path: root/src/partest-extras/scala/org/scalacheck/Commands.scala
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1 files changed, 146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/partest-extras/scala/org/scalacheck/Commands.scala b/src/partest-extras/scala/org/scalacheck/Commands.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ff3a397e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/partest-extras/scala/org/scalacheck/Commands.scala
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+** ScalaCheck **
+** Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Rickard Nilsson. All rights reserved. **
+** **
+** **
+** This software is released under the terms of the Revised BSD License. **
+** There is NO WARRANTY. See the file LICENSE for the full text. **
+\*------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+package org.scalacheck
+/** See User Guide for usage examples */
+@deprecated("Will be replaced with a new implementation in 1.12.0", "1.11.4")
+trait Commands extends Prop {
+ /** The abstract state data type. This type must be immutable.
+ * The state type that encodes the abstract state. The abstract state
+ * should model all the features we need from the real state, the system
+ * under test. We should leave out all details that aren't needed for
+ * specifying our pre- and postconditions. The state type must be called
+ * State and be immutable. */
+ type State <: AnyRef
+ class Binding(private val key: State) {
+ def get: Any = bindings.find(_._1 eq key) match {
+ case None => sys.error("No value bound")
+ case Some(x) => x._2
+ }
+ }
+ /** Abstract commands are defined as subtypes of the traits Command or SetCommand.
+ * Each command must have a run method and a method that returns the new abstract
+ * state, as it should look after the command has been run.
+ * A command can also define a precondition that states how the current
+ * abstract state must look if the command should be allowed to run.
+ * Finally, we can also define a postcondition which verifies that the
+ * system under test is in a correct state after the command exectution. */
+ trait Command {
+ /** Used internally. */
+ protected[Commands] def run_(s: State) = run(s)
+ def run(s: State): Any
+ def nextState(s: State): State
+ /** Returns all preconditions merged into a single function */
+ def preCondition: (State => Boolean) =
+ s => preConditions.toList.forall(_.apply(s))
+ /** A precondition is a function that
+ * takes the current abstract state as parameter and returns a boolean
+ * that says if the precondition is fulfilled or not. You can add several
+ * conditions to the precondition list */
+ val preConditions = new collection.mutable.ListBuffer[State => Boolean]
+ /** Returns all postconditions merged into a single function */
+ def postCondition: (State,State,Any) => Prop =
+ (s0,s1,r) => Prop.all(,s1,r)): _*)
+ /** A postcondition is a function that
+ * takes three parameters, s0, s1 and r. s0 is the abstract state before
+ * the command was run, s1 is the abstract state after the command was
+ * run, and r is the result from the command's run
+ * method. The postcondition function should return a Boolean (or
+ * a Prop instance) that says if the condition holds or not. You can add several
+ * conditions to the postConditions list. */
+ val postConditions = new collection.mutable.ListBuffer[(State,State,Any) => Prop]
+ }
+ /** A command that binds its result for later use */
+ trait SetCommand extends Command {
+ /** Used internally. */
+ protected[Commands] final override def run_(s: State) = {
+ val r = run(s)
+ bindings += ((s,r))
+ r
+ }
+ final def nextState(s: State) = nextState(s, new Binding(s))
+ def nextState(s: State, b: Binding): State
+ }
+ private case class Cmds(cs: List[Command], ss: List[State]) {
+ override def toString =", ")
+ }
+ private val bindings = new scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[(State,Any)]
+ private def initState() = {
+ bindings.clear()
+ initialState()
+ }
+ private def genCmds: Gen[Cmds] = {
+ def sizedCmds(s: State, sz: Int): Gen[Cmds] = {
+ if(sz <= 0) Gen.const(Cmds(Nil, Nil)) else for {
+ c <- genCommand(s) suchThat (_.preCondition(s))
+ Cmds(cs,ss) <- sizedCmds(c.nextState(s), sz-1)
+ } yield Cmds(c::cs, s::ss)
+ }
+ Gen.sized(sz => sizedCmds(initialState(), sz))
+ }
+ private def validCmds(s: State, cs: List[Command]): Option[Cmds] =
+ cs match {
+ case Nil => Some(Cmds(Nil, s::Nil))
+ case c::_ if !c.preCondition(s) => None
+ case c::cmds => for {
+ Cmds(_, ss) <- validCmds(c.nextState(s), cmds)
+ } yield Cmds(cs, s::ss)
+ }
+ private def runCommands(cmds: Cmds): Prop = Prop.all {
+ { i =>
+ val (c,s) = (cmds.cs(i),
+ c.postCondition(s,c.nextState(s),c.run_(s))
+ } : _*
+ }
+ private def commandsProp: Prop = {
+ def shrinkCmds(cmds: Cmds) =
+ Shrink.shrink(cmds.cs)(Shrink.shrinkContainer).flatMap { cs =>
+ validCmds(initialState(), cs).toList
+ }
+ Prop.forAllShrink(genCmds label "COMMANDS", shrinkCmds)(runCommands _)
+ }
+ def apply(p: Gen.Parameters) = commandsProp(p)
+ /** initialState should reset the system under test to a well defined
+ * initial state, and return the abstract version of that state. */
+ def initialState(): State
+ /** The command generator. Given an abstract state, the generator
+ * should return a command that is allowed to run in that state. Note that
+ * it is still neccessary to define preconditions on the commands if there
+ * are any. The generator is just giving a hint of which commands that are
+ * suitable for a given state, the preconditions will still be checked before
+ * a command runs. Sometimes you maybe want to adjust the distribution of
+ * your command generator according to the state, or do other calculations
+ * based on the state. */
+ def genCommand(s: State): Gen[Command]