diff options
8 files changed, 37 insertions, 530 deletions
diff --git a/config/list/library.lst b/config/list/library.lst
index 04e69f5761..b87b14ad94 100644
--- a/config/list/library.lst
+++ b/config/list/library.lst
@@ -159,9 +159,9 @@ runtime/
@@ -195,9 +195,9 @@ util/automata/DetWordAutom.scala
diff --git a/sources/scala/runtime/matching/Matcher.scala b/sources/scala/runtime/matching/Matcher.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 5482a78991..0000000000
--- a/sources/scala/runtime/matching/Matcher.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-package scala.runtime.matching ;
-import scala.collection.Set;
-import scala.collection.Map;
-import scala.collection.mutable;
-import scala.collection.immutable ;
-import scala.util.grammar.{ LabelledRHS, AnyTreeRHS, TreeRHS, ConsRHS, HedgeRHS };
-/** this class matches input against a grammar. A call to matchesT (matchesH)
-** returns the list of initial tree (hedge) nonterminals that generate the
-** input.
-** @author Burak Emir
-class Matcher( pgram:PatternGrammar ) {
- val treeTransitions = pgram.treeTransitions;
- val hedgeTransitions = pgram.hedgeTransitions;
- /** convenience method */
- def singT( T:Int ) = immutable.ListSet.Empty[Int] + T;
- /** convenience method */
- def singH( H:Int ) = immutable.ListSet.Empty[Int] + H;
- /** top-level call
- ** @todo remove sanity check
- ** @return index of the first applicable nonterminal in initials
- **/
- def matchesT( input:Any ):Iterator[Int] =
- if( !pgram.isSequenceType )
- isApplicableTree( pgram.treeInitials.toSet(true), input ).elements;
- else
- error("trying to match hedge against tree grammar");
- /** top-level call
- ** @todo remove sanity check
- ** @return index of the first applicable nonterminal in initials
- **/
- def matchesH( h:Seq[Any] ):Iterator[Int] =
- if( pgram.isSequenceType )
- isApplicableHedge( pgram.hedgeInitials.toSet(true), h.elements ).elements;
- else
- error("trying to match tree against hedge grammar");
- /** top-level call
- **/
- def isApplicableTree1( T:Int, t:Any ):boolean =
- !isApplicableTree( singT( T ), t ).isEmpty;
- /** top-level call
- **/
- def isApplicableHedge1( H:Int, h:Iterator[Any] ):boolean =
- !isApplicableHedge( singH( H ), h ).isEmpty;
- def getChildren( t:Any ):Iterator[Any] = t match {
- //case n:scala.xml.Node => n.child;
- case n:Seq[Any] => n.elements;
- case n:CaseClass => Iterator.fromCaseClass( n );
- case _ => Iterator.empty[Any];
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /** given set of tree nonterms initialNTs and input tree t, returns
- ** { T | T in initialNTs,
- ** T -> a<H> in rules,
- ** isApplicable( H, t.children ) }
- */
- protected def isApplicableTree( initialNTs:Set[Int/*TreeNT*/],
- t:Any ):immutable.Set[Int/*TreeNT*/] = {
- var hedgeNTs = immutable.ListSet.Empty[Int];
- var tmpNTs = immutable.ListSet.Empty[Int];
- var result = immutable.ListSet.Empty[Int];
- //Console.println("isApplicableTree("+ initialNTs+","+t+")");
- for( val n <- initialNTs ) {
- //Console.println("checking nt "+n);
- for( val rule <- treeTransitions( n ) ) {
- //Console.println("checking rule"+rule);
- rule match {
- case AnyTreeRHS =>
- result = result + n;
- case LabelledRHS( AnyNode, newNT ) =>
- tmpNTs = tmpNTs + n;
- hedgeNTs = hedgeNTs + newNT;
- case LabelledRHS( TestLabel(test), newNT )
- if pgram.test( test, t ) =>
- //Console.println("success for test "+test);
- tmpNTs = tmpNTs + n;
- hedgeNTs = hedgeNTs + newNT;
- case _ =>
- //Console.println("no use");
- }
- }
- }
- if( !hedgeNTs.isEmpty ) {
- val applHedgeNTs = isApplicableHedge( hedgeNTs, getChildren( t ) );
- for( val tn <- tmpNTs ) {
- for( val rule <- treeTransitions( tn )) {
