path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ErrorTrees.scala
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 930 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ErrorTrees.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ErrorTrees.scala
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index 39d9d6b2ae..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ErrorTrees.scala
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-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package typechecker
- * @author Hubert Plociniczak
- * @version 1.0
- */
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import{ countElementsAsString, countAsString }
-trait ErrorTrees {
- self: Analyzer =>
- import global._
- trait ErrorTree extends AbsErrorTree {
- override def containsError() = true
- def emit(context: Context): Unit
- def emit(): Unit = emit(typer.context.asInstanceOf[Context])
- def exception: TypeError = null // Once we get rid of all thrown type errors (apart from cyclic), remove
- var reported = false
- override def tpe = ErrorType
- // Debugging option
- if (settings.errortrees.value)
- println("[ErrorTree instance] " + this.getClass)
- }
- trait ErrorPosAndMsg {
- def errMsg: String
- def errPos: Position
- def shouldEmit: Boolean
- def emit(context: Context): Unit
- }
- protected trait ContextError extends ErrorPosAndMsg { }
- trait ErrorTreeWithContext extends ErrorTree with ContextError {
- def shouldEmit = true
- def emit(context: Context) = if (shouldEmit) context.error(errPos, errMsg)
- }
- /** Traverses a tree, collecting subtrees for which the first argument is
- * defined. A given tree's children are traversed only if the keepTraversing
- * predicate returns true for that tree.
- */
- def pruningCollect[T](pf: PartialFunction[Tree, T])(keepTraversing: Tree => Boolean): Tree => List[T] = {
- class Collector extends Traverser {
- val trees = mutable.ListBuffer[T]()
- override def traverse(t: Tree) {
- if (pf.isDefinedAt(t))
- trees += pf(t)
- if (keepTraversing(t))
- super.traverse(t)
- }
- }
- tree => {
- val c = new Collector
- c traverse tree
- c.trees.toList
- }
- }
- def errorTreesFinder(tree: Tree): List[ErrorTree] =
- pruningCollect({ case e: ErrorTree if !e.reported => e })(!_.isInstanceOf[ErrorTree])(tree)
- def quickErrorTreeFinder(tree: Tree): ErrorTree = tree find (_.isInstanceOf[ErrorTree]) match {
- case Some(x: ErrorTree) => x
- case _ => NullErrorTree
- }
- protected abstract class TreeForwarder(forwardTo: Tree) extends Tree {
- override def pos = forwardTo.pos
- override def hasSymbol = forwardTo.hasSymbol
- override def symbol = forwardTo.symbol
- override def symbol_=(x: Symbol) = forwardTo.symbol = x
- }
- abstract class PositionedErrorTree(tree: Tree) extends ErrorTree with ErrorPosAndMsg {
- def errPos = tree.pos
- def shouldEmit = !tree.isErroneous
- def emit(context: Context) = if (shouldEmit) context.error(errPos, errMsg)
- }
- abstract class ContextErrorTree(tree: Tree) extends PositionedErrorTree(tree) with ContextError { }
- abstract class ErrorTreeForwarder(tree: Tree) extends TreeForwarder(tree) with ErrorTree with ErrorPosAndMsg {
- def errPos = tree.pos
- def shouldEmit = !tree.isErroneous
- def emit(context: Context) = if (shouldEmit) context.error(errPos, errMsg)
- }
- abstract class ContextErrorTreeForwarder(tree: Tree) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) with ContextError { }
- // create trees for specific error trees
- trait TyperErrorTrees {
- self: Typer =>
- trait TypeErrorTrait extends ErrorTree with ErrorPosAndMsg {
- def errMsg = "type error" // not used
- def emit(context: Context) {
- reportTypeError(context, errPos, exception)
- }
- }
- abstract class TypeErrorTreeForwarder(tree: Tree) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) with TypeErrorTrait {
- override def emit(context: Context) {
- super[TypeErrorTrait].emit(context)
- }
- }
- import infer.setError
- case class UnstableTreeError(tree: Tree) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- private def addendum = {
- // !!! unused
- // val tpe = tree.symbol.tpe match {
- // case PolyType(_, rtpe) => rtpe
- // case t => t
- // }
- "\n Note that "+tree.symbol+" is not stable because its type, "+tree.tpe+", is volatile."
