path: root/misc/pascal/insn16/prun/pexec.c
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1 files changed, 2239 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/misc/pascal/insn16/prun/pexec.c b/misc/pascal/insn16/prun/pexec.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d2caca850
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/pascal/insn16/prun/pexec.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2239 @@
+ * pexec.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Gregory Nutt. All rights reserved.
+ * Author: Gregory Nutt <>
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+ * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ * distribution.
+ * 3. Neither the name NuttX nor the names of its contributors may be
+ * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+ * without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * Included Files
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "keywords.h"
+#include "pdefs.h"
+#include "pinsn16.h"
+#include "pfdefs.h"
+#include "pxdefs.h"
+#include "pedefs.h"
+#include "pmach.h"
+#include "paslib.h"
+#include "pexec.h"
+ * Definitions
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#define PTRUE ((uStackType)-1)
+#define PFALSE ((uStackType) 0)
+ * Macros
+ ****************************************************************************/
+/* Remove the value from the top of the stack */
+#define POP(st, dest) \
+ do { \
+ dest = (st)->dstack.i[BTOISTACK((st)->sp)]; \
+ (st)->sp -= BPERI; \
+ } while (0)
+/* Add the value to top of the stack */
+#define PUSH(st, src) \
+ do { \
+ (st)->sp += BPERI; \
+ (st)->dstack.i[BTOISTACK((st)->sp)] = src; \
+ } while (0)
+/* Return an rvalue for the (word) offset from the top of the stack */
+#define TOS(st, off) \
+ (st)->dstack.i[BTOISTACK((st)->sp)-(off)]
+/* Save the src (word) at the dest (word) stack position */
+#define PUTSTACK(st, src, dest) \
+ do { \
+ (st)->dstack.i[BTOISTACK(dest)] = src; \
+ } while (0)
+/* Return an rvalue for the (word) from the absolute stack position */
+#define GETSTACK(st, src) \
+ (st)->dstack.i[BTOISTACK(src)]
+/* Store a byte to an absolute (byte) stack position */
+#define PUTBSTACK(st, src,dest) \
+ do { \
+ (st)->dstack.b[dest] = dest; \
+ } while (0)
+/* Return an rvalue for the absolute (byte) stack position */
+#define GETBSTACK(st, src) \
+ (st)->dstack.b[src]
+/* Return the address for an absolute (byte) stack position. */
+#define ATSTACK(st, src) \
+ &(st)->dstack.b[src]
+/* Discard n words from the top of the stack */
+#define DISCARD(st, n) \
+ do { \
+ (st)->sp -= BPERI*(n); \
+ } while (0)
+/* Release a C string */
+#define free_cstring(a) \
+ free(a)
+ * Private Type Definitions
+ ****************************************************************************/
+union fparg_u
+ float64 f;
+ uint16 hw[4];
+typedef union fparg_u fparg_t;
+ * Private Function Prototypes
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static uint16 pexec_sysio(struct pexec_s *st, ubyte fileNumber, uint16 subFunction);
+static uint16 pexec_libcall(struct pexec_s *st, ubyte fileNumber, uint16 subFunction);
+static uint16 pexec_execfp(struct pexec_s *st, ubyte fpOpCode);
+static void pexec_getfparguments(struct pexec_s *st, ubyte fpOpCode, fparg_t *arg1, fparg_t *arg2);
+static uStackType pexec_readinteger(ubyte *ioPtr);
+static void pexec_readreal(uint16 *dest, ubyte *ioPtr);
+static uStackType pexec_getbaseaddress(struct pexec_s *st, levelType levelOffset);
+static ubyte *pexec_mkcstring(ubyte *buffer, int buflen);
+ * Private Constant Data
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static const ubyte nullString[] = "";
+ * Private Variables
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static ubyte ioline[LINE_SIZE+1];
+ * Private Functions
+ ****************************************************************************/
+/* This function process a system I/O operation */
+static uint16 pexec_sysio(struct pexec_s *st, ubyte fileNumber, uint16 subFunction)
+ uStackType uParm1;
+ fparg_t fp;
+ ubyte *ptr;
+ switch (subFunction)
+ {
+ case xEOF :
+/* FINISH ME -- > */
+ break;
+ case xEOLN :
+/* FINISH ME -- > */
+ break;
+ case xRESET :
+/* FINISH ME -- > */
+ break;
+ case xREWRITE :
+/* FINISH ME -- > */
+ break;
+ case xREADLN :
+/* FINISH ME -- > */
+ break;
+ case xREAD_BINARY :
+/* FINISH ME -- > */
+ break;
+ /* xREAD_INT:
+ * STACK INPUTS: TOS(st, 0) = address to store integer */
+ case xREAD_INT :
+ (void)fgets((char*)ioline, LINE_SIZE, stdin);
+ PUTSTACK(st, pexec_readinteger(ioline),TOS(st, 0));
+ break;
+ /* xREAD_CHAR:
+ * STACK INPUTS: TOS(st, 0) = address to store integer */
+ case xREAD_CHAR:
+ (void)fgets((char*)ioline, LINE_SIZE, stdin);
+ PUTBSTACK(st, ioline[0],TOS(st, 0));
+ break;
+ * TOS = Number of bytes to read
+ * TOS-1 = Address to store byte(s) */
+ case xREAD_STRING :
+ (void)fgets((char*)ATSTACK(st, TOS(st, 1)), TOS(st, 0), stdin);
+ break;
+ /* xREAD_REAL:
+ * STACK INPUTS: TOS = address to store REAL */
+ case xREAD_REAL :
+ (void)fgets((char*)ioline, LINE_SIZE, stdin);
+ pexec_readreal((uint16*)ATSTACK(st, TOS(st, 0)), ioline);
+ break;
+ case xWRITELN :
+ putchar('\n');
+ break;
+ case xWRITE_PAGE :
+ putchar('\f');
+ break;
+ case xWRITE_BINARY :
+/* FINISH ME -- > */
+ break;
+ /* xWRITE_INT:
+ * STACK INPUTS: TOS = integer value to write. */
+ case xWRITE_INT :
+ printf("%ld", signExtend16(TOS(st, 0)));
+ break;
+ * STACK INPUTS: TOS = char value to write. */
+ case xWRITE_CHAR :
+ putchar(TOS(st, 0));
+ break;
+ * TOS = Number of bytes to write
+ * TOS-1 = Address of src data */
+ case xWRITE_STRING :
+ uParm1 = TOS(st, 0);
+ for (ptr = (ubyte*)ATSTACK(st, TOS(st, 1)); uParm1; uParm1--, ptr++)
+ putchar(*ptr);
+ break;
+ * STACK INPUTS: TOS = value of float64 */
+ case xWRITE_REAL :
+ fp.hw[0] = TOS(st, 3);
+ fp.hw[1] = TOS(st, 2);
+ fp.hw[2] = TOS(st, 1);
+ fp.hw[3] = TOS(st, 0);;
+ printf("%f", fp.f);
+ break;
+ default :
+ } /* end switch */
+ return eNOERROR;
+} /* end pexec_sysio */
+/* This function process a system I/O operation */
+static uint16 pexec_libcall(struct pexec_s *st, ubyte fileNumber, uint16 subFunction)
+ uStackType uParm1;
+ uStackType uParm2;
+ addrType addr1;
+ addrType addr2;
+ uint16 *tmp;
+ uint16 *ref;
+ ubyte *src;
+ ubyte *dest;
+ ubyte *name;
+ int len;
+ int value;
+ switch (subFunction)
+ {
+ /* Get the value of an environment string
+ *
+ * TOS(st, 0) = Number of bytes in environment identifier string
+ * TOS(st, 1) = Address environment identifier string
+ * ON RETURN (above replaced with):
+ * TOS(st, 0) = MS 16-bits of 32-bit C string pointer
+ * TOS(st, 1) = LS 16-bits of 32-bit C string pointer
+ */
+ case lbGETENV :
+ len = TOS(st, 0); /* Number of bytes in string */
+ src = (ubyte*)&GETSTACK(st, TOS(st, 1)); /* Pointer to string */
+ /* Make a C string out of the pascal string */
+ name = pexec_mkcstring(src, len);
+ if (name == NULL)
+ {
+ return eNOMEMORY;
+ }
+ /* Make the C-library call and free the string copy */
+ src = (ubyte*)getenv((char*)name);
+ free_cstring(name);
+ /* Save the returned pointer in the stack */
+ TOS(st, 0) = (uStackType)((uint32)src >> 16);
+ TOS(st, 1) = (uStackType)((uint32)src & 0x0000ffff);
+ break;
+ /* Copy pascal string to a pascal string
+ *
+ * TOS(st, 0) = address of dest string hdr
+ * TOS(st, 1) = length of source string
+ * TOS(st, 2) = pointer to source string
+ * ON RETURN (input consumed):
+ */
+ case lbSTR2STR :
+ /* "Pop" in the input parameters from the stack */
+ POP(st, addr1); /* addr of dest string header */
+ POP(st, uParm1); /* length of source data */
+ POP(st, addr2); /* addr of source string data */
+ /* Do nothing if the source and destinations are the same
+ * string. This happens normally on cases like:
+ * string name;
+ * char c;
+ * name := name + c;
+ */
+ if (addr1 != addr2)
+ {
+ /* The source and destination strings are different.
