path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/clr/TypeParser.scala
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diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/clr/TypeParser.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/clr/TypeParser.scala
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index f0e49ce500..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/clr/TypeParser.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,849 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new scala compiler
- * Copyright 2004-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- */
-package symtab
-package clr
-import io.MsilFile
-import ch.epfl.lamp.compiler.msil.{Type => MSILType, Attribute => MSILAttribute, _}
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import scala.reflect.internal.pickling.UnPickler
-import ch.epfl.lamp.compiler.msil.Type.TMVarUsage
- * @author Nikolay Mihaylov
- */
-abstract class TypeParser {
- val global: Global
- import global._
- import loaders.clrTypes
- //##########################################################################
- private var clazz: Symbol = _
- private var instanceDefs: Scope = _ // was members
- private var staticModule: Symbol = _ // was staticsClass
- private var staticDefs: Scope = _ // was statics
- protected def statics: Symbol = staticModule.moduleClass
- protected var busy: Boolean = false // lock to detect recursive reads
- private object unpickler extends UnPickler {
- val global: =
- }
- def parse(typ: MSILType, root: Symbol) {
- def handleError(e: Throwable) = {
- if (settings.debug.value) e.printStackTrace() //debug
- throw new IOException("type '" + typ.FullName + "' is broken\n(" + e.getMessage() + ")")
- }
- assert(!busy)
- busy = true
- if (root.isModule) {
- this.clazz = root.companionClass
- this.staticModule = root
- } else {
- this.clazz = root
- this.staticModule = root.companionModule
- }
- try {
- parseClass(typ)
- } catch {
- case e: FatalError => handleError(e)
- case e: RuntimeException => handleError(e)
- }
- busy = false
- }
- class TypeParamsType(override val typeParams: List[Symbol]) extends LazyType with FlagAgnosticCompleter {
- override def complete(sym: Symbol) { throw new AssertionError("cyclic type dereferencing") }
- }
- /* the names `classTParams` and `newTParams` stem from the forJVM version (ClassfileParser.sigToType())
- * but there are differences that should be kept in mind.
- * forMSIL, a nested class knows nothing about any type-params in the nesting class,
- * therefore newTParams is redundant (other than for recording lexical order),
- * it always contains the same elements as classTParams.value */
- val classTParams = scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,Symbol]() // TODO should this be a stack? (i.e., is it possible for >1 invocation to getCLRType on the same TypeParser instance be active )
- val newTParams = new scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Symbol]()
- val methodTParams = scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,Symbol]()
- private def sig2typeBounds(tvarCILDef: GenericParamAndConstraints): Type = {
- val ts = new scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Type]
- for (cnstrnt <- tvarCILDef.Constraints) {
- ts += getCLRType(cnstrnt) // TODO we're definitely not at or after erasure, no need to call objToAny, right?
- }
- TypeBounds.upper(intersectionType(ts.toList, clazz))
- // TODO variance???
- }
- private def createViewFromTo(viewSuffix : String, fromTpe : Type, toTpe : Type,
- addToboxMethodMap : Boolean, isAddressOf : Boolean) : Symbol = {
- val flags = Flags.JAVA | Flags.STATIC | Flags.IMPLICIT; // todo: static? shouldn't be final instead?
- val viewMethodType = (msym: Symbol) => JavaMethodType(msym.newSyntheticValueParams(List(fromTpe)), toTpe)
- val vmsym = createMethod(nme.view_ + viewSuffix, flags, viewMethodType, null, true);
- // !!! this used to mutate a mutable map in definitions, but that map became
- // immutable and this kept "working" with a no-op. So now it's commented out
- // since I retired the deprecated code which allowed for that bug.
