diff options
3 files changed, 277 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 4bdbf5190a..3fb1448a9c 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
# scala ant task
SCALA4ANT_ROOT = $(PROJECT_SOURCEDIR)/scala/tools/scala4ant
+SCALA4ANT_LIST += AntAdaptor.scala
+SCALA4ANT_LIST += AntTask.scala
# scalatest
SCALATEST_ROOT = $(PROJECT_SOURCEDIR)/scala/tools/scalatest
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ scaladoc : .latest-scaladoc-rsrc
scalap : .latest-scalap-sc
dtd2scala : .latest-dtd2scala-sc
dtd2scala : .latest-dtd2scala-rsrc
-scala4ant : .latest-scala4ant-jc
+scala4ant : .latest-scala4ant-sc
scalatest : .latest-scalatest-jc
library-doc : .latest-library-sdc
@@ -383,8 +383,8 @@ cvs-fix-perms :
touch $@
-.latest-scala4ant-jc : $(SCALA4ANT_JC_FILES)
- @$(make) jc target=SCALA4ANT SCALA4ANT_JC_FILES='$?'
+.latest-scala4ant-sc : $(SCALA4ANT_SC_FILES)
+ @$(make) sc target=SCALA4ANT SCALA4ANT_SC_FILES='$?'
touch $@
.latest-scalatest-jc : $(SCALATEST_JC_FILES)
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ $(TOOLS_JAR_ARCHIVE) : .latest-scaladoc-rsrc
$(TOOLS_JAR_ARCHIVE) : .latest-scalap-sc
$(TOOLS_JAR_ARCHIVE) : .latest-dtd2scala-sc
$(TOOLS_JAR_ARCHIVE) : .latest-dtd2scala-rsrc
-$(TOOLS_JAR_ARCHIVE) : .latest-scala4ant-jc
+$(TOOLS_JAR_ARCHIVE) : .latest-scala4ant-sc
$(TOOLS_JAR_ARCHIVE) : .latest-scalatest-jc
@$(MAKE) jar target=TOOLS
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/scala4ant/AntAdaptor.scala b/sources/scala/tools/scala4ant/AntAdaptor.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..affe233fb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/scala/tools/scala4ant/AntAdaptor.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+import scalac._;
+import scalac.util.Reporter;
+package {
+ /** a compiler adaptor for Scalac.
+ *
+ * author: Burak Emir
+ * adapted from package jaco.framework.ant.AntCompilerAdaptor
+ * (part of Matthias Zenger's jaco framework)
+ */
+ class AntAdaptor extends DefaultCompilerAdapter {
+ var source:String = _;
+ var mytarget:String = _;
+ final val PRODUCT = System.getProperty("scala.product", "scalac");
+ final val VERSION = System.getProperty("scala.version", "unknown version");
+ def runCompiler(args:Array[String]) = {
+ var result = true;
+ // dirty work, to get rid of debugging (-g) option, set in setupJavac...
+ val nargs = new Array[ String ]( args.length - 2 );
+ var j = 0;
+ for( val i <- List.range( 0, args.length-1 ) ) {
+ if( !args( i ).startsWith("-g") ) {
+ //System.err.print( args[ i ] +" ")
+ nargs( j ) = args( i );
+ j = j + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // compile
+ val reporter = new Reporter();
+ val command = new CompilerCommand(PRODUCT, VERSION, reporter, new CompilerPhases());
+ if (command.parse(nargs) && command.files.list.size() > 0) {
+ val global = new Global(command);
+ try {
+ global.compile(command.files.toArray(), false);
+ } catch {
+ case e:Throwable => {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ result = false;
+ throw new BuildException(e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ global.stop("total");
+ global.reporter.printSummary();
+ /*
+ PizzaSettings js = new PizzaSettings();
+ js.parse(args);
+ return js.JavaContext().JavaCompiler().compile();
+ */
+ }
+ result;
+ }
+ def compilerName() = "scalac";
+ override def setJavac( attributes:Javac ) = {
+ super.setJavac( attributes );
+ val myattribs = attributes.asInstanceOf[AntTask];
+ source = myattribs.getSource();
+ mytarget = myattribs.getTarget();
+ }
+ def execute() = {
+ attributes.log("Using " + compilerName() + " as scala compiler", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
+ runCompiler( setupScalacCommand().getArguments() );
+ }
+ def setupScalacCommand() = {
+ val cmd = new Commandline();
+ setupJavacCommandlineSwitches(cmd);
+ //setupScalacCommandlineSwitches(cmd);
+ logAndAddFilesToCompile(cmd);
+ cmd
+ }
+ /*
+ def setupScalacCommandlineSwitches( cmd:Commandline ) = {
+ if (source != null) {
+ cmd.createArgument().setValue("-source");
+ cmd.createArgument().setValue(source);
+ }
+ if (target != null) {
+ cmd.createArgument().setValue("-target");
+ cmd.createArgument().setValue(target);
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ }
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/scala4ant/AntTask.scala b/sources/scala/tools/scala4ant/AntTask.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..603dc21149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/scala/tools/scala4ant/AntTask.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+import java.util._;
+/** Scala AntTask.
