path: root/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/SparkContext.scala
blob: 04ca5d1019e4b06255f8088ef05d407f0c99948e (plain) (tree)













































































































































































































































































































































































 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark

import scala.language.implicitConversions

import java.io._
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor
import java.net.URI
import java.util.{Arrays, Properties, UUID}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import java.util.UUID.randomUUID

import scala.collection.{Map, Set}
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.generic.Growable
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.reflect.{ClassTag, classTag}

import akka.actor.Props

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
import org.apache.hadoop.io.{ArrayWritable, BooleanWritable, BytesWritable, DoubleWritable,
  FloatWritable, IntWritable, LongWritable, NullWritable, Text, Writable}
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.{FileInputFormat, InputFormat, JobConf, SequenceFileInputFormat,
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{InputFormat => NewInputFormat, Job => NewHadoopJob}
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.{FileInputFormat => NewFileInputFormat}

import org.apache.mesos.MesosNativeLibrary

import org.apache.spark.annotation.{DeveloperApi, Experimental}
import org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast
import org.apache.spark.deploy.{LocalSparkCluster, SparkHadoopUtil}
import org.apache.spark.executor.TriggerThreadDump
import org.apache.spark.input.{StreamInputFormat, PortableDataStream, WholeTextFileInputFormat,
import org.apache.spark.partial.{ApproximateEvaluator, PartialResult}
import org.apache.spark.rdd._
import org.apache.spark.scheduler._
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster.{CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend,
  SparkDeploySchedulerBackend, SimrSchedulerBackend}
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster.mesos.{CoarseMesosSchedulerBackend, MesosSchedulerBackend}
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.local.LocalBackend
import org.apache.spark.storage._
import org.apache.spark.ui.{SparkUI, ConsoleProgressBar}
import org.apache.spark.ui.jobs.JobProgressListener
import org.apache.spark.util._

 * Main entry point for Spark functionality. A SparkContext represents the connection to a Spark
 * cluster, and can be used to create RDDs, accumulators and broadcast variables on that cluster.
 * Only one SparkContext may be active per JVM.  You must `stop()` the active SparkContext before
 * creating a new one.  This limitation may eventually be removed; see SPARK-2243 for more details.
 * @param config a Spark Config object describing the application configuration. Any settings in
 *   this config overrides the default configs as well as system properties.
class SparkContext(config: SparkConf) extends Logging with ExecutorAllocationClient {

  // The call site where this SparkContext was constructed.
  private val creationSite: CallSite = Utils.getCallSite()

  // If true, log warnings instead of throwing exceptions when multiple SparkContexts are active
  private val allowMultipleContexts: Boolean =
    config.getBoolean("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", false)

  // In order to prevent multiple SparkContexts from being active at the same time, mark this
  // context as having started construction.
  // NOTE: this must be placed at the beginning of the SparkContext constructor.
  SparkContext.markPartiallyConstructed(this, allowMultipleContexts)

  // This is used only by YARN for now, but should be relevant to other cluster types (Mesos,
  // etc) too. This is typically generated from InputFormatInfo.computePreferredLocations. It
  // contains a map from hostname to a list of input format splits on the host.
  private[spark] var preferredNodeLocationData: Map[String, Set[SplitInfo]] = Map()

  val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()

  @volatile private var stopped: Boolean = false

  private def assertNotStopped(): Unit = {
    if (stopped) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot call methods on a stopped SparkContext")

   * Create a SparkContext that loads settings from system properties (for instance, when
   * launching with ./bin/spark-submit).
  def this() = this(new SparkConf())

   * :: DeveloperApi ::
   * Alternative constructor for setting preferred locations where Spark will create executors.
   * @param preferredNodeLocationData used in YARN mode to select nodes to launch containers on.
   * Can be generated using [[org.apache.spark.scheduler.InputFormatInfo.computePreferredLocations]]
   * from a list of input files or InputFormats for the application.
  def this(config: SparkConf, preferredNodeLocationData: Map[String, Set[SplitInfo]]) = {
    this.preferredNodeLocationData = preferredNodeLocationData

   * Alternative constructor that allows setting common Spark properties directly
   * @param master Cluster URL to connect to (e.g. mesos://host:port, spark://host:port, local[4]).
   * @param appName A name for your application, to display on the cluster web UI
   * @param conf a [[org.apache.spark.SparkConf]] object specifying other Spark parameters
  def this(master: String, appName: String, conf: SparkConf) =
    this(SparkContext.updatedConf(conf, master, appName))

   * Alternative constructor that allows setting common Spark properties directly
   * @param master Cluster URL to connect to (e.g. mesos://host:port, spark://host:port, local[4]).
   * @param appName A name for your application, to display on the cluster web UI.
   * @param sparkHome Location where Spark is installed on cluster nodes.
   * @param jars Collection of JARs to send to the cluster. These can be paths on the local file
   *             system or HDFS, HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP URLs.
   * @param environment Environment variables to set on worker nodes.
  def this(
      master: String,
      appName: String,
      sparkHome: String = null,
      jars: Seq[String] = Nil,
      environment: Map[String, String] = Map(),
      preferredNodeLocationData: Map[String, Set[SplitInfo]] = Map()) =
    this(SparkContext.updatedConf(new SparkConf(), master, appName, sparkHome, jars, environment))
    this.preferredNodeLocationData = preferredNodeLocationData

  // NOTE: The below constructors could be consolidated using default arguments. Due to
  // Scala bug SI-8479, however, this causes the compile step to fail when generating docs.
  // Until we have a good workaround for that bug the constructors remain broken out.

   * Alternative constructor that allows setting common Spark properties directly
   * @param master Cluster URL to connect to (e.g. mesos://host:port, spark://host:port, local[4]).
   * @param appName A name for your application, to display on the cluster web UI.
  private[spark] def this(master: String, appName: String) =
    this(master, appName, null, Nil, Map(), Map())

   * Alternative constructor that allows setting common Spark properties directly
   * @param master Cluster URL to connect to (e.g. mesos://host:port, spark://host:port, local[4]).
   * @param appName A name for your application, to display on the cluster web UI.
   * @param sparkHome Location where Spark is installed on cluster nodes.
  private[spark] def this(master: String, appName: String, sparkHome: String) =
    this(master, appName, sparkHome, Nil, Map(), Map())

   * Alternative constructor that allows setting common Spark properties directly
   * @param master Cluster URL to connect to (e.g. mesos://host:port, spark://host:port, local[4]).
   * @param appName A name for your application, to display on the cluster web UI.
   * @param sparkHome Location where Spark is installed on cluster nodes.
   * @param jars Collection of JARs to send to the cluster. These can be paths on the local file
   *             system or HDFS, HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP URLs.
  private[spark] def this(master: String, appName: String, sparkHome: String, jars: Seq[String]) =
    this(master, appName, sparkHome, jars, Map(), Map())

  // log out Spark Version in Spark driver log
  logInfo(s"Running Spark version $SPARK_VERSION")
  private[spark] val conf = config.clone()

   * Return a copy of this SparkContext's configuration. The configuration ''cannot'' be
   * changed at runtime.
  def getConf: SparkConf = conf.clone()

  if (!conf.contains("spark.master")) {
    throw new SparkException("A master URL must be set in your configuration")
  if (!conf.contains("spark.app.name")) {
    throw new SparkException("An application name must be set in your configuration")

  if (conf.getBoolean("spark.logConf", false)) {
    logInfo("Spark configuration:\n" + conf.toDebugString)

  // Set Spark driver host and port system properties
  conf.setIfMissing("spark.driver.host", Utils.localHostName())
  conf.setIfMissing("spark.driver.port", "0")

  val jars: Seq[String] =
    conf.getOption("spark.jars").map(_.split(",")).map(_.filter(_.size != 0)).toSeq.flatten

  val files: Seq[String] =
    conf.getOption("spark.files").map(_.split(",")).map(_.filter(_.size != 0)).toSeq.flatten

  val master = conf.get("spark.master")
  val appName = conf.get("spark.app.name")

  private[spark] val isEventLogEnabled = conf.getBoolean("spark.eventLog.enabled", false)
  private[spark] val eventLogDir: Option[String] = {
    if (isEventLogEnabled) {
      Some(conf.get("spark.eventLog.dir", EventLoggingListener.DEFAULT_LOG_DIR).stripSuffix("/"))
    } else {

  // Generate the random name for a temp folder in Tachyon
  // Add a timestamp as the suffix here to make it more safe
  val tachyonFolderName = "spark-" + randomUUID.toString()
  conf.set("spark.tachyonStore.folderName", tachyonFolderName)

  val isLocal = (master == "local" || master.startsWith("local["))

  if (master == "yarn-client") System.setProperty("SPARK_YARN_MODE", "true")

  // An asynchronous listener bus for Spark events
  private[spark] val listenerBus = new LiveListenerBus

  conf.set("spark.executor.id", SparkContext.DRIVER_IDENTIFIER)

  // Create the Spark execution environment (cache, map output tracker, etc)
  private[spark] val env = SparkEnv.createDriverEnv(conf, isLocal, listenerBus)

  // Used to store a URL for each static file/jar together with the file's local timestamp
  private[spark] val addedFiles = HashMap[String, Long]()
  private[spark] val addedJars = HashMap[String, Long]()

  // Keeps track of all persisted RDDs
  private[spark] val persistentRdds = new TimeStampedWeakValueHashMap[Int, RDD[_]]
  private[spark] val metadataCleaner =
    new MetadataCleaner(MetadataCleanerType.SPARK_CONTEXT, this.cleanup, conf)

  private[spark] val jobProgressListener = new JobProgressListener(conf)

  val statusTracker = new SparkStatusTracker(this)

  private[spark] val progressBar: Option[ConsoleProgressBar] =
    if (conf.getBoolean("spark.ui.showConsoleProgress", true) && !log.isInfoEnabled) {
      Some(new ConsoleProgressBar(this))
    } else {

  // Initialize the Spark UI
  private[spark] val ui: Option[SparkUI] =
    if (conf.getBoolean("spark.ui.enabled", true)) {
      Some(SparkUI.createLiveUI(this, conf, listenerBus, jobProgressListener,
    } else {
      // For tests, do not enable the UI