- }
- def errMsg = (
- "stable identifier required, but "+tree+" found." + (
- if (isStableExceptVolatile(tree)) addendum else ""
- )
- )
- }
- case class NoImplicitFoundError(tree: Tree, param: Symbol) extends ContextErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = {
- val paramName =
- val paramTp = param.tpe
- paramTp.typeSymbol match {
- case ImplicitNotFoundMsg(msg) => msg.format(paramName, paramTp)
- case _ =>
- "could not find implicit value for "+
- (if (paramName startsWith nme.EVIDENCE_PARAM_PREFIX) "evidence parameter of type "
- else "parameter "+paramName+": ")+paramTp
- }
- }
- }
- case class TypeErrorTree(tree: Tree, pt: Type, override val exception: TypeError) extends TypeErrorTreeForwarder(tree) { }
- case class AdaptToMemberWithArgsError(tree: Tree, override val exception: TypeError) extends TypeErrorTreeForwarder(tree) { }
- case class WithFilterError(tree: Tree, override val exception: TypeError) extends TypeErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- override def emit(context: Context) {
- super.emit(context)
- setError(tree)
- }
- }
- case class ParentTypesError(templ: Template, override val exception: TypeError) extends TypeErrorTrait {
- def errPos = templ.pos
- def shouldEmit = !templ.isErroneous
- override def emit(context: Context) {
- templ.tpe = null
- super.emit(context)
- }
- }
- // additional parentTypes errors
- case class ConstrArgsInTraitParentTpeError(arg: Tree, parent: Symbol) extends ContextErrorTree(arg) {
- def errMsg = parent + " is a trait; does not take constructor arguments"
- }
- case class MissingTypeArgumentsParentTpeError(supertpt: Tree) extends ContextErrorTree(supertpt) {
- def errMsg = "missing type arguments"
- }
- case class SilentTypeError(tree: Tree, override val exception: TypeError) extends TypeErrorTrait {
- def shouldEmit = false // !!! correct?
- def errPos = tree.pos
- }
- case class TypedApplyError(tree: Tree, override val exception: TypeError) extends TypeErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- override def pos = exception.pos
- }
- case class AssignmentTypedApplyError(tree: Tree) extends ContextErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = "reassignment to val"
- }
- // typedIdent
- case class AmbiguousIdentError(tree: Tree, name: Name, msg: String) extends ContextErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = "reference to " + name + " is ambiguous;\n" + msg
- }
- case class SymbolNotFound(tree: Tree, name: Name, owner: Symbol) extends ContextErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = "not found: "+decodeWithKind(name, owner)
- }
- // typedAppliedTypeTree
- case class AppliedTypeNoParametersError(tree: Tree, errTpe: Type) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = errTpe + " does not take type parameters"
- }
- case class AppliedTypeWrongNumberOfArgsError(tree: Tree, errMsg: String) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) { }
- // packagedef
- case class RefTreeError(tree: Tree, name: Name) extends ErrorTree with RefTree {
- // Error was already reported
- def emit(context: Context) { }
- }
- // typedTypeDef
- case class LowerBoundError(tree: TypeDef, lowB: Type, highB: Type) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "lower bound "+lowB+" does not conform to upper bound "+highB
- }
- // check privates
- case class HiddenSymbolWithError(tree: Tree) extends ErrorTree {
- def emit(context: Context) { }
- }
- case class SymbolEscapesScopeError(tree: Tree, badSymbol: Symbol) extends ErrorTreeWithContext {
- private val treeTpe = tree.tpe
- def errPos = tree.pos
- def errMsg = modifierString + badSymbol + " escapes its defining scope as part of type "+treeTpe
- private def modifierString = if (badSymbol.isPrivate) "private " else ""
- }
- // typedDefDef
- case class StarParamNotLastError(param: Tree) extends ContextErrorTree(param) {
- def errMsg = "*-parameter must come last"
- }
- case class StarWithDefaultError(meth: Symbol) extends ErrorTreeWithContext {
- def errMsg = "a parameter section with a `*'-parameter is not allowed to have default arguments"
- def errPos = meth.pos
- }
- case class InvalidConstructorDefError(ddef: Tree) extends ContextErrorTree(ddef) {
- def errMsg = "constructor definition not allowed here"
- }
- case class DeprecatedParamNameError(param: Symbol, name: Name) extends ErrorTreeWithContext {
- def errMsg = "deprecated parameter name "+ name +" has to be distinct from any other parameter name (deprecated or not)."
