path: root/src/compiler/scala
diff options
authorEugene Burmako <>2012-06-08 02:36:10 +0200
committerEugene Burmako <>2012-06-08 15:32:28 +0200
commit0b2f1bcf75d31c59b25e19eebcb80f39c155365b (patch)
tree8d9dfc50ef01ca48c068b232af7e67a723325388 /src/compiler/scala
parent13213e3df0384b1fd815c0798758a22284572cdb (diff)
Introduces scala-reflect.jar
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala')
85 files changed, 0 insertions, 26856 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/JavaUniverse.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/JavaUniverse.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bf62a357c..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/JavaUniverse.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package api
-// [Martin] Moved to compiler because it needs to see runtime.Universe
-// The two will be united in scala-reflect anyway.
-trait JavaUniverse extends Universe with Mirrors with TagInterop { self =>
- type RuntimeClass = java.lang.Class[_]
- override type Mirror >: Null <: JavaMirror
- trait JavaMirror extends MirrorOf[self.type] with RuntimeMirror {
- val classLoader: ClassLoader
- override def toString = s"JavaMirror with ${}"
- }
- def runtimeMirror(cl: ClassLoader): Mirror
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/TagInterop.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/TagInterop.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e10b89d1c6..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/TagInterop.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package api
-import scala.reflect.base.TypeCreator
-import scala.reflect.base.{Universe => BaseUniverse}
-// [Martin] Moved to compiler because it needs to see runtime.Universe
-// The two will be united in scala-reflect anyway.
-trait TagInterop { self: JavaUniverse =>
- // [Eugene++] would be great if we could approximate the interop without any mirrors
- // todo. think how to implement that
- override def concreteTypeTagToManifest[T: ClassTag](mirror0: Any, tag: base.Universe # ConcreteTypeTag[T]): Manifest[T] = {
- // [Eugene++] implement more sophisticated logic
- // Martin said it'd be okay to simply copypaste `Implicits.manifestOfType`
- val mirror = mirror0.asInstanceOf[Mirror]
- val runtimeClass = mirror.runtimeClass(
- Manifest.classType(runtimeClass).asInstanceOf[Manifest[T]]
- }
- override def manifestToConcreteTypeTag[T](mirror0: Any, manifest: Manifest[T]): base.Universe # ConcreteTypeTag[T] =
- ConcreteTypeTag(mirror0.asInstanceOf[Mirror], new TypeCreator {
- def apply[U <: BaseUniverse with Singleton](mirror: MirrorOf[U]): U # Type = {
- mirror.universe match {
- case ju: JavaUniverse =>
- val jm = mirror.asInstanceOf[ju.Mirror]
- val sym = jm.reflectClass(manifest.erasure).symbol
- val tpe =
- if (manifest.typeArguments.isEmpty) sym.asType
- else ju.appliedType(sym.asTypeConstructor, manifest.typeArguments map (targ => ju.manifestToConcreteTypeTag(jm, targ)) map (
- tpe.asInstanceOf[U # Type]
- case u =>
- u.manifestToConcreteTypeTag(mirror.asInstanceOf[u.Mirror], manifest).in(mirror).tpe
- }
- }
- })
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/AbstractFileApi.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/AbstractFileApi.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f37f4536f..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/AbstractFileApi.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-trait AbstractFileApi {
- def path: String
- def canonicalPath: String
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/AnnotationCheckers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/AnnotationCheckers.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 449b0ca0bc..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/AnnotationCheckers.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2007-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-/** Additions to the type checker that can be added at
- * run time. Typically these are added by
- * compiler plugins. */
-trait AnnotationCheckers {
- self: SymbolTable =>
- /** An additional checker for annotations on types.
- * Typically these are registered by compiler plugins
- * with the addAnnotationChecker method. */
- abstract class AnnotationChecker {
- /** Check the annotations on two types conform. */
- def annotationsConform(tpe1: Type, tpe2: Type): Boolean
- /** Refine the computed least upper bound of a list of types.
- * All this should do is add annotations. */
- def annotationsLub(tp: Type, ts: List[Type]): Type = tp
- /** Refine the computed greatest lower bound of a list of types.
- * All this should do is add annotations. */
- def annotationsGlb(tp: Type, ts: List[Type]): Type = tp
- /** Refine the bounds on type parameters to the given type arguments. */
- def adaptBoundsToAnnotations(bounds: List[TypeBounds],
- tparams: List[Symbol], targs: List[Type]): List[TypeBounds] = bounds
- /** Modify the type that has thus far been inferred
- * for a tree. All this should do is add annotations. */
- def addAnnotations(tree: Tree, tpe: Type): Type = tpe
- /** Decide whether this annotation checker can adapt a tree
- * that has an annotated type to the given type tp, taking
- * into account the given mode (see method adapt in trait Typers).*/
- def canAdaptAnnotations(tree: Tree, mode: Int, pt: Type): Boolean = false
- /** Adapt a tree that has an annotated type to the given type tp,
- * taking into account the given mode (see method adapt in trait Typers).
- * An implementation cannot rely on canAdaptAnnotations being called
- * before. If the implementing class cannot do the adaptiong, it
- * should return the tree unchanged.*/
- def adaptAnnotations(tree: Tree, mode: Int, pt: Type): Tree = tree
- }
- // Syncnote: Annotation checkers inaccessible to reflection, so no sync in var necessary.
- /** The list of annotation checkers that have been registered */
- private var annotationCheckers: List[AnnotationChecker] = Nil
- /** Register an annotation checker. Typically these
- * are added by compiler plugins. */
- def addAnnotationChecker(checker: AnnotationChecker) {
- if (!(annotationCheckers contains checker))
- annotationCheckers = checker :: annotationCheckers
- }
- /** Remove all annotation checkers */
- def removeAllAnnotationCheckers() {
- annotationCheckers = Nil
- }
- /** Check that the annotations on two types conform. To do
- * so, consult all registered annotation checkers. */
- def annotationsConform(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = {
- /* Finish quickly if there are no annotations */
- if (tp1.annotations.isEmpty && tp2.annotations.isEmpty)
- true
- else
- annotationCheckers.forall(
- _.annotationsConform(tp1,tp2))
- }
- /** Refine the computed least upper bound of a list of types.
- * All this should do is add annotations. */
- def annotationsLub(tpe: Type, ts: List[Type]): Type = {
- annotationCheckers.foldLeft(tpe)((tpe, checker) =>
- checker.annotationsLub(tpe, ts))
- }
- /** Refine the computed greatest lower bound of a list of types.
- * All this should do is add annotations. */
- def annotationsGlb(tpe: Type, ts: List[Type]): Type = {
- annotationCheckers.foldLeft(tpe)((tpe, checker) =>
- checker.annotationsGlb(tpe, ts))
- }
- /** Refine the bounds on type parameters to the given type arguments. */
- def adaptBoundsToAnnotations(bounds: List[TypeBounds],
- tparams: List[Symbol], targs: List[Type]): List[TypeBounds] = {
- annotationCheckers.foldLeft(bounds)((bounds, checker) =>
- checker.adaptBoundsToAnnotations(bounds, tparams, targs))
- }
- /** Let all annotations checkers add extra annotations
- * to this tree's type. */
- def addAnnotations(tree: Tree, tpe: Type): Type = {
- annotationCheckers.foldLeft(tpe)((tpe, checker) =>
- checker.addAnnotations(tree, tpe))
- }
- /** Find out whether any annotation checker can adapt a tree
- * to a given type. Called by Typers.adapt. */
- def canAdaptAnnotations(tree: Tree, mode: Int, pt: Type): Boolean = {
- annotationCheckers.exists(_.canAdaptAnnotations(tree, mode, pt))
- }
- /** Let registered annotation checkers adapt a tree
- * to a given type (called by Typers.adapt). Annotation checkers
- * that cannot do the adaption should pass the tree through
- * unchanged. */
- def adaptAnnotations(tree: Tree, mode: Int, pt: Type): Tree = {
- annotationCheckers.foldLeft(tree)((tree, checker) =>
- checker.adaptAnnotations(tree, mode, pt))
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/AnnotationInfos.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/AnnotationInfos.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c283ae408e..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/AnnotationInfos.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2007-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-import util._
-import pickling.ByteCodecs
-/** AnnotationInfo and its helpers */
-trait AnnotationInfos extends api.AnnotationInfos { self: SymbolTable =>
- import definitions.{ ThrowsClass, StaticAnnotationClass, isMetaAnnotation }
- // Common annotation code between Symbol and Type.
- // For methods altering the annotation list, on Symbol it mutates
- // the Symbol's field directly. For Type, a new AnnotatedType is
- // created which wraps the original type.
- trait Annotatable[Self] {
- /** The annotations on this type. */
- def annotations: List[AnnotationInfo] // Annotations on this type.
- def setAnnotations(annots: List[AnnotationInfo]): Self // Replace annotations with argument list.
- def withAnnotations(annots: List[AnnotationInfo]): Self // Add annotations to this type.
- def filterAnnotations(p: AnnotationInfo => Boolean): Self // Retain only annotations meeting the condition.
- def withoutAnnotations: Self // Remove all annotations from this type.
- /** Symbols of any @throws annotations on this symbol.
- */
- def throwsAnnotations(): List[Symbol] = annotations collect {
- case AnnotationInfo(tp, Literal(Constant(tpe: Type)) :: Nil, _) if tp.typeSymbol == ThrowsClass => tpe.typeSymbol
- }
- /** Test for, get, or remove an annotation */
- def hasAnnotation(cls: Symbol) = annotations exists (_ matches cls)
- def getAnnotation(cls: Symbol) = annotations find (_ matches cls)
- def removeAnnotation(cls: Symbol): Self = filterAnnotations(ann => !(ann matches cls))
- final def withAnnotation(annot: AnnotationInfo): Self = withAnnotations(List(annot))
- }
- /** Arguments to classfile annotations (which are written to
- * bytecode as java annotations) are either:
- *
- * - constants
- * - arrays of constants
- * - or nested classfile annotations
- */
- abstract class ClassfileAnnotArg extends Product
- implicit val ClassfileAnnotArgTag = ClassTag[ClassfileAnnotArg](classOf[ClassfileAnnotArg])
- /** Represents a compile-time Constant (`Boolean`, `Byte`, `Short`,
- * `Char`, `Int`, `Long`, `Float`, `Double`, `String`, `java.lang.Class` or
- * an instance of a Java enumeration value).
- */
- case class LiteralAnnotArg(const: Constant)
- extends ClassfileAnnotArg with LiteralAnnotArgApi {
- override def toString = const.escapedStringValue
- }
- implicit val LiteralAnnotArgTag = ClassTag[LiteralAnnotArg](classOf[LiteralAnnotArg])
- object LiteralAnnotArg extends LiteralAnnotArgExtractor
- /** Represents an array of classfile annotation arguments */
- case class ArrayAnnotArg(args: Array[ClassfileAnnotArg])
- extends ClassfileAnnotArg with ArrayAnnotArgApi {
- override def toString = args.mkString("[", ", ", "]")
- }
- implicit val ArrayAnnotArgTag = ClassTag[ArrayAnnotArg](classOf[ArrayAnnotArg])
- object ArrayAnnotArg extends ArrayAnnotArgExtractor
- /** A specific annotation argument that encodes an array of bytes as an
- * array of `Long`. The type of the argument declared in the annotation
- * must be `String`. This specialised class is used to encode Scala
- * signatures for reasons of efficiency, both in term of class-file size
- * and in term of compiler performance.
- */
- case class ScalaSigBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]) extends ClassfileAnnotArg {
- override def toString = (bytes map { byte => (byte & 0xff).toHexString }).mkString("[ ", " ", " ]")
- lazy val encodedBytes = ByteCodecs.encode(bytes) // TODO remove after migration to ASM-based GenJVM complete
- def isLong: Boolean = (encodedBytes.length > 65535) // TODO remove after migration to ASM-based GenJVM complete
- lazy val sevenBitsMayBeZero: Array[Byte] = {
- mapToNextModSevenBits(scala.reflect.internal.pickling.ByteCodecs.encode8to7(bytes))
- }
- def fitsInOneString: Boolean = {
- val numZeros = (sevenBitsMayBeZero count { b => b == 0 })
- val res = (sevenBitsMayBeZero.length + numZeros) <= 65535
- assert(this.isLong == !res, "As things stand, can't just swap in `fitsInOneString()` for `isLong()`")
- res
- }
- def sigAnnot: Type =
- if (this.isLong)
- definitions.ScalaLongSignatureAnnotation.tpe
- else
- definitions.ScalaSignatureAnnotation.tpe
- private def mapToNextModSevenBits(src: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = {
- var i = 0
- val srclen = src.length
- while (i < srclen) {
- val in = src(i)
- src(i) = (if (in == 0x7f) 0.toByte else (in + 1).toByte)
- i += 1
- }
- src
- }
- }
- /** Represents a nested classfile annotation */
- case class NestedAnnotArg(annInfo: AnnotationInfo) extends ClassfileAnnotArg with NestedAnnotArgApi {
- // The nested annotation should not have any Scala annotation arguments
- assert(annInfo.args.isEmpty, annInfo.args)
- override def toString = annInfo.toString
- }
- implicit val NestedAnnotArgTag = ClassTag[NestedAnnotArg](classOf[NestedAnnotArg])
- object NestedAnnotArg extends NestedAnnotArgExtractor
- object AnnotationInfo extends AnnotationInfoExtractor {
- def marker(atp: Type): AnnotationInfo =
- apply(atp, Nil, Nil)
- def lazily(lazyInfo: => AnnotationInfo) =
- new LazyAnnotationInfo(lazyInfo)
- def apply(atp: Type, args: List[Tree], assocs: List[(Name, ClassfileAnnotArg)]): AnnotationInfo =
- new CompleteAnnotationInfo(atp, args, assocs)
- def unapply(info: AnnotationInfo): Option[(Type, List[Tree], List[(Name, ClassfileAnnotArg)])] =
- Some((info.atp, info.args, info.assocs))
- }
- class CompleteAnnotationInfo(
- val atp: Type,
- val args: List[Tree],
- val assocs: List[(Name, ClassfileAnnotArg)]
- ) extends AnnotationInfo {
- // Classfile annot: args empty. Scala annot: assocs empty.
- assert(args.isEmpty || assocs.isEmpty, atp)
- // necessary for reification, see Reifiers.scala for more info
- private var orig: Tree = EmptyTree
- def original = orig
- def setOriginal(t: Tree): this.type = {
- orig = t
- this setPos t.pos
- this
- }
- override def toString = (
- atp +
- (if (!args.isEmpty) args.mkString("(", ", ", ")") else "") +
- (if (!assocs.isEmpty) (assocs map { case (x, y) => x+" = "+y } mkString ("(", ", ", ")")) else "")
- )
- }
- /** Symbol annotations parsed in `Namer` (typeCompleter of
- * definitions) have to be lazy (#1782)
- */
- final class LazyAnnotationInfo(lazyInfo: => AnnotationInfo) extends AnnotationInfo {
- private var forced = false
- private lazy val forcedInfo =
- try {
- val result = lazyInfo
- if (result.pos == NoPosition) result setPos pos
- result
- } finally forced = true
- def atp: Type = forcedInfo.atp
- def args: List[Tree] = forcedInfo.args
- def assocs: List[(Name, ClassfileAnnotArg)] = forcedInfo.assocs
- def original: Tree = forcedInfo.original
- def setOriginal(t: Tree): this.type = { forcedInfo.setOriginal(t); this }
- // We should always be able to print things without forcing them.
- override def toString = if (forced) forcedInfo.toString else "@<?>"
- override def pos: Position = if (forced) forcedInfo.pos else NoPosition
- }
- /** Typed information about an annotation. It can be attached to either
- * a symbol or an annotated type.
- *
- * Annotations are written to the classfile as Java annotations
- * if `atp` conforms to `ClassfileAnnotation` (the classfile parser adds
- * this interface to any Java annotation class).
- *
- * Annotations are pickled (written to scala symtab attribute in the
- * classfile) if `atp` inherits form `StaticAnnotation`.
- *
- * `args` stores arguments to Scala annotations, represented as typed
- * trees. Note that these trees are not transformed by any phases
- * following the type-checker.
- *
- * `assocs` stores arguments to classfile annotations as name-value pairs.
- */
- sealed abstract class AnnotationInfo extends AnnotationInfoApi {
- def atp: Type
- def args: List[Tree]
- def assocs: List[(Name, ClassfileAnnotArg)]
- // necessary for reification, see Reifiers.scala for more info
- def original: Tree
- def setOriginal(t: Tree): this.type
- // see annotationArgRewriter
- lazy val isTrivial = atp.isTrivial && !hasArgWhich(_.isInstanceOf[This])
- private var rawpos: Position = NoPosition
- def pos = rawpos
- def setPos(pos: Position): this.type = { // Syncnote: Setpos inaccessible to reflection, so no sync in rawpos necessary.
- rawpos = pos
- this
- }
- /** Annotations annotating annotations are confusing so I drew
- * an example. Given the following code:
- *
- * class A {
- * @(deprecated @setter) @(inline @getter)
- * var x: Int = 0
- * }
- *
- * For the setter `x_=` in A, annotations contains one AnnotationInfo =
- * List(deprecated @setter)
- * The single AnnotationInfo in that list, i.e. `@(deprecated @setter)`, has metaAnnotations =
- * List(setter)
- *
- * Similarly, the getter `x` in A has an @inline annotation, which has
- * metaAnnotations = List(getter).
- */
- def symbol = atp.typeSymbol
- /** These are meta-annotations attached at the use site; they
- * only apply to this annotation usage. For instance, in
- * `@(deprecated @setter @field) val ...`
- * metaAnnotations = List(setter, field).
- */
- def metaAnnotations: List[AnnotationInfo] = atp match {
- case AnnotatedType(metas, _, _) => metas
- case _ => Nil
- }
- /** The default kind of members to which this annotation is attached.
- * For instance, for scala.deprecated defaultTargets =
- * List(getter, setter, beanGetter, beanSetter).
- */
- def defaultTargets = symbol.annotations map (_.symbol) filter isMetaAnnotation
- // Test whether the typeSymbol of atp conforms to the given class.
- def matches(clazz: Symbol) = symbol isNonBottomSubClass clazz
- // All subtrees of all args are considered.
- def hasArgWhich(p: Tree => Boolean) = args exists (_ exists p)
- /** Check whether the type or any of the arguments are erroneous */
- def isErroneous = atp.isErroneous || args.exists(_.isErroneous)
- def isStatic = symbol isNonBottomSubClass StaticAnnotationClass
- /** Check whether any of the arguments mention a symbol */
- def refsSymbol(sym: Symbol) = hasArgWhich(_.symbol == sym)
- /** Change all ident's with Symbol "from" to instead use symbol "to" */
- def substIdentSyms(from: Symbol, to: Symbol) =
- AnnotationInfo(atp, args map (_ substituteSymbols (List(from), List(to))), assocs) setPos pos
- def stringArg(index: Int) = constantAtIndex(index) map (_.stringValue)
- def intArg(index: Int) = constantAtIndex(index) map (_.intValue)
- def symbolArg(index: Int) = argAtIndex(index) collect {
- case Apply(fun, Literal(str) :: Nil) if fun.symbol == definitions.Symbol_apply =>
- newTermName(str.stringValue)
- }
- // !!! when annotation arguments are not literals, but any sort of
- // expression, there is a fair chance they will turn up here not as
- // Literal(const) but some arbitrary AST.
- def constantAtIndex(index: Int): Option[Constant] =
- argAtIndex(index) collect { case Literal(x) => x }
- def argAtIndex(index: Int): Option[Tree] =
- if (index < args.size) Some(args(index)) else None
- override def hashCode = atp.## + args.## + assocs.##
- override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
- case x: AnnotationInfo => (atp == x.atp) && (args == x.args) && (assocs == x.assocs)
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- implicit val AnnotationInfoTag = ClassTag[AnnotationInfo](classOf[AnnotationInfo])
- object UnmappableAnnotation extends CompleteAnnotationInfo(NoType, Nil, Nil)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/BaseTypeSeqs.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/BaseTypeSeqs.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e07f1bac49..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/BaseTypeSeqs.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-// todo implement in terms of BitSet
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import math.max
-import util.Statistics._
-/** A base type sequence (BaseTypeSeq) is an ordered sequence spanning all the base types
- * of a type. It characterized by the following two laws:
- *
- * (1) Each element of `tp.baseTypeSeq` is a basetype of `tp`
- * (2) For each basetype `bt1` of `tp` there is an element `bt` in `tp.baseTypeSeq` such that
- *
- * bt.typeSymbol = bt1.typeSymbol
- * bt <: bt1
- *
- * (3) The type symbols of different elements are different.
- *
- * Elements in the sequence are ordered by Symbol.isLess.
- * @note base type sequences were called closures up to 2.7.1. The name has been changed
- * to avoid confusion with function closures.
- */
-trait BaseTypeSeqs {
- this: SymbolTable =>
- import definitions._
- protected def newBaseTypeSeq(parents: List[Type], elems: Array[Type]) =
- new BaseTypeSeq(parents, elems)
- /** Note: constructor is protected to force everyone to use the factory method newBaseTypeSeq instead.
- * This is necessary because when run from reflection every base type sequence needs to have a
- * SynchronizedBaseTypeSeq as mixin.
- */
- class BaseTypeSeq protected[BaseTypeSeqs] (private[BaseTypeSeqs] val parents: List[Type], private[BaseTypeSeqs] val elems: Array[Type]) {
- self =>
- incCounter(baseTypeSeqCount)
- incCounter(baseTypeSeqLenTotal, elems.length)
- /** The number of types in the sequence */
- def length: Int = elems.length
- // #3676 shows why we can't store NoType in elems to mark cycles
- // (while NoType is in there to indicate a cycle in this BTS, during the execution of
- // the mergePrefixAndArgs below, the elems get copied without the pending map,
- // so that NoType's are seen instead of the original type --> spurious compile error)
- private val pending = new mutable.BitSet(length)
- /** The type at i'th position in this sequence; lazy types are returned evaluated. */
- def apply(i: Int): Type =
- if(pending contains i) {
- pending.clear()
- throw CyclicInheritance
- } else
- elems(i) match {
- case rtp @ RefinedType(variants, decls) =>
- // can't assert decls.isEmpty; see t0764
- //if (!decls.isEmpty) assert(false, "computing closure of "+this+":"+this.isInstanceOf[RefinedType]+"/"+closureCache(j))
- //Console.println("compute closure of "+this+" => glb("+variants+")")
- pending += i
- try {
- mergePrefixAndArgs(variants, -1, lubDepth(variants)) match {
- case Some(tp0) =>
- pending(i) = false
- elems(i) = tp0
- tp0
- case None =>
- typeError(
- "no common type instance of base types "+(variants mkString ", and ")+" exists.")
- }
- } catch {
- case CyclicInheritance =>
- typeError(
- "computing the common type instance of base types "+(variants mkString ", and ")+" leads to a cycle.")
- }
- case tp =>
- tp
- }
- def rawElem(i: Int) = elems(i)
- /** The type symbol of the type at i'th position in this sequence;
- * no evaluation needed.
- */
- def typeSymbol(i: Int): Symbol = {
- elems(i) match {
- case RefinedType(v :: vs, _) => v.typeSymbol
- case tp => tp.typeSymbol
- }
- }
- /** Return all evaluated types in this sequence as a list */
- def toList: List[Type] = elems.toList
- def copy(head: Type, offset: Int): BaseTypeSeq = {
- val arr = new Array[Type](elems.length + offset)
- compat.Platform.arraycopy(elems, 0, arr, offset, elems.length)
- arr(0) = head
- newBaseTypeSeq(parents, arr)
- }
- /** Compute new base type sequence with `tp` prepended to this sequence */
- def prepend(tp: Type): BaseTypeSeq = copy(tp, 1)
- /** Compute new base type sequence with `tp` replacing the head of this sequence */
- def updateHead(tp: Type): BaseTypeSeq = copy(tp, 0)
- /** Compute new base type sequence where every element is mapped
- * with function `f`. Lazy types are mapped but not evaluated */
- def map(f: Type => Type): BaseTypeSeq = {
- // inlined `elems map f` for performance
- val len = length
- var arr = new Array[Type](len)
- var i = 0
- while (i < len) {
- arr(i) = f(elems(i))
- i += 1
- }
- newBaseTypeSeq(parents, arr)
- }
- def lateMap(f: Type => Type): BaseTypeSeq = new MappedBaseTypeSeq(this, f)
- def exists(p: Type => Boolean): Boolean = elems exists p
- lazy val maxDepth: Int = maxDepthOfElems
- protected def maxDepthOfElems = {
- var d = 0
- for (i <- 0 until length) d = max(d, maxDpth(elems(i)))
- d
- }
- /** The maximum depth of type `tp` */
- protected def maxDpth(tp: Type): Int = tp match {
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
- max(maxDpth(pre), maxDpth(args) + 1)
- case RefinedType(parents, decls) =>
- max(maxDpth(parents), maxDpth( + 1)
- case TypeBounds(lo, hi) =>
- max(maxDpth(lo), maxDpth(hi))
- case MethodType(paramtypes, result) =>
- maxDpth(result)
- case NullaryMethodType(result) =>
- maxDpth(result)
- case PolyType(tparams, result) =>
- max(maxDpth(result), maxDpth(tparams map ( + 1)
- case ExistentialType(tparams, result) =>
- max(maxDpth(result), maxDpth(tparams map ( + 1)
- case _ =>
- 1
- }
- /** The maximum depth of all types `tps` */
- private def maxDpth(tps: Seq[Type]): Int = {
- var d = 0
- for (tp <- tps) d = max(d, maxDpth(tp))
- d
- }
- override def toString = elems.mkString("BTS(", ",", ")")
- private def typeError(msg: String): Nothing =
- throw new TypeError(
- "the type intersection "+(parents mkString " with ")+" is malformed"+
- "\n --- because ---\n"+msg)
- }
- /** A merker object for a base type sequence that's no yet computed.
- * used to catch inheritance cycles
- */
- val undetBaseTypeSeq: BaseTypeSeq = newBaseTypeSeq(List(), Array())
- /** Create a base type sequence consisting of a single type */
- def baseTypeSingletonSeq(tp: Type): BaseTypeSeq = newBaseTypeSeq(List(), Array(tp))
- /** Create the base type sequence of a compound type wuth given tp.parents */
- def compoundBaseTypeSeq(tp: Type): BaseTypeSeq = {
- val tsym = tp.typeSymbol
- val parents = tp.parents
-// Console.println("computing baseTypeSeq of " + tsym.tpe + " " + parents)//DEBUG
- val buf = new mutable.ListBuffer[Type]
- buf += tsym.tpe
- var btsSize = 1
- if (parents.nonEmpty) {
- val nparents = parents.length
- val pbtss = new Array[BaseTypeSeq](nparents)
- val index = new Array[Int](nparents)
- var i = 0
- for (p <- parents) {
- pbtss(i) =
- if (p.baseTypeSeq eq undetBaseTypeSeq)
- else p.baseTypeSeq
- index(i) = 0
- i += 1
- }
- def nextTypeSymbol(i: Int): Symbol = {
- val j = index(i)
- val pbts = pbtss(i)
- if (j < pbts.length) pbts.typeSymbol(j) else AnyClass
- }
- def nextRawElem(i: Int): Type = {
- val j = index(i)
- val pbts = pbtss(i)
- if (j < pbts.length) pbts.rawElem(j) else AnyClass.tpe
- }
- var minSym: Symbol = NoSymbol
- while (minSym != AnyClass) {
- minSym = nextTypeSymbol(0)
- i = 1
- while (i < nparents) {
- val nextSym = nextTypeSymbol(i)
- if (nextSym isLess minSym)
- minSym = nextSym
- i += 1
- }
- var minTypes: List[Type] = List()
- i = 0
- while (i < nparents) {
- if (nextTypeSymbol(i) == minSym) {
- nextRawElem(i) match {
- case RefinedType(variants, decls) =>
- for (tp <- variants)
- if (!(minTypes exists (tp =:= _))) minTypes = tp :: minTypes
- case tp =>
- if (!(minTypes exists (tp =:= _))) minTypes = tp :: minTypes
- }
- index(i) = index(i) + 1
- }
- i += 1
- }
- buf += intersectionType(minTypes)
- btsSize += 1
- }
- }
- val elems = new Array[Type](btsSize)
- buf.copyToArray(elems, 0)
-// Console.println("computed baseTypeSeq of " + tsym.tpe + " " + parents + ": "+elems.toString)//DEBUG
- newBaseTypeSeq(parents, elems)
- }
- class MappedBaseTypeSeq(orig: BaseTypeSeq, f: Type => Type) extends BaseTypeSeq(orig.parents map f, orig.elems) {
- override def apply(i: Int) = f(orig.apply(i))
- override def rawElem(i: Int) = f(orig.rawElem(i))
- override def typeSymbol(i: Int) = orig.typeSymbol(i)
- override def toList = orig.toList map f
- override def copy(head: Type, offset: Int) = (orig map f).copy(head, offset)
- override def map(g: Type => Type) = lateMap(g)
- override def lateMap(g: Type => Type) = orig.lateMap(x => g(f(x)))
- override def exists(p: Type => Boolean) = elems exists (x => p(f(x)))
- override protected def maxDepthOfElems: Int = (elems map (x => maxDpth(f(x)))).max
- override def toString = elems.mkString("MBTS(", ",", ")")
- }
- val CyclicInheritance = new Throwable
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/BuildUtils.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/BuildUtils.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bde57ded8..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/BuildUtils.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-import Flags._
-trait BuildUtils extends base.BuildUtils { self: SymbolTable =>
- class BuildImpl extends BuildBase {
- def selectType(owner: Symbol, name: String): TypeSymbol = {
- val result =
- if (result ne NoSymbol) result.asTypeSymbol
- else MissingRequirementError.notFound("type %s in %s".format(name, owner.fullName))
- }
- def selectTerm(owner: Symbol, name: String): TermSymbol = {
- val sym =
- val result =
- if (sym.isOverloaded) sym.suchThat(!_.isMethod)
- else sym
- if (result ne NoSymbol) result.asTermSymbol
- else MissingRequirementError.notFound("term %s in %s".format(name, owner.fullName))
- }
- def selectOverloadedMethod(owner: Symbol, name: String, index: Int): MethodSymbol = {
- val result =
- if (result ne NoSymbol) result.asMethodSymbol
- else MissingRequirementError.notFound("overloaded method %s #%d in %s".format(name, index, owner.fullName))
- }
- def newFreeTerm(name: String, info: Type, value: => Any, flags: Long = 0L, origin: String = null): FreeTermSymbol =
- newFreeTermSymbol(newTermName(name), info, value, flags, origin)
- def newFreeType(name: String, info: Type, value: => Any, flags: Long = 0L, origin: String = null): FreeTypeSymbol =
- newFreeTypeSymbol(newTypeName(name), info, value, (if (flags == 0L) PARAM else flags) | DEFERRED, origin)
- def newFreeExistential(name: String, info: Type, value: => Any, flags: Long = 0L, origin: String = null): FreeTypeSymbol =
- newFreeTypeSymbol(newTypeName(name), info, value, (if (flags == 0L) EXISTENTIAL else flags) | DEFERRED, origin)
- def newNestedSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: Name, pos: Position, flags: Long, isClass: Boolean): Symbol =
- owner.newNestedSymbol(name, pos, flags, isClass)
- def setAnnotations[S <: Symbol](sym: S, annots: List[AnnotationInfo]): S =
- sym.setAnnotations(annots)
- def setTypeSignature[S <: Symbol](sym: S, tpe: Type): S =
- sym.setTypeSignature(tpe)
- def flagsFromBits(bits: Long): FlagSet = bits
- def emptyValDef: ValDef = self.emptyValDef
- def This(sym: Symbol): Tree = self.This(sym)
- def Select(qualifier: Tree, sym: Symbol): Select = self.Select(qualifier, sym)
- def Ident(sym: Symbol): Ident = self.Ident(sym)
- def TypeTree(tp: Type): TypeTree = self.TypeTree(tp)
- def thisPrefix(sym: Symbol): Type = sym.thisPrefix
- def setType[T <: Tree](tree: T, tpe: Type): T = { tree.setType(tpe); tree }
- def setSymbol[T <: Tree](tree: T, sym: Symbol): T = { tree.setSymbol(sym); tree }
- }
- val build: BuildBase = new BuildImpl
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/CapturedVariables.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/CapturedVariables.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 77909d9157..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/CapturedVariables.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-import Flags._
-trait CapturedVariables { self: SymbolTable =>
- import definitions._
- /** Mark a variable as captured; i.e. force boxing in a *Ref type.
- */
- def captureVariable(vble: Symbol): Unit = vble setFlag CAPTURED
- /** Mark given identifier as a reference to a captured variable itself
- * suppressing dereferencing with the `elem` field.
- */
- def referenceCapturedVariable(vble: Symbol): Tree = ReferenceToBoxed(Ident(vble))
- /** Convert type of a captured variable to *Ref type.
- */
- def capturedVariableType(vble: Symbol): Type =
- capturedVariableType(vble, NoType, false)
- /** Convert type of a captured variable to *Ref type.
- */
- def capturedVariableType(vble: Symbol, tpe: Type = NoType, erasedTypes: Boolean = false): Type = {
- val tpe1 = if (tpe == NoType) vble.tpe else tpe
- val symClass = tpe1.typeSymbol
- def refType(valueRef: Map[Symbol, Symbol], objectRefClass: Symbol) =
- if (isPrimitiveValueClass(symClass) && symClass != UnitClass) valueRef(symClass).tpe
- else if (erasedTypes) objectRefClass.tpe
- else appliedType(objectRefClass, tpe)
- if (vble.hasAnnotation(VolatileAttr)) refType(volatileRefClass, VolatileObjectRefClass)
- else refType(refClass, ObjectRefClass)
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Chars.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Chars.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 50ec71094a..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Chars.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2006-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-import annotation.{ tailrec, switch }
-import java.lang.{ Character => JCharacter }
-import language.postfixOps
-/** Contains constants and classifier methods for characters */
-trait Chars {
- // Be very careful touching these.
- // Apparently trivial changes to the way you write these constants
- // will cause Scanners.scala to go from a nice efficient switch to
- // a ghastly nested if statement which will bring the type checker
- // to its knees. See ticket #1456
- // Martin: (this should be verified now that the pattern rules have been redesigned).
- final val LF = '\u000A'
- final val FF = '\u000C'
- final val CR = '\u000D'
- final val SU = '\u001A'
- /** Convert a character digit to an Int according to given base,
- * -1 if no success
- */
- def digit2int(ch: Char, base: Int): Int = {
- val num = (
- if (ch <= '9') ch - '0'
- else if ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') ch - 'a' + 10
- else if ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z') ch - 'A' + 10
- else -1
- )
- if (0 <= num && num < base) num else -1
- }
- /** Buffer for creating '\ u XXXX' strings. */
- private[this] val char2uescapeArray = Array[Char]('\\', 'u', 0, 0, 0, 0)
- /** Convert a character to a backslash-u escape */
- def char2uescape(c: Char): String = {
- @inline def hexChar(ch: Int): Char =
- ( if (ch < 10) '0' else 'A' - 10 ) + ch toChar
- char2uescapeArray(2) = hexChar((c >> 12) )
- char2uescapeArray(3) = hexChar((c >> 8) % 16)
- char2uescapeArray(4) = hexChar((c >> 4) % 16)
- char2uescapeArray(5) = hexChar((c ) % 16)
- new String(char2uescapeArray)
- }
- /** Is character a line break? */
- @inline def isLineBreakChar(c: Char) = (c: @switch) match {
- case LF|FF|CR|SU => true
- case _ => false
- }
- /** Is character a whitespace character (but not a new line)? */
- def isWhitespace(c: Char) =
- c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == CR
- /** Can character form part of a doc comment variable $xxx? */
- def isVarPart(c: Char) =
- '0' <= c && c <= '9' || 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' || 'a' <= c && c <= 'z'
- /** Can character start an alphanumeric Scala identifier? */
- def isIdentifierStart(c: Char): Boolean =
- (c == '_') || (c == '$') || Character.isUnicodeIdentifierStart(c)
- /** Can character form part of an alphanumeric Scala identifier? */
- def isIdentifierPart(c: Char) =
- (c == '$') || Character.isUnicodeIdentifierPart(c)
- /** Is character a math or other symbol in Unicode? */
- def isSpecial(c: Char) = {
- val chtp = Character.getType(c)
- chtp == Character.MATH_SYMBOL.toInt || chtp == Character.OTHER_SYMBOL.toInt
- }
- private final val otherLetters = Set[Char]('\u0024', '\u005F') // '$' and '_'
- private final val letterGroups = {
- import JCharacter._
- }
- def isScalaLetter(ch: Char) = letterGroups(JCharacter.getType(ch).toByte) || otherLetters(ch)
- /** Can character form part of a Scala operator name? */
- def isOperatorPart(c : Char) : Boolean = (c: @switch) match {
- case '~' | '!' | '@' | '#' | '%' |
- '^' | '*' | '+' | '-' | '<' |
- '>' | '?' | ':' | '=' | '&' |
- '|' | '/' | '\\' => true
- case c => isSpecial(c)
- }
-object Chars extends Chars { }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/ClassfileConstants.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/ClassfileConstants.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3346e9cccb..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/ClassfileConstants.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-import annotation.switch
-object ClassfileConstants {
- final val JAVA_MAGIC = 0xCAFEBABE
- final val JAVA_MAJOR_VERSION = 45
- final val JAVA_MINOR_VERSION = 3
- /** (see
- *
- * If the `ACC_INTERFACE` flag is set, the `ACC_ABSTRACT` flag must also
- * be set (ch. 2.13.1).
- *
- * A class file cannot have both its `ACC_FINAL` and `ACC_ABSTRACT` flags
- * set (ch. 2.8.2).
- *
- * A field may have at most one of its `ACC_PRIVATE`, `ACC_PROTECTED`,
- * `ACC_PUBLIC` flags set (ch. 2.7.4).
- *
- * A field may not have both its `ACC_FINAL` and `ACC_VOLATILE` flags set
- * (ch. 2.9.1).
- *
- * If a method has its `ACC_ABSTRACT` flag set it must not have any of its
- * or `ACC_SYNCHRONIZED` flags set (ch.
- *
- * All interface methods must have their `ACC_ABSTRACT` and
- * `ACC_PUBLIC` flags set.
- *
- * Note for future reference: see this thread on ACC_SUPER and
- * how its enforcement differs on the android vm.
- *!topic/jvm-languages/jVhzvq8-ZIk
- *
- */ // Class Field Method
- final val JAVA_ACC_PUBLIC = 0x0001 // X X X
- final val JAVA_ACC_PRIVATE = 0x0002 // X X
- final val JAVA_ACC_PROTECTED = 0x0004 // X X
- final val JAVA_ACC_STATIC = 0x0008 // X X
- final val JAVA_ACC_FINAL = 0x0010 // X X X
- final val JAVA_ACC_SUPER = 0x0020 // X
- final val JAVA_ACC_SYNCHRONIZED = 0x0020 // X
- final val JAVA_ACC_VOLATILE = 0x0040 // X
- final val JAVA_ACC_BRIDGE = 0x0040 // X
- final val JAVA_ACC_TRANSIENT = 0x0080 // X
- final val JAVA_ACC_VARARGS = 0x0080 // X
- final val JAVA_ACC_NATIVE = 0x0100 // X
- final val JAVA_ACC_INTERFACE = 0x0200 // X
- final val JAVA_ACC_ABSTRACT = 0x0400 // X X
- final val JAVA_ACC_STRICT = 0x0800 // X
- final val JAVA_ACC_SYNTHETIC = 0x1000 // X X X
- final val JAVA_ACC_ANNOTATION = 0x2000 // X
- final val JAVA_ACC_ENUM = 0x4000 // X X
- // tags describing the type of a literal in the constant pool
- final val CONSTANT_UTF8 = 1
- final val CONSTANT_UNICODE = 2
- final val CONSTANT_INTEGER = 3
- final val CONSTANT_FLOAT = 4
- final val CONSTANT_LONG = 5
- final val CONSTANT_DOUBLE = 6
- final val CONSTANT_CLASS = 7
- final val CONSTANT_STRING = 8
- final val CONSTANT_FIELDREF = 9
- final val CONSTANT_METHODREF = 10
- // tags describing the type of a literal in attribute values
- final val BYTE_TAG = 'B'
- final val CHAR_TAG = 'C'
- final val DOUBLE_TAG = 'D'
- final val FLOAT_TAG = 'F'
- final val INT_TAG = 'I'
- final val LONG_TAG = 'J'
- final val SHORT_TAG = 'S'
- final val BOOL_TAG = 'Z'
- final val STRING_TAG = 's'
- final val ENUM_TAG = 'e'
- final val CLASS_TAG = 'c'
- final val ARRAY_TAG = '['
- final val VOID_TAG = 'V'
- final val TVAR_TAG = 'T'
- final val OBJECT_TAG = 'L'
- final val ANNOTATION_TAG = '@'
- final val SCALA_NOTHING = "scala.runtime.Nothing$"
- final val SCALA_NULL = "scala.runtime.Null$"
- // tags describing the type of newarray
- final val T_BOOLEAN = 4
- final val T_CHAR = 5
- final val T_FLOAT = 6
- final val T_DOUBLE = 7
- final val T_BYTE = 8
- final val T_SHORT = 9
- final val T_INT = 10
- final val T_LONG = 11
- // JVM mnemonics
- final val nop = 0x00
- final val aconst_null = 0x01
- final val iconst_m1 = 0x02
- final val iconst_0 = 0x03
- final val iconst_1 = 0x04
- final val iconst_2 = 0x05
- final val iconst_3 = 0x06
- final val iconst_4 = 0x07
- final val iconst_5 = 0x08
- final val lconst_0 = 0x09
- final val lconst_1 = 0x0a
- final val fconst_0 = 0x0b
- final val fconst_1 = 0x0c
- final val fconst_2 = 0x0d
- final val dconst_0 = 0x0e
- final val dconst_1 = 0x0f
- final val bipush = 0x10
- final val sipush = 0x11
- final val ldc = 0x12
- final val ldc_w = 0x13
- final val ldc2_w = 0x14
- final val iload = 0x15
- final val lload = 0x16
- final val fload = 0x17
- final val dload = 0x18
- final val aload = 0x19
- final val iload_0 = 0x1a
- final val iload_1 = 0x1b
- final val iload_2 = 0x1c
- final val iload_3 = 0x1d
- final val lload_0 = 0x1e
- final val lload_1 = 0x1f
- final val lload_2 = 0x20
- final val lload_3 = 0x21
- final val fload_0 = 0x22
- final val fload_1 = 0x23
- final val fload_2 = 0x24
- final val fload_3 = 0x25
- final val dload_0 = 0x26
- final val dload_1 = 0x27
- final val dload_2 = 0x28
- final val dload_3 = 0x29
- final val aload_0 = 0x2a
- final val aload_1 = 0x2b
- final val aload_2 = 0x2c
- final val aload_3 = 0x2d
- final val iaload = 0x2e
- final val laload = 0x2f
- final val faload = 0x30
- final val daload = 0x31
- final val aaload = 0x32
- final val baload = 0x33
- final val caload = 0x34
- final val saload = 0x35
- final val istore = 0x36
- final val lstore = 0x37
- final val fstore = 0x38
- final val dstore = 0x39
- final val astore = 0x3a
- final val istore_0 = 0x3b
- final val istore_1 = 0x3c
- final val istore_2 = 0x3d
- final val istore_3 = 0x3e
- final val lstore_0 = 0x3f
- final val lstore_1 = 0x40
- final val lstore_2 = 0x41
- final val lstore_3 = 0x42
- final val fstore_0 = 0x43
- final val fstore_1 = 0x44
- final val fstore_2 = 0x45
- final val fstore_3 = 0x46
- final val dstore_0 = 0x47
- final val dstore_1 = 0x48
- final val dstore_2 = 0x49
- final val dstore_3 = 0x4a
- final val astore_0 = 0x4b
- final val astore_1 = 0x4c
- final val astore_2 = 0x4d
- final val astore_3 = 0x4e
- final val iastore = 0x4f
- final val lastore = 0x50
- final val fastore = 0x51
- final val dastore = 0x52
- final val aastore = 0x53
- final val bastore = 0x54
- final val castore = 0x55
- final val sastore = 0x56
- final val pop = 0x57
- final val pop2 = 0x58
- final val dup = 0x59
- final val dup_x1 = 0x5a
- final val dup_x2 = 0x5b
- final val dup2 = 0x5c
- final val dup2_x1 = 0x5d
- final val dup2_x2 = 0x5e
- final val swap = 0x5f
- final val iadd = 0x60
- final val ladd = 0x61
- final val fadd = 0x62
- final val dadd = 0x63
- final val isub = 0x64
- final val lsub = 0x65
- final val fsub = 0x66
- final val dsub = 0x67
- final val imul = 0x68
- final val lmul = 0x69
- final val fmul = 0x6a
- final val dmul = 0x6b
- final val idiv = 0x6c
- final val ldiv = 0x6d
- final val fdiv = 0x6e
- final val ddiv = 0x6f
- final val irem = 0x70
- final val lrem = 0x71
- final val frem = 0x72
- final val drem = 0x73
- final val ineg = 0x74
- final val lneg = 0x75
- final val fneg = 0x76
- final val dneg = 0x77
- final val ishl = 0x78
- final val lshl = 0x79
- final val ishr = 0x7a
- final val lshr = 0x7b
- final val iushr = 0x7c
- final val lushr = 0x7d
- final val iand = 0x7e
- final val land = 0x7f
- final val ior = 0x80
- final val lor = 0x81
- final val ixor = 0x82
- final val lxor = 0x83
- final val iinc = 0x84
- final val i2l = 0x85
- final val i2f = 0x86
- final val i2d = 0x87
- final val l2i = 0x88
- final val l2f = 0x89
- final val l2d = 0x8a
- final val f2i = 0x8b
- final val f2l = 0x8c
- final val f2d = 0x8d
- final val d2i = 0x8e
- final val d2l = 0x8f
- final val d2f = 0x90
- final val i2b = 0x91
- final val i2c = 0x92
- final val i2s = 0x93
- final val lcmp = 0x94
- final val fcmpl = 0x95
- final val fcmpg = 0x96
- final val dcmpl = 0x97
- final val dcmpg = 0x98
- final val ifeq = 0x99
- final val ifne = 0x9a
- final val iflt = 0x9b
- final val ifge = 0x9c
- final val ifgt = 0x9d
- final val ifle = 0x9e
- final val if_icmpeq = 0x9f
- final val if_icmpne = 0xa0
- final val if_icmplt = 0xa1
- final val if_icmpge = 0xa2
- final val if_icmpgt = 0xa3
- final val if_icmple = 0xa4
- final val if_acmpeq = 0xa5
- final val if_acmpne = 0xa6
- final val goto = 0xa7
- final val jsr = 0xa8
- final val ret = 0xa9
- final val tableswitch = 0xaa
- final val lookupswitch = 0xab
- final val ireturn = 0xac
- final val lreturn = 0xad
- final val freturn = 0xae
- final val dreturn = 0xaf
- final val areturn = 0xb0
- final val return_ = 0xb1
- final val getstatic = 0xb2
- final val putstatic = 0xb3
- final val getfield = 0xb4
- final val putfield = 0xb5
- final val invokevirtual = 0xb6
- final val invokespecial = 0xb7
- final val invokestatic = 0xb8
- final val invokeinterface = 0xb9
- final val xxxunusedxxxx = 0xba
- final val new_ = 0xbb
- final val newarray = 0xbc
- final val anewarray = 0xbd
- final val arraylength = 0xbe
- final val athrow = 0xbf
- final val checkcast = 0xc0
- final val instanceof = 0xc1
- final val monitorenter = 0xc2
- final val monitorexit = 0xc3
- final val wide = 0xc4
- final val multianewarray = 0xc5
- final val ifnull = 0xc6
- final val ifnonnull = 0xc7
- final val goto_w = 0xc8
- final val jsr_w = 0xc9
- // reserved opcodes
- final val breakpoint = 0xca
- final val impdep1 = 0xfe
- final val impdep2 = 0xff
- abstract class FlagTranslation {
- import Flags._
- private var isAnnotation = false
- private var isClass = false
- private def initFields(flags: Int) = {
- isAnnotation = (flags & JAVA_ACC_ANNOTATION) != 0
- isClass = false
- }
- private def translateFlag(jflag: Int): Long = (jflag: @switch) match {
- case JAVA_ACC_ABSTRACT => if (isAnnotation) 0L else if (isClass) ABSTRACT else DEFERRED
- case JAVA_ACC_INTERFACE => if (isAnnotation) 0L else TRAIT | INTERFACE | ABSTRACT
- case _ => 0L
- }
- private def translateFlags(jflags: Int, baseFlags: Long): Long = {
- var res: Long = JAVA | baseFlags
- /** fast, elegant, maintainable, pick any two... */
- res |= translateFlag(jflags & JAVA_ACC_PRIVATE)
- res |= translateFlag(jflags & JAVA_ACC_PROTECTED)
- res |= translateFlag(jflags & JAVA_ACC_FINAL)
- res |= translateFlag(jflags & JAVA_ACC_SYNTHETIC)
- res |= translateFlag(jflags & JAVA_ACC_STATIC)
- res |= translateFlag(jflags & JAVA_ACC_ABSTRACT)
- res |= translateFlag(jflags & JAVA_ACC_INTERFACE)
- res
- }
- def classFlags(jflags: Int): Long = {
- initFields(jflags)
- isClass = true
- translateFlags(jflags, 0)
- }
- def fieldFlags(jflags: Int): Long = {
- initFields(jflags)
- translateFlags(jflags, if ((jflags & JAVA_ACC_FINAL) == 0) MUTABLE else 0)
- }
- def methodFlags(jflags: Int): Long = {
- initFields(jflags)
- translateFlags(jflags, if ((jflags & JAVA_ACC_BRIDGE) != 0) BRIDGE else 0)
- }
- }
- object FlagTranslation extends FlagTranslation { }
- def toScalaMethodFlags(flags: Int): Long = FlagTranslation methodFlags flags
- def toScalaClassFlags(flags: Int): Long = FlagTranslation classFlags flags
- def toScalaFieldFlags(flags: Int): Long = FlagTranslation fieldFlags flags
- @deprecated("Use another method in this object", "2.10.0")
- def toScalaFlags(flags: Int, isClass: Boolean = false, isField: Boolean = false): Long = (
- if (isClass) toScalaClassFlags(flags)
- else if (isField) toScalaFieldFlags(flags)
- else toScalaMethodFlags(flags)
- )
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Constants.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Constants.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 820dfe0868..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Constants.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-import java.lang.Integer.toOctalString
-import annotation.switch
-trait Constants extends api.Constants {
- self: SymbolTable =>
- import definitions._
- final val NoTag = 0
- final val UnitTag = 1
- final val BooleanTag = 2
- final val ByteTag = 3
- final val ShortTag = 4
- final val CharTag = 5
- final val IntTag = 6
- final val LongTag = 7
- final val FloatTag = 8
- final val DoubleTag = 9
- final val StringTag = 10
- final val NullTag = 11
- final val ClazzTag = 12
- // For supporting java enumerations inside java annotations (see ClassfileParser)
- final val EnumTag = 13
- case class Constant(value: Any) extends ConstantApi {
- val tag: Int = value match {
- case null => NullTag
- case x: Unit => UnitTag
- case x: Boolean => BooleanTag
- case x: Byte => ByteTag
- case x: Short => ShortTag
- case x: Int => IntTag
- case x: Long => LongTag
- case x: Float => FloatTag
- case x: Double => DoubleTag
- case x: String => StringTag
- case x: Char => CharTag
- case x: Type => ClazzTag
- case x: Symbol => EnumTag
- case _ => throw new Error("bad constant value: " + value + " of class " + value.getClass)
- }
- def isByteRange: Boolean = isIntRange && Byte.MinValue <= intValue && intValue <= Byte.MaxValue
- def isShortRange: Boolean = isIntRange && Short.MinValue <= intValue && intValue <= Short.MaxValue
- def isCharRange: Boolean = isIntRange && Char.MinValue <= intValue && intValue <= Char.MaxValue
- def isIntRange: Boolean = ByteTag <= tag && tag <= IntTag
- def isLongRange: Boolean = ByteTag <= tag && tag <= LongTag
- def isFloatRange: Boolean = ByteTag <= tag && tag <= FloatTag
- def isNumeric: Boolean = ByteTag <= tag && tag <= DoubleTag
- def isNonUnitAnyVal = BooleanTag <= tag && tag <= DoubleTag
- def isAnyVal = UnitTag <= tag && tag <= DoubleTag
- def tpe: Type = tag match {
- case UnitTag => UnitClass.tpe
- case BooleanTag => BooleanClass.tpe
- case ByteTag => ByteClass.tpe
- case ShortTag => ShortClass.tpe
- case CharTag => CharClass.tpe
- case IntTag => IntClass.tpe
- case LongTag => LongClass.tpe
- case FloatTag => FloatClass.tpe
- case DoubleTag => DoubleClass.tpe
- case StringTag => StringClass.tpe
- case NullTag => NullClass.tpe
- case ClazzTag => ClassType(value.asInstanceOf[Type])
- case EnumTag =>
- // given (in java): "class A { enum E { VAL1 } }"
- // - symbolValue: the symbol of the actual enumeration value (VAL1)
- // - .owner: the ModuleClasSymbol of the enumeration (object E)
- // - .linkedClassOfClass: the ClassSymbol of the enumeration (class E)
- symbolValue.owner.linkedClassOfClass.tpe
- }
- /** We need the equals method to take account of tags as well as values.
