diff options
5 files changed, 448 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build.sbt b/build.sbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2599e61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build.sbt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+scalaVersion := "2.11.8"
diff --git a/project/build.properties b/project/build.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e74c691
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/build.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+sbt.version = 0.13.13
diff --git a/project/plugins.sbt b/project/plugins.sbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c10888
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/plugins.sbt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+addSbtPlugin("org.scala-native" % "sbt-scala-native" % "0.1.0")
diff --git a/src/main/scala/testaceous/main.scala b/src/main/scala/testaceous/main.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ece7056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/testaceous/main.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+package testaceous
+import scala.scalanative.native._
+object Main {
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ // Parameter definitions
+ val Name = Param[String]('n', 'name)
+ val Value = Param[Int]('v', 'value)
+ val Square = Param[Unit]('s', 'square)
+ val params = ParamMap(args: _*)
+ // This is the one point where an exception can be thrown
+ val parsed = (Name | (Value & Square)).parse(params)
+ // This is guaranteed to be a total function by the typesystem
+ val result = parsed.handle(
+ Name by { name => s"Hello, $name" },
+ (Value & Square) by { product =>
+ val square = product(Value)*product(Value)
+ s"Value squared is $square"
+ }
+ )
+ println(result)
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/testaceous/parameters.scala b/src/main/scala/testaceous/parameters.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a062e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/testaceous/parameters.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+ Testaceous, version 1.0.0. Copyright 2010-2017 Jon Pretty, Propensive Ltd.
+ The primary distribution site is
+ http://testaceo.us/
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+ compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is
+ distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+package testaceous
+import scala.util.Try
+import scala.annotation._
+case class ParamUsage(map: ParamMap, used: Set[String]) {
+ def -(key: String): ParamUsage = copy(used = used + key)
+ def --(keys: Set[String]): ParamUsage = copy(used = used ++ keys)
+ def unexpected = map.groups.filterNot { p =>
+ used contains p.key()
+ }
+case class ParamMap(args: String*) {
+ def ++(pm2: ParamMap) = ParamMap(pm2.args ++ args: _*)
+ case class Part(no: Int, start: Int, end: Int) {
+ def apply() = args(no).substring(start, end)
+ }
+ case class Parameter(key: Part, values: Vector[Part] = Vector()) {
+ override def toString = {
+ val prefix = if (key().length == 1) "-" else "--"
+ s"$prefix${key()} ${values.map(_ ()) mkString " "}"
+ }
+ }
+ val groups: Set[Parameter] = parseArgs().to[Set]
+ @tailrec
+ private def parseArgs(gs: List[Parameter] = Nil, n: Int = 0, off: Int = 0): List[Parameter] = {
+ if (n == args.length) gs
+ else if (args(n) startsWith "--") {
+ val idx = args(n).indexOf('=')
+ if (idx < off) parseArgs(Parameter(Part(n, 2, args(n).length)) :: gs, n + 1)
+ else parseArgs(Parameter(Part(n, 2, idx)) :: gs, n, idx + 1)
+ } else if (args(n) startsWith "-") {
+ if (off == 0) parseArgs(gs, n, 1)
+ else if (args(n).length == off + 1) parseArgs(Parameter(Part(n, off, off + 1)) :: gs, n + 1)
