path: root/mavigator-dashboard/src/main/scala/mavigator/dashboard/ui/Layout.scala
diff options
authorJakob Odersky <jodersky@gmail.com>2015-12-28 11:54:00 +0100
committerJakob Odersky <jakob@odersky.com>2016-01-29 13:50:37 -0800
commit4f4c799a6d9ccf333a3e609a2464e2f317875af7 (patch)
tree599232dd8c97fa9eb8f3426ea4375216ecadb386 /mavigator-dashboard/src/main/scala/mavigator/dashboard/ui/Layout.scala
parentc77bf21e7f4c197d34d23b2aebe5953a75d099e2 (diff)
Rename project and update dependencies
Diffstat (limited to 'mavigator-dashboard/src/main/scala/mavigator/dashboard/ui/Layout.scala')
1 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mavigator-dashboard/src/main/scala/mavigator/dashboard/ui/Layout.scala b/mavigator-dashboard/src/main/scala/mavigator/dashboard/ui/Layout.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe1b34f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mavigator-dashboard/src/main/scala/mavigator/dashboard/ui/Layout.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+package vfd.dashboard.ui
+import rx._
+import scalatags.JsDom.all._
+import vfd.dashboard.Environment
+import vfd.dashboard.MavlinkSocket
+import vfd.dashboard.ui.instruments._
+import org.mavlink.messages._
+import vfd.dashboard.rxutil._
+class Layout(socket: MavlinkSocket)(implicit env: Environment) {
+ private def panel(contents: Frag*) = div(`class` := "d-panel")(contents: _*)
+ private def mode(name: String, kind: String, on: Boolean = false) = div(`class` := s"mode $kind ${if (!on) "off"}")(name)
+ val modes = div(
+ mode("MANUAL", "warning", true),
+ mode("STABILIZED", "info", true),
+ mode("GUIDED", "success", true),
+ mode("AUTO", "success", true))
+ val infos = div(
+ mode("BAY", "info"),
+ mode("RECOVERY", "danger"),
+ mode("NOGPS", "warning", true),
+ mode("OVERLOAD", "danger", true),
+ mode("BATTERY", "danger", false),
+ mode("LINK", "danger", true),
+ mode("SOCKET", "danger", true),
+ div(style := "float: right")(mode("CRITICAL", "danger", true)))
+ val map = iframe(
+ "frameborder".attr := "0",
+ "scrolling".attr := "no",
+ "marginheight".attr := "0",
+ "marginwidth".attr := "0",
+ src := "http://www.openstreetmap.org/export/embed.html?bbox=6.5611016750335684%2C46.51718501017836%2C6.570038795471191%2C46.520577350893525&amp;layer=mapnik")
+ val feed = div(style := "width: 100%; height: 100%; color: #ffffff; background-color: #c2c2c2; text-align: center;")
+ val altimeter = new Altimeter(
+ Var(0.0)
+ )
+ val horizon = new Horizon(socket.message.collect((0.0, 0.0)) {
+ case att: Attitude => (att.pitch, att.roll)
+ })
+ val compass = new Compass(socket.message.collect(0.0) {
+ case att: Attitude => att.yaw
+ })
+ val motor0 = new Generic(0, 50, 100, "%", socket.message.collect(0.0) {
+ case s: ServoOutputRaw => 100 * (s.servo1Raw - 1000) / 1000
+ })
+ val motor1 = new Generic(0, 50, 100, "%", socket.message.collect(0.0) {
+ case s: ServoOutputRaw => 100 * (s.servo2Raw - 1000) / 1000
+ })
+ val motor2 = new Generic(0, 50, 100, "%", socket.message.collect(0.0) {
+ case s: ServoOutputRaw => 100 * (s.servo3Raw - 1000) / 1000
+ })
+ val motor3 = new Generic(0, 50, 100, "%", socket.message.collect(0.0) {
+ case s: ServoOutputRaw => 100 * (s.servo4Raw - 1000) / 1000
+ })
+ val powerDistribution = new Distribution(
+ socket.message.collect((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) {
+ case s: ServoOutputRaw =>
+ (
+ 1.0 * (s.servo1Raw - 1000) / 1000,
+ 1.0 * (s.servo2Raw - 1000) / 1000,