- */
- override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
- case that: Constant =>
- this.tag == that.tag &&
- (this.value == that.value || this.isNaN && that.isNaN)
- case _ => false
- }
- def isNaN = value match {
- case f: Float => f.isNaN
- case d: Double => d.isNaN
- case _ => false
- }
- def booleanValue: Boolean =
- if (tag == BooleanTag) value.asInstanceOf[Boolean]
- else throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a boolean");
- def byteValue: Byte = tag match {
- case ByteTag => value.asInstanceOf[Byte]
- case ShortTag => value.asInstanceOf[Short].toByte
- case CharTag => value.asInstanceOf[Char].toByte
- case IntTag => value.asInstanceOf[Int].toByte
- case LongTag => value.asInstanceOf[Long].toByte
- case FloatTag => value.asInstanceOf[Float].toByte
- case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double].toByte
- case _ => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a Byte")
- }
- def shortValue: Short = tag match {
- case ByteTag => value.asInstanceOf[Byte].toShort
- case ShortTag => value.asInstanceOf[Short]
- case CharTag => value.asInstanceOf[Char].toShort
- case IntTag => value.asInstanceOf[Int].toShort
- case LongTag => value.asInstanceOf[Long].toShort
- case FloatTag => value.asInstanceOf[Float].toShort
- case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double].toShort
- case _ => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a Short")
- }
- def charValue: Char = tag match {
- case ByteTag => value.asInstanceOf[Byte].toChar
- case ShortTag => value.asInstanceOf[Short].toChar
- case CharTag => value.asInstanceOf[Char]
- case IntTag => value.asInstanceOf[Int].toChar
- case LongTag => value.asInstanceOf[Long].toChar
- case FloatTag => value.asInstanceOf[Float].toChar
- case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double].toChar
- case _ => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a Char")
- }
- def intValue: Int = tag match {
- case ByteTag => value.asInstanceOf[Byte].toInt
- case ShortTag => value.asInstanceOf[Short].toInt
- case CharTag => value.asInstanceOf[Char].toInt
- case IntTag => value.asInstanceOf[Int]
- case LongTag => value.asInstanceOf[Long].toInt
- case FloatTag => value.asInstanceOf[Float].toInt
- case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double].toInt
- case _ => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not an Int")
- }
- def longValue: Long = tag match {
- case ByteTag => value.asInstanceOf[Byte].toLong
- case ShortTag => value.asInstanceOf[Short].toLong
- case CharTag => value.asInstanceOf[Char].toLong
- case IntTag => value.asInstanceOf[Int].toLong
- case LongTag => value.asInstanceOf[Long]
- case FloatTag => value.asInstanceOf[Float].toLong
- case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double].toLong
- case _ => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a Long")
- }
- def floatValue: Float = tag match {
- case ByteTag => value.asInstanceOf[Byte].toFloat
- case ShortTag => value.asInstanceOf[Short].toFloat
- case CharTag => value.asInstanceOf[Char].toFloat
- case IntTag => value.asInstanceOf[Int].toFloat
- case LongTag => value.asInstanceOf[Long].toFloat
- case FloatTag => value.asInstanceOf[Float]
- case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double].toFloat
- case _ => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a Float")
- }
- def doubleValue: Double = tag match {
- case ByteTag => value.asInstanceOf[Byte].toDouble
- case ShortTag => value.asInstanceOf[Short].toDouble
- case CharTag => value.asInstanceOf[Char].toDouble
- case IntTag => value.asInstanceOf[Int].toDouble
- case LongTag => value.asInstanceOf[Long].toDouble
- case FloatTag => value.asInstanceOf[Float].toDouble
- case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double]
- case _ => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a Double")
- }
- /** Convert constant value to conform to given type.
- */
- def convertTo(pt: Type): Constant = {
- val target = pt.typeSymbol
- if (target == tpe.typeSymbol)
- this
- else if (target == ByteClass && isByteRange)
- Constant(byteValue)
- else if (target == ShortClass && isShortRange)
- Constant(shortValue)
- else if (target == CharClass && isCharRange)
- Constant(charValue)
- else if (target == IntClass && isIntRange)
- Constant(intValue)
- else if (target == LongClass && isLongRange)
- Constant(longValue)
- else if (target == FloatClass && isFloatRange)
- Constant(floatValue)
- else if (target == DoubleClass && isNumeric)
- Constant(doubleValue)
- else
- null
- }
- def stringValue: String =
- if (value == null) "null"
- else if (tag == ClazzTag) signature(typeValue)
- else value.toString()
- @switch def escapedChar(ch: Char): String = ch match {
- case '\b' => "\\b"
- case '\t' => "\\t"
- case '\n' => "\\n"
- case '\f' => "\\f"
- case '\r' => "\\r"
- case '"' => "\\\""
- case '\'' => "\\\'"
- case '\\' => "\\\\"
- case _ => if (ch.isControl) "\\0" + toOctalString(ch) else String.valueOf(ch)
- }
- def escapedStringValue: String = {
- def escape(text: String): String = text flatMap escapedChar
- tag match {
- case NullTag => "null"
- case StringTag => "\"" + escape(stringValue) + "\""
- case ClazzTag => "classOf[" + signature(typeValue) + "]"
- case CharTag => "'" + escapedChar(charValue) + "'"
- case LongTag => longValue.toString() + "L"
- case EnumTag =>
- case _ => String.valueOf(value)
- }
- }
- def typeValue: Type = value.asInstanceOf[Type]
- def symbolValue: Symbol = value.asInstanceOf[Symbol]
- override def hashCode: Int = value.## * 41 + 17
- }
- object Constant extends ConstantExtractor
- implicit val ConstantTag = ClassTag[Constant](classOf[Constant])
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Definitions.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Definitions.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d55b38224d..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Definitions.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1241 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-import annotation.{ switch, meta }
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import Flags._
-import PartialFunction._
-import scala.reflect.base.{Universe => BaseUniverse}
-trait Definitions extends api.StandardDefinitions {
- self: SymbolTable =>
- import rootMirror.{getModule, getClassByName, getRequiredClass, getRequiredModule, getRequiredPackage, getClassIfDefined, getModuleIfDefined, getPackageObject, getPackageObjectIfDefined, requiredClass, requiredModule}
- object definitions extends DefinitionsClass
- // [Eugene] find a way to make these non-lazy
- lazy val ByteTpe = definitions.ByteClass.asType
- lazy val ShortTpe = definitions.ShortClass.asType
- lazy val CharTpe = definitions.CharClass.asType
- lazy val IntTpe = definitions.IntClass.asType
- lazy val LongTpe = definitions.LongClass.asType
- lazy val FloatTpe = definitions.FloatClass.asType
- lazy val DoubleTpe = definitions.DoubleClass.asType
- lazy val BooleanTpe = definitions.BooleanClass.asType
- lazy val UnitTpe = definitions.UnitClass.asType
- lazy val AnyTpe = definitions.AnyClass.asType
- lazy val ObjectTpe = definitions.ObjectClass.asType
- lazy val AnyValTpe = definitions.AnyValClass.asType
- lazy val AnyRefTpe = definitions.AnyRefClass.asType
- lazy val NothingTpe = definitions.NothingClass.asType
- lazy val NullTpe = definitions.NullClass.asType
- lazy val StringTpe = definitions.StringClass.asType
- /** Since both the value parameter types and the result type may
- * require access to the type parameter symbols, we model polymorphic
- * creation as a function from those symbols to (formal types, result type).
- * The Option is to distinguish between nullary methods and empty-param-list
- * methods.
- */
- private type PolyMethodCreator = List[Symbol] => (Option[List[Type]], Type)
- private def enterNewClass(owner: Symbol, name: TypeName, parents: List[Type], flags: Long = 0L): ClassSymbol = {
- val clazz = owner.newClassSymbol(name, NoPosition, flags)
- clazz setInfoAndEnter ClassInfoType(parents, newScope, clazz)
- }
- private def newMethod(owner: Symbol, name: TermName, formals: List[Type], restpe: Type, flags: Long = 0L): MethodSymbol = {
- val msym = owner.newMethod(name.encode, NoPosition, flags)
- val params = msym.newSyntheticValueParams(formals)
- msym setInfo MethodType(params, restpe)
- }
- private def enterNewMethod(owner: Symbol, name: TermName, formals: List[Type], restpe: Type, flags: Long = 0L): MethodSymbol =
- enter newMethod(owner, name, formals, restpe, flags)
- // the scala value classes
- trait ValueClassDefinitions {
- self: DefinitionsClass =>
- import ClassfileConstants._
- private val nameToWeight = Map[Name, Int](
- tpnme.Byte -> 2,
- tpnme.Char -> 3,
- tpnme.Short -> 4,
- tpnme.Int -> 12,
- tpnme.Long -> 24,
- tpnme.Float -> 48,
- tpnme.Double -> 96
- )
- private val nameToTag = Map[Name, Char](
- tpnme.Byte -> BYTE_TAG,
- tpnme.Char -> CHAR_TAG,
- tpnme.Short -> SHORT_TAG,
- tpnme.Int -> INT_TAG,
- tpnme.Long -> LONG_TAG,
- tpnme.Float -> FLOAT_TAG,
- tpnme.Double -> DOUBLE_TAG,
- tpnme.Boolean -> BOOL_TAG,
- tpnme.Unit -> VOID_TAG
- )
- private def catastrophicFailure() =
- abort("Could not find value classes! This is a catastrophic failure. scala " +
- scala.util.Properties.versionString)
- private def valueClassSymbol(name: TypeName): ClassSymbol = {
- getMember(ScalaPackageClass, name) match {
- case x: ClassSymbol => x
- case _ => catastrophicFailure()
- }
- }
- private def valueClassCompanion(name: TermName): ModuleSymbol = {
- getMember(ScalaPackageClass, name) match {
- case x: ModuleSymbol => x
- case _ => catastrophicFailure()
- }
- }
- private def valueCompanionMember(className: Name, methodName: TermName): TermSymbol =
- getMemberMethod(valueClassCompanion(className.toTermName).moduleClass, methodName)
- private def classesMap[T](f: Name => T) = symbolsMap(ScalaValueClassesNoUnit, f)
- private def symbolsMap[T](syms: List[Symbol], f: Name => T): Map[Symbol, T] = mapFrom(syms)(x => f(
- private def symbolsMapFilt[T](syms: List[Symbol], p: Name => Boolean, f: Name => T) = symbolsMap(syms filter (x => p(, f)
- private def boxedName(name: Name) = sn.Boxed(name.toTypeName)
- lazy val abbrvTag = symbolsMap(ScalaValueClasses, nameToTag) withDefaultValue OBJECT_TAG
- lazy val numericWeight = symbolsMapFilt(ScalaValueClasses, nameToWeight.keySet, nameToWeight)
- lazy val boxedModule = classesMap(x => getModule(boxedName(x)))
- lazy val boxedClass = classesMap(x => getClassByName(boxedName(x)))
- lazy val refClass = classesMap(x => getRequiredClass("scala.runtime." + x + "Ref"))
- lazy val volatileRefClass = classesMap(x => getRequiredClass("scala.runtime.Volatile" + x + "Ref"))
- lazy val boxMethod = classesMap(x => valueCompanionMember(x,
- lazy val unboxMethod = classesMap(x => valueCompanionMember(x, nme.unbox))
- def isNumericSubClass(sub: Symbol, sup: Symbol) = (
- (numericWeight contains sub)
- && (numericWeight contains sup)
- && (numericWeight(sup) % numericWeight(sub) == 0)
- )
- /** Is symbol a numeric value class? */
- def isNumericValueClass(sym: Symbol) = ScalaNumericValueClasses contains sym
- def isGetClass(sym: Symbol) =
- ( == nme.getClass_) && flattensToEmpty(sym.paramss)
- lazy val UnitClass = valueClassSymbol(tpnme.Unit)
- lazy val ByteClass = valueClassSymbol(tpnme.Byte)
- lazy val ShortClass = valueClassSymbol(tpnme.Short)
- lazy val CharClass = valueClassSymbol(tpnme.Char)
- lazy val IntClass = valueClassSymbol(tpnme.Int)
- lazy val LongClass = valueClassSymbol(tpnme.Long)
- lazy val FloatClass = valueClassSymbol(tpnme.Float)
- lazy val DoubleClass = valueClassSymbol(tpnme.Double)
- lazy val BooleanClass = valueClassSymbol(tpnme.Boolean)
- lazy val Boolean_and = getMemberMethod(BooleanClass, nme.ZAND)
- lazy val Boolean_or = getMemberMethod(BooleanClass, nme.ZOR)
- lazy val Boolean_not = getMemberMethod(BooleanClass, nme.UNARY_!)
- lazy val ScalaNumericValueClasses = ScalaValueClasses filterNot Set[Symbol](UnitClass, BooleanClass)
- def ScalaValueClassesNoUnit = ScalaValueClasses filterNot (_ eq UnitClass)
- def ScalaValueClasses: List[ClassSymbol] = List(
- UnitClass,
- BooleanClass,
- ByteClass,
- ShortClass,
- CharClass,
- IntClass,
- LongClass,
- FloatClass,
- DoubleClass
- )
- def ScalaValueClassCompanions: List[Symbol] = ScalaValueClasses map (_.companionSymbol)
- def ScalaPrimitiveValueClasses: List[ClassSymbol] = ScalaValueClasses
- }
- abstract class DefinitionsClass extends DefinitionsApi with ValueClassDefinitions {
- private var isInitialized = false
- def isDefinitionsInitialized = isInitialized
- // symbols related to packages
- var emptypackagescope: Scope = null //debug
- // It becomes tricky to create dedicated objects for other symbols because
- // of initialization order issues.
- lazy val JavaLangPackage = getRequiredPackage(sn.JavaLang)
- lazy val JavaLangPackageClass = JavaLangPackage.moduleClass.asClassSymbol
- lazy val ScalaPackage = getRequiredPackage(nme.scala_)
- lazy val ScalaPackageClass = ScalaPackage.moduleClass.asClassSymbol
- lazy val RuntimePackage = getRequiredPackage("scala.runtime")
- lazy val RuntimePackageClass = RuntimePackage.moduleClass.asClassSymbol
- lazy val JavaLangEnumClass = requiredClass[java.lang.Enum[_]]
- // convenient one-argument parameter lists
- lazy val anyparam = List(AnyClass.tpe)
- lazy val anyvalparam = List(AnyValClass.typeConstructor)
- lazy val anyrefparam = List(AnyRefClass.typeConstructor)
- // private parameter conveniences
- private def booltype = BooleanClass.tpe
- private def inttype = IntClass.tpe
- private def stringtype = StringClass.tpe
- def javaTypeToValueClass(jtype: Class[_]): Symbol = jtype match {
- case java.lang.Void.TYPE => UnitClass
- case java.lang.Byte.TYPE => ByteClass
- case java.lang.Character.TYPE => CharClass
- case java.lang.Short.TYPE => ShortClass
- case java.lang.Integer.TYPE => IntClass
- case java.lang.Long.TYPE => LongClass
- case java.lang.Float.TYPE => FloatClass
- case java.lang.Double.TYPE => DoubleClass
- case java.lang.Boolean.TYPE => BooleanClass
- case _ => NoSymbol
- }
- def valueClassToJavaType(sym: Symbol): Class[_] = sym match {
- case UnitClass => java.lang.Void.TYPE
- case ByteClass => java.lang.Byte.TYPE
- case CharClass => java.lang.Character.TYPE
- case ShortClass => java.lang.Short.TYPE
- case IntClass => java.lang.Integer.TYPE
- case LongClass => java.lang.Long.TYPE
- case FloatClass => java.lang.Float.TYPE
- case DoubleClass => java.lang.Double.TYPE
- case BooleanClass => java.lang.Boolean.TYPE
- case _ => null
- }
- private def fixupAsAnyTrait(tpe: Type): Type = tpe match {
- case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) =>
- if (parents.head.typeSymbol == AnyClass) tpe
- else {
- assert(parents.head.typeSymbol == ObjectClass, parents)
- ClassInfoType(AnyClass.tpe :: parents.tail, decls, clazz)
- }
- case PolyType(tparams, restpe) =>
- PolyType(tparams, fixupAsAnyTrait(restpe))
-// case _ => tpe
- }
- // top types
- lazy val AnyClass = enterNewClass(ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.Any, Nil, ABSTRACT)
- lazy val AnyRefClass = newAlias(ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.AnyRef, ObjectClass.tpe)
- lazy val ObjectClass = getRequiredClass(sn.Object.toString)
- // Note: this is not the type alias AnyRef, it's a companion-like
- // object used by the @specialize annotation.
- lazy val AnyRefModule = getMemberModule(ScalaPackageClass, nme.AnyRef)
- @deprecated("Use AnyRefModule", "2.10.0")
- def Predef_AnyRef = AnyRefModule
- lazy val AnyValClass: ClassSymbol = ( member tpnme.AnyVal orElse {
- val anyval = enterNewClass(ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.AnyVal, List(AnyClass.tpe, NotNullClass.tpe), ABSTRACT)
- val av_constr = anyval.newClassConstructor(NoPosition)
- enter av_constr
- anyval
- }).asInstanceOf[ClassSymbol]
- // bottom types
- lazy val RuntimeNothingClass = getClassByName(fulltpnme.RuntimeNothing)
- lazy val RuntimeNullClass = getClassByName(fulltpnme.RuntimeNull)
- sealed abstract class BottomClassSymbol(name: TypeName, parent: Symbol) extends ClassSymbol(ScalaPackageClass, NoPosition, name) {
- locally {
- this initFlags ABSTRACT | FINAL
- this setInfoAndEnter ClassInfoType(List(parent.tpe), newScope, this)
- }
- final override def isBottomClass = true
- }
- final object NothingClass extends BottomClassSymbol(tpnme.Nothing, AnyClass) {
- override def isSubClass(that: Symbol) = true
- }
- final object NullClass extends BottomClassSymbol(tpnme.Null, AnyRefClass) {
- override def isSubClass(that: Symbol) = (
- (that eq AnyClass)
- || (that ne NothingClass) && (that isSubClass ObjectClass)
- )
- }
- // exceptions and other throwables
- lazy val ClassCastExceptionClass = requiredClass[ClassCastException]
- lazy val IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionClass = getClassByName(sn.IOOBException)
- lazy val InvocationTargetExceptionClass = getClassByName(sn.InvTargetException)
- lazy val MatchErrorClass = requiredClass[MatchError]
- lazy val NonLocalReturnControlClass = requiredClass[scala.runtime.NonLocalReturnControl[_]]
- lazy val NullPointerExceptionClass = getClassByName(sn.NPException)
- lazy val ThrowableClass = getClassByName(sn.Throwable)
- lazy val UninitializedErrorClass = requiredClass[UninitializedFieldError]
- // fundamental reference classes
- lazy val PartialFunctionClass = requiredClass[PartialFunction[_,_]]
- lazy val AbstractPartialFunctionClass = requiredClass[scala.runtime.AbstractPartialFunction[_,_]]
- lazy val SymbolClass = requiredClass[scala.Symbol]
- lazy val StringClass = requiredClass[java.lang.String]
- lazy val StringModule = StringClass.linkedClassOfClass
- lazy val ClassClass = requiredClass[java.lang.Class[_]]
- def Class_getMethod = getMemberMethod(ClassClass, nme.getMethod_)
- lazy val DynamicClass = requiredClass[Dynamic]
- // fundamental modules
- lazy val SysPackage = getPackageObject("scala.sys")
- def Sys_error = getMemberMethod(SysPackage, nme.error)
- // Modules whose members are in the default namespace
- // [Eugene++] ScalaPackage and JavaLangPackage are never ever shared between mirrors
- // as a result, `Int` becomes `scala.Int` and `String` becomes `java.lang.String`
- // I could just change `isOmittablePrefix`, but there's more to it, so I'm leaving this as a todo for now
- lazy val UnqualifiedModules = List(PredefModule, ScalaPackage, JavaLangPackage)
- // Those modules and their module classes
- lazy val UnqualifiedOwners = UnqualifiedModules.toSet ++
- lazy val PredefModule = requiredModule[scala.Predef.type]
- lazy val PredefModuleClass = PredefModule.moduleClass
- def Predef_classOf = getMemberMethod(PredefModule, nme.classOf)
- def Predef_identity = getMemberMethod(PredefModule, nme.identity)
- def Predef_conforms = getMemberMethod(PredefModule, nme.conforms)
- def Predef_wrapRefArray = getMemberMethod(PredefModule, nme.wrapRefArray)
- def Predef_??? = getMemberMethod(PredefModule, nme.???)
- def Predef_implicitly = getMemberMethod(PredefModule, nme.implicitly)
- /** Is `sym` a member of Predef with the given name?
- * Note: DON't replace this by sym == Predef_conforms/etc, as Predef_conforms is a `def`
- * which does a member lookup (it can't be a lazy val because we might reload Predef
- * during resident compilations).
- */
- def isPredefMemberNamed(sym: Symbol, name: Name) = (
- ( == name) && (sym.owner == PredefModule.moduleClass)
- )
- /** Specialization.
- */
- lazy val SpecializableModule = requiredModule[Specializable]
- lazy val GroupOfSpecializable = getMemberClass(SpecializableModule, tpnme.Group)
- lazy val ConsoleModule = requiredModule[scala.Console.type]
- lazy val ScalaRunTimeModule = requiredModule[scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime.type]
- lazy val SymbolModule = requiredModule[scala.Symbol.type]
- lazy val Symbol_apply = getMemberMethod(SymbolModule, nme.apply)
- def SeqFactory = getMember(ScalaRunTimeModule, nme.Seq) // [Eugene++] obsolete?
- def arrayApplyMethod = getMemberMethod(ScalaRunTimeModule, nme.array_apply)
- def arrayUpdateMethod = getMemberMethod(ScalaRunTimeModule, nme.array_update)
- def arrayLengthMethod = getMemberMethod(ScalaRunTimeModule, nme.array_length)
- def arrayCloneMethod = getMemberMethod(ScalaRunTimeModule, nme.array_clone)
- def ensureAccessibleMethod = getMemberMethod(ScalaRunTimeModule, nme.ensureAccessible)
- def scalaRuntimeSameElements = getMemberMethod(ScalaRunTimeModule, nme.sameElements)
- def arrayClassMethod = getMemberMethod(ScalaRunTimeModule, nme.arrayClass)
- def arrayElementClassMethod = getMemberMethod(ScalaRunTimeModule, nme.arrayElementClass)
- // classes with special meanings
- lazy val StringAddClass = requiredClass[scala.runtime.StringAdd]
- lazy val ArrowAssocClass = getRequiredClass("scala.Predef.ArrowAssoc") // SI-5731
- lazy val StringAdd_+ = getMemberMethod(StringAddClass, nme.PLUS)
- lazy val NotNullClass = getRequiredClass("scala.NotNull")
- lazy val ScalaNumberClass = requiredClass[scala.math.ScalaNumber]
- lazy val TraitSetterAnnotationClass = requiredClass[scala.runtime.TraitSetter]
- lazy val DelayedInitClass = requiredClass[scala.DelayedInit]
- def delayedInitMethod = getMemberMethod(DelayedInitClass, nme.delayedInit)
- // a dummy value that communicates that a delayedInit call is compiler-generated
- // from phase UnCurry to phase Constructors
- // !!! This is not used anywhere (it was checked in that way.)
- // def delayedInitArgVal = EmptyPackageClass.newValue(NoPosition, nme.delayedInitArg)
- // .setInfo(UnitClass.tpe)
- lazy val TypeConstraintClass = requiredClass[scala.annotation.TypeConstraint]
- lazy val SingletonClass = enterNewClass(ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.Singleton, anyparam, ABSTRACT | TRAIT | FINAL)
- lazy val SerializableClass = requiredClass[scala.Serializable]
- lazy val JavaSerializableClass = requiredClass[] modifyInfo fixupAsAnyTrait
- lazy val ComparableClass = requiredClass[java.lang.Comparable[_]] modifyInfo fixupAsAnyTrait
- lazy val JavaCloneableClass = requiredClass[java.lang.Cloneable]
- lazy val JavaNumberClass = requiredClass[java.lang.Number]
- lazy val RemoteInterfaceClass = requiredClass[java.rmi.Remote]
- lazy val RemoteExceptionClass = requiredClass[java.rmi.RemoteException]
- lazy val ByNameParamClass = specialPolyClass(tpnme.BYNAME_PARAM_CLASS_NAME, COVARIANT)(_ => AnyClass.tpe)
- lazy val EqualsPatternClass = specialPolyClass(tpnme.EQUALS_PATTERN_NAME, 0L)(_ => AnyClass.tpe)
- lazy val JavaRepeatedParamClass = specialPolyClass(tpnme.JAVA_REPEATED_PARAM_CLASS_NAME, COVARIANT)(tparam => arrayType(tparam.tpe))
- lazy val RepeatedParamClass = specialPolyClass(tpnme.REPEATED_PARAM_CLASS_NAME, COVARIANT)(tparam => seqType(tparam.tpe))
- def isByNameParamType(tp: Type) = tp.typeSymbol == ByNameParamClass
- def isScalaRepeatedParamType(tp: Type) = tp.typeSymbol == RepeatedParamClass
- def isJavaRepeatedParamType(tp: Type) = tp.typeSymbol == JavaRepeatedParamClass
- def isRepeatedParamType(tp: Type) = isScalaRepeatedParamType(tp) || isJavaRepeatedParamType(tp)
- def isCastSymbol(sym: Symbol) = sym == Any_asInstanceOf || sym == Object_asInstanceOf
- def isJavaVarArgsMethod(m: Symbol) = m.isMethod && isJavaVarArgs(
- def isJavaVarArgs(params: Seq[Symbol]) = params.nonEmpty && isJavaRepeatedParamType(params.last.tpe)
- def isScalaVarArgs(params: Seq[Symbol]) = params.nonEmpty && isScalaRepeatedParamType(params.last.tpe)
- def isVarArgsList(params: Seq[Symbol]) = params.nonEmpty && isRepeatedParamType(params.last.tpe)
- def isVarArgTypes(formals: Seq[Type]) = formals.nonEmpty && isRepeatedParamType(formals.last)
- def hasRepeatedParam(tp: Type): Boolean = tp match {
- case MethodType(formals, restpe) => isScalaVarArgs(formals) || hasRepeatedParam(restpe)
- case PolyType(_, restpe) => hasRepeatedParam(restpe)
- case _ => false
- }
- def isPrimitiveArray(tp: Type) = tp match {
- case TypeRef(_, ArrayClass, arg :: Nil) => isPrimitiveValueClass(arg.typeSymbol)
- case _ => false
- }
- def isReferenceArray(tp: Type) = tp match {
- case TypeRef(_, ArrayClass, arg :: Nil) => arg <:< AnyRefClass.tpe
- case _ => false
- }
- def isArrayOfSymbol(tp: Type, elem: Symbol) = tp match {
- case TypeRef(_, ArrayClass, arg :: Nil) => arg.typeSymbol == elem
- case _ => false
- }
- lazy val MatchingStrategyClass = getRequiredClass("scala.MatchingStrategy")
- // collections classes
- lazy val ConsClass = requiredClass[scala.collection.immutable.::[_]]
- lazy val IterableClass = requiredClass[scala.collection.Iterable[_]]
- lazy val IteratorClass = requiredClass[scala.collection.Iterator[_]]
- lazy val ListClass = requiredClass[scala.collection.immutable.List[_]]
- lazy val SeqClass = requiredClass[scala.collection.Seq[_]]
- lazy val StringBuilderClass = requiredClass[scala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder]
- lazy val TraversableClass = requiredClass[scala.collection.Traversable[_]]
- lazy val ListModule = requiredModule[scala.collection.immutable.List.type]
- lazy val List_apply = getMemberMethod(ListModule, nme.apply)
- lazy val NilModule = requiredModule[scala.collection.immutable.Nil.type]
- lazy val SeqModule = requiredModule[scala.collection.Seq.type]
- lazy val IteratorModule = requiredModule[scala.collection.Iterator.type]
- lazy val Iterator_apply = getMemberMethod(IteratorModule, nme.apply)
- // arrays and their members
- lazy val ArrayModule = requiredModule[scala.Array.type]
- lazy val ArrayModule_overloadedApply = getMemberMethod(ArrayModule, nme.apply)
- lazy val ArrayClass = getRequiredClass("scala.Array") // requiredClass[scala.Array[_]]
- lazy val Array_apply = getMemberMethod(ArrayClass, nme.apply)
- lazy val Array_update = getMemberMethod(ArrayClass, nme.update)
- lazy val Array_length = getMemberMethod(ArrayClass, nme.length)
- lazy val Array_clone = getMemberMethod(ArrayClass, nme.clone_)
- // reflection / structural types
- lazy val SoftReferenceClass = requiredClass[java.lang.ref.SoftReference[_]]
- lazy val WeakReferenceClass = requiredClass[java.lang.ref.WeakReference[_]]
- lazy val MethodClass = getClassByName(sn.MethodAsObject)
- def methodClass_setAccessible = getMemberMethod(MethodClass, nme.setAccessible)
- lazy val EmptyMethodCacheClass = requiredClass[scala.runtime.EmptyMethodCache]
- lazy val MethodCacheClass = requiredClass[scala.runtime.MethodCache]
- def methodCache_find = getMemberMethod(MethodCacheClass, nme.find_)
- def methodCache_add = getMemberMethod(MethodCacheClass, nme.add_)
- // scala.reflect
- lazy val ReflectPackage = requiredModule[scala.reflect.`package`.type]
- def ReflectBasis = getMemberValue(ReflectPackage, nme.basis)
- lazy val ReflectRuntimePackage = getPackageObjectIfDefined("scala.reflect.runtime") // defined in scala-reflect.jar, so we need to be careful
- def ReflectRuntimeUniverse = if (ReflectRuntimePackage != NoSymbol) getMemberValue(ReflectRuntimePackage, nme.universe) else NoSymbol
- def ReflectRuntimeCurrentMirror = if (ReflectRuntimePackage != NoSymbol) getMemberMethod(ReflectRuntimePackage, nme.currentMirror) else NoSymbol
- lazy val PartialManifestClass = requiredClass[scala.reflect.ClassManifest[_]]
- lazy val PartialManifestModule = requiredModule[scala.reflect.ClassManifest.type]
- lazy val FullManifestClass = requiredClass[scala.reflect.Manifest[_]]
- lazy val FullManifestModule = requiredModule[scala.reflect.Manifest.type]
- lazy val OptManifestClass = requiredClass[scala.reflect.OptManifest[_]]
- lazy val NoManifest = requiredModule[scala.reflect.NoManifest.type]
- lazy val ExprsClass = getClassIfDefined("scala.reflect.api.Exprs") // defined in scala-reflect.jar, so we need to be careful
- lazy val ExprClass = if (ExprsClass != NoSymbol) getMemberClass(ExprsClass, tpnme.Expr) else NoSymbol
- def ExprSplice = if (ExprsClass != NoSymbol) getMemberMethod(ExprClass, nme.splice) else NoSymbol
- def ExprValue = if (ExprsClass != NoSymbol) getMemberMethod(ExprClass, nme.value) else NoSymbol
- lazy val ExprModule = if (ExprsClass != NoSymbol) getMemberModule(ExprsClass, nme.Expr) else NoSymbol
- lazy val ArrayTagClass = requiredClass[scala.reflect.ArrayTag[_]]
- lazy val ClassTagModule = requiredModule[scala.reflect.ClassTag[_]]
- lazy val ClassTagClass = requiredClass[scala.reflect.ClassTag[_]]
- lazy val TypeTagsClass = requiredClass[scala.reflect.base.TypeTags]
- lazy val TypeTagClass = getMemberClass(TypeTagsClass, tpnme.TypeTag)
- lazy val TypeTagModule = getMemberModule(TypeTagsClass, nme.TypeTag)
- lazy val ConcreteTypeTagClass = getMemberClass(TypeTagsClass, tpnme.ConcreteTypeTag)
- lazy val ConcreteTypeTagModule = getMemberModule(TypeTagsClass, nme.ConcreteTypeTag)
- lazy val BaseUniverseClass = requiredClass[scala.reflect.base.Universe]
- lazy val ApiUniverseClass = getClassIfDefined("scala.reflect.api.Universe") // defined in scala-reflect.jar, so we need to be careful
- def ApiUniverseReify = if (ApiUniverseClass != NoSymbol) getMemberMethod(ApiUniverseClass, nme.reify) else NoSymbol
- lazy val JavaUniverseClass = getClassIfDefined("scala.reflect.api.JavaUniverse") // defined in scala-reflect.jar, so we need to be careful
- lazy val MirrorOfClass = requiredClass[scala.reflect.base.MirrorOf[_]]
- lazy val TypeCreatorClass = requiredClass[scala.reflect.base.TypeCreator]
- lazy val TreeCreatorClass = requiredClass[scala.reflect.base.TreeCreator]
- lazy val MacroContextClass = getClassIfDefined("scala.reflect.makro.Context") // defined in scala-reflect.jar, so we need to be careful
- def MacroContextPrefix = if (MacroContextClass != NoSymbol) getMemberMethod(MacroContextClass, nme.prefix) else NoSymbol
- def MacroContextPrefixType = if (MacroContextClass != NoSymbol) getMemberType(MacroContextClass, tpnme.PrefixType) else NoSymbol
- def MacroContextUniverse = if (MacroContextClass != NoSymbol) getMemberMethod(MacroContextClass, nme.universe) else NoSymbol
- def MacroContextMirror = if (MacroContextClass != NoSymbol) getMemberMethod(MacroContextClass, nme.mirror) else NoSymbol
- def MacroContextReify = if (MacroContextClass != NoSymbol) getMemberMethod(MacroContextClass, nme.reify) else NoSymbol
- lazy val MacroImplAnnotation = requiredClass[scala.reflect.makro.internal.macroImpl]
- lazy val MacroInternalPackage = getPackageObject("scala.reflect.makro.internal")
- def MacroInternal_materializeArrayTag = getMemberMethod(MacroInternalPackage, nme.materializeArrayTag)
- def MacroInternal_materializeClassTag = getMemberMethod(MacroInternalPackage, nme.materializeClassTag)
- def MacroInternal_materializeTypeTag = getMemberMethod(MacroInternalPackage, nme.materializeTypeTag)
- def MacroInternal_materializeConcreteTypeTag = getMemberMethod(MacroInternalPackage, nme.materializeConcreteTypeTag)
- lazy val ScalaSignatureAnnotation = requiredClass[scala.reflect.ScalaSignature]
- lazy val ScalaLongSignatureAnnotation = requiredClass[scala.reflect.ScalaLongSignature]
- // Option classes
- lazy val OptionClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass[Option[_]]
- lazy val SomeClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass[Some[_]]
- lazy val NoneModule: ModuleSymbol = requiredModule[scala.None.type]
- lazy val SomeModule: ModuleSymbol = requiredModule[scala.Some.type]
- def compilerTypeFromTag(tt: BaseUniverse # TypeTag[_]): Type =
- def compilerSymbolFromTag(tt: BaseUniverse # TypeTag[_]): Symbol =
- // The given symbol represents either String.+ or StringAdd.+
- def isStringAddition(sym: Symbol) = sym == String_+ || sym == StringAdd_+
- def isArrowAssoc(sym: Symbol) = ArrowAssocClass.tpe.decls.toList contains sym
- // The given symbol is a method with the right name and signature to be a runnable java program.
- def isJavaMainMethod(sym: Symbol) = ( == nme.main) && ( match {
- case MethodType(p :: Nil, restpe) => isArrayOfSymbol(p.tpe, StringClass) && restpe.typeSymbol == UnitClass
- case _ => false
- })
- // The given class has a main method.
- def hasJavaMainMethod(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
- (sym.tpe member nme.main).alternatives exists isJavaMainMethod
- def hasJavaMainMethod(path: String): Boolean =
- hasJavaMainMethod(getModuleIfDefined(path))
- def isOptionType(tp: Type) = tp.typeSymbol isSubClass OptionClass
- def isSomeType(tp: Type) = tp.typeSymbol eq SomeClass
- def isNoneType(tp: Type) = tp.typeSymbol eq NoneModule
- // Product, Tuple, Function, AbstractFunction
- private def mkArityArray(name: String, arity: Int, countFrom: Int): Array[ClassSymbol] = {
- val list = countFrom to arity map (i => getRequiredClass("scala." + name + i))
- list.toArray
- }
- def prepend[S >: ClassSymbol : ClassTag](elem0: S, elems: Array[ClassSymbol]): Array[S] = elem0 +: elems
- private def aritySpecificType[S <: Symbol](symbolArray: Array[S], args: List[Type], others: Type*): Type = {
- val arity = args.length
- if (arity >= symbolArray.length) NoType
- else appliedType(symbolArray(arity), args ++ others: _*)
- }
- val MaxTupleArity, MaxProductArity, MaxFunctionArity = 22
- lazy val ProductClass: Array[ClassSymbol] = prepend(UnitClass, mkArityArray("Product", MaxProductArity, 1))
- lazy val TupleClass: Array[Symbol] = prepend(NoSymbol, mkArityArray("Tuple", MaxTupleArity, 1))
- lazy val FunctionClass = mkArityArray("Function", MaxFunctionArity, 0)
- lazy val AbstractFunctionClass = mkArityArray("runtime.AbstractFunction", MaxFunctionArity, 0)
- /** Creators for TupleN, ProductN, FunctionN. */
- def tupleType(elems: List[Type]) = aritySpecificType(TupleClass, elems)
- def productType(elems: List[Type]) = aritySpecificType(ProductClass, elems)
- def functionType(formals: List[Type], restpe: Type) = aritySpecificType(FunctionClass, formals, restpe)
- def abstractFunctionType(formals: List[Type], restpe: Type) = aritySpecificType(AbstractFunctionClass, formals, restpe)
- def wrapArrayMethodName(elemtp: Type): TermName = elemtp.typeSymbol match {
- case ByteClass => nme.wrapByteArray
- case ShortClass => nme.wrapShortArray
- case CharClass => nme.wrapCharArray
- case IntClass => nme.wrapIntArray
- case LongClass => nme.wrapLongArray
- case FloatClass => nme.wrapFloatArray
- case DoubleClass => nme.wrapDoubleArray
- case BooleanClass => nme.wrapBooleanArray
- case UnitClass => nme.wrapUnitArray
- case _ =>
- if ((elemtp <:< AnyRefClass.tpe) && !isPhantomClass(elemtp.typeSymbol)) nme.wrapRefArray
- else nme.genericWrapArray
- }
- @deprecated("Use isTupleType", "2.10.0")
- def isTupleTypeOrSubtype(tp: Type) = isTupleType(tp)
- def tupleField(n: Int, j: Int) = getMemberValue(TupleClass(n), nme.productAccessorName(j))
- // NOTE: returns true for NoSymbol since it's included in the TupleClass array -- is this intensional?
- def isTupleSymbol(sym: Symbol) = TupleClass contains unspecializedSymbol(sym)
- def isProductNClass(sym: Symbol) = ProductClass contains sym
- def unspecializedSymbol(sym: Symbol): Symbol = {
- if (sym hasFlag SPECIALIZED) {
- // add initialization from its generic class constructor
- val genericName = nme.unspecializedName(
- val member =
- member
- }
- else sym
- }
- // Checks whether the given type is true for the given condition,
- // or if it is a specialized subtype of a type for which it is true.
- //
- // Origins notes:
- // An issue was introduced with specialization in that the implementation
- // of "isTupleType" in Definitions relied upon sym == TupleClass(elems.length).
- // This test is untrue for specialized tuples, causing mysterious behavior
- // because only some tuples are specialized.
- def isPossiblySpecializedType(tp: Type)(cond: Type => Boolean) = {
- cond(tp) || (tp match {
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) if sym hasFlag SPECIALIZED =>
- cond(tp baseType unspecializedSymbol(sym))
- case _ =>
- false
- })
- }
- // No normalization.
- def isTupleTypeDirect(tp: Type) = isPossiblySpecializedType(tp) {
- case TypeRef(_, sym, args) if args.nonEmpty =>
- val len = args.length
- len <= MaxTupleArity && sym == TupleClass(len)
- case _ => false
- }
- def isTupleType(tp: Type) = isTupleTypeDirect(tp.normalize)
- lazy val ProductRootClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass[scala.Product]
- def Product_productArity = getMemberMethod(ProductRootClass, nme.productArity)
- def Product_productElement = getMemberMethod(ProductRootClass, nme.productElement)
- def Product_iterator = getMemberMethod(ProductRootClass, nme.productIterator)
- def Product_productPrefix = getMemberMethod(ProductRootClass, nme.productPrefix)
- def Product_canEqual = getMemberMethod(ProductRootClass, nme.canEqual_)
- // def Product_productElementName = getMemberMethod(ProductRootClass, nme.productElementName)
- def productProj(z:Symbol, j: Int): TermSymbol = getMemberValue(z, nme.productAccessorName(j))
- def productProj(n: Int, j: Int): TermSymbol = productProj(ProductClass(n), j)
- /** returns true if this type is exactly ProductN[T1,...,Tn], not some subclass */
- def isExactProductType(tp: Type): Boolean = isProductNClass(tp.typeSymbol)
- /** if tpe <: ProductN[T1,...,TN], returns List(T1,...,TN) else Nil */
- def getProductArgs(tpe: Type): List[Type] = tpe.baseClasses find isProductNClass match {
- case Some(x) => tpe.baseType(x).typeArgs
- case _ => Nil
- }
- def unapplyUnwrap(tpe:Type) = tpe.finalResultType.normalize match {
- case RefinedType(p :: _, _) => p.normalize
- case tp => tp
- }
- def functionApply(n: Int) = getMemberMethod(FunctionClass(n), nme.apply)
- def abstractFunctionForFunctionType(tp: Type) =
- if (isFunctionType(tp)) abstractFunctionType(tp.typeArgs.init, tp.typeArgs.last)
- else NoType
- def isFunctionType(tp: Type): Boolean = tp.normalize match {
- case TypeRef(_, sym, args) if args.nonEmpty =>
- val arity = args.length - 1 // -1 is the return type
- arity <= MaxFunctionArity && sym == FunctionClass(arity)
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- def isPartialFunctionType(tp: Type): Boolean = {
- val sym = tp.typeSymbol
- (sym eq PartialFunctionClass) || (sym eq AbstractPartialFunctionClass)
- }
- def isSeqType(tp: Type) = elementType(SeqClass, tp.normalize) != NoType
- def elementType(container: Symbol, tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case TypeRef(_, `container`, arg :: Nil) => arg
- case _ => NoType
- }
- def arrayType(arg: Type) = appliedType(ArrayClass, arg)
- def byNameType(arg: Type) = appliedType(ByNameParamClass, arg)
- def iteratorOfType(tp: Type) = appliedType(IteratorClass, tp)
- def javaRepeatedType(arg: Type) = appliedType(JavaRepeatedParamClass, arg)
- def optionType(tp: Type) = appliedType(OptionClass, tp)
- def scalaRepeatedType(arg: Type) = appliedType(RepeatedParamClass, arg)
- def seqType(arg: Type) = appliedType(SeqClass, arg)
- def someType(tp: Type) = appliedType(SomeClass, tp)
- def StringArray = arrayType(StringClass.tpe)
- lazy val ObjectArray = arrayType(ObjectClass.tpe)
- def ClassType(arg: Type) =
- if (phase.erasedTypes || forMSIL) ClassClass.tpe
- else appliedType(ClassClass, arg)
- def vmClassType(arg: Type): Type = ClassType(arg)
- def vmSignature(sym: Symbol, info: Type): String = signature(info) // !!!
- /** Given a class symbol C with type parameters T1, T2, ... Tn
- * which have upper/lower bounds LB1/UB1, LB1/UB2, ..., LBn/UBn,
- * returns an existential type of the form
- *
- * C[E1, ..., En] forSome { E1 >: LB1 <: UB1 ... en >: LBn <: UBn }.
- */
- def classExistentialType(clazz: Symbol): Type =
- newExistentialType(clazz.typeParams, clazz.tpe)
- /** Given type U, creates a Type representing Class[_ <: U].
- */
- def boundedClassType(upperBound: Type) =
- appliedTypeAsUpperBounds(ClassClass.typeConstructor, List(upperBound))
- /** To avoid unchecked warnings on polymorphic classes, translate
- * a Foo[T] into a Foo[_] for use in the pattern matcher.
- */
- @deprecated("Use classExistentialType", "2.10.0")
- def typeCaseType(clazz: Symbol): Type = classExistentialType(clazz)
- //
- // .NET backend
- //
- lazy val ComparatorClass = getRequiredClass("scala.runtime.Comparator")
- // System.ValueType
- lazy val ValueTypeClass: ClassSymbol = getClassByName(sn.ValueType)
- // System.MulticastDelegate
- lazy val DelegateClass: ClassSymbol = getClassByName(sn.Delegate)
- var Delegate_scalaCallers: List[Symbol] = List() // Syncnote: No protection necessary yet as only for .NET where reflection is not supported.
- // Symbol -> (Symbol, Type): scalaCaller -> (scalaMethodSym, DelegateType)
- // var Delegate_scalaCallerInfos: HashMap[Symbol, (Symbol, Type)] = _
- lazy val Delegate_scalaCallerTargets: mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Symbol] = mutable.HashMap()
- def isCorrespondingDelegate(delegateType: Type, functionType: Type): Boolean = {
- isSubType(delegateType, DelegateClass.tpe) &&
- (delegateType.member(nme.apply).tpe match {
- case MethodType(delegateParams, delegateReturn) =>
- isFunctionType(functionType) &&
- (functionType.normalize match {
- case TypeRef(_, _, args) =>
- ( => {
- if (pt.tpe == AnyClass.tpe) definitions.ObjectClass.tpe else pt})
- ::: List(delegateReturn)) == args
- case _ => false
- })
- case _ => false
- })
- }
- // members of class scala.Any
- lazy val Any_== = enterNewMethod(AnyClass, nme.EQ, anyparam, booltype, FINAL)
- lazy val Any_!= = enterNewMethod(AnyClass, nme.NE, anyparam, booltype, FINAL)
- lazy val Any_equals = enterNewMethod(AnyClass, nme.equals_, anyparam, booltype)
- lazy val Any_hashCode = enterNewMethod(AnyClass, nme.hashCode_, Nil, inttype)
- lazy val Any_toString = enterNewMethod(AnyClass, nme.toString_, Nil, stringtype)
- lazy val Any_## = enterNewMethod(AnyClass, nme.HASHHASH, Nil, inttype, FINAL)
- // Any_getClass requires special handling. The return type is determined on
- // a per-call-site basis as if the function being called were actually:
- //
- // // Assuming `target.getClass()`
- // def getClass[T](target: T): Class[_ <: T]
- //
- // Since getClass is not actually a polymorphic method, this requires compiler
- // participation. At the "Any" level, the return type is Class[_] as it is in
- // java.lang.Object. Java also special cases the return type.
- lazy val Any_getClass = enterNewMethod(AnyClass, nme.getClass_, Nil, getMemberMethod(ObjectClass, nme.getClass_).tpe.resultType, DEFERRED)
- lazy val Any_isInstanceOf = newT1NullaryMethod(AnyClass, nme.isInstanceOf_, FINAL)(_ => booltype)
- lazy val Any_asInstanceOf = newT1NullaryMethod(AnyClass, nme.asInstanceOf_, FINAL)(_.typeConstructor)
- // A type function from T => Class[U], used to determine the return
- // type of getClass calls. The returned type is:
- //
- // 1. If T is a value type, Class[T].
- // 2. If T is a phantom type (Any or AnyVal), Class[_].
- // 3. If T is a local class, Class[_ <: |T|].
- // 4. Otherwise, Class[_ <: T].