- //
- // if (addToboxMethodMap) definitions.boxMethod(clazz) = vmsym
- if (isAddressOf) clrTypes.addressOfViews += vmsym
- vmsym
- }
- private def createDefaultConstructor(typ: MSILType) {
- val attrs = MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName | MethodAttributes.SpecialName // TODO instance
- val declType= typ
- val method = new ConstructorInfo(declType, attrs, Array[MSILType]())
- val flags = Flags.JAVA
- val owner = clazz
- val methodSym = owner.newMethod(nme.CONSTRUCTOR, NoPosition, flags)
- val rettype = clazz.tpe
- val mtype = methodType(Array[MSILType](), rettype);
- val mInfo = mtype(methodSym)
- methodSym.setInfo(mInfo)
- instanceDefs.enter(methodSym);
- clrTypes.constructors(methodSym) = method
- }
- private def parseClass(typ: MSILType) {
- {
- val t4c = clrTypes.types.get(clazz)
- assert(t4c == None || t4c == Some(typ))
- }
- clrTypes.types(clazz) = typ
- {
- val c4t = clrTypes.sym2type.get(typ)
- assert(c4t == None || c4t == Some(clazz))
- }
- clrTypes.sym2type(typ) = clazz
- if (typ.IsDefined(clrTypes.SCALA_SYMTAB_ATTR, false)) {
- val attrs = typ.GetCustomAttributes(clrTypes.SCALA_SYMTAB_ATTR, false);
- assert (attrs.length == 1, attrs.length);
- val a = attrs(0).asInstanceOf[MSILAttribute];
- assert (a.getConstructor() == clrTypes.SYMTAB_CONSTR);
- val symtab = a.getConstructorArguments()(0).asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]]
- unpickler.unpickle(symtab, 0, clazz, staticModule, typ.FullName);
- val mClass = clrTypes.getType(typ.FullName + "$");
- if (mClass != null) {
- clrTypes.types(statics) = mClass;
- val moduleInstance = mClass.GetField("MODULE$");
- assert (moduleInstance != null, mClass);
- clrTypes.fields(statics) = moduleInstance;
- }
- return
- }
- val flags = translateAttributes(typ)
- var clazzBoxed : Symbol = NoSymbol
- var clazzMgdPtr : Symbol = NoSymbol
- val canBeTakenAddressOf = (typ.IsValueType || typ.IsEnum) && (typ.FullName != "System.Enum")
- if(canBeTakenAddressOf) {
- clazzBoxed = clazz.owner.newClass( append newTypeName("Boxed"))
- clazzMgdPtr = clazz.owner.newClass( append newTypeName("MgdPtr"))
- clrTypes.mdgptrcls4clssym(clazz) = clazzMgdPtr
- /* adding typMgdPtr to clrTypes.sym2type should happen early (before metadata for supertypes is parsed,
- before metadata for members are parsed) so that clazzMgdPtr can be found by getClRType. */
- val typMgdPtr = MSILType.mkByRef(typ)
- clrTypes.types(clazzMgdPtr) = typMgdPtr
- clrTypes.sym2type(typMgdPtr) = clazzMgdPtr
- /* clazzMgdPtr but not clazzBoxed is mapped by clrTypes.types into an msil.Type instance,
- because there's no metadata-level representation for a "boxed valuetype" */
- val instanceDefsMgdPtr = newScope
- val classInfoMgdPtr = ClassInfoType(definitions.anyvalparam, instanceDefsMgdPtr, clazzMgdPtr)
- clazzMgdPtr.setFlag(flags)
- clazzMgdPtr.setInfo(classInfoMgdPtr)
- }
-/* START CLR generics (snippet 1) */
- // first pass
- for (tvarCILDef <- typ.getSortedTVars() ) {
- val tpname = newTypeName(tvarCILDef.Name.replaceAll("!", "")) // TODO are really all type-params named in all assemblies out there? (NO)
- val tpsym = clazz.newTypeParameter(tpname)
- classTParams.put(tvarCILDef.Number, tpsym)
- newTParams += tpsym
- // TODO wouldn't the following also be needed later, i.e. during getCLRType
- tpsym.setInfo(definitions.AnyClass.tpe)
- }
- // second pass
- for (tvarCILDef <- typ.getSortedTVars() ) {
- val tpsym = classTParams(tvarCILDef.Number)
- tpsym.setInfo(sig2typeBounds(tvarCILDef)) // we never skip bounds unlike in forJVM
- }
-/* END CLR generics (snippet 1) */
- val ownTypeParams = newTParams.toList
-/* START CLR generics (snippet 2) */
- if (!ownTypeParams.isEmpty) {
- clazz.setInfo(new TypeParamsType(ownTypeParams))
- if(typ.IsValueType && !typ.IsEnum) {
- clazzBoxed.setInfo(new TypeParamsType(ownTypeParams))
- }
- }
-/* END CLR generics (snippet 2) */
- instanceDefs = newScope
- staticDefs = newScope
- val classInfoAsInMetadata = {
- val ifaces: Array[MSILType] = typ.getInterfaces()
- val superType = if (typ.BaseType() != null) getCLRType(typ.BaseType())
- else if (typ.IsInterface()) definitions.ObjectClass.tpe
- else definitions.AnyClass.tpe; // this branch activates for System.Object only.
