path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExplicitOuter.scala
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diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExplicitOuter.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExplicitOuter.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a3fc9a19f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExplicitOuter.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+/* NSC -- new scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author
+ */
+// $Id$
+import symtab._;
+import Flags._;
+import util.ListBuffer;
+import collection.mutable.HashMap;
+abstract class ExplicitOuter extends InfoTransform {
+ import global._;
+ import definitions._;
+ import posAssigner.atPos;
+ override def phaseNewFlags: long = notPRIVATE | notPROTECTED;
+ /** the following two members override abstract members in Transform */
+ val phaseName: String = "explicitouter";
+ override def changesBaseClasses = false;
+ protected def newTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit): Transformer =
+ new ExplicitOuterTransformer(unit);
+ private def outerClass(clazz: Symbol): Symbol =
+ if (clazz.owner.isClass) clazz.owner
+ else outerClass(if (clazz.isClassLocalToConstructor) clazz.owner.owner else clazz.owner);
+ private def isStatic(clazz: Symbol) =
+ clazz.isPackageClass || outerClass(clazz).isStaticOwner;
+ /** The type transformation method:
+ * 1. Add an outer paramter to the formal parameters of a constructor or mixin constructor
+ * in a non-static class;
+ * 2. Add a mixin constructor $init$ to all traits except interfaces
+ * Leave all other types unchanged.
+ */
+ def transformInfo(sym: Symbol, tp: Type): Type = tp match {
+ case MethodType(formals, restpe) =>
+ //todo: needed?
+ if (sym.owner.isTrait && (sym hasFlag PROTECTED)) sym setFlag notPROTECTED;
+ if (sym.isConstructor && !isStatic(sym.owner))
+ MethodType(formals ::: List(outerClass(sym.owner).toInterface.thisType), restpe)
+ else tp;
+ case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) =>
+ var decls1 = decls;
+ if (!(clazz hasFlag INTERFACE)) {
+ if (!isStatic(clazz)) {
+ decls1 = new Scope(decls1.toList);
+ val outerAcc = clazz.newMethod(clazz.pos, nme.OUTER);
+ if ((clazz hasFlag TRAIT) || (decls.toList exists (.isClass)))
+ outerAcc.expandName(clazz);
+ decls1 enter (
+ setInfo MethodType(List(), outerClass(clazz).thisType));
+ decls1 enter (clazz.newValue(clazz.pos, nme.getterToLocal(
+ setInfo outerClass(clazz).thisType);
+ }
+ if (clazz.isTrait) {
+ decls1 = new Scope(decls1.toList);
+ decls1 enter makeMixinConstructor(clazz);
+ }
+ }
+ if (decls1 eq decls) tp else ClassInfoType(parents, decls1, clazz)
+ case PolyType(tparams, restp) =>
+ val restp1 = transformInfo(sym, restp);
+ if (restp eq restp1) tp else PolyType(tparams, restp1)
+ case _ =>
+ tp
+ }
+ private def outerMember(tp: Type): Symbol = {
+ var e = tp.decls.elems;
+ while (e != null && !(e.sym.originalName.startsWith(nme.OUTER) && (e.sym hasFlag ACCESSOR)))
+ e =;
+ assert(e != null, tp);
+ e.sym
+ }
+ private def makeMixinConstructor(clazz: Symbol): Symbol =
+ clazz.newMethod(clazz.pos, nme.MIXIN_CONSTRUCTOR) setInfo MethodType(List(), UnitClass.tpe);
+ /** A base class for transformers that maintain `outerParam' values for
+ * outer parameters of constructors.
+ * The class provides methods for referencing via outer.