- def errPos = param.pos
- }
- // computeParamAliases
- case class SuperConstrReferenceError(tree: Tree) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "super constructor cannot be passed a self reference unless parameter is declared by-name"
- }
- case class SuperConstrArgsThisReferenceError(tree: Tree) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "super constructor arguments cannot reference unconstructed `this`"
- }
- // typedValDef
- case class VolatileValueError(vdef: Tree) extends ContextErrorTree(vdef) {
- def errMsg = "values cannot be volatile"
- }
- case class FinalVolatileVarError(vdef: Tree) extends ContextErrorTree(vdef) {
- def errMsg = "final vars cannot be volatile"
- }
- case class LocalVarUninitializedError(vdef: Tree) extends ContextErrorTree(vdef) {
- def errMsg = "local variables must be initialized"
- }
- //typedAssign
- case class AssignmentError(tree: Tree, varSym: Symbol) extends ContextErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg =
- if (varSym != null && varSym.isValue) "reassignment to val"
- else "assignment to non variable"
- }
- case class UnexpectedTreeAssignmentConversionError(tree: Tree) extends ContextErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = "Unexpected tree during assignment conversion."
- }
- case class MultiDimensionalArrayError(tree: Tree) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "cannot create a generic multi-dimensional array of more than "+ definitions.MaxArrayDims+" dimensions"
- }
- //typedSuper
- case class MixinMissingParentClassNameError(tree: Tree, mix: Name, clazz: Symbol) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = mix+" does not name a parent class of "+clazz
- }
- case class AmbiguousParentClassError(tree: Tree) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "ambiguous parent class qualifier"
- }
- //typedSelect
- case class NotAMemberErroneous(tree: Tree) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = ""
- override def emit(context: Context) { }
- }
- case class NotAMemberError(sel: Tree, qual: Tree, name: Name) extends ContextErrorTreeForwarder(sel) {
- def errMsg = {
- val owner = qual.tpe.typeSymbol
- val target = qual.tpe.widen
- def targetKindString = if (owner.isTypeParameterOrSkolem) "type parameter " else ""
- def nameString = decodeWithKind(name, owner)
- /** Illuminating some common situations and errors a bit further. */
- def addendum = {
- val companion = {
- if (name.isTermName && owner.isPackageClass) {
- target.member(name.toTypeName) match {
- case NoSymbol => ""
- case sym => "\nNote: %s exists, but it has no companion object.".format(sym)
- }
- }
- else ""
- }
- val semicolon = (
- if (linePrecedes(qual, sel))
- "\npossible cause: maybe a semicolon is missing before `"+nameString+"'?"
- else
- ""
- )
- companion + semicolon
- }
- withAddendum(qual.pos)(
- if (name == nme.CONSTRUCTOR) target + " does not have a constructor"
- else nameString + " is not a member of " + targetKindString + target + addendum
- )
- }
- }
- //typedNew
- case class IsAbstractError(tree: Tree, sym: Symbol) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = sym + " is abstract; cannot be instantiated"
- }
- case class DoesNotConformToSelfTypeError(tree: Tree, sym: Symbol, tpe0: Type) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = sym + " cannot be instantiated because it does not conform to its self-type " + tpe0
- }
- //typedEta
- case class UnderscoreEtaError(tree: Tree) extends PositionedErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "_ must follow method; cannot follow " + tree.tpe
- }
- //typedReturn
- case class ReturnOutsideOfDefError(tree: Tree) extends PositionedErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "return outside method definition"
- }
- case class ReturnWithoutTypeError(tree: Tree, owner: Symbol) extends PositionedErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = owner + " has return statement; needs result type"
- }
- //typedBind
- case class VariableInPatternAlternativeError(tree: Tree) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "illegal variable in pattern alternative"
- }
- //typedCase
- case class StarPositionInPatternError(errPos: Position) extends ErrorTreeWithContext {
- def errMsg = "_* may only come last"
- }
- //typedFunction
- case class MaxFunctionArityError(fun: Tree) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(fun) {
- def errMsg = "implementation restricts functions to " + definitions.MaxFunctionArity + " parameters"
- }
- case class WrongNumberOfParametersError(tree: Tree, argpts: List[Type]) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = "wrong number of parameters; expected = " + argpts.length
- }
- case class MissingParameterTypeError(fun: Tree, vparam: ValDef, pt: Type) extends ContextErrorTree(vparam) {
- def anonMessage = (
