path: root/src/library/scala/reflect/api/Mirrors.scala
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diff --git a/src/library/scala/reflect/api/Mirrors.scala b/src/library/scala/reflect/api/Mirrors.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2fcee8f227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/library/scala/reflect/api/Mirrors.scala
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+package scala.reflect
+package api
+trait Mirrors { self: Universe =>
+ type RuntimeClass >: Null
+ // [Eugene++ to Martin] how do we reflect against inner classes?
+ // presumably, we should add `reflectClass` to both InstanceMirror (inner classes) and TemplateMirror (nested classes)
+ // in the former case, the resulting ClassMirror should remember the outer instance that spawned it to use it in reflective construction
+ // [Eugene] also, it might make sense to provide shortcuts for the API
+ //
+ // for example, right now to invoke the same method for several different instances, you need:
+ // 1) get the method symbol
+ // 2) get the instance mirror for every instance
+ // 3) call reflectMethod on the instance mirrors for every instance
+ // 4) call apply for every instance (okay, this can be united with step #3, but still)
+ //
+ // I have several suggestions that we can discuss later:
+ // 1) For every `reflectXXX(sym: Symbol): XXXMirror`, add `reflectXXX(name: String, types: Type*): XXXMirror` and `reflectXXXs(): List[XXXMirror]`
+ // 2) Provide a way to skip obtaining InstanceMirror (step #2 in the outline provided above)
+ // [Eugene] another improvement would be have mirrors reproduce the structure of the reflection domain
+ // e.g. a ClassMirror could also have a list of fields, methods, constructors and so on
+ // read up more on the proposed design in "Reflecting Scala" by Y. Coppel
+ /** A mirror that reflects a runtime value */
+ trait InstanceMirror {
+ /** The instance value reflected by this mirror */
+ def instance: Any
+ /** The mirror corresponding to the run-time class of the reflected instance. */
+ def reflectClass: ClassMirror
+ /** Get value of field in reflected instance.
+ * @field A field symbol that should represent a field of the instance class.
+ * @return The value associated with that field in the reflected instance
+ * @throws ???
+ */
+ def reflectField(field: TermSymbol): FieldMirror
+ /** Invokes a method on the reflected instance.
+ * @param meth A method symbol that should represent a method of the instance class
+ * @param args The arguments to pass to the method
+ * @return The result of invoking `meth(args)` on the reflected instance.
+ * @throws ???
+ */
+ def reflectMethod(method: MethodSymbol): MethodMirror
+ }
+ /** A mirror that reflects a field */
+ trait FieldMirror {
+ /** The object containing the field */
+ def receiver: AnyRef
+ /** The field symbol representing the field */
+ def field: TermSymbol
+ /** Retrieves the value stored in the field */
+ def get: Any
+ /** Updates the value stored in the field */
+ def set(value: Any): Unit
+ }
+ /** A mirror that reflects a method handle */
+ trait MethodMirror {
+ /** The receiver object of the method */
+ def receiver: AnyRef
+ /** The method symbol representing the method */
+ def method: MethodSymbol
+ /** The result of applying the method to the given arguments */
+ def apply(args: Any*): Any
+ }
+ /** A mirror that reflects the instance or static parts of a runtime class */
+ trait TemplateMirror {
+ /** The runtime class reflected by this mirror */
+ def runtimeClass: RuntimeClass
+ /** True if the mirror represents the static part
+ * if a runtime class or the companion object of a Scala class.
+ * One has:
+ *
+ * this.isStatic == this.isInstanceOf[ModuleMirror]
+ * !this.isStatic == this.isInstanceOf[ClassMirror]
+ */
+ def isStatic: Boolean
+ /** The Scala symbol corresponding to the reflected runtime class or module. */
+ def symbol: Symbol
+ // [Eugene++ to Martin] I've removed `typeSignature`, because we can obtain it via `symbol.typeSignature`
+ /** Optionally, the mirror of the companion reflected by this mirror.
+ * If this mirror reflects a Scala object, the mirror for the companion class, or None
+ * if the mirror represents a Scala object that comes without a class.
+ * Otherwise, if the mirror represents the static part of a runtime class, the
+ * mirror representing the instance part of the same class.
