path: root/nuttx/arch/arm/src/armv7-a/arm_vectors.S
blob: bb1cd63f81fcc776a70e23bbbb52a8a1013dbbe1 (plain) (tree)




















































































































 * arch/arm/src/armv7-a/arm_vectors.S
 *   Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Gregory Nutt. All rights reserved.
 *   Author: Gregory Nutt <>
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
 * are met:
 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
 *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
 *    distribution.
 * 3. Neither the name NuttX nor the names of its contributors may be
 *    used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
 *    without specific prior written permission.

 * Included Files

#include <nuttx/config.h>
#include <nuttx/irq.h>

#include "arm.h"
#include "cp15.h"

	.file	"arm_vectors.S"

 * Pre-processor Definitions

 * Private Data

	.word	0		/* Saved lr */
	.word	0		/* Saved spsr */
	.word	0		/* User R13 */
	.word	0		/* User R14 */
	.word	0		/* Saved lr */
	.word	0		/* Saved spsr */
	.word	0		/* Saved lr */
	.word	0		/* Saved spsr */
	.word	0		/* Saved lr */
	.word	0		/* Saved spsr */

 * Assembly Macros

 * Private Functions


 * Public Functions

 * Name: arm_vectorirq
 * Description:
 *   Interrupt exception. Entered in IRQ mode with spsr = SVC CPSR, lr = SVC PC

	.globl	arm_decodeirq
	.globl	arm_vectorirq
	.type	arm_vectorirq, %function

	/* On entry, we are in IRQ mode.  We are free to use the IRQ mode r13
	 * and r14.

	ldr		r13, .Lirqtmp
	sub		lr, lr, #4
	str		lr, [r13]				/* Save lr_IRQ */
	mrs		lr, spsr
	str		lr, [r13, #4]			/* Save spsr_IRQ */

	/* Then switch back to SVC mode */

	bic		lr, lr, #PSR_MODE_MASK	/* Keep F and T bits */
	orr		lr, lr, #(PSR_MODE_SVC | PSR_I_BIT | PSR_F_BIT)
	orr		lr, lr, #(PSR_MODE_SVC | PSR_I_BIT)
	msr		cpsr_c, lr				/* Switch to SVC mode */

	/* Create a context structure.  First set aside a stack frame
	 * and store r0-r12 into the frame.

	sub		sp, sp, #XCPTCONTEXT_SIZE
	stmia	sp, {r0-r12}			/* Save the SVC mode regs */

	/* Get the values for r15(pc) and CPSR in r3 and r4 */

	ldr		r0, .Lirqtmp			/* Points to temp storage */
	ldmia	r0, {r3, r4}			/* Recover r3=lr_IRQ, r4=spsr_IRQ */

	/* Did we enter from user mode?  If so then we need get the values of
	 * USER mode r13(sp) and r14(lr) in r1 and r2.

	and		r1, r4, #PSR_MODE_MASK	/* Interrupted mode */
	cmp		r1, #PSR_MODE_USR		/* User mode? */
	bne		.Lirqentersvc			/* Branch if not user mode */

	/* ldmia with ^ will return the user mode registers (provided that r15
	 * is not in the register list).

	stmia	r0, {r13, r14}^			/* Get user mode R13/R14 into scratch area */
	ldmia	r0, {r1, r2}			/* Then reload into R1 and R2 */
	b		.Lirqcontinue

	/* Otherwise, get the correct values of SVC r13(sp) and r14(lr) in r1
	 * and r2.

	add		r1, sp, #XCPTCONTEXT_SIZE
	mov		r2, r14


	/* Get the correct values of SVC r13(sp) and r14(lr) in r1 and r2 */

	add		r1, sp, #XCPTCONTEXT_SIZE
	mov		r2, r14

	/* Save r13(sp), r14(lr), r15(pc), and the CPSR */

	add		r0, sp, #(4*REG_SP)		/* Offset to pc, cpsr storage */
	stmia	r0, {r1-r4}

	/* Then call the IRQ handler with interrupts disabled. */

	mov		fp, #0					/* Init frame pointer */
	mov		r0, sp					/* Get r0=xcp */

	ldr		sp, .Lirqstackbase		/* SP = interrupt stack base */
	str		r0, [sp]				/* Save the user stack pointer */
	mov		r4, sp					/* Save the SP in a preserved register */
	bic		sp, sp, #7				/* Force 8-byte alignment */
	bl		arm_decodeirq			/* Call the handler */
	ldr		sp, [r4]				/* Restore the user stack pointer */
	mov		r4, sp					/* Save the SP in a preserved register */
	bic		sp, sp, #7				/* Force 8-byte alignment */
	bl		arm_decodeirq			/* Call the handler */
	mov		sp, r4					/* Restore the possibly unaligned stack pointer */

