path: root/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Trees.scala
diff options
authorHaoyi Li <>2014-11-26 00:50:50 -0800
committerHaoyi Li <>2014-11-26 00:50:50 -0800
commit88595a41e3ec13c1a516e847fe3d0b279facf3fc (patch)
tree4f03b902de7b81fa2e32792e84b680038345e761 /examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Trees.scala
parent82773a11c99d260e97ca63356bfb7b417599b1e9 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Trees.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 536 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Trees.scala b/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Trees.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f58ece..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Trees.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js IR **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2014, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
-** |/____/ **
-\* */
-import scala.annotation.switch
-import Position.NoPosition
-import Types._
-object Trees {
- /** AST node of the IR. */
- abstract sealed class Tree {
- val pos: Position
- val tpe: Type
- def show: String = {
- val writer = new
- val printer = new Printers.IRTreePrinter(writer)
- printer.printTree(this)
- writer.toString()
- }
- }
- case object EmptyTree extends Tree {
- val pos = NoPosition
- val tpe = NoType
- }
- // Identifiers and properties
- sealed trait PropertyName {
- def name: String
- def pos: Position
- }
- case class Ident(name: String, originalName: Option[String])(
- implicit val pos: Position) extends PropertyName {
- requireValidIdent(name)
- }
- object Ident {
- def apply(name: String)(implicit pos: Position): Ident =
- new Ident(name, Some(name))
- }
- final def isValidIdentifier(name: String): Boolean = {
- val c = name.head
- (c == '$' || c == '_' || c.isUnicodeIdentifierStart) &&
- name.tail.forall(c => (c == '$') || c.isUnicodeIdentifierPart) &&
- !isKeyword(name)
- }
- @inline final def requireValidIdent(name: String) {
- require(isValidIdentifier(name), s"${name} is not a valid identifier")
- }
- final val isKeyword: Set[String] = Set(
- // Value keywords
- "true", "false", "null", "undefined",
- // Current JavaScript keywords
- "break", "case", "catch", "continue", "debugger", "default", "delete",
- "do", "else", "finally", "for", "function", "if", "in", "instanceof",
- "new", "return", "switch", "this", "throw", "try", "typeof", "var",
- "void", "while", "with",
- // Future reserved keywords
- "class", "const", "enum", "export", "extends", "import", "super",
- // Future reserved keywords in Strict mode
- "implements", "interface", "let", "package", "private", "protected",
- "public", "static", "yield",
- // Other reserved keywords found on the Web but not in the spec
- "abstract", "boolean", "byte", "char", "double", "final", "float",
- "goto", "int", "long", "native", "short", "synchronized", "throws",
- "transient", "volatile"
- )
- // Definitions
- case class VarDef(name: Ident, vtpe: Type, mutable: Boolean, rhs: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NoType // cannot be in expression position
- def ref(implicit pos: Position): VarRef =
- VarRef(name, mutable = mutable)(vtpe)
- }
- case class ParamDef(name: Ident, ptpe: Type, mutable: Boolean)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NoType
- def ref(implicit pos: Position): VarRef =
- VarRef(name, mutable = mutable)(ptpe)
- }
- // Control flow constructs
- case class Skip()(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NoType // cannot be in expression position
- }
- class Block private (val stats: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = stats.last.tpe
- override def toString(): String =
- stats.mkString("Block(", ",", ")")
- }
- object Block {
- def apply(stats: List[Tree])(implicit pos: Position): Tree = {
- val flattenedStats = stats flatMap {
- case Skip() => Nil
- case Block(subStats) => subStats
- case other => other :: Nil
- }
- flattenedStats match {
- case Nil => Skip()
- case only :: Nil => only
- case _ => new Block(flattenedStats)
- }
- }
- def apply(stats: Tree*)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
- apply(stats.toList)
- def unapply(block: Block): Some[List[Tree]] = Some(block.stats)
- }
- case class Labeled(label: Ident, tpe: Type, body: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class Assign(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- require(lhs match {
- case _:VarRef | _:Select | _:ArraySelect |
- _:JSDotSelect | _:JSBracketSelect => true
- case _ => false
- }, s"Invalid lhs for Assign: $lhs")
- val tpe = NoType // cannot be in expression position
- }
- case class Return(expr: Tree, label: Option[Ident] = None)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NothingType
- }
- case class If(cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree)(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class While(cond: Tree, body: Tree, label: Option[Ident] = None)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- // cannot be in expression position, unless it is infinite
- val tpe = cond match {
- case BooleanLiteral(true) => NothingType
- case _ => NoType
- }
- }
- case class DoWhile(body: Tree, cond: Tree, label: Option[Ident] = None)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NoType // cannot be in expression position
- }
- case class Try(block: Tree, errVar: Ident, handler: Tree, finalizer: Tree)(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class Throw(expr: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NothingType
- }
- case class Continue(label: Option[Ident] = None)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NothingType
- }
- /** A break-free switch (without fallthrough behavior).