+ * Make sure that the string length will fit into the destination.
+ */
+ if (uParm1 >= sSTRING_MAX_SIZE)
+ {
+ /* Clip to the maximum size */
+ uParm1 = sSTRING_MAX_SIZE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* We have space */
+ len = (int)uParm1;
+ }
+ /* Get proper string pointers */
+ dest = ATSTACK(st, addr1);
+ src = ATSTACK(st, addr2);
+ /* Transfer the (16-bit) string length (must be aligned!) */
+ tmp = (uint16*)dest;
+ *tmp++ = uParm1;
+ dest = (ubyte*)tmp;
+ /* Then transfer the string contents */
+ memcpy(dest, src, len);
+ }
+ break;
+ /* Copy C string to a pascal string
+ *
+ * TOS(st, 0) = address of dest hdr
+ * TOS(st, 1) = MS 16-bits of 32-bit C string pointer
+ * TOS(st, 2) = LS 16-bits of 32-bit C string pointer
+ * ON RETURN (input consumed):
+ */
+ case lbCSTR2STR :
+ /* "Pop" in the input parameters from the stack */
+ POP(st, addr1); /* addr of dest string header */
+ POP(st, uParm1); /* MS 16-bits of 32-bit C string pointer */
+ POP(st, uParm2); /* LS 16-bits of 32-bit C string pointer */
+ /* Get proper string pointers */
+ dest = ATSTACK(st, addr1);
+ src = (ubyte*)((unsigned long)uParm1 << 16 | (unsigned long)uParm2);
+ /* Handle null src pointer */
+ if (src == NULL)
+ {
+ *dest = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Get the length of the string */
+ uParm1 = strlen((char*)src);
+ /* Make sure that the string length will fit into the
+ * destination. */
+ if (uParm1 >= sSTRING_MAX_SIZE)
+ {
+ /* Clip to the maximum size */
+ uParm1 = sSTRING_MAX_SIZE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* We have space */
+ len = (int)uParm1;
+ }
+ /* Transfer the (16-bit) string length (must be aligned!) */
+ tmp = (uint16*)dest;
+ *tmp++ = uParm1;
+ dest = (ubyte*)tmp;
+ /* Then transfer the string contents */
+ memcpy(dest, src, len);
+ }
+ break;
+ /* Copy pascal string to a pascal string reference
+ * procedure str2rstr(src : string; var dest : rstring)
+ * TOS(st, 0)=address of dest string reference
+ * TOS(st, 1)=length of source string
+ * TOS(st, 2)=pointer to source string
+ * ON RETURN: actual parameters released.
+ */
+ case lbSTR2RSTR :
+ /* "Pop" in the input parameters from the stack */
+ POP(st, addr1); /* addr of dest string reference */
+ POP(st, uParm1); /* length of source data */
+ POP(st, addr2); /* addr of source string data */
+ /* Make sure that the string length will fit into the destination. */
+ if (uParm1 >= sSTRING_MAX_SIZE)
+ {
+ }
+ /* Get a pointer to the destination reference */
+ ref = (uint16*)ATSTACK(st, addr1);
+ /* Get proper string pointers */
+ dest = ATSTACK(st, ref[0] - 2);
+ src = ATSTACK(st, addr2);
+ /* Transfer the (16-bit) string length (must be aligned!) */
+ tmp = (uint16*)dest;
+ *tmp++ = uParm1;
+ dest = (ubyte*)tmp;
+ /* Then transfer the string contents and save the new size */
+ memcpy(dest, src, uParm1);
+ ref[1] = uParm1;
+ break;
+ /* Copy C string to a pascal string reference
+ * procedure cstr2str(src : cstring; var dest : string)
+ * TOS(st, 0)=address of dest string reference
+ * TOS(st, 0)=MS 16-bits of 32-bit C source string pointer
+ * TOS(st, 1)=LS 16-bits of 32-bit C source string pointer
+ * ON RETURN: actual parameters released
+ */
+ case lbCSTR2RSTR :
+ /* "Pop" in the input parameters from the stack */
+ POP(st, addr1); /* addr of dest string reference */
+ POP(st, uParm1); /* MS 16-bits of 32-bit C string pointer */
+ POP(st, uParm2); /* LS 16-bits of 32-bit C string pointer */
+ /* Get a pointer to the destination reference */
+ ref = (uint16*)ATSTACK(st, addr1);
+ /* Get proper string pointers */
+ dest = ATSTACK(st, ref[0] - 2);
+ src = (ubyte*)((unsigned long)uParm1 << 16 | (unsigned long)uParm2);
+ /* Handle null src pointer */
+ if (src == NULL)
+ {
+ *dest = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Get the length of the string */
+ uParm1 = strlen((char*)src);
+ /* Make sure that the string length will fit into the
+ * destination. */
+ if (uParm1 >= sSTRING_MAX_SIZE)
+ {
+ }
+ /* Transfer the (16-bit) string length (must be aligned!) */
+ tmp = (uint16*)dest;
+ *tmp++ = uParm1;
+ dest = (ubyte*)tmp;
+ /* Then transfer the string contents */
+ memcpy(dest, src, len);
+ ref[1] = uParm1;
+ }
+ break;
+ /* Convert a string to a numeric value
+ * procedure val(const s : string; var v; var code : word);
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * val() converts the value represented in the string S to a numerical
+ * value, and stores this value in the variable V, which can be of type
+ * Longint, Real and Byte. If the conversion isn't succesfull, then the
+ * parameter Code contains the index of the character in S which
+ * prevented the conversion. The string S is allowed to contain spaces
+ * in the beginning.