- //
- // Note: AnyVal cannot be Class[_ <: AnyVal] because if the static type of the
- // receiver is AnyVal, it implies the receiver is boxed, so the correct
- // class object is that of java.lang.Integer, not Int.
- //
- // TODO: If T is final, return type could be Class[T]. Should it?
- def getClassReturnType(tp: Type): Type = {
- val sym = tp.typeSymbol
- if (phase.erasedTypes) ClassClass.tpe
- else if (isPrimitiveValueClass(sym)) ClassType(tp.widen)
- else {
- val eparams = typeParamsToExistentials(ClassClass, ClassClass.typeParams)
- val upperBound = (
- if (isPhantomClass(sym)) AnyClass.tpe
- else if (sym.isLocalClass) erasure.intersectionDominator(tp.parents)
- else tp.widen
- )
- existentialAbstraction(
- eparams,
- ClassType((eparams.head setInfo TypeBounds.upper(upperBound)).tpe)
- )
- }
- }
- /** Remove references to class Object (other than the head) in a list of parents */
- def removeLaterObjects(tps: List[Type]): List[Type] = tps match {
- case Nil => Nil
- case x :: xs => x :: xs.filterNot(_.typeSymbol == ObjectClass)
- }
- /** Remove all but one reference to class Object from a list of parents. */
- def removeRedundantObjects(tps: List[Type]): List[Type] = tps match {
- case Nil => Nil
- case x :: xs =>
- if (x.typeSymbol == ObjectClass)
- x :: xs.filterNot(_.typeSymbol == ObjectClass)
- else
- x :: removeRedundantObjects(xs)
- }
- /** Order a list of types with non-trait classes before others. */
- def classesFirst(tps: List[Type]): List[Type] = {
- val (classes, others) = tps partition (t => t.typeSymbol.isClass && !t.typeSymbol.isTrait)
- if (classes.isEmpty || others.isEmpty || (tps startsWith classes)) tps
- else classes ::: others
- }
- /** The following transformations applied to a list of parents.
- * If any parent is a class/trait, all parents which normalize to
- * Object are discarded. Otherwise, all parents which normalize
- * to Object except the first one found are discarded.
- */
- def normalizedParents(parents: List[Type]): List[Type] = {
- if (parents exists (t => (t.typeSymbol ne ObjectClass) && t.typeSymbol.isClass))
- parents filterNot (_.typeSymbol eq ObjectClass)
- else
- removeRedundantObjects(parents)
- }
- def typeStringNoPackage(tp: Type) =
- "" + tp stripPrefix tp.typeSymbol.enclosingPackage.fullName + "."
- def briefParentsString(parents: List[Type]) =
- normalizedParents(parents) map typeStringNoPackage mkString " with "
- def parentsString(parents: List[Type]) =
- normalizedParents(parents) mkString " with "
- def typeParamsString(tp: Type) = tp match {
- case PolyType(tparams, _) => tparams map (_.defString) mkString ("[", ",", "]")
- case _ => ""
- }
- def valueParamsString(tp: Type) = tp match {
- case MethodType(params, _) => params map (_.defString) mkString ("(", ",", ")")
- case _ => ""
- }
- // members of class java.lang.{ Object, String }
- lazy val Object_## = enterNewMethod(ObjectClass, nme.HASHHASH, Nil, inttype, FINAL)
- lazy val Object_== = enterNewMethod(ObjectClass, nme.EQ, anyrefparam, booltype, FINAL)
- lazy val Object_!= = enterNewMethod(ObjectClass, nme.NE, anyrefparam, booltype, FINAL)
- lazy val Object_eq = enterNewMethod(ObjectClass, nme.eq, anyrefparam, booltype, FINAL)
- lazy val Object_ne = enterNewMethod(ObjectClass,, anyrefparam, booltype, FINAL)
- lazy val Object_isInstanceOf = newT1NoParamsMethod(ObjectClass, nme.isInstanceOf_Ob, FINAL | SYNTHETIC)(_ => booltype)
- lazy val Object_asInstanceOf = newT1NoParamsMethod(ObjectClass, nme.asInstanceOf_Ob, FINAL | SYNTHETIC)(_.typeConstructor)
- lazy val Object_synchronized = newPolyMethod(1, ObjectClass, nme.synchronized_, FINAL)(tps =>
- (Some(List(tps.head.typeConstructor)), tps.head.typeConstructor)
- )
- lazy val String_+ = enterNewMethod(StringClass, nme.raw.PLUS, anyparam, stringtype, FINAL)
- def Object_getClass = getMemberMethod(ObjectClass, nme.getClass_)
- def Object_clone = getMemberMethod(ObjectClass, nme.clone_)
- def Object_finalize = getMemberMethod(ObjectClass, nme.finalize_)
- def Object_notify = getMemberMethod(ObjectClass, nme.notify_)
- def Object_notifyAll = getMemberMethod(ObjectClass, nme.notifyAll_)
- def Object_equals = getMemberMethod(ObjectClass, nme.equals_)
- def Object_hashCode = getMemberMethod(ObjectClass, nme.hashCode_)
- def Object_toString = getMemberMethod(ObjectClass, nme.toString_)
- // boxed classes
- lazy val ObjectRefClass = requiredClass[scala.runtime.ObjectRef[_]]
- lazy val VolatileObjectRefClass = requiredClass[scala.runtime.VolatileObjectRef[_]]
- lazy val RuntimeStaticsModule = getRequiredModule("scala.runtime.Statics")
- lazy val BoxesRunTimeModule = getRequiredModule("scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime")
- lazy val BoxesRunTimeClass = BoxesRunTimeModule.moduleClass
- lazy val BoxedNumberClass = getClassByName(sn.BoxedNumber)
- lazy val BoxedCharacterClass = getClassByName(sn.BoxedCharacter)
- lazy val BoxedBooleanClass = getClassByName(sn.BoxedBoolean)
- lazy val BoxedByteClass = requiredClass[java.lang.Byte]
- lazy val BoxedShortClass = requiredClass[java.lang.Short]
- lazy val BoxedIntClass = requiredClass[java.lang.Integer]
- lazy val BoxedLongClass = requiredClass[java.lang.Long]
- lazy val BoxedFloatClass = requiredClass[java.lang.Float]
- lazy val BoxedDoubleClass = requiredClass[java.lang.Double]
- lazy val Boxes_isNumberOrBool = getDecl(BoxesRunTimeClass, nme.isBoxedNumberOrBoolean)
- lazy val Boxes_isNumber = getDecl(BoxesRunTimeClass, nme.isBoxedNumber)
- lazy val BoxedUnitClass = requiredClass[scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]
- lazy val BoxedUnitModule = getRequiredModule("scala.runtime.BoxedUnit")
- def BoxedUnit_UNIT = getMemberValue(BoxedUnitModule, nme.UNIT)
- def BoxedUnit_TYPE = getMemberValue(BoxedUnitModule, nme.TYPE_)
- // Annotation base classes
- lazy val AnnotationClass = requiredClass[scala.annotation.Annotation]
- lazy val ClassfileAnnotationClass = requiredClass[scala.annotation.ClassfileAnnotation]
- lazy val StaticAnnotationClass = requiredClass[scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation]
- // Annotations
- lazy val BridgeClass = requiredClass[scala.annotation.bridge]
- lazy val ElidableMethodClass = requiredClass[scala.annotation.elidable]
- lazy val ImplicitNotFoundClass = requiredClass[scala.annotation.implicitNotFound]
- lazy val MigrationAnnotationClass = requiredClass[scala.annotation.migration]
- lazy val ScalaStrictFPAttr = requiredClass[scala.annotation.strictfp]
- lazy val SerializableAttr = requiredClass[scala.annotation.serializable] // @serializable is deprecated
- lazy val SwitchClass = requiredClass[scala.annotation.switch]
- lazy val TailrecClass = requiredClass[scala.annotation.tailrec]
- lazy val VarargsClass = requiredClass[scala.annotation.varargs]
- lazy val uncheckedStableClass = requiredClass[scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedStable]
- lazy val uncheckedVarianceClass = requiredClass[scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance]
- lazy val BeanPropertyAttr = requiredClass[scala.beans.BeanProperty]
- lazy val BooleanBeanPropertyAttr = requiredClass[scala.beans.BooleanBeanProperty]
- lazy val CloneableAttr = requiredClass[scala.cloneable]
- lazy val DeprecatedAttr = requiredClass[scala.deprecated]
- lazy val DeprecatedNameAttr = requiredClass[scala.deprecatedName]
- lazy val NativeAttr = requiredClass[scala.native]
- lazy val RemoteAttr = requiredClass[scala.remote]
- lazy val ScalaInlineClass = requiredClass[scala.inline]
- lazy val ScalaNoInlineClass = requiredClass[scala.noinline]
- lazy val SerialVersionUIDAttr = requiredClass[scala.SerialVersionUID]
- lazy val SpecializedClass = requiredClass[scala.specialized]
- lazy val ThrowsClass = requiredClass[scala.throws]
- lazy val TransientAttr = requiredClass[scala.transient]
- lazy val UncheckedClass = requiredClass[scala.unchecked]
- lazy val UnspecializedClass = requiredClass[scala.annotation.unspecialized]
- lazy val VolatileAttr = requiredClass[scala.volatile]
- // Meta-annotations
- lazy val BeanGetterTargetClass = requiredClass[meta.beanGetter]
- lazy val BeanSetterTargetClass = requiredClass[meta.beanSetter]
- lazy val FieldTargetClass = requiredClass[meta.field]
- lazy val GetterTargetClass = requiredClass[meta.getter]
- lazy val ParamTargetClass = requiredClass[meta.param]
- lazy val SetterTargetClass = requiredClass[meta.setter]
- lazy val ClassTargetClass = requiredClass[meta.companionClass]
- lazy val ObjectTargetClass = requiredClass[meta.companionObject]
- lazy val MethodTargetClass = requiredClass[meta.companionMethod] // TODO: module, moduleClass? package, packageObject?
- lazy val LanguageFeatureAnnot = requiredClass[meta.languageFeature]
- // Language features
- lazy val languageFeatureModule = getRequiredModule("scala.languageFeature")
- lazy val experimentalModule = getMemberModule(languageFeatureModule, nme.experimental)
- lazy val MacrosFeature = getLanguageFeature("macros", experimentalModule)
- lazy val DynamicsFeature = getLanguageFeature("dynamics")
- lazy val PostfixOpsFeature = getLanguageFeature("postfixOps")
- lazy val ReflectiveCallsFeature = getLanguageFeature("reflectiveCalls")
- lazy val ImplicitConversionsFeature = getLanguageFeature("implicitConversions")
- lazy val HigherKindsFeature = getLanguageFeature("higherKinds")
- lazy val ExistentialsFeature = getLanguageFeature("existentials")
- def isMetaAnnotation(sym: Symbol): Boolean = metaAnnotations(sym) || (
- // Trying to allow for deprecated locations
- sym.isAliasType && isMetaAnnotation(
- )
- lazy val metaAnnotations = Set[Symbol](
- FieldTargetClass, ParamTargetClass,
- GetterTargetClass, SetterTargetClass,
- BeanGetterTargetClass, BeanSetterTargetClass
- )
- lazy val AnnotationDefaultAttr: ClassSymbol = {
- val attr = enterNewClass(RuntimePackageClass, tpnme.AnnotationDefaultATTR, List(AnnotationClass.tpe))
- // This attribute needs a constructor so that modifiers in parsed Java code make sense
- enter attr.newClassConstructor(NoPosition)
- attr
- }
- private def fatalMissingSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: Name, what: String = "member") = {
- throw new FatalError(owner + " does not have a " + what + " " + name)
- }
- def getLanguageFeature(name: String, owner: Symbol = languageFeatureModule): Symbol =
- // [Eugene++] `getMemberClass` leads to crashes in mixin:
- // "object languageFeature does not have a member class implicitConversions"
- // that's because by that time `implicitConversions` becomes a module
- // getMemberClass(owner, newTypeName(name))
- getMember(owner, newTypeName(name))
- def termMember(owner: Symbol, name: String): Symbol =
- def typeMember(owner: Symbol, name: String): Symbol =
- def findNamedMember(fullName: Name, root: Symbol): Symbol = {
- val segs = nme.segments(fullName.toString, fullName.isTermName)
- if (segs.isEmpty || segs.head != root.simpleName) NoSymbol
- else findNamedMember(segs.tail, root)
- }
- def findNamedMember(segs: List[Name], root: Symbol): Symbol =
- if (segs.isEmpty) root
- else findNamedMember(segs.tail, member segs.head)
- def getMember(owner: Symbol, name: Name): Symbol = {
- getMemberIfDefined(owner, name) orElse {
- if (phase.flatClasses && name.isTypeName && !owner.isPackageObjectOrClass) {
- val pkg = owner.owner
- val flatname = nme.flattenedName(, name)
- getMember(pkg, flatname)
- }
- else fatalMissingSymbol(owner, name)
- }
- }
- def getMemberValue(owner: Symbol, name: Name): TermSymbol = {
- // [Eugene++] should be a ClassCastException instead?
- getMember(owner, name.toTermName) match {
- case x: TermSymbol => x
- case _ => fatalMissingSymbol(owner, name, "member value")
- }
- }
- def getMemberModule(owner: Symbol, name: Name): ModuleSymbol = {
- // [Eugene++] should be a ClassCastException instead?
- getMember(owner, name.toTermName) match {
- case x: ModuleSymbol => x
- case _ => fatalMissingSymbol(owner, name, "member object")
- }
- }
- def getMemberType(owner: Symbol, name: Name): TypeSymbol = {
- // [Eugene++] should be a ClassCastException instead?
- getMember(owner, name.toTypeName) match {
- case x: TypeSymbol => x
- case _ => fatalMissingSymbol(owner, name, "member type")
- }
- }
- def getMemberClass(owner: Symbol, name: Name): ClassSymbol = {
- // [Eugene++] should be a ClassCastException instead?
- val y = getMember(owner, name.toTypeName)
- getMember(owner, name.toTypeName) match {
- case x: ClassSymbol => x
- case _ => fatalMissingSymbol(owner, name, "member class")
- }
- }
- def getMemberMethod(owner: Symbol, name: Name): TermSymbol = {
- // [Eugene++] is this a bug?
- //
- // System.err.println(result.getClass)
- // System.err.println(result.flags)
- // System.err.println("isMethod = " + result.isMethod)
- // System.err.println("isTerm = " + result.isTerm)
- // System.err.println("isValue = " + result.isValue)
- // result.asMethodSymbol
- //
- // prints this:
- //
- // quick.lib:
- // [javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\Projects\KeplerUnderRefactoring\build\quick\classes\library
- // [scalacfork] Compiling 769 files to C:\Projects\KeplerUnderRefactoring\build\quick\classes\library
- // [scalacfork] class scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$TermSymbol
- // [scalacfork] 8589934592
- // [scalacfork] isMethod = false
- // [scalacfork] isTerm = true
- // [scalacfork] isValue = true
- // [scalacfork]
- // [scalacfork] while compiling: C:\Projects\KeplerUnderRefactoring\src\library\scala\LowPriorityImplicits.scala
- // [scalacfork] current phase: cleanup
- // [scalacfork] library version: version 2.10.0-20120507-185519-665d1d9127
- // [scalacfork] compiler version: version 2.10.0-20120507-185519-665d1d9127
- // [scalacfork] reconstructed args: -Xmacros -classpath C:\\Projects\\KeplerUnderRefactoring\\build\\quick\\classes\\library;C:\\Projects\\KeplerUnderRefactoring\\lib\\forkjoin.jar -d C:\\Projects\\KeplerUnderRefactoring\\build\\quick\\classes\\library -sourcepath C:\\Projects\\KeplerUnderRefactoring\\src\\library
- // [scalacfork]
- // [scalacfork] unhandled exception while transforming LowPriorityImplicits.scala
- // [scalacfork] error:
- // [scalacfork] while compiling: C:\Projects\KeplerUnderRefactoring\src\library\scala\LowPriorityImplicits.scala
- // [scalacfork] current phase: cleanup
- // [scalacfork] library version: version 2.10.0-20120507-185519-665d1d9127
- // [scalacfork] compiler version: version 2.10.0-20120507-185519-665d1d9127
- // [scalacfork] reconstructed args: -Xmacros -classpath C:\\Projects\\KeplerUnderRefactoring\\build\\quick\\classes\\library;C:\\Projects\\KeplerUnderRefactoring\\lib\\forkjoin.jar -d C:\\Projects\\KeplerUnderRefactoring\\build\\quick\\classes\\library -sourcepath C:\\Projects\\KeplerUnderRefactoring\\src\\library
- // [scalacfork]
- // [scalacfork] uncaught exception during compilation: java.lang.ClassCastException
- // [scalacfork] error: java.lang.ClassCastException: value apply
- // [scalacfork] at scala.reflect.base.Symbols$SymbolBase$class.asMethodSymbol(Symbols.scala:118)
- // [scalacfork] at scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$SymbolContextApiImpl.asMethodSymbol(Symbols.scala:63)
- // [scalacfork] at scala.reflect.internal.Definitions$DefinitionsClass.Symbol_apply(Definitions.scala:381)
- // [Eugene++] should be a ClassCastException instead?
- getMember(owner, name.toTermName) match {
- // case x: MethodSymbol => x
- case x: TermSymbol => x
- case _ => fatalMissingSymbol(owner, name, "method")
- }
- }
- def getMemberIfDefined(owner: Symbol, name: Name): Symbol =
- /** Using getDecl rather than getMember may avoid issues with
- * OverloadedTypes turning up when you don't want them, if you
- * know the method in question is uniquely declared in the given owner.
- */
- def getDecl(owner: Symbol, name: Name): Symbol = {
- getDeclIfDefined(owner, name) orElse fatalMissingSymbol(owner, name, "decl")
- }
- def getDeclIfDefined(owner: Symbol, name: Name): Symbol =
- def packageExists(packageName: String): Boolean =
- getModuleIfDefined(packageName).isPackage
- private def newAlias(owner: Symbol, name: TypeName, alias: Type): AliasTypeSymbol =
- owner.newAliasType(name) setInfoAndEnter alias
- private def specialPolyClass(name: TypeName, flags: Long)(parentFn: Symbol => Type): ClassSymbol = {
- val clazz = enterNewClass(ScalaPackageClass, name, Nil)
- val tparam = clazz.newSyntheticTypeParam("T0", flags)
- val parents = List(AnyRefClass.tpe, parentFn(tparam))
- clazz setInfo GenPolyType(List(tparam), ClassInfoType(parents, newScope, clazz))
- }
- def newPolyMethod(typeParamCount: Int, owner: Symbol, name: TermName, flags: Long)(createFn: PolyMethodCreator): MethodSymbol = {
- val msym = owner.newMethod(name.encode, NoPosition, flags)
- val tparams = msym.newSyntheticTypeParams(typeParamCount)
- val mtpe = createFn(tparams) match {
- case (Some(formals), restpe) => MethodType(msym.newSyntheticValueParams(formals), restpe)
- case (_, restpe) => NullaryMethodType(restpe)
- }
- msym setInfoAndEnter genPolyType(tparams, mtpe)
- }
- /** T1 means one type parameter.
- */
- def newT1NullaryMethod(owner: Symbol, name: TermName, flags: Long)(createFn: Symbol => Type): MethodSymbol = {
- newPolyMethod(1, owner, name, flags)(tparams => (None, createFn(tparams.head)))
- }
- def newT1NoParamsMethod(owner: Symbol, name: TermName, flags: Long)(createFn: Symbol => Type): MethodSymbol = {
- newPolyMethod(1, owner, name, flags)(tparams => (Some(Nil), createFn(tparams.head)))
- }
- lazy val boxedClassValues = boxedClass.values.toSet[Symbol]
- lazy val isUnbox = unboxMethod.values.toSet[Symbol]
- lazy val isBox = boxMethod.values.toSet[Symbol]
- /** Is symbol a phantom class for which no runtime representation exists? */
- lazy val isPhantomClass = Set[Symbol](AnyClass, AnyValClass, NullClass, NothingClass)
- /** Is the symbol that of a parent which is added during parsing? */
- lazy val isPossibleSyntheticParent = ProductClass.toSet[Symbol] + ProductRootClass + SerializableClass
- private lazy val boxedValueClassesSet = boxedClass.values.toSet[Symbol] + BoxedUnitClass
- /** Is symbol a value class? */
- def isPrimitiveValueClass(sym: Symbol) = ScalaValueClasses contains sym
- def isNonUnitValueClass(sym: Symbol) = isPrimitiveValueClass(sym) && (sym != UnitClass)
- def isSpecializableClass(sym: Symbol) = isPrimitiveValueClass(sym) || (sym == AnyRefClass)
- def isPrimitiveValueType(tp: Type) = isPrimitiveValueClass(tp.typeSymbol)
- /** Is symbol a boxed value class, e.g. java.lang.Integer? */
- def isBoxedValueClass(sym: Symbol) = boxedValueClassesSet(sym)
- /** If symbol is a value class (boxed or not), return the unboxed
- * value class. Otherwise, NoSymbol.
- */
- def unboxedValueClass(sym: Symbol): Symbol =
- if (isPrimitiveValueClass(sym)) sym
- else if (sym == BoxedUnitClass) UnitClass
- else => (kvp._2: Symbol, kvp._1)).getOrElse(sym, NoSymbol)
- /** Is type's symbol a numeric value class? */
- def isNumericValueType(tp: Type): Boolean = tp match {
- case TypeRef(_, sym, _) => isNumericValueClass(sym)
- case _ => false
- }
- // todo: reconcile with javaSignature!!!
- def signature(tp: Type): String = {
- def erasure(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case st: SubType => erasure(st.supertype)
- case RefinedType(parents, _) => erasure(parents.head)
- case _ => tp
- }
- def flatNameString(sym: Symbol, separator: Char): String =
- if (sym == NoSymbol) "" // be more resistant to error conditions, e.g. neg/t3222.scala
- else if (sym.owner.isPackageClass) sym.javaClassName
- else flatNameString(sym.owner, separator) + nme.NAME_JOIN_STRING + sym.simpleName
- def signature1(etp: Type): String = {
- if (etp.typeSymbol == ArrayClass) "[" + signature1(erasure(etp.normalize.typeArgs.head))
- else if (isPrimitiveValueClass(etp.typeSymbol)) abbrvTag(etp.typeSymbol).toString()
- else "L" + flatNameString(etp.typeSymbol, '/') + ";"
- }
- val etp = erasure(tp)
- if (etp.typeSymbol == ArrayClass) signature1(etp)
- else flatNameString(etp.typeSymbol, '.')
- }
- /** Surgery on the value classes. Without this, AnyVals defined in source
- * files end up with an AnyRef parent. It is likely there is a better way
- * to evade that AnyRef.
- */
- private def setParents(sym: Symbol, parents: List[Type]): Symbol = sym.rawInfo match {
- case ClassInfoType(_, scope, clazz) =>
- sym setInfo ClassInfoType(parents, scope, clazz)
- case _ =>
- sym
- }
- def init() {
- if (isInitialized) return
- val forced = List( // force initialization of every symbol that is entered as a side effect
- AnnotationDefaultAttr, // #2264
- RepeatedParamClass,
- JavaRepeatedParamClass,
- ByNameParamClass,
- AnyClass,
- AnyRefClass,
- AnyValClass,
- NullClass,
- NothingClass,
- SingletonClass,
- EqualsPatternClass,
- Any_==,
- Any_!=,
- Any_equals,
- Any_hashCode,
- Any_toString,
- Any_getClass,
- Any_isInstanceOf,
- Any_asInstanceOf,
- Any_##,
- Object_eq,
- Object_ne,
- Object_==,
- Object_!=,
- Object_##,
- Object_synchronized,
- Object_isInstanceOf,
- Object_asInstanceOf,
- String_+,
- ComparableClass,
- JavaSerializableClass
- )
- isInitialized = true
- } //init
- var nbScalaCallers: Int = 0
- def newScalaCaller(delegateType: Type): MethodSymbol = {
- assert(forMSIL, "scalaCallers can only be created if target is .NET")
- // object: reference to object on which to call (scala-)method
- val paramTypes: List[Type] = List(ObjectClass.tpe)
- val name = newTermName("$scalaCaller$$" + nbScalaCallers)
- // tparam => resultType, which is the resultType of PolyType, i.e. the result type after applying the
- // type parameter =-> a MethodType in this case
- // TODO: set type bounds manually (-> MulticastDelegate), see newTypeParam
- val newCaller = enterNewMethod(DelegateClass, name, paramTypes, delegateType, FINAL | STATIC)
- // val newCaller = newPolyMethod(DelegateClass, name,
- // tparam => MethodType(paramTypes, tparam.typeConstructor)) setFlag (FINAL | STATIC)
- Delegate_scalaCallers = Delegate_scalaCallers ::: List(newCaller)
- nbScalaCallers += 1
- newCaller
- }
- // def addScalaCallerInfo(scalaCaller: Symbol, methSym: Symbol, delType: Type) {
- // assert(Delegate_scalaCallers contains scalaCaller)
- // Delegate_scalaCallerInfos += (scalaCaller -> (methSym, delType))
- // }
- def addScalaCallerInfo(scalaCaller: Symbol, methSym: Symbol) {
- assert(Delegate_scalaCallers contains scalaCaller)
- Delegate_scalaCallerTargets += (scalaCaller -> methSym)
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/ExistentialsAndSkolems.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/ExistentialsAndSkolems.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f1fe4fc118..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/ExistentialsAndSkolems.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import util._
-/** The name of this trait defines the eventual intent better than
- * it does the initial contents.
- */
-trait ExistentialsAndSkolems {
- self: SymbolTable =>
- /** Map a list of type parameter symbols to skolemized symbols, which
- * can be deskolemized to the original type parameter. (A skolem is a
- * representation of a bound variable when viewed inside its scope.)
- * !!!Adriaan: this does not work for hk types.
- */
- def deriveFreshSkolems(tparams: List[Symbol]): List[Symbol] = {
- class Deskolemizer extends LazyType {
- override val typeParams = tparams
- val typeSkolems = typeParams map (_.newTypeSkolem setInfo this)
- override def complete(sym: Symbol) {
- // The info of a skolem is the skolemized info of the
- // actual type parameter of the skolem
- sym setInfo, typeSkolems)
- }
- }
- (new Deskolemizer).typeSkolems
- }
- /** Convert to corresponding type parameters all skolems of method
- * parameters which appear in `tparams`.
- */
- def deskolemizeTypeParams(tparams: List[Symbol])(tp: Type): Type = {
- class DeSkolemizeMap extends TypeMap {
- def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) if sym.isTypeSkolem && (tparams contains sym.deSkolemize) =>
- mapOver(typeRef(NoPrefix, sym.deSkolemize, args))
- case _ =>
- mapOver(tp)
- }
- }
- new DeSkolemizeMap mapOver tp
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/FatalError.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/FatalError.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c843308480..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/FatalError.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect.internal
-case class FatalError(msg: String) extends Exception(msg)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/FlagSets.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/FlagSets.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 0354d2513c..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/FlagSets.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-import language.implicitConversions
-trait FlagSets extends api.FlagSets { self: SymbolTable =>
- type FlagSet = Long
- implicit val FlagSetTag = ClassTag[FlagSet](classOf[FlagSet])
- implicit def addFlagOps(left: FlagSet): FlagOps =
- new FlagOpsImpl(left)
- private class FlagOpsImpl(left: Long) extends FlagOps {
- def | (right: Long): Long = left | right
- def & (right: Long): Long = left & right
- def containsAll (right: Long): Boolean = (right & ~left) == 0
- }
- val NoFlags: FlagSet = 0L
- trait FlagValues extends FlagValuesApi
- object Flag extends FlagValues {
- val TRAIT : FlagSet = Flags.TRAIT
- val MODULE : FlagSet = Flags.MODULE
- val MUTABLE : FlagSet = Flags.MUTABLE
- val PACKAGE : FlagSet = Flags.PACKAGE
- val METHOD : FlagSet = Flags.METHOD
- val MACRO : FlagSet = Flags.MACRO
- val DEFERRED : FlagSet = Flags.DEFERRED
- val ABSTRACT : FlagSet = Flags.ABSTRACT
- val FINAL : FlagSet = Flags.FINAL
- val SEALED : FlagSet = Flags.SEALED
- val IMPLICIT : FlagSet = Flags.IMPLICIT
- val LAZY : FlagSet = Flags.LAZY
- val OVERRIDE : FlagSet = Flags.OVERRIDE
- val PRIVATE : FlagSet = Flags.PRIVATE
- val PROTECTED : FlagSet = Flags.PROTECTED
- val CASE : FlagSet = Flags.CASE
- val PARAM : FlagSet = Flags.PARAM
- val COVARIANT : FlagSet = Flags.COVARIANT
- val INTERFACE : FlagSet = Flags.INTERFACE
- def union(flags: FlagSet*): FlagSet = {
- var acc = 0L
- for (flag <- flags) acc |= flag
- acc
- }
- def intersection(flags: FlagSet*): FlagSet = {
- var acc = -1L
- for (flag <- flags) acc &= flag
- acc
- }
- def containsAll(superset: FlagSet, subset: FlagSet): Boolean =
- (subset & ~superset) == 0
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Flags.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Flags.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 37e5a23819..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Flags.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,483 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-// Flags at each index of a flags Long. Those marked with /M are used in
-// Parsers/JavaParsers and therefore definitely appear on Modifiers; but the
-// absence of /M on the other flags does not imply they aren't.
-// Generated by mkFlagsTable() at Thu Feb 02 20:31:52 PST 2012
-// 2: PRIVATE/M
-// 5: FINAL/M
-// 6: METHOD
-// 8: MODULE
-// 10: SEALED/M
-// 11: CASE/M
-// 12: MUTABLE/M
-// 13: PARAM/M
-// 14: PACKAGE
-// 15: MACRO/M
-// 19: LOCAL/M
-// 20: JAVA/M
-// 22: STABLE
-// 23: STATIC/M
-// 26: BRIDGE
-// 27: ACCESSOR
-// 31: LAZY/M
-// 32: IS_ERROR
-// 34: LIFTED
-// 38: TRANS_FLAG
-// 39: LOCKED
-// 42: VBRIDGE
-// 43: VARARGS
-// 45:
-// 46:
-// 47:
-// 48:
-// 49:
-// 50:
-// 51: lateDEFERRED
-// 52: lateFINAL
-// 53: lateMETHOD
-// 54: lateINTERFACE
-// 55: lateMODULE
-// 56: notPROTECTED
-// 57: notOVERRIDE
-// 58: notPRIVATE
-// 59:
-// 60:
-// 61:
-// 62:
-// 63:
-/** Flags set on Modifiers instances in the parsing stage.
- */
-class ModifierFlags {
- final val IMPLICIT = 1 << 9
- final val FINAL = 1 << 5 // May not be overridden. Note that java final implies much more than scala final.
- final val PRIVATE = 1 << 2
- final val PROTECTED = 1 << 0
- final val SEALED = 1 << 10
- final val OVERRIDE = 1 << 1
- final val CASE = 1 << 11
- final val ABSTRACT = 1 << 3 // abstract class, or used in conjunction with abstract override.
- // Note difference to DEFERRED!
- final val DEFERRED = 1 << 4 // was `abstract' for members | trait is virtual
- final val INTERFACE = 1 << 7 // symbol is an interface (i.e. a trait which defines only abstract methods)
- final val MUTABLE = 1 << 12 // symbol is a mutable variable.
- final val PARAM = 1 << 13 // symbol is a (value or type) parameter to a method
- final val MACRO = 1 << 15 // symbol is a macro definition
- final val COVARIANT = 1 << 16 // symbol is a covariant type variable
- final val BYNAMEPARAM = 1 << 16 // parameter is by name
- final val CONTRAVARIANT = 1 << 17 // symbol is a contravariant type variable
- final val ABSOVERRIDE = 1 << 18 // combination of abstract & override
- final val LOCAL = 1 << 19 // symbol is local to current class (i.e. private[this] or protected[this]
- // pre: PRIVATE or PROTECTED are also set
- final val JAVA = 1 << 20 // symbol was defined by a Java class
- final val STATIC = 1 << 23 // static field, method or class
- final val CASEACCESSOR = 1 << 24 // symbol is a case parameter (or its accessor, or a GADT skolem)
- final val TRAIT = 1 << 25 // symbol is a trait
- final val DEFAULTPARAM = 1 << 25 // the parameter has a default value
- final val PARAMACCESSOR = 1 << 29 // for field definitions generated for primary constructor
- // parameters (no matter if it's a 'val' parameter or not)
- // for parameters of a primary constructor ('val' or not)
- // for the accessor methods generated for 'val' or 'var' parameters
- final val LAZY = 1L << 31 // symbol is a lazy val. can't have MUTABLE unless transformed by typer
- final val PRESUPER = 1L << 37 // value is evaluated before super call
- final val DEFAULTINIT = 1L << 41 // symbol is initialized to the default value: used by -Xcheckinit
- // Overridden.
- def flagToString(flag: Long): String = ""
- final val PrivateLocal = PRIVATE | LOCAL
- final val ProtectedLocal = PROTECTED | LOCAL
- final val AccessFlags = PRIVATE | PROTECTED | LOCAL
-object ModifierFlags extends ModifierFlags
-/** All flags and associated operatins */
-class Flags extends ModifierFlags {
- final val METHOD = 1 << 6 // a method
- final val MODULE = 1 << 8 // symbol is module or class implementing a module
- final val PACKAGE = 1 << 14 // symbol is a java package
- final val CAPTURED = 1 << 16 // variable is accessed from nested function. Set by LambdaLift.
- final val LABEL = 1 << 17 // method symbol is a label. Set by TailCall
- final val INCONSTRUCTOR = 1 << 17 // class symbol is defined in this/superclass constructor.
- final val SYNTHETIC = 1 << 21 // symbol is compiler-generated
- final val STABLE = 1 << 22 // functions that are assumed to be stable
- // (typically, access methods for valdefs)
- // or classes that do not contain abstract types.
- final val BRIDGE = 1 << 26 // function is a bridge method. Set by Erasure
- final val ACCESSOR = 1 << 27 // a value or variable accessor (getter or setter)
- final val SUPERACCESSOR = 1 << 28 // a super accessor
- final val MODULEVAR = 1 << 30 // for variables: is the variable caching a module value
- final val IS_ERROR = 1L << 32 // symbol is an error symbol
- final val OVERLOADED = 1L << 33 // symbol is overloaded
- final val LIFTED = 1L << 34 // class has been lifted out to package level
- // local value has been lifted out to class level
- // todo: make LIFTED = latePRIVATE?
- final val MIXEDIN = 1L << 35 // term member has been mixed in
- final val EXISTENTIAL = 1L << 35 // type is an existential parameter or skolem
- final val EXPANDEDNAME = 1L << 36 // name has been expanded with class suffix
- final val IMPLCLASS = 1L << 37 // symbol is an implementation class
- final val TRANS_FLAG = 1L << 38 // transient flag guaranteed to be reset after each phase.
- final val LOCKED = 1L << 39 // temporary flag to catch cyclic dependencies
- final val SPECIALIZED = 1L << 40 // symbol is a generated specialized member
- final val VBRIDGE = 1L << 42 // symbol is a varargs bridge
- final val VARARGS = 1L << 43 // symbol is a Java-style varargs method
- final val TRIEDCOOKING = 1L << 44 // ``Cooking'' has been tried on this symbol
- // A Java method's type is ``cooked'' by transforming raw types to existentials
- final val SYNCHRONIZED = 1L << 45 // symbol is a method which should be marked ACC_SYNCHRONIZED
- // ------- shift definitions -------------------------------------------------------
- final val InitialFlags = 0x0001FFFFFFFFFFFFL // flags that are enabled from phase 1.
- final val LateFlags = 0x00FE000000000000L // flags that override flags in 0x1FC.
- final val AntiFlags = 0x7F00000000000000L // flags that cancel flags in 0x07F
- final val LateShift = 47L
- final val AntiShift = 56L
- // Flags which sketchily share the same slot
- // ------- late flags (set by a transformer phase) ---------------------------------
- //
- // Summary of when these are claimed to be first used.
- // You can get this output with scalac -Xshow-phases -Ydebug.
- //
- // refchecks 7 [START] <latemethod>
- // specialize 13 [START] <latefinal> <notprivate>
- // explicitouter 14 [START] <notprotected>
- // erasure 15 [START] <latedeferred> <lateinterface>
- // mixin 20 [START] <latemodule> <notoverride>
- //
- // lateMETHOD set in RefChecks#transformInfo.
- // lateFINAL set in Symbols#makeNotPrivate.
- // notPRIVATE set in Symbols#makeNotPrivate, IExplicitOuter#transform, Inliners.
- // notPROTECTED set in ExplicitOuter#transform.
- // lateDEFERRED set in AddInterfaces, Mixin, etc.
- // lateINTERFACE set in AddInterfaces#transformMixinInfo.
- // lateMODULE set in Mixin#transformInfo.
- // notOVERRIDE set in Mixin#preTransform.
- final val lateDEFERRED = (DEFERRED: Long) << LateShift
- final val lateFINAL = (FINAL: Long) << LateShift
- final val lateINTERFACE = (INTERFACE: Long) << LateShift
- final val lateMETHOD = (METHOD: Long) << LateShift
- final val lateMODULE = (MODULE: Long) << LateShift
- final val notOVERRIDE = (OVERRIDE: Long) << AntiShift
- final val notPRIVATE = (PRIVATE: Long) << AntiShift
- final val notPROTECTED = (PROTECTED: Long) << AntiShift
- // ------- masks -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- /** To be a little clearer to people who aren't habitual bit twiddlers.
- */
- final val AllFlags = -1L
- /** These flags can be set when class or module symbol is first created.
- * They are the only flags to survive a call to resetFlags().
- */
- final val TopLevelCreationFlags =
- // TODO - there's no call to slap four flags onto every package.
- final val PackageFlags = TopLevelCreationFlags
- // FINAL not included here due to possibility of object overriding.
- // In fact, FINAL should not be attached regardless. We should be able
- // to reconstruct whether an object was marked final in source.
- final val ModuleFlags = MODULE
- /** These modifiers can be set explicitly in source programs. This is
- * used only as the basis for the default flag mask (which ones to display
- * when printing a normal message.)
- */
- final val ExplicitFlags =
- /** The two bridge flags */
- final val BridgeFlags = BRIDGE | VBRIDGE
- final val BridgeAndPrivateFlags = BridgeFlags | PRIVATE
- /** These modifiers appear in TreePrinter output. */
- final val PrintableFlags =
- ExplicitFlags | BridgeFlags | LOCAL | SYNTHETIC | STABLE | CASEACCESSOR | MACRO |
- /** When a symbol for a field is created, only these flags survive
- * from Modifiers. Others which may be applied at creation time are:
- */
- final val FieldFlags =
- /** Masks for getters and setters, where the flags are derived from those
- * on the field's modifiers. Both getters and setters get the ACCESSOR flag.
- * Getters of immutable values also get STABLE.
- */
- final val GetterFlags = ~(PRESUPER | MUTABLE)
- final val SetterFlags = ~(PRESUPER | MUTABLE | STABLE | CASEACCESSOR)
- /** When a symbol for a default getter is created, it inherits these
- * flags from the method with the default. Other flags applied at creation
- * time are SYNTHETIC, DEFAULTPARAM, and possibly OVERRIDE, and maybe PRESUPER.
- */
- final val DefaultGetterFlags = PRIVATE | PROTECTED | FINAL
- /** When a symbol for a method parameter is created, only these flags survive
- * from Modifiers. Others which may be applied at creation time are:
- */
- final val ValueParameterFlags = BYNAMEPARAM | IMPLICIT | DEFAULTPARAM
- final val BeanPropertyFlags = DEFERRED | OVERRIDE | STATIC
- final val VarianceFlags = COVARIANT | CONTRAVARIANT
- /** These appear to be flags which should be transferred from owner symbol
- * to a newly created constructor symbol.
- */
- final val ConstrFlags = JAVA
- /** Module flags inherited by their module-class */
- final val ModuleToClassFlags = AccessFlags | TopLevelCreationFlags | CASE | SYNTHETIC
- def getterFlags(fieldFlags: Long): Long = ACCESSOR + (
- if ((fieldFlags & MUTABLE) != 0) fieldFlags & ~MUTABLE & ~PRESUPER
- else fieldFlags & ~PRESUPER | STABLE
- )
- def setterFlags(fieldFlags: Long): Long =
- getterFlags(fieldFlags) & ~STABLE & ~CASEACCESSOR
- // ------- pickling and unpickling of flags -----------------------------------------------
- // The flags from 0x001 to 0x800 are different in the raw flags
- // and in the pickled format.
- private final val IMPLICIT_PKL = (1 << 0)
- private final val FINAL_PKL = (1 << 1)
- private final val PRIVATE_PKL = (1 << 2)
- private final val PROTECTED_PKL = (1 << 3)
- private final val SEALED_PKL = (1 << 4)
- private final val OVERRIDE_PKL = (1 << 5)
- private final val CASE_PKL = (1 << 6)
- private final val ABSTRACT_PKL = (1 << 7)
- private final val DEFERRED_PKL = (1 << 8)
- private final val METHOD_PKL = (1 << 9)
- private final val MODULE_PKL = (1 << 10)
- private final val INTERFACE_PKL = (1 << 11)
- private final val PKL_MASK = 0x00000FFF
- final val PickledFlags = 0xFFFFFFFFL
- private def rawPickledCorrespondence = Array(
- )
- private val rawFlags: Array[Int] = rawPickledCorrespondence map (_._1)
- private val pickledFlags: Array[Int] = rawPickledCorrespondence map (_._2)
- private def r2p(flags: Int): Int = {
- var result = 0
- var i = 0
- while (i < rawFlags.length) {
- if ((flags & rawFlags(i)) != 0)
- result |= pickledFlags(i)
- i += 1
- }
- result
- }
- private def p2r(flags: Int): Int = {
- var result = 0
- var i = 0
- while (i < rawFlags.length) {
- if ((flags & pickledFlags(i)) != 0)
- result |= rawFlags(i)
- i += 1
- }
- result
- }
- // ------ displaying flags --------------------------------------------------------
- // Generated by mkFlagToStringMethod() at Thu Feb 02 20:31:52 PST 2012
- @annotation.switch override def flagToString(flag: Long): String = flag match {
- case PROTECTED => "protected" // (1L << 0)
- case OVERRIDE => "override" // (1L << 1)
- case PRIVATE => "private" // (1L << 2)
- case ABSTRACT => "abstract" // (1L << 3)
- case DEFERRED => "<deferred>" // (1L << 4)
- case FINAL => "final" // (1L << 5)
- case METHOD => "<method>" // (1L << 6)
- case INTERFACE => "<interface>" // (1L << 7)
- case MODULE => "<module>" // (1L << 8)
- case IMPLICIT => "implicit" // (1L << 9)
- case SEALED => "sealed" // (1L << 10)
- case CASE => "case" // (1L << 11)
- case MUTABLE => "<mutable>" // (1L << 12)
- case PARAM => "<param>" // (1L << 13)
- case PACKAGE => "<package>" // (1L << 14)
- case MACRO => "<macro>" // (1L << 15)
- case BYNAMEPARAM => "<bynameparam/captured/covariant>" // (1L << 16)
- case CONTRAVARIANT => "<contravariant/inconstructor/label>" // (1L << 17)
- case ABSOVERRIDE => "absoverride" // (1L << 18)
- case LOCAL => "<local>" // (1L << 19)
- case JAVA => "<java>" // (1L << 20)
- case SYNTHETIC => "<synthetic>" // (1L << 21)
- case STABLE => "<stable>" // (1L << 22)
- case STATIC => "<static>" // (1L << 23)
- case CASEACCESSOR => "<caseaccessor>" // (1L << 24)
- case DEFAULTPARAM => "<defaultparam/trait>" // (1L << 25)
- case BRIDGE => "<bridge>" // (1L << 26)
- case ACCESSOR => "<accessor>" // (1L << 27)
- case SUPERACCESSOR => "<superaccessor>" // (1L << 28)
- case PARAMACCESSOR => "<paramaccessor>" // (1L << 29)
- case MODULEVAR => "<modulevar>" // (1L << 30)
- case LAZY => "lazy" // (1L << 31)
- case IS_ERROR => "<is_error>" // (1L << 32)
- case OVERLOADED => "<overloaded>" // (1L << 33)
- case LIFTED => "<lifted>" // (1L << 34)
- case EXISTENTIAL => "<existential/mixedin>" // (1L << 35)
- case EXPANDEDNAME => "<expandedname>" // (1L << 36)
- case IMPLCLASS => "<implclass/presuper>" // (1L << 37)
- case TRANS_FLAG => "<trans_flag>" // (1L << 38)
- case LOCKED => "<locked>" // (1L << 39)
- case SPECIALIZED => "<specialized>" // (1L << 40)
- case DEFAULTINIT => "<defaultinit>" // (1L << 41)
- case VBRIDGE => "<vbridge>" // (1L << 42)
- case VARARGS => "<varargs>" // (1L << 43)
- case TRIEDCOOKING => "<triedcooking>" // (1L << 44)
- case SYNCHRONIZED => "<synchronized>" // (1L << 45)
- case 0x400000000000L => "" // (1L << 46)
- case 0x800000000000L => "" // (1L << 47)
- case 0x1000000000000L => "" // (1L << 48)
- case 0x2000000000000L => "" // (1L << 49)
- case 0x4000000000000L => "" // (1L << 50)
- case `lateDEFERRED` => "<latedeferred>" // (1L << 51)
- case `lateFINAL` => "<latefinal>" // (1L << 52)
- case `lateMETHOD` => "<latemethod>" // (1L << 53)
- case `lateINTERFACE` => "<lateinterface>" // (1L << 54)
- case `lateMODULE` => "<latemodule>" // (1L << 55)
- case `notPROTECTED` => "<notprotected>" // (1L << 56)
- case `notOVERRIDE` => "<notoverride>" // (1L << 57)
- case `notPRIVATE` => "<notprivate>" // (1L << 58)
- case 0x800000000000000L => "" // (1L << 59)
- case 0x1000000000000000L => "" // (1L << 60)
- case 0x2000000000000000L => "" // (1L << 61)
- case 0x4000000000000000L => "" // (1L << 62)
- case 0x8000000000000000L => "" // (1L << 63)
- case _ => ""
- }
- private def accessString(flags: Long, privateWithin: String)= (
- if (privateWithin == "") {
- if ((flags & PrivateLocal) == PrivateLocal) "private[this]"
- else if ((flags & ProtectedLocal) == ProtectedLocal) "protected[this]"
- else if ((flags & PRIVATE) != 0) "private"
- else if ((flags & PROTECTED) != 0) "protected"
- else ""
- }
- else if ((flags & PROTECTED) != 0) "protected[" + privateWithin + "]"
- else "private[" + privateWithin + "]"
- )
- @deprecated("Use flagString on the flag-carrying member", "2.10.0")
- def flagsToString(flags: Long, privateWithin: String): String = {
- val access = accessString(flags, privateWithin)
- val nonAccess = flagsToString(flags & ~AccessFlags)
- List(nonAccess, access) filterNot (_ == "") mkString " "
- }
- @deprecated("Use flagString on the flag-carrying member", "2.10.0")
- def flagsToString(flags: Long): String = {
- // Fast path for common case
- if (flags == 0L) "" else {
- var sb: StringBuilder = null
- var i = 0
- while (i <= MaxBitPosition) {
- val mask = rawFlagPickledOrder(i)
- if ((flags & mask) != 0L) {
- val s = flagToString(mask)
- if (s.length > 0) {
- if (sb eq null) sb = new StringBuilder append s
- else if (sb.length == 0) sb append s
- else sb append " " append s
- }
- }
- i += 1
- }
- if (sb eq null) "" else sb.toString
- }
- }
- def rawFlagsToPickled(flags: Long): Long =
- (flags & ~PKL_MASK) | r2p(flags.toInt & PKL_MASK)
- def pickledToRawFlags(pflags: Long): Long =
- (pflags & ~PKL_MASK) | p2r(pflags.toInt & PKL_MASK)
- // List of the raw flags, in pickled order
- final val MaxBitPosition = 62
- final val pickledListOrder: List[Long] = {
- val all = 0 to MaxBitPosition map (1L << _)
- val front = rawFlags map (_.toLong)
- front.toList ++ (all filterNot (front contains _))
- }
- final val rawFlagPickledOrder: Array[Long] = pickledListOrder.toArray
-object Flags extends Flags { }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/HasFlags.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/HasFlags.scala
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index c7c0882209..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/HasFlags.scala
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-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-import Flags._
-/** Common code utilized by Modifiers (which carry the flags associated
- * with Trees) and Symbol.
- */
-trait HasFlags {
- type AccessBoundaryType
- type AnnotationType
- /** Though both Symbol and Modifiers widen this method to public, it's
- * defined protected here to give us the option in the future to route
- * flag methods through accessors and disallow raw flag manipulation.
- * And after that, perhaps, on some magical day: a typesafe enumeration.
- */
- protected def flags: Long
- /** Access level encoding: there are three scala flags (PRIVATE, PROTECTED,
- * and LOCAL) which combine with value privateWithin (the "foo" in private[foo])
- * to define from where an entity can be accessed. The meanings are as follows:
- *
- * PRIVATE access restricted to class only.
- * PROTECTED access restricted to class and subclasses only.
- * LOCAL can only be set in conjunction with PRIVATE or PROTECTED.
- * Further restricts access to the same object instance.
- *
- * In addition, privateWithin can be used to set a visibility barrier.
- * When set, everything contained in the named enclosing package or class
- * has access. It is incompatible with PRIVATE or LOCAL, but is additive
- * with PROTECTED (i.e. if either the flags or privateWithin allow access,
- * then it is allowed.)
- *
- * The java access levels translate as follows:
- *
- * java private: hasFlag(PRIVATE) && !hasAccessBoundary
- * java package: !hasFlag(PRIVATE | PROTECTED) && (privateWithin == enclosing package)
- * java protected: hasFlag(PROTECTED) && (privateWithin == enclosing package)
- * java public: !hasFlag(PRIVATE | PROTECTED) && !hasAccessBoundary
- */
- def privateWithin: AccessBoundaryType
- /** A list of annotations attached to this entity.
- */
- def annotations: List[AnnotationType]
- /** Whether this entity has a "privateWithin" visibility barrier attached.
- */
- def hasAccessBoundary: Boolean
- /** Whether this entity has ANY of the flags in the given mask.
- */
- def hasFlag(flag: Long): Boolean
- /** Whether this entity has ALL of the flags in the given mask.
- */
- def hasAllFlags(mask: Long): Boolean
- /** Whether this entity has NONE of the flags in the given mask.