- * Unlike a JavaScript switch, it can be used in expression position.
- * It supports alternatives explicitly (hence the List[Tree] in cases),
- * whereas in a switch one would use the fallthrough behavior to
- * implement alternatives.
- * (This is not a pattern matching construct like in Scala.)
- */
- case class Match(selector: Tree, cases: List[(List[Literal], Tree)], default: Tree)(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class Debugger()(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NoType // cannot be in expression position
- }
- // Scala expressions
- case class New(cls: ClassType, ctor: Ident, args: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = cls
- }
- case class LoadModule(cls: ClassType)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = cls
- }
- case class StoreModule(cls: ClassType, value: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NoType // cannot be in expression position
- }
- case class Select(qualifier: Tree, item: Ident, mutable: Boolean)(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class Apply(receiver: Tree, method: Ident, args: List[Tree])(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class StaticApply(receiver: Tree, cls: ClassType, method: Ident, args: List[Tree])(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class TraitImplApply(impl: ClassType, method: Ident, args: List[Tree])(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- /** Unary operation (always preserves pureness). */
- case class UnaryOp(op: UnaryOp.Code, lhs: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- import UnaryOp._
- val tpe = (op: @switch) match {
- case `typeof` => StringType
- case LongToInt | DoubleToInt => IntType
- case IntToLong | DoubleToLong => LongType
- case DoubleToFloat => FloatType
- case LongToDouble => DoubleType
- case Boolean_! => BooleanType
- }
- }
- object UnaryOp {
- /** Codes are raw Ints to be able to write switch matches on them. */
- type Code = Int
- final val typeof = 1
- final val Boolean_! = 2
- final val IntToLong = 3
- final val LongToInt = 4
- final val LongToDouble = 5
- final val DoubleToInt = 6
- final val DoubleToFloat = 7
- final val DoubleToLong = 8
- }
- /** Binary operation (always preserves pureness). */
- case class BinaryOp(op: BinaryOp.Code, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- import BinaryOp._
- val tpe = (op: @switch) match {
- case === | !== |
- `in` | `instanceof` |
- Num_== | Num_!= | Num_< | Num_<= | Num_> | Num_>= |
- Long_== | Long_!= | Long_< | Long_<= | Long_> | Long_>= |
- Boolean_== | Boolean_!= | Boolean_| | Boolean_& =>
- BooleanType
- case String_+ =>
- StringType
- case Int_+ | Int_- | Int_* | Int_/ | Int_% |
- Int_| | Int_& | Int_^ | Int_<< | Int_>>> | Int_>> =>
- IntType
- case Float_+ | Float_- | Float_* | Float_/ | Float_% =>
- FloatType
- case Double_+ | Double_- | Double_* | Double_/ | Double_% =>
- DoubleType
- case Long_+ | Long_- | Long_* | Long_/ | Long_% |
- Long_| | Long_& | Long_^ | Long_<< | Long_>>> | Long_>> =>
- LongType
- }
- }
- object BinaryOp {
- /** Codes are raw Ints to be able to write switch matches on them. */
- type Code = Int
- final val === = 1
- final val !== = 2
- final val String_+ = 3
- final val in = 4
- final val instanceof = 5
- final val Int_+ = 6
- final val Int_- = 7
- final val Int_* = 8
- final val Int_/ = 9
- final val Int_% = 10
- final val Int_| = 11
- final val Int_& = 12
- final val Int_^ = 13
- final val Int_<< = 14
- final val Int_>>> = 15
- final val Int_>> = 16
- final val Float_+ = 17
- final val Float_- = 18
- final val Float_* = 19
- final val Float_/ = 20
- final val Float_% = 21
- final val Double_+ = 22
- final val Double_- = 23
- final val Double_* = 24
- final val Double_/ = 25
- final val Double_% = 26
- final val Num_== = 27
- final val Num_!= = 28
- final val Num_< = 29
- final val Num_<= = 30
- final val Num_> = 31
- final val Num_>= = 32
- final val Long_+ = 33
- final val Long_- = 34
- final val Long_* = 35
- final val Long_/ = 36
- final val Long_% = 37
- final val Long_| = 38
- final val Long_& = 39
- final val Long_^ = 40
- final val Long_<< = 41
- final val Long_>>> = 42
- final val Long_>> = 43
- final val Long_== = 44
- final val Long_!= = 45
- final val Long_< = 46
- final val Long_<= = 47
- final val Long_> = 48
- final val Long_>= = 49
- final val Boolean_== = 50
- final val Boolean_!= = 51
- final val Boolean_| = 52
- final val Boolean_& = 53
- }
- case class NewArray(tpe: ArrayType, lengths: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- require(lengths.nonEmpty && lengths.size <= tpe.dimensions)
- }
- case class ArrayValue(tpe: ArrayType, elems: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class ArrayLength(array: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = IntType
- }
- case class ArraySelect(array: Tree, index: Tree)(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class RecordValue(tpe: RecordType, elems: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class IsInstanceOf(expr: Tree, cls: ReferenceType)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = BooleanType
- }
- case class AsInstanceOf(expr: Tree, cls: ReferenceType)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = cls match {
- case ClassType(Definitions.RuntimeNullClass) => NullType
- case ClassType(Definitions.RuntimeNothingClass) => NothingType
- case _ => cls
