path: root/tools
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* run partest from sbt always, command line neverSeth Tisue2017-02-082-158/+0
| | | | | | | | | these scripts are (I assume) unused these days and there's no reason to maintain them. and it's risky to have two different ways of running the same thing which could get out of sync with each other sbt forks a JVM to run partest, so it's not like we need these scripts in order to get a more isolated environment in that respect.
* SD-220 building without being in a git repositoryAntoine Gourlay2016-09-202-7/+16
| | | | | | | | | | | This allows building from the scala sources tarball or similar situations where there is no local git repository: - the git commit date becomes the local date - the short git sha1 becomes "unknown" ``` Welcome to Scala 2.12.0-20160920-155429-unknown (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_102). ```
* Remove the ant buildStefan Zeiger2016-09-024-252/+0
| | | | | | | | | | | | - Remove ant scripts. - Remove shell scripts that were specific to the ant build or the old `*.desired.sha1` binary artifact management. - Remove `build.number`. - Remove `src/build/maven` and `src/build/bnd`. The POM and Manifest metadata is generated in a different way by sbt.
* Switch remaining uses of ant over to sbtStefan Zeiger2016-08-232-31/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | - Modify `tools/scaladoc-diff` to use sbt instead of ant. - Move `` from `tools` to `scripts`. With the new build process without separate `locker` and `strap` stages, it doesn’t make sense to call this script without first setting up the proper test environment in a CI build. - Replace the use of `build.number` in `bootstrap` with a new `SHA-NIGHTLY` mode for `baseVersionSuffix`. - Make `partest` call sbt instead of ant for initializing the classpath and use the new classpath location (`quick` instead of `pack`).
* Generate AnyVal source stubs from sbtStefan Zeiger2016-04-062-13/+0
| | | | | | | | | | | | The sbt command `generateSources` now generates both the AnyVal sources and the tuple/function sources (previously done by `genprod`). Source generation is part of the sbt build, the `` package is removed from `scala-compiler`. This simplifies bootstrapping. Generated sources are still in the same location and checked into git. The shell scripts `tools/codegen` and `tools/codegen-anyvals` are also removed. The ant build and the build scripts do not call these. Regenerating sources is a manual step at the moment.
* Merge pull request #4765 from janekdb/2.11.x-scaladoc-diffSeth Tisue2015-12-181-0/+117
|\ | | | | Script to compare the current scaladoc with the parent commit's doc
| * Enhance scaladoc-diff tool for Ubuntu.Janek Bogucki2015-10-031-27/+73
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Tested on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS. SUMMARY 1. Use `set -e` to ensure ant failure bails script. 2. Make best effort to display scaladoc build diff. 3. Quiet output from git checkout. 4. Prefer plumbing over porcelain when getting hashes. 5. Use short hashes to enhance output readability. 6. Use branch name when available. 7. Ensure scaladoc copies are clean. 8. Remove redundant use of scaladoc-compare. 9. Improve message formatting. 10. Use $(...) instead of backticks for more legible code. 11. Pause after reporting missing old file. 12. Report missing new files. DETAILS 1. Use `set -e` to ensure an ant failure bails the script. Turn off before diff because diff returns an error code when the compared files differ, which is expected to be seen. 2. Make best effort to display scaladoc build diff preferring graphical clients. opendiff is a Mac OS X command that opens a graphical diff display, meld is a graphical client for Ubuntu and other distros. On Ubuntu fallback to gvimdiff which will display graphically if possible otherwise in the console. Ultimately default to diff. Command detection taken from, 3. Quiet output from git checkout to avoid detached head warning. The user does not need to see the detached head warning when running this. 4. Prefer plumbing over porcelain to avoid 'not found' error when getting SHA1s. Calling get-scala-commit-sha errors out on Ubuntu 14.04.3 with Bash 4.3.11 with these messages, tools/get-scala-commit-sha: 11: tools/get-scala-commit-sha: [[: not found tools/get-scala-commit-sha: 17: tools/get-scala-commit-sha: Bad substitution 5. Use short hashes to enhance output readability. 6. Use branch name when available. If the branch name is not used when the working directory is restored after checkout out the parent commit we will be in a detached HEAD state. Make a best effort to avoid that. 7. Ensure scaladoc copies are clean. Remove previous copy of scaladoc to ensure consistent behaviour on runs past the first. 8. Remove use of scaladoc-compare because the equivalent functionality is provided when iterating the new files. 9. Improve message formatting. 10. Use $(...) instead of backticks for more legible code. 11. Pause after reporting missing old file. Without this pause it was easy to miss the message when we had this sequence of differences, * differing files * missing file * differing files 12. Report missing new files. Along with reporting new files with no corresponding old file report the complementary scenario.