	/* Upon return from arm_decodeirq, r0 holds the pointer to the register
	 * state save area to use to restore the registers.  This may or may not
	 * be the same value that was passed to arm_decodeirq:  It will differ if a
	 * context switch is required.

	/* Restore the CPSR, SVC mode registers and return */

	ldr		r1, [r0, #(4*REG_CPSR)]	/* Setup the return SPSR */
	msr		spsr, r1				/* Establish the return mode SPSR */

	/* Did we enter from user mode?  If so then we need get the values of
	 * USER mode r13(sp) and r14(lr) in r1 and r2.

	and		r2, r1, #PSR_MODE_MASK	/* Interrupted mode */
	cmp		r2, #PSR_MODE_USR		/* User mode? */
	bne		.Lirqleavesvc			/* Branch if not user mode */

	/* ldmia with ^ will return the user mode registers (provided that r15
	 * is not in the register list).

	add		r1, r0, #(4*REG_R13)	/* R1=address of R13/R14 storage */
	ldmia	r1, {r13, r14}^			/* Restore to user mode USER R13/R14 */
	ldmia	r0, {r0-R12,r15}^		/* Return */

	/* Life is simple when everything is SVC mode */

	ldmia	r0, {r0-r15}^			/* Return */

	.word	g_irqtmp
	.word	g_intstackbase
	.size	arm_vectorirq, . - arm_vectorirq
	.align	5

 * Function: arm_vectorsvc
 * Description:
 *   SVC interrupt. We enter the SVC in SVC mode.

	.globl	arm_syscall
	.globl	arm_vectorsvc
	.type	arm_vectorsvc, %function


	/* Create a context structure.  First set aside a stack frame
	 * and store r0-r12 into the frame.

	sub		sp, sp, #XCPTCONTEXT_SIZE
	stmia	sp, {r0-r12}			/* Save the SVC mode regs */

	/* Get the values for r15(pc) and CPSR in r3 and r4 */

	mov		r3, r14					/* Save r14 as the PC as well */
	mrs		r4, spsr				/* Get the saved CPSR */

	/* Did we enter from user mode?  If so then we need get the values of
	 * USER mode r13(sp) and r14(lr) in r1 and r2.

	and		r1, r4, #PSR_MODE_MASK	/* Interrupted mode */
	cmp		r1, #PSR_MODE_USR		/* User mode? */
	bne		.Lsvcentersvc			/* Branch if not user mode */

	/* ldmia with ^ will return the user mode registers (provided that r15
	 * is not in the register list).

	ldr		r0, .Lsvctmp			/* Points to temp storage */
	stmia	r0, {r13, r14}^			/* Get user mode R13/R14 into temp storage */
	ldmia	r0, {r1, r2}			/* Then reload into R1 and R2 */
	b		.Lsvccontinue

	/* Otherwise, get the correct values of SVC r13(sp) and r14(lr) in r1
	 * and r2.

	add		r1, sp, #XCPTCONTEXT_SIZE
	mov		r2, r14


	/* Get the correct values of SVC r13(sp) and r14(lr) in r1 and r2 */

	add		r1, sp, #XCPTCONTEXT_SIZE
	mov		r2, r14

	/* Save r13(sp), r14(lr), r15(pc), and the CPSR */

	add		r0, sp, #(4*REG_SP)		/* Offset to pc, cpsr storage */
	stmia	r0, {r1-r4}

	/* Then call the SVC handler with interrupts disabled.
	 * void arm_syscall(struct xcptcontext *xcp)

	mov		fp, #0					/* Init frame pointer */
	mov		r0, sp					/* Get r0=xcp */
	mov		r4, sp					/* Save the SP in a preserved register */
	bic		sp, sp, #7				/* Force 8-byte alignment */
	bl		arm_syscall				/* Call the handler */
	mov		sp, r4					/* Restore the possibly unaligned stack pointer */

	/* Upon return from arm_syscall, r0 holds the pointer to the register
	 * state save area to use to restore the registers.  This may or may not
	 * be the same value that was passed to arm_syscall:  It will differ if a
	 * context switch is required.

