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4 files changed, 193 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/parallel/Combiner.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/parallel/Combiner.scala
index d1453c9ce9..a2cab7eb5d 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/parallel/Combiner.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/parallel/Combiner.scala
@@ -62,7 +62,14 @@ trait Combiner[-Elem, +To] extends Builder[Elem, To] with Sizing with Parallel {
* @return the parallel builder containing both the elements of this and the `other` builder
def combine[N <: Elem, NewTo >: To](other: Combiner[N, NewTo]): Combiner[N, NewTo]
+ /** Returns `true` if this combiner has a thread-safe `+=` and is meant to be shared
+ * across several threads constructing the collection.
+ *
+ * By default, this method returns `false`.
+ */
+ def canBeShared: Boolean = false
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/parallel/ParIterableLike.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/parallel/ParIterableLike.scala
index 390bd72ab5..75f4552076 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/parallel/ParIterableLike.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/parallel/ParIterableLike.scala
@@ -165,13 +165,13 @@ extends GenIterableLike[T, Repr]
with HasNewCombiner[T, Repr]
self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
import tasksupport._
def seq: Sequential
def repr: Repr = this.asInstanceOf[Repr]
/** Parallel iterators are split iterators that have additional accessor and
* transformer methods defined in terms of methods `next` and `hasNext`.
* When creating a new parallel collection, one might want to override these
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
def repr = self.repr
def split: Seq[IterableSplitter[T]]
/** A stackable modification that ensures signal contexts get passed along the iterators.
* A self-type requirement in `ParIterator` ensures that this trait gets mixed into
* concrete iterators.
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
def hasDefiniteSize = true
def nonEmpty = size != 0
/** Creates a new parallel iterator used to traverse the elements of this parallel collection.
* This iterator is more specific than the iterator of the returned by `iterator`, and augmented
* with additional accessor and transformer methods.
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
trait SignallingOps[PI <: DelegatedSignalling] {
def assign(cntx: Signalling): PI
/* convenience task operations wrapper */
protected implicit def task2ops[R, Tp](tsk: SSCTask[R, Tp]) = new TaskOps[R, Tp] {
def mapResult[R1](mapping: R => R1): ResultMapping[R, Tp, R1] = new ResultMapping[R, Tp, R1](tsk) {
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
protected implicit def builder2ops[Elem, To](cb: Builder[Elem, To]) = new BuilderOps[Elem, To] {
def ifIs[Cmb](isbody: Cmb => Unit) = new Otherwise[Cmb] {
def otherwise(notbody: => Unit)(implicit m: ClassManifest[Cmb]) {
@@ -331,12 +331,12 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
def isCombiner = cb.isInstanceOf[Combiner[_, _]]
def asCombiner = cb.asInstanceOf[Combiner[Elem, To]]
protected[this] def bf2seq[S, That](bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, S, That]) = new CanBuildFrom[Sequential, S, That] {
def apply(from: Sequential) = bf.apply(from.par.asInstanceOf[Repr]) // !!! we only use this on `this.seq`, and know that `this.seq.par.getClass == this.getClass`
def apply() = bf.apply()
protected[this] def sequentially[S, That <: Parallel](b: Sequential => Parallelizable[S, That]) = b(seq).par.asInstanceOf[Repr]
def mkString(start: String, sep: String, end: String): String = seq.mkString(start, sep, end)
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
def mkString: String = seq.mkString("")
override def toString = seq.mkString(stringPrefix + "(", ", ", ")")
def canEqual(other: Any) = true
/** Reduces the elements of this sequence using the specified associative binary operator.
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
* the elements if the collection is nonempty, and `None` otherwise.
def reduceOption[U >: T](op: (U, U) => U): Option[U] = if (isEmpty) None else Some(reduce(op))
/** Folds the elements of this sequence using the specified associative binary operator.
* The order in which the elements are reduced is unspecified and may be nondeterministic.
@@ -434,15 +434,11 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
def aggregate[S](z: S)(seqop: (S, T) => S, combop: (S, S) => S): S = {
executeAndWaitResult(new Aggregate(z, seqop, combop, splitter))
- def /:[S](z: S)(op: (S, T) => S): S = foldLeft(z)(op)
- def :\[S](z: S)(op: (T, S) => S): S = foldRight(z)(op)
def foldLeft[S](z: S)(op: (S, T) => S): S = seq.foldLeft(z)(op)
def foldRight[S](z: S)(op: (T, S) => S): S = seq.foldRight(z)(op)
def reduceLeft[U >: T](op: (U, T) => U): U = seq.reduceLeft(op)
def reduceRight[U >: T](op: (T, U) => U): U = seq.reduceRight(op)
@@ -451,20 +447,6 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
def reduceRightOption[U >: T](op: (T, U) => U): Option[U] = seq.reduceRightOption(op)
- /*
- /** Applies a function `f` to all the elements of $coll. Does so in a nondefined order,
- * and in parallel.
- *
- * $undefinedorder
- *
- * @tparam U the result type of the function applied to each element, which is always discarded
- * @param f function applied to each element
- */
- def pareach[U](f: T => U): Unit = {
- executeAndWaitResult(new Foreach(f, splitter))
- }
- */
/** Applies a function `f` to all the elements of $coll in a sequential order.
