path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/JLineCompletion.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/JLineCompletion.scala')
1 files changed, 346 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/JLineCompletion.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/JLineCompletion.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f2003a2f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/JLineCompletion.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author Paul Phillips
+ */
+package interpreter
+import java.util.{ List => JList }
+import util.returning
+import Completion._
+// REPL completor - queries supplied interpreter for valid
+// completions based on current contents of buffer.
+class JLineCompletion(val intp: IMain) extends Completion with CompletionOutput {
+ val global: =
+ import global._
+ import definitions.{ PredefModule, RootClass, AnyClass, AnyRefClass, ScalaPackage, JavaLangPackage }
+ type ExecResult = Any
+ // verbosity goes up with consecutive tabs
+ private var verbosity: Int = 0
+ def resetVerbosity() = verbosity = 0
+ def isCompletionDebug = intp.isCompletionDebug
+ def DBG(msg: => Any) = if (isCompletionDebug) println(msg.toString)
+ def debugging[T](msg: String): T => T = (res: T) => returning[T](res)(x => DBG(msg + x))
+ // XXX not yet used.
+ lazy val dottedPaths = {
+ def walk(tp: Type): scala.List[Symbol] = {
+ val pkgs = tp.nonPrivateMembers filter (_.isPackage)
+ pkgs ++ (pkgs map (_.tpe) flatMap walk)
+ }
+ walk(RootClass.tpe)
+ }
+ def getType(name: String, isModule: Boolean) = {
+ val f = if (isModule) definitions.getModule(_: Name) else definitions.getClass(_: Name)
+ try Some(f(name).tpe)
+ catch { case _: MissingRequirementError => None }
+ }
+ def typeOf(name: String) = getType(name, false)
+ def moduleOf(name: String) = getType(name, true)
+ trait CompilerCompletion {
+ def tp: Type
+ def effectiveTp = tp match {
+ case MethodType(Nil, resType) => resType
+ case NullaryMethodType(resType) => resType
+ case _ => tp
+ }
+ // for some reason any's members don't show up in subclasses, which
+ // we need so 5.<tab> offers asInstanceOf etc.
+ private def anyMembers = AnyClass.tpe.nonPrivateMembers
+ def anyRefMethodsToShow = List("isInstanceOf", "asInstanceOf", "toString")
+ def tos(sym: Symbol) =
+ def memberNamed(s: String) = members find (x => tos(x) == s)
+ def hasMethod(s: String) = methods exists (x => tos(x) == s)
+ // XXX we'd like to say "filterNot (_.isDeprecated)" but this causes the
+ // compiler to crash for reasons not yet known.
+ def members = (effectiveTp.nonPrivateMembers ++ anyMembers) filter (_.isPublic)
+ def methods = members filter (_.isMethod)
+ def packages = members filter (_.isPackage)
+ def aliases = members filter (_.isAliasType)
+ def memberNames = members map tos
+ def methodNames = methods map tos
+ def packageNames = packages map tos
+ def aliasNames = aliases map tos
+ }
+ object TypeMemberCompletion {
+ def apply(tp: Type): TypeMemberCompletion = {
+ if (tp.typeSymbol.isPackageClass) new PackageCompletion(tp)
+ else new TypeMemberCompletion(tp)
+ }
+ def imported(tp: Type) = new ImportCompletion(tp)
+ }
+ class TypeMemberCompletion(val tp: Type) extends CompletionAware
+ with CompilerCompletion {
+ def excludeEndsWith: List[String] = Nil
+ def excludeStartsWith: List[String] = List("<") // <byname>, <repeated>, etc.