  // Bind the UI before starting the task scheduler to communicate
  // the bound port to the cluster manager properly

   * A default Hadoop Configuration for the Hadoop code (e.g. file systems) that we reuse.
   * '''Note:''' As it will be reused in all Hadoop RDDs, it's better not to modify it unless you
   * plan to set some global configurations for all Hadoop RDDs.
  val hadoopConfiguration = SparkHadoopUtil.get.newConfiguration(conf)

  // Add each JAR given through the constructor
  if (jars != null) {

  if (files != null) {

  private def warnSparkMem(value: String): String = {
    logWarning("Using SPARK_MEM to set amount of memory to use per executor process is " +
      "deprecated, please use spark.executor.memory instead.")

  private[spark] val executorMemory = conf.getOption("spark.executor.memory")

  // Environment variables to pass to our executors.
  private[spark] val executorEnvs = HashMap[String, String]()

  // Convert java options to env vars as a work around
  // since we can't set env vars directly in sbt.
  for { (envKey, propKey) <- Seq(("SPARK_TESTING", "spark.testing"))
    value <- Option(System.getenv(envKey)).orElse(Option(System.getProperty(propKey)))} {
    executorEnvs(envKey) = value
  Option(System.getenv("SPARK_PREPEND_CLASSES")).foreach { v =>
    executorEnvs("SPARK_PREPEND_CLASSES") = v
  // The Mesos scheduler backend relies on this environment variable to set executor memory.
  // TODO: Set this only in the Mesos scheduler.
  executorEnvs("SPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY") = executorMemory + "m"
  executorEnvs ++= conf.getExecutorEnv

  // Set SPARK_USER for user who is running SparkContext.
  val sparkUser = Option {
  }.getOrElse {
  executorEnvs("SPARK_USER") = sparkUser

  // Create and start the scheduler
  private[spark] var (schedulerBackend, taskScheduler) =
    SparkContext.createTaskScheduler(this, master)
  private val heartbeatReceiver = env.actorSystem.actorOf(
    Props(new HeartbeatReceiver(taskScheduler)), "HeartbeatReceiver")
  @volatile private[spark] var dagScheduler: DAGScheduler = _
  try {
    dagScheduler = new DAGScheduler(this)
  } catch {
    case e: Exception => {
      try {
      } finally {
        throw new SparkException("Error while constructing DAGScheduler", e)

  // start TaskScheduler after taskScheduler sets DAGScheduler reference in DAGScheduler's
  // constructor

  val applicationId: String = taskScheduler.applicationId()
  conf.set("spark.app.id", applicationId)


  val metricsSystem = env.metricsSystem

  // The metrics system for Driver need to be set spark.app.id to app ID.
  // So it should start after we get app ID from the task scheduler and set spark.app.id.
  // Attach the driver metrics servlet handler to the web ui after the metrics system is started.
  metricsSystem.getServletHandlers.foreach(handler => ui.foreach(_.attachHandler(handler)))

  // Optionally log Spark events
  private[spark] val eventLogger: Option[EventLoggingListener] = {
    if (isEventLogEnabled) {
      val logger =
        new EventLoggingListener(applicationId, eventLogDir.get, conf, hadoopConfiguration)
    } else None

  // Optionally scale number of executors dynamically based on workload. Exposed for testing.
  private val dynamicAllocationEnabled = conf.getBoolean("spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled", false)
  private val dynamicAllocationTesting = conf.getBoolean("spark.dynamicAllocation.testing", false)
  private[spark] val executorAllocationManager: Option[ExecutorAllocationManager] =
    if (dynamicAllocationEnabled) {
      assert(master.contains("yarn") || dynamicAllocationTesting,
        "Dynamic allocation of executors is currently only supported in YARN mode")
      Some(new ExecutorAllocationManager(this, listenerBus, conf))
    } else {

  private[spark] val cleaner: Option[ContextCleaner] = {
    if (conf.getBoolean("spark.cleaner.referenceTracking", true)) {
      Some(new ContextCleaner(this))
    } else {


  private[spark] var checkpointDir: Option[String] = None

  // Thread Local variable that can be used by users to pass information down the stack
  private val localProperties = new InheritableThreadLocal[Properties] {
    override protected def childValue(parent: Properties): Properties = new Properties(parent)

   * Called by the web UI to obtain executor thread dumps.  This method may be expensive.
   * Logs an error and returns None if we failed to obtain a thread dump, which could occur due
   * to an executor being dead or unresponsive or due to network issues while sending the thread
   * dump message back to the driver.
  private[spark] def getExecutorThreadDump(executorId: String): Option[Array[ThreadStackTrace]] = {
    try {
      if (executorId == SparkContext.DRIVER_IDENTIFIER) {
      } else {
        val (host, port) = env.blockManager.master.getActorSystemHostPortForExecutor(executorId).get
        val actorRef = AkkaUtils.makeExecutorRef("ExecutorActor", conf, host, port, env.actorSystem)
        Some(AkkaUtils.askWithReply[Array[ThreadStackTrace]](TriggerThreadDump, actorRef,
          AkkaUtils.numRetries(conf), AkkaUtils.retryWaitMs(conf), AkkaUtils.askTimeout(conf)))
    } catch {
      case e: Exception =>
        logError(s"Exception getting thread dump from executor $executorId", e)

  private[spark] def getLocalProperties: Properties = localProperties.get()

  private[spark] def setLocalProperties(props: Properties) {

  @deprecated("Properties no longer need to be explicitly initialized.", "1.0.0")
  def initLocalProperties() {
    localProperties.set(new Properties())

   * Set a local property that affects jobs submitted from this thread, such as the
   * Spark fair scheduler pool.
  def setLocalProperty(key: String, value: String) {
    if (localProperties.get() == null) {
      localProperties.set(new Properties())
    if (value == null) {
    } else {
      localProperties.get.setProperty(key, value)

   * Get a local property set in this thread, or null if it is missing. See
   * [[org.apache.spark.SparkContext.setLocalProperty]].
  def getLocalProperty(key: String): String =

  /** Set a human readable description of the current job. */
  def setJobDescription(value: String) {
    setLocalProperty(SparkContext.SPARK_JOB_DESCRIPTION, value)

   * Assigns a group ID to all the jobs started by this thread until the group ID is set to a
   * different value or cleared.
   * Often, a unit of execution in an application consists of multiple Spark actions or jobs.
   * Application programmers can use this method to group all those jobs together and give a
   * group description. Once set, the Spark web UI will associate such jobs with this group.
   * The application can also use [[org.apache.spark.SparkContext.cancelJobGroup]] to cancel all
   * running jobs in this group. For example,
   * {{{
   * // In the main thread:
   * sc.setJobGroup("some_job_to_cancel", "some job description")
   * sc.parallelize(1 to 10000, 2).map { i => Thread.sleep(10); i }.count()
   * // In a separate thread:
   * sc.cancelJobGroup("some_job_to_cancel")
   * }}}
   * If interruptOnCancel is set to true for the job group, then job cancellation will result
   * in Thread.interrupt() being called on the job's executor threads. This is useful to help ensure
   * that the tasks are actually stopped in a timely manner, but is off by default due to HDFS-1208,
   * where HDFS may respond to Thread.interrupt() by marking nodes as dead.
  def setJobGroup(groupId: String, description: String, interruptOnCancel: Boolean = false) {
    setLocalProperty(SparkContext.SPARK_JOB_DESCRIPTION, description)
    setLocalProperty(SparkContext.SPARK_JOB_GROUP_ID, groupId)
    // Note: Specifying interruptOnCancel in setJobGroup (rather than cancelJobGroup) avoids
    // changing several public APIs and allows Spark cancellations outside of the cancelJobGroup
    // APIs to also take advantage of this property (e.g., internal job failures or canceling from
    // JobProgressTab UI) on a per-job basis.
    setLocalProperty(SparkContext.SPARK_JOB_INTERRUPT_ON_CANCEL, interruptOnCancel.toString)

  /** Clear the current thread's job group ID and its description. */
  def clearJobGroup() {
    setLocalProperty(SparkContext.SPARK_JOB_DESCRIPTION, null)
    setLocalProperty(SparkContext.SPARK_JOB_GROUP_ID, null)
    setLocalProperty(SparkContext.SPARK_JOB_INTERRUPT_ON_CANCEL, null)

  // Post init

  private val dagSchedulerSource = new DAGSchedulerSource(this.dagScheduler)
  private val blockManagerSource = new BlockManagerSource(SparkEnv.get.blockManager)

  private def initDriverMetrics() {


  // Methods for creating RDDs

  /** Distribute a local Scala collection to form an RDD.
   * @note Parallelize acts lazily. If `seq` is a mutable collection and is altered after the call
   * to parallelize and before the first action on the RDD, the resultant RDD will reflect the
   * modified collection. Pass a copy of the argument to avoid this.
  def parallelize[T: ClassTag](seq: Seq[T], numSlices: Int = defaultParallelism): RDD[T] = {
    new ParallelCollectionRDD[T](this, seq, numSlices, Map[Int, Seq[String]]())

  /** Distribute a local Scala collection to form an RDD.
   * This method is identical to `parallelize`.
  def makeRDD[T: ClassTag](seq: Seq[T], numSlices: Int = defaultParallelism): RDD[T] = {
    parallelize(seq, numSlices)

  /** Distribute a local Scala collection to form an RDD, with one or more
    * location preferences (hostnames of Spark nodes) for each object.
    * Create a new partition for each collection item. */
  def makeRDD[T: ClassTag](seq: Seq[(T, Seq[String])]): RDD[T] = {
    val indexToPrefs = seq.zipWithIndex.map(t => (t._2, t._1._2)).toMap
    new ParallelCollectionRDD[T](this, seq.map(_._1), seq.size, indexToPrefs)

   * Read a text file from HDFS, a local file system (available on all nodes), or any
   * Hadoop-supported file system URI, and return it as an RDD of Strings.
  def textFile(path: String, minPartitions: Int = defaultMinPartitions): RDD[String] = {
    hadoopFile(path, classOf[TextInputFormat], classOf[LongWritable], classOf[Text],
      minPartitions).map(pair => pair._2.toString).setName(path)

