path: root/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics
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authorJakob Odersky <>2015-06-29 12:32:00 +0200
committerJakob Odersky <>2015-06-29 12:32:00 +0200
commit01c5c700647feba596e02cb7a2e672f5301504ff (patch)
treebb0b0e1c2efde6b5362a294089fe081db0724833 /src/main/scala/sims/dynamics
parent998e545e8e42fee597f7274e47428d35dcf29e7b (diff)
Port to scala 2.11
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/scala/sims/dynamics')
14 files changed, 920 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Body.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Body.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c0e2ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Body.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+ * Simple Mechanics Simulator (SiMS)
+ * copyright (c) 2009 Jakob Odersky
+ * made available under the MIT License
+package sims.dynamics
+import sims.geometry._
+import sims.dynamics.joints._
+/**A two dimensional rigid body is made out of shapes.
+ * @param shps shapes that belong to this body.*/
+class Body(shps: Shape*){
+ /**Unique identification number.*/
+ val uid = Body.nextUid
+ /**Shapes that belong to this body.*/
+ val shapes: List[Shape] = shps.toList
+ //Shapes are added during initialisation.
+ for (s <- shapes) {
+ s.body = this
+ s.refLocalPos = s.pos - pos
+ s.rotation0 = s.rotation
+ }
+ private var isFixed: Boolean = false
+ /**Returns whether this body is fixed or not.*/
+ def fixed = isFixed
+ /**Fixes or frees this body. By fixing, linear and angular velocities are set to zero.*/
+ def fixed_=(value: Boolean) = {
+ if (value) {linearVelocity = Vector2D.Null; angularVelocity = 0.0}
+ isFixed = value
+ }
+ /**Flag for a world to monitor the properties of this body.
+ * @see World#monitors*/
+ var monitor: Boolean = false
+ /**Returns the position of this body. The position is equivalent to the center of mass.
+ * @return position of this body*/
+ def pos: Vector2D = // COM = sum(pos*mass)/M
+ (Vector2D.Null /: shapes)((v: Vector2D, s: Shape) => v + s.pos * s.mass) /
+ (0.0 /: shapes)((i: Double, s: Shape) => i + s.mass)
+ /**Sets the position of this body. By doing so all its shapes are translated.
+ * @param newPos new position*/
+ def pos_=(newPos: Vector2D) = {
+ val stepPos = pos
+ shapes.foreach((s: Shape) => s.pos = s.pos - stepPos + newPos)
+ }
+ /**Contains the current rotation of this body.*/
+ private var _rotation: Double = 0.0
+ /**Returns the current rotation of this body.*/
+ def rotation: Double = _rotation
+ /**Sets the rotation of this body. Position and rotation of shapes are modified accordingly.
+ * @param r new rotation*/
+ def rotation_=(newRotation: Double) = {
+ _rotation = newRotation
+ val stepPos = pos
+ for (s <- shapes) {
+ s.rotation = newRotation + s.rotation0
+ s.pos = stepPos + (s.refLocalPos rotate (newRotation))
+ }
+ }
+ /**Linear velocity of this body.*/
+ var linearVelocity: Vector2D = Vector2D.Null
+ /**Angular velocity of this body.*/
+ var angularVelocity: Double = 0
+ /**Linear velocity of the given point on this body (in world coordinates).*/
+ def velocityOfPoint(point: Vector2D) = linearVelocity + ((point - pos).leftNormal * angularVelocity)
+ /**Resulting force on the COM of this body.*/
+ var force: Vector2D = Vector2D.Null
+ /**Resulting torque on this body.*/
+ var torque: Double = 0
+ /**Returns the mass of this body. If the body is free, its mass is the sum of the masses of its shapes.
+ * If the body is fixed, its mass is infinite (<code>Double.PositiveInfinity</code>).
+ * @return this body's mass*/
+ def mass: Double = if (fixed) Double.PositiveInfinity else (0.0 /: shapes)((i: Double, s: Shape) => i + s.mass)
+ /**Returns the moment of inertia for rotations about the COM of this body.
+ * It is calculated using the moments of inertia of this body's shapes and the parallel axis theorem.
+ * If the body is fixed, its moment of inertia is infinite (<code>Double.PositiveInfinity</code>).
+ * @return moment of inertia for rotations about the COM of this body*/
+ def I: Double = if (fixed) Double.PositiveInfinity else
+ (0.0 /: (for (s <- shapes) yield (s.I + s.mass * ((s.pos - pos) dot (s.pos - pos)))))(_+_)
+ /**Applies a force to the COM of this body.