+ def excludeNames: List[String] =
+ anyref.methodNames.filterNot(anyRefMethodsToShow contains) ++ List("_root_")
+ def methodSignatureString(sym: Symbol) = {
+ def asString = new MethodSymbolOutput(sym).methodString()
+ atPhase(currentRun.typerPhase)(asString)
+ }
+ def exclude(name: String): Boolean = (
+ (name contains "$") ||
+ (excludeNames contains name) ||
+ (excludeEndsWith exists (name endsWith _)) ||
+ (excludeStartsWith exists (name startsWith _))
+ )
+ def filtered(xs: List[String]) = xs filterNot exclude distinct
+ def completions(verbosity: Int) =
+ debugging(tp + " completions ==> ")(filtered(memberNames))
+ override def follow(s: String): Option[CompletionAware] =
+ debugging(tp + " -> '" + s + "' ==> ")(memberNamed(s) map (x => TypeMemberCompletion(x.tpe)))
+ override def alternativesFor(id: String): List[String] =
+ debugging(id + " alternatives ==> ") {
+ val alts = members filter (x => x.isMethod && tos(x) == id) map methodSignatureString
+ if (alts.nonEmpty) "" :: alts else Nil
+ }
+ override def toString = "TypeMemberCompletion(%s)".format(tp)
+ }
+ class PackageCompletion(tp: Type) extends TypeMemberCompletion(tp) {
+ override def excludeNames = anyref.methodNames
+ }
+ class LiteralCompletion(lit: Literal) extends TypeMemberCompletion(lit.value.tpe) {
+ override def completions(verbosity: Int) = verbosity match {
+ case 0 => filtered(memberNames)
+ case _ => memberNames
+ }
+ }
+ class ImportCompletion(tp: Type) extends TypeMemberCompletion(tp) {
+ override def completions(verbosity: Int) = verbosity match {
+ case 0 => filtered(members filterNot (_.isSetter) map tos)
+ case _ => super.completions(verbosity)
+ }
+ }
+ // not for completion but for excluding
+ object anyref extends TypeMemberCompletion(AnyRefClass.tpe) { }
+ // the unqualified vals/defs/etc visible in the repl
+ object ids extends CompletionAware {
+ override def completions(verbosity: Int) = intp.unqualifiedIds :+ "classOf"
+ // we try to use the compiler and fall back on reflection if necessary
+ // (which at present is for anything defined in the repl session.)
+ override def follow(id: String) =
+ if (completions(0) contains id) {
+ for (clazz <- intp clazzForIdent id) yield {
+ // XXX The isMemberClass check is a workaround for the crasher described
+ // in the comments of #3431. The issue as described by iulian is:
+ //
+ // Inner classes exist as symbols
+ // inside their enclosing class, but also inside their package, with a mangled
+ // name (A$B). The mangled names should never be loaded, and exist only for the
+ // optimizer, which sometimes cannot get the right symbol, but it doesn't care
+ // and loads the bytecode anyway.
+ //
+ // So this solution is incorrect, but in the short term the simple fix is
+ // to skip the compiler any time completion is requested on a nested class.
+ if (clazz.isMemberClass) new InstanceCompletion(clazz)
+ else (typeOf(clazz.getName) map TypeMemberCompletion.apply) getOrElse new InstanceCompletion(clazz)
+ }
+ }
+ else None
+ }
+ // wildcard imports in the repl like "import global._" or "import String._"
+ private def imported = intp.wildcardImportedTypes map TypeMemberCompletion.imported
+ // literal Ints, Strings, etc.
+ object literals extends CompletionAware {
+ def simpleParse(code: String): Tree = {
+ val unit = new CompilationUnit(new util.BatchSourceFile("<console>", code))
+ val scanner = new syntaxAnalyzer.UnitParser(unit)
+ val tss = scanner.templateStatSeq(false)._2
+ if (tss.size == 1) tss.head else EmptyTree
+ }
+ def completions(verbosity: Int) = Nil
+ override def follow(id: String) = simpleParse(id) match {
+ case x: Literal => Some(new LiteralCompletion(x))
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ }
+ // top level packages
+ object rootClass extends TypeMemberCompletion(RootClass.tpe) { }
+ // members of Predef
+ object predef extends TypeMemberCompletion(PredefModule.tpe) {
+ override def excludeEndsWith = super.excludeEndsWith ++ List("Wrapper", "ArrayOps")
+ override def excludeStartsWith = super.excludeStartsWith ++ List("wrap")
+ override def excludeNames = anyref.methodNames
+ override def exclude(name: String) = super.exclude(name) || (
+ (name contains "2")
+ )
+ override def completions(verbosity: Int) = verbosity match {
+ case 0 => Nil
+ case _ => super.completions(verbosity)
+ }
+ }
+ // members of scala.*
+ object scalalang extends PackageCompletion(ScalaPackage.tpe) {
+ def arityClasses = List("Product", "Tuple", "Function")
+ def skipArity(name: String) = arityClasses exists (x => name != x && (name startsWith x))
+ override def exclude(name: String) = super.exclude(name) || (
+ skipArity(name)
+ )
+ override def completions(verbosity: Int) = verbosity match {
+ case 0 => filtered(packageNames ++ aliasNames)
+ case _ => super.completions(verbosity)
+ }
+ }
+ // members of java.lang.*
+ object javalang extends PackageCompletion(JavaLangPackage.tpe) {
+ override lazy val excludeEndsWith = super.excludeEndsWith ++ List("Exception", "Error")
+ override lazy val excludeStartsWith = super.excludeStartsWith ++ List("CharacterData")
+ override def completions(verbosity: Int) = verbosity match {
+ case 0 => filtered(packageNames)
+ case _ => super.completions(verbosity)
+ }
+ }
+ // the list of completion aware objects which should be consulted
+ lazy val topLevelBase: List[CompletionAware] = List(ids, rootClass, predef, scalalang, javalang, literals)
+ def topLevel = topLevelBase ++ imported
+ // the first tier of top level objects (doesn't include file completion)
+ def topLevelFor(parsed: Parsed) = topLevel flatMap (_ completionsFor parsed)
+ // the most recent result
+ def lastResult = Forwarder(() => ids follow intp.mostRecentVar)
+ def lastResultFor(parsed: Parsed) = {
+ /** The logic is a little tortured right now because normally '.' is
+ * ignored as a delimiter, but on .<tab> it needs to be propagated.