   * Read a directory of text files from HDFS, a local file system (available on all nodes), or any
   * Hadoop-supported file system URI. Each file is read as a single record and returned in a
   * key-value pair, where the key is the path of each file, the value is the content of each file.
   * <p> For example, if you have the following files:
   * {{{
   *   hdfs://a-hdfs-path/part-00000
   *   hdfs://a-hdfs-path/part-00001
   *   ...
   *   hdfs://a-hdfs-path/part-nnnnn
   * }}}
   * Do `val rdd = sparkContext.wholeTextFile("hdfs://a-hdfs-path")`,
   * <p> then `rdd` contains
   * {{{
   *   (a-hdfs-path/part-00000, its content)
   *   (a-hdfs-path/part-00001, its content)
   *   ...
   *   (a-hdfs-path/part-nnnnn, its content)
   * }}}
   * @note Small files are preferred, large file is also allowable, but may cause bad performance.
   * @param minPartitions A suggestion value of the minimal splitting number for input data.
  def wholeTextFiles(path: String, minPartitions: Int = defaultMinPartitions):
  RDD[(String, String)] = {
    val job = new NewHadoopJob(hadoopConfiguration)
    NewFileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, new Path(path))
    val updateConf = job.getConfiguration
    new WholeTextFileRDD(

   * :: Experimental ::
   * Get an RDD for a Hadoop-readable dataset as PortableDataStream for each file
   * (useful for binary data)
   * For example, if you have the following files:
   * {{{
   *   hdfs://a-hdfs-path/part-00000
   *   hdfs://a-hdfs-path/part-00001
   *   ...
   *   hdfs://a-hdfs-path/part-nnnnn
   * }}}
   * Do
   * `val rdd = sparkContext.dataStreamFiles("hdfs://a-hdfs-path")`,
   * then `rdd` contains
   * {{{
   *   (a-hdfs-path/part-00000, its content)
   *   (a-hdfs-path/part-00001, its content)
   *   ...
   *   (a-hdfs-path/part-nnnnn, its content)
   * }}}
   * @param minPartitions A suggestion value of the minimal splitting number for input data.
   * @note Small files are preferred; very large files may cause bad performance.
  def binaryFiles(path: String, minPartitions: Int = defaultMinPartitions):
      RDD[(String, PortableDataStream)] = {
    val job = new NewHadoopJob(hadoopConfiguration)
    NewFileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, new Path(path))
    val updateConf = job.getConfiguration
    new BinaryFileRDD(

   * :: Experimental ::
   * Load data from a flat binary file, assuming the length of each record is constant.
   * '''Note:''' We ensure that the byte array for each record in the resulting RDD
   * has the provided record length.
   * @param path Directory to the input data files
   * @param recordLength The length at which to split the records
   * @return An RDD of data with values, represented as byte arrays
  def binaryRecords(path: String, recordLength: Int, conf: Configuration = hadoopConfiguration)
      : RDD[Array[Byte]] = {
    conf.setInt(FixedLengthBinaryInputFormat.RECORD_LENGTH_PROPERTY, recordLength)
    val br = newAPIHadoopFile[LongWritable, BytesWritable, FixedLengthBinaryInputFormat](path,
    val data = br.map { case (k, v) =>
      val bytes = v.getBytes
      assert(bytes.length == recordLength, "Byte array does not have correct length")

   * Get an RDD for a Hadoop-readable dataset from a Hadoop JobConf given its InputFormat and other
   * necessary info (e.g. file name for a filesystem-based dataset, table name for HyperTable),
   * using the older MapReduce API (`org.apache.hadoop.mapred`).
   * @param conf JobConf for setting up the dataset. Note: This will be put into a Broadcast.
   *             Therefore if you plan to reuse this conf to create multiple RDDs, you need to make
   *             sure you won't modify the conf. A safe approach is always creating a new conf for
   *             a new RDD.
   * @param inputFormatClass Class of the InputFormat
   * @param keyClass Class of the keys
   * @param valueClass Class of the values
   * @param minPartitions Minimum number of Hadoop Splits to generate.
   * '''Note:''' Because Hadoop's RecordReader class re-uses the same Writable object for each
   * record, directly caching the returned RDD or directly passing it to an aggregation or shuffle
   * operation will create many references to the same object.
   * If you plan to directly cache, sort, or aggregate Hadoop writable objects, you should first
   * copy them using a `map` function.
  def hadoopRDD[K, V](
      conf: JobConf,
      inputFormatClass: Class[_ <: InputFormat[K, V]],
      keyClass: Class[K],
      valueClass: Class[V],
      minPartitions: Int = defaultMinPartitions
      ): RDD[(K, V)] = {
    // Add necessary security credentials to the JobConf before broadcasting it.
    new HadoopRDD(this, conf, inputFormatClass, keyClass, valueClass, minPartitions)

  /** Get an RDD for a Hadoop file with an arbitrary InputFormat
   * '''Note:''' Because Hadoop's RecordReader class re-uses the same Writable object for each
   * record, directly caching the returned RDD or directly passing it to an aggregation or shuffle
   * operation will create many references to the same object.
   * If you plan to directly cache, sort, or aggregate Hadoop writable objects, you should first
   * copy them using a `map` function.
  def hadoopFile[K, V](
      path: String,
      inputFormatClass: Class[_ <: InputFormat[K, V]],
      keyClass: Class[K],
      valueClass: Class[V],
      minPartitions: Int = defaultMinPartitions
      ): RDD[(K, V)] = {
    // A Hadoop configuration can be about 10 KB, which is pretty big, so broadcast it.
    val confBroadcast = broadcast(new SerializableWritable(hadoopConfiguration))
    val setInputPathsFunc = (jobConf: JobConf) => FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(jobConf, path)
    new HadoopRDD(

   * Smarter version of hadoopFile() that uses class tags to figure out the classes of keys,
   * values and the InputFormat so that users don't need to pass them directly. Instead, callers
   * can just write, for example,
   * {{{
   * val file = sparkContext.hadoopFile[LongWritable, Text, TextInputFormat](path, minPartitions)
   * }}}
   * '''Note:''' Because Hadoop's RecordReader class re-uses the same Writable object for each
   * record, directly caching the returned RDD or directly passing it to an aggregation or shuffle
   * operation will create many references to the same object.
   * If you plan to directly cache, sort, or aggregate Hadoop writable objects, you should first
   * copy them using a `map` function.
  def hadoopFile[K, V, F <: InputFormat[K, V]]
      (path: String, minPartitions: Int)
      (implicit km: ClassTag[K], vm: ClassTag[V], fm: ClassTag[F]): RDD[(K, V)] = {

   * Smarter version of hadoopFile() that uses class tags to figure out the classes of keys,
   * values and the InputFormat so that users don't need to pass them directly. Instead, callers
   * can just write, for example,
   * {{{
   * val file = sparkContext.hadoopFile[LongWritable, Text, TextInputFormat](path)
   * }}}
   * '''Note:''' Because Hadoop's RecordReader class re-uses the same Writable object for each
   * record, directly caching the returned RDD or directly passing it to an aggregation or shuffle
   * operation will create many references to the same object.
   * If you plan to directly cache, sort, or aggregate Hadoop writable objects, you should first
   * copy them using a `map` function.
  def hadoopFile[K, V, F <: InputFormat[K, V]](path: String)
      (implicit km: ClassTag[K], vm: ClassTag[V], fm: ClassTag[F]): RDD[(K, V)] =
    hadoopFile[K, V, F](path, defaultMinPartitions)

  /** Get an RDD for a Hadoop file with an arbitrary new API InputFormat. */
  def newAPIHadoopFile[K, V, F <: NewInputFormat[K, V]]
      (path: String)
      (implicit km: ClassTag[K], vm: ClassTag[V], fm: ClassTag[F]): RDD[(K, V)] = {

   * Get an RDD for a given Hadoop file with an arbitrary new API InputFormat
   * and extra configuration options to pass to the input format.
   * '''Note:''' Because Hadoop's RecordReader class re-uses the same Writable object for each
   * record, directly caching the returned RDD or directly passing it to an aggregation or shuffle
   * operation will create many references to the same object.
   * If you plan to directly cache, sort, or aggregate Hadoop writable objects, you should first
   * copy them using a `map` function.
  def newAPIHadoopFile[K, V, F <: NewInputFormat[K, V]](
      path: String,
      fClass: Class[F],
      kClass: Class[K],
      vClass: Class[V],
      conf: Configuration = hadoopConfiguration): RDD[(K, V)] = {
    // The call to new NewHadoopJob automatically adds security credentials to conf, 
    // so we don't need to explicitly add them ourselves
    val job = new NewHadoopJob(conf)
    NewFileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, new Path(path))
    val updatedConf = job.getConfiguration
    new NewHadoopRDD(this, fClass, kClass, vClass, updatedConf).setName(path)

   * Get an RDD for a given Hadoop file with an arbitrary new API InputFormat
   * and extra configuration options to pass to the input format.
   * @param conf Configuration for setting up the dataset. Note: This will be put into a Broadcast.
   *             Therefore if you plan to reuse this conf to create multiple RDDs, you need to make
   *             sure you won't modify the conf. A safe approach is always creating a new conf for
   *             a new RDD.
   * @param fClass Class of the InputFormat
   * @param kClass Class of the keys
   * @param vClass Class of the values
   * '''Note:''' Because Hadoop's RecordReader class re-uses the same Writable object for each
   * record, directly caching the returned RDD or directly passing it to an aggregation or shuffle
   * operation will create many references to the same object.
   * If you plan to directly cache, sort, or aggregate Hadoop writable objects, you should first
   * copy them using a `map` function.
  def newAPIHadoopRDD[K, V, F <: NewInputFormat[K, V]](
      conf: Configuration = hadoopConfiguration,
      fClass: Class[F],
      kClass: Class[K],
      vClass: Class[V]): RDD[(K, V)] = {
    // Add necessary security credentials to the JobConf. Required to access secure HDFS.
    val jconf = new JobConf(conf)
    new NewHadoopRDD(this, fClass, kClass, vClass, jconf)