+ * @param force applied force*/
+ def applyForce(force: Vector2D) = if (!fixed) this.force += force
+ /**Applies a force to a point on this body. Warning: the point is considered to be contained within this body.
+ * @param force applied force
+ * @param point position vector of the point (in world coordinates)*/
+ def applyForce(force: Vector2D, point: Vector2D) = if (!fixed) {this.force += force; torque += (point - pos) cross force}
+ /**Applies an impulse to the COM of this body.
+ * @param impulse applied impulse*/
+ def applyImpulse(impulse: Vector2D) = if (!fixed) linearVelocity += impulse / mass
+ /**Applies an impulse to a point on this body. Warning: the point is considered to be contained within this body.
+ * @param impulse applied impulse
+ * @param point position vector of the point (in world coordinates)*/
+ def applyImpulse(impulse: Vector2D, point: Vector2D) = if (!fixed) {linearVelocity += impulse / mass; angularVelocity += ((point - pos) cross impulse) / I}
+ /**Checks if the point <code>point</code> is contained in this body.*/
+ def contains(point: Vector2D) = shapes.exists(_.contains(point))
+ override def toString: String = {
+ "Body" + uid + " " + shapes + " fixed=" + fixed + " m=" + mass + " I=" + I + " pos=" + pos + " rot=" + rotation + " v=" + linearVelocity + " w=" + angularVelocity + " F=" + force + " tau=" + torque
+ }
+ /**Creates a new body containing this body's shapes and the shape <code>s</code>.
+ * @param s new shape
+ * @return new body*/
+ def ~(s: Shape) = new Body((s :: shapes): _*)
+ /**Creates a new body containing this body's shapes and the shapes of another body <code>b</code>.
+ * @param b body with extra shapes
+ * @return new body*/
+ def ~(b: Body) = new Body((this.shapes ::: b.shapes): _*)
+object Body {
+ private var uidCounter = -1
+ private def nextUid = {uidCounter += 1; uidCounter}
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Circle.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Circle.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6db07d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Circle.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * Simple Mechanics Simulator (SiMS)
+ * copyright (c) 2009 Jakob Odersky
+ * made available under the MIT License
+package sims.dynamics
+import sims.geometry._
+import sims.collision._
+ * A circle.
+ * @param radius radius of this circle
+ * @param density density of this circle
+ */
+case class Circle(radius: Double, density: Double) extends Shape{
+ val volume = math.Pi * radius * radius
+ val I = mass * radius * radius / 2
+ def AABB = new AABB(pos - Vector2D(radius,radius),
+ pos + Vector2D(radius,radius))
+ def project(axis: Vector2D) = if (axis.x != 0) Projection(axis,
+ (pos.project(axis).x / axis.x) - radius,
+ (pos.project(axis).x / axis.x) + radius)
+ else Projection(axis,
+ (pos.project(axis).y / axis.y) - radius,
+ (pos.project(axis).y / axis.y) + radius)
+ def contains(point: Vector2D) = (point - pos).length <= radius
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Constraint.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Constraint.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaa6952
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+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Constraint.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ * Simple Mechanics Simulator (SiMS)
+ * copyright (c) 2009 Jakob Odersky
+ * made available under the MIT License
+package sims.dynamics
+/**All constraints in SiMS implement this trait.
+ * Position and velocity can be corrected for each constraint.
+ * The implementation of constraints was inspired by Erin Catto's box2d.*/
+trait Constraint {
+ /**Corrects the velocities of bodies according to this constraint.
+ * @param h a time interval, used for converting forces and impulses*/
+ def correctVelocity(h: Double): Unit
+ /**Corrects the positions of bodies according to this constraint.
+ * @param h a time interval, used for converting forces and impulses*/
+ def correctPosition(h: Double): Unit
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Rectangle.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Rectangle.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89ab4c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Rectangle.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * Simple Mechanics Simulator (SiMS)
+ * copyright (c) 2009 Jakob Odersky
+ * made available under the MIT License
+package sims.dynamics
+import sims.geometry._
+import sims.collision._
+/**A rectangle is a polygon.
+ * @param halfWidth this rectangle's half width
+ * @param halfHeight this rectangle's half height
+ * @param density density of this rectangle
+ */
+case class Rectangle(halfWidth: Double,
+ halfHeight : Double,
+ density: Double) extends Shape with ConvexPolygon{
+ val volume = halfWidth * halfHeight * 4
+ val I = 1.0 / 12.0 * mass * ((2 * halfWidth) * (2 * halfWidth) + (2 * halfHeight) * (2 * halfHeight))
+ /**Returns the vectors from the center to the vertices of this rectangle.
