path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Namers.scala
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diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Namers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Namers.scala
index 98dca1089c..99c1b6991e 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Namers.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Namers.scala
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ trait Namers extends MethodSynthesis {
def assignSymbol(tree: Tree): Symbol =
logAssignSymbol(tree, tree match {
case PackageDef(pid, _) => createPackageSymbol(tree.pos, pid)
- case Import(_, _) => createImportSymbol(tree)
+ case imp: Import => createImportSymbol(imp)
case mdef: MemberDef => createMemberSymbol(mdef,, -1L)
case _ => abort("Unexpected tree: " + tree)
@@ -319,6 +319,12 @@ trait Namers extends MethodSynthesis {
+ def createMethod(accessQual: MemberDef, name: TermName, pos: Position, flags: Long): MethodSymbol = {
+ val sym = owner.newMethod(name, pos, flags)
+ setPrivateWithin(accessQual, sym)
+ sym
+ }
private def logAssignSymbol(tree: Tree, sym: Symbol): Symbol = {
if (isPastTyper) match {
case nme.IMPORT | nme.OUTER | nme.ANON_CLASS_NAME | nme.ANON_FUN_NAME | nme.CONSTRUCTOR => ()
@@ -355,11 +361,9 @@ trait Namers extends MethodSynthesis {
else owner.newValue(name.toTermName, pos, flags)
- def createFieldSymbol(tree: ValDef): TermSymbol =
- owner.newValue(tree.localName, tree.pos, tree.mods.flags & FieldFlags | PrivateLocal)
- def createImportSymbol(tree: Tree) =
- NoSymbol.newImport(tree.pos) setInfo completerOf(tree)
+ def createImportSymbol(tree: Import) =
+ NoSymbol.newImport(tree.pos) setInfo (namerOf(tree.symbol) importTypeCompleter tree)
/** All PackageClassInfoTypes come from here. */
def createPackageSymbol(pos: Position, pid: RefTree): Symbol = {
@@ -632,7 +636,7 @@ trait Namers extends MethodSynthesis {
- def completerOf(tree: Tree): TypeCompleter = {
+ def completerOf(tree: MemberDef): TypeCompleter = {
val mono = namerOf(tree.symbol) monoTypeCompleter tree
val tparams = treeInfo.typeParameters(tree)
if (tparams.isEmpty) mono
@@ -666,25 +670,6 @@ trait Namers extends MethodSynthesis {
- def enterLazyVal(tree: ValDef, lazyAccessor: Symbol): TermSymbol = {
- // If the owner is not a class, this is a lazy val from a method,
- // with no associated field. It has an accessor with $lzy appended to its name and
- // its flags are set differently. The implicit flag is reset because otherwise
- // a local implicit "lazy val x" will create an ambiguity with itself
- // via "x$lzy" as can be seen in test #3927.
- val sym = (
- if (owner.isClass) createFieldSymbol(tree)
- else owner.newValue( append nme.LAZY_LOCAL, tree.pos, (tree.mods.flags | ARTIFACT) & ~IMPLICIT)
- )
- enterValSymbol(tree, sym setFlag MUTABLE setLazyAccessor lazyAccessor)
- }
- def enterStrictVal(tree: ValDef): TermSymbol = {
- enterValSymbol(tree, createFieldSymbol(tree))
- }
- def enterValSymbol(tree: ValDef, sym: TermSymbol): TermSymbol = {
- enterInScope(sym)
- sym setInfo namerOf(sym).monoTypeCompleter(tree)
- }
def enterPackage(tree: PackageDef) {
val sym = assignSymbol(tree)
newNamer(context.make(tree, sym.moduleClass, enterSyms tree.stats
@@ -771,7 +756,7 @@ trait Namers extends MethodSynthesis {
- def monoTypeCompleter(tree: Tree) = mkTypeCompleter(tree) { sym =>
+ def monoTypeCompleter(tree: MemberDef) = mkTypeCompleter(tree) { sym =>
// this early test is there to avoid infinite baseTypes when
// adding setters and getters --> bug798
// It is a def in an attempt to provide some insulation against
@@ -780,8 +765,9 @@ trait Namers extends MethodSynthesis {
// on these flag checks so it can't hurt.
