path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching')
17 files changed, 5918 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/AlgebraicMatchers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/AlgebraicMatchers.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4137b128eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/AlgebraicMatchers.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+/* NSC -- new scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author buraq
+ */
+// $Id$
+/** the pattern matcher, tweaked to work with regular patterns
+ * @author Burak Emir
+ */
+trait AlgebraicMatchers : TransMatcher {
+ import global._;
+ class AlgebraicMatcher extends PatternMatcher {
+ import java.util.Vector ;
+ import java.util.Iterator ;
+ var _m: PartialMatcher = _;
+ override protected var delegateSequenceMatching = true;
+ override protected var optimize = false;
+ /** constructs an algebraic pattern matcher from cases */
+ def construct(m: PartialMatcher, cases: List[CaseDef]): Unit =
+ construct(m, cases, true);
+ /** constructs an algebraic pattern matcher from cases */
+ def construct(m: PartialMatcher, cases: List[CaseDef], doBinding: Boolean): Unit = {
+ this._m = m;
+ super.initialize( _m.selector, _m.owner, doBinding );
+ val it = cases.elements;
+ while (it.hasNext) {
+ val cdef =;
+ /*
+ if(cdef != null)
+ Console.println("algebraic matcher: "+cdef.toString()); // DEBUG
+ else
+ scala.Predef.error("got CaseDef null in alg matcher!");
+ */
+ enter(cdef);
+ }
+ //if ( {
+ //"internal pattern matching structure");
+ // print();
+ // }
+ _m.tree = toTree();
+ }
+ /** initializes this AlgebraicMatcher, see Matcher.initialize
+ void initialize() {}
+ */
+ /*
+ def isStarApply(tree: Tree.Apply): Boolean = {
+ val params:Array[Symbol] =;
+ //System.err.println( );
+ (tree.args.length == 1)
+ && (tree.getType().symbol().flags & Modifiers.CASE) != 0
+ && params.length > 0
+ && (params(params.length-1).flags & Modifiers.REPEATED) != 0;
+ }
+ */
+ //////////// generator methods
+ override def toTree(): Tree = {
+ this.exit = currentOwner.newLabel(root.pos, "exitA")
+ .setInfo(new MethodType(List(resultType), resultType));
+ val result = exit.newValueParameter(root.pos, "resultA").setInfo( resultType );
+ Block(
+ List (
+ ValDef(root.symbol, _m.selector)
+ ),
+ If( super.toTree(root.and),
+ LabelDef(exit, List(result), Ident(result)),
+ ThrowMatchError( _m.pos, resultType ))
+ );
+ }
+ protected override def toTree(node: PatternNode, selector: Tree): Tree = {
+ //System.err.println("AM.toTree called"+node);
+ if (node == null)
+ Literal(false);
+ else node match {
+ case SeqContainerPat( _, _ ) =>
+ callSequenceMatcher( node,
+ selector );
+ case _ =>
+ super.toTree( node, selector );
+ }
+ }
+ /** collects all sequence patterns and returns the default
+ */
+ def collectSeqPats(node1: PatternNode, seqPatNodes: Vector, bodies: Vector): PatternNode = {
+ var node = node1;
+ var defaultNode: PatternNode = null;
+ var exit = false;
+ do {
+ if( node == null )
+ exit=true; //defaultNode = node; // break
+ else
+ node match {
+ case SeqContainerPat( _, _ ) =>
+ seqPatNodes.add( node );
+ bodies.add( super.toTree( node.and ) );
+ node = node.or;
+ exit//defaultNode = node; // break;
+ case _ =>
+ defaultNode = node;
+ }
+ } while (!exit && (null == defaultNode)) ;
+ defaultNode;
+ }
+ def callSequenceMatcher(node: PatternNode, selector1: Tree): Tree = {
+ //Console.println("calling sequent matcher for"+node);
+ /* ???????????????????????? necessary to test whether is a Seq?
+ gen.If(selector.pos, maybe And( Is(selector, seqpat.type()) )???)
+ */
+ // translate the _.and subtree of this SeqContainerPat
+ val seqPatNodes = new Vector();
+ val bodies = new Vector();
+ var defaultNode = collectSeqPats(node, seqPatNodes, bodies);
+ val defaultCase = toTree(defaultNode, selector1);
+ val wordRec = new SequenceMatcher();
+ val m = new PartialMatcher {
+ val owner = _m.owner;
+ val selector = selector1;
+ }
+ var pats: scala.List[Tree] = Nil;
+ var body: scala.List[Tree] = Nil;
+ val tmp = bodies.toArray();
+ var j = 0;
+ val it = seqPatNodes.iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ //pats(j) =[SeqContainerPat].seqpat;
+ pats =[SeqContainerPat].seqpat :: pats;
+ //body(j) = tmp(j).asInstanceOf[Tree];
+ body = tmp(j).asInstanceOf[Tree] :: body;
+ j = j + 1;
+ }
+ //Tree defaultTree = toTree(node.or, selector); // cdef.body ;
+ wordRec.construct(m, pats.reverse, body.reverse, defaultCase, doBinding);
+ //_m.defs.addAll(m.defs);
+ m.tree;
+ }
+} // class AlgebraicMatcher
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/Autom2.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/Autom2.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b99db700b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/Autom2.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+package ;
+//import java.util._ ;
+trait Autom2: TransMatcher {
+ import global._;
+ /** @param owner owner of the pattern matching expression
+ */
+ abstract class Autom2Scala {
+ val dfa: DetWordAutom;
+ val owner: Symbol;
+ protected var optimize = true;
+ final val FAIL = -1;
+ /** symbol of the matcher DefDef or Label */
+ var funSym:Symbol = _;
+ /** symbol of the iterator ( scala.SequenceIterator ) */
+ var iterSym: Symbol = _;
+ /** symbol of the switching result ( scala.Int ) */
+ var resultSym: Symbol = _;
+ /** symbol of the state variable ( scala.Int ) */
+ var stateSym: Symbol = _;
+ /** symbol of variable holding current label */
+ var curSym: Symbol = _;
+ /** symbol of boolean variable that indicates we have not reached end of sequence */
+ var hasnSym: Symbol = _;
+ val am = new AlgebraicMatcher();
+ var pos: Int = Position.FIRSTPOS;
+ val elementType: Type;
+ def funRetType(): Type = {
+ funSym.tpe match {
+ case MethodType( _, retType )=> retType;
+ case _ => scala.Predef.error("quoi?");
+ }
+ }
+ def callFun(args: List[Tree]): Tree = Apply(Ident(funSym),args);
+ // overridden in RightTracerInScala
+ def loadCurrentElem(body: Tree): Tree = {
+ Block(
+ List(
+ ValDef(this.hasnSym, _hasNext( _iter() ) ),
+ ValDef(this.curSym, If(Ident( hasnSym ),
+ _next( _iter() ),
+ EmptyTree))
+ ),
+ body
+ );
+ }
+ /** bug ?? */
+ def currentElem() = { Ident( curSym ) }
+ def currentMatches(label: Label): Tree = {
+ label match {
+ case TreeLabel( pat ) =>
+ _cur_match( pat );
+ case SimpleLabel(lit: Literal) =>
+ Equals( currentElem(), lit );
+ case _ => // cannot happen
+ scala.Predef.error("expected either algebraic or simple label:"+label);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // translation of automata to scala code
+ //
+ /** `[switchResult]' */
+ def _swres(): Tree = { Ident( resultSym );}
+ /** `<state>' param */
+ def _state(): Tree = { Ident( stateSym ); }
+ /** `<iterator>' param */
+ def _iter(): Tree = { Ident( iterSym ); }
+ /** simple optimization: if we are in a sink state, stop traversing sequence
+ */
+ def stateWrap(i: Int): Tree = {
+ if( dfa.isSink( i ))
+ run_finished( i ); // state won't change! optimization
+ else
+ If( Negate( Ident( hasnSym )),
+ run_finished( i ),
+ code_state_NEW( i ));
+ }
+ /** body of the matcherDefFun
+ */
+ def code_body_NEW(): Tree = {
+ var cases: List[CaseDef] = Nil;
+ //val tags = new Array[Int](dfa.nstates());
+ //val bodies = new Array[Tree](dfa.nstates());
+ var i = 0; while (i < dfa.nstates()) {
+ cases = CaseDef( Literal(i), stateWrap(i)) :: cases;
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ //if( optimize )
+ loadCurrentElem( Match( _state(), cases ));
+ /*
+ Tree res = code_error();
+ for( int i = dfa.nstates-2; i>= 0; i-- )
+ res = gen.If( Equals( _state(), gen.mkIntLit( pos, i )),
+ bodies[ i ] ,
+ res );
+ return loadCurrentElem( res );
+ */
+ }
+ /* calling the (AlgebraicMatcher)PatternMatcher here */
+ def _cur_match(pat: Tree): Tree = {
+ val m: PartialMatcher = new PartialMatcher {
+ val owner = Autom2Scala.this.funSym; /* owner*/
+ val selector = currentElem(); /* root */
+ /* defs.boolean_TYPE() restype */
+ };
+ am.construct( m, List (
+ CaseDef( pat, Literal(true)),
+ CaseDef( Ident(nme.WILDCARD), Literal(false))
+ ),
+ false);
+ am.toTree();
+ }
+ // @todo should be abstract
+ def code_delta( i:Int, label: Label): Tree = {
+ scala.Predef.error("should not happen");
+ }
+ /** some error happened which is due to bug in translation/automaton
+ */
+ final def code_error(): Tree = {
+ ThrowMatchError( pos , funRetType() );
+ }
+ def code_fail(): Tree = {
+ Literal( FAIL ); //gen.mkIntLit(Position.FIRSTPOS, FAIL );
+ }
+ /** code for the return value of the automaton translation
+ */
+ def run_finished(state: Int): Tree = {
+ if( dfa.isFinal( state ))
+ Literal(
+ dfa.finals.get( new Integer( state ) ).asInstanceOf[Integer]
+ .intValue()
+ )
+ else
+ Literal( FAIL );
+ }
+ def code_state_NEW(i: Int): Tree = {
+ var stateBody = code_delta( i, DefaultLabel() );
+ if( stateBody == null )
+ stateBody = code_fail();
+ val trans = dfa.deltaq( i );
+ val labs = dfa.labels().iterator();
+ while(labs.hasNext()) {
+ val label =;
+ val next = trans.get( label ).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ val action = code_delta( i, label.asInstanceOf[Label] );
+ if( action != null ) {
+ /*assert*/ //stateBody != null : "stateBody is null";
+ stateBody = If( currentMatches(label.asInstanceOf[Label] ),
+ action,
+ stateBody);
+ }
+ }
+ stateBody;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/BerrySethis.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/BerrySethis.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85638903b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/BerrySethis.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,800 @@
+package ;
+import java.util.{ HashSet, HashMap, TreeSet, TreeMap, Vector };
+//import scala.compiler.printer.XMLAutomPrinter;
+trait BerrySethis: TransMatcher {
+import global._;
+/** a Berry-Sethi style construction for nfas.
+ * this class plays is the "Builder" for the "Director" class WordRecognizer.
+ */
+class BerrySethi {
+ /*
+ def isStar(n: Name): boolean = {
+ TreeInfo.isNameOfStarPattern(n);
+ }
+ */
+ /*
+ String s = n.toString();
+ return (s.indexOf("$") != -1)
+ &&(!s.startsWith("nest"));
+ }
+ */
+ var labels: HashSet = _;
+ var pos: int = _;
+ // maps a literal pattern to an Integer ( the position )
+ // is not *really* needed (postfix order determines position!)
+ var posMap: HashMap = _; // pos: Patterns -> Positions
+ // don't let this fool you, only labelAt is a real, surjective mapping
+ var labelAt: HashMap= _; // chi: Positions -> Obj
+ var globalFirst: TreeSet= _;
+ // results which hold all info for the NondetWordAutomaton
+ var follow: HashMap= _; // follow: Positions -> Set[Positions]
+ // Unit test ?
+ def nullable(pat: Tree): Boolean =
+ //System.out.print("<nullable>");
+ //DEBUG.print( pat );
+ //System.out.println("</nullable>");
+ pat match {
+ case Apply(_, _) => false;
+ case Sequence( trees ) => trees.isEmpty || (trees forall {nullable});
+ case Star(t) => true; // ? new
+ case Bind(n, t) => nullable( t );
+ case Alternative(choices) => choices exists {nullable}
+ case _ => false;
+ }
+ /** returns true if a Sequence pattern matches the empty sequence
+ * @param pat the sequence pattern.
+ def nullableSequence(pat: Tree): Boolean =
+ pat match {
+ case Sequence(pats) => pats forall {nullable};
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ /** returns true if a sequence of patterns (usually children of a
+ * sequence or subsequence node) is nullable.
+ * @param pats the sequence of patterns
+ def nullable(pats: Array[Tree]): Boolean = {
+ var result = true;
+ var i = 0;
+ while(i < pats.length && result){
+ result = result && nullable( pats( i ) );
+ i = i + 1
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ */
+ /** computes first( alpha ) where alpha is a word regexp
+ */
+ def compFirst( pat:Tree ): TreeSet = {
+ //System.out.print("<compFirst>");
+ //DEBUG.print( pat );
+ //System.out.println("</compFirst>");
+ pat match {
+ case Sequence( trees ) =>
+ return compFirst( trees );
+ case Typed(_,_) | Select(_,_) | Apply(_, _) =>
+ val tmp = new TreeSet();
+ tmp.add( posMap.get( pat ).asInstanceOf[Integer]); // singleton set
+ return tmp;
+ case Literal( _ ) =>
+ val tmp = new TreeSet();
+ tmp.add( posMap.get( pat ).asInstanceOf[Integer]); // singleton set
+ return tmp;
+ //case Subsequence( Tree[] trees ) =>
+ //return compFirst( trees );
+ case Alternative( trees ) =>
+ val tmp = new TreeSet();
+ var i = 0;
+ while(i < trees.length) {
+ tmp.addAll( compFirst( trees( i ) ));
+ i = i + 1
+ }
+ return tmp;
+ case Bind(_, tree) =>
+ return compFirst(tree);
+ case Ident( name ) =>
+ //if (name != Name.fromString("_"))
+ // error("unexpected pattern");
+ val tmp = new TreeSet();
+ tmp.add( posMap.get( pat ).asInstanceOf[Integer]); // singleton set
+ return tmp;
+ case _ =>
+ scala.Predef.error("unexpected pattern");
+ }
+ }
+ /** computes last( alpha ) where alpha is a word regexp
+ */
+ def compLast(pat: Tree): TreeSet = {
+ //System.out.print("<last>");
+ //DEBUG.print( pat );
+ //System.out.println("</compLast>");
+ pat match {
+ case Sequence( _ ) | Apply(_, _) =>
+ val tmp = new TreeSet();
+ tmp.add(posMap.get( pat ).asInstanceOf[Integer]); // singleton set
+ return tmp;
+ case Literal( _ ) =>
+ val tmp = new TreeSet();
+ tmp.add( posMap.get( pat ).asInstanceOf[Integer]); // singleton set
+ return tmp;
+ case Alternative( trees ) =>
+ val tmp = new TreeSet();
+ var i = 0;
+ while(i < trees.length) {
+ tmp.addAll( compLast( trees ));
+ i = i + 1
+ }
+ return tmp;
+ case Bind( _, tree ) =>
+ return compLast( tree );
+ case _ =>
+ scala.Predef.error("unexpected pattern");
+ }
+ }
+ /** computes first(w) where w=alpha_1...alpha_n are successors of a
+ * sequence node
+ * @todo make tail recursive
+ */
+ def compFirst( pats:scala.List[Tree] ): TreeSet = pats match {
+ case List() => new TreeSet();
+ case x::xs =>
+ val res = compFirst(x);
+ if(nullable(x))
+ res.addAll(compFirst(xs));
+ res
+ }
+ // Unit test ?
+ /** computes last(w) where w are successors of a sequence node
+ */
+ def compLast(pats: scala.List[Tree]): TreeSet = pats match {
+ case List() => new TreeSet();
+ case _ =>
+ /*
+ System.out.print("<last>");
+ for( int k = 0; k<pats.length; k++) {
+ DEBUG.print( pats[k] );
+ System.out.print(" ");
+ }
+ System.out.println();
+ */
+ var i = pats.length - 1;
+ var tmp = pats( i );
+ val result = compLast( tmp );
+ i = i - 1;
+ while( nullable(tmp) && (i >= 0 )) {
+ tmp = pats( i );
+ result.addAll( compLast( tmp ));
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ // starts from the right-to-left
+ // precondition: pos is final
+ // pats are successor patterns of a Sequence node
+ // returns first-set (== follow set of initial state)
+ def compFollow(pats: scala.List[Tree]): TreeSet = {
+ var first:TreeSet = null;
+ this.recVars = new HashMap();
+ var fol = new TreeSet();
+ if( pats.length > 0 ) {//non-empty expr
+ var i = pats.length;
+ fol.add( new Integer( pos )); // don't modify pos !
+ do {
+ i = i - 1;
+ first = compFollow1( fol, pats( i ) );
+ if( nullable( pats( i ) ))
+ fol.addAll( first );
+ else
+ fol = first;
+ //System.out.println("in compFollow: first"+first);
+ //System.out.println("in compFollow: fol"+fol);
+ } while( i > 0 );
+ }
+ this.follow.put(new Integer( 0 ), fol);
+ return fol;
+ }
+ var recVars: HashMap = _;
+ /** returns the first set of an expression, setting the follow set along
+ * the way
+ */
+ def compFollow1( fol1:TreeSet , pat:Tree ): TreeSet = {
+ var fol = fol1;
+ //System.out.println("compFollow1("+fol+","+pat+")");
+ pat match {
+ case Sequence( trees ) =>
+ var first: TreeSet = null;
+ var i = trees.length;
+ if( i > 0 ) { // is nonempty
+ do {
+ i = i - 1;
+ first = compFollow1(fol, trees( i ));
+ if( nullable( trees( i ) ))
+ fol.addAll( first );
+ else
+ fol = first;
+ } while( i > 0 ) ;
+ }
+ if( null == first ) first = new TreeSet();
+ return first;
+ case Alternative( choices ) =>
+ val first = new TreeSet();
+ var i = choices.length - 1;
+ while(i >= 0) {
+ first.addAll( compFollow1( fol, choices( i ) ));
+ i = i - 1;
+ }
+ return first;
+ case Star(t) =>
+ val first = compFirst( t );
+ fol.addAll(first);
+ compFollow1(fol,t);
+ case Bind( n, t ) => // == can also be star
+ val first = compFirst( t );
+ //System.out.print("BIND" + first);
+ //recVars.put( pat.symbol, first );
+ // if( appearsRightmost( n, t ))
+ // follow = oldfollw + ownfirst
+ //if( isStar( n ) )
+ // fol.addAll( first ); // an iterated pattern
+ // continue to compute follow sets with adjusted fol
+ return compFollow1( fol, t );
+ case Ident( n ) =>
+ if ((pat.symbol != null )
+ && pat.symbol.isPrimaryConstructor) {
+ // same as Apply
+ val pos = this.posMap.get( pat ).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ val tset = fol.clone().asInstanceOf[TreeSet];
+ this.follow.put( pos, tset );
+ val first = new TreeSet();
+ first.add( pos );
+ return first;
+ }
+ /*
+ if ( recVars.keySet().contains( pat.symbol )) { // grammar
+ val first = recVars.get( pat.symbol ).asInstanceOf[TreeSet];
+ val follow = fol.clone().asInstanceOf[TreeSet];
+ first.addAll( follow );
+ //recVars.put//this.follow.put( pat.symbol, follow );
+ return first;
+ }
+ */
+ // --- --- only happens when called from BindingBerrySethi
+ // [... x ...] changed to [... x@_ ...]
+ // non-generated, non-recursive variable should not appear,
+ // so this is a wildcard pattern _
+ val pos = this.posMap.get( pat ).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ val tset = fol.clone().asInstanceOf[TreeSet];
+ this.follow.put( pos, tset );
+ val first = new TreeSet();
+ first.add( pos );
+ //System.out.println("Ident("+n+",...) first:"+first);
+ //System.out.println("Ident("+n+",...) follow:"+tset);
+ return first;
+ case Apply(_, _) | Literal( _ ) | Typed(_,_) | Select(_,_) =>
+ val pos = this.posMap.get( pat ).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ val tset = fol.clone().asInstanceOf[TreeSet];
+ this.follow.put( pos, tset );
+ val first = new TreeSet();
+ first.add( pos );
+ return first;
+ case _ =>
+ scala.Predef.error("unexpected pattern: "+pat.getClass());
+ }
+ }
+ /** called at the leaves of the regexp
+ */
+ def seenLabel( pat:Tree , i:Integer , label:Label ): Unit = {
+ this.posMap.put( pat, i );
+ this.labelAt.put( i, label );
+ if( label != DefaultLabel() ) {
+ /*
+ if( this.labels.contains( label ) ) {
+ switch(label) {
+ case TreeLabel(Apply(_, Tree[] args)) =>
+ if( args.length > 0 ) {
+ unit.warning(pat.pos, "if this pattern in nondeterminism, it will not compile correctly");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ this.labels.add( label );
+ }
+ }
+ /** overriden in BindingBerrySethi
+ */
+ def seenLabel( pat:Tree , label:Label ): Unit = {
+ seenLabel( pat, new Integer( {pos = pos + 1; pos} ), label );
+ }
+ /** returns "Sethi-length" of a pattern, creating the set of position
+ * along the way
+ */
+ var activeBinders:Vector = _;
+ // todo: replace global variable pos with acc
+ def traverse( pat:Tree ): Unit = {
+ pat match {
+ // (is tree automaton stuff, more than Berry-Sethi)
+ case Apply( _, _ ) | Typed( _, _ )| Select( _, _ ) =>
+ val label = new TreeLabel( pat );
+ seenLabel( pat, label ) ;
+ return ;
+ case p @ Literal( _ ) =>
+ val label = new SimpleLabel( p );
+ seenLabel( pat, label ) ;
+ return ;
+ case Sequence( trees ) =>
+ var i = 0;
+ while(i < trees.length) {
+ traverse( trees( i ) );
+ i = i + 1
+ }
+ return ;
+ case Alternative( trees ) =>
+ var i = 0;
+ while(i < trees.length) {
+ traverse( trees( i ) );
+ i = i + 1
+ }
+ return ;
+ case Bind( name, body) =>
+ //recVars.put( pat.symbol, java.lang.Boolean.TRUE );
+ //if( !isStar( name ) ) {
+ activeBinders.add( pat.symbol );
+ traverse( body );
+ activeBinders.remove( pat.symbol );
+ //}
+ //else
+ //
+ case Star(body) => traverse( body );
+ case Ident(name) =>
+ if ((pat.symbol != null )
+ && pat.symbol.isPrimaryConstructor) {
+ // same as Apply
+ val label = new TreeLabel( pat );
+ seenLabel( pat, label ) ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ scala.Predef.error("should not get here"); // removed idents?