- */
- def hasNoFlags(mask: Long): Boolean = !hasFlag(mask)
- /** The printable representation of this entity's flags and access boundary,
- * restricted to flags in the given mask.
- */
- def flagString: String = flagString(flagMask)
- def flagString(mask: Long): String = calculateFlagString(flags & mask)
- /** The default mask determining which flags to display.
- */
- def flagMask: Long = AllFlags
- /** The string representation of a single bit, seen from this
- * flag carrying entity.
- */
- def resolveOverloadedFlag(flag: Long): String = Flags.flagToString(flag)
- // Tests which come through cleanly: both Symbol and Modifiers use these
- // identically, testing for a single flag.
- def hasAbstractFlag = hasFlag(ABSTRACT)
- def hasAccessorFlag = hasFlag(ACCESSOR)
- def hasDefault = hasAllFlags(DEFAULTPARAM | PARAM)
- def hasLocalFlag = hasFlag(LOCAL)
- def hasModuleFlag = hasFlag(MODULE)
- def hasPackageFlag = hasFlag(PACKAGE)
- def hasStableFlag = hasFlag(STABLE)
- def hasStaticFlag = hasFlag(STATIC)
- def isAbstractOverride = hasFlag(ABSOVERRIDE)
- def isAnyOverride = hasFlag(OVERRIDE | ABSOVERRIDE)
- def isCase = hasFlag(CASE)
- def isCaseAccessor = hasFlag(CASEACCESSOR)
- def isDeferred = hasFlag(DEFERRED)
- def isFinal = hasFlag(FINAL)
- def isImplicit = hasFlag(IMPLICIT)
- def isInterface = hasFlag(INTERFACE)
- def isJavaDefined = hasFlag(JAVA)
- def isLabel = hasAllFlags(LABEL | METHOD) && !hasAccessorFlag
- def isLazy = hasFlag(LAZY)
- def isLifted = hasFlag(LIFTED)
- def isMutable = hasFlag(MUTABLE)
- def isOverride = hasFlag(OVERRIDE)
- def isParamAccessor = hasFlag(PARAMACCESSOR)
- def isPrivate = hasFlag(PRIVATE)
- def isPackage = hasFlag(PACKAGE)
- def isPrivateLocal = hasAllFlags(PrivateLocal)
- def isProtected = hasFlag(PROTECTED)
- def isProtectedLocal = hasAllFlags(ProtectedLocal)
- def isPublic = hasNoFlags(PRIVATE | PROTECTED) && !hasAccessBoundary
- def isSealed = hasFlag(SEALED)
- def isSuperAccessor = hasFlag(SUPERACCESSOR)
- def isSynthetic = hasFlag(SYNTHETIC)
- def isTrait = hasFlag(TRAIT) && !hasFlag(PARAM)
- def flagBitsToString(bits: Long): String = {
- // Fast path for common case
- if (bits == 0L) "" else {
- var sb: StringBuilder = null
- var i = 0
- while (i <= MaxBitPosition) {
- val flag = Flags.rawFlagPickledOrder(i)
- if ((bits & flag) != 0L) {
- val s = resolveOverloadedFlag(flag)
- if (s.length > 0) {
- if (sb eq null) sb = new StringBuilder append s
- else if (sb.length == 0) sb append s
- else sb append " " append s
- }
- }
- i += 1
- }
- if (sb eq null) "" else sb.toString
- }
- }
- def accessString: String = {
- val pw = if (hasAccessBoundary) privateWithin.toString else ""
- if (pw == "") {
- if (hasAllFlags(PrivateLocal)) "private[this]"
- else if (hasAllFlags(ProtectedLocal)) "protected[this]"
- else if (hasFlag(PRIVATE)) "private"
- else if (hasFlag(PROTECTED)) "protected"
- else ""
- }
- else if (hasFlag(PROTECTED)) "protected[" + pw + "]"
- else "private[" + pw + "]"
- }
- protected def calculateFlagString(basis: Long): String = {
- val access = accessString
- val nonAccess = flagBitsToString(basis & ~AccessFlags)
- if (access == "") nonAccess
- else if (nonAccess == "") access
- else nonAccess + " " + access
- }
- // Backward compat section
- @deprecated( "Use isTrait", "2.10.0")
- def hasTraitFlag = hasFlag(TRAIT)
- @deprecated("Use hasDefault", "2.10.0")
- def hasDefaultFlag = hasFlag(DEFAULTPARAM)
- @deprecated("Use isValueParameter or isTypeParameter", "2.10.0")
- def isParameter = hasFlag(PARAM)
- @deprecated("Use flagString", "2.10.0")
- def defaultFlagString = flagString
- @deprecated("Use flagString(mask)", "2.10.0")
- def hasFlagsToString(mask: Long): String = flagString(mask)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Importers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Importers.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 431d9819a5..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Importers.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,451 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-import scala.collection.mutable.WeakHashMap
-// todo: move importers to a mirror
-trait Importers { self: SymbolTable =>
- // [Eugene] possible to make this less cast-heavy?
- def mkImporter(from0: api.Universe): Importer { val from: from0.type } = (
- if (self eq from0) {
- new Importer {
- val from = from0
- val reverse = this.asInstanceOf[from.Importer{ val from: self.type }]
- def importSymbol(sym: from.Symbol) = sym.asInstanceOf[self.Symbol]
- def importType(tpe: from.Type) = tpe.asInstanceOf[self.Type]
- def importTree(tree: from.Tree) = tree.asInstanceOf[self.Tree]
- }
- } else {
- // todo. fix this loophole
- assert(from0.isInstanceOf[SymbolTable], "`from` should be an instance of scala.reflect.internal.SymbolTable")
- new StandardImporter { val from = from0.asInstanceOf[SymbolTable] }
- }
- ).asInstanceOf[Importer { val from: from0.type }]
- abstract class StandardImporter extends Importer {
- val from: SymbolTable
- lazy val symMap: WeakHashMap[from.Symbol, Symbol] = new WeakHashMap
- lazy val tpeMap: WeakHashMap[from.Type, Type] = new WeakHashMap
- // fixups and maps prevent stackoverflows in importer
- var pendingSyms = 0
- var pendingTpes = 0
- lazy val fixups = collection.mutable.MutableList[Function0[Unit]]()
- def addFixup(fixup: => Unit): Unit = fixups += (() => fixup)
- def tryFixup(): Unit = {
- if (pendingSyms == 0 && pendingTpes == 0) {
- val fixups = this.fixups.toList
- this.fixups.clear()
- fixups foreach { _() }
- }
- }
- object reverse extends from.StandardImporter {
- val from: self.type = self
- for ((fromsym, mysym) <- StandardImporter.this.symMap) symMap += ((mysym, fromsym))
- for ((fromtpe, mytpe) <- StandardImporter.this.tpeMap) tpeMap += ((mytpe, fromtpe))
- }
- // todo. careful import of positions
- def importPosition(pos: from.Position): Position =
- pos.asInstanceOf[Position]
- def importSymbol(sym0: from.Symbol): Symbol = {
- def doImport(sym: from.Symbol): Symbol = {
- if (symMap.contains(sym))
- return symMap(sym)
- val myowner = importSymbol(sym.owner)
- val mypos = importPosition(sym.pos)
- val myname = importName(
- val myflags = sym.flags
- def linkReferenced(mysym: TermSymbol, x: from.TermSymbol, op: from.Symbol => Symbol): Symbol = {
- symMap(x) = mysym
- mysym.referenced = op(x.referenced)
- mysym
- }
- val mysym = sym match {
- case x: from.MethodSymbol =>
- linkReferenced(myowner.newMethod(myname, mypos, myflags), x, importSymbol)
- case x: from.ModuleSymbol =>
- linkReferenced(myowner.newModuleSymbol(myname, mypos, myflags), x, importSymbol)
- case x: from.FreeTermSymbol =>
- newFreeTermSymbol(importName(, importType(, x.value, x.flags, x.origin)
- case x: from.FreeTypeSymbol =>
- newFreeTypeSymbol(importName(, importType(, x.value, x.flags, x.origin)
- case x: from.TermSymbol =>
- linkReferenced(myowner.newValue(myname, mypos, myflags), x, importSymbol)
- case x: from.TypeSkolem =>
- val origin = x.unpackLocation match {
- case null => null
- case y: from.Tree => importTree(y)
- case y: from.Symbol => importSymbol(y)
- }
- myowner.newTypeSkolemSymbol(myname.toTypeName, origin, mypos, myflags)
- case x: from.ModuleClassSymbol =>
- val mysym = myowner.newModuleClass(myname.toTypeName, mypos, myflags)
- symMap(x) = mysym
- mysym.sourceModule = importSymbol(x.sourceModule)
- mysym
- case x: from.ClassSymbol =>
- val mysym = myowner.newClassSymbol(myname.toTypeName, mypos, myflags)
- symMap(x) = mysym
- if (sym.thisSym != sym) {
- mysym.typeOfThis = importType(sym.typeOfThis)
- mysym.thisSym setName importName(
- }
- mysym
- case x: from.TypeSymbol =>
- myowner.newTypeSymbol(myname.toTypeName, mypos, myflags)
- }
- symMap(sym) = mysym
- mysym setFlag Flags.LOCKED
- mysym setInfo {
- val mytypeParams = sym.typeParams map importSymbol
- new LazyPolyType(mytypeParams) {
- override def complete(s: Symbol) {
- val result = match {
- case from.PolyType(_, res) => res
- case result => result
- }
- s setInfo GenPolyType(mytypeParams, importType(result))
- s setAnnotations (sym.annotations map importAnnotationInfo)
- }
- }
- }
- mysym resetFlag Flags.LOCKED
- } // end doImport
- def importOrRelink: Symbol = {
- val sym = sym0 // makes sym visible in the debugger
- if (sym == null)
- null
- else if (sym == from.NoSymbol)
- NoSymbol
- else if (sym.isRoot)
- rootMirror.RootClass // !!! replace with actual mirror when we move importers to the mirror
- else {
- val name =
- val owner = sym.owner
- var scope = if (owner.isClass && !owner.isRefinementClass) else from.NoType
- var existing = scope.decl(name)
- if (sym.isModuleClass)
- existing = existing.moduleClass
- if (!existing.exists) scope = from.NoType
- val myname = importName(name)
- val myowner = importSymbol(owner)
- val myscope = if (scope != from.NoType && !(myowner hasFlag Flags.LOCKED)) else NoType
- var myexisting = if (myscope != NoType) else NoSymbol // cannot load myexisting in general case, because it creates cycles for methods
- if (sym.isModuleClass)
- myexisting = importSymbol(sym.sourceModule).moduleClass
- if (!sym.isOverloaded && myexisting.isOverloaded) {
- myexisting =
- if (sym.isMethod) {
- val localCopy = doImport(sym)
- myexisting filter (_.tpe matches localCopy.tpe)
- } else {
- myexisting filter (!_.isMethod)
- }
- assert(!myexisting.isOverloaded,
- "import failure: cannot determine unique overloaded method alternative from\n "+
- (myexisting.alternatives map (_.defString) mkString "\n")+"\n that matches "+sym+":"+sym.tpe)
- }
- val mysym = {
- if (sym.isOverloaded) {
- myowner.newOverloaded(myowner.thisType, sym.alternatives map importSymbol)
- } else if (sym.isTypeParameter && sym.paramPos >= 0 && !(myowner hasFlag Flags.LOCKED)) {
- assert(myowner.typeParams.length > sym.paramPos,
- "import failure: cannot determine parameter "+sym+" (#"+sym.paramPos+") in "+
- myowner+typeParamsString(myowner.rawInfo)+"\n original symbol was: "+
- sym.owner+from.typeParamsString(
- myowner.typeParams(sym.paramPos)
- } else {
- if (myexisting != NoSymbol) {
- myexisting
- } else {
- val mysym = doImport(sym)
- if (myscope != NoType) {
- assert( == NoSymbol, myname+" "" "+myexisting)
- enter mysym
- }
- mysym
- }
- }
- }
- mysym
- }
- } // end importOrRelink
- val sym = sym0
- if (symMap contains sym) {
- symMap(sym)
- } else {
- pendingSyms += 1
- try {
- symMap getOrElseUpdate (sym, importOrRelink)
- } finally {
- pendingSyms -= 1
- tryFixup()
- }
- }
- }
- def importType(tpe: from.Type): Type = {
- def doImport(tpe: from.Type): Type = tpe match {
- case from.TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
- TypeRef(importType(pre), importSymbol(sym), args map importType)
- case from.ThisType(clazz) =>
- ThisType(importSymbol(clazz))
- case from.SingleType(pre, sym) =>
- SingleType(importType(pre), importSymbol(sym))
- case from.MethodType(params, restpe) =>
- MethodType(params map importSymbol, importType(restpe))
- case from.PolyType(tparams, restpe) =>
- PolyType(tparams map importSymbol, importType(restpe))
- case from.NullaryMethodType(restpe) =>
- NullaryMethodType(importType(restpe))
- case from.ConstantType(constant @ from.Constant(_)) =>
- ConstantType(importConstant(constant))
- case from.SuperType(thistpe, supertpe) =>
- SuperType(importType(thistpe), importType(supertpe))
- case from.TypeBounds(lo, hi) =>
- TypeBounds(importType(lo), importType(hi))
- case from.BoundedWildcardType(bounds) =>
- BoundedWildcardType(importTypeBounds(bounds))
- case from.ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) =>
- val myclazz = importSymbol(clazz)
- val myscope = if (myclazz.isPackageClass) newPackageScope(myclazz) else newScope
- val myclazzTpe = ClassInfoType(parents map importType, myscope, myclazz)
- myclazz setInfo GenPolyType(myclazz.typeParams, myclazzTpe) // needed so that newly created symbols find their scope
- decls foreach importSymbol // will enter itself into myclazz
- myclazzTpe
- case from.RefinedType(parents, decls) =>
- RefinedType(parents map importType, importScope(decls), importSymbol(tpe.typeSymbol))
- case from.ExistentialType(tparams, restpe) =>
- newExistentialType(tparams map importSymbol, importType(restpe))
- case from.OverloadedType(pre, alts) =>
- OverloadedType(importType(pre), alts map importSymbol)
- case from.AntiPolyType(pre, targs) =>
- AntiPolyType(importType(pre), targs map importType)
- case x: from.TypeVar =>
- TypeVar(importType(x.origin), importTypeConstraint(x.constr0), x.typeArgs map importType, x.params map importSymbol)
- case from.NotNullType(tpe) =>
- NotNullType(importType(tpe))
- case from.AnnotatedType(annots, tpe, selfsym) =>
- AnnotatedType(annots map importAnnotationInfo, importType(tpe), importSymbol(selfsym))
- case from.ErrorType =>
- ErrorType
- case from.WildcardType =>
- WildcardType
- case from.NoType =>
- NoType
- case from.NoPrefix =>
- NoPrefix
- case null =>
- null
- } // end doImport
- def importOrRelink: Type =
- doImport(tpe)
- if (tpeMap contains tpe) {
- tpeMap(tpe)
- } else {
- pendingTpes += 1
- try {
- tpeMap getOrElseUpdate (tpe, importOrRelink)
- } finally {
- pendingTpes -= 1
- tryFixup()
- }
- }
- }
- def importTypeBounds(bounds: from.TypeBounds) = importType(bounds).asInstanceOf[TypeBounds]
- def importAnnotationInfo(ann: from.AnnotationInfo): AnnotationInfo = {
- val atp1 = importType(ann.atp)
- val args1 = ann.args map importTree
- val assocs1 = ann.assocs map { case (name, arg) => (importName(name), importAnnotArg(arg)) }
- val original1 = importTree(ann.original)
- AnnotationInfo(atp1, args1, assocs1) setOriginal original1
- }
- def importAnnotArg(arg: from.ClassfileAnnotArg): ClassfileAnnotArg = arg match {
- case from.LiteralAnnotArg(constant @ from.Constant(_)) =>
- LiteralAnnotArg(importConstant(constant))
- case from.ArrayAnnotArg(args) =>
- ArrayAnnotArg(args map importAnnotArg)
- case from.ScalaSigBytes(bytes) =>
- ScalaSigBytes(bytes)
- case from.NestedAnnotArg(annInfo) =>
- NestedAnnotArg(importAnnotationInfo(annInfo))
- }
- def importTypeConstraint(constr: from.TypeConstraint): TypeConstraint = {
- val result = new TypeConstraint(constr.loBounds map importType, constr.hiBounds map importType)
- result.inst = importType(constr.inst)
- result
- }
- // !!! todo: override to cater for PackageScopes
- def importScope(decls: from.Scope): Scope =
- newScopeWith(decls.toList map importSymbol: _*)
- def importName(name: from.Name): Name =
- if (name.isTypeName) newTypeName(name.toString) else newTermName(name.toString)
- def importTypeName(name: from.TypeName): TypeName = importName(name).toTypeName
- def importTermName(name: from.TermName): TermName = importName(name).toTermName
- def importModifiers(mods: from.Modifiers): Modifiers =
- new Modifiers(mods.flags, importName(mods.privateWithin), mods.annotations map importTree)
- def importImportSelector(sel: from.ImportSelector): ImportSelector =
- new ImportSelector(importName(, sel.namePos, if (sel.rename != null) importName(sel.rename) else null, sel.renamePos)
- def importTree(tree: from.Tree): Tree = {
- val mytree = tree match {
- case from.ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, impl) =>
- new ClassDef(importModifiers(mods), importName(name).toTypeName, tparams map importTypeDef, importTemplate(impl))
- case from.PackageDef(pid, stats) =>
- new PackageDef(importRefTree(pid), stats map importTree)
- case from.ModuleDef(mods, name, impl) =>
- new ModuleDef(importModifiers(mods), importName(name).toTermName, importTemplate(impl))
- case from.emptyValDef =>
- emptyValDef
- case from.ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) =>
- new ValDef(importModifiers(mods), importName(name).toTermName, importTree(tpt), importTree(rhs))
- case from.DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) =>
- new DefDef(importModifiers(mods), importName(name).toTermName, tparams map importTypeDef, mmap(vparamss)(importValDef), importTree(tpt), importTree(rhs))
- case from.TypeDef(mods, name, tparams, rhs) =>
- new TypeDef(importModifiers(mods), importName(name).toTypeName, tparams map importTypeDef, importTree(rhs))
- case from.LabelDef(name, params, rhs) =>
- new LabelDef(importName(name).toTermName, params map importIdent, importTree(rhs))
- case from.Import(expr, selectors) =>
- new Import(importTree(expr), selectors map importImportSelector)
- case from.Template(parents, self, body) =>
- new Template(parents map importTree, importValDef(self), body map importTree)
- case from.Block(stats, expr) =>
- new Block(stats map importTree, importTree(expr))
- case from.CaseDef(pat, guard, body) =>
- new CaseDef(importTree(pat), importTree(guard), importTree(body))
- case from.Alternative(trees) =>
- new Alternative(trees map importTree)
- case from.Star(elem) =>
- new Star(importTree(elem))
- case from.Bind(name, body) =>
- new Bind(importName(name), importTree(body))
- case from.UnApply(fun, args) =>
- new UnApply(importTree(fun), args map importTree)
- case from.ArrayValue(elemtpt ,elems) =>
- new ArrayValue(importTree(elemtpt), elems map importTree)
- case from.Function(vparams, body) =>
- new Function(vparams map importValDef, importTree(body))
- case from.Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
- new Assign(importTree(lhs), importTree(rhs))
- case from.AssignOrNamedArg(lhs, rhs) =>
- new AssignOrNamedArg(importTree(lhs), importTree(rhs))
- case from.If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
- new If(importTree(cond), importTree(thenp), importTree(elsep))
- case from.Match(selector, cases) =>
- new Match(importTree(selector), cases map importCaseDef)
- case from.Return(expr) =>
- new Return(importTree(expr))
- case from.Try(block, catches, finalizer) =>
- new Try(importTree(block), catches map importCaseDef, importTree(finalizer))
- case from.Throw(expr) =>
- new Throw(importTree(expr))
- case from.New(tpt) =>
- new New(importTree(tpt))
- case from.Typed(expr, tpt) =>
- new Typed(importTree(expr), importTree(tpt))
- case from.TypeApply(fun, args) =>
- new TypeApply(importTree(fun), args map importTree)
- case from.Apply(fun, args) => tree match {
- case _: from.ApplyToImplicitArgs =>
- new ApplyToImplicitArgs(importTree(fun), args map importTree)
- case _: from.ApplyImplicitView =>
- new ApplyImplicitView(importTree(fun), args map importTree)
- case _ =>
- new Apply(importTree(fun), args map importTree)
- }
- case from.ApplyDynamic(qual, args) =>
- new ApplyDynamic(importTree(qual), args map importTree)
- case from.Super(qual, mix) =>
- new Super(importTree(qual), importTypeName(mix))
- case from.This(qual) =>
- new This(importName(qual).toTypeName)
- case from.Select(qual, name) =>
- new Select(importTree(qual), importName(name))
- case from.Ident(name) =>
- new Ident(importName(name))
- case from.ReferenceToBoxed(ident) =>
- new ReferenceToBoxed(importTree(ident) match { case ident: Ident => ident })
- case from.Literal(constant @ from.Constant(_)) =>
- new Literal(importConstant(constant))
- case from.TypeTree() =>
- new TypeTree()
- case from.Annotated(annot, arg) =>
- new Annotated(importTree(annot), importTree(arg))
- case from.SingletonTypeTree(ref) =>
- new SingletonTypeTree(importTree(ref))
- case from.SelectFromTypeTree(qual, name) =>
- new SelectFromTypeTree(importTree(qual), importName(name).toTypeName)
- case from.CompoundTypeTree(templ) =>
- new CompoundTypeTree(importTemplate(templ))
- case from.AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args) =>
- new AppliedTypeTree(importTree(tpt), args map importTree)
- case from.TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi) =>
- new TypeBoundsTree(importTree(lo), importTree(hi))
- case from.ExistentialTypeTree(tpt, whereClauses) =>
- new ExistentialTypeTree(importTree(tpt), whereClauses map importTree)
- case from.EmptyTree =>
- EmptyTree
- case null =>
- null
- }
- addFixup({
- if (mytree != null) {
- val mysym = if (tree.hasSymbol) importSymbol(tree.symbol) else NoSymbol
- val mytpe = importType(tree.tpe)
- mytree match {
- case mytt: TypeTree =>
- val tt = tree.asInstanceOf[from.TypeTree]
- if (mytree.hasSymbol) mytt.symbol = mysym
- if (tt.wasEmpty) mytt.defineType(mytpe) else mytt.setType(mytpe)
- if (tt.original != null) mytt.setOriginal(importTree(tt.original))
- case _ =>
- if (mytree.hasSymbol) mytree.symbol = importSymbol(tree.symbol)
- mytree.tpe = importType(tree.tpe)
- }
- }
- })
- tryFixup()
- mytree
- }
- def importValDef(tree: from.ValDef): ValDef = importTree(tree).asInstanceOf[ValDef]
- def importTypeDef(tree: from.TypeDef): TypeDef = importTree(tree).asInstanceOf[TypeDef]
- def importTemplate(tree: from.Template): Template = importTree(tree).asInstanceOf[Template]
- def importRefTree(tree: from.RefTree): RefTree = importTree(tree).asInstanceOf[RefTree]
- def importIdent(tree: from.Ident): Ident = importTree(tree).asInstanceOf[Ident]
- def importCaseDef(tree: from.CaseDef): CaseDef = importTree(tree).asInstanceOf[CaseDef]
- def importConstant(constant: from.Constant): Constant = new Constant(constant.tag match {
- case ClazzTag => importType(constant.value.asInstanceOf[from.Type])
- case EnumTag => importSymbol(constant.value.asInstanceOf[from.Symbol])
- case _ => constant.value
- })
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/InfoTransformers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/InfoTransformers.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e53f714c0c..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/InfoTransformers.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-trait InfoTransformers {
- self: SymbolTable =>
- /* Syncnote: This should not need to be protected, as reflection does not run in multiple phases.
- */
- abstract class InfoTransformer {
- var prev: InfoTransformer = this
- var next: InfoTransformer = this
- val pid: Phase#Id
- val changesBaseClasses: Boolean
- def transform(sym: Symbol, tpe: Type): Type
- def insert(that: InfoTransformer) {
- assert( !=,
- if ( < {
- prev insert that
- } else if ( <= && != {
- next insert that
- } else {
- log("Inserting info transformer %s following %s".format(phaseOf(, phaseOf(
- = next
- that.prev = this
- next.prev = that
- = that
- }
- }
- /** The InfoTransformer whose (pid == from).
- * If no such exists, the InfoTransformer with the next
- * higher pid.
- */
- def nextFrom(from: Phase#Id): InfoTransformer =
- if (from == this
- else if (from <
- if ( < from) this
- else prev.nextFrom(from);
- else if ( == next
- else next.nextFrom(from)
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Kinds.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Kinds.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b736a9192f..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Kinds.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import scala.reflect.internal.util.StringOps.{ countAsString, countElementsAsString }
-trait Kinds {
- self: SymbolTable =>
- import definitions._
- private type SymPair = ((Symbol, Symbol)) // ((Argument, Parameter))
- case class KindErrors(
- arity: List[SymPair] = Nil,
- variance: List[SymPair] = Nil,
- strictness: List[SymPair] = Nil
- ) {
- def isEmpty = arity.isEmpty && variance.isEmpty && strictness.isEmpty
- def arityError(syms: SymPair) = copy(arity = arity :+ syms)
- def varianceError(syms: SymPair) = copy(variance = variance :+ syms)
- def strictnessError(syms: SymPair) = copy(strictness = strictness :+ syms)
- def ++(errs: KindErrors) = KindErrors(
- arity ++ errs.arity,
- variance ++ errs.variance,
- strictness ++ errs.strictness
- )
- // @M TODO this method is duplicated all over the place (varianceString)
- private def varStr(s: Symbol): String =
- if (s.isCovariant) "covariant"
- else if (s.isContravariant) "contravariant"
- else "invariant";
- private def qualify(a0: Symbol, b0: Symbol): String = if (a0.toString != b0.toString) "" else {
- if((a0 eq b0) || (a0.owner eq b0.owner)) ""
- else {
- var a = a0; var b = b0
- while ( == { a = a.owner; b = b.owner}
- if (a.locationString ne "") " (" + a.locationString.trim + ")" else ""
- }
- }
- private def kindMessage(a: Symbol, p: Symbol)(f: (String, String) => String): String =
- f(a+qualify(a,p), p+qualify(p,a))
- // Normally it's nicer to print nothing rather than '>: Nothing <: Any' all over
- // the place, but here we need it for the message to make sense.
- private def strictnessMessage(a: Symbol, p: Symbol) =
- kindMessage(a, p)("%s's bounds%s are stricter than %s's declared bounds%s".format(
- _,, _, match {
- case tb @ TypeBounds(_, _) if tb.isEmptyBounds => " >: Nothing <: Any"
- case tb => "" + tb
- })
- )
- private def varianceMessage(a: Symbol, p: Symbol) =
- kindMessage(a, p)("%s is %s, but %s is declared %s".format(_, varStr(a), _, varStr(p)))
- private def arityMessage(a: Symbol, p: Symbol) =
- kindMessage(a, p)("%s has %s, but %s has %s".format(
- _, countElementsAsString(a.typeParams.length, "type parameter"),
- _, countAsString(p.typeParams.length))
- )
- private def buildMessage(xs: List[SymPair], f: (Symbol, Symbol) => String) = (
- if (xs.isEmpty) ""
- else xs map f.tupled mkString ("\n", ", ", "")
- )
- def errorMessage(targ: Type, tparam: Symbol): String = (
- (targ+"'s type parameters do not match "+tparam+"'s expected parameters:")
- + buildMessage(arity, arityMessage)
- + buildMessage(variance, varianceMessage)
- + buildMessage(strictness, strictnessMessage)
- )
- }
- val NoKindErrors = KindErrors(Nil, Nil, Nil)
- // TODO: this desperately needs to be cleaned up
- // plan: split into kind inference and subkinding
- // every Type has a (cached) Kind
- def kindsConform(tparams: List[Symbol], targs: List[Type], pre: Type, owner: Symbol): Boolean =
- checkKindBounds0(tparams, targs, pre, owner, false).isEmpty
- /** Check whether `sym1`'s variance conforms to `sym2`'s variance.
- *
- * If `sym2` is invariant, `sym1`'s variance is irrelevant. Otherwise they must be equal.
- */
- private def variancesMatch(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol) = (
- sym2.variance==0
- || sym1.variance==sym2.variance
- )
- /** Check well-kindedness of type application (assumes arities are already checked) -- @M
- *
- * This check is also performed when abstract type members become concrete (aka a "type alias") -- then tparams.length==1
- * (checked one type member at a time -- in that case, prefix is the name of the type alias)
- *
- * Type application is just like value application: it's "contravariant" in the sense that
- * the type parameters of the supplied type arguments must conform to the type parameters of
- * the required type parameters:
- * - their bounds must be less strict
- * - variances must match (here, variances are absolute, the variance of a type parameter does not influence the variance of its higher-order parameters)
- * - @M TODO: are these conditions correct,sufficient&necessary?
- *
- * e.g. class Iterable[t, m[+x <: t]] --> the application Iterable[Int, List] is okay, since
- * List's type parameter is also covariant and its bounds are weaker than <: Int
- */
- def checkKindBounds0(
- tparams: List[Symbol],
- targs: List[Type],
- pre: Type,
- owner: Symbol,
- explainErrors: Boolean
- ): List[(Type, Symbol, KindErrors)] = {
- // instantiate type params that come from outside the abstract type we're currently checking
- def transform(tp: Type, clazz: Symbol): Type = tp.asSeenFrom(pre, clazz)
- // check that the type parameters hkargs to a higher-kinded type conform to the
- // expected params hkparams
- def checkKindBoundsHK(
- hkargs: List[Symbol],
- arg: Symbol,
- param: Symbol,
- paramowner: Symbol,
- underHKParams: List[Symbol],
- withHKArgs: List[Symbol]
- ): KindErrors = {
- var kindErrors: KindErrors = NoKindErrors
- def bindHKParams(tp: Type) = tp.substSym(underHKParams, withHKArgs)
- // @M sometimes hkargs != arg.typeParams, the symbol and the type may
- // have very different type parameters
- val hkparams = param.typeParams
- def kindCheck(cond: Boolean, f: KindErrors => KindErrors) {
- if (!cond)
- kindErrors = f(kindErrors)
- }
- if (settings.debug.value) {
- log("checkKindBoundsHK expected: "+ param +" with params "+ hkparams +" by definition in "+ paramowner)
- log("checkKindBoundsHK supplied: "+ arg +" with params "+ hkargs +" from "+ owner)
- log("checkKindBoundsHK under params: "+ underHKParams +" with args "+ withHKArgs)
- }
- if (!sameLength(hkargs, hkparams)) {
- // Any and Nothing are kind-overloaded
- if (arg == AnyClass || arg == NothingClass) NoKindErrors
- // shortcut: always set error, whether explainTypesOrNot
- else return kindErrors.arityError(arg -> param)
- }
- else foreach2(hkargs, hkparams) { (hkarg, hkparam) =>
- if (hkparam.typeParams.isEmpty && hkarg.typeParams.isEmpty) { // base-case: kind *
- kindCheck(variancesMatch(hkarg, hkparam), _ varianceError (hkarg -> hkparam))
- // instantiateTypeParams(tparams, targs)
- // higher-order bounds, may contain references to type arguments
- // substSym(hkparams, hkargs)
- // these types are going to be compared as types of kind *
- //
- // Their arguments use different symbols, but are
- // conceptually the same. Could also replace the types by
- // polytypes, but can't just strip the symbols, as ordering
- // is lost then.
- val declaredBounds = transform(, targs).bounds, paramowner)
- val declaredBoundsInst = transform(bindHKParams(declaredBounds), owner)
- val argumentBounds = transform(, owner)
- kindCheck(declaredBoundsInst <:< argumentBounds, _ strictnessError (hkarg -> hkparam))
- debuglog(
- "checkKindBoundsHK base case: " + hkparam +
- " declared bounds: " + declaredBounds +
- " after instantiating earlier hkparams: " + declaredBoundsInst + "\n" +
- "checkKindBoundsHK base case: "+ hkarg +
- " has bounds: " + argumentBounds
- )
- }
- else {
- debuglog("checkKindBoundsHK recursing to compare params of "+ hkparam +" with "+ hkarg)
- kindErrors ++= checkKindBoundsHK(
- hkarg.typeParams,
- hkarg,
- hkparam,
- paramowner,
- underHKParams ++ hkparam.typeParams,
- withHKArgs ++ hkarg.typeParams
- )
- }
- if (!explainErrors && !kindErrors.isEmpty)
- return kindErrors
- }
- if (explainErrors) kindErrors
- else NoKindErrors
- }
- if (settings.debug.value && (tparams.nonEmpty || targs.nonEmpty)) log(
- "checkKindBounds0(" + tparams + ", " + targs + ", " + pre + ", "
- + owner + ", " + explainErrors + ")"
- )
- flatMap2(tparams, targs) { (tparam, targ) =>
- // Prevent WildcardType from causing kind errors, as typevars may be higher-order
- if (targ == WildcardType) Nil else {
- // force symbol load for #4205
- // @M must use the typeParams of the *type* targ, not of the *symbol* of targ!!
- val tparamsHO = targ.typeParams
- if (targ.isHigherKinded || tparam.typeParams.nonEmpty) {
- // NOTE: *not* targ.typeSymbol, which normalizes
- val kindErrors = checkKindBoundsHK(
- tparamsHO, targ.typeSymbolDirect, tparam,
- tparam.owner, tparam.typeParams, tparamsHO
- )
- if (kindErrors.isEmpty) Nil else {
- if (explainErrors) List((targ, tparam, kindErrors))
- // Return as soon as an error is seen if there's nothing to explain.
- else return List((NoType, NoSymbol, NoKindErrors))
- }
- }
- else Nil
- }
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Mirrors.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Mirrors.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e3680b14d5..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Mirrors.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-import Flags._
-trait Mirrors extends api.Mirrors {
- self: SymbolTable =>
- override type Mirror >: Null <: RootsBase
- abstract class RootsBase(rootOwner: Symbol) extends MirrorOf[Mirrors.this.type] { thisMirror =>
- protected[scala] def rootLoader: LazyType
- val RootClass: ClassSymbol
- val RootPackage: ModuleSymbol
- val EmptyPackageClass: ClassSymbol
- val EmptyPackage: ModuleSymbol
- def findMemberFromRoot(fullName: Name): Symbol = {
- val segs = nme.segments(fullName.toString, fullName.isTermName)
- if (segs.isEmpty) NoSymbol
- else definitions.findNamedMember(segs.tail, member segs.head)
- }
- /** Todo: organize similar to mkStatic in reflect.Base */
- private def getModuleOrClass(path: Name, len: Int): Symbol = {
- val point = path lastPos('.', len - 1)
- val owner =
- if (point > 0) getModuleOrClass(path.toTermName, point)
- else RootClass
- val name = path subName (point + 1, len)
- val sym = member name
- val result = if (path.isTermName) sym.suchThat(_ hasFlag MODULE) else sym
- if (result != NoSymbol) result
- else {
- if (settings.debug.value) { log(; log( }//debug
- mirrorMissingHook(owner, name) orElse symbolTableMissingHook(owner, name) orElse {
- MissingRequirementError.notFound((if (path.isTermName) "object " else "class ")+path+" in "+thisMirror)
- }
- }
- }
- protected def mirrorMissingHook(owner: Symbol, name: Name): Symbol = NoSymbol
- protected def symbolTableMissingHook(owner: Symbol, name: Name): Symbol = self.missingHook(owner, name)
- /** If you're looking for a class, pass a type name.
- * If a module, a term name.
- */
- private def getModuleOrClass(path: Name): Symbol = getModuleOrClass(path, path.length)
- override def staticClass(fullName: String): ClassSymbol = getRequiredClass(fullName)
- // todo: get rid of most creation methods and keep just staticClass/Module/Package
- def getClassByName(fullname: Name): ClassSymbol = {
- var result = getModuleOrClass(fullname.toTypeName)
- while (result.isAliasType) result =
- result match {
- case x: ClassSymbol => x
- case _ => MissingRequirementError.notFound("class " + fullname)
- }
- }
- override def staticModule(fullName: String): ModuleSymbol = getRequiredModule(fullName)
- def getModule(fullname: Name): ModuleSymbol =
- // [Eugene++] should be a ClassCastException instead?
- getModuleOrClass(fullname.toTermName) match {
- case x: ModuleSymbol => x
- case _ => MissingRequirementError.notFound("object " + fullname)
- }
- def getPackage(fullname: Name): ModuleSymbol = getModule(fullname)
- def getRequiredPackage(fullname: String): ModuleSymbol =
- getPackage(newTermNameCached(fullname))
- @deprecated("Use getClassByName", "2.10.0")
- def getClass(fullname: Name): ClassSymbol = getClassByName(fullname)
- def getRequiredClass(fullname: String): ClassSymbol =
- getClassByName(newTypeNameCached(fullname)) match {
- case x: ClassSymbol => x
- case _ => MissingRequirementError.notFound("class " + fullname)
- }
- def getRequiredModule(fullname: String): ModuleSymbol =
- getModule(newTermNameCached(fullname))
- def erasureName[T: ClassTag] : String = {
- /** We'd like the String representation to be a valid
- * scala type, so we have to decode the jvm's secret language.
- */
- def erasureString(clazz: Class[_]): String = {
- if (clazz.isArray) "Array[" + erasureString(clazz.getComponentType) + "]"
- else clazz.getName
- }
- erasureString(classTag[T].runtimeClass)
- }
- def requiredClass[T: ClassTag] : ClassSymbol =
- getRequiredClass(erasureName[T])
- // TODO: What syntax do we think should work here? Say you have an object
- // like scala.Predef. You can't say requiredModule[scala.Predef] since there's
- // no accompanying Predef class, and if you say requiredModule[scala.Predef.type]
- // the name found via the erasure is scala.Predef$. For now I am
- // removing the trailing $, but I think that classTag should have
- // a method which returns a usable name, one which doesn't expose this
- // detail of the backend.
- def requiredModule[T: ClassTag] : ModuleSymbol =
- getRequiredModule(erasureName[T] stripSuffix "$")
- def getClassIfDefined(fullname: String): Symbol =
- getClassIfDefined(newTypeName(fullname))
- def getClassIfDefined(fullname: Name): Symbol =
- wrapMissing(getClassByName(fullname.toTypeName))
- def getModuleIfDefined(fullname: String): Symbol =
- getModuleIfDefined(newTermName(fullname))
- def getModuleIfDefined(fullname: Name): Symbol =
- wrapMissing(getModule(fullname.toTermName))
- def getPackageObject(fullname: String): ModuleSymbol =
- (getModule(newTermName(fullname)).info member nme.PACKAGE) match {
- case x: ModuleSymbol => x
- case _ => MissingRequirementError.notFound("package object " + fullname)
- }
- def getPackageObjectIfDefined(fullname: String): Symbol = {
- val module = getModuleIfDefined(newTermName(fullname))
- if (module == NoSymbol) NoSymbol
- else {
- val packageObject = member nme.PACKAGE
- packageObject match {
- case x: ModuleSymbol => x
- case _ => NoSymbol
- }
- }
- }
- @inline private def wrapMissing(body: => Symbol): Symbol =
- try body
- catch { case _: MissingRequirementError => NoSymbol }
- /** getModule2/getClass2 aren't needed at present but may be again,
- * so for now they're mothballed.
- */
- // def getModule2(name1: Name, name2: Name) = {
- // try getModuleOrClass(name1.toTermName)
- // catch { case ex1: FatalError =>
- // try getModuleOrClass(name2.toTermName)
- // catch { case ex2: FatalError => throw ex1 }
- // }
- // }
- // def getClass2(name1: Name, name2: Name) = {
- // try {
- // val result = getModuleOrClass(name1.toTypeName)
- // if (result.isAliasType) getClass(name2) else result
- // }
- // catch { case ex1: FatalError =>
- // try getModuleOrClass(name2.toTypeName)
- // catch { case ex2: FatalError => throw ex1 }
- // }
- // }
- def init() {
- // Still fiddling with whether it's cleaner to do some of this setup here
- // or from constructors. The latter approach tends to invite init order issues.
- EmptyPackageClass setInfo ClassInfoType(Nil, newPackageScope(EmptyPackageClass), EmptyPackageClass)
- EmptyPackage setInfo EmptyPackageClass.tpe
- connectModuleToClass(EmptyPackage, EmptyPackageClass)
- connectModuleToClass(RootPackage, RootClass)
- enter EmptyPackage
- enter RootPackage
- }
- }
- abstract class Roots(rootOwner: Symbol) extends RootsBase(rootOwner) { thisMirror =>
- // TODO - having these as objects means they elude the attempt to
- // add synchronization in SynchronizedSymbols. But we should either
- // flip on object overrides or find some other accomodation, because
- // lazy vals are unnecessarily expensive relative to objects and it
- // is very beneficial for a handful of bootstrap symbols to have
- // first class identities
- sealed trait WellKnownSymbol extends Symbol {
- this initFlags TopLevelCreationFlags
- }
- // Features common to RootClass and RootPackage, the roots of all
- // type and term symbols respectively.
- sealed trait RootSymbol extends WellKnownSymbol {
- final override def isRootSymbol = true
- override def owner = rootOwner
- override def typeOfThis = thisSym.tpe
- }
- // This is the package _root_. The actual root cannot be referenced at
- // the source level, but _root_ is essentially a function => <root>.
- final object RootPackage extends ModuleSymbol(rootOwner, NoPosition, nme.ROOTPKG) with RootSymbol {
- this setInfo NullaryMethodType(RootClass.tpe)
- RootClass.sourceModule = this
- override def isRootPackage = true
- }
- // This is <root>, the actual root of everything except the package _root_.
- // <root> and _root_ (RootPackage and RootClass) should be the only "well known"
- // symbols owned by NoSymbol. All owner chains should go through RootClass,
- // although it is probable that some symbols are created as direct children
- // of NoSymbol to ensure they will not be stumbled upon. (We should designate
- // a better encapsulated place for that.)
- final object RootClass extends PackageClassSymbol(rootOwner, NoPosition, tpnme.ROOT) with RootSymbol {
- this setInfo rootLoader
- override def isRoot = true
- override def isEffectiveRoot = true
- override def isStatic = true
- override def isNestedClass = false
- override def ownerOfNewSymbols = EmptyPackageClass
- }
- // The empty package, which holds all top level types without given packages.
- final object EmptyPackage extends ModuleSymbol(RootClass, NoPosition, nme.EMPTY_PACKAGE_NAME) with WellKnownSymbol {
- override def isEmptyPackage = true
- }
- final object EmptyPackageClass extends PackageClassSymbol(RootClass, NoPosition, tpnme.EMPTY_PACKAGE_NAME) with WellKnownSymbol {
- override def isEffectiveRoot = true
- override def isEmptyPackageClass = true
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/MissingRequirementError.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/MissingRequirementError.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index fbbbcc1928..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/MissingRequirementError.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-class MissingRequirementError private (msg: String) extends FatalError(msg) {
- import MissingRequirementError.suffix
- def req: String = if (msg endsWith suffix) msg dropRight suffix.length else msg
-object MissingRequirementError {
- private val suffix = " not found."
- def signal(msg: String): Nothing = throw new MissingRequirementError(msg)
- def notFound(req: String): Nothing = signal(req + suffix)
- def unapply(x: Throwable): Option[String] = x match {
- case x: MissingRequirementError => Some(x.req)
- case _ => None
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Names.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Names.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 18671871ae..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Names.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,527 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-import language.implicitConversions
-/** The class Names ...
- *
- * @author Martin Odersky
- * @version 1.0, 05/02/2005
- */
-trait Names extends api.Names {
- implicit def promoteTermNamesAsNecessary(name: Name): TermName = name.toTermName
-// Operations -------------------------------------------------------------
- private final val HASH_SIZE = 0x8000
- private final val HASH_MASK = 0x7FFF
- private final val NAME_SIZE = 0x20000
- final val nameDebug = false
- /** Memory to store all names sequentially. */
- var chrs: Array[Char] = new Array[Char](NAME_SIZE)
- private var nc = 0
- /** Hashtable for finding term names quickly. */
- private val termHashtable = new Array[TermName](HASH_SIZE)
- /** Hashtable for finding type names quickly. */
- private val typeHashtable = new Array[TypeName](HASH_SIZE)
- /** The hashcode of a name. */
- private def hashValue(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int): Int =
- if (len > 0)
- (len * (41 * 41 * 41) +
- cs(offset) * (41 * 41) +
- cs(offset + len - 1) * 41 +
- cs(offset + (len >> 1)))
- else 0;
- /** Is (the ASCII representation of) name at given index equal to
- * cs[offset..offset+len-1]?
- */
- private def equals(index: Int, cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int): Boolean = {
- var i = 0
- while ((i < len) && (chrs(index + i) == cs(offset + i)))
- i += 1;
- i == len
- }
- /** Enter characters into chrs array. */
- private def enterChars(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int) {
- var i = 0
- while (i < len) {
- if (nc + i == chrs.length) {
- val newchrs = new Array[Char](chrs.length * 2)
- compat.Platform.arraycopy(chrs, 0, newchrs, 0, chrs.length)
- chrs = newchrs
- }
- chrs(nc + i) = cs(offset + i)
- i += 1
- }
- if (len == 0) nc += 1
- else nc = nc + len
- }
- /** Create a term name from the characters in cs[offset..offset+len-1]. */
- def newTermName(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int): TermName =
- newTermName(cs, offset, len, cachedString = null)
- def newTermName(cs: Array[Char]): TermName = newTermName(cs, 0, cs.length)
- def newTypeName(cs: Array[Char]): TypeName = newTypeName(cs, 0, cs.length)
- /** Create a term name from the characters in cs[offset..offset+len-1].
- * TODO - have a mode where name validation is performed at creation time
- * (e.g. if a name has the string "$class" in it, then fail if that
- * string is not at the very end.)
- */
- protected def newTermName(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int, cachedString: String): TermName = {
- val h = hashValue(cs, offset, len) & HASH_MASK
- var n = termHashtable(h)
- while ((n ne null) && (n.length != len || !equals(n.start, cs, offset, len)))
- n =
- if (n ne null) n
- else {
- // The logic order here is future-proofing against the possibility
- // that name.toString will become an eager val, in which case the call
- // to enterChars cannot follow the construction of the TermName.
- val ncStart = nc
- enterChars(cs, offset, len)
- if (cachedString ne null) new TermName_S(ncStart, len, h, cachedString)
- else new TermName_R(ncStart, len, h)
- }
- }
- protected def newTypeName(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int, cachedString: String): TypeName =
- newTermName(cs, offset, len, cachedString).toTypeName
- /** Create a term name from string. */
- def newTermName(s: String): TermName = newTermName(s.toCharArray(), 0, s.length(), null)
- /** Create a type name from string. */
- def newTypeName(s: String): TypeName = newTermName(s).toTypeName
- /** Create a term name from the UTF8 encoded bytes in bs[offset..offset+len-1]. */
- def newTermName(bs: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int): TermName = {
- val chars = Codec.fromUTF8(bs, offset, len)
- newTermName(chars, 0, chars.length)
- }
- def newTermNameCached(s: String): TermName =
- newTermName(s.toCharArray(), 0, s.length(), cachedString = s)
- def newTypeNameCached(s: String): TypeName =
- newTypeName(s.toCharArray(), 0, s.length(), cachedString = s)
- /** Create a type name from the characters in cs[offset..offset+len-1]. */
- def newTypeName(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int): TypeName =
- newTermName(cs, offset, len, cachedString = null).toTypeName
- /** Create a type name from the UTF8 encoded bytes in bs[offset..offset+len-1]. */
- def newTypeName(bs: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int): TypeName =
- newTermName(bs, offset, len).toTypeName
- def nameChars: Array[Char] = chrs
- @deprecated("", "2.9.0") def view(s: String): TermName = newTermName(s)
-// Classes ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- /** The name class.
- * TODO - resolve schizophrenia regarding whether to treat Names as Strings
- * or Strings as Names. Give names the key functions the absence of which
- * make people want Strings all the time.
- */
- sealed abstract class Name(protected val index: Int, protected val len: Int) extends NameApi with Function1[Int, Char] {
- type ThisNameType >: Null <: Name
- protected[this] def thisName: ThisNameType
- /** Index into name table */
- def start: Int = index
- /** The next name in the same hash bucket. */
- def next: ThisNameType
- /** The length of this name. */
- final def length: Int = len
- final def isEmpty = length == 0
- final def nonEmpty = !isEmpty
- def nameKind: String
- def isTermName: Boolean
- def isTypeName: Boolean
- def toTermName: TermName
- def toTypeName: TypeName
- def companionName: Name
- def bothNames: List[Name] = List(toTermName, toTypeName)
- /** Return the subname with characters from from to to-1. */
- def subName(from: Int, to: Int): ThisNameType
- /** Return a new name of the same variety. */
- def newName(str: String): ThisNameType
- /** Return a new name based on string transformation. */
- def mapName(f: String => String): ThisNameType = newName(f(toString))
- /** Copy bytes of this name to buffer cs, starting at position `offset`. */
- final def copyChars(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int) =
- compat.Platform.arraycopy(chrs, index, cs, offset, len)
- /** @return the ascii representation of this name */
- final def toChars: Array[Char] = {
- val cs = new Array[Char](len)
- copyChars(cs, 0)
- cs
- }
- /** Write to UTF8 representation of this name to given character array.
- * Start copying to index `to`. Return index of next free byte in array.
- * Array must have enough remaining space for all bytes
- * (i.e. maximally 3*length bytes).
- */
- final def copyUTF8(bs: Array[Byte], offset: Int): Int = {
- val bytes = Codec.toUTF8(chrs, index, len)
- compat.Platform.arraycopy(bytes, 0, bs, offset, bytes.length)
- offset + bytes.length
- }
- /** @return the hash value of this name */
- final override def hashCode(): Int = index
- // Presently disabled.
- // override def equals(other: Any) = paranoidEquals(other)
- private def paranoidEquals(other: Any): Boolean = {
- val cmp = this eq other.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
- if (cmp || !nameDebug)
- return cmp
- other match {
- case x: String =>
- Console.println("Compared " + debugString + " and String '" + x + "'")
- case x: Name =>
- if (this.isTermName != x.isTermName) {
- val panic = this.toTermName == x.toTermName
- Console.println("Compared '%s' and '%s', one term, one type.%s".format(this, x,
- if (panic) " And they contain the same name string!"
