path: root/test/files/pos/sammy_implicit.scala
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Additional SAM restrictions identified by JasonAdriaan Moors2016-03-261-1/+2
| | | | | Also test roundtripping serialization of a lambda that targets a SAM that's not FunctionN (it should make no difference).
* Treat `Function` literals uniformly, expecting SAM or FunctionN.Adriaan Moors2016-03-261-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | They both compile to INDY/MetaLambdaFactory, except when they occur in a constructor call. (TODO: can we lift the ctor arg expression to a method and avoid statically synthesizing anonymous subclass altogether?) Typers: - no longer synthesize SAMs -- *adapt* a Function literal to the expected (SAM/FunctionN) type - Deal with polymorphic/existential sams (relevant tests: pos/t8310, pos/t5099.scala, pos/t4869.scala) We know where to find the result type, as all Function nodes have a FunctionN-shaped type during erasure. (Including function literals targeting a SAM type -- the sam type is tracked as the *expected* type.) Lift restriction on sam types being class types. It's enough that they dealias to one, like regular instance creation expressions. Contexts: - No longer need encl method hack for return in sam. Erasure: - erasure preserves SAM type for function nodes - Normalize sam to erased function type during erasure, otherwise we may box the function body from `$anonfun(args)` to `{$anonfun(args); ()}` because the expected type for the body is now `Object`, and thus `Unit` does not conform. Delambdafy: - must set static flag before calling createBoxingBridgeMethod - Refactored `createBoxingBridgeMethod` to wrap my head around boxing, reworked it to generalize from FunctionN's boxing needs to arbitrary LMF targets. Other refactorings: ThisReferringMethodsTraverser, TreeGen.
* Refactor typedFunction, rework synthesizeSAMFunction for sammyAdriaan Moors2016-03-261-0/+10
`typedFunction` uniformly recognizes Single Abstract Method types and built-in `FunctionN` types, type checking literals regardless of expected type. `adapt` synthesizes an anonymous subclass of the SAM type, if needed to meet the expected (non-`FunctionN`) type. (Later, we may want to carry `Function` AST nodes with SAM types through the whole pipeline until the back-end, and treat them uniformly with built-in function types there too, emitting the corresponding `invokedynamic` & `LambdaMetaFactory` bytecode. Would be faster to avoid synthesizing all this code during type checking...) Refactor `typedFunction` for performance and clarity to avoid non-local returns. A nice perk is that the error message for missing argument types now indicates with `<error>` where they are missing (see updated check file). Allow pattern matching function literals when SAM type is expected (SI-8429). Support `return` in function body of SAM target type, by making the synthetic `sam$body` method transparent to the `enclMethod` chain, so that the `return` is interpreted in its original context. A cleaner approach to inferring unknown type params of the SAM method. Now that `synthesizeSAMFunction` operates on typed `Function` nodes, we can take the types of the parameters and the body and compare them against the function type that corresponds to the SAM method's signature. Since we are reusing the typed body, we do need to change owners for the symbols, and substitute the new method argument symbols for the function's vparam syms. Impl Notes: - The shift from typing as a regular Function for SAM types was triggered by limitation of the old approach, which deferred type checking the body until it was in the synthetic SAM type subclass, which would break if the expression was subsequently retypechecked for implicit search. Other problems related to SAM expansion in ctor args also are dodged now. - Using `<:<`, not `=:=`, in comparing `pt`, as `=:=` causes `NoInstance` exceptions when `WildcardType`s are encountered. - Can't use method type subtyping: method arguments are in invariant pos. - Can't use STATIC yet, results in illegal bytecode. It would be a better encoding, since the function body should not see members of SAM class. - This is all battle tested by running `synthesizeSAMFunction` on all `Function` nodes while bootstrapping, including those where a regular function type is expected. The only thing that didn't work was regarding Function0 and the CBN transform, which breaks outer path creation in lambdalift.