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index b6fd1ceb77..d6bb9eca52 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class for objects).
The signatures of these root classes are described by the following
package scala
/** The universal root class */
abstract class Any {
@@ -86,17 +86,17 @@ class AnyRef extends Any {
/** A mixin class for every user-defined Scala class */
trait ScalaObject extends AnyRef
The type test `$x$.isInstanceOf[$T$]` is equivalent to a typed
pattern match
$x$ match {
case _: $T'$ => true
case _ => false
where the type $T'$ is the same as $T$ except if $T$ is
of the form $D$ or $D[\mathit{tps}]$ where $D$ is a type member of some outer
@@ -132,13 +132,13 @@ Subrange types, as well as `Int` and `Long` are called _integer types_, whereas
Numeric value types are ranked in the following partial order:
Byte - Short
Int - Long - Float - Double
`Byte` and `Short` are the lowest-ranked types in this order,
whereas `Double` is the highest-ranked. Ranking does _not_
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ type. If this is true, it will perform the `==` operation which
is appropriate for that type. That is, the `equals` method of a
numeric value type can be thought of being defined as follows:
def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
case that: Byte => this == that
case that: Short => this == that
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
case that: Double => this == that
case _ => false
The `hashCode` method returns an integer hashcode that maps equal
numeric values to equal results. It is guaranteed to be the identity for
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ floating point number.
(@) As an example, here is the signature of the numeric value type `Int`:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
package scala
abstract sealed class Int extends AnyVal {
def == (that: Double): Boolean // double equality
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ floating point number.
def toFloat: Float // convert to Float
def toDouble: Double // convert to Double
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
### Class `Boolean`
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ Class `Boolean` has only two values: `true` and
`false`. It implements operations as given in the following
class definition.
package scala
abstract sealed class Boolean extends AnyVal {
def && (p: => Boolean): Boolean = // boolean and
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ abstract sealed class Boolean extends AnyVal {
def unary_!: Boolean = // boolean negation
if (this) false else true
The class also implements operations `equals`, `hashCode`,
and `toString` from class `Any`.
@@ -347,9 +347,9 @@ class of the underlying host system (and may be identified with
it). For Scala clients the class is taken to support in each case a
def + (that: Any): String
which concatenates its left operand with the textual representation of its
right operand.
@@ -359,12 +359,12 @@ right operand.
Scala defines tuple classes `Tuple$n$` for $n = 2 , \ldots , 9$.
These are defined as follows.
package scala
case class Tuple$n$[+A_1, ..., +A_n](_1: A_1, ..., _$n$: A_$n$) {
def toString = "(" ++ _1 ++ "," ++ $\ldots$ ++ "," ++ _$n$ ++ ")"
The implicitly imported [`Predef`](#the-predef-object) object defines
the names `Pair` as an alias of `Tuple2` and `Triple`
@@ -375,13 +375,13 @@ as an alias for `Tuple3`.
Scala defines function classes `Function$n$` for $n = 1 , \ldots , 9$.
These are defined as follows.
package scala
trait Function$n$[-A_1, ..., -A_$n$, +B] {
def apply(x_1: A_1, ..., x_$n$: A_$n$): B
def toString = "<function>"
A subclass of `Function1` represents partial functions,
which are undefined on some points in their domain. In addition to the
@@ -389,11 +389,11 @@ which are undefined on some points in their domain. In addition to the
`isDefined` method, which tells whether the function is defined
at the given argument:
class PartialFunction[-A, +B] extends Function1[A, B] {
def isDefinedAt(x: A): Boolean
The implicitly imported [`Predef`](#the-predef-object) object defines the name
`Function` as an alias of `Function1`.