* @tparam U the result type of the function applied to each element, which is always discarded
@@ -507,21 +489,21 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
def map[S, That](f: T => S)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, S, That]): That = if (bf(repr).isCombiner) {
- executeAndWaitResult(new Map[S, That](f, () => bf(repr).asCombiner, splitter) mapResult { _.result })
+ executeAndWaitResult(new Map[S, That](f, combinerFactory(() => bf(repr).asCombiner), splitter) mapResult { _.result })
} else
/*bf ifParallel { pbf =>
executeAndWaitResult(new Map[S, That](f, pbf, splitter) mapResult { _.result })
} otherwise*/
def collect[S, That](pf: PartialFunction[T, S])(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, S, That]): That = if (bf(repr).isCombiner) {
- executeAndWaitResult(new Collect[S, That](pf, () => bf(repr).asCombiner, splitter) mapResult { _.result })
+ executeAndWaitResult(new Collect[S, That](pf, combinerFactory(() => bf(repr).asCombiner), splitter) mapResult { _.result })
} else seq.collect(pf)(bf2seq(bf))
/*bf ifParallel { pbf =>
executeAndWaitResult(new Collect[S, That](pf, pbf, splitter) mapResult { _.result })
} otherwise seq.collect(pf)(bf2seq(bf))*/
def flatMap[S, That](f: T => GenTraversableOnce[S])(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, S, That]): That = if (bf(repr).isCombiner) {
- executeAndWaitResult(new FlatMap[S, That](f, () => bf(repr).asCombiner, splitter) mapResult { _.result })
+ executeAndWaitResult(new FlatMap[S, That](f, combinerFactory(() => bf(repr).asCombiner), splitter) mapResult { _.result })
} else seq.flatMap(f)(bf2seq(bf))
/*bf ifParallel { pbf =>
executeAndWaitResult(new FlatMap[S, That](f, pbf, splitter) mapResult { _.result })
@@ -563,17 +545,48 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
def find(pred: T => Boolean): Option[T] = {
executeAndWaitResult(new Find(pred, splitter assign new DefaultSignalling with VolatileAbort))
- protected[this] def cbfactory ={
- () => newCombiner
+ /** Creates a combiner factory. Each combiner factory instance is used
+ * once per invocation of a parallel transformer method for a single
+ * collection.
+ *
+ * The default combiner factory creates a new combiner every time it
+ * is requested, unless the combiner is thread-safe as indicated by its
+ * `canBeShared` method. In this case, the method returns a factory which
+ * returns the same combiner each time. This is typically done for
+ * concurrent parallel collections, the combiners of which allow
+ * thread safe access.
+ */
+ protected[this] def combinerFactory = {
+ val combiner = newCombiner
+ if (combiner.canBeShared) new CombinerFactory[T, Repr] {
+ val shared = combiner
+ def apply() = shared
+ def doesShareCombiners = true
+ } else new CombinerFactory[T, Repr] {
+ def apply() = newCombiner
+ def doesShareCombiners = false
+ }
+ protected[this] def combinerFactory[S, That](cbf: () => Combiner[S, That]) = {
+ val combiner = cbf()
+ if (combiner.canBeShared) new CombinerFactory[S, That] {
+ val shared = combiner
+ def apply() = shared
+ def doesShareCombiners = true
+ } else new CombinerFactory[S, That] {
+ def apply() = cbf()
+ def doesShareCombiners = false
+ }
+ }
def filter(pred: T => Boolean): Repr = {
- executeAndWaitResult(new Filter(pred, cbfactory, splitter) mapResult { _.result })
+ executeAndWaitResult(new Filter(pred, combinerFactory, splitter) mapResult { _.result })
def filterNot(pred: T => Boolean): Repr = {
- executeAndWaitResult(new FilterNot(pred, cbfactory, splitter) mapResult { _.result })
+ executeAndWaitResult(new FilterNot(pred, combinerFactory, splitter) mapResult { _.result })
def ++[U >: T, That](that: GenTraversableOnce[U])(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, U, That]): That = {
@@ -581,9 +594,10 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
// println("case both are parallel")
val other = that.asParIterable
val pbf = bf.asParallel
- val copythis = new Copy(() => pbf(repr), splitter)
+ val cfactory = combinerFactory(() => pbf(repr))
+ val copythis = new Copy(cfactory, splitter)
val copythat = wrap {