  /** Get an RDD for a Hadoop SequenceFile with given key and value types.
    * '''Note:''' Because Hadoop's RecordReader class re-uses the same Writable object for each
    * record, directly caching the returned RDD or directly passing it to an aggregation or shuffle
    * operation will create many references to the same object.
    * If you plan to directly cache, sort, or aggregate Hadoop writable objects, you should first
    * copy them using a `map` function.
  def sequenceFile[K, V](path: String,
      keyClass: Class[K],
      valueClass: Class[V],
      minPartitions: Int
      ): RDD[(K, V)] = {
    val inputFormatClass = classOf[SequenceFileInputFormat[K, V]]
    hadoopFile(path, inputFormatClass, keyClass, valueClass, minPartitions)

  /** Get an RDD for a Hadoop SequenceFile with given key and value types.
    * '''Note:''' Because Hadoop's RecordReader class re-uses the same Writable object for each
    * record, directly caching the returned RDD or directly passing it to an aggregation or shuffle
    * operation will create many references to the same object.
    * If you plan to directly cache, sort, or aggregate Hadoop writable objects, you should first
    * copy them using a `map` function.
    * */
  def sequenceFile[K, V](path: String, keyClass: Class[K], valueClass: Class[V]): RDD[(K, V)] = {
    sequenceFile(path, keyClass, valueClass, defaultMinPartitions)

   * Version of sequenceFile() for types implicitly convertible to Writables through a
   * WritableConverter. For example, to access a SequenceFile where the keys are Text and the
   * values are IntWritable, you could simply write
   * {{{
   * sparkContext.sequenceFile[String, Int](path, ...)
   * }}}
   * WritableConverters are provided in a somewhat strange way (by an implicit function) to support
   * both subclasses of Writable and types for which we define a converter (e.g. Int to
   * IntWritable). The most natural thing would've been to have implicit objects for the
   * converters, but then we couldn't have an object for every subclass of Writable (you can't
   * have a parameterized singleton object). We use functions instead to create a new converter
   * for the appropriate type. In addition, we pass the converter a ClassTag of its type to
   * allow it to figure out the Writable class to use in the subclass case.
   * '''Note:''' Because Hadoop's RecordReader class re-uses the same Writable object for each
   * record, directly caching the returned RDD or directly passing it to an aggregation or shuffle
   * operation will create many references to the same object.
   * If you plan to directly cache, sort, or aggregate Hadoop writable objects, you should first
   * copy them using a `map` function.
   def sequenceFile[K, V]
       (path: String, minPartitions: Int = defaultMinPartitions)
       (implicit km: ClassTag[K], vm: ClassTag[V],
        kcf: () => WritableConverter[K], vcf: () => WritableConverter[V])
      : RDD[(K, V)] = {
    val kc = kcf()
    val vc = vcf()
    val format = classOf[SequenceFileInputFormat[Writable, Writable]]
    val writables = hadoopFile(path, format,
        vc.writableClass(vm).asInstanceOf[Class[Writable]], minPartitions)
    writables.map { case (k, v) => (kc.convert(k), vc.convert(v)) }

   * Load an RDD saved as a SequenceFile containing serialized objects, with NullWritable keys and
   * BytesWritable values that contain a serialized partition. This is still an experimental
   * storage format and may not be supported exactly as is in future Spark releases. It will also
   * be pretty slow if you use the default serializer (Java serialization),
   * though the nice thing about it is that there's very little effort required to save arbitrary
   * objects.
  def objectFile[T: ClassTag](
      path: String,
      minPartitions: Int = defaultMinPartitions
      ): RDD[T] = {
    sequenceFile(path, classOf[NullWritable], classOf[BytesWritable], minPartitions)
      .flatMap(x => Utils.deserialize[Array[T]](x._2.getBytes, Utils.getContextOrSparkClassLoader))

  protected[spark] def checkpointFile[T: ClassTag](
      path: String
    ): RDD[T] = {
    new CheckpointRDD[T](this, path)

  /** Build the union of a list of RDDs. */
  def union[T: ClassTag](rdds: Seq[RDD[T]]): RDD[T] = new UnionRDD(this, rdds)

  /** Build the union of a list of RDDs passed as variable-length arguments. */
  def union[T: ClassTag](first: RDD[T], rest: RDD[T]*): RDD[T] =
    new UnionRDD(this, Seq(first) ++ rest)

  /** Get an RDD that has no partitions or elements. */
  def emptyRDD[T: ClassTag] = new EmptyRDD[T](this)

  // Methods for creating shared variables

   * Create an [[org.apache.spark.Accumulator]] variable of a given type, which tasks can "add"
   * values to using the `+=` method. Only the driver can access the accumulator's `value`.
  def accumulator[T](initialValue: T)(implicit param: AccumulatorParam[T]) =
    new Accumulator(initialValue, param)

   * Create an [[org.apache.spark.Accumulator]] variable of a given type, with a name for display
   * in the Spark UI. Tasks can "add" values to the accumulator using the `+=` method. Only the
   * driver can access the accumulator's `value`.
  def accumulator[T](initialValue: T, name: String)(implicit param: AccumulatorParam[T]) = {
    new Accumulator(initialValue, param, Some(name))

   * Create an [[org.apache.spark.Accumulable]] shared variable, to which tasks can add values
   * with `+=`. Only the driver can access the accumuable's `value`.
   * @tparam R accumulator result type
   * @tparam T type that can be added to the accumulator
  def accumulable[R, T](initialValue: R)(implicit param: AccumulableParam[R, T]) =
    new Accumulable(initialValue, param)

   * Create an [[org.apache.spark.Accumulable]] shared variable, with a name for display in the
   * Spark UI. Tasks can add values to the accumuable using the `+=` operator. Only the driver can
   * access the accumuable's `value`.
   * @tparam R accumulator result type
   * @tparam T type that can be added to the accumulator
  def accumulable[R, T](initialValue: R, name: String)(implicit param: AccumulableParam[R, T]) =
    new Accumulable(initialValue, param, Some(name))

   * Create an accumulator from a "mutable collection" type.
   * Growable and TraversableOnce are the standard APIs that guarantee += and ++=, implemented by
   * standard mutable collections. So you can use this with mutable Map, Set, etc.
  def accumulableCollection[R <% Growable[T] with TraversableOnce[T] with Serializable: ClassTag, T]
      (initialValue: R): Accumulable[R, T] = {
    val param = new GrowableAccumulableParam[R,T]
    new Accumulable(initialValue, param)

   * Broadcast a read-only variable to the cluster, returning a
   * [[org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast]] object for reading it in distributed functions.
   * The variable will be sent to each cluster only once.
  def broadcast[T: ClassTag](value: T): Broadcast[T] = {
    if (classOf[RDD[_]].isAssignableFrom(classTag[T].runtimeClass)) {
      // This is a warning instead of an exception in order to avoid breaking user programs that
      // might have created RDD broadcast variables but not used them:
      logWarning("Can not directly broadcast RDDs; instead, call collect() and "
        + "broadcast the result (see SPARK-5063)")
    val bc = env.broadcastManager.newBroadcast[T](value, isLocal)
    val callSite = getCallSite
    logInfo("Created broadcast " + bc.id + " from " + callSite.shortForm)

   * Add a file to be downloaded with this Spark job on every node.
   * The `path` passed can be either a local file, a file in HDFS (or other Hadoop-supported
   * filesystems), or an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP URI.  To access the file in Spark jobs,
   * use `SparkFiles.get(fileName)` to find its download location.
  def addFile(path: String): Unit = {
    addFile(path, false)

   * Add a file to be downloaded with this Spark job on every node.
   * The `path` passed can be either a local file, a file in HDFS (or other Hadoop-supported
   * filesystems), or an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP URI.  To access the file in Spark jobs,
   * use `SparkFiles.get(fileName)` to find its download location.
   * A directory can be given if the recursive option is set to true. Currently directories are only
   * supported for Hadoop-supported filesystems.
  def addFile(path: String, recursive: Boolean): Unit = {
    val uri = new URI(path)
    val schemeCorrectedPath = uri.getScheme match {
      case null | "local" => "file:" + uri.getPath
      case _              => path

    val hadoopPath = new Path(schemeCorrectedPath)
    val scheme = new URI(schemeCorrectedPath).getScheme
    if (!Array("http", "https", "ftp").contains(scheme)) {
      val fs = hadoopPath.getFileSystem(hadoopConfiguration)
      if (!fs.exists(hadoopPath)) {
        throw new FileNotFoundException(s"Added file $hadoopPath does not exist.")
      val isDir = fs.isDirectory(hadoopPath)
      if (!isLocal && scheme == "file" && isDir) {
        throw new SparkException(s"addFile does not support local directories when not running " +
          "local mode.")
      if (!recursive && isDir) {
        throw new SparkException(s"Added file $hadoopPath is a directory and recursive is not " +
          "turned on.")

    val key = if (!isLocal && scheme == "file") {
      env.httpFileServer.addFile(new File(uri.getPath))
    } else {
    val timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis
    addedFiles(key) = timestamp

    // Fetch the file locally in case a job is executed using DAGScheduler.runLocally().
    Utils.fetchFile(path, new File(SparkFiles.getRootDirectory()), conf, env.securityManager,
      hadoopConfiguration, timestamp, useCache = false)

    logInfo("Added file " + path + " at " + key + " with timestamp " + addedFiles(key))

   * :: DeveloperApi ::
   * Register a listener to receive up-calls from events that happen during execution.
  def addSparkListener(listener: SparkListener) {

   * Express a preference to the cluster manager for a given total number of executors.
   * This can result in canceling pending requests or filing additional requests.
   * This is currently only supported in YARN mode. Return whether the request is received.
  private[spark] override def requestTotalExecutors(numExecutors: Int): Boolean = {
    assert(master.contains("yarn") || dynamicAllocationTesting,
      "Requesting executors is currently only supported in YARN mode")
    schedulerBackend match {
      case b: CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend =>
      case _ =>
        logWarning("Requesting executors is only supported in coarse-grained mode")