	/* Restore the CPSR, SVC mode registers and return */

	ldr		r1, [r0, #(4*REG_CPSR)]	/* Setup the SVC mode SPSR */
	msr		spsr, r1				/* Establish the return mode SPSR */

	/* Did we enter from user mode?  If so then we need get the values of
	 * USER mode r13(sp) and r14(lr) in r1 and r2.

	and		r2, r1, #PSR_MODE_MASK	/* Interrupted mode */
	cmp		r2, #PSR_MODE_USR		/* User mode? */
	bne		.Lleavesvcsvc			/* Branch if not user mode */

	/* ldmia with ^ will return the user mode registers (provided that r15
	 * is not in the register list).

	add		r1, r0, #(4*REG_R13)	/* R1=address of R13/R14 storage */
	ldmia	r1, {r13, r14}^			/* Restore to user mode USER R13/R14 */
	ldmia	r0, {r0-R12,r15}^		/* Return */

	/* Life is simple when everything is SVC mode */

	ldmia	r0, {r0-r15}^			/* Return */

	.word	g_svctmp
	.size	arm_vectorsvc, . - arm_vectorsvc

	.align	5

 * Name: arm_vectordata
 * Description:
 *   This is the data abort exception dispatcher. The ARM data abort exception occurs
 *   when a memory fault is detected during a data transfer.  This handler saves the
 *   current processor state and gives control to data abort handler.  This function
 *   is entered in ABORT mode with spsr = SVC CPSR, lr = SVC PC

	.globl	arm_dataabort
	.globl	arm_vectordata
	.type	arm_vectordata, %function

	/* On entry we are free to use the ABORT mode registers
	 * r13 and r14

	ldr		r13, .Ldaborttmp		/* Points to temp storage */
	sub		lr, lr, #8				/* Fixup return */
	str		lr, [r13]				/* Save in temp storage */
	mrs		lr, spsr				/* Get SPSR */
	str		lr, [r13, #4]			/* Save in temp storage */

	/* Then switch back to SVC mode */

	bic		lr, lr, #PSR_MODE_MASK	/* Keep F and T bits */
	orr		lr, lr, #(PSR_MODE_SVC | PSR_I_BIT | PSR_F_BIT)
	msr		cpsr_c, lr				/* Switch to SVC mode */

	/* Create a context structure.  First set aside a stack frame
	 * and store r0-r12 into the frame.

	sub		sp, sp, #XCPTCONTEXT_SIZE
	stmia	sp, {r0-r12}			/* Save the SVC mode regs */

	/* Get the values for r15(pc) and CPSR in r3 and r4 */

	ldr		r0, .Ldaborttmp			/* Points to temp storage */
	ldmia	r0, {r3, r4}			/* Recover r3=lr_ABT, r4=spsr_ABT */

	/* Did we enter from user mode?  If so then we need get the values of
	 * USER mode r13(sp) and r14(lr) in r1 and r2.

	and		r1, r4, #PSR_MODE_MASK	/* Interrupted mode */
	cmp		r1, #PSR_MODE_USR		/* User mode? */
	bne		.Ldabtentersvc			/* Branch if not user mode */

	/* ldmia with ^ will return the user mode registers (provided that r15
	 * is not in the register list).

	stmia	r0, {r13, r14}^			/* Get user mode R13/R14 into scratch area */
	ldmia	r0, {r1, r2}			/* Then reload into R1 and R2 */
	b		.Ldabtcontinue

	/* Otherwise, get the correct values of SVC r13(sp) and r14(lr) in r1
	 * and r2.

