diff options
authorAdriaan Moors <>2014-03-10 16:58:12 -0700
committerAdriaan Moors <>2014-03-10 16:58:12 -0700
commitb44c5980ac2f1e330acd522badabb01f5eb50c06 (patch)
parent9dec37b50be3288822b9c7c0cb5c4d263f3d05e7 (diff)
github markdown: code blocks
14 files changed, 696 insertions, 696 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 0bbf47fc80..7f4614f387 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ to Scala mode, and literal characters ‘c’ refer to the ASCII fragment
In Scala mode, _Unicode escapes_ are replaced by the corresponding
Unicode character with the given hexadecimal code.
UnicodeEscape ::= \{\\}u{u} hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit
hexDigit ::= ‘0’ | … | ‘9’ | ‘A’ | … | ‘F’ | ‘a’ | … | ‘f’
To construct tokens, characters are distinguished according to the following
classes (Unicode general category given in parentheses):
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ classes (Unicode general category given in parentheses):
## Identifiers
op ::= opchar {opchar}
varid ::= lower idrest
plainid ::= upper idrest
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ plainid ::= upper idrest
id ::= plainid
| ‘`’ stringLit ‘`’
idrest ::= {letter | digit} [‘_’ op]
There are three ways to form an identifier. First, an identifier can
start with a letter which can be followed by an arbitrary sequence of
@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ of all characters excluding the backquotes themselves.
As usual, a longest match rule applies. For instance, the string
decomposes into the three identifiers `big_bob`, `++=`, and
`def`. The rules for pattern matching further distinguish between
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ identifiers which contain ‘\$’ characters.
The following names are reserved words instead of being members of the
syntactic class `id` of lexical identifiers.
abstract case catch class def
do else extends false final
finally for forSome if implicit
@@ -86,18 +86,18 @@ return sealed super this throw
trait try true type val
var while with yield
_ : = => <- <: <% >: # @
The Unicode operators \\u21D2 ‘$\Rightarrow$’ and \\u2190 ‘$\leftarrow$’, which have the ASCII
equivalents ‘=>’ and ‘<-’, are also reserved.
(@) Here are examples of identifiers:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
x Object maxIndex p2p empty_?
+ `yield` αρετη _y dot_product_*
__system _MAX_LEN_
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
(@) Backquote-enclosed strings are a solution when one needs to
access Java identifiers that are reserved words in Scala. For
@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@ equivalents ‘=>’ and ‘<-’, are also reserved.
## Newline Characters
semi ::= ‘;’ | nl {nl}
Scala is a line-oriented language where statements may be terminated by
semi-colons or newlines. A newline in a Scala source text is treated
@@ -123,19 +123,19 @@ as the special token “nl” if the three following criteria are satisfied:
The tokens that can terminate a statement are: literals, identifiers
and the following delimiters and reserved words:
this null true false return type <xml-start>
_ ) ] }
The tokens that can begin a statement are all Scala tokens _except_
the following delimiters and reserved words:
catch else extends finally forSome match
with yield , . ; : = => <- <: <%
>: # [ ) ] }
A `case` token can begin a statement only if followed by a
`class` or `object` token.
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ A single new line token is accepted
on two lines. The newline tokens between the two lines are not
treated as statement separators.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
if (x > 0)
x = x - 1
@@ -214,23 +214,23 @@ A single new line token is accepted
IntList = List[Int]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
(@) The following code designates an anonymous class:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
new Iterator[Int]
private var x = 0
def hasNext = true
def next = { x += 1; x }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
With an additional newline character, the same code is interpreted as
an object creation followed by a local block:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
new Iterator[Int]
@@ -238,56 +238,56 @@ A single new line token is accepted
def hasNext = true
def next = { x += 1; x }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
(@) The following code designates a single expression:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
x < 0 ||
x > 10
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
With an additional newline character, the same code is interpreted as
two expressions:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
x < 0 ||
x > 10
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
(@) The following code designates a single, curried function definition:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def func(x: Int)
(y: Int) = x + y
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
With an additional newline character, the same code is interpreted as
an abstract function definition and a syntactically illegal statement:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def func(x: Int)
(y: Int) = x + y
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
(@) The following code designates an attributed definition:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
protected class Data { ... }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
With an additional newline character, the same code is interpreted as
an attribute and a separate statement (which is syntactically
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
protected class Data { ... }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
## Literals
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ each case as in Java.
particular float and double.
Literal ::= [‘-’] integerLiteral
| [‘-’] floatingPointLiteral
| booleanLiteral
@@ -309,12 +309,12 @@ Literal ::= [‘-’] integerLiteral
| stringLiteral
| symbolLiteral
| ‘null’
### Integer Literals
integerLiteral ::= (decimalNumeral | hexNumeral | octalNumeral)
[‘L’ | ‘l’]
decimalNumeral ::= ‘0’ | nonZeroDigit {digit}
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ octalNumeral ::= ‘0’ octalDigit {octalDigit}
digit ::= ‘0’ | nonZeroDigit
nonZeroDigit ::= ‘1’ | … | ‘9’
octalDigit ::= ‘0’ | … | ‘7’
Integer literals are usually of type `Int`, or of type
`Long` when followed by a `L` or
@@ -347,21 +347,21 @@ is _pt_. The numeric ranges given by these types are:
(@) Here are some integer literals:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
0 21 0xFFFFFFFF 0777L
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
### Floating Point Literals
floatingPointLiteral ::= digit {digit} ‘.’ {digit} [exponentPart] [floatType]
| ‘.’ digit {digit} [exponentPart] [floatType]
| digit {digit} exponentPart [floatType]
| digit {digit} [exponentPart] floatType
exponentPart ::= (‘E’ | ‘e’) [‘+’ | ‘-’] digit {digit}
floatType ::= ‘F’ | ‘f’ | ‘D’ | ‘d’
Floating point literals are of type `Float` when followed by
a floating point type suffix `F` or `f`, and are
@@ -376,9 +376,9 @@ whitespace character between the two tokens.
(@) Here are some floating point literals:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
0.0 1e30f 3.14159f 1.0e-100 .1
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
(@) The phrase `1.toString` parses as three different tokens:
`1`, `.`, and `toString`. On the
@@ -389,9 +389,9 @@ whitespace character between the two tokens.
### Boolean Literals
booleanLiteral ::= ‘true’ | ‘false’
The boolean literals `true` and `false` are
members of type `Boolean`.
@@ -399,10 +399,10 @@ members of type `Boolean`.
### Character Literals
characterLiteral ::= ‘'’ printableChar ‘'’
| ‘'’ charEscapeSeq ‘'’
A character literal is a single character enclosed in quotes.
The character is either a printable unicode character or is described
@@ -410,9 +410,9 @@ by an [escape sequence](#escape-sequences).
(@) Here are some character literals:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
'a' '\u0041' '\n' '\t'
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Note that `'\u000A'` is _not_ a valid character literal because
Unicode conversion is done before literal parsing and the Unicode
@@ -423,10 +423,10 @@ the octal escape `'\12'` ([see here](#escape-sequences)).
### String Literals
stringLiteral ::= ‘\"’ {stringElement} ‘\"’
stringElement ::= printableCharNoDoubleQuote | charEscapeSeq
A string literal is a sequence of characters in double quotes. The
characters are either printable unicode character or are described by
@@ -437,17 +437,17 @@ class `String`.
(@) Here are some string literals:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
"This string contains a \" character."
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
#### Multi-Line String Literals
stringLiteral ::= ‘"""’ multiLineChars ‘"""’
multiLineChars ::= {[‘"’] [‘"’] charNoDoubleQuote} {‘"’}
A multi-line string literal is a sequence of characters enclosed in
triple quotes `""" ... """`. The sequence of characters is
@@ -459,37 +459,37 @@ of the escape sequences [here](#escape-sequences) are interpreted.
(@) Here is a multi-line string literal:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
"""the present string
spans three
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
This would produce the string:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
the present string
spans three
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
The Scala library contains a utility method `stripMargin`
which can be used to strip leading whitespace from multi-line strings.
The expression
"""the present string
spans three
evaluates to
the present string
spans three
Method `stripMargin` is defined in class
@@ -524,20 +524,20 @@ string literal does not start a valid escape sequence.
### Symbol literals
symbolLiteral ::= ‘'’ plainid
A symbol literal `'x` is a shorthand for the expression
`scala.Symbol("x")`. `Symbol` is a [case class](#case-classes),
which is defined as follows.
package scala
final case class Symbol private (name: String) {
override def toString: String = "'" + name
The `apply` method of `Symbol`'s companion object
caches weak references to `Symbol`s, thus ensuring that
@@ -568,11 +568,11 @@ angle bracket '<' in the following circumstance: The '<' must be
preceded either by whitespace, an opening parenthesis or an opening
brace and immediately followed by a character starting an XML name.
( whitespace | ‘(’ | ‘{’ ) ‘<’ (XNameStart | ‘!’ | ‘?’)
XNameStart ::= ‘_’ | BaseChar | Ideographic // as in W3C XML, but without ‘:’
The scanner switches from XML mode to Scala mode if either
@@ -591,11 +591,11 @@ as text.
(@) The following value definition uses an XML literal with two embedded
Scala expressions
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
val b = <book>
<title>The Scala Language Specification</title>
<authors>{scalaBook.authors.mkList("", ", ", "")}</authors>
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
diff --git a/ b/
index e4b92d2a8b..a102043691 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ scopes.
Note that shadowing is only a partial order. In a situation like
val x = 1;
{ import p.x;
x }
neither binding of `x` shadows the other. Consequently, the
reference to `x` in the third line above would be ambiguous.
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ of the referenced entity.
(@) Assume the following two definitions of a objects named
`X` in packages `P` and `Q`.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
package P {
object X { val x = 1; val y = 2 }
@@ -65,12 +65,12 @@ of the referenced entity.
package Q {
object X { val x = true; val y = "" }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
The following program illustrates different kinds of bindings and
precedences between them.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
package P { // `X' bound by package clause
import Console._ // `println' bound by wildcard import
object A {
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ of the referenced entity.
// println("L19: "+y) // reference to `y' is ambiguous here
println("L20: "+x) // `x' refers to string ``abc'' here
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
A reference to a qualified (type- or term-) identifier $e.x$ refers to
the member of the type $T$ of $e$ which has the name $x$ in the same
diff --git a/ b/
index 03be174d75..9dd5ed9690 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Types
Type ::= FunctionArgTypes ‘=>’ Type
| InfixType [ExistentialClause]
FunctionArgTypes ::= InfixType
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
| ‘(’ Types ‘)’
TypeArgs ::= ‘[’ Types ‘]’
Types ::= Type {‘,’ Type}
We distinguish between first-order types and type constructors, which
take type parameters and yield types. A subset of first-order types
@@ -60,14 +60,14 @@ the corresponding anonymous type function directly.
## Paths
Path ::= StableId
| [id ‘.’] this
StableId ::= id
| Path ‘.’ id
| [id ‘.’] ‘super’ [ClassQualifier] ‘.’ id
ClassQualifier ::= ‘[’ id ‘]’
Paths are not types themselves, but they can be a part of named types
and in that function form a central role in Scala's type system.
@@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ forms.
### Singleton Types
SimpleType ::= Path ‘.’ type
A singleton type is of the form `$p$.type`, where $p$ is a
path pointing to a value expected to [conform](#expression-typing)
@@ -111,9 +111,9 @@ declared to be a subtype of trait `scala.Singleton`.
### Type Projection
SimpleType ::= SimpleType ‘#’ id
A type projection `$T$#$x$` references the type member named
$x$ of type $T$.
@@ -126,9 +126,9 @@ If $x$ references an abstract type member, then $T$ must be a
### Type Designators
SimpleType ::= StableId
A type designator refers to a named value type. It can be simple or
qualified. All such type designators are shorthands for type projections.
@@ -157,10 +157,10 @@ equivalent to the type projection `p.type#t`.
### Parameterized Types
SimpleType ::= SimpleType TypeArgs
TypeArgs ::= ‘[’ Types ‘]’
A parameterized type $T[ U_1 , \ldots , U_n ]$ consists of a type
designator $T$ and type parameters $U_1 , \ldots , U_n$ where
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ substitution $[ a_1 := T_1 , \ldots , a_n := T_n ]$.
(@param-types) Given the partial type definitions:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
class TreeMap[A <: Comparable[A], B] { … }
class List[A] { … }
class I extends Comparable[I] { … }
@@ -183,23 +183,23 @@ substitution $[ a_1 := T_1 , \ldots , a_n := T_n ]$.
class F[M[_], X] { … }
class S[K <: String] { … }
class G[M[ Z <: I ], I] { … }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
the following parameterized types are well formed:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
TreeMap[I, String]
F[List, Int]
G[S, String]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
(@) Given the type definitions of (@param-types),
the following types are ill-formed:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
TreeMap[I] // illegal: wrong number of parameters
TreeMap[List[I], Int] // illegal: type parameter not within bound
@@ -210,13 +210,13 @@ substitution $[ a_1 := T_1 , \ldots , a_n := T_n ]$.
