path: root/kicad
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kicad')
12 files changed, 2572 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kicad/lib/adafruit.dcm b/kicad/lib/adafruit.dcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..699a092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kicad/lib/adafruit.dcm
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+EESchema-DOCLIB Version 2.0 Date: Fri 13 Feb 2015 16:03:52 CET
+#End Doc Library
diff --git a/kicad/lib/adafruit.lib b/kicad/lib/adafruit.lib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb75e7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kicad/lib/adafruit.lib
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+EESchema-LIBRARY Version 2.3 Date: Fri 13 Feb 2015 16:03:52 CET
+#encoding utf-8
+F0 "U" 0 500 60 H V C CNN
+F1 "ADAFRUIT-10DOF" 0 350 60 H V C CNN
+F2 "~" 0 0 60 H V C CNN
+F3 "~" 0 0 60 H V C CNN
+S -500 0 500 450 0 1 0 N
+X VIN 1 -450 -100 100 U 50 50 1 1 W
+X 3Vo 2 -350 -100 100 U 50 50 1 1 W
+X GND 3 -250 -100 100 U 50 50 1 1 W
+X SCL 4 -150 -100 100 U 50 50 1 1 I
+X SDA 5 -50 -100 100 U 50 50 1 1 I
+X GINT 6 50 -100 100 U 50 50 1 1 I
+X GRDY 7 150 -100 100 U 50 50 1 1 I
+X LIN1 8 250 -100 100 U 50 50 1 1 I
+X LIN2 9 350 -100 100 U 50 50 1 1 I
+X LRDY 10 450 -100 100 U 50 50 1 1 I
+#End Library
diff --git a/kicad/lib/adafruit.mod b/kicad/lib/adafruit.mod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9538f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kicad/lib/adafruit.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+PCBNEW-LibModule-V1 Fri 13 Feb 2015 13:28:03 CET
+# encoding utf-8
+Units mm
+$MODULE adafruit-10dof
+Po 0 0 0 15 54DDED7F 00000000 ~~
+Li adafruit-10dof
+Sc 0
+Op 0 0 0
+T0 0 0 1 1 0 0.15 N V 21 N "adafruit-10dof"
+T1 0 -12.7 1 1 0 0.15 N V 21 N "U**"
+DC 16.51 8.89 17.78 7.62 0.15 21
+DC 16.51 -8.89 17.78 -10.16 0.15 21
+DC -16.51 8.89 -15.24 7.62 0.15 21
+DC -16.51 -8.89 -15.24 -10.16 0.15 21
+DA -16.51 8.89 -16.51 11.43 900 0.15 21
+DA -16.51 8.89 -19.05 8.89 900 0.15 21
+DA 16.51 8.89 19.05 8.89 900 0.15 21
+DA 16.51 8.89 16.51 6.35 900 0.15 21
+DA 16.51 -8.89 19.05 -8.89 900 0.15 21
+DA 16.51 -8.89 16.51 -11.43 900 0.15 21
+DA -16.51 -8.89 -19.05 -8.89 900 0.15 21
+DA -16.51 -8.89 -16.51 -6.35 900 0.15 21
+DS -16.51 11.43 16.51 11.43 0.15 21
+DS -16.51 -6.35 -13.97 -6.35 0.15 21
+DS -13.97 -6.35 -13.97 6.35 0.15 21
+DS -13.97 6.35 -16.51 6.35 0.15 21
+DS 16.51 -6.35 13.97 -6.35 0.15 21
+DS 13.97 -6.35 13.97 6.35 0.15 21
+DS 13.97 6.35 16.51 6.35 0.15 21
+DS -16.51 -11.43 16.51 -11.43 0.15 21
+Sh "1" R 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po -11.43 8.89
+Sh "2" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po -8.89 8.89
+Sh "3" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po -6.35 8.89
+Sh "4" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po -3.81 8.89
+Sh "5" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po -1.27 8.89
+Sh "6" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po 1.27 8.89
+Sh "7" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po 3.81 8.89
+Sh "8" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po 6.35 8.89
+Sh "9" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po 8.89 8.89
+Sh "10" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po 11.43 8.89
+$EndMODULE adafruit-10dof
diff --git a/kicad/lib/common.mod b/kicad/lib/common.mod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7034f4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kicad/lib/common.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+PCBNEW-LibModule-V1 Fri 13 Feb 2015 17:12:31 CET
+# encoding utf-8
+Units mm
+Po 0 0 0 15 54DE222F 00000000 ~~
+Sc 0
+Op 0 0 0
+T0 0 -5.08 1 1 0 0.15 N V 21 N "CT9"
+T1 0 5.08 1 1 0 0.15 N V 21 N "C**"
+DC 0 0 4.445 0 0.15 21
+Sh "1" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po -1.27 0
+Sh "2" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po 1.27 0
diff --git a/kicad/lib/pjrc.dcm b/kicad/lib/pjrc.dcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99ae78b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kicad/lib/pjrc.dcm
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+EESchema-DOCLIB Version 2.0 Date: Fri 13 Feb 2015 16:36:46 CET
+#End Doc Library
diff --git a/kicad/lib/pjrc.lib b/kicad/lib/pjrc.lib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23d3c15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kicad/lib/pjrc.lib
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+EESchema-LIBRARY Version 2.3 Date: Fri 13 Feb 2015 16:36:46 CET
+#encoding utf-8
+# TEENSY-3.1
+DEF TEENSY-3.1 U 0 40 Y Y 1 F N
+F0 "U" 0 1050 60 H V C CNN
+F1 "TEENSY-3.1" 0 0 60 V V C CNN
+F2 "~" -50 200 60 H V C CNN
+F3 "~" -50 200 60 H V C CNN
+S -500 1000 500 -1000 0 1 0 N
+S -150 1000 150 800 0 1 0 N
+X GND 1 -600 950 100 R 50 50 1 1 W
+X PB16 2 -600 850 100 R 50 50 1 1 I
+X PB17 3 -600 750 100 R 50 50 1 1 I
+X PD0 4 -600 650 100 R 50 50 1 1 I
+X PA12 5 -600 550 100 R 50 50 1 1 I
+X PA13 6 -600 450 100 R 50 50 1 1 I
+X PD7 7 -600 350 100 R 50 50 1 1 I
+X PD4 8 -600 250 100 R 50 50 1 1 I
+X PD2 9 -600 150 100 R 50 50 1 1 I
+X PD3 10 -600 50 100 R 50 50 1 1 I
+X PC5 20 600 -350 100 L 50 50 1 1 I
+X PC2 30 600 650 100 L 50 50 1 1 I
+X PC3 11 -600 -50 100 R 50 50 1 1 I
+X PD1 21 600 -250 100 L 50 50 1 1 I
+X 3.3V 31 600 750 100 L 50 50 1 1 w
+X PC4 12 -600 -150 100 R 50 50 1 1 I
+X PC0 22 600 -150 100 L 50 50 1 1 I
+X AGND 32 600 850 100 L 50 50 1 1 I
+X PC6 13 -600 -250 100 R 50 50 1 1 I
+X PB0 23 600 -50 100 L 50 50 1 1 I
+X Vin 33 600 950 100 L 50 50 1 1 W
+X PC7 14 -600 -350 100 R 50 50 1 1 I
+X PB1 24 600 50 100 L 50 50 1 1 I
+X VBAT 15 -600 -550 100 R 50 50 1 1 W
+X PB3 25 600 150 100 L 50 50 1 1 I
+X 3.3V 16 -600 -650 100 R 50 50 1 1 w
+X PB2 26 600 250 100 L 50 50 1 1 I
+X GND 17 -600 -750 100 R 50 50 1 1 W
+X PD5 27 600 350 100 L 50 50 1 1 I
+X Program 18 -600 -850 100 R 50 50 1 1 I
+X PD6 28 600 450 100 L 50 50 1 1 I
+X A14/DAC 19 -600 -950 100 R 50 50 1 1 I
+X PC1 29 600 550 100 L 50 50 1 1 I
+#End Library
diff --git a/kicad/lib/pjrc.mod b/kicad/lib/pjrc.mod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c4ff1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kicad/lib/pjrc.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+PCBNEW-LibModule-V1 Fri 13 Feb 2015 15:27:13 CET
+# encoding utf-8
+Units mm
+$MODULE teensy-3.1
+Po 0 0 0 15 54DE09AC 00000000 ~~
+Li teensy-3.1
+Sc 0
+Op 0 0 0
+T0 0 0 1 1 0 0.15 N V 21 N "teensy-3.1"
+T1 0 -20.32 1 1 0 0.15 N V 21 N "U**"
+DS -3.556 -19.304 3.556 -19.304 0.15 21
+DS 3.556 -19.304 3.556 -14.224 0.15 21
+DS 3.556 -14.224 -3.556 -14.224 0.15 21
+DS -3.556 -14.224 -3.556 -19.304 0.15 21
+DS -8.89 -17.78 8.89 -17.78 0.15 21
+DS 8.89 -17.78 8.89 17.78 0.15 21
