path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/msil/GenMSIL.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/msil/GenMSIL.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2244 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/msil/GenMSIL.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/msil/GenMSIL.scala
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index 2fb6550239..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/msil/GenMSIL.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2244 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Nikolay Mihaylov
- */
-package backend.msil
-import{File, IOException}
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import ch.epfl.lamp.compiler.msil.{Type => MsilType, _}
-import ch.epfl.lamp.compiler.msil.emit._
-import ch.epfl.lamp.compiler.msil.util.PECustomMod
-import scala.language.postfixOps
-abstract class GenMSIL extends SubComponent {
- import global._
- import loaders.clrTypes
- import clrTypes.{types, constructors, methods, fields}
- import icodes._
- import icodes.opcodes._
- /** Create a new phase */
- override def newPhase(p: Phase) = new MsilPhase(p)
- val phaseName = "msil"
- /** MSIL code generation phase
- */
- class MsilPhase(prev: Phase) extends GlobalPhase(prev) {
- def name = phaseName
- override def newFlags = phaseNewFlags
- override def erasedTypes = true
- override def run() {
- if (settings.debug.value) inform("[running phase " + name + " on icode]")
- val codeGenerator = new BytecodeGenerator
- //classes is ICodes.classes, a HashMap[Symbol, IClass]
- classes.values foreach codeGenerator.findEntryPoint
- if( settings.Xshowcls.isSetByUser && (codeGenerator.entryPoint == null) ) { // TODO introduce dedicated setting instead
- val entryclass = settings.Xshowcls.value.toString
- warning("Couldn't find entry class " + entryclass)
- }
- codeGenerator.initAssembly
- val classesSorted = classes.values.toList.sortBy(c => // simplifies comparing cross-compiler vs. .exe output
- classesSorted foreach codeGenerator.createTypeBuilder
- classesSorted foreach codeGenerator.createClassMembers
- try {
- classesSorted foreach codeGenerator.genClass
- } finally {
- codeGenerator.writeAssembly
- }
- }
- override def apply(unit: CompilationUnit) {
- abort("MSIL works on icode classes, not on compilation units!")
- }
- }
- /**
- * MSIL bytecode generator.
- *
- */
- class BytecodeGenerator {
- val EXCEPTION = clrTypes.getType("System.Exception")
- val MEMBERWISE_CLONE = MOBJECT.GetMethod("MemberwiseClone", MsilType.EmptyTypes)
- val MMONITOR = clrTypes.getType("System.Threading.Monitor")
- val MMONITOR_ENTER = MMONITOR.GetMethod("Enter", Array(MOBJECT))
- val MMONITOR_EXIT = MMONITOR.GetMethod("Exit", Array(MOBJECT))
- val MSTRING_BUILDER = clrTypes.getType("System.Text.StringBuilder")
- val MSTRING_BUILDER_CONSTR = MSTRING_BUILDER.GetConstructor(MsilType.EmptyTypes)
- MsilType.EmptyTypes)
- clrTypes.getType("System.Type").GetMethod("GetTypeFromHandle", Array(clrTypes.getType("System.RuntimeTypeHandle")))
- val INT_PTR = clrTypes.getType("System.IntPtr")
- val SystemConvert = clrTypes.getType("System.Convert")
- val objParam = Array(MOBJECT)
- val toBool: MethodInfo = SystemConvert.GetMethod("ToBoolean", objParam) // see comment in emitUnbox
- val toSByte: MethodInfo = SystemConvert.GetMethod("ToSByte", objParam)
- val toShort: MethodInfo = SystemConvert.GetMethod("ToInt16", objParam)
- val toChar: MethodInfo = SystemConvert.GetMethod("ToChar", objParam)
- val toInt: MethodInfo = SystemConvert.GetMethod("ToInt32", objParam)
- val toLong: MethodInfo = SystemConvert.GetMethod("ToInt64", objParam)
- val toFloat: MethodInfo = SystemConvert.GetMethod("ToSingle", objParam)
- val toDouble: MethodInfo = SystemConvert.GetMethod("ToDouble", objParam)
- //val boxedUnit: FieldInfo = msilType("UNIT")
- val boxedUnit: FieldInfo = fields(definitions.BoxedUnit_UNIT)
- // Scala attributes
- // symtab.Definitions -> object (singleton..)
- val CloneableAttr = definitions.CloneableAttr.tpe
- val TransientAtt = definitions.TransientAttr.tpe
- // remoting: the architectures are too different, no mapping (no portable code
- // possible)
- // java instance methods that are mapped to static methods in .net
- // these will need to be called with OpCodes.Call (not Callvirt)
- val dynToStatMapped = mutable.HashSet[Symbol]()
- initMappings()
- /** Create the mappings between java and .net classes and methods */
- private def initMappings() {
- mapType(definitions.AnyClass, MOBJECT)
- mapType(definitions.AnyRefClass, MOBJECT)
- //mapType(definitions.NullClass, clrTypes.getType("scala.AllRef$"))
- //mapType(definitions.NothingClass, clrTypes.getType("scala.All$"))
- // FIXME: for some reason the upper two lines map to null
- mapType(definitions.NullClass, EXCEPTION)
- mapType(definitions.NothingClass, EXCEPTION)
- mapType(definitions.BooleanClass, MBOOL)
- mapType(definitions.ByteClass, MBYTE)
- mapType(definitions.ShortClass, MSHORT)
- mapType(definitions.CharClass, MCHAR)
- mapType(definitions.IntClass, MINT)
- mapType(definitions.LongClass, MLONG)
- mapType(definitions.FloatClass, MFLOAT)
- mapType(definitions.DoubleClass, MDOUBLE)
- }
- var clasz: IClass = _
- var method: IMethod = _
- var massembly: AssemblyBuilder = _
- var mmodule: ModuleBuilder = _
- var mcode: ILGenerator = _
- var assemName: String = _
- var firstSourceName = ""
- var outDir: File = _
- var srcPath: File = _
- var moduleName: String = _
- def initAssembly() {
- assemName = settings.assemname.value
- if (assemName == "") {
- if (entryPoint != null) {
- assemName = msilName(entryPoint.enclClass)
- // remove the $ at the end (from module-name)
- assemName = assemName.substring(0, assemName.length() - 1)
- } else {
- // assuming filename of first source file
- assert(firstSourceName.endsWith(".scala"), firstSourceName)
- assemName = firstSourceName.substring(0, firstSourceName.length() - 6)
- }
- } else {
- if (assemName.endsWith(".msil"))
- assemName = assemName.substring(0, assemName.length()-5)
- if (assemName.endsWith(".il"))
- assemName = assemName.substring(0, assemName.length()-3)
- val f: File = new File(assemName)
- assemName = f.getName()
- }
- outDir = new File(settings.outdir.value)
- srcPath = new File(settings.sourcedir.value)
- val assemblyName = new AssemblyName()
- assemblyName.Name = assemName
- massembly = AssemblyBuilderFactory.DefineDynamicAssembly(assemblyName)
- moduleName = assemName // + (if (entryPoint == null) ".dll" else ".exe")
- // filename here: .dll or .exe (in both parameters), second: give absolute-path
- mmodule = massembly.DefineDynamicModule(moduleName,
- new File(outDir, moduleName).getAbsolutePath())
- assert (mmodule != null)
- }
- /**
- * Form of the custom Attribute parameter (Ecma-335.pdf)
- * - p. 163 for CustomAttrib Form,
- * - p. 164 for FixedArg Form (Array and Element) (if array or not is known!)
- * !! least significant byte first if values longer than one byte !!
- *
- * 1: Prolog (unsigned int16, value 0x0001) -> symtab[0] = 0x01, symtab[1] = 0x00
- * 2: FixedArgs (directly the data, get number and types from related constructor)
- * 2.1: length of the array (unsigned int32, 4 bytes, least significant first)
- * 2.2: the byte array data
- * 3: NumNamed (unsigned int16, number of named fields and properties, 0x0000)
- */
- def addSymtabAttribute(sym: Symbol, tBuilder: TypeBuilder) {
- def addMarker() {
- val markerSymtab = new Array[Byte](4)
- markerSymtab(0) = 1.toByte
- tBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(SYMTAB_ATTRIBUTE_EMPTY_CONSTRUCTOR, markerSymtab)
- }
- // both conditions are needed (why exactly..?)
- if (tBuilder.Name.endsWith("$") || sym.isModuleClass) {
- addMarker()
- } else {
- currentRun.symData.get(sym) match {
- case Some(pickle) =>
- var size = pickle.writeIndex
- val symtab = new Array[Byte](size + 8)
- symtab(0) = 1.toByte
- for (i <- 2 until 6) {
- symtab(i) = (size & 0xff).toByte
- size = size >> 8
- }
- java.lang.System.arraycopy(pickle.bytes, 0, symtab, 6, pickle.writeIndex)
- tBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(SYMTAB_ATTRIBUTE_CONSTRUCTOR, symtab)
- currentRun.symData -= sym
- currentRun.symData -= sym.companionSymbol
- case _ =>
- addMarker()
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Mutates `member` adding CLR attributes (if any) based on sym.annotations.
- * Please notice that CLR custom modifiers are a different beast (see customModifiers below)
- * and thus shouldn't be added by this method.
- */
- def addAttributes(member: ICustomAttributeSetter, annotations: List[AnnotationInfo]) {
- // val attributes = {
- // case definitions.TransientAttr => null // TODO this is just an example
- // }
- return // TODO: implement at some point
- }
- /**
- * What's a CLR custom modifier? Intro available as source comments in compiler.msil.CustomModifier.
- * It's basically a marker associated with a location (think of FieldInfo, ParameterInfo, and PropertyInfo)
- * and thus that marker (be it optional or required) becomes part of the signature of that location.
- * Some annotations will become CLR attributes (see addAttributes above), others custom modifiers (this method).