+ //if( null != recVars.get( pat.symbol ) ) {
+ // return ;
+ //}
+ // _ and variable x ( == x @ _ )
+ val label = DefaultLabel();
+ seenLabel( pat, label );
+ return ;
+ }
+ }
+ var finals: TreeMap = _; // final states
+ //TreeSet initialsRev; // final states
+ var deltaq:Array[HashMap] = _; // delta
+ var defaultq: Array[Vector] = _; // default transitions
+ //HashMap deltaqRev[]; // delta of Rev
+ //Vector defaultqRev[]; // default transitions of Rev
+ def makeTransition(srcI:Integer, destI:Integer, label: Label): Unit = {
+ var src = srcI.intValue() ;
+ var dest = destI.intValue() ;
+ var arrows: Vector = null; //, revArrows;
+ //Label revLabel = new Pair( srcI, label );
+ label match {
+ case DefaultLabel() =>
+ arrows = defaultq( src );
+ //revArrows = defaultqRev[ dest ];
+ case _ =>
+ arrows = deltaq( src ).get( label ).asInstanceOf[Vector];
+ if( arrows == null )
+ deltaq( src ).put( label,
+ {arrows = new Vector(); arrows} );
+ /*
+ revArrows = (Vector) deltaqRev[ dest ].get( revLabel );
+ if( revArrows == null )
+ deltaqRev[ dest ].put( revLabel,
+ revArrows = new Vector() );
+ */
+ }
+ arrows.add( destI );
+ //revArrows.add( srcI );
+ }
+ var initials: TreeSet = _;
+ //NondetWordAutom revNfa ;
+ def initialize( subexpr:List[Tree] ): Unit = {
+ this.posMap = new HashMap();
+ this.labelAt = new HashMap();
+ this.follow = new HashMap();
+ this.labels = new HashSet();
+ this.recVars = new HashMap();
+ this.pos = 0;
+ // determine "Sethi-length" of the regexp
+ activeBinders = new Vector();
+ val it = subexpr.elements;
+ while(it.hasNext )
+ traverse( );
+ this.initials = new TreeSet();
+ initials.add( new Integer( 0 ));
+ }
+ def initializeAutom(): Unit = {
+ finals = new TreeMap(); // final states
+ deltaq = new Array[HashMap]( pos ); // delta
+ defaultq = new Array[Vector]( pos ); // default transitions
+ var j = 0;
+ while(j < pos) {
+ deltaq( j ) = new HashMap();
+ defaultq( j ) = new Vector();
+ j = j + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ def collectTransitions(): Unit = { // make transitions
+ var j = 0;
+ while(j < pos) {
+ val q = new Integer( j );
+ //System.out.print( "--q="+q );
+ //System.out.println(" labelAt:"+labelAt.get( q ));
+ val fol = this.follow.get( q ).asInstanceOf[TreeSet];
+ //assert fol != null;
+ val it = fol.iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ val p =[Integer];
+ //System.out.println( "-- -- p="+p );
+ if( p.intValue() == pos ) {
+ finals.put( q, finalTag );
+ } else {
+ makeTransition( new Integer(j), p,
+ labelAt.get( p ).asInstanceOf[Label]);
+ }
+ }
+ j = j + 1
+ }
+ }
+ var finalTag: Integer = _;
+ def automatonFrom(pat: Tree , finalTag: Integer): NondetWordAutom = {
+ this.finalTag = finalTag;
+ //System.out.println( "enter automatonFrom("+pat+","+finalTag+")"); // UNIT TEST
+ //System.out.println( pat );
+ //System.out.println( nullableSequence( pat )); // UNIT TEST
+ pat match {
+ case Sequence( subexpr ) =>
+ initialize( subexpr );
+ // (1) compute first
+ //globalFirst = compFirst( subexpr );
+ //System.out.println(globalFirst);
+ // (2) compute follow;
+ pos = pos + 1;
+ //Set ignore = compFollow( subexpr );
+ //System.out.println(ignore);
+ //System.exit(0);
+ //assert (ignore.equals( globalFirst ));
+ globalFirst = compFollow( subexpr );
+ //System.out.print("someFirst:");debugPrint(someFirst);
+ // construct the automaton's explicit representation
+ initializeAutom();
+ // defaultqRev = new Vector[pos]; // default transitions
+ collectTransitions();
+ if (subexpr forall {nullable}) // initial state is final
+ finals.put(new Integer(0), finalTag);
+ //TreeSet initials = new TreeSet();
+ //initials.add(new Integer(0));
+ val result =
+ new NondetWordAutom(pos, // = nstates
+ labels,
+ initials,
+ finals,
+ deltaq,
+ defaultq,
+ null/*(Object) qbinders*/);
+ /*
+ System.out.println("inBerrySethi");
+ XMLAutomPrinter pr = new XMLAutomPrinter( System.out );
+ pr.begin();
+ pr.print(result);
+ pr.print(revNfa);
+ pr.end();
+ System.out.println("initialsRev = "+initialsRev);
+ System.out.println("outBerrySethi");
+ */
+ //System.exit(0);
+ //result.print();
+ return result;
+ }
+ scala.Predef.error("expected a sequence pattern");
+ }
+ def print1(): Unit = {
+ Console.println("after sethi-style processing");
+ Console.println("#positions:" + pos);
+ Console.println("posMap:");
+ var it = this.posMap.keySet().iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ val t =[Tree];
+ t match {
+ case Literal( _ ) =>
+ Console.print( "(" + t.toString() + " -> ");
+ val s2 = (posMap.get(t).asInstanceOf[Integer]).toString();
+ Console.print( s2 +") ");
+ }
+ }
+ Console.println("\nfollow: ");
+ var j = 1;
+ while(j < pos ) {
+ val fol = this.follow.get(new Integer(j)).asInstanceOf[TreeSet];
+ Console.print("("+j+" -> "+fol.toString()+") ");
+ //debugPrint( fol );
+ Console.println;
+ j = j + 1;
+ }
+ }
+} // class BerrySethi
+//import scala.compiler.printer.XMLTreePrinter ;
+//import scala.compiler.printer.XMLAutomPrinter ;
+/** a Berry-Sethi style construction for nfas.
+ * this class plays is the "Builder" for the "Director" class
+ * WordRecognizer.
+ */
+class BindingBerrySethi extends BerrySethi {
+ // variables
+ var deltaqRev : Array[HashMap] = _; // delta of Rev
+ var defaultqRev: Array[Vector] = _; // default transitions of Rev
+ var qbinders : Array[Vector] = _; // transitions <-> variables
+ var revnfa : NondetWordAutom = _ ;
+ var varAt : HashMap = _; // chi: Positions -> Vars (Symbol)
+ override def makeTransition(srcI: Integer, destI: Integer, label: Label): Unit = {
+ val src = srcI.intValue() ;
+ val dest = destI.intValue() ;
+ var arrows: Vector = null;
+ var revArrows: Vector = null;
+ val revLabel = new LPair(srcI, label);
+ label match {
+ case DefaultLabel() =>
+ arrows = defaultq(src);
+ revArrows = defaultqRev(dest);
+ case _ =>
+ arrows = deltaq(src).get(label).asInstanceOf[Vector];
+ if (arrows == null)
+ deltaq(src).put(label,
+ {arrows = new Vector(); arrows} );
+ revArrows = deltaqRev(dest).get(revLabel).asInstanceOf[Vector];
+ if (revArrows == null)
+ deltaqRev(dest).put(revLabel, {revArrows = new Vector(); revArrows} );
+ }
+ arrows.add(destI);
+ revArrows.add(srcI);
+ }
+ override def seenLabel(pat: Tree, label: Label): Unit = {
+ var i = new Integer({pos = pos + 1; pos} );
+ seenLabel( pat, i, label );
+ pat match {
+ case Apply(_, _) | Literal( _ ) | Select(_, _) | Typed(_,_) =>
+ this.varAt.put( i, activeBinders.clone() ); // below @ ?
+ case Ident( name ) =>
+ //assert ( pat.symbol() == Global.instance.definitions.PATTERN_WILDCARD )||( name.toString().indexOf("$") > -1 ) : "found variable label "+name;
+ val binders = activeBinders.clone().asInstanceOf[Vector];
+ /*
+ if( pat.symbol() != Global.instance.definitions.PATTERN_WILDCARD) {
+ binders.add( pat.symbol() );
+ }
+ */
+ this.varAt.put( i, binders );
+ }
+ }
+ override def initialize( pats:List[Tree] ): Unit = {
+ this.varAt = new HashMap(); // Xperiment
+ super.initialize( pats );
+ }
+ override def initializeAutom(): Unit = {
+ super.initializeAutom();
+ deltaqRev = new Array[HashMap](pos); // deltaRev
+ defaultqRev = new Array[Vector](pos); // default transitions
+ qbinders = new Array[Vector](pos); // transitions <-> variables
+ var j = 0;
+ while (j < pos) {
+ deltaqRev(j) = new HashMap();
+ defaultqRev(j) = new Vector();
+ qbinders(j) = varAt.get(new Integer(j)).asInstanceOf[Vector];
+ j = j + 1;
+ }
+ varAt.clear(); // clean up
+ }
+ override def automatonFrom(pat: Tree, finalTag: Integer): NondetWordAutom = {
+ this.finalTag = finalTag ;
+ //System.out.println("enter automatonFrom("+ pat +")");
+ pat match {
+ case Sequence(subexpr) =>
+ initialize(subexpr);
+ // (1) compute first + follow;
+ pos = pos + 1;
+ globalFirst = compFollow( subexpr );
+ initializeAutom(); // explicit representation
+ collectTransitions();
+ val result =
+ new NondetWordAutom(pos, // = nstates
+ labels,
+ initials,
+ finals,
+ deltaq,
+ defaultq,
+ qbinders);
+ result.leftTrans = true;
+ val revInitials = new TreeSet(finals.keySet());
+ /*
+ pos++; // adding a state
+ HashSet deltaqRev2[] = new HashSet[ deltaqRev.length + 1];
+ HashSet defaultqRev2[] = new HashSet[ deltaqRev.length + 1];
+ HashSet qbinders[] = new HashSet[ deltaqRev.length + 1];
+ for (Iterator it = finals.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
+ }
+ */
+ val revFinals = new TreeMap();
+ var it = initials.iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ revFinals.put(, finalTag);
+ }
+ revnfa = new NondetWordAutom(pos,
+ labels,
+ revInitials,
+ revFinals,
+ deltaqRev,
+ defaultqRev,
+ qbinders);
+ revnfa.rightTrans = true;
+ /*
+ System.out.println("inBerrySethi");
+ XMLAutomPrinter pr = new XMLAutomPrinter(System.out);
+ pr.begin();
+ pr.print(result);
+ pr.print(revnfa);
+ pr.end();
+ System.out.println("initialsRev = " + initialsRev);
+ System.out.println("outBerrySethi");
+ */
+ //System.exit(0);
+ return result; //print();
+ }
+ }
+} // class BindingBerrySethi
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/CodeFactory.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/CodeFactory.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d6882a0fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/CodeFactory.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+** $Id$
+package ;
+[_trait_] abstract class CodeFactory: TransMatcher {
+ import global._ ;
+ import definitions._; // standard classes and methods
+ import typer.typed; // methods to type trees
+ import posAssigner.atPos; // for filling in tree positions
+ /** returns `List[ Tuple2[ scala.Int, <elemType> ] ]' */
+ def SeqTraceType( elemType: Type ): Type = {
+ appliedType(definitions.ListClass.typeConstructor,
+ List(pairType(,
+ elemType)))
+ }
+ def pairType(left: Type, right: Type) = {
+ appliedType( definitions.TupleClass(2).typeConstructor,
+ List(left,right))
+ }
+ /** returns `Iterator[ elemType ]' */
+ def _seqIterType( elemType: Type ): Type = {
+ appliedType( definitions.IteratorClass.typeConstructor,
+ List(elemType))
+ }
+ /** returns A for T <: Sequence[ A ]
+ */
+ def getElemType_Sequence(tpe: Type): Type = {
+ //System.err.println("getElemType_Sequence("+tpe.widen()+")");
+ val tpe1 = tpe.widen.baseType( definitions.SeqClass );
+ if( tpe1 == NoType )
+ Predef.error("arg "+tpe+" not subtype of Seq[ A ]");
+ return tpe1.typeArgs( 0 );
+ }
+ // --------- these are new
+ /** a faked switch statement
+ */
+ def Switch(condition: Array[Tree], body: Array[Tree], defaultBody: Tree): Tree = {
+ //assert condition != null:"cond is null";
+ //assert body != null:"body is null";
+ //assert defaultBody != null:"defaultBody is null";
+ var result = defaultBody;
+ var i = condition.length-1;
+ while (i >= 0) {
+ result = If(condition(i), body(i), result);
+ i = i - 1
+ }
+ return result ;
+ }
+ /** returns code `<seqObj>.elements' */
+ def newIterator( seqObj:Tree ): Tree =
+ Apply(Select(seqObj, newTermName("elements")), List());
+ /** `' */
+ def _next(iter: Tree) =
+ Apply(Select(iter, definitions.Iterator_next), List());
+ /** `it.hasNext()' */
+ def _hasNext(iter: Tree) =
+ Apply(Select(iter, definitions.Iterator_hasNext), List());
+ /** `!it.hasCur()' */
+ def _not_hasNext( iter:Tree ) =
+ Apply(Select(_hasNext(iter), definitions.Boolean_not), List());
+ /** `trace.isEmpty' */
+ def isEmpty( iter: Tree ): Tree =
+ Apply(Select(iter, definitions.List_isEmpty), List());
+ /** `arg.head' */
+ def SeqList_head( arg: Tree ) =
+ Apply(Select(arg, definitions.List_head), List());
+ def Negate(tree: Tree) = tree match {
+ case Literal(Constant(value:Boolean))=>
+ Literal(Constant(!value))
+ case _ =>
+ Apply(Select(tree, definitions.Boolean_not), List());
+ }
+ /*protected*/ def And(left: Tree, right: Tree): Tree = left match {
+ case Literal(Constant(value:Boolean)) =>
+ if(value) right else left;
+ case _ =>
+ right match {
+ case Literal(Constant(true)) =>
+ left;
+ case _ =>
+ Apply(Select(left, definitions.Boolean_and), List(right));
+ }
+ }
+ /*protected*/ def Or(left: Tree, right: Tree): Tree = {
+ left match {
+ case If(cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, Literal(Constant(false))) => // little opt, frequent special case
+ If(cond, thenp, right)
+ case Literal(Constant(value: Boolean))=>
+ if(value) left else right;
+ case _ =>
+ right match {
+ case Literal(Constant(false)) =>
+ left;
+ case _ =>
+ Apply(Select(left, definitions.Boolean_or), List(right));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // used by Equals
+ private def getCoerceToInt(left: Type): Symbol = {
+ val sym = left.nonPrivateMember( nme.coerce );
+ //assert sym != Symbol.NONE :;
+ sym.alternatives.find {
+ x => match {
+ case MethodType(vparams, restpe) =>
+ vparams.length == 0 && isSameType(restpe,
+ }
+ }.get
+ }
+ // used by Equals
+ private def getEqEq(left: Type, right: Type): Symbol = {
+ //Console.println("getEqeq of left == "+left);
+ val sym = left.nonPrivateMember( nme.EQEQ );
+ //if (sym == NoSymbol)
+ // error("no eqeq for "+left);
+ // : + "::" +;
+ var fun: Symbol = null;
+ var ftype:Type = null; // faster than `definitions.AnyClass.tpe'
+ sym.alternatives.foreach {
+ x =>
+ //Console.println("getEqEq: "+x);
+ val vparams =;
+ //Console.println("vparams.length == "+vparams.length);
+ if (vparams.length == 1) {
+ val vptype = vparams(0);
+ //Console.println("vptype == "+vptype);
+ //Console.println(" ftype == "+ftype);
+ //Console.println(" cond1 == "+isSubType(right, vptype));
+ //Console.println(" cond2("+vptype+","+ftype+") == "+(ftype == null || isSubType(vptype, ftype)));
+ //Console.println("vptype.getClass "+vptype.getClass());
+ if (isSubType(right, vptype) && (ftype == null || isSubType(vptype, ftype)) ) {
+ fun = x;
+ ftype = vptype;
+ //Console.println("fun now: "+fun+" ftype now "+ftype);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //if (fun == null) scala.Predef.error("couldn't find eqeq for left"+left);
+ fun;
+ }
+ def Equals(left: Tree , right: Tree ): Tree = Apply(Select(left, nme.EQEQ), List(right));
+/* { var left = left1;
+ var right = right1;
+ //Console.println("CodeFactory:: left.tpe =" + left.tpe + " right.tpe "+right.tpe+")");
+ val ltype = left.tpe.widen;
+ var rtype = right.tpe.widen;
+ if (isSameType(ltype, rtype)
+ && (isSameType(ltype,
+ || isSameType(ltype,
+ || isSameType(ltype,
+ {
+ //Console.println("getcoerce"+getCoerceToInt(rtype));
+ //Console.println("getcoerce.tpe"+getCoerceToInt(rtype).tpe);
+ right = Apply(Select(right, getCoerceToInt(rtype)), List());
+ rtype =;
+ }
+ val eqsym = getEqEq(ltype, rtype);
+ //Console.println("eqsym "+eqsym);
+ //Console.println("eqsym.tpe "+eqsym.tpe);
+// Apply(Select(left1, nme.EQEQ/*eqsym*/), List(right1));
+// }
+ def ThrowMatchError(pos: Int, tpe: Type ) =
+ atPos(pos) {
+ Throw(
+ New(
+ TypeTree(definitions.MatchErrorClass.tpe),
+ List(List(
+ Literal(cunit.toString()),
+ Literal(Position.line(cunit.source, pos))))))
+ }
+ Apply(
+ TypeApply(
+ gen.mkRef(definitions.MatchError_fail),
+ List(TypeTree(tpe))
+ ),
+ List(
+ Literal(cunit.toString()),
+ Literal(Position.line(cunit.source, pos))
+ )
+ );
+ /* // ?!
