path: root/sql
diff options
authorCheng Lian <lian@databricks.com>2016-01-11 18:42:26 -0800
committerReynold Xin <rxin@databricks.com>2016-01-11 18:42:26 -0800
commit36d493509d32d14b54af62f5f65e8fa750e7413d (patch)
tree8663c179ffb063abeefaca500370b1e389f1b05d /sql
parent473907adf6e37855ee31d0703b43d7170e26b4b9 (diff)
[SPARK-12498][SQL][MINOR] BooleanSimplication simplification
Scala syntax allows binary case classes to be used as infix operator in pattern matching. This PR makes use of this syntax sugar to make `BooleanSimplification` more readable. Author: Cheng Lian <lian@databricks.com> Closes #10445 from liancheng/boolean-simplification-simplification.
Diffstat (limited to 'sql')
2 files changed, 92 insertions, 102 deletions
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/literals.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/literals.scala
index 17351ef068..e0b0203302 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/literals.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/literals.scala
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types._
object Literal {
+ val TrueLiteral: Literal = Literal(true, BooleanType)
+ val FalseLiteral: Literal = Literal(false, BooleanType)
def apply(v: Any): Literal = v match {
case i: Int => Literal(i, IntegerType)
case l: Long => Literal(l, LongType)
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/optimizer/Optimizer.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/optimizer/Optimizer.scala
index f8121a733a..b70bc184d0 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/optimizer/Optimizer.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/optimizer/Optimizer.scala
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import scala.collection.immutable.HashSet
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.{CleanupAliases, EliminateSubQueries}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Literal.{FalseLiteral, TrueLiteral}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.planning.ExtractFiltersAndInnerJoins
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.{FullOuter, Inner, LeftOuter, LeftSemi, RightOuter}
@@ -519,112 +520,97 @@ object OptimizeIn extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
object BooleanSimplification extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with PredicateHelper {
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transform {
case q: LogicalPlan => q transformExpressionsUp {
- case and @ And(left, right) => (left, right) match {
- // true && r => r
- case (Literal(true, BooleanType), r) => r
- // l && true => l
- case (l, Literal(true, BooleanType)) => l
- // false && r => false
- case (Literal(false, BooleanType), _) => Literal(false)
- // l && false => false
- case (_, Literal(false, BooleanType)) => Literal(false)
- // a && a => a
- case (l, r) if l fastEquals r => l
- // a && (not(a) || b) => a && b
- case (l, Or(l1, r)) if (Not(l) == l1) => And(l, r)
- case (l, Or(r, l1)) if (Not(l) == l1) => And(l, r)
- case (Or(l, l1), r) if (l1 == Not(r)) => And(l, r)
- case (Or(l1, l), r) if (l1 == Not(r)) => And(l, r)
- // (a || b) && (a || c) => a || (b && c)
- case _ =>
- // 1. Split left and right to get the disjunctive predicates,
- // i.e. lhs = (a, b), rhs = (a, c)
- // 2. Find the common predict between lhsSet and rhsSet, i.e. common = (a)
