path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/classfile/Pickler.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/classfile/Pickler.scala')
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/classfile/Pickler.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/classfile/Pickler.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ecd30fcd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/classfile/Pickler.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+/* NSC -- new scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author Martin Odersky
+ */
+// $Id$
+import java.lang.{Float, Double}
+import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap;
+import Flags._;
+import PickleFormat._;
+ * Serialize a top-level module and/or class;
+ * @see EntryTags.scala for symbol table attribute format.
+ */
+abstract class Pickler extends SubComponent {
+ import global._;
+ val phaseName = "pickler";
+ def newPhase(prev: Phase): StdPhase = new PicklePhase(prev);
+ class PicklePhase(prev: Phase) extends StdPhase(prev) {
+ def apply(unit: CompilationUnit): unit = {
+ def pickle(tree: Tree): unit = {
+ def add(sym: Symbol, pickle: Pickle) = {
+ if (!sym.isExternal && !currentRun.symData.contains(sym)) {
+ if (settings.debug.value) log("pickling " + sym);
+ pickle.putSymbol(sym);
+ currentRun.symData(sym) = pickle;
+ }
+ }
+ tree match {
+ case PackageDef(_, stats) => stats foreach pickle;
+ case ClassDef(_, _, _, _, _) | ModuleDef(_, _, _) =>
+ val sym = tree.symbol;
+ val pickle = new Pickle(, sym.owner);
+ add(sym, pickle);
+ add(sym.linkedSym, pickle);
+ pickle.finish
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ }
+ pickle(unit.body);
+ }
+ }
+ class Pickle(rootName: Name, rootOwner: Symbol) extends PickleBuffer(new Array[byte](4096), -1, 0) {
+ private var entries = new Array[AnyRef](256);
+ private var ep = 0;
+ private val index = new HashMap[AnyRef, int];
+ /** Is root in symbol.owner*? */
+ private def isLocal(sym: Symbol): boolean = (
+ sym.isRefinementClass ||
+ == rootName && sym.owner == rootOwner ||
+ sym != NoSymbol && isLocal(sym.owner)
+ );
+ // Phase 1 methods: Populate entries/index ------------------------------------
+ /** Store entry `e' in index at next available position unless it it
+ * already there. Return true iff entry is new. */
+ private def putEntry(entry: AnyRef): boolean = index.get(entry) match {
+ case Some(_) => false
+ case None =>
+ if (ep == entries.length) {
+ val entries1 = new Array[AnyRef](ep * 2);
+ System.arraycopy(entries, 0, entries1, 0, ep);
+ entries = entries1;
+ }
+ entries(ep) = entry;
+ index(entry) = ep;
+ ep = ep + 1;
+ true
+ }
+ /** Store symbol in index. If symbol is local, also store everything it refers to. */
+ def putSymbol(sym: Symbol): unit = if (putEntry(sym)) {
+ if (isLocal(sym)) {
+ putEntry(;
+ putSymbol(sym.owner);
+ putType(;
+ if (sym.thisSym != sym)
+ putType(sym.typeOfThis);
+ putSymbol(sym.alias);
+ //for (val attr <- sym.attributes) putAttribute(sym, attr);
+ } else if (sym != NoSymbol) {
+ putEntry(if (sym.isModuleClass) else;
+ if (!sym.owner.isRoot) putSymbol(sym.owner);
+ }
+ }
+ private def putSymbols(syms: List[Symbol]) = syms foreach putSymbol;
+ /** Store type and everythig it refers to in index. */
+ private def putType(tp: Type): unit = if (putEntry(tp)) {
+ tp match {
+ case NoType | NoPrefix =>
+ ;
+ case ThisType(sym) =>
+ putSymbol(sym)
+ case SingleType(pre, sym) =>
+ putType(pre); putSymbol(sym)
+ case ConstantType(value) =>
+ putConstant(value)
+ case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
+ putType(pre); putSymbol(sym); putTypes(args)
+ case TypeBounds(lo, hi) =>
+ putType(lo); putType(hi);
+ case RefinedType(parents, decls) =>
+ putSymbol(tp.symbol); putTypes(parents); putSymbols(decls.toList)
+ case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) =>
+ putSymbol(clazz); putTypes(parents); putSymbols(decls.toList)