+ def ThrowMatchError(pos:int , tree:Tree ) =
+ Apply(
+ gen.mkRef(definitions.MatchError_report),
+ List(
+ Literal(cunit.toString()),
+ Literal(Position.line(cunit.source, pos)),
+ tree
+ )
+ );
+ */
+// def Error(pos: Int) =
+// ThrowMatchError(pos);
+ /*
+ def newPair(left: Tree, right: Tree) =
+ New(
+ Apply(
+ gen.mkRef(definitions.TupleClass(2)),
+ List(left,right)
+ )
+ );
+ */
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/DetWordAutoms.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/DetWordAutoms.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e4d2943be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/DetWordAutoms.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,884 @@
+/* NSC -- new scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author buraq
+ */
+// $Id$
+package ;
+import java.util._ ;
+trait DetWordAutoms: TransMatcher {
+import global._;
+class DetWordAutom {
+ /** determinization -- standard algorithm considering only
+ * reachable states
+ */
+ def this(nfa: NondetWordAutom) = {
+ this();
+ //Console.println("DWA:this(.)");
+ //Console.println(nfa.nstates);
+ //nfa.print();
+ determinize( nfa );
+ //Console.println(_nstates);
+ }
+ //final static Integer FINTAG = new Integer(0);
+ /** number of states */
+ var _nstates:int =0;
+ /** the 'alphabet' */
+ var _labels:HashSet = _;
+ /** the set of final states, here as a TreeMap */
+ /*protected*/ var finals:TreeMap = _;
+ /** dfa: HashMap trans: Object -> Integer
+ * nfa: HashMap trans: Object -> Vector [ Integer ]
+ *
+ * nfa: Integer ->(Object -> Vector [ Int ])
+ * [q] |->( a |-> { q' | (q,a,q') in \deltaright } )
+ *
+ * dfa: Integer ->(Object -> Int)
+ * [q] |->( a |-> q' | \deltaright(q,a) = q' } )
+ */
+ var _deltaq: Array[HashMap] = _;
+ var _defaultq: Array[Integer] = _; // this gives the default transitions
+ //protected HashMap deltaq[];
+ // --- accessor methods
+ /** returns number of states
+ */
+ def nstates(): Int = _nstates;
+ /** returns the labels
+ */
+ def labels(): HashSet = _labels;
+ /** returns the transitions
+ */
+ def deltaq( state:int ): HashMap = _deltaq( state );
+ /** returns the transitions
+ */
+ def deltaq( state:Integer ): HashMap = _deltaq( state.intValue() );
+ /** for a set of nfa states (that must exist), returns its transitions
+ */
+ def deltaq(nset: TreeSet): HashMap =
+ deltaq( indexMap.get( nset ).asInstanceOf[Integer] );
+ /** for a set of nfa states (that must exist), returns its transitions
+ */
+ def defaultq( nset:TreeSet ): Integer =
+ defaultq( indexMap.get( nset ).asInstanceOf[Integer] );
+ /** returns the transitions
+ */
+ def defaultq( state: int ): Integer =
+ _defaultq( state );
+ /** returns the transitions
+ */
+ def defaultq( state: Integer ): Integer =
+ _defaultq( state.intValue() );
+ /** returns true if the state is final
+ */
+ def isFinal(state: int): boolean =
+ ((finals != null)
+ && (finals.get( new Integer( state )) != null));
+ /** returns true if the state is final
+ */
+ def isFinal(state: Integer): boolean = {
+ return ((finals != null) && finals.containsKey( state ));
+ }
+ /** returns true if the state is final
+ */
+ def finalTag( state:Integer ): Integer = {
+ return finals.get( state ).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ }
+ def finalTag( state: int ): Integer = {
+ return finals.get( new Integer (state )).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ }
+ /** returns true if the set of states contains at least one final state
+ */
+ def containsFinal( Q: TreeSet ): boolean = {
+ val it = Q.iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ if( isFinal([Integer]))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /** returns true if there are no finite states
+ */
+ def isEmpty(): boolean = {
+ return finals.isEmpty();
+ }
+ // END stuff from FiniteAutom
+ final val FIRST: int = 0;
+ final val LAST: int = FIRST + 1;
+ //static final int WHICH_LONGEST_MATCH = FIRST ;
+ final val WHICH_LONGEST_MATCH:int = LAST ;
+ // inherited from FiniteAutom:
+ // int nstates; // number of states
+ // HashSet labels;// the alphabet
+ // TreeMap finals;
+ // HashMap deltaq[];
+ //Integer defaultq[];
+ // TEMPORARY VAR used only during determinization and debug printing
+ // Q -> (Label -> Q )
+ var delta/*Map*/ : HashMap = _;
+ // Q -> Integer;
+ var indexMap: HashMap = _;
+ // Integer -> Q
+ var invIndexMap: HashMap = _;
+ // only not null if this is a right-transducer
+ var qbinders: Array[Vector] = _;
+ final val NODEFAULT: Integer = new Integer( -1 );
+ def isSink( i:int ): boolean = {
+ return ( _deltaq( i ).keySet().isEmpty()
+ && (_defaultq != null )
+ && (_defaultq( i ).intValue() == i) );
+ }
+ def hasDefault( i:int ): boolean = {
+ return _defaultq( i ) != NODEFAULT;
+ }
+ def determinize( nfa: NondetWordAutom ): Unit = {
+ //Console.println("DetWordAutom:determinize");
+ //System.out.println("nfa:");nfa.print();
+ var states:TreeSet = null; // temp: Set[Set[Integer]]
+ var deftrans:HashMap = null; // Set[Integer] -> Int
+ var trans: HashMap = null; // always points to a mapping ( Label -> Q )
+ var ix = 0; // state index
+ this._labels = nfa.labels;
+ ////System.out.println("Labels: "+labels);
+*Map*/ = new HashMap();
+ //this.dead = -1;
+ states = new TreeSet( new StateSetComparator() );
+ deftrans = new HashMap();
+ // temporarily: Map[Set[Integer]] later: Map[Integer]
+ this.finals = new TreeMap( new StateSetComparator() );
+ this.invIndexMap = new HashMap();
+ this.indexMap = new HashMap();
+ // new initial state (singleton set { q0 } by construction)
+ val q0 = new TreeSet();
+ q0.addAll( nfa.initials ); /*new Integer( 0 )); */
+ states.add( q0 );
+ val empty = new TreeSet();
+ deftrans.put( q0, empty );
+ states.add( empty );
+ deftrans.put( empty, empty );
+ val rest = new Stack();
+ if( nfa.isFinal( 0 ) )
+ this.finals.put( q0, nfa.finalTag( 0 ) );
+ //Console.println("...beginning");
+ rest.push( empty );
+ rest.push( q0 );
+ //Console.println("...beginning 2" );
+ while( !rest.empty() ) {
+ //Console.println("...beginning 3" );
+ val P1 = rest.pop().asInstanceOf[TreeSet];
+ //System.out.println("states:"+ states);
+ //System.out.println("P1:"+ P1);
+ invIndexMap.put( new Integer( ix ), P1 );
+ indexMap.put( P1, new Integer( ix ));
+ ix = ix + 1;
+ delta/*Map*/.put( P1, {trans = new HashMap(); trans});
+ //Console.println("...beginning 4" );
+ // labelled transitions
+ val it = _labels.iterator();
+ //Console.println("it = "+it );
+ //Console.println(it.hasNext());
+ while( it.hasNext() ) {
+ //Console.println("...beginning 5" );
+ //Console.flush;
+ val label =;
+ //Console.print( "Label: " + label +" ");
+ // Qdest will contain all states reachable via `label'
+ // from some nfa state in P1;
+ val Qdest = nfa.getSide( P1, label );
+ //Console.println("Qdest:"+Qdest);
+ if( !states.contains( Qdest ) ) {
+ states.add( Qdest );
+ ////System.out.print(" (added)" );
+ rest.push( Qdest );
+ ////System.out.print(" (pushed)");
+ //Console.println("nfa.containsFinal("+Qdest+") =="+nfa.containsFinal( Qdest ));
+ if( nfa.containsFinal( Qdest ) )
+ this.finals.put( Qdest, nfa.finalTag( Qdest ));
+ ////System.out.print(" (added final)");
+ }
+ ////System.out.println(".Qdest");
+ trans.put( label, Qdest );
+ // //System.out.println( "Qdest: " + Qdest);
+ //Console.println("Y marks");
+ }
+ // default transitions
+ val defTarget: TreeSet = nfa.defaultq( P1 ).asInstanceOf[TreeSet];
+ //System.out.println("defTarget:"+defTarget);
+ deftrans.put( P1, defTarget );
+ //Console.println("X marks 0");
+ if( !states.contains( defTarget ) ) {
+ //Console.println("X marks 1");
+ states.add( defTarget );
+ rest.push( defTarget );
+ //Console.println("nfa.containsFinal("+defTarget+")"+nfa.containsFinal( defTarget ));
+ if( nfa.containsFinal( defTarget ) )
+ this.finals.put( defTarget, nfa.finalTag( defTarget ));
+ }
+ //Console.println("X marks");
+ }
+ //Console.println("...continuing");
+ // <DEBUG>
+ //printBefore( states, deftrans );
+ // </DEBUG> do not call printBefore after this point
+ // //System.out.println("indexMap: "+indexMap);
+ this._nstates = states.size();
+ _deltaq = new Array[HashMap]( _nstates );
+ _defaultq = new Array[Integer]( _nstates );
+ // we replace Set[Set[Integer]] by its index and clean up
+ val jt = states.iterator();
+ while(jt.hasNext()) {
+ val state =[TreeSet];
+ val state_x = indexMap.get( state ).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ val defTarget = deftrans.get( state ).asInstanceOf[TreeSet];
+ var defTarget_x: Integer = null;
+ if( null != defTarget) {
+ defTarget_x = indexMap.get( defTarget ).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ ////System.out.println("deftarget" + defTarget);
+ } else
+ defTarget_x = NODEFAULT;
+ ////System.out.print(state.toString() + " --> " + state_x);
+ //System.out.println(" deftarget " + defTarget + " --> "+defTarget_x);
+ trans = delta/*Map*/.get( state ).asInstanceOf[HashMap];
+ val newTrans = new HashMap();
+ val labs = _labels.iterator();
+ while(labs.hasNext()) {
+ val label =;
+ val target = trans.get( label ).asInstanceOf[TreeSet];
+ var target_x: Integer = null;
+ if( null != target ) {
+ // //System.out.println("target :"+target);
+ target_x = indexMap.get( target ).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ if( target_x.intValue() != defTarget_x.intValue() ) {
+ // replace target by target_x
+ // (use type-unawareness)
+ newTrans.put( label, target_x );
+ }
+ trans.remove( label );
+ }
+ }
+ _deltaq( state_x.intValue() ) = newTrans;
+ _defaultq( state_x.intValue() ) = defTarget_x;
+ delta/*Map*/.remove( state );
+ deftrans.remove( state );
+ }
+ //Console.println("determinize::: finals"+finals);
+ val oldfin: TreeMap = finals;
+ this.finals = new TreeMap();
+ var kt = oldfin.keySet().iterator();
+ while(kt.hasNext()) {
+ val state =[TreeSet];
+ val state_x = indexMap.get( state ).asInstanceOf[Integer];;
+ this.finals.put( state_x, oldfin.get( state ) ); // conserve tags
+ }
+ // clean up, delete temporary stuff
+ /*
+ // we cannot clean up, indexmap is needed later
+ for( Iterator it = states.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
+ ((TreeSet);
+ }
+ */
+ states.clear();
+ //Console.println("...done");
+ //minimize();
+ }
+ def isDead(state: Int): Boolean = {
+ return state == _nstates - 1; // by construction
+ }
+ def isDead(state: Integer): Boolean = {
+ return state.intValue() == _nstates - 1; // by construction
+ }
+ /** returns target of the transition from state i with label label.
+ * null if no such transition exists.
+ */
+ def delta(i: Int, label: Label): Integer = {
+ var target:Integer = null;
+ label match {
+ case DefaultLabel() =>
+ if (! hasDefault(i))
+ return null;
+ return _defaultq( i ).asInstanceOf[Integer] ;
+ case SimpleLabel( _ ) | TreeLabel( _ ) =>
+ return _deltaq( i ).get( label ).asInstanceOf[Integer] ;
+ /*case LPair( Integer state, Label lab ):
+ return state;
+ */
+ case _ =>
+ scala.Predef.error("whut's this: label="+label+", class "+label.getClass());
+ }
+ }
+ def delta(i: Integer, label: Label): Integer =
+ delta(i.intValue(), label);
+ /** should maybe in nfa, not here
+ */
+ /*static */
+ protected def smallestFinal( nfa: NondetWordAutom, states:TreeSet ): Integer = {
+ var min = Integer.MAX_VALUE ;
+ val it = states.iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ val state =[Integer];
+ if( nfa.isFinal( state ) && (state.intValue() < min ))
+ min = state.intValue();
+ }
+ if (min == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
+ scala.Predef.error("I expected a final set of states");
+ return new Integer( min );
+ }
+ protected def allSetsThatContain( ndstate: Integer ): Vector = {
+ val v = new Vector();
+ val it = indexMap.keySet().iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ val ndstateSet =[TreeSet];
+ if( ndstateSet.contains( ndstate ))
+ v.add( ndstateSet );
+ }
+ return v;
+ }
+ protected def filterItOutQuoi( dLeft: DetWordAutom, npTarget: Npair,lab:LPair , nsrc:TreeMap ):Unit = {
+ val theLabel = lab.lab;
+ val ntarget = lab.state;
+ // e.g.[2,(3),4] --> 7
+ val dstate = dLeft.indexMap.get( npTarget.nset ).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ // eg. 3 -> [3] [2,3]
+ val targets:Vector = dLeft.allSetsThatContain( ntarget );
+ ////System.out.println( targets+", of these " ) ;
+ // filter out those source states which arrive here...
+ val su = targets.iterator();
+ while(su.hasNext()) {
+ val nset =[TreeSet];
+ val ddelta = dLeft.deltaq( nset ).asInstanceOf[HashMap];
+ // ... at THIS dstate
+ if(ddelta.get( theLabel ).asInstanceOf[Integer] == dstate ) {
+ val np1 = new Npair( ntarget, nset );
+ ////System.out.print( np1.toString( dLeft.indexMap ));
+ addTransitionFLM( nsrc, np1 );
+ else
+ addTransitionLLM( nsrc, np1 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** all default transitions from sets that contain nq to npTarget
+ */
+ protected def filterItOutQuoiDefault( dLeft: DetWordAutom ,npTarget:Npair , nq:Integer , nsrc:TreeMap ): Unit = {
+ ////System.out.println( "npTarget = " + npTarget ) ;
+ val allSources = dLeft.allSetsThatContain( npTarget.nstate );
+ val it = allSources.iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ // e.g.[2,(3),4] --> 7
+ //Integer dstate = (Integer) dLeft.indexMap.get( npTarget.nset );
+ val dstate = dLeft.indexMap.get( ).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ //System.out.println( "dstate = " + dstate ) ;
+ //assert dstate != null;
+ // eg. 3 -> [3] [2,3]
+ val targets = dLeft.allSetsThatContain( nq );
+ //System.out.println( "targets: " + targets ) ;
+ // filter out those source states which arrive here...
+ val su = targets.iterator();
+ while(su.hasNext()) {
+ val nset =[TreeSet];
+ val ddef = dLeft.defaultq( nset );
+ //System.out.println( "ddef ="+ddef );
+ // ... at THIS dstate
+ if( ddef == dstate ) {
+ val np1 = new Npair( nq, nset );
+ // print target
+ //System.out.print( np1.toString( dLeft.indexMap ));
+ addTransitionFLM( nsrc, np1 );
+ else
+ addTransitionLLM( nsrc, np1 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** this implements the first longest match policy
+ */
+ protected def addTransitionFLM( nsrc:TreeMap , np:Npair ): Unit= {
+ val np2 = nsrc.get( np.nset ).asInstanceOf[Npair ];
+ // (policy) first longest match
+ if(( np2 == null )
+ ||( np2.nstate.intValue() > np.nstate.intValue())) {
+ nsrc.put( np.nset, np );
+ }
+ }
+ /** this implements the last longest match policy (!)
+ */
+ protected def addTransitionLLM(nsrc: TreeMap, np: Npair ): Unit = {
+ val np2 = nsrc.get( np.nset ).asInstanceOf[Npair];
+ // (policy) first longest match
+ if(( np2 == null )
+ ||( np2.nstate.intValue() < np.nstate.intValue())) {
+ nsrc.put( np.nset, np );
+ }
+ }
+ /** build a deterministic right to left transducer from the args
+ */
+ def this(right: NondetWordAutom, left:NondetWordAutom, dLeft: DetWordAutom ) = {
+ this();
+ /* System.out.println("DetWordAutom.<init>(nfa,nfa,dfa)");
+ System.out.println("nfa-left:");left.print();
+ System.out.println("nfa-right:");right.print();
+ System.out.println("dLeft:"+dLeft.print());
+ System.out.println("dLeft.finals"+dLeft.finals);
+ */
+ this.indexMap = dLeft.indexMap;
+ this.invIndexMap = dLeft.invIndexMap;
+ // fix indexMap
+ /* // unnecessary
+ TreeSet q0 = new TreeSet();
+ q0.add( new Integer( 0 ));
+ indexMap.put( q0, new Integer( 0 ));
+ //System.out.println("check out the indexMap!" + indexMap);
+ */
+ val visited_n = new TreeSet( new NpairComparator() );
+ val rest = new Stack();
+ // right is "nearly deterministic"
+ // we can follow reverse traces paths by using dLeft.indexMap
+ // start with right.initials,,
+ val it = dLeft.finals.keySet().iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ val fstate =[Integer];
+ val nfstate = invIndexMap.get( fstate ).asInstanceOf[TreeSet];
+ //System.out.print( "final state:"+fstate);
+ //System.out.print( " correspond to set of states:"+ nfstate );
+ val min_ndstate: Integer = smallestFinal( left, nfstate );
+ val npair:Npair = new Npair( min_ndstate, nfstate );
+ //System.out.println( " smallest final of these: "+ min_ndstate );
+ //System.out.println( "push final nfa state "+npair.toString( dLeft.indexMap ));
+ if( !visited_n.contains( npair )) {
+ visited_n.add( npair );
+ rest.push( npair );
+ }
+ }
+ val ratLab = new HashMap(); // maps nset to label,HashMap
+ val ratDelta = new HashMap(); // maps nset to Vector[ NP ]targets
+ val ratDefault = new HashMap(); // maps nset to NP (one target)
+ var ix = 1;
+ val ix_initial = rest.clone().asInstanceOf[Stack];
+ var ix_final = new TreeSet( new NpairComparator() );;
+ val newIndexMap = new TreeMap( new NpairComparator() );
+ while( !rest.isEmpty() ) {
+ val npair = rest.pop().asInstanceOf[Npair];
+ newIndexMap.put( npair, new Integer(ix));
+ ratDelta.put( npair, new Vector() );
+ if( npair.nset.contains( new Integer( 0 )) ) {
+ ix_final.add( npair );
+ }
+ ix = ix + 1;
+ //System.out.println(" popped "+npair.toString( dLeft.indexMap ));
+ ////System.out.print(" binders: ");
+ ////System.out.print( right.qbinders[ npair.nstate.intValue() ] );
+ val delta = right.deltaq( npair.nstate );
+ ////System.out.print(" we could have arrived : ");
+ //search the delta for target invIndexMap
+ val labelToNset = new HashMap();
+ val labelToFrom = new HashMap();
+ // maps nsets to the active nstates
+ var nsrc = new TreeMap( new StateSetComparator() );
+ // berry-sethi construction assures that
+ // there is only one label for outgoing transitions
+ var theLabel:Label = null;
+ // collect all transition possible in the DFA
+ val jt = delta.keySet().iterator();
+ while(jt.hasNext()) {
+ val lab =[LPair];
+ // lab.state is the target in the NFA
+ if( null == theLabel ) {
+ ratLab.put( npair, lab.lab );
+ ////System.out.print(" with \""+lab.lab+"\" ");
+ }
+ theLabel = lab.lab ;
+ ////System.out.print("\nfrom n" + lab.state +" ... ");
+ // these are too many, filter out those that exist in DFA
+ filterItOutQuoi( dLeft, npair, lab, nsrc );
+ }
+ ////System.out.println( "---" );
+ ////System.out.println("all sources: ");
+ // !! first longest match
+ val ut = nsrc.keySet().iterator();
+ while(ut.hasNext()) {
+ val nset =[TreeSet];
+ val np2: Npair = nsrc.get( nset ).asInstanceOf[Npair] ;
+ //assert( np2 != null );
+ ////System.out.println("target: n"+npair.nstate+" via: "+theLabel+" from "+ np2.toString( dLeft.indexMap ));// nset:"+nset+ " namely state n"+ dest);
+ val v = ratDelta.get( npair ).asInstanceOf[Vector];
+ v.add( np2 );
+ if( !visited_n.contains( np2 ) ) {
+ visited_n.add( np2 );
+ rest.push( np2 );
+ }
+ }
+ //System.out.println("default sources: ");
+ // maps nsets to the active nstates
+ nsrc = new TreeMap( new StateSetComparator() );
+ // now for all default transitions that arrive at this nfa state
+ val defqs = right.defaultq( npair.nstate );
+ val kt = defqs.iterator();
+ while( kt.hasNext() ) {
+ val nq =[Integer];
+ //System.out.println("checking nq="+nq);
+ filterItOutQuoiDefault( dLeft, npair, nq, nsrc );
+ //System.out.println( "nsrc after "+nq+" is "+nsrc );
+ }
+ //System.out.println( "defqs :"+defqs );
+ //System.out.println( "nsrc :"+nsrc );
+ var nut = nsrc.keySet().iterator();
+ while(nut.hasNext()) {
+ val np2 = nsrc.get( ).asInstanceOf[Npair];
+ var v = ratDefault.get( npair ).asInstanceOf[Vector] ;
+ if( v == null )
+ ratDefault.put( npair, {v = new Vector(); v} );
+ v.add( np2 );
+ if( !visited_n.contains( np2 ) ) {
+ visited_n.add( np2 );
+ rest.push( np2 );
+ }
+ }
+ ////System.out.println("zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz");
+ }
+ // Renumbering
+ ////System.out.println( "output: a dfa with "+ix+"states");
+ // FIX: empty regular expression (as in "List()") is valid
+ //assert ( !ix_final.isEmpty() ) : "no final states found";
+ ////System.out.println( "final state:"+ix_final);
+ //System.out.println( "indexMap: " +indexMap);
+ //System.out.println( "newIndexMap: " +newIndexMap);
+ this.finals = new TreeMap();
+ this._nstates = ix;
+ val dratDelta = new Array[HashMap]( ix );
+ qbinders = new Array[Vector]( ix );
+ _labels = new HashSet();
+ val kit = ratDelta.keySet().iterator();
+ while(kit.hasNext()) {
+ val np =[Npair];
+ //System.out.print( "\nstate: "+np);
+ val ndset = np.nset;
+ val dstate = newIndexMap.get( np ).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ //assert dstate != null : "no dstate for "+np.toString(dLeft.indexMap);
+ //System.out.print(" binders:");
+ qbinders( dstate.intValue() ) = left.qbinders( np.nstate.intValue() );
+ //System.out.print( qbinders[dstate.intValue() ]);
+ //System.out.println(" transitions:");
+ if( ix_final.contains( np ) ) {
+ val fin_ix = newIndexMap.get( np ).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ finals.put( fin_ix, new Integer( 0 ));
+ }
+ val lab = ratLab.get( np ).asInstanceOf[Label];
+ val v = ratDelta.get( np ).asInstanceOf[Vector];
+ val ddelta = new HashMap();
+ // v might be null if there are only default transitions
+ if( v != null ) {
+ val it2 = v.iterator();
+ while(it2.hasNext()) {
+ val np2=[Npair];
+ //System.out.print( "("+lab+","+np2+") " );
+ val ddestR = newIndexMap.get( np2 ).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ val ddest = indexMap.get( np2.nset ).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ //assert ddest != null :
+ //"no ddest for "
+ //+np2.toString(dLeft.indexMap);
+ val newLab = new LPair(ddest, lab);
+ ddelta.put( newLab, ddestR );
+ _labels.add( newLab );
+ }
+ dratDelta( dstate.intValue() ) = ddelta;
+ }
+ }
+ var itt = ratDefault.keySet().iterator();
+ while(itt.hasNext()) {
+ val np =[Npair];
+ val dstate = newIndexMap.get( np ).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ //System.out.print("\nstate: "+np+" default trans: ");
+ val v = ratDefault.get( np ).asInstanceOf[Vector];
+ val ut = v.iterator();
+ while(ut.hasNext()) {
+ val np2 =[Npair];
+ val targetL = indexMap.get( np2.nset ).asInstanceOf[Integer];;
+ val targetR = newIndexMap.get( np2 ).asInstanceOf[Integer];;
+ val defLab = new LPair( targetL, DefaultLabel() );
+ _labels.add( defLab );
+ //System.out.print( "("+defLab+","+np2+") " );
+ var d = dratDelta( dstate.intValue() );
+ if( d == null )
+ dratDelta( dstate.intValue() ) = {d = new HashMap(); d};
+ d.put( defLab, targetR );
+ }
+ }
+ _deltaq = dratDelta;
+ val hmap = new HashMap();
+ // final states of left are initial states of right
+ // problem: still need to choose the one
+ while( !ix_initial.isEmpty() ) {
+ val np = ix_initial.pop().asInstanceOf[Npair];
+ val i = newIndexMap.get( np ).asInstanceOf[Integer]; //R-state
+ val dtarget = indexMap.get( np.nset ).asInstanceOf[Integer];// left-d-state
+ hmap.put( dtarget, i );
+ }
+ _deltaq( 0 ) = hmap; // careful, this maps Int to Int
+ qbinders( 0 ) = new Vector();
+ //((Vector[])defaultq)[ 0 ] = new Vector(); is null
+ //printBeforeRAT( dratDelta );
+ }
+ def printBeforeRAT1(str: String): Unit = {
+ val tmp = new StringBuffer( str );
+ var j = tmp.length();
+ while(j < 20) {
+ tmp.append(" ");
+ j = j + 1;
+ }
+ Console.println( tmp.toString() );
+ }
+ def printBeforeRAT( dratDelta: Array[HashMap] ): Unit = {
+ //System.out.println();
+ printBeforeRAT1( "dratDelta" );
+ printBeforeRAT1( "[index]" );
+ //System.out.println();
+ var i = 0;
+ while(i < dratDelta.length) {
+ if( isFinal( i ))
+ printBeforeRAT1( "*"+i );
+ else
+ printBeforeRAT1( " "+i );
+ //System.out.println( dratDelta[ i ] );
+ i = i + 1
+ }
+ }
+ /** you may only call this before the set[set[...]] representation
+ * gets flattened.