+DS 8.89 17.78 -8.89 17.78 0.15 21
+DS -8.89 17.78 -8.89 -17.78 0.15 21
+Sh "1" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po -7.62 -16.51
+Sh "2" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po -7.62 -13.97
+Sh "3" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po -7.62 -11.43
+Sh "4" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po -7.62 -8.89
+Sh "5" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po -7.62 -6.35
+Sh "6" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po -7.62 -3.81
+Sh "7" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po -7.62 -1.27
+Sh "8" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po -7.62 1.27
+Sh "9" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po -7.62 3.81
+Sh "10" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po -7.62 6.35
+Sh "11" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po -7.62 8.89
+Sh "12" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po -7.62 11.43
+Sh "13" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po -7.62 13.97
+Sh "14" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po -7.62 16.51
+Sh "15" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po -5.08 16.51
+Sh "16" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po -2.54 16.51
+Sh "17" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po 0 16.51
+Sh "18" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po 2.54 16.51
+Sh "19" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po 5.08 16.51
+Sh "20" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po 7.62 16.51
+Sh "21" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po 7.62 13.97
+Sh "22" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po 7.62 11.43
+Sh "23" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po 7.62 8.89
+Sh "24" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po 7.62 6.35
+Sh "25" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po 7.62 3.81
+Sh "26" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po 7.62 1.27
+Sh "27" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po 7.62 -1.27
+Sh "28" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po 7.62 -3.81
+Sh "29" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po 7.62 -6.35
+Sh "30" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po 7.62 -8.89
+Sh "31" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po 7.62 -11.43
+Sh "32" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po 7.62 -13.97
+Sh "33" C 1.5 1.5 0 0 0
+Dr 0.6 0 0
+Ne 0 ""
+Po 7.62 -16.51
+$EndMODULE teensy-3.1
diff --git a/kicad/trifle/trifle.cmp b/kicad/trifle/trifle.cmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b651596
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kicad/trifle/trifle.cmp
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+Cmp-Mod V01 Created by CvPcb (22-Jun-2014 BZR 4027)-stable date = Sat 28 Feb 2015 18:49:43 CET
+TimeStamp = /54DE0F12;
+Reference = C1;
+ValeurCmp = 220uF;
+IdModule = CTOP;
+TimeStamp = /54DE0FCB;
+Reference = K1;
+ValeurCmp = AUX0;
+IdModule = PIN_ARRAY_3X1;
+TimeStamp = /54DE0FD1;
+Reference = K2;
+ValeurCmp = AUX1;
+IdModule = PIN_ARRAY_3X1;
+TimeStamp = /54DE0FD7;
+Reference = K3;
+ValeurCmp = M0;
+IdModule = PIN_ARRAY_3X1;
+TimeStamp = /54DE11AA;
+Reference = K4;
+ValeurCmp = M1;
+IdModule = PIN_ARRAY_3X1;
+TimeStamp = /54DE11B0;
+Reference = K5;
+ValeurCmp = M2;
+IdModule = PIN_ARRAY_3X1;
+TimeStamp = /54DE11B6;
+Reference = K6;
+ValeurCmp = M3;
+IdModule = PIN_ARRAY_3X1;
+TimeStamp = /54DE0E5C;
+Reference = P1;
+ValeurCmp = 5Vin;
+IdModule = PIN_ARRAY_2X1;
+TimeStamp = /54DE1003;
+Reference = P2;
+ValeurCmp = TELE;
+IdModule = PIN_ARRAY_4x1;
+TimeStamp = /54DE1236;
+Reference = P3;
+ValeurCmp = GPS;
+IdModule = PIN_ARRAY_4x1;
+TimeStamp = /54DE123C;
+Reference = P4;
+ValeurCmp = DIST;
+IdModule = PIN_ARRAY_4x1;
+TimeStamp = /54DE11F6;
+Reference = P5;
+ValeurCmp = BATT;
+IdModule = PIN_ARRAY_2X1;
+TimeStamp = /54DE1214;
+Reference = R1;
+ValeurCmp = 100k;
+IdModule = R1;
+TimeStamp = /54DE1221;
+Reference = R2;
+ValeurCmp = 33k;
+IdModule = R1;
+TimeStamp = /54DE0E02;
+Reference = U1;
+ValeurCmp = TEENSY-3.1;
+IdModule = teensy-3.1;
+TimeStamp = /54DDF274;
+Reference = U2;
+ValeurCmp = ADAFRUIT-10DOF;
+IdModule = adafruit-10dof;
diff --git a/kicad/trifle/trifle.kicad_pcb b/kicad/trifle/trifle.kicad_pcb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94b141f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kicad/trifle/trifle.kicad_pcb
@@ -0,0 +1,990 @@
+(kicad_pcb (version 3) (host pcbnew "(22-Jun-2014 BZR 4027)-stable")
+ (general
+ (links 43)
+ (no_connects 0)
+ (area 85.980002 54.300001 190.879999 125.89)
+ (thickness 1.6)
+ (drawings 28)
+ (tracks 75)
+ (zones 0)
+ (modules 16)
+ (nets 20)
+ )
+ (page A4)
+ (title_block
+ (title "Trifle Flight Control Unit")
+ (rev 1.0)
+ )
+ (layers
+ (15 F.Cu signal)
+ (0 B.Cu signal)
+ (16 B.Adhes user)
+ (17 F.Adhes user)
+ (18 B.Paste user)
+ (19 F.Paste user)
+ (20 B.SilkS user)
+ (21 F.SilkS user)
+ (22 B.Mask user)
+ (23 F.Mask user)
+ (24 Dwgs.User user)
+ (25 Cmts.User user)
+ (26 Eco1.User user)
+ (27 Eco2.User user)
+ (28 Edge.Cuts user)
+ )
+ (setup
+ (last_trace_width 0.254)
+ (trace_clearance 0.254)
+ (zone_clearance 0.508)
+ (zone_45_only no)
+ (trace_min 0.254)
+ (segment_width 0.2)
+ (edge_width 0.1)
+ (via_size 0.889)
+ (via_drill 0.635)
+ (via_min_size 0.889)
+ (via_min_drill 0.508)
+ (uvia_size 0.508)
+ (uvia_drill 0.127)
+ (uvias_allowed no)
+ (uvia_min_size 0.508)
+ (uvia_min_drill 0.127)
+ (pcb_text_width 0.3)
+ (pcb_text_size 1.5 1.5)
+ (mod_edge_width 0.15)
+ (mod_text_size 1 1)
+ (mod_text_width 0.15)
+ (pad_size 1.5 1.5)
+ (pad_drill 0.6)
+ (pad_to_mask_clearance 0)
+ (aux_axis_origin 0 0)
+ (visible_elements FFFFFFFF)
+ (pcbplotparams
+ (layerselection 19955713)
+ (usegerberextensions false)
+ (excludeedgelayer true)
+ (linewidth 0.150000)
+ (plotframeref false)
+ (viasonmask false)
+ (mode 1)
+ (useauxorigin false)
+ (hpglpennumber 1)
+ (hpglpenspeed 20)
+ (hpglpendiameter 15)
+ (hpglpenoverlay 2)
+ (psnegative false)
+ (psa4output false)
+ (plotreference true)
+ (plotvalue true)
+ (plotothertext true)
+ (plotinvisibletext false)
+ (padsonsilk false)
+ (subtractmaskfromsilk false)
+ (outputformat 2)
+ (mirror false)
+ (drillshape 0)
+ (scaleselection 1)
+ (outputdirectory svg/))
+ )
+ (net 0 "")
+ (net 1 /AGND)
+ (net 2 GND)
+ (net 3 N-0000010)
+ (net 4 N-0000025)
+ (net 5 N-0000026)
+ (net 6 N-0000028)
+ (net 7 N-0000029)
+ (net 8 N-000003)
+ (net 9 N-0000030)
+ (net 10 N-0000031)
+ (net 11 N-0000039)
+ (net 12 N-000004)
+ (net 13 N-0000040)
+ (net 14 N-000005)
+ (net 15 N-000006)
+ (net 16 N-000007)
+ (net 17 N-000008)
+ (net 18 N-000009)
+ (net 19 VCC)
+ (net_class Default "This is the default net class."