+ */
+ class OuterPathTransformer extends Transformer {
+ /** The directly enclosing outer parameter, if we are in a constructor */
+ protected var outerParam: Symbol = NoSymbol;
+ /** The first outer selection from currently transformed tree
+ */
+ protected def outerValue: Tree =
+ if (outerParam != NoSymbol) gen.Ident(outerParam)
+ else outerSelect(gen.This(currentOwner.enclClass));
+ /** The path
+ * `base'.$outer ... .$outer
+ * which refers to the outer instance `to' of value `base
+ */
+ protected def outerPath(base: Tree, to: Symbol): Tree =
+ if (base.tpe.symbol == to) base else outerPath(outerSelect(base), to);
+ /** Select and apply outer accessor from `base'
+ */
+ private def outerSelect(base: Tree): Tree = {
+ val otp = outerClass(base.tpe.symbol).thisType;
+ Apply(
+ Select(base, outerMember(base.tpe)) setType MethodType(List(), otp),
+ List()) setType otp
+ }
+ override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
+ try {//debug
+ val savedOuterParam = outerParam;
+ tree match {
+ case Template(_, _) =>
+ outerParam = NoSymbol;
+ case DefDef(_, _, _, vparamss, _, _) =>
+ if (tree.symbol.isConstructor && !(isStatic(tree.symbol.owner))) {
+ val lastParam = vparamss.head.last;
+ assert(, tree);
+ outerParam = lastParam.symbol
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ val result = super.transform(tree);
+ outerParam = savedOuterParam;
+ result
+ } catch {//debug
+ case ex: Throwable =>
+ System.out.println("exception when transforming " + tree);
+ throw ex
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ class ExplicitOuterTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit) extends Transformer {
+ /** The first step performs the following transformations:
+ * 1. A class which is not an interface and is not static gets an outer link
+ * (@see outerDefs)
+ * 2. A mixin which is not also an interface gets a mixin constructor
+ * (@see mixinConstructorDef)
+ * 3. Constructor bodies are augmented by calls to supermixin constructors
+ * (@see addMixinConstructorCalls)
+ * 4. A constructor of a class with an outer link gets an outer parameter.
+ * 5. A reference C.this where C refers to an outer class is replaced by a selection
+ * this.$outer ... .$outer (@see outerPath)
+ * 7. A call to a constructor Q.<init>(args) or Q.$init$(args) where Q != this and
+ * the constructor belongs to a non-static class is augmented by an outer argument.
+ * E.g. Q.<init>(args, OUTER) where OUTER is the qualifier corresponding to the
+ * singleton type Q.
+ * 8. A call to a constructor this.<init>(args) in a secondary constructor
+ * is augmented to this.<init>(args, OUTER) where OUTER is the last parameter
+ * of the secondary constructor.
+ */
+ private val firstTransformer = new OuterPathTransformer {
+ var localTyper: analyzer.Typer = typer;
+ /** The two definitions
+ * val outer : C.this.type _;
+ * def outer(): C.this.type = outer ;
+ * Here, C is the class enclosing the class `clazz' containing the two definitions.
+ */
+ def outerDefs(clazz: Symbol): List[Tree] = {
+ val outerDef = outerMember(;
+ val outerVal = outerDef.accessed;
+ List(
+ localTyper.typed {
+ atPos(clazz.pos) {
+ ValDef(outerVal)
+ }
+ },
+ localTyper.typed {
+ atPos(clazz.pos) {
+ DefDef(outerDef, vparamss => Select(This(clazz), outerVal))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ /** The mixin constructor definition
+ * def $init$(): Unit = ()
+ */
+ def mixinConstructorDef(clazz: Symbol): Tree =
+ localTyper.typed {
+ val constr = clazz.primaryConstructor;
+ atPhase(currentRun.explicitOuterPhase) {
+ // necessary so that we do not include an outer parameter already here;
+ // this will be added later in transform.
+ DefDef(constr, vparamss => Literal(()))
+ }
+ }
+ /** Add calls to supermixin constructors
+ * super[mix].$init$()
+ * to `tree'. `tree' which is assumed to be the body of a constructor of class `clazz'.
