path: root/README.md
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[![Maven Central](https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/com.softwaremill.sttp/core_2.12/badge.svg)](https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/com.softwaremill.sttp/core_2.12)
-The HTTP client for Scala that you always wanted!
+The Scala HTTP client that you always wanted!
+sttp is an open-source library which provides a clean, programmer-friendly API to define HTTP requests and execute them using one of the wrapped backends, such as akka-http, async-http-client or OkHttp.
import com.softwaremill.sttp._
@@ -26,47 +28,14 @@ println(response.header("Content-Length"))
// response.unsafeBody: by default read into a String
-## Goals of the project
-* provide a simple, discoverable, no-surprises, reasonably type-safe API for
-making HTTP requests and reading responses
-* separate definition of a request from request execution
-* provide immutable, easily modifiable data structures for requests and
-* support multiple execution backends, both synchronous and asynchronous
-* provide support for backend-specific request/response streaming
-* minimum dependencies
-See also the [introduction to sttp](https://softwaremill.com/introducing-sttp-the-scala-http-client)
-and [sttp streaming & URI interpolators](https://softwaremill.com/sttp-streaming-uri-interpolator)
-## Non-goals of the project
-* implement a full HTTP client. Instead, sttp wraps existing HTTP clients,
-providing a consistent, programmer-friendly API. All network-related concerns
-such as sending the requests, connection pooling, receiving responses are
-delegated to the chosen backend
-* provide ultimate flexibility in defining the request. While it's possible
-to define *most* valid HTTP requests, e.g. some of the less common body
-chunking approaches aren't available
-## How is sttp different from other libraries?
+## Documentation
-* immutable request builder which doesn't impose any order in which request
-parameters need to be specified. Such an approach allows defining partial
-requests with common cookies/headers/options, which can later be specialized
-using a specific URI and HTTP method.
-* support for multiple backends, both synchronous and asynchronous, with
-backend-specific streaming support
-* URI interpolator with context-aware escaping, optional parameters support
-and parameter collections
+sttp documentation is available at [sttp.readthedocs.io](http://sttp.readthedocs.io).
## Quickstart with Ammonite
-If you are an [Ammonite](http://ammonite.io) user, you can quickly start
-experimenting with sttp by copy-pasting the following:
+If you are an [Ammonite](http://ammonite.io) user, you can quickly start experimenting with sttp by copy-pasting the following:
import $ivy.`com.softwaremill.sttp::core:0.0.21`
@@ -75,539 +44,26 @@ implicit val backend = HttpURLConnectionBackend()
-## Adding sttp to your project
+## Quickstart with sbt
-SBT dependency:
+Add the following dependency:
"com.softwaremill.sttp" %% "core" % "0.0.21"
-`sttp` is available for Scala 2.11 and 2.12, and requires Java 7 if using an `OkHttp` based backend, or Java 8 otherwise. The core
-module has no transitive dependencies.
-If you'd like to use an alternate backend, [see below](#supported-backends)
-for additional instructions.
-## API
-First, import:
+Then, import:
import com.softwaremill.sttp._
-This brings into scope `sttp`, the starting request (it's an empty request
-with the `Accept-Encoding: gzip, defalte` header added). This request can
-be customised, each time yielding a new, immutable request description
-(unless a mutable body is set on the request, such as a byte array).
-For example, we can set a cookie, string-body and specify that this should
-be a `POST` request to a given URI:
-val request = sttp
- .cookie("login", "me")
- .body("This is a test")
- .post(uri"http://endpoint.com/secret")
-The request parameters (headers, cookies, body etc.) can be specified in any
-order. There's a lot of ways in which you can customize a request: just
-explore the API. And [more will be added](#todo)!
-You can create a request description without knowing how it will be sent.
-But to send a request, you will need a backend. A default, synchronous backend
-based on Java's `HttpURLConnection` is provided out-of-the box. An implicit
-value of type `SttpBackend` needs to be in scope to invoke the `send()` on the
-implicit val backend = HttpURLConnectionBackend()
-val response: Response[String] = request.send()
-By default the response body is read into a utf-8 string. How the response body
-is handled is also part of the request description. The body can be ignore
-(`.response(ignore)`), read into a sequence of parameters
-(`.response(asParams)`), mapped (`.mapResponse`) and more; some backends also
-support request & response streaming.