// conform to String,
// G expects type constructor with a parameter
// that conforms to Int
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
### Tuple Types
SimpleType ::= ‘(’ Types ‘)’
A tuple type $(T_1 , \ldots , T_n)$ is an alias for the
class `scala.Tuple$_n$[$T_1$, … , $T_n$]`, where $n \geq 2$.
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ class and product trait are defined at least as follows in the
standard Scala library (they might also add other methods and
implement other traits).
case class Tuple$n$[+T1, … , +$T_n$](_1: T1, … , _n: $T_n$)
extends Product_n[T1, … , $T_n$]
@@ -238,13 +238,13 @@ trait Product_n[+T1, … , +$T_n$] {
def _n: $T_n$
### Annotated Types
AnnotType ::= SimpleType {Annotation}
An annotated type $T$ `$a_1 , \ldots , a_n$`
attaches [annotations](#user-defined-annotations)
@@ -253,21 +253,21 @@ $a_1 , \ldots , a_n$ to the type $T$.
(@) The following type adds the `@suspendable` annotation to the type
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
String @suspendable
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
### Compound Types
CompoundType ::= AnnotType {‘with’ AnnotType} [Refinement]
| Refinement
Refinement ::= [nl] ‘{’ RefineStat {semi RefineStat} ‘}’
RefineStat ::= Dcl
| ‘type’ TypeDef
A compound type `$T_1$ with … with $T_n$ { $R$ }`
represents objects with members as given in the component types
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ equivalent to `AnyRef{ R }`.
(@) The following example shows how to declare and use a function which
parameter's type contains a refinement with structural declarations.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
case class Bird (val name: String) extends Object {
def fly(height: Int) = …
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ equivalent to `AnyRef{ R }`.
val a380 = new Plane("TZ-987")
takeoff(42, bird)
takeoff(89, a380)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Although `Bird` and `Plane` do not share any parent class other than
`Object`, the parameter _r_ of function `takeoff` is defined using a
@@ -330,9 +330,9 @@ equivalent to `AnyRef{ R }`.
### Infix Types
InfixType ::= CompoundType {id [nl] CompoundType}
An infix type `$T_1$ \mathit{op} $T_2$` consists of an infix
operator $\mathit{op}$ which gets applied to two type operands $T_1$ and
@@ -359,11 +359,11 @@ $t_0 \mathit{op_1} (t_1 \mathit{op_2} ( \ldots \mathit{op_n} t_n) \ldots)$.
### Function Types
Type ::= FunctionArgs ‘=>’ Type
FunctionArgs ::= InfixType
| ‘(’ [ ParamType {‘,’ ParamType } ] ‘)’
The type $(T_1 , \ldots , T_n) \Rightarrow U$ represents the set of function
values that take arguments of types $T1 , \ldots , Tn$ and yield
@@ -382,26 +382,26 @@ $(T_1 , \ldots , T_n) \Rightarrow U$ is a shorthand for the class type
`Function$_n$[T1 , … , $T_n$, U]`. Such class
types are defined in the Scala library for $n$ between 0 and 9 as follows.
package scala
trait Function_n[-T1 , … , -T$_n$, +R] {
def apply(x1: T1 , … , x$_n$: T$_n$): R
override def toString = "<function>"
Hence, function types are [covariant](#variance-annotations) in their
result type and contravariant in their argument types.
### Existential Types
Type ::= InfixType ExistentialClauses
ExistentialClauses ::= ‘forSome’ ‘{’ ExistentialDcl
{semi ExistentialDcl} ‘}’
ExistentialDcl ::= ‘type’ TypeDcl
| ‘val’ ValDcl
An existential type has the form `$T$ forSome { $Q$ }`
where $Q$ is a sequence of
@@ -464,9 +464,9 @@ fresh type name and $T'$ results from $T$ by replacing every occurrence of
#### Placeholder Syntax for Existential Types
WildcardType ::= ‘_’ TypeBounds
Scala supports a placeholder syntax for existential types.
A _wildcard type_ is of the form `_$\;$>:$\,L\,$<:$\,U$`. Both bound
@@ -484,9 +484,9 @@ $T$ is a wildcard type `_$\;$>:$\,L\,$<:$\,U$`. Then $T$ is equivalent to the
$p.c[\mathit{targs},t,\mathit{targs}']$ forSome { type $t$ >: $L$ <: $U$ }
where $t$ is some fresh type variable.
Wildcard types may also appear as parts of [infix types](#infix-types)
@@ -497,49 +497,49 @@ type.
(@) Assume the class definitions
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
class Ref[T]
abstract class Outer { type T } .
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Here are some examples of existential types:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Ref[T] forSome { type T <: java.lang.Number }
Ref[x.T] forSome { val x: Outer }
Ref[x_type # T] forSome { type x_type <: Outer with Singleton }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
The last two types in this list are equivalent.
An alternative formulation of the first type above using wildcard syntax is:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Ref[_ <: java.lang.Number]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
(@) The type `List[List[_]]` is equivalent to the existential type
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
List[List[t] forSome { type t }] .
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
(@) Assume a covariant type
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
class List[+T]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
The type
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
List[T] forSome { type T <: java.lang.Number }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
is equivalent (by simplification rule 4 above) to
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
List[java.lang.Number] forSome { type T <: java.lang.Number }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
which is in turn equivalent (by simplification rules 2 and 3 above) to
@@ -575,19 +575,19 @@ corresponding function type.
(@) The declarations
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def a: Int
def b (x: Int): Boolean
def c (x: Int) (y: String, z: String): String
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
produce the typings
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
a: => Int
b: (Int) Boolean
c: (Int) (String, String) String
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
### Polymorphic Method Types
@@ -603,17 +603,17 @@ take type arguments `$S_1 , \ldots , S_n$` which
(@) The declarations
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def empty[A]: List[A]
def union[A <: Comparable[A]] (x: Set[A], xs: Set[A]): Set[A]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
produce the typings
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
empty : [A >: Nothing <: Any] List[A]
union : [A >: Nothing <: Comparable[A]] (x: Set[A], xs: Set[A]) Set[A] .
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
### Type Constructors
@@ -626,11 +626,11 @@ the corresponding type parameter clause.
(@) Consider this fragment of the `Iterable[+X]` class:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
trait Iterable[+X] {
def flatMap[newType[+X] <: Iterable[X], S](f: X => newType[S]): newType[S]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Conceptually, the type constructor `Iterable` is a name for the
anonymous type `[+X] Iterable[X]`, which may be passed to the
@@ -884,11 +884,11 @@ are understood to be relative to that order.
> of a set of types does not always exist. For instance, consider
> the class definitions
class A[+T] {}
class B extends A[B]
class C extends A[C]
> Then the types `A[Any], A[A[Any]], A[A[A[Any]]], ...` form
> a descending sequence of upper bounds for `B` and `C`. The
@@ -920,14 +920,14 @@ to a type $T$, written $S <:_w
T$, if $S <: T$ or both $S$ and $T$ are primitive number types
and $S$ precedes $T$ in the following ordering.
Byte $<:_w$ Short
Short $<:_w$ Int
Char $<:_w$ Int
Int $<:_w$ Long
Long $<:_w$ Float
Float $<:_w$ Double
A _weak least upper bound_ is a least upper bound with respect to
weak conformance.
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index accf4400a1..21a3956916 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Basic Declarations and Definitions
Dcl ::= ‘val’ ValDcl
| ‘var’ VarDcl
| ‘def’ FunDcl
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Def ::= PatVarDef
| ‘def’ FunDef
| ‘type’ {nl} TypeDef
| TmplDef
A _declaration_ introduces names and assigns them types. It can
form part of a [class definition](#templates) or of a
@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ between and including $s_i$ and $s_j$,
## Value Declarations and Definitions
Dcl ::= ‘val’ ValDcl
ValDcl ::= ids ‘:’ Type
PatVarDef ::= ‘val’ PatDef
PatDef ::= Pattern2 {‘,’ Pattern2} [‘:’ Type] ‘=’ Expr
ids ::= id {‘,’ id}
A value declaration `val $x$: $T$` introduces $x$ as a name of a value of
type $T$.
@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ its right hand side $e$ the first time the value is accessed.
A _constant value definition_ is of the form
final val x = e
where `e` is a [constant expression](#constant-expressions).
The `final` modifier must be
@@ -80,45 +80,45 @@ value definition `val $p$ = $e$` is expanded as follows:
1. If the pattern $p$ has bound variables $x_1 , \ldots , x_n$, where $n > 1$:
val $\$ x$ = $e$ match {case $p$ => ($x_1 , \ldots , x_n$)}
val $x_1$ = $\$ x$._1
val $x_n$ = $\$ x$._n .
Here, $\$ x$ is a fresh name.
2. If $p$ has a unique bound variable $x$:
val $x$ = $e$ match { case $p$ => $x$ }
3. If $p$ has no bound variables:
$e$ match { case $p$ => ()}
(@) The following are examples of value definitions
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
val pi = 3.1415
val pi: Double = 3.1415 // equivalent to first definition
val Some(x) = f() // a pattern definition
val x :: xs = mylist // an infix pattern definition
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
The last two definitions have the following expansions.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
val x = f() match { case Some(x) => x }
val x$\$$ = mylist match { case x :: xs => (x, xs) }
val x = x$\$$._1
val xs = x$\$$._2
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
The name of any declared or defined value may not end in `_=`.
@@ -133,22 +133,22 @@ sequence of value definitions `val $p_1: T$ = $e$; ...; val $p_n: T$ = $e$`.
## Variable Declarations and Definitions
Dcl ::= ‘var’ VarDcl
PatVarDef ::= ‘var’ VarDef
VarDcl ::= ids ‘:’ Type
VarDef ::= PatDef
| ids ‘:’ Type ‘=’ ‘_’
A variable declaration `var $x$: $T$` is equivalent to declarations
of a _getter function_ $x$ and a _setter function_
`$x$_=`, defined as follows:
def $x$: $T$
def $x$_= ($y$: $T$): Unit
An implementation of a class containing variable declarations
may define these variables using variable definitions, or it may
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ a template member.
values to be assigned to these fields. The user code, on the other
hand, accesses these fields just like normal variables.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
class TimeOfDayVar {
private var h: Int = 0
private var m: Int = 0
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ a template member.
val d = new TimeOfDayVar
d.hours = 8; d.minutes = 30; d.seconds = 0
d.hours = 25 // throws a DateError exception
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
A variable declaration `var $x_1 , \ldots , x_n$: $T$` is a shorthand for the
@@ -237,12 +237,12 @@ the sequence of variable definitions
<!-- TODO: Higher-kinded tdecls should have a separate section -->
Dcl ::= ‘type’ {nl} TypeDcl
TypeDcl ::= id [TypeParamClause] [‘>:’ Type] [‘<:’ Type]
Def ::= type {nl} TypeDef
TypeDef ::= id [TypeParamClause] ‘=’ Type
A _type declaration_ `type $t$[$\mathit{tps}\,$] >: $L$ <: $U$` declares
$t$ to be an abstract type with lower bound type $L$ and upper bound
@@ -285,16 +285,16 @@ an abstract type is directly or indirectly its own upper or lower bound.
(@) The following are legal type declarations and definitions:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
type IntList = List[Integer]
type T <: Comparable[T]
type Two[A] = Tuple2[A, A]
type MyCollection[+X] <: Iterable[X]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
The following are illegal:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
type Abs = Comparable[Abs] // recursive type alias
type S <: T // S, T are bounded by themselves.
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ an abstract type is directly or indirectly its own upper or lower bound.
// T is a type, not a value
type MyCollection <: Iterable // Type constructor members must explicitly
// state their type parameters.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
If a type alias `type $t$[$\mathit{tps}\,$] = $S$` refers to a class type
$S$, the name $t$ can also be used as a constructor for
@@ -313,30 +313,30 @@ objects of type $S$.
(@) The `Predef` object contains a definition which establishes `Pair`
as an alias of the parameterized class `Tuple2`:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
type Pair[+A, +B] = Tuple2[A, B]
object Pair {
def apply[A, B](x: A, y: B) = Tuple2(x, y)
def unapply[A, B](x: Tuple2[A, B]): Option[Tuple2[A, B]] = Some(x)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
As a consequence, for any two types $S$ and $T$, the type
`Pair[$S$, $T\,$]` is equivalent to the type `Tuple2[$S$, $T\,$]`.
