path: root/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/collection/ExternalAppendOnlyMapSuite.scala
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1 files changed, 230 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/collection/ExternalAppendOnlyMapSuite.scala b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/collection/ExternalAppendOnlyMapSuite.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef957bb0e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/collection/ExternalAppendOnlyMapSuite.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+package org.apache.spark.util.collection
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FunSuite}
+import org.apache.spark._
+import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
+class ExternalAppendOnlyMapSuite extends FunSuite with BeforeAndAfter with LocalSparkContext {
+ override def beforeEach() {
+ val conf = new SparkConf(false)
+ conf.set("spark.shuffle.externalSorting", "true")
+ sc = new SparkContext("local", "test", conf)
+ }
+ val createCombiner: (Int => ArrayBuffer[Int]) = i => ArrayBuffer[Int](i)
+ val mergeValue: (ArrayBuffer[Int], Int) => ArrayBuffer[Int] = (buffer, i) => {
+ buffer += i
+ }
+ val mergeCombiners: (ArrayBuffer[Int], ArrayBuffer[Int]) => ArrayBuffer[Int] =
+ (buf1, buf2) => {
+ buf1 ++= buf2
+ }
+ test("simple insert") {
+ val map = new ExternalAppendOnlyMap[Int, Int, ArrayBuffer[Int]](createCombiner,
+ mergeValue, mergeCombiners)
+ // Single insert
+ map.insert(1, 10)
+ var it = map.iterator
+ assert(it.hasNext)
+ val kv = it.next()
+ assert(kv._1 == 1 && kv._2 == ArrayBuffer[Int](10))
+ assert(!it.hasNext)
+ // Multiple insert
+ map.insert(2, 20)
+ map.insert(3, 30)
+ it = map.iterator
+ assert(it.hasNext)
+ assert(it.toSet == Set[(Int, ArrayBuffer[Int])](
+ (1, ArrayBuffer[Int](10)),
+ (2, ArrayBuffer[Int](20)),
+ (3, ArrayBuffer[Int](30))))
+ }
+ test("insert with collision") {
+ val map = new ExternalAppendOnlyMap[Int, Int, ArrayBuffer[Int]](createCombiner,
+ mergeValue, mergeCombiners)
+ map.insert(1, 10)
+ map.insert(2, 20)
+ map.insert(3, 30)
+ map.insert(1, 100)
+ map.insert(2, 200)
+ map.insert(1, 1000)
+ val it = map.iterator
+ assert(it.hasNext)
+ val result = it.toSet[(Int, ArrayBuffer[Int])].map(kv => (kv._1, kv._2.toSet))
+ assert(result == Set[(Int, Set[Int])](
+ (1, Set[Int](10, 100, 1000)),
+ (2, Set[Int](20, 200)),
+ (3, Set[Int](30))))
+ }
+ test("ordering") {
+ val map1 = new ExternalAppendOnlyMap[Int, Int, ArrayBuffer[Int]](createCombiner,
+ mergeValue, mergeCombiners)
+ map1.insert(1, 10)
+ map1.insert(2, 20)
+ map1.insert(3, 30)
+ val map2 = new ExternalAppendOnlyMap[Int, Int, ArrayBuffer[Int]](createCombiner,
+ mergeValue, mergeCombiners)
+ map2.insert(2, 20)
+ map2.insert(3, 30)
+ map2.insert(1, 10)
+ val map3 = new ExternalAppendOnlyMap[Int, Int, ArrayBuffer[Int]](createCombiner,
+ mergeValue, mergeCombiners)
+ map3.insert(3, 30)
+ map3.insert(1, 10)
+ map3.insert(2, 20)
+ val it1 = map1.iterator
+ val it2 = map2.iterator
+ val it3 = map3.iterator
+ var kv1 = it1.next()
+ var kv2 = it2.next()
+ var kv3 = it3.next()
+ assert(kv1._1 == kv2._1 && kv2._1 == kv3._1)
+ assert(kv1._2 == kv2._2 && kv2._2 == kv3._2)
+ kv1 = it1.next()
+ kv2 = it2.next()
+ kv3 = it3.next()
+ assert(kv1._1 == kv2._1 && kv2._1 == kv3._1)
+ assert(kv1._2 == kv2._2 && kv2._2 == kv3._2)
+ kv1 = it1.next()
+ kv2 = it2.next()
+ kv3 = it3.next()
+ assert(kv1._1 == kv2._1 && kv2._1 == kv3._1)
+ assert(kv1._2 == kv2._2 && kv2._2 == kv3._2)
+ }
+ test("null keys and values") {
+ val map = new ExternalAppendOnlyMap[Int, Int, ArrayBuffer[Int]](createCombiner,
+ mergeValue, mergeCombiners)
+ map.insert(1, 5)