+ * The first vertex is the upper-right vertex at a rotation of 0.
+ * Vertices are ordered counter-clockwise.*/
+ def halfDiags: Array[Vector2D] = Array(Vector2D(halfWidth, halfHeight),
+ Vector2D(-halfWidth, halfHeight),
+ Vector2D(-halfWidth, -halfHeight),
+ Vector2D(halfWidth, -halfHeight)) map (_ rotate rotation)
+ /**Returns the position vectors of this rectangle's vertices.
+ * The first vertex is the upper-right vertex at a rotation of 0.
+ * Vertices are ordered counter-clockwise.*/
+ def vertices = for (h <- halfDiags) yield pos + h
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/RegularPolygon.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/RegularPolygon.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f08ca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/RegularPolygon.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * Simple Mechanics Simulator (SiMS)
+ * copyright (c) 2009 Jakob Odersky
+ * made available under the MIT License
+package sims.dynamics
+import math._
+import sims.geometry._
+/**A regular polygon with <code>n</code> sides whose excircle has a radius <code>radius</code>.
+ * @param n nmber of sides.
+ * @param radius radius of the excircle
+ * @param density density of this regular polygon
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>n</code> is smaller than 3 */
+case class RegularPolygon(n: Int, radius: Double, density: Double) extends Shape with ConvexPolygon{
+ require(n >= 3, "A polygon must have at least 3 sides.")
+ /**Height of one of the constituting triangles.*/
+ private val h: Double = radius * cos(Pi / n)
+ /**Half width of one of the constituting triangles.*/
+ private val b: Double = radius * sin(Pi / n)
+ def halfDiags = (for (i: Int <- (0 until n).toArray) yield (Vector2D(0, radius) rotate (2 * Pi * i / n))) map (_ rotate rotation)
+ def vertices = for (h <- halfDiags) yield pos + h
+ val volume = n * h * b
+ /**Moment of inertia of one of the constituting triangles about the center of this polygon.*/
+ private val Ic: Double = density * b * (3 * b + 16) * h * h * h * h / 54
+ val I = n * Ic
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Shape.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Shape.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47a4199
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Shape.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ * Simple Mechanics Simulator (SiMS)
+ * copyright (c) 2009 Jakob Odersky
+ * made available under the MIT License
+package sims.dynamics
+import sims.geometry._
+import sims.collision._
+* An abstract shape.
+abstract class Shape{
+ /**Unique identification number.*/
+ val uid: Int = Shape.nextUid
+ /**Flag determining this shapes ability to collide with other shapes.*/
+ var collidable: Boolean = true
+ /**Part of the coefficient of restitution for a collision between this shape and another.
+ * The coefficient of restitution is calculated out of the product of this part and the other shape's part.*/
+ var restitution: Double = 0.7
+ /**Part of the coefficient of friction for a collision between this shape and another.
+ * The coefficient of friction is calculated out of the product of this part and the other shape's part.*/
+ var friction: Double = 0.707
+ /**Position of this shape's COM (in world coordinates).*/
+ var pos: Vector2D = Vector2D.Null
+ /**Rotation of this shape about its COM.*/
+ var rotation: Double = 0
+ /**Initial rotation. Rotation of this shape before it was added to a body.*/
+ var rotation0 = 0.0
+ /**Local position of this shape's body COM to its COM at a body rotation of zero.*/
+ var refLocalPos: Vector2D = Vector2D.Null
+ /**Density. (Mass per area)*/
+ val density: Double
+ /**Volume. The volume is actually equivalent to this shape's area (SiMS is in 2D)
+ * and is used with this shape's density to calculate its mass.*/
+ val volume: Double
+ /**Returns the mass of this shape. The mass is given by volume times density.
+ @return mass of this shape*/
+ def mass = volume * density
+ /**Moment of inertia for a rotation about this shape's COM.*/
+ val I: Double
+ /**Containing body.*/
+ private var _body: Body = _
+ /**Returns this shape's containing body.*/
+ def body = _body
+ /**Sets this shape's containing body.*/
+ private[dynamics] def body_=(b: Body) = _body = b
+ /**Returns this shape's axis aligned bounding box.*/
+ def AABB: AABB
+ /**Returns the projection of this shape onto the line given by the directional vector <code>axis</code>.
+ * @param axis directional vector of the line
+ * @return projection of this shape*/
+ def project(axis: Vector2D): Projection
+ /**Checks if the point <code>point</code> is contained in this shape.*/
+ def contains(point: Vector2D): Boolean
+ /**Creates a new body made out of tis shape.
