path: root/core
diff options
authorMosharaf Chowdhury <mosharaf@cs.berkeley.edu>2012-07-09 21:35:39 -0700
committerMosharaf Chowdhury <mosharaf@cs.berkeley.edu>2012-07-09 21:35:39 -0700
commitca02a923327166ddacfccf26003543c15bc1c04c (patch)
tree954b9e60140d0de16dabb7b21daab093add6c9d3 /core
parent654576ef1a99e204dbfab3901f8c724806ef66a9 (diff)
Refactored TrackMultipleValues out.
Diffstat (limited to 'core')
3 files changed, 210 insertions, 328 deletions
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/BitTorrentBroadcast.scala b/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/BitTorrentBroadcast.scala
index 5fca5a46d0..aab3a15587 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/BitTorrentBroadcast.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/BitTorrentBroadcast.scala
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package spark.broadcast
import java.io._
import java.net._
-import java.util.{BitSet, Comparator, Random, Timer, TimerTask, UUID}
+import java.util.{BitSet, Comparator, Timer, TimerTask, UUID}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import scala.collection.mutable.{ListBuffer, Map, Set}
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ extends Broadcast[T] with Logging with Serializable {
def value = value_
- BitTorrentBroadcast.synchronized {
- BitTorrentBroadcast.values.put(uuid, 0, value_)
+ Broadcast.synchronized {
+ Broadcast.values.put(uuid, 0, value_)
@transient var arrayOfBlocks: Array[BroadcastBlock] = null
@@ -109,14 +109,14 @@ extends Broadcast[T] with Logging with Serializable {
listOfSources += masterSource
// Register with the Tracker
- registerBroadcast(uuid,
+ Broadcast.registerBroadcast(uuid,
SourceInfo(hostAddress, guidePort, totalBlocks, totalBytes))
private def readObject(in: ObjectInputStream) {
- BitTorrentBroadcast.synchronized {
- val cachedVal = BitTorrentBroadcast.values.get(uuid, 0)
+ Broadcast.synchronized {
+ val cachedVal = Broadcast.values.get(uuid, 0)
if (cachedVal != null) {
value_ = cachedVal.asInstanceOf[T]
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ extends Broadcast[T] with Logging with Serializable {
val receptionSucceeded = receiveBroadcast(uuid)
if (receptionSucceeded) {
value_ = Broadcast.unBlockifyObject[T](arrayOfBlocks, totalBytes, totalBlocks)
- BitTorrentBroadcast.values.put(uuid, 0, value_)
+ Broadcast.values.put(uuid, 0, value_)
} else {
logError("Reading Broadcasted variable " + uuid + " failed")
@@ -171,58 +171,6 @@ extends Broadcast[T] with Logging with Serializable {
stopBroadcast = false
- private def registerBroadcast(uuid: UUID, gInfo: SourceInfo) {
- val socket = new Socket(Broadcast.MasterHostAddress,
- Broadcast.MasterTrackerPort)
- val oosST = new ObjectOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream)
- oosST.flush()
- val oisST = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream)
- // Send messageType/intention
- oosST.writeObject(Broadcast.REGISTER_BROADCAST_TRACKER)
- oosST.flush()
- // Send UUID of this broadcast
- oosST.writeObject(uuid)
