path: root/src/build/msil.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/build/msil.xml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 316 deletions
diff --git a/src/build/msil.xml b/src/build/msil.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e64c88714f..0000000000
--- a/src/build/msil.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<project name="sabbus-msil">
- <description>
- SuperSabbus extension for the MSIL library targeted for the dotnet framework. THIS FILE IS NOT STAND-ALONE AND SHOULD ONLY BE USED THROUGH ENTRY POINTS IN SUPERSABBUS.
- </description>
- <!-- TODO: test / make it work on Windows (use <ilasm/> task) -->
- <!-- TODO: for separate compilation: make sure only files that have been changed
- since last run are re-compiled -->
- <!-- TODO: run test suite (or at least a part of it) on .NET -->
- <!-- TODO: generate scaladoc of .NET library -->
- <!-- TODO: (?) generate the runner scripts with -->
-<!-- ===========================================================================
-============================================================================ -->
- <!-- contains the scala-net / scalac-net commands -->
- <property name="src-mono.dir" value="${src.dir}/mono"/>
- <!-- Loads custom properties definitions -->
- <property file="${src.dir}/build/"/>
- <!-- Sets location of build folders -->
- <property name="build-msil.dir" value="${build.dir}/msil"/>
- <property name="build-msil-src.dir" value="${build.dir}/msil-src"/>
- <property name="build-msil-pack.dir" value="${build.dir}/msil-pack"/>
-<!-- ===========================================================================
-============================================================================ -->
- <target name="msil.init">
- <!-- define the "ilasm" task (and others). they are in fact already there from
- antlib.xml, but in a deprecated version. -->
- <!-- <taskdef resource="org/apache/ant/dotnet/antlib.xml"
- classpath="${lib-ant.dir}/ant-dotnet-1.0.jar"/> -->
- <!-- Sets ilasm command. Search in
- - dotnet.home/ilasm.exe
- - unix.mono.home/ilasm
- - win.mono.home/lib/mono/2.0/ilasm.exe
- - path
- (the ".home"s can be set in -->
- <condition property="ilasm.cmd" value="${dotnet.home}/ilasm.exe">
- <and>
- <os family="windows"/><isset property="dotnet.home"/>
- <available file="${dotnet.home}/ilasm.exe"/>
- </and>
- </condition>
- <condition property="ilasm.cmd" value="${unix.mono.home}/ilasm">
- <and>
- <os family="unix"/><isset property="unix.mono.home"/>
- <available file="${unix.mono.home}/ilasm"/>
- </and>
- </condition>
- <condition property="ilasm.cmd" value="${win.mono.home}/ilasm">
- <and>
- <os family="windows"/><isset property="win.mono.home"/>
- <available file="${win.mono.home}/lib/mono/2.0/ilasm.exe"/>
- </and>
- </condition>
- <condition property="ilasm.cmd" value="ilasm">
- <and><available file="ilasm" filepath="${env.PATH}"/></and>
- </condition>
- <echo level="verbose" message="Found: ${ilasm.cmd}"/>
- <fail message="Command 'ilasm' not found">
- <condition><not><isset property="ilasm.cmd"/></not></condition>
- </fail>
- <!-- Sets ilasm arguments (either Windows or Unix) -->
- <if>
- <isset property=""/>
- <then>
- <property
- name="ilasm.args"
- value="/quiet /dll /output="
- />
- </then>
- <else>
- <property
- name="ilasm.args"
- value="/dll /output:"
- />
- </else>
- </if>
- </target>
-<!-- ===========================================================================
