path: root/src/library/scala/reflect/base/Base.scala
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/library/scala/reflect/base/Base.scala')
1 files changed, 763 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/library/scala/reflect/base/Base.scala b/src/library/scala/reflect/base/Base.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..461eaa2e9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/library/scala/reflect/base/Base.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+package scala.reflect
+package base
+import language.experimental.macros
+import scala.annotation.switch
+import scala.ref.WeakReference
+import collection.mutable
+class Base extends Universe { self =>
+ private var nextId = 0
+ abstract class Symbol(val name: Name, val flags: FlagSet) extends SymbolBase {
+ val id = { nextId += 1; nextId }
+ def owner: Symbol
+ def fullName: String =
+ if (isEffectiveRoot || owner.isEffectiveRoot) name.toString else owner.fullName + "." + name
+ private def isEffectiveRoot =
+ this == NoSymbol || this == rootMirror.RootClass || this == rootMirror.EmptyPackageClass
+ def newTermSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): TermSymbol =
+ new TermSymbol(this, name, flags)
+ def newModuleAndClassSymbol(name: Name, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): (ModuleSymbol, ClassSymbol) = {
+ val c = newClassSymbol(name.toTypeName, pos, flags)
+ val m = new ModuleSymbol(this, name.toTermName, flags, c)
+ (m, c)
+ }
+ def newMethodSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): MethodSymbol
+ = new MethodSymbol(this, name, flags)
+ def newTypeSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): TypeSymbol =
+ new TypeSymbol(this, name, flags)
+ def newClassSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): ClassSymbol =
+ new ClassSymbol(this, name, flags)
+ def newFreeTermSymbol(name: TermName, info: Type, value: => Any, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags, origin: String = null) =
+ new FreeTermSymbol(this, name, flags)
+ def newFreeTypeSymbol(name: TypeName, info: Type, value: => Any, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags, origin: String = null) =
+ new FreeTypeSymbol(this, name, flags)
+ private def kindString: String =
+ if (isModule) "module"
+ else if (isClass) "class"
+ else if (isFreeType) "free type"
+ else if (isType) "type"
+ else if (isMethod) "method"
+ else if (isFreeTerm) "free term"
+ else if (isTerm) "value"
+ else "symbol"
+ // [Eugene++ to Martin] base names should expose `decode`
+ override def toString() = s"$kindString $name"
+ }
+ implicit val SymbolTag = ClassTag[Symbol](classOf[Symbol])
+ class TermSymbol(val owner: Symbol, override val name: TermName, flags: FlagSet)
+ extends Symbol(name, flags) with TermSymbolBase
+ implicit val TermSymbolTag = ClassTag[TermSymbol](classOf[TermSymbol])
+ class TypeSymbol(val owner: Symbol, override val name: TypeName, flags: FlagSet)
+ extends Symbol(name, flags) with TypeSymbolBase {
+ override val asTypeConstructor = TypeRef(ThisType(owner), this, Nil)
+ }
+ implicit val TypeSymbolTag = ClassTag[TypeSymbol](classOf[TypeSymbol])
+ class MethodSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: TermName, flags: FlagSet)
+ extends TermSymbol(owner, name, flags) with MethodSymbolBase
+ implicit val MethodSymbolTag = ClassTag[MethodSymbol](classOf[MethodSymbol])
+ class ModuleSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: TermName, flags: FlagSet, override val moduleClass: Symbol)
+ extends TermSymbol(owner, name, flags) with ModuleSymbolBase
+ implicit val ModuleSymbolTag = ClassTag[ModuleSymbol](classOf[ModuleSymbol])
+ class ClassSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: TypeName, flags: FlagSet)