+ map.insert(2, 6)
+ map.insert(3, 7)
+ assert(map.size === 3)
+ assert(map.iterator.toSet == Set[(Int, Seq[Int])](
+ (1, Seq[Int](5)),
+ (2, Seq[Int](6)),
+ (3, Seq[Int](7))
+ ))
+ // Null keys
+ val nullInt = null.asInstanceOf[Int]
+ map.insert(nullInt, 8)
+ assert(map.size === 4)
+ assert(map.iterator.toSet == Set[(Int, Seq[Int])](
+ (1, Seq[Int](5)),
+ (2, Seq[Int](6)),
+ (3, Seq[Int](7)),
+ (nullInt, Seq[Int](8))
+ ))
+ // Null values
+ map.insert(4, nullInt)
+ map.insert(nullInt, nullInt)
+ assert(map.size === 5)
+ val result = map.iterator.toSet[(Int, ArrayBuffer[Int])].map(kv => (kv._1, kv._2.toSet))
+ assert(result == Set[(Int, Set[Int])](
+ (1, Set[Int](5)),
+ (2, Set[Int](6)),
+ (3, Set[Int](7)),
+ (4, Set[Int](nullInt)),
+ (nullInt, Set[Int](nullInt, 8))
+ ))
+ }
+ test("simple aggregator") {
+ // reduceByKey
+ val rdd = sc.parallelize(1 to 10).map(i => (i%2, 1))
+ val result1 = rdd.reduceByKey(_+_).collect()
+ assert(result1.toSet == Set[(Int, Int)]((0, 5), (1, 5)))
+ // groupByKey
+ val result2 = rdd.groupByKey().collect()
+ assert(result2.toSet == Set[(Int, Seq[Int])]
+ ((0, ArrayBuffer[Int](1, 1, 1, 1, 1)), (1, ArrayBuffer[Int](1, 1, 1, 1, 1))))
+ }
+ test("simple cogroup") {
+ val rdd1 = sc.parallelize(1 to 4).map(i => (i, i))
+ val rdd2 = sc.parallelize(1 to 4).map(i => (i%2, i))
+ val result = rdd1.cogroup(rdd2).collect()
+ result.foreach { case (i, (seq1, seq2)) =>
+ i match {
+ case 0 => assert(seq1.toSet == Set[Int]() && seq2.toSet == Set[Int](2, 4))
+ case 1 => assert(seq1.toSet == Set[Int](1) && seq2.toSet == Set[Int](1, 3))
+ case 2 => assert(seq1.toSet == Set[Int](2) && seq2.toSet == Set[Int]())
+ case 3 => assert(seq1.toSet == Set[Int](3) && seq2.toSet == Set[Int]())
+ case 4 => assert(seq1.toSet == Set[Int](4) && seq2.toSet == Set[Int]())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ test("spilling") {
+ // TODO: Figure out correct memory parameters to actually induce spilling
+ // System.setProperty("spark.shuffle.buffer.mb", "1")
+ // System.setProperty("spark.shuffle.buffer.fraction", "0.05")
+ // reduceByKey - should spill exactly 6 times
+ val rddA = sc.parallelize(0 until 10000).map(i => (i/2, i))
+ val resultA = rddA.reduceByKey(math.max(_, _)).collect()
+ assert(resultA.length == 5000)
+ resultA.foreach { case(k, v) =>
+ k match {
+ case 0 => assert(v == 1)
+ case 2500 => assert(v == 5001)
+ case 4999 => assert(v == 9999)
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ }
+ // groupByKey - should spill exactly 11 times
+ val rddB = sc.parallelize(0 until 10000).map(i => (i/4, i))
+ val resultB = rddB.groupByKey().collect()
+ assert(resultB.length == 2500)
+ resultB.foreach { case(i, seq) =>
+ i match {
+ case 0 => assert(seq.toSet == Set[Int](0, 1, 2, 3))
+ case 1250 => assert(seq.toSet == Set[Int](5000, 5001, 5002, 5003))
+ case 2499 => assert(seq.toSet == Set[Int](9996, 9997, 9998, 9999))
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ }
+ // cogroup - should spill exactly 7 times
+ val rddC1 = sc.parallelize(0 until 1000).map(i => (i, i))
+ val rddC2 = sc.parallelize(0 until 1000).map(i => (i%100, i))
+ val resultC = rddC1.cogroup(rddC2).collect()
+ assert(resultC.length == 1000)
+ resultC.foreach { case(i, (seq1, seq2)) =>
+ i match {
+ case 0 =>
+ assert(seq1.toSet == Set[Int](0))
+ assert(seq2.toSet == Set[Int](0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900))
+ case 500 =>
+ assert(seq1.toSet == Set[Int](500))
+ assert(seq2.toSet == Set[Int]())
+ case 999 =>
+ assert(seq1.toSet == Set[Int](999))
+ assert(seq2.toSet == Set[Int]())
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: Test memory allocation for multiple concurrently running tasks