+ */
+ def printBefore(states: TreeSet, deftrans: HashMap): Unit = {
+ var trans: HashMap = null;
+ Console.println(states);
+ val it = states.iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ val state =[TreeSet];
+ Console.print("state:" + state.toString() + " transitions ");
+ trans = delta/*Map*/.get( state ).asInstanceOf[HashMap];
+ val labs = _labels.iterator();
+ while(labs.hasNext()) {
+ val label =;
+ val target = trans.get( label ).asInstanceOf[TreeSet];
+ Console.print( " (" + label.toString()
+ + "," + target.toString()+")");
+ }
+ Console.print("default trans"+deftrans.get(state));
+ Console.println;
+ }
+ Console.println("final states:" + finals);
+ }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/LeftTracers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/LeftTracers.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b58e11b4cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/LeftTracers.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+/* NSC -- new scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author buraq
+ */
+// $Id$
+import java.util._ ;
+trait LeftTracers: TransMatcher {
+import global._;
+abstract class LeftTracerInScala extends Autom2Scala {
+ val selector: Tree;
+ val elementType: Type;
+ /** symbol of the accumulator ( scala.SequenceList )
+ */
+ var accumSym: Symbol = _;
+ var accumType: Type = _;
+ var accumTypeArg: Type =_ ;
+ def _accumType(elemType: Type): Type = {
+ SeqTraceType( elemType );
+ }
+ protected def initializeSyms(): Unit = {
+ this.funSym = owner.newLabel( pos, fresh.newName( "left" ));
+ this.iterSym = owner.newVariable( pos, fresh.newName( "iter" ))
+ .setInfo( _seqIterType( elementType ) ) ;
+ this.stateSym = owner.newVariable( pos, fresh.newName( "q" ))
+ .setInfo( ) ;
+ this.accumType = _accumType( elementType );
+ this.accumTypeArg = accumType.typeArgs( 0 );
+ this.accumSym = owner.newVariable( pos, // accumulator
+ fresh.newName( "acc" ))
+ .setInfo( accumType );
+ //this.funSym
+ // .setInfo( new MethodType( new Symbol[] {
+ // accumSym, iterSym, stateSym},
+ // accumType));
+ this.funSym.setInfo(
+ MethodType(
+ scala.List ( // dummy symbol MethodType
+ accumType
+ ),
+ accumType)
+ );
+ //funSym.newValueParameter( pos, fresh.newName( "q" ))
+ //.setInfo(,
+ //funSym.newValueParameter( pos, fresh.newName( "acc" ))
+ //.setInfo( accumType ) ),
+ // accumType)); // result type = List[T]
+ this.resultSym = owner.newVariable(pos, fresh.newName("trace"))
+ .setInfo( accumType ) ;
+ this.curSym = owner.newVariable( pos, "cur" )
+ .setInfo( elementType );
+ this.hasnSym = owner.newVariable( pos, nme.hasNext )
+ .setInfo( );
+ }
+ /* should throw an exception here really, e.g. MatchError
+ */
+ override def code_fail() = Ident( accumSym );
+ /** returns translation of transition with label from i.
+ * returns null if there is no such transition(no translation needed)
+ */
+ override def code_delta(i: Int, label: Label): Tree = {
+ val target = i, label );
+ /*
+ System.out.println("LeftTracer:calling"+i+","+label+")");
+ System.out.println("result: "+target);
+ */
+ if( target == null )
+ null;
+ else {
+ // (optimization) that one is a dead state (does not make sense for tracer)
+ /*
+ if( target == dfa.nstates - 1 )
+ return code_fail();
+ */
+ /*
+ Tree newAcc = newSeqTraceCons(new Integer(i),
+ currentElem(),
+ _ref( accumSym ));
+ */
+ val hd = gen.mkNewPair( Literal(i), currentElem() );
+ val newAcc = gen.mkNewCons(hd, Ident(accumSym ));
+ //return callFun( new Tree[] { newAcc , _iter(), mkIntLit( pos, target )} );
+ callFun( scala.List( Literal(target.intValue() ), newAcc ) );
+ }
+ }
+ def code_body(): Tree = {
+ var body = code_error(); // never reached at runtime.
+ // state [ nstates-1 ] is the dead state, so we skip it
+ //`if( state == q ) <code_state> else {...}'
+ var i = dfa.nstates() - 2;
+ while (i >= 0) {
+ body = code_state(i, body);
+ i = i - 1;
+ }
+ loadCurrentElem(body);
+ }
+ /** return code for state i of the dfa SAME AS IN SUPER, ONLY SINK IS GONE
+ */
+ def code_state(i: Int, elseBody: Tree): Tree = {
+ var runFinished: Tree = null; // holds result of the run
+ var finalSwRes: Int = 0;
+ runFinished = run_finished(i);
+ var stateBody: Tree = null ; // action(delta) for one particular label/test
+ // default action (fail if there is none)
+ stateBody = code_delta( i, DefaultLabel());
+ if( stateBody == null )
+ stateBody = code_fail();
+ // transitions of state i
+ val trans = dfa.deltaq( i );
+ val labs = dfa.deltaq( i ).keySet().iterator();
+ while(labs.hasNext()) {
+ val label =;
+ val next = trans.get( label ).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ val action = code_delta( i, label.asInstanceOf[Label] );
+ if( action != null ) {
+ stateBody = If( currentMatches(label.asInstanceOf[Label]),
+ action,
+ stateBody);
+ }
+ }
+ stateBody = If(Negate(Ident(hasnSym)),
+ runFinished,
+ stateBody );
+ If( Equals( _state(), Literal( i )),
+ stateBody ,
+ elseBody );
+ }
+ def getTrace(): Tree = {
+ initializeSyms();
+ Block(scala.List(
+ ValDef( iterSym, newIterator( selector )),
+ ValDef( stateSym, Literal( 0 ) ),
+ ValDef( accumSym, gen.mkNil /*mkNil( pos )*/),
+ ValDef( resultSym,
+ LabelDef( this.funSym,
+ scala.List (
+ stateSym,
+ accumSym
+ ), code_body() /* code_body_new ? */ ))
+ ),
+ Ident( resultSym ));
+ }
+ // calling the AlgebraicMatcher here
+ override def _cur_match(pat: Tree): Tree = {
+ //return mkBooleanLit(pos, true);
+ //System.out.println("calling algebraic matcher on type:" + pat.type);
+ val m = new PartialMatcher {
+ val owner = LeftTracerInScala.this.owner;
+ val selector = currentElem();
+ // result type );
+ }
+ pat match {
+ case Sequence(pats) if containsBinding(pat) =>
+ //scala.Predef.error("should not happen?!");
+ null; // Literal(true); ?!
+ case _ =>
+ am.construct(m, scala.List (
+ CaseDef( pat, Literal( true )),
+ CaseDef( Ident( nme.WILDCARD ), Literal(false)) ),
+ false);
+ am.toTree();
+ }
+ }
+ /** return the accumulator + last state
+ */
+ override def run_finished(state: Int): Tree = {
+ val hd = gen.mkNewPair( Literal(state), EmptyTree);
+ //System.err.println(hd.type);
+ gen.mkNewCons(hd, Ident( accumSym ));
+ mkNewCons(pos,
+ accumTypeArg,
+ hd,
+ Ident( accumSym ));
+ }
+} // TracerInScala
+} // LeftTracers
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/MatcherLabels.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/MatcherLabels.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..06c8cd2baa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/MatcherLabels.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+package ;
+[_trait_] abstract class MatcherLabels: TransMatcher {
+ import global._ ;
+ /**
+ * This class represents the label that a transition in an automaton
+ * may carry. These get translated to specific (boolean) tests
+ */
+ class Label {
+ //case class RLabel(Object rstate, Label lab, Symbol vars[]);
+ override def hashCode(): Int = this match {
+ case DefaultLabel() =>
+ return 0;
+ case SimpleLabel(lit) =>
+ return lit.value.hashCode();
+ case TreeLabel(pat) =>
+ // if pat is an Apply, than this case can only be correctly
+ // handled there are no other similar Applys (nondeterminism)
+ return pat.tpe.hashCode();
+ case TypeLabel(tpe) =>
+ return tpe.hashCode();
+ case _ =>
+ return super.hashCode();
+ }
+ override def equals( o: Any ): Boolean = {
+ if( !(o.isInstanceOf[Label] ))
+ return false;
+ val oL = o.asInstanceOf[Label];
+ //System.out.print(this + " equals " + oL);
+ this match {
+ case DefaultLabel()=>
+ oL match {
+ case DefaultLabel() =>
+ return true;
+ case _ => false;
+ } //
+ case SimpleLabel( lit ) =>
+ oL match {
+ case SimpleLabel( lit2 ) =>
+ return (/*(lit.kind == lit2.kind)
+ && */lit.value.equals( lit2.value ));
+ case _ => false;
+ }
+ case TreeLabel( pat ) =>
+ oL match {
+ case TreeLabel( pat2 ) =>
+ pat match {
+ case Apply( _, _ ) =>
+ pat2 match {
+ case Apply( _, _ ) =>
+ return (treeInfo.methPart/*methSymbol?*/( pat )
+ == treeInfo.methPart/*methSymbol*/( pat2 ));
+ }
+ case _ => false;
+ }
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ case TypeLabel(tpe) =>
+ oL match {
+ case TypeLabel( tpe2) =>
+ return tpe.equals(tpe2);
+ case _ => false;
+ }
+ case LPair(state, lab) =>
+ oL match {
+ case LPair(state2, lab2) =>
+ return state.equals(state2) && lab.equals(lab2);
+ case _ => false;
+ }
+ case _ => return false;
+ }
+ }
+ def toString2(): String = {
+ val ext = System.getProperty("extendedMatching");
+ if ((ext != null) && ext.equals("true")) {
+ this match {
+ case DefaultLabel() =>
+ return "<>:p"+p;
+ case SimpleLabel( lit ) =>
+ return lit.toString()+":p"+p;
+ case TreeLabel( pat ) =>
+ return pat.tpe.toString()+":p"+p;
+ case _ => scala.Predef.error("this never happens");
+ }
+ }
+ scala.Predef.error("this never happens");
+ }
+ override def toString(): String = this match {
+ case DefaultLabel() =>
+ "<>";
+ case SimpleLabel( lit) =>
+ lit.toString();
+ case TreeLabel(pat) =>
+ pat.toString();
+ case TypeLabel(tpe) =>
+ tpe.toString();
+ case LPair(state, lab) =>
+ "(" + state.toString() + "," + lab.toString() + ")";
+ case _ =>
+ scala.Predef.error("this never happens");
+ }
+ val p = -1; // tree state - only needed for extended matching
+ case class DefaultLabel() extends Label;
+ case class SimpleLabel(lit: Literal) extends Label;
+ case class TreeLabel(pat: Tree) extends Label; // Apply, Sequence
+ case class TypeLabel(tpe: Type) extends Label; // Apply, Sequence
+ case class LPair(state: Integer, lab: Label) extends Label;
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/NondetWordAutoms.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/NondetWordAutoms.scala
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index 0000000000..cd1d8b576e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/NondetWordAutoms.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+package ;
+import java.util._ ;
+trait NondetWordAutoms {
+/** a nondeterministic word automaton.
+ * states are represented (implicitly) as Integer objects.
+ */
+class NondetWordAutom {
+ // BEGIN stuff from FiniteAutom
+ //final static Integer FINTAG = new Integer(0);
+ /** number of states */
+ var nstates: int =_;
+ /** the 'alphabet' */
+ var labels: HashSet = _;
+ /** the set of final states, here as a TreeMap */
+ var finals: TreeMap = _;
+ /** dfa: HashMap trans: Object -> Integer
+ * nfa: HashMap trans: Object -> Vector [ Integer ]
+ *
+ * nfa: Integer ->(Object -> Vector [ Int ])
+ * [q] |->( a |-> { q' | (q,a,q') in \deltaright } )
+ *
+ * dfa: Integer ->(Object -> Int)
+ * [q] |->( a |-> q' | \deltaright(q,a) = q' } )
+ */
+ var _deltaq:Array[HashMap] = _;
+ var _defaultq:Array[Vector] = _; // this gives the default transitions
+ //public HashMap deltaq[];
+ // --- accessor methods
+ /** returns number of states
+ def nstates(): int = {
+ return nstates;
+ }
+ */
+ /** returns the labels
+ def labels(): HashSet = {
+ return _labels;
+ }
+ */
+ /** returns the transitions
+ */
+ def deltaq( state: int ):HashMap = {
+ return _deltaq( state );
+ }
+ /** returns the transitions
+ */
+ def deltaq( state: Integer ): HashMap = {
+ return _deltaq( state.intValue() );
+ }
+ /** returns the transitions
+ */
+ def defaultq( state: int ): Vector = {
+ return _defaultq( state );
+ }
+ /** returns the transitions
+ */
+ def defaultq( state:Integer ): Vector = {
+ return _defaultq( state.intValue() );
+ }
+ /** returns true if the state is final
+ */
+ def isFinal( state:int ): boolean = {
+ return ((finals != null)
+ && (finals.get( new Integer( state )) != null));
+ }
+ /** returns true if the state is final
+ */
+ def isFinal( state:Integer ): boolean = {
+ return ((finals != null) && finals.containsKey( state ));
+ }
+ /** returns true if the state is final
+ */
+ def finalTag( state: Integer ): Integer = {
+ return finals.get( state ).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ }
+ def finalTag( state:int ): Integer = {
+ return finals.get( new Integer (state )).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ }
+ /** returns true if the set of states contains at least one final state
+ */
+ def containsFinal( Q:TreeSet ): boolean = {
+ var it = Q.iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ if( isFinal([Integer]))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /** returns true if there are no finite states
+ */
+ def isEmpty(): boolean = finals.isEmpty();
+ // END stuff from FiniteAutom
+ // inherited from FiniteAutom
+ // set of *distinct* objects that may label transitions
+ // see Object.hashCode() to see why this works
+ //HashSet labels;
+ //TreeMap finals;
+ var initials: TreeSet = _; // ? need this ?
+ // ---
+ // Object deltaq -->
+ // HashMap deltaq[]; // this gives the transitions of q;
+ var leftTrans: boolean = _;
+ var rightTrans: boolean = _;
+ /** if true, this automaton behaves as a special left transducer.
+ * if a run succeeds, the result is not "true" but the entire
+ * run of the automaton as a sequence of (label,state) - pairs.
+ * used for binding variables.
+ */
+ def producesRun(): boolean = {
+ return leftTrans;
+ }
+ def consumesRun(): boolean = {
+ return rightTrans;
+ }
+ def initial( i: Integer ): boolean = {
+ return initials.contains( i );
+ }
+ var qbinders: Array[Vector] = _;
+ /** returns all states accessible from Qsrc via label.
+ * used by class DetWordAutomaton.
+ */
+ def getSide ( Qsrc:TreeSet , label:Object ): TreeSet = {
+ //Console.println("NWA::getSide(Qsrc="+Qsrc);
+ val Qdest = new TreeSet();
+ var it = Qsrc.iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext()) {// state
+ val q =[Integer].intValue();
+ val ps = deltaq( q ).get( label ).asInstanceOf[Vector];
+ //Console.println("deltaq(q) = "+deltaq(q));
+ //Console.println("_deltaq(q) = "+_deltaq(q));
+ //Console.println("ps = "+ps);
+ if( null != ps ) {
+ Qdest.addAll( ps );
+ }
+ //Console.println("defq = "+_defaultq( q ));
+ Qdest.addAll( _defaultq( q ) );
+ }
+ //Console.println("DONE-NWA::getSide");
+ return Qdest;
+ }
+ /** returns the transitions
+ */
+ def defaultq( P1: Set ): Object = {
+ val defTarget = new TreeSet();
+ var p1 = P1.iterator();
+ while(p1.hasNext()) {
+ val q1 =[Integer].intValue();
+ //System.out.println(" q1:"+q1+ " defa: "+defaultq( q1 ));
+ defTarget.addAll( _defaultq( q1 ) );
+ }
+ return defTarget;
+ }
+ /** first match policy: among several final states, the smallest one is
+ * chosen. used by class DetWordAutomaton
+ */
+ def finalTag( Q:Set ): Integer = {
+ var min = Integer.MAX_VALUE ;
+ var it = Q.iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ val state =[Integer];
+ val tag = finals.get( state ).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ if( tag != null ) {
+ if( tag.intValue() < min )
+ min = tag.intValue();
+ }
+ }
+ if ( min == Integer.MAX_VALUE )
+ scala.Predef.error( "there should be a final state ");
+ return new Integer( min );
+ }
+ /*
+ void tmap(int offs, TreeMap t) = {
+ TreeMap nt = new TreeMap();
+ for(Iterator it = t.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) = {
+ Integer key = (Integer);
+ Integer newkey = new Integer( key.intValue() + offs );
+ Integer val = (Integer) t.get( key );
+ Integer newval = new Integer( val.intValue() + offs );
+ nt.put( newkey, newval );
+ }
+ return nt;
+ }
+ */
+ // hashmaps, treemaps
+ def mapmap(src:Map, offset:int , dest:Map , mapkeys:boolean , mapvals:boolean ): Map = {
+ var it = src.keySet().iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ var key =;
+ var value = src.get( key );
+ if( mapkeys ) key = new Integer( key.asInstanceOf[Integer].intValue()
+ + offset );
+ if( mapvals ) value = vmap( offset, value.asInstanceOf[Vector] ) ;
+ /* new Integer( ((Integer)val).intValue()
+ + offset );
+ */
+ dest.put( key, value );
+ }
+ return dest;
+ }
+ def vmap(offs:int , v:Vector ): Vector = {
+ if( v == null )
+ return null;
+ var res = new Vector( v.size() );
+ var it = v.iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ val item =[Integer];
+ res.add( new Integer( item.intValue() + offs ));
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ /*
+ void relocate_defaultq( int offs, Vector _defaultq[] ) = {
+ for( int i = 0; i < this.nstates; i++ ) = {
+ _defaultq[ i + offset ] = vmap( offset, ((Vector[])defaultq)[ i ]);
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ /** copies the values in the fields of this object into the
+ * arguments, possibly adding an offset.
+ */
+ def relocate( offset:int, _finals:TreeMap, _deltaq1:Array[HashMap], _defaultq1:Array[Vector], _qbinders1:Array[Vector] ): Unit = {
+ mapmap( finals, offset, _finals, true, false);
+ var i = 0;
+ while(i < this.nstates) {
+ _deltaq1 ( i + offset ) =
+ mapmap( deltaq( i ), offset, new HashMap(), false, true).asInstanceOf[HashMap];
+ _defaultq1( i + offset ) = vmap( offset, this.defaultq( i ) );
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ if ((_qbinders1 != null) &&( qbinders != null )) {
+ i = 0;
+ while(i < this.nstates ) {
+ //System.out.println("hallo"+qbinders);
+ //System.out.println("qbinders[ i ] :"+qbinders[ i ]);
+ //assert _qbinders != null;
+ //System.out.println("_qbinders :"+_qbinders);
+ _qbinders1( i + offset ) = qbinders( i );
+ i = i + 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** if there is more than one initial state, a new initial state
+ * is created, with index 0
+ */
+ def normalize( initials:TreeSet , reloc:boolean ): Unit = {
+ //if( initials.size() == 1 )
+ // return;
+ var idelta = new HashMap();
+ var idefault = new TreeSet();
+ var q0 = new Integer( 0 );
+ var it = initials.iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ val ostate =[Integer];
+ val finTag = finals.get( ostate ).asInstanceOf[Integer] ;
+ if(( finTag != null ) && ( finals.get( q0 ) == null))
+ finals.put( q0, finTag );
+ var tmp = deltaq( ostate );
+ if( reloc )
+ tmp = mapmap( tmp, 1, new HashMap(), false, true ).asInstanceOf[HashMap];
+ val labs = tmp.keySet().iterator();
+ while(labs.hasNext()) {
+ val lab =;
+ var itarget = idelta.get( lab ).asInstanceOf[Vector];
+ if( null == itarget )
+ idelta.put( lab, {itarget = new Vector(); itarget});
+ val otarget = tmp.get( lab ).asInstanceOf[Vector];
+ itarget.addAll( otarget );
+ }
+ //System.out.println( "normalize:defaultq[ "+ostate+" ] "+((Vector[]) defaultq) [ ostate.intValue() ]);
+ if( defaultq( ostate ) != null )
+ idefault.addAll( defaultq( ostate ) );
+ }
+ if( reloc ) {
+ val m = 1 + this.nstates;
+ val _finals = new TreeMap();
+ val _deltaq = new Array[HashMap]( m );
+ val _defaultq = new Array[Vector]( m );
+ var _qbinders: Array[Vector] = null;
+ if( qbinders != null )
+ _qbinders = new Array[Vector]( m );
+ relocate( 1, _finals, _deltaq, _defaultq, _qbinders );
+ this.nstates = m;
+ this.finals = _finals;
+ this._deltaq = _deltaq;
+ this._defaultq = _defaultq;
+ this.qbinders = _qbinders;
+ }
+ this._deltaq ( 0 ) = idelta;
+ //System.out.println("normalize:deltaq[ 0 ]"+ idelta );
+ this._defaultq( 0 ) = new Vector( idefault );
+ //System.out.println("normalize:defaultq[ 0 ]"+ idefault );
+ this.initials = new TreeSet();
+ this.initials.add( q0 );
+ }
+ /** called from Berry-Sethi construction.