+ extends TypeSymbol(owner, name, flags) with ClassSymbolBase
+ implicit val ClassSymbolTag = ClassTag[ClassSymbol](classOf[ClassSymbol])
+ class FreeTermSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: TermName, flags: FlagSet)
+ extends TermSymbol(owner, name, flags) with FreeTermSymbolBase
+ implicit val FreeTermSymbolTag = ClassTag[FreeTermSymbol](classOf[FreeTermSymbol])
+ class FreeTypeSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: TypeName, flags: FlagSet)
+ extends TypeSymbol(owner, name, flags) with FreeTypeSymbolBase
+ implicit val FreeTypeSymbolTag = ClassTag[FreeTypeSymbol](classOf[FreeTypeSymbol])
+ object NoSymbol extends Symbol(nme.NO_NAME, NoFlags) {
+ override def owner = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("NoSymbol.owner")
+ }
+ // todo. write a decent toString that doesn't crash on recursive types
+ class Type extends TypeBase { def typeSymbol: Symbol = NoSymbol }
+ implicit val TypeTagg = ClassTag[Type](classOf[Type])
+ val NoType = new Type
+ val NoPrefix = new Type
+ class SingletonType extends Type
+ implicit val SingletonTypeTag = ClassTag[SingletonType](classOf[SingletonType])
+ case class ThisType(sym: Symbol) extends SingletonType { override val typeSymbol = sym }
+ object ThisType extends ThisTypeExtractor
+ implicit val ThisTypeTag = ClassTag[ThisType](classOf[ThisType])
+ case class SingleType(pre: Type, sym: Symbol) extends SingletonType
+ object SingleType extends SingleTypeExtractor
+ implicit val SingleTypeTag = ClassTag[SingleType](classOf[SingleType])
+ case class SuperType(thistpe: Type, supertpe: Type) extends SingletonType
+ object SuperType extends SuperTypeExtractor
+ implicit val SuperTypeTag = ClassTag[SuperType](classOf[SuperType])
+ case class ConstantType(value: Constant) extends SingletonType
+ object ConstantType extends ConstantTypeExtractor
+ implicit val ConstantTypeTag = ClassTag[ConstantType](classOf[ConstantType])
+ case class TypeRef(pre: Type, sym: Symbol, args: List[Type]) extends Type { override val typeSymbol = sym }
+ object TypeRef extends TypeRefExtractor
+ implicit val TypeRefTag = ClassTag[TypeRef](classOf[TypeRef])
+ abstract class CompoundType extends Type
+ implicit val CompoundTypeTag = ClassTag[CompoundType](classOf[CompoundType])
+ case class RefinedType(parents: List[Type], decls: Scope) extends CompoundType
+ object RefinedType extends RefinedTypeExtractor {
+ def apply(parents: List[Type], decls: Scope, clazz: Symbol): RefinedType =
+ RefinedType(parents, decls)
+ }
+ implicit val RefinedTypeTag = ClassTag[RefinedType](classOf[RefinedType])
+ case class ClassInfoType(parents: List[Type], decls: Scope, override val typeSymbol: Symbol) extends CompoundType
+ object ClassInfoType extends ClassInfoTypeExtractor
+ implicit val ClassInfoTypeTag = ClassTag[ClassInfoType](classOf[ClassInfoType])
+ case class MethodType(params: List[Symbol], resultType: Type) extends Type
+ object MethodType extends MethodTypeExtractor
+ implicit val MethodTypeTag = ClassTag[MethodType](classOf[MethodType])
+ case class NullaryMethodType(resultType: Type) extends Type
+ object NullaryMethodType extends NullaryMethodTypeExtractor
+ implicit val NullaryMethodTypeTag = ClassTag[NullaryMethodType](classOf[NullaryMethodType])
+ case class PolyType(typeParams: List[Symbol], resultType: Type) extends Type
+ object PolyType extends PolyTypeExtractor
+ implicit val PolyTypeTag = ClassTag[PolyType](classOf[PolyType])
+ case class ExistentialType(quantified: List[Symbol], underlying: Type) extends Type { override def typeSymbol = underlying.typeSymbol }
+ object ExistentialType extends ExistentialTypeExtractor
+ implicit val ExistentialTypeTag = ClassTag[ExistentialType](classOf[ExistentialType])