+ (clearance 0.254)
+ (trace_width 0.254)
+ (via_dia 0.889)
+ (via_drill 0.635)
+ (uvia_dia 0.508)
+ (uvia_drill 0.127)
+ (add_net "")
+ (add_net /AGND)
+ (add_net GND)
+ (add_net N-0000010)
+ (add_net N-0000025)
+ (add_net N-0000026)
+ (add_net N-0000028)
+ (add_net N-0000029)
+ (add_net N-000003)
+ (add_net N-0000030)
+ (add_net N-0000031)
+ (add_net N-0000039)
+ (add_net N-000004)
+ (add_net N-0000040)
+ (add_net N-000005)
+ (add_net N-000006)
+ (add_net N-000007)
+ (add_net N-000008)
+ (add_net N-000009)
+ (add_net VCC)
+ )
+ (module teensy-3.1 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54DE23CC) (tstamp 54DE22F4)
+ (at 124.46 95.25 90)
+ (path /54DE0E02)
+ (fp_text reference U1 (at 0 0 90) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_text value TEENSY-3.1 (at 0 -20.32 90) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_line (start -3.556 -19.304) (end 3.556 -19.304) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_line (start 3.556 -19.304) (end 3.556 -14.224) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_line (start 3.556 -14.224) (end -3.556 -14.224) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_line (start -3.556 -14.224) (end -3.556 -19.304) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_line (start -8.89 -17.78) (end 8.89 -17.78) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_line (start 8.89 -17.78) (end 8.89 17.78) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_line (start 8.89 17.78) (end -8.89 17.78) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_line (start -8.89 17.78) (end -8.89 -17.78) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (pad 1 thru_hole circle (at -7.62 -16.51 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 2 GND)
+ )
+ (pad 2 thru_hole circle (at -7.62 -13.97 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 18 N-000009)
+ )
+ (pad 3 thru_hole circle (at -7.62 -11.43 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 3 N-0000010)
+ )
+ (pad 4 thru_hole circle (at -7.62 -8.89 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ )
+ (pad 5 thru_hole circle (at -7.62 -6.35 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ )
+ (pad 6 thru_hole circle (at -7.62 -3.81 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ )
+ (pad 7 thru_hole circle (at -7.62 -1.27 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ )
+ (pad 8 thru_hole circle (at -7.62 1.27 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ )
+ (pad 9 thru_hole circle (at -7.62 3.81 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 16 N-000007)
+ )
+ (pad 10 thru_hole circle (at -7.62 6.35 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 17 N-000008)
+ )
+ (pad 11 thru_hole circle (at -7.62 8.89 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 8 N-000003)
+ )
+ (pad 12 thru_hole circle (at -7.62 11.43 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 15 N-000006)
+ )
+ (pad 13 thru_hole circle (at -7.62 13.97 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 14 N-000005)
+ )
+ (pad 14 thru_hole circle (at -7.62 16.51 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 12 N-000004)
+ )
+ (pad 15 thru_hole circle (at -5.08 16.51 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ )
+ (pad 16 thru_hole circle (at -2.54 16.51 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ )
+ (pad 17 thru_hole circle (at 0 16.51 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ )
+ (pad 18 thru_hole circle (at 2.54 16.51 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ )
+ (pad 19 thru_hole circle (at 5.08 16.51 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ )
+ (pad 20 thru_hole circle (at 7.62 16.51 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ )
+ (pad 21 thru_hole circle (at 7.62 13.97 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ )
+ (pad 22 thru_hole circle (at 7.62 11.43 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ )
+ (pad 23 thru_hole circle (at 7.62 8.89 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ )
+ (pad 24 thru_hole circle (at 7.62 6.35 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 10 N-0000031)
+ )
+ (pad 25 thru_hole circle (at 7.62 3.81 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 4 N-0000025)
+ )
+ (pad 26 thru_hole circle (at 7.62 1.27 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 5 N-0000026)
+ )
+ (pad 27 thru_hole circle (at 7.62 -1.27 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 9 N-0000030)
+ )
+ (pad 28 thru_hole circle (at 7.62 -3.81 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 7 N-0000029)
+ )
+ (pad 29 thru_hole circle (at 7.62 -6.35 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 6 N-0000028)
+ )
+ (pad 30 thru_hole circle (at 7.62 -8.89 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 11 N-0000039)
+ )
+ (pad 31 thru_hole circle (at 7.62 -11.43 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ )
+ (pad 32 thru_hole circle (at 7.62 -13.97 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 1 /AGND)
+ )
+ (pad 33 thru_hole circle (at 7.62 -16.51 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 19 VCC)
+ )
+ )
+ (module R1 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54DE3DEA) (tstamp 54DE2BAE)
+ (at 132.08 74.93 180)
+ (descr "Resistance verticale")
+ (tags R)
+ (path /54DE1214)
+ (autoplace_cost90 10)
+ (autoplace_cost180 10)
+ (fp_text reference R1 (at -1.016 2.54 180) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_text value 100k (at 0 -2.54 180) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_line (start -1.27 0) (end 1.27 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381))
+ (fp_circle (center -1.27 0) (end -0.635 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381))
+ (pad 1 thru_hole circle (at -1.27 0 180) (size 1.397 1.397) (drill 0.8128)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 13 N-0000040)
+ )
+ (pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 1.27 0 180) (size 1.397 1.397) (drill 0.8128)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 10 N-0000031)
+ )
+ (model discret/verti_resistor.wrl
+ (at (xyz 0 0 0))
+ (scale (xyz 1 1 1))
+ (rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
+ )
+ )
+ (module R1 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54DE3DD8) (tstamp 54DE2BC0)
+ (at 127 74.93 180)
+ (descr "Resistance verticale")
+ (tags R)
+ (path /54DE1221)
+ (autoplace_cost90 10)
+ (autoplace_cost180 10)
+ (fp_text reference R2 (at -1.016 2.54 180) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_text value 33k (at -1.27 -2.54 180) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_line (start -1.27 0) (end 1.27 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381))
+ (fp_circle (center -1.27 0) (end -0.635 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381))
+ (pad 1 thru_hole circle (at -1.27 0 180) (size 1.397 1.397) (drill 0.8128)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 10 N-0000031)
+ )
+ (pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 1.27 0 180) (size 1.397 1.397) (drill 0.8128)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 1 /AGND)
+ )
+ (model discret/verti_resistor.wrl
+ (at (xyz 0 0 0))
+ (scale (xyz 1 1 1))
+ (rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
+ )
+ )
+ (module PIN_ARRAY_4x1 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54DE38F2) (tstamp 54DE2310)
+ (at 113.03 111.76 90)
+ (descr "Double rangee de contacts 2 x 5 pins")
+ (tags CONN)
+ (path /54DE1003)
+ (fp_text reference P2 (at 0 -2.54 90) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_text value TELE (at -6.35 0 180) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_line (start 5.08 1.27) (end -5.08 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
+ (fp_line (start 5.08 -1.27) (end -5.08 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
+ (fp_line (start -5.08 -1.27) (end -5.08 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
+ (fp_line (start 5.08 1.27) (end 5.08 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
+ (pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -3.81 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 2 GND)
+ )
+ (pad 2 thru_hole circle (at -1.27 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 19 VCC)
+ )
+ (pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 1.27 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 18 N-000009)
+ )
+ (pad 4 thru_hole circle (at 3.81 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 3 N-0000010)
+ )
+ (model pin_array\pins_array_4x1.wrl
+ (at (xyz 0 0 0))
+ (scale (xyz 1 1 1))
+ (rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
+ )
+ )
+ (module PIN_ARRAY_4x1 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54DE38A7) (tstamp 54DE231C)
+ (at 128.27 111.76 90)
+ (descr "Double rangee de contacts 2 x 5 pins")
+ (tags CONN)
+ (path /54DE1236)
+ (fp_text reference P3 (at 0 -2.54 90) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_text value GPS (at -6.35 0 180) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_line (start 5.08 1.27) (end -5.08 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
+ (fp_line (start 5.08 -1.27) (end -5.08 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
+ (fp_line (start -5.08 -1.27) (end -5.08 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
+ (fp_line (start 5.08 1.27) (end 5.08 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
+ (pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -3.81 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 2 GND)
+ )
+ (pad 2 thru_hole circle (at -1.27 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 19 VCC)
+ )
+ (pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 1.27 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 17 N-000008)
+ )
+ (pad 4 thru_hole circle (at 3.81 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 16 N-000007)
+ )
+ (model pin_array\pins_array_4x1.wrl
+ (at (xyz 0 0 0))
+ (scale (xyz 1 1 1))
+ (rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
+ )
+ )
+ (module PIN_ARRAY_4x1 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54DE38E6) (tstamp 54DE2328)
+ (at 140.97 111.76 90)
+ (descr "Double rangee de contacts 2 x 5 pins")
+ (tags CONN)
+ (path /54DE123C)
+ (fp_text reference P4 (at 0 -2.54 90) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_text value DIST (at -6.35 0 180) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_line (start 5.08 1.27) (end -5.08 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
+ (fp_line (start 5.08 -1.27) (end -5.08 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
+ (fp_line (start -5.08 -1.27) (end -5.08 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
+ (fp_line (start 5.08 1.27) (end 5.08 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
+ (pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -3.81 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 2 GND)
+ )
+ (pad 2 thru_hole circle (at -1.27 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 19 VCC)
+ )
+ (pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 1.27 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 14 N-000005)
+ )