   * :: DeveloperApi ::
   * Request an additional number of executors from the cluster manager.
   * This is currently only supported in YARN mode. Return whether the request is received.
  override def requestExecutors(numAdditionalExecutors: Int): Boolean = {
    assert(master.contains("yarn") || dynamicAllocationTesting,
      "Requesting executors is currently only supported in YARN mode")
    schedulerBackend match {
      case b: CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend =>
      case _ =>
        logWarning("Requesting executors is only supported in coarse-grained mode")

   * :: DeveloperApi ::
   * Request that the cluster manager kill the specified executors.
   * This is currently only supported in YARN mode. Return whether the request is received.
  override def killExecutors(executorIds: Seq[String]): Boolean = {
    assert(master.contains("yarn") || dynamicAllocationTesting,
      "Killing executors is currently only supported in YARN mode")
    schedulerBackend match {
      case b: CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend =>
      case _ =>
        logWarning("Killing executors is only supported in coarse-grained mode")

   * :: DeveloperApi ::
   * Request that cluster manager the kill the specified executor.
   * This is currently only supported in Yarn mode. Return whether the request is received.
  override def killExecutor(executorId: String): Boolean = super.killExecutor(executorId)

  /** The version of Spark on which this application is running. */
  def version = SPARK_VERSION

   * Return a map from the slave to the max memory available for caching and the remaining
   * memory available for caching.
  def getExecutorMemoryStatus: Map[String, (Long, Long)] = {
    env.blockManager.master.getMemoryStatus.map { case(blockManagerId, mem) =>
      (blockManagerId.host + ":" + blockManagerId.port, mem)

   * :: DeveloperApi ::
   * Return information about what RDDs are cached, if they are in mem or on disk, how much space
   * they take, etc.
  def getRDDStorageInfo: Array[RDDInfo] = {
    val rddInfos = persistentRdds.values.map(RDDInfo.fromRdd).toArray
    StorageUtils.updateRddInfo(rddInfos, getExecutorStorageStatus)

   * Returns an immutable map of RDDs that have marked themselves as persistent via cache() call.
   * Note that this does not necessarily mean the caching or computation was successful.
  def getPersistentRDDs: Map[Int, RDD[_]] = persistentRdds.toMap

   * :: DeveloperApi ::
   * Return information about blocks stored in all of the slaves
  def getExecutorStorageStatus: Array[StorageStatus] = {

   * :: DeveloperApi ::
   * Return pools for fair scheduler
  def getAllPools: Seq[Schedulable] = {
    // TODO(xiajunluan): We should take nested pools into account

   * :: DeveloperApi ::
   * Return the pool associated with the given name, if one exists
  def getPoolForName(pool: String): Option[Schedulable] = {

   * Return current scheduling mode
  def getSchedulingMode: SchedulingMode.SchedulingMode = {

   * Clear the job's list of files added by `addFile` so that they do not get downloaded to
   * any new nodes.
  @deprecated("adding files no longer creates local copies that need to be deleted", "1.0.0")
  def clearFiles() {

   * Gets the locality information associated with the partition in a particular rdd
   * @param rdd of interest
   * @param partition to be looked up for locality
   * @return list of preferred locations for the partition
  private [spark] def getPreferredLocs(rdd: RDD[_], partition: Int): Seq[TaskLocation] = {
    dagScheduler.getPreferredLocs(rdd, partition)

   * Register an RDD to be persisted in memory and/or disk storage
  private[spark] def persistRDD(rdd: RDD[_]) {
    persistentRdds(rdd.id) = rdd

   * Unpersist an RDD from memory and/or disk storage
  private[spark] def unpersistRDD(rddId: Int, blocking: Boolean = true) {
    env.blockManager.master.removeRdd(rddId, blocking)

   * Adds a JAR dependency for all tasks to be executed on this SparkContext in the future.
   * The `path` passed can be either a local file, a file in HDFS (or other Hadoop-supported
   * filesystems), an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP URI, or local:/path for a file on every worker node.
  def addJar(path: String) {
    if (path == null) {
      logWarning("null specified as parameter to addJar")
    } else {
      var key = ""
      if (path.contains("\\")) {
        // For local paths with backslashes on Windows, URI throws an exception
        key = env.httpFileServer.addJar(new File(path))
      } else {
        val uri = new URI(path)
        key = uri.getScheme match {
          // A JAR file which exists only on the driver node
          case null | "file" =>
            // yarn-standalone is deprecated, but still supported
            if (SparkHadoopUtil.get.isYarnMode() &&
                (master == "yarn-standalone" || master == "yarn-cluster")) {
              // In order for this to work in yarn-cluster mode the user must specify the
              // --addJars option to the client to upload the file into the distributed cache
              // of the AM to make it show up in the current working directory.
              val fileName = new Path(uri.getPath).getName()
              try {
                env.httpFileServer.addJar(new File(fileName))
              } catch {
                case e: Exception =>
                  // For now just log an error but allow to go through so spark examples work.
                  // The spark examples don't really need the jar distributed since its also
                  // the app jar.
                  logError("Error adding jar (" + e + "), was the --addJars option used?")
            } else {
              try {
                env.httpFileServer.addJar(new File(uri.getPath))
              } catch {
                case exc: FileNotFoundException =>
                  logError(s"Jar not found at $path")
                case e: Exception =>
                  // For now just log an error but allow to go through so spark examples work.
                  // The spark examples don't really need the jar distributed since its also
                  // the app jar.
                  logError("Error adding jar (" + e + "), was the --addJars option used?")
          // A JAR file which exists locally on every worker node
          case "local" =>
            "file:" + uri.getPath
          case _ =>
      if (key != null) {
        addedJars(key) = System.currentTimeMillis
        logInfo("Added JAR " + path + " at " + key + " with timestamp " + addedJars(key))

   * Clear the job's list of JARs added by `addJar` so that they do not get downloaded to
   * any new nodes.
  @deprecated("adding jars no longer creates local copies that need to be deleted", "1.0.0")
  def clearJars() {

  /** Shut down the SparkContext. */
  def stop() {
    SparkContext.SPARK_CONTEXT_CONSTRUCTOR_LOCK.synchronized {
      if (!stopped) {
        stopped = true
        dagScheduler = null
        taskScheduler = null
        // TODO: Cache.stop()?
        logInfo("Successfully stopped SparkContext")
      } else {
        logInfo("SparkContext already stopped")

   * Get Spark's home location from either a value set through the constructor,
   * or the spark.home Java property, or the SPARK_HOME environment variable
   * (in that order of preference). If neither of these is set, return None.
  private[spark] def getSparkHome(): Option[String] = {

   * Set the thread-local property for overriding the call sites
   * of actions and RDDs.
  def setCallSite(shortCallSite: String) {
    setLocalProperty(CallSite.SHORT_FORM, shortCallSite)

   * Set the thread-local property for overriding the call sites
   * of actions and RDDs.
  private[spark] def setCallSite(callSite: CallSite) {
    setLocalProperty(CallSite.SHORT_FORM, callSite.shortForm)
    setLocalProperty(CallSite.LONG_FORM, callSite.longForm)

   * Clear the thread-local property for overriding the call sites
   * of actions and RDDs.
  def clearCallSite() {
    setLocalProperty(CallSite.SHORT_FORM, null)
    setLocalProperty(CallSite.LONG_FORM, null)

   * Capture the current user callsite and return a formatted version for printing. If the user
   * has overridden the call site using `setCallSite()`, this will return the user's version.
  private[spark] def getCallSite(): CallSite = {
    Option(getLocalProperty(CallSite.SHORT_FORM)).map { case shortCallSite =>
      val longCallSite = Option(getLocalProperty(CallSite.LONG_FORM)).getOrElse("")
      CallSite(shortCallSite, longCallSite)

   * Run a function on a given set of partitions in an RDD and pass the results to the given
   * handler function. This is the main entry point for all actions in Spark. The allowLocal
   * flag specifies whether the scheduler can run the computation on the driver rather than
   * shipping it out to the cluster, for short actions like first().
  def runJob[T, U: ClassTag](
      rdd: RDD[T],
      func: (TaskContext, Iterator[T]) => U,
      partitions: Seq[Int],
      allowLocal: Boolean,
      resultHandler: (Int, U) => Unit) {
    if (stopped) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("SparkContext has been shutdown")
    val callSite = getCallSite
    val cleanedFunc = clean(func)
    logInfo("Starting job: " + callSite.shortForm)
    if (conf.getBoolean("spark.logLineage", false)) {
      logInfo("RDD's recursive dependencies:\n" + rdd.toDebugString)
    dagScheduler.runJob(rdd, cleanedFunc, partitions, callSite, allowLocal,
      resultHandler, localProperties.get)

   * Run a function on a given set of partitions in an RDD and return the results as an array. The
   * allowLocal flag specifies whether the scheduler can run the computation on the driver rather
   * than shipping it out to the cluster, for short actions like first().
  def runJob[T, U: ClassTag](
      rdd: RDD[T],
      func: (TaskContext, Iterator[T]) => U,
      partitions: Seq[Int],
      allowLocal: Boolean
      ): Array[U] = {
    val results = new Array[U](partitions.size)
    runJob[T, U](rdd, func, partitions, allowLocal, (index, res) => results(index) = res)

   * Run a job on a given set of partitions of an RDD, but take a function of type
   * `Iterator[T] => U` instead of `(TaskContext, Iterator[T]) => U`.
  def runJob[T, U: ClassTag](
      rdd: RDD[T],
      func: Iterator[T] => U,
      partitions: Seq[Int],
      allowLocal: Boolean
      ): Array[U] = {
    runJob(rdd, (context: TaskContext, iter: Iterator[T]) => func(iter), partitions, allowLocal)

   * Run a job on all partitions in an RDD and return the results in an array.
  def runJob[T, U: ClassTag](rdd: RDD[T], func: (TaskContext, Iterator[T]) => U): Array[U] = {
    runJob(rdd, func, 0 until rdd.partitions.size, false)

   * Run a job on all partitions in an RDD and return the results in an array.
  def runJob[T, U: ClassTag](rdd: RDD[T], func: Iterator[T] => U): Array[U] = {
    runJob(rdd, func, 0 until rdd.partitions.size, false)