+ 1.0 * (s.servo3Raw - 1000) / 1000,
+ 1.0 * (s.servo4Raw - 1000) / 1000
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ val batteryLevel = new Bar(
+ Var(0.0)
+ )
+ val top = header(
+ div("Flight Control Panel"),
+ div((new Clock).element),
+ div("UAV " + socket.remoteSystemId)
+ )
+ val left = div(
+ panel(
+ table(`class` := "table-instrument")(
+ thead("Communication"),
+ tbody(
+ tr(
+ td("Uplink RSSI"),
+ td("89"),
+ td("Socket"),
+ td("5ms")
+ ),
+ tr(
+ td("Something else"),
+ td("unknown"),
+ td("Heartbeat"),
+ td(i(`class` := "fa fa-heart heartbeat"))
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ table(`class` := "table-instrument")(
+ thead("Packets"),
+ tbody(
+ tr(
+ td("OK"),
+ Rx { td(socket.stats.packets()) },
+ td("CRC"),
+ Rx { td(socket.stats.crcErrors()) },
+ td("OFLW"),
+ Rx { td(socket.stats.overflows()) },
+ td("BID"),
+ Rx { td(socket.stats.wrongIds()) }
+ ),
+ tr(
+ td("Ratio"),
+ Rx {
+ import socket.stats._
+ val sum = packets() + crcErrors() + overflows() + wrongIds()
+ td(1.0 * packets() / sum formatted "%.2f")
+ },
+ td(),
+ td(),
+ td(),
+ td(),
+ td(),
+ td()
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ panel(
+ table(`class` := "table-instrument")(
+ tbody(
+ tr(
+ td(compass.element),
+ td(horizon.element),
+ td(altimeter.element),
+ td(altimeter.element)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ panel(
+ div(style := "width: 50%; display: inline-block;")(
+ table(`class` := "table-instrument")(
+ tbody(
+ tr(
+ td(motor1.element),
+ td(),
+ td(motor0.element)
+ ),
+ tr(
+ td(),
+ td(powerDistribution.element),
+ td()
+ ),
+ tr(
+ td(motor2.element),
+ td(),
+ td(motor3.element)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ div(style := "width: 50%; display: inline-block;")(
+ table(`class` := "table-instrument")(
+ thead("Power"),
+ tbody(
+ tr(
+ td("VHIGH"),
+ td("12.6V"),
+ td("VLOW"),
+ td("9V")
+ ),
+ tr(
+ td("Voltage"),
+ td("11.2V"),
+ td("Remaining"),
+ td("80%")
+ ),
+ tr(
+ td("Flight"),
+ td("05:00"),
+ td("Endurance"),
+ td("12:00")
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ table(`class` := "table-instrument")(
+ thead("Navigation"),
+ tbody(
+ tr(
+ td("Satellites"),
+ td("5"),
+ td("Precision"),
+ td("10cm")
+ ),
+ tr(
+ td("LON"),
+ td(""),
+ td("LAT"),
+ td("")
+ ),
+ tr(
+ td("GSpeed"),
+ td("3 m/s"),
+ td(),
+ td()
+ ),
+ tr(
+ td("Travelled"),
+ td("5000m"),
+ td("Home"),
+ td("1200m")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ val hud = {
+ def overlay(name: String, z: Int, thinnerThanWide: Boolean = false) = {
+ val direction = if (thinnerThanWide) "row" else "column"
+ div(
+ style:=
+ "position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0;" +
+ s"display: flex; align-content: center; align-items: stretch; flex-direction: $direction;"+
+ s"z-index: $z;"
+ )(
+ `object`(`type`:="image/svg+xml", "data".attr:=env.asset("images/hud/" + name + ".svg"), style := "flex: 1 1 100%;")
+ )
+ }
+ Seq(
+ overlay("horizon", 0),
+ overlay("roll", 1)
+ )
+ }
+ val element = div(`class` := "d-container d-column", style:="width: 100%; height: 100%;")(
+ div(`class` := "d-above")(
+ top
+ ),
+ div(`class` := "d-above d-container d-row")(
+ panel(modes),
+ panel(infos)
+ ),
+ div(`class` := "d-container d-row")(
+ div(`class` := "d-container d-left")(
+ left
+ ),
+ div(`class` := "d-main", style:="position: relative;")(
+ (new Hud(horizon.value)).element
+ )
+ )
+ ).render