path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Global.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Global.scala')
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Global.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Global.scala
index 9089be5cc0..ceb75b575d 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Global.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Global.scala
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import
import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import io.{ SourceReader, AbstractFile, Path }
import reporters.{ Reporter, ConsoleReporter }
-import util.{ NoPosition, Exceptional, ClassPath, SourceFile, NoSourceFile, Statistics, StatisticsInfo, BatchSourceFile, ScriptSourceFile, ScalaClassLoader, returning }
+import util.{ NoPosition, Exceptional, ClassPath, MergedClassPath, SourceFile, NoSourceFile, Statistics, StatisticsInfo, BatchSourceFile, ScriptSourceFile, ScalaClassLoader, returning }
import scala.reflect.internal.pickling.{ PickleBuffer, PickleFormat }
import settings.{ AestheticSettings }
import symtab.{ Flags, SymbolTable, SymbolLoaders, SymbolTrackers }
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter) extends Symb
else new { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this } with JavaPlatform
type PlatformClassPath = ClassPath[platform.BinaryRepr]
+ type OptClassPath = Option[PlatformClassPath]
def classPath: PlatformClassPath = platform.classPath
@@ -879,20 +880,38 @@ class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter) extends Symb
* - a list of of packages that should have been invalidated but were not because
* they are system packages.
- def invalidateClassPathEntry(path: String): (List[Symbol], List[Symbol]) = {
- val invalidated, failed = new mutable.ListBuffer[Symbol]
+ def invalidateClassPathEntries(paths: String*): (List[ClassSymbol], List[ClassSymbol]) = {
+ val invalidated, failed = new mutable.ListBuffer[ClassSymbol]
classPath match {
- case cp: util.MergedClassPath[_] =>
- val dir = AbstractFile getDirectory path
- val canonical = Some(dir.canonicalPath)
- cp.entries find (_.origin == canonical) match {
- case Some(oldEntry) =>
- val newEntry = cp.context.newClassPath(dir)
- platform.updateClassPath(oldEntry, newEntry)
- informProgress(s"classpath updated to $classPath")
- reSync(definitions.RootClass, classPath, oldEntry, newEntry, invalidated, failed)
- case None =>
- error(s"cannot invalidate: no entry named $path in classpath $classPath")
+ case cp: MergedClassPath[_] =>
+ def assoc(path: String): List[(PlatformClassPath, PlatformClassPath)] = {
+ val dir = AbstractFile getDirectory path
+ val canonical = dir.canonicalPath
+ def matchesCanonical(e: ClassPath[_]) = e.origin match {
+ case Some(opath) =>
+ (AbstractFile getDirectory opath).canonicalPath == canonical
+ case None =>
+ false
+ }
+ cp.entries find matchesCanonical match {
+ case Some(oldEntry) =>
+ List(oldEntry -> cp.context.newClassPath(dir))
+ case None =>
+ println(s"canonical = $canonical, origins = ${cp.entries map (_.origin)}")
+ error(s"cannot invalidate: no entry named $path in classpath $classPath")
+ List()
+ }
+ }
+ val subst = Map(paths flatMap assoc: _*)
+ if (subst.nonEmpty) {
+ platform updateClassPath subst
+ informProgress(s"classpath updated on entries [${subst.keys mkString ","}]")
+ def mkClassPath(elems: Iterable[PlatformClassPath]): PlatformClassPath =
+ if (elems.size == 1) elems.head
+ else new MergedClassPath(elems, classPath.context)
+ val oldEntries = mkClassPath(subst.keys)
+ val newEntries = mkClassPath(subst.values)
+ reSync(definitions.RootClass, Some(classPath), Some(oldEntries), Some(newEntries), invalidated, failed)
def show(msg: String, syms: collection.Traversable[Symbol]) =
@@ -903,27 +922,76 @@ class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter) extends Symb
(invalidated.toList, failed.toList)
- private def reSync(root: Symbol, all: PlatformClassPath,
- oldEntry: PlatformClassPath, newEntry: PlatformClassPath,
- invalidated: mutable.ListBuffer[Symbol], failed: mutable.ListBuffer[Symbol]) {
- ifDebug(informProgress(s"syncing $root, $oldEntry -> $newEntry"))
+ /** Re-syncs symbol table with classpath
+ * @param root The root symbol to be resynced (a package class)
+ * @param allEntries Optionally, the corresponding package in the complete current classPath
+ * @param oldEntries Optionally, the corresponding package in the old classPath entries
+ * @param newEntries Optionally, the corresponding package in the new classPath entries
+ * @param invalidated A listbuffer collecting the invalidated package classes
+ * @param failed A listbuffer collecting system package classes which could not be invalidated
+ * The resyncing strategy is determined by the absence or presence of classes and packages.
+ * If either oldEntries or newEntries contains classes, root is invalidated, provided a corresponding package
+ * exists in allEntries, or otherwise is removed.