+ case class AnnotatedType(annotations: List[AnnotationInfo], underlying: Type, selfsym: Symbol) extends Type { override def typeSymbol = underlying.typeSymbol }
+ object AnnotatedType extends AnnotatedTypeExtractor
+ implicit val AnnotatedTypeTag = ClassTag[AnnotatedType](classOf[AnnotatedType])
+ case class TypeBounds(lo: Type, hi: Type) extends Type
+ object TypeBounds extends TypeBoundsExtractor
+ implicit val TypeBoundsTag = ClassTag[TypeBounds](classOf[TypeBounds])
+ val WildcardType = new Type
+ case class BoundedWildcardType(bounds: TypeBounds) extends Type
+ object BoundedWildcardType extends BoundedWildcardTypeExtractor
+ implicit val BoundedWildcardTypeTag = ClassTag[BoundedWildcardType](classOf[BoundedWildcardType])
+ type Scope = Iterable[Symbol]
+ implicit val ScopeTag = ClassTag[Scope](classOf[Scope])
+ def newScope = newScopeWith()
+ def newNestedScope(outer: Iterable[Symbol]) = newScope
+ def newScopeWith(elems: Symbol*): Scope = elems
+ abstract class Name(str: String) extends NameBase {
+ override def toString = str
+ }
+ implicit val NameTag = ClassTag[Name](classOf[Name])
+ class TermName(str: String) extends Name(str) {
+ def isTermName = true
+ def isTypeName = false
+ def toTermName = this
+ def toTypeName = new TypeName(str)
+ }
+ implicit val TermNameTag = ClassTag[TermName](classOf[TermName])
+ class TypeName(str: String) extends Name(str) {
+ def isTermName = false
+ def isTypeName = true
+ def toTermName = new TermName(str)
+ def toTypeName = this
+ }
+ implicit val TypeNameTag = ClassTag[TypeName](classOf[TypeName])
+ def newTermName(str: String) = new TermName(str)
+ def newTypeName(str: String) = new TypeName(str)
+ object nme extends TermNamesBase {
+ type NameType = TermName
+ val EMPTY = newTermName("")
+ val ROOT = newTermName("<root>")
+ val EMPTY_PACKAGE_NAME = newTermName("<empty>")
+ val CONSTRUCTOR = newTermName("<init>")
+ val NO_NAME = newTermName("<none>")
+ val WILDCARD = newTermName("_")
+ }
+ object tpnme extends TypeNamesBase {
+ type NameType = TypeName
+ val EMPTY = nme.EMPTY.toTypeName
+ val ROOT = nme.ROOT.toTypeName
+ val WILDCARD = nme.WILDCARD.toTypeName
+ }
+ type FlagSet = Long
+ val NoFlags = 0L
+ implicit val FlagSetTag = ClassTag[FlagSet](classOf[FlagSet])
+ class Modifiers(override val flags: FlagSet,
+ override val privateWithin: Name,
+ override val annotations: List[Tree]) extends ModifiersBase {
+ def hasFlag(flags: FlagSet) = (this.flags & flags) != 0
+ def hasAllFlags(flags: FlagSet) = (flags & ~this.flags) == 0
+ }
+ implicit val ModifiersTag = ClassTag[Modifiers](classOf[Modifiers])
+ object Modifiers extends ModifiersCreator {
+ def apply(flags: Long,
+ privateWithin: Name,
+ annotations: List[Tree]) = new Modifiers(flags, privateWithin, annotations)
+ }
+ case class Constant(value: Any)
+ object Constant extends ConstantExtractor
+ implicit val ConstantTag = ClassTag[Constant](classOf[Constant])
+ case class AnnotationInfo(atp: Type, args: List[Tree], assocs: List[(Name, ClassfileAnnotArg)])
+ object AnnotationInfo extends AnnotationInfoExtractor
+ implicit val AnnotationInfoTag = ClassTag[AnnotationInfo](classOf[AnnotationInfo])
+ abstract class ClassfileAnnotArg
+ implicit val ClassfileAnnotArgTag = ClassTag[ClassfileAnnotArg](classOf[ClassfileAnnotArg])
+ case class LiteralAnnotArg(const: Constant) extends ClassfileAnnotArg
+ object LiteralAnnotArg extends LiteralAnnotArgExtractor
+ implicit val LiteralAnnotArgTag = ClassTag[LiteralAnnotArg](classOf[LiteralAnnotArg])
+ case class ArrayAnnotArg(args: Array[ClassfileAnnotArg]) extends ClassfileAnnotArg
+ object ArrayAnnotArg extends ArrayAnnotArgExtractor
+ implicit val ArrayAnnotArgTag = ClassTag[ArrayAnnotArg](classOf[ArrayAnnotArg])