+ @return a body made out of tis shape*/
+ def asBody = new Body(this)
+ /**Shapes with which this shape cannot collide.*/
+ val transientShapes: collection.mutable.Set[Shape] = collection.mutable.Set()
+ /**Creates a new body out of this shape and the shape <code>s</code>.*/
+ def ~(s: Shape) = new Body(this, s)
+ /**Creates a new body out of this shape and the shapes of body <code>b</code>.*/
+ def ~(b: Body) = {
+ val shapes = this :: b.shapes
+ new Body(shapes: _*)
+ }
+object Shape {
+ private var uidCounter = -1
+ private def nextUid = {uidCounter += 1; uidCounter}
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/World.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/World.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f24a3fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/World.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+ * Simple Mechanics Simulator (SiMS)
+ * copyright (c) 2009 Jakob Odersky
+ * made available under the MIT License
+package sims.dynamics
+import sims.geometry._
+import sims.collision._
+import sims.dynamics.joints._
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+/**A world contains and simulates a system of rigid bodies and joints.*/
+class World {
+ /**Time intervals in which this world simulates.*/
+ var timeStep: Double = 1.0 / 60
+ /**Number of constraint corrections per time step.*/
+ var iterations: Int = 10
+ /**Gravity in this world.*/
+ var gravity = Vector2D(0, -9.81)
+ /**Bodies contained in this world.*/
+ val bodies = new ArrayBuffer[Body]
+ /**Joints contained in this world.*/
+ val joints = new ArrayBuffer[Joint]
+ /**Monitoring methods for bodies.
+ * <p>
+ * The first element of the tuple is the method's title and the second the method.
+ * Example usage: monitors += ("Y-Position", _.pos.y.toString)
+ * This will calculate all bodies - whose <code>monitor</code> field is set to
+ * <code>true</code> - second position components.*/
+ val monitors = new ArrayBuffer[(String, Body => Any)]
+ /**Collsion detector who manages collision detection in this world.*/
+ val detector: Detector = new GridDetector(this)
+ /**Warning if a body's velocity exceeds the speed of light.*/
+ var overCWarning = false
+ /**Flag to enable collision detection.*/
+ var enableCollisionDetection = true
+ /**Flag to enable position correction for constraints.*/
+ var enablePositionCorrection = true
+ /**Minimal, non-zero linear velocity.*/
+ var minLinearVelocity: Double = 0.0001
+ /**Minimal, non-zero angular velocity.*/
+ var minAngularVelocity: Double = 0.0001
+ /**Returns all shapes of all bodies in this world.*/
+ def shapes = for (b <- bodies; s <- b.shapes) yield s
+ /**Adds the given body to this world.*/
+ def +=(body: Body) = bodies += body
+ /**Adds the given joint to this world.*/
+ def +=(joint: Joint): Unit = joints += joint
+ /**Adds the given prefabricated system of bodies and joints to this world.*/
+ def +=(p: sims.prefabs.Prefab): Unit = {
+ for (b <- p.bodies) this += b
+ for (j <- p.joints) this += j
+ }
+ /**Adds the given sequence of bodies to this world.*/
+ def ++=(bs: Seq[Body]): Unit = for(b <- bs) this += b
+ /**Removes the given body from this world.*/
+ def -=(body: Body): Unit = bodies -= body
+ /**Removes the given joint from this world.*/
+ def -=(joint: Joint): Unit = joints -= joint
+ /**Removes the given prefabricated system of bodies and joints from this world.*/
+ def -=(p: sims.prefabs.Prefab): Unit = {
+ for (b <- p.bodies) this -= b
+ for (j <- p.joints) this -= j
+ }
+ /**Removes the given sequence of bodies from this world.*/
+ def --=(bs: Seq[Body]) = for(b <- bs) this -= b
+ /**Removes all bodies, joints and monitoring methods from this world.*/
+ def clear() = {joints.clear(); bodies.clear(); monitors.clear()}
+ /**Current time in this world.*/
+ var time: Double = 0.0
+ /**Simulates a time step of the duration <code>timeStep</code>.
