path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/Streamable.scala
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 122 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/Streamable.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/Streamable.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 03318674ee..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/Streamable.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package io
-import{ URI, URL }
-import{ BufferedInputStream, InputStream, PrintStream }
-import{ BufferedReader, InputStreamReader, Closeable => JCloseable }
-import{ Codec, BufferedSource, Source }
-import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
-/** Traits for objects which can be represented as Streams.
- *
- * @author Paul Phillips
- * @since 2.8
- */
-object Streamable {
- /** Traits which can be viewed as a sequence of bytes. Source types
- * which know their length should override def length: Long for more
- * efficient method implementations.
- */
- trait Bytes {
- def inputStream(): InputStream
- def length: Long = -1
- def bufferedInput() = new BufferedInputStream(inputStream())
- def bytes(): Iterator[Byte] = bytesAsInts() map (_.toByte)
- def bytesAsInts(): Iterator[Int] = {
- val in = bufferedInput()
- Iterator continually takeWhile (_ != -1)
- }
- /** This method aspires to be the fastest way to read
- * a stream of known length into memory.
- */
- def toByteArray(): Array[Byte] = {
- // if we don't know the length, fall back on relative inefficiency
- if (length == -1L)
- return (new ArrayBuffer[Byte]() ++= bytes()).toArray
- val arr = new Array[Byte](length.toInt)
- val len = arr.length
- lazy val in = bufferedInput()
- var offset = 0
- def loop() {
- if (offset < len) {
- val read =, offset, len - offset)
- if (read >= 0) {
- offset += read
- loop()
- }
- }
- }
- try loop()
- finally in.close()
- if (offset == arr.length) arr
- else fail("Could not read entire source (%d of %d bytes)".format(offset, len))
- }
- }
- /** For objects which can be viewed as Chars.
- */
- trait Chars extends Bytes {
- /** Calls to methods requiring byte<->char transformations should be offered
- * in a form which allows specifying the codec. When it is not specified,
- * the one discovered at creation time will be used, which will always find the
- * one in if no other is available. This can be overridden
- * to use a different default.
- */
- def creationCodec: Codec = implicitly[Codec]
- def chars(): BufferedSource = chars(creationCodec)
- def chars(codec: Codec): BufferedSource = Source.fromInputStream(inputStream())(codec)
- def lines(): Iterator[String] = lines(creationCodec)
- def lines(codec: Codec): Iterator[String] = chars(codec).getLines()
- /** Obtains an InputStreamReader wrapped around a FileInputStream.
- */
- def reader(): InputStreamReader = reader(creationCodec)
- def reader(codec: Codec): InputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream, codec.charSet)
- /** Wraps a BufferedReader around the result of reader().
- */
- def bufferedReader(): BufferedReader = bufferedReader(creationCodec)
- def bufferedReader(codec: Codec) = new BufferedReader(reader(codec))
- /** Creates a BufferedReader and applies the closure, automatically closing it on completion.
- */
- def applyReader[T](f: BufferedReader => T): T = {
- val in = bufferedReader()
- try f(in)
- finally in.close()
- }
- /** Convenience function to import entire file into a String.
- */
- def slurp(): String = slurp(creationCodec)
- def slurp(codec: Codec) = chars(codec).mkString
- }
- /** Call a function on something Closeable, finally closing it. */
- def closing[T <: JCloseable, U](stream: T)(f: T => U): U =
- try f(stream)
- finally stream.close()
- def bytes(is: => InputStream): Array[Byte] =
- new Bytes { def inputStream() = is } toByteArray
- def slurp(is: => InputStream)(implicit codec: Codec): String =
- new Chars { def inputStream() = is } slurp codec
- def slurp(url: URL)(implicit codec: Codec): String =
- slurp(url.openStream())