+ case class NestedAnnotArg(annInfo: AnnotationInfo) extends ClassfileAnnotArg
+ object NestedAnnotArg extends NestedAnnotArgExtractor
+ implicit val NestedAnnotArgTag = ClassTag[NestedAnnotArg](classOf[NestedAnnotArg])
+ class Position extends Attachments {
+ override type Pos = Position
+ def pos = this
+ def withPos(newPos: Position) = newPos
+ def isRange = false
+ def focus = this
+ }
+ implicit val PositionTag = ClassTag[Position](classOf[Position])
+ val NoPosition = new Position
+ def atPos[T <: Tree](pos: Position)(tree: T): T = tree
+ private val generated = new mutable.HashMap[String, WeakReference[Symbol]]
+ private def cached(name: String)(symExpr: => Symbol): Symbol =
+ generated get name match {
+ case Some(WeakReference(sym)) =>
+ sym
+ case _ =>
+ val sym = symExpr
+ generated(name) = WeakReference(sym)
+ sym
+ }
+ object build extends BuildBase {
+ def selectType(owner: Symbol, name: String): TypeSymbol = {
+ val clazz = new ClassSymbol(owner, newTypeName(name), NoFlags)
+ cached(clazz.fullName)(clazz).asTypeSymbol
+ }
+ def selectTerm(owner: Symbol, name: String): TermSymbol = {
+ val valu = new MethodSymbol(owner, newTermName(name), NoFlags)
+ cached(valu.fullName)(valu).asTermSymbol
+ }
+ def selectOverloadedMethod(owner: Symbol, name: String, index: Int): MethodSymbol =
+ selectTerm(owner, name).asMethodSymbol
+ def newNestedSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: Name, pos: Position, flags: Long, isClass: Boolean): Symbol =
+ if (name.isTypeName)
+ if (isClass) new ClassSymbol(owner, name.toTypeName, flags)
+ else new TypeSymbol(owner, name.toTypeName, flags)
+ else new TermSymbol(owner, name.toTermName, flags)
+ def newFreeTerm(name: String, info: Type, value: => Any, flags: Long = 0L, origin: String = null): FreeTermSymbol =
+ new FreeTermSymbol(rootMirror.RootClass, newTermName(name), flags)
+ def newFreeType(name: String, info: Type, value: => Any, flags: Long = 0L, origin: String = null): FreeTypeSymbol =
+ new FreeTypeSymbol(rootMirror.RootClass, newTypeName(name), flags)
+ def newFreeExistential(name: String, info: Type, value: => Any, flags: Long = 0L, origin: String = null): FreeTypeSymbol =
+ new FreeTypeSymbol(rootMirror.RootClass, newTypeName(name), flags)
+ def setTypeSignature[S <: Symbol](sym: S, tpe: Type): S = sym
+ def setAnnotations[S <: Symbol](sym: S, annots: List[AnnotationInfo]): S = sym
+ def flagsFromBits(bits: Long): FlagSet = bits
+ object emptyValDef extends ValDef(NoMods, nme.WILDCARD, TypeTree(NoType), EmptyTree) {
+ override def isEmpty = true
+ }
+ def This(sym: Symbol): Tree = self.This(
+ def Select(qualifier: Tree, sym: Symbol): Select = self.Select(qualifier,
+ def Ident(sym: Symbol): Ident = self.Ident(
+ def TypeTree(tp: Type): TypeTree = self.TypeTree()
+ def thisPrefix(sym: Symbol): Type = SingleType(NoPrefix, sym)
+ def setType[T <: Tree](tree: T, tpe: Type): T = tree
+ def setSymbol[T <: Tree](tree: T, sym: Symbol): T = tree
+ }
+ import build._
+ class Mirror extends MirrorOf[self.type] {
+ val universe: self.type = self
+ lazy val RootClass = new ClassSymbol(NoSymbol, tpnme.ROOT, NoFlags)
+ lazy val RootPackage = new ModuleSymbol(NoSymbol, nme.ROOT, NoFlags, RootClass)
+ lazy val EmptyPackageClass = new ClassSymbol(RootClass, tpnme.EMPTY_PACKAGE_NAME, NoFlags)
+ lazy val EmptyPackage = new ModuleSymbol(RootClass, nme.EMPTY_PACKAGE_NAME, NoFlags, EmptyPackageClass)
+ def staticClass(fullName: String): ClassSymbol =
+ mkStatic[ClassSymbol](fullName)
+ def staticModule(fullName: String): ModuleSymbol =
+ mkStatic[ModuleSymbol](fullName)
+ private def mkStatic[S <: Symbol : ClassTag](fullName: String): S =
+ cached(fullName) {
+ val point = fullName lastIndexOf '.'