| * Script to compare the current scaladoc with the parent commit's docJanek Bogucki2015-09-301-0/+71
| |
* | Windows: make get-scala-commit-sha/date scripts work on CygwinSeth Tisue2015-10-082-4/+4
|/ | | | | | bash's -x flag was flowing down into these scripts, resulting in extra stuff was getting printed to stderr, resulting in a corrupted build\pack\META-INF\MANIFEST.MF
* Subst repo.typesafe -> dl.bintray, use jcenter cacheAdriaan Moors2015-05-081-2/+2
| | | | | | | Switch to https while we're at it, and remove duplicate entry for sbt-plugin-releases (NOTE: 'organization' <-> 'organisation', see
* [backport] remove references to private-repo.typesafe.comLukas Rytz2015-05-061-1/+1
| | | | Backport of 9cd3e6505aa4285750e63263e2551ab71f36ff8d
* Follow HTTP redirects when downloading bootstrap binariesJason Zaugg2015-05-021-1/+1
| | | | | | After a recent change to the repository that hosts these JARs, we now get a HTTP redirect to the new destination. We need to explicitly instruct curl to follow this.
* Fix many typosMichał Pociecha2015-04-211-1/+1
| | | | | This commit corrects many typos found in scaladocs and comments. There's also fixed the name of a private method in ICodeCheckers.
* Let users specify a different location for build repos than user homempociecha2014-11-121-2/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This change is helpful e.g. when setting up CI for Scala and it's important which directories are used by a build. By default it uses .m2, .pax and .sbt/cache from user home (in general $HOME). Sometimes it's not possible to use this location and also changing a value of $HOME is not an option. The required location should be specified both for ant's build.xml and used scripts. In the first case specifying -Duser.home is all, what we need. But we can't just set _JAVA_OPTIONS as then partest tests fail due to the unexpected output (an additional 'Picked up java options (...)' messages). We can set ANT_OPTS instead of this. The only problem was that OSGi JUnit tests (only they) were using $HOME anyway. I forced them to use -Duser.home by propagating this option in build.xml. is changed to use a special env variable or $HOME, when this variable is not set. Then we can do: export SCALA_BUILD_REPOS_HOME=<some_dir> export ANT_OPTS="$ANT_OPTS -Duser.home=$SCALA_BUILD_REPOS_HOME" ant dist and it will create all directories .m2, .pax and .sbt/cache in a specified $SCALA_BUILD_REPOS_HOME directory. Note: maven's settings.xml should be located in this used $SCALA_BUILD_REPOS_HOME/.m2 and point to the repository like <some_dir>/.m2/repository
* SI-3452 Correct Java generic signatures for mixins, static forwardersJason Zaugg2014-02-091-0/+56
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [Parts of this patch and some of the commentary are from @paulp] This took me so long to figure out I can't even tell you. Partly because there were two different bugs, one which only arose for trait forwarders and one for mirror class forwarders, and every time I'd make one set of tests work another set would start failing. The runtime failures associated with these bugs were fairly well hidden because you usually have to go through java to encounter them: scala doesn't pay that much attention to generic signatures, so they can be wrong and scala might still generate correct code. But java is not so lucky. Bug #1) During mixin composition, classes which extend traits receive forwarders to the implementations. An attempt was made to give these the correct info (in method "cloneBeforeErasure") but it was prone to giving the wrong answer, because: the key attribute which the forwarder must capture is what the underlying method will erase to *where the implementation is*, not how it appears to the class which contains it. That means the signature of the forwarder must be no more precise than the signature of the inherited implementation unless additional measures will be taken. This subtle difference will put on an unsubtle show for you in test run/t3452.scala. trait C[T] trait Search[M] { def search(input: M): C[Int] = null } object StringSearch extends Search[String] { }"test"); // java // java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;)LC; The principled thing to do here would be to create a pair of methods in the host class: a mixin forwarder with the erased signature `(String)C[Int]`, and a bridge method with the same erased signature as the trait interface facet. But, this turns out to be pretty hard to retrofit onto the current setup of Mixin and Erasure, mostly due to the fact that mixin happens after erasure which has already taken care of bridging. For a future, release, we should try to move all bridging after mixin, and pursue this approach. But for now, what can we do about `LinkageError`s for Java clients? This commit simply checks if the pre-erasure method signature that we generate for the trait forward erases identically to that of the interface method. If so, we can be precise. If not, we emit the erased signature as the generic signature. Bug #2) The same principle is at work, at a different location. During genjvm, objects without declared companion classes are given static forwarders in the corresponding class, e.g. object Foo { def bar = 5 } which creates these classes (taking minor liberties): class Foo$ { static val MODULE$ = new Foo$ ; def bar = 5 } class Foo { static def bar = Foo$.MODULE$.bar } In generating these, genjvm circumvented the usual process whereby one creates a symbol and gives it an info, preferring to target the bytecode directly. However generic signatures are calculated from symbol info (in this case reusing the info from the module class.) Lacking even the attempt which was being made in mixin to "clone before erasure", we would have runtime failures of this kind: abstract class Foo { type T def f(x: T): List[T] = List() } object Bar extends Foo { type T = String } Bar.f(""); // java // java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: Bar.f(Ljava/lang/String;)Lscala/collection/immutable/List; Before/after this commit: < signature f (Ljava/lang/String;)Lscala/collection/immutable/List<Ljava/lang/String;>; --- > signature f (Ljava/lang/Object;)Lscala/collection/immutable/List<Ljava/lang/Object;>; This takes the warning count for compiling collections under `-Ycheck:jvm` from 1521 to 26.
* Improvements to partest-ack, plus partest-paths.Paul Phillips2013-12-152-20/+36
| | | | | | | | | I noticed partest-ack was not finding all matching tests, and fixed that. Also cleaned up the ack options so they're understood by the latest version of ack. Along the way I broke the canonicalization functionality out into its own script so it can easily be used from other places.
* Remove tools/*{cp, _scala, _scalac}, and tools/*pickledJason Zaugg2013-10-2814-159/+0
| | | | | | | | | | The scripts to fire up a compiler or REPL from build products have bitrotted just enough to get rid of them. They do not include the correct JLine, nor the scala modules. I've also removed showPickled and diffPickled which were based on these, and were also based on some code in ShowPickled that no longer exists since 48cc8b4.
* Remove tools/remotetestJason Zaugg2013-10-281-230/+0
| | | | I suggest using the scala-checkin-manual Jenkins job instead.
* Remove tools/test-renamerJason Zaugg2013-10-281-82/+0
| | | | | | | | | | It delivered us the terser 't1234' naming convention for test cases. Its work is done. This commit does the bidding of the script's author: > Despite its shameful hackiness, checked in for posterity. > It'll live on forever in the git history; then I can remove it.
* Remove tools/updatescalacheckJason Zaugg2013-10-281-130/+0
| | | | We no longer maintain a fork.
* Remove outdated build scripts.Jason Zaugg2013-10-282-60/+0
| | | | | | | | | | | Only used on the 2.9.x series: /code/jenkins-config grep -R epfl-build . ./jobs/scala-nightly-checkinit-2.9.x/config.xml: <command>./tools/epfl-build 2.9.x -Xcheckinit</command> ./jobs/scala-nightly-main-2.9.x/config.xml:./tools/epfl-build 2.9.x &amp;&amp; ./tools/epfl-publish 2.9.x /code/jenkins-config grep -R epfl-publish . ./jobs/scala-nightly-main-2.9.x/config.xml:./tools/epfl-build 2.9.x &amp;&amp; ./tools/epfl-publish 2.9.x
* Remove tools/make-release-notesJason Zaugg2013-10-281-129/+0
| | | | This has lived in scala/make-release-notes for some time.