- // parents (i.e., base type and interfaces)
- val parents = new scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Type]()
- parents += superType
- for (iface <- ifaces) {
- parents += getCLRType(iface) // here the variance doesn't matter
- }
- // methods, properties, events, fields are entered in a moment
- if (canBeTakenAddressOf) {
- val instanceDefsBoxed = newScope
- ClassInfoType(parents.toList, instanceDefsBoxed, clazzBoxed)
- } else
- ClassInfoType(parents.toList, instanceDefs, clazz)
- }
- val staticInfo = ClassInfoType(List(), staticDefs, statics)
- clazz.setFlag(flags)
- if (canBeTakenAddressOf) {
- clazzBoxed.setInfo( if (ownTypeParams.isEmpty) classInfoAsInMetadata
- else genPolyType(ownTypeParams, classInfoAsInMetadata) )
- clazzBoxed.setFlag(flags)
- val rawValueInfoType = ClassInfoType(definitions.anyvalparam, instanceDefs, clazz)
- clazz.setInfo( if (ownTypeParams.isEmpty) rawValueInfoType
- else genPolyType(ownTypeParams, rawValueInfoType) )
- } else {
- clazz.setInfo( if (ownTypeParams.isEmpty) classInfoAsInMetadata
- else genPolyType(ownTypeParams, classInfoAsInMetadata) )
- }
- // TODO I don't remember if statics.setInfo and staticModule.setInfo should also know about type params
- statics.setFlag(Flags.JAVA)
- statics.setInfo(staticInfo)
- staticModule.setFlag(Flags.JAVA)
- staticModule.setInfo(statics.tpe)
- if (canBeTakenAddressOf) {
- // implicit conversions are owned by staticModule.moduleClass
- createViewFromTo("2Boxed", clazz.tpe, clazzBoxed.tpe, addToboxMethodMap = true, isAddressOf = false)
- // createViewFromTo("2Object", clazz.tpe, definitions.ObjectClass.tpe, addToboxMethodMap = true, isAddressOf = false)
- createViewFromTo("2MgdPtr", clazz.tpe, clazzMgdPtr.tpe, addToboxMethodMap = false, isAddressOf = true)
- // a return can't have type managed-pointer, thus a dereference-conversion is not needed
- // similarly, a method can't declare as return type "boxed valuetype"
- if (!typ.IsEnum) {
- // a synthetic default constructor for raw-type allows `new X' syntax
- createDefaultConstructor(typ)
- }
- }
- // import nested types
- for (ntype <- typ.getNestedTypes() if !(ntype.IsNestedPrivate || ntype.IsNestedAssembly || ntype.IsNestedFamANDAssem)
- || ntype.IsInterface /* TODO why shouldn't nested ifaces be type-parsed too? */ )
- {
- val loader = new loaders.MsilFileLoader(new MsilFile(ntype))
- val nclazz = statics.newClass(ntype.Name)
- val nmodule = statics.newModule(ntype.Name)
- nclazz.setInfo(loader)
- nmodule.setInfo(loader)
- staticDefs.enter(nclazz)
- staticDefs.enter(nmodule)
- assert(nclazz.companionModule == nmodule, nmodule)
- assert(nmodule.companionClass == nclazz, nclazz)
- }
- val fields = typ.getFields()
- for (field <- fields
- if !(field.IsPrivate() || field.IsAssembly() || field.IsFamilyAndAssembly)
- if (getCLRType(field.FieldType) != null)
- ) {
- assert (!field.FieldType.IsPointer && !field.FieldType.IsByRef, "CLR requirement")
- val flags = translateAttributes(field);
- val name = newTermName(field.Name);
- val fieldType =
- if (field.IsLiteral && !field.FieldType.IsEnum && isDefinedAtgetConstant(getCLRType(field.FieldType)))
- ConstantType(getConstant(getCLRType(field.FieldType), field.getValue))
- else
- getCLRType(field.FieldType)
- val owner = if (field.IsStatic()) statics else clazz;
- val sym = owner.newValue(name, NoPosition, flags).setInfo(fieldType);
- // TODO: set private within!!! -> look at typechecker/Namers.scala
- (if (field.IsStatic()) staticDefs else instanceDefs).enter(sym);
- clrTypes.fields(sym) = field;
- }
- for (constr <- typ.getConstructors() if !constr.IsStatic() && !constr.IsPrivate() &&
- !constr.IsAssembly() && !constr.IsFamilyAndAssembly() && !constr.HasPtrParamOrRetType())
- createMethod(constr);
- // initially also contains getters and setters of properties.
- val methodsSet = new mutable.HashSet[MethodInfo]();
- methodsSet ++= typ.getMethods();
- for (prop <- typ.getProperties) {
- val propType: Type = getCLSType(prop.PropertyType);
- if (propType != null) {
- val getter: MethodInfo = prop.GetGetMethod(true);
- val setter: MethodInfo = prop.GetSetMethod(true);
- var gparamsLength: Int = -1;
- if (!(getter == null || getter.IsPrivate || getter.IsAssembly
- || getter.IsFamilyAndAssembly || getter.HasPtrParamOrRetType))
- {
- assert(prop.PropertyType == getter.ReturnType);
- val gparams: Array[ParameterInfo] = getter.GetParameters();
- gparamsLength = gparams.length;
- val name: TermName = if (gparamsLength == 0) prop.Name else nme.apply;
- val flags = translateAttributes(getter);
- val owner: Symbol = if (getter.IsStatic) statics else clazz;
- val methodSym = owner.newMethod(name, NoPosition, flags)
- val mtype: Type = if (gparamsLength == 0) NullaryMethodType(propType) // .NET properties can't be polymorphic
- else methodType(getter, getter.ReturnType)(methodSym)
- methodSym.setInfo(mtype);
- methodSym.setFlag(Flags.ACCESSOR);
- (if (getter.IsStatic) staticDefs else instanceDefs).enter(methodSym)
- clrTypes.methods(methodSym) = getter;
- methodsSet -= getter;
- }
- if (!(setter == null || setter.IsPrivate || setter.IsAssembly
- || setter.IsFamilyAndAssembly || setter.HasPtrParamOrRetType))
- {
- val sparams: Array[ParameterInfo] = setter.GetParameters()
- if(getter != null)
- assert(getter.IsStatic == setter.IsStatic);
- assert(setter.ReturnType == clrTypes.VOID);
- if(getter != null)
- assert(sparams.length == gparamsLength + 1, "" + getter + "; " + setter);
- val name: TermName = if (gparamsLength == 0) nme.getterToSetter(prop.Name)
- else nme.update;
- val flags = translateAttributes(setter);
- val mtype = methodType(setter, definitions.UnitClass.tpe);
- val owner: Symbol = if (setter.IsStatic) statics else clazz;
- val methodSym = owner.newMethod(name, NoPosition, flags)
- methodSym.setInfo(mtype(methodSym))
- methodSym.setFlag(Flags.ACCESSOR);
- (if (setter.IsStatic) staticDefs else instanceDefs).enter(methodSym);
- clrTypes.methods(methodSym) = setter;
- methodsSet -= setter;
- }
- }
- }
-/* for (event <- typ.GetEvents) {
- // adding += and -= methods to add delegates to an event.