+ val owner =
+ if (point > 0) staticModule(fullName take point).moduleClass
+ else rootMirror.RootClass
+ val name = fullName drop point + 1
+ val symtag = implicitly[ClassTag[S]]
+ if (symtag == ClassSymbolTag) new ClassSymbol(owner, newTypeName(name), NoFlags)
+ else owner.newModuleAndClassSymbol(newTermName(name))._1
+ }.asInstanceOf[S]
+ }
+ lazy val rootMirror = new Mirror
+ import rootMirror._
+ object definitions extends DefinitionsBase {
+ lazy val ScalaPackage = staticModule("scala")
+ lazy val ScalaPackageClass = ScalaPackage.moduleClass.asClassSymbol
+ lazy val AnyClass = staticClass("scala.Any")
+ lazy val AnyValClass = staticClass("scala.Any")
+ lazy val ObjectClass = staticClass("java.lang.Object")
+ lazy val AnyRefClass = ObjectClass
+ lazy val NullClass = staticClass("scala.Null")
+ lazy val NothingClass = staticClass("scala.Nothing")
+ lazy val UnitClass = staticClass("scala.Unit")
+ lazy val ByteClass = staticClass("scala.Byte")
+ lazy val ShortClass = staticClass("scala.Short")
+ lazy val CharClass = staticClass("scala.Char")
+ lazy val IntClass = staticClass("scala.Int")
+ lazy val LongClass = staticClass("scala.Long")
+ lazy val FloatClass = staticClass("scala.Float")
+ lazy val DoubleClass = staticClass("scala.Double")
+ lazy val BooleanClass = staticClass("scala.Boolean")
+ lazy val StringClass = staticClass("java.lang.String")
+ lazy val ClassClass = staticClass("java.lang.Class")
+ lazy val ArrayClass = staticClass("scala.Array")
+ lazy val ListClass = staticClass("scala.List")
+ lazy val PredefModule = staticModule("scala.Predef")
+ }
+ import definitions._
+ private def thisModuleType(fullName: String): Type = ThisType(staticModule(fullName).moduleClass)
+ private lazy val ScalaPrefix = thisModuleType("scala")
+ private lazy val JavaLangPrefix = thisModuleType("java.lang")
+ lazy val ByteTpe = TypeRef(ScalaPrefix, ByteClass, Nil)
+ lazy val ShortTpe = TypeRef(ScalaPrefix, ShortClass, Nil)
+ lazy val CharTpe = TypeRef(ScalaPrefix, CharClass, Nil)
+ lazy val IntTpe = TypeRef(ScalaPrefix, IntClass, Nil)
+ lazy val LongTpe = TypeRef(ScalaPrefix, LongClass, Nil)
+ lazy val FloatTpe = TypeRef(ScalaPrefix, FloatClass, Nil)
+ lazy val DoubleTpe = TypeRef(ScalaPrefix, DoubleClass, Nil)
+ lazy val BooleanTpe = TypeRef(ScalaPrefix, BooleanClass, Nil)
+ lazy val UnitTpe = TypeRef(ScalaPrefix, UnitClass, Nil)
+ lazy val AnyTpe = TypeRef(ScalaPrefix, AnyClass, Nil)
+ lazy val AnyValTpe = TypeRef(ScalaPrefix, AnyValClass, Nil)
+ lazy val NothingTpe = TypeRef(ScalaPrefix, NothingClass, Nil)
+ lazy val NullTpe = TypeRef(ScalaPrefix, NullClass, Nil)
+ lazy val ObjectTpe = TypeRef(JavaLangPrefix, ObjectClass, Nil)
+ lazy val AnyRefTpe = ObjectTpe
+ lazy val StringTpe = TypeRef(JavaLangPrefix, StringClass, Nil)
+ private var nodeCount = 0 // not synchronized
+ abstract class Tree extends TreeBase with Product {
+ def isDef: Boolean = false
+ def isEmpty: Boolean = false
+ /** The canonical way to test if a Tree represents a term.
+ */
+ def isTerm: Boolean = this match {
+ case _: TermTree => true
+ case Bind(name, _) => name.isTermName
+ case Select(_, name) => name.isTermName
+ case Ident(name) => name.isTermName
+ case Annotated(_, arg) => arg.isTerm
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ /** The canonical way to test if a Tree represents a type.
