path: root/src/partest-extras/scala/tools/partest/BytecodeTest.scala
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1 files changed, 167 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/partest-extras/scala/tools/partest/BytecodeTest.scala b/src/partest-extras/scala/tools/partest/BytecodeTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7650a892fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/partest-extras/scala/tools/partest/BytecodeTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+import{ClassWriter, ClassReader}
+import{ClassNode, MethodNode, InsnList}
+import{FileOutputStream, FileInputStream, File => JFile, InputStream}
+import AsmNode._
+ * Provides utilities for inspecting bytecode using ASM library.
+ *
+ * 1. Create subdirectory in test/files/jvm for your test. Let's name it $TESTDIR.
+ * 2. Create $TESTDIR/BytecodeSrc_1.scala that contains Scala source file that you
+ * want to inspect the bytecode for. The '_1' suffix signals to partest that it
+ * should compile this file first.
+ * 3. Create $TESTDIR/Test.scala:
+ * import
+ * object Test extends BytecodeTest {
+ * def show {
+ * // your code that inspect ASM trees and prints values
+ * }
+ * }
+ * 4. Create corresponding check file.
+ *
+ * See test/files/jvm/bytecode-test-example for an example of bytecode test.
+ *
+ */
+abstract class BytecodeTest extends ASMConverters {
+ import instructions._
+ /** produce the output to be compared against a checkfile */
+ protected def show(): Unit
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = show
+ // asserts
+ def sameBytecode(methA: MethodNode, methB: MethodNode) = {
+ val isa = instructions.fromMethod(methA)
+ val isb = instructions.fromMethod(methB)
+ if (isa == isb) println("bytecode identical")
+ else diffInstructions(isa, isb)
+ }
+ // Do these classes have all the same methods, with the same names, access,
+ // descriptors and generic signatures? Method bodies are not considered, and
+ // the names of the classes containing the methods are substituted so they do
+ // not appear as differences.
+ def sameMethodAndFieldSignatures(clazzA: ClassNode, clazzB: ClassNode) =
+ sameCharacteristics(clazzA, clazzB)(_.characteristics)
+ // Same as sameMethodAndFieldSignatures, but ignoring generic signatures.
+ // This allows for methods which receive the same descriptor but differing
+ // generic signatures. In particular, this happens with value classes,
+ // which get a generic signature where a method written in terms of the
+ // underlying values does not.
+ def sameMethodAndFieldDescriptors(clazzA: ClassNode, clazzB: ClassNode) =
+ sameCharacteristics(clazzA, clazzB)(_.erasedCharacteristics)
+ private def sameCharacteristics(clazzA: ClassNode, clazzB: ClassNode)(f: AsmNode[_] => String): Boolean = {
+ val ms1 = clazzA.fieldsAndMethods.toIndexedSeq
+ val ms2 = clazzB.fieldsAndMethods.toIndexedSeq
+ val name1 =
+ val name2 =
+ if (ms1.length != ms2.length) {
+ println(s"Different member counts in $name1 and $name2")
+ false
+ }
+ else (ms1, ms2).zipped forall { (m1, m2) =>
+ val c1 = f(m1)
+ val c2 = f(m2).replaceAllLiterally(name2, name1)
+ if (c1 == c2)
+ println(s"[ok] $m1")
+ else
+ println(s"[fail]\n in $name1: $c1\n in $name2: $c2")
+ c1 == c2
+ }
+ }
+ // bytecode is equal modulo local variable numbering
+ def equalsModuloVar(a: Instruction, b: Instruction) = (a, b) match {
+ case _ if a == b => true
+ case (VarOp(op1, _), VarOp(op2, _)) if op1 == op2 => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ def similarBytecode(methA: MethodNode, methB: MethodNode, similar: (Instruction, Instruction) => Boolean) = {
+ val isa = fromMethod(methA)
+ val isb = fromMethod(methB)
+ if (isa == isb) println("bytecode identical")
+ else if ((isa, isb).zipped.forall { case (a, b) => similar(a, b) }) println("bytecode similar")
+ else diffInstructions(isa, isb)
+ }
+ def diffInstructions(isa: List[Instruction], isb: List[Instruction]) = {
+ val len = Math.max(isa.length, isb.length)
+ if (len > 0 ) {
+ val width =
+ val lineWidth = len.toString.length
+ (1 to len) foreach { line =>
+ val isaPadded = orElse Stream.continually("")
+ val isbPadded = orElse Stream.continually("")
+ val a = isaPadded(line-1)
+ val b = isbPadded(line-1)
+ println(s"""$line${" " * (lineWidth-line.toString.length)} ${if (a==b) "==" else "<>"} $a${" " * (width-a.length)} | $b""")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// loading
+ protected def getMethod(classNode: ClassNode, name: String): MethodNode =
+ classNode.methods.asScala.find( == name) getOrElse
+ sys.error(s"Didn't find method '$name' in class '${}'")
+ protected def loadClassNode(name: String, skipDebugInfo: Boolean = true): ClassNode = {
+ val classBytes: InputStream = (for {
+ classRep <- classpath.findClass(name)
+ binary <- classRep.binary
+ } yield binary.input) getOrElse sys.error(s"failed to load class '$name'; classpath = $classpath")
+ val cr = new ClassReader(classBytes)
+ val cn = new ClassNode()
+ cr.accept(cn, if (skipDebugInfo) ClassReader.SKIP_DEBUG else 0)
+ cn
+ }
+ protected lazy val classpath: JavaClassPath = {
+ import
+ import
+ // logic inspired by implementation
+ val containers = DefaultJavaContext.classesInExpandedPath(Defaults.javaUserClassPath)
+ new JavaClassPath(containers, DefaultJavaContext)
+ }
+object BytecodeTest {
+ /** Parse `file` as a class file, transforms the ASM representation with `f`,
+ * and overwrites the orginal file.
+ */
+ def modifyClassFile(file: JFile)(f: ClassNode => ClassNode) {
+ val rfile = new
+ def readClass: ClassNode = {
+ val cr = new ClassReader(rfile.toByteArray())
+ val cn = new ClassNode()
+ cr.accept(cn, 0)
+ cn
+ }
+ def writeClass(cn: ClassNode) {
+ val writer = new ClassWriter(0)
+ cn.accept(writer)
+ val os = rfile.bufferedOutput()
+ try {
+ os.write(writer.toByteArray)
+ } finally {
+ os.close()
+ }
+ }
+ writeClass(f(readClass))
+ }