- // raising the event ist not possible from outside the class (this is so
- // generally in .net world)
- val adder: MethodInfo = event.GetAddMethod();
- val remover: MethodInfo = event.GetRemoveMethod();
- if (!(adder == null || adder.IsPrivate || adder.IsAssembly
- || adder.IsFamilyAndAssembly))
- {
- assert(adder.ReturnType == clrTypes.VOID);
- assert(adder.GetParameters().map(_.ParameterType).toList == List(event.EventHandlerType));
- val name = encode("+=");
- val flags = translateAttributes(adder);
- val mtype: Type = methodType(adder, adder.ReturnType);
- createMethod(name, flags, mtype, adder, adder.IsStatic)
- methodsSet -= adder;
- }
- if (!(remover == null || remover.IsPrivate || remover.IsAssembly
- || remover.IsFamilyAndAssembly))
- {
- assert(remover.ReturnType == clrTypes.VOID);
- assert(remover.GetParameters().map(_.ParameterType).toList == List(event.EventHandlerType));
- val name = encode("-=");
- val flags = translateAttributes(remover);
- val mtype: Type = methodType(remover, remover.ReturnType);
- createMethod(name, flags, mtype, remover, remover.IsStatic)
- methodsSet -= remover;
- }
- } */
-/* Adds view amounting to syntax sugar for a CLR implicit overload.
- The long-form syntax can also be supported if "methodsSet -= method" (last statement) is removed.
- /* remember, there's typ.getMethods and type.GetMethods */
- for (method <- typ.getMethods)
- if(!method.HasPtrParamOrRetType &&
- method.IsPublic && method.IsStatic && method.IsSpecialName &&
- method.Name == "op_Implicit") {
- // create a view: typ => method's return type
- val viewRetType: Type = getCLRType(method.ReturnType)
- val viewParamTypes: List[Type] = method.GetParameters().map(_.ParameterType).map(getCLSType).toList;
- /* The spec says "The operator method shall be defined as a static method on either the operand or return type."
- * We don't consider the declaring type for the purposes of definitions.functionType,
- * instead we regard op_Implicit's argument type and return type as defining the view's signature.
- */
- if (viewRetType != null && !viewParamTypes.contains(null)) {
- /* The check above applies e.g. to System.Decimal that has a conversion from UInt16, a non-CLS type, whose CLS-mapping returns null */
- val funType: Type = definitions.functionType(viewParamTypes, viewRetType);
- val flags = Flags.JAVA | Flags.STATIC | Flags.IMPLICIT; // todo: static? shouldn't be final instead?