- else ""
- ))
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- false
- }
- /** @return the i'th Char of this name */
- final def apply(i: Int): Char = chrs(index + i)
- /** @return the index of first occurrence of char c in this name, length if not found */
- final def pos(c: Char): Int = pos(c, 0)
- /** @return the index of first occurrence of char c in this name, length if not found */
- final def pos(s: String): Int = pos(s, 0)
- /** Returns the index of the first occurrence of character c in
- * this name from start, length if not found.
- *
- * @param c the character
- * @param start ...
- * @return the index of the first occurrence of c
- */
- final def pos(c: Char, start: Int): Int = {
- var i = start
- while (i < len && chrs(index + i) != c) i += 1
- i
- }
- /** Returns the index of the first occurrence of nonempty string s
- * in this name from start, length if not found.
- *
- * @param s the string
- * @param start ...
- * @return the index of the first occurrence of s
- */
- final def pos(s: String, start: Int): Int = {
- var i = pos(s.charAt(0), start)
- while (i + s.length() <= len) {
- var j = 1
- while (s.charAt(j) == chrs(index + i + j)) {
- j += 1
- if (j == s.length()) return i
- }
- i = pos(s.charAt(0), i + 1)
- }
- len
- }
- /** Returns the index of last occurrence of char c in this
- * name, -1 if not found.
- *
- * @param c the character
- * @return the index of the last occurrence of c
- */
- final def lastPos(c: Char): Int = lastPos(c, len - 1)
- final def lastPos(s: String): Int = lastPos(s, len - s.length)
- /** Returns the index of the last occurrence of char c in this
- * name from start, -1 if not found.
- *
- * @param c the character
- * @param start ...
- * @return the index of the last occurrence of c
- */
- final def lastPos(c: Char, start: Int): Int = {
- var i = start
- while (i >= 0 && chrs(index + i) != c) i -= 1
- i
- }
- /** Returns the index of the last occurrence of string s in this
- * name from start, -1 if not found.
- *
- * @param s the string
- * @param start ...
- * @return the index of the last occurrence of s
- */
- final def lastPos(s: String, start: Int): Int = {
- var i = lastPos(s.charAt(0), start)
- while (i >= 0) {
- var j = 1;
- while (s.charAt(j) == chrs(index + i + j)) {
- j += 1
- if (j == s.length()) return i;
- }
- i = lastPos(s.charAt(0), i - 1)
- }
- -s.length()
- }
- /** Does this name start with prefix? */
- final def startsWith(prefix: Name): Boolean = startsWith(prefix, 0)
- /** Does this name start with prefix at given start index? */
- final def startsWith(prefix: Name, start: Int): Boolean = {
- var i = 0
- while (i < prefix.length && start + i < len &&
- chrs(index + start + i) == chrs(prefix.start + i))
- i += 1;
- i == prefix.length
- }
- /** Does this name end with suffix? */
- final def endsWith(suffix: Name): Boolean = endsWith(suffix, len)
- /** Does this name end with suffix just before given end index? */
- final def endsWith(suffix: Name, end: Int): Boolean = {
- var i = 1
- while (i <= suffix.length && i <= end &&
- chrs(index + end - i) == chrs(suffix.start + suffix.length - i))
- i += 1;
- i > suffix.length
- }
- final def containsName(subname: String): Boolean = containsName(newTermName(subname))
- final def containsName(subname: Name): Boolean = {
- var start = 0
- val last = len - subname.length
- while (start <= last && !startsWith(subname, start)) start += 1
- start <= last
- }
- final def containsChar(ch: Char): Boolean = {
- var i = index
- val max = index + len
- while (i < max) {
- if (chrs(i) == ch)
- return true
- i += 1
- }
- false
- }
- /** Some thoroughly self-explanatory convenience functions. They
- * assume that what they're being asked to do is known to be valid.
- */
- final def startChar: Char = apply(0)
- final def endChar: Char = apply(len - 1)
- final def startsWith(char: Char): Boolean = len > 0 && startChar == char
- final def startsWith(name: String): Boolean = startsWith(newTermName(name))
- final def endsWith(char: Char): Boolean = len > 0 && endChar == char
- final def endsWith(name: String): Boolean = endsWith(newTermName(name))
- def dropRight(n: Int): ThisNameType = subName(0, len - n)
- def drop(n: Int): ThisNameType = subName(n, len)
- def stripSuffix(suffix: Name): ThisNameType =
- if (this endsWith suffix) dropRight(suffix.length) else thisName
- def indexOf(ch: Char) = {
- val idx = pos(ch)
- if (idx == length) -1 else idx
- }
- def indexOf(ch: Char, fromIndex: Int) = {
- val idx = pos(ch, fromIndex)
- if (idx == length) -1 else idx
- }
- def lastIndexOf(ch: Char) = lastPos(ch)
- def lastIndexOf(ch: Char, fromIndex: Int) = lastPos(ch, fromIndex)
- /** Replace all occurrences of `from` by `to` in
- * name; result is always a term name.
- */
- def replace(from: Char, to: Char): Name = {
- val cs = new Array[Char](len)
- var i = 0
- while (i < len) {
- val ch = this(i)
- cs(i) = if (ch == from) to else ch
- i += 1
- }
- newTermName(cs, 0, len)
- }
- /** TODO - reconcile/fix that encode returns a Name but
- * decode returns a String.
- */
- /** !!! Duplicative but consistently named.
- */
- def decoded: String = decode
- def encoded: String = "" + encode
- // def decodedName: ThisNameType = newName(decoded)
- def encodedName: ThisNameType = encode
- /** Replace operator symbols by corresponding \$op_name. */
- def encode: ThisNameType = {
- val str = toString
- val res = NameTransformer.encode(str)
- if (res == str) thisName else newName(res)
- }
- /** Replace \$op_name by corresponding operator symbol. */
- def decode: String = {
- if (this containsChar '$') {
- val str = toString
- val res = NameTransformer.decode(str)
- if (res == str) str
- else res
- }
- else toString
- }
- /** TODO - find some efficiency. */
- def append(ch: Char) = newName("" + this + ch)
- def append(suffix: String) = newName("" + this + suffix)
- def append(suffix: Name) = newName("" + this + suffix)
- def prepend(ch: Char) = newName("" + ch + this)
- def prepend(prefix: String) = newName("" + prefix + this)
- def prepend(prefix: Name) = newName("" + prefix + this)
- def decodedName: ThisNameType = newName(decode)
- def isOperatorName: Boolean = decode != toString
- def longString: String = nameKind + " " + decode
- def debugString = { val s = decode ; if (isTypeName) s + "!" else s }
- }
- implicit val NameTag = ClassTag[Name](classOf[Name])
- /** A name that contains no operator chars nor dollar signs.
- * TODO - see if it's any faster to do something along these lines.
- * Cute: now that exhaustivity kind of works, the mere presence of
- * this trait causes TermName and TypeName to stop being exhaustive.
- * Commented out.
- */
- // trait AlphaNumName extends Name {
- // final override def encode = thisName
- // final override def decodedName = thisName
- // final override def decode = toString
- // final override def isOperatorName = false
- // }
- /** TermName_S and TypeName_S have fields containing the string version of the name.
- * TermName_R and TypeName_R recreate it each time toString is called.
- */
- private class TermName_S(index0: Int, len0: Int, hash: Int, override val toString: String) extends TermName(index0, len0, hash) {
- protected def createCompanionName(h: Int): TypeName = new TypeName_S(index, len, h, toString)
- override def newName(str: String): TermName = newTermNameCached(str)
- }
- private class TypeName_S(index0: Int, len0: Int, hash: Int, override val toString: String) extends TypeName(index0, len0, hash) {
- protected def createCompanionName(h: Int): TermName = new TermName_S(index, len, h, toString)
- override def newName(str: String): TypeName = newTypeNameCached(str)
- }
- private class TermName_R(index0: Int, len0: Int, hash: Int) extends TermName(index0, len0, hash) {
- protected def createCompanionName(h: Int): TypeName = new TypeName_R(index, len, h)
- override def toString = new String(chrs, index, len)
- }
- private class TypeName_R(index0: Int, len0: Int, hash: Int) extends TypeName(index0, len0, hash) {
- protected def createCompanionName(h: Int): TermName = new TermName_R(index, len, h)
- override def toString = new String(chrs, index, len)
- }
- sealed abstract class TermName(index0: Int, len0: Int, hash: Int) extends Name(index0, len0) {
- type ThisNameType = TermName
- protected[this] def thisName: TermName = this
- var next: TermName = termHashtable(hash)
- termHashtable(hash) = this
- def isTermName: Boolean = true
- def isTypeName: Boolean = false
- def toTermName: TermName = this
- def toTypeName: TypeName = {
- val h = hashValue(chrs, index, len) & HASH_MASK
- var n = typeHashtable(h)
- while ((n ne null) && n.start != index)
- n =
- if (n ne null) n
- else createCompanionName(h)
- }
- def newName(str: String): TermName = newTermName(str)
- def companionName: TypeName = toTypeName
- def subName(from: Int, to: Int): TermName =
- newTermName(chrs, start + from, to - from)
- def nameKind = "term"
- protected def createCompanionName(h: Int): TypeName
- }
- implicit val TermNameTag = ClassTag[TermName](classOf[TermName])
- sealed abstract class TypeName(index0: Int, len0: Int, hash: Int) extends Name(index0, len0) {
- type ThisNameType = TypeName
- protected[this] def thisName: TypeName = this
- var next: TypeName = typeHashtable(hash)
- typeHashtable(hash) = this
- def isTermName: Boolean = false
- def isTypeName: Boolean = true
- def toTermName: TermName = {
- val h = hashValue(chrs, index, len) & HASH_MASK
- var n = termHashtable(h)
- while ((n ne null) && n.start != index)
- n =
- if (n ne null) n
- else createCompanionName(h)
- }
- def toTypeName: TypeName = this
- def newName(str: String): TypeName = newTypeName(str)
- def companionName: TermName = toTermName
- def subName(from: Int, to: Int): TypeName =
- newTypeName(chrs, start + from, to - from)
- def nameKind = "type"
- override def decode = if (nameDebug) super.decode + "!" else super.decode
- protected def createCompanionName(h: Int): TermName
- }
- implicit val TypeNameTag = ClassTag[TypeName](classOf[TypeName])
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Phase.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Phase.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 68dc5ce783..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Phase.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-abstract class Phase(val prev: Phase) {
- if ((prev ne null) && (prev ne NoPhase))
- prev.nx = this
- type Id = Int
- val id: Id = if (prev eq null) 0 else + 1
- /** New flags visible after this phase has completed */
- def nextFlags: Long = 0l
- /** New flags visible once this phase has started */
- def newFlags: Long = 0l
- val fmask = (
- if (prev eq null) Flags.InitialFlags
- else prev.flagMask | prev.nextFlags | newFlags
- )
- def flagMask: Long = fmask
- private var nx: Phase = this
- def next: Phase = nx
- def hasNext = next != this
- def iterator = Iterator.iterate(this)( takeWhile (p => != p)
- def name: String
- def description: String = name
- // Will running with -Ycheck:name work?
- def checkable: Boolean = true
- def specialized: Boolean = false
- def erasedTypes: Boolean = false
- def flatClasses: Boolean = false
- def refChecked: Boolean = false
- /** This is used only in unsafeTypeParams, and at this writing is
- * overridden to false in parser, namer, typer, and erasure. (And NoPhase.)
- */
- def keepsTypeParams = true
- def run(): Unit
- override def toString() = name
- override def hashCode = id.## + name.##
- override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
- case x: Phase => id == && name ==
- case _ => false
- }
-object NoPhase extends Phase(null) {
- def name = "<no phase>"
- override def keepsTypeParams = false
- def run() { throw new Error("") }
-object SomePhase extends Phase(NoPhase) {
- def name = "<some phase>"
- def run() { throw new Error("") }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Positions.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Positions.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ae9b40fcb..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Positions.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-trait Positions extends api.Positions { self: SymbolTable =>
- type Position = scala.reflect.internal.util.Position
- val NoPosition = scala.reflect.internal.util.NoPosition
- implicit val PositionTag = ClassTag[Position](classOf[Position])
- /** A position that wraps a set of trees.
- * The point of the wrapping position is the point of the default position.
- * If some of the trees are ranges, returns a range position enclosing all ranges
- * Otherwise returns default position.
- */
- def wrappingPos(default: Position, trees: List[Tree]): Position = default
- /** A position that wraps the non-empty set of trees.
- * The point of the wrapping position is the point of the first trees' position.
- * If all some the trees are non-synthetic, returns a range position enclosing the non-synthetic trees
- * Otherwise returns a synthetic offset position to point.
- */
- def wrappingPos(trees: List[Tree]): Position = trees.head.pos
- /** Ensure that given tree has no positions that overlap with
- * any of the positions of `others`. This is done by
- * shortening the range or assigning TransparentPositions
- * to some of the nodes in `tree`.
- */
- def ensureNonOverlapping(tree: Tree, others: List[Tree]) {}
- trait PosAssigner extends Traverser {
- var pos: Position
- }
- protected[this] lazy val posAssigner: PosAssigner = new DefaultPosAssigner
- protected class DefaultPosAssigner extends PosAssigner {
- var pos: Position = _
- override def traverse(t: Tree) {
- if (t eq EmptyTree) ()
- else if (t.pos == NoPosition) {
- t.setPos(pos)
- super.traverse(t) // TODO: bug? shouldn't the traverse be outside of the if?
- // @PP: it's pruning whenever it encounters a node with a
- // position, which I interpret to mean that (in the author's
- // mind at least) either the children of a positioned node will
- // already be positioned, or the children of a positioned node
- // do not merit positioning.
- //
- // Whatever the author's rationale, it does seem like a bad idea
- // to press on through a positioned node to find unpositioned
- // children beneath it and then to assign whatever happens to
- // be in `pos` to such nodes. There are supposed to be some
- // position invariants which I can't imagine surviving that.
- }
- }
- }
- def atPos[T <: Tree](pos: Position)(tree: T): T = {
- posAssigner.pos = pos
- posAssigner.traverse(tree)
- tree
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Required.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Required.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index abbe8fbfb7..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Required.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-import settings.MutableSettings
-trait Required { self: SymbolTable =>
- type AbstractFileType >: Null <: AbstractFileApi
- def picklerPhase: Phase
- def settings: MutableSettings
- def forInteractive: Boolean
- def forScaladoc: Boolean
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Scopes.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Scopes.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index ceacd2afb0..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Scopes.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-trait Scopes extends api.Scopes { self: SymbolTable =>
- class ScopeEntry(val sym: Symbol, val owner: Scope) {
- /** the next entry in the hash bucket
- */
- var tail: ScopeEntry = null
- /** the next entry in this scope
- */
- var next: ScopeEntry = null
- override def hashCode(): Int =
- override def toString(): String = sym.toString()
- }
- /**
- * @param sym ...
- * @param owner ...
- * @return ...
- */
- private def newScopeEntry(sym: Symbol, owner: Scope): ScopeEntry = {
- val e = new ScopeEntry(sym, owner)
- = owner.elems
- owner.elems = e
- e
- }
- object Scope {
- def unapplySeq(decls: Scope): Some[Seq[Symbol]] = Some(decls.toList)
- }
- /** Note: constructor is protected to force everyone to use the factory methods newScope or newNestedScope instead.
- * This is necessary because when run from reflection every scope needs to have a
- * SynchronizedScope as mixin.
- */
- class Scope protected[Scopes] (initElems: ScopeEntry = null) extends Iterable[Symbol] {
- protected[Scopes] def this(base: Scope) = {
- this(base.elems)
- nestinglevel = base.nestinglevel + 1
- }
- private[scala] var elems: ScopeEntry = initElems
- /** The number of times this scope is nested in another
- */
- private var nestinglevel = 0
- /** the hash table
- */
- private var hashtable: Array[ScopeEntry] = null
- /** a cache for all elements, to be used by symbol iterator.
- */
- private var elemsCache: List[Symbol] = null
- /** size and mask of hash tables
- * todo: make hashtables grow?
- */
- private val HASHSIZE = 0x80
- private val HASHMASK = 0x7f
- /** the threshold number of entries from which a hashtable is constructed.
- */
- private val MIN_HASH = 8
- if (size >= MIN_HASH) createHash()
- /** Returns a new scope with the same content as this one. */
- def cloneScope: Scope = newScopeWith(this.toList: _*)
- /** is the scope empty? */
- override def isEmpty: Boolean = elems eq null
- /** the number of entries in this scope */
- override def size: Int = {
- var s = 0
- var e = elems
- while (e ne null) {
- s += 1
- e =
- }
- s
- }
- /** enter a scope entry
- *
- * @param e ...
- */
- protected def enter(e: ScopeEntry) {
- elemsCache = null
- if (hashtable ne null)
- enterInHash(e)
- else if (size >= MIN_HASH)
- createHash()
- }
- private def enterInHash(e: ScopeEntry): Unit = {
- val i = & HASHMASK
- e.tail = hashtable(i)
- hashtable(i) = e
- }
- /** enter a symbol
- *
- * @param sym ...
- */
- def enter[T <: Symbol](sym: T): T = { enter(newScopeEntry(sym, this)); sym }
- /** enter a symbol, asserting that no symbol with same name exists in scope
- *
- * @param sym ...
- */
- def enterUnique(sym: Symbol) {
- assert(lookup( == NoSymbol, (sym.fullLocationString, lookup(
- enter(sym)
- }
- private def createHash() {
- hashtable = new Array[ScopeEntry](HASHSIZE)
- enterAllInHash(elems)
- }
- private def enterAllInHash(e: ScopeEntry, n: Int = 0) {
- if (e ne null) {
- if (n < maxRecursions) {
- enterAllInHash(, n + 1)
- enterInHash(e)
- } else {
- var entries: List[ScopeEntry] = List()
- var ee = e
- while (ee ne null) {
- entries = ee :: entries
- ee =
- }
- entries foreach enterInHash
- }
- }
- }
- def rehash(sym: Symbol, newname: Name) {
- if (hashtable ne null) {
- val index = & HASHMASK
- var e1 = hashtable(index)
- var e: ScopeEntry = null
- if (e1 != null) {
- if (e1.sym == sym) {
- hashtable(index) = e1.tail
- e = e1
- } else {
- while (e1.tail != null && e1.tail.sym != sym) e1 = e1.tail
- if (e1.tail != null) {
- e = e1.tail
- e1.tail = e.tail
- }
- }
- }
- if (e != null) {
- val newindex = newname.start & HASHMASK
- e.tail = hashtable(newindex)
- hashtable(newindex) = e
- }
- }
- }
- /** remove entry
- *
- * @param e ...
- */
- def unlink(e: ScopeEntry) {
- if (elems == e) {
- elems =
- } else {
- var e1 = elems
- while ( != e) e1 =
- =
- }
- if (hashtable ne null) {
- val index = & HASHMASK
- var e1 = hashtable(index)
- if (e1 == e) {
- hashtable(index) = e.tail
- } else {
- while (e1.tail != e) e1 = e1.tail;
- e1.tail = e.tail
- }
- }
- elemsCache = null
- }
- /** remove symbol */
- def unlink(sym: Symbol) {
- var e = lookupEntry(
- while (e ne null) {
- if (e.sym == sym) unlink(e);
- e = lookupNextEntry(e)
- }
- }
- /** lookup a symbol
- *
- * @param name ...
- * @return ...
- */
- def lookup(name: Name): Symbol = {
- val e = lookupEntry(name)
- if (e eq null) NoSymbol else e.sym
- }
- /** Returns an iterator yielding every symbol with given name in this scope.
- */
- def lookupAll(name: Name): Iterator[Symbol] = new Iterator[Symbol] {
- var e = lookupEntry(name)
- def hasNext: Boolean = e ne null
- def next(): Symbol = { val r = e.sym; e = lookupNextEntry(e); r }
- }
- /** lookup a symbol entry matching given name.
- * @note from Martin: I believe this is a hotspot or will be one
- * in future versions of the type system. I have reverted the previous
- * change to use iterators as too costly.
- */
- def lookupEntry(name: Name): ScopeEntry = {
- var e: ScopeEntry = null
- if (hashtable ne null) {
- e = hashtable(name.start & HASHMASK)
- while ((e ne null) && != name) {
- e = e.tail
- }
- } else {
- e = elems
- while ((e ne null) && != name) {
- e =
- }
- }
- e
- }
- /** lookup next entry with same name as this one
- * @note from Martin: I believe this is a hotspot or will be one
- * in future versions of the type system. I have reverted the previous
- * change to use iterators as too costly.
- */
- def lookupNextEntry(entry: ScopeEntry): ScopeEntry = {
- var e = entry
- if (hashtable ne null)
- do { e = e.tail } while ((e ne null) && !=
- else
- do { e = } while ((e ne null) && !=;
- e
- }
- /** Return all symbols as a list in the order they were entered in this scope.
- */
- override def toList: List[Symbol] = {
- if (elemsCache eq null) {
- elemsCache = Nil
- var e = elems
- while ((e ne null) && e.owner == this) {
- elemsCache = e.sym :: elemsCache
- e =
- }
- }
- elemsCache
- }
- /** Return the nesting level of this scope, i.e. the number of times this scope
- * was nested in another */
- def nestingLevel = nestinglevel
- /** Return all symbols as an iterator in the order they were entered in this scope.
- */
- def iterator: Iterator[Symbol] = toList.iterator
- /** Does this scope contain an entry for `sym`?
- */
- def contains(sym: Symbol): Boolean = lookupAll( contains sym
- /** A scope that contains all symbols of this scope and that also contains `sym`.
- */
- def +(sym: Symbol): Scope =
- if (contains(sym)) this
- else {
- val result = cloneScope
- result enter sym
- result
- }
- /** A scope that contains all symbols of this scope except `sym`.
- */
- def -(sym: Symbol): Scope =
- if (!contains(sym)) this
- else {
- val result = cloneScope
- result unlink sym
- result
- }
- override def foreach[U](p: Symbol => U): Unit = toList foreach p
- override def filter(p: Symbol => Boolean): Scope =
- if (!(toList forall p)) newScopeWith(toList filter p: _*) else this
- override def mkString(start: String, sep: String, end: String) =
-, sep, end)
- override def toString(): String = mkString("Scope{\n ", ";\n ", "\n}")
- }
- implicit val ScopeTag = ClassTag[Scope](classOf[Scope])
- /** Create a new scope */
- def newScope: Scope = new Scope()
- /** Create a new scope nested in another one with which it shares its elements */
- def newNestedScope(outer: Scope): Scope = new Scope(outer)
- /** Create a new scope with given initial elements */
- def newScopeWith(elems: Symbol*): Scope = {
- val scope = newScope
- elems foreach scope.enter
- scope
- }
- /** Create new scope for the members of package `pkg` */
- def newPackageScope(pkgClass: Symbol): Scope = newScope
- /** Transform scope of members of `owner` using operation `op`
- * This is overridden by the reflective compiler to avoid creating new scopes for packages
- */
- def scopeTransform(owner: Symbol)(op: => Scope): Scope = op
- /** The empty scope (immutable).
- */
- object EmptyScope extends Scope {
- override def enter(e: ScopeEntry) {
- abort("EmptyScope.enter")
- }
- }
- /** The error scope.
- */
- class ErrorScope(owner: Symbol) extends Scope
- private final val maxRecursions = 1000
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/StdAttachments.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/StdAttachments.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ea9b27da9..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/StdAttachments.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-trait StdAttachments {
- self: SymbolTable =>
- case object BackquotedIdentifierAttachment
- case class CompoundTypeTreeOriginalAttachment(parents: List[Tree], stats: List[Tree])
- case class MacroExpansionAttachment(original: Tree)
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/StdCreators.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/StdCreators.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e6b7c1ab4..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/StdCreators.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-import scala.reflect.base.{TreeCreator, TypeCreator}
-import scala.reflect.base.{Universe => BaseUniverse}
-trait StdCreators {
- self: SymbolTable =>
- case class FixedMirrorTreeCreator(mirror: MirrorOf[StdCreators.this.type], tree: Tree) extends TreeCreator {
- def apply[U <: BaseUniverse with Singleton](m: MirrorOf[U]): U # Tree =
- if (m eq mirror) tree.asInstanceOf[U # Tree]
- else throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Expr defined in $mirror cannot be migrated to other mirrors.")
- }
- case class FixedMirrorTypeCreator(mirror: MirrorOf[StdCreators.this.type], tpe: Type) extends TypeCreator {
- def apply[U <: BaseUniverse with Singleton](m: MirrorOf[U]): U # Type =
- if (m eq mirror) tpe.asInstanceOf[U # Type]
- else throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Type tag defined in $mirror cannot be migrated to other mirrors.")
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/StdNames.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/StdNames.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f68b8f63a..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/StdNames.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1218 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-import Chars.isOperatorPart
-import annotation.switch
-import language.implicitConversions
-import scala.collection.immutable
-trait StdNames {
- self: SymbolTable =>
- def encode(str: String): TermName = newTermNameCached(NameTransformer.encode(str))
- implicit def lowerTermNames(n: TermName): String = n.toString
- /** Tensions: would like the keywords to be the very first names entered into the names
- * storage so their ids count from 0, which simplifies the parser. Switched to abstract
- * classes to avoid all the indirection which is generated with implementation-containing
- * traits. Since all these classes use eager vals, that means the constructor with the
- * keywords must run first. If it's the top in the superclass chain, then CommonNames
- * must inherit from it, which means TypeNames would inherit keywords as well.
- *
- * Solution: Keywords extends CommonNames and uses early defs to beat the
- * CommonNames constructor out of the starting gate. This is its builder.
- */
- private class KeywordSetBuilder {
- private var kws: Set[TermName] = Set()
- def apply(s: String): TermName = {
- val result = newTermNameCached(s)
- kws = kws + result
- result
- }
- def result: Set[TermName] = {
- val result = kws
- kws = null
- result
- }
- }
- private final object compactify extends (String => String) {
- val md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5")
- /**
- *
- * The hashed name has the form (prefix + marker + md5 + marker + suffix), where
- * - prefix/suffix.length = MaxNameLength / 4
- * - md5.length = 32
- *
- * We obtain the formula:
- *
- * FileNameLength = 2*(MaxNameLength / 4) + 2.marker.length + 32 + 6
- *
- * (+6 for ".class"). MaxNameLength can therefore be computed as follows:
- */
- val marker = "$$$$"
- val MaxNameLength = math.min(
- settings.maxClassfileName.value - 6,
- 2 * (settings.maxClassfileName.value - 6 - 2*marker.length - 32)
- )
- def toMD5(s: String, edge: Int): String = {
- val prefix = s take edge
- val suffix = s takeRight edge
- val cs = s.toArray
- val bytes = Codec toUTF8 cs
- md5 update bytes
- val md5chars = (md5.digest() map (b => (b & 0xFF).toHexString)).mkString
- prefix + marker + md5chars + marker + suffix
- }
- def apply(s: String): String = (
- if (s.length <= MaxNameLength) s
- else toMD5(s, MaxNameLength / 4)
- )
- }
- abstract class CommonNames extends NamesApi {
- type NameType >: Null <: Name
- protected implicit def createNameType(name: String): NameType
- def flattenedName(segments: Name*): NameType =
- compactify(segments mkString NAME_JOIN_STRING)
- val NAME_JOIN_STRING: String = NameTransformer.NAME_JOIN_STRING
- val SINGLETON_SUFFIX: String = ".type"
- val ANON_CLASS_NAME: NameType = "$anon"
- val ANON_FUN_NAME: NameType = "$anonfun"
- val EMPTY: NameType = ""
- val EMPTY_PACKAGE_NAME: NameType = "<empty>"
- val IMPL_CLASS_SUFFIX = "$class"
- val IMPORT: NameType = "<import>"
- val MODULE_VAR_SUFFIX: NameType = "$module"
- val PACKAGE: NameType = "package"
- val ROOT: NameType = "<root>"
- val SPECIALIZED_SUFFIX: NameType = "$sp"
- // value types (and AnyRef) are all used as terms as well
- // as (at least) arguments to the @specialize annotation.
- final val Boolean: NameType = "Boolean"
- final val Byte: NameType = "Byte"
- final val Char: NameType = "Char"
- final val Double: NameType = "Double"
- final val Float: NameType = "Float"
- final val Int: NameType = "Int"
- final val Long: NameType = "Long"
- final val Short: NameType = "Short"
- final val Unit: NameType = "Unit"
- final val ScalaValueNames: scala.List[NameType] =
- scala.List(Byte, Char, Short, Int, Long, Float, Double, Boolean, Unit)
- // some types whose companions we utilize
- final val AnyRef: NameType = "AnyRef"
- final val Array: NameType = "Array"
- final val List: NameType = "List"
- final val Seq: NameType = "Seq"
- final val Symbol: NameType = "Symbol"
- final val ClassTag: NameType = "ClassTag"
- final val TypeTag : NameType = "TypeTag"
- final val ConcreteTypeTag: NameType = "ConcreteTypeTag"
- final val Expr: NameType = "Expr"
- final val String: NameType = "String"
- // fictions we use as both types and terms
- final val ERROR: NameType = "<error>"
- final val NO_NAME: NameType = "<none>" // formerly NOSYMBOL
- final val WILDCARD: NameType = "_"
- }
- /** This should be the first trait in the linearization. */
- // abstract class Keywords extends CommonNames {
- abstract class Keywords extends {
- private val kw = new KeywordSetBuilder
- final val ABSTRACTkw: TermName = kw("abstract")
- final val CASEkw: TermName = kw("case")
- final val CLASSkw: TermName = kw("class")
- final val CATCHkw: TermName = kw("catch")
- final val DEFkw: TermName = kw("def")
- final val DOkw: TermName = kw("do")
- final val ELSEkw: TermName = kw("else")
- final val EXTENDSkw: TermName = kw("extends")
- final val FALSEkw: TermName = kw("false")
- final val FINALkw: TermName = kw("final")
- final val FINALLYkw: TermName = kw("finally")
- final val FORkw: TermName = kw("for")
- final val FORSOMEkw: TermName = kw("forSome")
- final val IFkw: TermName = kw("if")
- final val IMPLICITkw: TermName = kw("implicit")
- final val IMPORTkw: TermName = kw("import")
- final val LAZYkw: TermName = kw("lazy")
- final val MACROkw: TermName = kw("macro")
- final val MATCHkw: TermName = kw("match")
- final val NEWkw: TermName = kw("new")
- final val NULLkw: TermName = kw("null")
- final val OBJECTkw: TermName = kw("object")
- final val OVERRIDEkw: TermName = kw("override")
- final val PACKAGEkw: TermName = kw("package")
- final val PRIVATEkw: TermName = kw("private")
- final val PROTECTEDkw: TermName = kw("protected")
- final val RETURNkw: TermName = kw("return")
- final val SEALEDkw: TermName = kw("sealed")
- final val SUPERkw: TermName = kw("super")
- final val THENkw: TermName = kw("then")
- final val THISkw: TermName = kw("this")
- final val THROWkw: TermName = kw("throw")
- final val TRAITkw: TermName = kw("trait")
- final val TRUEkw: TermName = kw("true")
- final val TRYkw: TermName = kw("try")
- final val TYPEkw: TermName = kw("type")
- final val VALkw: TermName = kw("val")
- final val VARkw: TermName = kw("var")
- final val WITHkw: TermName = kw("with")
- final val WHILEkw: TermName = kw("while")
- final val YIELDkw: TermName = kw("yield")
- final val DOTkw: TermName = kw(".")
- final val USCOREkw: TermName = kw("_")
- final val COLONkw: TermName = kw(":")
- final val EQUALSkw: TermName = kw("=")
- final val ARROWkw: TermName = kw("=>")
- final val LARROWkw: TermName = kw("<-")
- final val SUBTYPEkw: TermName = kw("<:")
- final val VIEWBOUNDkw: TermName = kw("<%")
- final val SUPERTYPEkw: TermName = kw(">:")
- final val HASHkw: TermName = kw("#")
- final val ATkw: TermName = kw("@")
- final val keywords = kw.result
- } with CommonNames {
- final val javaKeywords = new JavaKeywords()
- }
- abstract class TypeNames extends Keywords with TypeNamesApi {
- type NameType = TypeName
- protected implicit def createNameType(name: String): TypeName = newTypeNameCached(name)
- final val BYNAME_PARAM_CLASS_NAME: NameType = "<byname>"
- final val EQUALS_PATTERN_NAME: NameType = "<equals>"
- final val JAVA_REPEATED_PARAM_CLASS_NAME: NameType = "<repeated...>"
- final val LOCAL_CHILD: NameType = "<local child>"
- final val REFINE_CLASS_NAME: NameType = "<refinement>"
- final val REPEATED_PARAM_CLASS_NAME: NameType = "<repeated>"
- final val WILDCARD_STAR: NameType = "_*"
- final val REIFY_TREECREATOR_PREFIX: NameType = "$treecreator"
- final val REIFY_TYPECREATOR_PREFIX: NameType = "$typecreator"
- final val Any: NameType = "Any"
- final val AnyVal: NameType = "AnyVal"
- final val ExprApi: NameType = "ExprApi"
- final val Mirror: NameType = "Mirror"
- final val Nothing: NameType = "Nothing"
- final val Null: NameType = "Null"
- final val Object: NameType = "Object"
- final val PartialFunction: NameType = "PartialFunction"
- final val PrefixType: NameType = "PrefixType"
- final val Product: NameType = "Product"
- final val Serializable: NameType = "Serializable"
- final val Singleton: NameType = "Singleton"
- final val Throwable: NameType = "Throwable"
- final val Annotation: NameType = "Annotation"
- final val ClassfileAnnotation: NameType = "ClassfileAnnotation"
- final val Enum: NameType = "Enum"
- final val Group: NameType = "Group"
- final val Tree: NameType = "Tree"
- final val Type : NameType = "Type"
- final val TypeTree: NameType = "TypeTree"
- // Annotation simple names, used in Namer
- final val BeanPropertyAnnot: NameType = "BeanProperty"
- final val BooleanBeanPropertyAnnot: NameType = "BooleanBeanProperty"
- final val bridgeAnnot: NameType = "bridge"
- // Classfile Attributes
- final val AnnotationDefaultATTR: NameType = "AnnotationDefault"
- final val BridgeATTR: NameType = "Bridge"
- final val ClassfileAnnotationATTR: NameType = "RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations" // RetentionPolicy.CLASS. Currently not used (Apr 2009).
- final val CodeATTR: NameType = "Code"
- final val ConstantValueATTR: NameType = "ConstantValue"
- final val DeprecatedATTR: NameType = "Deprecated"
- final val ExceptionsATTR: NameType = "Exceptions"
- final val InnerClassesATTR: NameType = "InnerClasses"
- final val LineNumberTableATTR: NameType = "LineNumberTable"
- final val LocalVariableTableATTR: NameType = "LocalVariableTable"
- final val RuntimeAnnotationATTR: NameType = "RuntimeVisibleAnnotations" // RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME
- final val RuntimeParamAnnotationATTR: NameType = "RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations" // RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME (annotations on parameters)
- final val ScalaATTR: NameType = "Scala"
- final val ScalaSignatureATTR: NameType = "ScalaSig"
- final val SignatureATTR: NameType = "Signature"
- final val SourceFileATTR: NameType = "SourceFile"
- final val SyntheticATTR: NameType = "Synthetic"
- def dropSingletonName(name: Name): TypeName = (name dropRight SINGLETON_SUFFIX.length).toTypeName
- def singletonName(name: Name): TypeName = (name append SINGLETON_SUFFIX).toTypeName
- def implClassName(name: Name): TypeName = (name append IMPL_CLASS_SUFFIX).toTypeName
- def interfaceName(implname: Name): TypeName = (implname dropRight IMPL_CLASS_SUFFIX.length).toTypeName
- }
- abstract class TermNames extends Keywords with TermNamesApi {
- type NameType = TermName
- protected implicit def createNameType(name: String): TermName = newTermNameCached(name)
- /** Base strings from which synthetic names are derived. */
- val BITMAP_PREFIX = "bitmap$"
- val CHECK_IF_REFUTABLE_STRING = "check$ifrefutable$"
- val DEFAULT_GETTER_STRING = "$default$"
- val DEFAULT_GETTER_INIT_STRING = "$lessinit$greater" // CONSTRUCTOR.encoded, less is more
- val DO_WHILE_PREFIX = "doWhile$"
- val EVIDENCE_PARAM_PREFIX = "evidence$"
- val EXCEPTION_RESULT_PREFIX = "exceptionResult"
- val LOCALDUMMY_PREFIX = "<local " // owner of local blocks
- val PROTECTED_PREFIX = "protected$"
- val SUPER_PREFIX_STRING = "super$"
- val WHILE_PREFIX = "while$"
- // Compiler internal names
- val ANYNAME: NameType = "<anyname>"
- val CONSTRUCTOR: NameType = "<init>"
- val EQEQ_LOCAL_VAR: NameType = "eqEqTemp$"
- val FAKE_LOCAL_THIS: NameType = "this$"
- val INITIALIZER: NameType = CONSTRUCTOR // Is this buying us something?
- val LAZY_LOCAL: NameType = "$lzy"
- val LAZY_SLOW_SUFFIX: NameType = "$lzycompute"
- val UNIVERSE_BUILD_PREFIX: NameType = "$"
- val UNIVERSE_BUILD: NameType = "$"
- val UNIVERSE_PREFIX: NameType = "$u."
- val UNIVERSE_SHORT: NameType = "$u"
- val MIRROR_PREFIX: NameType = "$m."
- val MIRROR_SHORT: NameType = "$m"
- val MIRROR_UNTYPED: NameType = "$m$untyped"
- val REIFY_FREE_PREFIX: NameType = "free$"
- val REIFY_FREE_THIS_SUFFIX: NameType = "$this"
- val REIFY_FREE_VALUE_SUFFIX: NameType = "$value"
- val REIFY_SYMDEF_PREFIX: NameType = "symdef$"
- val MIXIN_CONSTRUCTOR: NameType = "$init$"
- val OUTER: NameType = "$outer"
- val OUTER_LOCAL: NameType = OUTER + LOCAL_SUFFIX_STRING // "$outer ", note the space
- val OUTER_SYNTH: NameType = "<outer>" // emitted by virtual pattern matcher, replaced by outer accessor in explicitouter
- val ROOTPKG: NameType = "_root_"
- val SELECTOR_DUMMY: NameType = "<unapply-selector>"
- val SELF: NameType = "$this"
- val SETTER_SUFFIX: NameType = encode("_=")
- val SPECIALIZED_INSTANCE: NameType = "specInstance$"
- val STAR: NameType = "*"
- val THIS: NameType = "_$this"
- @deprecated("Use SPECIALIZED_SUFFIX", "2.10.0")
- @deprecated("Use SPECIALIZED_SUFFIX", "2.10.0")
- def isConstructorName(name: Name) = name == CONSTRUCTOR || name == MIXIN_CONSTRUCTOR
- def isExceptionResultName(name: Name) = name startsWith EXCEPTION_RESULT_PREFIX
- def isImplClassName(name: Name) = name endsWith IMPL_CLASS_SUFFIX
- def isLocalDummyName(name: Name) = name startsWith LOCALDUMMY_PREFIX
- def isLocalName(name: Name) = name endsWith LOCAL_SUFFIX_STRING
- def isLoopHeaderLabel(name: Name) = (name startsWith WHILE_PREFIX) || (name startsWith DO_WHILE_PREFIX)
- def isProtectedAccessorName(name: Name) = name startsWith PROTECTED_PREFIX
- def isSuperAccessorName(name: Name) = name startsWith SUPER_PREFIX_STRING
- def isReplWrapperName(name: Name) = name containsName INTERPRETER_IMPORT_WRAPPER
- def isSetterName(name: Name) = name endsWith SETTER_SUFFIX
- def isTraitSetterName(name: Name) = isSetterName(name) && (name containsName TRAIT_SETTER_SEPARATOR_STRING)
- def isSingletonName(name: Name) = name endsWith SINGLETON_SUFFIX
- def isModuleName(name: Name) = name endsWith MODULE_SUFFIX_NAME
- def isDeprecatedIdentifierName(name: Name) = name.toTermName match {
- case nme.`then` | nme.`macro` => true
- case _ => false
- }
- def isOpAssignmentName(name: Name) = name match {
- case raw.NE | raw.LE | raw.GE | EMPTY => false
- case _ =>
- name.endChar == '=' && name.startChar != '=' && isOperatorPart(name.startChar)
- }
- /** The expanded name of `name` relative to this class `base` with given `separator`
- */
- def expandedName(name: TermName, base: Symbol, separator: String = EXPAND_SEPARATOR_STRING): TermName =
- newTermNameCached(base.fullName('$') + separator + name)
- /** The expanded setter name of `name` relative to this class `base`
- */
- def expandedSetterName(name: TermName, base: Symbol): TermName =
- expandedName(name, base, separator = TRAIT_SETTER_SEPARATOR_STRING)
- /** If `name` is an expandedName name, the original name.
- * Otherwise `name` itself.
- */
- def originalName(name: Name): Name = {
- var i = name.length
- while (i >= 2 && !(name(i - 1) == '$' && name(i - 2) == '$')) i -= 1
- if (i >= 2) {
- while (i >= 3 && name(i - 3) == '$') i -= 1
- name.subName(i, name.length)
- } else name
- }
- def unspecializedName(name: Name): Name = (
- if (name endsWith SPECIALIZED_SUFFIX)
- name.subName(0, name.lastIndexOf('m') - 1)
- else name
- )
- /*
- def anonNumberSuffix(name: Name): Name = {
- ("" + name) lastIndexOf '$' match {
- case -1 => nme.EMPTY
- case idx =>
- val s = name drop idx
- if (s.toString forall (_.isDigit)) s
- else nme.EMPTY
- }
- }
- */
- /** Return the original name and the types on which this name
- * is specialized. For example,
- * {{{
- * splitSpecializedName("foo$mIcD$sp") == ('foo', "I", "D")
- * }}}
- * `foo$mIcD$sp` is the name of a method specialized on two type
- * parameters, the first one belonging to the method itself, on Int,
- * and another one belonging to the enclosing class, on Double.
- */
- def splitSpecializedName(name: Name): (Name, String, String) =
- if (name endsWith SPECIALIZED_SUFFIX) {
- val name1 = name dropRight SPECIALIZED_SUFFIX.length
- val idxC = name1 lastIndexOf 'c'
- val idxM = name1 lastIndexOf 'm'
- (name1.subName(0, idxM - 1),
- name1.subName(idxC + 1, name1.length).toString,
- name1.subName(idxM + 1, idxC).toString)
- } else
- (name, "", "")
- def getterName(name: TermName): TermName = if (isLocalName(name)) localToGetter(name) else name
- def getterToLocal(name: TermName): TermName = name append LOCAL_SUFFIX_STRING
- def getterToSetter(name: TermName): TermName = name append SETTER_SUFFIX
- def localToGetter(name: TermName): TermName = name dropRight LOCAL_SUFFIX_STRING.length
- def dropLocalSuffix(name: Name): Name = if (name endsWith ' ') name dropRight 1 else name
- def setterToGetter(name: TermName): TermName = {
- if (p < name.length)
- setterToGetter(name drop (p + TRAIT_SETTER_SEPARATOR_STRING.length))
- else
- name.subName(0, name.length - SETTER_SUFFIX.length)
- }
- // Nominally, name$default$N, encoded for <init>
- def defaultGetterName(name: Name, pos: Int): TermName = {
- val prefix = if (isConstructorName(name)) DEFAULT_GETTER_INIT_STRING else name
- newTermName(prefix + DEFAULT_GETTER_STRING + pos)
- }
- // Nominally, name from name$default$N, CONSTRUCTOR for <init>
- def defaultGetterToMethod(name: Name): TermName = {
- val p = name.pos(DEFAULT_GETTER_STRING)
- if (p < name.length) {
- val q = name.toTermName.subName(0, p)
- // i.e., if (q.decoded == CONSTRUCTOR.toString) CONSTRUCTOR else q
- } else name.toTermName
- }
- // If the name ends with $nn where nn are
- // all digits, strip the $ and the digits.
- // Otherwise return the argument.
- def stripAnonNumberSuffix(name: Name): Name = {
- var pos = name.length
- while (pos > 0 && name(pos - 1).isDigit)
- pos -= 1
- if (pos <= 0 || pos == name.length || name(pos - 1) != '$') name
- else name.subName(0, pos - 1)
- }
- def stripModuleSuffix(name: Name): Name = (
- if (isModuleName(name)) name dropRight MODULE_SUFFIX_STRING.length else name
- )
- def localDummyName(clazz: Symbol): TermName = newTermName(LOCALDUMMY_PREFIX + + ">")
- def superName(name: Name): TermName = newTermName(SUPER_PREFIX_STRING + name)
- /** The name of an accessor for protected symbols. */
- def protName(name: Name): TermName = newTermName(PROTECTED_PREFIX + name)
- /** The name of a setter for protected symbols. Used for inherited Java fields. */
- def protSetterName(name: Name): TermName = newTermName(PROTECTED_SET_PREFIX + name)
- final val Nil: NameType = "Nil"
- final val Predef: NameType = "Predef"
- final val ScalaRunTime: NameType = "ScalaRunTime"
- final val Some: NameType = "Some"
- val _1 : NameType = "_1"
- val _2 : NameType = "_2"
- val _3 : NameType = "_3"
- val _4 : NameType = "_4"
- val _5 : NameType = "_5"
- val _6 : NameType = "_6"
- val _7 : NameType = "_7"
- val _8 : NameType = "_8"
- val _9 : NameType = "_9"
- val _10 : NameType = "_10"
- val _11 : NameType = "_11"
- val _12 : NameType = "_12"
- val _13 : NameType = "_13"
- val _14 : NameType = "_14"
- val _15 : NameType = "_15"
- val _16 : NameType = "_16"
- val _17 : NameType = "_17"
- val _18 : NameType = "_18"
- val _19 : NameType = "_19"
- val _20 : NameType = "_20"
- val _21 : NameType = "_21"
- val _22 : NameType = "_22"
- val x_0 : NameType = "x$0"
- val x_1 : NameType = "x$1"
- val x_2 : NameType = "x$2"
- val x_3 : NameType = "x$3"
- val x_4 : NameType = "x$4"
- val x_5 : NameType = "x$5"
- val x_6 : NameType = "x$6"
- val x_7 : NameType = "x$7"
- val x_8 : NameType = "x$8"
- val x_9 : NameType = "x$9"
- @switch def syntheticParamName(i: Int): TermName = i match {
- case 0 => nme.x_0
- case 1 => nme.x_1
- case 2 => nme.x_2
- case 3 => nme.x_3
- case 4 => nme.x_4
- case 5 => nme.x_5
- case 6 => nme.x_6
- case 7 => nme.x_7
- case 8 => nme.x_8
- case 9 => nme.x_9
- case _ => newTermName("x$" + i)
- }
- @switch def productAccessorName(j: Int): TermName = j match {
- case 1 => nme._1
- case 2 => nme._2
- case 3 => nme._3
- case 4 => nme._4
- case 5 => nme._5
- case 6 => nme._6
- case 7 => nme._7
- case 8 => nme._8
- case 9 => nme._9
- case 10 => nme._10
- case 11 => nme._11
- case 12 => nme._12
- case 13 => nme._13
- case 14 => nme._14
- case 15 => nme._15
- case 16 => nme._16
- case 17 => nme._17
- case 18 => nme._18
- case 19 => nme._19
- case 20 => nme._20
- case 21 => nme._21
- case 22 => nme._22
- case _ => newTermName("_" + j)
- }
- val ??? = encode("???")
