path: root/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/SparkSubmitSuite.scala
blob: 657b44668d385d303f1ea59ae29659492c925e9b (plain) (tree)


















 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.deploy

import java.io.{File, OutputStream, PrintStream}

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext, SparkEnv, SparkException, TestUtils}
import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit._
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import org.scalatest.matchers.ShouldMatchers

class SparkSubmitSuite extends FunSuite with ShouldMatchers {

  val noOpOutputStream = new OutputStream {
    def write(b: Int) = {}

  /** Simple PrintStream that reads data into a buffer */
  class BufferPrintStream extends PrintStream(noOpOutputStream) {
    var lineBuffer = ArrayBuffer[String]()
    override def println(line: String) {
      lineBuffer += line

  /** Returns true if the script exits and the given search string is printed. */
  def testPrematureExit(input: Array[String], searchString: String) = {
    val printStream = new BufferPrintStream()
    SparkSubmit.printStream = printStream

    @volatile var exitedCleanly = false
    SparkSubmit.exitFn = () => exitedCleanly = true

    val thread = new Thread {
      override def run() = try {
      } catch {
        // If exceptions occur after the "exit" has happened, fine to ignore them.
        // These represent code paths not reachable during normal execution.
        case e: Exception => if (!exitedCleanly) throw e
    val joined = printStream.lineBuffer.mkString("\n")
    if (!joined.contains(searchString)) {
      fail(s"Search string '$searchString' not found in $joined")

  test("prints usage on empty input") {
    testPrematureExit(Array[String](), "Usage: spark-submit")

  test("prints usage with only --help") {
    testPrematureExit(Array("--help"), "Usage: spark-submit")

  test("prints error with unrecognized option") {
    testPrematureExit(Array("--blarg"), "Unrecognized option '--blarg'")
    testPrematureExit(Array("-bleg"), "Unrecognized option '-bleg'")
      "Unrecognized option '--master=abc'. Perhaps you want '--master abc'?")

  test("handles multiple binary definitions") {
    val adjacentJars = Array("foo.jar", "bar.jar")
    testPrematureExit(adjacentJars, "error: Found two conflicting resources")

    val nonAdjacentJars =
      Array("foo.jar", "--master", "123", "--class", "abc", "bar.jar")
    testPrematureExit(nonAdjacentJars, "error: Found two conflicting resources")

  test("handle binary specified but not class") {
    testPrematureExit(Array("foo.jar"), "Must specify a main class")

  test("handles YARN cluster mode") {
    val clArgs = Array("thejar.jar", "--deploy-mode", "cluster",
      "--master", "yarn", "--executor-memory", "5g", "--executor-cores", "5",
      "--class", "org.SomeClass", "--jars", "one.jar,two.jar,three.jar",
      "--arg", "arg1", "--arg", "arg2", "--driver-memory", "4g",
      "--queue", "thequeue", "--files", "file1.txt,file2.txt",
      "--archives", "archive1.txt,archive2.txt", "--num-executors", "6")
    val appArgs = new SparkSubmitArguments(clArgs)
    val (childArgs, classpath, sysProps, mainClass) = createLaunchEnv(appArgs)
    val childArgsStr = childArgs.mkString(" ")
    childArgsStr should include ("--jar thejar.jar")
    childArgsStr should include ("--class org.SomeClass")
    childArgsStr should include ("--addJars one.jar,two.jar,three.jar")
    childArgsStr should include ("--executor-memory 5g")
    childArgsStr should include ("--driver-memory 4g")
    childArgsStr should include ("--executor-cores 5")
    childArgsStr should include ("--arg arg1 --arg arg2")
    childArgsStr should include ("--queue thequeue")
    childArgsStr should include ("--files file1.txt,file2.txt")
    childArgsStr should include ("--archives archive1.txt,archive2.txt")
    childArgsStr should include ("--num-executors 6")
    mainClass should be ("org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.Client")
    classpath should have length (0)
    sysProps should have size (0)

  test("handles YARN client mode") {
    val clArgs = Array("thejar.jar", "--deploy-mode", "client",
      "--master", "yarn", "--executor-memory", "5g", "--executor-cores", "5",
      "--class", "org.SomeClass", "--jars", "one.jar,two.jar,three.jar",
      "--arg", "arg1", "--arg", "arg2", "--driver-memory", "4g",
      "--queue", "thequeue", "--files", "file1.txt,file2.txt",
      "--archives", "archive1.txt,archive2.txt", "--num-executors", "6")
    val appArgs = new SparkSubmitArguments(clArgs)
    val (childArgs, classpath, sysProps, mainClass) = createLaunchEnv(appArgs)
    childArgs.mkString(" ") should be ("arg1 arg2")
    mainClass should be ("org.SomeClass")
    classpath should contain ("thejar.jar")
    classpath should contain ("one.jar")
    classpath should contain ("two.jar")
    classpath should contain ("three.jar")
    sysProps("spark.executor.memory") should be ("5g")
    sysProps("spark.executor.cores") should be ("5")
    sysProps("spark.yarn.queue") should be ("thequeue")
    sysProps("spark.yarn.dist.files") should be ("file1.txt,file2.txt")
    sysProps("spark.yarn.dist.archives") should be ("archive1.txt,archive2.txt")
    sysProps("spark.executor.instances") should be ("6")