+ *
+ * The string S can contain a number in decimal, hexadecimal, binary or
+ * octal format, as described in the language reference.
+ *
+ * Errors:
+ * If the conversion doesn¡Çt succeed, the value of Code indicates the
+ * position where the conversion went wrong.
+ *
+ * TOS(st, 0)=address of code
+ * TOS(st, 1)=address of value
+ * TOS(st, 2)=length of source string
+ * TOS(st, 3)=pointer to source string
+ * ON RETURN: actual parameters released
+ */
+ case lbVAL :
+ /* Get the string information */
+ len = TOS(st, 2); /* Number of bytes in string */
+ src = (ubyte*)&GETSTACK(st, TOS(st, 3)); /* Pointer to string */
+ /* Make a C string out of the pascal string */
+ name = pexec_mkcstring(src, len);
+ if (name == NULL)
+ {
+ return eNOMEMORY;
+ }
+ /* Convert the string to an integer */
+ value = atoi((char*)name);
+ if ((value < MININT) || (value > MAXINT))
+ {
+ }
+ PUTSTACK(st, TOS(st, 0), 0);
+ PUTSTACK(st, TOS(st, 1), value);
+ DISCARD(st, 4);
+ break;
+ /* Create an empty string
+ * function mkstk : string;
+ * TOS(st, 0)=length of new string
+ * TOS(st, 1)=pointer to new string
+ */
+ case lbMKSTK :
+ /* Allocate space on the string stack for the new string
+ * FIXME: This logic does not handle strings with other than the
+ * default size!
+ */
+ addr1 = ((st->csp + 1) & ~1);
+ st->csp += sSTRING_SIZE; /* Allocate max size */
+ /* Save the length at the beginning of the copy */
+ tmp = (uint16*)&GETSTACK(st, addr1); /* Pointer to new string */
+ *tmp++ = 0; /* Save current size */
+ /* Update the stack content */
+ PUSH(st, addr1 + sSTRING_HDR_SIZE); /* Pointer to new string */
+ PUSH(st, 0); /* Current size */
+ break;
+ /* Replace a string with a duplicate string residing in allocated
+ * string stack.
+ * function mkstkstr(name : string) : string;
+ * TOS(st, 0)=length of original string
+ * TOS(st, 1)=pointer to original string data
+ * TOS(st, 0)=length of new string (unchanged)
+ * TOS(st, 1)=pointer to new string data
+ */
+ case lbMKSTKSTR :
+ /* Get the parameters from the stack (leaving the string reference
+ * in place.
+ */
+ uParm1 = TOS(st, 0); /* Original string size */
+ addr1 = TOS(st, 1); /* Original string data pointer */
+ /* Check if there is space on the string stack for the new string
+ * FIXME: This logic does not handle strings with other than the
+ * default size!
+ */
+ if (st->csp + sSTRING_SIZE >= st->spb)
+ {
+ }
+ /* Allocate space on the string stack for the new string */
+ addr2 = ((st->csp + 1) & ~1);
+ st->csp += sSTRING_SIZE; /* Allocate max size */
+ /* Save the length at the beginning of the copy */
+ tmp = (uint16*)&GETSTACK(st, addr2); /* Pointer to new string */
+ *tmp++ = uParm1; /* Save current size */
+ dest = (ubyte*)tmp; /* Pointer to string data */
+ /* Copy the string into the string stack */
+ src = (ubyte*)&GETSTACK(st, addr1); /* Pointer to original string */
+ memcpy(dest, src, uParm1);
+ /* Update the stack content */
+ TOS(st, 1) = addr2 + sSTRING_HDR_SIZE;
+ break;
+ /* Replace a character with a string residing in allocated string stack.
+ * function mkstkc(c : char) : string;
+ * TOS(st, 0)=Character value
+ * TOS(st, 0)=length of new string
+ * TOS(st, 1)=pointer to new string
+ */
+ case lbMKSTKC :
+ /* Check if there is space on the string stack for the new string
+ * FIXME: This logic does not handle strings with other than the
+ * default size!
+ */
+ if (st->csp + sSTRING_SIZE >= st->spb)
+ {
+ }
+ /* Allocate space on the string stack for the new string */
+ addr2 = ((st->csp + 1) & ~1);
+ st->csp += sSTRING_SIZE; /* Allocate max size */
+ /* Save the length at the beginning of the copy */
+ tmp = (uint16*)&GETSTACK(st, addr2); /* Pointer to new string */
+ *tmp++ = 1; /* Save initial size */
+ dest = (ubyte*)tmp; /* Pointer to string data */
+ /* Copy the character into the string stack */
+ *dest++ = TOS(st, 0); /* Save character as string */
+ /* Update the stack content */
+ TOS(st, 0) = addr2 + sSTRING_HDR_SIZE; /* String address */
+ PUSH(st, 1); /* String length */
+ break;
+ /* Concatenate a string to the end of a string.
+ * function strcat(name : string, c : char) : string;
+ *
+ * TOS(st, 0)=length of string1
+ * TOS(st, 1)=pointer to string1 data
+ * TOS(st, 2)=length of string2
+ * TOS(st, 3)=pointer to string2 data
+ * TOS(st, 1)=new length of string2
+ * TOS(st, 2)=pointer to string2
+ */
+ case lbSTRCAT :
+ /* Get the parameters from the stack (leaving the string reference
+ * in place.
+ */
+ POP(st, uParm1); /* string1 size */
+ POP(st, addr1); /* string1 data stack addr */
+ uParm2 = TOS(st, 0); /* string2 size */
+ /* Check for string overflow. FIXME: This logic does not handle
+ * strings with other than the default size!
+ */
+ if (uParm1 + uParm2 > sSTRING_MAX_SIZE)
+ else
+ {
+ /* Get a pointer to string1 data */
+ src = ATSTACK(st, addr1);
+ /* Get a pointer to string2 header, set new size then, get
+ * a pointer to string2 data.
+ */
+ tmp = ((uint16*)&GETSTACK(st, TOS(st, 1))) - 1;
+ *tmp++ = uParm1 + uParm2;
+ dest = (ubyte*)tmp;
+ memcpy(&dest[uParm2], src, uParm1); /* cat strings */
+ TOS(st, 0) = uParm1 + uParm2; /* Save new size */
+ }
+ break;
+ /* Concatenate a character to the end of a string.
+ * function strcatc(name : string, c : char) : string;
+ *
+ * TOS(st, 0)=character to concatenate
+ * TOS(st, 1)=length of string
+ * TOS(st, 2)=pointer to string
+ * TOS(st, 1)=new length of string
+ * TOS(st, 2)=pointer to string
+ */
+ case lbSTRCATC :
+ /* Get the parameters from the stack (leaving the string reference
+ * in place.
+ */
+ POP(st, uParm1); /* Character to concatenate */
+ uParm2 = TOS(st, 0); /* Current length of string */
+ /* Check for string overflow. FIXME: This logic does not handle
+ * strings with other than the default size!
+ */
+ if (uParm2 >= sSTRING_MAX_SIZE)
+ else
+ {
+ /* Get a pointer to string header, set size new size then, get
+ * a pointer to string data.