- "\nThe argument types of an anonymous function must be fully known. (SLS 8.5)" +
- "\nExpected type was: " + pt.toLongString
- )
- private val suffix =
- if (!vparam.mods.isSynthetic) ""
- else " for expanded function" + (fun match {
- case Function(_, Match(_, _)) => anonMessage
- case _ => " " + fun
- })
- def errMsg = "missing parameter type" + suffix
- }
- case class ConstructorsOrderError(tree: Tree) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "called constructor's definition must precede calling constructor's definition"
- }
- case class OnlyDeclarationsError(tree: Tree) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = "only declarations allowed here"
- }
- // typedAnnotation
- case class AnnotationNotAConstantError(tree: Tree) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "annotation argument needs to be a constant; found: " + tree
- }
- case class AnnotationArgNullError(tree: Tree) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "annotation argument cannot be null"
- }
- case class ArrayConstantsError(tree: Tree) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "Array constants have to be specified using the `Array(...)' factory method"
- }
- case class ArrayConstantsTypeMismatchError(tree: Tree, pt: Type) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "found array constant, expected argument of type " + pt
- }
- case class UnexpectedTreeAnnotation(tree: Tree) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "unexpected tree in annotation: "+ tree
- }
- case class AnnotationTypeMismatchError(tree: Tree, expected: Type, found: Type) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "expected annotation of type " + expected + ", found " + found
- }
- case class MultipleArgumentListForAnnotationError(tree: Tree) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "multiple argument lists on classfile annotation"
- }
- case class UnknownAnnotationNameError(tree: Tree, name: Name) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "unknown annotation argument name: " + name
- }
- case class DuplicateValueAnnotationError(tree: Tree, name: Name) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "duplicate value for annotation argument " + name
- }
- case class ClassfileAnnotationsAsNamedArgsError(tree: Tree) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "classfile annotation arguments have to be supplied as named arguments"
- }
- case class AnnotationMissingArgError(tree: Tree, annType: Type, name: Symbol) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "annotation " + annType.typeSymbol.fullName + " is missing argument " +
- }
- case class NestedAnnotationError(tree: Tree, annType: Type) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "nested classfile annotations must be defined in java; found: "+ annType
- }
- case class UnexpectedTreeAnnotationError(tree: Tree, unexpected: Tree) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "unexpected tree after typing annotation: "+ unexpected
- }
- // TODO no test case
- //typedExistentialTypeTree
- case class AbstractionFromVolatileTypeError(vd: ValDef) extends ContextErrorTree(vd) {
- def errMsg = "illegal abstraction from value with volatile type "+vd.symbol.tpe
- }
- case class TypedApplyWrongNumberOfTpeParametersError(tree: Tree, fun: Tree) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = "wrong number of type parameters for "+treeSymTypeMsg(fun)
- }
- case class TypedApplyDoesNotTakeTpeParametersError(tree: Tree, fun: Tree) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = treeSymTypeMsg(fun)+" does not take type parameters."
- }
- // doTypeApply
- //tryNamesDefaults
- case class WrongNumberOfArgsError(tree: Tree, fun: Tree) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = "wrong number of arguments for "+ treeSymTypeMsg(fun)
- }
- case class TooManyArgsNamesDefaultsError(tree: Tree, fun: Tree) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = "too many arguments for "+treeSymTypeMsg(fun)
- }
- case class MultipleVarargError(tree: Tree) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = "when using named arguments, the vararg parameter has to be specified exactly once"
- }
- case class ModuleUsingCompanionClassDefaultArgsErrror(tree: Tree) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = "module extending its companion class cannot use default constructor arguments"
- }
- case class NotEnoughArgsError(tree: Tree, fun0: Tree, missing0: List[Symbol]) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = notEnoughArgumentsMsg(fun0, missing0)
- def notEnoughArgumentsMsg(fun: Tree, missing: List[Symbol]) = {
- val suffix = {
- if (missing.isEmpty) ""
- else {
- val keep = missing take 3 map (
- ".\nUnspecified value parameter%s %s".format(
- if (missing.tail.isEmpty) "" else "s",
- if (missing drop 3 nonEmpty) (keep :+ "...").mkString(", ")
- else keep.mkString("", ", ", ".")