- val othtask = new other.Copy(() => pbf(self.repr), other.splitter)
+ val othtask = new other.Copy(cfactory, other.splitter)
val task = (copythis parallel copythat) { _ combine _ } mapResult {
@@ -593,7 +607,7 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
} else if (bf.isParallel) {
// println("case parallel builder, `that` not parallel")
val pbf = bf.asParallel
- val copythis = new Copy(() => pbf(repr), splitter)
+ val copythis = new Copy(combinerFactory(() => pbf(repr)), splitter)
val copythat = wrap {
val cb = pbf(repr)
for (elem <- that.seq) cb += elem
@@ -610,19 +624,19 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
def partition(pred: T => Boolean): (Repr, Repr) = {
- executeAndWaitResult(new Partition(pred, cbfactory, splitter) mapResult { p => (p._1.result, p._2.result) })
+ executeAndWaitResult(new Partition(pred, combinerFactory, combinerFactory, splitter) mapResult { p => (p._1.result, p._2.result) })
def groupBy[K](f: T => K): immutable.ParMap[K, Repr] = {
executeAndWaitResult(new GroupBy(f, () => HashMapCombiner[K, T], splitter) mapResult {
- rcb => rcb.groupByKey(cbfactory)
+ rcb => rcb.groupByKey(() => combinerFactory())
def take(n: Int): Repr = {
val actualn = if (size > n) n else size
if (actualn < MIN_FOR_COPY) take_sequential(actualn)
- else executeAndWaitResult(new Take(actualn, cbfactory, splitter) mapResult {
+ else executeAndWaitResult(new Take(actualn, combinerFactory, splitter) mapResult {
@@ -642,7 +656,7 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
def drop(n: Int): Repr = {
val actualn = if (size > n) n else size
if ((size - actualn) < MIN_FOR_COPY) drop_sequential(actualn)
- else executeAndWaitResult(new Drop(actualn, cbfactory, splitter) mapResult { _.result })
+ else executeAndWaitResult(new Drop(actualn, combinerFactory, splitter) mapResult { _.result })
private def drop_sequential(n: Int) = {
@@ -657,7 +671,7 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
val from = unc_from min size max 0
val until = unc_until min size max from
if ((until - from) <= MIN_FOR_COPY) slice_sequential(from, until)
- else executeAndWaitResult(new Slice(from, until, cbfactory, splitter) mapResult { _.result })
+ else executeAndWaitResult(new Slice(from, until, combinerFactory, splitter) mapResult { _.result })
private def slice_sequential(from: Int, until: Int): Repr = {
@@ -672,7 +686,7 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
def splitAt(n: Int): (Repr, Repr) = {
- executeAndWaitResult(new SplitAt(n, cbfactory, splitter) mapResult { p => (p._1.result, p._2.result) })
+ executeAndWaitResult(new SplitAt(n, combinerFactory, combinerFactory, splitter) mapResult { p => (p._1.result, p._2.result) })
/** Computes a prefix scan of the elements of the collection.
@@ -694,7 +708,7 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
val cbf = bf.asParallel
if (parallelismLevel > 1) {
if (size > 0) executeAndWaitResult(new CreateScanTree(0, size, z, op, splitter) mapResult {
- tree => executeAndWaitResult(new FromScanTree(tree, z, op, cbf) mapResult {
+ tree => executeAndWaitResult(new FromScanTree(tree, z, op, combinerFactory(() => cbf(repr))) mapResult {
cb => cb.result
}) else (cbf(self.repr) += z).result
@@ -714,9 +728,15 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
* @return the longest prefix of this $coll of elements that satisy the predicate `pred`
def takeWhile(pred: T => Boolean): Repr = {
- val cntx = new DefaultSignalling with AtomicIndexFlag
- cntx.setIndexFlag(Int.MaxValue)
- executeAndWaitResult(new TakeWhile(0, pred, cbfactory, splitter assign cntx) mapResult { _._1.result })
+ val cbf = combinerFactory
+ if (cbf.doesShareCombiners) {
+ val parseqspan = toSeq.takeWhile(pred)
+ executeAndWaitResult(new Copy(combinerFactory, parseqspan.splitter) mapResult { _.result })
+ } else {
+ val cntx = new DefaultSignalling with AtomicIndexFlag
+ cntx.setIndexFlag(Int.MaxValue)
+ executeAndWaitResult(new TakeWhile(0, pred, combinerFactory, splitter assign cntx) mapResult { _._1.result })
+ }
/** Splits this $coll into a prefix/suffix pair according to a predicate.