- val wrapRefArray: NameType = "wrapRefArray"
- val wrapByteArray: NameType = "wrapByteArray"
- val wrapShortArray: NameType = "wrapShortArray"
- val wrapCharArray: NameType = "wrapCharArray"
- val wrapIntArray: NameType = "wrapIntArray"
- val wrapLongArray: NameType = "wrapLongArray"
- val wrapFloatArray: NameType = "wrapFloatArray"
- val wrapDoubleArray: NameType = "wrapDoubleArray"
- val wrapBooleanArray: NameType = "wrapBooleanArray"
- val wrapUnitArray: NameType = "wrapUnitArray"
- val genericWrapArray: NameType = "genericWrapArray"
- // Compiler utilized names
- val AnnotatedType: NameType = "AnnotatedType"
- val AnnotationInfo: NameType = "AnnotationInfo"
- val Any: NameType = "Any"
- val AnyVal: NameType = "AnyVal"
- val AppliedTypeTree: NameType = "AppliedTypeTree"
- val Apply: NameType = "Apply"
- val ArrayAnnotArg: NameType = "ArrayAnnotArg"
- val Constant: NameType = "Constant"
- val ConstantType: NameType = "ConstantType"
- val EmptyPackage: NameType = "EmptyPackage"
- val EmptyPackageClass: NameType = "EmptyPackageClass"
- val ExistentialTypeTree: NameType = "ExistentialTypeTree"
- val Flag : NameType = "Flag"
- val Ident: NameType = "Ident"
- val Import: NameType = "Import"
- val Literal: NameType = "Literal"
- val LiteralAnnotArg: NameType = "LiteralAnnotArg"
- val Modifiers: NameType = "Modifiers"
- val NestedAnnotArg: NameType = "NestedAnnotArg"
- val NoFlags: NameType = "NoFlags"
- val NoPrefix: NameType = "NoPrefix"
- val NoSymbol: NameType = "NoSymbol"
- val Nothing: NameType = "Nothing"
- val NoType: NameType = "NoType"
- val Null: NameType = "Null"
- val Object: NameType = "Object"
- val RootPackage: NameType = "RootPackage"
- val RootClass: NameType = "RootClass"
- val Select: NameType = "Select"
- val StringContext: NameType = "StringContext"
- val This: NameType = "This"
- val ThisType: NameType = "ThisType"
- val Tree : NameType = "Tree"
- val Tuple2: NameType = "Tuple2"
- val TYPE_ : NameType = "TYPE"
- val TypeApply: NameType = "TypeApply"
- val TypeRef: NameType = "TypeRef"
- val TypeTree: NameType = "TypeTree"
- val UNIT : NameType = "UNIT"
- val add_ : NameType = "add"
- val annotation: NameType = "annotation"
- val anyValClass: NameType = "anyValClass"
- val append: NameType = "append"
- val apply: NameType = "apply"
- val applyDynamic: NameType = "applyDynamic"
- val applyDynamicNamed: NameType = "applyDynamicNamed"
- val applyImpl: NameType = "applyImpl"
- val applyOrElse: NameType = "applyOrElse"
- val args : NameType = "args"
- val argv : NameType = "argv"
- val arrayClass: NameType = "arrayClass"
- val arrayElementClass: NameType = "arrayElementClass"
- val arrayTagToClassManifest: NameType = "arrayTagToClassManifest"
- val arrayValue: NameType = "arrayValue"
- val array_apply : NameType = "array_apply"
- val array_clone : NameType = "array_clone"
- val array_length : NameType = "array_length"
- val array_update : NameType = "array_update"
- val arraycopy: NameType = "arraycopy"
- val asTermSymbol: NameType = "asTermSymbol"
- val asModuleSymbol: NameType = "asModuleSymbol"
- val asMethodSymbol: NameType = "asMethodSymbol"
- val asTypeSymbol: NameType = "asTypeSymbol"
- val asClassSymbol: NameType = "asClassSymbol"
- val asInstanceOf_ : NameType = "asInstanceOf"
- val asInstanceOf_Ob : NameType = "$asInstanceOf"
- val asTypeConstructor: NameType = "asTypeConstructor"
- val assert_ : NameType = "assert"
- val assume_ : NameType = "assume"
- val basis : NameType = "basis"
- val box: NameType = "box"
- val build : NameType = "build"
- val bytes: NameType = "bytes"
- val canEqual_ : NameType = "canEqual"
- val checkInitialized: NameType = "checkInitialized"
- val classOf: NameType = "classOf"
- val clone_ : NameType = if (forMSIL) "MemberwiseClone" else "clone" // sn.OClone causes checkinit failure
- val concreteTypeTagToManifest: NameType = "concreteTypeTagToManifest"
- val conforms: NameType = "conforms"
- val copy: NameType = "copy"
- val currentMirror: NameType = "currentMirror"
- val definitions: NameType = "definitions"
- val delayedInit: NameType = "delayedInit"
- val delayedInitArg: NameType = "delayedInit$body"
- val drop: NameType = "drop"
- val elem: NameType = "elem"
- val emptyValDef: NameType = "emptyValDef"
- val ensureAccessible : NameType = "ensureAccessible"
- val eq: NameType = "eq"
- val equalsNumChar : NameType = "equalsNumChar"
- val equalsNumNum : NameType = "equalsNumNum"
- val equalsNumObject : NameType = "equalsNumObject"
- val equals_ : NameType = if (forMSIL) "Equals" else "equals"
- val error: NameType = "error"
- val eval: NameType = "eval"
- val ex: NameType = "ex"
- val experimental: NameType = "experimental"
- val false_ : NameType = "false"
- val filter: NameType = "filter"
- val finalize_ : NameType = if (forMSIL) "Finalize" else "finalize"
- val find_ : NameType = "find"
- val flagsFromBits : NameType = "flagsFromBits"
- val flatMap: NameType = "flatMap"
- val foreach: NameType = "foreach"
- val genericArrayOps: NameType = "genericArrayOps"
- val get: NameType = "get"
- val getOrElse: NameType = "getOrElse"
- val hasNext: NameType = "hasNext"
- val hashCode_ : NameType = if (forMSIL) "GetHashCode" else "hashCode"
- val hash_ : NameType = "hash"
- val head: NameType = "head"
- val identity: NameType = "identity"
- val implicitly: NameType = "implicitly"
- val in: NameType = "in"
- val info: NameType = "info"
- val inlinedEquals: NameType = "inlinedEquals"
- val isArray: NameType = "isArray"
- val isDefinedAt: NameType = "isDefinedAt"
- val isEmpty: NameType = "isEmpty"
- val isInstanceOf_ : NameType = "isInstanceOf"
- val isInstanceOf_Ob : NameType = "$isInstanceOf"
- val java: NameType = "java"
- val key: NameType = "key"
- val lang: NameType = "lang"
- val length: NameType = "length"
- val lengthCompare: NameType = "lengthCompare"
- val liftedTree: NameType = "liftedTree"
- val `macro` : NameType = "macro"
- val macroThis : NameType = "_this"
- val macroContext : NameType = "c"
- val main: NameType = "main"
- val manifest: NameType = "manifest"
- val manifestToConcreteTypeTag: NameType = "manifestToConcreteTypeTag"
- val map: NameType = "map"
- val materializeArrayTag: NameType = "materializeArrayTag"
- val materializeClassTag: NameType = "materializeClassTag"
- val materializeConcreteTypeTag: NameType = "materializeConcreteTypeTag"
- val materializeTypeTag: NameType = "materializeTypeTag"
- val mirror : NameType = "mirror"
- val moduleClass : NameType = "moduleClass"
- val name: NameType = "name"
- val ne: NameType = "ne"
- val newArray: NameType = "newArray"
- val newFreeExistential: NameType = "newFreeExistential"
- val newFreeTerm: NameType = "newFreeTerm"
- val newFreeType: NameType = "newFreeType"
- val newNestedSymbol: NameType = "newNestedSymbol"
- val newScopeWith: NameType = "newScopeWith"
- val next: NameType = "next"
- val nmeNewTermName: NameType = "newTermName"
- val nmeNewTypeName: NameType = "newTypeName"
- val normalize: NameType = "normalize"
- val notifyAll_ : NameType = "notifyAll"
- val notify_ : NameType = "notify"
- val null_ : NameType = "null"
- val ofDim: NameType = "ofDim"
- val origin: NameType = "origin"
- val prefix : NameType = "prefix"
- val productArity: NameType = "productArity"
- val productElement: NameType = "productElement"
- val productIterator: NameType = "productIterator"
- val productPrefix: NameType = "productPrefix"
- val readResolve: NameType = "readResolve"
- val reflect : NameType = "reflect"
- val reify : NameType = "reify"
- val rootMirror : NameType = "rootMirror"
- val runOrElse: NameType = "runOrElse"
- val runtime: NameType = "runtime"
- val runtimeClass: NameType = "runtimeClass"
- val runtimeMirror: NameType = "runtimeMirror"
- val sameElements: NameType = "sameElements"
- val scala_ : NameType = "scala"
- val selectDynamic: NameType = "selectDynamic"
- val selectOverloadedMethod: NameType = "selectOverloadedMethod"
- val selectTerm: NameType = "selectTerm"
- val selectType: NameType = "selectType"
- val self: NameType = "self"
- val setAccessible: NameType = "setAccessible"
- val setAnnotations: NameType = "setAnnotations"
- val setSymbol: NameType = "setSymbol"
- val setType: NameType = "setType"
- val setTypeSignature: NameType = "setTypeSignature"
- val splice: NameType = "splice"
- val staticClass : NameType = "staticClass"
- val staticModule : NameType = "staticModule"
- val synchronized_ : NameType = "synchronized"
- val tail: NameType = "tail"
- val `then` : NameType = "then"
- val this_ : NameType = "this"
- val thisPrefix : NameType = "thisPrefix"
- val throw_ : NameType = "throw"
- val toArray: NameType = "toArray"
- val toList: NameType = "toList"
- val toObjectArray : NameType = "toObjectArray"
- val toSeq: NameType = "toSeq"
- val toString_ : NameType = if (forMSIL) "ToString" else "toString"
- val tpe : NameType = "tpe"
- val tree : NameType = "tree"
- val true_ : NameType = "true"
- val typedProductIterator: NameType = "typedProductIterator"
- val unapply: NameType = "unapply"
- val unapplySeq: NameType = "unapplySeq"
- val unbox: NameType = "unbox"
- val universe: NameType = "universe"
- val update: NameType = "update"
- val updateDynamic: NameType = "updateDynamic"
- val value: NameType = "value"
- val valueOf : NameType = "valueOf"
- val values : NameType = "values"
- val view_ : NameType = "view"
- val wait_ : NameType = "wait"
- val withFilter: NameType = "withFilter"
- val wrap: NameType = "wrap"
- val zip: NameType = "zip"
- val synthSwitch: NameType = "$synthSwitch"
- // unencoded operators
- object raw {
- final val AMP : NameType = "&"
- final val BANG : NameType = "!"
- final val BAR : NameType = "|"
- final val DOLLAR: NameType = "$"
- final val GE: NameType = ">="
- final val LE: NameType = "<="
- final val MINUS: NameType = "-"
- final val NE: NameType = "!="
- final val PLUS : NameType = "+"
- final val SLASH: NameType = "/"
- final val STAR : NameType = "*"
- final val TILDE: NameType = "~"
- final val isUnary: Set[Name] = Set(MINUS, PLUS, TILDE, BANG)
- }
- // value-conversion methods
- val toByte: NameType = "toByte"
- val toShort: NameType = "toShort"
- val toChar: NameType = "toChar"
- val toInt: NameType = "toInt"
- val toLong: NameType = "toLong"
- val toFloat: NameType = "toFloat"
- val toDouble: NameType = "toDouble"
- // primitive operation methods for structual types mostly
- // overlap with the above, but not for these two.
- val toCharacter: NameType = "toCharacter"
- val toInteger: NameType = "toInteger"
- def newLazyValSlowComputeName(lzyValName: Name) = lzyValName append LAZY_SLOW_SUFFIX
- // ASCII names for operators
- val ADD = encode("+")
- val AND = encode("&")
- val ASR = encode(">>")
- val DIV = encode("/")
- val EQ = encode("==")
- val EQL = encode("=")
- val GE = encode(">=")
- val GT = encode(">")
- val HASHHASH = encode("##")
- val LE = encode("<=")
- val LSL = encode("<<")
- val LSR = encode(">>>")
- val LT = encode("<")
- val MINUS = encode("-")
- val MOD = encode("%")
- val MUL = encode("*")
- val NE = encode("!=")
- val OR = encode("|")
- val PLUS = ADD // technically redundant, but ADD looks funny with MINUS
- val SUB = MINUS // ... as does SUB with PLUS
- val XOR = encode("^")
- val ZAND = encode("&&")
- val ZOR = encode("||")
- // unary operators
- val UNARY_~ = encode("unary_~")
- val UNARY_+ = encode("unary_+")
- val UNARY_- = encode("unary_-")
- val UNARY_! = encode("unary_!")
- // Grouped here so Cleanup knows what tests to perform.
- val CommonOpNames = Set[Name](OR, XOR, AND, EQ, NE)
- val ConversionNames = Set[Name](toByte, toChar, toDouble, toFloat, toInt, toLong, toShort)
- val BooleanOpNames = Set[Name](ZOR, ZAND, UNARY_!) ++ CommonOpNames
- val NumberOpNames = (
- ++ Set(UNARY_+, UNARY_-, UNARY_!)
- ++ ConversionNames
- ++ CommonOpNames
- )
- val add: NameType = "add"
- val complement: NameType = "complement"
- val divide: NameType = "divide"
- val multiply: NameType = "multiply"
- val negate: NameType = "negate"
- val positive: NameType = "positive"
- val shiftLogicalRight: NameType = "shiftLogicalRight"
- val shiftSignedLeft: NameType = "shiftSignedLeft"
- val shiftSignedRight: NameType = "shiftSignedRight"
- val subtract: NameType = "subtract"
- val takeAnd: NameType = "takeAnd"
- val takeConditionalAnd: NameType = "takeConditionalAnd"
- val takeConditionalOr: NameType = "takeConditionalOr"
- val takeModulo: NameType = "takeModulo"
- val takeNot: NameType = "takeNot"
- val takeOr: NameType = "takeOr"
- val takeXor: NameType = "takeXor"
- val testEqual: NameType = "testEqual"
- val testGreaterOrEqualThan: NameType = "testGreaterOrEqualThan"
- val testGreaterThan: NameType = "testGreaterThan"
- val testLessOrEqualThan: NameType = "testLessOrEqualThan"
- val testLessThan: NameType = "testLessThan"
- val testNotEqual: NameType = "testNotEqual"
- def toUnaryName(name: TermName): TermName = name match {
- case raw.MINUS => UNARY_-
- case raw.PLUS => UNARY_+
- case raw.TILDE => UNARY_~
- case raw.BANG => UNARY_!
- case _ => name
- }
- /** The name of a method which stands in for a primitive operation
- * during structural type dispatch.
- */
- def primitiveInfixMethodName(name: Name): TermName = name match {
- case OR => takeOr
- case XOR => takeXor
- case AND => takeAnd
- case EQ => testEqual
- case NE => testNotEqual
- case ADD => add
- case SUB => subtract
- case MUL => multiply
- case DIV => divide
- case MOD => takeModulo
- case LSL => shiftSignedLeft
- case LSR => shiftLogicalRight
- case ASR => shiftSignedRight
- case LT => testLessThan
- case LE => testLessOrEqualThan
- case GE => testGreaterOrEqualThan
- case GT => testGreaterThan
- case ZOR => takeConditionalOr
- case ZAND => takeConditionalAnd
- case _ => NO_NAME
- }
- /** Postfix/prefix, really.
- */
- def primitivePostfixMethodName(name: Name): TermName = name match {
- case UNARY_! => takeNot
- case UNARY_+ => positive
- case UNARY_- => negate
- case UNARY_~ => complement
- case `toByte` => toByte
- case `toShort` => toShort
- case `toChar` => toCharacter
- case `toInt` => toInteger
- case `toLong` => toLong
- case `toFloat` => toFloat
- case `toDouble` => toDouble
- case _ => NO_NAME
- }
- /** Translate a String into a list of simple TypeNames and TermNames.
- * In all segments before the last, type/term is determined by whether
- * the following separator char is '.' or '#'. In the last segment,
- * the argument "assumeTerm" determines it. Examples:
- *
- * package foo {
- * object Lorax { object Wog ; class Wog }
- * class Lorax { object Zax ; class Zax }
- * }
- *
- * f("foo.Lorax", true) == List("foo": Term, "Lorax": Term) // object Lorax
- * f("foo.Lorax", false) == List("foo": Term, "Lorax": Type) // class Lorax
- * f("Lorax.Wog", true) == List("Lorax": Term, "Wog": Term) // object Wog
- * f("Lorax.Wog", false) == List("Lorax": Term, "Wog": Type) // class Wog
- * f("Lorax#Zax", true) == List("Lorax": Type, "Zax": Term) // object Zax
- * f("Lorax#Zax", false) == List("Lorax": Type, "Zax": Type) // class Zax
- *
- * Note that in actual scala syntax you cannot refer to object Zax without an
- * instance of Lorax, so Lorax#Zax could only mean the type. One might think
- * that Lorax#Zax.type would work, but this is not accepted by the parser.
- * For the purposes of referencing that object, the syntax is allowed.
- */
- def segments(name: String, assumeTerm: Boolean): List[Name] = {
- def mkName(str: String, term: Boolean): Name =
- if (term) newTermName(str) else newTypeName(str)
- name.indexWhere(ch => ch == '.' || ch == '#') match {
- // it's the last segment: the parameter tells us whether type or term
- case -1 => if (name == "") scala.Nil else scala.List(mkName(name, assumeTerm))
- // otherwise, we can tell based on whether '#' or '.' is the following char.
- case idx =>
- val (simple, div, rest) = (name take idx, name charAt idx, newTermName(name) drop (idx + 1))
- mkName(simple, div == '.') :: segments(rest, assumeTerm)
- }
- }
- def newBitmapName(bitmapPrefix: Name, n: Int) = bitmapPrefix append ("" + n)
- val BITMAP_NORMAL: NameType = BITMAP_PREFIX + "" // initialization bitmap for public/protected lazy vals
- val BITMAP_TRANSIENT: NameType = BITMAP_PREFIX + "trans$" // initialization bitmap for transient lazy vals
- val BITMAP_CHECKINIT: NameType = BITMAP_PREFIX + "init$" // initialization bitmap for checkinit values
- val BITMAP_CHECKINIT_TRANSIENT: NameType = BITMAP_PREFIX + "inittrans$" // initialization bitmap for transient checkinit values
- }
- object tpnme extends TypeNames { }
- /** For fully qualified type names.
- */
- object fulltpnme extends TypeNames {
- val RuntimeNothing: NameType = "scala.runtime.Nothing$"
- val RuntimeNull: NameType = "scala.runtime.Null$"
- val JavaLangEnum: NameType = "java.lang.Enum"
- }
- /** Java binary names, like scala/runtime/Nothing$.
- */
- object binarynme {
- def toBinary(name: Name) = name mapName (_.replace('.', '/'))
- val RuntimeNothing = toBinary(fulltpnme.RuntimeNothing).toTypeName
- val RuntimeNull = toBinary(fulltpnme.RuntimeNull).toTypeName
- }
- val javanme = nme.javaKeywords
- // [Eugene++ to Martin] had to move a lot of stuff from here to TermNames to satisfy the contract
- // why do we even have stuff in object nme? cf. object tpnme
- object nme extends TermNames {
- def isModuleVarName(name: Name): Boolean =
- stripAnonNumberSuffix(name) endsWith MODULE_VAR_SUFFIX
- def moduleVarName(name: TermName): TermName =
- newTermNameCached("" + name + MODULE_VAR_SUFFIX)
- def getCause = sn.GetCause
- def getClass_ = sn.GetClass
- def getComponentType = sn.GetComponentType
- def getMethod_ = sn.GetMethod
- def invoke_ = sn.Invoke
- val isBoxedNumberOrBoolean: NameType = "isBoxedNumberOrBoolean"
- val isBoxedNumber: NameType = "isBoxedNumber"
- val reflPolyCacheName: NameType = "reflPoly$Cache"
- val reflClassCacheName: NameType = "reflClass$Cache"
- val reflParamsCacheName: NameType = "reflParams$Cache"
- val reflMethodCacheName: NameType = "reflMethod$Cache"
- val reflMethodName: NameType = "reflMethod$Method"
- private val reflectionCacheNames = Set[NameType](
- reflPolyCacheName,
- reflClassCacheName,
- reflParamsCacheName,
- reflMethodCacheName,
- reflMethodName
- )
- def isReflectionCacheName(name: Name) = reflectionCacheNames exists (name startsWith _)
- @deprecated("Use a method in tpnme", "2.10.0") def dropSingletonName(name: Name): TypeName = tpnme.dropSingletonName(name)
- @deprecated("Use a method in tpnme", "2.10.0") def singletonName(name: Name): TypeName = tpnme.singletonName(name)
- @deprecated("Use a method in tpnme", "2.10.0") def implClassName(name: Name): TypeName = tpnme.implClassName(name)
- @deprecated("Use a method in tpnme", "2.10.0") def interfaceName(implname: Name): TypeName = tpnme.interfaceName(implname)
- }
- abstract class SymbolNames {
- protected implicit def createNameType(s: String): TypeName = newTypeNameCached(s)
- val BeanProperty : TypeName
- val BooleanBeanProperty : TypeName
- val BoxedBoolean : TypeName
- val BoxedCharacter : TypeName
- val BoxedNumber : TypeName
- val Class : TypeName
- val Delegate : TypeName
- val IOOBException : TypeName // IndexOutOfBoundsException
- val InvTargetException : TypeName // InvocationTargetException
- val JavaSerializable : TypeName
- val MethodAsObject : TypeName
- val NPException : TypeName // NullPointerException
- val Object : TypeName
- val String : TypeName
- val Throwable : TypeName
- val ValueType : TypeName
- val ForName : TermName
- val GetCause : TermName
- val GetClass : TermName
- val GetClassLoader : TermName
- val GetComponentType : TermName
- val GetMethod : TermName
- val Invoke : TermName
- val JavaLang : TermName
- val Boxed: immutable.Map[TypeName, TypeName]
- }
- class JavaKeywords {
- private val kw = new KeywordSetBuilder
- final val ABSTRACTkw: TermName = kw("abstract")
- final val ASSERTkw: TermName = kw("assert")
- final val BOOLEANkw: TermName = kw("boolean")
- final val BREAKkw: TermName = kw("break")
- final val BYTEkw: TermName = kw("byte")
- final val CASEkw: TermName = kw("case")
- final val CATCHkw: TermName = kw("catch")
- final val CHARkw: TermName = kw("char")
- final val CLASSkw: TermName = kw("class")
- final val CONSTkw: TermName = kw("const")
- final val CONTINUEkw: TermName = kw("continue")
- final val DEFAULTkw: TermName = kw("default")
- final val DOkw: TermName = kw("do")
- final val DOUBLEkw: TermName = kw("double")
- final val ELSEkw: TermName = kw("else")
- final val ENUMkw: TermName = kw("enum")
- final val EXTENDSkw: TermName = kw("extends")
- final val FINALkw: TermName = kw("final")
- final val FINALLYkw: TermName = kw("finally")
- final val FLOATkw: TermName = kw("float")
- final val FORkw: TermName = kw("for")
- final val IFkw: TermName = kw("if")
- final val GOTOkw: TermName = kw("goto")
- final val IMPLEMENTSkw: TermName = kw("implements")
- final val IMPORTkw: TermName = kw("import")
- final val INSTANCEOFkw: TermName = kw("instanceof")
- final val INTkw: TermName = kw("int")
- final val INTERFACEkw: TermName = kw("interface")
- final val LONGkw: TermName = kw("long")
- final val NATIVEkw: TermName = kw("native")
- final val NEWkw: TermName = kw("new")
- final val PACKAGEkw: TermName = kw("package")
- final val PRIVATEkw: TermName = kw("private")
- final val PROTECTEDkw: TermName = kw("protected")
- final val PUBLICkw: TermName = kw("public")
- final val RETURNkw: TermName = kw("return")
- final val SHORTkw: TermName = kw("short")
- final val STATICkw: TermName = kw("static")
- final val STRICTFPkw: TermName = kw("strictfp")
- final val SUPERkw: TermName = kw("super")
- final val SWITCHkw: TermName = kw("switch")
- final val SYNCHRONIZEDkw: TermName = kw("synchronized")
- final val THISkw: TermName = kw("this")
- final val THROWkw: TermName = kw("throw")
- final val THROWSkw: TermName = kw("throws")
- final val TRANSIENTkw: TermName = kw("transient")
- final val TRYkw: TermName = kw("try")
- final val VOIDkw: TermName = kw("void")
- final val VOLATILEkw: TermName = kw("volatile")
- final val WHILEkw: TermName = kw("while")
- final val keywords = kw.result
- }
- private abstract class JavaNames extends SymbolNames {
- final val BoxedBoolean: TypeName = "java.lang.Boolean"
- final val BoxedByte: TypeName = "java.lang.Byte"
- final val BoxedCharacter: TypeName = "java.lang.Character"
- final val BoxedDouble: TypeName = "java.lang.Double"
- final val BoxedFloat: TypeName = "java.lang.Float"
- final val BoxedInteger: TypeName = "java.lang.Integer"
- final val BoxedLong: TypeName = "java.lang.Long"
- final val BoxedNumber: TypeName = "java.lang.Number"
- final val BoxedShort: TypeName = "java.lang.Short"
- final val Class: TypeName = "java.lang.Class"
- final val Delegate: TypeName = tpnme.NO_NAME
- final val IOOBException: TypeName = "java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException"
- final val InvTargetException: TypeName = "java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException"
- final val MethodAsObject: TypeName = "java.lang.reflect.Method"
- final val NPException: TypeName = "java.lang.NullPointerException"
- final val Object: TypeName = "java.lang.Object"
- final val String: TypeName = "java.lang.String"
- final val Throwable: TypeName = "java.lang.Throwable"
- final val ValueType: TypeName = tpnme.NO_NAME
- final val ForName: TermName = newTermName("forName")
- final val GetCause: TermName = newTermName("getCause")
- final val GetClass: TermName = newTermName("getClass")
- final val GetClassLoader: TermName = newTermName("getClassLoader")
- final val GetComponentType: TermName = newTermName("getComponentType")
- final val GetMethod: TermName = newTermName("getMethod")
- final val Invoke: TermName = newTermName("invoke")
- final val JavaLang: TermName = newTermName("java.lang")
- val Boxed = immutable.Map[TypeName, TypeName](
- tpnme.Boolean -> BoxedBoolean,
- tpnme.Byte -> BoxedByte,
- tpnme.Char -> BoxedCharacter,
- tpnme.Short -> BoxedShort,
- tpnme.Int -> BoxedInteger,
- tpnme.Long -> BoxedLong,
- tpnme.Float -> BoxedFloat,
- tpnme.Double -> BoxedDouble
- )
- }
- private class MSILNames extends SymbolNames {
- final val BeanProperty: TypeName = tpnme.NO_NAME
- final val BooleanBeanProperty: TypeName = tpnme.NO_NAME
- final val BoxedBoolean: TypeName = "System.IConvertible"
- final val BoxedCharacter: TypeName = "System.IConvertible"
- final val BoxedNumber: TypeName = "System.IConvertible"
- final val Class: TypeName = "System.Type"
- final val Delegate: TypeName = "System.MulticastDelegate"
- final val IOOBException: TypeName = "System.IndexOutOfRangeException"
- final val InvTargetException: TypeName = "System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException"
- final val JavaSerializable: TypeName = tpnme.NO_NAME
- final val MethodAsObject: TypeName = "System.Reflection.MethodInfo"
- final val NPException: TypeName = "System.NullReferenceException"
- final val Object: TypeName = "System.Object"
- final val String: TypeName = "System.String"
- final val Throwable: TypeName = "System.Exception"
- final val ValueType: TypeName = "System.ValueType"
- final val ForName: TermName = newTermName("GetType")
- final val GetCause: TermName = newTermName("InnerException") /* System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException.InnerException */
- final val GetClass: TermName = newTermName("GetType")
- final lazy val GetClassLoader: TermName = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Scala reflection is not supported on this platform");
- final val GetComponentType: TermName = newTermName("GetElementType")
- final val GetMethod: TermName = newTermName("GetMethod")
- final val Invoke: TermName = newTermName("Invoke")
- final val JavaLang: TermName = newTermName("System")
- val Boxed = immutable.Map[TypeName, TypeName](
- tpnme.Boolean -> "System.Boolean",
- tpnme.Byte -> "System.SByte", // a scala.Byte is signed and a System.SByte too (unlike a System.Byte)
- tpnme.Char -> "System.Char",
- tpnme.Short -> "System.Int16",
- tpnme.Int -> "System.Int32",
- tpnme.Long -> "System.Int64",
- tpnme.Float -> "System.Single",
- tpnme.Double -> "System.Double"
- )
- }
- private class J2SENames extends JavaNames {
- final val BeanProperty: TypeName = "scala.beans.BeanProperty"
- final val BooleanBeanProperty: TypeName = "scala.beans.BooleanBeanProperty"
- final val JavaSerializable: TypeName = ""
- }
- lazy val sn: SymbolNames =
- if (forMSIL) new MSILNames
- else new J2SENames
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/SymbolTable.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/SymbolTable.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index cadd76b1ba..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/SymbolTable.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,332 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import util._
-abstract class SymbolTable extends makro.Universe
- with Collections
- with Names
- with Symbols
- with Types
- with Kinds
- with ExistentialsAndSkolems
- with FlagSets
- with Scopes
- with Mirrors
- with Definitions
- with Constants
- with BaseTypeSeqs
- with InfoTransformers
- with transform.Transforms
- with StdNames
- with AnnotationInfos
- with AnnotationCheckers
- with Trees
- with TreePrinters
- with Positions
- with TypeDebugging
- with Importers
- with Required
- with CapturedVariables
- with StdAttachments
- with StdCreators
- with BuildUtils
- val gen = new TreeGen { val global: SymbolTable.this.type = SymbolTable.this }
- val treeBuild = gen
- def log(msg: => AnyRef): Unit
- def abort(msg: String): Nothing = throw new FatalError(supplementErrorMessage(msg))
- @deprecated("Give us a reason", "2.10.0")
- def abort(): Nothing = abort("unknown error")
- /** Override with final implementation for inlining. */
- def debuglog(msg: => String): Unit = if (settings.debug.value) log(msg)
- def debugwarn(msg: => String): Unit = if (settings.debug.value) Console.err.println(msg)
- def throwableAsString(t: Throwable): String = "" + t
- /** Prints a stack trace if -Ydebug or equivalent was given, otherwise does nothing. */
- def debugStack(t: Throwable): Unit = debugwarn(throwableAsString(t))
- /** Overridden when we know more about what was happening during a failure. */
- def supplementErrorMessage(msg: String): String = msg
- private[scala] def printCaller[T](msg: String)(result: T) = {
- Console.err.println("%s: %s\nCalled from: %s".format(msg, result,
- (new Throwable).getStackTrace.drop(2).take(15).mkString("\n")))
- result
- }
- private[scala] def printResult[T](msg: String)(result: T) = {
- Console.err.println(msg + ": " + result)
- result
- }
- private[scala] def logResult[T](msg: String)(result: T): T = {
- log(msg + ": " + result)
- result
- }
- private[scala] def logResultIf[T](msg: String, cond: T => Boolean)(result: T): T = {
- if (cond(result))
- log(msg + ": " + result)
- result
- }
- // For too long have we suffered in order to sort NAMES.
- // I'm pretty sure there's a reasonable default for that.
- // Notice challenge created by Ordering's invariance.
- implicit def lowPriorityNameOrdering[T <: Names#Name]: Ordering[T] =
- SimpleNameOrdering.asInstanceOf[Ordering[T]]
- private object SimpleNameOrdering extends Ordering[Names#Name] {
- def compare(n1: Names#Name, n2: Names#Name) = (
- if (n1 eq n2) 0
- else n1.toString compareTo n2.toString
- )
- }
- /** Dump each symbol to stdout after shutdown.
- */
- final val traceSymbolActivity = sys.props contains "scalac.debug.syms"
- object traceSymbols extends {
- val global: SymbolTable.this.type = SymbolTable.this
- } with util.TraceSymbolActivity
- /** Are we compiling for Java SE? */
- // def forJVM: Boolean
- /** Are we compiling for .NET? */
- def forMSIL: Boolean = false
- /** A last effort if symbol in a select <owner>.<name> is not found.
- * This is overridden by the reflection compiler to make up a package
- * when it makes sense (i.e. <owner> is a package and <name> is a term name).
- */
- def missingHook(owner: Symbol, name: Name): Symbol = NoSymbol
- /** Returns the mirror that loaded given symbol */
- def mirrorThatLoaded(sym: Symbol): Mirror
- /** A period is an ordinal number for a phase in a run.
- * Phases in later runs have higher periods than phases in earlier runs.
- * Later phases have higher periods than earlier phases in the same run.
- */
- type Period = Int
- final val NoPeriod = 0
- /** An ordinal number for compiler runs. First run has number 1. */
- type RunId = Int
- final val NoRunId = 0
- // sigh, this has to be public or atPhase doesn't inline.
- var phStack: List[Phase] = Nil
- private var ph: Phase = NoPhase
- private var per = NoPeriod
- final def atPhaseStack: List[Phase] = phStack
- final def phase: Phase = ph
- def atPhaseStackMessage = atPhaseStack match {
- case Nil => ""
- case ps => ps.reverseMap("->" + _).mkString("(", " ", ")")
- }
- final def phase_=(p: Phase) {
- //System.out.println("setting phase to " + p)
- assert((p ne null) && p != NoPhase, p)
- ph = p
- per = period(currentRunId,
- }
- final def pushPhase(ph: Phase): Phase = {
- val current = phase
- phase = ph
- phStack ::= ph
- current
- }
- final def popPhase(ph: Phase) {
- phStack = phStack.tail
- phase = ph
- }
- /** The current compiler run identifier. */
- def currentRunId: RunId
- /** The run identifier of the given period. */
- final def runId(period: Period): RunId = period >> 8
- /** The phase identifier of the given period. */
- final def phaseId(period: Period): Phase#Id = period & 0xFF
- /** The period at the start of run that includes `period`. */
- final def startRun(period: Period): Period = period & 0xFFFFFF00
- /** The current period. */
- final def currentPeriod: Period = {
- //assert(per == (currentRunId << 8) +
- per
- }
- /** The phase associated with given period. */
- final def phaseOf(period: Period): Phase = phaseWithId(phaseId(period))
- final def period(rid: RunId, pid: Phase#Id): Period =
- (rid << 8) + pid
- /** Are we later than given phase in compilation? */
- final def isAtPhaseAfter(p: Phase) =
- p != NoPhase && >
- /** Perform given operation at given phase. */
- @inline final def atPhase[T](ph: Phase)(op: => T): T = {
- val saved = pushPhase(ph)
- try op
- finally popPhase(saved)
- }
- /** Since when it is to be "at" a phase is inherently ambiguous,
- * a couple unambiguously named methods.
- */
- @inline final def beforePhase[T](ph: Phase)(op: => T): T = atPhase(ph)(op)
- @inline final def afterPhase[T](ph: Phase)(op: => T): T = atPhase(
- @inline final def afterCurrentPhase[T](op: => T): T = atPhase(
- @inline final def beforePrevPhase[T](op: => T): T = atPhase(phase.prev)(op)
- @inline final def atPhaseNotLaterThan[T](target: Phase)(op: => T): T =
- if (isAtPhaseAfter(target)) atPhase(target)(op) else op
- final def isValid(period: Period): Boolean =
- period != 0 && runId(period) == currentRunId && {
- val pid = phaseId(period)
- if ( > pid) infoTransformers.nextFrom(pid).pid >=
- else infoTransformers.nextFrom( >= pid
- }
- final def isValidForBaseClasses(period: Period): Boolean = {
- def noChangeInBaseClasses(it: InfoTransformer, limit: Phase#Id): Boolean = (
- >= limit ||
- !it.changesBaseClasses && noChangeInBaseClasses(, limit)
- );
- period != 0 && runId(period) == currentRunId && {
- val pid = phaseId(period)
- if ( > pid) noChangeInBaseClasses(infoTransformers.nextFrom(pid),
- else noChangeInBaseClasses(infoTransformers.nextFrom(, pid)
- }
- }
- def openPackageModule(container: Symbol, dest: Symbol) {
- // unlink existing symbols in the package
- for (member <- {
- if (!member.isPrivate && !member.isConstructor) {
- // todo: handle overlapping definitions in some way: mark as errors
- // or treat as abstractions. For now the symbol in the package module takes precedence.
- for (existing <-
- }
- }
- // enter non-private decls the class
- for (member <- {
- if (!member.isPrivate && !member.isConstructor) {
- }
- }
- // enter decls of parent classes
- for (p <- container.parentSymbols) {
- if (p != definitions.ObjectClass) {
- openPackageModule(p, dest)
- }
- }
- }
- /** Convert array parameters denoting a repeated parameter of a Java method
- * to `JavaRepeatedParamClass` types.
- */
- def arrayToRepeated(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case MethodType(params, rtpe) =>
- val formals = tp.paramTypes
- assert(formals.last.typeSymbol == definitions.ArrayClass, formals)
- val method = params.last.owner
- val elemtp = formals.last.typeArgs.head match {
- case RefinedType(List(t1, t2), _) if (t1.typeSymbol.isAbstractType && t2.typeSymbol == definitions.ObjectClass) =>
- t1 // drop intersection with Object for abstract types in varargs. UnCurry can handle them.
- case t =>
- t
- }
- val newParams = method.newSyntheticValueParams(formals.init :+ definitions.javaRepeatedType(elemtp))
- MethodType(newParams, rtpe)
- case PolyType(tparams, rtpe) =>
- PolyType(tparams, arrayToRepeated(rtpe))
- }
- abstract class SymLoader extends LazyType {
- def fromSource = false
- }
- /** if there's a `package` member object in `pkgClass`, enter its members into it. */
- def openPackageModule(pkgClass: Symbol) {
- val pkgModule =
- def fromSource = pkgModule.rawInfo match {
- case ltp: SymLoader => ltp.fromSource
- case _ => false
- }
- if (pkgModule.isModule && !fromSource) {
- // println("open "+pkgModule)//DEBUG
- openPackageModule(pkgModule, pkgClass)
- }
- }
- object perRunCaches {
- import java.lang.ref.WeakReference
- import scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime.stringOf
- import scala.collection.generic.Clearable
- // Weak references so the garbage collector will take care of
- // letting us know when a cache is really out of commission.
- private val caches = mutable.HashSet[WeakReference[Clearable]]()
- def recordCache[T <: Clearable](cache: T): T = {
- caches += new WeakReference(cache)
- cache
- }
- def clearAll() = {
- debuglog("Clearing " + caches.size + " caches.")
- caches foreach { ref =>
- val cache = ref.get()
- if (cache == null)
- caches -= ref
- else
- cache.clear()
- }
- }
- def newWeakMap[K, V]() = recordCache(mutable.WeakHashMap[K, V]())
- def newMap[K, V]() = recordCache(mutable.HashMap[K, V]())
- def newSet[K]() = recordCache(mutable.HashSet[K]())
- def newWeakSet[K <: AnyRef]() = recordCache(new WeakHashSet[K]())
- }
- /** The set of all installed infotransformers. */
- var infoTransformers = new InfoTransformer {
- val pid =
- val changesBaseClasses = true
- def transform(sym: Symbol, tpe: Type): Type = tpe
- }
- /** The phase which has given index as identifier. */
- val phaseWithId: Array[Phase]
- /** Is this symbol table a part of a compiler universe?
- */
- def isCompilerUniverse = false
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Symbols.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Symbols.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 86693cf880..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Symbols.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3190 +0,0 @@
- /* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
-import util.Statistics._
-import Flags._
-trait Symbols extends api.Symbols { self: SymbolTable =>
- import definitions._
- protected var ids = 0
- val emptySymbolArray = new Array[Symbol](0)
- def symbolCount = ids // statistics
- protected def nextId() = { ids += 1; ids }
- /** Used for deciding in the IDE whether we can interrupt the compiler */
- //protected var activeLocks = 0
- /** Used for debugging only */
- //protected var lockedSyms = collection.immutable.Set[Symbol]()
- /** Used to keep track of the recursion depth on locked symbols */
- private var recursionTable = immutable.Map.empty[Symbol, Int]
- private var nextexid = 0
- protected def freshExistentialName(suffix: String) = {
- nextexid += 1
- newTypeName("_" + nextexid + suffix)
- }
- // Set the fields which point companions at one another. Returns the module.
- def connectModuleToClass(m: ModuleSymbol, moduleClass: ClassSymbol): ModuleSymbol = {
- moduleClass.sourceModule = m
- m setModuleClass moduleClass
- m
- }
- /** Create a new free term. Its owner is NoSymbol.
- */
- def newFreeTermSymbol(name: TermName, info: Type, value: => Any, flags: Long = 0L, origin: String): FreeTermSymbol =
- new FreeTermSymbol(name, value, origin) initFlags flags setInfo info
- /** Create a new free type. Its owner is NoSymbol.
- */
- def newFreeTypeSymbol(name: TypeName, info: Type, value: => Any, flags: Long = 0L, origin: String): FreeTypeSymbol =
- new FreeTypeSymbol(name, value, origin) initFlags flags setInfo info
- /** The original owner of a class. Used by the backend to generate
- * EnclosingMethod attributes.
- */
- val originalOwner = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, Symbol]()
- abstract class SymbolContextApiImpl extends SymbolContextApi {
- this: Symbol =>
- def kind: String = kindString
- def isExistential: Boolean = this.isExistentiallyBound
- def newNestedSymbol(name: Name, pos: Position, newFlags: Long, isClass: Boolean): Symbol = name match {
- case n: TermName => newTermSymbol(n, pos, newFlags)
- case n: TypeName => if (isClass) newClassSymbol(n, pos, newFlags) else newNonClassSymbol(n, pos, newFlags)
- }
- def thisPrefix: Type = thisType
- def selfType: Type = typeOfThis
- def typeSignature: Type = info
- def typeSignatureIn(site: Type): Type = site memberInfo this
- def asType: Type = tpe
- def asTypeIn(site: Type): Type = site.memberType(this)
- def asTypeConstructor: Type = typeConstructor
- def setInternalFlags(flag: Long): this.type = { setFlag(flag); this }
- def setTypeSignature(tpe: Type): this.type = { setInfo(tpe); this }
- def getAnnotations: List[AnnotationInfo] = { initialize; annotations }
- def setAnnotations(annots: AnnotationInfo*): this.type = { setAnnotations(annots.toList); this }
- private def lastElemType(ts: Seq[Type]): Type = ts.last.normalize.typeArgs.head
- private def formalTypes(formals: List[Type], nargs: Int): List[Type] = {
- val formals1 = formals mapConserve {
- case TypeRef(_, ByNameParamClass, List(arg)) => arg
- case formal => formal
- }
- if (isVarArgTypes(formals1)) {
- val ft = lastElemType(formals)
- formals1.init ::: List.fill(nargs - (formals1.length - 1))(ft)
- } else formals1
- }
- def resolveOverloaded(pre: Type, targs: Seq[Type], actuals: Seq[Type]): Symbol = {
- def firstParams(tpe: Type): (List[Symbol], List[Type]) = tpe match {
- case PolyType(tparams, restpe) =>
- val (Nil, formals) = firstParams(restpe)
- (tparams, formals)
- case MethodType(params, _) =>
- (Nil, params map (_.tpe))
- case _ =>
- (Nil, Nil)
- }
- def isApplicable(alt: Symbol, targs: List[Type], actuals: Seq[Type]) = {
- def isApplicableType(tparams: List[Symbol], tpe: Type): Boolean = {
- val (tparams, formals) = firstParams(pre memberType alt)
- val formals1 = formalTypes(formals, actuals.length)
- val actuals1 =
- if (isVarArgTypes(actuals)) {
- if (!isVarArgTypes(formals)) return false
- actuals.init :+ lastElemType(actuals)
- } else actuals
- if (formals1.length != actuals1.length) return false
- if (tparams.isEmpty) return (actuals1 corresponds formals1)(_ <:< _)
- if (targs.length == tparams.length)
- isApplicableType(List(), tpe.instantiateTypeParams(tparams, targs))
- else if (targs.nonEmpty)
- false
- else {
- val tvars = tparams map (TypeVar(_))
- (actuals1 corresponds formals1) { (actual, formal) =>
- val tp1 = actual.deconst.instantiateTypeParams(tparams, tvars)
- val pt1 = actual.instantiateTypeParams(tparams, tvars)
- tp1 <:< pt1
- } &&
- solve(tvars, tparams, List.fill(tparams.length)(COVARIANT), upper = false)
- }
- }
- isApplicableType(List(), pre.memberType(alt))
- }
- def isAsGood(alt1: Symbol, alt2: Symbol): Boolean = {
- alt1 == alt2 ||
- alt2 == NoSymbol || {
- val (tparams, formals) = firstParams(pre memberType alt1)
- isApplicable(alt2, tparams map (_.tpe), formals)
- }
- }
- assert(isOverloaded)
- val applicables = alternatives filter (isApplicable(_, targs.toList, actuals))
- def winner(alts: List[Symbol]) =
- ((NoSymbol: Symbol) /: alts)((best, alt) => if (isAsGood(alt, best)) alt else best)
- val best = winner(applicables)
- if (best == winner(applicables.reverse)) best else NoSymbol
- }
- }
- /** The class for all symbols */
- abstract class Symbol protected[Symbols] (initOwner: Symbol, initPos: Position, initName: Name)
- extends SymbolContextApiImpl
- with HasFlags
- with Annotatable[Symbol] {
- type AccessBoundaryType = Symbol
- type AnnotationType = AnnotationInfo
- // TODO - don't allow names to be renamed in this unstructured a fashion.
- // Rename as little as possible. Enforce invariants on all renames.
- type TypeOfClonedSymbol >: Null <: Symbol { type NameType = Symbol.this.NameType }
- // Abstract here so TypeSymbol and TermSymbol can have a private[this] field
- // with the proper specific type.
- def rawname: NameType
- def name: NameType
- def name_=(n: Name): Unit
- def asNameType(n: Name): NameType
- private[this] var _rawowner = initOwner // Syncnote: need not be protected, as only assignment happens in owner_=, which is not exposed to api
- private[this] var _rawflags: Long = _
- def rawowner = _rawowner
- def rawflags = _rawflags
- private var rawpos = initPos
- val id = nextId() // identity displayed when -uniqid
- //assert(id != 3390, initName)
- private[this] var _validTo: Period = NoPeriod
- if (traceSymbolActivity)
- traceSymbols.recordNewSymbol(this)
- def validTo = _validTo
- def validTo_=(x: Period) { _validTo = x}
- def pos = rawpos
- def setPos(pos: Position): this.type = { this.rawpos = pos; this }
- def setName(name: Name): this.type = { = asNameType(name) ; this }
- // Update the surrounding scopes
- protected[this] def changeNameInOwners(name: Name) {
- if (owner.isClass) {
- var ifs = owner.infos
- while (ifs != null) {
-, name)
- ifs = ifs.prev
- }
- }
- }
- def rawFlagString(mask: Long): String = calculateFlagString(rawflags & mask)
- def rawFlagString: String = rawFlagString(flagMask)
- def debugFlagString: String = flagString(AllFlags)
- /** String representation of symbol's variance */
- def varianceString: String =
- if (variance == 1) "+"
- else if (variance == -1) "-"
- else ""
- override def flagMask =
- if (settings.debug.value && !isAbstractType) AllFlags
- else if (owner.isRefinementClass) ExplicitFlags & ~OVERRIDE
- else ExplicitFlags
- // make the error message more googlable
- def flagsExplanationString =
- if (isGADTSkolem) " (this is a GADT skolem)"
- else ""
- def shortSymbolClass = getClass.getName.split('.').last.stripPrefix("Symbols$")
- def symbolCreationString: String = (
- "%s%25s | %-40s | %s".format(
- if (settings.uniqid.value) "%06d | ".format(id) else "",
- shortSymbolClass,
- name.decode + " in " + owner,
- rawFlagString
- )
- )
-// ------ creators -------------------------------------------------------------------
- final def newValue(name: TermName, pos: Position = NoPosition, newFlags: Long = 0L): TermSymbol =
- newTermSymbol(name, pos, newFlags)
- final def newVariable(name: TermName, pos: Position = NoPosition, newFlags: Long = 0L): TermSymbol =
- newTermSymbol(name, pos, MUTABLE | newFlags)
- final def newValueParameter(name: TermName, pos: Position = NoPosition, newFlags: Long = 0L): TermSymbol =
- newTermSymbol(name, pos, PARAM | newFlags)
- /** Create local dummy for template (owner of local blocks) */
- final def newLocalDummy(pos: Position): TermSymbol =
- newTermSymbol(nme.localDummyName(this), pos) setInfo NoType
- final def newMethod(name: TermName, pos: Position = NoPosition, newFlags: Long = 0L): MethodSymbol =
- createMethodSymbol(name, pos, METHOD | newFlags)
- final def newMethodSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position = NoPosition, newFlags: Long = 0L): MethodSymbol =
- createMethodSymbol(name, pos, METHOD | newFlags)
- final def newLabel(name: TermName, pos: Position = NoPosition): MethodSymbol =
- newMethod(name, pos, LABEL)
- /** Propagates ConstrFlags (JAVA, specifically) from owner to constructor. */
- final def newConstructor(pos: Position, newFlags: Long = 0L): MethodSymbol =
- newMethod(nme.CONSTRUCTOR, pos, getFlag(ConstrFlags) | newFlags)
- /** Static constructor with info set. */
- def newStaticConstructor(pos: Position): MethodSymbol =
- newConstructor(pos, STATIC) setInfo UnitClass.tpe
- /** Instance constructor with info set. */
- def newClassConstructor(pos: Position): MethodSymbol =
- newConstructor(pos) setInfo MethodType(Nil, this.tpe)
- def newLinkedModule(clazz: Symbol, newFlags: Long = 0L): ModuleSymbol = {
- val m = newModuleSymbol(, clazz.pos, MODULE | newFlags)
- connectModuleToClass(m, clazz.asInstanceOf[ClassSymbol])
- }
- final def newModule(name: TermName, pos: Position = NoPosition, newFlags: Long = 0L): ModuleSymbol = {
- val m = newModuleSymbol(name, pos, newFlags | MODULE)
- val clazz = newModuleClass(name.toTypeName, pos, m getFlag ModuleToClassFlags)
- connectModuleToClass(m, clazz)
- }
- final def newPackage(name: TermName, pos: Position = NoPosition, newFlags: Long = 0L): ModuleSymbol = {
- assert(name == nme.ROOT || isPackageClass, this)
- newModule(name, pos, PackageFlags | newFlags)
- }
- final def newThisSym(name: TermName = nme.this_, pos: Position = NoPosition): TermSymbol =
- newTermSymbol(name, pos, SYNTHETIC)
- final def newImport(pos: Position): TermSymbol =
- newTermSymbol(nme.IMPORT, pos)
- final def newModuleSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position = NoPosition, newFlags: Long = 0L): ModuleSymbol =
- newTermSymbol(name, pos, newFlags).asInstanceOf[ModuleSymbol]
- final def newModuleAndClassSymbol(name: Name, pos: Position, flags: FlagSet): (ModuleSymbol, ClassSymbol) = {
- val m = newModuleSymbol(name, pos, flags | MODULE)
- val c = newModuleClass(name.toTypeName, pos, m getFlag ModuleToClassFlags)
- connectModuleToClass(m, c)
- (m, c)
- }
- final def newPackageSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position = NoPosition, newFlags: Long = 0L): ModuleSymbol =
- newTermSymbol(name, pos, newFlags).asInstanceOf[ModuleSymbol]
- final def newModuleClassSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, newFlags: Long = 0L): ModuleClassSymbol =
- newClassSymbol(name, pos, newFlags).asInstanceOf[ModuleClassSymbol]
- final def newTypeSkolemSymbol(name: TypeName, origin: AnyRef, pos: Position = NoPosition, newFlags: Long = 0L): TypeSkolem =
- createTypeSkolemSymbol(name, origin, pos, newFlags)
- /** @param pre type relative to which alternatives are seen.
- * for instance:
- * class C[T] {
- * def m(x: T): T
- * def m'(): T
- * }
- * val v: C[Int]
- *
- * Then v.m has symbol TermSymbol(flags = {OVERLOADED},
- * tpe = OverloadedType(C[Int], List(m, m')))
- * You recover the type of m doing a
- *
- * m.tpe.asSeenFrom(pre, C) (generally, owner of m, which is C here).
- *
- * or:
- *
- * pre.memberType(m)
- */
- final def newOverloaded(pre: Type, alternatives: List[Symbol]): TermSymbol = (
- newTermSymbol(, alternatives.head.pos, OVERLOADED)
- setInfo OverloadedType(pre, alternatives)
- )
- final def newErrorValue(name: TermName): TermSymbol =
- newTermSymbol(name, pos, SYNTHETIC | IS_ERROR) setInfo ErrorType
- /** Symbol of a type definition type T = ...
- */
- final def newAliasType(name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, newFlags: Long = 0L): AliasTypeSymbol =
- createAliasTypeSymbol(name, pos, newFlags)
- /** Symbol of an abstract type type T >: ... <: ...