+ */
+ def isType: Boolean = this match {
+ case _: TypTree => true
+ case Bind(name, _) => name.isTypeName
+ case Select(_, name) => name.isTypeName
+ case Ident(name) => name.isTypeName
+ case Annotated(_, arg) => arg.isType
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ }
+ def show(tree: Tree) = s"<tree ${tree.getClass}>"
+ trait TermTree extends Tree
+ trait TypTree extends Tree
+ trait SymTree extends Tree
+ trait NameTree extends Tree {
+ def name: Name
+ }
+ trait RefTree extends SymTree with NameTree {
+ def qualifier: Tree // empty for Idents
+ def name: Name
+ }
+ abstract class DefTree extends SymTree with NameTree {
+ def name: Name
+ override def isDef = true
+ }
+ case object EmptyTree extends TermTree {
+ override def isEmpty = true
+ }
+ abstract class MemberDef extends DefTree {
+ def mods: Modifiers
+ }
+ case class PackageDef(pid: RefTree, stats: List[Tree])
+ extends MemberDef {
+ def name =
+ def mods = NoMods
+ }
+ object PackageDef extends PackageDefExtractor
+ abstract class ImplDef extends MemberDef {
+ def impl: Template
+ }
+ case class ClassDef(mods: Modifiers, name: TypeName, tparams: List[TypeDef], impl: Template)
+ extends ImplDef
+ object ClassDef extends ClassDefExtractor
+ case class ModuleDef(mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, impl: Template)
+ extends ImplDef
+ object ModuleDef extends ModuleDefExtractor
+ abstract class ValOrDefDef extends MemberDef {
+ val name: Name
+ val tpt: Tree
+ val rhs: Tree
+ }
+ case class ValDef(mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree) extends ValOrDefDef
+ object ValDef extends ValDefExtractor
+ case class DefDef(mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef],
+ vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree) extends ValOrDefDef
+ object DefDef extends DefDefExtractor
+ case class TypeDef(mods: Modifiers, name: TypeName, tparams: List[TypeDef], rhs: Tree)
+ extends MemberDef
+ object TypeDef extends TypeDefExtractor
+ case class LabelDef(name: TermName, params: List[Ident], rhs: Tree)
+ extends DefTree with TermTree
+ object LabelDef extends LabelDefExtractor
+ case class ImportSelector(name: Name, namePos: Int, rename: Name, renamePos: Int)
+ object ImportSelector extends ImportSelectorExtractor
+ case class Import(expr: Tree, selectors: List[ImportSelector])
+ extends SymTree
+ object Import extends ImportExtractor
+ case class Template(parents: List[Tree], self: ValDef, body: List[Tree])
+ extends SymTree
+ object Template extends TemplateExtractor
+ case class Block(stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree)
+ extends TermTree
+ object Block extends BlockExtractor
+ case class CaseDef(pat: Tree, guard: Tree, body: Tree)
+ extends Tree
+ object CaseDef extends CaseDefExtractor
+ case class Alternative(trees: List[Tree])
+ extends TermTree
+ object Alternative extends AlternativeExtractor
+ case class Star(elem: Tree)
+ extends TermTree
+ object Star extends StarExtractor
+ case class Bind(name: Name, body: Tree)
+ extends DefTree
+ object Bind extends BindExtractor
+ case class UnApply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree])
+ extends TermTree
+ object UnApply extends UnApplyExtractor
+ case class ArrayValue(elemtpt: Tree, elems: List[Tree])
+ extends TermTree
+ object ArrayValue extends ArrayValueExtractor
+ case class Function(vparams: List[ValDef], body: Tree)
+ extends TermTree with SymTree
+ object Function extends FunctionExtractor
+ case class Assign(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree)
+ extends TermTree
+ object Assign extends AssignExtractor
+ case class AssignOrNamedArg(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree)
+ extends TermTree
+ object AssignOrNamedArg extends AssignOrNamedArgExtractor
+ case class If(cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree)
+ extends TermTree
+ object If extends IfExtractor
+ case class Match(selector: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef])
+ extends TermTree
+ object Match extends MatchExtractor
+ case class Return(expr: Tree)
+ extends TermTree with SymTree
+ object Return extends ReturnExtractor