- }
- }
- case class Unbox(expr: Tree, charCode: Char)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = (charCode: @switch) match {
- case 'Z' => BooleanType
- case 'B' | 'S' | 'I' => IntType
- case 'J' => LongType
- case 'F' => FloatType
- case 'D' => DoubleType
- }
- }
- case class GetClass(expr: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = ClassType(Definitions.ClassClass)
- }
- case class CallHelper(helper: String, args: List[Tree])(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- object CallHelper {
- def apply(helper: String, args: Tree*)(tpe: Type)(
- implicit pos: Position): CallHelper = {
- CallHelper(helper, args.toList)(tpe)
- }
- }
- // JavaScript expressions
- case class JSNew(ctor: Tree, args: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = AnyType
- }
- case class JSDotSelect(qualifier: Tree, item: Ident)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = AnyType
- }
- case class JSBracketSelect(qualifier: Tree, item: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = AnyType
- }
- case class JSFunctionApply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = AnyType
- }
- case class JSDotMethodApply(receiver: Tree, method: Ident, args: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = AnyType
- }
- case class JSBracketMethodApply(receiver: Tree, method: Tree, args: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = AnyType
- }
- case class JSDelete(prop: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- require(prop match {
- case _:JSDotSelect | _:JSBracketSelect => true
- case _ => false
- }, s"Invalid prop for JSDelete: $prop")
- val tpe = NoType // cannot be in expression position
- }
- /** Unary operation (always preserves pureness).
- *
- * Operations which do not preserve pureness are not allowed in this tree.
- * These are notably ++ and --
- */
- case class JSUnaryOp(op: String, lhs: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = AnyType
- }
- /** Binary operation (always preserves pureness).
- *
- * Operations which do not preserve pureness are not allowed in this tree.
- * These are notably +=, -=, *=, /= and %=
- */
- case class JSBinaryOp(op: String, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = AnyType
- }
- case class JSArrayConstr(items: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = AnyType
- }
- case class JSObjectConstr(fields: List[(PropertyName, Tree)])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = AnyType
- }
- case class JSEnvInfo()(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = AnyType
- }
- // Literals
- /** Marker for literals. Literals are always pure. */
- sealed trait Literal extends Tree
- case class Undefined()(implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal {
- val tpe = UndefType
- }
- case class UndefinedParam()(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal
- case class Null()(implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal {
- val tpe = NullType
- }
- case class BooleanLiteral(value: Boolean)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal {
- val tpe = BooleanType
- }
- case class IntLiteral(value: Int)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal {
- val tpe = IntType
- }
- case class LongLiteral(value: Long)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal {
- val tpe = LongType
- }
- case class FloatLiteral(value: Float)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal {
- val tpe = FloatType
- }
- case class DoubleLiteral(value: Double)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal {
- val tpe = DoubleType
- }
- case class StringLiteral(value: String)(
- implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal with PropertyName {
- val tpe = StringType
- override def name = value
- }
- case class ClassOf(cls: ReferenceType)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal {
- val tpe = ClassType(Definitions.ClassClass)
- }
- // Atomic expressions
- case class VarRef(ident: Ident, mutable: Boolean)(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class This()(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- /** Closure with explicit captures.
- * The n captures map to the n first formal arguments.
- */
- case class Closure(captureParams: List[ParamDef], params: List[ParamDef],
- body: Tree, captureValues: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = AnyType
- }
- // Classes
- case class ClassDef(name: Ident, kind: ClassKind, parent: Option[Ident], ancestors: List[Ident], defs: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NoType
- }
- case class MethodDef(name: PropertyName, args: List[ParamDef], resultType: Type, body: Tree)(
- val hash: Option[TreeHash])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NoType
- }
- case class PropertyDef(name: PropertyName, getterBody: Tree, setterArg: ParamDef, setterBody: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NoType
- }
- case class ConstructorExportDef(name: String, args: List[ParamDef], body: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NoType
- }
- case class ModuleExportDef(fullName: String)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NoType
- }
- /** A hash of a tree (usually a MethodDef). Contains two SHA-1 hashes */
- final class TreeHash(val treeHash: Array[Byte], val posHash: Array[Byte]) {
- assert(treeHash.length == 20)
- assert(posHash.length == 20)
- }