	add		r1, sp, #XCPTCONTEXT_SIZE
	mov		r2, r14


	/* Get the correct values of SVC r13(sp) and r14(lr) in r1 and r2 */

	add		r1, sp, #XCPTCONTEXT_SIZE
	mov		r2, r14

	/* Save r13(sp), r14(lr), r15(pc), and the CPSR */

	add		r0, sp, #(4*REG_SP)		/* Offset to pc, cpsr storage */
	stmia	r0, {r1-r4}

	/* Then call the data abort handler with interrupts disabled.
	 * void arm_dataabort(struct xcptcontext *xcp)

	mov		fp, #0					/* Init frame pointer */
	mov		r0, sp					/* Get r0=xcp */
	mrc		CP15_DFAR(r1)			/* Get R1=DFAR */
	mrc		CP15_DFSR(r2)			/* Get r2=DFSR */
	mov		r4, sp					/* Save the SP in a preserved register */
	bic		sp, sp, #7				/* Force 8-byte alignment */
	bl		arm_dataabort			/* Call the handler */
	mov		sp, r4					/* Restore the possibly unaligned stack pointer */

	/* Upon return from arm_dataabort, r0 holds the pointer to the register
	 * state save area to use to restore the registers.  This may or may not
	 * be the same value that was passed to arm_dataabort:  It will differ if a
	 * context switch is required.

	/* Restore the CPSR, SVC mode registers and return */

	ldr		r1, [r0, #(4*REG_CPSR)]	/* Setup the SVC mode SPSR */
	msr		spsr_cxsf, r1			/* Establish the return mode SPSR */

	/* Did we enter from user mode?  If so then we need get the values of
	 * USER mode r13(sp) and r14(lr) in r1 and r2.

	and		r2, r1, #PSR_MODE_MASK	/* Interrupted mode */
	cmp		r2, #PSR_MODE_USR		/* User mode? */
	bne		.Ldabtleavesvc			/* Branch if not user mode */

	/* ldmia with ^ will return the user mode registers (provided that r15
	 * is not in the register list).

	add		r1, r0, #(4*REG_R13)	/* R1=address of R13/R14 storage */
	ldmia	r1, {r13, r14}^			/* Restore to user mode USER R13/R14 */
	ldmia	r0, {r0-R12,r15}^		/* Return */

	/* Life is simple when everything is SVC mode */

	ldmia	r0, {r1-r15}^			/* Return */

	.word	g_aborttmp
	.size	arm_vectordata, . - arm_vectordata

	.align	5

 * Name: arm_vectorprefetch
 * Description:
 *   This is the prefetch abort exception dispatcher. The ARM prefetch abort exception
 *   occurs when a memory fault is detected during an an instruction fetch.  This
 *   handler saves the current processor state and gives control to prefetch abort
 *   handler.  This function is entered in ABT mode with spsr = SVC CPSR, lr = SVC PC.

	.globl	arm_prefetchabort
	.globl	arm_vectorprefetch
	.type	arm_vectorprefetch, %function

	/* On entry we are free to use the ABORT mode registers
	 * r13 and r14

	ldr		r13, .Lpaborttmp		/* Points to temp storage */
	sub		lr, lr, #4				/* Fixup return */
	str		lr, [r13]				/* Save in temp storage */
	mrs		lr, spsr				/* Get SPSR */
	str		lr, [r13, #4]			/* Save in temp storage */

	/* Then switch back to SVC mode */

	bic		lr, lr, #PSR_MODE_MASK	/* Keep F and T bits */
	orr		lr, lr, #(PSR_MODE_SVC | PSR_I_BIT | PSR_F_BIT)
	msr		cpsr_c, lr				/* Switch to SVC mode */

	/* Create a context structure.  First set aside a stack frame
	 * and store r0-r12 into the frame.

	sub		sp, sp, #XCPTCONTEXT_SIZE
	stmia	sp, {r0-r12}			/* Save the SVC mode regs */

	/* Get the values for r15(pc) and CPSR in r3 and r4 */

	ldr		r0, .Lpaborttmp			/* Points to temp storage */
	ldmia	r0, {r3, r4}			/* Recover r3=lr_ABT, r4=spsr_ABT */

	/* Did we enter from user mode?  If so then we need get the values of
	 * USER mode r13(sp) and r14(lr) in r1 and r2.

	and		r1, r4, #PSR_MODE_MASK	/* Interrupted mode */
	cmp		r1, #PSR_MODE_USR		/* User mode? */
	bne		.Lpabtentersvc			/* Branch if not user mode */

	/* ldmia with ^ will return the user mode registers (provided that r15
	 * is not in the register list).