* Merge pull request #2930 from retronym/topic/patmat-inference-prepJason Zaugg2013-09-111-3/+4
|\ | | | | Topic/patmat inference prep
| * Restore --show-diff to partest-ack.Paul Phillips2013-08-291-3/+4
| | | | | | | | | | Looks like that issue was operator error. However partest option --show-log really has gone missing.
* | Merge pull request #2880 from huitseeker/update-artifactoryGrzegorz Kossakowski2013-08-301-1/+1
|\ \ | |/ |/| update to
| * update to private-repoFrançois Garillot2013-08-271-1/+1
| |
* | Overhaul of partest-ack.Paul Phillips2013-08-241-79/+79
|/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Seems like many/most options to partest are broken. Working around as much as I can to make this thing useful again, plus lots of improvements in robustness. Spaces and such are preserved properly now, and I added a new way of selecting tests based on time. tools/partest-ack -s 1.week.ago % tests modified since time ... 66 tools/partest-ack 'case object (Foo|Bar)' % tests with matching paths ... 0 % tests with matching code ... 7 File paths and file contents are uniformly acked now, so for instance this works as expected. tools/partest-ack -i VIRTPAT % tests with matching paths ... 41 % tests with matching code ... 11 # 43 tests to run.
* Commit .gitignore directlyJason Zaugg2013-07-171-1/+0
| | | | | | | | | | | | Rather than relying on the cloner to copy the provided gitignore.SAMPLE files. This finishes the job started in c48509598, mostly by reverting that commit and moving the two existing SAMPLE files to the final destinations. Use `.git/info/exclude` to augment the list of patterns with entries specific to your workflow.
* Updates .gitignore files.Lex Spoon2013-06-261-0/+1
* Bring some sanity to the stability test.Paul Phillips2013-03-091-0/+29
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | There is no reason to be stability testing every piece of bytecode we've ever encountered. If the compilation products are unstable, then testing 20,000 classfiles will reveal it. Or it won't; either way, we can stop there. So I cut a gordian knot and focused the stability test solely on the contents of: library reflect compiler Next I cut the "custom ant task" cord. There's a tool for diffing files, it's decades old, it's called diff. It does the entire job we need. If it doesn't work on windows, it doesn't matter. The stability test is not something which needs to run in every environment. Either the classfiles are stable or they aren't. Generated the ant xml for building quick.{lib,reflect,comp} and strap.{lib,reflect,comp} so they are identical modulo the compiler used to build them, probably for the first time ever. I'm sure they won't stay that way, but it's a step.
* Overhaul of tools/partest-ack.Paul Phillips2013-01-311-43/+113
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I decided what would be really handy for test selection is being able to run all the tests which were created or modified at the same time as something else. Right now that is at file granularity, though it would be simple enough to generalize it such that any expression which can be translated to a set of git commits can also be turned into a selection of tests. I added some other options as well: Usage: $0 <regex> [-dfquvp] [ack options] -d pass --debug to partest -f pass --failed to partest -q DON'T pass --show-log and --show-diff to partest -u pass --update-check to partest -v pass --verbose to partest -p <path> select tests appearing in commits where <path> was also modified Example usage: > tools/partest-ack -p src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Checkable.scala % tests-modified-in-same-commit ... 12 # 12 tests to run. Testing individual files testing: [...]/files/pos/t6537.scala [ OK ] Testing individual files testing: [...]/files/neg/unchecked-impossible.scala [ OK ] testing: [...]/files/neg/t1872.scala [ OK ] testing: [...]/files/neg/t4302.scala [ OK ] testing: [...]/files/neg/unchecked-knowable.scala [ OK ] testing: [...]/files/neg/unchecked-abstract.scala [ OK ] [etc]
* Merge commit 'refs/pull/1718/head' into merge-msil-genjvm-deletePaul Phillips2012-12-061-1/+1
|\ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * commit 'refs/pull/1718/head': Expunged the .net backend. Conflicts: build.detach.xml build.examples.xml build.xml project/Build.scala src/compiler/scala/tools/ant/Scalac.scala src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Global.scala src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/StandardScalaSettings.scala src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/clr/TypeParser.scala src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Mixin.scala src/intellij/compiler.iml.SAMPLE tools/buildcp
| * Expunged the .net backend.Paul Phillips2012-12-051-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | It lives on in a branch born from this commit's parent. It's abrupt; no attempt is made to offer a "smooth transition" for the serious msil userbase, population zero. If anyone feels very strongly that such a transition is necessary, I will be happy to talk you into feeling differently.