- val viewMethodType = (msym: Symbol) => JavaMethodType(msym.newSyntheticValueParams(viewParamTypes), funType)
- val vmsym = createMethod(nme.view_, flags, viewMethodType, method, true);
- methodsSet -= method;
- }
- }
- for (method <- methodsSet.iterator)
- if (!method.IsPrivate() && !method.IsAssembly() && !method.IsFamilyAndAssembly()
- && !method.HasPtrParamOrRetType)
- createMethod(method);
- // Create methods and views for delegate support
- if (clrTypes.isDelegateType(typ)) {
- createDelegateView(typ)
- createDelegateChainers(typ)
- }
- // for enumerations introduce comparison and bitwise logical operations;
- // the backend will recognize them and replace them with comparison or
- // bitwise logical operations on the primitive underlying type
- if (typ.IsEnum) {
- val ENUM_CMP_NAMES = List(nme.EQ, nme.NE, nme.LT, nme.LE, nme.GT, nme.GE);
- val ENUM_BIT_LOG_NAMES = List(nme.OR, nme.AND, nme.XOR);
- val flags = Flags.JAVA | Flags.FINAL
- for (cmpName <- ENUM_CMP_NAMES) {
- val enumCmp = clazz.newMethod(cmpName)
- val enumCmpType = JavaMethodType(enumCmp.newSyntheticValueParams(List(clazz.tpe)), definitions.BooleanClass.tpe)
- enumCmp.setFlag(flags).setInfo(enumCmpType)
- instanceDefs.enter(enumCmp)
- }
- for (bitLogName <- ENUM_BIT_LOG_NAMES) {
- val enumBitLog = clazz.newMethod(bitLogName)
- val enumBitLogType = JavaMethodType(enumBitLog.newSyntheticValueParams(List(clazz.tpe)), clazz.tpe /* was classInfo, infinite typer */)
- enumBitLog.setFlag(flags).setInfo(enumBitLogType)
- instanceDefs.enter(enumBitLog)
- }
- }
- } // parseClass
- private def populateMethodTParams(method: MethodBase, methodSym: MethodSymbol) : List[Symbol] = {
- if(!method.IsGeneric) Nil
- else {
- methodTParams.clear
- val newMethodTParams = new scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Symbol]()
- // first pass
- for (mvarCILDef <- method.getSortedMVars() ) {
- val mtpname = newTypeName(mvarCILDef.Name.replaceAll("!", "")) // TODO are really all method-level-type-params named in all assemblies out there? (NO)
- val mtpsym = methodSym.newTypeParameter(mtpname)
- methodTParams.put(mvarCILDef.Number, mtpsym)
- newMethodTParams += mtpsym
- // TODO wouldn't the following also be needed later, i.e. during getCLRType
- mtpsym.setInfo(definitions.AnyClass.tpe)
- }
- // second pass
- for (mvarCILDef <- method.getSortedMVars() ) {
- val mtpsym = methodTParams(mvarCILDef.Number)
- mtpsym.setInfo(sig2typeBounds(mvarCILDef)) // we never skip bounds unlike in forJVM
- }
- newMethodTParams.toList
- }
- }
- private def createMethod(method: MethodBase) {
- val flags = translateAttributes(method);
- val owner = if (method.IsStatic()) statics else clazz;
- val methodSym = owner.newMethod(getName(method), NoPosition, flags)
- /* START CLR generics (snippet 3) */
- val newMethodTParams = populateMethodTParams(method, methodSym)
- /* END CLR generics (snippet 3) */
- val rettype = if (method.IsConstructor()) clazz.tpe
- else getCLSType(method.asInstanceOf[MethodInfo].ReturnType);
- if (rettype == null) return;
- val mtype = methodType(method, rettype);
- if (mtype == null) return;
-/* START CLR generics (snippet 4) */
- val mInfo = if (method.IsGeneric) genPolyType(newMethodTParams, mtype(methodSym))
- else mtype(methodSym)
-/* END CLR generics (snippet 4) */
-/* START CLR non-generics (snippet 4)
- val mInfo = mtype(methodSym)
- END CLR non-generics (snippet 4) */
- methodSym.setInfo(mInfo)
- (if (method.IsStatic()) staticDefs else instanceDefs).enter(methodSym);
- if (method.IsConstructor())
- clrTypes.constructors(methodSym) = method.asInstanceOf[ConstructorInfo]
- else clrTypes.methods(methodSym) = method.asInstanceOf[MethodInfo];
- }
- private def createMethod(name: TermName, flags: Long, args: Array[MSILType], retType: MSILType, method: MethodInfo, statik: Boolean): Symbol = {
- val mtype = methodType(args, getCLSType(retType))
- assert(mtype != null)
- createMethod(name, flags, mtype, method, statik)
- }
- private def createMethod(name: TermName, flags: Long, mtype: Symbol => Type, method: MethodInfo, statik: Boolean): Symbol = {
- val methodSym: Symbol = (if (statik) statics else clazz).newMethod(name)
- methodSym.setFlag(flags).setInfo(mtype(methodSym))
- (if (statik) staticDefs else instanceDefs).enter(methodSym)
- if (method != null)
- clrTypes.methods(methodSym) = method
- methodSym
- }
- private def createDelegateView(typ: MSILType) = {
- val invoke: MethodInfo = typ.GetMember("Invoke")(0).asInstanceOf[MethodInfo];
- val invokeRetType: Type = getCLRType(invoke.ReturnType);
- val invokeParamTypes: List[Type] =invoke.GetParameters().map(_.ParameterType).map(getCLSType).toList;