- rule match {
- case LabelledRHS( AnyNode, nt )
- if applHedgeNTs.contains( nt ) =>
- result = result + tn;
- case LabelledRHS( _ , nt ) /** type test in rule determined by ttn and nt */
- if applHedgeNTs.contains( nt ) =>
- result = result + tn;
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //Console.println("RET isApplicableTree"+ initialNTs+","+t+") " + result);
- result
- }
- /** given set of hedge nonterms initialNTs and input hedge h, returns
- ** { H | H in initialNTs,
- ** T -> a&lt;H> in rules,
- ** isApplicable( H, t.children )
- */
- def isApplicableHedge( initialNTs:Set[Int/*HedgeNT*/],
- it:Iterator[Any] ):immutable.Set[Int/*HedgeNT*/] = {
- //Console.println("isApplicableHedge("+initialNTs+",...)");
- if( !it.hasNext ) {
- var set = immutable.ListSet.Empty[Int];
- for( val h <- initialNTs ) {
- //Console.println("isNullable("+h+")="+pgram.isNullable(h));
- if( pgram.isNullable( h )) { set = set + h; }
- }
- //Console.println("RET isApplicableHedge("+initialNTs+","+h+") " + set.toString());
- set /*+ EmptySeqNT */
- } else {
- val first =;
- var treeNTs = immutable.ListSet.Empty[Int];
- for( val h <- initialNTs ) {
- for( val rule <- hedgeTransitions( h ) ) {
- /* all non-empty rules that start with some H in initialHedgeNTs */
- rule match {
- case ConsRHS( treeNT , _ ) => {
- treeNTs = treeNTs + treeNT
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- }
- val applTreeNTs = isApplicableTree( treeNTs, first );
- var nextHedgeNTs = immutable.ListSet.Empty[Int/*HedgeNT*/];
- for( val h <- initialNTs;
- val rule <- hedgeTransitions( h ) ) {
- /* all non-empty rules that start with some H in initialHedgeNTs */
- rule match {
- case ConsRHS( treeNT , nH )
- if( applTreeNTs.contains( treeNT )) =>
- nextHedgeNTs = nextHedgeNTs + nH
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- val applNextHedgeNTs = isApplicableHedge( nextHedgeNTs, it );
- var applHedgeNTs = immutable.ListSet.Empty[Int/*HedgeNT*/];
- for( val nH <- applNextHedgeNTs;
- val h <- initialNTs;
- val rule <- hedgeTransitions( h ) ) {
- /* all non-empty rules that start with some H in initialHedgeNTs */
- val H = nH;
- rule match {
- case ConsRHS( treeNT , H ) => {
- applHedgeNTs = applHedgeNTs + h
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- var applHNTs = immutable.ListSet.Empty[HedgeNT];
- // go through all chain rules starting with initialNTs2's
- for( val h <- initialNTs2,
- val g <- applHedgeNTs ){
- // and check whether they can derive an applHedgeNT
- if( followChainRules( immutable.ListSet.Empty[HedgeNT] + h,
- hedgeRules )
- .contains( g ) ) {
- applHNTs = applHNTs + h
- }
- }
- }
- */
- //Console.println("RET isApplicableHedge( " + initialNTs + ",...) " + applHedgeNTs);
- /* applHNTs */
-applHedgeNTs /* no chain rules stuff needed */
- }
- }
diff --git a/sources/scala/runtime/matching/PatternGrammar.scala b/sources/scala/runtime/matching/PatternGrammar.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c98ac350cd..0000000000
--- a/sources/scala/runtime/matching/PatternGrammar.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-package scala.runtime.matching ;
-import scala.util.grammar._;
-import scala.collection.{ immutable, mutable, Map, Set };
-object PatternGrammar {
- def encodeTreeRHS(x:TreeRHS):String = x match {
- case LabelledRHS(TestLabel(test),hnt) =>
- val sb = new StringBuffer();
- sb.append(test);
- sb.append('/');
- sb.append(hnt);
- sb.toString();
- case AnyTreeRHS => "_"
- }
- def decodeTreeRHS(s:String):TreeRHS = s.charAt(0) match {
- case '_' => AnyTreeRHS;
- case _ =>
- val s2 = s.split("/");
- val test = Integer.parseInt(s2(0));
- val hnt = Integer.parseInt(s2(1));