+ *
+ * adapted from package jaco.framework.ant.AntCompilerTask
+ * (part of Matthias Zenger's jaco framework)
+ *
+ * @author Burak Emir
+ * @version 1.5
+ * $Id$
+ */
+class AntTask extends Javac {
+ private var suffixes = "scala";
+ private var force = false;
+ private var source:String = null;
+ private var mytarget:String = null;
+ private val fileUtils:FileUtils = FileUtils.newFileUtils();
+ override def execute():unit = {
+ val project = getProject();
+ //val old = project.getProperty("build.compiler");
+ project.setProperty("build.compiler", "$class");
+ super.execute();
+ //if (old == null)
+ // project.setProperty("build.compiler", "modern");
+ //else
+ // project.setProperty("build.compiler", old);
+ }
+ def setForce( fc:boolean ) = {
+ force = fc;
+ }
+ def getForce() = {
+ force;
+ }
+ override def setSource( source:String ) = {
+ this.source = source;
+ }
+ override def getSource():java.lang.String = {
+ source;
+ }
+ override def setTarget( target:String ) = {
+ this.mytarget = target;
+ }
+ override def getTarget():java.lang.String = {
+ mytarget;
+ }
+ def setSuffixes( s:String ) = {
+ suffixes = s;
+ }
+ def getSuffixes() = {
+ suffixes;
+ }
+ def setScalaClasspath( s:String ) = {
+ System.setProperty("scala.class.path",s);
+ {}
+ }
+ def getScalaClasspath() = {
+ System.getProperty("scala.class.path");
+ }
+ def setScalaBootClasspath( s:String ) = {
+ System.setProperty("scala.boot.class.path",s);
+ {}
+ }
+ def getScalaBootClasspath() = {
+ System.getProperty("scala.boot.class.path");
+ }
+ protected def parseSuffixes():Array[String] = {
+ val st = new StringTokenizer(suffixes, " ,");
+ val al = new ArrayList();
+ while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
+ al.add("." + st.nextToken());
+ }
+ al.toArray((new Array[String]( al.size() )).asInstanceOf[Array[java.lang.Object]]).asInstanceOf[Array[String]];
+ }
+ private def hasLegalSuffix( suffixes:Array[String], file:String ) = {
+ var res = false;
+ for ( val s <- new IterableArray( suffixes ).elements ) {
+ res = res | file.endsWith( s );
+ }
+ res
+ }
+ override protected def scanDir( srcDir:File, destDir:File, files:Array[String] ):unit = {
+ val sfx = parseSuffixes();
+ if( force ) {
+ val newCompileList = new Array[File]( compileList.length + files.length );
+ System.arraycopy(compileList, 0, newCompileList, 0, compileList.length);
+ var j = 0, i = 0;
+ def handleFile( theFile:String ):unit = { // this, because wile create anon-class -> access violation
+ if( hasLegalSuffix(sfx, theFile )) {
+ if( srcDir == null ) {
+ newCompileList( compileList.length + j ) = new File( theFile );
+ j = j + 1;
+ } else {
+ newCompileList( compileList.length + j ) =
+ fileUtils.resolveFile( srcDir, theFile );
+ j = j + 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while( i < files.length ) {
+ handleFile( files( i ) );
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ if( j == files.length )
+ compileList = newCompileList;
+ else {
+ compileList = new Array[File]( j );
+ System.arraycopy(newCompileList, 0, compileList, 0, j);
+ }
+ } else {
+ val m = new GlobPatternMapper();
+ def handleNewFiles( newFiles:Array[File] ):unit = {
+ if( newFiles.length > 0 ) {
+ val newCompileList = new Array[ File ]( compileList.length +
+ newFiles.length);
+ System.arraycopy(compileList, 0, newCompileList, 0,
+ compileList.length);
+ System.arraycopy(newFiles, 0, newCompileList,
+ compileList.length, newFiles.length);
+ compileList = newCompileList;
+ }
+ }
+ for (val i <- scala.List.range( 0, sfx.length )) {
+ m.setFrom("*" + sfx( i ));
+ m.setTo("*.class");
+ val sfs = new SourceFileScanner(this);
+ handleNewFiles( sfs.restrictAsFiles(files, srcDir, destDir, m) );
+ }
+ }
+ }