- */
- def customModifiers(annotations: List[AnnotationInfo]): Array[CustomModifier] = {
- {
- case definitions.VolatileAttr => new CustomModifier(true, CustomModifier.VolatileMarker)
- } toArray
- }
- /*
- debuglog("creating annotations: " + annotations + " for member : " + member)
- for (annot@ AnnotationInfo(typ, annArgs, nvPairs) <- annotations ;
- if annot.isConstant)
- //!typ.typeSymbol.isJavaDefined
- {
-// assert(consts.length <= 1,
-// "too many constant arguments for annotations; "+consts.toString())
- // Problem / TODO having the symbol of the annotations type would be nicer
- // (i hope that type.typeSymbol is the same as the one in types2create)
- // AND: this will crash if the annotations Type is already compiled (-> not a typeBuilder)
- // when this is solved, types2create will be the same as icodes.classes, thus superfluous
- val annType: TypeBuilder = getType(typ.typeSymbol).asInstanceOf[TypeBuilder]
-// val annType: MsilType = getType(typ.typeSymbol)
- // Problem / TODO: i have no idea which constructor is used. This
- // information should be available in AnnotationInfo.
- annType.CreateType() // else, GetConstructors can't be used
- val constr: ConstructorInfo = annType.GetConstructors()(0)
- // prevent a second call of CreateType, only needed because there's no
- // other way than GetConstructors()(0) to get the constructor, if there's
- // no constructor symbol available.
- val args: Array[Byte] =
- getAttributeArgs(
- annArgs map (_.constant.get),
- (for((n,v) <- nvPairs) yield (n, v.constant.get)))
- member.SetCustomAttribute(constr, args)
- }
- } */
-/* def getAttributeArgs(consts: List[Constant], nvPairs: List[(Name, Constant)]): Array[Byte] = {
- val buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(2048) // FIXME: this may be not enough!
- buf.order(java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)
- buf.putShort(1.toShort) // signature
- def emitSerString(str: String) = {
- // this is wrong, it has to be the length of the UTF-8 byte array, which
- // may be longer (see clr-book on page 302)
-// val length: Int = str.length
- val strBytes: Array[Byte] = try {
- str.getBytes("UTF-8")
- } catch {
- case _: Error => abort("could not get byte-array for string: " + str)
- }
- val length: Int = strBytes.length //this length is stored big-endian
- if (length < 128)
- buf.put(length.toByte)
- else if (length < (1<<14)) {
- buf.put(((length >> 8) | 0x80).toByte) // the bits 14 and 15 of length are '0'
- buf.put((length | 0xff).toByte)
- } else if (length < (1 << 29)) {
- buf.put(((length >> 24) | 0xc0).toByte)
- buf.put(((length >> 16) & 0xff).toByte)
- buf.put(((length >> 8) & 0xff).toByte)
- buf.put(((length ) & 0xff).toByte)
- } else
- abort("string too long for attribute parameter: " + length)
- buf.put(strBytes)
- }
- def emitConst(const: Constant): Unit = const.tag match {
- case BooleanTag => buf.put((if (const.booleanValue) 1 else 0).toByte)
- case ByteTag => buf.put(const.byteValue)
- case ShortTag => buf.putShort(const.shortValue)
- case CharTag => buf.putChar(const.charValue)
- case IntTag => buf.putInt(const.intValue)
- case LongTag => buf.putLong(const.longValue)
- case FloatTag => buf.putFloat(const.floatValue)
- case DoubleTag => buf.putDouble(const.doubleValue)
- case StringTag =>
- val str: String = const.stringValue
- if (str == null) {
- buf.put(0xff.toByte)
- } else {
- emitSerString(str)
- }
- case ArrayTag =>
- val arr: Array[Constant] = const.arrayValue
- if (arr == null) {
- buf.putInt(0xffffffff)
- } else {
- buf.putInt(arr.length)
- arr.foreach(emitConst)
- }
- // TODO: other Tags: NoTag, UnitTag, ClazzTag, EnumTag, ArrayTag ???
- case _ => abort("could not handle attribute argument: " + const)
- }
- consts foreach emitConst
- buf.putShort(nvPairs.length.toShort)
- def emitNamedArg(nvPair: (Name, Constant)) {
- // the named argument is a property of the attribute (it can't be a field, since
- // all fields in scala are private)
- buf.put(0x54.toByte)
- def emitType(c: Constant) = c.tag match { // type of the constant, Ecma-335.pdf, page 151
- case BooleanTag => buf.put(0x02.toByte)
- case ByteTag => buf.put(0x05.toByte)
- case ShortTag => buf.put(0x06.toByte)
- case CharTag => buf.put(0x07.toByte)
- case IntTag => buf.put(0x08.toByte)
- case LongTag => buf.put(0x0a.toByte)
- case FloatTag => buf.put(0x0c.toByte)
- case DoubleTag => buf.put(0x0d.toByte)
- case StringTag => buf.put(0x0e.toByte)
- // TODO: other Tags: NoTag, UnitTag, ClazzTag, EnumTag ???
- // ArrayTag falls in here
- case _ => abort("could not handle attribute argument: " + c)
- }
- val cnst: Constant = nvPair._2
- if (cnst.tag == ArrayTag) {
- buf.put(0x1d.toByte)
- emitType(cnst.arrayValue(0)) // FIXME: will crash if array length = 0
- } else if (cnst.tag == EnumTag) {
- buf.put(0x55.toByte)
- // TODO: put a SerString (don't know what exactly, names of the enums somehow..)
- } else {
- buf.put(0x51.toByte)
- emitType(cnst)
- }
- emitSerString(nvPair._1.toString)
- emitConst(nvPair._2)
- }
- val length = buf.position()
- buf.array().slice(0, length)
- } */
- def writeAssembly() {
- if (entryPoint != null) {
- assert(entryPoint.enclClass.isModuleClass, entryPoint.enclClass)
- val mainMethod = methods(entryPoint)
- val stringArrayTypes: Array[MsilType] = Array(MSTRING_ARRAY)
- val globalMain = mmodule.DefineGlobalMethod(
- "Main", MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static,
- MVOID, stringArrayTypes)
- globalMain.DefineParameter(0, ParameterAttributes.None, "args")
- massembly.SetEntryPoint(globalMain)
- val code = globalMain.GetILGenerator()
- val moduleField = getModuleInstanceField(entryPoint.enclClass)
- code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, moduleField)
- code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0)
- code.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, mainMethod)
- code.Emit(OpCodes.Ret)
- }
- createTypes()
- var outDirName: String = null
- try {
- if (settings.Ygenjavap.isDefault) { // we reuse the JVM-sounding setting because it's conceptually similar
- outDirName = outDir.getPath()
- massembly.Save(outDirName + "\\" + assemName + ".msil") /* use SingleFileILPrinterVisitor */
- } else {
- outDirName = srcPath.getPath()
- massembly.Save(settings.Ygenjavap.value, outDirName) /* use MultipleFilesILPrinterVisitor */
- }
- } catch {
- case e:IOException => abort("Could not write to " + outDirName + ": " + e.getMessage())
- }
- }
- private def createTypes() {
- for (sym <- classes.keys) {
- val iclass = classes(sym)
- val tBuilder = types(sym).asInstanceOf[TypeBuilder]
- debuglog("Calling CreatType for " + sym + ", " + tBuilder.toString)
- tBuilder.CreateType()
- tBuilder.setSourceFilepath(iclass.cunit.source.file.path)
- }
- }
- private[GenMSIL] def ilasmFileName(iclass: IClass) : String = {
- // method.sourceFile contains just the filename
- iclass.cunit.source.file.toString.replace("\\", "\\\\")
- }
- private[GenMSIL] def genClass(iclass: IClass) {
- val sym = iclass.symbol
- debuglog("Generating class " + sym + " flags: " + sym.flagString)
- clasz = iclass
- val tBuilder = getType(sym).asInstanceOf[TypeBuilder]
- if (isCloneable(sym)) {
- // FIXME: why there's no nme.clone_ ?
- // "Clone": if the code is non-portable, "Clone" is defined, not "clone"
- // TODO: improve condition (should override AnyRef.clone)
- if (iclass.methods.forall(m => {
- !(( != "clone" || != "Clone") &&
- m.symbol.tpe.paramTypes.length != 0)
- })) {
- debuglog("auto-generating cloneable method for " + sym)
- val attrs: Short = (MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Virtual |
- MethodAttributes.HideBySig).toShort
- val cloneMethod = tBuilder.DefineMethod("Clone", attrs, MOBJECT,
- MsilType.EmptyTypes)
- val clCode = cloneMethod.GetILGenerator()
- clCode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0)
- clCode.Emit(OpCodes.Call, MEMBERWISE_CLONE)
- clCode.Emit(OpCodes.Ret)
- }
- }
- val line = sym.pos.line
- tBuilder.setPosition(line, ilasmFileName(iclass))
- if (isTopLevelModule(sym)) {
- if (sym.companionClass == NoSymbol)
- generateMirrorClass(sym)
- else
- log("No mirror class for module with linked class: " +
- sym.fullName)
- }
- addSymtabAttribute(sym, tBuilder)
- addAttributes(tBuilder, sym.annotations)
- if (iclass.symbol != definitions.ArrayClass)
- iclass.methods foreach genMethod
- } //genClass
- private def genMethod(m: IMethod) {
- debuglog("Generating method " + m.symbol + " flags: " + m.symbol.flagString +
- " owner: " + m.symbol.owner)
- method = m
- localBuilders.clear
- computeLocalVarsIndex(m)
- if (m.symbol.isClassConstructor) {
- mcode = constructors(m.symbol).asInstanceOf[ConstructorBuilder].GetILGenerator()
- } else {
- val mBuilder = methods(m.symbol).asInstanceOf[MethodBuilder]
- if (!mBuilder.IsAbstract())
- try {
- mcode = mBuilder.GetILGenerator()
- } catch {
- case e: Exception =>
- java.lang.System.out.println("m.symbol = " + m.symbol.flagString + " " + m.symbol)
- java.lang.System.out.println("m.symbol.owner = " + m.symbol.owner.flagString + " " + m.symbol.owner)
- java.lang.System.out.println("mBuilder = " + mBuilder)
- java.lang.System.out.println("mBuilder.DeclaringType = " +
- TypeAttributes.toString(mBuilder.DeclaringType.Attributes) +
- "::" + mBuilder.DeclaringType)
- throw e
- }
- else
- mcode = null
- }
- if (mcode != null) {
- for (local <- m.locals ; if !(m.params contains local)) {
- debuglog("add local var: " + local + ", of kind " + local.kind)
- val t: MsilType = msilType(local.kind)
- val localBuilder = mcode.DeclareLocal(t)
- localBuilder.SetLocalSymInfo(msilName(local.sym))
- localBuilders(local) = localBuilder
- }
- genCode(m)
- }
- }
- /** Special linearizer for methods with at least one exception handler. This
- * linearizer brings all basic blocks in the right order so that nested
- * try-catch and try-finally blocks can be emitted.