   * Run a job on all partitions in an RDD and pass the results to a handler function.
  def runJob[T, U: ClassTag](
    rdd: RDD[T],
    processPartition: (TaskContext, Iterator[T]) => U,
    resultHandler: (Int, U) => Unit)
    runJob[T, U](rdd, processPartition, 0 until rdd.partitions.size, false, resultHandler)

   * Run a job on all partitions in an RDD and pass the results to a handler function.
  def runJob[T, U: ClassTag](
      rdd: RDD[T],
      processPartition: Iterator[T] => U,
      resultHandler: (Int, U) => Unit)
    val processFunc = (context: TaskContext, iter: Iterator[T]) => processPartition(iter)
    runJob[T, U](rdd, processFunc, 0 until rdd.partitions.size, false, resultHandler)

   * :: DeveloperApi ::
   * Run a job that can return approximate results.
  def runApproximateJob[T, U, R](
      rdd: RDD[T],
      func: (TaskContext, Iterator[T]) => U,
      evaluator: ApproximateEvaluator[U, R],
      timeout: Long): PartialResult[R] = {
    val callSite = getCallSite
    logInfo("Starting job: " + callSite.shortForm)
    val start = System.nanoTime
    val result = dagScheduler.runApproximateJob(rdd, func, evaluator, callSite, timeout,
      "Job finished: " + callSite.shortForm + ", took " + (System.nanoTime - start) / 1e9 + " s")

   * :: Experimental ::
   * Submit a job for execution and return a FutureJob holding the result.
  def submitJob[T, U, R](
      rdd: RDD[T],
      processPartition: Iterator[T] => U,
      partitions: Seq[Int],
      resultHandler: (Int, U) => Unit,
      resultFunc: => R): SimpleFutureAction[R] =
    val cleanF = clean(processPartition)
    val callSite = getCallSite
    val waiter = dagScheduler.submitJob(
      (context: TaskContext, iter: Iterator[T]) => cleanF(iter),
      allowLocal = false,
    new SimpleFutureAction(waiter, resultFunc)

   * Cancel active jobs for the specified group. See [[org.apache.spark.SparkContext.setJobGroup]]
   * for more information.
  def cancelJobGroup(groupId: String) {

  /** Cancel all jobs that have been scheduled or are running.  */
  def cancelAllJobs() {

  /** Cancel a given job if it's scheduled or running */
  private[spark] def cancelJob(jobId: Int) {

  /** Cancel a given stage and all jobs associated with it */
  private[spark] def cancelStage(stageId: Int) {

   * Clean a closure to make it ready to serialized and send to tasks
   * (removes unreferenced variables in $outer's, updates REPL variables)
   * If <tt>checkSerializable</tt> is set, <tt>clean</tt> will also proactively
   * check to see if <tt>f</tt> is serializable and throw a <tt>SparkException</tt>
   * if not.
   * @param f the closure to clean
   * @param checkSerializable whether or not to immediately check <tt>f</tt> for serializability
   * @throws <tt>SparkException<tt> if <tt>checkSerializable</tt> is set but <tt>f</tt> is not
   *   serializable
  private[spark] def clean[F <: AnyRef](f: F, checkSerializable: Boolean = true): F = {
    ClosureCleaner.clean(f, checkSerializable)

   * Set the directory under which RDDs are going to be checkpointed. The directory must
   * be a HDFS path if running on a cluster.
  def setCheckpointDir(directory: String) {
    checkpointDir = Option(directory).map { dir =>
      val path = new Path(dir, UUID.randomUUID().toString)
      val fs = path.getFileSystem(hadoopConfiguration)

  def getCheckpointDir = checkpointDir

  /** Default level of parallelism to use when not given by user (e.g. parallelize and makeRDD). */
  def defaultParallelism: Int = {

  /** Default min number of partitions for Hadoop RDDs when not given by user */
  @deprecated("use defaultMinPartitions", "1.0.0")
  def defaultMinSplits: Int = math.min(defaultParallelism, 2)

   * Default min number of partitions for Hadoop RDDs when not given by user 
   * Notice that we use math.min so the "defaultMinPartitions" cannot be higher than 2.
   * The reasons for this are discussed in https://github.com/mesos/spark/pull/718
  def defaultMinPartitions: Int = math.min(defaultParallelism, 2)

  private val nextShuffleId = new AtomicInteger(0)

  private[spark] def newShuffleId(): Int = nextShuffleId.getAndIncrement()

  private val nextRddId = new AtomicInteger(0)

  /** Register a new RDD, returning its RDD ID */
  private[spark] def newRddId(): Int = nextRddId.getAndIncrement()

   * Registers listeners specified in spark.extraListeners, then starts the listener bus.
   * This should be called after all internal listeners have been registered with the listener bus
   * (e.g. after the web UI and event logging listeners have been registered).
  private def setupAndStartListenerBus(): Unit = {
    // Use reflection to instantiate listeners specified via `spark.extraListeners`
    try {
      val listenerClassNames: Seq[String] =
        conf.get("spark.extraListeners", "").split(',').map(_.trim).filter(_ != "")
      for (className <- listenerClassNames) {
        // Use reflection to find the right constructor
        val constructors = {
          val listenerClass = Class.forName(className)
          listenerClass.getConstructors.asInstanceOf[Array[Constructor[_ <: SparkListener]]]
        val constructorTakingSparkConf = constructors.find { c =>
        lazy val zeroArgumentConstructor = constructors.find { c =>
        val listener: SparkListener = {
          if (constructorTakingSparkConf.isDefined) {
          } else if (zeroArgumentConstructor.isDefined) {
          } else {
            throw new SparkException(
              s"$className did not have a zero-argument constructor or a" +
                " single-argument constructor that accepts SparkConf. Note: if the class is" +
                " defined inside of another Scala class, then its constructors may accept an" +
                " implicit parameter that references the enclosing class; in this case, you must" +
                " define the listener as a top-level class in order to prevent this extra" +
                " parameter from breaking Spark's ability to find a valid constructor.")
        logInfo(s"Registered listener $className")
    } catch {
      case e: Exception =>
        try {
        } finally {
          throw new SparkException(s"Exception when registering SparkListener", e)


  /** Post the application start event */
  private def postApplicationStart() {
    // Note: this code assumes that the task scheduler has been initialized and has contacted
    // the cluster manager to get an application ID (in case the cluster manager provides one).
    listenerBus.post(SparkListenerApplicationStart(appName, Some(applicationId),
      startTime, sparkUser))

  /** Post the application end event */
  private def postApplicationEnd() {

  /** Post the environment update event once the task scheduler is ready */
  private def postEnvironmentUpdate() {
    if (taskScheduler != null) {
      val schedulingMode = getSchedulingMode.toString
      val addedJarPaths = addedJars.keys.toSeq
      val addedFilePaths = addedFiles.keys.toSeq
      val environmentDetails = SparkEnv.environmentDetails(conf, schedulingMode, addedJarPaths,
      val environmentUpdate = SparkListenerEnvironmentUpdate(environmentDetails)

  /** Called by MetadataCleaner to clean up the persistentRdds map periodically */
  private[spark] def cleanup(cleanupTime: Long) {

  // In order to prevent multiple SparkContexts from being active at the same time, mark this
  // context as having finished construction.
  // NOTE: this must be placed at the end of the SparkContext constructor.
  SparkContext.setActiveContext(this, allowMultipleContexts)

 * The SparkContext object contains a number of implicit conversions and parameters for use with
 * various Spark features.
object SparkContext extends Logging {

   * Lock that guards access to global variables that track SparkContext construction.
  private val SPARK_CONTEXT_CONSTRUCTOR_LOCK = new Object()

   * The active, fully-constructed SparkContext.  If no SparkContext is active, then this is `None`.
   * Access to this field is guarded by SPARK_CONTEXT_CONSTRUCTOR_LOCK
  private var activeContext: Option[SparkContext] = None

   * Points to a partially-constructed SparkContext if some thread is in the SparkContext
   * constructor, or `None` if no SparkContext is being constructed.
   * Access to this field is guarded by SPARK_CONTEXT_CONSTRUCTOR_LOCK
  private var contextBeingConstructed: Option[SparkContext] = None

   * Called to ensure that no other SparkContext is running in this JVM.
   * Throws an exception if a running context is detected and logs a warning if another thread is
   * constructing a SparkContext.  This warning is necessary because the current locking scheme
   * prevents us from reliably distinguishing between cases where another context is being
   * constructed and cases where another constructor threw an exception.
  private def assertNoOtherContextIsRunning(
      sc: SparkContext,
      allowMultipleContexts: Boolean): Unit = {
      contextBeingConstructed.foreach { otherContext =>
        if (otherContext ne sc) {  // checks for reference equality
          // Since otherContext might point to a partially-constructed context, guard against
          // its creationSite field being null:
          val otherContextCreationSite =
            Option(otherContext.creationSite).map(_.longForm).getOrElse("unknown location")
          val warnMsg = "Another SparkContext is being constructed (or threw an exception in its" +
            " constructor).  This may indicate an error, since only one SparkContext may be" +
            " running in this JVM (see SPARK-2243)." +
            s" The other SparkContext was created at:\n$otherContextCreationSite"

        activeContext.foreach { ctx =>
          val errMsg = "Only one SparkContext may be running in this JVM (see SPARK-2243)." +
            " To ignore this error, set spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts = true. " +
            s"The currently running SparkContext was created at:\n${ctx.creationSite.longForm}"
          val exception = new SparkException(errMsg)
          if (allowMultipleContexts) {
            logWarning("Multiple running SparkContexts detected in the same JVM!", exception)
          } else {
            throw exception

   * Called at the beginning of the SparkContext constructor to ensure that no SparkContext is
   * running.  Throws an exception if a running context is detected and logs a warning if another
   * thread is constructing a SparkContext.  This warning is necessary because the current locking
   * scheme prevents us from reliably distinguishing between cases where another context is being
   * constructed and cases where another constructor threw an exception.
  private[spark] def markPartiallyConstructed(
      sc: SparkContext,
      allowMultipleContexts: Boolean): Unit = {
      assertNoOtherContextIsRunning(sc, allowMultipleContexts)
      contextBeingConstructed = Some(sc)

   * Called at the end of the SparkContext constructor to ensure that no other SparkContext has
   * raced with this constructor and started.
  private[spark] def setActiveContext(
      sc: SparkContext,
      allowMultipleContexts: Boolean): Unit = {
      assertNoOtherContextIsRunning(sc, allowMultipleContexts)
      contextBeingConstructed = None
      activeContext = Some(sc)

   * Clears the active SparkContext metadata.  This is called by `SparkContext#stop()`.  It's
   * also called in unit tests to prevent a flood of warnings from test suites that don't / can't
   * properly clean up their SparkContexts.
  private[spark] def clearActiveContext(): Unit = {
      activeContext = None

  private[spark] val SPARK_JOB_DESCRIPTION = "spark.job.description"

  private[spark] val SPARK_JOB_GROUP_ID = "spark.jobGroup.id"

  private[spark] val SPARK_JOB_INTERRUPT_ON_CANCEL = "spark.job.interruptOnCancel"

  private[spark] val SPARK_UNKNOWN_USER = "<unknown>"

  private[spark] val DRIVER_IDENTIFIER = "<driver>"

  // The following deprecated objects have already been copied to `object AccumulatorParam` to
  // make the compiler find them automatically. They are duplicate codes only for backward
  // compatibility, please update `object AccumulatorParam` accordingly if you plan to modify the
  // following ones.