+ (pad 4 thru_hole circle (at 3.81 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 12 N-000004)
+ )
+ (model pin_array\pins_array_4x1.wrl
+ (at (xyz 0 0 0))
+ (scale (xyz 1 1 1))
+ (rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
+ )
+ )
+ (module PIN_ARRAY_3X1 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54DE38D5) (tstamp 54DE2334)
+ (at 133.35 113.03 90)
+ (descr "Connecteur 3 pins")
+ (tags "CONN DEV")
+ (path /54DE0FCB)
+ (fp_text reference K1 (at 0.254 -2.159 90) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_text value AUX0 (at -5.08 -0.635 180) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_line (start -3.81 1.27) (end -3.81 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start -3.81 -1.27) (end 3.81 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start 3.81 -1.27) (end 3.81 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start 3.81 1.27) (end -3.81 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start -1.27 -1.27) (end -1.27 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -2.54 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 2 GND)
+ )
+ (pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 0 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 19 VCC)
+ )
+ (pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 2.54 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 8 N-000003)
+ )
+ (model pin_array/pins_array_3x1.wrl
+ (at (xyz 0 0 0))
+ (scale (xyz 1 1 1))
+ (rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
+ )
+ )
+ (module PIN_ARRAY_3X1 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54DE38D7) (tstamp 54DE2340)
+ (at 135.89 113.03 90)
+ (descr "Connecteur 3 pins")
+ (tags "CONN DEV")
+ (path /54DE0FD1)
+ (fp_text reference K2 (at 0.254 -2.159 90) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_text value AUX1 (at -5.08 1.27 180) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_line (start -3.81 1.27) (end -3.81 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start -3.81 -1.27) (end 3.81 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start 3.81 -1.27) (end 3.81 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start 3.81 1.27) (end -3.81 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start -1.27 -1.27) (end -1.27 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -2.54 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 2 GND)
+ )
+ (pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 0 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 19 VCC)
+ )
+ (pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 2.54 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 15 N-000006)
+ )
+ (model pin_array/pins_array_3x1.wrl
+ (at (xyz 0 0 0))
+ (scale (xyz 1 1 1))
+ (rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
+ )
+ )
+ (module PIN_ARRAY_3X1 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54DE3998) (tstamp 54DE39C7)
+ (at 115.57 72.39 90)
+ (descr "Connecteur 3 pins")
+ (tags "CONN DEV")
+ (path /54DE0FD7)
+ (fp_text reference K3 (at 0 -1.27 90) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_text value M0 (at 5.08 0 180) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_line (start -3.81 1.27) (end -3.81 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start -3.81 -1.27) (end 3.81 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start 3.81 -1.27) (end 3.81 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start 3.81 1.27) (end -3.81 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start -1.27 -1.27) (end -1.27 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -2.54 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 11 N-0000039)
+ )
+ (pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 0 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 19 VCC)
+ )
+ (pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 2.54 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 2 GND)
+ )
+ (model pin_array/pins_array_3x1.wrl
+ (at (xyz 0 0 0))
+ (scale (xyz 1 1 1))
+ (rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
+ )
+ )
+ (module PIN_ARRAY_3X1 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54DE397E) (tstamp 54DE2358)
+ (at 118.11 72.39 90)
+ (descr "Connecteur 3 pins")
+ (tags "CONN DEV")
+ (path /54DE11AA)
+ (fp_text reference K4 (at 0.254 -2.159 90) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_text value M1 (at 5.08 0 180) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_line (start -3.81 1.27) (end -3.81 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start -3.81 -1.27) (end 3.81 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start 3.81 -1.27) (end 3.81 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start 3.81 1.27) (end -3.81 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start -1.27 -1.27) (end -1.27 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -2.54 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 6 N-0000028)
+ )
+ (pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 0 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 19 VCC)
+ )
+ (pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 2.54 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 2 GND)
+ )
+ (model pin_array/pins_array_3x1.wrl
+ (at (xyz 0 0 0))
+ (scale (xyz 1 1 1))
+ (rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
+ )
+ )
+ (module PIN_ARRAY_3X1 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54DE397F) (tstamp 54DE2364)
+ (at 120.65 72.39 90)
+ (descr "Connecteur 3 pins")
+ (tags "CONN DEV")
+ (path /54DE11B0)
+ (fp_text reference K5 (at 0.254 -2.159 90) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_text value M2 (at 5.08 0 180) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_line (start -3.81 1.27) (end -3.81 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start -3.81 -1.27) (end 3.81 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start 3.81 -1.27) (end 3.81 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start 3.81 1.27) (end -3.81 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start -1.27 -1.27) (end -1.27 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -2.54 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 7 N-0000029)
+ )
+ (pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 0 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 19 VCC)
+ )
+ (pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 2.54 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 2 GND)
+ )
+ (model pin_array/pins_array_3x1.wrl
+ (at (xyz 0 0 0))
+ (scale (xyz 1 1 1))
+ (rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
+ )
+ )
+ (module PIN_ARRAY_3X1 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54DE3980) (tstamp 54DE2370)
+ (at 123.19 72.39 90)
+ (descr "Connecteur 3 pins")
+ (tags "CONN DEV")
+ (path /54DE11B6)
+ (fp_text reference K6 (at 0.254 -2.159 90) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_text value M3 (at 5.08 0 180) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_line (start -3.81 1.27) (end -3.81 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start -3.81 -1.27) (end 3.81 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start 3.81 -1.27) (end 3.81 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start 3.81 1.27) (end -3.81 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start -1.27 -1.27) (end -1.27 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -2.54 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 9 N-0000030)
+ )
+ (pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 0 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 19 VCC)
+ )
+ (pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 2.54 0 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 2 GND)
+ )
+ (model pin_array/pins_array_3x1.wrl
+ (at (xyz 0 0 0))
+ (scale (xyz 1 1 1))
+ (rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
+ )
+ )
+ (module PIN_ARRAY_2X1 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54DE399B) (tstamp 54DE26A7)
+ (at 110.49 71.12 270)
+ (descr "Connecteurs 2 pins")
+ (tags "CONN DEV")
+ (path /54DE0E5C)
+ (fp_text reference P1 (at 0 -1.905 270) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_text value 5Vin (at 0 2.54 270) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_line (start -2.54 1.27) (end -2.54 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start -2.54 -1.27) (end 2.54 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start 2.54 -1.27) (end 2.54 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start 2.54 1.27) (end -2.54 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -1.27 0 270) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 2 GND)
+ )
+ (pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 1.27 0 270) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 19 VCC)
+ )
+ (model pin_array/pins_array_2x1.wrl
+ (at (xyz 0 0 0))
+ (scale (xyz 1 1 1))
+ (rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
+ )
+ )
+ (module PIN_ARRAY_2X1 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54DE391A) (tstamp 54DE2384)
+ (at 137.16 77.47 180)
+ (descr "Connecteurs 2 pins")
+ (tags "CONN DEV")
+ (path /54DE11F6)
+ (fp_text reference P5 (at 0 1.27 180) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_text value BATT (at 0 -2.54 180) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_line (start -2.54 1.27) (end -2.54 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start -2.54 -1.27) (end 2.54 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start 2.54 -1.27) (end 2.54 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (fp_line (start 2.54 1.27) (end -2.54 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1524))
+ (pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -1.27 0 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 13 N-0000040)
+ )
+ (pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 1.27 0 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 1.016)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 1 /AGND)
+ )
+ (model pin_array/pins_array_2x1.wrl
+ (at (xyz 0 0 0))
+ (scale (xyz 1 1 1))
+ (rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
+ )
+ )
+ (module CTOP (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54DE27FC) (tstamp 54DE238B)
+ (at 140.97 71.12 90)
+ (path /54DE0F12)
+ (fp_text reference C1 (at 0 -5.08 90) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_text value 220uF (at 0 5.08 90) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 4.445 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (pad 1 thru_hole circle (at -1.27 0 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 19 VCC)
+ )
+ (pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 1.27 0 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 2 GND)
+ )
+ )
+ (module adafruit-10dof (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54DDED7F) (tstamp 54DE23AD)
+ (at 157.48 83.82 270)
+ (path /54DDF274)
+ (fp_text reference U2 (at 0 0 270) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_text value ADAFRUIT-10DOF (at 0 -12.7 270) (layer F.SilkS)
+ (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
+ )