- val funType: Type = definitions.functionType(invokeParamTypes, invokeRetType);
- val typClrType: Type = getCLRType(typ);
- val flags = Flags.JAVA | Flags.STATIC | Flags.IMPLICIT; // todo: static? think not needed
- // create the forward view: delegate => function
- val delegateParamTypes: List[Type] = List(typClrType);
- // not ImplicitMethodType, this is for methods with implicit parameters (not implicit methods)
- val forwardViewMethodType = (msym: Symbol) => JavaMethodType(msym.newSyntheticValueParams(delegateParamTypes), funType)
- createMethod(nme.view_, flags, forwardViewMethodType, null, true);
- // create the backward view: function => delegate
- val functionParamTypes: List[Type] = List(funType);
- val backwardViewMethodType = (msym: Symbol) => JavaMethodType(msym.newSyntheticValueParams(functionParamTypes), typClrType)
- createMethod(nme.view_, flags, backwardViewMethodType, null, true);
- }
- private def createDelegateChainers(typ: MSILType) = {
- val flags: Long = Flags.JAVA | Flags.FINAL
- val args: Array[MSILType] = Array(typ)
- var s = createMethod(encode("+="), flags, args, clrTypes.VOID, clrTypes.DELEGATE_COMBINE, false);
- s = createMethod(encode("-="), flags, args, clrTypes.VOID, clrTypes.DELEGATE_REMOVE, false);
- s = createMethod(nme.PLUS, flags, args, typ, clrTypes.DELEGATE_COMBINE, false);
- s = createMethod(nme.MINUS, flags, args, typ, clrTypes.DELEGATE_REMOVE, false);
- }
- private def getName(method: MethodBase): TermName = {
- def operatorOverload(name : String, paramsArity : Int) : Option[Name] = paramsArity match {
- case 1 => name match {
- // PartitionI.10.3.1
- case "op_Decrement" => Some(encode("--"))
- case "op_Increment" => Some(encode("++"))
- case "op_UnaryNegation" => Some(nme.UNARY_-)
- case "op_UnaryPlus" => Some(nme.UNARY_+)
- case "op_LogicalNot" => Some(nme.UNARY_!)
- case "op_OnesComplement" => Some(nme.UNARY_~)
- /* op_True and op_False have no operator symbol assigned,
- Other methods that will have to be written in full are:
- op_AddressOf & (unary)
- op_PointerDereference * (unary) */
- case _ => None
- }
- case 2 => name match {
- // PartitionI.10.3.2
- case "op_Addition" => Some(nme.ADD)
- case "op_Subtraction" => Some(nme.SUB)
- case "op_Multiply" => Some(nme.MUL)
- case "op_Division" => Some(nme.DIV)
- case "op_Modulus" => Some(nme.MOD)
- case "op_ExclusiveOr" => Some(nme.XOR)
- case "op_BitwiseAnd" => Some(nme.AND)
- case "op_BitwiseOr" => Some(nme.OR)
- case "op_LogicalAnd" => Some(nme.ZAND)
- case "op_LogicalOr" => Some(nme.ZOR)
- case "op_LeftShift" => Some(nme.LSL)
- case "op_RightShift" => Some(nme.ASR)
- case "op_Equality" => Some(nme.EQ)
- case "op_GreaterThan" => Some(nme.GT)
- case "op_LessThan" => Some(nme.LT)
- case "op_Inequality" => Some(nme.NE)
- case "op_GreaterThanOrEqual" => Some(nme.GE)
- case "op_LessThanOrEqual" => Some(nme.LE)
- /* op_MemberSelection is reserved in Scala */
- /* The standard does not assign operator symbols to op_Assign , op_SignedRightShift , op_UnsignedRightShift ,
- * and op_UnsignedRightShiftAssignment so those names will be used instead to invoke those methods. */
- /*
- The remaining binary operators are not overloaded in C# and are therefore not in widespread use. They have to be written in full.
- op_RightShiftAssignment >>=
- op_MultiplicationAssignment *=
- op_PointerToMemberSelection ->*
- op_SubtractionAssignment -=
- op_ExclusiveOrAssignment ^=
- op_LeftShiftAssignment <<=
- op_ModulusAssignment %=
- op_AdditionAssignment +=
- op_BitwiseAndAssignment &=
- op_BitwiseOrAssignment |=
- op_Comma ,
- op_DivisionAssignment /=
- */
- case _ => None
- }
- case _ => None
- }
- if (method.IsConstructor()) return nme.CONSTRUCTOR;
- val name = method.Name;
- if (method.IsStatic()) {
- if(method.IsSpecialName) {
- val paramsArity = method.GetParameters().size
- // handle operator overload, otherwise handle as any static method
- val operName = operatorOverload(name, paramsArity)
- if (operName.isDefined) { return operName.get; }
- }
- return newTermName(name);
- }
- val params = method.GetParameters();
- name match {
- case "GetHashCode" if (params.length == 0) => nme.hashCode_;
- case "ToString" if (params.length == 0) => nme.toString_;
- case "Finalize" if (params.length == 0) => nme.finalize_;
- case "Equals" if (params.length == 1 && params(0).ParameterType == clrTypes.OBJECT) =>
- nme.equals_;
- case "Invoke" if (clrTypes.isDelegateType(method.DeclaringType)) => nme.apply;
- case _ => newTermName(name);
- }
- }
- //##########################################################################
- private def methodType(method: MethodBase, rettype: MSILType): Symbol => Type = {