+ */
+ def addMixinConstructorCalls(tree: Tree, clazz: Symbol): Tree = {
+ def mixinConstructorCall(mixin: Symbol): Tree =
+ atPos(tree.pos) {
+ Apply(
+ localTyper.typedOperator {
+ Select(Super(clazz,, mixin.primaryConstructor)
+ },
+ List()) setType UnitClass.tpe; // don't type this with typed(...),
+ // as constructor arguments might be missing
+ }
+ val mixinConstructorCalls =
+ for (val mixin <-; !(mixin.symbol hasFlag INTERFACE)) yield
+ mixinConstructorCall(mixin.symbol);
+ tree match {
+ case Block(supercall :: stats, expr) =>
+ assert(supercall match {
+ case Apply(Select(Super(_, _), _), _) => true
+ case _ => false
+ });
+ copy.Block(tree, supercall :: mixinConstructorCalls ::: stats, expr);
+ case Block(_, _) =>
+ assert(false, tree); tree
+ case expr =>
+ Block(mixinConstructorCalls, expr) setType expr.tpe setPos expr.pos;
+ }
+ }
+ /** The first-step transformation method */
+ override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
+ val sym = tree.symbol;
+ val tree1 = tree match {
+ case Template(parents, decls) =>
+ val savedLocalTyper = localTyper;
+ localTyper = localTyper.atOwner(tree, currentOwner);
+ var decls1 = decls;
+ if (!(currentOwner hasFlag INTERFACE)) {
+ if (!isStatic(currentOwner))
+ decls1 = decls1 ::: outerDefs(currentOwner); // (1)
+ if (currentOwner.isTrait)
+ decls1 = decls1 ::: List(mixinConstructorDef(currentOwner)) // (2)
+ }
+ localTyper = savedLocalTyper;
+ copy.Template(tree, parents, decls1);
+ case constrDef @ DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs)
+ if (sym.isConstructor) =>
+ val vparamss1 =
+ if (isStatic(sym.owner)) vparamss
+ else { // (4)
+ val outerField = outerMember(;
+ val outerParam = sym.newValueParameter(sym.pos, nme.OUTER) setInfo;
+ List(vparamss.head ::: List(ValDef(outerParam) setType NoType))
+ }
+ val rhs1 =
+ if ((sym.isPrimaryConstructor || sym.isMixinConstructor) && sym.owner != ArrayClass)
+ addMixinConstructorCalls(rhs, sym.owner); // (3)
+ else rhs;
+ copy.DefDef(tree, mods, name, tparams, vparamss1, tpt, rhs1);
+ case This(qual) =>
+ if (sym == currentOwner.enclClass || (sym hasFlag MODULE) && sym.isStatic) tree
+ else atPos(tree.pos)(outerPath(outerValue, sym)); // (5)
+ case Apply(sel @ Select(qual, name), args)
+ if ((name == nme.CONSTRUCTOR || name == nme.MIXIN_CONSTRUCTOR) && !isStatic(sel.symbol.owner)) =>
+ val outerVal =
+ atPos(tree.pos) {
+ if (qual.isInstanceOf[This]) { assert(outerParam != NoSymbol); outerValue } // (8)
+ else {
+ var pre = qual.tpe.prefix;
+ if (pre == NoPrefix) pre = outerClass(sym.owner).thisType;
+ gen.mkQualifier(pre)
+ }
+ }
+ copy.Apply(tree, sel, args ::: List(outerVal))
+ case _ =>
+ tree
+ }
+ super.transform(tree1)
+ }
+ }
+ /** The second step performs the following transformations:
+ * 2. Remove private modifiers from members M of mixins T. (@see makeNotPrivate)
+ * 3. Remove `private' modifier from class members M that are accessed from an inner class.
+ * 4. Remove `protected' modifier from class members M that are accessed
+ * without a super qualifier accessed from an inner class.
+ * 5. Remove `private' and `protected' modifiers from type symbols
+ */
+ private val secondTransformer = new Transformer {
+ /** The second-step transformation method */
+ override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
+ val sym = tree.symbol;
+ val tree1 = super.transform(tree);
+ tree1 match {
+ case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) =>
+ if (sym.owner.isTrait && (sym hasFlag (ACCESSOR | SUPERACCESSOR)))
+ sym.makeNotPrivate(sym.owner); //(2)
+ tree1
+ case Select(qual, name) =>
+ if (currentOwner.enclClass != sym.owner) // (3)
+ sym.makeNotPrivate(sym.owner);
+ if ((sym hasFlag PROTECTED) && //(4)
+ !(qual.isInstanceOf[Super] ||
+ (qual.tpe.widen.symbol isSubClass currentOwner.enclClass)))
+ sym setFlag notPROTECTED;
+ tree1
+ case _ =>
+ if (sym != null && sym.isType) {//(5)
+ if (sym hasFlag PRIVATE) sym setFlag notPRIVATE;
+ if (sym hasFlag PROTECTED) sym setFlag notPROTECTED;
+ }
+ tree1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** The main transformation method:
+ * First, perform step 1 on whole tree of compilation unit.
+ * Then, perform step 2 on resulting tree
+ */
+ override def transform(tree: Tree) =
+ atPhase( {
+ secondTransformer.transform(firstTransformer.transform(tree))
+ }
+ }