path: root/mavlink-library/src/main/twirl/org
diff options
authorJakob Odersky <jodersky@gmail.com>2015-03-19 16:08:46 +0100
committerJakob Odersky <jodersky@gmail.com>2015-03-19 16:08:46 +0100
commit1cf6e37dc356144f3da2a2dcde75d1ced8bc5ad6 (patch)
tree287a8e4ce18d3a8c299d7b2a91599a7a48c7b59d /mavlink-library/src/main/twirl/org
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'mavlink-library/src/main/twirl/org')
7 files changed, 412 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mavlink-library/src/main/twirl/org/mavlink/Assembler.scala.txt b/mavlink-library/src/main/twirl/org/mavlink/Assembler.scala.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3571e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mavlink-library/src/main/twirl/org/mavlink/Assembler.scala.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+@(__context: Context)@_header(__context)
+package org.mavlink
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer
+ * Utility class for assembling packets with increasing sequence number
+ * originating from given system and component IDs.
+ */
+class Assembler(systemId: Byte, componentId: Byte) {
+ private var seq = 0;
+ /** Assemble a given message ID and payload into a packet. */
+ def assemble(messageId: Byte, payload: ByteBuffer): Packet = {
+ val p = Packet(seq.toByte, systemId, componentId, messageId, payload)
+ seq += 1
+ p
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mavlink-library/src/main/twirl/org/mavlink/Crc.scala.txt b/mavlink-library/src/main/twirl/org/mavlink/Crc.scala.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6e3cce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mavlink-library/src/main/twirl/org/mavlink/Crc.scala.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+@(__context: Context)@_header(__context)
+package org.mavlink
+ * X.25 CRC calculation for MAVlink messages. The checksum must be initialized,
+ * updated with each field of a message, and then finished with the message
+ * id.
+ */
+case class Crc(val crc: Int = 0xffff) extends AnyVal {
+ /**
+ * Accumulates data into a new checksum.
+ */
+ def accumulate(datum: Byte): Crc = {
+ val d = datum & 0xff
+ var tmp = d ^ (crc & 0xff)
+ tmp ^= (tmp << 4) & 0xff;
+ Crc(
+ ((crc >> 8) & 0xff) ^ (tmp << 8) ^ (tmp << 3) ^ ((tmp >> 4) & 0xff))
+ }
+ /** Least significant byte of checksum. */
+ def lsb: Byte = crc.toByte
+ /** Most significant byte of checksum. */
+ def msb: Byte = (crc >> 8).toByte
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mavlink-library/src/main/twirl/org/mavlink/MavlinkBuffer.scala.txt b/mavlink-library/src/main/twirl/org/mavlink/MavlinkBuffer.scala.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a01dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mavlink-library/src/main/twirl/org/mavlink/MavlinkBuffer.scala.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+@(__context: Context)@_header(__context)
+package org.mavlink
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer
+import java.nio.ByteOrder
+/** Utility functions for using ByteBuffers. */
+class MavlinkBuffer {
+ /**
+ * Allocates a ByteBuffer for using in MAVLink message processing.
+ * @@param direct specifies if a direct buffer should be used
+ */
+ def allocate(direct: Boolean = true) = {
+ val buffer = if (direct) {
+ ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(Packet.MaxPayloadLength)
+ } else {
+ val underlying = new Array[Byte](Packet.MaxPayloadLength)
+ ByteBuffer.wrap(underlying)
+ }
+ buffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) // MAVLink uses little endian
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mavlink-library/src/main/twirl/org/mavlink/Packet.scala.txt b/mavlink-library/src/main/twirl/org/mavlink/Packet.scala.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0d11a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mavlink-library/src/main/twirl/org/mavlink/Packet.scala.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+@(__context: Context, __maxPayloadLength: Int, __extraCrcs: Seq[Byte])@_header(__context)
+package org.mavlink
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer
+ * Represents a MAVLink packet.
+ * Note that due to performance reasons, the packet's payload contents are mutable.