`Pair` can also be used as a constructor instead of `Tuple2`, as in:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
val x: Pair[Int, String] = new Pair(1, "abc")
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
## Type Parameters
TypeParamClause ::= ‘[’ VariantTypeParam {‘,’ VariantTypeParam} ‘]’
VariantTypeParam ::= {Annotation} [‘+’ | ‘-’] TypeParam
TypeParam ::= (id | ‘_’) [TypeParamClause] [‘>:’ Type] [‘<:’ Type] [‘:’ Type]
Type parameters appear in type definitions, class definitions, and
function definitions. In this section we consider only type parameter
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ The above scoping restrictions are generalized to the case of nested type parame
(@) Here are some well-formed type parameter clauses:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
[S, T]
[@specialized T, U]
[Ex <: Throwable]
@@ -381,16 +381,16 @@ The above scoping restrictions are generalized to the case of nested type parame
[M[_], N[_]] // equivalent to previous clause
[M[X <: Bound[X]], Bound[_]]
[M[+X] <: Iterable[X]]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
The following type parameter clauses are illegal:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
[A >: A] // illegal, `A' has itself as bound
[A <: B, B <: C, C <: A] // illegal, `A' has itself as bound
[A, B, C >: A <: B] // illegal lower bound `A' of `C' does
// not conform to upper bound `B'.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
## Variance Annotations
@@ -444,67 +444,67 @@ appear anywhere without restricting its legal variance annotations.
(@) The following variance annotation is legal.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
abstract class P[+A, +B] {
def fst: A; def snd: B
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
With this variance annotation, type instances
of $P$ subtype covariantly with respect to their arguments.
For instance,
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
P[IOException, String] <: P[Throwable, AnyRef]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
If the members of $P$ are mutable variables,
the same variance annotation becomes illegal.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
abstract class Q[+A, +B](x: A, y: B) {
var fst: A = x // **** error: illegal variance:
var snd: B = y // `A', `B' occur in invariant position.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
If the mutable variables are object-private, the class definition
becomes legal again:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
abstract class R[+A, +B](x: A, y: B) {
private[this] var fst: A = x // OK
private[this] var snd: B = y // OK
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
(@) The following variance annotation is illegal, since $a$ appears
in contravariant position in the parameter of `append`:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
abstract class Sequence[+A] {
def append(x: Sequence[A]): Sequence[A]
// **** error: illegal variance:
// `A' occurs in contravariant position.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
The problem can be avoided by generalizing the type of `append`
by means of a lower bound:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
abstract class Sequence[+A] {
def append[B >: A](x: Sequence[B]): Sequence[B]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
(@) Here is a case where a contravariant type parameter is useful.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
abstract class OutputChannel[-A] {
def write(x: A): Unit
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
With that annotation, we have that
`OutputChannel[AnyRef]` conforms to `OutputChannel[String]`.
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ appear anywhere without restricting its legal variance annotations.
## Function Declarations and Definitions
Dcl ::= ‘def’ FunDcl
FunDcl ::= FunSig ‘:’ Type
Def ::= ‘def’ FunDef
@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ Param ::= {Annotation} id [‘:’ ParamType] [‘=’ Expr]
ParamType ::= Type
| ‘=>’ Type
| Type ‘*’
A function declaration has the form `def $f\,\mathit{psig}$: $T$`, where
$f$ is the function's name, $\mathit{psig}$ is its parameter
@@ -581,27 +581,27 @@ be pairwise distinct.
(@) In the method
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def compare[T](a: T = 0)(b: T = a) = (a == b)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
the default expression `0` is type-checked with an undefined expected
type. When applying `compare()`, the default value `0` is inserted
and `T` is instantiated to `Int`. The methods computing the default
arguments have the form:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def compare$\$$default$\$$1[T]: Int = 0
def compare$\$$default$\$$2[T](a: T): T = a
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
### By-Name Parameters
ParamType ::= ‘=>’ Type
The type of a value parameter may be prefixed by `=>`, e.g.\
`$x$: => $T$`. The type of such a parameter is then the
@@ -618,9 +618,9 @@ by-name modifier is also disallowed for
(@) The declaration
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def whileLoop (cond: => Boolean) (stat: => Unit): Unit
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
indicates that both parameters of `whileLoop` are evaluated using
@@ -628,9 +628,9 @@ by-name modifier is also disallowed for
### Repeated Parameters
ParamType ::= Type ‘*’
The last value parameter of a parameter section may be suffixed by
“*”, e.g. `(..., $x$:$T$*)`. The type of such a
@@ -656,49 +656,49 @@ with a repeated parameter.
(@) The following method definition computes the sum of the squares of a
variable number of integer arguments.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def sum(args: Int*) = {
var result = 0
for (arg <- args) result += arg * arg
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
The following applications of this method yield `0`, `1`,
`6`, in that order.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
sum(1, 2, 3)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Furthermore, assume the definition:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
val xs = List(1, 2, 3)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
The following application of method `sum` is ill-formed:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
sum(xs) // ***** error: expected: Int, found: List[Int]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
By contrast, the following application is well formed and yields again
the result `6`:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
sum(xs: _*)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
### Procedures
FunDcl ::= FunSig
FunDef ::= FunSig [nl] ‘{’ Block ‘}’
Special syntax exists for procedures, i.e.\ functions that return the
`Unit` value `()`.
@@ -714,25 +714,25 @@ E.g., `def $f$($\mathit{ps}$) {$\mathit{stats}$}` is equivalent to
(@) Here is a declaration and a definition of a procedure named `write`:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
trait Writer {
def write(str: String)
object Terminal extends Writer {
def write(str: String) { System.out.println(str) }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
The code above is implicitly completed to the following code:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
trait Writer {
def write(str: String): Unit
object Terminal extends Writer {
def write(str: String): Unit = { System.out.println(str) }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
### Method Return Type Inference
@@ -748,14 +748,14 @@ as $R$ conforms to $R'$.
(@) Assume the following definitions:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
trait I {
def factorial(x: Int): Int
class C extends I {
def factorial(x: Int) = if (x == 0) 1 else x * factorial(x - 1)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Here, it is OK to leave out the result type of `factorial`
in `C`, even though the method is recursive.
@@ -763,13 +763,13 @@ as $R$ conforms to $R'$.
## Import Clauses
Import ::= ‘import’ ImportExpr {‘,’ ImportExpr}
ImportExpr ::= StableId ‘.’ (id | ‘_’ | ImportSelectors)
ImportSelectors ::= ‘{’ {ImportSelector ‘,’}
(ImportSelector | ‘_’) ‘}’
ImportSelector ::= id [‘=>’ id | ‘=>’ ‘_’]
An import clause has the form `import $p$.$I$` where $p$ is a
[stable identifier](#paths) and $I$ is an import expression.
@@ -779,9 +779,9 @@ _importable_ if it is not [object-private](#modifiers).
The most general form of an import expression is a list of {\em import
{ $x_1$ => $y_1 , \ldots , x_n$ => $y_n$, _ }
for $n \geq 0$, where the final wildcard ‘_’ may be absent. It
makes available each importable member `$p$.$x_i$` under the unqualified name
@@ -829,21 +829,21 @@ sequence of import clauses
(@) Consider the object definition:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
object M {
def z = 0, one = 1
def add(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Then the block
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
{ import M.{one, z => zero, _}; add(zero, one) }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
is equivalent to the block
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
{ M.add(M.z, }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
diff --git a/ b/
index 4694c2eb13..12ad1f8d25 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# Classes and Objects
TmplDef ::= [`case'] `class' ClassDef
| [`case'] `object' ObjectDef
| `trait' TraitDef
[Classes](#class-definitions) and [objects](#object-definitions)
are both defined in terms of _templates_.
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ are both defined in terms of _templates_.
## Templates
ClassTemplate ::= [EarlyDefs] ClassParents [TemplateBody]
TraitTemplate ::= [EarlyDefs] TraitParents [TemplateBody]
ClassParents ::= Constr {`with' AnnotType}
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ TraitParents ::= AnnotType {`with' AnnotType}
TemplateBody ::= [nl] `{' [SelfType] TemplateStat {semi TemplateStat} `}'
SelfType ::= id [`:' Type] `=>'
| this `:' Type `=>'
A template defines the type signature, behavior and initial state of a
trait or class of objects or of a single object. Templates form part of
@@ -50,15 +50,15 @@ The list of parents of every class is also always implicitly extended
by a reference to the `scala.ScalaObject` trait as last
mixin. E.g.
$sc$ with $mt_1$ with $\ldots$ with $mt_n$ { $\mathit{stats}$ }
$mt_1$ with $\ldots$ with $mt_n$ with ScalaObject { $\mathit{stats}$ }.
The list of parents of a template must be well-formed. This means that
the class denoted by the superclass constructor $sc$ must be a
@@ -103,17 +103,17 @@ without introducing an alias name for it.
(@) Consider the following class definitions:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
class Base extends Object {}
trait Mixin extends Base {}
object O extends Mixin {}
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
In this case, the definition of `O` is expanded to:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
object O extends Base with Mixin {}
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
<!-- TODO: Make all references to Java generic -->
@@ -150,16 +150,16 @@ it. But templates inheriting the `scala.DelayedInit` trait
can override the hook by re-implementing the `delayedInit`
method, which is defined as follows:
def delayedInit(body: => Unit)
### Constructor Invocations
Constr ::= AnnotType {`(' [Exprs] `)'}
Constructor invocations define the type, members, and initial state of
objects created by an instance creation expression, or of parts of an
@@ -207,30 +207,30 @@ linearization of this graph is defined as follows.
> Here $\vec{+}$ denotes concatenation where elements of the right operand
> replace identical elements of the left operand:
-> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+> ```
> \[
> \begin{array}{lcll}
> \{a, A\} \;\vec{+}\; B &=& a, (A \;\vec{+}\; B) &{\bf if} \; a \not\in B \\
> &=& A \;\vec{+}\; B &{\bf if} \; a \in B
> \end{array}
> \]
-> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+> ```
(@) Consider the following class definitions.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
abstract class AbsIterator extends AnyRef { ... }
trait RichIterator extends AbsIterator { ... }
class StringIterator extends AbsIterator { ... }
class Iter extends StringIterator with RichIterator { ... }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Then the linearization of class `Iter` is
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
{ Iter, RichIterator, StringIterator, AbsIterator, ScalaObject, AnyRef, Any }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Trait `ScalaObject` appears in this list because it
is added as last mixin to every Scala class ( [see here](#templates) ).
@@ -243,17 +243,17 @@ linearization of this graph is defined as follows.
as a suffix. For instance, the linearization of
`StringIterator` is
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
{ StringIterator, AbsIterator, ScalaObject, AnyRef, Any }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
which is a suffix of the linearization of its subclass `Iter`.
The same is not true for the linearization of mixins.
For instance, the linearization of `RichIterator` is
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
{ RichIterator, AbsIterator, ScalaObject, AnyRef, Any }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
which is not a suffix of the linearization of `Iter`.
@@ -322,12 +322,12 @@ defined or inherited) with the same name which both define default arguments.
(@) Consider the trait definitions:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
trait A { def f: Int }
trait B extends A { def f: Int = 1 ; def g: Int = 2 ; def h: Int = 3 }
trait C extends A { override def f: Int = 4 ; def g: Int }
trait D extends B with C { def h: Int }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Then trait `D` has a directly defined abstract member `h`. It
inherits member `f` from trait `C` and member `g` from
@@ -382,12 +382,12 @@ superclass (otherwise).
(@compounda) Consider the definitions:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
trait Root { type T <: Root }
trait A extends Root { type T <: A }
trait B extends Root { type T <: B }
trait C extends A with B
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Then the class definition `C` is not well-formed because the
binding of `T` in `C` is
@@ -396,9 +396,9 @@ superclass (otherwise).
in type `A`. The problem can be solved by adding an overriding
definition of type `T` in class `C`:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
class C extends A with B { type T <: C }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
### Inheritance Closure
@@ -418,21 +418,21 @@ necessary to make subtyping decidable [@kennedy-pierce:decidable]).
### Early Definitions
EarlyDefs ::= `{' [EarlyDef {semi EarlyDef}] `}' `with'
EarlyDef ::= {Annotation} {Modifier} PatVarDef
A template may start with an _early field definition_ clause,
which serves to define certain field values before the supertype
constructor is called. In a template
{ val $p_1$: $T_1$ = $e_1$
val $p_n$: $T_n$ = $e_n$
} with $sc$ with $mt_1$ with $mt_n$ { $\mathit{stats}$ }
The initial pattern definitions of $p_1 , \ldots , p_n$ are called
_early definitions_. They define fields
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ before the superclass constructor of the template is called.
(@) Early definitions are particularly useful for
traits, which do not have normal constructor parameters. Example:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
trait Greeting {
val name: String
val msg = "How are you, "+name
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ before the superclass constructor of the template is called.
} with Greeting {
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
In the code above, the field `name` is initialized before the
constructor of `Greeting` is called. Therefore, field `msg` in
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ before the superclass constructor of the template is called.