+ */
+ tmp = ((uint16*)&GETSTACK(st, TOS(st, 1))) - 1;
+ *tmp++ = uParm2 + 1;
+ dest = (ubyte*)tmp;
+ /* Add the new charcter */
+ dest[uParm2] = (ubyte)uParm1;
+ /* Save the new string size */
+ TOS(st, 0) = uParm2 + 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ /* Compare two pascal strings
+ * function strcmp(name1 : string, name2 : string) : integer;
+ * TOS(st, 1)=length of string2
+ * TOS(st, 2)=address of string2 data
+ * TOS(st, 3)=length of string1
+ * TOS(st, 4)=address of string1 data
+ * TOS(st, 0)=(-1=less than, 0=equal, 1=greater than}
+ */
+ case lbSTRCMP :
+ {
+ int result;
+ /* Get the parameters from the stack (leaving space for the
+ * return value);
+ */
+ POP(st, uParm2); /* length of string2 */
+ POP(st, addr2); /* address of string2 data */
+ POP(st, uParm1); /* length of string1 */
+ addr1 = TOS(st, 0); /* address of string1 data */
+ /* Get full address */
+ dest = ATSTACK(st, addr1);
+ src = ATSTACK(st, addr2);
+ /* If name1 is shorter than name2, then we can only return
+ * -1 (less than) or +1 greater than. If the substrings
+ * of length of name1 are equal, then we return less than.
+ */
+ if (uParm1 < uParm2)
+ {
+ result = memcmp(dest, src, uParm1);
+ if (result == 0) result = -1;
+ }
+ /* If name1 is longer than name2, then we can only return
+ * -1 (less than) or +1 greater than. If the substrings
+ * of length of name2 are equal, then we return greater than.
+ */
+ else if (uParm1 > uParm2)
+ {
+ result = memcmp(dest, src, uParm2);
+ if (result == 0) result = 1;
+ }
+ /* The strings are of equal length. Return the result of
+ * the comparison.
+ */
+ else
+ {
+ result = memcmp(dest, src, uParm1);
+ }
+ TOS(st, 0) = result;
+ }
+ break;
+ default :
+ } /* end switch */
+ return eNOERROR;
+} /* end pexec_libcall */
+/* This function process a system I/O operation */
+static uint16 pexec_execfp(struct pexec_s *st, ubyte fpOpCode)
+ sint16 intValue;
+ fparg_t arg1;
+ fparg_t arg2;
+ fparg_t result;
+ switch (fpOpCode & fpMASK)
+ {
+ /* Floating Pointer Conversions (On stack argument: FP or Integer) */
+ case fpFLOAT :
+ POP(st, intValue);
+ result.f = (float64)intValue;
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[0]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[1]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[2]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[3]);
+ break;
+ case fpTRUNC :
+ case fpROUND :
+ pexec_getfparguments(st, fpOpCode, &arg1, NULL);
+ intValue = (sint16)arg1.f;
+ PUSH(st, intValue);
+ break;
+ /* Floating Point arithmetic instructions (Two FP stack arguments) */
+ case fpADD :
+ pexec_getfparguments(st, fpOpCode, &arg1, &arg2);
+ result.f = arg1.f + arg2.f;
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[0]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[1]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[2]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[3]);
+ break;
+ case fpSUB :
+ pexec_getfparguments(st, fpOpCode, &arg1, &arg2);
+ result.f = arg1.f - arg2.f;
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[0]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[1]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[2]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[3]);
+ break;
+ case fpMUL :
+ pexec_getfparguments(st, fpOpCode, &arg1, &arg2);
+ result.f = arg1.f * arg2.f;
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[0]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[1]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[2]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[3]);
+ break;
+ case fpDIV :
+ pexec_getfparguments(st, fpOpCode, &arg1, &arg2);
+ result.f = arg1.f / arg2.f;
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[0]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[1]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[2]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[3]);
+ break;
+ case fpMOD :
+ return eBADFPOPCODE;
+#if 0 /* Not yet */
+ pexec_getfparguments(st, fpOpCode, &arg1, &arg2);
+ result.f = arg1.f % arg2.f;
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[0]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[1]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[2]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[3]);
+ break;
+ /* Floating Point Comparisons (Two FP stack arguments) */
+ case fpEQU :
+ pexec_getfparguments(st, fpOpCode, &arg1, &arg2);
+ intValue = PFALSE;
+ if (arg1.f == arg2.f)
+ intValue = PTRUE;
+ PUSH(st, intValue);
+ break;
+ case fpNEQ :
+ pexec_getfparguments(st, fpOpCode, &arg1, &arg2);
+ intValue = PFALSE;
+ if (arg1.f != arg2.f)
+ intValue = PTRUE;
+ PUSH(st, intValue);
+ break;
+ case fpLT :
+ pexec_getfparguments(st, fpOpCode, &arg1, &arg2);
+ intValue = PFALSE;
+ if (arg1.f < arg2.f)
+ intValue = PTRUE;
+ PUSH(st, intValue);
+ break;
+ case fpGTE :
+ pexec_getfparguments(st, fpOpCode, &arg1, &arg2);
+ intValue = PFALSE;
+ if (arg1.f >= arg2.f)
+ intValue = PTRUE;
+ PUSH(st, intValue);
+ break;
+ case fpGT :
+ pexec_getfparguments(st, fpOpCode, &arg1, &arg2);
+ intValue = PFALSE;
+ if (arg1.f > arg2.f)
+ intValue = PTRUE;
+ PUSH(st, intValue);
+ break;
+ case fpLTE :
+ pexec_getfparguments(st, fpOpCode, &arg1, &arg2);
+ intValue = PFALSE;
+ if (arg1.f <= arg2.f)
+ intValue = PTRUE;
+ PUSH(st, intValue);
+ break;
+ /* Floating Point arithmetic instructions (One FP stack arguments) */
+ case fpNEG :
+ pexec_getfparguments(st, fpOpCode, &arg1, NULL);
+ result.f = -arg1.f;
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[0]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[1]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[2]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[3]);
+ break;
+ case fpABS :
+ pexec_getfparguments(st, fpOpCode, &arg1, NULL);
+ result.f = fabs(arg1.f);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[0]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[1]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[2]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[3]);
+ break;
+ case fpSQR :
+ pexec_getfparguments(st, fpOpCode, &arg1, NULL);
+ result.f = arg1.f * arg1.f;