@@ -729,11 +749,22 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
* the elements satisfy `pred`, and the rest of the collection
def span(pred: T => Boolean): (Repr, Repr) = {
- val cntx = new DefaultSignalling with AtomicIndexFlag
- cntx.setIndexFlag(Int.MaxValue)
- executeAndWaitResult(new Span(0, pred, cbfactory, splitter assign cntx) mapResult {
- p => (p._1.result, p._2.result)
- })
+ val cbf = combinerFactory
+ if (cbf.doesShareCombiners) {
+ val (xs, ys) = toSeq.span(pred)
+ val copyxs = new Copy(combinerFactory, xs.splitter) mapResult { _.result }
+ val copyys = new Copy(combinerFactory, ys.splitter) mapResult { _.result }
+ val copyall = (copyxs parallel copyys) {
+ (xr, yr) => (xr, yr)
+ }
+ executeAndWaitResult(copyall)
+ } else {
+ val cntx = new DefaultSignalling with AtomicIndexFlag
+ cntx.setIndexFlag(Int.MaxValue)
+ executeAndWaitResult(new Span(0, pred, combinerFactory, combinerFactory, splitter assign cntx) mapResult {
+ p => (p._1.result, p._2.result)
+ })
+ }
/** Drops all elements in the longest prefix of elements that satisfy the predicate,
@@ -749,7 +780,7 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
def dropWhile(pred: T => Boolean): Repr = {
val cntx = new DefaultSignalling with AtomicIndexFlag
- executeAndWaitResult(new Span(0, pred, cbfactory, splitter assign cntx) mapResult { _._2.result })
+ executeAndWaitResult(new Span(0, pred, combinerFactory, combinerFactory, splitter assign cntx) mapResult { _._2.result })
def copyToArray[U >: T](xs: Array[U]) = copyToArray(xs, 0)
@@ -765,7 +796,7 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
def zip[U >: T, S, That](that: GenIterable[S])(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, (U, S), That]): That = if (bf.isParallel && that.isParSeq) {
val pbf = bf.asParallel
val thatseq = that.asParSeq
- executeAndWaitResult(new Zip(pbf, splitter, thatseq.splitter) mapResult { _.result });
+ executeAndWaitResult(new Zip(combinerFactory(() => pbf(repr)), splitter, thatseq.splitter) mapResult { _.result });
} else
def zipWithIndex[U >: T, That](implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, (U, Int), That]): That = this zip immutable.ParRange(0, size, 1, false)
@@ -773,15 +804,15 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
def zipAll[S, U >: T, That](that: GenIterable[S], thisElem: U, thatElem: S)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, (U, S), That]): That = if (bf.isParallel && that.isParSeq) {
val pbf = bf.asParallel
val thatseq = that.asParSeq
- executeAndWaitResult(new ZipAll(size max thatseq.length, thisElem, thatElem, pbf, splitter, thatseq.splitter) mapResult { _.result });
+ executeAndWaitResult(new ZipAll(size max thatseq.length, thisElem, thatElem, combinerFactory(() => pbf(repr)), splitter, thatseq.splitter) mapResult { _.result });
} else seq.zipAll(that, thisElem, thatElem)(bf2seq(bf))
protected def toParCollection[U >: T, That](cbf: () => Combiner[U, That]): That = {
- executeAndWaitResult(new ToParCollection(cbf, splitter) mapResult { _.result });
+ executeAndWaitResult(new ToParCollection(combinerFactory(cbf), splitter) mapResult { _.result });
protected def toParMap[K, V, That](cbf: () => Combiner[(K, V), That])(implicit ev: T <:< (K, V)): That = {
- executeAndWaitResult(new ToParMap(cbf, splitter)(ev) mapResult { _.result })
+ executeAndWaitResult(new ToParMap(combinerFactory(cbf), splitter)(ev) mapResult { _.result })
def view = new ParIterableView[T, Repr, Sequential] {
@@ -869,7 +900,7 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
/** Sequentially performs one task after another. */
protected[this] abstract class SeqComposite[FR, SR, R, First <: StrictSplitterCheckTask[FR, _], Second <: StrictSplitterCheckTask[SR, _]]
- (f: First, s: Second)
+ (f: First, s: Second)
extends Composite[FR, SR, R, First, Second](f, s) {
def leaf(prevr: Option[R]) = {
@@ -880,7 +911,7 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
/** Performs two tasks in parallel, and waits for both to finish. */
protected[this] abstract class ParComposite[FR, SR, R, First <: StrictSplitterCheckTask[FR, _], Second <: StrictSplitterCheckTask[SR, _]]
- (f: First, s: Second)
+ (f: First, s: Second)
extends Composite[FR, SR, R, First, Second](f, s) {
def leaf(prevr: Option[R]) = {
val ftfuture = execute(ft)
@@ -903,16 +934,18 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
override def requiresStrictSplitters = inner.requiresStrictSplitters
protected trait Transformer[R, Tp] extends Accessor[R, Tp]
- protected[this] class Foreach[S](op: T => S, protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T]) extends Accessor[Unit, Foreach[S]] {
+ protected[this] class Foreach[S](op: T => S, protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
+ extends Accessor[Unit, Foreach[S]] {
@volatile var result: Unit = ()
def leaf(prevr: Option[Unit]) = pit.foreach(op)
protected[this] def newSubtask(p: IterableSplitter[T]) = new Foreach[S](op, p)
- protected[this] class Count(pred: T => Boolean, protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T]) extends Accessor[Int, Count] {
+ protected[this] class Count(pred: T => Boolean, protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
+ extends Accessor[Int, Count] {
// val pittxt = pit.toString
@volatile var result: Int = 0
def leaf(prevr: Option[Int]) = result = pit.count(pred)
@@ -920,8 +953,9 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
override def merge(that: Count) = result = result + that.result
// override def toString = "CountTask(" + pittxt + ")"