* | SI-6769 Removes GenJVM backendJames Iry2012-12-052-3/+2
|/ | | | | Get rid of GenJVM and everything that refers to it. Also get rid of GenAndroid since it's dead code that refers to GenJVM.
* Merge pull request #1623 from paulp/merge-2.10.xAdriaan Moors2012-11-161-1/+1
|\ | | | | Merge 2.10.0-wip/.x into master
| *-. Merge remote-tracking branches 'origin/2.10.x' and 'origin/2.10.0-wip' into ↵Paul Phillips2012-11-141-1/+1
| |\ \ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | master Conflicts: src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExtensionMethods.scala
| | | * Update tools/epfl-publishcunei2012-11-091-1/+1
| | |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Currently, during each Scala nightly build, the epfl-publish script rsyncs the resulting dists/archives to the repository machine (chara). Now, as a result of a change introduced a while back, dists/archives/ now also contains a symbolic link, created at the end of the build when the targets "pack-archives.latest.*" are invoked (in src/build/pack.xml). That was introduced in: scala/scala@506bcfe71c93160ebfa0ca9b8b170b4b54e844e9 scala/scala@cb99853c8655686dae1288cbcd44a42cf1ea6609 This link, created in dists/archives/, is copied over as-is at the end of the rsync to chara by epfl-publish. On chara, however, the link points to an invalid target (the path is absolute). Separately, the repository directory on chara is rsync'd every 30 minutes over to the machine that serves, via cron. Rsynch finds that the link target does not exist, and generates an email with the crontab log, which is then duly sent to a system mailbox. Every 30 minutes. Since March. Needless to say, the mailbox is pretty large by now. The fix is trivial, but this needs to be included in all the branches that are tested during the nightly. Since RC2 has just been cut, and the code frozen, I'm not sure how this change can be included without disruption; therefore, I'll just send a pull request on 2.10.0-wip, and let Josh/Paul take the appropriate steps.
* | / Fix bug in partest-ack.Paul Phillips2012-11-141-1/+1
|/ / | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Unfortunate bug was making it far less useful than it was supposed to be. Now it really does look in scala/check/flags files, here are examples of things which work: % tools/partest-ack "input ended while parsing XML" Found 6 tests matching 'ack input ended while parsing XML' % tools/partest-ack Xlint Found 11 tests matching 'ack Xlint' % tools/partest-ack -- -language:experimental.macros Found 143 tests matching 'ack -- -language:experimental.macros' % tools/partest-ack @unchecked Found 13 tests matching 'ack @unchecked'
* | A wrapper for selecting tests for partest.Paul Phillips2012-09-221-0/+71
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | "partest-ack", just what it sounds like. % tools/partest-ack Usage: tools/partest-ack <regex> [ack options] Given a regular expression (and optionally, any arguments accepted by ack) runs all the tests for which any associated file matches the regex. Associated files include .check and .flags files. Tests in directories will match if any file matches. A file can match the regex by its contents or by its name. You must have ack installed: Examples: % tools/partest-ack monad Found 4 tests matching 'ack monad' Testing individual files testing: [...]/files/pos/tcpoly_boundedmonad.scala [ OK ] testing: [...]/files/pos/tcpoly_ticket2096.scala [ OK ] testing: [...]/files/run/tcpoly_monads.scala [ OK ] testing: [...]/files/presentation/callcc-interpreter [ OK ] % tools/partest-ack monad -i # -i == ignore case Found 12 tests matching 'ack monad -i' Testing individual files [etc]
* | Merge branch '2.10.x'Paul Phillips2012-09-205-17/+27