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[0]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[1]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[2]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[3]);
+ break;
+ case fpSQRT :
+ pexec_getfparguments(st, fpOpCode, &arg1, NULL);
+ result.f = sqrt(arg1.f);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[0]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[1]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[2]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[3]);
+ break;
+ case fpSIN :
+ pexec_getfparguments(st, fpOpCode, &arg1, NULL);
+ result.f = sin(arg1.f);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[0]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[1]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[2]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[3]);
+ break;
+ case fpCOS :
+ pexec_getfparguments(st, fpOpCode, &arg1, NULL);
+ result.f = cos(arg1.f);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[0]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[1]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[2]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[3]);
+ break;
+ case fpATAN :
+ pexec_getfparguments(st, fpOpCode, &arg1, NULL);
+ result.f = atan(arg1.f);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[0]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[1]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[2]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[3]);
+ break;
+ case fpLN :
+ pexec_getfparguments(st, fpOpCode, &arg1, NULL);
+ result.f = log(arg1.f);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[0]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[1]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[2]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[3]);
+ break;
+ case fpEXP :
+ pexec_getfparguments(st, fpOpCode, &arg1, NULL);
+ result.f = exp(arg1.f);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[0]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[1]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[2]);
+ PUSH(st, result.hw[3]);
+ break;
+ default :
+ return eBADFPOPCODE;
+ } /* end switch */
+ return eNOERROR;
+} /* end pexec_execfp */
+/* This function retrieves the floating point arguments and performs
+ * integer to REAL conversions as necessary */
+static void pexec_getfparguments(struct pexec_s *st, ubyte fpOpCode, fparg_t *arg1, fparg_t *arg2)
+ sint16 intArg;
+ /* Extract arg2 from the stack */
+ if (arg2)
+ {
+ /* Convert an integer argument to type REAL */
+ if ((fpOpCode & fpARG2) != 0)
+ {
+ POP(st, intArg);
+ arg2->f = (float64)intArg;
+ } /* end if */
+ else
+ {
+ POP(st, arg2->hw[3]);
+ POP(st, arg2->hw[2]);
+ POP(st, arg2->hw[1]);
+ POP(st, arg2->hw[0]);
+ } /* end else */
+ } /* end if */
+ /* Extract arg1 from the stack */
+ if (arg1)
+ {
+ /* Convert an integer argument to type REAL */
+ if ((fpOpCode & fpARG1) != 0)
+ {
+ POP(st, intArg);
+ arg1->f = (float64)intArg;
+ } /* end if */
+ else
+ {
+ POP(st, arg1->hw[3]);
+ POP(st, arg1->hw[2]);
+ POP(st, arg1->hw[1]);
+ POP(st, arg1->hw[0]);
+ } /* end else */
+ } /* end if */
+} /* end pexec_getfparguments */
+/* This function parses a decimal integer from ioPtr */
+static uStackType pexec_readinteger(ubyte *ioPtr)
+ sStackType value = 0;
+ while (isspace(*ioPtr)) ioPtr++;
+ while ((*ioPtr >= '0') && (*ioPtr <= '9'))
+ {
+ value = 10*value
+ + (sStackType)(*ioPtr)
+ - (sStackType)'0';
+ ioPtr++;
+ } /* end while */
+ return (uStackType)value;
+} /* end pexec_readinteger */
+/* This function parses a decimal integer from ioPtr */
+static void pexec_readreal(uint16 *dest, ubyte *inPtr)
+ sint32 intPart;
+ fparg_t result;
+ float64 fraction;
+ ubyte unaryOperator;
+ intPart = 0;
+ unaryOperator = '+';
+ /* Check for a leading unary - */
+ if ((*inPtr == '-') || (*inPtr == '+'))
+ unaryOperator = *inPtr++;
+ /* Get the integer part of the real */
+ while ((*inPtr >= '0') && (*inPtr <= '9'))
+ intPart = 10*intPart + ((sint32)*inPtr++) - ((sint32)'0');
+ result.f = ((float64)intPart);
+ /* Check for the a fractional part */
+ if (*inPtr == '.')
+ {
+ inPtr++;
+ fraction = 0.1;
+ while ((*inPtr >= '0') && (*inPtr <= '9'))
+ {
+ result.f += fraction * (float64)(((sint32)*inPtr++) - ((sint32)'0'));
+ fraction /= 10.0;
+ } /* end while */
+ } /* end if */
+ /* Correct the sign of the result */
+ if (unaryOperator == '-')
+ result.f = -result.f;
+ /* Return the value into the P-Machine stack */
+ *dest++ = result.hw[0];
+ *dest++ = result.hw[1];
+ *dest++ = result.hw[2];
+ *dest = result.hw[3];
+} /* end pexec_readreal */
+/* This function binds the base address corresponding to a given
+ * level offset. */
+static uStackType pexec_getbaseaddress(struct pexec_s *st, levelType levelOffset)
+ /* Start with the base register of the current frame */
+ uStackType baseAddress = st->fp;
+ /* Search backware "levelOffset" frames until the correct frame is
+ * found
+ */
+ while (levelOffset > 0)
+ {
+ baseAddress = st->dstack.i[BTOISTACK(baseAddress)];
+ levelOffset--;
+ } /* end while */
+ /* Offset that value by two words (one for the st->fp and one for the
+ * return value
+ */
+ return baseAddress + 2*BPERI;
+} /* end pexec_getbaseaddress */
+static ubyte *pexec_mkcstring(ubyte *buffer, int buflen)
+ ubyte *string;
+ string = malloc(buflen + 1);
+ if (string != NULL)
+ {
+ memcpy(string, buffer, buflen);
+ string[buflen] = '\0';
+ }
+ return string;
+ * Public Functions
+ ****************************************************************************/
+FAR struct pexec_s *pexec_init(struct pexec_attr_s *attr)
+ struct pexec_s *st;
+ addrType stacksize;
+ addrType adjusted_rosize;
+ /* Allocate the p-machine state stucture */
+ st = (struct pexec_s *)malloc(sizeof(struct pexec_s));
+ if (!st)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Set up I-Space */
+ st->ispace = attr->ispace;
+ st->maxpc = attr->maxpc;
+ /* Align size of read-only data to 16-bit boundary. */
+ adjusted_rosize = (attr->rosize + 1) & ~1;
+ /* Allocate the pascal stack. Organization is string stack, then
+ * constant data, then "normal" pascal stack.