+ */
+ val xs = lastResult completionsFor parsed
+ if (parsed.isEmpty) xs map ("." + _) else xs
+ }
+ // chasing down results which won't parse
+ def execute(line: String): Option[ExecResult] = {
+ val parsed = Parsed(line)
+ def noDotOrSlash = line forall (ch => ch != '.' && ch != '/')
+ if (noDotOrSlash) None // we defer all unqualified ids to the repl.
+ else {
+ (ids executionFor parsed) orElse
+ (rootClass executionFor parsed) orElse
+ (FileCompletion executionFor line)
+ }
+ }
+ // generic interface for querying (e.g. interpreter loop, testing)
+ def completions(buf: String): List[String] =
+ topLevelFor(Parsed.dotted(buf + ".", buf.length + 1))
+ def completer() = new JLineCompleterClass
+ /** This gets a little bit hairy. It's no small feat delegating everything
+ * and also keeping track of exactly where the cursor is and where it's supposed
+ * to end up. The alternatives mechanism is a little hacky: if there is an empty
+ * string in the list of completions, that means we are expanding a unique
+ * completion, so don't update the "last" buffer because it'll be wrong.
+ */
+ class JLineCompleterClass extends Instance with Completer {
+ // For recording the buffer on the last tab hit
+ private var lastBuf: String = ""
+ private var lastCursor: Int = -1
+ // Does this represent two consecutive tabs?
+ def isConsecutiveTabs(buf: String, cursor: Int) =
+ cursor == lastCursor && buf == lastBuf
+ // Longest common prefix
+ def commonPrefix(xs: List[String]) =
+ if (xs.isEmpty) ""
+ else xs.reduceLeft(_ zip _ takeWhile (x => x._1 == x._2) map (_._1) mkString)
+ // This is jline's entry point for completion.
+ override def complete(_buf: String, cursor: Int, candidates: JList[CharSequence]): Int = {
+ val buf = if (_buf == null) "" else _buf
+ verbosity = if (isConsecutiveTabs(buf, cursor)) verbosity + 1 else 0
+ DBG("\ncomplete(%s, %d) last = (%s, %d), verbosity: %s".format(buf, cursor, lastBuf, lastCursor, verbosity))
+ // we don't try lower priority completions unless higher ones return no results.
+ def tryCompletion(p: Parsed, completionFunction: Parsed => List[String]): Option[Int] = {
+ completionFunction(p) match {
+ case Nil => None
+ case xs =>
+ // modify in place and return the position
+ xs foreach (candidates add _)
+ // update the last buffer unless this is an alternatives list
+ if (xs contains "") Some(p.cursor)
+ else {
+ val advance = commonPrefix(xs)
+ lastCursor = p.position + advance.length
+ lastBuf = (buf take p.position) + advance
+ DBG("tryCompletion(%s, _) lastBuf = %s, lastCursor = %s, p.position = %s".format(p, lastBuf, lastCursor, p.position))
+ Some(p.position)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def mkDotted = Parsed.dotted(buf, cursor) withVerbosity verbosity
+ def mkUndelimited = Parsed.undelimited(buf, cursor) withVerbosity verbosity
+ // a single dot is special cased to completion on the previous result
+ def lastResultCompletion =
+ if (!looksLikeInvocation(buf)) None
+ else tryCompletion(Parsed.dotted(buf drop 1, cursor), lastResultFor)
+ def regularCompletion = tryCompletion(mkDotted, topLevelFor)
+ def fileCompletion =
+ if (!looksLikePath(buf)) None
+ else tryCompletion(mkUndelimited, FileCompletion completionsFor _.buffer)
+ /** This is the kickoff point for all manner of theoretically possible compiler
+ * unhappiness - fault may be here or elsewhere, but we don't want to crash the
+ * repl regardless. Hopefully catching Exception is enough, but because the
+ * compiler still throws some Errors it may not be.
+ */
+ try {
+ (lastResultCompletion orElse regularCompletion orElse fileCompletion) getOrElse cursor
+ }
+ catch {
+ case ex: Exception =>
+ DBG("Error: complete(%s, %s, _) provoked %s".format(_buf, cursor, ex))
+ candidates add " "
+ candidates add "<completion error>"
+ cursor
+ }
+ }
+ }