	stmia	r0, {r13, r14}^			/* Get user mode R13/R14 into scratch area */
	ldmia	r0, {r1, r2}			/* Then reload into R1 and R2 */
	b		.Lpabtcontinue

	/* Otherwise, get the correct values of SVC r13(sp) and r14(lr) in r1
	 * and r2.

	add		r1, sp, #XCPTCONTEXT_SIZE
	mov		r2, r14


	/* Get the correct values of SVC r13(sp) and r14(lr) in r1 and r2 */

	add		r1, sp, #XCPTCONTEXT_SIZE
	mov		r2, r14

	/* Save r13(sp), r14(lr), r15(pc), and the CPSR */

	add		r0, sp, #(4*REG_SP)		/* Offset to pc, cpsr storage */
	stmia	r0, {r1-r4}

	/* Then call the prefetch abort handler with interrupts disabled.
	 * void arm_prefetchabort(struct xcptcontext *xcp)

	mov		fp, #0					/* Init frame pointer */
	mov		r0, sp					/* Get r0=xcp */
	mrc		CP15_IFAR(r1)			/* Get R1=IFAR */
	mrc		CP15_IFSR(r2)			/* Get r2=IFSR */
	mov		r4, sp					/* Save the SP in a preserved register */
	bic		sp, sp, #7				/* Force 8-byte alignment */
	bl		arm_prefetchabort		/* Call the handler */
	mov		sp, r4					/* Restore the possibly unaligned stack pointer */

	/* Upon return from arm_prefetchabort, r0 holds the pointer to the register
	 * state save area to use to restore the registers.  This may or may not
	 * be the same value that was passed to arm_prefetchabort:  It will differ if a
	 * context switch is required.

	/* Restore the CPSR, SVC mode registers and return */

	ldr		r1, [r0, #(4*REG_CPSR)]	/* Setup the SVC mode SPSR */
	msr		spsr_cxsf, r1			/* Establish the return mode SPSR */

	/* Did we enter from user mode?  If so then we need get the values of
	 * USER mode r13(sp) and r14(lr) in r1 and r2.

	and		r2, r1, #PSR_MODE_MASK	/* Interrupted mode */
	cmp		r2, #PSR_MODE_USR		/* User mode? */
	bne		.Lpabtleavesvc			/* Branch if not user mode */

	/* ldmia with ^ will return the user mode registers (provided that r15
	 * is not in the register list).

	add		r1, r0, #(4*REG_R13)	/* R1=address of R13/R14 storage */
	ldmia	r1, {r13, r14}^			/* Restore to user mode USER R13/R14 */
	ldmia	r0, {r0-R12,r15}^		/* Return */

	/* Life is simple when everything is SVC mode */

	ldmia	r0, {r0-r15}^			/* Return */

	.word	g_aborttmp
	.size	arm_vectorprefetch, . - arm_vectorprefetch

	.align	5

 * Name: arm_vectorundefinsn
 * Description:
 *   Undefined instruction entry exception.  Entered in UND mode, spsr = SVC  CPSR,
 *   lr = SVC PC

	.globl	arm_undefinedinsn
	.globl	arm_vectorundefinsn
	.type	arm_vectorundefinsn, %function

	/* On entry we are free to use the UND mode registers
	 * r13 and r14

	ldr		r13, .Lundeftmp			/* Points to temp storage */
	str		lr, [r13]				/* Save in temp storage */
	mrs		lr, spsr				/* Get SPSR */
	str		lr, [r13, #4]			/* Save in temp storage */

	/* Then switch back to SVC mode */

	bic		lr, lr, #PSR_MODE_MASK	/* Keep F and T bits */
	orr		lr, lr, #(PSR_MODE_SVC | PSR_I_BIT | PSR_F_BIT)
	msr		cpsr_c, lr				/* Switch to SVC mode */

	/* Create a context structure.  First set aside a stack frame
	 * and store r0-r12 into the frame.

	sub		sp, sp, #XCPTCONTEXT_SIZE
	stmia	sp, {r0-r12}			/* Save the SVC mode regs */

	/* Get the values for r15(pc) and CPSR in r3 and r4 */

	ldr		r0, .Lundeftmp			/* Points to temp storage */
	ldmia	r0, {r3, r4}			/* Recover r3=lr_UND, r4=spsr_UND */