  @deprecated("Replaced by implicit objects in AccumulatorParam. This is kept here only for " +
    "backward compatibility.", "1.3.0")
  object DoubleAccumulatorParam extends AccumulatorParam[Double] {
    def addInPlace(t1: Double, t2: Double): Double = t1 + t2
    def zero(initialValue: Double) = 0.0

  @deprecated("Replaced by implicit objects in AccumulatorParam. This is kept here only for " +
    "backward compatibility.", "1.3.0")
  object IntAccumulatorParam extends AccumulatorParam[Int] {
    def addInPlace(t1: Int, t2: Int): Int = t1 + t2
    def zero(initialValue: Int) = 0

  @deprecated("Replaced by implicit objects in AccumulatorParam. This is kept here only for " +
    "backward compatibility.", "1.3.0")
  object LongAccumulatorParam extends AccumulatorParam[Long] {
    def addInPlace(t1: Long, t2: Long) = t1 + t2
    def zero(initialValue: Long) = 0L

  @deprecated("Replaced by implicit objects in AccumulatorParam. This is kept here only for " +
    "backward compatibility.", "1.3.0")
  object FloatAccumulatorParam extends AccumulatorParam[Float] {
    def addInPlace(t1: Float, t2: Float) = t1 + t2
    def zero(initialValue: Float) = 0f

  // The following deprecated functions have already been moved to `object RDD` to
  // make the compiler find them automatically. They are still kept here for backward compatibility
  // and just call the corresponding functions in `object RDD`.

  @deprecated("Replaced by implicit functions in the RDD companion object. This is " +
    "kept here only for backward compatibility.", "1.3.0")
  def rddToPairRDDFunctions[K, V](rdd: RDD[(K, V)])
      (implicit kt: ClassTag[K], vt: ClassTag[V], ord: Ordering[K] = null) = {

  @deprecated("Replaced by implicit functions in the RDD companion object. This is " +
    "kept here only for backward compatibility.", "1.3.0")
  def rddToAsyncRDDActions[T: ClassTag](rdd: RDD[T]) = RDD.rddToAsyncRDDActions(rdd)

  @deprecated("Replaced by implicit functions in the RDD companion object. This is " +
    "kept here only for backward compatibility.", "1.3.0")
  def rddToSequenceFileRDDFunctions[K <% Writable: ClassTag, V <% Writable: ClassTag](
      rdd: RDD[(K, V)]) = {
    val kf = implicitly[K => Writable]
    val vf = implicitly[V => Writable]
    // Set the Writable class to null and `SequenceFileRDDFunctions` will use Reflection to get it
    implicit val keyWritableFactory = new WritableFactory[K](_ => null, kf)
    implicit val valueWritableFactory = new WritableFactory[V](_ => null, vf)

  @deprecated("Replaced by implicit functions in the RDD companion object. This is " +
    "kept here only for backward compatibility.", "1.3.0")
  def rddToOrderedRDDFunctions[K : Ordering : ClassTag, V: ClassTag](
      rdd: RDD[(K, V)]) =

  @deprecated("Replaced by implicit functions in the RDD companion object. This is " +
    "kept here only for backward compatibility.", "1.3.0")
  def doubleRDDToDoubleRDDFunctions(rdd: RDD[Double]) = RDD.doubleRDDToDoubleRDDFunctions(rdd)

  @deprecated("Replaced by implicit functions in the RDD companion object. This is " +
    "kept here only for backward compatibility.", "1.3.0")
  def numericRDDToDoubleRDDFunctions[T](rdd: RDD[T])(implicit num: Numeric[T]) =

  // The following deprecated functions have already been moved to `object WritableFactory` to
  // make the compiler find them automatically. They are still kept here for backward compatibility.

  @deprecated("Replaced by implicit functions in the WritableFactory companion object. This is " +
    "kept here only for backward compatibility.", "1.3.0")
  implicit def intToIntWritable(i: Int): IntWritable = new IntWritable(i)

  @deprecated("Replaced by implicit functions in the WritableFactory companion object. This is " +
    "kept here only for backward compatibility.", "1.3.0")
  implicit def longToLongWritable(l: Long): LongWritable = new LongWritable(l)

  @deprecated("Replaced by implicit functions in the WritableFactory companion object. This is " +
    "kept here only for backward compatibility.", "1.3.0")
  implicit def floatToFloatWritable(f: Float): FloatWritable = new FloatWritable(f)

  @deprecated("Replaced by implicit functions in the WritableFactory companion object. This is " +
    "kept here only for backward compatibility.", "1.3.0")
  implicit def doubleToDoubleWritable(d: Double): DoubleWritable = new DoubleWritable(d)

  @deprecated("Replaced by implicit functions in the WritableFactory companion object. This is " +
    "kept here only for backward compatibility.", "1.3.0")
  implicit def boolToBoolWritable (b: Boolean): BooleanWritable = new BooleanWritable(b)

  @deprecated("Replaced by implicit functions in the WritableFactory companion object. This is " +
    "kept here only for backward compatibility.", "1.3.0")
  implicit def bytesToBytesWritable (aob: Array[Byte]): BytesWritable = new BytesWritable(aob)

  @deprecated("Replaced by implicit functions in the WritableFactory companion object. This is " +
    "kept here only for backward compatibility.", "1.3.0")
  implicit def stringToText(s: String): Text = new Text(s)

  private implicit def arrayToArrayWritable[T <% Writable: ClassTag](arr: Traversable[T])
    : ArrayWritable = {
    def anyToWritable[U <% Writable](u: U): Writable = u

    new ArrayWritable(classTag[T].runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[Writable]],
        arr.map(x => anyToWritable(x)).toArray)

  // The following deprecated functions have already been moved to `object WritableConverter` to
  // make the compiler find them automatically. They are still kept here for backward compatibility
  // and just call the corresponding functions in `object WritableConverter`.

  @deprecated("Replaced by implicit functions in WritableConverter. This is kept here only for " +
    "backward compatibility.", "1.3.0")
  def intWritableConverter(): WritableConverter[Int] =

  @deprecated("Replaced by implicit functions in WritableConverter. This is kept here only for " +
    "backward compatibility.", "1.3.0")
  def longWritableConverter(): WritableConverter[Long] =

  @deprecated("Replaced by implicit functions in WritableConverter. This is kept here only for " +
    "backward compatibility.", "1.3.0")
  def doubleWritableConverter(): WritableConverter[Double] =

  @deprecated("Replaced by implicit functions in WritableConverter. This is kept here only for " +
    "backward compatibility.", "1.3.0")
  def floatWritableConverter(): WritableConverter[Float] =

  @deprecated("Replaced by implicit functions in WritableConverter. This is kept here only for " +
    "backward compatibility.", "1.3.0")
  def booleanWritableConverter(): WritableConverter[Boolean] =

  @deprecated("Replaced by implicit functions in WritableConverter. This is kept here only for " +
    "backward compatibility.", "1.3.0")
  def bytesWritableConverter(): WritableConverter[Array[Byte]] =

  @deprecated("Replaced by implicit functions in WritableConverter. This is kept here only for " +
    "backward compatibility.", "1.3.0")
  def stringWritableConverter(): WritableConverter[String] =

  @deprecated("Replaced by implicit functions in WritableConverter. This is kept here only for " +
    "backward compatibility.", "1.3.0")
  def writableWritableConverter[T <: Writable](): WritableConverter[T] =

   * Find the JAR from which a given class was loaded, to make it easy for users to pass
   * their JARs to SparkContext.
  def jarOfClass(cls: Class[_]): Option[String] = {
    val uri = cls.getResource("/" + cls.getName.replace('.', '/') + ".class")
    if (uri != null) {
      val uriStr = uri.toString
      if (uriStr.startsWith("jar:file:")) {
        // URI will be of the form "jar:file:/path/foo.jar!/package/cls.class",
        // so pull out the /path/foo.jar
        Some(uriStr.substring("jar:file:".length, uriStr.indexOf('!')))
      } else {
    } else {

   * Find the JAR that contains the class of a particular object, to make it easy for users
   * to pass their JARs to SparkContext. In most cases you can call jarOfObject(this) in
   * your driver program.
  def jarOfObject(obj: AnyRef): Option[String] = jarOfClass(obj.getClass)

   * Creates a modified version of a SparkConf with the parameters that can be passed separately
   * to SparkContext, to make it easier to write SparkContext's constructors. This ignores
   * parameters that are passed as the default value of null, instead of throwing an exception
   * like SparkConf would.
  private[spark] def updatedConf(
      conf: SparkConf,
      master: String,
      appName: String,
      sparkHome: String = null,
      jars: Seq[String] = Nil,
      environment: Map[String, String] = Map()): SparkConf =
    val res = conf.clone()
    if (sparkHome != null) {
    if (jars != null && !jars.isEmpty) {