- // 3. Remove common predict from lhsSet and rhsSet, i.e. ldiff = (b), rdiff = (c)
- // 4. Apply the formula, get the optimized predicate: common || (ldiff && rdiff)
- val lhs = splitDisjunctivePredicates(left)
- val rhs = splitDisjunctivePredicates(right)
- val common = lhs.filter(e => rhs.exists(e.semanticEquals(_)))
- if (common.isEmpty) {
- // No common factors, return the original predicate
- and
+ case TrueLiteral And e => e
+ case e And TrueLiteral => e
+ case FalseLiteral Or e => e
+ case e Or FalseLiteral => e
+ case FalseLiteral And _ => FalseLiteral
+ case _ And FalseLiteral => FalseLiteral
+ case TrueLiteral Or _ => TrueLiteral
+ case _ Or TrueLiteral => TrueLiteral
+ case a And b if a.semanticEquals(b) => a
+ case a Or b if a.semanticEquals(b) => a
+ case a And (b Or c) if Not(a).semanticEquals(b) => And(a, c)
+ case a And (b Or c) if Not(a).semanticEquals(c) => And(a, b)
+ case (a Or b) And c if a.semanticEquals(Not(c)) => And(b, c)
+ case (a Or b) And c if b.semanticEquals(Not(c)) => And(a, c)
+ case a Or (b And c) if Not(a).semanticEquals(b) => Or(a, c)
+ case a Or (b And c) if Not(a).semanticEquals(c) => Or(a, b)
+ case (a And b) Or c if a.semanticEquals(Not(c)) => Or(b, c)
+ case (a And b) Or c if b.semanticEquals(Not(c)) => Or(a, c)
+ // Common factor elimination for conjunction
+ case and @ (left And right) =>
+ // 1. Split left and right to get the disjunctive predicates,
+ // i.e. lhs = (a, b), rhs = (a, c)
+ // 2. Find the common predict between lhsSet and rhsSet, i.e. common = (a)
+ // 3. Remove common predict from lhsSet and rhsSet, i.e. ldiff = (b), rdiff = (c)
+ // 4. Apply the formula, get the optimized predicate: common || (ldiff && rdiff)
+ val lhs = splitDisjunctivePredicates(left)
+ val rhs = splitDisjunctivePredicates(right)
+ val common = lhs.filter(e => rhs.exists(e.semanticEquals))
+ if (common.isEmpty) {
+ // No common factors, return the original predicate
+ and
+ } else {
+ val ldiff = lhs.filterNot(e => common.exists(e.semanticEquals))
+ val rdiff = rhs.filterNot(e => common.exists(e.semanticEquals))
+ if (ldiff.isEmpty || rdiff.isEmpty) {
+ // (a || b || c || ...) && (a || b) => (a || b)
+ common.reduce(Or)
} else {
- val ldiff = lhs.filterNot(e => common.exists(e.semanticEquals(_)))
- val rdiff = rhs.filterNot(e => common.exists(e.semanticEquals(_)))
- if (ldiff.isEmpty || rdiff.isEmpty) {
- // (a || b || c || ...) && (a || b) => (a || b)
- common.reduce(Or)
- } else {
- // (a || b || c || ...) && (a || b || d || ...) =>
- // ((c || ...) && (d || ...)) || a || b
- (common :+ And(ldiff.reduce(Or), rdiff.reduce(Or))).reduce(Or)
- }
+ // (a || b || c || ...) && (a || b || d || ...) =>
+ // ((c || ...) && (d || ...)) || a || b
+ (common :+ And(ldiff.reduce(Or), rdiff.reduce(Or))).reduce(Or)
- } // end of And(left, right)
- case or @ Or(left, right) => (left, right) match {
- // true || r => true
- case (Literal(true, BooleanType), _) => Literal(true)
- // r || true => true
- case (_, Literal(true, BooleanType)) => Literal(true)
- // false || r => r
- case (Literal(false, BooleanType), r) => r
- // l || false => l
- case (l, Literal(false, BooleanType)) => l
- // a || a => a
- case (l, r) if l fastEquals r => l
- // (a && b) || (a && c) => a && (b || c)
- case _ =>
- // 1. Split left and right to get the conjunctive predicates,
- // i.e. lhs = (a, b), rhs = (a, c)
