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4 files changed, 96 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/RefChecks.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/RefChecks.scala
index 87a11497fd..479b843931 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/RefChecks.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/RefChecks.scala
@@ -399,9 +399,8 @@ abstract class RefChecks extends InfoTransform {
- // 2. Check that only abstract classes have deferred members
- if (clazz.isClass && !clazz.isTrait) {
- def isClazzAbstract = clazz hasFlag ABSTRACT
+ // Verifying a concrete class has nothing unimplemented.
+ if (clazz.isClass && !clazz.isTrait && !(clazz hasFlag ABSTRACT)) {
val abstractErrors = new ListBuffer[String]
def abstractErrorMessage =
// a little formatting polish
@@ -421,8 +420,7 @@ abstract class RefChecks extends InfoTransform {
def javaErasedOverridingSym(sym: Symbol): Symbol =
clazz.tpe.nonPrivateMemberAdmitting(, BRIDGE).filter(other =>
- !other.isDeferred &&
- (other hasFlag JAVA) && {
+ !other.isDeferred && other.isJavaDefined && {
val tp1 = erasure.erasure(clazz.thisType.memberType(sym))
val tp2 = erasure.erasure(clazz.thisType.memberType(other))
atPhase( matches tp2)
@@ -430,20 +428,46 @@ abstract class RefChecks extends InfoTransform {
def ignoreDeferred(member: Symbol) =
isAbstractTypeWithoutFBound(member) ||
- ((member hasFlag JAVA) && javaErasedOverridingSym(member) != NoSymbol)
- for (member <- clazz.tpe.nonPrivateMembersAdmitting(VBRIDGE))
- if (member.isDeferred && !isClazzAbstract && !ignoreDeferred(member)) {
- abstractClassError(
- false, infoString(member) + " is not defined" + analyzer.varNotice(member))
- } else if ((member hasFlag ABSOVERRIDE) && member.isIncompleteIn(clazz)) {
- val other = member.superSymbol(clazz);
- abstractClassError(true,
- infoString(member) + " is marked `abstract' and `override'" +
- (if (other != NoSymbol)
- " and overrides incomplete superclass member " + infoString(other)
- else ", but no concrete implementation could be found in a base class"))
+ (member.isJavaDefined && javaErasedOverridingSym(member) != NoSymbol)
+ // 2. Check that only abstract classes have deferred members
+ def checkNoAbstractMembers() = {
+ // Avoid spurious duplicates: first gather any missing members.
+ def memberList = clazz.tpe.nonPrivateMembersAdmitting(VBRIDGE)
+ val (missing, rest) = memberList partition (m => m.isDeferred && !ignoreDeferred(m))
+ // Group missing members by the underlying symbol.
+ val grouped = missing groupBy (analyzer underlying _ name)
+ for (member <- missing) {
+ def undefined(msg: String) = abstractClassError(false, infoString(member) + " is not defined" + msg)
+ val underlying = analyzer.underlying(member)
+ // Give a specific error message for abstract vars based on why it fails:
+ // It could be unimplemented, have only one accessor, or be uninitialized.
+ if (underlying.isVariable) {
+ // If both getter and setter are missing, squelch the setter error.
+ val isMultiple = grouped( > 1
+ // TODO: messages shouldn't be spread over two files, and varNotice is not a clear name
+ if (member.isSetter && isMultiple) ()
+ else undefined(
+ if (member.isSetter) "\n(Note that an abstract var requires a setter in addition to the getter)"
+ else if (member.isGetter && !isMultiple) "\n(Note that an abstract var requires a getter in addition to the setter)"
+ else analyzer.varNotice(member)
+ )
+ }
+ else undefined("")
+ }
+ // Check the remainder for invalid absoverride.
+ for (member <- rest ; if ((member hasFlag ABSOVERRIDE) && member.isIncompleteIn(clazz))) {
+ val other = member.superSymbol(clazz)
+ val explanation =
+ if (other != NoSymbol) " and overrides incomplete superclass member " + infoString(other)
+ else ", but no concrete implementation could be found in a base class"
+ abstractClassError(true, infoString(member) + " is marked `abstract' and `override'" + explanation)
+ }
// 3. Check that concrete classes do not have deferred definitions
// that are not implemented in a subclass.
@@ -467,7 +491,9 @@ abstract class RefChecks extends InfoTransform {
if (!parents.isEmpty && parents.head.typeSymbol.hasFlag(ABSTRACT))
- if (abstractErrors.isEmpty && !isClazzAbstract)
+ checkNoAbstractMembers()
+ if (abstractErrors.isEmpty)
if (abstractErrors.nonEmpty)
diff --git a/src/library/scala/reflect/generic/Symbols.scala b/src/library/scala/reflect/generic/Symbols.scala
index 2f5e0624ab..f1226c7e19 100755
--- a/src/library/scala/reflect/generic/Symbols.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/reflect/generic/Symbols.scala
@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ trait Symbols { self: Universe =>
def isTrait: Boolean = isClass && hasFlag(TRAIT) // refined later for virtual classes.
final def hasDefault = isParameter && hasFlag(DEFAULTPARAM)
final def isAbstractClass = isClass && hasFlag(ABSTRACT)
+ // XXX This is unlikely to be correct: it's not looking for the ABSOVERRIDE flag?
final def isAbstractOverride = isTerm && hasFlag(ABSTRACT) && hasFlag(OVERRIDE)
final def isBridge = hasFlag(BRIDGE)
final def isCase = hasFlag(CASE)
diff --git a/test/files/neg/abstract-vars.check b/test/files/neg/abstract-vars.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8aa47745f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/neg/abstract-vars.check
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+abstract-vars.scala:5: error: class Fail1 needs to be abstract, since variable x is not defined
+(Note that variables need to be initialized to be defined)
+class Fail1 extends A {
+ ^
+abstract-vars.scala:9: error: class Fail2 needs to be abstract, since variable x in class A of type Int is not defined
+(Note that variables need to be initialized to be defined)
+class Fail2 extends A { }
+ ^
+abstract-vars.scala:11: error: class Fail3 needs to be abstract, since variable x in class A of type Int is not defined
+(Note that an abstract var requires a setter in addition to the getter)
+class Fail3 extends A {
+ ^
+abstract-vars.scala:14: error: class Fail4 needs to be abstract, since variable x in class A of type Int is not defined
+(Note that an abstract var requires a setter in addition to the getter)
+class Fail4 extends A {
+ ^
+abstract-vars.scala:18: error: class Fail5 needs to be abstract, since variable x in class A of type Int is not defined
+(Note that an abstract var requires a getter in addition to the setter)
+class Fail5 extends A {
+ ^
+5 errors found
diff --git a/test/files/neg/abstract-vars.scala b/test/files/neg/abstract-vars.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df6109d3a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/neg/abstract-vars.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+abstract class A {
+ var x: Int
+class Fail1 extends A {
+ var x: Int
+class Fail2 extends A { }
+class Fail3 extends A {
+ val x: Int = 5
+class Fail4 extends A {
+ def x: Int = 5
+class Fail5 extends A {
+ def x_=(y: Int) = ()
+class Success1 extends A {
+ val x: Int = 5
+ def x_=(y: Int) = ()
+class Success2 extends A {
+ var x: Int = 5