-The default backend doesn't wrap the response into any container, but other
-asynchronous backends might do so. The type parameter in the `Response[_]`
-type specifies the type of the body.
-## URI interpolator
-Using the URI interpolator it's possible to conveniently create `Uri`
-instances, which can then be used to specify request endpoints, for example:
-import com.softwaremill.sttp._
-val user = "Mary Smith"
-val filter = "programming languages"
-val endpoint: Uri = uri"http://example.com/$user/skills?filter=$filter"
-Any values embedded in the URI will be URL-encoded, taking into account the
-context (e.g., the whitespace in `user` will be %-encoded as `%20D`, while the
-whitespace in `filter` will be query-encoded as `+`).
-The possibilities of the interpolator don't end here. Other supported features:
-* parameters can have optional values: if the value of a parameter is `None`,
-it will be removed
-* maps, sequences of tuples and sequences of values can be embedded in the query
-part. They will be expanded into query parameters. Maps and sequences of tuples
-can also contain optional values, for which mappings will be removed
-if `None`.
-* optional values in the host part will be expanded to a subdomain if `Some`,
-removed if `None`
-* sequences in the host part will be expanded to a subdomain sequence
-* if a string containing the protocol is embedded *as the very beginning*, it will
-not be escaped, allowing to embed entire addresses as prefixes, e.g.:
-`uri"$endpoint/login"`, where `val endpoint = "http://example.com/api"`.
-A fully-featured example:
-import com.softwaremill.sttp._
-val secure = true
-val scheme = if (secure) "https" else "http"
-val subdomains = List("sub1", "sub2")
-val vx = Some("y z")
-val params = Map("a" -> 1, "b" -> 2)
-val jumpTo = Some("section2")
-// generates:
-// https://sub1.sub2.example.com?x=y+z&a=1&b=2#section2
-## Starting & cleaning up
-In case of most backends, you should only instantiate a backend once per
-application, as a backend typically allocates resources such as thread or
-connection pools.
-When ending the application, make sure to call `backend.close()`, which will
-free up resources used by the backend (if any). The close process might be
-asynchronous, that is it can complete after the `close()` method returns.
-Note that only resources allocated by the backends are freed. For example,
-if you use the `AkkaHttpBackend()` the `close()` method will terminate the
-underlying actor system. However, if you have provided an existing actor system
-upon backend creation (`AkkaHttpBackend.usingActorSystem`), the `close()`
-method will be a no-op.
-## Supported backends
-### Summary
-| Class | Result wrapper | Supported stream type |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| `HttpURLConnectionBackend` | None (`Id`) | - |
-| `AkkaHttpBackend` | `scala.concurrent.Future` | `akka.stream.scaladsl.Source[ByteString, Any]` |
-| `AsyncHttpClientFutureBackend` | `scala.concurrent.Future` | - |
-| `AsyncHttpClientScalazBackend` | `scalaz.concurrent.Task` | - |
-| `AsyncHttpClientMonixBackend` | `monix.eval.Task` | `monix.reactive.Observable[ByteBuffer]` |
-| `AsyncHttpClientCatsBackend` | `F[_]: cats.effect.Async` | - |
-| `AsyncHttpClientFs2Backend` | `F[_]: cats.effect.Async` | `fs2.Stream[F, ByteBuffer]` |
-| `OkHttpSyncBackend` | None (`Id`) | - |
-| `OkHttpFutureBackend` | `scala.concurrent.Future` | - |
-| `OkHttpMonixBackend` | `monix.eval.Task` | `monix.reactive.Observable[ByteBuffer]` |
-### `HttpURLConnectionBackend`
-The default **synchronous** backend. Sending a request returns a response wrapped
-in the identity type constructor, which is equivalent to no wrapper at all.
-To use, add an implicit value:
-implicit val sttpBackend = HttpURLConnectionBackend()
-### `AkkaHttpBackend`
-To use, add the following dependency to your project:
-"com.softwaremill.sttp" %% "akka-http-backend" % "0.0.21"
-This backend depends on [akka-http](http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka-http/current/scala/http/).
-A fully **asynchronous** backend. Sending a request returns a response wrapped
-in a `Future`.