- protected[this] class Reduce[U >: T](op: (U, U) => U, protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T]) extends Accessor[Option[U], Reduce[U]] {
+ protected[this] class Reduce[U >: T](op: (U, U) => U, protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
+ extends Accessor[Option[U], Reduce[U]] {
@volatile var result: Option[U] = None
def leaf(prevr: Option[Option[U]]) = if (pit.remaining > 0) result = Some(pit.reduce(op))
protected[this] def newSubtask(p: IterableSplitter[T]) = new Reduce(op, p)
@@ -931,7 +965,8 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
override def requiresStrictSplitters = true
- protected[this] class Fold[U >: T](z: U, op: (U, U) => U, protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T]) extends Accessor[U, Fold[U]] {
+ protected[this] class Fold[U >: T](z: U, op: (U, U) => U, protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
+ extends Accessor[U, Fold[U]] {
@volatile var result: U = null.asInstanceOf[U]
def leaf(prevr: Option[U]) = result = pit.fold(z)(op)
protected[this] def newSubtask(p: IterableSplitter[T]) = new Fold(z, op, p)
@@ -946,21 +981,24 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
override def merge(that: Aggregate[S]) = result = combop(result, that.result)
- protected[this] class Sum[U >: T](num: Numeric[U], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T]) extends Accessor[U, Sum[U]] {
+ protected[this] class Sum[U >: T](num: Numeric[U], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
+ extends Accessor[U, Sum[U]] {
@volatile var result: U = null.asInstanceOf[U]
def leaf(prevr: Option[U]) = result = pit.sum(num)
protected[this] def newSubtask(p: IterableSplitter[T]) = new Sum(num, p)
override def merge(that: Sum[U]) = result =, that.result)
- protected[this] class Product[U >: T](num: Numeric[U], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T]) extends Accessor[U, Product[U]] {
+ protected[this] class Product[U >: T](num: Numeric[U], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
+ extends Accessor[U, Product[U]] {
@volatile var result: U = null.asInstanceOf[U]
def leaf(prevr: Option[U]) = result = pit.product(num)
protected[this] def newSubtask(p: IterableSplitter[T]) = new Product(num, p)
override def merge(that: Product[U]) = result = num.times(result, that.result)
- protected[this] class Min[U >: T](ord: Ordering[U], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T]) extends Accessor[Option[U], Min[U]] {
+ protected[this] class Min[U >: T](ord: Ordering[U], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
+ extends Accessor[Option[U], Min[U]] {
@volatile var result: Option[U] = None
def leaf(prevr: Option[Option[U]]) = if (pit.remaining > 0) result = Some(pit.min(ord))
protected[this] def newSubtask(p: IterableSplitter[T]) = new Min(ord, p)
@@ -970,7 +1008,8 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
override def requiresStrictSplitters = true
- protected[this] class Max[U >: T](ord: Ordering[U], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T]) extends Accessor[Option[U], Max[U]] {
+ protected[this] class Max[U >: T](ord: Ordering[U], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
+ extends Accessor[Option[U], Max[U]] {
@volatile var result: Option[U] = None
def leaf(prevr: Option[Option[U]]) = if (pit.remaining > 0) result = Some(pit.max(ord))
protected[this] def newSubtask(p: IterableSplitter[T]) = new Max(ord, p)
@@ -980,16 +1019,16 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
override def requiresStrictSplitters = true
- protected[this] class Map[S, That](f: T => S, pbf: () => Combiner[S, That], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
+ protected[this] class Map[S, That](f: T => S, cbf: CombinerFactory[S, That], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
extends Transformer[Combiner[S, That], Map[S, That]] {
@volatile var result: Combiner[S, That] = null
- def leaf(prev: Option[Combiner[S, That]]) = result = pit.map2combiner(f, reuse(prev, pbf()))
- protected[this] def newSubtask(p: IterableSplitter[T]) = new Map(f, pbf, p)
+ def leaf(prev: Option[Combiner[S, That]]) = result = pit.map2combiner(f, reuse(prev, cbf()))
+ protected[this] def newSubtask(p: IterableSplitter[T]) = new Map(f, cbf, p)
override def merge(that: Map[S, That]) = result = result combine that.result
protected[this] class Collect[S, That]
- (pf: PartialFunction[T, S], pbf: () => Combiner[S, That], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
+ (pf: PartialFunction[T, S], pbf: CombinerFactory[S, That], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
extends Transformer[Combiner[S, That], Collect[S, That]] {
@volatile var result: Combiner[S, That] = null
def leaf(prev: Option[Combiner[S, That]]) = result = pit.collect2combiner[S, That](pf, pbf())
@@ -998,7 +1037,7 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
protected[this] class FlatMap[S, That]
- (f: T => GenTraversableOnce[S], pbf: () => Combiner[S, That], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
+ (f: T => GenTraversableOnce[S], pbf: CombinerFactory[S, That], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
extends Transformer[Combiner[S, That], FlatMap[S, That]] {
@volatile var result: Combiner[S, That] = null
def leaf(prev: Option[Combiner[S, That]]) = result = pit.flatmap2combiner(f, pbf())
@@ -1010,28 +1049,31 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
- protected[this] class Forall(pred: T => Boolean, protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T]) extends Accessor[Boolean, Forall] {