- */
- val msilLinearizer = new MSILLinearizer()
- val labels = mutable.HashMap[BasicBlock, Label]()
- /* when emitting .line, it's enough to include the full filename just once per method, thus reducing filesize.
- * this scheme relies on the fact that the entry block is emitted first. */
- var dbFilenameSeen = false
- def genCode(m: IMethod) {
- def makeLabels(blocks: List[BasicBlock]) = {
- debuglog("Making labels for: " + method)
- for (bb <- blocks) labels(bb) = mcode.DefineLabel()
- }
- labels.clear
- var linearization = if(!m.exh.isEmpty) msilLinearizer.linearize(m)
- else linearizer.linearize(m)
- if (!m.exh.isEmpty)
- linearization = computeExceptionMaps(linearization, m)
- makeLabels(linearization)
- // debug val blocksInM = m.code.blocks.toList.sortBy(bb => bb.label)
- // debug val blocksInL = linearization.sortBy(bb => bb.label)
- // debug val MButNotL = (blocksInM.toSet) diff (blocksInL.toSet) // if non-empty, a jump to B fails to find a label for B (case CJUMP, case CZJUMP)
- // debug if(!MButNotL.isEmpty) { }
- dbFilenameSeen = false
- genBlocks(linearization)
- // RETURN inside exception blocks are replaced by Leave. The target of the
- // leave is a `Ret` outside any exception block (generated here).
- if (handlerReturnMethod == m) {
- mcode.MarkLabel(handlerReturnLabel)
- if (handlerReturnKind != UNIT)
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, handlerReturnLocal)
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ret)
- }
- beginExBlock.clear()
- beginCatchBlock.clear()
- endExBlock.clear()
- endFinallyLabels.clear()
- }
- def genBlocks(blocks: List[BasicBlock], previous: BasicBlock = null) {
- blocks match {
- case Nil => ()
- case x :: Nil => genBlock(x, prev = previous, next = null)
- case x :: y :: ys => genBlock(x, prev = previous, next = y); genBlocks(y :: ys, previous = x)
- }
- }
- // the try blocks starting at a certain BasicBlock
- val beginExBlock = mutable.HashMap[BasicBlock, List[ExceptionHandler]]()
- // the catch blocks starting / endling at a certain BasicBlock
- val beginCatchBlock = mutable.HashMap[BasicBlock, ExceptionHandler]()
- val endExBlock = mutable.HashMap[BasicBlock, List[ExceptionHandler]]()
- /** When emitting the code (genBlock), the number of currently active try / catch
- * blocks. When seeing a `RETURN` inside a try / catch, we need to
- * - store the result in a local (if it's not UNIT)
- * - emit `Leave handlerReturnLabel` instead of the Return
- * - emit code at the end: load the local and return its value
- */
- val currentHandlers = new mutable.Stack[ExceptionHandler]
- // The IMethod the Local/Label/Kind below belong to
- var handlerReturnMethod: IMethod = _
- // Stores the result when returning inside an exception block
- var handlerReturnLocal: LocalBuilder = _
- // Label for a return instruction outside any exception block
- var handlerReturnLabel: Label = _
- // The result kind.
- var handlerReturnKind: TypeKind = _
- def returnFromHandler(kind: TypeKind): (LocalBuilder, Label) = {
- if (handlerReturnMethod != method) {
- handlerReturnMethod = method
- if (kind != UNIT) {
- handlerReturnLocal = mcode.DeclareLocal(msilType(kind))
- handlerReturnLocal.SetLocalSymInfo("$handlerReturn")
- }
- handlerReturnLabel = mcode.DefineLabel()
- handlerReturnKind = kind
- }
- (handlerReturnLocal, handlerReturnLabel)
- }
- /** For try/catch nested inside a finally, we can't use `Leave OutsideFinally`, the
- * Leave target has to be inside the finally (and it has to be the `endfinally` instruction).
- * So for every finalizer, we have a label which marks the place of the `endfinally`,
- * nested try/catch blocks will leave there.
- */
- val endFinallyLabels = mutable.HashMap[ExceptionHandler, Label]()
- /** Computes which blocks are the beginning / end of a try or catch block */
- private def computeExceptionMaps(blocks: List[BasicBlock], m: IMethod): List[BasicBlock] = {
- val visitedBlocks = new mutable.HashSet[BasicBlock]()
- // handlers which have not been introduced so far
- var openHandlers = m.exh
- /** Example
- * try {
- * try {
- * // *1*
- * } catch {
- * case h1 =>
- * }
- * } catch {
- * case h2 =>
- * case h3 =>
- * try {
- *
- * } catch {
- * case h4 => // *2*
- * case h5 =>
- * }
- * }
- */
- // Stack of nested try blocks. Each bloc has a List of ExceptionHandler (multiple
- // catch statements). Example *1*: Stack(List(h2, h3), List(h1))
- val currentTryHandlers = new mutable.Stack[List[ExceptionHandler]]()
- // Stack of nested catch blocks. The head of the list is the current catch block. The
- // tail is all following catch blocks. Example *2*: Stack(List(h3), List(h4, h5))
- val currentCatchHandlers = new mutable.Stack[List[ExceptionHandler]]()
- for (b <- blocks) {
- // are we past the current catch blocks?
- def endHandlers(): List[ExceptionHandler] = {
- var res: List[ExceptionHandler] = Nil
- if (!currentCatchHandlers.isEmpty) {
- val handler =
- if (!handler.blocks.contains(b)) {
- // all blocks of the handler are either visited, or not part of the linearization (i.e. dead)
- assert(handler.blocks.forall(b => visitedBlocks.contains(b) || !blocks.contains(b)),
- "Bad linearization of basic blocks inside catch. Found block not part of the handler\n"+
- b.fullString +"\nwhile in catch-part of\n"+ handler)
- val rest = currentCatchHandlers.pop.tail
- if (rest.isEmpty) {
- // all catch blocks of that exception handler are covered
- res = handler :: endHandlers()
- } else {
- // there are more catch blocks for that try (handlers covering the same)
- currentCatchHandlers.push(rest)
- beginCatchBlock(b) = rest.head
- }
- }
- }
- res
- }
- val end = endHandlers()
- if (!end.isEmpty) endExBlock(b) = end
- // are we past the current try block?
- if (!currentTryHandlers.isEmpty) {
- val handler =
- if (!handler.covers(b)) {
- // all of the covered blocks are visited, or not part of the linearization
- assert(handler.covered.forall(b => visitedBlocks.contains(b) || !blocks.contains(b)),
- "Bad linearization of basic blocks inside try. Found non-covered block\n"+
- b.fullString +"\nwhile in try-part of\n"+ handler)
- assert(handler.startBlock == b,
- "Bad linearization of basic blocks. The entry block of a catch does not directly follow the try\n"+
- b.fullString +"\n"+ handler)
- val handlers = currentTryHandlers.pop
- currentCatchHandlers.push(handlers)
- beginCatchBlock(b) = handler
- }
- }
- // are there try blocks starting at b?
- val (newHandlers, stillOpen) = openHandlers.partition(_.covers(b))
- openHandlers = stillOpen
- val newHandlersBySize = newHandlers.groupBy(_.covered.size)
- // big handlers first, smaller ones are nested inside the try of the big one
- // (checked by the assertions below)
- val sizes = newHandlersBySize.keys.toList.sortWith(_ > _)
- val beginHandlers = new mutable.ListBuffer[ExceptionHandler]
- for (s <- sizes) {
- val sHandlers = newHandlersBySize(s)
- for (h <- sHandlers) {
- assert(h.covered == sHandlers.head.covered,
- "bad nesting of exception handlers. same size, but not covering same blocks\n"+
- h +"\n"+ sHandlers.head)
- assert(h.resultKind == sHandlers.head.resultKind,
- "bad nesting of exception handlers. same size, but the same resultKind\n"+
- h +"\n"+ sHandlers.head)
- }
- for (bigger <- beginHandlers; h <- sHandlers) {
- assert(h.covered.subsetOf(bigger.covered),
- "bad nesting of exception handlers. try blocks of smaller handler are not nested in bigger one.\n"+
- h +"\n"+ bigger)
- assert(h.blocks.toSet.subsetOf(bigger.covered),
- "bad nesting of exception handlers. catch blocks of smaller handler are not nested in bigger one.\n"+
- h +"\n"+ bigger)
- }
- beginHandlers += sHandlers.head
- currentTryHandlers.push(sHandlers)
- }
- beginExBlock(b) = beginHandlers.toList
- visitedBlocks += b
- }
- // if there handlers left (i.e. handlers covering nothing, or a
- // non-existent (dead) block), remove their catch-blocks.
- val liveBlocks = if (openHandlers.isEmpty) blocks else {
- blocks.filter(b => openHandlers.forall(h => !h.blocks.contains(b)))
- }
- /** There might be open handlers, but no more blocks. happens when try/catch end
- * with `throw` or `return`
- * def foo() { try { .. throw } catch { _ => .. throw } }
- *
- * In this case we need some code after the catch block for the auto-generated
- * `leave` instruction. So we're adding a (dead) `throw new Exception`.
- */
- val rest = => {
- assert(handlers.length == 1, handlers)
- handlers.head
- }).toList
- if (rest.isEmpty) {
- liveBlocks
- } else {
- val b = m.code.newBlock
- b.emit(Seq(
- NEW(REFERENCE(definitions.ThrowableClass)),
- DUP(REFERENCE(definitions.ObjectClass)),
- CALL_METHOD(definitions.ThrowableClass.primaryConstructor, Static(true)),
- THROW(definitions.ThrowableClass)
- ))
- b.close
- endExBlock(b) = rest
- liveBlocks ::: List(b)
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param block the BasicBlock to emit code for
- * @param next the following BasicBlock, `null` if `block` is the last one
- */
- def genBlock(block: BasicBlock, prev: BasicBlock, next: BasicBlock) {
- def loadLocalOrAddress(local: Local, msg : String , loadAddr : Boolean) {
- debuglog(msg + " for " + local)
- val isArg = local.arg
- val i = local.index
- if (isArg)
- loadArg(mcode, loadAddr)(i)
- else
- loadLocal(i, local, mcode, loadAddr)
- }
- def loadFieldOrAddress(field: Symbol, isStatic: Boolean, msg: String, loadAddr : Boolean) {
- debuglog(msg + " with owner: " + field.owner +
- " flags: " + field.owner.flagString)
- val fieldInfo = fields.get(field) match {
- case Some(fInfo) => fInfo
- case None =>
- val fInfo = getType(field.owner).GetField(msilName(field))
- fields(field) = fInfo
- fInfo
- }
- if (fieldInfo.IsVolatile) {
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Volatile)
- }
- if (!fieldInfo.IsLiteral) {
- if (loadAddr) {
- mcode.Emit(if (isStatic) OpCodes.Ldsflda else OpCodes.Ldflda, fieldInfo)
- } else {
- mcode.Emit(if (isStatic) OpCodes.Ldsfld else OpCodes.Ldfld, fieldInfo)
- }
- } else {
- assert(!loadAddr, "can't take AddressOf a literal field (not even with readonly. prefix) because no memory was allocated to such field ...")
