path: root/src/partest-alternative/scala/tools/partest/Config.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/partest-alternative/scala/tools/partest/Config.scala')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/partest-alternative/scala/tools/partest/Config.scala b/src/partest-alternative/scala/tools/partest/Config.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..288a3034e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/partest-alternative/scala/tools/partest/Config.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+/* NEST (New Scala Test)
+ * Copyright 2007-2010 LAMP/EPFL
+ */
+package partest
+import io._
+import Properties._
+trait Config {
+ universe: Universe =>
+ lazy val src = absolutize(srcDir).toDirectory
+ lazy val build = new TestBuild()
+ def javaHomeEnv = envOrElse("JAVA_HOME", null)
+ def javaCmd = envOrElse("JAVACMD", "java")
+ def javacCmd = Option(javaHomeEnv) map (x => Path(x) / "bin" / "javac" path) getOrElse "javac"
+ /** Values related to actors. The timeouts are in seconds. On a dry
+ * run we only allocate one worker so the output isn't interspersed.
+ */
+ def workerTimeout = 3600 // 1 hour, probably overly generous
+ def numWorkers = if (isDryRun) 1 else propOrElse("partest.actors", "8").toInt
+ def expectedErrors = propOrElse("partest.errors", "0").toInt
+ def poolSize = (wrapAccessControl(propOrNone("actors.corePoolSize")) getOrElse "16").toInt
+ def allScalaFiles = src.deepFiles filter (_ hasExtension "scala")
+ def allObjDirs = src.deepDirs filter (_ hasExtension "obj")
+ def allLogFiles = src.deepFiles filter (_ hasExtension "log")
+ def allClassFiles = src.deepFiles filter (_ hasExtension "class")
+ class TestBuild() extends BuildContribution {
+ import nsc.util.ClassPath
+ /** Scala core libs.
+ */
+ val library = pathForComponent("library")
+ val compiler = pathForComponent("compiler")
+ val partest = pathForComponent("partest")
+ val scalap = pathForComponent("scalap", "%s.jar")
+ /** Scala supplementary libs - these are not all needed for all build targets,
+ * and some of them are copied inside other jars in later targets. However quick
+ * for instance cannot be run without some of these.
+ */
+ val fjbg = pathForLibrary("fjbg")
+ val msil = pathForLibrary("msil")
+ val forkjoin = pathForLibrary("forkjoin")
+ val scalacheck = pathForLibrary("scalacheck")
+ /** Other interesting paths.
+ */
+ val scalaBin = testBuildDir / "bin"
+ /** A hack for now to get quick running.
+ */
+ def needsForkJoin = {
+ val loader = nsc.util.ScalaClassLoader.fromURLs(List(library.toURL))
+ val fjMarker = "scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinTask"
+ val clazz = loader.tryToLoadClass(fjMarker)
+ if (clazz.isDefined) debug("Loaded ForkJoinTask OK, don't need jar.")
+ else debug("Could not load ForkJoinTask, putting jar on classpath.")
+ clazz.isEmpty
+ }
+ lazy val forkJoinPath: List[Path] = if (needsForkJoin) List(forkjoin) else Nil
+ /** Internal **/
+ private def repo = partestDir.parent.normalize
+ // XXX - is this needed? Where?
+ //
+ // private val pluginOptionString = "-Xplugin:"
+ // private def updatedPluginPath(options: String): String = {
+ // val (pluginArgs, rest) = toArgs(options) partition (_ startsWith pluginOptionString)
+ // // join all plugin paths as one classpath
+ // val pluginPaths = ClassPath.join(pluginArgs map (_ stripPrefix pluginOptionString): _*)
+ // // map all paths to absolute
+ // val newPath =, x => absolutize(x).path)
+ // // recreate option
+ // val pluginOption = if (newPath == "") None else Some(pluginOptionString + newPath)
+ //
+ // fromArgs(rest ::: pluginOption.toList)
+ // }
+ private def pathForComponent(what: String, jarFormat: String = "scala-%s.jar"): Path = {
+ def asDir = testBuildDir / "classes" / what
+ def asJar = testBuildDir / "lib" / jarFormat.format(what)
+ if (asDir.isDirectory) asDir
+ else if (asJar.isFile) asJar
+ else ""
+ }
+ private def pathForLibrary(what: String) = File(repo / "lib" / (what + ".jar"))
+ }
+ def printConfigBanner() = {
+ debug("Java VM started with arguments: '%s'" format fromArgs(Process.javaVmArguments))
+ debug("System Properties:\n" + util.allPropertiesString())
+ normal(configBanner())
+ }
+ /** Treat an access control failure as None. */
+ private def wrapAccessControl[T](body: => Option[T]): Option[T] =
+ try body catch { case _: => None }
+ private def configBanner() = {
+ val javaBin = Path(javaHome) / "bin"
+ val javaInfoString = "%s (build %s, %s)".format(javaVmName, javaVmVersion, javaVmInfo)
+ List(
+ "Scala compiler classes in: " + testBuildDir,
+ "Scala version is: " + nsc.Properties.versionMsg,
+ "Scalac options are: " + universe.scalacOpts,
+ "Java binaries in: " + javaBin,
+ "Java runtime is: " + javaInfoString,
+ "Java runtime options: " + (Process.javaVmArguments mkString " "),
+ "Javac options are: " + universe.javacOpts,
+ "Java options are: " + universe.javaOpts,
+ "Source directory is: " + src,
+ "Selected categories: " + (selectedCategories mkString " "),
+ ""
+ ) mkString "\n"
+ }