	/* Did we enter from user mode?  If so then we need get the values of
	 * USER mode r13(sp) and r14(lr) in r1 and r2.

	and		r1, r4, #PSR_MODE_MASK	/* Interrupted mode */
	cmp		r1, #PSR_MODE_USR		/* User mode? */
	bne		.Lundefentersvc			/* Branch if not user mode */

	/* ldmia with ^ will return the user mode registers (provided that r15
	 * is not in the register list).

	stmia	r0, {r13, r14}^			/* Get user mode R13/R14 into scratch area */
	ldmia	r0, {r1, r2}			/* Then reload into R1 and R2 */
	b		.Lundefcontinue

	/* Otherwise, get the correct values of SVC r13(sp) and r14(lr) in r1
	 * and r2.

	add		r1, sp, #XCPTCONTEXT_SIZE
	mov		r2, r14


	/* Get the correct values of SVC r13(sp) and r14(lr) in r1 and r2 */

	add		r1, sp, #XCPTCONTEXT_SIZE
	mov		r2, r14

	/* Save r13(sp), r14(lr), r15(pc), and the CPSR */

	add		r0, sp, #(4*REG_SP)		/* Offset to pc, cpsr storage */
	stmia	r0, {r1-r4}

	/* Then call the undef insn handler with interrupts disabled.
	 * void arm_undefinedinsn(struct xcptcontext *xcp)

	mov		fp, #0					/* Init frame pointer */
	mov		r0, sp					/* Get r0=xcp */
	mov		r4, sp					/* Save the SP in a preserved register */
	bic		sp, sp, #7				/* Force 8-byte alignment */
	bl		arm_undefinedinsn		/* Call the handler */
	mov		sp, r4					/* Restore the possibly unaligned stack pointer */

	/* Upon return from arm_undefinedinsn, r0 holds the pointer to the register
	 * state save area to use to restore the registers.  This may or may not
	 * be the same value that was passed to arm_undefinedinsn:  It will differ if a
	 * context switch is required.

	/* Restore the CPSR, SVC mode registers and return */

	ldr		r1, [r0, #(4*REG_CPSR)]	/* Setup the SVC mode SPSR */
	msr		spsr_cxsf, r1			/* Establish the return mode SPSR */

	/* Did we enter from user mode?  If so then we need get the values of
	 * USER mode r13(sp) and r14(lr) in r1 and r2.

	and		r2, r1, #PSR_MODE_MASK	/* Interrupted mode */
	cmp		r2, #PSR_MODE_USR		/* User mode? */
	bne		.Lundefleavesvc			/* Branch if not user mode */

	/* ldmia with ^ will return the user mode registers (provided that r15
	 * is not in the register list).

	add		r1, r0, #(4*REG_R13)	/* R1=address of R13/R14 storage */
	ldmia	r1, {r13, r14}^			/* Restore to user mode USER R13/R14 */
	ldmia	r0, {r0-R12,r15}^		/* Return */

	/* Life is simple when everything is SVC mode */

	ldmia	r0, {r0-r15}^			/* Return */

	.word	g_undeftmp
	.size	arm_vectorundefinsn, . - arm_vectorundefinsn

	.align	5

 * Name: arm_vectorfiq
 * Description:
 *   Shouldn't happen unless a arm_decodefiq() is provided.  FIQ is primarily used
 *   with the TrustZone feature in order to handle secure interrupts.

	.globl	arm_decodefiq
	.globl	arm_vectorfiq
	.type	arm_vectorfiq, %function

	/* On entry we are free to use the FIQ mode registers r8 through r14 */

	ldr		r13, .Lfiqtmp			/* Points to temp storage */
	sub		lr, lr, #4				/* Fixup return */
	str		lr, [r13]				/* Save in temp storage */
	mrs		lr, spsr				/* Get SPSR_fiq */
	str		lr, [r13, #4]			/* Save in temp storage */

	/* Then switch back to SVC mode */

	bic		lr, lr, #PSR_MODE_MASK	/* Keep F and T bits */
	orr		lr, lr, #(PSR_MODE_SVC | PSR_I_BIT | PSR_F_BIT)
	msr		cpsr_c, lr				/* Switch to SVC mode */

	/* Create a context structure.  First set aside a stack frame
	 * and store r0-r12 into the frame.