- // TODO the above can be overcome by loading the value, boxing, and finally unboxing. An address to a copy of the raw value will be on the stack.
- /* We perform `field inlining' as required by CLR.
- * Emit as for a CONSTANT ICode stmt, with the twist that the constant value is available
- * as a java.lang.Object and its .NET type allows constant initialization in CLR, i.e. that type
- * is one of I1, I2, I4, I8, R4, R8, CHAR, BOOLEAN, STRING, or CLASS (in this last case,
- * only accepting nullref as value). See Table 9-1 in Lidin's book on ILAsm. */
- val value = fieldInfo.getValue()
- if (value == null) {
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldnull)
- } else {
- val typ = if (fieldInfo.FieldType.IsEnum) fieldInfo.FieldType.getUnderlyingType
- else fieldInfo.FieldType
- if (typ == clrTypes.STRING) {
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, value.asInstanceOf[String])
- } else if (typ == clrTypes.BOOLEAN) {
- mcode.Emit(if (value.asInstanceOf[Boolean]) OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1
- else OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0)
- } else if (typ == clrTypes.BYTE || typ == clrTypes.UBYTE) {
- loadI4(value.asInstanceOf[Byte], mcode)
- } else if (typ == clrTypes.SHORT || typ == clrTypes.USHORT) {
- loadI4(value.asInstanceOf[Int], mcode)
- } else if (typ == clrTypes.CHAR) {
- loadI4(value.asInstanceOf[Char], mcode)
- } else if (typ == clrTypes.INT || typ == clrTypes.UINT) {
- loadI4(value.asInstanceOf[Int], mcode)
- } else if (typ == clrTypes.LONG || typ == clrTypes.ULONG) {
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I8, value.asInstanceOf[Long])
- } else if (typ == clrTypes.FLOAT) {
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_R4, value.asInstanceOf[Float])
- } else if (typ == clrTypes.DOUBLE) {
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_R8, value.asInstanceOf[Double])
- } else {
- /* TODO one more case is described in Partition II, 16.2: bytearray(...) */
- abort("Unknown type for static literal field: " + fieldInfo)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /** Creating objects works differently on .NET. On the JVM
- * - NEW(type) => reference on Stack
- * - DUP, load arguments, CALL_METHOD(constructor)
- *
- * On .NET, the NEW and DUP are ignored, but we emit a special method call
- * - load arguments
- * - NewObj(constructor) => reference on stack
- *
- * This variable tells whether the previous instruction was a NEW,
- * we expect a DUP which is not emitted. */
- var previousWasNEW = false
- var lastLineNr: Int = 0
- var lastPos: Position = NoPosition
- // EndExceptionBlock must happen before MarkLabel because it adds the
- // Leave instruction. Otherwise, labels(block) points to the Leave
- // (inside the catch) instead of the instruction afterwards.
- for (handlers <- endExBlock.get(block); exh <- handlers) {
- currentHandlers.pop()
- for (l <- endFinallyLabels.get(exh))
- mcode.MarkLabel(l)
- mcode.EndExceptionBlock()
- }
- mcode.MarkLabel(labels(block))
- debuglog("Generating code for block: " + block)
- for (handler <- beginCatchBlock.get(block)) {
- if (!currentHandlers.isEmpty && == handler.covered) {
- currentHandlers.pop()
- currentHandlers.push(handler)
- }
- if (handler.cls == NoSymbol) {
- // `finally` blocks are represented the same as `catch`, but with no catch-type
- mcode.BeginFinallyBlock()
- } else {
- val t = getType(handler.cls)
- mcode.BeginCatchBlock(t)
- }
- }
- for (handlers <- beginExBlock.get(block); exh <- handlers) {
- currentHandlers.push(exh)
- mcode.BeginExceptionBlock()
- }
- for (instr <- block) {
- try {
- val currentLineNr = instr.pos.line
- val skip = if(instr.pos.isRange) instr.pos.sameRange(lastPos) else (currentLineNr == lastLineNr);
- if(!skip || !dbFilenameSeen) {
- val fileName = if(dbFilenameSeen) "" else {dbFilenameSeen = true; ilasmFileName(clasz)};
- if(instr.pos.isRange) {
- val startLine = instr.pos.focusStart.line
- val endLine = instr.pos.focusEnd.line
- val startCol = instr.pos.focusStart.column
- val endCol = instr.pos.focusEnd.column
- mcode.setPosition(startLine, endLine, startCol, endCol, fileName)
- } else {
- mcode.setPosition(instr.pos.line, fileName)
- }
- lastLineNr = currentLineNr
- lastPos = instr.pos
- }
- } catch { case _: UnsupportedOperationException => () }
- if (previousWasNEW)
- assert(instr.isInstanceOf[DUP], block)
- instr match {
- case THIS(clasz) =>
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0)
- case CONSTANT(const) =>
- const.tag match {
- case UnitTag => ()
- case BooleanTag => mcode.Emit(if (const.booleanValue) OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1
- else OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0)
- case ByteTag => loadI4(const.byteValue, mcode)
- case ShortTag => loadI4(const.shortValue, mcode)
- case CharTag => loadI4(const.charValue, mcode)
- case IntTag => loadI4(const.intValue, mcode)
- case LongTag => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I8, const.longValue)
- case FloatTag => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_R4, const.floatValue)
- case DoubleTag => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_R8, const.doubleValue)
- case StringTag => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, const.stringValue)
- case NullTag => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldnull)
- case ClazzTag =>
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldtoken, msilType(const.typeValue))
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Call, TYPE_FROM_HANDLE)
- case _ => abort("Unknown constant value: " + const)
- }
- case LOAD_ARRAY_ITEM(kind) =>
- (kind: @unchecked) match {
- case BOOL => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldelem_I1)
- case BYTE => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldelem_I1) // I1 for System.SByte, i.e. a scala.Byte
- case SHORT => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldelem_I2)
- case CHAR => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldelem_U2)
- case INT => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldelem_I4)
- case LONG => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldelem_I8)
- case FLOAT => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldelem_R4)
- case DOUBLE => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldelem_R8)
- case REFERENCE(cls) => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldelem_Ref)
- case ARRAY(elem) => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldelem_Ref)
- // case UNIT is not possible: an Array[Unit] will be an
- // Array[scala.runtime.BoxedUnit] (-> case REFERENCE)
- }
- case LOAD_LOCAL(local) => loadLocalOrAddress(local, "load_local", false)
- case CIL_LOAD_LOCAL_ADDRESS(local) => loadLocalOrAddress(local, "cil_load_local_address", true)
- case LOAD_FIELD(field, isStatic) => loadFieldOrAddress(field, isStatic, "load_field", false)
- case CIL_LOAD_FIELD_ADDRESS(field, isStatic) => loadFieldOrAddress(field, isStatic, "cil_load_field_address", true)
- case CIL_LOAD_ARRAY_ITEM_ADDRESS(kind) => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldelema, msilType(kind))
- case CIL_NEWOBJ(msym) =>
- assert(msym.isClassConstructor)
- val constructorInfo: ConstructorInfo = getConstructor(msym)
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, constructorInfo)
- case LOAD_MODULE(module) =>
- debuglog("Generating LOAD_MODULE for: " + showsym(module))
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, getModuleInstanceField(module))
- case STORE_ARRAY_ITEM(kind) =>
- (kind: @unchecked) match {
- case BOOL => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Stelem_I1)
- case BYTE => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Stelem_I1)
- case SHORT => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Stelem_I2)
- case CHAR => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Stelem_I2)
- case INT => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Stelem_I4)
- case LONG => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Stelem_I8)
- case FLOAT => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Stelem_R4)
- case DOUBLE => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Stelem_R8)
- case REFERENCE(cls) => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Stelem_Ref)
- case ARRAY(elem) => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Stelem_Ref) // @TODO: test this! (occurs when calling a Array[Object]* vararg param method)
- // case UNIT not possible (see comment at LOAD_ARRAY_ITEM)
- }
- case STORE_LOCAL(local) =>
- val isArg = local.arg
- val i = local.index
- debuglog("store_local for " + local + ", index " + i)
- // there are some locals defined by the compiler that
- // are isArg and are need to be stored.
- if (isArg) {
- if (i >= -128 && i <= 127)
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Starg_S, i)
- else
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Starg, i)
- } else {
- i match {
- case 0 => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_0)
- case 1 => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_1)
- case 2 => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_2)
- case 3 => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_3)
- case _ =>
- if (i >= -128 && i <= 127)
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, localBuilders(local))
- else
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, localBuilders(local))
- }
- }
- case STORE_THIS(_) =>
- // this only works for impl classes because the self parameter comes first
- // in the method signature. If that changes, this code has to be revisited.
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Starg_S, 0)
- case STORE_FIELD(field, isStatic) =>
- val fieldInfo = fields.get(field) match {
- case Some(fInfo) => fInfo
- case None =>
- val fInfo = getType(field.owner).GetField(msilName(field))
- fields(field) = fInfo
- fInfo
- }
- mcode.Emit(if (isStatic) OpCodes.Stsfld else OpCodes.Stfld, fieldInfo)
- case CALL_PRIMITIVE(primitive) =>
- genPrimitive(primitive, instr.pos)
- case CALL_METHOD(msym, style) =>
- if (msym.isClassConstructor) {
- val constructorInfo: ConstructorInfo = getConstructor(msym)
- (style: @unchecked) match {
- // normal constructor calls are Static..