def needsCycleCheck = sym.isNonClassType && !sym.isParameter && !sym.isExistential
- // logDefinition(sym) {
- val tp = typeSig(tree)
+ val annotations = annotSig(tree.mods.annotations)
+ val tp = typeSig(tree, annotations)
findCyclicalLowerBound(tp) andAlso { sym =>
if (needsCycleCheck) {
@@ -792,42 +778,140 @@ trait Namers extends MethodSynthesis {
- sym setInfo {
- if (sym.isJavaDefined) RestrictJavaArraysMap(tp)
- else tp
- }
+ sym.setInfo(if (!sym.isJavaDefined) tp else RestrictJavaArraysMap(tp))
if (needsCycleCheck) {
log(s"Needs cycle check: ${sym.debugLocationString}")
if (!typer.checkNonCyclic(tree.pos, tp))
sym setInfo ErrorType
- //}
- def moduleClassTypeCompleter(tree: ModuleDef) = {
- mkTypeCompleter(tree) { sym =>
- val moduleSymbol = tree.symbol
- assert(moduleSymbol.moduleClass == sym, moduleSymbol.moduleClass)
- // sets moduleClass info as a side effect.
- }
+ def moduleClassTypeCompleter(tree: ModuleDef) = mkTypeCompleter(tree) { sym =>
+ val moduleSymbol = tree.symbol
+ assert(moduleSymbol.moduleClass == sym, moduleSymbol.moduleClass)
+ // sets moduleClass info as a side effect.
+ }
+ def importTypeCompleter(imp: Import) = mkTypeCompleter(imp) { sym =>
+ sym setInfo importSig(imp)
+ }
+ import AnnotationInfo.{mkFilter => annotationFilter}
+ def valTypeCompleter(tree: ValDef) = mkTypeCompleter(tree) { sym =>
+ val annots =
+ if (tree.mods.annotations.isEmpty) Nil
+ else annotSig(tree.mods.annotations) filter annotationFilter(FieldTargetClass, !tree.mods.isParamAccessor)
+ sym setInfo typeSig(tree, annots)
+ validate(sym)
/* Explicit isSetter required for bean setters (beanSetterSym.isSetter is false) */
def accessorTypeCompleter(tree: ValDef, isSetter: Boolean) = mkTypeCompleter(tree) { sym =>
+ // println(s"triaging for ${sym.debugFlagString} $sym from $valAnnots to $annots")
// typeSig calls valDefSig (because tree: ValDef)
// sym is an accessor, while tree is the field (which may have the same symbol as the getter, or maybe it's the field)
- val sig = accessorSigFromFieldTp(sym, isSetter, typeSig(tree))
+ // TODO: can we make this work? typeSig is called on same tree (valdef) to complete info for field and all its accessors
+ // reuse work done in valTypeCompleter if we already computed the type signature of the val
+ // (assuming the field and accessor symbols are distinct -- i.e., we're not in a trait)
+// val valSig =
+// if ((sym ne tree.symbol) && tree.symbol.isInitialized)
+// else typeSig(tree, Nil) // don't set annotations for the valdef -- we just want to compute the type sig
+ val valSig = typeSig(tree, Nil) // don't set annotations for the valdef -- we just want to compute the type sig
+ val sig = accessorSigFromFieldTp(sym, isSetter, valSig)
+ val mods = tree.mods
+ if (mods.annotations.nonEmpty) {
+ val annotSigs = annotSig(mods.annotations)
+ // neg/t3403: check that we didn't get a sneaky type alias/renamed import that we couldn't detect because we only look at names during synthesis
+ // (TODO: can we look at symbols earlier?)