   * Create a task scheduler based on a given master URL.
   * Return a 2-tuple of the scheduler backend and the task scheduler.
  private def createTaskScheduler(
      sc: SparkContext,
      master: String): (SchedulerBackend, TaskScheduler) = {
    // Regular expression used for local[N] and local[*] master formats
    val LOCAL_N_REGEX = """local\[([0-9]+|\*)\]""".r
    // Regular expression for local[N, maxRetries], used in tests with failing tasks
    val LOCAL_N_FAILURES_REGEX = """local\[([0-9]+|\*)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\]""".r
    // Regular expression for simulating a Spark cluster of [N, cores, memory] locally
    val LOCAL_CLUSTER_REGEX = """local-cluster\[\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*]""".r
    // Regular expression for connecting to Spark deploy clusters
    val SPARK_REGEX = """spark://(.*)""".r
    // Regular expression for connection to Mesos cluster by mesos:// or zk:// url
    val MESOS_REGEX = """(mesos|zk)://.*""".r
    // Regular expression for connection to Simr cluster
    val SIMR_REGEX = """simr://(.*)""".r

    // When running locally, don't try to re-execute tasks on failure.

    master match {
      case "local" =>
        val scheduler = new TaskSchedulerImpl(sc, MAX_LOCAL_TASK_FAILURES, isLocal = true)
        val backend = new LocalBackend(scheduler, 1)
        (backend, scheduler)

      case LOCAL_N_REGEX(threads) =>
        def localCpuCount = Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors()
        // local[*] estimates the number of cores on the machine; local[N] uses exactly N threads.
        val threadCount = if (threads == "*") localCpuCount else threads.toInt
        if (threadCount <= 0) {
          throw new SparkException(s"Asked to run locally with $threadCount threads")
        val scheduler = new TaskSchedulerImpl(sc, MAX_LOCAL_TASK_FAILURES, isLocal = true)
        val backend = new LocalBackend(scheduler, threadCount)
        (backend, scheduler)

      case LOCAL_N_FAILURES_REGEX(threads, maxFailures) =>
        def localCpuCount = Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors()
        // local[*, M] means the number of cores on the computer with M failures
        // local[N, M] means exactly N threads with M failures
        val threadCount = if (threads == "*") localCpuCount else threads.toInt
        val scheduler = new TaskSchedulerImpl(sc, maxFailures.toInt, isLocal = true)
        val backend = new LocalBackend(scheduler, threadCount)
        (backend, scheduler)

      case SPARK_REGEX(sparkUrl) =>
        val scheduler = new TaskSchedulerImpl(sc)
        val masterUrls = sparkUrl.split(",").map("spark://" + _)
        val backend = new SparkDeploySchedulerBackend(scheduler, sc, masterUrls)
        (backend, scheduler)

      case LOCAL_CLUSTER_REGEX(numSlaves, coresPerSlave, memoryPerSlave) =>
        // Check to make sure memory requested <= memoryPerSlave. Otherwise Spark will just hang.
        val memoryPerSlaveInt = memoryPerSlave.toInt
        if (sc.executorMemory > memoryPerSlaveInt) {
          throw new SparkException(
            "Asked to launch cluster with %d MB RAM / worker but requested %d MB/worker".format(
              memoryPerSlaveInt, sc.executorMemory))

        val scheduler = new TaskSchedulerImpl(sc)
        val localCluster = new LocalSparkCluster(
          numSlaves.toInt, coresPerSlave.toInt, memoryPerSlaveInt, sc.conf)
        val masterUrls = localCluster.start()
        val backend = new SparkDeploySchedulerBackend(scheduler, sc, masterUrls)
        backend.shutdownCallback = (backend: SparkDeploySchedulerBackend) => {
        (backend, scheduler)

      case "yarn-standalone" | "yarn-cluster" =>
        if (master == "yarn-standalone") {
            "\"yarn-standalone\" is deprecated as of Spark 1.0. Use \"yarn-cluster\" instead.")
        val scheduler = try {
          val clazz = Class.forName("org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster.YarnClusterScheduler")
          val cons = clazz.getConstructor(classOf[SparkContext])
        } catch {
          // TODO: Enumerate the exact reasons why it can fail
          // But irrespective of it, it means we cannot proceed !
          case e: Exception => {
            throw new SparkException("YARN mode not available ?", e)
        val backend = try {
          val clazz =
          val cons = clazz.getConstructor(classOf[TaskSchedulerImpl], classOf[SparkContext])
          cons.newInstance(scheduler, sc).asInstanceOf[CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend]
        } catch {
          case e: Exception => {
            throw new SparkException("YARN mode not available ?", e)
        (backend, scheduler)

      case "yarn-client" =>
        val scheduler = try {
          val clazz =
          val cons = clazz.getConstructor(classOf[SparkContext])

        } catch {
          case e: Exception => {
            throw new SparkException("YARN mode not available ?", e)

        val backend = try {
          val clazz =
          val cons = clazz.getConstructor(classOf[TaskSchedulerImpl], classOf[SparkContext])
          cons.newInstance(scheduler, sc).asInstanceOf[CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend]
        } catch {
          case e: Exception => {
            throw new SparkException("YARN mode not available ?", e)

        (backend, scheduler)

      case mesosUrl @ MESOS_REGEX(_) =>
        val scheduler = new TaskSchedulerImpl(sc)
        val coarseGrained = sc.conf.getBoolean("spark.mesos.coarse", false)
        val url = mesosUrl.stripPrefix("mesos://") // strip scheme from raw Mesos URLs
        val backend = if (coarseGrained) {
          new CoarseMesosSchedulerBackend(scheduler, sc, url)
        } else {
          new MesosSchedulerBackend(scheduler, sc, url)
        (backend, scheduler)

      case SIMR_REGEX(simrUrl) =>
        val scheduler = new TaskSchedulerImpl(sc)
        val backend = new SimrSchedulerBackend(scheduler, sc, simrUrl)
        (backend, scheduler)

      case _ =>
        throw new SparkException("Could not parse Master URL: '" + master + "'")

 * A class encapsulating how to convert some type T to Writable. It stores both the Writable class
 * corresponding to T (e.g. IntWritable for Int) and a function for doing the conversion.
 * The getter for the writable class takes a ClassTag[T] in case this is a generic object
 * that doesn't know the type of T when it is created. This sounds strange but is necessary to
 * support converting subclasses of Writable to themselves (writableWritableConverter).
private[spark] class WritableConverter[T](
    val writableClass: ClassTag[T] => Class[_ <: Writable],
    val convert: Writable => T)
  extends Serializable

object WritableConverter {

  // Helper objects for converting common types to Writable
  private[spark] def simpleWritableConverter[T, W <: Writable: ClassTag](convert: W => T)
  : WritableConverter[T] = {
    val wClass = classTag[W].runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[W]]
    new WritableConverter[T](_ => wClass, x => convert(x.asInstanceOf[W]))

  // The following implicit functions were in SparkContext before 1.3 and users had to
  // `import SparkContext._` to enable them. Now we move them here to make the compiler find
  // them automatically. However, we still keep the old functions in SparkContext for backward
  // compatibility and forward to the following functions directly.

  implicit def intWritableConverter(): WritableConverter[Int] =
    simpleWritableConverter[Int, IntWritable](_.get)

  implicit def longWritableConverter(): WritableConverter[Long] =
    simpleWritableConverter[Long, LongWritable](_.get)

  implicit def doubleWritableConverter(): WritableConverter[Double] =
    simpleWritableConverter[Double, DoubleWritable](_.get)

  implicit def floatWritableConverter(): WritableConverter[Float] =
    simpleWritableConverter[Float, FloatWritable](_.get)

  implicit def booleanWritableConverter(): WritableConverter[Boolean] =
    simpleWritableConverter[Boolean, BooleanWritable](_.get)

  implicit def bytesWritableConverter(): WritableConverter[Array[Byte]] = {
    simpleWritableConverter[Array[Byte], BytesWritable] { bw =>
      // getBytes method returns array which is longer then data to be returned
      Arrays.copyOfRange(bw.getBytes, 0, bw.getLength)

  implicit def stringWritableConverter(): WritableConverter[String] =
    simpleWritableConverter[String, Text](_.toString)

  implicit def writableWritableConverter[T <: Writable](): WritableConverter[T] =
    new WritableConverter[T](_.runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]], _.asInstanceOf[T])

 * A class encapsulating how to convert some type T to Writable. It stores both the Writable class
 * corresponding to T (e.g. IntWritable for Int) and a function for doing the conversion.
 * The Writable class will be used in `SequenceFileRDDFunctions`.
private[spark] class WritableFactory[T](
    val writableClass: ClassTag[T] => Class[_ <: Writable],
    val convert: T => Writable) extends Serializable

object WritableFactory {

  private[spark] def simpleWritableFactory[T: ClassTag, W <: Writable : ClassTag](convert: T => W)
    : WritableFactory[T] = {
    val writableClass = implicitly[ClassTag[W]].runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[W]]
    new WritableFactory[T](_ => writableClass, convert)

  implicit def intWritableFactory: WritableFactory[Int] =
    simpleWritableFactory(new IntWritable(_))

  implicit def longWritableFactory: WritableFactory[Long] =
    simpleWritableFactory(new LongWritable(_))

  implicit def floatWritableFactory: WritableFactory[Float] =
    simpleWritableFactory(new FloatWritable(_))

  implicit def doubleWritableFactory: WritableFactory[Double] =
    simpleWritableFactory(new DoubleWritable(_))

  implicit def booleanWritableFactory: WritableFactory[Boolean] =
    simpleWritableFactory(new BooleanWritable(_))

  implicit def bytesWritableFactory: WritableFactory[Array[Byte]] =
    simpleWritableFactory(new BytesWritable(_))

  implicit def stringWritableFactory: WritableFactory[String] =
    simpleWritableFactory(new Text(_))

  implicit def writableWritableFactory[T <: Writable: ClassTag]: WritableFactory[T] =
    simpleWritableFactory(w => w)