|\| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * 2.10.x: (36 commits) Normalized line endings. New .gitattributes file. Disabled failing build manager tests. New test case for SI-6337 New test case for closing SI-6385 Value classes: eliminated half-boxing Cleanup of OverridingPairs Fixes SI-6260 Use faster download URL now that artifactory is fixed. don't try to create tags w/o scala-reflect.jar some small remaining fixes SI-5943 toolboxes now autoimport Predef and scala Fix for loud test. SI-6363 deploys the updated starr SI-6363 removes scala.reflect.base SI-6392 wraps non-terms before typecheck/eval SI-6394 fixes macros.Context.enclosingClass Error message improvement for SI-6336. Adjustments to scala.concurrent.duration. prepping for the refactoring ... Conflicts: src/actors-migration/scala/actors/Pattern.scala src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Global.scala src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Erasure.scala src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala src/library/scala/collection/immutable/Vector.scala test/files/jvm/actmig-PinS_1.scala test/files/jvm/actmig-PinS_2.scala test/files/jvm/actmig-PinS_3.scala test/files/jvm/actmig-public-methods_1.scala
| * Merge remote-tracking branch 'paulp/topic/gitattributes' into 2.10.xPaul Phillips2012-09-204-16/+26
| |\
| | * Normalized line endings.Paul Phillips2012-09-202-16/+16
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This brings all the files into line with the .gitattributes settings, which should henceforth be automatically maintained by git.
| | * New .gitattributes file.Paul Phillips2012-09-202-0/+10
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This should assist in keeping line endings straight. It is designed to enforce LF endings everywhere except for files specifically for windows.
| * | Use faster download URL now that artifactory is fixed.Josh Suereth2012-09-201-1/+1
| |/
* | Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.10.x' into merge-210Paul Phillips2012-09-152-7/+10
|\| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * origin/2.10.x: (68 commits) Eliminate breaking relative names in source. "Hot fix" for broken build. Fix SI-4813 - Clone doesn't work on LinkedList. Made 'def clone()' consistent with parens everywhere. accommodates pull request feedback SI-6310 redeploys the starr SI-6310 AbsTypeTag => WeakTypeTag SI-6323 outlaws free types from TypeTag SI-6323 prohibits reflection against free types improvements for reification of free symbols removes build.newFreeExistential SI-6359 Deep prohibition of templates in value class Fixes SI-6259. Unable to use typeOf in super call of top-level object. Fixes binary repo push for new typesafe repo layouts. Better error message for pattern arity errors. Rescued TreeBuilder from the parser. Pending test for SI-3943 Test case for a bug fixed in M7. Fix for SI-6367, exponential time in inference. SI-6306 Remove incorrect eta-expansion optimization in Uncurry ... Conflicts: src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/AddInterfaces.scala src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/SpecializeTypes.scala
| * Fixes binary repo push for new typesafe repo layouts.Josh Suereth2012-09-132-7/+10
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This adds a new/fixed push.jar and adapts the binary-repo-lib script to use different URLs for pulling than pushing. This also adjustst the script to attempt the backup repo in case new artifacts haven't synched to the fast/stable repository.
* | Fix version detection to be the first word.Eugene Vigdorchik2012-08-281-1/+1
| |
* | New make release notes script, this time scala-ified for more POWER, cap'n.Josh Suereth2012-07-122-49/+129
* starr sources to move cloneable class to package `annotation`Lukas Rytz2012-07-111-0/+6
* Merge pull request #816 from VladUreche/feature/diagrams-dev-pullreq-newJosh Suereth2012-07-071-0/+50
|\ | | | | Scaladoc diagrams (again)