+ * @@param seq sequence number
+ * @@param systemId system ID of sender
+ * @@param componentId component ID of sender
+ * @@param messageId MAVLink message identification (this depends on the dialect used)
+ * @@param payload message contents
+ */
+case class Packet(
+ seq: Byte,
+ systemId: Byte,
+ componentId: Byte,
+ messageId: Byte,
+ payload: ByteBuffer
+) {
+ /*
+ def crc = {
+ var c = new Crc()
+ c = c.accumulate(payload.length.toByte)
+ c = c.accumulate(seq)
+ c = c.accumulate(systemId)
+ c = c.accumulate(componentId)
+ c = c.accumulate(messageId)
+ while (payload.)
+ for (p <- payload) {
+ c = c.accumulate(p)
+ }
+ c = c.accumulate(Packet.extraCrc(messageId))
+ c
+ }*/
+object Packet {
+ /** Start byte signaling the beginning of a packet. */
+ final val Stx: Byte = (0xfe).toByte
+ /** Maximum length of a payload contained in a packet. */
+ final val MaxPayloadLength: Int = @__maxPayloadLength
+ /** Additional CRCs indexed by message ID (see MAVLink specification). */
+ final val ExtraCrcs: Seq[Byte] = Array[Byte](
+ @__extraCrcs.map(_ formatted "%3d").grouped(10).map(_.mkString(",")).mkString(",\n ")
+ )
+ /** Utility function to index ExtraCrcs with a byte. */
+ def extraCrc(id: Byte) = ExtraCrcs(id & 0xff)
+ /** An invalid packet with no payload. */
+ def emoty = Packet(0, 0, 0, -128, ByteBuffer.wrap(Array(0: Byte)))
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mavlink-library/src/main/twirl/org/mavlink/Parser.scala.txt b/mavlink-library/src/main/twirl/org/mavlink/Parser.scala.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca04ae1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mavlink-library/src/main/twirl/org/mavlink/Parser.scala.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+@(__context: Context)@_header(__context)
+package org.mavlink
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer
+object Parser {
+ /** Internal parser states. */
+ object States {
+ sealed trait State
+ case object Idle extends State
+ case object GotStx extends State
+ case object GotLength extends State
+ case object GotSeq extends State
+ case object GotSysId extends State
+ case object GotCompId extends State
+ case object GotMsgId extends State
+ case object GotCrc1 extends State
+ case object GotPayload extends State
+ }
+ /** Errors that may occur while receiving data. */
+ object Errors {
+ sealed trait Error
+ case object CrcError extends Error
+ case object OverflowError extends Error
+ }
+ * A parser to divide byte streams into mavlink packets.
+ * A parser is created with receiver and error functions and bytes are then fed into it. Once
+ * a valid packet has been received (or an error encountered), the receiver (or error) functions
+ * are called.
+ * Note that due to memory and performance issues, a received packet and payload is
+ * only guaranteed to be valid within the receiver function. After exiting the function, the
+ * underlying packet's data may be overwritten by a new packet.
+ *
+ * @@param buffer a buffer into which the received payload is stored
+ * @@param receiver called when a valid packet has been received
+ * @@param error called when invalid data was received
+ */
+class Parser(payload: ByteBuffer, receiver: Packet => Unit, error: Parser.Errors.Error => Unit = _ => ()) {
+ import Parser._
+ private var state: States.State = States.Idle
+ private object inbound {
+ var length: Int = 0
+ var seq: Byte = 0
+ var systemId: Byte = 0
+ var componentId: Byte = 0
+ var messageId: Byte = 0
+ var crc: Crc = new Crc()
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parses a byte as part of an incoming MAVLink message. May result
+ * in calling receiver or error function.