+ protected[this] class Forall(pred: T => Boolean, protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
+ extends Accessor[Boolean, Forall] {
@volatile var result: Boolean = true
def leaf(prev: Option[Boolean]) = { if (!pit.isAborted) result = pit.forall(pred); if (result == false) pit.abort }
protected[this] def newSubtask(p: IterableSplitter[T]) = new Forall(pred, p)
override def merge(that: Forall) = result = result && that.result
- protected[this] class Exists(pred: T => Boolean, protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T]) extends Accessor[Boolean, Exists] {
+ protected[this] class Exists(pred: T => Boolean, protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
+ extends Accessor[Boolean, Exists] {
@volatile var result: Boolean = false
def leaf(prev: Option[Boolean]) = { if (!pit.isAborted) result = pit.exists(pred); if (result == true) pit.abort }
protected[this] def newSubtask(p: IterableSplitter[T]) = new Exists(pred, p)
override def merge(that: Exists) = result = result || that.result
- protected[this] class Find[U >: T](pred: T => Boolean, protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T]) extends Accessor[Option[U], Find[U]] {
+ protected[this] class Find[U >: T](pred: T => Boolean, protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
+ extends Accessor[Option[U], Find[U]] {
@volatile var result: Option[U] = None
def leaf(prev: Option[Option[U]]) = { if (!pit.isAborted) result = pit.find(pred); if (result != None) pit.abort }
protected[this] def newSubtask(p: IterableSplitter[T]) = new Find(pred, p)
override def merge(that: Find[U]) = if (this.result == None) result = that.result
- protected[this] class Filter[U >: T, This >: Repr](pred: T => Boolean, cbf: () => Combiner[U, This], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
+ protected[this] class Filter[U >: T, This >: Repr](pred: T => Boolean, cbf: CombinerFactory[U, This], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
extends Transformer[Combiner[U, This], Filter[U, This]] {
@volatile var result: Combiner[U, This] = null
def leaf(prev: Option[Combiner[U, This]]) = {
@@ -1041,7 +1083,7 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
override def merge(that: Filter[U, This]) = result = result combine that.result
- protected[this] class FilterNot[U >: T, This >: Repr](pred: T => Boolean, cbf: () => Combiner[U, This], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
+ protected[this] class FilterNot[U >: T, This >: Repr](pred: T => Boolean, cbf: CombinerFactory[U, This], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
extends Transformer[Combiner[U, This], FilterNot[U, This]] {
@volatile var result: Combiner[U, This] = null
def leaf(prev: Option[Combiner[U, This]]) = {
@@ -1051,7 +1093,7 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
override def merge(that: FilterNot[U, This]) = result = result combine that.result
- protected class Copy[U >: T, That](cfactory: () => Combiner[U, That], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
+ protected class Copy[U >: T, That](cfactory: CombinerFactory[U, That], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
extends Transformer[Combiner[U, That], Copy[U, That]] {
@volatile var result: Combiner[U, That] = null
def leaf(prev: Option[Combiner[U, That]]) = result = pit.copy2builder[U, That, Combiner[U, That]](reuse(prev, cfactory()))
@@ -1059,11 +1101,12 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
override def merge(that: Copy[U, That]) = result = result combine that.result
- protected[this] class Partition[U >: T, This >: Repr](pred: T => Boolean, cbf: () => Combiner[U, This], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
+ protected[this] class Partition[U >: T, This >: Repr]
+ (pred: T => Boolean, cbfTrue: CombinerFactory[U, This], cbfFalse: CombinerFactory[U, This], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
extends Transformer[(Combiner[U, This], Combiner[U, This]), Partition[U, This]] {
@volatile var result: (Combiner[U, This], Combiner[U, This]) = null
- def leaf(prev: Option[(Combiner[U, This], Combiner[U, This])]) = result = pit.partition2combiners(pred, reuse(, cbf()), reuse(, cbf()))
- protected[this] def newSubtask(p: IterableSplitter[T]) = new Partition(pred, cbf, p)
+ def leaf(prev: Option[(Combiner[U, This], Combiner[U, This])]) = result = pit.partition2combiners(pred, reuse(, cbfTrue()), reuse(, cbfFalse()))
+ protected[this] def newSubtask(p: IterableSplitter[T]) = new Partition(pred, cbfTrue, cbfFalse, p)
override def merge(that: Partition[U, This]) = result = (result._1 combine that.result._1, result._2 combine that.result._2)
@@ -1090,7 +1133,8 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
- protected[this] class Take[U >: T, This >: Repr](n: Int, cbf: () => Combiner[U, This], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
+ protected[this] class Take[U >: T, This >: Repr]
+ (n: Int, cbf: CombinerFactory[U, This], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
extends Transformer[Combiner[U, This], Take[U, This]] {
@volatile var result: Combiner[U, This] = null
def leaf(prev: Option[Combiner[U, This]]) = {
@@ -1109,7 +1153,8 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
override def requiresStrictSplitters = true
- protected[this] class Drop[U >: T, This >: Repr](n: Int, cbf: () => Combiner[U, This], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
+ protected[this] class Drop[U >: T, This >: Repr]
+ (n: Int, cbf: CombinerFactory[U, This], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