- )
- }
- }
- "not enough arguments for " + treeSymTypeMsg(fun) + suffix
- }
- }
- //doTypedApply - ErrorType
- case class ErroneousFunInTypeApplyError(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) extends TreeForwarder(fun) with ErrorTree {
- private lazy val errorCache = errorTreesFinder(fun) ++ (args flatMap errorTreesFinder)
- def emit(context: Context) {
- errorCache foreach (_ emit context)
- }
- }
- //doTypedApply - patternMode
- // TODO: missing test case
- case class TooManyArgsPatternError(fun: Tree) extends ContextErrorTreeForwarder(fun) {
- def errMsg = "too many arguments for unapply pattern, maximum = "+definitions.MaxTupleArity
- }
- case class WrongNumberArgsPatternError(tree: Tree, fun: Tree) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = "wrong number of arguments for "+treeSymTypeMsg(fun)
- }
- // Extends ErrorTreeWithPrettyPrinter to pass presentation/ping-pong test case
- case class ApplyWithoutArgsError(tree: Tree, fun: Tree) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) with ErrorTreeWithPrettyPrinter {
- def errMsg = fun.tpe+" does not take parameters"
- override def toString = "" + tree
- }
- //checkClassType
- // When validating parents we sometimes should continue to
- // type the body of the template and sometimes not.
- // trait BlockingError allows us to distinguish it
- trait BlockingError
- case class TypeNotAStablePrefixError(pre: Type, errPos: Position) extends ErrorTreeWithContext with BlockingError {
- def errMsg = "type "+pre+" is not a stable prefix"
- }
- case class ClassTypeRequiredError(tree: Tree, found: AnyRef) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) with BlockingError {
- def errMsg = "class type required but "+found+" found"
- }
- // validateParentClasses
- case class ParentSuperSubclassError(errPos: Position, superclazz: Symbol,
- parentSym: Symbol, mixin: Symbol)
- extends ErrorTreeWithContext {
- def errMsg = "illegal inheritance; super"+superclazz+
- "\n is not a subclass of the super"+parentSym+
- "\n of the mixin " + mixin
- }
- case class ParentNotATraitMixinError(errPos: Position, mixin: Symbol) extends ErrorTreeWithContext with BlockingError {
- def errMsg = mixin+" needs to be a trait to be mixed in"
- }
- case class ParentFinalInheritanceError(errPos: Position, mixin: Symbol) extends ErrorTreeWithContext with BlockingError {
- def errMsg = "illegal inheritance from final "+mixin
- }
- case class ParentSealedInheritanceError(errPos: Position, mixin: Symbol) extends ErrorTreeWithContext with BlockingError {
- def errMsg = "illegal inheritance from sealed "+mixin
- }
- case class ParentSelfTypeConformanceError(errPos: Position, selfType: Type, parent: Tree) extends ErrorTreeWithContext {
- def errMsg = (
- "illegal inheritance;\n self-type "+selfType+" does not conform to "+
- parent +"'s selftype "+parent.tpe.typeOfThis
- )
- }
- case class ParentInheritedTwiceError(errPos: Position, parent: Symbol) extends ErrorTreeWithContext with BlockingError {
- def errMsg = parent+" is inherited twice"
- }
- //adapt
- case class MissingArgsForMethodTpeError(tree: Tree, meth: Symbol) extends PositionedErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = (
- "missing arguments for " + meth.fullLocationString + (
- if (meth.isConstructor) ""
- else ";\nfollow this method with `_' if you want to treat it as a partially applied function"
- )
- )
- }
- // This is really a workaround for a compiler bug
- case class Bug4425Error(tree: Tree) extends ContextErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = "erroneous or inaccessible type"
- }
- case class MissingTypeParametersError(tree: Tree) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = tree.symbol+" takes type parameters"
- // !!! Necessary?
