path: root/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/PickleBuffer.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/PickleBuffer.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 188 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/PickleBuffer.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/PickleBuffer.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f0895ce64..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/PickleBuffer.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-package pickling
-/** Variable length byte arrays, with methods for basic pickling and unpickling.
- *
- * @param data The initial buffer
- * @param from The first index where defined data are found
- * @param to The first index where new data can be written
- */
-class PickleBuffer(data: Array[Byte], from: Int, to: Int) {
- var bytes = data
- var readIndex = from
- var writeIndex = to
- /** Double bytes array */
- private def dble() {
- val bytes1 = new Array[Byte](bytes.length * 2)
- Array.copy(bytes, 0, bytes1, 0, writeIndex)
- bytes = bytes1
- }
- def ensureCapacity(capacity: Int) =
- while (bytes.length < writeIndex + capacity) dble()
- // -- Basic output routines --------------------------------------------
- /** Write a byte of data */
- def writeByte(b: Int) {
- if (writeIndex == bytes.length) dble()
- bytes(writeIndex) = b.toByte
- writeIndex += 1
- }
- /** Write a natural number in big endian format, base 128.
- * All but the last digits have bit 0x80 set.
- */
- def writeNat(x: Int) =
- writeLongNat(x.toLong & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFL)
- /**
- * Like writeNat, but for longs. This is not the same as
- * writeLong, which writes in base 256. Note that the
- * binary representation of LongNat is identical to Nat
- * if the long value is in the range Int.MIN_VALUE to
- * Int.MAX_VALUE.
- */
- def writeLongNat(x: Long) {
- def writeNatPrefix(x: Long) {
- val y = x >>> 7
- if (y != 0L) writeNatPrefix(y)
- writeByte(((x & 0x7f) | 0x80).toInt)
- }
- val y = x >>> 7
- if (y != 0L) writeNatPrefix(y)
- writeByte((x & 0x7f).toInt)
- }
- /** Write a natural number <code>x</code> at position <code>pos</code>.
- * If number is more than one byte, shift rest of array to make space.
- *
- * @param pos ...
- * @param x ...
- */
- def patchNat(pos: Int, x: Int) {
- def patchNatPrefix(x: Int) {
- writeByte(0)
- Array.copy(bytes, pos, bytes, pos+1, writeIndex - (pos+1))
- bytes(pos) = ((x & 0x7f) | 0x80).toByte
- val y = x >>> 7
- if (y != 0) patchNatPrefix(y)
- }
- bytes(pos) = (x & 0x7f).toByte
- val y = x >>> 7
- if (y != 0) patchNatPrefix(y)
- }
- /** Write a long number <code>x</code> in signed big endian format, base 256.
- *
- * @param x The long number to be written.
- */
- def writeLong(x: Long) {
- val y = x >> 8
- val z = x & 0xff
- if (-y != (z >> 7)) writeLong(y)
- writeByte(z.toInt)
- }
- // -- Basic input routines --------------------------------------------
- /** Peek at the current byte without moving the read index */
- def peekByte(): Int = bytes(readIndex)
- /** Read a byte */
- def readByte(): Int = {
- val x = bytes(readIndex); readIndex += 1; x
- }
- /** Read a natural number in big endian format, base 128.
- * All but the last digits have bit 0x80 set.*/
- def readNat(): Int = readLongNat().toInt
- def readLongNat(): Long = {
- var b = 0L
- var x = 0L
- do {
- b = readByte()
- x = (x << 7) + (b & 0x7f)
- } while ((b & 0x80) != 0L);
- x
- }
- /** Read a long number in signed big endian format, base 256. */
- def readLong(len: Int): Long = {
- var x = 0L
- var i = 0
- while (i < len) {
- x = (x << 8) + (readByte() & 0xff)
- i += 1
- }
- val leading = 64 - (len << 3)
- x << leading >> leading
- }
- /** Returns the buffer as a sequence of (Int, Array[Byte]) representing
- * (tag, data) of the individual entries. Saves and restores buffer state.
- */
- def toIndexedSeq: IndexedSeq[(Int, Array[Byte])] = {
- val saved = readIndex
- readIndex = 0
- readNat() ; readNat() // discarding version
- val result = new Array[(Int, Array[Byte])](readNat())
- result.indices foreach { index =>
- val tag = readNat()
- val len = readNat()
- val bytes = data.slice(readIndex, len + readIndex)
- readIndex += len
- result(index) = tag -> bytes
- }
- readIndex = saved
- result.toIndexedSeq
- }
- /** Perform operation <code>op</code> until the condition
- * <code>readIndex == end</code> is satisfied.
- * Concatenate results into a list.
- *
- * @param end ...
- * @param op ...
- * @return ...
- */
- def until[T](end: Int, op: () => T): List[T] =
- if (readIndex == end) List() else op() :: until(end, op);
- /** Perform operation <code>op</code> the number of
- * times specified. Concatenate the results into a list.
- */
- def times[T](n: Int, op: ()=>T): List[T] =
- if (n == 0) List() else op() :: times(n-1, op)
- /** Pickle = majorVersion_Nat minorVersion_Nat nbEntries_Nat {Entry}
- * Entry = type_Nat length_Nat [actual entries]
- *
- * Assumes that the ..Version_Nat are already consumed.
- *
- * @return an array mapping entry numbers to locations in
- * the byte array where the entries start.
- */
- def createIndex: Array[Int] = {
- val index = new Array[Int](readNat()) // nbEntries_Nat
- for (i <- 0 until index.length) {
- index(i) = readIndex
- readByte() // skip type_Nat
- readIndex = readNat() + readIndex // read length_Nat, jump to next entry
- }
- index
- }