
-declare cotouched since sortCommand
-declare -a ack_args partest_args scalac_args
-declare -r standard_ack_args="--noenv -s --java --scala --type-add=scala:ext:flags,check --files-with-matches"
-partest_args=( --show-diff )
-bindir="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)"
-cd "$base" || { echo "Could not change to base directory $base" && exit 1; }
-sortCommand="sort -u"
-[[ -x "$partestPaths" ]] || { echo "Cannot find partest-paths in $partestPaths" && exit 1; }
-[[ $# -gt 0 ]] || {
- cat <<EOM
-Usage: $0 <regex> [-dfquvp] [ack options]
- -f pass --failed to partest
- -q pass --terse to partest
- -u pass --update-check to partest
- -p <path> select tests appearing in commits where <path> was also modified
- -s <time> select tests touched since <time> (git format, e.g. 1.month.ago)
- -r run tests in random order
-Given a regular expression (and optionally, any arguments accepted by ack)
-runs all the tests for which any associated file matches the regex. Associated
-files include .check and .flags files. Tests in directories will match if any
-file matches. A file can match the regex by its contents or by its name.
-You must have ack version 2.12+ installed:
- > tools/partest-ack 'case (class|object) Baz'
- % testsWithMatchingPaths ... 0
- % testsWithMatchingCode ... 3
- # 3 tests to run.
- > tools/partest-ack -s 12.hours.ago
- % testsTouchedSinceGitTime ... 33
- # 33 tests to run.
- > tools/partest-ack -p src/library/scala/Enumeration.scala
- % testsModifiedInSameCommit ... 80
- # 80 tests to run.
- > tools/partest-ack -f
- % tests-which-failed ... 42
- # 42 tests to run.
- > tools/partest-ack "kinds of the type arguments"
- % testsWithMatchingPaths ... 0
- % testsWithMatchingCode ... 6
- # 6 tests to run.
- exit 0
-while getopts :fuvdrp:s: opt; do
- case $opt in
- f) failed=true && partest_args+=" --failed" ;;
- p) cotouched="$cotouched $OPTARG" ;;
- r) sortCommand="randomSort" ;;
- s) since="$OPTARG" ;;
- q) partest_args+=" --terse" ;;
- u) partest_args+=" --update-check" ;;
- v) partest_args+=" --verbose" ;;
- :) echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument." >&2 ;;
- *) ack_args+="-$OPTARG" ;; # don't drop unknown args, assume they're for ack
- esac
-shift $((OPTIND-1))
-ack_args=( "${ack_args[@]}" "$@" )
-# These methods all just create paths which may or may not be tests
-# all are filtered through partest-paths which limits the output to actual tests
-regexPathTests () { find "$filesdir" | ack --noenv "$@"; }
-failedTests () { for p in $(find "$filesdir" -name '*.log'); do p1=${p%.log} && p2=${p1%-*} && echo "$p2"; done; }
-sinceTests() { git log --since="$@" --name-only --pretty="format:" -- "$filesdir"; }
-regexCodeTests () { ack $standard_ack_args "$@" -- "$filesdir"; }
-sameCommitTests() { for rev in $(git rev-list HEAD -- "$@"); do git --no-pager show --pretty="format:" --name-only "$rev" -- "$filesdir"; done; }
-countStdout () {
- local -i count=0
- while read line; do
- printf "$line\n" && count+=1
- done
- printf >&2 " $count\n"
-randomSort () {
- sort -u | while read line; do echo "$RANDOM $line"; done | sort | sed -E 's/^[0-9]+ //'
-testRun () {
- local description="$1" && shift
- printf >&2 "%% tests %-25s ... " "$description"
- "$@" | "$partestPaths" | countStdout | egrep -v '^[ ]*$'
-allMatches() {
- [[ -n $ack_args ]] && testRun "with matching paths" regexPathTests "${ack_args[@]}"
- [[ -n $ack_args ]] && testRun "with matching code" regexCodeTests "${ack_args[@]}"
- [[ -n $cotouched ]] && testRun "modified in same commit" sameCommitTests $cotouched
- [[ -n $since ]] && testRun "modified since time" sinceTests "$since"
- [[ -n $failed ]] && testRun "failed on last run" failedTests
-paths=$(allMatches | $sortCommand)
-[[ -z $paths ]] && [[ -z $failed ]] && echo >&2 "No matching tests." && exit 0;
-count=$(echo $(echo "$paths" | wc -w))
-[[ "$count" -eq 0 ]] && echo >&2 "No tests to run." && exit 0;
-# Output a command line which will re-run these same tests.
-echo "# $count tests to run."
-printf "%-52s %s\n" "$base/test/partest ${partest_args[*]}" "\\"
-for path in $paths; do printf " %-50s %s\n" "$path" "\\"; done
-echo ""
-test/partest ${partest_args[*]} $paths
diff --git a/tools/partest-paths b/tools/partest-paths
deleted file mode 100755
index 6ce403a04e..0000000000
--- a/tools/partest-paths
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# Given a list of files on stdin, translates them into a set
-# of tests covering those files. That means paths which aren't
-# part of a test are dropped and the rest are rewritten to the
-# primary test path, with duplicates dropped.
-cd "$(dirname "$0")/.."
-# We have to enumerate good test dirs since partest chokes and fails
-# on continuations, bench, etc. tests
-# Echo the argument only if it matches our idea of a test and exists.
-isPath () { [[ "$1" =~ $pathRegex ]] && [[ -e "$1" ]]; }
-# Filter stdin down to actual test paths.
-asTestPaths() {
- while read -r p; do
- # Matched file at the standard test depth
- p1="${p%.*}" && isPath "$p1.scala" && echo "$p1.scala" && continue
- # Or, matched file may be in a test subdirectory, so strip the last path segment and check
- p2="${p1%/*}" && isPath "$p2" && echo "$p2" && continue
- done
-asTestPaths | sort -u