+ * <p>
+ * The time step is simulated in the following phases:
+ * <ol>
+ * <li>Forces are applied to bodies.</li>
+ * <li>Accelerations are integrated.</li>
+ * <li>Velocities are corrected.</li>
+ * <li>Velocities are integrated.</li>
+ * <li>Postions are corrected.</li>
+ * <li>The method <code>postStep()</code> is executed.</li>
+ * </ol>*/
+ def step() = {
+ time += timeStep
+ //force applying objects
+ for (j <- joints) j match {case f: ForceJoint => f.applyForce; case _ => ()}
+ //integration of acclerations, yields velocities
+ for (b <- bodies) {
+ b.applyForce(gravity * b.mass)
+ b.linearVelocity = b.linearVelocity + (b.force / b.mass) * timeStep
+ b.angularVelocity = b.angularVelocity + (b.torque / b.I) * timeStep
+ }
+ //correction of velocities
+ for (i <- 0 until iterations){
+ for(c <- joints) c.correctVelocity(timeStep)
+ if (enableCollisionDetection) for (c <- detector.collisions) c.correctVelocity(timeStep)
+ }
+ //integration of velocities, yields positions
+ for (b <- bodies) {
+ //warning when body gets faster than speed of light
+ if (b.linearVelocity.length >= 300000000) overCWarning = true
+ if (b.linearVelocity.length < minLinearVelocity) b.linearVelocity = Vector2D.Null
+ if (b.angularVelocity.abs < minAngularVelocity) b.angularVelocity = 0.0
+ b.pos = b.pos + b.linearVelocity * timeStep
+ b.rotation = b.rotation + b.angularVelocity * timeStep
+ b.force = Vector2D.Null
+ b.torque = 0.0
+ }
+ //correction of positions
+ if (enablePositionCorrection) for (i <- 0 until iterations){
+ for (c <- joints) c.correctPosition(timeStep)
+ if (enableCollisionDetection) for (c <- detector.collisions) c.correctPosition(timeStep)
+ }
+ postStep()
+ }
+ /**Initially empty method that is executed after each time step. This method
+ * may be overriden to create custom behaviour in a world.*/
+ def postStep() = {}
+ /**Returns information about this world.*/
+ def info = {
+ "Bodies = " + bodies.length + "\n" +
+ "Shapes = " + shapes.length + "\n" +
+ "Joints = " + joints.length + "\n" +
+ "Collisions = " + detector.collisions.length + "\n" +
+ "Monitors = " + monitors.length + "\n" +
+ "Gravity = " + gravity + "m/s^2\n" +
+ "Timestep = " + timeStep + "s\n" +
+ "Time = " + time + "s\n" +
+ "Iterations = " + iterations
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/joints/DistanceJoint.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/joints/DistanceJoint.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bf9b46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/joints/DistanceJoint.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ * Simple Mechanics Simulator (SiMS)
+ * copyright (c) 2009 Jakob Odersky
+ * made available under the MIT License
+package sims.dynamics.joints
+import sims.dynamics._
+import sims.geometry._
+/** DistanceJoints keep their connection points at a constant distance.
+ * @param node1 first associated body
+ * @param anchor1 first connection point
+ * @param node2 second associated body
+ * @param anchor2 second connection point*/
+case class DistanceJoint(node1: Body, anchor1: Vector2D, node2: Body, anchor2: Vector2D) extends Joint{
+ def this(node1: Body, node2: Body) = this(node1, node1.pos, node2, node2.pos)
+ /**Distance between the two connection points at initialisation (the desired distance).*/
+ val distance = (anchor2 - anchor1).length
+ private val a1 = anchor1 - node1.pos
+ private val a2 = anchor2 - node2.pos
+ private val initRotation1 = node1.rotation
+ private val initRotation2 = node2.rotation
+ /**Returns the connection point on body one (in world coordinates).*/
+ def connection1 = (a1 rotate (node1.rotation - initRotation1)) + node1.pos
+ /**Returns the connection point on body two (in world coordinates).*/
+ def connection2 = (a2 rotate (node2.rotation - initRotation2)) + node2.pos
+ /**Relative position of the connection points.*/
+ def x = connection2 - connection1
+ /**Relative velocity of the connection points.*/
+ def v = node2.velocityOfPoint(connection2) - node1.velocityOfPoint(connection1)
+ /* x = connection2 - connection1
+ * C = ||x|| - L
+ * u = x / ||x||
+ * v = v2 + w2 cross r2 - v1 - w1 cross r1
+ * Cdot = u dot v
+ * J = [-u -(r1 cross u) u (r2 cross u)]
+ * 1/m = J * M^-1 * JT
+ * = 1/m1 * u * u + 1/m2 * u * u + 1/I1 * (r1 cross u)^2 + 1/I2 * (r2 cross u)^2*/