- val rtype = getCLSType(rettype);
- if (rtype == null) null else methodType(method, rtype);
- }
- /** Return a method type for the given method. */
- private def methodType(method: MethodBase, rettype: Type): Symbol => Type =
- methodType(method.GetParameters().map(_.ParameterType), rettype);
- /** Return a method type for the provided argument types and return type. */
- private def methodType(argtypes: Array[MSILType], rettype: Type): Symbol => Type = {
- def paramType(typ: MSILType): Type =
- if (typ eq clrTypes.OBJECT) definitions.AnyClass.tpe // TODO a hack to compile scalalib, should be definitions.AnyRefClass.tpe
- else getCLSType(typ);
- val ptypes =;
- if (ptypes.contains(null)) null
- else method => JavaMethodType(method.newSyntheticValueParams(ptypes), rettype);
- }
- //##########################################################################
- private def getClassType(typ: MSILType): Type = {
- assert(typ != null);
- val res = rootMirror.getClassByName(typ.FullName.replace('+', '.') : TypeName).tpe;
- //if (res.isError())
- // global.reporter.error("unknown class reference " + type.FullName);
- res
- }
- private def getCLSType(typ: MSILType): Type = { // getCLS returns non-null for types GenMSIL can handle, be they CLS-compliant or not
- if (typ.IsTMVarUsage())
- /* START CLR generics (snippet 5) */
- getCLRType(typ)
- /* END CLR generics (snippet 5) */
- /* START CLR non-generics (snippet 5)
- null
- END CLR non-generics (snippet 5) */
- else if ( /* TODO hack if UBYE, uncommented, "ambiguous reference to overloaded definition" ensues, for example for System.Math.Max(x, y) */
- typ == clrTypes.USHORT || typ == clrTypes.UINT || typ == clrTypes.ULONG
- /* || typ == clrTypes.UBYTE */
- || typ.IsNotPublic() || typ.IsNestedPrivate()
- || typ.IsNestedAssembly() || typ.IsNestedFamANDAssem()
- || typ.IsPointer()
- || (typ.IsArray() && getCLRType(typ.GetElementType()) == null) /* TODO hack: getCLR instead of getCLS */
- || (typ.IsByRef() && !typ.GetElementType().CanBeTakenAddressOf()))
- null
- else
- getCLRType(typ)
- }
- private def getCLRTypeIfPrimitiveNullOtherwise(typ: MSILType): Type =
- if (typ == clrTypes.OBJECT)
- definitions.ObjectClass.tpe;
- else if (typ == clrTypes.VALUE_TYPE)
- definitions.AnyValClass.tpe
- else if (typ == clrTypes.STRING)
- definitions.StringClass.tpe;
- else if (typ == clrTypes.VOID)
- definitions.UnitClass.tpe
- else if (typ == clrTypes.BOOLEAN)
- definitions.BooleanClass.tpe
- else if (typ == clrTypes.CHAR)
- definitions.CharClass.tpe
- else if ((typ == clrTypes.BYTE) || (typ == clrTypes.UBYTE)) // TODO U... is a hack to compile scalalib
- definitions.ByteClass.tpe
- else if ((typ == clrTypes.SHORT) || (typ == clrTypes.SHORT)) // TODO U... is a hack to compile scalalib
- definitions.ShortClass.tpe
- else if ((typ == clrTypes.INT) || (typ == clrTypes.UINT)) // TODO U... is a hack to compile scalalib
- definitions.IntClass.tpe
- else if ((typ == clrTypes.LONG) || (typ == clrTypes.LONG)) // TODO U... is a hack to compile scalalib
- definitions.LongClass.tpe
- else if (typ == clrTypes.FLOAT)
- definitions.FloatClass.tpe
- else if (typ == clrTypes.DOUBLE)
- definitions.DoubleClass.tpe
- else null
- private def getCLRType(tMSIL: MSILType): Type = {
- var res = getCLRTypeIfPrimitiveNullOtherwise(tMSIL)
- if (res != null) res
- else if (tMSIL.isInstanceOf[ConstructedType]) {
- val ct = tMSIL.asInstanceOf[ConstructedType]
- /* START CLR generics (snippet 6) */
- val cttpArgs = => getCLRType(tmsil)).toList
- appliedType(getCLRType(ct.instantiatedType), cttpArgs)
- /* END CLR generics (snippet 6) */
- /* START CLR non-generics (snippet 6)
- getCLRType(ct.instantiatedType)
- END CLR non-generics (snippet 6) */
- } else if (tMSIL.isInstanceOf[TMVarUsage]) {
- /* START CLR generics (snippet 7) */
- val tVarUsage = tMSIL.asInstanceOf[TMVarUsage]
- val tVarNumber = tVarUsage.Number
- if (tVarUsage.isTVar) classTParams(tVarNumber).typeConstructor // shouldn't fail, just return definitions.AnyClass.tpe at worst
- else methodTParams(tVarNumber).typeConstructor // shouldn't fail, just return definitions.AnyClass.tpe at worst
- /* END CLR generics (snippet 7) */
- /* START CLR non-generics (snippet 7)
- null // definitions.ObjectClass.tpe
- END CLR non-generics (snippet 7) */
- } else if (tMSIL.IsArray()) {
- var elemtp = getCLRType(tMSIL.GetElementType())
- // cut&pasted from ClassfileParser
- // make unbounded Array[T] where T is a type variable into Array[T with Object]
- // (this is necessary because such arrays have a representation which is incompatible
- // with arrays of primitive types).