+ * Otherwise, if the mirror represents a Scala instance class, the mirror for the companion
+ * object of that class, or None if no such object exists.
+ * Otherwise, if the mirror represents a runtime instance class, a mirror representing the static
+ * part of the same class.
+ */
+ def companion: Option[TemplateMirror]
+ }
+ /** A mirror that reflects a Scala object definition or the static parts of a runtime class */
+ trait ModuleMirror extends TemplateMirror {
+ /** The Scala module symbol corresponding to the reflected module. */
+ override def symbol: ModuleSymbol
+ /** If the reflected runtime class corresponds to a Scala object definition,
+ * returns the single instance representing that object.
+ * If this mirror reflects the static part of a runtime class, returns `null`.
+ */
+ def instance: Any
+ /** Optionally, the mirror of the companion class if the object reflected by this mirror.
+ * If this mirror reflects a Scala object, the mirror for the companion class, or None
+ * if the mirror represents a Scala object that comes without a class.
+ * Otherwise, if the mirror represents the static part of a runtime class, the
+ * mirror representing the instance part of the same class.
+ */
+ def companion: Option[ClassMirror]
+ }
+ /** A mirror that reflects the instance parts of a runtime class */
+ trait ClassMirror extends TemplateMirror {
+ /** The Scala class symbol corresponding to the reflected class. */
+ override def symbol: ClassSymbol
+ /** Returns a fresh instance of by invoking that constructor.
+ * @throws InstantiationException if the class does not have a public
+ * constructor with an empty parameter list.
+ * @throws IllegalAccessException if the class or its constructor is not accessible.
+ * @throws ExceptionInInitializerError if the initialization of the constructor fails.
+ * @throws SecurityException if creating a new instance is not permitted.
+ */
+ def reflectConstructor(constructor: MethodSymbol): MethodMirror
+ /** Optionally, the mirror of the companion object of the class reflected by this mirror.
+ * If this mirror represents a Scala instance class, the mirror for the companion
+ * object of that class, or None if no such object exists.
+ * Otherwise, if the mirror represents a runtime instance class, a mirror representing the static
+ * part of the same class.
+ */
+ def companion: Option[ModuleMirror]
+ }
+ /** The API of a mirror for a reflective universe */
+ trait RuntimeMirror extends MirrorOf[Mirrors.this.type] { self =>
+ /** A reflective mirror for the given object
+ * @param obj An arbitrary value
+ * @return The mirror for `obj`.
+ */
+ def reflect(obj: Any): InstanceMirror
+ /** A reflective mirror for the given Runtime class
+ * @param runtimeClass A Runtime class object
+ * @return The mirror for `runtimeClass`
+ */
+ def reflectClass(runtimeClass: RuntimeClass): ClassMirror
+ /** A reflective mirror for the Runtime class with the given name in the
+ * current classloader.
+ * @param name The fully qualified name of the class
+ * @return The mirror for the runtime class with fully qualified name
+ * `name` in the current class loader.
+ * @throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException if no class with that name exists
+ * to do: throws anything else?
+ */
+ def reflectClass(fullName: String): ClassMirror
+ /** A reflective mirror for the given Runtime class
+ * @param runtimeClass A Runtime class object
+ * @return The mirror for `runtimeClass`
+ */
+ def reflectModule(runtimeClass: RuntimeClass): ModuleMirror
+ /** A reflective mirror for the Runtime class with the given name in the
+ * current classloader.
+ * @param name The fully qualified name of the class
+ * @return The mirror for the runtime class with fully qualified name
+ * `name` in the current class loader.
+ * @throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException if no class with that name exists
+ * to do: throws anything else?
+ */
+ def reflectModule(fullName: String): ModuleMirror
+ /** Maps a Scala type to the corresponding Java class object
+ */
+ def runtimeClass(tpe: Type): RuntimeClass
+ /** Maps a Scala class symbol to the corresponding Java class object
+ * @throws ClassNotFoundException if there is no Java class
+ * corresponding to the given Scala class symbol.
+ * Note: If the Scala symbol is ArrayClass, a ClassNotFound exception is thrown
+ * because there is no unique Java class corresponding to a Scala generic array
+ */
+ def runtimeClass(cls: ClassSymbol): RuntimeClass
+ }