+ override def correctVelocity(h: Double) = {
+ val x = this.x //relative position
+ val v = this.v //relative velocity
+ val r1 = (connection1 - node1.pos)
+ val r2 = (connection2 - node2.pos)
+ val cr1 = r1 cross x.unit
+ val cr2 = r2 cross x.unit
+ val Cdot = x.unit dot v //velocity constraint
+ val invMass = 1/node1.mass + 1/node1.I * cr1 * cr1 + 1/node2.mass + 1/node2.I * cr2 * cr2 //=J M^-1 JT
+ val m = if (invMass == 0.0) 0.0 else 1/invMass //avoid division by zero
+ val lambda = -m * Cdot //=-JV/JM^-1JT
+ val impulse = x.unit * lambda //P=J lambda
+ node1.applyImpulse(-impulse, connection1)
+ node2.applyImpulse(impulse, connection2)
+ }
+ override def correctPosition(h: Double) = {
+ val C = x.length - distance
+ val cr1 = (connection1 - node1.pos) cross x.unit
+ val cr2 = (connection2 - node2.pos) cross x.unit
+ val invMass = 1/node1.mass + 1/node1.I * cr1 * cr1 + 1/node2.mass + 1/node2.I * cr2 * cr2
+ val m = if (invMass == 0.0) 0.0 else 1/invMass
+ val impulse = -x.unit * m * C
+ node1.pos -= impulse / node1.mass
+ node2.pos += impulse / node2.mass
+ node1.rotation -= ((connection1 - node1.pos) cross impulse) / node1.I
+ node2.rotation += ((connection2 - node2.pos) cross impulse) / node2.I
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/joints/ForceJoint.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/joints/ForceJoint.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2074ee4
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+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/joints/ForceJoint.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ * Simple Mechanics Simulator (SiMS)
+ * copyright (c) 2009 Jakob Odersky
+ * made available under the MIT License
+package sims.dynamics.joints
+/**A joint which can apply a force to its anchor bodies, thus adding or removing energy to the system.*/
+trait ForceJoint {
+ /**Applies a force on the anchor bodies.*/
+ def applyForce(): Unit
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/joints/Joint.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/joints/Joint.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..652df97
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+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/joints/Joint.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ * Simple Mechanics Simulator (SiMS)
+ * copyright (c) 2009 Jakob Odersky
+ * made available under the MIT License
+package sims.dynamics.joints
+import sims.geometry._
+import sims.dynamics._
+/**Joints constrain the movement of two bodies.
+ * Their implementation was inspired by Erin Catto's box2d.*/
+abstract class Joint extends Constraint{
+ /**First body of the joint.*/
+ val node1: Body
+ /**Second body of the joint.*/
+ val node2: Body
+ /**Corrects the velocities of this joint's associated bodies.*/
+ def correctVelocity(h: Double): Unit
+ /**Corrects the positions of this joint's associated bodies.*/
+ def correctPosition(h: Double): Unit
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/joints/RevoluteJoint.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/joints/RevoluteJoint.scala
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+ * Simple Mechanics Simulator (SiMS)
+ * copyright (c) 2009 Jakob Odersky
+ * made available under the MIT License
+package sims.dynamics.joints
+import sims.geometry._
+import sims.math._
+import sims.dynamics._
+import math._
+/**A revolute joint that connects two bodies at a singe point. Inspired from JBox2D.
+ * <b>Warning:</b> there are still several bugs with revolute joints, if they are between two free
+ * bodies and not connected at their respective COMs.*/
+case class RevoluteJoint(node1: Body, node2: Body, anchor: Vector2D) extends Joint{
+ private val a1 = anchor - node1.pos
+ private val a2 = anchor - node2.pos
+ private val initRotation1 = node1.rotation
+ private val initRotation2 = node2.rotation
+ def connection1 = (a1 rotate (node1.rotation - initRotation1)) + node1.pos
+ def connection2 = (a2 rotate (node2.rotation - initRotation2)) + node2.pos
+ def x = connection2 - connection1
+ def v = node2.velocityOfPoint(connection2) - node1.velocityOfPoint(connection1)
+ /* x = connection2 - connection1
+ * C = x
+ * Cdot = v = v2 - v1 = v2 + (w2 cross r2) - v1 - (w1 cross r1)
+ * J = [-I -r1_skew I r2_skew ] ?????