+ (fp_circle (center 16.51 8.89) (end 17.78 7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_circle (center 16.51 -8.89) (end 17.78 -10.16) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_circle (center -16.51 8.89) (end -15.24 7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_circle (center -16.51 -8.89) (end -15.24 -10.16) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_arc (start -16.51 8.89) (end -16.51 11.43) (angle 90) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_arc (start -16.51 8.89) (end -19.05 8.89) (angle 90) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_arc (start 16.51 8.89) (end 19.05 8.89) (angle 90) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_arc (start 16.51 8.89) (end 16.51 6.35) (angle 90) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_arc (start 16.51 -8.89) (end 19.05 -8.89) (angle 90) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_arc (start 16.51 -8.89) (end 16.51 -11.43) (angle 90) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_arc (start -16.51 -8.89) (end -19.05 -8.89) (angle 90) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_arc (start -16.51 -8.89) (end -16.51 -6.35) (angle 90) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_line (start -16.51 11.43) (end 16.51 11.43) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_line (start -16.51 -6.35) (end -13.97 -6.35) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_line (start -13.97 -6.35) (end -13.97 6.35) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_line (start -13.97 6.35) (end -16.51 6.35) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_line (start 16.51 -6.35) (end 13.97 -6.35) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_line (start 13.97 -6.35) (end 13.97 6.35) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_line (start 13.97 6.35) (end 16.51 6.35) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (fp_line (start -16.51 -11.43) (end 16.51 -11.43) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
+ (pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -11.43 8.89 270) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 19 VCC)
+ )
+ (pad 2 thru_hole circle (at -8.89 8.89 270) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ )
+ (pad 3 thru_hole circle (at -6.35 8.89 270) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 2 GND)
+ )
+ (pad 4 thru_hole circle (at -3.81 8.89 270) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 5 N-0000026)
+ )
+ (pad 5 thru_hole circle (at -1.27 8.89 270) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ (net 4 N-0000025)
+ )
+ (pad 6 thru_hole circle (at 1.27 8.89 270) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ )
+ (pad 7 thru_hole circle (at 3.81 8.89 270) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ )
+ (pad 8 thru_hole circle (at 6.35 8.89 270) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ )
+ (pad 9 thru_hole circle (at 8.89 8.89 270) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ )
+ (pad 10 thru_hole circle (at 11.43 8.89 270) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.6)
+ (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
+ )
+ )
+ (dimension 72.39 (width 0.3) (layer Dwgs.User)
+ (gr_text "72.390 mm" (at 139.065 124.539999) (layer Dwgs.User)
+ (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3)))
+ )
+ (feature1 (pts (xy 175.26 115.57) (xy 175.26 125.889999)))
+ (feature2 (pts (xy 102.87 115.57) (xy 102.87 125.889999)))
+ (crossbar (pts (xy 102.87 123.189999) (xy 175.26 123.189999)))
+ (arrow1a (pts (xy 175.26 123.189999) (xy 174.133497 123.776419)))
+ (arrow1b (pts (xy 175.26 123.189999) (xy 174.133497 122.603579)))
+ (arrow2a (pts (xy 102.87 123.189999) (xy 103.996503 123.776419)))
+ (arrow2b (pts (xy 102.87 123.189999) (xy 103.996503 122.603579)))
+ )
+ (dimension 50.8 (width 0.3) (layer Dwgs.User)
+ (gr_text "50.800 mm" (at 92.630001 90.17 270) (layer Dwgs.User)
+ (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3)))
+ )
+ (feature1 (pts (xy 102.87 115.57) (xy 91.280001 115.57)))
+ (feature2 (pts (xy 102.87 64.77) (xy 91.280001 64.77)))
+ (crossbar (pts (xy 93.980001 64.77) (xy 93.980001 115.57)))
+ (arrow1a (pts (xy 93.980001 115.57) (xy 93.393581 114.443497)))
+ (arrow1b (pts (xy 93.980001 115.57) (xy 94.566421 114.443497)))
+ (arrow2a (pts (xy 93.980001 64.77) (xy 93.393581 65.896503)))
+ (arrow2b (pts (xy 93.980001 64.77) (xy 94.566421 65.896503)))
+ )
+ (dimension 58.42 (width 0.3) (layer Dwgs.User)
+ (gr_text "58.420 mm" (at 184.229999 90.17 270) (layer Dwgs.User)
+ (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3)))
+ )
+ (feature1 (pts (xy 179.07 119.38) (xy 185.579999 119.38)))
+ (feature2 (pts (xy 179.07 60.96) (xy 185.579999 60.96)))
+ (crossbar (pts (xy 182.879999 60.96) (xy 182.879999 119.38)))
+ (arrow1a (pts (xy 182.879999 119.38) (xy 182.293579 118.253497)))
+ (arrow1b (pts (xy 182.879999 119.38) (xy 183.466419 118.253497)))
+ (arrow2a (pts (xy 182.879999 60.96) (xy 182.293579 62.086503)))
+ (arrow2b (pts (xy 182.879999 60.96) (xy 183.466419 62.086503)))
+ )
+ (dimension 80.01 (width 0.3) (layer Dwgs.User)
+ (gr_text "80.010 mm" (at 139.065 55.800001) (layer Dwgs.User)
+ (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3)))
+ )
+ (feature1 (pts (xy 179.07 60.96) (xy 179.07 54.450001)))
+ (feature2 (pts (xy 99.06 60.96) (xy 99.06 54.450001)))
+ (crossbar (pts (xy 99.06 57.150001) (xy 179.07 57.150001)))
+ (arrow1a (pts (xy 179.07 57.150001) (xy 177.943497 57.736421)))
+ (arrow1b (pts (xy 179.07 57.150001) (xy 177.943497 56.563581)))
+ (arrow2a (pts (xy 99.06 57.150001) (xy 100.186503 57.736421)))
+ (arrow2b (pts (xy 99.06 57.150001) (xy 100.186503 56.563581)))
+ )
+ (gr_text GND (at 142.24 115.57) (layer Dwgs.User)
+ (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3)) (justify left))
+ )
+ (gr_text 5V (at 142.24 113.03) (layer Dwgs.User)
+ (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3)) (justify left))
+ )
+ (gr_text ECHO (at 142.24 107.95) (layer Dwgs.User)
+ (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3)) (justify left))
+ )
+ (gr_text TRIG (at 142.24 110.49) (layer Dwgs.User)
+ (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3)) (justify left))
+ )
+ (gr_text GND (at 127 115.57) (layer Dwgs.User)
+ (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3)) (justify right))
+ )
+ (gr_text 5V (at 127 113.03) (layer Dwgs.User)
+ (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3)) (justify right))
+ )
+ (gr_text GND (at 114.3 115.57) (layer Dwgs.User)
+ (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3)) (justify left))
+ )
+ (gr_text 5V (at 114.3 113.03) (layer Dwgs.User)
+ (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3)) (justify left))
+ )
+ (gr_text TX (at 127 110.49) (layer Dwgs.User)
+ (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3)) (justify right))
+ )
+ (gr_text RX (at 127 107.95) (layer Dwgs.User)
+ (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3)) (justify right))
+ )
+ (gr_text TX (at 114.3 107.95) (layer Dwgs.User)
+ (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3)) (justify left))
+ )
+ (gr_text RX (at 114.3 110.49) (layer Dwgs.User)
+ (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3)) (justify left))
+ )
+ (gr_text + (at 107.95 73.66 90) (layer Dwgs.User)
+ (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3)))
+ )
+ (gr_text - (at 107.95 68.58 90) (layer Dwgs.User)
+ (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3)))
+ )
+ (gr_text - (at 134.62 80.01) (layer Dwgs.User)
+ (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3)))
+ )
+ (gr_text + (at 139.7 80.01) (layer Dwgs.User)
+ (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3)))
+ )
+ (gr_circle (center 175.26 64.77) (end 177.8 64.77) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.1))
+ (gr_circle (center 175.26 115.57) (end 177.8 115.57) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.1))
+ (gr_circle (center 102.87 115.57) (end 105.41 115.57) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.1))
+ (gr_circle (center 102.87 64.77) (end 105.41 64.77) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.1))
+ (gr_line (start 179.07 60.96) (end 99.06 60.96) (angle 90) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.1))
+ (gr_line (start 179.07 119.38) (end 179.07 60.96) (angle 90) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.1))
+ (gr_line (start 99.06 119.38) (end 179.07 119.38) (angle 90) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.1))
+ (gr_line (start 99.06 60.96) (end 99.06 119.38) (angle 90) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.1))
+ (segment (start 135.89 77.47) (end 133.35 77.47) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
+ (segment (start 133.35 77.47) (end 125.73 77.47) (width 0.254) (layer F.Cu) (net 1) (tstamp 54DE2E88))
+ (via (at 133.35 77.47) (size 0.889) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1))
+ (segment (start 125.73 74.93) (end 125.73 77.47) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
+ (segment (start 110.49 77.47) (end 110.49 87.63) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 1) (tstamp 54DE2C4F))
+ (via (at 110.49 77.47) (size 0.889) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1))
+ (segment (start 125.73 77.47) (end 110.49 77.47) (width 0.254) (layer F.Cu) (net 1) (tstamp 54DE2C48))
+ (via (at 125.73 77.47) (size 0.889) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1))
+ (segment (start 107.95 102.87) (end 105.41 102.87) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
+ (segment (start 140.97 69.85) (end 146.05 69.85) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
+ (segment (start 146.05 77.47) (end 148.59 77.47) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 2) (tstamp 54DE2B00))
+ (via (at 146.05 77.47) (size 0.889) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 2))
+ (segment (start 146.05 69.85) (end 146.05 77.47) (width 0.254) (layer F.Cu) (net 2) (tstamp 54DE2AF9))
+ (via (at 146.05 69.85) (size 0.889) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 2))
+ (segment (start 110.49 69.85) (end 105.41 69.85) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
+ (segment (start 107.95 115.57) (end 113.03 115.57) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 2) (tstamp 54DE2A74))
+ (segment (start 105.41 113.03) (end 107.95 115.57) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 2) (tstamp 54DE2A68))
+ (segment (start 105.41 69.85) (end 105.41 102.87) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 2) (tstamp 54DE2A67))
+ (segment (start 105.41 102.87) (end 105.41 113.03) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 2) (tstamp 54DE2D81))
+ (segment (start 113.03 115.57) (end 128.27 115.57) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 2) (tstamp 54DE2A75))
+ (segment (start 128.27 115.57) (end 133.35 115.57) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 2) (tstamp 54DE2A77))
+ (segment (start 133.35 115.57) (end 135.89 115.57) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 2) (tstamp 54DE2A7A))
+ (segment (start 135.89 115.57) (end 140.97 115.57) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 2) (tstamp 54DE2A7B))
+ (segment (start 115.57 69.85) (end 110.49 69.85) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