- // TODO does that incompatibility also apply to .NET?
- if (elemtp.typeSymbol.isAbstractType && !(elemtp <:< definitions.ObjectClass.tpe))
- elemtp = intersectionType(List(elemtp, definitions.ObjectClass.tpe))
- appliedType(definitions.ArrayClass.tpe, List(elemtp))
- } else {
- res = clrTypes.sym2type.get(tMSIL) match {
- case Some(sym) => sym.tpe
- case None => if (tMSIL.IsByRef && tMSIL.GetElementType.IsValueType) {
- val addressed = getCLRType(tMSIL.GetElementType)
- val clasym = addressed.typeSymbolDirect // TODO should be .typeSymbol?
- val secondAttempt = clrTypes.sym2type.get(tMSIL)
- secondAttempt match { case Some(sym) => sym.tpe
- case None => null
- }
- } else getClassType(tMSIL)
- }
- if (res == null)
- null // TODO new RuntimeException()
- else res
- }
- }
- // the values are Java-Box-Classes (e.g. Integer, Boolean, Character)
- // java.lang.Number to get the value (if a number, not for boolean, character)
- // see
- def getConstant(constType: Type, value: Object): Constant = {
- val typeClass = constType.typeSymbol
- if (typeClass == definitions.BooleanClass)
- Constant(value.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Boolean].booleanValue)
- else if (typeClass == definitions.ByteClass)
- Constant(value.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Number].byteValue)
- else if (typeClass == definitions.ShortClass)
- Constant(value.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Number].shortValue)
- else if (typeClass == definitions.CharClass)
- Constant(value.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Character].charValue)
- else if (typeClass == definitions.IntClass)
- Constant(value.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Number].intValue)
- else if (typeClass == definitions.LongClass)
- Constant(value.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Number].longValue)
- else if (typeClass == definitions.FloatClass)
- Constant(value.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Number].floatValue)
- else if (typeClass == definitions.DoubleClass)
- Constant(value.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Number].doubleValue)
- else if (typeClass == definitions.StringClass)
- Constant(value.asInstanceOf[java.lang.String])
- else
- abort("illegal value: " + value + ", class-symbol: " + typeClass)
- }
- def isDefinedAtgetConstant(constType: Type): Boolean = {
- val typeClass = constType.typeSymbol
- if ( (typeClass == definitions.BooleanClass)
- || (typeClass == definitions.ByteClass)
- || (typeClass == definitions.ShortClass)
- || (typeClass == definitions.CharClass)
- || (typeClass == definitions.IntClass)
- || (typeClass == definitions.LongClass)
- || (typeClass == definitions.FloatClass)
- || (typeClass == definitions.DoubleClass)
- || (typeClass == definitions.StringClass)
- )
- true
- else
- false
- }
- private def translateAttributes(typ: MSILType): Long = {
- var flags: Long = Flags.JAVA;
- if (typ.IsNotPublic() || typ.IsNestedPrivate()
- || typ.IsNestedAssembly() || typ.IsNestedFamANDAssem())
- flags = flags | Flags.PRIVATE;
- else if (typ.IsNestedFamily() || typ.IsNestedFamORAssem())
- flags = flags | Flags.PROTECTED;
- if (typ.IsAbstract())
- flags = flags | Flags.ABSTRACT;
- if (typ.IsSealed())
- flags = flags | Flags.FINAL;
- if (typ.IsInterface())
- flags = flags | Flags.INTERFACE | Flags.TRAIT | Flags.ABSTRACT;
- flags
- }
- private def translateAttributes(field: FieldInfo): Long = {
- var flags: Long = Flags.JAVA;
- if (field.IsPrivate() || field.IsAssembly() || field.IsFamilyAndAssembly())
- flags = flags | Flags.PRIVATE;
- else if (field.IsFamily() || field.IsFamilyOrAssembly())
- flags = flags | Flags.PROTECTED;
- if (field.IsInitOnly() || field.IsLiteral())
- flags = flags | Flags.FINAL;
- else
- flags = flags | Flags.MUTABLE;
- if (field.IsStatic)
- flags = flags | Flags.STATIC
- flags
- }
- private def translateAttributes(method: MethodBase): Long = {
- var flags: Long = Flags.JAVA;
- if (method.IsPrivate() || method.IsAssembly() || method.IsFamilyAndAssembly())
- flags = flags | Flags.PRIVATE;
- else if (method.IsFamily() || method.IsFamilyOrAssembly())
- flags = flags | Flags.PROTECTED;
- if (method.IsAbstract())
- flags = flags | Flags.DEFERRED;
- if (method.IsStatic)
- flags = flags | Flags.STATIC
- flags
- }