+ */
+ def push(c: Byte): Unit = {
+ import States._
+ state match {
+ case Idle =>
+ if (c == Packet.Stx) {
+ state = GotStx
+ }
+ case GotStx =>
+ inbound.crc = new Crc()
+ inbound.length = (c & 0xff)
+ inbound.crc = inbound.crc.accumulate(c)
+ state = GotLength
+ case GotLength =>
+ inbound.seq = c;
+ inbound.crc = inbound.crc.accumulate(c)
+ state = GotSeq
+ case GotSeq =>
+ inbound.systemId = c
+ inbound.crc = inbound.crc.accumulate(c)
+ state = GotSysId
+ case GotSysId =>
+ inbound.componentId = c
+ inbound.crc = inbound.crc.accumulate(c)
+ state = GotCompId
+ case GotCompId =>
+ inbound.messageId = c
+ inbound.crc = inbound.crc.accumulate(c)
+ if (inbound.length == 0) {
+ state = GotPayload
+ } else {
+ state = GotMsgId
+ payload.clear()
+ }
+ case GotMsgId =>
+ if (!payload.hasRemaining) {
+ state = Idle
+ error(Errors.OverflowError)
+ } else {
+ payload.put(c)
+ inbound.crc = inbound.crc.accumulate(c)
+ if (payload.position >= inbound.length) {
+ state = GotPayload
+ }
+ }
+ case GotPayload =>
+ inbound.crc = inbound.crc.accumulate(Packet.extraCrc(inbound.messageId))
+ if (c != inbound.crc.lsb) {
+ state = Idle
+ if (c == Packet.Stx) {
+ state = GotStx
+ }
+ error(Errors.CrcError)
+ } else {
+ state = GotCrc1
+ }
+ case GotCrc1 =>
+ if (c != inbound.crc.msb) {
+ state = Idle
+ if (c == Packet.Stx) {
+ state = GotStx
+ }
+ error(Errors.CrcError)
+ } else {
+ val packet = Packet(
+ inbound.seq,
+ inbound.systemId,
+ inbound.componentId,
+ inbound.messageId,
+ payload)
+ state = Idle
+ receiver(packet)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parses a sequence of bytes.
+ */
+ def push(bytes: Traversable[Byte]): Unit = for (b <- bytes) push(b)
+ /**
+ * Parses all bytes of contained in a byte buffer.
+ */
+ def push(bytes: ByteBuffer): Unit = while(bytes.hasRemaining) {
+ push(bytes.get())
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mavlink-library/src/main/twirl/org/mavlink/_header.scala.txt b/mavlink-library/src/main/twirl/org/mavlink/_header.scala.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fd5da9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mavlink-library/src/main/twirl/org/mavlink/_header.scala.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+@(__context: Context)/*
+ * MAVLink Abstraction Layer for Scala.
+ *
+ * This file was automatically generated.
+ */ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mavlink-library/src/main/twirl/org/mavlink/messages/messages.scala.txt b/mavlink-library/src/main/twirl/org/mavlink/messages/messages.scala.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f444dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mavlink-library/src/main/twirl/org/mavlink/messages/messages.scala.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+@(__context: Context, __messages: Set[Message])@org.mavlink.txt._header(__context)
+package org.mavlink.messages
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer
+import java.nio.charset.Charset
+@__scalaMessageType(message: Message) = {@StringUtils.Camelify(message.name)}
+@__scalaFieldName(field: Field) = {@StringUtils.camelify(field.name)}
+@__scalaFieldType(tpe: Type) = {@tpe match {
+ case IntType(1, _) => {Byte}
+ case IntType(2, _) => {Short}
+ case IntType(4, _) => {Int}
+ case IntType(8, _) => {Long}
+ case FloatType(4) => {Float}
+ case FloatType(8) => {Double}
+ case StringType(_) => {String}
+ case ArrayType(underlying, _) => {Seq[@__scalaFieldType(underlying)]}
+@__scalaFieldFormal(field: Field) = {@__scalaFieldName(field): @__scalaFieldType(field.tpe)}
+@__bufferReadMethod(buffer: String, tpe: Type) = {@tpe match {
+ case IntType(1, _) => {@{buffer}.get()}
