path: root/src/modules/ekf_att_pos_estimator/estimator_22states.cpp
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diff --git a/src/modules/ekf_att_pos_estimator/estimator_22states.cpp b/src/modules/ekf_att_pos_estimator/estimator_22states.cpp
index d3f3fde7b..44a9f4fb7 100644
--- a/src/modules/ekf_att_pos_estimator/estimator_22states.cpp
+++ b/src/modules/ekf_att_pos_estimator/estimator_22states.cpp
@@ -158,6 +158,40 @@ AttPosEKF::~AttPosEKF()
+void AttPosEKF::InitialiseParameters()
+ covTimeStepMax = 0.07f; // maximum time allowed between covariance predictions
+ covDelAngMax = 0.02f; // maximum delta angle between covariance predictions
+ rngFinderPitch = 0.0f; // pitch angle of laser range finder in radians. Zero is aligned with the Z body axis. Positive is RH rotation about Y body axis.
+ EAS2TAS = 1.0f;
+ yawVarScale = 1.0f;
+ windVelSigma = 0.1f;
+ dAngBiasSigma = 5.0e-7f;
+ dVelBiasSigma = 1e-4f;
+ magEarthSigma = 3.0e-4f;
+ magBodySigma = 3.0e-4f;
+ vneSigma = 0.2f;
+ vdSigma = 0.3f;
+ posNeSigma = 2.0f;
+ posDSigma = 2.0f;
+ magMeasurementSigma = 0.05;
+ airspeedMeasurementSigma = 1.4f;
+ gyroProcessNoise = 1.4544411e-2f;
+ accelProcessNoise = 0.5f;
+ gndHgtSigma = 0.1f; // terrain gradient 1-sigma
+ R_LOS = 0.3f; // optical flow measurement noise variance (rad/sec)^2
+ flowInnovGate = 3.0f; // number of standard deviations applied to the optical flow innovation consistency check
+ auxFlowInnovGate = 10.0f; // number of standard deviations applied to the optical flow innovation consistency check used by the auxiliary filter
+ rngInnovGate = 5.0f; // number of standard deviations applied to the range finder innovation consistency check
+ minFlowRng = 0.3f; //minimum range between ground and flow sensor
+ moCompR_LOS = 0.0; // scaler from sensor gyro rate to uncertainty in LOS rate
void AttPosEKF::UpdateStrapdownEquationsNED()
Vector3f delVelNav;