	sub		sp, sp, #XCPTCONTEXT_SIZE
	stmia	sp, {r0-r12}			/* Save the SVC mode regs */

	/* Get the values for r15(pc) and CPSR in r3 and r4 */

	ldr		r0, .Lfiqtmp			/* Points to temp storage */
	ldmia	r0, {r3, r4}			/* Recover r3=lr_SVC, r4=spsr_SVC */

	/* Did we enter from user mode?  If so then we need get the values of
	 * USER mode r13(sp) and r14(lr) in r1 and r2.

	and		r1, r4, #PSR_MODE_MASK	/* Interrupted mode */
	cmp		r1, #PSR_MODE_USR		/* User mode? */
	bne		.Lfiqentersvc			/* Branch if not user mode */

	/* ldmia with ^ will return the user mode registers (provided that r15
	 * is not in the register list).

	stmia	r0, {r13, r14}^			/* Get user mode R13/R14 into scratch area */
	ldmia	r0, {r1, r2}			/* Then reload into R1 and R2 */
	b		.Lfiqcontinue

	/* Otherwise, get the correct values of SVC r13(sp) and r14(lr) in r1
	 * and r2.

	add		r1, sp, #XCPTCONTEXT_SIZE
	mov		r2, r14


	/* Get the correct values of SVC r13(sp) and r14(lr) in r1 and r2 */

	add		r1, sp, #XCPTCONTEXT_SIZE
	mov		r2, r14

	/* Save r13(sp), r14(lr), r15(pc), and the CPSR */

	add		r0, sp, #(4*REG_SP)		/* Offset to pc, cpsr storage */
	stmia	r0, {r1-r4}

	/* Then call the IRQ handler with interrupts disabled. */

	mov		fp, #0					/* Init frame pointer */
	mov		r0, sp					/* Get r0=xcp */

	ldr		sp, .Lfiqstackbase		/* SP = interrupt stack base */
	str		r0, [sp]				/* Save the user stack pointer */
	mov		r4, sp					/* Save the SP in a preserved register */
	bic		sp, sp, #7				/* Force 8-byte alignment */
	bl		arm_decodefiq			/* Call the handler */
	ldr		sp, [r4]				/* Restore the user stack pointer */
	mov		r4, sp					/* Save the SP in a preserved register */
	bic		sp, sp, #7				/* Force 8-byte alignment */
	bl		arm_decodefiq			/* Call the handler */
	mov		sp, r4					/* Restore the possibly unaligned stack pointer */

	/* Upon return from arm_decodefiq, r0 holds the pointer to the register
	 * state save area to use to restore the registers.  This may or may not
	 * be the same value that was passed to arm_decodefiq:  It will differ if a
	 * context switch is required.

	/* Restore the CPSR, SVC mode registers and return */

	ldr		r1, [r0, #(4*REG_CPSR)]	/* Setup the SVC mode SPSR */
	msr		spsr, r1				/* Establish the return mode SPSR */

	/* Did we enter from user mode?  If so then we need get the values of
	 * USER mode r13(sp) and r14(lr) in r1 and r2.

	and		r2, r1, #PSR_MODE_MASK	/* Interrupted mode */
	cmp		r2, #PSR_MODE_USR		/* User mode? */
	bne		.Lfiqleavesvc			/* Branch if not user mode */

	/* ldmia with ^ will return the user mode registers (provided that r15
	 * is not in the register list).

	add		r1, r0, #(4*REG_R13)	/* R1=address of R13/R14 storage */
	ldmia	r1, {r13, r14}^			/* Restore to user mode USER R13/R14 */
	ldmia	r0, {r0-R12,r15}^		/* Return */

	/* Life is simple when everything is SVC mode */

	ldmia	r0, {r0-r15}^			/* Return */

	.word	g_fiqtmp
	.word	g_intstackbase

	subs	pc, lr, #4
	.size	arm_vectorfiq, . - arm_vectorfiq

 *  Name: g_intstackalloc/g_intstackbase

	.align	4

	.globl	g_intstackalloc
	.type	g_intstackalloc, object
	.globl	g_intstackbase
	.type	g_intstackbase, object

	.skip	4
	.size	g_intstackbase, 4
	.size	g_intstackalloc, (CONFIG_ARCH_INTERRUPTSTACK & ~3)