- // override def emit(context: Context) {
- // super.emit(context)
- // setError(tree)
- // }
- }
- case class KindArityMismatchError(tree: Tree, pt: Type) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = (
- tree.tpe+" takes "+countElementsAsString(tree.tpe.typeParams.length, "type parameter")+
- ", expected: "+countAsString(pt.typeParams.length)
- )
- }
- //case class ParamsNotConvertible
- case class CaseClassConstructorError(tree: Tree) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = tree.symbol + " is not a case class constructor, nor does it have an unapply/unapplySeq method"
- }
- //TODO Needs test case
- case class ConstructorPrefixError(tree: Tree, restpe: Type) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = restpe.prefix+" is not a legal prefix for a constructor"
- }
- // SelectFromTypeTree
- case class TypeSelectionFromVolatileTypeError(tree: Tree, qual: Tree) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "illegal type selection from volatile type "+qual.tpe
- }
- // packedType
- case class InferTypeWithVolatileTypeSelectionError(tree: Tree, pre: Type) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "Inferred type "+tree.tpe+" contains type selection from volatile type "+pre
- }
- case class AbstractExistentiallyOverParamerizedTpeError(tree: Tree, tp: Type) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "can't existentially abstract over parameterized type " + tp
- }
- //manifestTreee
- case class MissingManifestError(errPos: Position, full: Boolean, tp: Type) extends ErrorTreeWithContext {
- def errMsg = "cannot find "+(if (full) "" else "class ")+"manifest for element type "+tp
- }
- // TODO needs test case
- // cases where we do not necessairly return trees
- case class DependentMethodTpeConversionToFunctionError(errPos: Position, tp: Type) extends ErrorTreeWithContext {
- def errMsg = "method with dependent type "+tpe+" cannot be converted to function value"
- override def pos = errPos
- }
- //checkStarPatOK
- case class StarPatternWithVarargParametersError(errPos: Position) extends ErrorTreeWithContext {
- def errMsg = "star patterns must correspond with varargs parameters"
- }
- case class GetterDefinedTwiceError(getter: Symbol) extends ErrorTreeWithContext {
- def errMsg = getter+" is defined twice"
- def errPos = getter.pos
- }
- case class BeanPropertyAnnotationLimitationError(tree: Tree) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg = "implementation limitation: the BeanProperty annotation cannot be used in a type alias or renamed import"
- }
- // TODO missing test case
- case class FinitaryError(tparam: Symbol) extends ErrorTreeWithContext {
- def errMsg = "class graph is not finitary because type parameter "" is expansively recursive"
- def errPos = tparam.pos
- }
- // TODO missing test case for a second case
- case class QualifyingClassError(tree: Tree, qual: Name) extends ContextErrorTree(tree) {
- def errMsg =
- if (qual.isEmpty) tree + " can be used only in a class, object, or template"
- else qual + " is not an enclosing class"
- }
- // def stabilize
- case class NotAValueError(tree: Tree, sym: Symbol) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = sym.kindString + " " + sym.fullName + " is not a value"
- }
- // checkNoDoubleDefs...
- case class DefDefinedTwiceError(sym0: Symbol, sym1: Symbol) extends ErrorTreeWithContext {
- def errMsg = sym1+" is defined twice"+{if(!settings.debug.value) "" else " in "+context.unit}
- def errPos = sym0.pos
- override def pos = sym0.pos
- }
- // cyclic errors
- case class CyclicAliasingOrSubtypingError(errPos: Position, sym0: Symbol) extends ErrorTreeWithContext {
- def errMsg = "cyclic aliasing or subtyping involving "+sym0
- override def pos = errPos
- }
- case class CyclicReferenceError(errPos: Position, lockedSym: Symbol) extends ErrorTreeWithContext {
- def errMsg = "illegal cyclic reference involving " + lockedSym
- override def pos = errPos
- }
- }
- trait InferencerErrorTrees {
- self: Inferencer =>
- private def applyErrorMsg(tree: Tree, msg: String, argtpes: List[Type], pt: Type) = {
- def asParams(xs: List[Any]) = xs.mkString("(", ", ", ")")
- def resType = if (pt isWildcard) "" else " with expected result type " + pt
- def allTypes = (alternatives(tree) flatMap (_.paramTypes)) ++ argtpes :+ pt
- def locals = alternatives(tree) flatMap (_.typeParams)
- withDisambiguation(locals, allTypes: _*) {
- treeSymTypeMsg(tree) + msg + asParams(argtpes) + resType
- }
- }
- case class AccessError(tree: Tree, sym: Symbol, pre: Type, owner0: Symbol, explanation: String) extends ContextErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = {
- val realsym = underlying(sym)
- val location = if (sym.isClassConstructor) owner0 else pre.widen