- oosST.flush()
- // Send this tracker's information
- oosST.writeObject(gInfo)
- oosST.flush()
- // Receive ACK and throw it away
- oisST.readObject.asInstanceOf[Int]
- // Shut stuff down
- oisST.close()
- oosST.close()
- socket.close()
- }
- private def unregisterBroadcast(uuid: UUID) {
- val socket = new Socket(Broadcast.MasterHostAddress,
- Broadcast.MasterTrackerPort)
- val oosST = new ObjectOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream)
- oosST.flush()
- val oisST = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream)
- // Send messageType/intention
- oosST.flush()
- // Send UUID of this broadcast
- oosST.writeObject(uuid)
- oosST.flush()
- // Receive ACK and throw it away
- oisST.readObject.asInstanceOf[Int]
- // Shut stuff down
- oisST.close()
- oosST.close()
- socket.close()
- }
private def getLocalSourceInfo: SourceInfo = {
// Wait till hostName and listenPort are OK
while (listenPort == -1) {
@@ -274,7 +222,7 @@ extends Broadcast[T] with Logging with Serializable {
// Keep exchaning information until all blocks have been received
while (hasBlocks.get < totalBlocks) {
- Thread.sleep(BitTorrentBroadcast.ranGen.nextInt(
+ Thread.sleep(Broadcast.ranGen.nextInt(
Broadcast.MaxKnockInterval - Broadcast.MinKnockInterval) +
@@ -354,7 +302,7 @@ extends Broadcast[T] with Logging with Serializable {
- Thread.sleep(BitTorrentBroadcast.ranGen.nextInt(
+ Thread.sleep(Broadcast.ranGen.nextInt(
Broadcast.MaxKnockInterval - Broadcast.MinKnockInterval) +
@@ -492,7 +440,7 @@ extends Broadcast[T] with Logging with Serializable {
// Now always picking randomly
if (curPeer == null && peersNotInUse.size > 0) {
// Pick uniformly the i'th required peer
- var i = BitTorrentBroadcast.ranGen.nextInt(peersNotInUse.size)
+ var i = Broadcast.ranGen.nextInt(peersNotInUse.size)
var peerIter = peersNotInUse.iterator
curPeer = peerIter.next
@@ -563,7 +511,7 @@ extends Broadcast[T] with Logging with Serializable {
// Sort the peers based on how many rare blocks they have
- var randomNumber = BitTorrentBroadcast.ranGen.nextDouble
+ var randomNumber = Broadcast.ranGen.nextDouble
var tempSum = 0.0
var i = 0
@@ -732,7 +680,7 @@ extends Broadcast[T] with Logging with Serializable {
return -1
} else {
// Pick uniformly the i'th required block
- var i = BitTorrentBroadcast.ranGen.nextInt(needBlocksBitVector.cardinality)
+ var i = Broadcast.ranGen.nextInt(needBlocksBitVector.cardinality)
var pickedBlockIndex = needBlocksBitVector.nextSetBit(0)
while (i > 0) {
@@ -804,7 +752,7 @@ extends Broadcast[T] with Logging with Serializable {
return -1
} else {
// Pick uniformly the i'th index
- var i = BitTorrentBroadcast.ranGen.nextInt(minBlocksIndices.size)
+ var i = Broadcast.ranGen.nextInt(minBlocksIndices.size)
return minBlocksIndices(i)
@@ -885,7 +833,7 @@ extends Broadcast[T] with Logging with Serializable {
logInfo("Sending stopBroadcast notifications...")
- unregisterBroadcast(uuid)
+ Broadcast.unregisterBroadcast(uuid)
} finally {
if (serverSocket != null) {
logInfo("GuideMultipleRequests now stopping...")