- case Static(_) =>
- if (method.symbol.isClassConstructor && method.symbol.owner == msym.owner)
- // we're generating a constructor (method: IMethod is a constructor), and we're
- // calling another constructor of the same class.
- // @LUC TODO: this can probably break, namely when having: class A { def this() { new A() } }
- // instead, we should instruct the CALL_METHOD with additional information, know whether it's
- // an instance creation constructor call or not.
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Call, constructorInfo)
- else
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, constructorInfo)
- case SuperCall(_) =>
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Call, constructorInfo)
- if (isStaticModule(clasz.symbol) &&
- notInitializedModules.contains(clasz.symbol) &&
- method.symbol.isClassConstructor)
- {
- notInitializedModules -= clasz.symbol
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0)
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Stsfld, getModuleInstanceField(clasz.symbol))
- }
- }
- } else {
- var doEmit = true
- getTypeOpt(msym.owner) match {
- case Some(typ) if (typ.IsEnum) => {
- def negBool() = {
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0)
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ceq)
- }
- doEmit = false
- val name =
- if (name eq nme.EQ) { mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ceq) }
- else if (name eq nme.NE) { mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ceq); negBool }
- else if (name eq nme.LT) { mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Clt) }
- else if (name eq nme.LE) { mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Cgt); negBool }
- else if (name eq nme.GT) { mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Cgt) }
- else if (name eq nme.GE) { mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Clt); negBool }
- else if (name eq nme.OR) { mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Or) }
- else if (name eq nme.AND) { mcode.Emit(OpCodes.And) }
- else if (name eq nme.XOR) { mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Xor) }
- else
- doEmit = true
- }
- case _ => ()
- }
- // method: implicit view(FunctionX[PType0, PType1, ...,PTypeN, ResType]):DelegateType
- val (isDelegateView, paramType, resType) = enteringTyper {
- msym.tpe match {
- case MethodType(params, resultType)
- if (params.length == 1 && == nme.view_) =>
- val paramType = params(0).tpe
- val isDel = definitions.isCorrespondingDelegate(resultType, paramType)
- (isDel, paramType, resultType)
- case _ => (false, null, null)
- }
- }
- if (doEmit && isDelegateView) {
- doEmit = false
- createDelegateCaller(paramType, resType)
- }
- if (doEmit &&
- ( == nme.PLUS || == nme.MINUS)
- && clrTypes.isDelegateType(msilType(msym.owner.tpe)))
- {
- doEmit = false
- val methodInfo: MethodInfo = getMethod(msym)
- // call it as a static method, even if the compiler (symbol) thinks it's virtual
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Call, methodInfo)
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, msilType(msym.owner.tpe))
- }
- if (doEmit && definitions.Delegate_scalaCallers.contains(msym)) {
- doEmit = false
- val methodSym: Symbol = definitions.Delegate_scalaCallerTargets(msym)
- val delegateType: Type = msym.tpe match {
- case MethodType(_, retType) => retType
- case _ => abort("not a method type: " + msym.tpe)
- }
- val methodInfo: MethodInfo = getMethod(methodSym)
- val delegCtor = msilType(delegateType).GetConstructor(Array(MOBJECT, INT_PTR))
- if (methodSym.isStatic) {
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldftn, methodInfo)
- } else {
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Dup)
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldvirtftn, methodInfo)
- }
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, delegCtor)
- }
- if (doEmit) {
- val methodInfo: MethodInfo = getMethod(msym)
- (style: @unchecked) match {
- case SuperCall(_) =>
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Call, methodInfo)
- case Dynamic =>
- // methodInfo.DeclaringType is null for global methods
- val isValuetypeMethod = (methodInfo.DeclaringType ne null) && (methodInfo.DeclaringType.IsValueType)
- val isValuetypeVirtualMethod = isValuetypeMethod && (methodInfo.IsVirtual)
- if (dynToStatMapped(msym)) {
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Call, methodInfo)
- } else if (isValuetypeVirtualMethod) {
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Constrained, methodInfo.DeclaringType)
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, methodInfo)
- } else if (isValuetypeMethod) {
- // otherwise error "Callvirt on a value type method" ensues
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Call, methodInfo)
- } else {
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, methodInfo)
- }
- case Static(_) =>
- if(methodInfo.IsVirtual && !mcode.Ldarg0WasJustEmitted) {
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, methodInfo)
- } else mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Call, methodInfo)
- }
- }
- }
- case BOX(boxType) =>
- emitBox(mcode, boxType)
- case UNBOX(boxType) =>
- emitUnbox(mcode, boxType)
- case CIL_UNBOX(boxType) =>
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox, msilType(boxType))
- case CIL_INITOBJ(valueType) =>
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Initobj, msilType(valueType))
- case NEW(REFERENCE(cls)) =>
- // the next instruction must be a DUP, see comment on `var previousWasNEW`
- previousWasNEW = true
- // works also for arrays and reference-types
- case CREATE_ARRAY(elem, dims) =>
- // TODO: handle multi dimensional arrays
- assert(dims == 1, "Can't handle multi dimensional arrays")
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Newarr, msilType(elem))
- // works for arrays and reference-types
- case IS_INSTANCE(tpe) =>
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Isinst, msilType(tpe))
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldnull)
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ceq)
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0)
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ceq)
- // works for arrays and reference-types
- // part from the scala reference: "S <: T does not imply
- // Array[S] <: Array[T] in Scala. However, it is possible
- // to cast an array of S to an array of T if such a cast
- // is permitted in the host environment."
- case CHECK_CAST(tpknd) =>
- val tMSIL = msilType(tpknd)
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, tMSIL)
- // no SWITCH is generated when there's
- // - a default case ("case _ => ...") in the matching expr
- // - OR is used ("case 1 | 2 => ...")
- case SWITCH(tags, branches) =>
- // tags is List[List[Int]]; a list of integers for every label.
- // if the int on stack is 4, and 4 is in the second list => jump
- // to second label
- // branches is List[BasicBlock]
- // the labels to jump to (the last one is the default one)
- val switchLocal = mcode.DeclareLocal(MINT)
- // several switch variables will appear with the same name in the
- // assembly code, but this makes no truble
- switchLocal.SetLocalSymInfo("$switch_var")
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, switchLocal)
- var i = 0
- for (l <- tags) {
- val targetLabel = labels(branches(i))
- for (i <- l) {
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, switchLocal)
- loadI4(i, mcode)
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Beq, targetLabel)
- }
- i += 1
- }
- val defaultTarget = labels(branches(i))
- if (next != branches(i))
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Br, defaultTarget)
- case JUMP(whereto) =>
- val (leaveHandler, leaveFinally, lfTarget) = leavesHandler(block, whereto)
- if (leaveHandler) {
- if (leaveFinally) {
- if (lfTarget.isDefined) mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Leave, lfTarget.get)
- else mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Endfinally)
- } else
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Leave, labels(whereto))
- } else if (next != whereto)
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Br, labels(whereto))
- case CJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) =>
- // cond is TestOp (see Primitives.scala), and can take
- // values EQ, NE, LT, GE LE, GT
- // kind is TypeKind
- val isFloat = kind == FLOAT || kind == DOUBLE
- val emit = (c: TestOp, l: Label) => emitBr(c, l, isFloat)
- emitCondBr(block, cond, success, failure, next, emit)
- case CZJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) =>
- emitCondBr(block, cond, success, failure, next, emitBrBool(_, _))
- case RETURN(kind) =>
- if (currentHandlers.isEmpty)
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ret)
- else {
- val (local, label) = returnFromHandler(kind)
- if (kind != UNIT)
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, local)
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Leave, label)
- }
- case THROW(_) =>
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Throw)
- case DROP(kind) =>
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Pop)
- case DUP(kind) =>
- // see comment on `var previousWasNEW`
- if (!previousWasNEW)
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Dup)
- else
- previousWasNEW = false
- case MONITOR_ENTER() =>
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Call, MMONITOR_ENTER)
- case MONITOR_EXIT() =>
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Call, MMONITOR_EXIT)
- ()
- }
- } // end for (instr <- b) { .. }
- } // end genBlock
- def genPrimitive(primitive: Primitive, pos: Position) {
- primitive match {
- case Negation(kind) =>
- kind match {
- // CHECK: is ist possible to get this for BOOL? in this case, verify.