- realsym.fullLocationString + " cannot be accessed in " +
- location + explanation
- }
- }
- case class NoMethodInstanceError(fn: Tree, args: List[Tree], msg: String) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(fn) {
- def errMsg = (
- "no type parameters for " +
- applyErrorMsg(fn, " exist so that it can be applied to arguments ", args map (_.tpe.widen), WildcardType) +
- "\n --- because ---\n" + msg
- )
- }
- // TODO: no test case
- case class NoConstructorInstanceError(tree: Tree, restpe: Type, pt: Type, msg: String) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = (
- "constructor of type " + restpe +
- " cannot be uniquely instantiated to expected type " + pt +
- "\n --- because ---\n" + msg
- )
- }
- case class ConstrInstantiationError(tree: Tree, restpe: Type, pt: Type) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = "constructor cannot be instantiated to expected type" + foundReqMsg(restpe, pt)
- }
- case class NoBestMethodAlternativeError(tree: Tree, argtpes: List[Type], pt: Type) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = applyErrorMsg(tree, " cannot be applied to ", argtpes, pt)
- }
- case class AmbiguousMethodAlternativeError(tree: Tree, pre: Type, best: Symbol,
- firstCompeting: Symbol, argtpes: List[Type], pt: Type)
- extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = (
- "argument types " + argtpes.mkString("(", ",", ")") +
- (if (pt == WildcardType) "" else " and expected result type " + pt)
- )
- override def emit(context: Context) {
- context.ambiguousError(tree.pos, pre, best, firstCompeting, errMsg)
- }
- }
- case class NoBestExprAlternativeError(tree: Tree, pt: Type) extends ContextErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = withAddendum(tree.pos)(typeErrorMsg(tree.symbol.tpe, pt))
- }
- case class AmbiguousExprAlternativeError(tree: Tree, pre: Type, best: Symbol, firstCompeting: Symbol, pt: Type)
- extends ErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = "expected type " + pt
- override def emit(context: Context) {
- context.ambiguousError(tree.pos, pre, best, firstCompeting, errMsg)
- }
- }
- // checkBounds
- case class KindBoundErrors(errPos: Position, prefix: String, targs: List[Type],
- tparams: List[Symbol], kindErrors: List[String])
- extends ErrorTreeWithContext {
- def errMsg = (
- prefix + "kinds of the type arguments " + targs.mkString("(", ",", ")") +
- " do not conform to the expected kinds of the type parameters "+
- tparams.mkString("(", ",", ")") + tparams.head.locationString+ "." +
- kindErrors.toList.mkString("\n", ", ", "")
- )
- override def pos = errPos
- }
- case class NotWithinBounds(pos0: Position, prefix: String, targs: List[Type],
- tparams: List[Symbol], kindErrors: List[String])
- extends ErrorTree {
- val savedContext = getContext
- def emit(context: Context) {
- val validContext = if (context.unit == NoCompilationUnit) savedContext else context
- validContext.error(pos0,
- prefix + "type arguments " + targs.mkString("[", ",", "]") +
- " do not conform to " + tparams.head.owner + "'s type parameter bounds " +
- (tparams map (_.defString)).mkString("[", ",", "]"))
- if (settings.explaintypes.value) {
- val bounds = tparams map (tp =>, targs).bounds)
- (targs, bounds).zipped foreach ((targ, bound) => explainTypes(bound.lo, targ))
- (targs, bounds).zipped foreach ((targ, bound) => explainTypes(targ, bound.hi))
- ()
- }
- }
- override def pos = pos0
- }
- //substExpr
- case class PolymorphicExpressionInstantiationError(tree: Tree, undetparams: List[Symbol], pt: Type) extends ContextErrorTreeForwarder(tree) {
- def errMsg = (
- "polymorphic expression cannot be instantiated to expected type" +
- foundReqMsg(polyType(undetparams, skipImplicit(tree.tpe)), pt)
- )
- }
- //checkCheckable
- case class TypePatternOrIsInstanceTestError(errPos: Position, tp: Type) extends ErrorTreeWithContext {
- def errMsg = "type "+tp+" cannot be used in a type pattern or isInstanceOf test"
- override def pos = errPos
- }
- case class IncompletePatternTypeError(errPos: Position, pattp: Type, pt: Type) extends ErrorTreeWithContext {
- def errMsg = "pattern type is incompatible with expected type" + foundReqMsg(pattp, pt)
- override def pos = errPos
- }
- case class IncompatibleScrutineeTypeError(errPos: Position, pattp: Type, pt: Type) extends ErrorTreeWithContext {
- def errMsg = "scrutinee is incompatible with pattern type" + foundReqMsg(pattp, pt)
- override def pos = errPos
- }
- case class PatternTypeIncompatibleWithPtError(pat: Tree, pt1: Type, pt: Type) extends ContextErrorTreeForwarder(pat) {
- def errMsg = {
- val sym = pat.tpe.typeSymbol
- val clazz = sym.companionClass
- val addendum = (
- if (sym.isModuleClass && clazz.isCaseClass && (clazz isSubClass pt1.typeSymbol)) {
- // TODO: move these somewhere reusable.