## Modifiers
Modifier ::= LocalModifier
| AccessModifier
| `override'
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ LocalModifier ::= `abstract'
| `lazy'
AccessModifier ::= (`private' | `protected') [AccessQualifier]
AccessQualifier ::= `[' (id | `this') `]'
Member definitions may be preceded by modifiers which affect the
accessibility and usage of the identifiers bound by them. If several
@@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ the validity and meaning of a modifier are as follows.
(@) The following code illustrates the use of qualified private:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
package outerpkg.innerpkg
class Outer {
class Inner {
@@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ the validity and meaning of a modifier are as follows.
private[outerpkg] def h()
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Here, accesses to the method `f` can appear anywhere within
`OuterClass`, but not outside it. Accesses to method
@@ -650,24 +650,24 @@ the validity and meaning of a modifier are as follows.
constructing new instances of that class is to declare the class
`abstract` and `sealed`:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
object m {
abstract sealed class C (x: Int) {
def nextC = new C(x + 1) {}
val empty = new C(0) {}
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
For instance, in the code above clients can create instances of class
`m.C` only by calling the `nextC` method of an existing `m.C`
object; it is not possible for clients to create objects of class
`m.C` directly. Indeed the following two lines are both in error:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
new m.C(0) // **** error: C is abstract, so it cannot be instantiated.
new m.C(0) {} // **** error: illegal inheritance from sealed class.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
A similar access restriction can be achieved by marking the primary
constructor `private` (see \ref{ex:private-constr}).
@@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ the validity and meaning of a modifier are as follows.
## Class Definitions
TmplDef ::= `class' ClassDef
ClassDef ::= id [TypeParamClause] {Annotation}
[AccessModifier] ClassParamClauses ClassTemplateOpt
@@ -686,13 +686,13 @@ ClassParams ::= ClassParam {`,' ClassParam}
ClassParam ::= {Annotation} [{Modifier} (`val' | `var')]
id [`:' ParamType] [`=' Expr]
ClassTemplateOpt ::= `extends' ClassTemplate | [[`extends'] TemplateBody]
The most general form of class definition is
class $c$[$\mathit{tps}\,$] $as$ $m$($\mathit{ps}_1$)$\ldots$($\mathit{ps}_n$) extends $t$ $\gap(n \geq 0)$.
@@ -738,9 +738,9 @@ Here,
[call-by-name parameter](#by-name-parameters).
- $t$ is a [template](#templates) of the form
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
$sc$ with $mt_1$ with $\ldots$ with $mt_m$ { $\mathit{stats}$ } // $m \geq 0$
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
which defines the base classes, behavior and initial state of objects of
the class. The extends clause
@@ -759,16 +759,16 @@ $t$.
(@) The following example illustrates `val` and `var`
parameters of a class `C`:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
class C(x: Int, val y: String, var z: List[String])
val c = new C(1, "abc", List())
c.z = c.y :: c.z
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
(@privateconstr) The following class can be created only from its companion
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
object Sensitive {
def makeSensitive(credentials: Certificate): Sensitive =
if (credentials == Admin) new Sensitive()
@@ -777,19 +777,19 @@ $t$.
class Sensitive private () {
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
### Constructor Definitions
FunDef ::= `this' ParamClause ParamClauses
(`=' ConstrExpr | [nl] ConstrBlock)
ConstrExpr ::= SelfInvocation
| ConstrBlock
ConstrBlock ::= `{' SelfInvocation {semi BlockStat} `}'
SelfInvocation ::= `this' ArgumentExprs {ArgumentExprs}
A class may have additional constructors besides the primary
constructor. These are defined by constructor definitions of the form
@@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ primary constructor of the class).
(@) Consider the class definition
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
class LinkedList[A]() {
var head = _
var tail = null
@@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ primary constructor of the class).
def this(head: A) = { this(); this.head = head }
def this(head: A, tail: List[A]) = { this(head); this.tail = tail }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
This defines a class `LinkedList` with three constructors. The
second constructor constructs an singleton list, while the
@@ -851,9 +851,9 @@ primary constructor of the class).
## Case Classes
TmplDef ::= `case' `class' ClassDef
If a class definition is prefixed with `case`, the class is said
to be a _case class_.
@@ -871,14 +871,14 @@ parameters $\mathit{tps}$ and value parameters $\mathit{ps}$ implicitly
generates an [extractor object](#extractor-patterns) which is
defined as follows:
object $c$ {
def apply[$\mathit{tps}\,$]($\mathit{ps}_1\,$)$\ldots$($\mathit{ps}_n$): $c$[$\mathit{tps}\,$] = new $c$[$\mathit{Ts}\,$]($\mathit{xs}_1\,$)$\ldots$($\mathit{xs}_n$)
def unapply[$\mathit{tps}\,$]($x$: $c$[$\mathit{tps}\,$]) =
if (x eq null) scala.None
else scala.Some($x.\mathit{xs}_{11}, \ldots , x.\mathit{xs}_{1k}$)
Here, $\mathit{Ts}$ stands for the vector of types defined in the type
parameter section $\mathit{tps}$,
@@ -896,9 +896,9 @@ If the case class definition contains an empty value parameter list, the
`unapply` method returns a `Boolean` instead of an `Option` type and
is defined as follows:
def unapply[$\mathit{tps}\,$]($x$: $c$[$\mathit{tps}\,$]) = x ne null
The name of the `unapply` method is changed to `unapplySeq` if the first
parameter section $\mathit{ps}_1$ of $c$ ends in a
@@ -911,9 +911,9 @@ A method named `copy` is implicitly added to every case class unless the
class already has a member (directly defined or inherited) with that name. The
method is defined as follows:
def copy[$\mathit{tps}\,$]($\mathit{ps}'_1\,$)$\ldots$($\mathit{ps}'_n$): $c$[$\mathit{tps}\,$] = new $c$[$\mathit{Ts}\,$]($\mathit{xs}_1\,$)$\ldots$($\mathit{xs}_n$)
Again, $\mathit{Ts}$ stands for the vector of types defined in the type parameter section $\mathit{tps}$
and each $\mathit{xs}_i$ denotes the parameter names of the parameter section $\mathit{ps}'_i$. Every value
@@ -940,18 +940,18 @@ class different from `AnyRef`. In particular:
(@) Here is the definition of abstract syntax for lambda calculus:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
class Expr
case class Var (x: String) extends Expr
case class Apply (f: Expr, e: Expr) extends Expr
case class Lambda(x: String, e: Expr) extends Expr
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
This defines a class `Expr` with case classes
`Var`, `Apply` and `Lambda`. A call-by-value evaluator
for lambda expressions could then be written as follows.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
type Env = String => Value
case class Value(e: Expr, env: Env)
@@ -965,14 +965,14 @@ class different from `AnyRef`. In particular:
case Lambda(_, _) =>
Value(e, env)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
It is possible to define further case classes that extend type
`Expr` in other parts of the program, for instance
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
case class Number(x: Int) extends Expr
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
This form of extensibility can be excluded by declaring the base class
`Expr` `sealed`; in this case, all classes that
@@ -982,11 +982,11 @@ class different from `AnyRef`. In particular:
### Traits
TmplDef ::= `trait' TraitDef
TraitDef ::= id [TypeParamClause] TraitTemplateOpt
TraitTemplateOpt ::= `extends' TraitTemplate | [[`extends'] TemplateBody]
A trait is a class that is meant to be added to some other class
as a mixin. Unlike normal classes, traits cannot have
@@ -1012,14 +1012,14 @@ least proper supertype (which is statically known).
comparison operators `<=`, `>`, and
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
trait Comparable[T <: Comparable[T]] { self: T =>
def < (that: T): Boolean
def <=(that: T): Boolean = this < that || this == that
def > (that: T): Boolean = that < this
def >=(that: T): Boolean = that <= this
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
(@) Consider an abstract class `Table` that implements maps
from a type of keys `A` to a type of values `B`. The class
@@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@ least proper supertype (which is statically known).
`get`, except that it returns a given default value if the table
is undefined for the given key. This class is implemented as follows.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
abstract class Table[A, B](defaultValue: B) {
def get(key: A): Option[B]
def set(key: A, value: B)
@@ -1038,29 +1038,29 @@ least proper supertype (which is statically known).
case None => defaultValue
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Here is a concrete implementation of the `Table` class.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
class ListTable[A, B](defaultValue: B) extends Table[A, B](defaultValue) {
private var elems: List[(A, B)]
def get(key: A) = elems.find(._1.==(key)).map(._2)
def set(key: A, value: B) = { elems = (key, value) :: elems }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Here is a trait that prevents concurrent access to the
`get` and `set` operations of its parent class:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
trait SynchronizedTable[A, B] extends Table[A, B] {
abstract override def get(key: A): B =
synchronized { super.get(key) }
abstract override def set((key: A, value: B) =
synchronized { super.set(key, value) }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Note that `SynchronizedTable` does not pass an argument to
its superclass, `Table`, even though `Table` is defined with a
@@ -1074,9 +1074,9 @@ least proper supertype (which is statically known).
table with strings as keys and integers as values and with a default
value `0`:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
object MyTable extends ListTable[String, Int](0) with SynchronizedTable
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
The object `MyTable` inherits its `get` and `set`
method from `SynchronizedTable`. The `super` calls in these
@@ -1087,9 +1087,9 @@ least proper supertype (which is statically known).
## Object Definitions
ObjectDef ::= id ClassTemplate
An object definition defines a single object of a new class. Its
most general form is
@@ -1097,9 +1097,9 @@ most general form is
$m$ is the name of the object to be defined, and
$t$ is a [template](#templates) of the form
$sc$ with $mt_1$ with $\ldots$ with $mt_n$ { $\mathit{stats}$ }
which defines the base classes, behavior and initial state of $m$.
The extends clause `extends $sc$ with $mt_1$ with $\ldots$ with $mt_n$`
@@ -1112,9 +1112,9 @@ The object definition defines a single object (or: _module_)
conforming to the template $t$. It is roughly equivalent to the
following definition of a lazy value:
lazy val $m$ = new $sc$ with $mt_1$ with $\ldots$ with $mt_n$ { this: $m.type$ => $\mathit{stats}$ }
Note that the value defined by an object definition is instantiated
lazily. The `new $m$\$cls` constructor is evaluated
@@ -1135,7 +1135,7 @@ top-level objects are translated to static fields.
effect can be achieved by an accompanying object definition
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
abstract class Point {
val x: Double
val y: Double
@@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@ top-level objects are translated to static fields.
object Point {
val origin = new Point() { val x = 0.0; val y = 0.0 }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
This defines a class `Point` and an object `Point` which
contains `origin` as a member. Note that the double use of the
diff --git a/ b/
index 18f5831f20..140dad39b9 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Expressions
Expr ::= (Bindings | id | `_') `=>' Expr
| Expr1
Expr1 ::= `if' `(' Expr `)' {nl} Expr [[semi] else Expr]
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
Ascription ::= `:' InfixType
| `:' Annotation {Annotation}
| `:' `_' `*'
Expressions are composed of operators and operands. Expression forms are
discussed subsequently in decreasing order of precedence.
@@ -65,16 +65,16 @@ type $T$ and let $t_1[\mathit{tps}_1] >: L_1 <: U_1 , \ldots , t_n[\mathit{tps}_
all the type variables created by skolemization of some part of $e$ which are free in $T$.
Then the _packed type_ of $e$ is
$T$ forSome { type $t_1[\mathit{tps}_1] >: L_1 <: U_1$; $\ldots$; type $t_n[\mathit{tps}_n] >: L_n <: U_n$ }.
## Literals
SimpleExpr ::= Literal
Typing of literals is as described [here](#literals); their
evaluation is immediate.
@@ -102,10 +102,10 @@ A reference to any other member of the ``null'' object causes a
## Designators
SimpleExpr ::= Path
| SimpleExpr `.' id
A designator refers to a named term. It can be a _simple name_ or
a _selection_.
@@ -156,10 +156,10 @@ is thrown.
## This and Super
SimpleExpr ::= [id `.'] `this'
| [id '.'] `super' [ClassQualifier] `.' id
The expression `this` can appear in the statement part of a
template or compound type. It stands for the object being defined by
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ it must be concrete.
(@super) Consider the following class definitions
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
class Root { def x = "Root" }
class A extends Root { override def x = "A" ; def superA = super.x }
trait B extends Root { override def x = "B" ; def superB = super.x }
@@ -218,17 +218,17 @@ it must be concrete.
class D extends A with B {
override def x = "D" ; def superD = super.x
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
The linearization of class `C` is `{C, B, Root}` and
the linearization of class `D` is `{D, B, A, Root}`.