+ case IntType(2, _) => {@{buffer}.getShort()}
+ case IntType(4, _) => {@{buffer}.getInt()}
+ case IntType(8, _) => {@{buffer}.getLong()}
+ case FloatType(4) => {@{buffer}.getFloat()}
+ case FloatType(8) => {@{buffer}.getDouble()}
+ case StringType(maxLength) =>{{
+ val bytes = Array[Byte](@maxLength)
+ @{buffer}.get(bytes, 0, @maxLength)
+ val length = bytes.indexOf(0) match {
+ case -1 => @maxLength
+ case i => i
+ }
+ new String(bytes, 0, length, Charset.forName("UTF-8"))
+ }}
+ case ArrayType(underlying, length) => {for (i <- 0 until @length) yield {@__bufferReadMethod(buffer, underlying)}}
+@__bufferWriteMethod(buffer: String, data: String, tpe: Type) = {@tpe match {
+ case IntType(1, _) => {@{buffer}.put(@data)}
+ case IntType(2, _) => {@{buffer}.putShort(@data)}
+ case IntType(4, _) => {@{buffer}.putInt(@data)}
+ case IntType(8, _) => {@{buffer}.putLong(@data)}
+ case FloatType(4) => {@{buffer}.putFloat(@data)}
+ case FloatType(8) => {@{buffer}.putDouble(@data)}
+ case StringType(maxLength) => {
+ {
+ val bytes = @{data}.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"))
+ val endPosition = @{buffer}.position + @maxLength
+ @{buffer}.put(bytes, 0, math.max(bytes.length, @maxLength))
+ while (@{buffer}.position < endPosition) {
+ @{buffer}.put(0: Byte)
+ }
+ }}
+ case ArrayType(underlying, length) => {for (i <- 0 until @length) {@__bufferWriteMethod(buffer, data + "(i)", underlying)}}
+@__commentParagraphs(paragraphs: Seq[String]) = {@paragraphs.mkString("/**\n * ", "\n * ", "\n */")}
+@__comment(message: Message) = {@__commentParagraphs(message.description.grouped(100).toList ++ message.fields.map(field => "@param " + field.name + " " + field.description))}
+/** Marker trait for MAVLink messages. All supported messages extend this trait. */
+sealed trait Message
+@for(__msg <- __messages) {
+case class @{__scalaMessageType(__msg)}(@__msg.fields.map(__scalaFieldFormal).mkString(", ")) extends Message
+ * Wraps an unknown message.
+ * @@param id the ID of the message
+ * @@param payload the message's contents
+ */
+case class Unknown(id: Byte, payload: ByteBuffer) extends Message
+ * Provides utility methods for converting data to and from MAVLink messages.
+ */
+object Message {
+ /**
+ * Interprets an ID and payload as a message. The contents must be ordered
+ * according to the MAVLink specification.
+ * Note: this method reads from the provided ByteBuffer and thereby modifies its
+ * internal state.
+ * @@param id ID of the message
+ * @@param payload contents of the message
+ * @@return payload interpreted as a message or 'Unknown' in case of an unknown ID
+ */
+ def unpack(id: Byte, payload: ByteBuffer): Message = id match {
+ @for(__msg <- __messages) {
+ case @__msg.id =>
+ @for(__field <- __msg.orderedFields) {val @__scalaFieldFormal(__field) = @__bufferReadMethod("payload", __field.tpe)
+ }
+ @{__scalaMessageType(__msg)}(@__msg.fields.map(__scalaFieldName(_)).mkString(", "))
+ }
+ case u => Unknown(u, payload)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes the contents of a message to a ByteBuffer. The message is encoded according
+ * to the MAVLink specification.
+ * @@param message the message to write
+ * @@param payload buffer that will hold the encoded message
+ * @@return id of the encoded message
+ */
+ def pack(message: Message, payload: ByteBuffer): Byte = message match {
+ @for(__msg <- __messages) {
+ case m: @__scalaMessageType(__msg) =>
+ @for(__field <- __msg.orderedFields) {@__bufferWriteMethod("payload", "m." + __scalaFieldName(__field), __field.tpe)
+ }
+ @__msg.id
+ }
+ case u: Unknown =>
+ payload.put(u.payload)
+ u.id
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file