+ */
+ stacksize = attr->varsize + adjusted_rosize + attr->strsize;
+ st->dstack.b = (ubyte*)malloc(stacksize);
+ if (!st->dstack.b)
+ {
+ free(st);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Copy the rodata into the stack */
+ if (attr->rodata && attr->rosize)
+ {
+ memcpy(&st->dstack.b[attr->strsize], attr->rodata, attr->rosize);
+ }
+ /* Set up info needed to perform a simulated reset */
+ st->strsize = attr->strsize;
+ st->rosize = adjusted_rosize;
+ st->entry = attr->entry;
+ st->stacksize = stacksize;
+ /* Then perform a simulated reset */
+ pexec_reset(st);
+ return st;
+int pexec(FAR struct pexec_s *st)
+ ubyte opCode;
+ ubyte arg8;
+ uint16 arg16;
+ ubyte opCodeSize;
+ sStackType sParm1;
+ sStackType sParm2;
+ uStackType uParm1;
+ uStackType uParm2;
+ uStackType uParm3;
+ /* Make sure that the program counter is within range */
+ if (st->pc >= st->maxpc)
+ return eBADPC;
+ else
+ {
+ /* Get the instruction to execute */
+ opCode = st->ispace[st->pc];
+ arg8 = 0;
+ arg16 = 0;
+ opCodeSize = 1;
+ if ((opCode & o8) != 0)
+ {
+ arg8 = st->ispace[st->pc + opCodeSize];
+ opCodeSize++;
+ } /* end if */
+ if ((opCode & o16) != 0)
+ {
+ arg16 = ((st->ispace[st->pc + opCodeSize]) << 8);
+ arg16 |= st->ispace[st->pc + opCodeSize + 1];
+ opCodeSize += 2;
+ } /* end if */
+ switch (opCode)
+ {
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------**/
+ /* Arithmetic & logical & and integer conversions (One stack argument) */
+ case oNEG :
+ TOS(st, 0) = (uStackType)(-(sStackType)TOS(st, 0));
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oABS :
+ if (signExtend16(TOS(st, 0)) < 0)
+ TOS(st, 0) = (uStackType)(-signExtend16(TOS(st, 0)));
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oINC :
+ TOS(st, 0)++;
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oDEC :
+ TOS(st, 0)--;
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oNOT :
+ TOS(st, 0) = ~TOS(st, 0);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ /* Arithmetic & logical (Two stack arguments) */
+ case oADD :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ TOS(st, 0) = (uStackType)(((sStackType)TOS(st, 0)) + sParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oSUB :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ TOS(st, 0) = (uStackType)(((sStackType)TOS(st, 0)) - sParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oMUL :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ TOS(st, 0) = (uStackType)(((sStackType)TOS(st, 0)) * sParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oDIV :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ TOS(st, 0) = (uStackType)(((sStackType)TOS(st, 0)) / sParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oMOD :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ TOS(st, 0) = (uStackType)(((sStackType)TOS(st, 0)) % sParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oSLL :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ TOS(st, 0) = (uStackType)(((sStackType)TOS(st, 0)) << sParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oSRL :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ TOS(st, 0) = (TOS(st, 0) >> sParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oSRA :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ TOS(st, 0) = (uStackType)(((sStackType)TOS(st, 0)) >> sParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oOR :
+ POP(st, uParm1);
+ TOS(st, 0) = (TOS(st, 0) | uParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oAND :
+ POP(st, uParm1);
+ TOS(st, 0) = (TOS(st, 0) & uParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oBIT :
+ POP(st, uParm1);
+ uParm2 = TOS(st, 0);
+ if ((uParm1 & (1 << uParm2)) != 0)
+ TOS(st, 0) = PTRUE;
+ else
+ TOS(st, 0) = PFALSE;
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ /* Comparisons (One stack argument) */
+ case oEQUZ :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ uParm1 = PFALSE;
+ if (sParm1 == 0)
+ uParm1 = PTRUE;
+ PUSH(st, uParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oNEQZ :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ uParm1 = PFALSE;
+ if (sParm1 != 0)
+ uParm1 = PTRUE;
+ PUSH(st, uParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLTZ :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ uParm1 = PFALSE;
+ if (sParm1 < 0)
+ uParm1 = PTRUE;
+ PUSH(st, uParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oGTEZ :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ uParm1 = PFALSE;
+ if (sParm1 >= 0)
+ uParm1 = PTRUE;
+ PUSH(st, uParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oGTZ :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ uParm1 = PFALSE;
+ if (sParm1 > 0)
+ uParm1 = PTRUE;
+ PUSH(st, uParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLTEZ :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ uParm1 = PFALSE;
+ if (sParm1 <= 0)
+ uParm1 = PTRUE;
+ PUSH(st, uParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ /* Comparisons (Two stack arguments) */
+ case oEQU :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ uParm1 = PFALSE;
+ if (sParm1 == (sStackType)TOS(st, 0))
+ uParm1 = PTRUE;
+ TOS(st, 0) = uParm1;
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oNEQ :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ uParm1 = PFALSE;
+ if (sParm1 != (sStackType)TOS(st, 0))
+ uParm1 = PTRUE;
+ TOS(st, 0) = uParm1;
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLT :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ uParm1 = PFALSE;
+ if (sParm1 < (sStackType)TOS(st, 0))
+ uParm1 = PTRUE;
+ TOS(st, 0) = uParm1;
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oGTE :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ uParm1 = PFALSE;
+ if (sParm1 >= (sStackType)TOS(st, 0))
+ uParm1 = PTRUE;
+ TOS(st, 0) = uParm1;
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oGT :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ uParm1 = PFALSE;
+ if (sParm1 > (sStackType)TOS(st, 0))
+ uParm1 = PTRUE;
+ TOS(st, 0) = uParm1;
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLTE :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ uParm1 = PFALSE;
+ if (sParm1 <= (sStackType)TOS(st, 0))
+ uParm1 = PTRUE;
+ TOS(st, 0) = uParm1;
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ /* Load (One stack argument) */
+ case oLDI :
+ POP(st, uParm1); /* Address */
+ PUSH(st, GETSTACK(st, uParm1));
+ PUSH(st, GETSTACK(st, uParm1 + BPERI));
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLDIH :
+ TOS(st, 0) = GETSTACK(st, TOS(st, 0));
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLDIB :
+ TOS(st, 0) = GETBSTACK(st, TOS(st, 0));
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLDIM :
+ /* FIX ME --> Need to handle the unaligned case */
+ POP(st, uParm1); /* Size */
+ POP(st, uParm2); /* Stack offset */
+ while (uParm1 > 0)
+ {
+ if (uParm1 >= BPERI)
+ {
+ PUSH(st, GETSTACK(st, uParm2));
+ uParm2 += BPERI;
+ uParm1 -= BPERI;
+ } /* end if */
+ else
+ {
+ PUSH(st, GETBSTACK(st, uParm2));
+ uParm2++;
+ uParm1--;
+ } /* end else */
+ } /* end while */
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oDUP :
+ uParm1 = TOS(st, 0);
+ uParm2 = TOS(st, 1);
+ PUSH(st, uParm2);
+ PUSH(st, uParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oDUPH :
+ uParm1 = TOS(st, 0);
+ PUSH(st, uParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oPUSHS :