+ case class Try(block: Tree, catches: List[CaseDef], finalizer: Tree)
+ extends TermTree
+ object Try extends TryExtractor
+ case class Throw(expr: Tree)
+ extends TermTree
+ object Throw extends ThrowExtractor
+ case class New(tpt: Tree) extends TermTree
+ object New extends NewExtractor
+ case class Typed(expr: Tree, tpt: Tree)
+ extends TermTree
+ object Typed extends TypedExtractor
+ abstract class GenericApply extends TermTree {
+ val fun: Tree
+ val args: List[Tree]
+ }
+ case class TypeApply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree])
+ extends GenericApply
+ object TypeApply extends TypeApplyExtractor
+ case class Apply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree])
+ extends GenericApply
+ object Apply extends ApplyExtractor
+ case class ApplyDynamic(qual: Tree, args: List[Tree])
+ extends TermTree with SymTree
+ object ApplyDynamic extends ApplyDynamicExtractor
+ case class Super(qual: Tree, mix: TypeName) extends TermTree
+ object Super extends SuperExtractor
+ case class This(qual: TypeName)
+ extends TermTree with SymTree
+ object This extends ThisExtractor
+ case class Select(qualifier: Tree, name: Name)
+ extends RefTree
+ object Select extends SelectExtractor
+ case class Ident(name: Name) extends RefTree {
+ def qualifier: Tree = EmptyTree
+ }
+ object Ident extends IdentExtractor
+ case class ReferenceToBoxed(ident: Ident) extends TermTree
+ object ReferenceToBoxed extends ReferenceToBoxedExtractor
+ case class Literal(value: Constant)
+ extends TermTree {
+ assert(value ne null)
+ }
+ object Literal extends LiteralExtractor
+ case class Annotated(annot: Tree, arg: Tree) extends Tree
+ object Annotated extends AnnotatedExtractor
+ case class SingletonTypeTree(ref: Tree)
+ extends TypTree
+ object SingletonTypeTree extends SingletonTypeTreeExtractor
+ case class SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier: Tree, name: TypeName)
+ extends TypTree with RefTree
+ object SelectFromTypeTree extends SelectFromTypeTreeExtractor
+ case class CompoundTypeTree(templ: Template)
+ extends TypTree
+ object CompoundTypeTree extends CompoundTypeTreeExtractor
+ case class AppliedTypeTree(tpt: Tree, args: List[Tree])
+ extends TypTree
+ object AppliedTypeTree extends AppliedTypeTreeExtractor
+ case class TypeBoundsTree(lo: Tree, hi: Tree)
+ extends TypTree
+ object TypeBoundsTree extends TypeBoundsTreeExtractor
+ case class ExistentialTypeTree(tpt: Tree, whereClauses: List[Tree])
+ extends TypTree
+ object ExistentialTypeTree extends ExistentialTypeTreeExtractor
+ case class TypeTree() extends TypTree {
+ val original: Tree = null
+ override def isEmpty = true
+ }
+ object TypeTree extends TypeTreeExtractor
+ implicit val TreeTag = ClassTag[Tree](classOf[Tree])
+ implicit val TermTreeTag = ClassTag[TermTree](classOf[TermTree])
+ implicit val TypTreeTag = ClassTag[TypTree](classOf[TypTree])
+ implicit val SymTreeTag = ClassTag[SymTree](classOf[SymTree])
+ implicit val NameTreeTag = ClassTag[NameTree](classOf[NameTree])
+ implicit val RefTreeTag = ClassTag[RefTree](classOf[RefTree])
+ implicit val DefTreeTag = ClassTag[DefTree](classOf[DefTree])
+ implicit val MemberDefTag = ClassTag[MemberDef](classOf[MemberDef])
+ implicit val PackageDefTag = ClassTag[PackageDef](classOf[PackageDef])
+ implicit val ImplDefTag = ClassTag[ImplDef](classOf[ImplDef])
+ implicit val ClassDefTag = ClassTag[ClassDef](classOf[ClassDef])
+ implicit val ModuleDefTag = ClassTag[ModuleDef](classOf[ModuleDef])
+ implicit val ValOrDefDefTag = ClassTag[ValOrDefDef](classOf[ValOrDefDef])
+ implicit val ValDefTag = ClassTag[ValDef](classOf[ValDef])
+ implicit val DefDefTag = ClassTag[DefDef](classOf[DefDef])
+ implicit val TypeDefTag = ClassTag[TypeDef](classOf[TypeDef])
+ implicit val LabelDefTag = ClassTag[LabelDef](classOf[LabelDef])
+ implicit val ImportSelectorTag = ClassTag[ImportSelector](classOf[ImportSelector])
+ implicit val ImportTag = ClassTag[Import](classOf[Import])
+ implicit val TemplateTag = ClassTag[Template](classOf[Template])
+ implicit val BlockTag = ClassTag[Block](classOf[Block])