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ The implicitly imported [`Predef`](#the-predef-object) object defines the name
The class of generic arrays is given as follows.
final class Array[A](len: Int) extends Seq[A] {
def length: Int = len
def apply(i: Int): A = $\ldots$
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ final class Array[A](len: Int) extends Seq[A] {
def map[B](f: A => B): Array[B] = $\ldots$
def flatMap[B](f: A => Array[B]): Array[B] = $\ldots$
If $T$ is not a type parameter or abstract type, the type Array[$T$]
is represented as the native array type `[]$T$` in the
@@ -454,11 +454,11 @@ However, it is possible to cast an expression of type
`Array[String]` to `Array[Object]`, and this
cast will succeed without raising a `ClassCastException`. Example:
val xs = new Array[String](2)
// val ys: Array[Object] = xs // **** error: incompatible types
val ys: Array[Object] = xs.asInstanceOf[Array[Object]] // OK
Second, for _polymorphic arrays_, that have a type parameter or
abstract type $T$ as their element type, a representation different
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ from
`isInstanceOf` and `asInstanceOf` still work as if the array
used the standard representation of monomorphic arrays:
val ss = new Array[String](2)
def f[T](xs: Array[T]): Array[String] =
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ def f[T](xs: Array[T]): Array[String] =
else throw new Error("not an instance")
f(ss) // returns ss
The representation chosen for polymorphic arrays also guarantees that
polymorphic array creations work as expected. An example is the
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ following implementation of method `mkArray`, which creates
an array of an arbitrary type $T$, given a sequence of $T$'s which
defines its elements.
def mkArray[T](elems: Seq[T]): Array[T] = {
val result = new Array[T](elems.length)
var i = 0
@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ def mkArray[T](elems: Seq[T]): Array[T] = {
i += 1
Note that under Java's erasure model of arrays the method above would
not work as expected -- in fact it would always return an array of
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ constructor methods for arrays, as well as
the [extractor method](#extractor-patterns) `unapplySeq`
which enables pattern matching over arrays.
package scala
object Array {
/** copies array elements from `src' to `dest'. */
@@ -543,23 +543,23 @@ object Array {
/** Enables pattern matching over arrays */
def unapplySeq[A](x: Array[A]): Option[Seq[A]] = Some(x)
(@) The following method duplicates a given argument array and returns a pair
consisting of the original and the duplicate:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def duplicate[T](xs: Array[T]) = {
val ys = new Array[T](xs.length)
Array.copy(xs, 0, ys, 0, xs.length)
(xs, ys)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
## Class Node
package scala.xml
trait Node {
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ trait Node {
override def toString = Utility.toXML(this)
## The `Predef` Object
@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ for Scala programs. It is always implicitly imported, so that all its
defined members are available without qualification. Its definition
for the JVM environment conforms to the following signature:
package scala
object Predef {
@@ -712,10 +712,10 @@ object Predef {
if (!requirement)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("requirement failed: "+ message)
// tupling ---------------------------------------------------------
@@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ object Predef {
### Predefined Implicit Definitions
@@ -787,19 +787,19 @@ The available high-priority implicits include definitions falling into the follo
* An implicit wrapper that adds `ensuring` methods
with the following overloaded variants to type `Any`.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def ensuring(cond: Boolean): A = { assert(cond); x }
def ensuring(cond: Boolean, msg: Any): A = { assert(cond, msg); x }
def ensuring(cond: A => Boolean): A = { assert(cond(x)); x }
def ensuring(cond: A => Boolean, msg: Any): A = { assert(cond(x), msg); x }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
* An implicit wrapper that adds a `->` method with the following implementation
to type `Any`.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def -> [B](y: B): (A, B) = (x, y)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
* For every array type with elements of primitive type, a wrapper that
takes the arrays of that type to instances of a `runtime.ArrayOps`
@@ -811,27 +811,27 @@ The available high-priority implicits include definitions falling into the follo
* An implicit wrapper that adds `+` and `formatted` method with the following
implementations to type `Any`.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def +(other: String) = String.valueOf(self) + other
def formatted(fmtstr: String): String = fmtstr format self
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
* Numeric primitive conversions that implement the transitive closure of the
following mappings:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Byte -> Short
Short -> Int
Char -> Int
Int -> Long
Long -> Float
Float -> Double
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
* Boxing and unboxing conversions between primitive types and their boxed
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Byte <-> java.lang.Byte
Short <-> java.lang.Short
Char <-> java.lang.Character
@@ -840,14 +840,14 @@ The available high-priority implicits include definitions falling into the follo
Float <-> java.lang.Float
Double <-> java.lang.Double
Boolean <-> java.lang.Boolean
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
* An implicit definition that generates instances of type `T <:< T`, for
any type `T`. Here, `<:<` is a class defined as follows.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
sealed abstract class <:<[-From, +To] extends (From => To)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Implicit parameters of `<:<` types are typically used to implement type constraints.