+ case MethodType(formals, restpe) =>
+ putType(restpe); putTypes(formals)
+ case PolyType(tparams, restpe) =>
+ putType(restpe); putSymbols(tparams)
+ case _ =>
+ throw new FatalError("bad type: " + tp + "(" + tp.getClass() + ")")
+ }
+ }
+ private def putTypes(tps: List[Type]): unit = tps foreach putType;
+ private def putConstant(c: Constant) =
+ if (putEntry(c) && c.tag == StringTag) putEntry(newTermName(c.stringValue));
+ private def putAttribute(attr: AttrInfo): unit = if (putEntry(attr)) {
+ putType(attr._1);
+ for (val c <- attr._2) putConstant(c);
+ }
+ // Phase 2 methods: Write all entries to byte array ------------------------------
+ private val buf = new PickleBuffer(new Array[byte](4096), -1, 0);
+ /** Write a reference to object, i.e., the object's number in the index. */
+ private def writeRef(ref: AnyRef): unit = writeNat(index(ref));
+ private def writeRefs(refs: List[AnyRef]): unit = refs foreach writeRef;
+ /** Write name, owner, flags, and info of a symbol */
+ private def writeSymInfo(sym: Symbol): unit = {
+ writeRef(;
+ writeRef(sym.owner);
+ writeNat((sym.flags & PickledFlags).asInstanceOf[int]);
+ writeRef(
+ }
+ /** Write a name in Utf8 format. */
+ def writeName(name: Name): unit = {
+ ensureCapacity(name.length * 3);
+ writeIndex = name.copyUTF8(bytes, writeIndex);
+ }
+ /** Write an entry */
+ private def writeEntry(entry: AnyRef): unit = {
+ def writeBody: int = entry match {
+ case name: Name =>
+ writeName(name);
+ if (name.isTermName) TERMname else TYPEname
+ case NoSymbol =>
+ NONEsym
+ case sym: Symbol if !isLocal(sym) =>
+ val tag =
+ if (sym.isModuleClass) {
+ writeRef(; EXTMODCLASSref
+ } else {
+ writeRef(; EXTref
+ }
+ if (!sym.owner.isRoot) writeRef(sym.owner);
+ tag
+ case sym: ClassSymbol =>
+ writeSymInfo(sym);
+ if (sym.thisSym != sym) writeRef(sym.typeOfThis);
+ CLASSsym
+ case sym: TypeSymbol =>
+ writeSymInfo(sym);
+ if (sym.isAbstractType) TYPEsym else ALIASsym
+ case sym: TermSymbol =>
+ writeSymInfo(sym);
+ if (sym.alias != NoSymbol) writeRef(sym.alias);
+ if (sym.isModule) MODULEsym else VALsym
+ case NoType =>
+ NOtpe
+ case NoPrefix =>
+ case ThisType(sym) =>
+ writeRef(sym); THIStpe
+ case SingleType(pre, sym) =>
+ writeRef(pre); writeRef(sym); SINGLEtpe
+ case ConstantType(value) =>
+ writeRef(value);
+ case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
+ writeRef(pre); writeRef(sym); writeRefs(args); TYPEREFtpe
+ case TypeBounds(lo, hi) =>
+ writeRef(lo); writeRef(hi); TYPEBOUNDStpe
+ case tp @ RefinedType(parents, decls) =>
+ writeRef(tp.symbol); writeRefs(parents); REFINEDtpe
+ case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) =>
+ writeRef(clazz); writeRefs(parents); CLASSINFOtpe
+ case MethodType(formals, restpe) =>
+ writeRef(restpe); writeRefs(formals);
+ if (entry.isInstanceOf[ImplicitMethodType]) IMPLICITMETHODtpe
+ else METHODtpe
+ case PolyType(tparams, restpe) =>
+ writeRef(restpe); writeRefs(tparams); POLYtpe
+ case c @ Constant(_) =>
+ if (c.tag == BooleanTag) writeLong(if (c.booleanValue) 1 else 0)
+ else if (ByteTag <= c.tag && c.tag <= LongTag) writeLong(c.longValue)
+ else if (c.tag == FloatTag) writeLong(Float.floatToIntBits(c.floatValue))
+ else if (c.tag == DoubleTag) writeLong(Double.doubleToLongBits(c.doubleValue));
+ else if (c.tag == StringTag) writeRef(newTermName(c.stringValue));
+ LITERAL + c.tag
+ case Pair(tp, cs) =>
+ writeRef(tp);
+ for (val c <- cs) writeRef(cs);
+ case _ =>
+ throw new FatalError("bad entry: " + entry + " " + entry.getClass());//debug
+ }
+ val startpos = writeIndex;
+ writeByte(0); writeByte(0);
+ patchNat(startpos, writeBody);
+ patchNat(startpos + 1, writeIndex - (startpos + 2));
+ }
+ /** Write byte array */
+ def finish = {
+ assert(writeIndex == 0);
+ writeNat(MajorVersion);
+ writeNat(MinorVersion);
+ writeNat(ep);
+ if (settings.debug.value) log("" + ep + " entries");//debug
+ for (val i <- Iterator.range(0, ep)) writeEntry(entries(i))
+ }
+ }