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Neg)
- case _ => abort("Impossible to negate a " + kind)
- }
- case Arithmetic(op, kind) =>
- op match {
- case ADD => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Add)
- case SUB => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Sub)
- case MUL => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Mul)
- case DIV => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Div)
- case REM => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Rem)
- case NOT => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Not) //bitwise complement (one's complement)
- case _ => abort("Unknown arithmetic primitive " + primitive )
- }
- case Logical(op, kind) => op match {
- case AND => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.And)
- case OR => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Or)
- case XOR => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Xor)
- }
- case Shift(op, kind) => op match {
- case LSL => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Shl)
- case ASR => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Shr)
- case LSR => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Shr_Un)
- }
- case Conversion(src, dst) =>
- debuglog("Converting from: " + src + " to: " + dst)
- dst match {
- case BYTE => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Conv_I1) // I1 for System.SByte, i.e. a scala.Byte
- case SHORT => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Conv_I2)
- case CHAR => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Conv_U2)
- case INT => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Conv_I4)
- case LONG => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Conv_I8)
- case FLOAT => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Conv_R4)
- case DOUBLE => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Conv_R8)
- case _ =>
- Console.println("Illegal conversion at: " + clasz +
- " at: " + pos.source + ":" + pos.line)
- }
- case ArrayLength(_) =>
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldlen)
- case StartConcat =>
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, MSTRING_BUILDER_CONSTR)
- case StringConcat(el) =>
- val elemType : MsilType = el match {
- case _ => msilType(el)
- }
- val argTypes:Array[MsilType] = Array(elemType)
- val stringBuilderAppend = MSTRING_BUILDER.GetMethod("Append", argTypes )
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, stringBuilderAppend)
- case EndConcat =>
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, MSTRING_BUILDER_TOSTRING)
- case _ =>
- abort("Unimplemented primitive " + primitive)
- }
- } // end genPrimitive
- ////////////////////// loading ///////////////////////
- def loadI4(value: Int, code: ILGenerator): Unit = value match {
- case -1 => code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_M1)
- case 0 => code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0)
- case 1 => code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1)
- case 2 => code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_2)
- case 3 => code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_3)
- case 4 => code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_4)
- case 5 => code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_5)
- case 6 => code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_6)
- case 7 => code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_7)
- case 8 => code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_8)
- case _ =>
- if (value >= -128 && value <= 127)
- code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_S, value)
- else
- code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, value)
- }
- def loadArg(code: ILGenerator, loadAddr: Boolean)(i: Int) =
- if (loadAddr) {
- if (i >= -128 && i <= 127)
- code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarga_S, i)
- else
- code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarga, i)
- } else {
- i match {
- case 0 => code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0)
- case 1 => code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1)
- case 2 => code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_2)
- case 3 => code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_3)
- case _ =>
- if (i >= -128 && i <= 127)
- code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_S, i)
- else
- code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, i)
- }
- }
- def loadLocal(i: Int, local: Local, code: ILGenerator, loadAddr: Boolean) =
- if (loadAddr) {
- if (i >= -128 && i <= 127)
- code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloca_S, localBuilders(local))
- else
- code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloca, localBuilders(local))
- } else {
- i match {
- case 0 => code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0)
- case 1 => code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_1)
- case 2 => code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_2)
- case 3 => code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_3)
- case _ =>
- if (i >= -128 && i <= 127)
- code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, localBuilders(local))
- else
- code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, localBuilders(local))
- }
- }
- ////////////////////// branches ///////////////////////
- /** Returns a Triple (Boolean, Boolean, Option[Label])
- * - whether the jump leaves some exception block (try / catch / finally)
- * - whether it leaves a finally handler (finally block, but not it's try / catch)
- * - a label where to jump for leaving the finally handler
- * . None to leave directly using `endfinally`
- * . Some(label) to emit `leave label` (for try / catch inside a finally handler)
- */
- def leavesHandler(from: BasicBlock, to: BasicBlock): (Boolean, Boolean, Option[Label]) =
- if (currentHandlers.isEmpty) (false, false, None)
- else {
- val h = currentHandlers.head
- val leaveHead = { h.covers(from) != h.covers(to) ||
- h.blocks.contains(from) != h.blocks.contains(to) }
- if (leaveHead) {
- // we leave the innermost exception block.
- // find out if we also leave som e `finally` handler
- currentHandlers.find(e => {
- e.cls == NoSymbol && e.blocks.contains(from) != e.blocks.contains(to)
- }) match {
- case Some(finallyHandler) =>
- if (h == finallyHandler) {
- // the finally handler is the innermost, so we can emit `endfinally` directly
- (true, true, None)
- } else {
- // we need to `Leave` to the `endfinally` of the next outer finally handler
- val l = endFinallyLabels.getOrElseUpdate(finallyHandler, mcode.DefineLabel())
- (true, true, Some(l))
- }
- case None =>
- (true, false, None)
- }
- } else (false, false, None)
- }
- def emitCondBr(block: BasicBlock, cond: TestOp, success: BasicBlock, failure: BasicBlock,
- next: BasicBlock, emitBrFun: (TestOp, Label) => Unit) {
- val (sLeaveHandler, sLeaveFinally, slfTarget) = leavesHandler(block, success)
- val (fLeaveHandler, fLeaveFinally, flfTarget) = leavesHandler(block, failure)
- if (sLeaveHandler || fLeaveHandler) {
- val sLabelOpt = if (sLeaveHandler) {
- val leaveSLabel = mcode.DefineLabel()
- emitBrFun(cond, leaveSLabel)
- Some(leaveSLabel)
- } else {
- emitBrFun(cond, labels(success))
- None
- }
- if (fLeaveHandler) {
- if (fLeaveFinally) {
- if (flfTarget.isDefined) mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Leave, flfTarget.get)
- else mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Endfinally)
- } else
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Leave, labels(failure))
- } else
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Br, labels(failure))
- => {
- mcode.MarkLabel(l)
- if (sLeaveFinally) {
- if (slfTarget.isDefined) mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Leave, slfTarget.get)
- else mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Endfinally)
- } else
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Leave, labels(success))
- })
- } else {
- if (next == success) {
- emitBrFun(cond.negate, labels(failure))
- } else {
- emitBrFun(cond, labels(success))
- if (next != failure) {
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Br, labels(failure))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- def emitBr(condition: TestOp, dest: Label, isFloat: Boolean) {
- condition match {
- case EQ => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Beq, dest)
- case NE => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Bne_Un, dest)
- case LT => mcode.Emit(if (isFloat) OpCodes.Blt_Un else OpCodes.Blt, dest)
- case GE => mcode.Emit(if (isFloat) OpCodes.Bge_Un else OpCodes.Bge, dest)
- case LE => mcode.Emit(if (isFloat) OpCodes.Ble_Un else OpCodes.Ble, dest)
- case GT => mcode.Emit(if (isFloat) OpCodes.Bgt_Un else OpCodes.Bgt, dest)
- }
- }
- def emitBrBool(cond: TestOp, dest: Label) {
- (cond: @unchecked) match {
- // EQ -> Brfalse, NE -> Brtrue; this is because we come from
- // a CZJUMP. If the value on the stack is 0 (e.g. a boolean
- // method returned false), and we are in the case EQ, then
- // we need to emit Brfalse (EQ Zero means false). vice versa
- case EQ => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, dest)
- case NE => mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Brtrue, dest)
- }
- }
- ////////////////////// local vars ///////////////////////
- /**
- * Compute the indexes of each local variable of the given
- * method.
- */
- def computeLocalVarsIndex(m: IMethod) {
- var idx = if (m.symbol.isStaticMember) 0 else 1
- val params = m.params
- for (l <- params) {
- debuglog("Index value for parameter " + l + ": " + idx)
- l.index = idx
- idx += 1 // sizeOf(l.kind)
- }
- val locvars = m.locals filterNot (params contains)
- idx = 0
- for (l <- locvars) {
- debuglog("Index value for local variable " + l + ": " + idx)
- l.index = idx
- idx += 1 // sizeOf(l.kind)
- }
- }
- ////////////////////// Utilities ////////////////////////
- /** Return the a name of this symbol that can be used on the .NET
- * platform. It removes spaces from names.
- *
- * Special handling: scala.All and scala.AllRef are 'erased' to
- * scala.All$ and scala.AllRef$. This is needed because they are
- * not real classes, and they mean 'abrupt termination upon evaluation
- * of that expression' or 'null' respectively. This handling is
- * done already in GenICode, but here we need to remove references
- * from method signatures to these types, because such classes can
- * not exist in the classpath: the type checker will be very confused.
- */
- def msilName(sym: Symbol): String = {
- val suffix = sym.moduleSuffix
- // Flags.JAVA: "symbol was not defined by a scala-class" (java, or .net-class)
- if (sym == definitions.NothingClass)
- return "scala.runtime.Nothing$"
- else if (sym == definitions.NullClass)
- return "scala.runtime.Null$"
- (if (sym.isClass || (sym.isModule && !sym.isMethod)) {
- if (sym.isNestedClass) sym.simpleName
- else sym.fullName
- } else
- sym.simpleName.toString.trim()) + suffix
- }
- ////////////////////// flags ///////////////////////
- def msilTypeFlags(sym: Symbol): Int = {
- var mf: Int = TypeAttributes.AutoLayout | TypeAttributes.AnsiClass
- if(sym.isNestedClass) {
- mf = mf | (if (sym hasFlag Flags.PRIVATE) TypeAttributes.NestedPrivate else TypeAttributes.NestedPublic)
- } else {
- mf = mf | (if (sym hasFlag Flags.PRIVATE) TypeAttributes.NotPublic else TypeAttributes.Public)
- }
- mf = mf | (if (sym hasFlag Flags.ABSTRACT) TypeAttributes.Abstract else 0)
- mf = mf | (if (sym.isTrait && !sym.isImplClass) TypeAttributes.Interface else TypeAttributes.Class)
- mf = mf | (if (sym isFinal) TypeAttributes.Sealed else 0)
- mf
- // static: not possible (or?)
- }
- def msilMethodFlags(sym: Symbol): Short = {
- var mf: Int = MethodAttributes.HideBySig |
- (if (sym hasFlag Flags.PRIVATE) MethodAttributes.Private
- else MethodAttributes.Public)
- if (!sym.isClassConstructor) {
- if (sym.isStaticMember)
- mf = mf | FieldAttributes.Static // coincidentally, same value as for MethodAttributes.Static ...