-============================================================================ -->
- <target name="msil.start" depends="msil.init"/>
- <target name="msil.src" depends="msil.start">
- <!-- simple sync & copy overwrite is not very nice, because overwritten files
- will then have a new timestamp, and be recompiled -->
- <mkdir dir="${build-msil-src.dir}"/>
- <copy todir="${build-msil-src.dir}" overwrite="true">
- <!-- FIXME: include new collection library -->
- <fileset dir="${src.dir}/library" excludes="scalax/**">
- <and>
- <present present="srconly" targetdir="${src.dir}/dotnet-library"/>
- <different targetdir="${build-msil-src.dir}" ignoreFileTimes="true"/>
- </and>
- </fileset>
- <!-- FIXME: include new collection library -->
- <fileset dir="${src.dir}/dotnet-library" excludes="scalax/**">
- <different targetdir="${build-msil-src.dir}" ignoreFileTimes="true"/>
- </fileset>
- </copy>
- <delete verbose="true">
- <difference>
- <fileset dir="${build-msil-src.dir}"/>
- <union>
- <fileset dir="${build-msil-src.dir}">
- <present targetdir="${src.dir}/dotnet-library"/>
- </fileset>
- <fileset dir="${build-msil-src.dir}">
- <present targetdir="${src.dir}/library"/>
- </fileset>
- </union>
- </difference>
- </delete>
- </target>
- <target name="msil.lib" depends="msil.src">
- <stopwatch name="msil.lib.timer"/>
- <mkdir dir="${build-msil.dir}/library"/>
- <!-- <ilasm srcdir="${msil.dir}/il" includes="*.msil" outputfile="${msil.dir}/lib/predef.dll"/> -->
- <scalac
- srcdir="${build-msil-src.dir}"
- destdir="${build-msil.dir}/library"
- target="msil"
- assemname="predef.msil"
- assemrefs="${lib.dir}">
- <include name="**/*.scala"/>
- <exclude name="scala/ScalaObject.scala"/>
- </scalac>
- <stopwatch name="msil.lib.timer" action="total"/>
- </target>
- <target name="msil.done" depends="msil.lib"/>
- <target name="msil.clean" depends="msil-pack.clean">
- <delete dir="${build-msil.dir}" includeemptydirs="yes" quiet="yes" failonerror="no"/>
- <delete dir="${build-msil-src.dir}" includeemptydirs="yes" quiet="yes" failonerror="no"/>
- </target>
-<!-- ===========================================================================
-============================================================================ -->
- <target name="msil-pack.start" depends="msil.done"/>
- <target name="msil-pack.lib" depends="msil-pack.start">
- <mkdir dir="${build-msil-pack.dir}/lib"/>
- <pathconvert property="ilasm.infiles" pathsep=" ">
- <fileset dir="${build-msil.dir}/library" includes="**/*.msil"/>
- </pathconvert>
- <property name="msil-pack-lib.file" value="${build-msil-pack.dir}/lib/predef.dll"/>
- <!--
- NOTE: Command line length hell on windows. The maximal command line length on
- Windows XP or later is 8191 characters (
- BUT: this only applies for processes executed directly in the shell, which is NOT
- the case by default when using ant's "exec" command; this one uses the Java VM's
- execution facilities which allow larger command lines. Testing gives:
- - Windows XP: 32768 characters
- When the parameter (vmlauncher="false") is specified, the <exec/> command uses
- the udnerlying shell, and the smaller limit applies.
- The call to ilasm produces lots of output, which could be avoided using
- (spawn="true"). This seems to work wrt to the character limit (32768), but is
- probably not the best solution since it's incompatible with (failonerror),
- and does not produce any output at all.
