path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Implicits.scala
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1 files changed, 12 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Implicits.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Implicits.scala
index fbe8cd77fb..b30ae917d9 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Implicits.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Implicits.scala
@@ -1405,13 +1405,15 @@ trait Implicits {
case None => Some("Missing argument `msg` on implicitNotFound annotation.")
+ //
+ private val Intersobralator = """\$\{\s*([^}\s]+)\s*\}""".r
class Message(sym: Symbol, msg: String) {
- //
- private def interpolate(text: String, vars: Map[String, String]) = {
- """\$\{([^}]+)\}""".r.replaceAllIn(text, (_: Regex.Match) match {
- case Regex.Groups(v) => java.util.regex.Matcher.quoteReplacement(vars.getOrElse(v, "")) // #3915: need to quote replacement string since it may include $'s (such as the interpreter's $iw)
- })}
+ private def interpolate(text: String, vars: Map[String, String]) =
+ Intersobralator.replaceAllIn(text, (_: Regex.Match) match {
+ case Regex.Groups(v) => Regex quoteReplacement vars.getOrElse(v, "")
+ // #3915: need to quote replacement string since it may include $'s (such as the interpreter's $iw)
+ })
private lazy val typeParamNames: List[String] =
@@ -1420,17 +1422,16 @@ trait Implicits {
interpolate(msg, Map((typeParamNames zip typeArgs): _*)) // TODO: give access to the name and type of the implicit argument, etc?
def validate: Option[String] = {
- // is there a shorter way to avoid the intermediate toList?
- val refs = """\$\{([^}]+)\}""".r.findAllIn(msg) group 1).toSet
+ val refs = Intersobralator.findAllMatchIn(msg).map(_ group 1).toSet
val decls = typeParamNames.toSet
(refs &~ decls) match {
case s if s.isEmpty => None
- case unboundNames =>
+ case unboundNames =>
val singular = unboundNames.size == 1
- Some("The type parameter"+( if(singular) " " else "s " )+ unboundNames.mkString(", ") +
- " referenced in the message of the @implicitNotFound annotation "+( if(singular) "is" else "are" )+
- " not defined by "+ sym +".")
+ val ess = if (singular) "" else "s"
+ val bee = if (singular) "is" else "are"
+ Some(s"The type parameter$ess ${unboundNames mkString ", "} referenced in the message of the @implicitNotFound annotation $bee not defined by $sym.")