- // 2. Find the common predict between lhsSet and rhsSet, i.e. common = (a)
- // 3. Remove common predict from lhsSet and rhsSet, i.e. ldiff = (b), rdiff = (c)
- // 4. Apply the formula, get the optimized predicate: common && (ldiff || rdiff)
- val lhs = splitConjunctivePredicates(left)
- val rhs = splitConjunctivePredicates(right)
- val common = lhs.filter(e => rhs.exists(e.semanticEquals(_)))
- if (common.isEmpty) {
- // No common factors, return the original predicate
- or
+ }
+ // Common factor elimination for disjunction
+ case or @ (left Or right) =>
+ // 1. Split left and right to get the conjunctive predicates,
+ // i.e. lhs = (a, b), rhs = (a, c)
+ // 2. Find the common predict between lhsSet and rhsSet, i.e. common = (a)
+ // 3. Remove common predict from lhsSet and rhsSet, i.e. ldiff = (b), rdiff = (c)
+ // 4. Apply the formula, get the optimized predicate: common && (ldiff || rdiff)
+ val lhs = splitConjunctivePredicates(left)
+ val rhs = splitConjunctivePredicates(right)
+ val common = lhs.filter(e => rhs.exists(e.semanticEquals))
+ if (common.isEmpty) {
+ // No common factors, return the original predicate
+ or
+ } else {
+ val ldiff = lhs.filterNot(e => common.exists(e.semanticEquals))
+ val rdiff = rhs.filterNot(e => common.exists(e.semanticEquals))
+ if (ldiff.isEmpty || rdiff.isEmpty) {
+ // (a && b) || (a && b && c && ...) => a && b
+ common.reduce(And)
} else {
- val ldiff = lhs.filterNot(e => common.exists(e.semanticEquals(_)))
- val rdiff = rhs.filterNot(e => common.exists(e.semanticEquals(_)))
- if (ldiff.isEmpty || rdiff.isEmpty) {
- // (a && b) || (a && b && c && ...) => a && b
- common.reduce(And)
- } else {
- // (a && b && c && ...) || (a && b && d && ...) =>
- // ((c && ...) || (d && ...)) && a && b
- (common :+ Or(ldiff.reduce(And), rdiff.reduce(And))).reduce(And)
- }
+ // (a && b && c && ...) || (a && b && d && ...) =>
+ // ((c && ...) || (d && ...)) && a && b
+ (common :+ Or(ldiff.reduce(And), rdiff.reduce(And))).reduce(And)
- } // end of Or(left, right)
- case not @ Not(exp) => exp match {
- // not(true) => false
- case Literal(true, BooleanType) => Literal(false)
- // not(false) => true
- case Literal(false, BooleanType) => Literal(true)
- // not(l > r) => l <= r
- case GreaterThan(l, r) => LessThanOrEqual(l, r)
- // not(l >= r) => l < r
- case GreaterThanOrEqual(l, r) => LessThan(l, r)
- // not(l < r) => l >= r
- case LessThan(l, r) => GreaterThanOrEqual(l, r)
- // not(l <= r) => l > r
- case LessThanOrEqual(l, r) => GreaterThan(l, r)
- // not(l || r) => not(l) && not(r)
- case Or(l, r) => And(Not(l), Not(r))
- // not(l && r) => not(l) or not(r)
- case And(l, r) => Or(Not(l), Not(r))
- // not(not(e)) => e
- case Not(e) => e
- case _ => not
- } // end of Not(exp)
- // if (true) a else b => a
- // if (false) a else b => b
- case e @ If(Literal(v, _), trueValue, falseValue) => if (v == true) trueValue else falseValue
+ }
+ case Not(TrueLiteral) => FalseLiteral
+ case Not(FalseLiteral) => TrueLiteral
+ case Not(a GreaterThan b) => LessThanOrEqual(a, b)
+ case Not(a GreaterThanOrEqual b) => LessThan(a, b)
+ case Not(a LessThan b) => GreaterThanOrEqual(a, b)
+ case Not(a LessThanOrEqual b) => GreaterThan(a, b)
+ case Not(a Or b) => And(Not(a), Not(b))
+ case Not(a And b) => Or(Not(a), Not(b))
+ case Not(Not(e)) => e
+ case If(TrueLiteral, trueValue, _) => trueValue
+ case If(FalseLiteral, _, falseValue) => falseValue