Then we have:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
(new A).superA == "Root",
(new C).superB = "Root", (new C).superC = "B",
(new D).superA == "Root", (new D).superB = "A", (new D).superD = "B",
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Note that the `superB` function returns different results
depending on whether `B` is mixed in with class `Root` or `A`.
@@ -236,13 +236,13 @@ it must be concrete.
## Function Applications
SimpleExpr ::= SimpleExpr1 ArgumentExprs
ArgumentExprs ::= `(' [Exprs] `)'
| `(' [Exprs `,'] PostfixExpr `:' `_' `*' ')'
| [nl] BlockExpr
Exprs ::= Expr {`,' Expr}
An application `$f$($e_1 , \ldots , e_m$)` applies the
function $f$ to the argument expressions $e_1 , \ldots , e_m$. If $f$
@@ -320,22 +320,22 @@ of the caller.
(@) Assume the following function which computes the sum of a
variable number of arguments:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def sum(xs: Int*) = (0 /: xs) ((x, y) => x + y)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
sum(1, 2, 3, 4)
sum(List(1, 2, 3, 4): _*)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
both yield `10` as result. On the other hand,
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
sum(List(1, 2, 3, 4))
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
would not typecheck.
@@ -362,24 +362,24 @@ If the function $f$
has the form `$p.m$[$\mathit{targs}$]` it is transformed into the
{ val q = $p$
If the function $f$ is itself an application expression the transformation
is applied recursively on $f$. The result of transforming $f$ is a block of
the form
{ val q = $p$
val $x_1$ = expr$_1$
val $x_k$ = expr$_k$
q.$m$[$\mathit{targs}$]($\mathit{args}_1$)$, \ldots ,$($\mathit{args}_l$)
where every argument in $(\mathit{args}_1) , \ldots , (\mathit{args}_l)$ is a reference to
one of the values $x_1 , \ldots , x_k$. To integrate the current application
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ that the position of each name matches the position of its corresponding
parameter in the method type `($p_1:T_1 , \ldots , p_n:T_n$)$U$`.
The final result of the transformation is a block of the form
{ val q = $p$
val $x_1$ = expr$_1$
@@ -410,14 +410,14 @@ The final result of the transformation is a block of the form
val $z_d$ = q.$m$\$default\$j[$\mathit{targs}$]($\mathit{args}_1$)$, \ldots ,$($\mathit{args}_l$)
q.$m$[$\mathit{targs}$]($\mathit{args}_1$)$, \ldots ,$($\mathit{args}_l$)($\mathit{args}$)
## Method Values
SimpleExpr ::= SimpleExpr1 `_'
The expression ~`$e$ _`~ is well-formed if $e$ is of method
type or if $e$ is a call-by-name parameter. If $e$ is a method with
@@ -444,9 +444,9 @@ parameterlist `()`.
## Type Applications
SimpleExpr ::= SimpleExpr TypeArgs
A type application `$e$[$T_1 , \ldots , T_n$]` instantiates
a polymorphic value $e$ of type
@@ -471,9 +471,9 @@ and the expected result type.
## Tuples
SimpleExpr ::= `(' [Exprs] `)'
A tuple expression `($e_1 , \ldots , e_n$)` is an alias
for the class instance creation
@@ -484,9 +484,9 @@ The empty tuple
## Instance Creation Expressions
SimpleExpr ::= `new' (ClassTemplate | TemplateBody)
A simple instance creation expression is of the form
`new $c$`
@@ -499,9 +499,9 @@ $T$. The concrete self type is normally
$T$, except if the expression `new $c$` appears as the
right hand side of a value definition
val $x$: $S$ = new $c$
(where the type annotation `: $S$` may be missing).
In the latter case, the concrete self type of the expression is the
@@ -515,9 +515,9 @@ A general instance creation expression is of the form
`new $t$` for some [class template](#templates) $t$.
Such an expression is equivalent to the block
{ class $a$ extends $t$; new $a$ }
where $a$ is a fresh name of an _anonymous class_ which is
inaccessible to user programs.
@@ -529,31 +529,31 @@ types: If `{$D$}` is a class body, then
(@) Consider the following structural instance creation expression:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
new { def getName() = "aaron" }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
This is a shorthand for the general instance creation expression
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
new AnyRef{ def getName() = "aaron" }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
The latter is in turn a shorthand for the block
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
{ class anon\$X extends AnyRef{ def getName() = "aaron" }; new anon\$X }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
where `anon\$X` is some freshly created name.
## Blocks
BlockExpr ::= `{' Block `}'
Block ::= {BlockStat semi} [ResultExpr]
A block expression `{$s_1$; $\ldots$; $s_n$; $e\,$}` is
constructed from a sequence of block statements $s_1 , \ldots , s_n$
@@ -595,16 +595,16 @@ $e$, which defines the result of the block.
(@) Assuming a class `Ref[T](x: T)`, the block
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
{ class C extends B {$\ldots$} ; new Ref(new C) }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
has the type `Ref[_1] forSome { type _1 <: B }`.
The block
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
{ class C extends B {$\ldots$} ; new C }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
simply has type `B`, because with the rules [here](#simplification-rules)
the existentially quantified type
@@ -613,12 +613,12 @@ $e$, which defines the result of the block.
## Prefix, Infix, and Postfix Operations
PostfixExpr ::= InfixExpr [id [nl]]
InfixExpr ::= PrefixExpr
| InfixExpr id [nl] InfixExpr
PrefixExpr ::= [`-' | `+' | `!' | `~'] SimpleExpr
Expressions can be constructed from operands and operators.
@@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ The _precedence_ of an infix operator is determined by the operator's first
character. Characters are listed below in increasing order of
precedence, with characters on the same line having the same precedence.
$\mbox{\rm\sl(all letters)}$
@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ $\mbox{\rm\sl(all letters)}$
+ -
* / %
$\mbox{\rm\sl(all other special characters)}$
That is, operators starting with a letter have lowest precedence,
followed by operators starting with ``|`', etc.
@@ -728,9 +728,9 @@ operation `$l$ += $r$`, where $l$, $r$ are expressions.
This operation can be re-interpreted as an operation which corresponds
to the assignment
$l$ = $l$ + $r$
except that the operation's left-hand-side $l$ is evaluated only once.
@@ -748,9 +748,9 @@ The re-interpretation occurs if the following two conditions are fulfilled.
## Typed Expressions
Expr1 ::= PostfixExpr `:' CompoundType
The typed expression $e: T$ has type $T$. The type of
expression $e$ is expected to conform to $T$. The result of
@@ -758,18 +758,18 @@ the expression is the value of $e$ converted to type $T$.
(@) Here are examples of well-typed and illegally typed expressions.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
1: Int // legal, of type Int
1: Long // legal, of type Long
// 1: string // ***** illegal
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
## Annotated Expressions
Expr1 ::= PostfixExpr `:' Annotation {Annotation}
An annotated expression `$e$: @$a_1$ $\ldots$ @$a_n$`
attaches [annotations](#user-defined-annotations) $a_1 , \ldots , a_n$ to the
@@ -778,10 +778,10 @@ expression $e$.
## Assignments
Expr1 ::= [SimpleExpr `.'] id `=' Expr
| SimpleExpr1 ArgumentExprs `=' Expr
The interpretation of an assignment to a simple variable `$x$ = $e$`
depends on the definition of $x$. If $x$ denotes a mutable
@@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ the invocation of an `update` function defined by $f$.
(@imp-mat-mul) Here is the usual imperative code for matrix multiplication.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def matmul(xss: Array[Array[Double]], yss: Array[Array[Double]]) = {
val zss: Array[Array[Double]] = new Array(xss.length, yss(0).length)
var i = 0
@@ -831,12 +831,12 @@ the invocation of an `update` function defined by $f$.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Desugaring the array accesses and assignments yields the following
expanded version:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def matmul(xss: Array[Array[Double]], yss: Array[Array[Double]]) = {
val zss: Array[Array[Double]] = new Array(xss.length, yss.apply(0).length)
var i = 0
@@ -856,14 +856,14 @@ the invocation of an `update` function defined by $f$.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
## Conditional Expressions
Expr1 ::= `if' `(' Expr `)' {nl} Expr [[semi] `else' Expr]
The conditional expression `if ($e_1$) $e_2$ else $e_3$` chooses
one of the values of $e_2$ and $e_3$, depending on the
@@ -887,25 +887,25 @@ evaluated as if it was `if ($e_1$) $e_2$ else ()`.
## While Loop Expressions
Expr1 ::= `while' `(' Expr ')' {nl} Expr
The while loop expression `while ($e_1$) $e_2$` is typed and
evaluated as if it was an application of `whileLoop ($e_1$) ($e_2$)` where
the hypothetical function `whileLoop` is defined as follows.
def whileLoop(cond: => Boolean)(body: => Unit): Unit =
if (cond) { body ; whileLoop(cond)(body) } else {}
## Do Loop Expressions
Expr1 ::= `do' Expr [semi] `while' `(' Expr ')'
The do loop expression `do $e_1$ while ($e_2$)` is typed and
evaluated as if it was the expression `($e_1$ ; while ($e_2$) $e_1$)`.
@@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ A semicolon preceding the `while` symbol of a do loop expression is ignored.
## For Comprehensions and For Loops
Expr1 ::= `for' (`(' Enumerators `)' | `{' Enumerators `}')
{nl} [`yield'] Expr
Enumerators ::= Generator {semi Enumerator}
@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ Enumerator ::= Generator
| `val' Pattern1 `=' Expr
Generator ::= Pattern1 `<-' Expr [Guard]
Guard ::= `if' PostfixExpr
A for loop `for ($\mathit{enums}\,$) $e$` executes expression $e$
for each binding generated by the enumerators $\mathit{enums}$. A for
@@ -946,9 +946,9 @@ The translation scheme is as follows. In a first step, every
generator `$p$ <- $e$`, where $p$ is not [irrefutable](#patterns)
for the type of $e$ is replaced by
$p$ <- $e$.withFilter { case $p$ => true; case _ => false }
Then, the following rules are applied repeatedly until all
comprehensions have been eliminated.
@@ -963,31 +963,31 @@ comprehensions have been eliminated.
`$e$.foreach { case $p$ => $e'$ }`.
- A for comprehension
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
for ($p$ <- $e$; $p'$ <- $e'; \ldots$) yield $e''$
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
where `$\ldots$` is a (possibly empty)
sequence of generators, definitions, or guards,
is translated to
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
$e$.flatMap { case $p$ => for ($p'$ <- $e'; \ldots$) yield $e''$ }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
- A for loop
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
for ($p$ <- $e$; $p'$ <- $e'; \ldots$) $e''$
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
where `$\ldots$` is a (possibly empty)
sequence of generators, definitions, or guards,
is translated to
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
$e$.foreach { case $p$ => for ($p'$ <- $e'; \ldots$) $e''$ }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
- A generator `$p$ <- $e$` followed by a guard
`if $g$` is translated to a single generator
@@ -998,30 +998,30 @@ comprehensions have been eliminated.
`$p'$ = $e'$` is translated to the following generator of pairs of values, where
$x$ and $x'$ are fresh names:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
($p$, $p'$) <- for ($x @ p$ <- $e$) yield { val $x' @ p'$ = $e'$; ($x$, $x'$) }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
(@) The following code produces all pairs of numbers between $1$ and $n-1$
whose sums are prime.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
for { i <- 1 until n
j <- 1 until i
if isPrime(i+j)
} yield (i, j)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
The for comprehension is translated to:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
(1 until n)
.flatMap {
case i => (1 until i)
.withFilter { j => isPrime(i+j) }
.map { case j => (i, j) } }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
(@) For comprehensions can be used to express vector
and matrix algorithms concisely.
@@ -1029,34 +1029,34 @@ comprehensions have been eliminated.
<!-- see test/files/run/t0421.scala -->
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def transpose[A](xss: Array[Array[A]]) = {
for (i <- Array.range(0, xss(0).length)) yield
for (xs <- xss) yield xs(i)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Here is a function to compute the scalar product of two vectors:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def scalprod(xs: Array[Double], ys: Array[Double]) = {
var acc = 0.0
for ((x, y) <- xs zip ys) acc = acc + x * y
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Finally, here is a function to compute the product of two matrices.
Compare with the imperative version of \ref{ex:imp-mat-mul}.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def matmul(xss: Array[Array[Double]], yss: Array[Array[Double]]) = {
val ysst = transpose(yss)
for (xs <- xss) yield
for (yst <- ysst) yield
scalprod(xs, yst)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
The code above makes use of the fact that `map`, `flatMap`,
`withFilter`, and `foreach` are defined for instances of class
@@ -1065,9 +1065,9 @@ comprehensions have been eliminated.
## Return Expressions
Expr1 ::= `return' [Expr]
A return expression `return $e$` must occur inside the body of some
enclosing named method or function. The innermost enclosing named
@@ -1103,9 +1103,9 @@ and will propagate up the call stack.