+ PUSH(st, st->csp);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oPOPS :
+ POP(st, st->csp);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ /* Store (Two stack arguments) */
+ case oSTIH :
+ POP(st, uParm1);
+ POP(st, uParm2);
+ PUTSTACK(st, uParm1,uParm2);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oSTIB :
+ POP(st, uParm1);
+ POP(st, uParm2);
+ PUTBSTACK(st, uParm1, uParm2);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oSTIM :
+ /* FIX ME --> Need to handle the unaligned case */
+ POP(st, uParm1); /* Size in bytes */
+ uParm3 = uParm1; /* Save for stack discard */
+ sParm1 = ROUNDBTOI(uParm1); /* Size in words */
+ uParm2 = TOS(st, sParm1); /* Stack offset */
+ sParm1--;
+ while (uParm1 > 0)
+ {
+ if (uParm1 >= BPERI)
+ {
+ PUTSTACK(st, TOS(st, sParm1), uParm2);
+ uParm2 += BPERI;
+ uParm1 -= BPERI;
+ sParm1--;
+ } /* end if */
+ else
+ {
+ PUTBSTACK(st, TOS(st, sParm1), uParm2);
+ uParm2++;
+ uParm1--;
+ } /* end else */
+ } /* end while */
+ /* Discard the stored data + the stack offset */
+ DISCARD(st, (ROUNDBTOI(uParm3) + 1));
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ /* Program control (No stack arguments) */
+ case oNOP :
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oRET :
+ POP(st, st->pc);
+ POP(st, st->fp);
+ DISCARD(st, 1);
+ break;
+ /* System Functions (No stack arguments) */
+ case oEND :
+ return eEXIT;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------**/
+ /* Data stack: arg8 = 8 bit unsigned data (no stack arguments) */
+ case oPUSHB :
+ PUSH(st, arg8);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ /* Floating Point: arg8 = FP op-code (varying number of stack arguments) */
+ case oFLOAT :
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ return pexec_execfp(st, arg8);
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------**/
+ /* Program control: arg16 = unsigned label (no stack arguments) */
+ case oJMP :
+ st->pc = (addrType)arg16;
+ break;
+ /* Program control: arg16 = unsigned label (One stack argument) */
+ case oJEQUZ :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ if (sParm1 == 0)
+ st->pc = (addrType)arg16;
+ else
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oJNEQZ :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ if (sParm1 != 0)
+ st->pc = (addrType)arg16;
+ else
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oJLTZ :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ if (sParm1 < 0)
+ st->pc = (addrType)arg16;
+ else
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oJGTEZ :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ if (sParm1 >= 0)
+ st->pc = (addrType)arg16;
+ else
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oJGTZ :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ if (sParm1 > 0)
+ st->pc = (addrType)arg16;
+ else
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oJLTEZ :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ if (sParm1 <= 0)
+ st->pc = (addrType)arg16;
+ else
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ /* Program control: arg16 = unsigned label (Two stack arguments) */
+ case oJEQU :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ POP(st, sParm2);
+ if (sParm2 == sParm1)
+ st->pc = (addrType)arg16;
+ else
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oJNEQ :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ POP(st, sParm2);
+ if (sParm2 != sParm1)
+ st->pc = (addrType)arg16;
+ else
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oJLT :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ POP(st, sParm2);
+ if (sParm2 < sParm1)
+ st->pc = (addrType)arg16;
+ else
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oJGTE :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ POP(st, sParm2);
+ if (sParm2 >= sParm1)
+ st->pc = (addrType)arg16;
+ else
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oJGT :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ POP(st, sParm2);
+ if (sParm2 > sParm1)
+ st->pc = (addrType)arg16;
+ else
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oJLTE :
+ POP(st, sParm1);
+ POP(st, sParm2);
+ if (sParm2 <= sParm1)
+ st->pc = (addrType)arg16;
+ else
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ /* Load: arg16 = usigned offset (no stack arguments) */
+ case oLD :
+ uParm1 = st->spb + arg16;
+ PUSH(st, GETSTACK(st, uParm1));
+ PUSH(st, GETSTACK(st, uParm1 + BPERI));
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLDH :
+ uParm1 = st->spb + arg16;
+ PUSH(st, GETSTACK(st, uParm1));
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLDB :
+ uParm1 = st->spb + arg16;
+ PUSH(st, GETBSTACK(st, uParm1));
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLDM :
+ /* FIX ME --> Need to handle the unaligned case */
+ POP(st, uParm1);
+ uParm2 = st->spb + arg16;
+ while (uParm1 > 0)
+ {
+ if (uParm1 >= BPERI)
+ {
+ PUSH(st, GETSTACK(st, uParm2));
+ uParm2 += BPERI;
+ uParm1 -= BPERI;
+ } /* end if */
+ else
+ {
+ PUSH(st, GETBSTACK(st, uParm2));
+ uParm2++;
+ uParm1--;
+ } /* end else */
+ } /* end while */
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ /* Load & store: arg16 = unsigned base offset (One stack argument) */
+ case oST :
+ uParm1 = st->spb + arg16;
+ POP(st, uParm2);
+ PUTSTACK(st, uParm2, uParm1 + BPERI);
+ POP(st, uParm2);
+ PUTSTACK(st, uParm2, uParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oSTH :
+ uParm1 = st->spb + arg16;
+ POP(st, uParm2);
+ PUTSTACK(st, uParm2, uParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oSTB :
+ uParm1 = st->spb + arg16;
+ POP(st, uParm2);
+ PUTBSTACK(st, uParm2, uParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oSTM :
+ /* FIX ME --> Need to handle the unaligned case */
+ POP(st, uParm1); /* Size */
+ uParm3 = uParm1; /* Save for stack discard */
+ uParm2 = st->spb + arg16;
+ sParm1 = ROUNDBTOI(uParm1) - 1;
+ while (uParm1 > 0)
+ {
+ if (uParm1 >= BPERI)
+ {
+ PUTSTACK(st, TOS(st, sParm1), uParm2);
+ uParm2 += BPERI;
+ uParm1 -= BPERI;
+ sParm1--;
+ } /* end if */
+ else
+ {
+ PUTBSTACK(st, TOS(st, sParm1), uParm2);
+ uParm2++;
+ uParm1--;
+ } /* end else */
+ } /* end while */
+ /* Discard the stored data */
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLDX :
+ uParm1 = st->spb + arg16 + TOS(st, 0);
+ TOS(st, 0) = GETSTACK(st, uParm1);
+ PUSH(st, GETSTACK(st, uParm1 + BPERI));
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLDXH :
+ uParm1 = st->spb + arg16 + TOS(st, 0);
+ TOS(st, 0) = GETSTACK(st, uParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLDXB :
+ uParm1 = st->spb + arg16 + TOS(st, 0);
+ TOS(st, 0) = GETBSTACK(st, uParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLDXM :
+ /* FIX ME --> Need to handle the unaligned case */
+ POP(st, uParm1);
+ POP(st, uParm2);
+ uParm2 += st->spb + arg16;
+ while (uParm1 > 0)
+ {
+ if (uParm1 >= BPERI)
+ {
+ PUSH(st, GETSTACK(st, uParm2));
+ uParm2 += BPERI;
+ uParm1 -= BPERI;
+ } /* end if */
+ else
+ {
+ PUSH(st, GETBSTACK(st, uParm2));
+ uParm2++;
+ uParm1--;
+ } /* end else */
+ } /* end while */
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ /* Store: arg16 = unsigned base offset (Two stack arguments) */
+ case oSTXH :
+ POP(st, uParm1);
+ POP(st, uParm2);
+ uParm2 += st->spb + arg16;
+ PUTSTACK(st, uParm1,uParm2);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oSTXB :
+ POP(st, uParm1);
+ POP(st, uParm2);
+ uParm2 += st->spb + arg16;