- LabelledRHS(TestLabel(test),hnt);
- }
- def encodeHedgeRHS(x:HedgeRHS):String = x match {
- case ConsRHS(tnt, hnt) =>
- val sb = new StringBuffer();
- sb.append(tnt);
- sb.append('/');
- sb.append(hnt);
- sb.toString();
- case AnyHedgeRHS => "A"
- }
- def decodeHedgeRHS(s:String):HedgeRHS = s.charAt(0) match {
- case 'A' => AnyHedgeRHS;
- case _ =>
- val s2 = s.split("/");
- val tnt = Integer.parseInt(s2(0));
- val hnt = Integer.parseInt(s2(1));
- ConsRHS(tnt,hnt);
- }
- def decode(str: String, tests: PatternTests): PatternGrammar = {
- val sq:Seq[String] = str.split("#");
- //Console.println("sq.length"+sq.length);
- val it = sq.elements;
- def readIntArray(length: Int): Array[Int] = {
- val arr = new Array[Int](length);
- var i = 0;
- while(i < length) {
- arr(i) = Integer.parseInt(;
- i = i + 1;
- }
- arr
- }
- def readBitSet(n: Int): immutable.BitSet = {
- val len = (n >>> 5) + (if( (n & 0x1F)!= 0 ) 1 else 0);
- new immutable.BitSet(n,readIntArray(len),false);
- }
- def readTransitionsT: immutable.Set[TreeRHS] = {
- val trans =;
- //Console.println("T trans = "+trans);
- var r = new immutable.ListSet[TreeRHS];
- if(trans.length() == 0)
- return r;
- val s:Array[String] = trans.split(",");
- var i = 1;
- while( i < s.length) {
- r = r + PatternGrammar.decodeTreeRHS(s(i));
- i = i + 1;
- }
- r
- }
- def readTransitionsH: immutable.Set[HedgeRHS] = {
- val trans =;
- //Console.println("H trans = "+trans);
- val s:Array[String] = trans.split(",");
- var r = new immutable.ListSet[HedgeRHS];
- if(trans.length() == 0)
- return r;
- var i = 1;
- while(i < s.length) {
- r = r + PatternGrammar.decodeHedgeRHS(s(i));
- i = i + 1;
- }
- r
- }
- val _nTreeNT = Integer.parseInt( );
- //Console.println("read _nTreeNT:"+_nTreeNT);
- val _nHedgeNT = Integer.parseInt( );
- //Console.println("read _nHedge:"+_nHedgeNT);
- val _treeInitials = readBitSet( _nTreeNT );
- //Console.println("read treeInitials:" + _treeInitials.toArray);
- val _hedgeInitials = readBitSet( _nHedgeNT );
- //Console.println("read hedgeInitials:" + _hedgeInitials.toArray);
- val _isNullable = readBitSet( _nHedgeNT );
- //Console.println("read isNullable:" + _isNullable.toArray);
- var i = 0;
- val _treeTransitions = new Array[immutable.Set[TreeRHS]](_nTreeNT);
- while(i < _nTreeNT) {
- _treeTransitions(i) = readTransitionsT;
- i = i + 1;
- }
- i = 0;
- val _hedgeTransitions = new Array[immutable.Set[HedgeRHS]](_nHedgeNT);
- while(i < _nHedgeNT) {
- _hedgeTransitions(i) = readTransitionsH;
- i = i + 1;
- }
- new PatternGrammar {
- val nTreeNT = _nTreeNT;
- val nHedgeNT = _nHedgeNT;
- val treeInitials = _treeInitials;
- val hedgeInitials = _hedgeInitials;
- val isNullable = _isNullable;
- val treeTransitions = _treeTransitions;
- val hedgeTransitions = _hedgeTransitions;
- val vars = new Array[Int](0); // @todo
- final def test(i:Int, inp:Any) = tests(i,inp);
- }
- }
-/** runtime representation of patterns. This class augments
- * scala.util.grammar.TreeHedgeGrammar, with an abstract representation
- * of variable bindings. Variables are simply consecutive integers,
- * following pre-order of occurrence in pattern
- * @caseVars an array, field i holding the number of variables in case i
- */
-abstract class PatternGrammar extends scala.util.grammar.ImmutableTreeHedgeGrammar {
- val vars:Array[Int];
- def test(test:Int, inp:Any): Boolean;
- def isSequenceType: Boolean = { treeInitials.toSet(true).isEmpty };
- def encode: String = {
- val sb = new StringBuffer();
- def writeInt(i: Int) = {
- sb.append(i);
- sb.append('#');
- }
- def writeIntArray(arr:Array[Int]) = {
- var i = 0;
- while(i < arr.length) {
- sb.append(arr(i));
- sb.append('#');