- */
- final def newAbstractType(name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, newFlags: Long = 0L): AbstractTypeSymbol =
- createAbstractTypeSymbol(name, pos, DEFERRED | newFlags)
- /** Symbol of a type parameter
- */
- final def newTypeParameter(name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, newFlags: Long = 0L): TypeSymbol =
- newAbstractType(name, pos, PARAM | newFlags)
-// is defined in SymbolCreations
-// final def newTypeSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, newFlags: Long = 0L): TypeSymbol =
-// (if ((newFlags & DEFERRED) != 0) new AbstractTypeSymbol(this, pos, name)
-// else new AbstractTypeSymbol(this, pos, name)) setFlag newFlags
- /** Symbol of an existential type T forSome { ... }
- */
- final def newExistential(name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, newFlags: Long = 0L): TypeSymbol =
- newAbstractType(name, pos, EXISTENTIAL | newFlags)
- /** Synthetic value parameters when parameter symbols are not available
- */
- final def newSyntheticValueParamss(argtypess: List[List[Type]]): List[List[TermSymbol]] = {
- var cnt = 0
- def freshName() = { cnt += 1; nme.syntheticParamName(cnt) }
- mmap(argtypess)(tp => newValueParameter(freshName(), owner.pos.focus, SYNTHETIC) setInfo tp)
- }
- def newSyntheticTypeParam(): TypeSymbol = newSyntheticTypeParam("T0", 0L)
- def newSyntheticTypeParam(name: String, newFlags: Long): TypeSymbol = newTypeParameter(newTypeName(name), NoPosition, newFlags) setInfo TypeBounds.empty
- def newSyntheticTypeParams(num: Int): List[TypeSymbol] = (0 until num).toList map (n => newSyntheticTypeParam("T" + n, 0L))
- /** Create a new existential type skolem with this symbol its owner,
- * based on the given symbol and origin.
- */
- def newExistentialSkolem(basis: Symbol, origin: AnyRef): TypeSkolem = {
- val skolem = newTypeSkolemSymbol(, origin, basis.pos, (basis.flags | EXISTENTIAL) & ~PARAM)
- skolem setInfo ( cloneInfo skolem)
- }
- // flags set up to maintain TypeSkolem's invariant: origin.isInstanceOf[Symbol] == !hasFlag(EXISTENTIAL)
- // CASEACCESSOR | SYNTHETIC used to single this symbol out in deskolemizeGADT
- def newGADTSkolem(name: TypeName, origin: Symbol, info: Type): TypeSkolem =
- newTypeSkolemSymbol(name, origin, origin.pos, origin.flags & ~(EXISTENTIAL | PARAM) | CASEACCESSOR | SYNTHETIC) setInfo info
- final def freshExistential(suffix: String): TypeSymbol =
- newExistential(freshExistentialName(suffix), pos)
- /** Synthetic value parameters when parameter symbols are not available.
- * Calling this method multiple times will re-use the same parameter names.
- */
- final def newSyntheticValueParams(argtypes: List[Type]): List[TermSymbol] =
- newSyntheticValueParamss(List(argtypes)).head
- /** Synthetic value parameter when parameter symbol is not available.
- * Calling this method multiple times will re-use the same parameter name.
- */
- final def newSyntheticValueParam(argtype: Type): Symbol =
- newSyntheticValueParams(List(argtype)).head
- /** Type skolems are type parameters ''seen from the inside''
- * Assuming a polymorphic method m[T], its type is a PolyType which has a TypeParameter
- * with name `T` in its typeParams list. While type checking the parameters, result type and
- * body of the method, there's a local copy of `T` which is a TypeSkolem.
- */
- final def newTypeSkolem: TypeSkolem =
- owner.newTypeSkolemSymbol(name.toTypeName, this, pos, flags)
- final def newClass(name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, newFlags: Long = 0L): ClassSymbol =
- newClassSymbol(name, pos, newFlags)
- /** A new class with its info set to a ClassInfoType with given scope and parents. */
- def newClassWithInfo(name: TypeName, parents: List[Type], scope: Scope, pos: Position = NoPosition, newFlags: Long = 0L): ClassSymbol = {
- val clazz = newClass(name, pos, newFlags)
- clazz setInfo ClassInfoType(parents, scope, clazz)
- }
- final def newErrorClass(name: TypeName): ClassSymbol =
- newClassWithInfo(name, Nil, new ErrorScope(this), pos, SYNTHETIC | IS_ERROR)
- final def newModuleClass(name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, newFlags: Long = 0L): ModuleClassSymbol =
- newModuleClassSymbol(name, pos, newFlags | MODULE)
- final def newAnonymousFunctionClass(pos: Position = NoPosition, newFlags: Long = 0L): ClassSymbol =
- newClassSymbol(tpnme.ANON_FUN_NAME, pos, FINAL | SYNTHETIC | newFlags)
- final def newAnonymousFunctionValue(pos: Position, newFlags: Long = 0L): TermSymbol =
- newTermSymbol(nme.ANON_FUN_NAME, pos, SYNTHETIC | newFlags) setInfo NoType
- def newImplClass(name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, newFlags: Long = 0L): ClassSymbol = {
- newClassSymbol(name, pos, newFlags | IMPLCLASS)
- }
- /** Refinement types P { val x: String; type T <: Number }
- * also have symbols, they are refinementClasses
- */
- final def newRefinementClass(pos: Position): RefinementClassSymbol =
- createRefinementClassSymbol(pos, 0L)
- /** Create a new getter for current symbol (which must be a field)
- */
- final def newGetter: MethodSymbol = (
- owner.newMethod(nme.getterName(name.toTermName), NoPosition, getterFlags(flags))
- setPrivateWithin privateWithin
- setInfo MethodType(Nil, tpe)
- )
- final def newErrorSymbol(name: Name): Symbol = name match {
- case x: TypeName => newErrorClass(x)
- case x: TermName => newErrorValue(x)
- }
- @deprecated("Use the other signature", "2.10.0")
- def newClass(pos: Position, name: TypeName): Symbol = newClass(name, pos)
- @deprecated("Use the other signature", "2.10.0")
- def newModuleClass(pos: Position, name: TypeName): Symbol = newModuleClass(name, pos)
- @deprecated("Use the other signature", "2.10.0")
- def newLabel(pos: Position, name: TermName): MethodSymbol = newLabel(name, pos)
- @deprecated("Use the other signature", "2.10.0")
- def newValue(pos: Position, name: TermName): TermSymbol = newTermSymbol(name, pos)
- @deprecated("Use the other signature", "2.10.0")
- def newAliasType(pos: Position, name: TypeName): Symbol = newAliasType(name, pos)
- @deprecated("Use the other signature", "2.10.0")
- def newAbstractType(pos: Position, name: TypeName): Symbol = newAbstractType(name, pos)
- @deprecated("Use the other signature", "2.10.0")
- def newExistential(pos: Position, name: TypeName): Symbol = newExistential(name, pos)
- @deprecated("Use the other signature", "2.10.0")
- def newMethod(pos: Position, name: TermName): MethodSymbol = newMethod(name, pos)
-// ----- locking and unlocking ------------------------------------------------------
- // True if the symbol is unlocked.
- // True if the symbol is locked but still below the allowed recursion depth.
- // False otherwise
- private[scala] def lockOK: Boolean = {
- ((_rawflags & LOCKED) == 0L) ||
- ((settings.Yrecursion.value != 0) &&
- (recursionTable get this match {
- case Some(n) => (n <= settings.Yrecursion.value)
- case None => true }))
- }
- // Lock a symbol, using the handler if the recursion depth becomes too great.
- private[scala] def lock(handler: => Unit): Boolean = {
- if ((_rawflags & LOCKED) != 0L) {
- if (settings.Yrecursion.value != 0) {
- recursionTable get this match {
- case Some(n) =>
- if (n > settings.Yrecursion.value) {
- handler
- false
- } else {
- recursionTable += (this -> (n + 1))
- true
- }
- case None =>
- recursionTable += (this -> 1)
- true
- }
- } else { handler; false }
- } else {
- _rawflags |= LOCKED
- true
-// activeLocks += 1
-// lockedSyms += this
- }
- }
- // Unlock a symbol
- private[scala] def unlock() = {
- if ((_rawflags & LOCKED) != 0L) {
-// activeLocks -= 1
-// lockedSyms -= this
- _rawflags &= ~LOCKED
- if (settings.Yrecursion.value != 0)
- recursionTable -= this
- }
- }
-// ----- tests ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def isAliasType = false
- def isAbstractType = false
- def isSkolem = false
- /** A Type, but not a Class. */
- def isNonClassType = false
- /** The bottom classes are Nothing and Null, found in Definitions. */
- def isBottomClass = false
- def isSpecialized = this hasFlag SPECIALIZED
- /** These are all tests for varieties of ClassSymbol, which has these subclasses:
- * - ModuleClassSymbol
- * - RefinementClassSymbol
- * - PackageClassSymbol (extends ModuleClassSymbol)
- */
- def isAbstractClass = false
- def isAnonOrRefinementClass = false
- def isAnonymousClass = false
- def isCaseClass = false
- def isConcreteClass = false
- def isImplClass = false // the implementation class of a trait
- def isJavaInterface = false
- def isModuleClass = false
- def isNumericValueClass = false
- def isPrimitiveValueClass = false
- def isRefinementClass = false
- override def isTrait = false
- /** Qualities of Types, always false for TermSymbols.
- */
- def isContravariant = false
- def isCovariant = false
- def isExistentialQuantified = false
- def isExistentialSkolem = false
- def isExistentiallyBound = false
- def isGADTSkolem = false
- def isTypeParameter = false
- def isTypeParameterOrSkolem = false
- def isTypeSkolem = false
- def isTypeMacro = false
- /** Qualities of Terms, always false for TypeSymbols.
- */
- def isAccessor = false
- def isBridge = false
- def isCapturedVariable = false
- def isClassConstructor = false
- def isConstructor = false
- def isEarlyInitialized = false
- def isGetter = false
- def isLocalDummy = false
- def isMixinConstructor = false
- def isOverloaded = false
- def isSetter = false
- def isSetterParameter = false
- def isValue = false
- def isValueParameter = false
- def isVariable = false
- override def hasDefault = false
- def isTermMacro = false
- /** Qualities of MethodSymbols, always false for TypeSymbols
- * and other TermSymbols.
- */
- def isCaseAccessorMethod = false
- def isLiftedMethod = false
- def isSourceMethod = false
- def isVarargsMethod = false
- override def isLabel = false
- /** Package/package object tests */
- def isPackageClass = false
- def isPackageObject = false
- def isPackageObjectClass = false
- def isPackageObjectOrClass = isPackageObject || isPackageObjectClass
- def isModuleOrModuleClass = isModule || isModuleClass
- /** Overridden in custom objects in Definitions */
- def isRoot = false
- def isRootPackage = false
- def isRootSymbol = false // RootPackage and RootClass. TODO: also NoSymbol.
- def isEmptyPackage = false
- def isEmptyPackageClass = false
- /** Is this symbol an effective root for fullname string?
- */
- def isEffectiveRoot = false
- /** For RootClass, this is EmptyPackageClass. For all other symbols,
- * the symbol itself.
- */
- def ownerOfNewSymbols = this
- final def isLazyAccessor = isLazy && lazyAccessor != NoSymbol
- final def isOverridableMember = !(isClass || isEffectivelyFinal) && (this ne NoSymbol) && owner.isClass
- /** Does this symbol denote a wrapper created by the repl? */
- final def isInterpreterWrapper = (
- (this hasFlag MODULE)
- && owner.isPackageClass
- && nme.isReplWrapperName(name)
- )
- @inline final def getFlag(mask: Long): Long = flags & mask
- /** Does symbol have ANY flag in `mask` set? */
- @inline final def hasFlag(mask: Long): Boolean = (flags & mask) != 0
- /** Does symbol have ALL the flags in `mask` set? */
- @inline final def hasAllFlags(mask: Long): Boolean = (flags & mask) == mask
- def setFlag(mask: Long): this.type = { _rawflags |= mask ; this }
- def resetFlag(mask: Long): this.type = { _rawflags &= ~mask ; this }
- def resetFlags() { rawflags &= TopLevelCreationFlags }
- /** Default implementation calls the generic string function, which
- * will print overloaded flags as <flag1/flag2/flag3>. Subclasses
- * of Symbol refine.
- */
- override def resolveOverloadedFlag(flag: Long): String = Flags.flagToString(flag)
- /** Set the symbol's flags to the given value, asserting
- * that the previous value was 0.
- */
- def initFlags(mask: Long): this.type = {
- assert(rawflags == 0L, symbolCreationString)
- _rawflags = mask
- this
- }
- final def flags: Long = {
- val fs = _rawflags & phase.flagMask
- (fs | ((fs & LateFlags) >>> LateShift)) & ~(fs >>> AntiShift)
- }
- def flags_=(fs: Long) = _rawflags = fs
- def rawflags_=(x: Long) { _rawflags = x }
- final def hasGetter = isTerm && nme.isLocalName(name)
- final def isInitializedToDefault = !isType && hasAllFlags(DEFAULTINIT | ACCESSOR)
- final def isStaticModule = isModule && isStatic && !isMethod
- final def isThisSym = isTerm && owner.thisSym == this
- final def isError = hasFlag(IS_ERROR)
- final def isErroneous = isError || isInitialized && tpe.isErroneous
- def isHigherOrderTypeParameter = owner.isTypeParameterOrSkolem
- // class C extends D( { class E { ... } ... } ). Here, E is a class local to a constructor
- def isClassLocalToConstructor = false
- final def isDerivedValueClass =
- isClass && info.firstParent.typeSymbol == AnyValClass && !isPrimitiveValueClass
- final def isMethodWithExtension =
- isMethod && owner.isDerivedValueClass && !isParamAccessor && !isConstructor && !hasFlag(SUPERACCESSOR)
- final def isAnonymousFunction = isSynthetic && (name containsName tpnme.ANON_FUN_NAME)
- final def isDefinedInPackage = effectiveOwner.isPackageClass
- final def needsFlatClasses = phase.flatClasses && rawowner != NoSymbol && !rawowner.isPackageClass
- /** change name by appending $$<fully-qualified-name-of-class `base`>
- * Do the same for any accessed symbols or setters/getters.
- * Implementation in TermSymbol.
- */
- def expandName(base: Symbol) { }
- // In java.lang, Predef, or scala package/package object
- def isInDefaultNamespace = UnqualifiedOwners(effectiveOwner)
- /** The owner, skipping package objects.
- */
- def effectiveOwner = owner.skipPackageObject
- /** If this is a package object or its implementing class, its owner: otherwise this.
- */
- def skipPackageObject: Symbol = this
- /** If this is a constructor, its owner: otherwise this.
- */
- final def skipConstructor: Symbol = if (isConstructor) owner else this
- /** Conditions where we omit the prefix when printing a symbol, to avoid
- * unpleasantries like Predef.String, $iw.$iw.Foo and <empty>.Bippy.
- */
- final def isOmittablePrefix = /*!settings.debug.value &&*/ (
- UnqualifiedOwners(skipPackageObject)
- || isEmptyPrefix
- )
- def isEmptyPrefix = (
- isEffectiveRoot // has no prefix for real, <empty> or <root>
- || isAnonOrRefinementClass // has uninteresting <anon> or <refinement> prefix
- || nme.isReplWrapperName(name) // has ugly $iw. prefix (doesn't call isInterpreterWrapper due to nesting)
- )
- def isFBounded = info match {
- case TypeBounds(_, _) => info.baseTypeSeq exists (_ contains this)
- case _ => false
- }
- /** Is symbol a monomorphic type?
- * assumption: if a type starts out as monomorphic, it will not acquire
- * type parameters in later phases.
- */
- final def isMonomorphicType =
- isType && {
- val info = originalInfo
- info.isComplete && !info.isHigherKinded
- }
- def isStrictFP = hasAnnotation(ScalaStrictFPAttr) || (enclClass hasAnnotation ScalaStrictFPAttr)
- def isSerializable = (
- info.baseClasses.exists(p => p == SerializableClass || p == JavaSerializableClass)
- || hasAnnotation(SerializableAttr) // last part can be removed, @serializable annotation is deprecated
- )
- def hasBridgeAnnotation = hasAnnotation(BridgeClass)
- def isDeprecated = hasAnnotation(DeprecatedAttr)
- def deprecationMessage = getAnnotation(DeprecatedAttr) flatMap (_ stringArg 0)
- def deprecationVersion = getAnnotation(DeprecatedAttr) flatMap (_ stringArg 1)
- def deprecatedParamName = getAnnotation(DeprecatedNameAttr) flatMap (_ symbolArg 0)
- // !!! when annotation arguments are not literal strings, but any sort of
- // assembly of strings, there is a fair chance they will turn up here not as
- // Literal(const) but some arbitrary AST. However nothing in the compiler
- // prevents someone from writing a @migration annotation with a calculated
- // string. So this needs attention. For now the fact that migration is
- // private[scala] ought to provide enough protection.
- def hasMigrationAnnotation = hasAnnotation(MigrationAnnotationClass)
- def migrationMessage = getAnnotation(MigrationAnnotationClass) flatMap { _.stringArg(0) }
- def migrationVersion = getAnnotation(MigrationAnnotationClass) flatMap { _.stringArg(1) }
- def elisionLevel = getAnnotation(ElidableMethodClass) flatMap { _.intArg(0) }
- def implicitNotFoundMsg = getAnnotation(ImplicitNotFoundClass) flatMap { _.stringArg(0) }
- /** Is this symbol an accessor method for outer? */
- final def isOuterAccessor = {
- hasFlag(STABLE | SYNTHETIC) &&
- originalName == nme.OUTER
- }
- /** Is this symbol an accessor method for outer? */
- final def isOuterField = {
- hasFlag(SYNTHETIC) &&
- originalName == nme.OUTER_LOCAL
- }
- /** Does this symbol denote a stable value? */
- def isStable = false
- /** Does this symbol denote the primary constructor of its enclosing class? */
- final def isPrimaryConstructor =
- isConstructor && owner.primaryConstructor == this
- /** Does this symbol denote an auxiliary constructor of its enclosing class? */
- final def isAuxiliaryConstructor =
- isConstructor && !isPrimaryConstructor
- /** Is this symbol a synthetic apply or unapply method in a companion object of a case class? */
- final def isCaseApplyOrUnapply =
- isMethod && isCase && isSynthetic
- /** Is this symbol a trait which needs an implementation class? */
- final def needsImplClass = (
- isTrait
- && (!isInterface || hasFlag(lateINTERFACE))
- && !isImplClass
- )
- /** Is this a symbol which exists only in the implementation class, not in its trait? */
- final def isImplOnly = isPrivate || (
- (owner.isTrait || owner.isImplClass) && (
- || isConstructor
- )
- )
- final def isModuleVar = hasFlag(MODULEVAR)
- /** Is this symbol static (i.e. with no outer instance)?
- * Q: When exactly is a sym marked as STATIC?
- * A: If it's a member of a toplevel object, or of an object contained in a toplevel object, or any number of levels deep.
- *
- */
- def isStatic = (this hasFlag STATIC) || owner.isStaticOwner
- /** Is this symbol a static constructor? */
- final def isStaticConstructor: Boolean =
- isStaticMember && isClassConstructor
- /** Is this symbol a static member of its class? (i.e. needs to be implemented as a Java static?) */
- final def isStaticMember: Boolean =
- hasFlag(STATIC) || owner.isImplClass
- /** Does this symbol denote a class that defines static symbols? */
- final def isStaticOwner: Boolean =
- isPackageClass || isModuleClass && isStatic
- def isTopLevelModule = hasFlag(MODULE) && owner.isPackageClass
- /** Is this symbol effectively final? I.e, it cannot be overridden */
- final def isEffectivelyFinal: Boolean = (
- (this hasFlag FINAL | PACKAGE)
- || isModuleOrModuleClass && (owner.isPackageClass || !settings.overrideObjects.value)
- || isTerm && (
- isPrivate
- || isLocal
- || owner.isClass && owner.isEffectivelyFinal
- )
- )
- /** Is this symbol locally defined? I.e. not accessed from outside `this` instance */
- final def isLocal: Boolean = owner.isTerm
- /** Is this symbol a constant? */
- final def isConstant: Boolean = isStable && isConstantType(tpe.resultType)
- /** Is this class nested in another class or module (not a package)? */
- def isNestedClass = false
- /** Is this class locally defined?
- * A class is local, if
- * - it is anonymous, or
- * - its owner is a value
- * - it is defined within a local class
- */
- def isLocalClass = false
- def isStableClass = false
-/* code for fixing nested objects
- override final def isModuleClass: Boolean =
- super.isModuleClass && !isExpandedModuleClass
- /** Is this class or type defined as a structural refinement type?
- */
- final def isStructuralRefinement: Boolean =
- (isClass || isType || isModule) && info.normalize/*.underlying*/.isStructuralRefinement
- /** Is this a term symbol only defined in a refinement (so that it needs
- * to be accessed by reflection)?
- */
- def isOnlyRefinementMember: Boolean =
- isTerm && // type members are not affected
- owner.isRefinementClass && // owner must be a refinement class
- ( decl name) == this && // symbol must be explicitly declared in the refinement (not synthesized from glb)
- allOverriddenSymbols.isEmpty && // symbol must not override a symbol in a base class
- !isConstant // symbol must not be a constant. Question: Can we exclude @inline methods as well?
- final def isStructuralRefinementMember = owner.isStructuralRefinement && isPossibleInRefinement && isPublic
- final def isPossibleInRefinement = !isConstructor && !isOverridingSymbol
- /** Is this symbol a member of class `clazz`? */
- def isMemberOf(clazz: Symbol) =
- contains this
- /** A a member of class `base` is incomplete if
- * (1) it is declared deferred or
- * (2) it is abstract override and its super symbol in `base` is
- * nonexistent or incomplete.
- *
- * @param base ...
- * @return ...
- */
- final def isIncompleteIn(base: Symbol): Boolean =
- this.isDeferred ||
- (this hasFlag ABSOVERRIDE) && {
- val supersym = superSymbol(base)
- supersym == NoSymbol || supersym.isIncompleteIn(base)
- }
- // Does not always work if the rawInfo is a SourcefileLoader, see comment
- // in "def coreClassesFirst" in Global.
- def exists = !owner.isPackageClass || { rawInfo.load(this); rawInfo != NoType }
- final def isInitialized: Boolean =
- validTo != NoPeriod
- // [Eugene] todo. needs to be reviewed and [only then] rewritten without explicit returns
- /** Determines whether this symbol can be loaded by subsequent reflective compilation */
- final def isLocatable: Boolean = {
- if (this == NoSymbol) return false
- if (isRoot || isRootPackage) return true
- if (!owner.isLocatable) return false
- if (owner.isTerm) return false
- if (isLocalDummy) return false
- if (isType && isNonClassType) return false
- if (isRefinementClass) return false
- return true
- }
- // [Eugene] is it a good idea to add ``dealias'' to Symbol?
- /** Expands type aliases */
- def dealias: Symbol = this
- /** The variance of this symbol as an integer */
- final def variance: Int =
- if (isCovariant) 1
- else if (isContravariant) -1
- else 0
- /** The sequence number of this parameter symbol among all type
- * and value parameters of symbol's owner. -1 if symbol does not
- * appear among the parameters of its owner.
- */
- def paramPos: Int = {
- def searchIn(tpe: Type, base: Int): Int = {
- def searchList(params: List[Symbol], fallback: Type): Int = {
- val idx = params indexOf this
- if (idx >= 0) idx + base
- else searchIn(fallback, base + params.length)
- }
- tpe match {
- case PolyType(tparams, res) => searchList(tparams, res)
- case MethodType(params, res) => searchList(params, res)
- case _ => -1
- }
- }
- searchIn(, 0)
- }
-// ------ owner attribute --------------------------------------------------------------
- def owner: Symbol = rawowner
- // TODO - don't allow the owner to be changed without checking invariants, at least
- // when under some flag. Define per-phase invariants for owner/owned relationships,
- // e.g. after flatten all classes are owned by package classes, there are lots and
- // lots of these to be declared (or more realistically, discovered.)
- def owner_=(owner: Symbol) {
- // don't keep the original owner in presentation compiler runs
- // (the map will grow indefinitely, and the only use case is the
- // backend).
- if (!forInteractive) {
- if (originalOwner contains this) ()
- else originalOwner(this) = rawowner
- }
- assert(isCompilerUniverse, "owner_= is not thread-safe; cannot be run in reflexive code")
- if (traceSymbolActivity)
- traceSymbols.recordNewSymbolOwner(this, owner)
- _rawowner = owner
- }
- def ownerChain: List[Symbol] = this :: owner.ownerChain
- def originalOwnerChain: List[Symbol] = this :: originalOwner.getOrElse(this, rawowner).originalOwnerChain
- // Non-classes skip self and return rest of owner chain; overridden in ClassSymbol.
- def enclClassChain: List[Symbol] = owner.enclClassChain
- def ownersIterator: Iterator[Symbol] = new Iterator[Symbol] {
- private var current = Symbol.this
- def hasNext = current ne NoSymbol
- def next = { val r = current; current = current.owner; r }
- }
- /** Same as `ownerChain contains sym` but more efficient, and
- * with a twist for refinement classes (see RefinementClassSymbol.)
- */
- def hasTransOwner(sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
- var o = this
- while ((o ne sym) && (o ne NoSymbol)) o = o.owner
- (o eq sym)
- }
-// ------ name attribute --------------------------------------------------------------
- /** If this symbol has an expanded name, its original name, otherwise its name itself.
- * @see expandName
- */
- def originalName: Name = nme.originalName(name)
- /** The name of the symbol before decoding, e.g. `\$eq\$eq` instead of `==`.
- */
- def encodedName: String = name.toString
- /** The decoded name of the symbol, e.g. `==` instead of `\$eq\$eq`.
- */
- def decodedName: String = nme.dropLocalSuffix(name).decode
- private def addModuleSuffix(n: Name): Name =
- if (needsModuleSuffix) n append nme.MODULE_SUFFIX_STRING else n
- def moduleSuffix: String = (
- if (needsModuleSuffix) nme.MODULE_SUFFIX_STRING
- else ""
- )
- /** Whether this symbol needs nme.MODULE_SUFFIX_STRING (aka $) appended on the java platform.
- */
- def needsModuleSuffix = (
- hasModuleFlag
- && !isMethod
- && !isImplClass
- && !isJavaDefined
- )
- /** These should be moved somewhere like JavaPlatform.
- */
- def javaSimpleName: Name = addModuleSuffix(nme.dropLocalSuffix(simpleName))
- def javaBinaryName: Name = addModuleSuffix(fullNameInternal('/'))
- def javaClassName: String = addModuleSuffix(fullNameInternal('.')).toString
- /** The encoded full path name of this symbol, where outer names and inner names
- * are separated by `separator` characters.
- * Never translates expansions of operators back to operator symbol.
- * Never adds id.
- * Drops package objects.
- */
- final def fullName(separator: Char): String = fullNameAsName(separator).toString
- /** Doesn't drop package objects, for those situations (e.g. classloading)
- * where the true path is needed.
- */
- private def fullNameInternal(separator: Char): Name = (
- if (isRoot || isRootPackage || this == NoSymbol) name
- else if (owner.isEffectiveRoot) name
- else effectiveOwner.enclClass.fullNameAsName(separator) append separator append name
- )
- def fullNameAsName(separator: Char): Name = nme.dropLocalSuffix(fullNameInternal(separator))
- /** The encoded full path name of this symbol, where outer names and inner names
- * are separated by periods.
- */
- final def fullName: String = fullName('.')
- /**
- * Symbol creation implementations.
- */
- protected def createAbstractTypeSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position, newFlags: Long): AbstractTypeSymbol =
- new AbstractTypeSymbol(this, pos, name) initFlags newFlags
- protected def createAliasTypeSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position, newFlags: Long): AliasTypeSymbol =
- new AliasTypeSymbol(this, pos, name) initFlags newFlags
- protected def createTypeSkolemSymbol(name: TypeName, origin: AnyRef, pos: Position, newFlags: Long): TypeSkolem =
- new TypeSkolem(this, pos, name, origin) initFlags newFlags
- protected def createClassSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position, newFlags: Long): ClassSymbol =
- new ClassSymbol(this, pos, name) initFlags newFlags
- protected def createModuleClassSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position, newFlags: Long): ModuleClassSymbol =
- new ModuleClassSymbol(this, pos, name) initFlags newFlags
- protected def createPackageClassSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position, newFlags: Long): PackageClassSymbol =
- new PackageClassSymbol(this, pos, name) initFlags newFlags
- protected def createRefinementClassSymbol(pos: Position, newFlags: Long): RefinementClassSymbol =
- new RefinementClassSymbol(this, pos) initFlags newFlags
- protected def createPackageObjectClassSymbol(pos: Position, newFlags: Long): PackageObjectClassSymbol =
- new PackageObjectClassSymbol(this, pos) initFlags newFlags
- protected def createImplClassSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position, newFlags: Long): ClassSymbol =
- new ClassSymbol(this, pos, name) with ImplClassSymbol initFlags newFlags
- protected def createTermSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position, newFlags: Long): TermSymbol =
- new TermSymbol(this, pos, name) initFlags newFlags
- protected def createMethodSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position, newFlags: Long): MethodSymbol =
- new MethodSymbol(this, pos, name) initFlags newFlags
- protected def createModuleSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position, newFlags: Long): ModuleSymbol =
- new ModuleSymbol(this, pos, name) initFlags newFlags
- protected def createPackageSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position, newFlags: Long): ModuleSymbol =
- new ModuleSymbol(this, pos, name) initFlags newFlags
- protected def createValueParameterSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position, newFlags: Long): TermSymbol =
- new TermSymbol(this, pos, name) initFlags newFlags
- protected def createValueMemberSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position, newFlags: Long): TermSymbol =
- new TermSymbol(this, pos, name) initFlags newFlags
- final def newTermSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position = NoPosition, newFlags: Long = 0L): TermSymbol = {
- if ((newFlags & METHOD) != 0)
- createMethodSymbol(name, pos, newFlags)
- else if ((newFlags & PACKAGE) != 0)
- createPackageSymbol(name, pos, newFlags | PackageFlags)
- else if ((newFlags & MODULE) != 0)
- createModuleSymbol(name, pos, newFlags)
- else if ((newFlags & PARAM) != 0)
- createValueParameterSymbol(name, pos, newFlags)
- else
- createValueMemberSymbol(name, pos, newFlags)
- }
- final def newClassSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, newFlags: Long = 0L): ClassSymbol = {
- if (name == tpnme.REFINE_CLASS_NAME)
- createRefinementClassSymbol(pos, newFlags)
- else if ((newFlags & PACKAGE) != 0)
- createPackageClassSymbol(name, pos, newFlags | PackageFlags)
- else if (name == tpnme.PACKAGE)
- createPackageObjectClassSymbol(pos, newFlags)
- else if ((newFlags & MODULE) != 0)
- createModuleClassSymbol(name, pos, newFlags)
- else if ((newFlags & IMPLCLASS) != 0)
- createImplClassSymbol(name, pos, newFlags)
- else
- createClassSymbol(name, pos, newFlags)
- }
- final def newNonClassSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, newFlags: Long = 0L): TypeSymbol = {
- if ((newFlags & DEFERRED) != 0)
- createAbstractTypeSymbol(name, pos, newFlags)
- else
- createAliasTypeSymbol(name, pos, newFlags)
- }
- def newTypeSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, newFlags: Long = 0L): TypeSymbol =
- newNonClassSymbol(name, pos, newFlags)
- /** The class or term up to which this symbol is accessible,
- * or RootClass if it is public. As java protected statics are
- * otherwise completely inaccessible in scala, they are treated
- * as public.
- */
- def accessBoundary(base: Symbol): Symbol = {
- if (hasFlag(PRIVATE) || isLocal) owner
- else if (hasAllFlags(PROTECTED | STATIC | JAVA)) enclosingRootClass
- else if (hasAccessBoundary && !phase.erasedTypes) privateWithin
- else if (hasFlag(PROTECTED)) base
- else enclosingRootClass
- }
- def isLessAccessibleThan(other: Symbol): Boolean = {
- val tb = this.accessBoundary(owner)
- val ob1 = other.accessBoundary(owner)
- val ob2 = ob1.linkedClassOfClass
- var o = tb
- while (o != NoSymbol && o != ob1 && o != ob2) {
- o = o.owner
- }
- o != NoSymbol && o != tb
- }
- /** See comment in HasFlags for how privateWithin combines with flags.
- */
- private[this] var _privateWithin: Symbol = _
- def privateWithin = _privateWithin
- def privateWithin_=(sym: Symbol) { _privateWithin = sym }
- def setPrivateWithin(sym: Symbol): this.type = { privateWithin_=(sym) ; this }
- /** Does symbol have a private or protected qualifier set? */
- final def hasAccessBoundary = (privateWithin != null) && (privateWithin != NoSymbol)
-// ------ info and type -------------------------------------------------------------------
- private[Symbols] var infos: TypeHistory = null
- def originalInfo = {
- if (infos eq null) null
- else {
- var is = infos
- while (is.prev ne null) { is = is.prev }
- }
- }
- /** Get type. The type of a symbol is:
- * for a type symbol, the type corresponding to the symbol itself,
- * @M you should use tpeHK for a type symbol with type parameters if
- * the kind of the type need not be *, as tpe introduces dummy arguments
- * to generate a type of kind *
- * for a term symbol, its usual type.
- * See the tpe/tpeHK overrides in TypeSymbol for more.
- */
- def tpe: Type = info
- def tpeHK: Type = tpe
- /** Get type info associated with symbol at current phase, after
- * ensuring that symbol is initialized (i.e. type is completed).
- */
- def info: Type = try {
- var cnt = 0
- while (validTo == NoPeriod) {
- //if (settings.debug.value) System.out.println("completing " + this);//DEBUG
- assert(infos ne null,
- assert(infos.prev eq null,
- val tp =
- //if (settings.debug.value) System.out.println("completing " + this.rawname + tp.getClass());//debug
- if ((_rawflags & LOCKED) != 0L) { // rolled out once for performance
- lock {
- setInfo(ErrorType)
- throw CyclicReference(this, tp)
- }
- } else {
- _rawflags |= LOCKED
-// activeLocks += 1
- // lockedSyms += this
- }
- val current = phase
- try {
- phase = phaseOf(infos.validFrom)
- tp.complete(this)
- } finally {
- unlock()
- phase = current
- }
- cnt += 1
- // allow for two completions:
- // one: sourceCompleter to LazyType, two: LazyType to completed type
- if (cnt == 3) abort("no progress in completing " + this + ":" + tp)
- }
- rawInfo
- }
- catch {
- case ex: CyclicReference =>
- debugwarn("... hit cycle trying to complete " + this.fullLocationString)
- throw ex
- }
- def info_=(info: Type) {
- assert(info ne null)
- infos = TypeHistory(currentPeriod, info, null)
- unlock()
- _validTo = if (info.isComplete) currentPeriod else NoPeriod
- }
- /** Set initial info. */
- def setInfo(info: Type): this.type = { info_=(info); this }
- /** Modifies this symbol's info in place. */
- def modifyInfo(f: Type => Type): this.type = setInfo(f(info))
- /** Substitute second list of symbols for first in current info. */
- def substInfo(syms0: List[Symbol], syms1: List[Symbol]): this.type =
- if (syms0.isEmpty) this
- else modifyInfo(_.substSym(syms0, syms1))
- def setInfoOwnerAdjusted(info: Type): this.type = setInfo(info atOwner this)
- /** Set the info and enter this symbol into the owner's scope. */
- def setInfoAndEnter(info: Type): this.type = {
- setInfo(info)
- enter this
- this
- }
- /** Set new info valid from start of this phase. */
- def updateInfo(info: Type): Symbol = {
- val pid = phaseId(infos.validFrom)
- assert(pid <=, (pid,
- if (pid == infos = infos.prev
- infos = TypeHistory(currentPeriod, info, infos)
- _validTo = if (info.isComplete) currentPeriod else NoPeriod
- this
- }
- def hasRawInfo: Boolean = infos ne null
- def hasCompleteInfo = hasRawInfo && rawInfo.isComplete
- /** Return info without checking for initialization or completing */
- def rawInfo: Type = {
- var infos = this.infos
- assert(infos != null)
- val curPeriod = currentPeriod
- val curPid = phaseId(curPeriod)
- if (validTo != NoPeriod) {
- // skip any infos that concern later phases
- while (curPid < phaseId(infos.validFrom) && infos.prev != null)
- infos = infos.prev
- if (validTo < curPeriod) {
- // adapt any infos that come from previous runs
- val current = phase
- try {
- infos = adaptInfos(infos)
- //assert(runId(validTo) == currentRunId, name)
- //assert(runId(infos.validFrom) == currentRunId, name)
- if (validTo < curPeriod) {
- var itr = infoTransformers.nextFrom(phaseId(validTo))
- infoTransformers = itr; // caching optimization
- while ( != && < {
- phase = phaseWithId(
- val info1 = itr.transform(this,
- if (info1 ne {
- infos = TypeHistory(currentPeriod + 1, info1, infos)
- this.infos = infos
- }
- _validTo = currentPeriod + 1 // to enable reads from same symbol during info-transform
- itr =
- }
- _validTo = if ( == curPeriod
- else period(currentRunId,
- }
- } finally {
- phase = current
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // adapt to new run in fsc.
- private def adaptInfos(infos: TypeHistory): TypeHistory = {
- assert(isCompilerUniverse)
- if (infos == null || runId(infos.validFrom) == currentRunId) {
- infos
- } else {
- val prev1 = adaptInfos(infos.prev)
- if (prev1 ne infos.prev) prev1
- else {
- val pid = phaseId(infos.validFrom)
- _validTo = period(currentRunId, pid)
- phase = phaseWithId(pid)
- val info1 = (
- if (isPackageClass)
- else adaptToNewRunMap(
- )
- if (info1 eq {
- infos.validFrom = validTo
- infos
- } else {
- this.infos = TypeHistory(validTo, info1, prev1)
- this.infos
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /** Initialize the symbol */
- final def initialize: this.type = {
- if (!isInitialized) info
- this
- }
- /** Was symbol's type updated during given phase? */
- final def isUpdatedAt(pid: Phase#Id): Boolean = {
- assert(isCompilerUniverse)
- var infos = this.infos
- while ((infos ne null) && phaseId(infos.validFrom) != pid + 1) infos = infos.prev
- infos ne null
- }
- /** Was symbol's type updated during given phase? */
- final def hasTypeAt(pid: Phase#Id): Boolean = {
- assert(isCompilerUniverse)
- var infos = this.infos
- while ((infos ne null) && phaseId(infos.validFrom) > pid) infos = infos.prev
- infos ne null
- }
- /** Modify term symbol's type so that a raw type C is converted to an existential C[_]
- *
- * This is done in checkAccessible and overriding checks in refchecks
- * We can't do this on class loading because it would result in infinite cycles.
- */
- final def cookJavaRawInfo() {
- if (hasFlag(TRIEDCOOKING)) return else setFlag(TRIEDCOOKING) // only try once...
- val oldInfo = info
- doCookJavaRawInfo()
- }
- protected def doCookJavaRawInfo(): Unit
- /** The type constructor of a symbol is:
- * For a type symbol, the type corresponding to the symbol itself,
- * excluding parameters.
- * Not applicable for term symbols.
- */
- def typeConstructor: Type =
- abort("typeConstructor inapplicable for " + this)
- /** The logic approximately boils down to finding the most recent phase
- * which immediately follows any of parser, namer, typer, or erasure.
- * In effect that means this will return one of:
- *
- * - packageobjects (follows namer)
- * - superaccessors (follows typer)
- * - lazyvals (follows erasure)
- * - null
- */
- private def unsafeTypeParamPhase = {
- var ph = phase
- while (ph.prev.keepsTypeParams)
- ph = ph.prev
- ph
- }
- /** The type parameters of this symbol, without ensuring type completion.
- * assumption: if a type starts out as monomorphic, it will not acquire
- * type parameters later.
- */
- def unsafeTypeParams: List[Symbol] =
- if (isMonomorphicType) Nil
- else atPhase(unsafeTypeParamPhase)(rawInfo.typeParams)
- /** The type parameters of this symbol.
- * assumption: if a type starts out as monomorphic, it will not acquire
- * type parameters later.
- */
- def typeParams: List[Symbol] =
- if (isMonomorphicType) Nil
- else {
- // analogously to the "info" getter, here we allow for two completions:
- // one: sourceCompleter to LazyType, two: LazyType to completed type
- if (validTo == NoPeriod)
- atPhase(phaseOf(infos.validFrom))(rawInfo load this)
- if (validTo == NoPeriod)
- atPhase(phaseOf(infos.validFrom))(rawInfo load this)
- rawInfo.typeParams
- }
- /** The value parameter sections of this symbol.
- */
- def paramss: List[List[Symbol]] = info.paramss
- def hasParamWhich(cond: Symbol => Boolean) = mexists(paramss)(cond)
- /** The least proper supertype of a class; includes all parent types
- * and refinement where needed. You need to compute that in a situation like this:
- * {
- * class C extends P { ... }
- * new C
- * }
- */
- def classBound: Type = {
- val tp = refinedType(info.parents, owner)
- val thistp = tp.typeSymbol.thisType
- val oldsymbuf = new ListBuffer[Symbol]
- val newsymbuf = new ListBuffer[Symbol]
- for (sym <- info.decls) {
- // todo: what about public references to private symbols?
- if (sym.isPublic && !sym.isConstructor) {
- oldsymbuf += sym
- newsymbuf += (
- if (sym.isClass)
- tp.typeSymbol.newAbstractType(, sym.pos).setInfo(sym.existentialBound)
- else
- sym.cloneSymbol(tp.typeSymbol))
- }
- }
- val oldsyms = oldsymbuf.toList
- val newsyms = newsymbuf.toList
- for (sym <- newsyms) {
- addMember(thistp, tp, sym modifyInfo (_ substThisAndSym(this, thistp, oldsyms, newsyms)))
- }
- tp
- }
- /** If we quantify existentially over this symbol,
- * the bound of the type variable that stands for it
- * pre: symbol is a term, a class, or an abstract type (no alias type allowed)
- */
- def existentialBound: Type
- /** Reset symbol to initial state
- */
- def reset(completer: Type): this.type = {
- resetFlags()
- infos = null
- _validTo = NoPeriod
- //limit =
- setInfo(completer)
- }
- /**
- * Adds the interface scala.Serializable to the parents of a ClassInfoType.
- * Note that the tree also has to be updated accordingly.
- */
- def makeSerializable() {
- info match {
- case ci @ ClassInfoType(_, _, _) =>
- updateInfo(ci.copy(parents = ci.parents :+ SerializableClass.tpe))
- case i =>
- abort("Only ClassInfoTypes can be made serializable: "+ i)
- }
- }
-// ----- setters implemented in selected subclasses -------------------------------------
- def typeOfThis_=(tp: Type) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("typeOfThis_= inapplicable for " + this) }
- def sourceModule_=(sym: Symbol) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("sourceModule_= inapplicable for " + this) }
- def addChild(sym: Symbol) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("addChild inapplicable for " + this) }
-// ----- annotations ------------------------------------------------------------
- // null is a marker that they still need to be obtained.
- private[this] var _annotations: List[AnnotationInfo] = Nil
- def annotationsString = if (annotations.isEmpty) "" else annotations.mkString("(", ", ", ")")
- /** After the typer phase (before, look at the definition's Modifiers), contains
- * the annotations attached to member a definition (class, method, type, field).
- */
- def annotations: List[AnnotationInfo] =
- _annotations
- def setAnnotations(annots: List[AnnotationInfo]): this.type = {
- _annotations = annots
- this
- }
- def withAnnotations(annots: List[AnnotationInfo]): this.type =
- setAnnotations(annots ::: annotations)
- def withoutAnnotations: this.type =
- setAnnotations(Nil)
- def filterAnnotations(p: AnnotationInfo => Boolean): this.type =
- setAnnotations(annotations filter p)
- def addAnnotation(annot: AnnotationInfo): this.type =
- setAnnotations(annot :: annotations)
- // Convenience for the overwhelmingly common case
- def addAnnotation(sym: Symbol, args: Tree*): this.type =
- addAnnotation(AnnotationInfo(sym.tpe, args.toList, Nil))
-// ------ comparisons ----------------------------------------------------------------
- /** A total ordering between symbols that refines the class
- * inheritance graph (i.e. subclass.isLess(superclass) always holds).
- * the ordering is given by: (_.isType, -_.baseTypeSeq.length) for type symbols, followed by `id`.
- */
- final def isLess(that: Symbol): Boolean = {
- def baseTypeSeqLength(sym: Symbol) =
- if (sym.isAbstractType) 1 +
- else
- if (this.isType)
- (that.isType &&
- { val diff = baseTypeSeqLength(this) - baseTypeSeqLength(that)
- diff > 0 || diff == 0 && < })
- else
- that.isType || <
- }
- /** A partial ordering between symbols.
- * (this isNestedIn that) holds iff this symbol is defined within
- * a class or method defining that symbol
- */
- final def isNestedIn(that: Symbol): Boolean =
- owner == that || owner != NoSymbol && (owner isNestedIn that)
- /** Is this class symbol a subclass of that symbol,
- * and is this class symbol also different from Null or Nothing? */
- def isNonBottomSubClass(that: Symbol): Boolean = false
- /** Overridden in NullClass and NothingClass for custom behavior.
- */
- def isSubClass(that: Symbol) = isNonBottomSubClass(that)
- final def isNumericSubClass(that: Symbol): Boolean =
- definitions.isNumericSubClass(this, that)
- final def isWeakSubClass(that: Symbol) =
- isSubClass(that) || isNumericSubClass(that)
-// ------ overloaded alternatives ------------------------------------------------------
- def alternatives: List[Symbol] =
- if (isOverloaded) info.asInstanceOf[OverloadedType].alternatives
- else List(this)
- def filter(cond: Symbol => Boolean): Symbol =
- if (isOverloaded) {
- val alts = alternatives
- val alts1 = alts filter cond
- if (alts1 eq alts) this
- else if (alts1.isEmpty) NoSymbol
- else if (alts1.tail.isEmpty) alts1.head
- else owner.newOverloaded(info.prefix, alts1)
- }
- else if (cond(this)) this
- else NoSymbol
- def suchThat(cond: Symbol => Boolean): Symbol = {
- val result = filter(cond)
- assert(!result.isOverloaded, result.alternatives)
- result
- }
- @inline final def map(f: Symbol => Symbol): Symbol = if (this eq NoSymbol) this else f(this)
-// ------ cloneing -------------------------------------------------------------------
- /** A clone of this symbol. */
- final def cloneSymbol: TypeOfClonedSymbol =
- cloneSymbol(owner)
- /** A clone of this symbol, but with given owner. */
- final def cloneSymbol(newOwner: Symbol): TypeOfClonedSymbol =
- cloneSymbol(newOwner, _rawflags)
- final def cloneSymbol(newOwner: Symbol, newFlags: Long): TypeOfClonedSymbol =
- cloneSymbol(newOwner, newFlags, null)
- final def cloneSymbol(newOwner: Symbol, newFlags: Long, newName: Name): TypeOfClonedSymbol = {
- val clone = cloneSymbolImpl(newOwner, newFlags)
- ( clone
- setPrivateWithin privateWithin
- setInfo ( cloneInfo clone)
- setAnnotations this.annotations
- )
- if (clone.thisSym != clone)
- clone.typeOfThis = (clone.typeOfThis cloneInfo clone)
- if (newName ne null)
- clone setName asNameType(newName)
- clone
- }
- /** Internal method to clone a symbol's implementation with the given flags and no info. */
- def cloneSymbolImpl(owner: Symbol, newFlags: Long): TypeOfClonedSymbol
-// ------ access to related symbols --------------------------------------------------
- /** The next enclosing class. */
- def enclClass: Symbol = if (isClass) this else owner.enclClass
- /** The next enclosing method. */
- def enclMethod: Symbol = if (isSourceMethod) this else owner.enclMethod
- /** The primary constructor of a class. */
- def primaryConstructor: Symbol = NoSymbol
- /** The self symbol (a TermSymbol) of a class with explicit self type, or else the
- * symbol itself (a TypeSymbol).
- *
- * WARNING: you're probably better off using typeOfThis, as it's more uniform across classes with and without self variables.
- *
- * Example by Paul:
- * scala> trait Foo1 { }
- * scala> trait Foo2 { self => }
- * scala> intp("Foo1").thisSym
- * res0: $ = trait Foo1
- *
- * scala> intp("Foo2").thisSym
- * res1: $ = value self
- *
- * Martin says: The reason `thisSym' is `this' is so that thisType can be this.thisSym.tpe.
- * It's a trick to shave some cycles off.
- *
- * Morale: DO: if (clazz.typeOfThis.typeConstructor ne clazz.typeConstructor) ...
- * DON'T: if (clazz.thisSym ne clazz) ...
- *
- */
- def thisSym: Symbol = this
- /** The type of `this` in a class, or else the type of the symbol itself. */
- def typeOfThis = thisSym.tpe
- /** If symbol is a class, the type <code>this.type</code> in this class,
- * otherwise <code>NoPrefix</code>.
- * We always have: thisType <:< typeOfThis
- */
- def thisType: Type = NoPrefix
- /** For a case class, the symbols of the accessor methods, one for each
- * argument in the first parameter list of the primary constructor.
- * The empty list for all other classes.
- */
- final def caseFieldAccessors: List[Symbol] =
- (info.decls filter (_.isCaseAccessorMethod)).toList
- final def constrParamAccessors: List[Symbol] =
- info.decls.toList filter (sym => !sym.isMethod && sym.isParamAccessor)
- /** The symbol accessed by this accessor (getter or setter) function. */
- final def accessed: Symbol = accessed(
- /** The symbol accessed by this accessor function, but with given owner type. */
- final def accessed(ownerTp: Type): Symbol = {
- assert(hasAccessorFlag, this)
- ownerTp decl nme.getterToLocal(getterName.toTermName)
- }
- /** The module corresponding to this module class (note that this
- * is not updated when a module is cloned), or NoSymbol if this is not a ModuleClass.
- */
- def sourceModule: Symbol = NoSymbol
- /** The implementation class of a trait. If available it will be the
- * symbol with the same owner, and the name of this symbol with $class
- * appended to it.
- */
- final def implClass: Symbol =
- /** The class that is logically an outer class of given `clazz`.
- * This is the enclosing class, except for classes defined locally to constructors,
- * where it is the outer class of the enclosing class.
- */
- final def outerClass: Symbol =
- if (owner.isClass) owner
- else if (isClassLocalToConstructor) owner.enclClass.outerClass
- else owner.outerClass
- /** For a paramaccessor: a superclass paramaccessor for which this symbol
- * is an alias, NoSymbol for all others.