+ * Otherwise, the action is determined by the following matrix, with columns:
+ *
+ * old new all sym action
+ * + + + + recurse into all child packages of old ++ new
+ * + - + + invalidate root
+ * + - - + remove root from its scope
+ * - + + + invalidate root
+ * - + + - create and enter root
+ * - - * * no action
+ *
+ * Here, old, new, all mean classpaths and sym means symboltable. + is presence of an
+ * entry in its column, - is absence, * is don't care.
+ *
+ * Note that new <= all and old <= sym, so the matrix above covers all possibilities.
+ */
+ private def reSync(root: ClassSymbol,
+ allEntries: OptClassPath, oldEntries: OptClassPath, newEntries: OptClassPath,
+ invalidated: mutable.ListBuffer[ClassSymbol], failed: mutable.ListBuffer[ClassSymbol]) {
+ ifDebug(informProgress(s"syncing $root, $oldEntries -> $newEntries"))
val getName: ClassPath[platform.BinaryRepr] => String = (
- val oldPackages = oldEntry.packages sortBy getName
- val newPackages = newEntry.packages sortBy getName
- val hasChanged =
- oldEntry.classes.nonEmpty ||
- newEntry.classes.nonEmpty ||
- (oldPackages map getName) != (newPackages map getName)
- if (hasChanged && !isSystemPackageClass(root)) {
- root setInfo new loaders.PackageLoader(all)
+ def hasClasses(cp: OptClassPath) = cp.isDefined && cp.get.classes.nonEmpty
+ def invalidateOrRemove(root: ClassSymbol) = {
+ allEntries match {
+ case Some(cp) => root setInfo new loaders.PackageLoader(cp)
+ case None => unlink root.sourceModule
+ }
invalidated += root
+ }
+ def packageNames(cp: PlatformClassPath): Set[String] = cp.packages.toSet map getName
+ def subPackage(cp: PlatformClassPath, name: String): OptClassPath =
+ cp.packages find (cp1 => getName(cp1) == name)
+ val classesFound = hasClasses(oldEntries) || hasClasses(newEntries)
+ if (classesFound && !isSystemPackageClass(root)) {
+ invalidateOrRemove(root)
} else {
- if (hasChanged) failed += root
- for ((oldNested, newNested) <- oldPackages zip newPackages) {
- val pkgname =
- val pkg = decl newTermName(pkgname)
- val allNested = (all.packages find ( == pkgname)).get
- reSync(pkg.moduleClass, allNested, oldNested, newNested, invalidated, failed)
+ if (classesFound) {
+ if (root.isRoot) invalidateOrRemove(definitions.EmptyPackageClass)
+ else failed += root
+ }
+ (oldEntries, newEntries) match {
+ case (Some(oldcp) , Some(newcp)) =>
+ for (pstr <- packageNames(oldcp) ++ packageNames(newcp)) {
+ val pname = newTermName(pstr)
+ val pkg = ( decl pname) orElse {
+ // package was created by external agent, create symbol to track it
+ assert(!subPackage(oldcp, pstr).isDefined)
+ loaders.enterPackage(root, pstr, new loaders.PackageLoader(allEntries.get))
+ }
+ reSync(
+ pkg.moduleClass.asInstanceOf[ClassSymbol],
+ subPackage(allEntries.get, pstr), subPackage(oldcp, pstr), subPackage(newcp, pstr),
+ invalidated, failed)
+ }
+ case (Some(oldcp), None) =>
+ invalidateOrRemove(root)
+ case (None, Some(newcp)) =>
+ invalidateOrRemove(root)
+ case (None, None) =>
@@ -931,7 +999,7 @@ class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter) extends Symb
/** Invalidate contents of setting -Yinvalidate */
def doInvalidation() = settings.Yinvalidate.value match {
case "" =>
- case entry => invalidateClassPathEntry(entry)
+ case entry => invalidateClassPathEntries(entry)
// ----------- Runs ---------------------------------------
@@ -953,7 +1021,7 @@ class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter) extends Symb
* @param sym A class symbol, object symbol, package, or package class.
- @deprecated("use invalidateClassPathEntry instead")
+ @deprecated("use invalidateClassPathEntries instead")
def clearOnNextRun(sym: Symbol) = false
/* To try out clearOnNext run on the project itself
* replace `false` above with the following code
@@ -1210,7 +1278,7 @@ class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter) extends Symb
/** Reset all classes contained in current project, as determined by
* the clearOnNextRun hook
- @deprecated("use invalidateClassPathEntry instead")
+ @deprecated("use invalidateClassPathEntries instead")
def resetProjectClasses(root: Symbol): Unit = try {
def unlink(sym: Symbol) =
if (sym != NoSymbol)
@@ -1443,6 +1511,7 @@ class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter) extends Symb
def compileUnits(units: List[CompilationUnit], fromPhase: Phase) {
try compileUnitsInternal(units, fromPhase)
catch { case ex =>
+ // ex.printStackTrace(Console.out) // DEBUG for fsc, note that error stacktraces do not print in fsc
globalError(supplementErrorMessage("uncaught exception during compilation: " + ex.getClass.getName))
throw ex