- i = i + 1;
- }
- }
- writeInt( nTreeNT ); // nTreeNT
- writeInt( nHedgeNT ); // nHedgeNT
- writeIntArray(treeInitials.toArray); // treeInitials
- writeIntArray(hedgeInitials.toArray); // hedgeInitials
- writeIntArray(isNullable.toArray); // isNullable
- // treeTransitions
- var i = 0;
- while(i < nTreeNT) {
- val set = treeTransitions(i).elements;
- sb.append('n');
- while( set.hasNext ) {
- sb.append(',');
- sb.append(PatternGrammar.encodeTreeRHS(;
- }
- sb.append('#');
- i = i + 1;
- }
- // hedgeTransitions
- i = 0;
- while(i < nHedgeNT) {
- val set = hedgeTransitions(i).elements;
- sb.append('n');
- while( set.hasNext ) {
- sb.append(',');
- sb.append(PatternGrammar.encodeHedgeRHS(;
- }
- sb.append('#');
- i = i + 1;
- }
- sb.toString();
- }
diff --git a/sources/scala/util/automata/NondetWordAutom.scala b/sources/scala/util/automata/NondetWordAutom.scala
index 36b36db84a..be4347459e 100644
--- a/sources/scala/util/automata/NondetWordAutom.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/util/automata/NondetWordAutom.scala
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ abstract class NondetWordAutom {
type T_label;
val nstates: Int;
- val finals: Array[Option[Int]] ;
+ val finals: Array[Int] ; // -1 means not final
val delta: Array[Map[T_label,List[Int]]];
val default: Array[List[Int]];
/** returns true if the state is final */
- final def isFinal(state: Int) = !finals( state ).isEmpty;
+ final def isFinal(state: Int) = finals( state ) > -1;
/** returns tag of final state */
final def finalTag(state: Int) = finals( state );
diff --git a/sources/scala/util/automata/WordBerrySethi.scala b/sources/scala/util/automata/WordBerrySethi.scala
index dd37bf47d6..49203c08c2 100644
--- a/sources/scala/util/automata/WordBerrySethi.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/util/automata/WordBerrySethi.scala
@@ -169,14 +169,40 @@ abstract class WordBerrySethi extends BaseBerrySethi {
delta1 = delta1.update( i, deltaq( i ));
i = i + 1;
+ val finalsArr = new Array[Int](pos);
+ {
+ var k = 0; while(k < pos) {
+ finalsArr(k) = finals.get(k).match {
+ case Some(z) => z;
+ case None => -1;
+ };
+ k = k + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ val initialsArr = new Array[Int](initials.size);
+ val it = initials.elements;
+ {
+ var k = 0; while(k < initials.size) {
+ initialsArr(k) =;
+ k = k + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ val deltaArr = new Array[Map[T_label,List[Int]]](pos);
+ {
+ var k = 0; while(k < pos) {
+ deltaArr(k) = delta1(k);
+ k = k + 1;
+ }
+ }
new NondetWordAutom {
type T_label = WordBerrySethi.this.T_label;
val nstates = pos;
- val labels = WordBerrySethi.this.labels;
- val initials = WordBerrySethi.this.initials;
- val finals = WordBerrySethi.this.finals;
- val delta = delta1;
+ //val labels = WordBerrySethi.this.labels;
+ val initials = initialsArr;
+ val finals = finalsArr;
+ val delta = deltaArr;
val default = defaultq;
case _ => error("expected Sequ");
diff --git a/sources/scala/util/grammar/ImmutableTreeHedgeGrammar.scala b/sources/scala/util/grammar/ImmutableTreeHedgeGrammar.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 388b18ede5..0000000000
--- a/sources/scala/util/grammar/ImmutableTreeHedgeGrammar.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-package scala.util.grammar;
-import scala.collection.immutable ;
-/** a mutable representation of hedge grammars. A hedge grammar over an
- * alphabet consists of tree and hedge nonterminals (consecutive integers),
- * and tree and hedge productions that relate them. Hedge nonterminals that
- * can derive the empty hedge are called "nullable". initials tree
- * or hedge nonterminals.