extends Transformer[Combiner[U, This], Drop[U, This]] {
@volatile var result: Combiner[U, This] = null
def leaf(prev: Option[Combiner[U, This]]) = result = pit.drop2combiner(n, reuse(prev, cbf()))
@@ -1126,7 +1171,8 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
override def requiresStrictSplitters = true
- protected[this] class Slice[U >: T, This >: Repr](from: Int, until: Int, cbf: () => Combiner[U, This], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
+ protected[this] class Slice[U >: T, This >: Repr]
+ (from: Int, until: Int, cbf: CombinerFactory[U, This], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
extends Transformer[Combiner[U, This], Slice[U, This]] {
@volatile var result: Combiner[U, This] = null
def leaf(prev: Option[Combiner[U, This]]) = result = pit.slice2combiner(from, until, reuse(prev, cbf()))
@@ -1144,22 +1190,23 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
override def requiresStrictSplitters = true
- protected[this] class SplitAt[U >: T, This >: Repr](at: Int, cbf: () => Combiner[U, This], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
+ protected[this] class SplitAt[U >: T, This >: Repr]
+ (at: Int, cbfBefore: CombinerFactory[U, This], cbfAfter: CombinerFactory[U, This], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
extends Transformer[(Combiner[U, This], Combiner[U, This]), SplitAt[U, This]] {
@volatile var result: (Combiner[U, This], Combiner[U, This]) = null
- def leaf(prev: Option[(Combiner[U, This], Combiner[U, This])]) = result = pit.splitAt2combiners(at, reuse(, cbf()), reuse(, cbf()))
+ def leaf(prev: Option[(Combiner[U, This], Combiner[U, This])]) = result = pit.splitAt2combiners(at, reuse(, cbfBefore()), reuse(, cbfAfter()))
protected[this] def newSubtask(p: IterableSplitter[T]) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
override def split = {
val pits = pit.split
val sizes = pits.scanLeft(0)(_ + _.remaining)
- for ((p, untilp) <- pits zip sizes) yield new SplitAt((at max untilp min (untilp + p.remaining)) - untilp, cbf, p)
+ for ((p, untilp) <- pits zip sizes) yield new SplitAt((at max untilp min (untilp + p.remaining)) - untilp, cbfBefore, cbfAfter, p)
override def merge(that: SplitAt[U, This]) = result = (result._1 combine that.result._1, result._2 combine that.result._2)
override def requiresStrictSplitters = true
protected[this] class TakeWhile[U >: T, This >: Repr]
- (pos: Int, pred: T => Boolean, cbf: () => Combiner[U, This], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
+ (pos: Int, pred: T => Boolean, cbf: CombinerFactory[U, This], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
extends Transformer[(Combiner[U, This], Boolean), TakeWhile[U, This]] {
@volatile var result: (Combiner[U, This], Boolean) = null
def leaf(prev: Option[(Combiner[U, This], Boolean)]) = if (pos < pit.indexFlag) {
@@ -1178,23 +1225,23 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
protected[this] class Span[U >: T, This >: Repr]
- (pos: Int, pred: T => Boolean, cbf: () => Combiner[U, This], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
+ (pos: Int, pred: T => Boolean, cbfBefore: CombinerFactory[U, This], cbfAfter: CombinerFactory[U, This], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
extends Transformer[(Combiner[U, This], Combiner[U, This]), Span[U, This]] {
@volatile var result: (Combiner[U, This], Combiner[U, This]) = null
def leaf(prev: Option[(Combiner[U, This], Combiner[U, This])]) = if (pos < pit.indexFlag) {
// val lst = pit.toList
// val pa = mutable.ParArray(lst: _*)
// val str = "At leaf we will iterate: " + pa.splitter.toList
- result = pit.span2combiners(pred, cbf(), cbf()) // do NOT reuse old combiners here, lest ye be surprised
+ result = pit.span2combiners(pred, cbfBefore(), cbfAfter()) // do NOT reuse old combiners here, lest ye be surprised
// println("\nAt leaf result is: " + result)
if (result._2.size > 0) pit.setIndexFlagIfLesser(pos)
} else {
- result = (reuse(, cbf()), pit.copy2builder[U, This, Combiner[U, This]](reuse(, cbf())))
+ result = (reuse(, cbfBefore()), pit.copy2builder[U, This, Combiner[U, This]](reuse(, cbfAfter())))
protected[this] def newSubtask(p: IterableSplitter[T]) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
override def split = {
val pits = pit.split
- for ((p, untilp) <- pits zip pits.scanLeft(0)(_ + _.remaining)) yield new Span(pos + untilp, pred, cbf, p)
+ for ((p, untilp) <- pits zip pits.scanLeft(0)(_ + _.remaining)) yield new Span(pos + untilp, pred, cbfBefore, cbfAfter, p)
override def merge(that: Span[U, This]) = result = if (result._2.size == 0) {
(result._1 combine that.result._1, that.result._2)
@@ -1204,10 +1251,10 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
override def requiresStrictSplitters = true
- protected[this] class Zip[U >: T, S, That](pbf: CanCombineFrom[Repr, (U, S), That], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T], val othpit: SeqSplitter[S])
+ protected[this] class Zip[U >: T, S, That](pbf: CombinerFactory[(U, S), That], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T], val othpit: SeqSplitter[S])
extends Transformer[Combiner[(U, S), That], Zip[U, S, That]] {
@volatile var result: Result = null
- def leaf(prev: Option[Result]) = result = pit.zip2combiner[U, S, That](othpit, pbf(self.repr))
+ def leaf(prev: Option[Result]) = result = pit.zip2combiner[U, S, That](othpit, pbf())
protected[this] def newSubtask(p: IterableSplitter[T]) = unsupported
override def split = {
val pits = pit.split
@@ -1220,10 +1267,10 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