+ (segment (start 118.11 69.85) (end 115.57 69.85) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
+ (segment (start 120.65 69.85) (end 118.11 69.85) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
+ (segment (start 123.19 69.85) (end 120.65 69.85) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
+ (segment (start 123.19 69.85) (end 140.97 69.85) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
+ (segment (start 113.03 107.95) (end 113.03 102.87) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 3))
+ (segment (start 128.27 87.63) (end 128.27 82.55) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
+ (segment (start 128.27 82.55) (end 148.59 82.55) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 4) (tstamp 54DE2D71))
+ (segment (start 148.59 80.01) (end 125.73 80.01) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 5))
+ (segment (start 125.73 80.01) (end 125.73 87.63) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 5) (tstamp 54DE2D6C))
+ (segment (start 118.11 74.93) (end 118.11 87.63) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 6))
+ (segment (start 120.65 74.93) (end 120.65 87.63) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 7))
+ (segment (start 133.35 110.49) (end 133.35 102.87) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 8))
+ (segment (start 123.19 74.93) (end 123.19 87.63) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 9))
+ (segment (start 130.81 74.93) (end 130.81 78.74) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 10))
+ (segment (start 130.81 85.09) (end 130.81 87.63) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 10) (tstamp 54DE2E79))
+ (via (at 130.81 85.09) (size 0.889) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 10))
+ (segment (start 130.81 78.74) (end 130.81 85.09) (width 0.254) (layer F.Cu) (net 10) (tstamp 54DE2E73))
+ (via (at 130.81 78.74) (size 0.889) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 10))
+ (segment (start 128.27 74.93) (end 130.81 74.93) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 10))
+ (segment (start 115.57 74.93) (end 115.57 87.63) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 11))
+ (segment (start 140.97 107.95) (end 140.97 102.87) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 12))
+ (segment (start 133.35 74.93) (end 138.43 74.93) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 13))
+ (segment (start 138.43 74.93) (end 138.43 77.47) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 13) (tstamp 54DE2C70))
+ (segment (start 140.97 110.49) (end 138.43 110.49) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 14))
+ (segment (start 138.43 110.49) (end 138.43 102.87) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 14) (tstamp 54DE2D94))
+ (segment (start 135.89 110.49) (end 135.89 102.87) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 15))
+ (segment (start 128.27 102.87) (end 128.27 107.95) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 16))
+ (segment (start 128.27 110.49) (end 130.81 110.49) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 17))
+ (segment (start 130.81 110.49) (end 130.81 102.87) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 17) (tstamp 54DE2D8D))
+ (segment (start 113.03 110.49) (end 110.49 110.49) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 18))
+ (segment (start 110.49 110.49) (end 110.49 102.87) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 18) (tstamp 54DE2D83))
+ (segment (start 107.95 72.39) (end 110.49 72.39) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 19))
+ (segment (start 110.49 72.39) (end 115.57 72.39) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 54DE2ADF))
+ (segment (start 115.57 72.39) (end 118.11 72.39) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 54DE2AE0))
+ (segment (start 118.11 72.39) (end 120.65 72.39) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 54DE2AE3))
+ (segment (start 120.65 72.39) (end 123.19 72.39) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 54DE2AE4))
+ (segment (start 123.19 72.39) (end 140.97 72.39) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 54DE2AE5))
+ (segment (start 140.97 72.39) (end 148.59 72.39) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 54DE2AE6))
+ (segment (start 140.97 113.03) (end 135.89 113.03) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 19))
+ (segment (start 135.89 113.03) (end 133.35 113.03) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 54DE2A82))
+ (segment (start 133.35 113.03) (end 128.27 113.03) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 54DE2A83))
+ (segment (start 128.27 113.03) (end 113.03 113.03) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 54DE2A84))
+ (segment (start 113.03 113.03) (end 110.49 113.03) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 54DE2A85))
+ (via (at 110.49 113.03) (size 0.889) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 19))
+ (segment (start 110.49 113.03) (end 102.87 113.03) (width 0.254) (layer F.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 54DE2A8D))
+ (via (at 102.87 113.03) (size 0.889) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 19))
+ (segment (start 102.87 113.03) (end 102.87 72.39) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 54DE2AC2))
+ (via (at 102.87 72.39) (size 0.889) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 19))
+ (segment (start 102.87 72.39) (end 107.95 72.39) (width 0.254) (layer F.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 54DE2ACC))
+ (via (at 107.95 72.39) (size 0.889) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 19))
+ (segment (start 107.95 72.39) (end 107.95 87.63) (width 0.254) (layer B.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 54DE2AD2))
diff --git a/kicad/trifle/trifle.net b/kicad/trifle/trifle.net
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f29562
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kicad/trifle/trifle.net
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+(export (version D)
+ (design
+ (source /home/jodersky/uav/trifle/kicad/trifle/trifle.sch)
+ (date "Sat 28 Feb 2015 18:56:11 CET")
+ (tool "eeschema (22-Jun-2014 BZR 4027)-stable"))
+ (components
+ (comp (ref U2)
+ (value ADAFRUIT-10DOF)
+ (libsource (lib adafruit) (part ADAFRUIT-10DOF))
+ (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+ (tstamp 54DDF274))
+ (comp (ref U1)
+ (value TEENSY-3.1)
+ (libsource (lib pjrc) (part TEENSY-3.1))
+ (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+ (tstamp 54DE0E02))
+ (comp (ref P1)
+ (value 5Vin)
+ (libsource (lib conn) (part CONN_2))
+ (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+ (tstamp 54DE0E5C))
+ (comp (ref K1)
+ (value AUX0)
+ (libsource (lib conn) (part CONN_3))
+ (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+ (tstamp 54DE0FCB))
+ (comp (ref K2)
+ (value AUX1)
+ (libsource (lib conn) (part CONN_3))
+ (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+ (tstamp 54DE0FD1))
+ (comp (ref K3)
+ (value M0)
+ (libsource (lib conn) (part CONN_3))
+ (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+ (tstamp 54DE0FD7))
+ (comp (ref P2)
+ (value TELE)
+ (libsource (lib conn) (part CONN_4))
+ (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+ (tstamp 54DE1003))
+ (comp (ref K4)
+ (value M1)
+ (libsource (lib conn) (part CONN_3))
+ (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+ (tstamp 54DE11AA))
+ (comp (ref K5)
+ (value M2)
+ (libsource (lib conn) (part CONN_3))
+ (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+ (tstamp 54DE11B0))
+ (comp (ref K6)
+ (value M3)
+ (libsource (lib conn) (part CONN_3))
+ (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+ (tstamp 54DE11B6))
+ (comp (ref P5)
+ (value BATT)
+ (libsource (lib conn) (part CONN_2))
+ (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+ (tstamp 54DE11F6))
+ (comp (ref R1)
+ (value 100k)
+ (libsource (lib device) (part R))
+ (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+ (tstamp 54DE1214))
+ (comp (ref R2)
+ (value 33k)
+ (libsource (lib device) (part R))
+ (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+ (tstamp 54DE1221))
+ (comp (ref P3)
+ (value GPS)
+ (libsource (lib conn) (part CONN_4))
+ (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+ (tstamp 54DE1236))
+ (comp (ref P4)
+ (value DIST)
+ (libsource (lib conn) (part CONN_4))
+ (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+ (tstamp 54DE123C))
+ (comp (ref C1)
+ (value 220uF)
+ (libsource (lib device) (part CP1))
+ (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+ (tstamp 54DE0F12)))
+ (libparts
+ (libpart (lib pjrc) (part TEENSY-3.1)
+ (fields
+ (field (name Reference) U)
+ (field (name Value) TEENSY-3.1)
+ (field (name Footprint) ~)
+ (field (name Datasheet) ~))
+ (pins
+ (pin (num 1) (name GND) (type power_in))
+ (pin (num 2) (name PB16) (type input))
+ (pin (num 3) (name PB17) (type input))
+ (pin (num 4) (name PD0) (type input))
+ (pin (num 5) (name PA12) (type input))
+ (pin (num 6) (name PA13) (type input))
+ (pin (num 7) (name PD7) (type input))
+ (pin (num 8) (name PD4) (type input))
+ (pin (num 9) (name PD2) (type input))
+ (pin (num 10) (name PD3) (type input))
+ (pin (num 11) (name PC3) (type input))
+ (pin (num 12) (name PC4) (type input))
+ (pin (num 13) (name PC6) (type input))
+ (pin (num 14) (name PC7) (type input))
+ (pin (num 15) (name VBAT) (type power_in))
+ (pin (num 16) (name 3.3V) (type power_out))
+ (pin (num 17) (name GND) (type power_in))
+ (pin (num 18) (name Program) (type input))
+ (pin (num 19) (name A14/DAC) (type input))
+ (pin (num 20) (name PC5) (type input))
+ (pin (num 21) (name PD1) (type input))
+ (pin (num 22) (name PC0) (type input))
+ (pin (num 23) (name PB0) (type input))
+ (pin (num 24) (name PB1) (type input))
+ (pin (num 25) (name PB3) (type input))
+ (pin (num 26) (name PB2) (type input))
+ (pin (num 27) (name PD5) (type input))
+ (pin (num 28) (name PD6) (type input))
+ (pin (num 29) (name PC1) (type input))
+ (pin (num 30) (name PC2) (type input))
+ (pin (num 31) (name 3.3V) (type power_out))
+ (pin (num 32) (name AGND) (type input))
+ (pin (num 33) (name Vin) (type power_in))))
+ (libpart (lib adafruit) (part ADAFRUIT-10DOF)
+ (fields
+ (field (name Reference) U)
+ (field (name Value) ADAFRUIT-10DOF)
+ (field (name Footprint) ~)
+ (field (name Datasheet) ~))
+ (pins
+ (pin (num 1) (name VIN) (type power_in))
+ (pin (num 2) (name 3Vo) (type power_in))
+ (pin (num 3) (name GND) (type power_in))
+ (pin (num 4) (name SCL) (type input))
+ (pin (num 5) (name SDA) (type input))
+ (pin (num 6) (name GINT) (type input))
+ (pin (num 7) (name GRDY) (type input))
+ (pin (num 8) (name LIN1) (type input))
+ (pin (num 9) (name LIN2) (type input))
+ (pin (num 10) (name LRDY) (type input))))
+ (libpart (lib device) (part CP1)
+ (description "Condensateur polarise")
+ (footprints
+ (fp CP*)
+ (fp SM*))
+ (fields
+ (field (name Reference) C)
+ (field (name Value) CP1)
+ (field (name Footprint) ~)
+ (field (name Datasheet) ~))
+ (pins
+ (pin (num 1) (name ~) (type passive))
+ (pin (num 2) (name ~) (type passive))))
+ (libpart (lib device) (part R)
+ (description Resistance)
+ (footprints
+ (fp R?)