- -->
- <exec executable="${ilasm.cmd}" failonerror="true">
- <arg line="${ilasm.args}${msil-pack-lib.file} ${ilasm.infiles}"/>
- </exec>
- </target>
- <target name="msil-pack.bin" depends="msil-pack.lib">
- <mkdir dir="${build-msil-pack.dir}/bin"/>
- <copy todir="${build-msil-pack.dir}/bin">
- <fileset
- dir="${src-mono.dir}/bin"
- includes="scala-net*"
- />
- <filterset>
- <filter token="VERSION" value="${version.number}"/>
- <filter token="COPYRIGHT" value="${copyright.string}"/>
- <filter token="NAME" value="Scala code runner"/>
- </filterset>
- </copy>
- <copy todir="${build-msil-pack.dir}/bin">
- <fileset
- dir="${src-mono.dir}/bin"
- includes="scalac-net*"
- />
- <filterset>
- <filter token="VERSION" value="${version.number}"/>
- <filter token="COPYRIGHT" value="${copyright.string}"/>
- <filter token="NAME" value="Scala compiler"/>
- </filterset>
- </copy>
- <chmod perm="ugo+rx" dir="${build-msil-pack.dir}/bin"
- includes="scala*-net*" excludes="*.bat"/>
- <if>
- <isset property=""/>
- <then>
- <copy todir="${build-msil-pack.dir}/lib">
- <fileset
- dir="${lib.dir}"
- includes="mscorlib.dll,scalaruntime.dll"/>
- <fileset
- dir="${build-pack.dir}/lib"
- includes="scala-compiler.jar,scala-library.jar"/>
- </copy>
- </then>
- <else>
- <symlink
- link="${build-msil-pack.dir}/lib/mscorlib.dll"
- resource="${lib.dir}/mscorlib.dll"
- overwrite="yes"/>
- <symlink
- link="${build-msil-pack.dir}/lib/scalaruntime.dll"
- resource="${lib.dir}/scalaruntime.dll"
- overwrite="yes"/>
- <symlink
- link="${build-msil-pack.dir}/lib/scala-compiler.jar"
- resource="${build-pack.dir}/lib/scala-compiler.jar"
- overwrite="yes"/>
- <symlink
- link="${build-msil-pack.dir}/lib/scala-library.jar"
- resource="${build-pack.dir}/lib/scala-library.jar"
- overwrite="yes"/>
- </else>
- </if>
- </target>
- <target name="msil-pack.done" depends="msil-pack.bin"/>
- <target name="msil-pack.clean">
- <delete dir="${build-msil-pack.dir}" includeemptydirs="yes" quiet="yes" failonerror="no"/>
- </target>
-<!-- ===========================================================================
-============================================================================ -->
- <!-- see four.xml for template -->
- <target name="msil-docs.done"/>
- <target name="msil-docs.clean"/>
-<!-- ===========================================================================
-============================================================================ -->
- <!-- see four.xml for template -->
- <target name="msil-test.done"/>
-<!-- ===========================================================================
-============================================================================ -->
- <target name="msil-dist.start" depends="msil-pack.done">
- <property name="msil-dist.dir" value="${dists.dir}/scala-msil-${version.number}"/>
- </target>
- <target name="msil-dist.lib" depends="msil-dist.start">
- <mkdir dir="${msil-dist.dir}/lib"/>
- <copy toDir="${msil-dist.dir}/lib">
- <fileset dir="${build-msil-pack.dir}/lib"
- includes="*.dll"/>
- <fileset dir="${build-msil-pack.dir}/lib"
- includes="scala-compiler.jar,scala-library.jar"/>
- </copy>
- </target>
- <target name="msil-dist.bin" depends="msil-dist.lib">
- <mkdir dir="${msil-dist.dir}/bin"/>
- <copy toDir="${msil-dist.dir}/bin">
- <fileset dir="${build-msil-pack.dir}/bin"
- includes="scala*-net*"/>
- </copy>
- <chmod perm="ugo+rx" dir="${msil-dist.dir}/bin"
- includes="scala*-net*" excludes="*.bat"/>
- </target>
- <target name="msil-dist.latest" depends="msil-dist.bin" unless="">
- <symlink link="${dists.dir}/latest-msil" resource="${msil-dist.dir}" overwrite="yes"/>
- </target>
- <target name="msil-dist.done" depends="msil-dist.latest"/>
-<!-- ===========================================================================
-============================================================================ -->
- <target name="msil-all.done" depends="msil-dist.done, msil-test.done"/>
- <target name="msil-all.clean" depends="msil-docs.clean, msil.clean"/>