protected[this] class ZipAll[U >: T, S, That]
- (len: Int, thiselem: U, thatelem: S, pbf: CanCombineFrom[Repr, (U, S), That], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T], val othpit: SeqSplitter[S])
+ (len: Int, thiselem: U, thatelem: S, pbf: CombinerFactory[(U, S), That], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T], val othpit: SeqSplitter[S])
extends Transformer[Combiner[(U, S), That], ZipAll[U, S, That]] {
@volatile var result: Result = null
- def leaf(prev: Option[Result]) = result = pit.zipAll2combiner[U, S, That](othpit, thiselem, thatelem, pbf(self.repr))
+ def leaf(prev: Option[Result]) = result = pit.zipAll2combiner[U, S, That](othpit, thiselem, thatelem, pbf())
protected[this] def newSubtask(p: IterableSplitter[T]) = unsupported
override def split = if (pit.remaining <= len) {
val pits = pit.split
@@ -1257,7 +1304,7 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
override def requiresStrictSplitters = true
- protected[this] class ToParCollection[U >: T, That](cbf: () => Combiner[U, That], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
+ protected[this] class ToParCollection[U >: T, That](cbf: CombinerFactory[U, That], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
extends Transformer[Combiner[U, That], ToParCollection[U, That]] {
@volatile var result: Result = null
def leaf(prev: Option[Combiner[U, That]]) {
@@ -1268,7 +1315,7 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
override def merge(that: ToParCollection[U, That]) = result = result combine that.result
- protected[this] class ToParMap[K, V, That](cbf: () => Combiner[(K, V), That], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])(implicit ev: T <:< (K, V))
+ protected[this] class ToParMap[K, V, That](cbf: CombinerFactory[(K, V), That], protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])(implicit ev: T <:< (K, V))
extends Transformer[Combiner[(K, V), That], ToParMap[K, V, That]] {
@volatile var result: Result = null
def leaf(prev: Option[Combiner[(K, V), That]]) {
@@ -1315,13 +1362,13 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
} else result = that.result
override def requiresStrictSplitters = true
protected[this] class FromScanTree[U >: T, That]
- (tree: ScanTree[U], z: U, op: (U, U) => U, cbf: CanCombineFrom[Repr, U, That])
+ (tree: ScanTree[U], z: U, op: (U, U) => U, cbf: CombinerFactory[U, That])
extends StrictSplitterCheckTask[Combiner[U, That], FromScanTree[U, That]] {
@volatile var result: Combiner[U, That] = null
def leaf(prev: Option[Combiner[U, That]]) {
- val cb = reuse(prev, cbf(self.repr))
+ val cb = reuse(prev, cbf())
iterate(tree, cb)
result = cb
@@ -1391,7 +1438,13 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
def rightmost = this
def print(depth: Int) = println((" " * depth) + this)
+ /* alias methods */
+ def /:[S](z: S)(op: (S, T) => S): S = foldLeft(z)(op);
+ def :\[S](z: S)(op: (T, S) => S): S = foldRight(z)(op);
/* debug information */
private[parallel] def debugInformation = "Parallel collection: " + this.getClass
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/parallel/ParSeqLike.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/parallel/ParSeqLike.scala
index d0f38b30dc..22c587b498 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/parallel/ParSeqLike.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/parallel/ParSeqLike.scala
@@ -213,9 +213,9 @@ self =>
} otherwise seq.sameElements(that)
/** Tests whether this $coll ends with the given parallel sequence.
- *
+ *
* $abortsignalling
- *
+ *
* @tparam S the type of the elements of `that` sequence
* @param that the sequence to test
* @return `true` if this $coll has `that` as a suffix, `false` otherwise
@@ -236,12 +236,13 @@ self =>
val that = patch.asParSeq
val pbf = bf.asParallel
val pits = splitter.psplit(from, replaced, length - from - realreplaced)
- val copystart = new Copy[U, That](() => pbf(repr), pits(0))
+ val cfactory = combinerFactory(() => pbf(repr))
+ val copystart = new Copy[U, That](cfactory, pits(0))
val copymiddle = wrap {
- val tsk = new that.Copy[U, That](() => pbf(repr), that.splitter)
+ val tsk = new that.Copy[U, That](cfactory, that.splitter)
- val copyend = new Copy[U, That](() => pbf(repr), pits(2))
+ val copyend = new Copy[U, That](cfactory, pits(2))
executeAndWaitResult(((copystart parallel copymiddle) { _ combine _ } parallel copyend) { _ combine _ } mapResult {
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/parallel/package.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/parallel/package.scala
index f152629c50..f154019bac 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/parallel/package.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/parallel/package.scala
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ package object parallel {
package parallel {
trait FactoryOps[From, Elem, To] {
trait Otherwise[R] {
@@ -113,7 +114,19 @@ package parallel {
/* classes */
+ trait CombinerFactory[U, Repr] {
+ /** Provides a combiner used to construct a collection. */
+ def apply(): Combiner[U, Repr]
+ /** The call to the `apply` method can create a new combiner each time.
+ * If it does, this method returns `false`.
+ * The same combiner factory may be used each time (typically, this is
+ * the case for concurrent collections, which are thread safe).
+ * If so, the method returns `true`.
+ */
+ def doesShareCombiners: Boolean
+ }
/** Composite throwable - thrown when multiple exceptions are thrown at the same time. */
final case class CompositeThrowable(
val throwables: Set[Throwable]