path: root/src/modules/fw_pos_control_l1/fw_pos_control_l1_params.c
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authorLorenz Meier <lm@inf.ethz.ch>2014-07-14 10:38:34 +0200
committerLorenz Meier <lm@inf.ethz.ch>2014-07-14 10:38:34 +0200
commit51a4ef5de1bc542ac4f7072d95250cd62ea73ed6 (patch)
treeb71db4faea6a0ac39e4fa28481421a2acc13a896 /src/modules/fw_pos_control_l1/fw_pos_control_l1_params.c
parent5e0911046173e01a6c66b91d3e38212e093159d0 (diff)
parentddc8f1fa5f5b88549af5e4f5f46c751a5f3af3ce (diff)
merged upstream/master into sbus2_sensorssbus2_sensors
Diffstat (limited to 'src/modules/fw_pos_control_l1/fw_pos_control_l1_params.c')
1 files changed, 238 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/src/modules/fw_pos_control_l1/fw_pos_control_l1_params.c b/src/modules/fw_pos_control_l1/fw_pos_control_l1_params.c
index 31a9cdefa..52128e1b7 100644
--- a/src/modules/fw_pos_control_l1/fw_pos_control_l1_params.c
+++ b/src/modules/fw_pos_control_l1/fw_pos_control_l1_params.c
@@ -40,12 +40,10 @@
#include <nuttx/config.h>
#include <systemlib/param/param.h>
* Controller parameters, accessible via MAVLink
- *
@@ -74,17 +72,6 @@ PARAM_DEFINE_FLOAT(FW_L1_PERIOD, 25.0f);
- * Default Loiter Radius
- *
- * This radius is used when no other loiter radius is set.
- *
- * @min 10.0
- * @max 100.0
- * @group L1 Control
- */
* Cruise throttle
* This is the throttle setting required to achieve the desired cruise speed. Most airframes have a value of 0.5-0.7.
@@ -119,48 +106,272 @@ PARAM_DEFINE_FLOAT(FW_P_LIM_MIN, -45.0f);
+ * Controller roll limit
+ *
+ * The maximum roll the controller will output.
+ *
+ * @unit degrees
+ * @min 0.0
+ * @group L1 Control
+ */
+ * Throttle limit max
+ *
+ * This is the maximum throttle % that can be used by the controller.
+ * For overpowered aircraft, this should be reduced to a value that
+ * provides sufficient thrust to climb at the maximum pitch angle PTCH_MAX.
+ *
+ * @group L1 Control
+ */
+ * Throttle limit min
+ *
+ * This is the minimum throttle % that can be used by the controller.
+ * For electric aircraft this will normally be set to zero, but can be set
+ * to a small non-zero value if a folding prop is fitted to prevent the
+ * prop from folding and unfolding repeatedly in-flight or to provide
+ * some aerodynamic drag from a turning prop to improve the descent rate.
+ *
+ * For aircraft with internal combustion engine this parameter should be set
+ * for desired idle rpm.
+ *
+ * @group L1 Control
+ */
+ * Throttle limit value before flare
+ *
+ * This throttle value will be set as throttle limit at FW_LND_TLALT,
+ * before arcraft will flare.
+ *
+ * @group L1 Control
+ */
+ * Maximum climb rate
+ *
+ * This is the best climb rate that the aircraft can achieve with
+ * the throttle set to THR_MAX and the airspeed set to the
+ * default value. For electric aircraft make sure this number can be
+ * achieved towards the end of flight when the battery voltage has reduced.
+ * The setting of this parameter can be checked by commanding a positive
+ * altitude change of 100m in loiter, RTL or guided mode. If the throttle
+ * required to climb is close to THR_MAX and the aircraft is maintaining
+ * airspeed, then this parameter is set correctly. If the airspeed starts
+ * to reduce, then the parameter is set to high, and if the throttle
+ * demand required to climb and maintain speed is noticeably less than
+ * FW_THR_MAX, then either FW_T_CLMB_MAX should be increased or
+ * FW_THR_MAX reduced.
+ *
+ * @group L1 Control
+ */
+ * Minimum descent rate
+ *
+ * This is the sink rate of the aircraft with the throttle
+ * set to THR_MIN and flown at the same airspeed as used
+ * to measure FW_T_CLMB_MAX.
+ *
+ * @group L1 Control
+ */
+ * Maximum descent rate
+ *
+ * This sets the maximum descent rate that the controller will use.
+ * If this value is too large, the aircraft can over-speed on descent.
+ * This should be set to a value that can be achieved without
+ * exceeding the lower pitch angle limit and without over-speeding
+ * the aircraft.