- val typeString = clazz.typeParams match {
- case Nil => "" +
- case xs => xs map (_ => "_") mkString ( + "[", ",", "]")
- }
- val caseString = (
- clazz.caseFieldAccessors
- map (_ => "_") // could use the actual param names here
- mkString ( + "(", ",", ")")
- )
- (
- "\nNote: if you intended to match against the class, try `case _: " +
- typeString + "` or `case " + caseString + "`"
- )
- }
- else ""
- )
- "pattern type is incompatible with expected type"+foundReqMsg(pat.tpe, pt) + addendum
- }
- }
- case class PolyAlternativeError(tree: Tree, errMsg: String) extends ContextErrorTreeForwarder(tree) { }
- }
- trait NamerErrorTrees {
- self: Namer =>
- // Currently too general
- case class TypeSigError(tree: Tree, override val exception: TypeError) extends ErrorTree {
- def emit(context: Context) {
- typer.reportTypeError(context, tree.pos, exception)
- }
- }
- }
- // General errors
- case class PendingErrors(pending0: List[ErrorTree])
- extends ErrorTree {
- assert(pending0.nonEmpty, "pending exceptions cannot be empty")
- def emit(context: Context) {
- // Try to report each, here we dont' care
- // if any of those throws TypeError
- // this is handled in the actual application code
- pending0.foreach(_.emit(context))
- }
- override def pos = pending0.head.pos
- override def exception: TypeError = pending0.head.exception
- }
- case object NullErrorTree extends ErrorTree {
- def emit(context: Context) {}
- }
- case class SetErrorTree(tree: Tree) extends ErrorTree {
- def emit(context: Context) {
- typer.infer.setError(tree)
- }
- }
- //NamesDefaults errors, refactor to their own trait
- case class NameClashError(sym: Symbol, arg: Tree) extends ErrorTreeWithContext {
- def errMsg =
- "%s definition needs %s because '%s' is used as a named argument in its body.".format(
- "variable", // "method"
- "type", // "result type"
- override def emit(context: Context) = {
- super.emit(context)
- // This is ugly hack to avoid reporting double errors
- // when dealing with AmbiguousReferences problem (error tree below) in names defaults.
- typer.infer.setError(arg)
- }
- def errPos = sym.pos
- override def pos = sym.pos
- }
- case class AmbiguousReferenceInNamesDefaultError(arg: Tree, name: Name) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(arg) {
- def errMsg = (
- "reference to "+ name +" is ambiguous; it is both, a parameter\n"+
- "name of the method and the name of a variable currently in scope."
- )
- }
- case class UnknownParameterNameNamesDefaultError(arg: Tree, name: Name) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(arg) {
- def errMsg = "unknown parameter name: " + name
- }
- case class DoubleParamNamesDefaultError(arg: Tree, name: Name) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(arg) {
- def errMsg = "parameter specified twice: "+ name
- }
- case class PositionalAfterNamedNamesDefaultError(arg: Tree) extends ErrorTreeForwarder(arg) {
- def errMsg = "positional after named argument."
- }