@@ -1000,7 +948,7 @@ extends Broadcast[T] with Logging with Serializable {
var i = -1
do {
- i = BitTorrentBroadcast.ranGen.nextInt(listOfSources.size)
+ i = Broadcast.ranGen.nextInt(listOfSources.size)
} while (alreadyPicked.get(i))
var peerIter = listOfSources.iterator
@@ -1114,7 +1062,7 @@ extends Broadcast[T] with Logging with Serializable {
// If it is master AND at least one copy of each block has not been
// sent out already, MODIFY blockToSend
- if (BitTorrentBroadcast.isMaster && sentBlocks.get < totalBlocks) {
+ if (Broadcast.isMaster && sentBlocks.get < totalBlocks) {
blockToSend = sentBlocks.getAndIncrement
@@ -1170,150 +1118,10 @@ extends Broadcast[T] with Logging with Serializable {
class BitTorrentBroadcastFactory
extends BroadcastFactory {
def initialize(isMaster: Boolean) {
- BitTorrentBroadcast.initialize(isMaster)
+ // BitTorrentBroadcast.initialize(isMaster)
def newBroadcast[T](value_ : T, isLocal: Boolean) = {
new BitTorrentBroadcast[T](value_, isLocal)
-private object BitTorrentBroadcast
-extends Logging {
- val values = SparkEnv.get.cache.newKeySpace()
- var valueToGuideMap = Map[UUID, SourceInfo]()
- // Random number generator
- var ranGen = new Random
- private var initialized = false
- private var isMaster_ = false
- private var trackMV: TrackMultipleValues = null
- def initialize(isMaster__ : Boolean) {
- synchronized {
- if (!initialized) {
- isMaster_ = isMaster__
- if (isMaster) {
- trackMV = new TrackMultipleValues
- trackMV.setDaemon(true)
- trackMV.start()
- }
- initialized = true
- }
- }
- }
- def isMaster = isMaster_
- class TrackMultipleValues
- extends Thread with Logging {
- override def run() {
- var threadPool = Utils.newDaemonCachedThreadPool()
- var serverSocket: ServerSocket = null
- serverSocket = new ServerSocket(Broadcast.MasterTrackerPort)
- logInfo("TrackMultipleValues" + serverSocket)
- try {
- while (true) {
- var clientSocket: Socket = null
- try {
- serverSocket.setSoTimeout(Broadcast.TrackerSocketTimeout)
- clientSocket = serverSocket.accept()
- } catch {
- case e: Exception => {
- logInfo("TrackMultipleValues Timeout. Stopping listening...")
- }
- }
- if (clientSocket != null) {
- try {
- threadPool.execute(new Thread {
- override def run() {
- val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream)
- oos.flush()
- val ois = new ObjectInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream)
- try {
- // First, read message type
- val messageType = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[Int]
- if (messageType == Broadcast.REGISTER_BROADCAST_TRACKER) {
- // Receive UUID
- val uuid = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[UUID]
- // Receive hostAddress and listenPort
- val gInfo = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[SourceInfo]
- // Add to the map
- valueToGuideMap.synchronized {
- valueToGuideMap += (uuid -> gInfo)
- }
- logInfo ("New broadcast registered with TrackMultipleValues " + uuid + " " + valueToGuideMap)
- // Send dummy ACK
- oos.writeObject(-1)
- oos.flush()
- } else if (messageType == Broadcast.UNREGISTER_BROADCAST_TRACKER) {
- // Receive UUID
- val uuid = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[UUID]
- // Remove from the map
- valueToGuideMap.synchronized {
- valueToGuideMap(uuid) = SourceInfo("", SourceInfo.TxOverGoToDefault)
- logInfo("Value unregistered from the Tracker " + valueToGuideMap)
- }
- logInfo ("Broadcast unregistered from TrackMultipleValues " + uuid + " " + valueToGuideMap)
- // Send dummy ACK
- oos.writeObject(-1)
- oos.flush()
- } else if (messageType == Broadcast.FIND_BROADCAST_TRACKER) {
- // Receive UUID
- val uuid = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[UUID]
- var gInfo =
- if (valueToGuideMap.contains(uuid)) valueToGuideMap(uuid)
- else SourceInfo("", SourceInfo.TxNotStartedRetry)
- logInfo("TrackMultipleValues: Got new request: " + clientSocket + " for " + uuid + " : " + gInfo.listenPort)
- // Send reply back
- oos.writeObject(gInfo)
- oos.flush()
- } else if (messageType == Broadcast.GET_UPDATED_SHARE) {
- // TODO: Not implemented
- } else {
- throw new SparkException("Undefined messageType at TrackMultipleValues")
- }
- } catch {
- case e: Exception => {
- logInfo("TrackMultipleValues had a " + e)
- }
- } finally {
- ois.close()
- oos.close()