+ else parseArgs(Parameter(Part(n, off, off + 1)) :: gs, n, off + 1)
+ } else {
+ if (gs.isEmpty) parseArgs(gs, n + 1)
+ else parseArgs(gs.head.copy(values = gs.head.values :+ Part(n, 0, args(n).length)) :: gs.tail, n + 1)
+ }
+ }
+ def find(key: String): Option[Parameter] = groups.find(_.key() == key)
+ def apply(names: Vector[String]): Option[Parameter] = names match {
+ case Vector() => None
+ case h +: t => find(h) orElse apply(t)
+ }
+ def isEmpty = args.isEmpty
+ override def toString = groups.mkString
+sealed class ParamException(msg: String) extends Exception(msg)
+case class MissingParam(name: String) extends ParamException(s"the parameter --$name was missing")
+case class InvalidValue(value: String, name: String)
+ extends ParamException(s"the value '$value' is not valid for the parameter --$name")
+case class UnexpectedParam(param: String) extends ParamException(s"found unexpected parameter '$param'")
+@implicitNotFound("Can not combine elements of type ${A} and ${B}")
+trait Construct[-A <: Params, -B <: Params] { construct =>
+ type And <: Params
+ type Or <: Params
+ def and(a: A, b: B): ProductParams[And]
+ def or(a: A, b: B): CoproductParams[Or]
+ def swap: Construct[B, A] { type And = construct.And; type Or = construct.Or } =
+ new Construct[B, A] {
+ type And = construct.And
+ type Or = construct.Or
+ def and(a: B, b: A): ProductParams[And] = construct.and(b, a)
+ def or(a: B, b: A): CoproductParams[Or] = construct.or(b, a)
+ }
+trait Construct_1 {
+ implicit def general[A <: Params, B <: Params]: Construct[A, B] { type And = A with B; type Or = A with B } = {
+ new Construct[A, B] {
+ type And = A with B
+ type Or = A with B
+ def and(a: A, b: B) = ProductParams[A with B](Set(a, b))
+ def or(a: A, b: B) = CoproductParams[A with B](Vector(a, b))
+ }
+ }
+object Construct extends Construct_1 {
+ implicit def leftProduct[A <: Params, B <: SimpleParam[_]]: Construct[ProductParams[A], B] {
+ type And = A with B; type Or = ProductParams[A] with B
+ } = {
+ new Construct[ProductParams[A], B] {
+ type And = A with B
+ type Or = ProductParams[A] with B
+ def and(a: ProductParams[A], b: B) = ProductParams[A with B](a.elements + b)
+ def or(a: ProductParams[A], b: B) =
+ CoproductParams[ProductParams[A] with B](Vector(a, b))
+ }
+ }
+ implicit def rightProduct[A <: SimpleParam[_], B <: Params]: Construct[A, ProductParams[B]] {
+ type And = B with A; type Or = ProductParams[B] with A
+ } = leftProduct[B, A].swap
+ implicit def leftCoproduct[A <: Params, B <: SimpleParam[_]]
+ : Construct[CoproductParams[A], B] { type And = CoproductParams[A] with B; type Or = A with B } = {
+ new Construct[CoproductParams[A], B] {
+ type And = CoproductParams[A] with B
+ type Or = A with B
+ def and(a: CoproductParams[A], b: B) =
+ ProductParams[CoproductParams[A] with B](Set(a, b))
+ def or(a: CoproductParams[A], b: B) = CoproductParams[A with B](a.elements :+ b)
+ }
+ }
+ implicit def rightCoproduct[A <: SimpleParam[_], B <: Params]
+ : Construct[A, CoproductParams[B]] { type And = CoproductParams[B] with A; type Or = B with A } =
+ leftCoproduct[B, A].swap
+case class Suggestions(output: Option[Seq[Vector[String]]]) {
+ def orElse(ss: Suggestions) = Suggestions(output orElse ss.output)
+object SuggestionOutput {
+ implicit val defaultOutput: SuggestionOutput = new SuggestionOutput {
+ def output(ss: Suggestions) = ()
+ }
+trait SuggestionOutput { def output(ss: Suggestions): Unit }
+trait Params { params =>
+ type Result
+ def parse(args: ParamMap, tabArg: Int = -1)(implicit suggestOutput: SuggestionOutput): Result = {
+ val (result, lastArgs, ss) = check(ParamUsage(args, Set()), tabArg, Suggestions(None))
+ suggestOutput.output(ss)