+ */
+ def this(nstates:int, _labels:HashSet, initials: TreeSet, finals:TreeMap, deltaq:Array[HashMap], defaultq:Array[Vector], qbinders:Object ) = {
+ this();
+ //Console.println("NWA::this(. . . . )");
+ this.nstates = nstates;
+ this.labels = _labels;
+ this.initials = initials;
+ this.finals = finals;
+ this._deltaq = deltaq;
+ this._defaultq = defaultq;
+ this.qbinders = qbinders.asInstanceOf[Array[Vector]];
+ //print();
+ //System.exit(0);
+ }
+ var offset:Array[int] = _; // only used if constructed from multiple
+ def collectLabels( nfa:Array[NondetWordAutom ] ): Unit = {
+ this.labels = new HashSet();
+ var i = 0;
+ while(i < nfa.length) {
+ this.labels.addAll( nfa( i ).labels );
+ i = i + 1
+ }
+ }
+ def collectOffsets( nfa:Array[NondetWordAutom] ): Unit = {
+ this.offset = new Array[int]( nfa.length + 1 );
+ offset( 0 ) = 1; // we have a new initial state
+ var i = 0;
+ while(i < nfa.length ) {
+ offset( i + 1 ) = nfa( i ).nstates + offset( i );
+ i = i + 1
+ }
+ }
+ /** collapses several normalized NondetWordAutom objects into one.
+ */
+ def this( nfa: Array[NondetWordAutom] ) = {
+ this();
+ //Console.println("NWA::this(.)");
+ //this.m
+ val m = nfa.length;
+ //System.out.println("enter NondetWordSwitch, "
+ // +"combining " + m + " automata");
+ collectLabels( nfa );
+ collectOffsets( nfa );
+ //Console.println(" X 1");
+ this.nstates = offset( nfa.length ); //m - 1 ] + nfa[ m - 1 ].nstates;
+ this.finals = new TreeMap();
+ this.qbinders = new Array[Vector]( nstates );
+ // new initial state gets all transitions from all initial states
+ this._deltaq = new Array[HashMap]( nstates );
+ this._defaultq = new Array[Vector]( nstates );
+ //Console.println(" X 2");
+ //TreeSet defaultqSet = new TreeSet();
+ _deltaq( 0 ) = new HashMap(); // 0 = our new initial state
+ val initials = new TreeSet();
+ var i = 0;
+ while(i < m) {
+ //System.out.println("i (current NFA):"+i);
+ val n = nfa( i );
+ val offs = offset( i );
+ initials.add( new Integer( offs ));
+ n.relocate( offs,
+ this.finals,
+ this._deltaq,
+ this._defaultq,
+ this.qbinders );
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ normalize( initials, false );
+ //Console.println("Leave-NWA::this(.)");
+ }
+ def print(): Unit = {
+ Console.print("NFA on labels "+ this.labels);
+ if( offset != null ) {
+ Console.print("offset");
+ var k = 0;
+ while(k < offset.length) {
+ if( k > 0)
+ Console.print(", ");
+ Console.print(offset(k));
+ k = k + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ Console.println;
+ Console.print("max state number :" + (nstates - 1) );
+ Console.println("initials" + initials);
+ Console.println("finals" + finals);
+ var i = 0;
+ while(i < nstates) {
+ Console.print("state: " + i);
+ if( finals.containsKey( new Integer( i )) ){
+ Console.print("*"); //final
+ }
+ Console.print(" transitions: {");
+ var arrows:HashMap = deltaq( i );
+ var it = arrows.keySet().iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ val label =;
+ val targets = arrows.get( label ).asInstanceOf[Vector];
+ val jt = targets.iterator();
+ while(jt.hasNext()) {
+ val p =[Integer];
+ Console.print("("+label+","+p+")");
+ }
+ }
+ Console.print("} ");
+ Console.print(" default transitions: "+_defaultq( i ));
+ if( null != qbinders )
+ Console.println(" binders "+qbinders( i ));
+ Console.println;
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/Npair.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/Npair.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8cb050de2e
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+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/Npair.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+/* NSC -- new scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author buraq
+ */
+// $Id$
+package ;
+import java.util.{ HashMap, TreeSet };
+/** cartesian
+ */
+/** Int x TreeSet[ Int ]
+ */
+case class Npair(nstate: Integer, nset: TreeSet) {
+ override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = {
+ this match {
+ case Npair(nstate, nset) =>
+ that match {
+ case Npair(_nstate, _nset) =>
+ return ((nstate == _nstate)
+ && (nset == _nset));
+ case _ => return false
+ }
+ case _ => return false
+ }
+ }
+ override def toString(): String = this match {
+ case Npair(nstate, nset) =>
+ //Integer dstate = (Integer) indexMap.get(nset);
+ "<n" + nstate.toString() + " in " + nset /*+" = d"+dstate*/ + ">";
+ case _ => null
+ }
+ def toString(indexMap: HashMap): String = {
+ //assert indexMap != null;
+ this match {
+ case Npair(nstate, nset) =>
+ //assert nstate != null;
+ val dstate = indexMap.get( nset ).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ return "<n" + nstate.toString() + " in " + nset + " = d" + dstate + ">";
+ case _ =>
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+class NpairComparator extends StateSetComparator {
+ override def compare(o1: Any, o2: Any): Int = {
+ o1 match {
+ case Npair(nstate, nset) => o2 match {
+ case Npair(_nstate, _nset) =>
+ val res = nstate.compareTo(_nstate);
+ if (res != 0)
+ return res;
+ else
+ return, _nset);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/PatternMatchers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/PatternMatchers.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d4292e3ff
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+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/PatternMatchers.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,992 @@
+/* NSC -- new scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author buraq
+ */
+// $Id$
+package ;
+trait PatternMatchers: (TransMatcher with PatternNodes) extends AnyRef with PatternNodeCreator {
+ import global._;
+ import typer.typed ;
+ import symtab.Flags;
+ class PatternMatcher {
+ protected var optimize = true;
+ protected var delegateSequenceMatching = false;
+ protected var doBinding = true;
+ /** the owner of the pattern matching expression
+ */
+ var owner:Symbol = _ ;
+ /** the selector expression
+ */
+ protected var selector: Tree = _;
+ /** the root of the pattern node structure
+ */
+ protected var root: PatternNode = _;
+ /** the symbol of the result variable
+ */
+// protected var resultVar: Symbol = _;
+ def defs = definitions;
+ /** init method, also needed in subclass AlgebraicMatcher
+ */
+ def initialize(selector: Tree, owner: Symbol, doBinding: Boolean): Unit = {
+ //Console.println("pm.initialize selector.tpe = "+selector.tpe);
+ /*
+ = new PatternNodeCreator {
+ val global =;
+ val unit = PatternMatcher.this.unit;
+ val owner = PatternMatcher.this.owner;
+ }
+ */
+ /*
+ = new CodeFactory {
+ val global =;
+ val unit = PatternMatcher.this.unit;
+ val owner = PatternMatcher.this.owner;
+ }
+ */
+ this.root = pConstrPat(selector.pos, selector.tpe.widen);
+ //Console.println("selector.tpe "+selector.tpe);
+ //Console.println("selector.tpe.widen "+selector.tpe.widen);
+ //Console.println("root.symbol "+root.symbol);
+ //Console.println("root.symbol.tpe "+root.symbol.tpe);
+ this.root.and = pHeader(selector.pos,
+ selector.tpe.widen,
+ Ident(root.symbol).setType(root.tpe));
+ //Console.println("resultType = "+resultType);
+ this.owner = owner;
+ this.selector = selector;
+ this.optimize = this.optimize && ( == "jvm");
+ this.doBinding = doBinding;
+ }
+ /** pretty printer
+ */
+ def print(): Unit = { Console.println (
+ root.and.print("", new StringBuffer()).toString()
+ )}
+ /** enters a sequence of cases into the pattern matcher
+ */
+ def construct(cases: List[Tree]): Unit = {
+ cases foreach enter;
+ }
+ /** enter a single case into the pattern matcher
+ */
+ protected def enter(caseDef: Tree): Unit = {
+ caseDef match {
+ case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) =>
+ val env = new CaseEnv;
+ // PatternNode matched = match(pat, root);
+ val target = enter1(pat, -1, root, root.symbol, env);
+ // if (target.and != null)
+ // unit.error(pat.pos, "duplicate case");
+ if (null == target.and)
+ target.and = pBody(caseDef.pos, env.getBoundVars(), guard, body);
+ else if (target.and.isInstanceOf[Body])
+ updateBody(target.and.asInstanceOf[Body], env.getBoundVars(), guard, body);
+ else
+ cunit.error(pat.pos, "duplicate case");
+ }
+ }
+ protected def updateBody(tree: Body, bound: Array[ValDef], guard: Tree , body: Tree): Unit = {
+ if (tree.guard(tree.guard.length - 1) == EmptyTree) {
+ //unit.error(body.pos, "unreachable code");
+ } else {
+ val bd = new Array[Array[ValDef]](tree.bound.length + 1);
+ val ng = new Array[Tree](tree.guard.length + 1);
+ val nb = new Array[Tree](tree.body.length + 1);
+ System.arraycopy(tree.bound, 0, bd, 0, tree.bound.length);
+ System.arraycopy(tree.guard, 0, ng, 0, tree.guard.length);
+ System.arraycopy(tree.body, 0, nb, 0, tree.body.length);
+ bd(bd.length - 1) = bound;
+ ng(ng.length - 1) = guard;
+ nb(nb.length - 1) = body;
+ tree.bound = bd ;
+ tree.guard = ng ;
+ tree.body = nb ;
+ }
+ }
+ protected def patternArgs(tree: Tree):List[Tree] = {
+ tree match {
+ case Bind(_, pat) =>
+ patternArgs(pat);
+ case Apply(_, args) =>
+ if ( isSeqApply(tree.asInstanceOf[Apply]) && !delegateSequenceMatching)
+ args(0) match {
+ case ArrayValue(_, ts) => // test array values
+ ts;
+ //case Sequence(ts) =>
+ // ts;
+ case _ =>
+ args;
+ }
+ else args
+ case Sequence(ts) if (!delegateSequenceMatching) =>
+ ts;
+ case ArrayValue(_, ts) => // test array values
+ ts;
+ case _ =>
+ List();
+ }
+ }
+ /** returns true if apply is a "sequence apply". analyzer inserts Sequence nodes if something is a
+ *
+ * - last update: discussion with Martin 2005-02-18
+ *
+ * - if true, tree.fn must be ignored. The analyzer ensures that the selector will be a subtype
+ * of fn; it thus assigns the expected type from the context (which is surely a subtype,
+ * but may have different flags etc.
+ *
+ * - so should be
+ * (( tree.args.length == 1 ) && tree.args(0).isInstanceOf[Sequence])
+ * but fails
+ */
+ protected def isSeqApply( tree: Apply ): Boolean = {
+ // Console.print("isSeqApply? "+tree.toString());
+ // val res =
+ tree match {
+ case Apply(_, List(ArrayValue(_,_))) => (tree.tpe.symbol.flags & Flags.CASE) == 0
+ case _ => false;
+ }
+ //Console.println(res);
+ //res;
+ }
+ protected def patternNode(tree:Tree , header:Header , env: CaseEnv ): PatternNode = {
+ //if(tree!=null) Console.println("patternNode("+tree+","+header+")");
+ //else scala.Predef.error("got null tree in patternNode");
+ //Console.println("tree.tpe "+tree.tpe);
+ //Console.println("tree.getClass() "+tree.getClass());
+ tree match {
+ case Bind(name, Typed(Ident( nme.WILDCARD ), tpe)) => // x@_:Type
+ if (isSubType(header.getTpe(),tpe.tpe)) {
+ //Console.println("U");
+ val node = pDefaultPat(tree.pos, tpe.tpe);
+ env.newBoundVar( tree.symbol, tree.tpe, header.selector );
+ node;
+ } else {
+ //Console.println("X");
+ val node = pConstrPat(tree.pos, tpe.tpe);
+ env.newBoundVar( tree.symbol,
+ tpe.tpe /*scalac: tree.tpe */,
+ typed(Ident( node.casted )));
+ node;
+ }
+ case Bind(name, Ident(nme.WILDCARD)) => // x @ _
+ val node = pDefaultPat(tree.pos, header.getTpe());
+ if ((env != null) && (tree.symbol != defs.PatternWildcard))
+ env.newBoundVar( tree.symbol, tree.tpe, header.selector);
+ node;
+ case Bind(name, pat) =>
+ val node = patternNode(pat, header, env);
+ if ((env != null) && (tree.symbol != defs.PatternWildcard)) {
+ val casted = node.symbol;
+ val theValue = if (casted == NoSymbol) header.selector else Ident( casted).setType(casted.tpe);
+ env.newBoundVar(tree.symbol, tree.tpe, theValue);
+ }
+ node;
+ case t @ Apply(fn, args) => // pattern with args
+ //Console.println("Apply!");
+ //Console.println("isSeqApply "+isSeqApply(t));
+ //Console.println("delegateSequenceMatching "+delegateSequenceMatching);
+ if (isSeqApply(t)) {
+ if (!delegateSequenceMatching) {
+ args(0) match {
+ // case Sequence(ts)=>
+ case ArrayValue(_, ts)=>
+ //Console.println("doing pSeqpat ");
+ val res = pSequencePat(tree.pos, tree.tpe, ts.length);
+ //Console.println("pSeqpat.casted = "+res.casted);
+ //Console.println("pSeqpat.casted.pos = "+res.casted.pos);
+ res
+ }
+ } else {
+ //Console.println("delegating ... ");
+ val res = pConstrPat(tree.pos, tree.tpe);
+ res.and = pHeader(tree.pos, header.getTpe(), header.selector);
+ //res.and.and = pSeqContainerPat(tree.pos, tree.tpe, args(0));
+ res.and.and = pSeqContainerPat(tree.pos, tree.tpe, Sequence(args(0).asInstanceOf[ArrayValue].elems));
+ res;
+ }
+ } else if ((fn.symbol != null) &&
+ fn.symbol.isStable &&
+ !(fn.symbol.isModule &&
+ ((fn.symbol.flags & Flags.CASE) != 0))) {
+ pVariablePat(tree.pos, tree);
+ }
+ else {
+ /*
+ Console.println("apply but not seqApply");
+ Console.println("tree.tpe="+tree.tpe);
+ Console.println("tree.symbol="+tree.symbol);
+ */
+ pConstrPat(tree.pos, tree.tpe);
+ }
+ case Typed(Ident( nme.WILDCARD ), tpe) => // x@_:Type
+ val doTest = isSubType(header.getTpe(),tpe.tpe);
+ if(doTest)
+ pDefaultPat(tree.pos, tpe.tpe)
+ else
+ pConstrPat(tree.pos, tpe.tpe);
+ case t @ Typed(ident, tpe) => // variable pattern
+ //Console.println("Z");
+ val doTest = isSubType(header.getTpe(),tpe.tpe);
+ val node = {
+ if(doTest)
+ pDefaultPat(tree.pos, tpe.tpe)
+ else
+ pConstrPat(tree.pos, tpe.tpe);
+ }
+ //if(t.expr.symbol == NoSymbol) {
+ // Console.println(t.toString());
+ // scala.Predef.error("go typed pattern with no symbol in "+cunit.toString());
+ // }
+ if ((null != env) /* && (ident.symbol != defs.PatternWildcard) */)
+ node match {
+ case ConstrPat(casted) =>
+ env.newBoundVar(t.expr.symbol,
+ tpe.tpe,
+ Ident( casted ).setType(casted.tpe));
+ case _ =>
+ env.newBoundVar(t.expr.symbol,
+ tpe.tpe,
+ {if(doTest)
+ header.selector
+ else
+ typed(Ident(node
+ .asInstanceOf[ConstrPat]
+ .casted))});
+ }
+ node;
+ case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) =>
+ pDefaultPat(tree.pos, header.getTpe());
+ case Ident(name) => // pattern without args or variable
+ // nsc: wildcard's don't have symbols anymore!
+ //if (tree.symbol == defs.PatternWildcard)
+ // pDefaultPat(tree.pos, header.getTpe());
+ //else
+ if (tree.symbol.isPrimaryConstructor) {
+ scala.Predef.error("error may not happen: ident is primary constructor"+tree.symbol); // Burak
+ } else if (treeInfo.isVariableName(name)) {// Burak
+ //old scalac
+ scala.Predef.error("this may not happen"); // Burak
+ //nsc: desugarize (in case nsc does not do it)
+ /*
+ Console.println("Ident("+name+") in unit"+cunit);
+ Console.println("tree.symbol = "+tree.symbol);
+ // = treat the same as Bind(name, _)
+ val node = pDefaultPat(tree.pos, header.getTpe());
+ if ((env != null) && (tree.symbol != defs.PatternWildcard))
+ env.newBoundVar( tree.symbol, tree.tpe, header.selector);
+ node;
+ */
+ } else
+ pVariablePat(tree.pos, tree); // a named constant Foo
+ case Select(_, name) => // variable
+ if (tree.symbol.isPrimaryConstructor)
+ pConstrPat(tree.pos, tree.tpe);
+ else
+ pVariablePat(tree.pos, tree);
+ case Literal(Constant(value)) =>
+ pConstantPat(tree.pos, tree.tpe, value);
+ //case Sequence(ts) =>
+ case ArrayValue(_, ts) =>
+ if ( !delegateSequenceMatching ) {
+ pSequencePat(tree.pos, tree.tpe, ts.length);
+ } else {
+ pSeqContainerPat(tree.pos, tree.tpe, tree);
+ }
+ case Alternative(ts) =>
+ if(ts.length < 2)
+ scala.Predef.error("ill-formed Alternative");
+ val subroot = pConstrPat(header.pos, header.getTpe());
+ subroot.and = pHeader(header.pos, header.getTpe(), header.selector.duplicate);
+ val subenv = new CaseEnv;
+ var i = 0; while(i < ts.length) {
+ val target = enter1(ts(i), -1, subroot, subroot.symbol, subenv);
+ target.and = pBody(tree.pos);
+ i = i + 1
+ }
+ pAltPat(tree.pos, subroot.and.asInstanceOf[Header]);
+ case _ =>
+ if(tree == null)
+ scala.Predef.error("unit = " + cunit + "; tree = null");
+ else
+ scala.Predef.error("unit = " + cunit + "; tree = "+tree);
+ }
+ }
+ protected def enter(pat: Tree, index: Int, target: PatternNode, casted: Symbol, env: CaseEnv ): PatternNode = {
+ target match {
+ case ConstrPat(newCasted) =>
+ enter1(pat, index, target, newCasted, env);
+ case SequencePat(newCasted, len) =>
+ enter1(pat, index, target, newCasted, env);
+ case _ =>
+ enter1(pat, index, target, casted, env);
+ }
+ }
+ private def newHeader(pos: Int, casted: Symbol, index: Int): Header = {
+ //Console.println("newHeader(pos,"+casted+","+index+")");
+ //Console.println(" casted.tpe"+casted.tpe);
+ //Console.println(" casted.pos "+casted.pos+" equals firstpos?"+(casted.pos == Position.FIRSTPOS));
+ val ident = typed(Ident(casted));
+ if (casted.pos == Position.FIRSTPOS) {
+ //Console.println("FIRSTPOS");
+ //Console.println("DEBUG");
+ //Console.println();
+ val t = typed(
+ Apply(Select( ident, ident.tpe.member(nme.apply)/* scalac: defs.functionApply( 1 )*/),
+ List( Literal( Constant(index) ) )));
+ val seqType = t.tpe;
+ pHeader( pos, seqType, t );
+ } else {
+ //Console.println("NOT FIRSTPOS");
+ // Console.println("newHeader :: casted="+casted);
+ // Console.println("newHeader :: casted.tpe="+casted.tpe);
+ //Console.println("newHeader :: ");
+ val caseAccs = casted.tpe.symbol.caseFieldAccessors;
+ if (caseAccs.length <= index) System.out.println("selecting " + index + " in case fields of " + casted.tpe.symbol + "=" + casted.tpe.symbol.caseFieldAccessors);//debug
+ val ts = caseAccs(index);
+ //Console.println("newHeader :: ts="+ts);
+ //val accType = casted.tpe.memberType(ts); // old scalac
+ //val accTree = global.typer.typed(Select(ident, ts)); // !
+ val accTree = typed(Apply(Select(ident, ts), List())); // nsc !
+ val accType = accTree.tpe;
+ //Console.println("newHeader :: accType="+accType);
+ //Console.println("newHeader :: accType.resultType ="+accType.resultType);
+ //Console.println("accTree.tpe =="+accTree.tpe);
+ accType match {
+ // scala case accessor
+ case MethodType(_, _) =>
+ //Console.println("Hello?!");
+ pHeader(pos, accType.resultType, Apply(accTree, List()));
+ // jaco case accessor
+ case _ =>
+ //Console.println("Hola?!");
+ pHeader(pos, accType, accTree);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** main enter function
+ *
+ * invariant: ( curHeader == (Header)target.and ) holds
+ */
+ protected def enter1(pat: Tree, index: Int, target: PatternNode, casted: Symbol, env: CaseEnv): PatternNode = {
+ //System.err.println("enter(" + pat + ", " + index + ", " + target + ", " + casted + ")");
+ val patArgs = patternArgs(pat); // get pattern arguments
+ var curHeader = target.and.asInstanceOf[Header]; // advance one step in intermediate representation
+ if (curHeader == null) { // check if we have to add a new header
+ //assert index >= 0 : casted;
+ if (index < 0) { scala.Predef.error("error entering:" + casted); return null }
+ target.and = {curHeader = newHeader(pat.pos, casted, index); curHeader};
+ curHeader.or = patternNode(pat, curHeader, env);
+ enter(patArgs, curHeader.or, casted, env);
+ }
+ else {
+ // find most recent header
+ while ( != null)
+ curHeader =;
+ // create node
+ var patNode = patternNode(pat, curHeader, env);
+ var next: PatternNode = curHeader;
+ // add branch to curHeader, but reuse tests if possible
+ while (true) {
+ if (next.isSameAs(patNode)) { // test for patNode already present --> reuse
+ // substitute... !!!