- else {
- mf = mf | MethodAttributes.Virtual
- if (sym.isFinal && !getType(sym.owner).IsInterface)
- mf = mf | MethodAttributes.Final
- if (sym.isDeferred || getType(sym.owner).IsInterface)
- mf = mf | MethodAttributes.Abstract
- }
- }
- if (sym.isStaticMember) {
- mf = mf | MethodAttributes.Static
- }
- // constructors of module classes should be private
- if (sym.isPrimaryConstructor && isTopLevelModule(sym.owner)) {
- mf |= MethodAttributes.Private
- mf &= ~(MethodAttributes.Public)
- }
- mf.toShort
- }
- def msilFieldFlags(sym: Symbol): Short = {
- var mf: Int =
- if (sym hasFlag Flags.PRIVATE) FieldAttributes.Private
- else if (sym hasFlag Flags.PROTECTED) FieldAttributes.FamORAssem
- else FieldAttributes.Public
- if (sym hasFlag Flags.FINAL)
- mf = mf | FieldAttributes.InitOnly
- if (sym.isStaticMember)
- mf = mf | FieldAttributes.Static
- // TRANSIENT: "not serialized", VOLATILE: doesn't exist on .net
- // TODO: add this annotation also if the class has the custom attribute
- // System.NotSerializedAttribute
- sym.annotations.foreach( a => a match {
- case AnnotationInfo(TransientAtt, _, _) =>
- mf = mf | FieldAttributes.NotSerialized
- case _ => ()
- })
- mf.toShort
- }
- ////////////////////// builders, types ///////////////////////
- var entryPoint: Symbol = _
- val notInitializedModules = mutable.HashSet[Symbol]()
- // TODO: create fields also in def createType, and not in genClass,
- // add a getField method (it only works as it is because fields never
- // accessed from outside a class)
- val localBuilders = mutable.HashMap[Local, LocalBuilder]()
- private[GenMSIL] def findEntryPoint(cls: IClass) {
- def isEntryPoint(sym: Symbol):Boolean = {
- if (isStaticModule(sym.owner) && msilName(sym) == "main")
- if (sym.tpe.paramTypes.length == 1) {
- toTypeKind(sym.tpe.paramTypes(0)) match {
- case ARRAY(elem) =>
- if (elem.toType.typeSymbol == definitions.StringClass) {
- return true
- }
- case _ => ()
- }
- }
- false
- }
- if((entryPoint == null) && settings.Xshowcls.isSetByUser) { // TODO introduce dedicated setting instead
- val entryclass = settings.Xshowcls.value.toString
- val cfn = cls.symbol.fullName
- if(cfn == entryclass) {
- for (m <- cls.methods; if isEntryPoint(m.symbol)) { entryPoint = m.symbol }
- if(entryPoint == null) { warning("Couldn't find main method in class " + cfn) }
- }
- }
- if (firstSourceName == "")
- if (cls.symbol.sourceFile != null) // is null for nested classes
- firstSourceName =
- }
- // #####################################################################
- // get and create types
- private def msilType(t: TypeKind): MsilType = (t: @unchecked) match {
- case UNIT => MVOID
- case BOOL => MBOOL
- case BYTE => MBYTE
- case SHORT => MSHORT
- case CHAR => MCHAR
- case INT => MINT
- case LONG => MLONG
- case FLOAT => MFLOAT
- case REFERENCE(cls) => getType(cls)
- case ARRAY(elem) =>
- msilType(elem) match {
- // For type builders, cannot call "clrTypes.mkArrayType" because this looks up
- // the type "tp" in the assembly (not in the HashMap "types" of the backend).
- // This can fail for nested types because the builders are not complete yet.
- case tb: TypeBuilder => tb.MakeArrayType()
- case tp: MsilType => clrTypes.mkArrayType(tp)
- }
- }
- private def msilType(tpe: Type): MsilType = msilType(toTypeKind(tpe))
- private def msilParamTypes(sym: Symbol): Array[MsilType] = {
- }
- def getType(sym: Symbol) = getTypeOpt(sym).getOrElse(abort(showsym(sym)))
- /**
- * Get an MSIL type from a symbol. First look in the clrTypes.types map, then
- * lookup the name using clrTypes.getType
- */
- def getTypeOpt(sym: Symbol): Option[MsilType] = {
- val tmp = types.get(sym)
- tmp match {
- case typ @ Some(_) => typ
- case None =>
- def typeString(sym: Symbol): String = {
- val s = if (sym.isNestedClass) typeString(sym.owner) +"+"+ sym.simpleName
- else sym.fullName
- if (sym.isModuleClass && !sym.isTrait) s + "$" else s
- }
- val name = typeString(sym)
- val typ = clrTypes.getType(name)
- if (typ == null)
- None
- else {
- types(sym) = typ
- Some(typ)
- }
- }
- }
- def mapType(sym: Symbol, mType: MsilType) {
- assert(mType != null, showsym(sym))
- types(sym) = mType
- }
- def createTypeBuilder(iclass: IClass) {
- /**
- * First look in the clrTypes.types map, if that fails check if it's a class being compiled, otherwise
- * lookup by name (clrTypes.getType calls the static method msil.Type.GetType(fullname)).
- */
- def msilTypeFromSym(sym: Symbol): MsilType = {
- types.get(sym).getOrElse {
- classes.get(sym) match {
- case Some(iclass) =>
- msilTypeBuilderFromSym(sym)
- case None =>
- getType(sym)
- }
- }
- }
- def msilTypeBuilderFromSym(sym: Symbol): TypeBuilder = {
- if(!(types.contains(sym) && types(sym).isInstanceOf[TypeBuilder])){
- val iclass = classes(sym)
- assert(iclass != null)
- createTypeBuilder(iclass)
- }
- types(sym).asInstanceOf[TypeBuilder]
- }
- val sym = iclass.symbol
- if (types.contains(sym) && types(sym).isInstanceOf[TypeBuilder])
- return
- def isInterface(s: Symbol) = s.isTrait && !s.isImplClass
- val parents: List[Type] =
- if ( List(definitions.ObjectClass.tpe)
- else
- val superType : MsilType = if (isInterface(sym)) null else msilTypeFromSym(parents.head.typeSymbol)
- debuglog("super type: " + parents(0).typeSymbol + ", msil type: " + superType)
- val interfaces: Array[MsilType] =
- => msilTypeFromSym(p.typeSymbol)).toArray
- if (parents.length > 1) {
- if (settings.debug.value) {
- log("interfaces:")
- for (i <- 0.until(interfaces.length)) {
- log(" type: " + parents(i + 1).typeSymbol + ", msil type: " + interfaces(i))
- }
- }
- }
- val tBuilder = if (sym.isNestedClass) {
- val ownerT = msilTypeBuilderFromSym(sym.owner).asInstanceOf[TypeBuilder]
- ownerT.DefineNestedType(msilName(sym), msilTypeFlags(sym), superType, interfaces)
- } else {
- mmodule.DefineType(msilName(sym), msilTypeFlags(sym), superType, interfaces)
- }
- mapType(sym, tBuilder)
- } // createTypeBuilder
- def createClassMembers(iclass: IClass) {
- try {
- createClassMembers0(iclass)
- }
- catch {
- case e: Throwable =>
- java.lang.System.err.println(showsym(iclass.symbol))
- java.lang.System.err.println("with methods = " + iclass.methods)
- throw e
- }
- }
- def createClassMembers0(iclass: IClass) {
- val mtype = getType(iclass.symbol).asInstanceOf[TypeBuilder]
- for (ifield <- iclass.fields) {
- val sym = ifield.symbol
- debuglog("Adding field: " + sym.fullName)
- val attributes = msilFieldFlags(sym)
- val fieldTypeWithCustomMods =
- new PECustomMod(msilType(sym.tpe),
- customModifiers(sym.annotations))
- val fBuilder = mtype.DefineField(msilName(sym),
- fieldTypeWithCustomMods,
- attributes)
- fields(sym) = fBuilder
- addAttributes(fBuilder, sym.annotations)
- } // all iclass.fields iterated over
- if (isStaticModule(iclass.symbol)) {
- val sc = iclass.lookupStaticCtor
- if (sc.isDefined) {
- val m = sc.get
- val oldLastBlock = m.lastBlock
- val lastBlock = m.newBlock()
- oldLastBlock.replaceInstruction(oldLastBlock.length - 1, JUMP(lastBlock))
- // call object's private ctor from static ctor
- lastBlock.emit(CIL_NEWOBJ(iclass.symbol.primaryConstructor))
- lastBlock.emit(DROP(toTypeKind(iclass.symbol.tpe)))
- lastBlock emit RETURN(UNIT)
- lastBlock.close
- }
- }
- if (iclass.symbol != definitions.ArrayClass) {
- for (m: IMethod <- iclass.methods) {
- val sym = m.symbol
- debuglog("Creating MethodBuilder for " + sym.flagString + " " +
- sym.owner.fullName + "::" +
- val ownerType = getType(sym.enclClass).asInstanceOf[TypeBuilder]
- assert(mtype == ownerType, "mtype = " + mtype + "; ownerType = " + ownerType)
- val paramTypes = msilParamTypes(sym)
- val attr = msilMethodFlags(sym)
- if (m.symbol.isClassConstructor) {
- val constr =
- ownerType.DefineConstructor(attr, CallingConventions.Standard, paramTypes)
- for (i <- 0.until(paramTypes.length)) {
- constr.DefineParameter(i, ParameterAttributes.None, msilName(m.params(i).sym))
- }
- mapConstructor(sym, constr)
- addAttributes(constr, sym.annotations)
- } else {
- val resType = msilType(m.returnType)
- val method =
- ownerType.DefineMethod(msilName(sym), attr, resType, paramTypes)
- for (i <- 0.until(paramTypes.length)) {
- method.DefineParameter(i, ParameterAttributes.None, msilName(m.params(i).sym))
- }
- if (!methods.contains(sym))
- mapMethod(sym, method)
- addAttributes(method, sym.annotations)
- debuglog("\t created MethodBuilder " + method)
- }
- }
- } // method builders created for non-array iclass
- if (isStaticModule(iclass.symbol)) {
- addModuleInstanceField(iclass.symbol)
- notInitializedModules += iclass.symbol
- if (iclass.lookupStaticCtor.isEmpty) {
- addStaticInit(iclass.symbol)
- }
- }
- } // createClassMembers0
- private def isTopLevelModule(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
- enteringRefchecks {
- sym.isModuleClass && !sym.isImplClass && !sym.isNestedClass
- }
- // if the module is lifted it does not need to be initialized in
- // its static constructor, and the MODULE$ field is not required.
- // the outer class will care about it.
- private def isStaticModule(sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
- // .net inner classes: removed '!sym.hasFlag(Flags.LIFTED)', added
- // 'sym.isStatic'. -> no longer compatible without skipping flatten!
- sym.isModuleClass && sym.isStatic && !sym.isImplClass
- }
- private def isCloneable(sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
- !sym.annotations.forall( a => a match {
- case AnnotationInfo(CloneableAttr, _, _) => false
- case _ => true
- })
- }
- private def addModuleInstanceField(sym: Symbol) {
- debuglog("Adding Module-Instance Field for " + showsym(sym))
- val tBuilder = getType(sym).asInstanceOf[TypeBuilder]
- val fb = tBuilder.DefineField(MODULE_INSTANCE_NAME,
- tBuilder,
- (FieldAttributes.Public |
- //FieldAttributes.InitOnly |
- FieldAttributes.Static).toShort)
- fields(sym) = fb
- }
- // the symbol may be a object-symbol (module-symbol), or a module-class-symbol
- private def getModuleInstanceField(sym: Symbol): FieldInfo = {
- assert(sym.isModule || sym.isModuleClass, "Expected module: " + showsym(sym))
- // when called by LOAD_MODULE, the corresponding type maybe doesn't
- // exist yet -> make a getType
- val moduleClassSym = if (sym.isModule) sym.moduleClass else sym
- // TODO: get module field for modules not defined in the
- // source currently compiling (e.g. Console)
- fields get moduleClassSym match {
- case Some(sym) => sym
- case None =>
- //val mclass = types(moduleClassSym)
- val nameInMetadata = nestingAwareFullClassname(moduleClassSym)
- val mClass = clrTypes.getType(nameInMetadata)
- val mfield = mClass.GetField("MODULE$")
- assert(mfield ne null, "module not found " + showsym(moduleClassSym))
- fields(moduleClassSym) = mfield
- mfield
- }
- //fields(moduleClassSym)
- }
- def nestingAwareFullClassname(csym: Symbol) : String = {
- val suffix = csym.moduleSuffix
- val res = if (csym.isNestedClass)
- nestingAwareFullClassname(csym.owner) + "+" + csym.encodedName
- else
- csym.fullName
- res + suffix
- }
- /** Adds a static initializer which creates an instance of the module
- * class (calls the primary constructor). A special primary constructor
- * will be generated (notInitializedModules) which stores the new instance
- * in the MODULE$ field right after the super call.
