path: root/mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ml/classification/ProbabilisticClassifier.scala
blob: ef08134809915578daf44545b6190e25d167ed83 (plain) (tree)











































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package org.apache.spark.ml.classification

import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
import org.apache.spark.ml.linalg.{DenseVector, Vector, VectorUDT}
import org.apache.spark.ml.param.shared._
import org.apache.spark.ml.util.SchemaUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Dataset}
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, StructType}

 * (private[classification])  Params for probabilistic classification.
private[classification] trait ProbabilisticClassifierParams
  extends ClassifierParams with HasProbabilityCol with HasThresholds {
  override protected def validateAndTransformSchema(
      schema: StructType,
      fitting: Boolean,
      featuresDataType: DataType): StructType = {
    val parentSchema = super.validateAndTransformSchema(schema, fitting, featuresDataType)
    SchemaUtils.appendColumn(parentSchema, $(probabilityCol), new VectorUDT)

 * :: DeveloperApi ::
 * Single-label binary or multiclass classifier which can output class conditional probabilities.
 * @tparam FeaturesType  Type of input features.  E.g., `Vector`
 * @tparam E  Concrete Estimator type
 * @tparam M  Concrete Model type
abstract class ProbabilisticClassifier[
    E <: ProbabilisticClassifier[FeaturesType, E, M],
    M <: ProbabilisticClassificationModel[FeaturesType, M]]
  extends Classifier[FeaturesType, E, M] with ProbabilisticClassifierParams {

  /** @group setParam */
  def setProbabilityCol(value: String): E = set(probabilityCol, value).asInstanceOf[E]

  /** @group setParam */
  def setThresholds(value: Array[Double]): E = set(thresholds, value).asInstanceOf[E]

 * :: DeveloperApi ::
 * Model produced by a [[ProbabilisticClassifier]].
 * Classes are indexed {0, 1, ..., numClasses - 1}.
 * @tparam FeaturesType  Type of input features.  E.g., `Vector`
 * @tparam M  Concrete Model type
abstract class ProbabilisticClassificationModel[
    M <: ProbabilisticClassificationModel[FeaturesType, M]]
  extends ClassificationModel[FeaturesType, M] with ProbabilisticClassifierParams {

  /** @group setParam */
  def setProbabilityCol(value: String): M = set(probabilityCol, value).asInstanceOf[M]

  /** @group setParam */
  def setThresholds(value: Array[Double]): M = {
    require(value.length == numClasses, this.getClass.getSimpleName +
      ".setThresholds() called with non-matching numClasses and thresholds.length." +
      s" numClasses=$numClasses, but thresholds has length ${value.length}")
    set(thresholds, value).asInstanceOf[M]

   * Transforms dataset by reading from [[featuresCol]], and appending new columns as specified by
   * parameters:
   *  - predicted labels as [[predictionCol]] of type `Double`
   *  - raw predictions (confidences) as [[rawPredictionCol]] of type `Vector`
   *  - probability of each class as [[probabilityCol]] of type `Vector`.
   * @param dataset input dataset
   * @return transformed dataset
  override def transform(dataset: Dataset[_]): DataFrame = {
    transformSchema(dataset.schema, logging = true)
    if (isDefined(thresholds)) {
      require($(thresholds).length == numClasses, this.getClass.getSimpleName +
        ".transform() called with non-matching numClasses and thresholds.length." +
        s" numClasses=$numClasses, but thresholds has length ${$(thresholds).length}")

    // Output selected columns only.
    // This is a bit complicated since it tries to avoid repeated computation.
    var outputData = dataset
    var numColsOutput = 0
    if ($(rawPredictionCol).nonEmpty) {
      val predictRawUDF = udf { (features: Any) =>
      outputData = outputData.withColumn(getRawPredictionCol, predictRawUDF(col(getFeaturesCol)))
      numColsOutput += 1
    if ($(probabilityCol).nonEmpty) {
      val probUDF = if ($(rawPredictionCol).nonEmpty) {
        udf(raw2probability _).apply(col($(rawPredictionCol)))
      } else {
        val probabilityUDF = udf { (features: Any) =>
      outputData = outputData.withColumn($(probabilityCol), probUDF)
      numColsOutput += 1
    if ($(predictionCol).nonEmpty) {
      val predUDF = if ($(rawPredictionCol).nonEmpty) {
        udf(raw2prediction _).apply(col($(rawPredictionCol)))
      } else if ($(probabilityCol).nonEmpty) {
        udf(probability2prediction _).apply(col($(probabilityCol)))
      } else {
        val predictUDF = udf { (features: Any) =>
      outputData = outputData.withColumn($(predictionCol), predUDF)
      numColsOutput += 1

    if (numColsOutput == 0) {
      this.logWarning(s"$uid: ProbabilisticClassificationModel.transform() was called as NOOP" +
        " since no output columns were set.")

   * Estimate the probability of each class given the raw prediction,
   * doing the computation in-place.
   * These predictions are also called class conditional probabilities.
   * This internal method is used to implement `transform()` and output [[probabilityCol]].
   * @return Estimated class conditional probabilities (modified input vector)
  protected def raw2probabilityInPlace(rawPrediction: Vector): Vector

   * Non-in-place version of `raw2probabilityInPlace()`
  protected def raw2probability(rawPrediction: Vector): Vector = {
    val probs = rawPrediction.copy

  override protected def raw2prediction(rawPrediction: Vector): Double = {
    if (!isDefined(thresholds)) {
    } else {

   * Predict the probability of each class given the features.
   * These predictions are also called class conditional probabilities.
   * This internal method is used to implement `transform()` and output [[probabilityCol]].
   * @return Estimated class conditional probabilities
  protected def predictProbability(features: FeaturesType): Vector = {
    val rawPreds = predictRaw(features)

   * Given a vector of class conditional probabilities, select the predicted label.
   * This supports thresholds which favor particular labels.
   * @return  predicted label
  protected def probability2prediction(probability: Vector): Double = {
    if (!isDefined(thresholds)) {
    } else {
      val thresholds = getThresholds
      var argMax = 0
      var max = Double.NegativeInfinity
      var i = 0
      val probabilitySize = probability.size
      while (i < probabilitySize) {
        // Thresholds are all > 0, excepting that at most one may be 0.
        // The single class whose threshold is 0, if any, will always be predicted
        // ('scaled' = +Infinity). However in the case that this class also has
        // 0 probability, the class will not be selected ('scaled' is NaN).
        val scaled = probability(i) / thresholds(i)
        if (scaled > max) {
          max = scaled
          argMax = i
        i += 1

private[ml] object ProbabilisticClassificationModel {

   * Normalize a vector of raw predictions to be a multinomial probability vector, in place.
   * The input raw predictions should be nonnegative.
   * The output vector sums to 1, unless the input vector is all-0 (in which case the output is
   * all-0 too).
   * NOTE: This is NOT applicable to all models, only ones which effectively use class
   *       instance counts for raw predictions.
  def normalizeToProbabilitiesInPlace(v: DenseVector): Unit = {
    val sum = v.values.sum
    if (sum != 0) {
      var i = 0
      val size = v.size
      while (i < size) {
        v.values(i) /= sum
        i += 1