## Throw Expressions
Expr1 ::= `throw' Expr
A throw expression `throw $e$` evaluates the expression
$e$. The type of this expression must conform to
@@ -1121,18 +1121,18 @@ is `scala.Nothing`.
## Try Expressions
Expr1 ::= `try' `{' Block `}' [`catch' `{' CaseClauses `}']
[`finally' Expr]
A try expression is of the form `try { $b$ } catch $h$`
where the handler $h$ is a
[pattern matching anonymous function](#pattern-matching-anonymous-functions)
{ case $p_1$ => $b_1$ $\ldots$ case $p_n$ => $b_n$ }
This expression is evaluated by evaluating the block
$b$. If evaluation of $b$ does not cause an exception to be
@@ -1176,12 +1176,12 @@ for `try { try { $b$ } catch $e_1$ } finally $e_2$`.
## Anonymous Functions
Expr ::= (Bindings | [`implicit'] id | `_') `=>' Expr
ResultExpr ::= (Bindings | ([`implicit'] id | `_') `:' CompoundType) `=>' Block
Bindings ::= `(' Binding {`,' Binding} `)'
Binding ::= (id | `_') [`:' Type]
The anonymous function `($x_1$: $T_1 , \ldots , x_n$: $T_n$) => e`
maps parameters $x_i$ of types $T_i$ to a result given
@@ -1204,11 +1204,11 @@ type which does not refer to any of the formal parameters $x_i$.
The anonymous function is evaluated as the instance creation expression
new scala.Function$n$[$T_1 , \ldots , T_n$, $T$] {
def apply($x_1$: $T_1 , \ldots , x_n$: $T_n$): $T$ = $e$
In the case of a single untyped formal parameter,
`($x\,$) => $e$`
@@ -1229,7 +1229,7 @@ anonymous functions always have to be given explicitly.
(@) Examples of anonymous functions:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
x => x // The identity function
f => g => x => f(g(x)) // Curried function composition
@@ -1243,14 +1243,14 @@ anonymous functions always have to be given explicitly.
_ => 5 // The function that ignores its argument
// and always returns 5.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
### Placeholder Syntax for Anonymous Functions
SimpleExpr1 ::= `_'
An expression (of syntactic category `Expr`)
may contain embedded underscore symbols `_` at places where identifiers
@@ -1304,7 +1304,7 @@ include at least the expressions of the following forms:
## Statements
BlockStat ::= Import
| {Annotation} [`implicit'] Def
| {Annotation} {LocalModifier} TmplDef
@@ -1315,7 +1315,7 @@ TemplateStat ::= Import
| {Annotation} {Modifier} Dcl
| Expr
Statements occur as parts of blocks and templates. A statement can be
an import, a definition or an expression, or it can be empty.
@@ -1361,9 +1361,9 @@ is applied to pick a unique member.
_Type Instantiation_ \
An expression $e$ of polymorphic type
[$a_1$ >: $L_1$ <: $U_1 , \ldots , a_n$ >: $L_n$ <: $U_n$]$T$
which does not appear as the function part of
a type application is converted to a type instance of $T$
@@ -1526,21 +1526,21 @@ alternatives in $\mathscr{B}$.
(@) Consider the following definitions:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
class A extends B {}
def f(x: B, y: B) = $\ldots$
def f(x: A, y: B) = $\ldots$
val a: A
val b: B
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Then the application `f(b, b)` refers to the first
definition of $f$ whereas the application `f(a, a)`
refers to the second. Assume now we add a third overloaded definition
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def f(x: B, y: A) = $\ldots$
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Then the application `f(a, a)` is rejected for being ambiguous, since
no most specific applicable signature exists.
@@ -1640,16 +1640,16 @@ any one of them.
(@) Consider the two methods:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def cons[A](x: A, xs: List[A]): List[A] = x :: xs
def nil[B]: List[B] = Nil
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
and the definition
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
val xs = cons(1, nil)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
The application of `cons` is typed with an undefined expected
type. This application is completed by local type inference to
@@ -1663,42 +1663,42 @@ any one of them.
itself polymorphic. One tries to type-check `nil` with an
expected type `List[a]`. This leads to the constraint system
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
List[b?] <: List[a]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
where we have labeled `b?` with a question mark to indicate
that it is a variable in the constraint system.
Because class `List` is covariant, the optimal
solution of this constraint is
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
b = scala.Nothing
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
In a second step, one solves the following constraint system for
the type parameter `a` of `cons`:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Int <: a?
List[scala.Nothing] <: List[a?]
List[a?] <: $\mbox{\sl undefined}$
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
The optimal solution of this constraint system is
- ~~~~~~~~
+ ```
a = Int
- ~~~~~~~~
+ ```
so `Int` is the type inferred for `a`.
(@) Consider now the definition
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
val ys = cons("abc", xs)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
where `xs` is defined of type `List[Int]` as before.
In this case local type inference proceeds as follows.
@@ -1714,17 +1714,17 @@ any one of them.
In a second step, one solves the following constraint system for
the type parameter `a` of `cons`:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
String <: a?
List[Int] <: List[a?]
List[a?] <: $\mbox{\sl undefined}$
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
The optimal solution of this constraint system is
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
a = scala.Any
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
so `scala.Any` is the type inferred for `a`.
@@ -1742,38 +1742,38 @@ corresponding fresh name $x_i$. Second, one creates a fresh name $y_i$
for every argument type $T_i$ of the method ($i = 1 , \ldots ,
n$). The result of eta-conversion is then:
{ val $x_1$ = $e_1$;
val $x_m$ = $e_m$;
($y_1: T_1 , \ldots , y_n: T_n$) => $e'$($y_1 , \ldots , y_n$)
### Dynamic Member Selection
The standard Scala library defines a trait `scala.Dynamic` which defines a member
\@invokeDynamic@ as follows:
package scala
trait Dynamic {
def applyDynamic (name: String, args: Any*): Any
Assume a selection of the form $e.x$ where the type of $e$ conforms to `scala.Dynamic`.
Further assuming the selection is not followed by any function arguments, such an expression can be rewitten under the conditions given [here](#implicit-conversions) to:
If the selection is followed by some arguments, e.g.\ $e.x(\mathit{args})$, then that expression
is rewritten to
$e$.applyDynamic("$x$", $\mathit{args}$)
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## The Implicit Modifier
LocalModifier ::= ‘implicit’
ParamClauses ::= {ParamClause} [nl] ‘(’ ‘implicit’ Params ‘)’
Template members and parameters labeled with an `implicit`
modifier can be passed to [implicit parameters](#implicit-parameters)
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ type members, as well as for [top-level objects](#packagings).
two concrete implementations, `StringMonoid` and
`IntMonoid`. The two implementations are marked implicit.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
abstract class Monoid[A] extends SemiGroup[A] {
def unit: A
def add(x: A, y: A): A
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ type members, as well as for [top-level objects](#packagings).
def unit: Int = 0
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
## Implicit Parameters
@@ -89,11 +89,11 @@ be found the default argument is used.
method which computes the sum of a list of elements using the
monoid's `add` and `unit` operations.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def sum[A](xs: List[A])(implicit m: Monoid[A]): A =
if (xs.isEmpty) m.unit
else m.add(xs.head, sum(xs.tail))
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
The monoid in question is marked as an implicit parameter, and can therefore
be inferred based on the type of the list.
@@ -114,57 +114,57 @@ is the following method from module `scala.List`, which injects
lists into the `scala.Ordered` class, provided the element
type of the list is also convertible to this type.
implicit def list2ordered[A](x: List[A])
(implicit elem2ordered: A => Ordered[A]): Ordered[List[A]] =
Assume in addition a method
implicit def int2ordered(x: Int): Ordered[Int]
that injects integers into the `Ordered` class. We can now
define a `sort` method over ordered lists:
def sort[A](xs: List[A])(implicit a2ordered: A => Ordered[A]) = ...
We can apply `sort` to a list of lists of integers
`yss: List[List[Int]]`
as follows:
The call above will be completed by passing two nested implicit arguments:
sort(yss)(xs: List[Int] => list2ordered[Int](xs)(int2ordered)) .
The possibility of passing implicit arguments to implicit arguments
raises the possibility of an infinite recursion. For instance, one
might try to define the following method, which injects _every_ type into the
`Ordered` class:
implicit def magic[A](x: A)(implicit a2ordered: A => Ordered[A]): Ordered[A] =
Now, if one tried to apply
`sort` to an argument `arg` of a type that did not have
another injection into the `Ordered` class, one would obtain an infinite
sort(arg)(x => magic(x)(x => magic(x)(x => ... )))
To prevent such infinite expansions, the compiler keeps track of
a stack of “open implicit types” for which implicit arguments are currently being
@@ -214,11 +214,11 @@ the type:
the sequence of types for
which implicit arguments are searched is
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
List[List[Int]] => Ordered[List[List[Int]]],
List[Int] => Ordered[List[Int]]
Int => Ordered[Int]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
All types share the common type constructor `scala.Function1`,
but the complexity of the each new type is lower than the complexity of the previous types.
@@ -228,18 +228,18 @@ the type:
(@) Let `ys` be a list of some type which cannot be converted
to `Ordered`. For instance:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
val ys = List(new IllegalArgumentException, new ClassCastException, new Error)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Assume that the definition of `magic` above is in scope. Then the sequence
of types for which implicit arguments are searched is
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Throwable => Ordered[Throwable],
Throwable => Ordered[Throwable],
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Since the second type in the sequence is equal to the first, the compiler
will issue an error signalling a divergent implicit expansion.
@@ -288,26 +288,26 @@ or the call-by-name category).
(@impl-ordered) Class `scala.Ordered[A]` contains a method
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def <= [B >: A](that: B)(implicit b2ordered: B => Ordered[B]): Boolean .
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Assume two lists `xs` and `ys` of type `List[Int]`
and assume that the `list2ordered` and `int2ordered`
methods defined [here](#implicit-parameters) are in scope.
Then the operation
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
xs <= ys
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
is legal, and is expanded to:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
(xs => list2ordered(xs)(int2ordered))
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
The first application of `list2ordered` converts the list
`xs` to an instance of class `Ordered`, whereas the second
@@ -317,10 +317,10 @@ or the call-by-name category).
## Context Bounds and View Bounds
TypeParam ::= (id | ‘_’) [TypeParamClause] [‘>:’ Type] [‘<:’ Type]
{‘<%’ Type} {‘:’ Type}
A type parameter $A$ of a method or non-trait class may have one or more view
bounds `$A$ <% $T$`. In this case the type parameter may be
@@ -337,16 +337,16 @@ A method or class containing type parameters with view or context bounds is trea
equivalent to a method with implicit parameters. Consider first the case of a
single parameter with view and/or context bounds such as:
def $f$[$A$ <% $T_1$ ... <% $T_m$ : $U_1$ : $U_n$]($\mathit{ps}$): $R$ = ...
Then the method definition above is expanded to
def $f$[$A$]($\mathit{ps}$)(implicit $v_1$: $A$ => $T_1$, ..., $v_m$: $A$ => $T_m$,
$w_1$: $U_1$[$A$], ..., $w_n$: $U_n$[$A$]): $R$ = ...
where the $v_i$ and $w_j$ are fresh names for the newly introduced implicit parameters. These
parameters are called _evidence parameters_.
@@ -363,9 +363,9 @@ additional implicit parameters.
(@) The `<=` method mentioned in \ref{ex:impl-ordered} can be declared
more concisely as follows:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def <= [B >: A <% Ordered[B]](that: B): Boolean
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
## Manifests
@@ -376,12 +376,12 @@ standard library contains a hierarchy of four manifest classes,
with `OptManifest`
at the top. Their signatures follow the outline below.
trait OptManifest[+T]
object NoManifest extends OptManifest[Nothing]
trait ClassManifest[T] extends OptManifest[T]
trait Manifest[T] extends ClassManifest[T]
If an implicit parameter of a method or constructor is of a subtype $M[T]$ of
class `OptManifest[T]`, _a manifest is determined for $M[S]$_,
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## Patterns
Pattern ::= Pattern1 { ‘|’ Pattern1 }
Pattern1 ::= varid ‘:’ TypePat
| ‘_’ ‘:’ TypePat
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
| ‘(’ [Patterns] ‘)’
| XmlPattern
Patterns ::= Pattern {‘,’ Patterns}
A pattern is built from constants, constructors, variables and type
tests. Pattern matching tests whether a given value (or sequence of values)
@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ than once in a pattern.
### Variable Patterns
SimplePattern ::= `_'
| varid
A variable pattern $x$ is a simple identifier which starts with a
lower case letter. It matches any value, and binds the variable name
@@ -63,10 +63,10 @@ which is treated as if it was a fresh variable on each occurrence.