+ */
+ def correctVelocity(h: Double) = {
+ val m1 = node1.mass
+ val m2 = node2.mass
+ val I1 = node1.I
+ val I2 = node2.I
+ val r1 = connection1 - node1.pos
+ val r2 = connection2 - node2.pos
+ val K1 = new Matrix22(1/m1 + 1/m2, 0,
+ 0, 1/m1 + 1/m2)
+ val K2 = new Matrix22(1/I1 * r1.x * r1.x, -1/I1 * r1.x * r1.y,
+ -1/I1 * r1.x * r1.y, 1/I1 * r1.x * r1.x)
+ val K3 = new Matrix22(1/I2 * r2.x * r2.x, -1/I2 * r2.x * r2.y,
+ -1/I2 * r2.x * r2.y, 1/I2 * r2.x * r2.x)
+ val pivotMass = (K1 + K2 + K3).invert
+ val cdot = v
+ val p = pivotMass * cdot
+ node1.applyImpulse(p, connection1)
+ node2.applyImpulse(-p, connection2)
+ }
+ def correctPosition(h: Double) = {
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/joints/SpringJoint.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/joints/SpringJoint.scala
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index 0000000..10d5afb
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+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/joints/SpringJoint.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * Simple Mechanics Simulator (SiMS)
+ * copyright (c) 2009 Jakob Odersky
+ * made available under the MIT License
+package sims.dynamics.joints
+import sims.dynamics._
+import sims.geometry._
+/**A spring obeying Hooke's law.
+ * @param node1 first associated body
+ * @param anchor1 first connection point
+ * @param node2 second associated body
+ * @param anchor2 second connection point
+ * @param springConstant spring constant
+ * @param initialLength initial length
+ */
+case class SpringJoint(node1: Body, anchor1: Vector2D, node2: Body, anchor2: Vector2D, springConstant: Double, initialLength: Double) extends Joint with ForceJoint{
+ def this(node1: Body, anchor1: Vector2D, node2: Body, anchor2: Vector2D, springConstant: Double) = {
+ this(node1: Body, anchor1, node2: Body, anchor2, springConstant: Double, (anchor2 - anchor1).length)
+ }
+ def this(node1: Body, node2: Body, springConstant: Double, initialLength: Double) = {
+ this(node1: Body, node1.pos, node2: Body, node2.pos, springConstant: Double, initialLength: Double)
+ }
+ def this(node1: Body, node2: Body, springConstant: Double) = {
+ this(node1: Body, node1.pos, node2: Body, node2.pos, springConstant: Double, (node2.pos - node1.pos).length)
+ }
+ private val a1 = anchor1 - node1.pos
+ private val a2 = anchor2 - node2.pos
+ private val initRotation1 = node1.rotation
+ private val initRotation2 = node2.rotation
+ /**Returns the connection point on body one (in world coordinates).*/
+ def connection1 = (a1 rotate (node1.rotation - initRotation1)) + node1.pos
+ /**Returns the connection point on body two (in world coordinates).*/
+ def connection2 = (a2 rotate (node2.rotation - initRotation2)) + node2.pos
+ /**Damping.*/
+ var damping = 0.0
+ /**Relative position of the connection points.*/
+ def x = connection2 - connection1
+ /**Relative velocity of the connection points.*/
+ def v = node2.velocityOfPoint(connection2) - node1.velocityOfPoint(connection1)
+ /**Returns the spring force.*/
+ def force = (x.length - initialLength) * springConstant
+ /**Applies the spring force to the connection points.*/
+ def applyForce() = {
+ node1.applyForce(x.unit * force - (v * damping) project x, connection1)
+ node2.applyForce(-x.unit * force - (v * damping) project x, connection2)
+ //println("this should not happen")
+ }
+ def correctVelocity(h: Double) = {
+ /*
+ val x = this.x
+ val v = this.v
+ val r1 = (connection1 - node1.pos)
+ val r2 = (connection2 - node2.pos)
+ val cr1 = r1 cross x.unit
+ val cr2 = r2 cross x.unit
+ val Cdot = x.unit dot v
+ val invMass = 1/node1.mass + 1/node1.I * cr1 * cr1 + 1/node2.mass + 1/node2.I * cr2 * cr2 //=J M^-1 JT
+ val m = if (invMass == 0.0) 0.0 else 1/invMass
+ val lambda = math.min(math.max(-this.force * h, (-m * Cdot)), this.force * h)
+ println (force * h, -m * Cdot)
+ val impulse = x.unit * lambda
+ node1.applyImpulse(-impulse, connection1)
+ node2.applyImpulse(impulse, connection2)
+ */
+ }
+ def correctPosition(h: Double) = {
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/joints/test/PrismaticJoint.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/joints/test/PrismaticJoint.scala
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index 0000000..040647d