  test("handles standalone cluster mode") {
    val clArgs = Array("thejar.jar", "--deploy-mode", "cluster",
      "--master", "spark://h:p", "--class", "org.SomeClass", "--arg", "arg1", "--arg", "arg2",
      "--supervise", "--driver-memory", "4g", "--driver-cores", "5")
    val appArgs = new SparkSubmitArguments(clArgs)
    val (childArgs, classpath, sysProps, mainClass) = createLaunchEnv(appArgs)
    val childArgsStr = childArgs.mkString(" ")
    childArgsStr.startsWith("--memory 4g --cores 5 --supervise") should be (true)
    childArgsStr should include ("launch spark://h:p thejar.jar org.SomeClass arg1 arg2")
    mainClass should be ("org.apache.spark.deploy.Client")
    classpath should have length (0)
    sysProps should have size (1) // contains --jar entry

  test("handles standalone client mode") {
    val clArgs = Array("thejar.jar", "--deploy-mode", "client",
      "--master", "spark://h:p", "--executor-memory", "5g", "--total-executor-cores", "5",
      "--class", "org.SomeClass", "--arg", "arg1", "--arg", "arg2",
      "--driver-memory", "4g")
    val appArgs = new SparkSubmitArguments(clArgs)
    val (childArgs, classpath, sysProps, mainClass) = createLaunchEnv(appArgs)
    childArgs.mkString(" ") should be ("arg1 arg2")
    mainClass should be ("org.SomeClass")
    classpath should contain ("thejar.jar")
    sysProps("spark.executor.memory") should be ("5g")
    sysProps("spark.cores.max") should be ("5")

  test("handles mesos client mode") {
    val clArgs = Array("thejar.jar", "--deploy-mode", "client",
      "--master", "mesos://h:p", "--executor-memory", "5g", "--total-executor-cores", "5",
      "--class", "org.SomeClass", "--arg", "arg1", "--arg", "arg2",
      "--driver-memory", "4g")
    val appArgs = new SparkSubmitArguments(clArgs)
    val (childArgs, classpath, sysProps, mainClass) = createLaunchEnv(appArgs)
    childArgs.mkString(" ") should be ("arg1 arg2")
    mainClass should be ("org.SomeClass")
    classpath should contain ("thejar.jar")
    sysProps("spark.executor.memory") should be ("5g")
    sysProps("spark.cores.max") should be ("5")

  test("launch simple application with spark-submit") {
        "--class", SimpleApplicationTest.getClass.getName.stripSuffix("$"),
        "--name", "testApp",
        "--master", "local"))

  test("spark submit includes jars passed in through --jar") {
    val jar1 = TestUtils.createJarWithClasses(Seq("SparkSubmitClassA"))
    val jar2 = TestUtils.createJarWithClasses(Seq("SparkSubmitClassB"))
    val jarsString = Seq(jar1, jar2).map(j => j.toString).mkString(",")
        "--class", JarCreationTest.getClass.getName.stripSuffix("$"),
        "--name", "testApp",
        "--master", "local-cluster[2,1,512]",
        "--jars", jarsString))

  // NOTE: This is an expensive operation in terms of time (10 seconds+). Use sparingly.
  def runSparkSubmit(args: Seq[String]): String = {
    val sparkHome = sys.env.get("SPARK_HOME").orElse(sys.props.get("spark.home")).get
      Seq("./bin/spark-submit") ++ args,
      new File(sparkHome),
      Map("SPARK_TESTING" -> "1", "SPARK_HOME" -> sparkHome))

object JarCreationTest {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val conf = new SparkConf()
    val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
    val result = sc.makeRDD(1 to 100, 10).mapPartitions{ x =>
      var foundClasses = false
      try {
        Class.forName("SparkSubmitClassA", true, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader)
        Class.forName("SparkSubmitClassA", true, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader)
        foundClasses = true
      } catch {
        case _: Throwable => // catch all
    if (result.contains(false)) {
      throw new Exception("Could not load user defined classes inside of executors")

object SimpleApplicationTest {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val conf = new SparkConf()
    val sc = new SparkContext(conf)

    val configs = Seq("spark.master", "spark.app.name")
    for (config <- configs) {
      val masterValue = conf.get(config)
      val executorValues = sc
        .makeRDD(1 to 100, 10)
        .map(x => SparkEnv.get.conf.get(config))
      if (executorValues.size != 1) {
        throw new SparkException(s"Inconsistent values for $config: $executorValues")
      val executorValue = executorValues(0)
      if (executorValue != masterValue) {
        throw new SparkException(
          s"Master had $config=$masterValue but executor had $config=$executorValue")