- */
- private def addStaticInit(sym: Symbol) {
- val tBuilder = getType(sym).asInstanceOf[TypeBuilder]
- val staticInit = tBuilder.DefineConstructor(
- (MethodAttributes.Static | MethodAttributes.Public).toShort,
- CallingConventions.Standard,
- MsilType.EmptyTypes)
- val sicode = staticInit.GetILGenerator()
- val instanceConstructor = constructors(sym.primaryConstructor)
- // there are no constructor parameters. assuming the constructor takes no parameter
- // is fine: we call (in the static constructor) the constructor of the module class,
- // which takes no arguments - an object definition cannot take constructor arguments.
- sicode.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, instanceConstructor)
- // the stsfld is done in the instance constructor, just after the super call.
- sicode.Emit(OpCodes.Pop)
- sicode.Emit(OpCodes.Ret)
- }
- private def generateMirrorClass(sym: Symbol) {
- assert(sym.isModuleClass, "Can't generate Mirror-Class for the Non-Module class " + sym)
- debuglog("Dumping mirror class for object: " + sym)
- val moduleName = msilName(sym)
- val mirrorName = moduleName.substring(0, moduleName.length() - 1)
- val mirrorTypeBuilder = mmodule.DefineType(mirrorName,
- TypeAttributes.Class |
- TypeAttributes.Public |
- TypeAttributes.Sealed,
- MsilType.EmptyTypes)
- val iclass = classes(sym)
- for (m <- sym.tpe.nonPrivateMembers
- if m.owner != definitions.ObjectClass && !m.isProtected &&
- m.isMethod && !m.isClassConstructor && !m.isStaticMember && !m.isCase &&
- !m.isDeferred)
- {
- debuglog(" Mirroring method: " + m)
- val paramTypes = msilParamTypes(m)
- val paramNames: Array[String] = new Array[String](paramTypes.length)
- for (i <- 0 until paramTypes.length)
- paramNames(i) = "x_" + i
- // CHECK: verify if getMethodName is better than msilName
- val mirrorMethod = mirrorTypeBuilder.DefineMethod(msilName(m),
- (MethodAttributes.Public |
- MethodAttributes.Static).toShort,
- msilType(m.tpe.resultType),
- paramTypes)
- var i = 0
- while (i < paramTypes.length) {
- mirrorMethod.DefineParameter(i, ParameterAttributes.None, paramNames(i))
- i += 1
- }
- val mirrorCode = mirrorMethod.GetILGenerator()
- mirrorCode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, getModuleInstanceField(sym))
- val mInfo = getMethod(m)
- for (paramidx <- 0.until(paramTypes.length)) {
- val mInfoParams = mInfo.GetParameters
- val loadAddr = mInfoParams(paramidx).ParameterType.IsByRef
- loadArg(mirrorCode, loadAddr)(paramidx)
- }
- mirrorCode.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, getMethod(m))
- mirrorCode.Emit(OpCodes.Ret)
- }
- addSymtabAttribute(sym.sourceModule, mirrorTypeBuilder)
- mirrorTypeBuilder.CreateType()
- mirrorTypeBuilder.setSourceFilepath(iclass.cunit.source.file.path)
- }
- // #####################################################################
- // delegate callers
- var delegateCallers: TypeBuilder = _
- var nbDelegateCallers: Int = 0
- private def initDelegateCallers() = {
- delegateCallers = mmodule.DefineType("$DelegateCallers", TypeAttributes.Public |
- TypeAttributes.Sealed)
- }
- private def createDelegateCaller(functionType: Type, delegateType: Type) = {
- if (delegateCallers == null)
- initDelegateCallers()
- // create a field an store the function-object
- val mFunctionType: MsilType = msilType(functionType)
- val anonfunField: FieldBuilder = delegateCallers.DefineField(
- "$anonfunField$$" + nbDelegateCallers, mFunctionType,
- (FieldAttributes.InitOnly | FieldAttributes.Public | FieldAttributes.Static).toShort)
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Stsfld, anonfunField)
- // create the static caller method and the delegate object
- val (params, returnType) = delegateType.member(nme.apply).tpe match {
- case MethodType(delParams, delReturn) => (delParams, delReturn)
- case _ => abort("not a delegate type: " + delegateType)
- }
- val caller: MethodBuilder = delegateCallers.DefineMethod(
- "$delegateCaller$$" + nbDelegateCallers,
- (MethodAttributes.Final | MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static).toShort,
- msilType(returnType), (params map (_.tpe)).map(msilType).toArray)
- for (i <- 0 until params.length)
- caller.DefineParameter(i, ParameterAttributes.None, "arg" + i) // FIXME: use name of parameter symbol
- val delegCtor = msilType(delegateType).GetConstructor(Array(MOBJECT, INT_PTR))
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldnull)
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldftn, caller)
- mcode.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, delegCtor)
- // create the static caller method body
- val functionApply: MethodInfo = getMethod(functionType.member(nme.apply))
- val dcode: ILGenerator = caller.GetILGenerator()
- dcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, anonfunField)
- for (i <- 0 until params.length) {
- loadArg(dcode, false /* TODO confirm whether passing actual as-is to formal is correct wrt the ByRef attribute of the param */)(i)
- emitBox(dcode, toTypeKind(params(i).tpe))
- }
- dcode.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, functionApply)
- emitUnbox(dcode, toTypeKind(returnType))
- dcode.Emit(OpCodes.Ret)
- nbDelegateCallers = nbDelegateCallers + 1
- } //def createDelegateCaller
- def emitBox(code: ILGenerator, boxType: TypeKind) = (boxType: @unchecked) match {
- // doesn't make sense, unit as parameter..
- case UNIT => code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, boxedUnit)
- code.Emit(OpCodes.Box, msilType(boxType))
- case REFERENCE(cls) if clrTypes.isValueType(cls) =>
- code.Emit(OpCodes.Box, (msilType(boxType)))
- case REFERENCE(_) | ARRAY(_) =>
- warning("Tried to BOX a non-valuetype.")
- ()
- }
- def emitUnbox(code: ILGenerator, boxType: TypeKind) = (boxType: @unchecked) match {
- case UNIT => code.Emit(OpCodes.Pop)
- /* (1) it's essential to keep the code emitted here (as of now plain calls to System.Convert.ToBlaBla methods)
- behaviorally.equiv.wrt. BoxesRunTime.unboxToBlaBla methods
- (case null: that's easy, case boxed: track changes to unboxBlaBla)
- (2) See also: asInstanceOf to cast from Any to number,
- tracked in */
- case BOOL => code.Emit(OpCodes.Call, toBool)
- case BYTE => code.Emit(OpCodes.Call, toSByte)
- case SHORT => code.Emit(OpCodes.Call, toShort)
- case CHAR => code.Emit(OpCodes.Call, toChar)
- case INT => code.Emit(OpCodes.Call, toInt)
- case LONG => code.Emit(OpCodes.Call, toLong)
- case FLOAT => code.Emit(OpCodes.Call, toFloat)
- case DOUBLE => code.Emit(OpCodes.Call, toDouble)
- case REFERENCE(cls) if clrTypes.isValueType(cls) =>
- code.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox, msilType(boxType))
- code.Emit(OpCodes.Ldobj, msilType(boxType))
- case REFERENCE(_) | ARRAY(_) =>
- warning("Tried to UNBOX a non-valuetype.")
- ()
- }
- // #####################################################################
- // get and create methods / constructors
- def getConstructor(sym: Symbol): ConstructorInfo = constructors.get(sym) match {
- case Some(constr) => constr
- case None =>
- val mClass = getType(sym.owner)
- val constr = mClass.GetConstructor(msilParamTypes(sym))
- if (constr eq null) {
- java.lang.System.out.println("Cannot find constructor " + sym.owner + "::" +
- java.lang.System.out.println("scope = " + sym.owner.tpe.decls)
- abort(sym.fullName)
- }
- else {
- mapConstructor(sym, constr)
- constr
- }
- }
- def mapConstructor(sym: Symbol, cInfo: ConstructorInfo) = {
- constructors(sym) = cInfo
- }
- private def getMethod(sym: Symbol): MethodInfo = {
- methods.get(sym) match {
- case Some(method) => method
- case None =>
- val mClass = getType(sym.owner)
- try {
- val method = mClass.GetMethod(msilName(sym), msilParamTypes(sym),
- msilType(sym.tpe.resultType))
- if (method eq null) {
- java.lang.System.out.println("Cannot find method " + sym.owner + "::" + msilName(sym))
- java.lang.System.out.println("scope = " + sym.owner.tpe.decls)
- abort(sym.fullName)
- }
- else {
- mapMethod(sym, method)
- method
- }
- }
- catch {
- case e: Exception =>
- Console.println("While looking up " + mClass + "::" + sym.nameString)
- Console.println("\t" + showsym(sym))
- throw e
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * add a mapping between sym and mInfo
- */
- private def mapMethod(sym: Symbol, mInfo: MethodInfo) {
- assert (mInfo != null, mInfo)
- methods(sym) = mInfo
- }
- private def showsym(sym: Symbol): String = (sym.toString +
- "\n symbol = " + sym.flagString + " " + sym +
- "\n owner = " + sym.owner.flagString + " " + sym.owner
- )
- } // class BytecodeGenerator
-} // class GenMSIL