-Next you'll need to add an implicit value:
-implicit val sttpBackend = AkkaHttpBackend()
-// or, if you'd like to use an existing actor system:
-implicit val sttpBackend = AkkaHttpBackend.usingActorSystem(actorSystem)
-This backend supports sending and receiving
-streams of type `akka.stream.scaladsl.Source[ByteString, Any]`.
-To set the request body as a stream:
-import com.softwaremill.sttp._
-import com.softwaremill.sttp.akkahttp._
-import akka.stream.scaladsl.Source
-import akka.util.ByteString
-val source: Source[ByteString, Any] = ...
- .streamBody(source)
- .post(uri"...")
-To receive the response body as a stream:
-import com.softwaremill.sttp._
-import com.softwaremill.sttp.akkahttp._
-import akka.stream.scaladsl.Source
-import akka.util.ByteString
-implicit val sttpBackend = AkkaHttpBackend()
-val response: Future[Response[Source[ByteString, Any]]] =
- sttp
- .post(uri"...")
- .response(asStream[Source[ByteString, Any]])
- .send()
-### `AsyncHttpClientBackend`
-To use, add the following dependency to your project:
-"com.softwaremill.sttp" %% "async-http-client-backend-future" % "0.0.21"
-// or
-"com.softwaremill.sttp" %% "async-http-client-backend-scalaz" % "0.0.21"
-// or
-"com.softwaremill.sttp" %% "async-http-client-backend-monix" % "0.0.21"
-// or
-"com.softwaremill.sttp" %% "async-http-client-backend-cats" % "0.0.21"
-This backend depends on [async-http-client](https://github.com/AsyncHttpClient/async-http-client).
-A fully **asynchronous** backend, which uses [Netty](http://netty.io) behind the
-The responses are wrapped depending on the dependency chosen in either a:
-* standard Scala `Future`
-* [Scalaz](https://github.com/scalaz/scalaz) `Task`. There's a transitive
-dependency on `scalaz-concurrent`.
-* [Monix](https://monix.io) `Task`. There's a transitive dependency on
-* Any type implementing the [Cats Effect](https://github.com/typelevel/cats-effect) `Async`
-typeclass, such as `cats.effect.IO`. There's a transitive dependency on `cats-effect`.
-Next you'll need to add an implicit value:
-implicit val sttpBackend = AsyncHttpClientFutureBackend()
-// or, if you're using the scalaz version:
-implicit val sttpBackend = AsyncHttpClientScalazBackend()
-// or, if you're using the monix version:
-implicit val sttpBackend = AsyncHttpClientMonixBackend()
-// or, if you're using the cats effect version:
-implicit val sttpBackend = AsyncHttpClientCatsBackend[cats.effect.IO]()
-// or, if you'd like to use custom configuration:
-implicit val sttpBackend = AsyncHttpClientFutureBackend.usingConfig(asyncHttpClientConfig)
-// or, if you'd like to instantiate the AsyncHttpClient yourself:
-implicit val sttpBackend = AsyncHttpClientFutureBackend.usingClient(asyncHttpClient)
-#### Streaming using Monix
-The Monix backend supports streaming (as both Monix and Async Http Client
-support reactive streams `Publisher`s out of the box). The type of
-supported streams in this case is `Observable[ByteBuffer]`. That is, you can
-set such an observable as a request body:
-import com.softwaremill.sttp._
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer
-import monix.reactive.Observable
-val obs: Observable[ByteBuffer] = ...
- .streamBody(obs)
- .post(uri"...")
-And receive responses as an observable stream:
-import com.softwaremill.sttp._
-import com.softwaremill.sttp.asynchttpclient.monix._
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer
-import monix.eval.Task
-import monix.reactive.Observable
-implicit val sttpBackend = AsyncHttpClientMonixBackend()
-val response: Task[Response[Observable[ByteBuffer]]] =
- sttp
- .post(uri"...")
- .response(asStream[Observable[ByteBuffer]])
- .send()
-It's also possible to use [fs2](https://github.com/functional-streams-for-scala/fs2)s
-streams for sending request & receiving responses.