+ (fp SM0603)
+ (fp SM0805)
+ (fp R?-*)
+ (fp SM1206))
+ (fields
+ (field (name Reference) R)
+ (field (name Value) R)
+ (field (name Footprint) ~)
+ (field (name Datasheet) ~))
+ (pins
+ (pin (num 1) (name ~) (type passive))
+ (pin (num 2) (name ~) (type passive))))
+ (libpart (lib conn) (part CONN_2)
+ (description "Symbole general de connecteur")
+ (fields
+ (field (name Reference) P)
+ (field (name Value) CONN_2))
+ (pins
+ (pin (num 1) (name P1) (type passive))
+ (pin (num 2) (name PM) (type passive))))
+ (libpart (lib conn) (part CONN_3)
+ (description "Symbole general de connecteur")
+ (fields
+ (field (name Reference) K)
+ (field (name Value) CONN_3))
+ (pins
+ (pin (num 1) (name P1) (type passive))
+ (pin (num 2) (name PM) (type passive))
+ (pin (num 3) (name P3) (type passive))))
+ (libpart (lib conn) (part CONN_4)
+ (description "Symbole general de connecteur")
+ (fields
+ (field (name Reference) P)
+ (field (name Value) CONN_4))
+ (pins
+ (pin (num 1) (name P1) (type passive))
+ (pin (num 2) (name P2) (type passive))
+ (pin (num 3) (name P3) (type passive))
+ (pin (num 4) (name P4) (type passive)))))
+ (libraries
+ (library (logical conn)
+ (uri /usr/share/kicad/library/conn.lib))
+ (library (logical adafruit)
+ (uri ../lib/adafruit.lib))
+ (library (logical pjrc)
+ (uri ../lib/pjrc.lib))
+ (library (logical device)
+ (uri /usr/share/kicad/library/device.lib)))
+ (nets
+ (net (code 1) (name /AGND)
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 32))
+ (node (ref R2) (pin 2))
+ (node (ref P5) (pin 2)))
+ (net (code 2) (name VCC)
+ (node (ref P1) (pin 2))
+ (node (ref P2) (pin 2))
+ (node (ref C1) (pin 1))
+ (node (ref K1) (pin 2))
+ (node (ref K2) (pin 2))
+ (node (ref K3) (pin 2))
+ (node (ref K4) (pin 2))
+ (node (ref K5) (pin 2))
+ (node (ref K6) (pin 2))
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 33))
+ (node (ref U2) (pin 1))
+ (node (ref P4) (pin 2))
+ (node (ref P3) (pin 2)))
+ (net (code 3) (name "")
+ (node (ref K1) (pin 3))
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 11)))
+ (net (code 4) (name "")
+ (node (ref P4) (pin 4))
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 14)))
+ (net (code 5) (name "")
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 13))
+ (node (ref P4) (pin 3)))
+ (net (code 6) (name "")
+ (node (ref K2) (pin 3))
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 12)))
+ (net (code 7) (name "")
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 9))
+ (node (ref P3) (pin 4)))
+ (net (code 8) (name "")
+ (node (ref P3) (pin 3))
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 10)))
+ (net (code 9) (name "")
+ (node (ref P2) (pin 3))
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 2)))
+ (net (code 10) (name "")
+ (node (ref P2) (pin 4))
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 3)))
+ (net (code 11) (name "")
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 20)))
+ (net (code 12) (name "")
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 18)))
+ (net (code 13) (name "")
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 19)))
+ (net (code 14) (name "")
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 23)))
+ (net (code 15) (name "")
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 22)))
+ (net (code 16) (name "")
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 21)))
+ (net (code 17) (name "")
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 17)))
+ (net (code 18) (name "")
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 31)))
+ (net (code 19) (name "")
+ (node (ref U2) (pin 2)))
+ (net (code 20) (name "")
+ (node (ref U2) (pin 6)))
+ (net (code 21) (name "")
+ (node (ref U2) (pin 7)))
+ (net (code 22) (name "")
+ (node (ref U2) (pin 8)))
+ (net (code 23) (name "")
+ (node (ref U2) (pin 9)))
+ (net (code 24) (name "")
+ (node (ref U2) (pin 10)))
+ (net (code 25) (name "")
+ (node (ref U2) (pin 5))
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 25)))
+ (net (code 26) (name "")
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 26))
+ (node (ref U2) (pin 4)))
+ (net (code 27) (name GND)
+ (node (ref P4) (pin 1))
+ (node (ref P3) (pin 1))
+ (node (ref K5) (pin 3))
+ (node (ref K4) (pin 3))
+ (node (ref P2) (pin 1))
+ (node (ref K3) (pin 3))
+ (node (ref K6) (pin 3))
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 1))
+ (node (ref C1) (pin 2))
+ (node (ref U2) (pin 3))
+ (node (ref K2) (pin 1))
+ (node (ref K1) (pin 1))
+ (node (ref P1) (pin 1)))
+ (net (code 28) (name "")
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 29))
+ (node (ref K4) (pin 1)))
+ (net (code 29) (name "")
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 28))
+ (node (ref K5) (pin 1)))
+ (net (code 30) (name "")
+ (node (ref K6) (pin 1))
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 27)))
+ (net (code 31) (name "")
+ (node (ref R1) (pin 2))
+ (node (ref R2) (pin 1))
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 24)))
+ (net (code 32) (name "")
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 4)))
+ (net (code 33) (name "")
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 5)))
+ (net (code 34) (name "")
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 6)))
+ (net (code 35) (name "")
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 7)))
+ (net (code 36) (name "")
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 8)))
+ (net (code 37) (name "")
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 15)))
+ (net (code 38) (name "")
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 16)))
+ (net (code 39) (name "")
+ (node (ref U1) (pin 30))
+ (node (ref K3) (pin 1)))
+ (net (code 40) (name "")
+ (node (ref R1) (pin 1))
+ (node (ref P5) (pin 1))))) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kicad/trifle/trifle.pro b/kicad/trifle/trifle.pro
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa55c85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kicad/trifle/trifle.pro
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+update=Sat 28 Feb 2015 18:57:03 CET
diff --git a/kicad/trifle/trifle.sch b/kicad/trifle/trifle.sch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..266d63a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kicad/trifle/trifle.sch
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+EESchema Schematic File Version 2
+$Descr A4 11693 8268
+encoding utf-8
+Sheet 1 1
+Title "Trifle Flight Control Unit"
+Date "28 feb 2015"
+Rev "1.0"
+Comp ""
+Comment1 ""
+Comment2 ""
+Comment3 ""
+Comment4 ""
+U 1 1 54DDF274
+P 6750 5100
+F 0 "U2" H 6750 5600 60 0000 C CNN
+F 1 "ADAFRUIT-10DOF" H 6750 5450 60 0000 C CNN
+F 2 "~" H 6750 5100 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "~" H 6750 5100 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 6750 5100
+ 0 1 1 0
+L TEENSY-3.1 U1
+U 1 1 54DE0E02
+P 4550 3850
+F 0 "U1" H 4550 4900 60 0000 C CNN
+F 1 "TEENSY-3.1" V 4550 3850 60 0000 C CNN
+F 2 "~" H 4500 4050 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "~" H 4500 4050 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 4550 3850
+ 1 0 0 -1
+U 1 1 54DE0E89
+P 3050 1300
+F 0 "#PWR01" H 3050 1400 30 0001 C CNN
+F 1 "VCC" H 3050 1400 30 0000 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 3050 1300 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 3050 1300 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 3050 1300
+ 1 0 0 -1
+U 1 1 54DE0E98
+P 3050 2100
+F 0 "#PWR02" H 3050 2100 30 0001 C CNN
+F 1 "GND" H 3050 2030 30 0001 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 3050 2100 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 3050 2100 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 3050 2100
+ 1 0 0 -1
+U 1 1 54DE0EB1
+P 3100 1400
+F 0 "#FLG03" H 3100 1495 30 0001 C CNN
+F 1 "PWR_FLAG" H 3100 1580 30 0000 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 3100 1400 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 3100 1400 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 3100 1400
+ 0 1 1 0
+U 1 1 54DE0EC0
+P 3100 2000
+F 0 "#FLG04" H 3100 2095 30 0001 C CNN
+F 1 "PWR_FLAG" H 3100 2180 30 0000 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 3100 2000 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 3100 2000 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 3100 2000
+ 0 1 1 0
+L CONN_2 P1
+U 1 1 54DE0E5C
+P 2250 1700
+F 0 "P1" V 2200 1700 40 0000 C CNN
+F 1 "5Vin" V 2300 1700 40 0000 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 2250 1700 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 2250 1700 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 2250 1700
+ -1 0 0 1
+L CONN_3 K1
+U 1 1 54DE0FCB
+P 2300 4300
+F 0 "K1" V 2250 4300 50 0000 C CNN
+F 1 "AUX0" V 2350 4300 40 0000 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 2300 4300 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 2300 4300 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 2300 4300
+ -1 0 0 1
+L CONN_3 K2
+U 1 1 54DE0FD1
+P 2300 4800
+F 0 "K2" V 2250 4800 50 0000 C CNN
+F 1 "AUX1" V 2350 4800 40 0000 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 2300 4800 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 2300 4800 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 2300 4800
+ -1 0 0 1
+L CONN_3 K3
+U 1 1 54DE0FD7
+P 6400 2350
+F 0 "K3" V 6350 2350 50 0000 C CNN
+F 1 "M0" V 6450 2350 40 0000 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 6400 2350 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 6400 2350 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 6400 2350