### Typed Patterns
Pattern1 ::= varid `:' TypePat
| `_' `:' TypePat
A typed pattern $x: T$ consists of a pattern variable $x$ and a
type pattern $T$. The type of $x$ is the type pattern $T$, where
@@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ that value.
### Pattern Binders
Pattern2 ::= varid `@' Pattern3
A pattern binder `$x$@$p$` consists of a pattern variable $x$ and a
pattern $p$. The type of the variable $x$ is the static type $T$ of the pattern $p$.
@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ and it binds the variable name to that value.
### Literal Patterns
SimplePattern ::= Literal
A literal pattern $L$ matches any value that is equal (in terms of
$==$) to the literal $L$. The type of $L$ must conform to the
@@ -99,9 +99,9 @@ expected type of the pattern.
### Stable Identifier Patterns
SimplePattern ::= StableId
A stable identifier pattern is a [stable identifier](#paths) $r$.
The type of $r$ must conform to the expected
@@ -115,21 +115,21 @@ backquotes; then it is treated as a stable identifier pattern.
(@) Consider the following function definition:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def f(x: Int, y: Int) = x match {
case y => ...
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Here, `y` is a variable pattern, which matches any value.
If we wanted to turn the pattern into a stable identifier pattern, this
can be achieved as follows:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def f(x: Int, y: Int) = x match {
case `y` => ...
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Now, the pattern matches the `y` parameter of the enclosing function `f`.
That is, the match succeeds only if the `x` argument and the `y`
@@ -137,9 +137,9 @@ backquotes; then it is treated as a stable identifier pattern.
### Constructor Patterns
SimplePattern ::= StableId `(' [Patterns] `)
A constructor pattern is of the form $c(p_1 , \ldots , p_n)$ where $n
\geq 0$. It consists of a stable identifier $c$, followed by element
@@ -163,9 +163,9 @@ repeated parameter. This is further discussed [here](#pattern-sequences).
### Tuple Patterns
SimplePattern ::= `(' [Patterns] `)'
A tuple pattern `($p_1 , \ldots , p_n$)` is an alias
for the constructor pattern `scala.Tuple$n$($p_1 , \ldots , p_n$)`,
@@ -174,9 +174,9 @@ where $n \geq 2$. The empty tuple
### Extractor Patterns
SimplePattern ::= StableId `(' [Patterns] `)'
An extractor pattern $x(p_1 , \ldots , p_n)$ where $n \geq 0$ is of
the same syntactic form as a constructor pattern. However, instead of
@@ -214,29 +214,29 @@ This case is further discussed [here](#pattern-seqs).
(@) The `Predef` object contains a definition of an
extractor object `Pair`:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
object Pair {
def apply[A, B](x: A, y: B) = Tuple2(x, y)
def unapply[A, B](x: Tuple2[A, B]): Option[Tuple2[A, B]] = Some(x)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
This means that the name `Pair` can be used in place of `Tuple2` for tuple
formation as well as for deconstruction of tuples in patterns.
Hence, the following is possible:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
val x = (1, 2)
val y = x match {
case Pair(i, s) => Pair(s + i, i * i)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
### Pattern Sequences
SimplePattern ::= StableId `(' [Patterns `,'] [varid `@'] `_' `*' `)'
A pattern sequence $p_1 , \ldots , p_n$ appears in two
contexts. First, in a constructor pattern
@@ -262,9 +262,9 @@ p_n$.
### Infix Operation Patterns
Pattern3 ::= SimplePattern {id [nl] SimplePattern}
An infix operation pattern $p;\mathit{op};q$ is a shorthand for the
constructor or extractor pattern $\mathit{op}(p, q)$. The precedence and
@@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ shorthand for the constructor or extractor pattern $\mathit{op}(p, q_1
### Pattern Alternatives
Pattern ::= Pattern1 { `|' Pattern1 }
A pattern alternative `$p_1$ | $\ldots$ | $p_n$`
consists of a number of alternative patterns $p_i$. All alternative
@@ -320,9 +320,9 @@ A pattern $p$ is _irrefutable_ for a type $T$, if one of the following applies:
## Type Patterns
TypePat ::= Type
Type patterns consist of types, type variables, and wildcards.
A type pattern $T$ is of one of the following forms:
@@ -457,12 +457,12 @@ are inferred in the same way as for the typed pattern
(@) Consider the program fragment:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
val x: Any
x match {
case y: List[a] => ...
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Here, the type pattern `List[a]` is matched against the
expected type `Any`. The pattern binds the type variable
@@ -473,9 +473,9 @@ are inferred in the same way as for the typed pattern
On the other hand, if `x` is declared as
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
val x: List[List[String]],
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
this generates the constraint
`List[a] <: List[List[String]]`, which simplifies to
@@ -485,12 +485,12 @@ are inferred in the same way as for the typed pattern
(@) Consider the program fragment:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
val x: Any
x match {
case y: List[String] => ...
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Scala does not maintain information about type arguments at run-time,
so there is no way to check that `x` is a list of strings.
@@ -506,13 +506,13 @@ are inferred in the same way as for the typed pattern
(@) Consider the program fragment
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
class Term[A]
class Number(val n: Int) extends Term[Int]
def f[B](t: Term[B]): B = t match {
case y: Number => y.n
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
The expected type of the pattern `y: Number` is
`Term[B]`. The type `Number` does not conform to
@@ -529,17 +529,17 @@ are inferred in the same way as for the typed pattern
## Pattern Matching Expressions
Expr ::= PostfixExpr `match' `{' CaseClauses `}'
CaseClauses ::= CaseClause {CaseClause}
CaseClause ::= `case' Pattern [Guard] `=>' Block
A pattern matching expression
e match { case $p_1$ => $b_1$ $\ldots$ case $p_n$ => $b_n$ }
consists of a selector expression $e$ and a number $n > 0$ of
cases. Each case consists of a (possibly guarded) pattern $p_i$ and a
@@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ possibility of a `MatchError` being raised at run-time.
(@eval) Consider the following definitions of arithmetic terms:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
abstract class Term[T]
case class Lit(x: Int) extends Term[Int]
case class Succ(t: Term[Int]) extends Term[Int]
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ possibility of a `MatchError` being raised at run-time.
case class If[T](c: Term[Boolean],
t1: Term[T],
t2: Term[T]) extends Term[T]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
There are terms to represent numeric literals, incrementation, a zero
test, and a conditional. Every term carries as a type parameter the
@@ -623,14 +623,14 @@ possibility of a `MatchError` being raised at run-time.
A type-safe evaluator for such terms can be written as follows.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def eval[T](t: Term[T]): T = t match {
case Lit(n) => n
case Succ(u) => eval(u) + 1
case IsZero(u) => eval(u) == 0
case If(c, u1, u2) => eval(if (eval(c)) u1 else u2)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Note that the evaluator makes crucial use of the fact that type
parameters of enclosing methods can acquire new bounds through pattern
@@ -646,15 +646,15 @@ possibility of a `MatchError` being raised at run-time.
## Pattern Matching Anonymous Functions
BlockExpr ::= `{' CaseClauses `}'
An anonymous function can be defined by a sequence of cases
{ case $p_1$ => $b_1$ $\ldots$ case $p_n$ => $b_n$ }
which appear as an expression without a prior `match`. The
expected type of such an expression must in part be defined. It must
@@ -666,29 +666,29 @@ $R$ may be undetermined.
If the expected type is `scala.Function$k$[$S_1 , \ldots , S_k$, $R$]`,
the expression is taken to be equivalent to the anonymous function:
($x_1: S_1 , \ldots , x_k: S_k$) => ($x_1 , \ldots , x_k$) match {
case $p_1$ => $b_1$ $\ldots$ case $p_n$ => $b_n$
Here, each $x_i$ is a fresh name.
As was shown [here](#anonymous-functions), this anonymous function is in turn
equivalent to the following instance creation expression, where
$T$ is the weak least upper bound of the types of all $b_i$.
new scala.Function$k$[$S_1 , \ldots , S_k$, $T$] {
def apply($x_1: S_1 , \ldots , x_k: S_k$): $T$ = ($x_1 , \ldots , x_k$) match {
case $p_1$ => $b_1$ $\ldots$ case $p_n$ => $b_n$
If the expected type is `scala.PartialFunction[$S$, $R$]`,
the expression is taken to be equivalent to the following instance creation expression:
new scala.PartialFunction[$S$, $T$] {
def apply($x$: $S$): $T$ = x match {
case $p_1$ => $b_1$ $\ldots$ case $p_n$ => $b_n$
@@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ new scala.PartialFunction[$S$, $T$] {
case _ => false
Here, $x$ is a fresh name and $T$ is the weak least upper bound of the
types of all $b_i$. The final default case in the `isDefinedAt`
@@ -709,19 +709,19 @@ already a variable or wildcard pattern.
`/:` to compute the scalar product of
two vectors:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def scalarProduct(xs: Array[Double], ys: Array[Double]) =
(0.0 /: (xs zip ys)) {
case (a, (b, c)) => a + b * c
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
The case clauses in this code are equivalent to the following
anonymous function:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
(x, y) => (x, y) match {
case (a, (b, c)) => a + b * c
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
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## Compilation Units
CompilationUnit ::= {‘package’ QualId semi} TopStatSeq
TopStatSeq ::= TopStat {semi TopStat}
TopStat ::= {Annotation} {Modifier} TmplDef
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ TopStat ::= {Annotation} {Modifier} TmplDef
| PackageObject
QualId ::= id {‘.’ id}
A compilation unit consists of a sequence of packagings, import
clauses, and class and object definitions, which may be preceded by a
@@ -19,24 +19,24 @@ package clause.
A compilation unit
package $p_1$;
package $p_n$;
starting with one or more package
clauses is equivalent to a compilation unit consisting of the
package $p_1$ { $\ldots$
package $p_n$ {
} $\ldots$
Implicitly imported into every compilation unit are, in that order :
the package `java.lang`, the package `scala`, and the object
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ that order hide members of an earlier import.
## Packagings
Packaging ::= ‘package’ QualId [nl] ‘{’ TopStatSeq ‘}’
A package is a special object which defines a set of member classes,
objects and packages. Unlike other objects, packages are not introduced
@@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ Inside the packaging, all members of package $p$ are visible under their
simple names. However this rule does not extend to members of enclosing
packages of $p$ that are designated by a prefix of the path $p$.
package {
all members of package `` are visible under their
simple names, but members of packages `org` or `` require
@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ are visible to each other without qualification.
## Package Objects
PackageObject ::= ‘package’ ‘object’ ObjectDef
A package object `package object $p$ extends $t$` adds the
members of template $t$ to the package $p$. There can be only one
@@ -107,9 +107,9 @@ future version of Scala.
## Package References
QualId ::= id {‘.’ id}
A reference to a package takes the form of a qualified identifier.
Like all other references, package references are relative. That is,
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ outermost root package which contains all top-level packages.
(@package-ids) Consider the following program:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
package b {
class B
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ outermost root package which contains all top-level packages.
val x = new _root_.b.B
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Here, the reference `_root_.b.B` refers to class `B` in the
toplevel package `b`. If the `_root_` prefix had been
@@ -157,34 +157,34 @@ which executes the initializaton code of the object $m$.
(@) The following example will create a hello world program by defining
a method `main` in module `test.HelloWorld`.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
package test
object HelloWorld {
def main(args: Array[String]) { println("Hello World") }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
This program can be started by the command
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
scala test.HelloWorld
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
In a Java environment, the command
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
java test.HelloWorld
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
would work as well.
`HelloWorld` can also be defined without a `main` method
by inheriting from `App` instead:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
package test
object HelloWorld extends App {
println("Hello World")
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
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@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ XML expressions are expressions generated by the following production, where the
opening bracket `<' of the first element must be in a position to start the lexical
[XML mode](#xml-mode).
XmlExpr ::= XmlContent {Element}
Well-formedness constraints of the XML specification apply, which
means for instance that start tags and end tags must match, and
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ are changed. Scala does not support declarations, CDATA
sections or processing instructions. Entity references are not
resolved at runtime.
Element ::= EmptyElemTag
| STag Content ETag
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ XmlContent ::= Element
| CDSect
| PI
| Comment
If an XML expression is a single element, its value is a runtime
representation of an XML node (an instance of a subclass of
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ and consecutive occurrences of whitespace are replaced by a single space
character \\u0020. This behavior can be changed to preserve all whitespace
with a compiler option.