-### `OkHttpClientBackend`
-To use, add the following dependency to your project:
-"com.softwaremill.sttp" %% "okhttp-backend" % "0.0.21"
-// or, for the monix version:
-"com.softwaremill.sttp" %% "okhttp-backend-monix" % "0.0.21"
-This backend depends on [OkHttp](http://square.github.io/okhttp/), and offers:
-* a **synchronous** backend: `OkHttpSyncBackend`
-* an **asynchronous**, `Future`-based backend: `OkHttpFutureBackend`
-* an **asynchronous**, Monix-`Task`-based backend: `OkHttpMonixBackend`
-OkHttp fully supports HTTP/2.
-### Custom backends, logging, metrics
-It is also entirely possible to write your own backend (if so, please consider
-contributing!) or wrapping an existing one. You can even write completely
-generic wrappers for any delegate backend, as each backend comes equipped
-with a monad for the response type. This brings the possibility to `map` and
-`flatMap` over responses.
-Possible use-cases for wrapper-backend include:
-* logging
-* capturing metrics
-* request signing (transforming the request before sending it to the delegate)
-To pass some context to wrapper-backends, requests can be *tagged*. Each
-`RequestT` instance contains a `tags: Map[String, Any]` field. This is unused
-by http, but can be used e.g. to pass a metric name or logging context.
-## JSON
-JSON encoding of bodies and decoding of responses can be handled using
-[Circe](https://circe.github.io/circe/) by the `circe` module. To use
-add the following dependency to your project:
-"com.softwaremill.sttp" %% "circe" % "0.0.21"
-This module adds a method to the request and a function that can be given to
-a request to decode the response to a specific object.
-import com.softwaremill.sttp._
-import com.softwaremill.sttp.circe._
-implicit val backend = HttpURLConnectionBackend()
-// Assume that there is an implicit circe encoder in scope
-// for the request Payload, and a decoder for the Response
-val requestPayload: Payload = ???
-val response: Either[io.circe.Error, Response] =
- sttp
- .post(uri"...")
- .body(requestPayload)
- .response(asJson[Response])
- .send()
-## Request type
-All request descriptions have type `RequestT[U, T, S]` (T as in Template).
-If this looks a bit complex, don't worry, what the three type parameters stand
-for is the only thing you'll hopefully have to remember when using the API!
-Going one-by-one:
-* `U[_]` specifies if the request method and URL are specified. Using the API,
-this can be either `type Empty[X] = None`, meaning that the request has neither
-a method nor an URI. Or, it can be `type Id[X] = X` (type-level identity),
-meaning that the request has both a method and an URI specified. Only requests
-with a specified URI & method can be sent.
-* `T` specifies the type to which the response will be read. By default, this
-is `String`. But it can also be e.g. `Array[Byte]` or `Unit`, if the response
-should be ignored. Response body handling can be changed by calling the
-`.response` method. With backends which support streaming, this can also be
-a supported stream type.
-* `S` specifies the stream type that this request uses. Most of the time this
-will be `Nothing`, meaning that this request does not send a streaming body
-or receive a streaming response. So most of the times you can just ignore
-that parameter. But, if you are using a streaming backend and want to
-send/receive a stream, the `.streamBody` or `response(asStream[S])` will change
-the type parameter.
-There are two type aliases for the request template that are used:
-* `type Request[T, S] = RequestT[Id, T, S]`. A sendable request.
-* `type PartialRequest[T, S] = RequestT[Empty, T, S]`
-## Timeouts
-Sttp supports read and connection timeouts:
- * Connection timeout - can be set globally (30 seconds by default)
- * Read timeout - can be set per request (1 minute by default)
-How to use:
-import com.softwaremill.sttp._
-import scala.concurrent.duration._
-// all backends provide a constructor that allows users to specify backend options
-implicit val backend = HttpURLConnectionBackend(
- options = SttpBackendOptions.connectionTimeout(1.minute))
- .get(uri"...")
- .readTimeout(5.minutes) // or Duration.Inf to turn read timeout off
- .send()
-## Proxy
-A proxy can be specified when creating a backend:
-import com.softwaremill.sttp._
-implicit val backend = HttpURLConnectionBackend(
- options = SttpBackendOptions.httpProxy("some.host", 8080))
- .get(uri"...")
