path: root/sql
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sql')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/streaming/ConsoleSinkSuite.scala b/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/streaming/ConsoleSinkSuite.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e853d8c465..0000000000
--- a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/streaming/ConsoleSinkSuite.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming
-import java.io.{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream}
-import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8
-import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter
-import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.StreamTest
-class ConsoleSinkSuite extends StreamTest with BeforeAndAfter {
- import testImplicits._
- after {
- sqlContext.streams.active.foreach(_.stop())
- }
- test("SPARK-16020 Complete mode aggregation with console sink") {
- withTempDir { checkpointLocation =>
- val origOut = System.out
- val stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
- try {
- // Hook Java System.out.println
- System.setOut(new PrintStream(stdout))
- // Hook Scala println
- Console.withOut(stdout) {
- val input = MemoryStream[String]
- val df = input.toDF().groupBy("value").count()
- val query = df.writeStream
- .format("console")
- .outputMode("complete")
- .option("checkpointLocation", checkpointLocation.getAbsolutePath)
- .start()
- input.addData("a")
- query.processAllAvailable()
- input.addData("a", "b")
- query.processAllAvailable()
- input.addData("a", "b", "c")
- query.processAllAvailable()
- query.stop()
- }
- System.out.flush()
- } finally {
- System.setOut(origOut)
- }
- val expected = """-------------------------------------------
- |Batch: 0
- |-------------------------------------------
- |+-----+-----+
- ||value|count|
- |+-----+-----+
- || a| 1|
- |+-----+-----+
- |
- |-------------------------------------------
- |Batch: 1
- |-------------------------------------------
- |+-----+-----+
- ||value|count|
- |+-----+-----+
- || a| 2|
- || b| 1|
- |+-----+-----+
- |
- |-------------------------------------------
- |Batch: 2
- |-------------------------------------------
- |+-----+-----+
- ||value|count|
- |+-----+-----+
- || a| 3|
- || b| 2|
- || c| 1|
- |+-----+-----+
- |
- |""".stripMargin
- assert(expected === new String(stdout.toByteArray, UTF_8))
- }
- }