+ lastArgs.unexpected foreach { p =>
+ throw UnexpectedParam(p.key())
+ }
+ result
+ }
+ def check(args: ParamUsage, tabArg: Int, ss: Suggestions): (Result, ParamUsage, Suggestions)
+ def &[B <: Params](b: B)(implicit con: Construct[params.type, b.type]): ProductParams[con.And] = {
+ con.and(this, b)
+ }
+ def |[B <: Params](b: B)(implicit con: Construct[params.type, b.type]): CoproductParams[con.Or] = {
+ con.or(this, b)
+ }
+ def unary_~ : OptionParams[this.type] = OptionParams(this)
+ def by[R](fn: Result => R): Param.Handler[this.type, R] =
+ new Param.Handler[this.type, R](this) {
+ type From = Result
+ def handle(v: From): R = fn(v)
+ }
+case class OptionParams[Ps <: Params](params: Ps) extends Params {
+ type Result = Option[params.Result]
+ def check(args: ParamUsage, tabArg: Int, ss: Suggestions): (Result, ParamUsage, Suggestions) =
+ try {
+ val (res, newArgs, newSs) = params.check(args, tabArg, ss)
+ (Some(res), newArgs, newSs)
+ } catch { case e: Exception => (None, args, ss) }
+ override def toString = s"[$params]"
+case class ProductParams[Ps <: Params](elements: Set[Params]) extends Params {
+ type ProductTypes = Ps
+ type Result = Product[ProductTypes]
+ def check(args: ParamUsage, tabArg: Int, ss: Suggestions): (Result, ParamUsage, Suggestions) = {
+ val (finalArgs, finalElems, newSs) = elements.foldLeft((args, Set[(Params, Any)](), ss)) {
+ case ((args, es, ss), key) =>
+ val (res, nextArgs, newSs) = key.check(args, tabArg, ss)
+ (nextArgs, es + (key -> res), ss orElse newSs)
+ }
+ (new Product[Ps](finalElems.toMap), finalArgs, newSs)
+ }
+ override def toString = elements.mkString("( ", " & ", " )")
+case class CoproductParams[Ps <: Params](elements: Vector[Params]) extends Params {
+ type CoproductTypes = Ps
+ type Result = Coproduct[CoproductTypes]
+ def check(args: ParamUsage, tabArg: Int, ss: Suggestions): (Result, ParamUsage, Suggestions) = {
+ val elems = elements.to[List].flatMap { k =>
+ Try(Option(k.check(args, tabArg, ss)).get).toOption.map(k -> _)
+ }
+ elems match {
+ case (key, (res, args, newSs)) :: Nil => (Coproduct[CoproductTypes](key -> res), args, newSs)
+ case Nil => throw MissingParam(toString)
+ case _ :: (key, _) :: _ => throw UnexpectedParam(key.toString)
+ }
+ }
+ override def toString = elements.mkString("( ", " | ", " )")
+object ToSuggestion {
+ implicit val stringSuggestion: ToSuggestion[String] = new ToSuggestion[String] {
+ def suggestion(value: String): Vector[String] = Vector(value)
+ }
+trait ToSuggestion[T] {
+ def suggestion(value: T): Vector[String]
+case class SimpleParam[T: Param.Extractor](keys: Vector[String]) extends Params { simpleParam =>
+ type Result = T
+ def toSuggestion(t: T): Vector[String] = Vector()
+ def suggestions(s: String): Seq[T] = Seq()
+ def checkValue: Option[T] = None
+ def suggest(suggestions: T*)(implicit sug: ToSuggestion[T]): SimpleParam[T] =
+ suggest { s =>
+ suggestions
+ }
+ def suggest(suggestions: String => Seq[T])(implicit sug: ToSuggestion[T]): SimpleParam[T] = {
+ val ss = suggestions
+ new SimpleParam[T](keys) {
+ override def toSuggestion(value: T): Vector[String] = sug.suggestion(value)
+ override def suggestions(s: String) = ss(s)
+ override def checkValue = simpleParam.checkValue
+ }
+ }
+ def filter(fn: T => Boolean): SimpleParam[T] = new SimpleParam[T](keys) {
+ override def toSuggestion(value: T): Vector[String] = simpleParam.toSuggestion(value)
+ override def suggestions(str: String) = simpleParam.suggestions(str).filter(fn)
+ override def checkValue = simpleParam.checkValue
+ }
+ protected val extractor = implicitly[Param.Extractor[T]]
+ def check(args: ParamUsage, tabArg: Int, ss: Suggestions): (Result, ParamUsage, Suggestions) = {