- clientSocket.close()
- }
- }
- })
- } catch {
- // In failure, close socket here; else, client thread will close
- case ioe: IOException => {
- clientSocket.close()
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } finally {
- serverSocket.close()
- }
- // Shutdown the thread pool
- threadPool.shutdown()
- }
- }
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/Broadcast.scala b/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/Broadcast.scala
index 182c0851bc..72bfc35b74 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/Broadcast.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/Broadcast.scala
@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@ package spark.broadcast
import java.io._
import java.net._
-import java.util.{BitSet, UUID}
+import java.util.{BitSet, UUID, Random}
import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, ThreadFactory, ThreadPoolExecutor}
+import scala.collection.mutable.Map
import spark._
trait Broadcast[T] extends Serializable {
@@ -30,6 +32,18 @@ object Broadcast extends Logging with Serializable {
private var isMaster_ = false
private var broadcastFactory: BroadcastFactory = null
+ // Cache of broadcasted objects
+ val values = SparkEnv.get.cache.newKeySpace()
+ // Map to keep track of guides of ongoing broadcasts
+ var valueToGuideMap = Map[UUID, SourceInfo]()
+ // Random number generator
+ var ranGen = new Random
+ // Tracker object
+ private var trackMV: TrackMultipleValues = null
// Called by SparkContext or Executor before using Broadcast
def initialize(isMaster__ : Boolean) {
synchronized {
@@ -46,6 +60,11 @@ object Broadcast extends Logging with Serializable {
// Set masterHostAddress to the master's IP address for the slaves to read
if (isMaster) {
System.setProperty("spark.broadcast.masterHostAddress", Utils.localIpAddress)
+ // Start the tracker
+ trackMV = new TrackMultipleValues
+ trackMV.setDaemon(true)
+ trackMV.start()
// Initialize appropriate BroadcastFactory and BroadcastObject
@@ -127,6 +146,167 @@ object Broadcast extends Logging with Serializable {
def EndGameFraction = EndGameFraction_
+ class TrackMultipleValues
+ extends Thread with Logging {
+ override def run() {
+ var threadPool = Utils.newDaemonCachedThreadPool()
+ var serverSocket: ServerSocket = null
+ serverSocket = new ServerSocket(Broadcast.MasterTrackerPort)
+ logInfo("TrackMultipleValues" + serverSocket)
+ try {
+ while (true) {
+ var clientSocket: Socket = null
+ try {
+ serverSocket.setSoTimeout(Broadcast.TrackerSocketTimeout)
+ clientSocket = serverSocket.accept()
+ } catch {
+ case e: Exception => {
+ logInfo("TrackMultipleValues Timeout. Stopping listening...")
+ }
+ }
+ if (clientSocket != null) {
+ try {
+ threadPool.execute(new Thread {
+ override def run() {
+ val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream)
+ oos.flush()
+ val ois = new ObjectInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream)
+ try {
+ // First, read message type
+ val messageType = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[Int]
+ if (messageType == Broadcast.REGISTER_BROADCAST_TRACKER) {
+ // Receive UUID
+ val uuid = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[UUID]
+ // Receive hostAddress and listenPort
+ val gInfo = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[SourceInfo]
+ // Add to the map
+ valueToGuideMap.synchronized {
+ valueToGuideMap += (uuid -> gInfo)
+ }
+ logInfo ("New broadcast registered with TrackMultipleValues " + uuid + " " + valueToGuideMap)
+ // Send dummy ACK
+ oos.writeObject(-1)
+ oos.flush()
+ } else if (messageType == Broadcast.UNREGISTER_BROADCAST_TRACKER) {
+ // Receive UUID
+ val uuid = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[UUID]
+ // Remove from the map
+ valueToGuideMap.synchronized {
+ valueToGuideMap(uuid) = SourceInfo("", SourceInfo.TxOverGoToDefault)
+ logInfo("Value unregistered from the Tracker " + valueToGuideMap)
+ }
+ logInfo ("Broadcast unregistered from TrackMultipleValues " + uuid + " " + valueToGuideMap)
+ // Send dummy ACK
+ oos.writeObject(-1)
+ oos.flush()
+ } else if (messageType == Broadcast.FIND_BROADCAST_TRACKER) {
+ // Receive UUID
+ val uuid = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[UUID]
+ var gInfo =
+ if (valueToGuideMap.contains(uuid)) valueToGuideMap(uuid)