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+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/joints/test/PrismaticJoint.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+package sims.dynamics.joints.test
+import sims.dynamics._
+import sims.dynamics.joints._
+import sims.geometry._
+case class PrismaticJoint(node1: Body, anchor1: Vector2D, node2: Body, anchor2: Vector2D) extends Joint{
+ def this(node1: Body, node2: Body) = this(node1, node1.pos, node2, node2.pos)
+ val angle = node2.rotation - node1.rotation
+ private val a1 = anchor1 - node1.pos
+ private val a2 = anchor2 - node2.pos
+ private val initRotation1 = node1.rotation
+ private val initRotation2 = node2.rotation
+ def connection1 = (a1 rotate (node1.rotation - initRotation1)) + node1.pos
+ def connection2 = (a2 rotate (node2.rotation - initRotation2)) + node2.pos
+ def x = connection2 - connection1
+ def v = node2.velocityOfPoint(connection2) - node1.velocityOfPoint(connection1)
+ def correctVelocity(h: Double) = {
+ correctLinear(h)
+ //correctAngular(h)
+ }
+ def correctLinear(h: Double) = {
+ val x = this.x.unit
+ val n0 = x.leftNormal
+ val v = this.v
+ val r1 = (connection1 - node1.pos)
+ val r2 = (connection2 - node2.pos)
+ val cr1 = r1 cross n0
+ val cr2 = r2 cross n0
+ val Cdot = n0 dot v
+ val invMass = 1/node1.mass + 1/node1.I * cr1 * cr1 + 1/node2.mass + 1/node2.I * cr2 * cr2
+ val m = if (invMass == 0.0) 0.0 else 1/invMass
+ val impulse = -n0 * m * Cdot
+ node1.applyImpulse(-impulse, connection1)
+ node2.applyImpulse(impulse, connection2)
+ }
+ //J=[-1,1]
+ def correctAngular(h: Double) = {
+ val w = node2.angularVelocity - node1.angularVelocity
+ val Cdot = w
+ val invMass = node1.I + node2.I
+ val m = 1 / invMass
+ val lambda = m * Cdot
+ node1.angularVelocity += lambda / node1.I
+ node2.angularVelocity += -lambda / node2.I
+ }
+ def correctPosition(h: Double) = {
+ /*
+ val x = this.x.unit
+ val n0 = x.leftNormal
+ val v = this.v
+ val r1 = (connection1 - node1.pos)
+ val r2 = (connection2 - node2.pos)
+ val cr1 = r1 cross n0
+ val cr2 = r2 cross n0
+ val C = n0 dot x
+ val invMass = 1/node1.mass + 1/node1.I * cr1 * cr1 + 1/node2.mass + 1/node2.I * cr2 * cr2
+ val m = if (invMass == 0.0) 0.0 else 1/invMass
+ val impulse = -n0 * m * C
+ node1.pos += -impulse
+ node1.rotation += -impulse cross r1
+ node2.pos += impulse
+ node2.rotation += impulse cross r2
+ val relOmega = node2.angularVelocity - node2.angularVelocity
+ val invMassOmega = node1.I + node2.I
+ val mOmega = if (invMassOmega == 0.0) 0.0 else 1/invMassOmega
+ val Crot = node2.rotation - node2.rotation + angle
+ node1.rotation += mOmega * Crot
+ node2.rotation += -mOmega * Crot
+ */
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/joints/test/UnitCircleJoint.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/joints/test/UnitCircleJoint.scala
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index 0000000..09e72d9
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+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/joints/test/UnitCircleJoint.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * Simple Mechanics Simulator (SiMS)
+ * copyright (c) 2009 Jakob Odersky
+ * made available under the MIT License
+package sims.dynamics.joints.test
+import sims.dynamics._
+import sims.dynamics.joints._
+import sims.geometry._
+class UnitCircleJoint(body: Body, anchor: Vector2D) extends Joint{
+ val node1 = body
+ val node2 = body
+ private val a = anchor - body.pos
+ private val initRotation = body.rotation
+ def connection = (a rotate (body.rotation - initRotation)) + body.pos
+ def x = connection
+ def v = body.velocityOfPoint(connection)
+ /*
+ * C = ||x|| - 1
+ * Cdot = x/||x|| dot v = u dot v
+ * J = [u (r cross u)]
+ */
+ def correctVelocity(h: Double) = {
+ val r = connection - body.pos
+ val u = x.unit
+ val cr = r cross u
+ val mc = 1.0/(1/body.mass + 1/body.I * cr * cr)
+ val lambda = -mc * (u dot v)
+ val Pc = u * lambda
+ val vupdate = u * lambda / body.mass
+ val wupdate = (r cross u) * lambda / body.I
+ println("dv = " + vupdate + " dw = " + wupdate)
+ body.linearVelocity = body.linearVelocity + u * lambda / body.mass
+ body.angularVelocity = body.angularVelocity + (r cross u) * lambda / body.I
+ }
+ def correctPosition(h: Double) = {}