+ 0 -1 -1 0
+L CONN_4 P2
+U 1 1 54DE1003
+P 2300 3150
+F 0 "P2" V 2250 3150 50 0000 C CNN
+F 1 "TELE" V 2350 3150 50 0000 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 2300 3150 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 2300 3150 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 2300 3150
+ -1 0 0 1
+L CONN_3 K4
+U 1 1 54DE11AA
+P 6800 2350
+F 0 "K4" V 6750 2350 50 0000 C CNN
+F 1 "M1" V 6850 2350 40 0000 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 6800 2350 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 6800 2350 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 6800 2350
+ 0 -1 -1 0
+L CONN_3 K5
+U 1 1 54DE11B0
+P 7200 2350
+F 0 "K5" V 7150 2350 50 0000 C CNN
+F 1 "M2" V 7250 2350 40 0000 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 7200 2350 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 7200 2350 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 7200 2350
+ 0 -1 -1 0
+L CONN_3 K6
+U 1 1 54DE11B6
+P 7600 2350
+F 0 "K6" V 7550 2350 50 0000 C CNN
+F 1 "M3" V 7650 2350 40 0000 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 7600 2350 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 7600 2350 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 7600 2350
+ 0 -1 -1 0
+L CONN_2 P5
+U 1 1 54DE11F6
+P 8950 2850
+F 0 "P5" V 8900 2850 40 0000 C CNN
+F 1 "BATT" V 9000 2850 40 0000 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 8950 2850 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 8950 2850 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 8950 2850
+ 0 -1 -1 0
+L R R1
+U 1 1 54DE1214
+P 8850 3500
+F 0 "R1" V 8930 3500 40 0000 C CNN
+F 1 "100k" V 8857 3501 40 0000 C CNN
+F 2 "~" V 8780 3500 30 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "~" H 8850 3500 30 0000 C CNN
+ 1 8850 3500
+ 1 0 0 -1
+L R R2
+U 1 1 54DE1221
+P 8850 4100
+F 0 "R2" V 8930 4100 40 0000 C CNN
+F 1 "33k" V 8857 4101 40 0000 C CNN
+F 2 "~" V 8780 4100 30 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "~" H 8850 4100 30 0000 C CNN
+ 1 8850 4100
+ 1 0 0 -1
+L CONN_4 P3
+U 1 1 54DE1236
+P 2300 3750
+F 0 "P3" V 2250 3750 50 0000 C CNN
+F 1 "GPS" V 2350 3750 50 0000 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 2300 3750 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 2300 3750 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 2300 3750
+ -1 0 0 1
+L CONN_4 P4
+U 1 1 54DE123C
+P 2300 5350
+F 0 "P4" V 2250 5350 50 0000 C CNN
+F 1 "DIST" V 2350 5350 50 0000 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 2300 5350 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 2300 5350 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 2300 5350
+ -1 0 0 1
+U 1 1 54DE14E7
+P 2750 5700
+F 0 "#PWR05" H 2750 5700 30 0001 C CNN
+F 1 "GND" H 2750 5630 30 0001 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 2750 5700 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 2750 5700 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 2750 5700
+ 1 0 0 -1
+U 1 1 54DE15AD
+P 2850 2800
+F 0 "#PWR06" H 2850 2900 30 0001 C CNN
+F 1 "VCC" H 2850 2900 30 0000 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 2850 2800 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 2850 2800 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 2850 2800
+ 1 0 0 -1
+Wire Wire Line
+ 7500 2700 7500 3500
+Wire Wire Line
+ 7100 2700 7100 3400
+Wire Wire Line
+ 6700 2700 6700 3300
+Wire Wire Line
+ 6300 2700 6300 3200
+Connection ~ 8850 3800
+Wire Wire Line
+ 8850 3750 8850 3850
+Wire Wire Line
+ 9050 4350 9050 3200
+Wire Wire Line
+ 8850 3200 8850 3250
+Connection ~ 2850 3200
+Wire Wire Line
+ 2650 3200 2850 3200
+Connection ~ 2850 3800
+Wire Wire Line
+ 2850 3800 2650 3800
+Connection ~ 2850 4300
+Wire Wire Line
+ 2850 4300 2650 4300
+Connection ~ 2850 4800
+Wire Wire Line
+ 2850 4800 2650 4800
+Wire Wire Line
+ 2850 5400 2650 5400
+Wire Wire Line
+ 2850 2800 2850 5400
+Connection ~ 2750 4900
+Wire Wire Line
+ 2750 4900 2650 4900
+Connection ~ 2750 4400
+Wire Wire Line
+ 2750 4400 2650 4400
+Connection ~ 2750 3900
+Wire Wire Line
+ 2650 3900 2750 3900
+Connection ~ 2750 5500
+Wire Wire Line
+ 2750 3300 2650 3300
+Wire Wire Line
+ 2750 3300 2750 5700
+Wire Wire Line
+ 2750 5500 2650 5500
+Wire Wire Line
+ 3750 4200 3950 4200
+Wire Wire Line
+ 3750 5200 3750 4200
+Wire Wire Line
+ 2650 5200 3750 5200
+Wire Wire Line
+ 3650 5300 2650 5300
+Wire Wire Line
+ 3650 4100 3650 5300
+Wire Wire Line
+ 3950 4100 3650 4100
+Wire Wire Line
+ 3550 4000 3950 4000
+Wire Wire Line
+ 3550 4700 3550 4000
+Wire Wire Line
+ 2650 4700 3550 4700
+Wire Wire Line
+ 3450 3900 3950 3900
+Wire Wire Line
+ 3450 4200 2650 4200
+Wire Wire Line
+ 3450 3900 3450 4200
+Wire Wire Line
+ 3550 3600 3550 3700
+Wire Wire Line
+ 3450 3700 2650 3700
+Wire Wire Line
+ 3450 3800 3450 3700
+Wire Wire Line
+ 2650 3600 3550 3600
+Wire Wire Line
+ 3450 3800 3950 3800
+Wire Wire Line
+ 3550 3700 3950 3700
+Wire Wire Line
+ 3250 3100 2650 3100
+Wire Wire Line
+ 3350 3000 3250 3100
+Wire Wire Line
+ 3950 3000 3350 3000
+Wire Wire Line
+ 3350 3100 3950 3100
+Wire Wire Line
+ 3250 3000 3350 3100
+Wire Wire Line
+ 2650 3000 3250 3000
+Connection ~ 3050 2000
+Wire Wire Line
+ 2850 2000 3100 2000
+Wire Wire Line
+ 2850 1800 2850 2000
+Wire Wire Line
+ 2600 1800 2850 1800
+Connection ~ 3050 1400
+Wire Wire Line
+ 2850 1400 3100 1400
+Wire Wire Line
+ 2850 1600 2850 1400
+Wire Wire Line
+ 2600 1600 2850 1600
+Wire Wire Line
+ 3050 1300 3050 1500
+Wire Wire Line
+ 3050 1900 3050 2100
+Wire Wire Line
+ 8850 4350 9050 4350
+Wire Wire Line
+ 8950 4400 8950 4350
+Connection ~ 8950 4350
+Text Label 8950 4400 3 60 ~ 0
+U 1 1 54DE20F2
+P 7900 2950
+F 0 "#PWR07" H 7900 2950 30 0001 C CNN
+F 1 "GND" H 7900 2880 30 0001 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 7900 2950 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 7900 2950 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 7900 2950
+ 1 0 0 -1
+U 1 1 54DE20FE
+P 6050 2650
+F 0 "#PWR08" H 6050 2750 30 0001 C CNN
+F 1 "VCC" H 6050 2750 30 0000 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 6050 2650 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 6050 2650 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 6050 2650
+ 1 0 0 -1
+Text Label 5150 3000 0 60 ~ 0
+Wire Wire Line
+ 6400 2700 6400 2750
+Wire Wire Line
+ 6050 2750 7600 2750
+Wire Wire Line
+ 6050 2750 6050 2650
+Wire Wire Line
+ 6800 2750 6800 2700
+Connection ~ 6400 2750
+Wire Wire Line
+ 7200 2750 7200 2700
+Connection ~ 6800 2750
+Wire Wire Line
+ 7600 2750 7600 2700
+Connection ~ 7200 2750
+Wire Wire Line
+ 6500 2700 6500 2850
+Wire Wire Line
+ 6500 2850 7900 2850
+Wire Wire Line
+ 6900 2850 6900 2700
+Wire Wire Line
+ 7300 2850 7300 2700
+Connection ~ 6900 2850
+Wire Wire Line
+ 7700 2850 7700 2700
+Connection ~ 7300 2850
+Connection ~ 7700 2850
+Wire Wire Line
+ 7900 2850 7900 2950
+Wire Wire Line
+ 6300 3200 5150 3200
+Wire Wire Line
+ 6700 3300 5150 3300
+Wire Wire Line
+ 7100 3400 5150 3400
+Wire Wire Line
+ 7500 3500 5150 3500
+U 1 1 54DE274A
+P 6500 4500
+F 0 "#PWR09" H 6500 4600 30 0001 C CNN
+F 1 "VCC" H 6500 4600 30 0000 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 6500 4500 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 6500 4500 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 6500 4500
+ 1 0 0 -1
+Wire Wire Line
+ 6500 4650 6650 4650
+L GND #PWR010
+U 1 1 54DE2805
+P 6500 5700
+F 0 "#PWR010" H 6500 5700 30 0001 C CNN
+F 1 "GND" H 6500 5630 30 0001 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 6500 5700 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 6500 5700 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 6500 5700
+ 1 0 0 -1
+Wire Wire Line
+ 6500 4650 6500 4500
+Wire Wire Line
+ 6650 4850 6500 4850
+Wire Wire Line
+ 6500 4850 6500 5700
+Wire Wire Line
+ 6000 4950 6000 3600
+Wire Wire Line
+ 5900 3700 5900 5050
+Wire Wire Line
+ 5150 3800 8850 3800
+NoConn ~ 3950 3200
+NoConn ~ 3950 3300
+NoConn ~ 3950 3400
+NoConn ~ 3950 3500
+NoConn ~ 3950 3600
+NoConn ~ 3950 4400
+NoConn ~ 3950 4500
+NoConn ~ 3950 4600
+NoConn ~ 3950 4700
+NoConn ~ 3950 4800
+L GND #PWR011
+U 1 1 54DE2AC4
+P 3500 2900
+F 0 "#PWR011" H 3500 2900 30 0001 C CNN
+F 1 "GND" H 3500 2830 30 0001 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 3500 2900 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 3500 2900 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 3500 2900
+ 1 0 0 -1
+L VCC #PWR012
+U 1 1 54DE2AE8
+P 5200 2700
+F 0 "#PWR012" H 5200 2800 30 0001 C CNN
+F 1 "VCC" H 5200 2800 30 0000 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 5200 2700 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 5200 2700 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 5200 2700
+ 1 0 0 -1
+Wire Wire Line
+ 3950 2750 3950 2900
+Wire Wire Line
+ 3500 2750 3950 2750
+Wire Wire Line
+ 3500 2750 3500 2900
+Wire Wire Line
+ 5150 2900 5200 2900
+Wire Wire Line
+ 5200 2900 5200 2700
+NoConn ~ 5150 3900
+NoConn ~ 5150 4000
+NoConn ~ 5150 4100
+NoConn ~ 5150 4200
+NoConn ~ 5150 3100
+NoConn ~ 6650 4750
+NoConn ~ 6650 5150
+NoConn ~ 6650 5250
+NoConn ~ 6650 5350
+NoConn ~ 6650 5450
+NoConn ~ 6650 5550
+Wire Wire Line
+ 6650 4950 6000 4950
+Wire Wire Line
+ 5900 5050 6650 5050
+Wire Wire Line
+ 5150 3700 5900 3700
+Wire Wire Line
+ 6000 3600 5150 3600
+L CP1 C1
+U 1 1 54DE0F12
+P 3050 1700
+F 0 "C1" H 3100 1800 50 0000 L CNN
+F 1 "220uF" H 3100 1600 50 0000 L CNN
+F 2 "~" H 3050 1700 60 0000 C CNN
+F 3 "~" H 3050 1700 60 0000 C CNN
+ 1 3050 1700
+ 1 0 0 -1