+ patNode match {
+ case ConstrPat(ocasted) =>
+ env.substitute(ocasted, typed(Ident(next.asInstanceOf[ConstrPat].casted)));
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ return enter(patArgs, next, casted, env);
+ } else if (next.isDefaultPat() || // default case reached, or
+ ((next.or == null) && // no more alternatives and
+ (patNode.isDefaultPat() || next.subsumes(patNode)))) {
+ // new node is default or subsumed
+ var header = pHeader(patNode.pos,
+ curHeader.getTpe(),
+ curHeader.selector);
+ { = header; header};
+ header.or = patNode;
+ return enter(patArgs,
+ patNode,
+ casted,
+ env);
+ }
+ else if (next.or == null) {
+ return enter(patArgs, {next.or = patNode; patNode}, casted, env); // add new branch
+ } else
+ next = next.or;
+ }
+ error("must not happen");
+ null
+ }
+ }
+ /** calls enter for an array of patterns, see enter
+ */
+ protected def enter(pats:List[Tree], target1: PatternNode , casted1: Symbol , env: CaseEnv): PatternNode = {
+ var target = target1;
+ var casted = casted1;
+ target match {
+ case ConstrPat(newCasted) =>
+ casted = newCasted;
+ case SequencePat(newCasted, len) =>
+ casted = newCasted;
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ var i = 0; while(i < pats.length) {
+ target = enter1(pats(i), i, target, casted, env);
+ i = i + 1
+ }
+ target;
+ }
+ protected def nCaseComponents(tree: Tree): int = {
+ tree match {
+ case Apply(fn, _) =>
+ val tpe = tree.tpe.symbol.primaryConstructor.tpe;
+ //Console.println("~~~ " + tree.type() + ", " + tree.type().symbol.primaryConstructor());
+ tpe match {
+ // I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but obviously, currently all case classes
+ // without constructor arguments have type NoType
+ case NoType =>
+ error("this cannot happen");
+ 0
+ case MethodType(args, _) =>
+ args.length;
+ case PolyType(tvars, MethodType(args, _)) =>
+ args.length;
+ case PolyType(tvars, _) =>
+ 0;
+ case _ =>
+ error("not yet implemented;" +
+ "pattern matching for " + tree + ": " + tpe);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ //////////// generator methods
+ def toTree(): Tree = {
+ if (optimize && isSimpleIntSwitch())
+ intSwitchToTree();
+ else /* if (false && optimize && isSimpleSwitch())
+ switchToTree();
+ else */ {
+ //print();
+ generalSwitchToTree();
+ }
+ }
+ case class Break(res:Boolean) extends java.lang.Throwable;
+ case class Break2() extends java.lang.Throwable;
+ // TODO disentangle this
+ protected def isSimpleSwitch(): Boolean = {
+ print();
+ var patNode = root.and;
+ while (patNode != null) {
+ var node = patNode;
+ while (({node = node.or; node}) != null) {
+ node match {
+ case VariablePat(tree) =>
+ Console.println(((tree.symbol.flags & Flags.CASE) != 0));
+ case ConstrPat(_) =>
+ Console.println(node.getTpe().toString() + " / " + ((node.getTpe().symbol.flags & Flags.CASE) != 0));
+ var inner = node.and;
+ def funct(inner: PatternNode): Boolean = {
+ //outer: while (true) {
+ inner match {
+ case _h:Header =>
+ if ( != null)
+ throw Break(false);
+ funct(inner.or)
+ case DefaultPat() =>
+ funct(inner.and);
+ case b:Body =>
+ if ((b.guard.length > 1) ||
+ (b.guard(0) != EmptyTree))
+ throw Break(false);
+ throw Break2() // break outer
+ case _ =>
+ Console.println(inner);
+ throw Break(false);
+ }
+ }
+ var res = false;
+ var set = false;
+ try {
+ funct(inner)
+ } catch {
+ case ex: Break =>
+ res = ex.res;
+ set = true;
+ case ex: Break2 =>
+ }
+ if(set) return res;
+ case _ =>
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ patNode = patNode.nextH();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ protected def isSimpleIntSwitch(): Boolean = {
+ if (isSameType(selector.tpe.widen, defs.IntClass.tpe)) {
+ var patNode = root.and;
+ while (patNode != null) {
+ var node = patNode;
+ while (({node = node.or; node}) != null) {
+ node match {
+ case ConstantPat(_) => ;
+ case _ =>
+ return false;
+ }
+ node.and match {
+ case _b:Body =>
+ if ((_b.guard.length > 1) ||
+ (_b.guard(0) != EmptyTree) ||
+ (_b.bound(0).length > 0))
+ return false;
+ case _ =>
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ patNode = patNode.nextH();
+ }
+ return true;
+ } else
+ return false;
+ }
+ class TagBodyPair(tag1: Int, body1: Tree, next1:TagBodyPair ) {
+ var tag: int = tag1;
+ var body: Tree = body1;
+ var next: TagBodyPair = next1;
+ def length(): Int = {
+ if (null == next) 1 else (next.length() + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ protected def numCases(patNode1: PatternNode): Int = {
+ var patNode = patNode1;
+ var n = 0;
+ while (({patNode = patNode.or; patNode}) != null)
+ patNode match {
+ case DefaultPat() => ;
+ case _ =>
+ n = n + 1;
+ }
+ n;
+ }
+ protected def defaultBody(patNode1: PatternNode, otherwise: Tree ): Tree = {
+ var patNode = patNode1;
+ while (patNode != null) {
+ var node = patNode;
+ while (({node = node.or; node}) != null)
+ node match {
+ case DefaultPat() =>
+ return node.and.bodyToTree();
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ patNode = patNode.nextH();
+ }
+ otherwise;
+ }
+ /** This method translates pattern matching expressions that match
+ * on integers on the top level.
+ */
+ def intSwitchToTree(): Tree = {
+ def insert1(tag: Int, body: Tree, current: TagBodyPair): TagBodyPair = {
+ if (current == null)
+ return new TagBodyPair(tag, body, null);
+ else if (tag > current.tag)
+ return new TagBodyPair(current.tag, current.body, insert1(tag, body,;
+ else
+ return new TagBodyPair(tag, body, current);
+ }
+ //print();
+ val ncases = numCases(root.and);
+ val matchError = ThrowMatchError(selector.pos, resultType);
+ // without a case, we return a match error if there is no default case
+ if (ncases == 0)
+ return defaultBody(root.and, matchError);
+ // for one case we use a normal if-then-else instruction
+ else if (ncases == 1) {
+ root.and.or match {
+ case ConstantPat(value) =>
+ return If(Equals(selector, Literal(value)),
+ (root.and.or.and).bodyToTree(),
+ defaultBody(root.and, matchError));
+ case _ =>
+ return generalSwitchToTree();
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // if we have more than 2 cases than use a switch statement
+ val _h:Header = root.and.asInstanceOf[Header];
+ val next =;
+ var mappings: TagBodyPair = null;
+ var defaultBody1: Tree = matchError;
+ var patNode = root.and;
+ while (patNode != null) {
+ var node = patNode.or;
+ while (node != null) {
+ node match {
+ case DefaultPat() =>
+ if (defaultBody1 != null)
+ scala.Predef.error("not your day today");
+ defaultBody1 = node.and.bodyToTree();
+ node = node.or;
+ case ConstantPat( value: Int )=>
+ mappings = insert1(
+ value,
+ node.and.bodyToTree(),
+ mappings);
+ node = node.or;
+ }
+ }
+ patNode = patNode.nextH();
+ }
+ var n = mappings.length();
+ var nCases: List[CaseDef] = Nil;
+ while (mappings != null) {
+ nCases = CaseDef(Literal(mappings.tag),
+ mappings.body) :: nCases;
+ mappings =;
+ }
+ /*
+ val tags = new Array[Int](n);
+ val bodies = new Array[Tree](n);
+ n = 0;
+ while (mappings != null) {
+ tags(n) = mappings.tag;
+ bodies(n) = mappings.body;
+ n = n + 1;
+ mappings =;
+ }
+ return Switch(selector, tags, bodies, defaultBody1, resultType);
+ */
+ nCases = CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), defaultBody1) :: nCases;
+ return Match(selector, nCases)
+ }
+ var exit:Symbol = null;
+ /** simple optimization: if the last pattern is `case _' (no guards), we won't generate the ThrowMatchError
+ */
+ def generalSwitchToTree(): Tree = {
+ this.exit = currentOwner.newLabel(root.pos, "exit")
+ .setInfo(new MethodType(List(resultType), resultType));
+ //Console.println("resultType:"+resultType.toString());
+ val result = exit.newValueParameter(root.pos, "result").setInfo( resultType );
+ //Console.println("generalSwitchToTree: "+root.or);
+ /*
+ val ts = List(ValDef(root.symbol, selector));
+ val res = If(toTree(root.and),
+ LabelDef(exit, List(result), Ident(result)),
+ ThrowMatchError(selector.pos, resultType // , Ident(root.symbol)
+ ));
+ return Block(ts, res);
+ */
+ return Block(
+ List(
+ ValDef(root.symbol, selector),
+ toTree(root.and),
+ ThrowMatchError(selector.pos, resultType)),
+ LabelDef(exit, List(result), Ident(result)))
+ }
+ /*protected*/ def toTree(node1: PatternNode): Tree = {
+ def optimize1(selType:Type, alternatives1: PatternNode ): Boolean = {
+ var alts = alternatives1;
+ if (!optimize || !isSubType(selType, defs.ScalaObjectClass.tpe))
+ return false;
+ var cases = 0;
+ while (alts != null) {
+ alts match {
+ case ConstrPat(_) =>
+ if (alts.getTpe().symbol.hasFlag(Flags.CASE))
+ cases = cases +1;
+ else
+ return false;
+ case DefaultPat() =>
+ ;
+ case _ =>
+ return false;
+ }
+ alts = alts.or;
+ }
+ return cases > 2;
+ } // def optimize
+ var node = node1;
+ var res: Tree = typed(Literal(Constant(false))); //.setInfo(defs.BooleanClass);
+ //Console.println("pm.toTree res.tpe "+res.tpe);
+ while (node != null)
+ node match {
+ case _h:Header =>
+ val selector = _h.selector;
+ val next =;
+ //res = And(mkNegate(res), toTree(node.or, selector));
+ //Console.println("HEADER TYPE = " + selector.type);
+ if (optimize1(node.getTpe(), node.or))
+ res = Or(res, toOptTree(node.or, selector));
+ else
+ res = Or(res, toTree(node.or, selector));
+ node = next;
+ case _b:Body =>
+ var bound = _b.bound;
+ val guard = _b.guard;
+ val body = _b.body;
+ if ((bound.length == 0) &&
+ (guard.length == 0) &&
+ (body.length == 0)) {
+ return Literal(Constant(true));
+ } else if (!doBinding)
+ bound = Predef.Array[Array[ValDef]]( Predef.Array[ValDef]() );
+ var i = guard.length - 1; while(i >= 0) {
+ val ts:Seq[Tree] = bound(i).asInstanceOf[Array[Tree]];
+ val temp = currentOwner.newValue(body(i).pos, cunit.fresh.newName("r$"))
+ .setFlag(Flags.SYNTHETIC).setInfo(resultType);
+ var res0: Tree =
+ //Block(
+ // List(Assign(Ident(resultVar), body(i))),
+ // Literal(Constant(true)));
+ Block(
+ List(
+ ValDef(temp, body(i)),
+ Apply(Ident(exit), List(Ident(temp)))),
+ Literal(Constant(true))
+ ); // forward jump
+ if (guard(i) != EmptyTree)
+ res0 = And(guard(i), res0);
+ res = Or(Block(ts.toList, res0), res);
+ i = i - 1
+ }
+ return res;
+ case _ =>
+ scala.Predef.error("I am tired");
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ class TagNodePair(tag1: int, node1: PatternNode, next1: TagNodePair) {
+ var tag: int = tag1;
+ var node: PatternNode = node1;
+ var next: TagNodePair = next1;
+ def length(): Int = {
+ return if (null == next) 1 else (next.length() + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ protected def toOptTree(node1: PatternNode, selector: Tree): Tree = {
+ def insert2(tag: Int, node: PatternNode, current: TagNodePair): TagNodePair = {
+ if (current == null)
+ return new TagNodePair(tag, node, null);
+ else if (tag > current.tag)
+ return new TagNodePair(current.tag, current.node, insert2(tag, node,;
+ else if (tag == current.tag) {
+ val old = current.node;
+ ({current.node = node; node}).or = old;
+ return current;
+ } else
+ return new TagNodePair(tag, node, current);
+ }
+ def insertNode(tag:int , node:PatternNode , current:TagNodePair ): TagNodePair = {
+ val newnode = node.dup();
+ newnode.or = null;
+ return insert2(tag, newnode, current);
+ }
+ var node = node1;
+ //System.err.println("pm.toOptTree called"+node);
+ var cases: TagNodePair = null;
+ var defaultCase: PatternNode = null;
+ while (node != null)
+ node match {
+ case ConstrPat(casted) =>
+ cases = insertNode(node.getTpe().symbol.tag, node, cases);
+ node = node.or;
+ case DefaultPat() =>
+ defaultCase = node;
+ node = node.or;
+ case _ =>
+ scala.Predef.error("errare humanum est");
+ }
+ var n = cases.length();
+ /*
+ val tags = new Array[int](n);
+ val bodies = new Array[Tree](n);
+ n = 0;
+ while (null != cases) {
+ tags(n) = cases.tag;
+ bodies(n) = toTree(cases.node, selector);
+ n = n + 1;
+ cases =;
+ }
+ */
+ /*
+ return
+ Switch(
+ Apply(
+ Select(selector.duplicate, defs.ScalaObjectClass_tag),
+ List()),
+ tags,
+ bodies,
+ { if (defaultCase == null) Literal(false) else toTree(defaultCase.and) },
+ defs.boolean_TYPE());
+ */
+ var nCases: List[CaseDef] = Nil;
+ while (cases != null) {
+ nCases = CaseDef(Literal(Constant(cases.tag)),
+ toTree(cases.node, selector)) :: nCases;
+ cases =;
+ }
+ val defBody = if (defaultCase == null)
+ Literal(Constant(false))
+ else
+ toTree(defaultCase.and);
+ nCases = CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), defBody) :: nCases;
+ return Match(Apply(Select(selector.duplicate, defs.ScalaObjectClass_tag),
+ List()),
+ nCases);
+ }
+ protected def toTree(node:PatternNode , selector:Tree ): Tree = {
+ //Console.println("pm.toTree("+node+","+selector+")");
+ //Console.println("pm.toTree selector.tpe = "+selector.tpe+")");
+ if(selector.tpe == null)
+ scala.Predef.error("cannot go on");
+ if (node == null)
+ return Literal(Constant(false));
+ else
+ node match {
+ case DefaultPat() =>
+ return toTree(node.and);
+ case ConstrPat(casted) =>
+ return If(gen.mkIsInstanceOf(selector.duplicate, node.getTpe()),
+ Block(
+ List(ValDef(casted,
+ gen.mkAsInstanceOf(selector.duplicate, node.getTpe(), true))),
+ toTree(node.and)),
+ toTree(node.or, selector.duplicate));
+ case SequencePat(casted, len) =>
+ return (
+ Or(
+ And(
+ And(gen.mkIsInstanceOf(selector.duplicate, node.getTpe()),
+ Equals(
+ typed(
+ Apply(
+ Select(
+ gen.mkAsInstanceOf(selector.duplicate,
+ node.getTpe(),
+ true),
+ node.getTpe().member(nme.length) /*defs.Seq_length*/),
+ List())
+ ),
+ typed(
+ Literal(Constant(len))
+ ))),
+ Block(
+ List(
+ ValDef(casted,
+ gen.mkAsInstanceOf(selector.duplicate, node.getTpe(), true))),
+ toTree(node.and))),
+ toTree(node.or, selector.duplicate)));
+ case ConstantPat(value) =>
+ //Console.println("selector = "+selector);
+ //Console.println("selector.tpe = "+selector.tpe);
+ return If(Equals(selector.duplicate,
+ typed(Literal(Constant(value))).setType(node.tpe)),
+ toTree(node.and),
+ toTree(node.or, selector.duplicate));
+ case VariablePat(tree) =>
+ return If(Equals(selector.duplicate, tree),
+ toTree(node.and),
+ toTree(node.or, selector.duplicate));
+ case AltPat(header) =>
+ return If(toTree(header),
+ toTree(node.and),
+ toTree(node.or, selector.duplicate));
+ case _ =>
+ scala.Predef.error("can't plant this tree");
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/PatternNodeCreator.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/PatternNodeCreator.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79ba780469
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/PatternNodeCreator.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+/** PatternNode factory.
+ * we inherit the globals from PatternTool.