+ else SourceInfo("", SourceInfo.TxNotStartedRetry)
+ logInfo("TrackMultipleValues: Got new request: " + clientSocket + " for " + uuid + " : " + gInfo.listenPort)
+ // Send reply back
+ oos.writeObject(gInfo)
+ oos.flush()
+ } else if (messageType == Broadcast.GET_UPDATED_SHARE) {
+ // TODO: Not implemented
+ } else {
+ throw new SparkException("Undefined messageType at TrackMultipleValues")
+ }
+ } catch {
+ case e: Exception => {
+ logInfo("TrackMultipleValues had a " + e)
+ }
+ } finally {
+ ois.close()
+ oos.close()
+ clientSocket.close()
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ } catch {
+ // In failure, close socket here; else, client thread will close
+ case ioe: IOException => {
+ clientSocket.close()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } finally {
+ serverSocket.close()
+ }
+ // Shutdown the thread pool
+ threadPool.shutdown()
+ }
+ }
+ def registerBroadcast(uuid: UUID, gInfo: SourceInfo) {
+ val socket = new Socket(Broadcast.MasterHostAddress,
+ Broadcast.MasterTrackerPort)
+ val oosST = new ObjectOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream)
+ oosST.flush()
+ val oisST = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream)
+ // Send messageType/intention
+ oosST.writeObject(Broadcast.REGISTER_BROADCAST_TRACKER)
+ oosST.flush()
+ // Send UUID of this broadcast
+ oosST.writeObject(uuid)
+ oosST.flush()
+ // Send this tracker's information
+ oosST.writeObject(gInfo)
+ oosST.flush()
+ // Receive ACK and throw it away
+ oisST.readObject.asInstanceOf[Int]
+ // Shut stuff down
+ oisST.close()
+ oosST.close()
+ socket.close()
+ }
+ def unregisterBroadcast(uuid: UUID) {
+ val socket = new Socket(Broadcast.MasterHostAddress,
+ Broadcast.MasterTrackerPort)
+ val oosST = new ObjectOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream)
+ oosST.flush()
+ val oisST = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream)
+ // Send messageType/intention
+ oosST.flush()
+ // Send UUID of this broadcast
+ oosST.writeObject(uuid)
+ oosST.flush()
+ // Receive ACK and throw it away
+ oisST.readObject.asInstanceOf[Int]
+ // Shut stuff down
+ oisST.close()
+ oosST.close()
+ socket.close()
+ }
// Helper method to convert an object to Array[BroadcastBlock]
def blockifyObject[IN](obj: IN): VariableInfo = {
val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/TreeBroadcast.scala b/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/TreeBroadcast.scala
index 4bb363a15e..758c3b0e01 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/TreeBroadcast.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/TreeBroadcast.scala
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ extends Broadcast[T] with Logging with Serializable {
def value = value_
- TreeBroadcast.synchronized {
- TreeBroadcast.values.put(uuid, 0, value_)
+ Broadcast.synchronized {
+ Broadcast.values.put(uuid, 0, value_)
@transient var arrayOfBlocks: Array[BroadcastBlock] = null
@@ -87,13 +87,14 @@ extends Broadcast[T] with Logging with Serializable {
listOfSources += masterSource
// Register with the Tracker
- TreeBroadcast.registerValue(uuid, guidePort)
+ Broadcast.registerBroadcast(uuid,
+ SourceInfo(hostAddress, guidePort, totalBlocks, totalBytes))
private def readObject(in: ObjectInputStream) {
- TreeBroadcast.synchronized {
- val cachedVal = TreeBroadcast.values.get(uuid, 0)
+ Broadcast.synchronized {
+ val cachedVal = Broadcast.values.get(uuid, 0)
if (cachedVal != null) {
value_ = cachedVal.asInstanceOf[T]
} else {
@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ extends Broadcast[T] with Logging with Serializable {
val receptionSucceeded = receiveBroadcast(uuid)
if (receptionSucceeded) {
value_ = Broadcast.unBlockifyObject[T](arrayOfBlocks, totalBytes, totalBlocks)
- TreeBroadcast.values.put(uuid, 0, value_)
+ Broadcast.values.put(uuid, 0, value_)
} else {
logError("Reading Broadcasted variable " + uuid + " failed")
@@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ extends Broadcast[T] with Logging with Serializable {
retriesLeft -= 1
- Thread.sleep(TreeBroadcast.ranGen.nextInt(
+ Thread.sleep(Broadcast.ranGen.nextInt(
Broadcast.MaxKnockInterval - Broadcast.MinKnockInterval) +
@@ -382,7 +383,7 @@ extends Broadcast[T] with Logging with Serializable {
logInfo("Sending stopBroadcast notifications...")