+ if (!((mods hasAnnotationNamed tpnme.BeanPropertyAnnot) || (mods hasAnnotationNamed tpnme.BooleanBeanPropertyAnnot))
+ && annotSigs.exists(ann => (ann.matches(BeanPropertyAttr)) || ann.matches(BooleanBeanPropertyAttr)))
+ BeanPropertyAnnotationLimitationError(tree)
+ sym setAnnotations (annotSigs filter filterAccessorAnnotations(isSetter))
+ }
sym setInfo pluginsTypeSigAccessor(sig, typer, tree, sym)
- private def accessorSigFromFieldTp(sym: global.Symbol, isSetter: Boolean, tp: global.Type): global.Type with Product with Serializable = {
- if (isSetter) MethodType(List(sym.newSyntheticValueParam(tp)), UnitTpe) else NullaryMethodType(tp)
+ /* Explicit isSetter required for bean setters (beanSetterSym.isSetter is false) */
+ def beanAccessorTypeCompleter(tree: ValDef, missingTpt: Boolean, isSetter: Boolean) = mkTypeCompleter(tree) { sym =>
+ context.unit.synthetics get sym match {
+ case Some(ddef: DefDef) =>
+ // sym is an accessor, while tree is the field (for traits it's actually the getter, and we're completing the setter)
+ // reuse work done in valTypeCompleter if we already computed the type signature of the val
+ // (assuming the field and accessor symbols are distinct -- i.e., we're not in a trait)
+ val valSig =
+ if ((sym ne tree.symbol) && tree.symbol.isInitialized)
+ else typeSig(tree, Nil) // don't set annotations for the valdef -- we just want to compute the type sig
+ // patch up the accessor's tree if the valdef's tpt was not known back when the tree was synthesized
+ if (missingTpt) { // can't look at tree.tpt here because it may have been completed by now
+ if (!isSetter) ddef.tpt setType valSig
+ else if (ddef.vparamss.nonEmpty && ddef.vparamss.head.nonEmpty) ddef.vparamss.head.head.tpt setType valSig
+ else throw new TypeError(tree.pos, s"Internal error: could not complete parameter/return type for $ddef from $sym")
+ }
+ val annots =
+ if (tree.mods.annotations.isEmpty) Nil
+ else annotSig(tree.mods.annotations) filter filterBeanAccessorAnnotations(isSetter)
+ val sig = typeSig(ddef, annots)
+ sym setInfo pluginsTypeSigAccessor(sig, typer, tree, sym)
+ validate(sym)
+ case _ =>
+ throw new TypeError(tree.pos, s"Internal error: no synthetic tree found for bean accessor $sym")
+ }
+ // see scala.annotation.meta's package class for more info
+ // Annotations on ValDefs can be targeted towards the following: field, getter, setter, beanGetter, beanSetter, param.
+ // The defaults are:
+ // - (`val`-, `var`- or plain) constructor parameter annotations end up on the parameter, not on any other entity.
+ // - val/var member annotations solely end up on the underlying field, except in traits (@since 2.12),
+ // where there is no field, and the getter thus holds annotations targeting both getter & field.
+ // As soon as there is a field/getter (in subclasses mixing in the trait), we triage the annotations.
+ //
+ // TODO: these defaults can be surprising for annotations not meant for accessors/fields -- should we revisit?
+ // (In order to have `@foo val X` result in the X getter being annotated with `@foo`, foo needs to be meta-annotated with @getter)
+ private def filterAccessorAnnotations(isSetter: Boolean): AnnotationInfo => Boolean =
+ if (isSetter || !owner.isTrait)
+ annotationFilter(if (isSetter) SetterTargetClass else GetterTargetClass, defaultRetention = false)
+ else (ann =>
+ annotationFilter(FieldTargetClass, defaultRetention = true)(ann) ||
+ annotationFilter(GetterTargetClass, defaultRetention = true)(ann))
+ private def filterBeanAccessorAnnotations(isSetter: Boolean): AnnotationInfo => Boolean =
+ if (isSetter || !owner.isTrait)
+ annotationFilter(if (isSetter) BeanSetterTargetClass else BeanGetterTargetClass, defaultRetention = false)
+ else (ann =>
+ annotationFilter(FieldTargetClass, defaultRetention = true)(ann) ||
+ annotationFilter(BeanGetterTargetClass, defaultRetention = true)(ann))
+ private def accessorSigFromFieldTp(sym: Symbol, isSetter: Boolean, tp: Type): Type =
+ if (isSetter) MethodType(List(sym.newSyntheticValueParam(tp)), UnitTpe)
+ else NullaryMethodType(tp)
def selfTypeCompleter(tree: Tree) = mkTypeCompleter(tree) { sym =>
val selftpe = typer.typedType(tree).tpe
sym setInfo {
@@ -1539,67 +1623,52 @@ trait Namers extends MethodSynthesis {
* is then assigned to the corresponding symbol (typeSig itself does not need to assign
* the type to the symbol, but it can if necessary).