+ val parameter = args.map(keys) getOrElse { throw MissingParam(keys.head) }
+ val res = extractor.extract(parameter.values.map(_ ())) getOrElse {
+ throw InvalidValue(parameter.key(), parameter.values.mkString(" "))
+ }
+ checkValue.foreach { v =>
+ if (v != res) throw InvalidValue(keys.head, "invalid")
+ }
+ val newSs = Suggestions(parameter.values.find(tabArg == _.no).map { p =>
+ suggestions(p()).map(toSuggestion)
+ })
+ (res, args -- keys.to[Set], ss orElse newSs)
+ }
+ // Also consider `extractor` in `hashCode` and `equals`
+ override def hashCode = keys.hashCode ^ extractor.hashCode
+ override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
+ case that: SimpleParam[_] =>
+ keys.to[Set] == that.keys.to[Set] && that.extractor == extractor
+ case _ =>
+ false
+ }
+ override def toString =
+ keys.map { k =>
+ if (k.length == 1) s"-$k" else s"--$k"
+ }.mkString("/")
+ def of(v: T): SimpleParam[T] = new SimpleParam[T](keys) {
+ override def toSuggestion(value: T): Vector[String] = simpleParam.toSuggestion(value)
+ override def suggestions(str: String) = simpleParam.suggestions(str)
+ override def checkValue = Some(v)
+ }
+object Param {
+ object Extractor {
+ implicit val stringExtractor: Extractor[String] = new Extractor[String] {
+ // FIXME: Add mode parameter, and capture failure types
+ def extract(values: Vector[String]): Option[String] = Some(values.mkString(" "))
+ }
+ implicit val intExtractor: Extractor[Int] = new Extractor[Int] {
+ def extract(values: Vector[String]): Option[Int] = values match {
+ case Vector(v) =>
+ try Some(v.toInt)
+ catch { case e: Exception => None }
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ }
+ implicit val unitExtractor: Extractor[Unit] = new Extractor[Unit] {
+ def extract(values: Vector[String]): Option[Unit] = Some(())
+ }
+ }
+ trait Extractor[T] { def extract(values: Vector[String]): Option[T] }
+ abstract class Handler[-K, +H](val params: Params) {
+ type From
+ def handle(v: From): H
+ }
+ def apply[T: Extractor](shortName: Char, longName: Symbol): SimpleParam[T] =
+ SimpleParam(Vector(shortName.toString, longName.name))
+ def apply[T: Extractor](shortName: Char): SimpleParam[T] =
+ SimpleParam(Vector(shortName.toString))
+ def apply[T: Extractor](longName: Symbol): SimpleParam[T] = SimpleParam(Vector(longName.name))
+ def flag(shortName: Char, longName: Symbol): SimpleParam[Unit] =
+ SimpleParam(Vector(shortName.toString, longName.name))
+ def flag(shortName: Char): SimpleParam[Unit] = SimpleParam(Vector(shortName.toString))
+ def flag(longName: Symbol): SimpleParam[Unit] = SimpleParam(Vector(longName.name))
+@implicitNotFound("product does not contain this value")
+trait ProductContainsParam[V, T]
+object ProductContainsParam extends ProductContainsParam_1 {
+ implicit def optional[V <: OptionParams[_ <: Params], P <: Params]: ProductContainsParam[V, P] = null
+trait ProductContainsParam_1 {
+ implicit def generic[V, T <: V]: ProductContainsParam[V, T] = null
+@implicitNotFound("coproduct cannot contain this value")
+trait CoproductContainsParam[V, T]
+object CoproductContainsParam {
+ implicit def acceptable[V, T <: V]: CoproductContainsParam[V, T] = null
+case class Product[T <: Params](tmap: Map[Params, Any]) {
+ def apply[V <: Params](value: V)(implicit acc: ProductContainsParam[value.type, T]): value.Result =
+ tmap(value).asInstanceOf[value.Result]
+ override def toString = tmap.map { case (k, v) => s"$k: $v" }.mkString(", ")
+case class Coproduct[T <: Params](value: (Params, Any)) {
+ def handle[K, R](handlers: Param.Handler[K, R]*)(implicit ev: K <:< T): R = {
+ val h = handlers.find(_.params == value._1).get
+ h.handle(value._2.asInstanceOf[h.From])
+ }
+ override def toString = s"${value._1}: ${value._2}"