+ *
+ * @group L1 Control
+ */
+ * TECS time constant
+ *
+ * This is the time constant of the TECS control algorithm (in seconds).
+ * Smaller values make it faster to respond, larger values make it slower
+ * to respond.
+ *
+ * @group L1 Control
+ */
+ * Throttle damping factor
+ *
+ * This is the damping gain for the throttle demand loop.
+ * Increase to add damping to correct for oscillations in speed and height.
+ *
+ * @group L1 Control
+ */
+ * Integrator gain
+ *
+ * This is the integrator gain on the control loop.
+ * Increasing this gain increases the speed at which speed
+ * and height offsets are trimmed out, but reduces damping and
+ * increases overshoot.
+ *
+ * @group L1 Control
+ */
+ * Maximum vertical acceleration
+ *
+ * This is the maximum vertical acceleration (in metres/second square)
+ * either up or down that the controller will use to correct speed
+ * or height errors. The default value of 7 m/s/s (equivalent to +- 0.7 g)
+ * allows for reasonably aggressive pitch changes if required to recover
+ * from under-speed conditions.
+ *
+ * @group L1 Control
+ */
+ * Complementary filter "omega" parameter for height
+ *
+ * This is the cross-over frequency (in radians/second) of the complementary
+ * filter used to fuse vertical acceleration and barometric height to obtain
+ * an estimate of height rate and height. Increasing this frequency weights
+ * the solution more towards use of the barometer, whilst reducing it weights
+ * the solution more towards use of the accelerometer data.
+ *
+ * @group L1 Control
+ */
+ * Complementary filter "omega" parameter for speed
+ *
+ * This is the cross-over frequency (in radians/second) of the complementary
+ * filter used to fuse longitudinal acceleration and airspeed to obtain an
+ * improved airspeed estimate. Increasing this frequency weights the solution
+ * more towards use of the arispeed sensor, whilst reducing it weights the
+ * solution more towards use of the accelerometer data.
+ *
+ * @group L1 Control
+ */
+ * Roll -> Throttle feedforward
+ *
+ * Increasing this gain turn increases the amount of throttle that will
+ * be used to compensate for the additional drag created by turning.
+ * Ideally this should be set to approximately 10 x the extra sink rate
+ * in m/s created by a 45 degree bank turn. Increase this gain if
+ * the aircraft initially loses energy in turns and reduce if the
+ * aircraft initially gains energy in turns. Efficient high aspect-ratio
+ * aircraft (eg powered sailplanes) can use a lower value, whereas
+ * inefficient low aspect-ratio models (eg delta wings) can use a higher value.
+ *
+ * @group L1 Control
+ */
+ * Speed <--> Altitude priority
+ *
+ * This parameter adjusts the amount of weighting that the pitch control
+ * applies to speed vs height errors. Setting it to 0.0 will cause the
+ * pitch control to control height and ignore speed errors. This will
+ * normally improve height accuracy but give larger airspeed errors.
+ * Setting it to 2.0 will cause the pitch control loop to control speed
+ * and ignore height errors. This will normally reduce airspeed errors,
+ * but give larger height errors. The default value of 1.0 allows the pitch
+ * control to simultaneously control height and speed.
+ * Note to Glider Pilots - set this parameter to 2.0 (The glider will
+ * adjust its pitch angle to maintain airspeed, ignoring changes in height).
+ *
+ * @group L1 Control
+ */
+ * Pitch damping factor
+ *
+ * This is the damping gain for the pitch demand loop. Increase to add
+ * damping to correct for oscillations in height. The default value of 0.0
+ * will work well provided the pitch to servo controller has been tuned
+ * properly.
+ *
+ * @group L1 Control
+ */
+ * Height rate P factor
+ *
+ * @group L1 Control
+ */
+ * Speed rate P factor
+ *
+ * @group L1 Control
+ */
+ * Landing slope angle
+ *
+ * @group L1 Control
+ */
+ *
+ *
+ * @group L1 Control
+ */
+ * Landing flare altitude (relative)
+ *
+ * @group L1 Control
+ */
+ * Landing throttle limit altitude (relative)
+ *
+ * @group L1 Control
+ */
+ * Landing heading hold horizontal distance
+ *
+ * @group L1 Control
+ */
+ * Relative altitude threshold for range finder measurements for use during landing
+ *
+ * range finder measurements will only be used if the estimated relative altitude (gobal_pos.alt - landing_waypoint.alt) is < FW_LND_RFRALT
+ * set to < 0 to disable
+ * the correct value of this parameter depends on your range measuring device as well as on the terrain at the landing location
+ *
+ * @group L1 Control
+ */