+ PUTBSTACK(st, uParm1, uParm2);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oSTXM :
+/* FIX ME --> Need to handle the unaligned case */
+ POP(st, uParm1); /* Size */
+ uParm3 = uParm1; /* Save for stack discard */
+ sParm1 = ROUNDBTOI(uParm1); /* Size in 16-bit words */
+ uParm2 = TOS(st, sParm1); /* index */
+ sParm1--;
+ uParm2 += st->spb + arg16;
+ while (uParm1 > 0)
+ {
+ if (uParm1 >= BPERI)
+ {
+ PUTSTACK(st, TOS(st, sParm1), uParm2);
+ uParm2 += BPERI;
+ uParm1 -= BPERI;
+ sParm1--;
+ } /* end if */
+ else
+ {
+ PUTBSTACK(st, TOS(st, sParm1), uParm2);
+ uParm2++;
+ uParm1--;
+ } /* end else */
+ } /* end while */
+ /* Discard the stored data + the index */
+ DISCARD(st, (ROUNDBTOI(uParm3) + 1));
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLA :
+ uParm1 = st->spb + arg16;
+ PUSH(st, uParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLAX :
+ TOS(st, 0) = st->spb + arg16 + TOS(st, 0);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ /* Data stack: arg16 = 16 bit signed data (no stack arguments) */
+ case oPUSH :
+ PUSH(st, arg16);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oINDS :
+ st->sp += signExtend16(arg16);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ /* System Functions:
+ * For LIB: arg16 = sub-function code
+ */
+ case oLIB :
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ return pexec_libcall(st, arg8, arg16);
+ /* Program control: arg16 = unsigned label (no stack arguments) */
+ case oLAC :
+ uParm1 = arg16 + st->rop;
+ PUSH(st, uParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLABEL :
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------**/
+ /* Load: arg8 = level; arg16 = signed frame offset (no stack arguments) */
+ case oLDS :
+ uParm1 = pexec_getbaseaddress(st, arg8) + signExtend16(arg16);
+ PUSH(st, GETSTACK(st, uParm1));
+ PUSH(st, GETSTACK(st, uParm1 + BPERI));
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLDSH :
+ uParm1 = pexec_getbaseaddress(st, arg8) + signExtend16(arg16);
+ PUSH(st, GETSTACK(st, uParm1));
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLDSB :
+ uParm1 = pexec_getbaseaddress(st, arg8) + signExtend16(arg16);
+ PUSH(st, GETBSTACK(st, uParm1));
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLDSM :
+ /* FIX ME --> Need to handle the unaligned case */
+ POP(st, uParm1);
+ uParm2 = pexec_getbaseaddress(st, arg8) + signExtend16(arg16);
+ while (uParm1 > 0)
+ {
+ if (uParm1 >= BPERI)
+ {
+ PUSH(st, GETSTACK(st, uParm2));
+ uParm2 += BPERI;
+ uParm1 -= BPERI;
+ } /* end if */
+ else
+ {
+ PUSH(st, GETBSTACK(st, uParm2));
+ uParm2++;
+ uParm1--;
+ } /* end else */
+ } /* end while */
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ /* Load & store: arg8 = level; arg16 = signed frame offset (One stack argument) */
+ case oSTSH :
+ uParm1 = pexec_getbaseaddress(st, arg8) + signExtend16(arg16);
+ POP(st, uParm2);
+ PUTSTACK(st, uParm2, uParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oSTSB :
+ uParm1 = pexec_getbaseaddress(st, arg8) + signExtend16(arg16);
+ POP(st, uParm2);
+ PUTBSTACK(st, uParm2, uParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oSTSM :
+ /* FIX ME --> Need to handle the unaligned case */
+ POP(st, uParm1); /* Size */
+ uParm3 = uParm1; /* Save for stack discard */
+ uParm2 = pexec_getbaseaddress(st, arg8) + signExtend16(arg16);
+ sParm1 = ROUNDBTOI(uParm1) - 1;
+ while (uParm1 > 0)
+ {
+ if (uParm1 >= BPERI)
+ {
+ PUTSTACK(st, TOS(st, sParm1), uParm2);
+ uParm2 += BPERI;
+ uParm1 -= BPERI;
+ sParm1--;
+ } /* end if */
+ else
+ {
+ PUTBSTACK(st, TOS(st, sParm1), uParm2);
+ uParm2++;
+ uParm1--;
+ } /* end else */
+ } /* end while */
+ /* Discard the stored data */
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLDSX :
+ uParm1 = pexec_getbaseaddress(st, arg8) + signExtend16(arg16) + TOS(st, 0);
+ TOS(st, 0) = GETSTACK(st, uParm1);
+ PUSH(st, GETSTACK(st, uParm1 + BPERI));
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLDSXH :
+ uParm1 = pexec_getbaseaddress(st, arg8) + signExtend16(arg16) + TOS(st, 0);
+ TOS(st, 0) = GETSTACK(st, uParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLDSXB :
+ uParm1 = pexec_getbaseaddress(st, arg8) + signExtend16(arg16) + TOS(st, 0);
+ TOS(st, 0) = GETBSTACK(st, uParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLDSXM :
+ /* FIX ME --> Need to handle the unaligned case */
+ POP(st, uParm1);
+ POP(st, uParm2);
+ uParm2 += pexec_getbaseaddress(st, arg8) + signExtend16(arg16);
+ while (uParm1 > 0)
+ {
+ if (uParm1 >= BPERI)
+ {
+ PUSH(st, GETSTACK(st, uParm2));
+ uParm2 += BPERI;
+ uParm1 -= BPERI;
+ } /* end if */
+ else
+ {
+ PUSH(st, GETBSTACK(st, uParm2));
+ uParm2++;
+ uParm1--;
+ } /* end else */
+ } /* end while */
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ /* Store: arg8 = level; arg16 = signed frame offset (Two stack arguments) */
+ case oSTSXH :
+ POP(st, uParm1);
+ POP(st, uParm2);
+ uParm2 += pexec_getbaseaddress(st, arg8) + signExtend16(arg16);
+ PUTSTACK(st, uParm1,uParm2);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oSTSXB :
+ POP(st, uParm1);
+ POP(st, uParm2);
+ uParm2 += pexec_getbaseaddress(st, arg8) + signExtend16(arg16);
+ PUTBSTACK(st, uParm1, uParm2);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oSTSXM :
+/* FIX ME --> Need to handle the unaligned case */
+ POP(st, uParm1); /* Size */
+ uParm3 = uParm1; /* Save for stack discard */
+ sParm1 = ROUNDBTOI(uParm1); /* Size in 16-bit words */
+ uParm2 = TOS(st, sParm1); /* index */
+ sParm1--;
+ uParm2 += pexec_getbaseaddress(st, arg8) + signExtend16(arg16);
+ while (uParm1 > 0)
+ {
+ if (uParm1 >= BPERI)
+ {
+ PUTSTACK(st, TOS(st, sParm1), uParm2);
+ uParm2 += BPERI;
+ uParm1 -= BPERI;
+ sParm1--;
+ } /* end if */
+ else
+ {
+ PUTBSTACK(st, TOS(st, sParm1), uParm2);
+ uParm2++;
+ uParm1--;
+ } /* end else */
+ } /* end while */
+ /* Discard the stored data + the index */
+ DISCARD(st, (ROUNDBTOI(uParm3) + 1));
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLAS :
+ uParm1 = pexec_getbaseaddress(st, arg8) + signExtend16(arg16);
+ PUSH(st, uParm1);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ case oLASX :
+ TOS(st, 0) = pexec_getbaseaddress(st, arg8) + signExtend16(arg16) + TOS(st, 0);
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ break;
+ /* Program Control: arg8 = level; arg16 = unsigned label (No
+ * stack arguments)
+ */
+ case oPCAL :
+ PUSH(st, pexec_getbaseaddress(st, arg8));
+ PUSH(st, st->fp);
+ uParm1 = st->sp;
+ PUSH(st, st->pc + opCodeSize);
+ st->fp = uParm1;
+ st->pc = (addrType)arg16;
+ break;
+ /* System Functions:
+ * For SYSIO: arg8 = file number; arg16 = sub-function code
+ */
+ case oSYSIO :
+ st->pc += opCodeSize;
+ return pexec_sysio(st, arg8, arg16);
+ /* Psuedo-operations: (No stack arguments)
+ * For LINE: arg8 = file number; arg16 = line number
+ */
+ case oLINE :
+ default :
+ } /* end switch */
+ } /* end else */
+ return eNOERROR;
+void pexec_reset(struct pexec_s *st)
+ int dndx;
+ /* Setup the bottom of the "normal" pascal stack */
+ st->rop = st->strsize;
+ st->spb = st->strsize + st->rosize;
+ /* Initialize the emulated P-Machine registers */
+ st->csp = 0;
+ st->sp = st->spb + 2*BPERI;
+ st->fp = st->spb + BPERI;
+ st->pc = st->entry;
+ /* Initialize the P-Machine stack */
+ dndx = BTOISTACK(st->spb);
+ st->dstack.i[dndx] = 0;
+ st->dstack.i[dndx+1] = 0;
+ st->dstack.i[dndx+2] = -1;