path: root/doc/introduction
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/introduction')
3 files changed, 380 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/introduction/Makefile b/doc/introduction/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3bcb5d75cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/introduction/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# Scala Introduction
+# $Id$
+# Configuration
+ROOT = ../..
+include $(ROOT)/Makefile.import
+# Variables
+WEBSITE_PROJECT_ROOT ?= $(ROOT)/../scala-website
+# project
+PROJECT_SOURCES += default.dtd
+PROJECT_XSLFILE = ScalaIntro.xsl
+PROJECT_BUILDDATE = $(shell date "+%B %d, %Y")
+#XML_SOURCES += index.xml
+#XML_SOURCES += $(shell cd $(WEBSITE_SOURCEDIR); ls intro/*.xml)
+# We preserve section order of PDF document generated by Acrobat
+XML_FILES += index
+XML_FILES += intro/unifiedtypes
+XML_FILES += intro/classes
+XML_FILES += intro/traits
+XML_FILES += intro/subclassing
+XML_FILES += intro/mixin
+XML_FILES += intro/funsyntax
+XML_FILES += intro/hofuns
+XML_FILES += intro/funnesting
+XML_FILES += intro/currying
+XML_FILES += intro/caseclasses
+XML_FILES += intro/patmatch
+XML_FILES += intro/xml
+XML_FILES += intro/regexppat
+XML_FILES += intro/comprehensions
+XML_FILES += intro/generics
+XML_FILES += intro/variances
+XML_FILES += intro/upbounds
+XML_FILES += intro/lowbounds
+XML_FILES += intro/innerclasses
+XML_FILES += intro/abstracttypes
+XML_FILES += intro/compoundtypes
+XML_FILES += intro/selfrefs
+XML_FILES += intro/views
+XML_FILES += intro/polymethods
+XML_FILES += intro/inference
+XML_FILES += intro/operators
+XML_FILES += intro/targettyping
+XML_FILES += intro/coercions
+XML_SOURCES += $(XML_FILES:%=%.xml)
+PNG_FILES += images/classhierarchy
+PNG_FILES += images/colpoint2d
+PNG_FILES += images/colpoint3d
+PNG_FILES += images/scala_logo
+PNG_SOURCES += $(PNG_FILES:%=%.png)
+# latex
+LATEX_SOURCES += MainPart.tex
+LATEX_SOURCES += ScalaIntro.tex
+# latex
+# Includes
+include $(PROJECT_SUPPORTDIR)/make/
+AWK ?= awk
+CYGWIN ?= $(filter CYGWIN%,$(shell uname))
+# XSLT processor
+XSLTPROC ?= xsltproc
+# convert
+CONVERT ?= convert
+CONVERT_FLAGS += -sharpen 0.1 -flatten -trim
+# PDF viewer
+ACROREAD_WIN32 ?= c:/Progra~1/Adobe/Acrobat\ 7.0/Reader/AcroRd32.exe
+ACROREAD_UNIX ?= acroread
+# PS viewer
+GSVIEW_WIN32 ?= gsview32
+# Commands
+ @$(RM) -r images intro MainPart.tex default.dtd index.xml ScalaIntro.out
+view: viewpdf
+viewpdf: ScalaIntro.pdf
+ $(PDF_VIEWER) $< &
+ $(PS_VIEWER) $< &
+.PHONY: clean
+.PHONY: view
+.PHONY: viewpdf
+.PHONY: viewps
+# Rules
+images :
+ @[ -d $@ ] || $(MKDIR) -p $@
+ for file in $(PNG_SOURCES); do \
+ PNG:$(WEBSITE_SOURCEDIR)/$$file EPS:images/`$(BASENAME) $$file .png`.eps; \
+ PNG:$(WEBSITE_SOURCEDIR)/$$file PDF:images/`$(BASENAME) $$file .png`.pdf; \
+ done
+intro :
+ @[ -d $@ ] || $(MKDIR) -p $@
+ @for file in $(PROJECT_SOURCES); do \
+ $(AWK) '/<src/{on=1};/<\/src>/{on=0};{if(on){gsub("{","\\{");gsub("}","\\}")};print $0}' \
+ $(WEBSITE_SOURCEDIR)/$$file > $$file; \
+ done
+MainPart.tex : images intro $(PROJECT_XSLFILE)
+ $(ECHO) "%% Generated file: $@" > $@
+ $(ECHO) "%% Build date : $(PROJECT_BUILDDATE)" >> $@
+ $(SED) -e 's/% 2/\\% 2/g' | \
+ $(SED) -e 's/<%/<\\%/g' | \
+ $(SED) -e 's/#Node/\\#Node/g' | \
+ $(SED) -e 's/{_/{\\_/g' >> $@
diff --git a/doc/introduction/ScalaIntro.tex b/doc/introduction/ScalaIntro.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..059634f215
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/introduction/ScalaIntro.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+% $Id$
+\usepackage{alltt}% Verbatim extended with the ability to use normal commands
+\renewcommand{\doctitle}{An Introduction \\ to Scala}
+\renewcommand{\docsubtitle}{Version \docversion}
+\renewcommand{\docauthor}{Martin Odersky \\
+Philippe Altherr \\
+Vincent Cremet \\
+Burak Emir \\
+St\'ephane Micheloud \\
+Nikolay Mihaylov \\
+Michel Schinz \\
+Erik Stenman \\
+Matthias Zenger \\[25mm]\ }
+% \lfoot{\small\copyright 2000-2005 EPFL/LAMP}
+% \cfoot{}
+% \rfoot{\small v\docversion}
+\LARGE\textbf{\\ An Introduction to \Scala}
+% disables chapter, section and subsection numbering
+\section{The \Scala Programming Language}
diff --git a/doc/introduction/ScalaIntro.xsl b/doc/introduction/ScalaIntro.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0cd68aec59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/introduction/ScalaIntro.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
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+%% Author: <xsl:value-of select="author" />
+%% Keywords: <xsl:value-of select="keywords" />
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+<xsl:apply-templates />
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+ <!-- ELEMENT csharp, dotnet, scala -->
+ <xsl:template match="csharp">\CSharp</xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="dotnet">\DotNet</xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="scala">\Scala</xsl:template>
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+\section{<xsl:value-of select="$subtitle" />}
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+ </xsl:if>
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+ <!-- ELEMENT str (string literal) -->
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