- def typeSig(tree: Tree): Type = {
- // log("typeSig " + tree)
- /* For definitions, transform Annotation trees to AnnotationInfos, assign
- * them to the sym's annotations. Type annotations: see Typer.typedAnnotated
- * We have to parse definition annotations here (not in the typer when traversing
- * the MemberDef tree): the typer looks at annotations of certain symbols; if
- * they were added only in typer, depending on the compilation order, they may
- * or may not be visible.
- */
- def annotate(annotated: Symbol) = {
- // typeSig might be called multiple times, e.g. on a ValDef: val, getter, setter
- // parse the annotations only once.
- if (!annotated.isInitialized) tree match {
- case defn: MemberDef =>
- val ainfos = defn.mods.annotations filterNot (_ eq null) map { ann =>
- val ctx = typer.context
- val annCtx = ctx.makeNonSilent(ann)
- // need to be lazy, #1782. beforeTyper to allow inferView in annotation args, SI-5892.
- AnnotationInfo lazily {
- enteringTyper(newTyper(annCtx) typedAnnotation ann)
- }
- }
- if (ainfos.nonEmpty) {
- annotated setAnnotations ainfos
- if (annotated.isTypeSkolem)
- annotated.deSkolemize setAnnotations ainfos
- }
- case _ =>
+ def typeSig(tree: Tree, annotSigs: List[AnnotationInfo]): Type = {
+ if (annotSigs.nonEmpty) annotate(tree.symbol, annotSigs)
+ try tree match {
+ case member: MemberDef => createNamer(tree).memberSig(member)
+ case imp: Import => importSig(imp)
+ } catch typeErrorHandler(tree, ErrorType)
+ }
+ /* For definitions, transform Annotation trees to AnnotationInfos, assign
+ * them to the sym's annotations. Type annotations: see Typer.typedAnnotated
+ * We have to parse definition annotations here (not in the typer when traversing
+ * the MemberDef tree): the typer looks at annotations of certain symbols; if
+ * they were added only in typer, depending on the compilation order, they may
+ * or may not be visible.
+ */
+ def annotSig(annotations: List[Tree]): List[AnnotationInfo] =
+ annotations filterNot (_ eq null) map { ann =>
+ val ctx = typer.context
+ // need to be lazy, #1782. enteringTyper to allow inferView in annotation args, SI-5892.
+ AnnotationInfo lazily {
+ enteringTyper {
+ newTyper(ctx.makeNonSilent(ann)) typedAnnotation ann
+ }
- val sym: Symbol = tree.symbol
+ private def annotate(sym: Symbol, annotSigs: List[AnnotationInfo]): Unit = {
+ sym setAnnotations annotSigs
// TODO: meta-annotations to indicate where module annotations should go (module vs moduleClass)
- annotate(sym)
- if (sym.isModule) annotate(sym.moduleClass)
- def getSig = tree match {
- case cdef: ClassDef =>
- createNamer(tree).classSig(cdef)
- case mdef: ModuleDef =>
- createNamer(tree).moduleSig(mdef)
- case ddef: DefDef =>
- createNamer(tree).methodSig(ddef)
- case vdef: ValDef =>
- createNamer(tree).valDefSig(vdef)
- case tdef: TypeDef =>
- createNamer(tree).typeDefSig(tdef) //@M!
+ if (sym.isModule) sym.moduleClass setAnnotations annotSigs
+ else if (sym.isTypeSkolem) sym.deSkolemize setAnnotations annotSigs
+ }
- case imp: Import =>
- importSig(imp)
+ // TODO OPT: move to method on MemberDef?
+ private def memberSig(member: MemberDef) =
+ member match {
+ case ddef: DefDef => methodSig(ddef)
+ case vdef: ValDef => valDefSig(vdef)
+ case tdef: TypeDef => typeDefSig(tdef)
+ case cdef: ClassDef => classSig(cdef)
+ case mdef: ModuleDef => moduleSig(mdef)
+ // skip PackageDef
- try getSig
- catch typeErrorHandler(tree, ErrorType)
- }
def includeParent(tpe: Type, parent: Symbol): Type = tpe match {
case PolyType(tparams, restpe) =>
PolyType(tparams, includeParent(restpe, parent))