+ */
+trait PatternNodeCreator: (TransMatcher with PatternNodes) {
+ import global._;
+ def pSequencePat(pos: Int , tpe:Type , len:int) = {
+ //assert (tpe != null);
+ val sym = newVar(Position.FIRSTPOS, tpe);
+ //Console.println("pncrea::sequencePat sym.pos = "+sym.pos);
+ val node = new SequencePat(sym, len);
+ node.pos = pos;
+ node.tpe = tpe;
+ //Console.println("pncrea::sequencePat sym.pos = "+sym.pos);
+ node;
+ }
+ def pSeqContainerPat(pos: int, tpe: Type, seqpat:Tree ) = {
+ //assert (tpe != null);
+ val sym = newVar(Position.NOPOS, tpe);
+ val node = new SeqContainerPat(sym, seqpat);
+ node.pos = pos;
+ node.setType(tpe);
+ node;
+ }
+ def pDefaultPat(pos: int, tpe: Type) = {
+ //assert (tpe != null);
+ val node = new DefaultPat();
+ node.pos = pos;
+ node.setType(tpe);
+ node;
+ }
+ def pConstrPat(pos: int, tpe: Type) = {
+ //assert (tpe != null);
+ val node = new ConstrPat(newVar(pos, tpe));
+ node.pos = pos;
+ node.setType(tpe);
+ node;
+ }
+ def pConstantPat(pos: int, tpe: Type, value: Any /*AConstant*/ ) = {
+ //assert (tpe != null);
+ val node = new ConstantPat( value );
+ node.pos = pos;
+ node.setType(tpe);
+ node;
+ }
+ def pVariablePat(pos: int, tree:Tree) = {
+ //assert (tree.tpe != null);
+ val node = new VariablePat( tree );
+ node.pos = pos;
+ node.setType(tree.tpe);
+ node;
+ }
+ def pAltPat(pos: int, header:Header ) = {
+ val node = new AltPat(header);
+ node.pos = pos;
+ node.setType(header.getTpe());
+ node;
+ }
+ // factories
+ def pHeader(pos: int, tpe: Type, selector:Tree) = {
+ //assert (tpe != null);
+ val node = new Header(selector, null);
+ node.pos = pos;
+ node.setType(tpe);
+ node;
+ }
+ def pBody(pos: int) = {
+ val node = new Body(new Array[Array[ValDef]](0), new Array[Tree](0), new Array[Tree](0));
+ node.pos = pos;
+ node;
+ }
+ def pBody(pos: int, bound:Array[ValDef] , guard:Tree, body:Tree) = {
+ val node = new Body(Predef.Array[Array[ValDef]](bound), Predef.Array[Tree](guard), Predef.Array[Tree](body));
+ node.pos = pos;
+ node;
+ }
+ def newVar(pos: int, name: Name, tpe: Type): Symbol= {
+ /** hack: pos has special meaning*/
+ val sym = currentOwner.newVariable(pos, name);
+ //Console.println("patnodcre::newVar sym = "+sym+ "tpe = "+tpe);
+ sym.setInfo(tpe);
+ //System.out.println("PatternNodeCreator::newVar creates symbol "+sym);
+ //System.out.println("owner: "+sym.owner());
+ sym;
+ }
+ def newVar(pos: int, tpe: Type): Symbol = {
+ newVar(pos, cunit.fresh.newName("temp"), tpe);
+ }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/PatternNodes.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/PatternNodes.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..551d964c39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/PatternNodes.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+/* ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ *\
+** / __// __ \/ __// __ \/ ____/ SOcos COmpiles Scala **
+** __\_ \/ /_/ / /__/ /_/ /\_ \ (c) 2002, LAMP/EPFL **
+** /_____/\____/\___/\____/____/ **
+** **
+** $Id$
+\* */
+package ;
+trait PatternNodes: TransMatcher {
+ import global._;
+ /** Intermediate data structure for algebraic + pattern matcher
+ */
+ class PatternNode {
+ var pos = Position.FIRSTPOS;
+ var tpe: Type = _;
+ var or: PatternNode = _;
+ var and: PatternNode = _;
+ def bodyToTree(): Tree = this match {
+ case _b:Body =>
+ return _b.body(0);
+ }
+ def getTpe(): Type = {
+ tpe;
+ }
+ def setType(tpe: Type): Unit = {
+ this.tpe = tpe;
+ }
+ def dup(): PatternNode = {
+ var res: PatternNode = null;
+ this match {
+ case h:Header =>
+ res = new Header(h.selector,;
+ case b:Body=>
+ res = new Body(b.bound, b.guard, b.body);
+ case DefaultPat() =>
+ res = DefaultPat();
+ case ConstrPat(casted) =>
+ res = ConstrPat(casted);
+ case SequencePat(casted, len) =>
+ res = SequencePat(casted, len);
+ case SeqContainerPat(casted, seqpat) =>
+ res = SeqContainerPat(casted, seqpat);
+ case ConstantPat(value) =>
+ res = ConstantPat(value);
+ case VariablePat(tree) =>
+ res = VariablePat(tree);
+ case AltPat(subheader) =>
+ res = AltPat(subheader);
+ case _ =>
+ error("")
+ }
+ res.pos = pos;
+ res.tpe = tpe;
+ res.or = or;
+ res.and = and;
+ res;
+ }
+ def symbol: Symbol = {
+ this match {
+ case ConstrPat(casted) =>
+ return casted;
+ case SequencePat(casted, _) =>
+ return casted;
+ case SeqContainerPat(casted, _) =>
+ return casted;
+ case _ =>
+ return NoSymbol; //.NONE;
+ }
+ }
+ def nextH(): PatternNode = {
+ this match {
+ case _h:Header =>
+ return;
+ case _ =>
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ def isDefaultPat(): boolean = {
+ this match {
+ case DefaultPat() =>
+ return true;
+ case _ =>
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /** returns true if
+ * p and q are equal (constructor | sequence) type tests, or
+ * "q matches" => "p matches"
+ */
+ def isSameAs(q: PatternNode): boolean = {
+ this match {
+ case ConstrPat(_) =>
+ q match {
+ case ConstrPat(_) =>
+ isSameType(q.getTpe(), this.getTpe());
+ case _ =>
+ false
+ }
+ case SequencePat(_, plen) =>
+ q match {
+ case SequencePat(_, qlen) =>
+ return (plen == qlen) && isSameType(q.getTpe(), this.getTpe());
+ case _ =>
+ false
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ subsumes(q);
+ }
+ }
+ /** returns true if "q matches" => "p matches"
+ */
+ def subsumes(q:PatternNode): Boolean = {
+ this match {
+ case DefaultPat() =>
+ q match {
+ case DefaultPat() =>
+ true;
+ case _ =>
+ false;
+ }
+ case ConstrPat(_) =>
+ q match {
+ case ConstrPat(_) =>
+ isSubType(q.getTpe(), this.getTpe());
+ case _ =>
+ false;
+ }
+ case SequencePat(_, plen) =>
+ q match {
+ case SequencePat(_, qlen) =>
+ (plen == qlen) && isSubType(q.getTpe(), this.getTpe());
+ case _ =>
+ false;
+ }
+ case ConstantPat(pval) =>
+ q match {
+ case ConstantPat(qval) =>
+ pval == qval;
+ case _ =>
+ false;
+ }
+ case VariablePat(tree) =>
+ q match {
+ case VariablePat(other) =>
+ ((tree.symbol != null) &&
+ (tree.symbol != NoSymbol) &&
+ (!tree.symbol.isError) &&
+ (tree.symbol == other.symbol))
+ case _ =>
+ false;
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ false;
+ }
+ }
+ override def toString(): String = {
+ this match {
+ case _h:Header =>
+ return "Header(" + _h.selector + ")";
+ case _b:Body =>
+ return "Body";
+ case DefaultPat() =>
+ return "DefaultPat";
+ case ConstrPat(casted) =>
+ return "ConstrPat(" + casted + ")";
+ case SequencePat(casted, len) =>
+ return "SequencePat(" + casted + ", " + len + "...)";
+ case SeqContainerPat(casted, seqpat) =>
+ return "SeqContainerPat(" + casted + ", " + seqpat + ")";
+ case ConstantPat(value) =>
+ return "ConstantPat(" + value + ")";
+ case VariablePat(tree) =>
+ return "VariablePat";
+ case _ =>
+ return "<unknown pat>";
+ }
+ }
+ def print(indent: String, sb: StringBuffer): StringBuffer = {
+ val patNode = this;
+ def cont = if (patNode.or != null) patNode.or.print(indent, sb); else sb;
+ def newIndent(s: String) = {
+ val removeBar: Boolean = (null == patNode.or);
+ val sb = new StringBuffer();
+ sb.append(indent);
+ if (removeBar)
+ sb.setCharAt(indent.length() - 1, ' ');
+ var i = 0; while (i < s.length()) {
+ sb.append(' ');
+ i = i + 1
+ }
+ sb.toString()
+ }
+ if (patNode == null)
+ sb.append(indent).append("NULL");
+ else
+ patNode match {
+ case _h: Header =>
+ val selector = _h.selector;
+ val next =;
+ sb.append(indent + "HEADER(" + patNode.getTpe() +
+ ", " + selector + ")").append('\n');
+ patNode.or.print(indent + "|", sb);
+ if (next != null)
+ next.print(indent, sb);
+ else
+ sb
+ case ConstrPat(casted) =>
+ val s = ("-- " + patNode.getTpe() +
+ "(" + patNode.getTpe() + ", " + casted + ") -> ");
+ val nindent = newIndent(s);
+ sb.append(nindent + s).append('\n');
+ patNode.and.print(nindent, sb);
+ cont;
+ case SequencePat( casted, plen ) =>
+ val s = ("-- " + patNode.getTpe() + "(" +
+ patNode.getTpe() +
+ ", " + casted + ", " + plen + ") -> ");
+ val nindent = newIndent(s);
+ sb.append(indent + s).append('\n');
+ patNode.and.print(nindent, sb);
+ cont;
+ case DefaultPat() =>
+ sb.append(indent + "-- _ -> ").append('\n');
+ patNode.and.print(indent.substring(0, indent.length() - 1) +
+ " ", sb);
+ cont;
+ case ConstantPat(value) =>
+ val s = "-- CONST(" + value + ") -> ";
+ val nindent = newIndent(s);
+ sb.append(indent + s).append('\n');
+ patNode.and.print( nindent, sb);
+ cont;
+ case VariablePat(tree) =>
+ val s = "-- STABLEID(" + tree + ": " + patNode.getTpe() + ") -> ";
+ val nindent = newIndent(s);
+ sb.append(indent + s).append('\n');
+ patNode.and.print(nindent, sb);
+ cont;
+ case AltPat(header) =>
+ sb.append(indent + "-- ALTERNATIVES:").append('\n');
+ header.print(indent + " * ", sb);
+ patNode.and.print(indent + " * -> ", sb);
+ cont;
+ case _b:Body =>
+ if ((_b.guard.length == 0) && (_b.body.length == 0))
+ sb.append(indent + "true").append('\n') ;
+ else
+ sb.append(indent + "BODY(" + _b.body.length + ")").append('\n');
+ }
+ } // def print
+ }
+ class Header(sel1: Tree, next1: Header ) extends PatternNode {
+ var selector: Tree = sel1;
+ var next: Header = next1;
+ }
+ class Body(bound1: Array[Array[ValDef]] , guard1:Array[Tree] , body1:Array[Tree] ) extends PatternNode {
+ var bound = bound1;
+ var guard = guard1;
+ var body = body1;
+ }
+ case class DefaultPat()extends PatternNode;
+ case class ConstrPat(casted:Symbol ) extends PatternNode;
+ case class ConstantPat(value: Any /*AConstant*/ ) extends PatternNode;
+ case class VariablePat(tree: Tree ) extends PatternNode;
+ case class AltPat(subheader: Header ) extends PatternNode;
+ case class SequencePat( casted: Symbol, len:int) extends PatternNode; // only used in PatternMatcher
+ case class SeqContainerPat(casted: Symbol , seqpat: Tree ) extends PatternNode; // in AlgebraicMatcher
+ /** the environment for a body of a case
+ * @param owner the owner of the variables created here
+ */
+ class CaseEnv {
+// (val owner:Symbol, unit:CompilationUnit)
+ private var boundVars:scala.Array[ValDef] = new Array[ValDef](4);
+ private var numVars = 0;
+ /** substitutes a symbol on the right hand side of a ValDef
+ */
+ def substitute(oldSym: Symbol, newInit: Tree): Unit = {
+ var i = 0; while( i < numVars) {
+ if( boundVars(i).rhs.symbol == oldSym ) {
+ boundVars(i) = ValDef(boundVars(i).symbol, newInit);
+ return;
+ }
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ def newBoundVar(sym:Symbol, tpe: Type, init:Tree ): Unit = {
+ //if(sym == Symbol.NoSymbol ) {
+// scala.Predef.Error("can't add variable with NoSymbol");
+// }
+ // sym.setOwner( owner ); // FIXME should be corrected earlier
+ // @maybe is corrected now? bq
+ if (numVars == boundVars.length) {
+ val newVars = new Array[ValDef](numVars * 2);
+ System.arraycopy(boundVars, 0, newVars, 0, numVars);
+ this.boundVars = newVars;
+ }
+ sym.setInfo(tpe);
+ this.boundVars(numVars) = ValDef(sym, init.duplicate);
+ numVars = numVars + 1;
+ }
+ def getBoundVars(): Array[ValDef] = {
+ val newVars = new Array[ValDef](numVars);
+ System.arraycopy(boundVars, 0, newVars, 0, numVars);
+ return newVars;
+ }
+ override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = {
+ if (!(obj.isInstanceOf[CaseEnv]))
+ return false;
+ val env = obj.asInstanceOf[CaseEnv];
+ if (env.numVars != numVars)
+ return false;
+ var i = 0; while(i < numVars) {
+ if ((boundVars(i).name != env.boundVars(i).name) ||
+ !isSameType(boundVars(i).tpe, env.boundVars(i).tpe) ||
+ (boundVars(i).rhs != env.boundVars(i).rhs))
+ return false;
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ } // class CaseEnv
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/RightTracers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/RightTracers.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0daf20fed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/RightTracers.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+/* NSC -- new scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author buraq
+ */
+// $Id$
+import java.util._ ;
+trait RightTracers: TransMatcher {
+ import global._ ;
+ import java.util._ ;
+//import Scope.SymbolIterator;
+//import scalac.util.Name ;
+//import scalac.util.Names ;
+ /** translate right tracer to code
+ * @param dfa determinized left tracer
+ * @param left nondeterm. left tracer (only needed for variables!)
+ * @param pat ?
+ * @param elementType ...
+ */
+abstract class RightTracerInScala extends Autom2Scala {
+ val seqVars: Set;
+ val pat:Tree;
+ val elementType: Type;
+ def SeqTrace_headElem( arg: Tree ) = { // REMOVE SeqTrace
+ val t = Apply(Select(arg, definitions.List_head), Nil);
+ Apply(Select(t, definitions.tupleField(2,2)),Nil)
+ }
+ def SeqTrace_headState( arg: Tree ) = { // REMOVE SeqTrace
+ val t = Apply(Select(arg, definitions.List_head), Nil);
+ Apply(Select(t, definitions.tupleField(2,1)), Nil)
+ }
+ def SeqTrace_tail( arg: Tree ): Tree = // REMOVE SeqTrace
+ Apply(Select(arg, definitions.List_tail), Nil);
+ final def collectVars(pat: Tree): HashSet = {
+ var vars = new HashSet();
+ def handleVariableSymbol(sym: Symbol): Unit = {
+ vars.add( sym );
+ }
+ def isVariableName(name: Name): Boolean =
+ ( name != nme.WILDCARD ) && ( treeInfo.isVariableName( name ) ) ;
+ def isVariableSymbol(sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
+ ( sym != null )&&( !sym.isPrimaryConstructor );
+ }
+ def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = {
+ tree match {
+ case x @ Ident(name)=>
+ if(x.symbol != definitions.PatternWildcard)
+ scala.Predef.error("shouldn't happen?!");
+ case Star(t) =>
+ traverse(t);
+ case Bind(name, subtree) =>
+ var sym: Symbol = null;
+ if( isVariableName( name )
+ && isVariableSymbol( {sym = tree.symbol; tree.symbol} ))
+ handleVariableSymbol( sym );
+ traverse( subtree );
+ // congruence cases
+ case Apply(fun, args) => args foreach {traverse};
+ case Sequence(trees) => trees foreach {traverse};
+ case Typed(expr, tpe) => traverse(expr); // needed??
+ case _ : Alternative | _ : Select | _ : Literal => ; // no variables
+ case _ => Predef.error("unknown node:"+tree+" = "+tree.getClass());
+ }
+ }
+ traverse( pat );
+ return vars;
+ }
+ //final def defs = cf.defs;
+ val allVars: Set = collectVars( pat );
+ var varsToExport: Set = new HashSet(); // @todo HANDLE seqVars THESE GLOBALLY INSTEAD OF LOCALLY
+ varsToExport.addAll( allVars );
+ varsToExport.removeAll( seqVars );
+ var targetSym:Symbol = _;
+ var helpMap = new HashMap();
+ var helpMap2 = new HashMap();
+ var helpVarDefs:scala.List[Tree] = Nil;
+ val it = seqVars.iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ makeHelpVar([Symbol] );
+ }
+ val jt = allVars.iterator();
+ while(jt.hasNext()) {
+ val varSym =[Symbol];
+ if(("$") == -1 )
+ && ( !seqVars.contains( varSym ))) {
+ makeHelpVar( varSym, true );
+ }
+ }
+ //System.out.println("allVars: "+allVars);
+ //System.out.println("seqVars: "+seqVars);
+ //System.out.println("helpVarDefs now: "+helpVarDefs);
+ initializeSyms();
+ def makeHelpVar(realVar: Symbol): Unit = {
+ makeHelpVar( realVar, false );
+ }
+ /** makes a helpvar and puts mapping into helpMap, ValDef into helpVarDefs
+ */
+ def makeHelpVar(realVar: Symbol, keepType: Boolean): Unit = {
+ val helpVar = owner.newVariable( pos,
+ fresh.newName(
+ .toString()+"RTIS" ));
+ var rhs: Tree = null;
+ //System.out.println("RTiS making helpvar : "+realVar+" -> "+helpVar);
+ if( keepType ) {
+ helpVar.setInfo( realVar.tpe );
+ rhs = EmptyTree;
+ } else {
+ helpVar.setInfo( /* LIST_TYPE(elementType)*/ );
+ rhs = gen.mkNil;
+ }
+ helpMap.put( realVar, helpVar );
+ helpVar.setFlag(Flags.MUTABLE);
+ val varDef = ValDef( helpVar, rhs );
+ //((ValDef) varDef).kind = Kinds.VAR;
+ helpVarDefs= varDef :: helpVarDefs;
+ }
+ def prependToHelpVar(realVar: Symbol, elem:Tree): Tree = {
+ val hv = refHelpVar( realVar );
+ Assign( hv, gen.mkNewCons( /*elementType, */elem, hv ));
+ /*
+ return cf.Block(pos,
+ new Tree [] {
+ cf.debugPrintRuntime( "ASSIGN" ),
+ gen.Assign( hv, cf.newSeqCons( elem, hv ))
+ }, defs.UNIT_TYPE());
+ */
+ }
+ protected def initializeSyms(): Unit = {
+ this.funSym = owner.newLabel( pos, fresh.newName( "right" ));
+ this.iterSym = owner.newVariable( pos, fresh.newName("iter"))
+ .setInfo( SeqTraceType( elementType ));
+ this.stateSym = owner.newVariable ( pos, fresh.newName("q"))
+ .setInfo( ) ;
+ this.curSym = owner.newVariable( pos, fresh.newName("cur"))
+ .setInfo( elementType ) ;
+ this.targetSym = owner.newVariable( pos, fresh.newName("p"))
+ .setInfo( ) ;
+ funSym.setInfo(
+ MethodType( scala.List ( // dummy symbol MethodType
+ SeqTraceType(elementType),
+ //funSym.newValueParameter( pos, fresh.newName("iter") /*, SeqTraceType elementType */),
+ //funSym.newValueParameter( pos, fresh.newName( "q" ) /*, */),
+ // result
+ }
+ // load current elem and trace
+ override def loadCurrentElem(body: Tree): Tree = {
+ If( isEmpty( _iter() ),
+ run_finished( 0 ), // we are done
+ Block( scala.List (
+ ValDef( this.targetSym,
+ SeqTrace_headState( Ident( iterSym))),
+ ValDef( this.curSym,
+ SeqTrace_headElem( Ident( iterSym )))),
+ body )
+ );
+ }
+ /** see code_state0_NEW
+ */
+ def code_state0(elseBody: Tree) = { // careful, map Int to Int
+ If( Equals( _state(), Literal(0)),
+ code_state0_NEW(),
+ elseBody );
+ }
+ /** this one is special, we check the first element of the trace
+ * and choose the next state depending only on the state part
+ */
+ def code_state0_NEW(): Tree = { // careful, map Int to Int
+ val hmap = dfa.deltaq( 0 ); // all the initial states
+ var i = 0;
+ val n = hmap.keySet().size(); // all transitions defined
+ val tmapTag = new TreeMap();
+ val tmapBody = new TreeMap();
+ var it = hmap.keySet().iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ val targetL =[Integer];
+ val targetR = hmap.get( targetL ).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ val I = new Integer( i );
+ tmapTag.put( targetL, I );
+ tmapBody.put( I, callFun( scala.List (
+ SeqTrace_tail( _iter() ),
+ Literal( targetR.intValue() ) )));
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ //i = 0;
+ var ncases: scala.List[CaseDef] = Nil;
+ //val tags = new Array[Int]( n );
+ //val targets = new Array[Tree]( n );
+ var jt = tmapTag.keySet().iterator();
+ while(jt.hasNext()) {
+ val tagI =[Integer];
+ //tags( i ) = tagI.intValue();
+ val I = tmapTag.get( tagI ).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ //targets( i ) = tmapBody.get( I ).asInstanceOf[Tree];;
+ ncases = CaseDef( Literal(tagI.intValue()),
+ tmapBody.get(I).asInstanceOf[Tree] ) :: ncases;
+ //i = i + 1
+ }
+ //gen.Switch( gen.Ident( pos, targetSym ),
+ // tags,
+ // targets,
+ // code_error()/*cannot happen*/ );
+ Match(Ident(targetSym), ncases);
+ }
+ override def currentMatches(label: Label): Tree = label match {
+ case LPair( target, theLab ) =>
+ Equals( Literal(target.intValue() ), current() );
+ case _ =>
+ scala.Predef.error("expected Pair label");
+ }
+ override def code_state_NEW(i: Int): Tree = { // precondition i != 0
+ var stateBody = code_delta( i, DefaultLabel() );
+ if( stateBody == null ) {
+ stateBody = code_error();
+ }
+ val trans = dfa.deltaq( i );
+ val tmapTag = new TreeMap();
+ val tmapBody = new TreeMap();
+ var j = 0;
+ var labs = dfa.labels().iterator();
+ while(labs.hasNext()) {
+ val label =;
+ val next = trans.get( label ).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ val action = code_delta( i, label.asInstanceOf[Label] );
+ if( action != null ) {
+ val J = new Integer( j );
+ tmapTag.put( label.asInstanceOf[LPair].state, J );
+ tmapBody.put( J, action );
+ stateBody = If( currentMatches( label.asInstanceOf[Label] ),
+ action,
+ stateBody);
+ }
+ j = j + 1;
+ }
+ val n = tmapTag.keySet().size();
+ //j = 0;
+ //val tags = new Array[int]( n );
+ //val targets = new Array[Tree]( n );
+ var ncases: scala.List[CaseDef] = Nil;
+ val it = tmapTag.keySet().iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ val tagI =[Integer];
+ //tags( j ) = tagI.intValue();
+ val J = tmapTag.get( tagI ).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ //targets( j ) = tmapBody.get( J ).asInstanceOf[Tree];
+ ncases = CaseDef(Literal(tagI.intValue()),
+ tmapBody.get( J ).asInstanceOf[Tree]) :: ncases;
+ //j = j + 1;
+ }
+ if( n > 0 )
+ //gen.Switch( gen.Ident( pos, targetSym ), tags, targets, code_error() );
+ Match(Ident( targetSym ), ncases);
+ else
+ code_error();
+ }
+ // calling the AlgebraicMatcher here
+ override def _cur_match(pat1: Tree): Tree = {
+ var pat = pat1;
+ //System.out.println("RTiS._cur_match("+pat.toString()+")");
+ //System.out.println("calling algebraic matcher on type:"+pat.type);
+ //System.err.println( "curT"+currentElem().type().widen() );
+ val m = new PartialMatcher {
+ val owner = RightTracerInScala.this.owner; // , //funSym,//this.funSym,
+ val selector = currentElem(); //,
+ // result type defs.boolean_TYPE() );
+ }
+ val freshenMap = new HashMap(); // sym2exp -> new sym
+ val helpMap3 = new HashMap(); // new sym -> original sym
+ // "freshening": never use the same symbol more than once
+ // (in later invocations of _cur_match)
+ var it = varsToExport.iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext() ) {
+ val key =[Symbol];
+ if("$") == -1 ) {
+ this.helpMap2.put( key, helpMap.get( key ));
+ // "freshening" by appending string ( a bit dangerous )
+ val newSym = key.cloneSymbol( owner /*funSym*/ );
+ = newTermName( + "%") ; // erm
+ freshenMap.put( key, newSym );
+ helpMap3.put( newSym, helpMap.get( key ));
+ //System.out.println( "key: "+ key + " key.owner:"+key.owner());
+ //System.out.println( "newsym owner:"+newSym.owner());
+ } else {
+ freshenMap.put( key, key );
+ }
+ }
+ //System.out.println("RightTracerInScala:: -pat :"+pat.toString());
+ /*
+ System.out.println("RightTracerInScala - the seqVars"+seqVars);
+ System.out.println("RightTracerInScala - the varsToExport"+varsToExport);
+ */
+ //System.out.println("RightTracerInScala::freshenMap :"+freshenMap);
+ // "freshening"
+ //@nsc @todo @todo @todo @todo
+ //val tc = new TreeCloner( global, freshenMap, Type.IdMap );
+ //pat = tc.transform( pat );
+ //@nsc this commented out, is broken anyway.
+ // val match case <pat> => <do binding>; true
+ // case _ => false
+ var ts: scala.List[Tree] = scala.List(); //new Array[Tree]( helpMap3.keySet().size() );
+ //var j = 0;
+ var jt = helpMap3.keySet().iterator();
+ while(jt.hasNext()) {
+ val vsym =[Symbol];
+ val hv = helpMap3.get( vsym ).asInstanceOf[Symbol];
+ //hv.setInfo( defs.LIST_TYPE( elementType ) ) ; DEBUG ALARM ?
+ ts = Assign( Ident(hv), Ident(vsym) ) :: ts;
+ //ts( j ) = gen.;
+ //j = j + 1;
+ // System.out.println( "the assign" + res[ j - 1 ] );
+ }
+ val theBody = Block(ts, Literal( true )); // just `true'
+ am.construct( m, scala.List(
+ CaseDef( pat, theBody), // freshening
+ // if tree val matches pat -> update vars, return true
+ CaseDef(Ident(definitions.PatternWildcard), Literal(false))),
+ // else return false
+ true // do binding please
+ );
+ am.toTree();
+ }
+ /** returns translation of transition with label from i.