- TreeBroadcast.unregisterValue(uuid)
+ Broadcast.unregisterBroadcast(uuid)
} finally {
if (serverSocket != null) {
logInfo("GuideMultipleRequests now stopping...")
@@ -666,116 +667,9 @@ extends Broadcast[T] with Logging with Serializable {
class TreeBroadcastFactory
extends BroadcastFactory {
- def initialize(isMaster: Boolean) = TreeBroadcast.initialize(isMaster)
+ def initialize(isMaster: Boolean) {
+ // TreeBroadcast.initialize(isMaster)
+ }
def newBroadcast[T](value_ : T, isLocal: Boolean) =
new TreeBroadcast[T](value_, isLocal)
-private object TreeBroadcast
-extends Logging {
- val values = SparkEnv.get.cache.newKeySpace()
- var valueToGuidePortMap = Map[UUID, Int]()
- // Random number generator
- var ranGen = new Random
- private var initialized = false
- private var isMaster_ = false
- private var trackMV: TrackMultipleValues = null
- private var MaxDegree_ : Int = 2
- def initialize(isMaster__ : Boolean) {
- synchronized {
- if (!initialized) {
- isMaster_ = isMaster__
- if (isMaster) {
- trackMV = new TrackMultipleValues
- trackMV.setDaemon(true)
- trackMV.start()
- }
- initialized = true
- }
- }
- }
- def isMaster = isMaster_
- def registerValue(uuid: UUID, guidePort: Int) {
- valueToGuidePortMap.synchronized {
- valueToGuidePortMap += (uuid -> guidePort)
- logInfo("New value registered with the Tracker " + valueToGuidePortMap)
- }
- }
- def unregisterValue(uuid: UUID) {
- valueToGuidePortMap.synchronized {
- valueToGuidePortMap(uuid) = SourceInfo.TxOverGoToDefault
- logInfo("Value unregistered from the Tracker " + valueToGuidePortMap)
- }
- }
- class TrackMultipleValues
- extends Thread with Logging {
- override def run() {
- var threadPool = Utils.newDaemonCachedThreadPool()
- var serverSocket: ServerSocket = null
- serverSocket = new ServerSocket(Broadcast.MasterTrackerPort)
- logInfo("TrackMultipleValues" + serverSocket)
- try {
- while (true) {
- var clientSocket: Socket = null
- try {
- serverSocket.setSoTimeout(Broadcast.TrackerSocketTimeout)
- clientSocket = serverSocket.accept
- } catch {
- case e: Exception => {
- logInfo("TrackMultipleValues Timeout. Stopping listening...")
- }
- }
- if (clientSocket != null) {
- try {
- threadPool.execute(new Thread {
- override def run() {
- val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream)
- oos.flush()
- val ois = new ObjectInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream)
- try {
- val uuid = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[UUID]
- var guidePort =
- if (valueToGuidePortMap.contains(uuid)) {
- valueToGuidePortMap(uuid)
- } else SourceInfo.TxNotStartedRetry
- logInfo("TrackMultipleValues: Got new request: " + clientSocket + " for " + uuid + " : " + guidePort)
- oos.writeObject(guidePort)
- } catch {
- case e: Exception => {
- logInfo("TrackMultipleValues had a " + e)
- }
- } finally {
- ois.close()
- oos.close()
- clientSocket.close()
- }
- }
- })
- } catch {
- // In failure, close() socket here; else, client thread will close()
- case ioe: IOException => clientSocket.close()
- }
- }
- }
- } finally {
- serverSocket.close()
- }
- // Shutdown the thread pool
- threadPool.shutdown()
- }
- }