Attribute ::= Name Eq AttValue
AttValue ::= ‘"’ {CharQ | CharRef} ‘"’
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ ScalaExpr ::= Block
CharData ::= { CharNoRef } $\mbox{\rm\em without}$ {CharNoRef}`{'CharB {CharNoRef}
$\mbox{\rm\em and without}$ {CharNoRef}`]]>'{CharNoRef}
XML expressions may contain Scala expressions as attribute values or
within nodes. In the latter case, these are embedded using a single opening
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ within XML text as generated by CharData, it must be doubled. Thus, ‘{{’
represents the XML text ‘{’ and does not introduce an embedded Scala
BaseChar, Char, Comment, CombiningChar, Ideographic, NameChar, S, Reference
::= $\mbox{\rm\em “as in W3C XML”}$
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ Name ::= XNameStart {NameChar}
XNameStart ::= ‘_’ | BaseChar | Ideographic
$\mbox{\rm\em (as in W3C XML, but without }$ ‘:’
## XML patterns
@@ -104,9 +104,9 @@ XML patterns are patterns generated by the following production, where
the opening bracket ‘<’ of the element patterns must be in a position
to start the lexical [XML mode](#xml-mode).
XmlPattern ::= ElementPattern
Well-formedness constraints of the XML specification apply.
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ and consecutive occurrences of whitespace are replaced by a single space
character \\u0020. This behavior can be changed to preserve all whitespace
with a compiler option.
ElemPattern ::= EmptyElemTagP
| STagP ContentP ETagP
@@ -141,5 +141,5 @@ ContentP1 ::= ElemPattern
| Comment
| ScalaPatterns
ScalaPatterns ::= ‘{’ Patterns ‘}’
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@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# User-Defined Annotations
Annotation ::= ‘@’ SimpleType {ArgumentExprs}
ConstrAnnotation ::= ‘@’ SimpleType ArgumentExprs
User-defined annotations associate meta-information with definitions.
A simple annotation has the form `@$c$` or `@$c(a_1 , \ldots , a_n)$`.
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ does not matter.
@serializable class C { ... } // A class annotation.
@transient @volatile var m: Int // A variable annotation
String @local // A type annotation
(e: @unchecked) match { ... } // An expression annotation
The meaning of annotation clauses is implementation-dependent. On the
Java platform, the following annotations have a standard meaning.
@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ Java platform, the following annotations have a standard meaning.
This is equivalent to a the following field
definition in Java:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
private final static SerialVersionUID = <longlit>
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
* `@throws(<classlit>)` \
A Java compiler checks that a program contains handlers for checked exceptions
@@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ Java platform, the following annotations have a standard meaning.
matches which would otherwise be emitted. For instance, no warnings
would be produced for the method definition below.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def f(x: Option[Int]) = (x: @unchecked) match {
case Some(y) => y
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Without the `@unchecked` annotation, a Scala compiler could
infer that the pattern match is non-exhaustive, and could produce a
@@ -110,12 +110,12 @@ Java platform, the following annotations have a standard meaning.
value to appear in a path, even if its type is [volatile](#volatile-types).
For instance, the following member definitions are legal:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
type A { type T }
type B
@uncheckedStable val x: A with B // volatile type
val y: x.T // OK since `x' is still a path
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Without the `@uncheckedStable` annotation, the designator `x`
would not be a path since its type `A with B` is volatile. Hence,
@@ -135,11 +135,11 @@ Java platform, the following annotations have a standard meaning.
For instance, the following code would generate specialized traits for
`Unit`, `Int` and `Double`
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
trait Function0[@specialized(Unit, Int, Double) T] {
def apply: T
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Whenever the static type of an expression matches a specialized variant of
a definition,
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@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class for objects).
The signatures of these root classes are described by the following
package scala
/** The universal root class */
abstract class Any {
@@ -86,17 +86,17 @@ class AnyRef extends Any {
/** A mixin class for every user-defined Scala class */
trait ScalaObject extends AnyRef
The type test `$x$.isInstanceOf[$T$]` is equivalent to a typed
pattern match
$x$ match {
case _: $T'$ => true
case _ => false
where the type $T'$ is the same as $T$ except if $T$ is
of the form $D$ or $D[\mathit{tps}]$ where $D$ is a type member of some outer
@@ -132,13 +132,13 @@ Subrange types, as well as `Int` and `Long` are called _integer types_, whereas
Numeric value types are ranked in the following partial order:
Byte - Short
Int - Long - Float - Double
`Byte` and `Short` are the lowest-ranked types in this order,
whereas `Double` is the highest-ranked. Ranking does _not_
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ type. If this is true, it will perform the `==` operation which
is appropriate for that type. That is, the `equals` method of a
numeric value type can be thought of being defined as follows:
def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
case that: Byte => this == that
case that: Short => this == that
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
case that: Double => this == that
case _ => false
The `hashCode` method returns an integer hashcode that maps equal
numeric values to equal results. It is guaranteed to be the identity for
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ floating point number.
(@) As an example, here is the signature of the numeric value type `Int`:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
package scala
abstract sealed class Int extends AnyVal {
def == (that: Double): Boolean // double equality
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ floating point number.
def toFloat: Float // convert to Float
def toDouble: Double // convert to Double
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
### Class `Boolean`
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ Class `Boolean` has only two values: `true` and
`false`. It implements operations as given in the following
class definition.
package scala
abstract sealed class Boolean extends AnyVal {
def && (p: => Boolean): Boolean = // boolean and
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ abstract sealed class Boolean extends AnyVal {
def unary_!: Boolean = // boolean negation
if (this) false else true
The class also implements operations `equals`, `hashCode`,
and `toString` from class `Any`.
@@ -347,9 +347,9 @@ class of the underlying host system (and may be identified with
it). For Scala clients the class is taken to support in each case a
def + (that: Any): String
which concatenates its left operand with the textual representation of its
right operand.
@@ -359,12 +359,12 @@ right operand.
Scala defines tuple classes `Tuple$n$` for $n = 2 , \ldots , 9$.
These are defined as follows.
package scala
case class Tuple$n$[+A_1, ..., +A_n](_1: A_1, ..., _$n$: A_$n$) {
def toString = "(" ++ _1 ++ "," ++ $\ldots$ ++ "," ++ _$n$ ++ ")"
The implicitly imported [`Predef`](#the-predef-object) object defines
the names `Pair` as an alias of `Tuple2` and `Triple`
@@ -375,13 +375,13 @@ as an alias for `Tuple3`.
Scala defines function classes `Function$n$` for $n = 1 , \ldots , 9$.
These are defined as follows.
package scala
trait Function$n$[-A_1, ..., -A_$n$, +B] {
def apply(x_1: A_1, ..., x_$n$: A_$n$): B
def toString = "<function>"
A subclass of `Function1` represents partial functions,
which are undefined on some points in their domain. In addition to the
@@ -389,11 +389,11 @@ which are undefined on some points in their domain. In addition to the
`isDefined` method, which tells whether the function is defined
at the given argument:
class PartialFunction[-A, +B] extends Function1[A, B] {
def isDefinedAt(x: A): Boolean
The implicitly imported [`Predef`](#the-predef-object) object defines the name
`Function` as an alias of `Function1`.
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ The implicitly imported [`Predef`](#the-predef-object) object defines the name
The class of generic arrays is given as follows.
final class Array[A](len: Int) extends Seq[A] {
def length: Int = len
def apply(i: Int): A = $\ldots$
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ final class Array[A](len: Int) extends Seq[A] {
def map[B](f: A => B): Array[B] = $\ldots$
def flatMap[B](f: A => Array[B]): Array[B] = $\ldots$
If $T$ is not a type parameter or abstract type, the type Array[$T$]
is represented as the native array type `[]$T$` in the
@@ -454,11 +454,11 @@ However, it is possible to cast an expression of type
`Array[String]` to `Array[Object]`, and this
cast will succeed without raising a `ClassCastException`. Example:
val xs = new Array[String](2)
// val ys: Array[Object] = xs // **** error: incompatible types
val ys: Array[Object] = xs.asInstanceOf[Array[Object]] // OK
Second, for _polymorphic arrays_, that have a type parameter or
abstract type $T$ as their element type, a representation different
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ from
`isInstanceOf` and `asInstanceOf` still work as if the array
used the standard representation of monomorphic arrays:
val ss = new Array[String](2)
def f[T](xs: Array[T]): Array[String] =
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ def f[T](xs: Array[T]): Array[String] =
else throw new Error("not an instance")
f(ss) // returns ss
The representation chosen for polymorphic arrays also guarantees that
polymorphic array creations work as expected. An example is the
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ following implementation of method `mkArray`, which creates
an array of an arbitrary type $T$, given a sequence of $T$'s which
defines its elements.
def mkArray[T](elems: Seq[T]): Array[T] = {
val result = new Array[T](elems.length)
var i = 0
@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ def mkArray[T](elems: Seq[T]): Array[T] = {
i += 1
Note that under Java's erasure model of arrays the method above would
not work as expected -- in fact it would always return an array of
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ constructor methods for arrays, as well as
the [extractor method](#extractor-patterns) `unapplySeq`
which enables pattern matching over arrays.
package scala
object Array {
/** copies array elements from `src' to `dest'. */
@@ -543,23 +543,23 @@ object Array {
/** Enables pattern matching over arrays */
def unapplySeq[A](x: Array[A]): Option[Seq[A]] = Some(x)
(@) The following method duplicates a given argument array and returns a pair
consisting of the original and the duplicate:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def duplicate[T](xs: Array[T]) = {
val ys = new Array[T](xs.length)
Array.copy(xs, 0, ys, 0, xs.length)
(xs, ys)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
## Class Node
package scala.xml
trait Node {
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ trait Node {
override def toString = Utility.toXML(this)
## The `Predef` Object
@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ for Scala programs. It is always implicitly imported, so that all its
defined members are available without qualification. Its definition
for the JVM environment conforms to the following signature:
package scala
object Predef {
@@ -712,10 +712,10 @@ object Predef {
if (!requirement)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("requirement failed: "+ message)
// tupling ---------------------------------------------------------
@@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ object Predef {
### Predefined Implicit Definitions
@@ -787,19 +787,19 @@ The available high-priority implicits include definitions falling into the follo
* An implicit wrapper that adds `ensuring` methods
with the following overloaded variants to type `Any`.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def ensuring(cond: Boolean): A = { assert(cond); x }
def ensuring(cond: Boolean, msg: Any): A = { assert(cond, msg); x }
def ensuring(cond: A => Boolean): A = { assert(cond(x)); x }
def ensuring(cond: A => Boolean, msg: Any): A = { assert(cond(x), msg); x }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
* An implicit wrapper that adds a `->` method with the following implementation
to type `Any`.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def -> [B](y: B): (A, B) = (x, y)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
* For every array type with elements of primitive type, a wrapper that
takes the arrays of that type to instances of a `runtime.ArrayOps`
@@ -811,27 +811,27 @@ The available high-priority implicits include definitions falling into the follo
* An implicit wrapper that adds `+` and `formatted` method with the following
implementations to type `Any`.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
def +(other: String) = String.valueOf(self) + other
def formatted(fmtstr: String): String = fmtstr format self
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
* Numeric primitive conversions that implement the transitive closure of the
following mappings:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Byte -> Short
Short -> Int
Char -> Int
Int -> Long
Long -> Float
Float -> Double
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
* Boxing and unboxing conversions between primitive types and their boxed
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Byte <-> java.lang.Byte
Short <-> java.lang.Short
Char <-> java.lang.Character
@@ -840,14 +840,14 @@ The available high-priority implicits include definitions falling into the follo
Float <-> java.lang.Float
Double <-> java.lang.Double
Boolean <-> java.lang.Boolean
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
* An implicit definition that generates instances of type `T <:< T`, for
any type `T`. Here, `<:<` is a class defined as follows.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
sealed abstract class <:<[-From, +To] extends (From => To)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Implicit parameters of `<:<` types are typically used to implement type constraints.
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@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
The lexical syntax of Scala is given by the following grammar in EBNF
upper ::= ‘A’ | … | ‘Z’ | ‘\$’ | ‘_’ // and Unicode category Lu
lower ::= ‘a’ | … | ‘z’ // and Unicode category Ll
letter ::= upper | lower // and Unicode categories Lo, Lt, Nl
@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ comment ::= ‘/*’ “any sequence of characters” ‘*/’
nl ::= $\mathit{“new line character”}$
semi ::= ‘;’ | nl {nl}
The context-free syntax of Scala is given by the following EBNF
Literal ::= [‘-’] integerLiteral
| [‘-’] floatingPointLiteral
| booleanLiteral
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ grammar.
PackageObject ::= ‘package’ ‘object’ ObjectDef
CompilationUnit ::= {‘package’ QualId semi} TopStatSeq
<!-- TODO add:
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@@ -133,11 +133,11 @@ Code blocks using the listings package of form
can be replaced with pandoc code blocks of form
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{#ref-identifier .scala .numberLines}
+ ```{#ref-identifier .scala .numberLines}
val x = 1
val y = x + 1
x + y
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ```
Where `#ref-identifier` is an identifier that can be used for producing links
to the code block, while `.scala` and `.numberLines` are classes that get