+ * returns null if there is no such transition(no translation needed)
+ */
+ override def code_delta(i: Int , label: Label ): Tree = {
+ val hmap = dfa.deltaq( i );
+ val ntarget = hmap.get( label ).asInstanceOf[Integer];
+ var algMatchTree: Tree = null;
+ if( ntarget == null )
+ return null;
+ //System.out.println("delta("+i+","+label+")" );
+ var theLab: Label = null;
+ label match {
+ case LPair ( state, lab2 )=>
+ //assert ntarget == state;
+ theLab = lab2;
+ lab2 match {
+ case TreeLabel( pat ) =>
+ algMatchTree = _cur_match( pat );
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ case DefaultLabel() =>
+ scala.Predef.error("bla"); // should not happen
+ }
+ //assert dfa.qbinders != null : "qbinders ?";
+ var vars = dfa.qbinders(i);
+ //System.out.println("dfa.qbinders[ i ]"+vars);
+ if (null == vars) vars = new Vector(); // TODO: make this more consistent
+ //assert vars != null;
+ var stms = if (algMatchTree != null ) algMatchTree::Nil else Nil;
+ var it = vars.iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ val vble =[Symbol];
+ val rhs = gen.Ident( curSym );
+ stms = prependToHelpVar( vble , rhs) :: stms;
+ }
+ val value = callFun( scala.List( SeqTrace_tail( _iter() ),
+ Literal(ntarget.intValue())));
+ Block(stms, value );
+ }
+ override def stateWrap(i: Int): Tree = {
+ if (i == 0)
+ code_state0_NEW();
+ else
+ code_state_NEW(i);
+ }
+ /* returns statements that do the work of the right-transducer
+ */
+ def getStms(trace: Tree, unit: CompilationUnit, body: Tree): Tree = {
+ var stms: scala.List[Tree] = scala.List();
+ val loopbody = code_body_NEW();
+ stms = (
+ scala.List(
+ ValDef( iterSym, trace ),
+ ValDef( stateSym, Literal( 0 ))
+ ) ::: helpVarDefs
+ ::: scala.List(
+ LabelDef(
+ this.funSym,
+ scala.List (
+ iterSym,
+ stateSym
+ ),
+ loopbody )
+ ));
+ // bind variables handled by this righttracer
+ var it = seqVars.iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext())
+ stms = stms ::: bindVar([Symbol] ) :: Nil;
+ val treeCloner = new Transformer {
+ override def transform(tree1: Tree): Tree = {
+ val tree = super.transform(tree1);
+ if (tree.hasSymbol) {
+ val symbol = helpMap2.get(tree.symbol);
+ if (symbol != null) tree.setSymbol(symbol.asInstanceOf[Symbol]);
+ }
+ tree;
+ }
+ };
+ Block(stms, treeCloner.transform( body ));
+ }
+ /** return the accumulator. (same as in LeftTracerInScala)
+ * todo: move tree generation of Unit somewhere else
+ */
+ override def run_finished(state: Int): Tree = Literal(());
+ def current() = Ident( targetSym );
+ def refHelpVar(realVar: Symbol) = {
+ val hv = helpMap.get( realVar ).asInstanceOf[Symbol];
+ //assert hv != null : realVar;
+ Ident(hv);
+ }
+ def assignToHelpVar(realVar: Symbol, rhs: Tree): Tree = {
+ val hv = refHelpVar(realVar);
+ Assign(hv, rhs);
+ }
+ def bindVar(realVar: Symbol): Tree = {
+ val hv = refHelpVar(realVar);
+ /*
+ System.out.println("binding "" type:"+realVar.type()+" to hv type:"+hv.type());
+ realVar.setOwner( owner );
+ System.out.println("is same as realVar"+realVar.type().isSameAs( elementType ));
+ System.out.println("is same as hv"+realVar.type().isSameAs( hv.type() ));
+ if( realVar.type().isSameAs( elementType ))
+ return gen.ValDef( realVar, SeqList_head( hv ));
+ else
+ return gen.ValDef( realVar, hv );
+ */
+ if( isSameType(realVar.tpe, hv.tpe))
+ ValDef( realVar, hv ); // e.g. x @ _*
+ else {
+ ValDef( realVar, SeqList_head( hv ));
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/SequenceMatchers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/SequenceMatchers.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2d8aa7414
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/SequenceMatchers.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+/* NSC -- new scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author buraq
+ */
+// $Id$
+import java.util._ ;
+/** constructs a matcher for a sequence pattern. plays two roles in
+ * described in design pattern Builder.
+ * is the "Director" for "Builder" class BerrySethi.
+ * is the "Builder" for "Director" class TransMatch.
+ */
+trait SequenceMatchers: TransMatcher {
+ import global._;
+ class SequenceMatcher {
+ // Console.println("CONSTR SEQUENCEMATCHER");
+ final val IGNORED = new Integer(42);
+ var _m: PartialMatcher = _;
+ var bbuild: BindingBerrySethi = null;
+ /** collects variables
+ * @return all variables bound by this binding nfa
+ */
+ def collectNfaVariables(nfa: NondetWordAutom): Set = {
+ val seqVars = new HashSet();
+ var j = 0;
+ while(j < nfa.nstates) {
+ if( nfa.qbinders( j ) != null )
+ seqVars.addAll( nfa.qbinders( j ) );
+ j = j + 1
+ }
+ seqVars;
+ }
+ /** translates the det/switching automaton to scala code
+ * precondition: pat.type() corresponds to element type
+ */
+ def addBinderToBody( pat1:Tree , body:Tree ): Tree = {
+ if( bbuild == null )
+ bbuild = new BindingBerrySethi;
+ val elementType1 = getElemType_Sequence( pat1.tpe );
+ // (a) build *binding* nfa (sequential machine)
+ val left = bbuild.automatonFrom( pat1, IGNORED );
+ val right = bbuild.revnfa;
+ // (b) determinize + translate L
+ val dLeft = new DetWordAutom( left );
+ val ltis = new LeftTracerInScala {
+ val dfa = dLeft;
+ val owner = _m.owner;
+ val selector = _m.selector;
+ val elementType = elementType1;
+ }
+ val trace = ltis.getTrace();
+ // (c) determinize + translate R
+ val dRight = new DetWordAutom( right, left, dLeft );
+ val seqVars1 = collectNfaVariables( left );
+ //System.out.println("seqVars here are:"+seqVars);
+ val rtis = new RightTracerInScala {
+ val dfa = dRight;
+ val owner = _m.owner;
+ val pat = pat1;
+ val seqVars = seqVars1;
+ val elementType = elementType1;
+ }
+ // !!! Tree stms2 = rtis.getStms( theTrace, cunit, body );
+ // !!! gen.mkBlock_( body.pos, trace, stms2 );
+ val stms2 = rtis.getStms( trace, cunit, body );
+ stms2;
+ }
+ private def buildNfas( pat:scala.List[Tree] ): Array[NondetWordAutom] = {
+ val build = new BerrySethi;
+ val manyNfa = new Array[NondetWordAutom]( pat.length );
+ var i = 0;
+ val it = pat.elements;
+ while( i < pat.length ) {
+ manyNfa( i ) = build.automatonFrom(, new Integer( i ));
+ i = i + 1;
+ //manyNfa[ i ].print();
+ }
+ manyNfa;
+ }
+ /** constructs a word recognizer from an array of patterns which
+ * should all be SequencePatterns ( no wildcard * )
+ * precondition: pat.type corresponds to element type
+ * @param _m Matcher object, holds the result
+ * @param pat the (Sequence) patterns
+ * @param body the bodies
+ * @param defaultCase code that is run when nothing matches. may be null, it
+ * becomes a ThrowMatchError then
+ * @param doBinding flasg that indicates whether variables should be bound
+ */
+ def construct(_m: PartialMatcher, pat: scala.List[Tree] , body: scala.List[Tree] , defcase1: Tree, doBinding: Boolean ): Unit = {
+ var defaultCase = defcase1;
+ this._m = _m;
+ //assert body.length == pat.length;
+ if( defaultCase == null )
+ defaultCase = ThrowMatchError( _m.pos, resultType );
+ val seqType = pat( 0 ).tpe;
+ val elementType1 = getElemType_Sequence( seqType );
+ // STEP 1 - build nfas for each pattern
+ val manyNfa = buildNfas( pat );
+ // STEP 2 - recognizing
+ // (a) merge nfas into one if necessary
+ val nfa = if(pat.length > 1)
+ new NondetWordAutom( manyNfa )
+ else
+ manyNfa( 0 );
+ //nfa.print();
+ // (b) determinize
+ val dfa1 = new DetWordAutom( nfa );
+ // (c) translate to scala code
+ val scalaAut =
+ new WordAutomInScala{
+ val dfa = dfa1;
+ val owner = _m.owner;
+ val optim = == "jvm";
+ val elementType = elementType1;
+ }
+ scalaAut.translate();
+ // STEP 3 - binding
+ var newbody: scala.List[Tree] = Nil;
+ if( !doBinding )
+ newbody = body;
+ else { // this is done in the body of the matching case
+ var i = 0;
+ while(i < body.length) {
+ if( !containsBinding( pat( i ) ) )
+ newbody = body( i ) :: newbody; // no need for binding
+ else
+ newbody = addBinderToBody( pat( i ), body( i ) ) :: newbody;
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ newbody = newbody.reverse;
+ }
+ _m.tree = scalaAut.getMatcherSwitch( _m.selector,
+ defaultCase,
+ newbody );
+ } // construct (PartialMatcher, Tree[], Tree[], Tree, boolean )
+ } // class SequenceMatcher
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/StateSetComparator.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/StateSetComparator.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99942f38d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/StateSetComparator.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+package ;
+import java.util.{Comparator, TreeSet} ;
+class StateSetComparator extends Comparator {
+ // use lexicographic order
+ def compare(o1: Any , o2: Any ): Int = {
+ /*
+ System.out.print("lexi" );
+ System.out.print( o1 +" ");
+ System.out.println( o2 );
+ */
+ val it1 = o1.asInstanceOf[TreeSet].iterator();
+ val it2 = o2.asInstanceOf[TreeSet].iterator();
+ while( it1.hasNext() ) {
+ while( it2.hasNext() ) {
+ if( !it1.hasNext() )
+ return -1;
+ val i1 =[Integer].intValue();
+ val i2 =[Integer].intValue();
+ if( i1 < i2 )
+ return -1;
+ else if ( i1 > i2 )
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if( it1.hasNext() )
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if( it2.hasNext() )
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+ }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/TransMatcher.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/TransMatcher.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bca478b0dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/TransMatcher.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+/* NSC -- new scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author buraq
+ */
+// $Id$
+/** Translation of pattern matching
+ */
+abstract class TransMatcher extends transform.Transform
+with PatternNodes
+with CodeFactory
+with PatternMatchers
+with SequenceMatchers
+with AlgebraicMatchers
+with MatcherLabels
+with BerrySethis
+with DetWordAutoms
+with NondetWordAutoms
+with Autom2
+with WordAutoms
+with LeftTracers
+with RightTracers {
+ import global._;
+ import definitions._;
+ import posAssigner.atPos;
+ import typer.typed;
+ val phaseName = "transmatcher";
+ protected def newTransformer(unit: global.CompilationUnit): global.Transformer = {
+ cunit = unit;
+ new TransMatch
+ }
+ /** container. classes AlgebraicMatcher and SequenceMatcher get input and
+ * store their results in here. resembles the 'Memento' design pattern,
+ * could also be named 'Liaison'
+ */
+ abstract class PartialMatcher {
+ /** owner of the code we create (input)
+ */
+ val owner: Symbol;
+ /** the selector value (input)
+ */
+ val selector:Tree;
+ /** tree representing the matcher (output)
+ */
+ var tree: Tree = _ ;
+ def pos: int = selector.pos;
+ //assert( owner != null ) : "owner is null";
+ //assert owner != Symbol.NONE ;
+ //this.owner = owner;
+ //assert root != null;
+ //assert root.type != null;
+ //this.selector = root;
+ //assert this.resultType != Type.NoType;
+ //this.resultType = resultType;
+ //this.pos = root.pos; // for convenience only
+ }
+ var cunit: CompilationUnit = _;
+ def fresh = cunit.fresh ;
+ var currentOwner: Symbol = _;
+ var resultType: Type = _;
+ def containsBinding(pat: Tree): Boolean = {
+ var generatedVars = false;
+ def handleVariableSymbol(sym: Symbol): Unit =
+ if ("$") == -1) {
+ generatedVars = true; // .add(sym);
+ }
+ def isVariableName(name: Name): Boolean =
+ ( treeInfo.isVariableName(name) ) && ( name != nme.USCOREkw ) ;
+ def isVariableSymbol(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
+ ( sym != null )&&( !sym.isPrimaryConstructor );
+ def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = {
+ tree match {
+ case x @ Ident(name) =>
+ if(x.symbol != definitions.PatternWildcard)
+ error("shouldn't happen?!");
+ case Bind(name, subtree) =>
+ var sym: Symbol = null;
+ if (isVariableName(name)
+ && isVariableSymbol( {sym = tree.symbol; tree.symbol} ))
+ handleVariableSymbol(sym);
+ traverse( subtree );
+ // congruence
+ case Apply(fun, args) => args foreach traverse;
+ case Sequence(trees) => trees foreach traverse
+ case Star(arg) => traverse(arg)
+ case Typed(expr, tpe) => traverse(expr); // needed??
+ case _ : Select |
+ _ : Alternative |
+ _ : Select |
+ _ : Literal => ; // no variables
+ case _ =>
+ error("unknown pattern node:" + tree + " = " + tree.getClass());
+ }
+ }
+ traverse(pat);
+ generatedVars;
+ }
+ class TransMatch extends Transformer {
+ /** a casedef with sequence subpatterns like
+ *
+ * case ..x @ ().. => body
+ *
+ * should be replaced straight away with
+ *
+ * case .. () .. => val x = Nil; body
+ */
+ def isRegular(pats:List[CaseDef]): Pair[List[CaseDef],Boolean] = {
+ var existsReg = false;
+ var isReg = false;
+ var nilVars:List[Symbol] = null;
+ def isRegular1(pat: Tree): Tree = pat match {
+ case Alternative(trees) =>
+ copy.Alternative(pat, trees map { isRegular1 });
+ case Star(t) => isReg = true; copy.Star(pat, isRegular1(t) );
+ case Ident(_) => pat;
+ case Bind( id, empt @ Sequence(List())) =>
+ nilVars = pat.symbol /*id.symbol()*/ :: nilVars;
+ empt;
+ case Bind( n, pat1 ) => copy.Bind(pat, n, isRegular1( pat1 ));
+ case Sequence( trees ) =>
+ //isReg = isReg || ( trees.length == 0 );
+ isReg = true; // cause there are ArrayValues now
+ copy.Sequence(pat, trees map { isRegular1 });
+ case ArrayValue( tt, List(b @ Bind(id, Star(wc @ Ident(nme.WILDCARD))))) =>
+ //Console.println("OPTIMIZING");
+ //Console.println(pat);
+ //Console.println(pat.tpe);
+ //Console.println(b.tpe);
+ b.symbol.setInfo(pat.tpe);
+ b.setType(pat.tpe);
+ val res = copy.Bind(b, id, wc);
+ //Console.println("====>");
+ //Console.println(res);
+ res
+ case ArrayValue( s, trees ) =>
+ //Console.println("XXX ArrayValue, trees="+trees);
+ copy.ArrayValue( pat, s, (trees map { isRegular1 }));
+ case Apply( fn, List(Sequence(List()))) =>
+ pat;
+ case Apply( fn, trees ) =>
+ //Console.println(" IN isRegular, apply node "+pat.toString());
+ //Console.println(" trees are:"+(trees map {x => x.getClass().toString()}));
+ copy.Apply( pat, fn, ( trees map { isRegular1 }) )
+ case Literal(_) => pat
+ case Select(_,_) => pat
+ case Typed(_,_) => pat
+ //case _ =>
+ // Console.println(pat);
+ // Console.println(pat.getClass());
+ // scala.Predef.error(" what is this ? ")
+ }
+ var res:List[CaseDef] = Nil;
+ val it = pats.elements; while(it.hasNext) {
+ nilVars = Nil;
+ val cdef =;
+ val newt = isRegular1(cdef.pat);
+ existsReg = existsReg || isReg;
+ val nbody = if(nilVars.isEmpty) cdef.body else
+ atPos(cdef.body.pos)(
+ Block(nilVars map {
+ x => ValDef(x, Ident(definitions.NilModule))
+ }, cdef.body)
+ );
+ res = copy.CaseDef(cdef, newt, cdef.guard, nbody) :: res;
+ }
+ Pair(res.reverse, existsReg);
+ }
+ def handle(sel:Tree, ocases:List[CaseDef]): Tree = {
+ // 1. is there a regular pattern?
+ val Pair(cases, containsReg) = isRegular(ocases);
+ // @todo: remove unused variables
+ if(containsReg) {
+ // 2. replace nilVariables
+ //@todo: bring over AlgebraicMatcher
+ /*
+ val matcher = new PartialMatcher {
+ val global: =;
+ val owner = currentOwner;
+ val selector = sel ;
+ }
+ new AlgebraicMatcher() {
+ val tm: TransMatcher.this.type = TransMatcher.this;
+ }.construct( matcher, cases );
+ matcher.tree
+ */
+ System.out.println("" + sel + " match " + ocases);
+ scala.Predef.error("regular expressions not yet implemented");
+ } else {
+ val pm = new PatternMatcher();
+ pm.initialize(sel, currentOwner, true );
+ pm.construct( cases );
+ //if (global.log()) {
+ // global.log("internal pattern matching structure");
+ // pm.print();
+ //}
+ pm.toTree()
+ }
+ }
+ override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
+ /* // test code to generate forward jumps
+ case Match(selector, CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), EmptyTree, exp)::Nil) => // inserting test-code
+ val target1 = currentOwner.newLabel(tree.pos, "target1")
+ .setInfo(new MethodType(List(definitions.IntClass.tpe), definitions.IntClass.tpe));
+ val a = currentOwner.newValue(tree.pos, "a").setInfo(definitions.IntClass.tpe);
+ val x = currentOwner.newValueParameter(tree.pos, "x").setInfo(definitions.IntClass.tpe);
+ val y = currentOwner.newValueParameter(tree.pos, "y").setInfo(definitions.IntClass.tpe);
+ val target2 = currentOwner.newLabel(tree.pos, "target2")
+ .setInfo(new MethodType(List(definitions.IntClass.tpe, definitions.IntClass.tpe), definitions.IntClass.tpe));
+ val z = currentOwner.newValueParameter(tree.pos, "z").setInfo(definitions.IntClass.tpe);
+ typed { atPos(tree.pos) { Block(
+ List(
+ Apply(Ident(target2), List(Literal(Constant(1)),Literal(Constant(2)))),
+ LabelDef(target1, List(x), exp)),
+ LabelDef(target2, List(y,z), Apply(Select(Ident(y), nme.PLUS), List(Ident(z))))
+ )}};
+ case Match(selector, cases) =>
+ val nselector = transform(selector).setType(selector.tpe);
+ val ncases = cases map { transform };
+ Console.println("TransMatch translating cases: ");
+ for(val t <- cases) {
+ Console.println(t.pat.toString());
+ Console.println("BODY "+t.body.toString());
+ }
+ // @todo: remove from partial matcher
+ TransMatcher.this.currentOwner = currentOwner;
+ TransMatcher.this.resultType = tree.tpe;
+ //Console.println("TransMatcher currentOwner ="+currentOwner+")");
+ //Console.println("TransMatcher selector.tpe ="+selector.tpe+")");
+ //Console.println("TransMatcher resultType ="+resultType+")");
+ val t_untyped = handle(nselector, ncases.asInstanceOf[List[CaseDef]]);
+ //Console.println("t_untyped "+t_untyped.toString());
+ val t = typed { atPos(tree.pos) (t_untyped) };
+ //Console.println("t typed "+t.toString());
+ t
+ case _ =>
+ super.transform(tree);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/WordAutoms.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/WordAutoms.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de17fc6445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/WordAutoms.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+/* NSC -- new scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author buraq
+ */
+// $Id$
+import java.util._ ;
+trait WordAutoms: TransMatcher {
+ import global._ ;
+ /** translates a recognizer to scala code
+ */
+ /** constructor
+ * @param dfa the dfa that is to be translated
+ * @param elementType type of the objects in the sequence
+ * @param owner the owner of the pattern match
+ * @param cf code factory
+ * @param optim flag that indicates whether to optimize
+ * @return an object that translates the dfa
+ */
+abstract class WordAutomInScala extends Autom2Scala {
+ val optim: Boolean;
+ this.optimize = this.optimize && optim;
+ var theLabelDef: Tree = _ ;
+ def getMatcherSwitch(selector: Tree, failTree: Tree, body: scala.List[Tree] /*, resultType: Type*/ ): Tree = {
+ var result: Tree = null;
+ var ncases: scala.List[CaseDef] = Nil;
+ val it = body.reverse.elements;
+ //val tags = new Array[int](body.length);
+ var i = body.length - 1;
+ while( i >= 0 ) {
+ //tags(i) = i;
+ ncases = CaseDef(Literal(i), :: ncases;
+ i = i - 1
+ }
+ ncases= ncases::: CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD),failTree) :: Nil;
+ result = Match( _swres(), ncases );
+ //}
+ result =
+ Block(
+ scala.List (
+ ValDef( iterSym, newIterator( selector.duplicate )),
+ ValDef( stateSym, Literal(0) ),
+ ValDef( resultSym, theLabelDef )),
+ result
+ );
+ // result );
+ result;
+ }
+ protected def initializeSyms(): Unit = { // TEST
+ this.funSym = owner.newLabel( pos, fresh.newName( "matcher" ));
+ this.iterSym = owner.newVariable( pos, fresh.newName("iter"))
+ .setInfo( _seqIterType( elementType ) ) ;
+ this.stateSym = owner.newVariable( pos, fresh.newName("q"))
+ .setInfo( ) ;
+ this.resultSym = owner.newVariable( pos, fresh.newName("swRes"))
+ .setInfo( ) ;
+ this.funSym.setInfo( MethodType(scala.List (,
+ ));
+ this.curSym = owner.newVariable( pos, "cur" /*Names.cur*/ )
+ .setInfo( elementType );
+ this.hasnSym = owner.newVariable( pos, nme.hasNext )
+ .setInfo( );
+ }
+ /** code for the return value of the automaton translation
+ */
+ override def run_finished(state: Int): Tree = { // T E S T
+ if( dfa.isFinal(state))
+ Literal(dfa.finals.get(new Integer(state)).asInstanceOf[Integer].intValue());
+ else
+ Literal(FAIL);
+ }
+ // calling the /*AlgebraicMatcher*/PatternMatcher here
+ override def _cur_match(pat: Tree): Tree = { // TE ST
+ val m = new PartialMatcher {
+ val owner = WordAutomInScala.this.owner; /* owner*/
+ val selector = currentElem(); /* root */
+ // restyp /* restype */);
+ }
+ am.construct( m, scala.List (
+ CaseDef( pat, Literal( true )),
+ CaseDef( Ident(definitions.PatternWildcard), Literal( false )) ),
+ false);
+ am.toTree();
+ }
+ /** do the translation
+ */
+ def translate(): Unit = {
+ initializeSyms();
+ val tb = code_body_NEW();
+ //theLabelDef = gen.DefDef(this.funSym, tb);
+ theLabelDef = LabelDef(this.funSym, scala.List( stateSym ), tb);
+ }
+ /** ...
+ * @return returns translation of transition with label from i.
+ * returns null if there is no such transition
+ * (no translation needed)
+ */
+ override def code_delta(i: Int, label: Label): Tree = {
+ val target =, label);
+ if (target == null)
+ label match {
+ case DefaultLabel() =>
+ code_error(); // this may not happen !
+ case _ =>
+ null; // not good
+ }
+ else if (target.intValue() == dfa.nstates() - 1) // that one is a dead state
+ code_fail();
+ else
+ callFun(scala.List( Literal(target.intValue() )));
+ }