- */
-abstract class ImmutableTreeHedgeGrammar extends TreeHedgeGrammar {
- /** number of tree nonterminals*/
- val nTreeNT: Int;
- /** number of hedge nonterminals*/
- val nHedgeNT: Int;
- /** inv: treeInitials.length == nTreeNT */
- val treeInitials: immutable.BitSet;
- /** inv: hedgeInitials.length == nHedgeNT */
- val hedgeInitials: immutable.BitSet;
- /** inv: isNullable.length == nHedgeNT */
- val isNullable: immutable.BitSet;
- /** inv: treeTransitions.length == nTreeNT */
- val treeTransitions: Array[immutable.Set[TreeRHS]];
- /** inv: hedgeTransitions.length == nHedgeNT */
- val hedgeTransitions: Array[immutable.Set[HedgeRHS]];
diff --git a/sources/scala/util/grammar/MutableTreeHedgeGrammar.scala b/sources/scala/util/grammar/MutableTreeHedgeGrammar.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3798e2e631..0000000000
--- a/sources/scala/util/grammar/MutableTreeHedgeGrammar.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-package scala.util.grammar;
-import scala.collection.mutable ;
-/** a mutable representation of hedge grammars. A hedge grammar over an
- * alphabet consists of tree and hedge nonterminals (consecutive integers),
- * and tree and hedge productions that relate them. Hedge nonterminals that
- * can derive the empty hedge are called "nullable". initials tree
- * or hedge nonterminals.
- */
-class MutableTreeHedgeGrammar[ A ] {
- /** number of tree nonterminals*/
- var nTreeNT: Int = 0;
- /** number of hedge nonterminals*/
- var nHedgeNT: Int = 0;
- /** inv: treeInitials.length == nTreeNT */
- val treeInitials = new mutable.BitSet();
- /** inv: hedgeInitials.length == nHedgeNT */
- val hedgeInitials = new mutable.BitSet();
- /** inv: hedgeIsNullable.length == nHedgeNT */
- val isNullable = new mutable.BitSet();;
- val treeTransitions: mutable.Map[Int, mutable.Set[TreeRHS]] =
- new mutable.HashMap[Int, mutable.Set[TreeRHS]];
- val hedgeTransitions: mutable.Map[Int, mutable.Set[HedgeRHS]] =
- new mutable.HashMap[Int, mutable.Set[HedgeRHS]];
- def makeTreeNT = {
- val r = nTreeNT;
- nTreeNT = nTreeNT + 1;
- treeInitials.ensureSize( nTreeNT );
- treeTransitions.update(r, new mutable.HashSet[TreeRHS]());
- r
- }
- def makeHedgeNT = {
- val r = nTreeNT;
- nHedgeNT = nHedgeNT + 1;
- hedgeInitials.ensureSize( nHedgeNT );
- hedgeTransitions.update(r, new mutable.HashSet[HedgeRHS]());
- r
- }
- def addConsRule(hnt1: Int,tnt: Int,hnt2: Int): Unit =
- addHedgeRule(hnt1, ConsRHS(tnt, hnt2));
- def addAnyHedgeRule(hnt: Int): Unit =
- addHedgeRule(hnt, AnyHedgeRHS);
- def addEmptyHedgeRule(hnt: Int): Unit =
- addHedgeRule(hnt, EmptyHedgeRHS);
- def addHedgeRule(hnt: Int, rhs: HedgeRHS): Unit =
- hedgeTransitions( hnt ) += rhs;
- def addTreeRule(tnt: Int, label: A, hnt: Int): Unit =
- addTreeRule(tnt, LabelledRHS( label, hnt ));
- def addAnyTreeRule(tnt: Int): Unit =
- addTreeRule(tnt, AnyTreeRHS);
- def addTreeRule(tnt: Int,rhs: TreeRHS): Unit =
- treeTransitions( tnt ) += rhs;
diff --git a/sources/scala/util/grammar/TreeHedgeGrammar.scala b/sources/scala/util/grammar/TreeHedgeGrammar.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cfef1c105..0000000000
--- a/sources/scala/util/grammar/TreeHedgeGrammar.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-package scala.util.grammar;
-import scala.collection.{ BitSet, Set, mutable } ;
-/** a mutable representation of hedge grammars. A hedge grammar over an
- * alphabet consists of tree and hedge nonterminals (consecutive integers),
- * and tree and hedge productions that relate them. Hedge nonterminals that
- * can derive the empty hedge are called "nullable". initials tree
- * or hedge nonterminals.
- */
-abstract class TreeHedgeGrammar {
- /** number of tree nonterminals*/
- def nTreeNT: Int;
- /** number of hedge nonterminals*/
- def nHedgeNT: Int;
- /** inv: treeInitials.size == nTreeNT */
- def treeInitials: BitSet;
- /** inv: hedgeInitials.size == nHedgeNT */
- def hedgeInitials: BitSet;
- /** inv: isNullable.size == nHedgeNT */
- def isNullable: BitSet;
- def treeTransitions: Array[Set[TreeRHS]] ;
- def hedgeTransitions: Array[Set[HedgeRHS]] ;