- .send() // uses the proxy
-## SSL
-SSL handling can be customized (or disabled) when creating a backend and is
-Depending on the underlying backend's client, you can customize SSL settings
-as follows:
-* `HttpUrlConnectionBackend`: when creating the backend, specify the `customizeConnection: HttpURLConnection => Unit`
-parameter, and set the hostname verifier & SSL socket factory as required
-* akka-http: when creating the backend, specify the `customHttpsContext: Option[HttpsConnectionContext]`
-parameter. See [akka-http docs](http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka-http/current/scala/http/server-side/server-https-support.html)
-* async-http-client: create a custom client and use the `setSSLContext` method
-* OkHttp: create a custom client modifying the SSL settings as described
-[on the wiki](https://github.com/square/okhttp/wiki/HTTPS)
-## Testing
-If you need a stub backend for use in tests instead of a "real" backend (you
-probably don't want to make HTTP calls during unit tests), you can use the
-`SttpBackendStub` class. It allows specifying how the backend should respond
-to requests matching given predicates.
-A backend stub can be created using an instance of a "real" backend, or by
-explicitly giving the response wrapper monad and supported streams type.
-For example:
-implicit val testingBackend = SttpBackendStub(HttpURLConnectionBackend())
- .whenRequestMatches(_.uri.path.startsWith(List("a", "b")))
- .thenRespond("Hello there!")
- .whenRequestMatches(_.method == Method.POST)
- .thenRespondServerError()
-val response1 = sttp.get(uri"http://example.org/a/b/c").send()
-// response1.body will be Right("Hello there")
-val response2 = sttp.post(uri"http://example.org/d/e").send()
-// response2.code will be 500
-However, this approach has one caveat: the responses are not type-safe. That
-is, the backend cannot match on or verify that the type included in the
-response matches the response type requested.
-It is also possible to create a stub backend which delegates calls to another
-(possibly "real") backend if none of the specified predicates match a request.
-This can be useful during development, to partially stub a yet incomplete
-API with which we integrate:
-implicit val testingBackend = SttpBackendStub.withFallback(HttpURLConnectionBackend())
- .whenRequestMatches(_.uri.path.startsWith(List("a")))
- .thenRespond("I'm a STUB!")
-val response1 = sttp.get(uri"http://api.internal/a").send()
-// response1.body will be Right("I'm a STUB")
-val response2 = sttp.post(uri"http://api.internal/b").send()
-// response2 will be whatever a "real" network call to api.internal/b returns
-## Notes
-* the encoding for `String`s defaults to `utf-8`.
-* unless explicitly specified, the `Content-Type` defaults to:
- * `text/plain` for text
- * `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` for form data
- * `multipart/form-data` for multipart form data
- * `application/octet-stream` for everything else (binary)
-## Other Scala HTTP clients
-* [scalaj](https://github.com/scalaj/scalaj-http)
-* [akka-http client](http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka-http/current/scala/http/client-side/index.html)
-* [dispatch](http://dispatch.databinder.net/Dispatch.html)
-* [play ws](https://github.com/playframework/play-ws)
-* [fs2-http](https://github.com/Spinoco/fs2-http)
-* [http4s](http://http4s.org/v0.17/client/)
-* [Gigahorse](http://eed3si9n.com/gigahorse/)
-* [RösHTTP](https://github.com/hmil/RosHTTP)
+Type `sttp.` and see where your IDE’s auto-complete gets you!
## Contributing
-Take a look at the [open issues](https://github.com/softwaremill/sttp/issues)
-and pick a task you'd like to work on!
+If you have a question, or hit a problem, feel free to ask on our [gitter channel](https://gitter.im/softwaremill/sttp)!
-## Credits
+Or, if you encounter a bug, something is unclear in the code or documentation, don’t hesitate and open an issue on GitHub.
-* [Tomasz Szymański](https://github.com/szimano)
-* [Adam Warski](https://github.com/adamw)
-* [Omar Alejandro Mainegra Sarduy](https://github.com/omainegra)
-* [Bjørn Madsen](https://github.com/aeons)
-* [Piotr Buda](https://github.com/pbuda)
-* [Piotr Gabara](https://github.com/bhop)
-* [Gabriele Petronella](https://github.com/gabro)
+We are also always looking for contributions and new ideas, so if you’d like to get into the project, check out the [open issues](https://github.com/softwaremill/sttp/issues), or post your own suggestions!