path: root/src/partest-alternative/scala/tools/partest/PartestSpec.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/partest-alternative/scala/tools/partest/PartestSpec.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/src/partest-alternative/scala/tools/partest/PartestSpec.scala b/src/partest-alternative/scala/tools/partest/PartestSpec.scala
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index 75d94bdb72..0000000000
--- a/src/partest-alternative/scala/tools/partest/PartestSpec.scala
+++ /dev/null
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-/* NEST (New Scala Test)
- * Copyright 2007-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package partest
-import cmd._
-/** This takes advantage of bits of scala goodness to fully define a command
- * line program with a minimum of duplicated code. When the specification object
- * is created, the vals are evaluated in order and each of them side effects
- * a private accumulator. What emerges is a full list of the valid unary
- * and binary arguments, as well as autogenerated help.
- */
-trait PartestSpec extends Spec with Meta.StdOpts with Interpolation {
- def referenceSpec = PartestSpec
- def programInfo = Spec.Info("partest", "", "")
- private val kind = new Spec.Accumulator[String]()
- protected def testKinds = kind.get
- private implicit val tokenizeString = FromString.ArgumentsFromString // String => List[String]
- help("""
- |# Pro Tip! Instant bash completion: `partest --bash` (note backticks)
- |Usage: partest [<options>] [<test> <test> ...]
- | <test>: a path to a test designator, typically a .scala file or a directory.
- | Examples: files/pos/test1.scala, files/res/bug785
- |
- | Test categories:""".stripMargin)
- val isAll = ("all" / "run all tests (default, unless no options given)" --?)
- (kind("pos") / "Compile files that are expected to build" --?)
- (kind("neg") / "Compile files that are expected to fail" --?)
- (kind("run") / "Test JVM backend" --?)
- (kind("jvm") / "Test JVM backend" --?)
- (kind("res") / "Run resident compiler scenarii" --?)
- (kind("buildmanager") / "Run Build Manager scenarii" --?)
- (kind("scalacheck") / "Run Scalacheck tests" --?)
- (kind("script") / "Run script files" --?)
- (kind("shootout") / "Run shootout tests" --?)
- (kind("scalap") / "Run scalap tests" --?)
- heading ("""Test "smart" categories:""")
- val grepExpr = "grep" / "run all tests with a source file containing <expr>" --|
- val isFailed = "failed" / "run all tests which failed on the last run" --?
- heading ("Specifying paths and additional flags, ~ means repository root:")
- val rootDir = "rootdir" / "path from ~ to partest" defaultTo "test"
- val buildDir = "builddir" / "path from ~ to test build" defaultTo "build/pack"
- val srcDir = "srcdir" / "path from --rootdir to sources" defaultTo "files"
- val javaOpts = "javaopts" / "flags to java on all runs" defaultToEnv "JAVA_OPTS"
- val javacOpts = "javacopts" / "flags to javac on all runs" defaultToEnv "JAVAC_OPTS"
- val scalacOpts = "scalacopts" / "flags to scalac on all tests" defaultToEnv "SCALAC_OPTS"
- "pack" / "" expandTo ("--builddir", "build/pack")
- "quick" / "" expandTo ("--builddir", "build/quick")
- heading ("Options influencing output:")
- val isTrace = "trace" / "show the individual steps taken by each test" --?
- val isShowDiff = "show-diff" / "show diff between log and check file" --?
- val isShowLog = "show-log" / "show log on failures" --?
- val isDryRun = "dry-run" / "do not run tests, only show their traces." --?
- val isTerse = "terse" / "be less verbose (almost silent except for failures)" --?
- val isVerbose = "verbose" / "be more verbose (additive with --trace)" --?
- val isDebug = "debug" / "maximum debugging output" --?
- val isAnsi = "ansi" / "print output in color" --?
- heading ("Other options:")
- val timeout = "timeout" / "Overall timeout in seconds" defaultTo 7200
- val testWarning = "test-warning" / "Test warning in seconds" defaultTo 90
- val testTimeout = "test-timeout" / "Test timeout in seconds" defaultTo 900
- val isCleanup = "cleanup" / "delete all stale files and dirs before run" --?
- val isNoCleanup = "nocleanup" / "do not delete any logfiles or object dirs" --?
- val isStats = "stats" / "collect and print statistics about the tests" --?
- val isValidate = "validate" / "examine test filesystem for inconsistencies" --?
- val isUpdateCheck = "update-check" / "overwrite checkFile if diff fails" --?
- "version" / "print version" --> runAndExit(println(Properties.versionMsg))
- // no help for anything below this line - secret options
- // mostly intended for property configuration.
- val runSets = ("runsets" --^) getOrElse Nil
- val isNoAlarms = "noalarms" --?
- val isInsideAnt = "is-in-ant" --?
-object PartestSpec extends PartestSpec with Property {
- lazy val propMapper = new PropertyMapper(PartestSpec) {
- override def isPassThrough(key: String) = key == "partest.options"
- }
- type ThisCommandLine = PartestCommandLine
- class PartestCommandLine(args: List[String]) extends SpecCommandLine(args) {
- override def errorFn(msg: String) = printAndExit("Error: " + msg)
- def propertyArgs = PartestSpec.propertyArgs
- }
- override def creator(args: List[String]): PartestCommandLine = new PartestCommandLine(args)