+ implicit val CaseDefTag = ClassTag[CaseDef](classOf[CaseDef])
+ implicit val AlternativeTag = ClassTag[Alternative](classOf[Alternative])
+ implicit val StarTag = ClassTag[Star](classOf[Star])
+ implicit val BindTag = ClassTag[Bind](classOf[Bind])
+ implicit val UnApplyTag = ClassTag[UnApply](classOf[UnApply])
+ implicit val ArrayValueTag = ClassTag[ArrayValue](classOf[ArrayValue])
+ implicit val FunctionTag = ClassTag[Function](classOf[Function])
+ implicit val AssignTag = ClassTag[Assign](classOf[Assign])
+ implicit val AssignOrNamedArgTag = ClassTag[AssignOrNamedArg](classOf[AssignOrNamedArg])
+ implicit val IfTag = ClassTag[If](classOf[If])
+ implicit val MatchTag = ClassTag[Match](classOf[Match])
+ implicit val ReturnTag = ClassTag[Return](classOf[Return])
+ implicit val TryTag = ClassTag[Try](classOf[Try])
+ implicit val ThrowTag = ClassTag[Throw](classOf[Throw])
+ implicit val NewTag = ClassTag[New](classOf[New])
+ implicit val TypedTag = ClassTag[Typed](classOf[Typed])
+ implicit val GenericApplyTag = ClassTag[GenericApply](classOf[GenericApply])
+ implicit val TypeApplyTag = ClassTag[TypeApply](classOf[TypeApply])
+ implicit val ApplyTag = ClassTag[Apply](classOf[Apply])
+ implicit val ApplyDynamicTag = ClassTag[ApplyDynamic](classOf[ApplyDynamic])
+ implicit val SuperTag = ClassTag[Super](classOf[Super])
+ implicit val ThisTag = ClassTag[This](classOf[This])
+ implicit val SelectTag = ClassTag[Select](classOf[Select])
+ implicit val IdentTag = ClassTag[Ident](classOf[Ident])
+ implicit val ReferenceToBoxedTag = ClassTag[ReferenceToBoxed](classOf[ReferenceToBoxed])
+ implicit val LiteralTag = ClassTag[Literal](classOf[Literal])
+ implicit val AnnotatedTag = ClassTag[Annotated](classOf[Annotated])
+ implicit val SingletonTypeTreeTag = ClassTag[SingletonTypeTree](classOf[SingletonTypeTree])
+ implicit val SelectFromTypeTreeTag = ClassTag[SelectFromTypeTree](classOf[SelectFromTypeTree])
+ implicit val CompoundTypeTreeTag = ClassTag[CompoundTypeTree](classOf[CompoundTypeTree])
+ implicit val AppliedTypeTreeTag = ClassTag[AppliedTypeTree](classOf[AppliedTypeTree])
+ implicit val TypeBoundsTreeTag = ClassTag[TypeBoundsTree](classOf[TypeBoundsTree])
+ implicit val ExistentialTypeTreeTag = ClassTag[ExistentialTypeTree](classOf[ExistentialTypeTree])
+ implicit val TypeTreeTag = ClassTag[TypeTree](classOf[TypeTree])
+ // [Eugene++] to be removed after SI-5863 is fixed
+ def ClassDef(sym: Symbol, impl: Template): ClassDef = ???
+ def ModuleDef(sym: Symbol, impl: Template): ModuleDef = ???
+ def ValDef(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree): ValDef = ???
+ def ValDef(sym: Symbol): ValDef = ???
+ def DefDef(sym: Symbol, mods: Modifiers, vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], rhs: Tree): DefDef = ???
+ def DefDef(sym: Symbol, vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], rhs: Tree): DefDef = ???
+ def DefDef(sym: Symbol, mods: Modifiers, rhs: Tree): DefDef = ???
+ def DefDef(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree): DefDef = ???
+ def DefDef(sym: Symbol, rhs: List[List[Symbol]] => Tree): DefDef = ???
+ def TypeDef(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree): TypeDef = ???
+ def TypeDef(sym: Symbol): TypeDef = ???
+ def LabelDef(sym: Symbol, params: List[Symbol], rhs: Tree): LabelDef = ???
+ def CaseDef(pat: Tree, body: Tree): CaseDef = ???
+ def Bind(sym: Symbol, body: Tree): Bind = ???
+ def Try(body: Tree, cases: (Tree, Tree)*): Try = ???
+ def Throw(tpe: Type, args: Tree*): Throw = ???
+ def Apply(sym: Symbol, args: Tree*): Tree = ???
+ def New(tpt: Tree, argss: List[List[Tree]]): Tree = ???
+ def New(tpe: Type, args: Tree*): Tree = ???
+ def New(sym: Symbol, args: Tree*): Tree = ???
+ def ApplyConstructor(tpt: Tree, args: List[Tree]): Tree = ???
+ def Super(sym: Symbol, mix: TypeName): Tree = ???
+ def This(sym: Symbol): Tree = ???
+ def Select(qualifier: Tree, name: String): Select = ???
+ def Select(qualifier: Tree, sym: Symbol): Select = ???
+ def Ident(name: String): Ident = ???
+ def Ident(sym: Symbol): Ident = ???
+ def Block(stats: Tree*): Block = ???
+ def TypeTree(tp: Type): TypeTree = ???