- */
- def alias: Symbol = NoSymbol
- /** For a lazy value, its lazy accessor. NoSymbol for all others. */
- def lazyAccessor: Symbol = NoSymbol
- /** If this is a lazy value, the lazy accessor; otherwise this symbol. */
- def lazyAccessorOrSelf: Symbol = if (isLazy) lazyAccessor else this
- /** If this is an accessor, the accessed symbol. Otherwise, this symbol. */
- def accessedOrSelf: Symbol = if (hasAccessorFlag) accessed else this
- /** For an outer accessor: The class from which the outer originates.
- * For all other symbols: NoSymbol
- */
- def outerSource: Symbol = NoSymbol
- /** The superclass of this class. */
- def superClass: Symbol = if (info.parents.isEmpty) NoSymbol else info.parents.head.typeSymbol
- def parentSymbols: List[Symbol] = info.parents map (_.typeSymbol)
- /** The directly or indirectly inherited mixins of this class
- * except for mixin classes inherited by the superclass. Mixin classes appear
- * in linearization order.
- */
- def mixinClasses: List[Symbol] = {
- val sc = superClass
- ancestors takeWhile (sc ne _)
- }
- /** All directly or indirectly inherited classes. */
- def ancestors: List[Symbol] = info.baseClasses drop 1
- @inline final def enclosingSuchThat(p: Symbol => Boolean): Symbol = {
- var sym = this
- while (sym != NoSymbol && !p(sym))
- sym = sym.owner
- sym
- }
- /** The package class containing this symbol, or NoSymbol if there
- * is not one.
- * TODO: formulate as enclosingSuchThat, after making sure
- * we can start with current symbol rather than onwner.
- * TODO: Also harmonize with enclClass, enclMethod etc.
- */
- def enclosingPackageClass: Symbol = {
- var sym = this.owner
- while (sym != NoSymbol && !sym.isPackageClass)
- sym = sym.owner
- sym
- }
- /** The package class containing this symbol, or NoSymbol if there
- * is not one. */
- def enclosingRootClass: Symbol = enclosingSuchThat(_.isRoot)
- /** The package containing this symbol, or NoSymbol if there
- * is not one. */
- def enclosingPackage: Symbol = enclosingPackageClass.companionModule
- /** Return the original enclosing method of this symbol. It should return
- * the same thing as enclMethod when called before lambda lift,
- * but it preserves the original nesting when called afterwards.
- *
- * @note This method is NOT available in the presentation compiler run. The
- * originalOwner map is not populated for memory considerations (the symbol
- * may hang on to lazy types and in turn to whole (outdated) compilation units.
- */
- def originalEnclosingMethod: Symbol = {
- assert(!forInteractive, "originalOwner is not kept in presentation compiler runs.")
- if (isMethod) this
- else {
- val owner = originalOwner.getOrElse(this, rawowner)
- if (isLocalDummy) owner.enclClass.primaryConstructor
- else owner.originalEnclosingMethod
- }
- }
- /** The method or class which logically encloses the current symbol.
- * If the symbol is defined in the initialization part of a template
- * this is the template's primary constructor, otherwise it is
- * the physically enclosing method or class.
- *
- * Example 1:
- *
- * def f() { val x = { def g() = ...; g() } }
- *
- * In this case the owner chain of `g` is `x`, followed by `f` and
- * `g.logicallyEnclosingMember == f`.
- *
- * Example 2:
- *
- * class C {
- * def <init> = { ... }
- * val x = { def g() = ...; g() } }
- * }
- *
- * In this case the owner chain of `g` is `x`, followed by `C` but
- * g.logicallyEnclosingMember is the primary constructor symbol `<init>`
- * (or, for traits: `$init`) of `C`.
- *
- */
- def logicallyEnclosingMember: Symbol =
- if (isLocalDummy) enclClass.primaryConstructor
- else if (isMethod || isClass) this
- else owner.logicallyEnclosingMember
- /** Kept for source compatibility with 2.9. Scala IDE for Eclipse relies on this. */
- @deprecated("Use enclosingTopLevelClass", "2.10.0")
- def toplevelClass: Symbol = enclosingTopLevelClass
- /** The top-level class containing this symbol. */
- def enclosingTopLevelClass: Symbol =
- if (owner.isPackageClass) {
- if (isClass) this else moduleClass
- } else owner.enclosingTopLevelClass
- /** Is this symbol defined in the same scope and compilation unit as `that` symbol? */
- def isCoDefinedWith(that: Symbol) = {
- import language.reflectiveCalls
- (this.rawInfo ne NoType) &&
- (this.effectiveOwner == that.effectiveOwner) && {
- !this.effectiveOwner.isPackageClass ||
- (this.sourceFile eq null) ||
- (that.sourceFile eq null) ||
- (this.sourceFile == that.sourceFile) || {
- // recognize companion object in separate file and fail, else compilation
- // appears to succeed but highly opaque errors come later: see bug #1286
- if (this.sourceFile.path != that.sourceFile.path) {
- // The cheaper check can be wrong: do the expensive normalization
- // before failing.
- if (this.sourceFile.canonicalPath != that.sourceFile.canonicalPath)
- throw InvalidCompanions(this, that)
- }
- false
- }
- }
- }
- /** The internal representation of classes and objects:
- *
- * class Foo is "the class" or sometimes "the plain class"
- * object Foo is "the module"
- * class Foo$ is "the module class" (invisible to the user: it implements object Foo)
- *
- * class Foo <
- * ^ ^ (2) \
- * | | | \
- * | (5) | (3)
- * | | | \
- * (1) v v \
- * object Foo (4)-> > class Foo$
- *
- * (1) companionClass
- * (2) companionModule
- * (3) linkedClassOfClass
- * (4) moduleClass
- * (5) companionSymbol
- */
- /** For a module: the class with the same name in the same package.
- * For all others: NoSymbol
- * Note: does not work for classes owned by methods, see Namers.companionClassOf
- *
- * object Foo . companionClass --> class Foo
- *
- * !!! linkedClassOfClass depends on companionClass on the module class getting
- * to the class. As presently implemented this potentially returns class for
- * any symbol except NoSymbol.
- */
- def companionClass: Symbol = flatOwnerInfo.decl(name.toTypeName).suchThat(_ isCoDefinedWith this)
- /** For a class: the module or case class factory with the same name in the same package.
- * For all others: NoSymbol
- * Note: does not work for modules owned by methods, see Namers.companionModuleOf
- *
- * class Foo . companionModule --> object Foo
- */
- def companionModule: Symbol = NoSymbol
- /** For a module: its linked class
- * For a plain class: its linked module or case factory.
- * Note: does not work for modules owned by methods, see Namers.companionSymbolOf
- *
- * class Foo <-- companionSymbol --> object Foo
- */
- def companionSymbol: Symbol = NoSymbol
- /** For a module class: its linked class
- * For a plain class: the module class of its linked module.
- *
- * class Foo <-- linkedClassOfClass --> class Foo$
- */
- def linkedClassOfClass: Symbol = NoSymbol
- /**
- * Returns the rawInfo of the owner. If the current phase has flat classes,
- * it first applies all pending type maps to this symbol.
- *
- * assume this is the ModuleSymbol for B in the following definition:
- * package p { class A { object B { val x = 1 } } }
- *
- * The owner after flatten is "package p" (see "def owner"). The flatten type map enters
- * symbol B in the decls of p. So to find a linked symbol ("object B" or "class B")
- * we need to apply flatten to B first. Fixes #2470.
- */
- protected final def flatOwnerInfo: Type = {
- if (needsFlatClasses)
- info
- owner.rawInfo
- }
- /** If this symbol is an implementation class, its interface, otherwise the symbol itself
- * The method follows two strategies to determine the interface.
- * - during or after erasure, it takes the last parent of the implementation class
- * (which is always the interface, by convention)
- * - before erasure, it looks up the interface name in the scope of the owner of the class.
- * This only works for implementation classes owned by other classes or traits.
- * !!! Why?
- */
- def toInterface: Symbol = this
- /** The module class corresponding to this module.
- */
- def moduleClass: Symbol = NoSymbol
- /** The non-private symbol whose type matches the type of this symbol
- * in in given class.
- *
- * @param ofclazz The class containing the symbol's definition
- * @param site The base type from which member types are computed
- */
- final def matchingSymbol(ofclazz: Symbol, site: Type): Symbol =
- =>
- !sym.isTerm || (site.memberType(this) matches site.memberType(sym)))
- /** The non-private member of `site` whose type and name match the type of this symbol. */
- final def matchingSymbol(site: Type, admit: Long = 0L): Symbol =
- site.nonPrivateMemberAdmitting(name, admit).filter(sym =>
- !sym.isTerm || (site.memberType(this) matches site.memberType(sym)))
- /** The symbol, in class `ofclazz`, that is overridden by this symbol.
- *
- * @param ofclazz is a base class of this symbol's owner.
- */
- final def overriddenSymbol(ofclazz: Symbol): Symbol =
- if (isClassConstructor) NoSymbol else matchingSymbol(ofclazz, owner.thisType)
- /** The symbol overriding this symbol in given subclass `ofclazz`.
- *
- * @param ofclazz is a subclass of this symbol's owner
- */
- final def overridingSymbol(ofclazz: Symbol): Symbol =
- if (isClassConstructor) NoSymbol else matchingSymbol(ofclazz, ofclazz.thisType)
- /** Returns all symbols overriden by this symbol. */
- final def allOverriddenSymbols: List[Symbol] =
- if (!owner.isClass) Nil
- else owner.ancestors map overriddenSymbol filter (_ != NoSymbol)
- /** Equivalent to allOverriddenSymbols.nonEmpty, but more efficient. */
- // !!! When if ever will this answer differ from .isOverride?
- // How/where is the OVERRIDE flag managed, as compared to how checks
- // based on type membership will evaluate?
- def isOverridingSymbol = owner.isClass && (
- owner.ancestors exists (cls => matchingSymbol(cls, owner.thisType) != NoSymbol)
- )
- /** Equivalent to allOverriddenSymbols.head (or NoSymbol if no overrides) but more efficient. */
- def nextOverriddenSymbol: Symbol = {
- if (owner.isClass) owner.ancestors foreach { base =>
- val sym = overriddenSymbol(base)
- if (sym != NoSymbol)
- return sym
- }
- NoSymbol
- }
- /** Returns all symbols overridden by this symbol, plus all matching symbols
- * defined in parents of the selftype.
- */
- final def extendedOverriddenSymbols: List[Symbol] =
- if (!owner.isClass) Nil
- else owner.thisSym.ancestors map overriddenSymbol filter (_ != NoSymbol)
- /** The symbol accessed by a super in the definition of this symbol when
- * seen from class `base`. This symbol is always concrete.
- * pre: `this.owner` is in the base class sequence of `base`.
- */
- final def superSymbol(base: Symbol): Symbol = {
- var bcs = != _).tail
- var sym: Symbol = NoSymbol
- while (!bcs.isEmpty && sym == NoSymbol) {
- if (!bcs.head.isImplClass)
- sym = matchingSymbol(bcs.head, base.thisType).suchThat(!_.isDeferred)
- bcs = bcs.tail
- }
- sym
- }
- /** The getter of this value or setter definition in class `base`, or NoSymbol if
- * none exists.
- */
- final def getter(base: Symbol): Symbol = filter (_.hasAccessorFlag)
- def getterName: TermName = (
- if (isSetter) nme.setterToGetter(name.toTermName)
- else if (nme.isLocalName(name)) nme.localToGetter(name.toTermName)
- else name.toTermName
- )
- /** The setter of this value or getter definition, or NoSymbol if none exists */
- final def setter(base: Symbol): Symbol = setter(base, false)
- final def setter(base: Symbol, hasExpandedName: Boolean): Symbol = {
- var sname = nme.getterToSetter(nme.getterName(name.toTermName))
- if (hasExpandedName) sname = nme.expandedSetterName(sname, base)
- filter (_.hasAccessorFlag)
- }
- /** Return the accessor method of the first parameter of this class.
- * or NoSymbol if it does not exist.
- */
- def firstParamAccessor: Symbol = NoSymbol
- /** The case module corresponding to this case class
- * @pre case class is a member of some other class or package
- */
- final def caseModule: Symbol = {
- var modname = name.toTermName
- if (privateWithin.isClass && !privateWithin.isModuleClass && !hasFlag(EXPANDEDNAME))
- modname = nme.expandedName(modname, privateWithin)
- }
- /** If this symbol is a type parameter skolem (not an existential skolem!)
- * its corresponding type parameter, otherwise this */
- def deSkolemize: Symbol = this
- /** If this symbol is an existential skolem the location (a Tree or null)
- * where it was unpacked. Resulttype is AnyRef because trees are not visible here. */
- def unpackLocation: AnyRef = null
- /** Remove private modifier from symbol `sym`s definition. If `sym` is a
- * is not a constructor nor a static module rename it by expanding its name to avoid name clashes
- * @param base the fully qualified name of this class will be appended if name expansion is needed
- */
- final def makeNotPrivate(base: Symbol) {
- if (this.isPrivate) {
- setFlag(notPRIVATE)
- // Marking these methods final causes problems for proxies which use subclassing. If people
- // write their code with no usage of final, we probably shouldn't introduce it ourselves
- // unless we know it is safe. ... Unfortunately if they aren't marked final the inliner
- // thinks it can't inline them. So once again marking lateFINAL, and in genjvm we no longer
- // generate ACC_FINAL on "final" methods which are actually lateFINAL.
- if (isMethod && !isDeferred)
- setFlag(lateFINAL)
- if (!isStaticModule && !isClassConstructor) {
- expandName(base)
- if (isModule) moduleClass.makeNotPrivate(base)
- }
- }
- }
- /** Remove any access boundary and clear flags PROTECTED | PRIVATE.
- */
- def makePublic = this setPrivateWithin NoSymbol resetFlag AccessFlags
- /** The first parameter to the first argument list of this method,
- * or NoSymbol if inapplicable.
- */
- def firstParam = info.params match {
- case p :: _ => p
- case _ => NoSymbol
- }
-/* code for fixing nested objects
- def expandModuleClassName() {
- name = newTypeName(name.toString + "$")
- }
- def isExpandedModuleClass: Boolean = name(name.length - 1) == '$'
- /** Desire to re-use the field in ClassSymbol which stores the source
- * file to also store the classfile, but without changing the behavior
- * of sourceFile (which is expected at least in the IDE only to
- * return actual source code.) So sourceFile has classfiles filtered out.
- */
- private def sourceFileOnly(file: AbstractFileType): AbstractFileType =
- if ((file eq null) || (file.path endsWith ".class")) null else file
- private def binaryFileOnly(file: AbstractFileType): AbstractFileType =
- if ((file eq null) || !(file.path endsWith ".class")) null else file
- final def binaryFile: AbstractFileType = binaryFileOnly(associatedFile)
- final def sourceFile: AbstractFileType = sourceFileOnly(associatedFile)
- /** Overridden in ModuleSymbols to delegate to the module class. */
- def associatedFile: AbstractFileType = enclosingTopLevelClass.associatedFile
- def associatedFile_=(f: AbstractFileType) { abort("associatedFile_= inapplicable for " + this) }
- @deprecated("Use associatedFile_= instead", "2.10.0")
- def sourceFile_=(f: AbstractFileType): Unit = associatedFile_=(f)
- /** If this is a sealed class, its known direct subclasses.
- * Otherwise, the empty set.
- */
- def children: Set[Symbol] = Set()
- /** Recursively assemble all children of this symbol.
- */
- def sealedDescendants: Set[Symbol] = children.flatMap(_.sealedDescendants) + this
- @inline final def orElse(alt: => Symbol): Symbol = if (this ne NoSymbol) this else alt
- @inline final def andAlso(f: Symbol => Unit): Symbol = { if (this ne NoSymbol) f(this) ; this }
-// ------ toString -------------------------------------------------------------------
- /** A tag which (in the ideal case) uniquely identifies class symbols */
- final def tag: Int = fullName.##
- /** The simple name of this Symbol */
- final def simpleName: Name = name
- /** The String used to order otherwise identical sealed symbols.
- * This uses data which is stable across runs and variable classpaths
- * (the initial Name) before falling back on id, which varies depending
- * on exactly when a symbol is loaded.
- */
- final def sealedSortName: String = initName + "#" + id
- /** String representation of symbol's definition key word */
- final def keyString: String =
- if (isJavaInterface) "interface"
- else if (isTrait && !isImplClass) "trait"
- else if (isClass) "class"
- else if (isType && !isParameter) "type"
- else if (isVariable) "var"
- else if (isPackage) "package"
- else if (isModule) "object"
- else if (isSourceMethod) "def"
- else if (isTerm && (!isParameter || isParamAccessor)) "val"
- else ""
- private case class SymbolKind(accurate: String, sanitized: String, abbreviation: String)
- private def symbolKind: SymbolKind = {
- var kind =
- if (isTermMacro) ("macro method", "macro method", "MAC")
- else if (isInstanceOf[FreeTermSymbol]) ("free term", "free term", "FTE")
- else if (isInstanceOf[FreeTypeSymbol]) ("free type", "free type", "FTY")
- else if (isPackage) ("package", "package", "PK")
- else if (isPackageClass) ("package class", "package", "PKC")
- else if (isPackageObject) ("package object", "package", "PKO")
- else if (isPackageObjectClass) ("package object class", "package", "PKOC")
- else if (isAnonymousClass) ("anonymous class", "anonymous class", "AC")
- else if (isRefinementClass) ("refinement class", "", "RC")
- else if (isModule) ("module", "object", "MOD")
- else if (isModuleClass) ("module class", "object", "MODC")
- else if (isGetter) ("getter", if (isSourceMethod) "method" else "value", "GET")
- else if (isSetter) ("setter", if (isSourceMethod) "method" else "value", "SET")
- else if (isTerm && isLazy) ("lazy value", "lazy value", "LAZ")
- else if (isVariable) ("field", "variable", "VAR")
- else if (isImplClass) ("implementation class", "class", "IMPL")
- else if (isTrait) ("trait", "trait", "TRT")
- else if (isClass) ("class", "class", "CLS")
- else if (isType) ("type", "type", "TPE")
- else if (isClassConstructor && isPrimaryConstructor) ("primary constructor", "constructor", "PCTOR")
- else if (isClassConstructor) ("constructor", "constructor", "CTOR")
- else if (isSourceMethod) ("method", "method", "METH")
- else if (isTerm) ("value", "value", "VAL")
- else ("", "", "???")
- if (isSkolem) kind = (kind._1, kind._2, kind._3 + "#SKO")
- SymbolKind(kind._1, kind._2, kind._3)
- }
- /** Accurate string representation of symbols' kind, suitable for developers. */
- final def accurateKindString: String =
- symbolKind.accurate
- /** String representation of symbol's kind, suitable for the masses. */
- private def sanitizedKindString: String =
- symbolKind.sanitized
- /** String representation of symbol's kind, suitable for the masses. */
- protected[scala] def abbreviatedKindString: String =
- symbolKind.abbreviation
- final def kindString: String =
- if (settings.debug.value) accurateKindString
- else sanitizedKindString
- /** If the name of the symbol's owner should be used when you care about
- * seeing an interesting name: in such cases this symbol is e.g. a method
- * parameter with a synthetic name, a constructor named "this", an object
- * "package", etc. The kind string, if non-empty, will be phrased relative
- * to the name of the owner.
- */
- def hasMeaninglessName = (
- isSetterParameter // x$1
- || isClassConstructor // this
- || isRefinementClass // <refinement>
- || (name == nme.PACKAGE) // package
- )
- /** String representation of symbol's simple name.
- * If !settings.debug translates expansions of operators back to operator symbol.
- * E.g. $eq => =.
- * If settings.uniqid, adds id.
- * If settings.Yshowsymkinds, adds abbreviated symbol kind.
- */
- def nameString: String = (
- if (!settings.uniqid.value && !settings.Yshowsymkinds.value) "" + decodedName
- else if (settings.uniqid.value && !settings.Yshowsymkinds.value) decodedName + "#" + id
- else if (!settings.uniqid.value && settings.Yshowsymkinds.value) decodedName + "#" + abbreviatedKindString
- else decodedName + "#" + id + "#" + abbreviatedKindString
- )
- def fullNameString: String = {
- def recur(sym: Symbol): String = {
- if (sym.isRootSymbol || sym == NoSymbol) sym.nameString
- else if (sym.owner.isEffectiveRoot) sym.nameString
- else recur(sym.effectiveOwner.enclClass) + "." + sym.nameString
- }
- recur(this)
- }
- /** If settings.uniqid is set, the symbol's id, else "" */
- final def idString = if (settings.uniqid.value) "#"+id else ""
- /** String representation, including symbol's kind e.g., "class Foo", "method Bar".
- * If hasMeaninglessName is true, uses the owner's name to disambiguate identity.
- */
- override def toString: String = compose(
- kindString,
- if (hasMeaninglessName) owner.decodedName + idString else nameString
- )
- /** String representation of location.
- */
- def ownsString: String = {
- val owns = effectiveOwner
- if (owns.isClass && !owns.isEmptyPrefix) "" + owns else ""
- }
- /** String representation of location, plus a preposition. Doesn't do much,
- * for backward compatibility reasons.
- */
- def locationString: String = ownsString match {
- case "" => ""
- case s => " in " + s
- }
- def fullLocationString: String = toString + locationString
- def signatureString: String = if (hasRawInfo) infoString(rawInfo) else "<_>"
- /** String representation of symbol's definition following its name */
- final def infoString(tp: Type): String = {
- def parents = (
- if (settings.debug.value) parentsString(tp.parents)
- else briefParentsString(tp.parents)
- )
- if (isType) typeParamsString(tp) + (
- if (isClass) " extends " + parents
- else if (isAliasType) " = " + tp.resultType
- else tp.resultType match {
- case rt @ TypeBounds(_, _) => "" + rt
- case rt => " <: " + rt
- }
- )
- else if (isModule) "" // avoid "object X of type X.type"
- else tp match {
- case PolyType(tparams, res) => typeParamsString(tp) + infoString(res)
- case NullaryMethodType(res) => infoString(res)
- case MethodType(params, res) => valueParamsString(tp) + infoString(res)
- case _ => ": " + tp
- }
- }
- def infosString = infos.toString
- def debugLocationString = fullLocationString + " (flags: " + debugFlagString + ")"
- private def defStringCompose(infoString: String) = compose(
- flagString,
- keyString,
- varianceString + nameString + infoString + flagsExplanationString
- )
- /** String representation of symbol's definition. It uses the
- * symbol's raw info to avoid forcing types.
- */
- def defString = defStringCompose(signatureString)
- /** String representation of symbol's definition, using the supplied
- * info rather than the symbol's.
- */
- def defStringSeenAs(info: Type) = defStringCompose(infoString(info))
- /** Concatenate strings separated by spaces */
- private def compose(ss: String*) = ss filter (_ != "") mkString " "
- def isSingletonExistential =
- nme.isSingletonName(name) && (info.bounds.hi.typeSymbol isSubClass SingletonClass)
- /** String representation of existentially bound variable */
- def existentialToString =
- if (isSingletonExistential && !settings.debug.value)
- "val " + tpnme.dropSingletonName(name) + ": " + dropSingletonType(info.bounds.hi)
- else defString
- }
- implicit val SymbolTag = ClassTag[Symbol](classOf[Symbol])
- /** A class for term symbols */
- class TermSymbol protected[Symbols] (initOwner: Symbol, initPos: Position, initName: TermName)
- extends Symbol(initOwner, initPos, initName) with TermSymbolApi {
- private[this] var _referenced: Symbol = NoSymbol
- privateWithin = NoSymbol
- type TypeOfClonedSymbol = TermSymbol
- private[this] var _rawname: TermName = initName
- def rawname = _rawname
- def name = _rawname
- def name_=(name: Name) {
- if (name != rawname) {
- log("Renaming %s %s %s to %s".format(shortSymbolClass, debugFlagString, rawname, name))
- changeNameInOwners(name)
- _rawname = name.toTermName
- }
- }
- final def asNameType(n: Name) = n.toTermName
- /** Term symbols with the exception of static parts of Java classes and packages.
- */
- override def isValue = !(isModule && hasFlag(PACKAGE | JAVA))
- override def isVariable = isMutable && !isMethod
- override def isTermMacro = hasFlag(MACRO)
- // interesting only for lambda lift. Captured variables are accessed from inner lambdas.
- override def isCapturedVariable = hasAllFlags(MUTABLE | CAPTURED) && !hasFlag(METHOD)
- override def companionSymbol: Symbol = companionClass
- override def moduleClass = if (isModule) referenced else NoSymbol
- override def hasDefault = this hasFlag DEFAULTPARAM // overloaded with TRAIT
- override def isBridge = this hasFlag BRIDGE
- override def isEarlyInitialized = this hasFlag PRESUPER
- override def isMethod = this hasFlag METHOD
- override def isModule = this hasFlag MODULE
- override def isOverloaded = this hasFlag OVERLOADED
- override def isPackage = this hasFlag PACKAGE
- override def isValueParameter = this hasFlag PARAM
- override def isSetterParameter = isValueParameter && owner.isSetter
- override def isAccessor = this hasFlag ACCESSOR
- override def isGetter = isAccessor && !isSetter
- override def isSetter = isAccessor && nme.isSetterName(name) // todo: make independent of name, as this can be forged.
- override def isLocalDummy = nme.isLocalDummyName(name)
- override def isClassConstructor = name == nme.CONSTRUCTOR
- override def isMixinConstructor = name == nme.MIXIN_CONSTRUCTOR
- override def isConstructor = nme.isConstructorName(name)
- override def isPackageObject = isModule && (name == nme.PACKAGE)
- override def isStable = !isUnstable
- private def isUnstable = (
- isMutable
- || (hasFlag(METHOD | BYNAMEPARAM) && !hasFlag(STABLE))
- || (tpe.isVolatile && !hasAnnotation(uncheckedStableClass))
- )
- // The name in comments is what it is being disambiguated from.
- // TODO - rescue CAPTURED from BYNAMEPARAM so we can see all the names.
- override def resolveOverloadedFlag(flag: Long) = flag match {
- case DEFAULTPARAM => "<defaultparam>" // TRAIT
- case MIXEDIN => "<mixedin>" // EXISTENTIAL
- case PRESUPER => "<presuper>" // IMPLCLASS
- case BYNAMEPARAM => if (this.isValueParameter) "<bynameparam>" else "<captured>" // COVARIANT
- case _ => super.resolveOverloadedFlag(flag)
- }
- def referenced: Symbol = _referenced
- def referenced_=(x: Symbol) { _referenced = x }
- def existentialBound = singletonBounds(this.tpe)
- def cloneSymbolImpl(owner: Symbol, newFlags: Long): TermSymbol =
- owner.newTermSymbol(name, pos, newFlags).copyAttrsFrom(this)
- def copyAttrsFrom(original: TermSymbol): this.type = {
- referenced = original.referenced
- this
- }
- override def alias: Symbol =
- if (hasFlag(validAliasFlags)) initialize.referenced
- else NoSymbol
- def setAlias(alias: Symbol): TermSymbol = {
- assert(alias != NoSymbol, this)
- assert(!alias.isOverloaded, alias)
- assert(hasFlag(validAliasFlags), this)
- referenced = alias
- this
- }
- override def outerSource: Symbol =
- if (originalName == nme.OUTER) initialize.referenced
- else NoSymbol
- def setModuleClass(clazz: Symbol): TermSymbol = {
- assert(isModule, this)
- referenced = clazz
- this
- }
- def setLazyAccessor(sym: Symbol): TermSymbol = {
- assert(isLazy && (referenced == NoSymbol || referenced == sym), (this, debugFlagString, referenced, sym))
- referenced = sym
- this
- }
- override def lazyAccessor: Symbol = {
- assert(isLazy, this)
- referenced
- }
- /** change name by appending $$<fully-qualified-name-of-class `base`>
- * Do the same for any accessed symbols or setters/getters
- */
- override def expandName(base: Symbol) {
- if (!hasFlag(EXPANDEDNAME)) {
- if (hasAccessorFlag && !isDeferred) {
- accessed.expandName(base)
- }
- else if (hasGetter) {
- getter(owner).expandName(base)
- setter(owner).expandName(base)
- }
- name = nme.expandedName(name.toTermName, base)
- }
- }
- protected def doCookJavaRawInfo() {
- def cook(sym: Symbol) {
- require(sym.isJavaDefined, sym)
- // @M: I think this is more desirable, but Martin prefers to leave raw-types as-is as much as possible
- // object rawToExistentialInJava extends TypeMap {
- // def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- // // any symbol that occurs in a java sig, not just java symbols
- // // see
- // case TypeRef(pre, sym, List()) if !sym.typeParams.isEmpty =>
- // val eparams = typeParamsToExistentials(sym, sym.typeParams)
- // existentialAbstraction(eparams, TypeRef(pre, sym, eparams map (_.tpe)))
- // case _ =>
- // mapOver(tp)
- // }
- // }
- val tpe1 = rawToExistential(sym.tpe)
- // println("cooking: "+ sym +": "+ sym.tpe +" to "+ tpe1)
- if (tpe1 ne sym.tpe) {
- sym.setInfo(tpe1)
- }
- }
- if (isJavaDefined)
- cook(this)
- else if (isOverloaded)
- for (sym2 <- alternatives)
- if (sym2.isJavaDefined)
- cook(sym2)
- }
- }
- implicit val TermSymbolTag = ClassTag[TermSymbol](classOf[TermSymbol])
- /** A class for module symbols */
- class ModuleSymbol protected[Symbols] (initOwner: Symbol, initPos: Position, initName: TermName)
- extends TermSymbol(initOwner, initPos, initName) with ModuleSymbolApi {
- private var flatname: TermName = null
- override def associatedFile = moduleClass.associatedFile
- override def associatedFile_=(f: AbstractFileType) { moduleClass.associatedFile = f }
- override def moduleClass = referenced
- override def companionClass =
- flatOwnerInfo.decl(name.toTypeName).suchThat(_ isCoDefinedWith this)
- override def owner = (
- if (!isMethod && needsFlatClasses) rawowner.owner
- else rawowner
- )
- override def name: TermName = (
- if (!isMethod && needsFlatClasses) {
- if (flatname eq null)
- flatname = nme.flattenedName(, rawname)
- flatname
- }
- else rawname
- )
- }
- implicit val ModuleSymbolTag = ClassTag[ModuleSymbol](classOf[ModuleSymbol])
- /** A class for method symbols */
- class MethodSymbol protected[Symbols] (initOwner: Symbol, initPos: Position, initName: TermName)
- extends TermSymbol(initOwner, initPos, initName) with MethodSymbolApi {
- private[this] var mtpePeriod = NoPeriod
- private[this] var mtpePre: Type = _
- private[this] var mtpeResult: Type = _
- private[this] var mtpeInfo: Type = _
- override def isLabel = this hasFlag LABEL
- override def isVarargsMethod = this hasFlag VARARGS
- override def isLiftedMethod = this hasFlag LIFTED
- // TODO - this seems a strange definition for "isSourceMethod", given that
- // it does not make any specific effort to exclude synthetics. Figure out what
- // this method is really for and what logic makes sense.
- override def isSourceMethod = !(this hasFlag STABLE) // exclude all accessors
- // unfortunately having the CASEACCESSOR flag does not actually mean you
- // are a case accessor (you can also be a field.)
- override def isCaseAccessorMethod = isCaseAccessor
- def typeAsMemberOf(pre: Type): Type = {
- if (mtpePeriod == currentPeriod) {
- if ((mtpePre eq pre) && (mtpeInfo eq info)) return mtpeResult
- } else if (isValid(mtpePeriod)) {
- mtpePeriod = currentPeriod
- if ((mtpePre eq pre) && (mtpeInfo eq info)) return mtpeResult
- }
- val res = pre.computeMemberType(this)
- mtpePeriod = currentPeriod
- mtpePre = pre
- mtpeInfo = info
- mtpeResult = res
- res
- }
- }
- implicit val MethodSymbolTag = ClassTag[MethodSymbol](classOf[MethodSymbol])
- class AliasTypeSymbol protected[Symbols] (initOwner: Symbol, initPos: Position, initName: TypeName)
- extends TypeSymbol(initOwner, initPos, initName) {
- type TypeOfClonedSymbol = TypeSymbol
- final override def isAliasType = true
- final override def dealias = info.typeSymbol.dealias
- override def cloneSymbolImpl(owner: Symbol, newFlags: Long): TypeSymbol =
- owner.newNonClassSymbol(name, pos, newFlags)
- }
- class AbstractTypeSymbol protected[Symbols] (initOwner: Symbol, initPos: Position, initName: TypeName)
- extends TypeSymbol(initOwner, initPos, initName) {
- type TypeOfClonedSymbol = TypeSymbol
- final override def isAbstractType = true
- override def existentialBound =
- override def cloneSymbolImpl(owner: Symbol, newFlags: Long): TypeSymbol =
- owner.newNonClassSymbol(name, pos, newFlags)
- }
- /** A class of type symbols. Alias and abstract types are direct instances
- * of this class. Classes are instances of a subclass.
- */
- abstract class TypeSymbol protected[Symbols] (initOwner: Symbol, initPos: Position, initName: TypeName)
- extends Symbol(initOwner, initPos, initName) with TypeSymbolApi {
- privateWithin = NoSymbol
- private[this] var _rawname: TypeName = initName
- type TypeOfClonedSymbol >: Null <: TypeSymbol
- // cloneSymbolImpl still abstract in TypeSymbol.
- def rawname = _rawname
- def name = _rawname
- final def asNameType(n: Name) = n.toTypeName
- override def isNonClassType = true
- override def isTypeMacro = hasFlag(MACRO)
- override def resolveOverloadedFlag(flag: Long) = flag match {
- case TRAIT => "<trait>" // DEFAULTPARAM
- case EXISTENTIAL => "<existential>" // MIXEDIN
- case COVARIANT => "<covariant>" // BYNAMEPARAM / CAPTURED
- case CONTRAVARIANT => "<contravariant>" // LABEL / INCONSTRUCTOR (overridden again in ClassSymbol)
- case _ => super.resolveOverloadedFlag(flag)
- }
- private var tyconCache: Type = null
- private var tyconRunId = NoRunId
- private var tpeCache: Type = _
- private var tpePeriod = NoPeriod
- override def isAbstractType = this hasFlag DEFERRED
- override def isContravariant = this hasFlag CONTRAVARIANT
- override def isCovariant = this hasFlag COVARIANT
- override def isExistentialQuantified = isExistentiallyBound && !isSkolem
- override def isExistentiallyBound = this hasFlag EXISTENTIAL
- override def isTypeParameter = isTypeParameterOrSkolem && !isSkolem
- override def isTypeParameterOrSkolem = this hasFlag PARAM
- /** Overridden in subclasses for which it makes sense.
- */
- def existentialBound: Type = abort("unexpected type: "+this.getClass+ " "+debugLocationString)
- // TODO - don't allow names to be renamed in this unstructured a fashion.
- // Rename as little as possible. Enforce invariants on all renames.
- def name_=(name: Name) {
- if (name != rawname) {
- log("Renaming %s %s %s to %s".format(shortSymbolClass, debugFlagString, rawname, name))
- changeNameInOwners(name)
- _rawname = name.toTypeName
- }
- }
- private def newPrefix = if (this hasFlag EXISTENTIAL | PARAM) NoPrefix else owner.thisType
- private def newTypeRef(targs: List[Type]) = typeRef(newPrefix, this, targs)
- /** Let's say you have a type definition
- *
- * {{{
- * type T <: Number
- * }}}
- *
- * and tsym is the symbol corresponding to T. Then
- *
- * {{{
- * = TypeBounds(Nothing, Number)
- * tsym.tpe = TypeRef(NoPrefix, T, List())
- * }}}
- */
- override def tpe: Type = {
- if (tpeCache eq NoType) throw CyclicReference(this, typeConstructor)
- if (tpePeriod != currentPeriod) {
- if (isValid(tpePeriod)) {
- tpePeriod = currentPeriod
- } else {
- if (isInitialized) tpePeriod = currentPeriod
- tpeCache = NoType
- val targs =
- if (phase.erasedTypes && this != ArrayClass) List()
- else unsafeTypeParams map (_.typeConstructor)
- //@M! use typeConstructor to generate dummy type arguments,
- // sym.tpe should not be called on a symbol that's supposed to be a higher-kinded type
- // memberType should be used instead, that's why it uses tpeHK and not tpe
- tpeCache = newTypeRef(targs)
- }
- }
- assert(tpeCache ne null/*, "" + this + " " + phase*/)//debug
- tpeCache
- }
- /** @M -- tpe vs tpeHK:
- *
- * tpe: creates a TypeRef with dummy type arguments and kind *
- * tpeHK: creates a TypeRef with no type arguments but with type parameters
- *
- * If typeParams is nonEmpty, calling tpe may hide errors or
- * introduce spurious ones. (For example, when deriving a type from
- * the symbol of a type argument that may be higher-kinded.) As far
- * as I can tell, it only makes sense to call tpe in conjunction
- * with a substitution that replaces the generated dummy type
- * arguments by their actual types.
- *
- * TODO: the above conditions desperately need to be enforced by code.
- */
- override def tpeHK = typeConstructor // @M! used in memberType
- override def typeConstructor: Type = {
- if ((tyconCache eq null) || tyconRunId != currentRunId) {
- tyconCache = newTypeRef(Nil)
- tyconRunId = currentRunId
- }
- assert(tyconCache ne null)
- tyconCache
- }
- override def info_=(tp: Type) {
- tpePeriod = NoPeriod
- tyconCache = null
- super.info_=(tp)
- }
- final override def isNonBottomSubClass(that: Symbol): Boolean = (
- (this eq that) || this.isError || that.isError ||
- info.baseTypeIndex(that) >= 0
- )
- override def reset(completer: Type): this.type = {
- super.reset(completer)
- tpePeriod = NoPeriod
- tyconRunId = NoRunId
- this
- }
- /*** example:
- * public class Test3<T> {}
- * public class Test1<T extends Test3> {}
- * info for T in Test1 should be >: Nothing <: Test3[_]
- */
- protected def doCookJavaRawInfo() {
- if (isJavaDefined || owner.isJavaDefined) {
- val tpe1 = rawToExistential(info)
- // println("cooking type: "+ this +": "+ info +" to "+ tpe1)
- if (tpe1 ne info) {
- setInfo(tpe1)
- }
- }
- }
- incCounter(typeSymbolCount)
- }
- implicit val TypeSymbolTag = ClassTag[TypeSymbol](classOf[TypeSymbol])
- /** A class for type parameters viewed from inside their scopes
- *
- * @param origin Can be either a tree, or a symbol, or null.
- * If skolem got created from newTypeSkolem (called in Namers), origin denotes
- * the type parameter from which the skolem was created. If it got created from
- * skolemizeExistential, origin is either null or a Tree. If it is a Tree, it indicates
- * where the skolem was introduced (this is important for knowing when to pack it
- * again into ab Existential). origin is `null` only in skolemizeExistentials called
- * from <:< or isAsSpecific, because here its value does not matter.
- * I believe the following invariant holds:
- *
- * origin.isInstanceOf[Symbol] == !hasFlag(EXISTENTIAL)
- */
- class TypeSkolem protected[Symbols] (initOwner: Symbol, initPos: Position, initName: TypeName, origin: AnyRef)
- extends TypeSymbol(initOwner, initPos, initName) {
- type TypeOfClonedSymbol = TypeSkolem
- /** The skolemization level in place when the skolem was constructed */
- val level = skolemizationLevel
- final override def isSkolem = true
- // a type symbol bound by an existential type, for instance the T in
- // List[T] forSome { type T }
- override def isExistentialSkolem = this hasFlag EXISTENTIAL
- override def isGADTSkolem = this hasFlag CASEACCESSOR | SYNTHETIC
- override def isTypeSkolem = this hasFlag PARAM
- override def isAbstractType = this hasFlag DEFERRED
- override def isExistentialQuantified = false
- override def existentialBound = if (isAbstractType) else super.existentialBound
- /** If typeskolem comes from a type parameter, that parameter, otherwise skolem itself */
- override def deSkolemize = origin match {
- case s: Symbol => s
- case _ => this
- }
- /** If type skolem comes from an existential, the tree where it was created */
- override def unpackLocation = origin
- //@M! (not deSkolemize.typeParams!!), also can't leave superclass definition: use info, not rawInfo
- override def typeParams = info.typeParams
- override def cloneSymbolImpl(owner: Symbol, newFlags: Long): TypeSkolem =
- owner.newTypeSkolemSymbol(name, origin, pos, newFlags)
- override def nameString: String =
- if (settings.debug.value) (super.nameString + "&" + level)
- else super.nameString
- }
- /** A class for class symbols */
- class ClassSymbol protected[Symbols] (initOwner: Symbol, initPos: Position, initName: TypeName)
- extends TypeSymbol(initOwner, initPos, initName) with ClassSymbolApi {
- type TypeOfClonedSymbol = ClassSymbol
- private[this] var flatname: TypeName = _
- private[this] var _associatedFile: AbstractFileType = _
- private[this] var thissym: Symbol = this
- private[this] var thisTypeCache: Type = _
- private[this] var thisTypePeriod = NoPeriod
- override def resolveOverloadedFlag(flag: Long) = flag match {
- case EXISTENTIAL => "<existential>" // EXISTENTIAL / MIXEDIN
- case IMPLCLASS => "<implclass>" // IMPLCLASS / PRESUPER
- case _ => super.resolveOverloadedFlag(flag)
- }
- final override def isNonClassType = false
- final override def isAbstractType = false
- final override def isAliasType = false
- override def isAbstractClass = this hasFlag ABSTRACT
- override def isCaseClass = this hasFlag CASE
- override def isClassLocalToConstructor = this hasFlag INCONSTRUCTOR
- override def isImplClass = this hasFlag IMPLCLASS
- override def isModuleClass = this hasFlag MODULE
- override def isPackageClass = this hasFlag PACKAGE
- override def isTrait = this hasFlag TRAIT
- override def isAnonOrRefinementClass = isAnonymousClass || isRefinementClass
- override def isAnonymousClass = name containsName tpnme.ANON_CLASS_NAME
- override def isConcreteClass = !(this hasFlag ABSTRACT | TRAIT)
- override def isJavaInterface = hasAllFlags(JAVA | TRAIT)
- override def isNestedClass = !owner.isPackageClass
- override def isNumericValueClass = definitions.isNumericValueClass(this)
- override def isPackageObjectClass = isModuleClass && (name == tpnme.PACKAGE)
- override def isPrimitiveValueClass = definitions.isPrimitiveValueClass(this)
- // The corresponding interface is the last parent by convention.
- private def lastParent = if (tpe.parents.isEmpty) NoSymbol else tpe.parents.last.typeSymbol
- override def toInterface: Symbol = (
- if (isImplClass) {
- if ( lastParent
- else
- }
- else super.toInterface
- )
- /** Is this class locally defined?
- * A class is local, if
- * - it is anonymous, or
- * - its owner is a value
- * - it is defined within a local class
- */
- override def isLocalClass = (
- isAnonOrRefinementClass
- || isLocal
- || !owner.isPackageClass && owner.isLocalClass
- )
- override def isStableClass = (this hasFlag STABLE) || checkStable()
- private def checkStable() = {
- def hasNoAbstractTypeMember(clazz: Symbol): Boolean =
- (clazz hasFlag STABLE) || {
- var e =
- while ((e ne null) && !(e.sym.isAbstractType && info.member( == e.sym))
- e =
- e == null
- }
- (info.baseClasses forall hasNoAbstractTypeMember) && {
- setFlag(STABLE)
- true
- }
- }
- override def enclClassChain = this :: owner.enclClassChain
- /** A helper method that factors the common code used the discover a
- * companion module of a class. If a companion module exists, its symbol is
- * returned, otherwise, `NoSymbol` is returned.
- */
- protected final def companionModule0: Symbol =
- flatOwnerInfo.decl(name.toTermName).suchThat(
- sym => sym.hasFlag(MODULE) && (sym isCoDefinedWith this) && !sym.isMethod)
- override def companionModule = companionModule0
- override def companionSymbol = companionModule0
- override def linkedClassOfClass = companionModule.moduleClass
- override def sourceModule = if (isModuleClass) companionModule else NoSymbol
- override def existentialBound = GenPolyType(this.typeParams, TypeBounds.upper(this.classBound))
- def primaryConstructorName = if (this hasFlag TRAIT | IMPLCLASS) nme.MIXIN_CONSTRUCTOR else nme.CONSTRUCTOR
- override def primaryConstructor = {
- val c = info decl primaryConstructorName
- if (c.isOverloaded) c.alternatives.head else c
- }
- override def associatedFile = if (owner.isPackageClass) _associatedFile else super.associatedFile
- override def associatedFile_=(f: AbstractFileType) { _associatedFile = f }
- override def reset(completer: Type): this.type = {
- super.reset(completer)
- thissym = this
- this
- }
- /** the type this.type in this class */
- override def thisType: Type = {
- val period = thisTypePeriod
- if (period != currentPeriod) {
- thisTypePeriod = currentPeriod
- if (!isValid(period)) thisTypeCache = ThisType(this)
- }
- thisTypeCache
- }
- override def owner: Symbol =
- if (needsFlatClasses) rawowner.owner else rawowner
- override def name: TypeName = (
- if (needsFlatClasses) {
- if (flatname eq null)
- flatname = nme.flattenedName(, rawname).toTypeName
- flatname
- }
- else rawname
- )
- /** A symbol carrying the self type of the class as its type */
- override def thisSym: Symbol = thissym
- /** Sets the self type of the class */
- override def typeOfThis_=(tp: Type) {
- thissym = newThisSym(nme.this_, pos).setInfo(tp)
- }
- override def cloneSymbolImpl(owner: Symbol, newFlags: Long): ClassSymbol = {
- val clone = owner.newClassSymbol(name, pos, newFlags)
- if (thisSym != this) {
- clone.typeOfThis = typeOfThis
- clone.thisSym setName
- }
- if (_associatedFile ne null)
- clone.associatedFile = _associatedFile
- clone
- }
- override def firstParamAccessor =
- info.decls.find(_ hasAllFlags PARAMACCESSOR | METHOD) getOrElse NoSymbol
- private[this] var childSet: Set[Symbol] = Set()
- override def children = childSet
- override def addChild(sym: Symbol) { childSet = childSet + sym }
- incCounter(classSymbolCount)
- }
- implicit val ClassSymbolTag = ClassTag[ClassSymbol](classOf[ClassSymbol])
- /** A class for module class symbols
- * Note: Not all module classes are of this type; when unpickled, we get
- * plain class symbols!
- */
- class ModuleClassSymbol protected[Symbols] (owner: Symbol, pos: Position, name: TypeName)
- extends ClassSymbol(owner, pos, name) {
- private[this] var module: Symbol = _
- private[this] var typeOfThisCache: Type = _
- private[this] var typeOfThisPeriod = NoPeriod
- private var implicitMembersCacheValue: List[Symbol] = Nil
- private var implicitMembersCacheKey1: Type = NoType
- private var implicitMembersCacheKey2: ScopeEntry = null
- override def isModuleClass = true
- override def linkedClassOfClass = companionClass
- /** the self type of an object foo is foo.type, not class<foo>.this.type
- */
- override def typeOfThis = {
- val period = typeOfThisPeriod
- if (period != currentPeriod) {
- typeOfThisPeriod = currentPeriod
- if (!isValid(period))
- typeOfThisCache = singleType(owner.thisType, sourceModule)
- }
- typeOfThisCache
- }
- def implicitMembers: List[Symbol] = {
- val tp = info
- if ((implicitMembersCacheKey1 ne tp) || (implicitMembersCacheKey2 ne tp.decls.elems)) {
- // Skip a package object class, because the members are also in
- // the package and we wish to avoid spurious ambiguities as in pos/t3999.
- if (!isPackageObjectClass) {
- implicitMembersCacheKey1 = tp
- implicitMembersCacheKey2 = tp.decls.elems
- implicitMembersCacheValue = tp.implicitMembers
- }
- }
- implicitMembersCacheValue
- }
- // The null check seems to be necessary for the reifier.
- override def sourceModule = if (module ne null) module else companionModule
- override def sourceModule_=(module: Symbol) { this.module = module }
- }
- class PackageObjectClassSymbol protected[Symbols] (owner0: Symbol, pos0: Position)
- extends ModuleClassSymbol(owner0, pos0, tpnme.PACKAGE) {
- final override def isPackageObjectClass = true
- final override def isPackageObjectOrClass = true
- final override def skipPackageObject = owner
- final override def setName(name: Name): this.type = {
- abort("Can't rename a package object to " + name)
- }
- }
- trait ImplClassSymbol extends ClassSymbol {
- override def sourceModule = companionModule
- // override def isImplClass = true
- override def typeOfThis = thisSym.tpe // don't use the ModuleClassSymbol typeOfThisCache.
- }
- class PackageClassSymbol protected[Symbols] (owner0: Symbol, pos0: Position, name0: TypeName)
- extends ModuleClassSymbol(owner0, pos0, name0) {
- override def sourceModule = companionModule
- override def enclClassChain = Nil
- override def isPackageClass = true
- }
- class RefinementClassSymbol protected[Symbols] (owner0: Symbol, pos0: Position)
- extends ClassSymbol(owner0, pos0, tpnme.REFINE_CLASS_NAME) {
- override def name_=(name: Name) {
- assert(false, "Cannot set name of RefinementClassSymbol to " + name)
- super.name_=(name)
- }
- override def isRefinementClass = true
- override def isAnonOrRefinementClass = true
- override def isLocalClass = true
- override def hasMeaninglessName = true
- override def companionModule: Symbol = NoSymbol
- /** The mentioned twist. A refinement class has transowner X
- * if any of its parents has transowner X.
- */
- override def hasTransOwner(sym: Symbol) = (
- super.hasTransOwner(sym)
- || info.parents.exists(_.typeSymbol hasTransOwner sym)
- )
- }
- trait FreeSymbol extends Symbol {
- def origin: String
- }
- class FreeTermSymbol(name0: TermName, value0: => Any, val origin: String) extends TermSymbol(NoSymbol, NoPosition, name0) with FreeSymbol with FreeTermSymbolApi {
- def value = value0
- }
- implicit val FreeTermSymbolTag = ClassTag[FreeTermSymbol](classOf[FreeTermSymbol])
- class FreeTypeSymbol(name0: TypeName, value0: => Any, val origin: String) extends TypeSkolem(NoSymbol, NoPosition, name0, NoSymbol) with FreeSymbol with FreeTypeSymbolApi {
- def value = value0
- }
- implicit val FreeTypeSymbolTag = ClassTag[FreeTypeSymbol](classOf[FreeTypeSymbol])
- /** An object representing a missing symbol */
- class NoSymbol protected[Symbols]() extends Symbol(null, NoPosition, nme.NO_NAME) {
- final type NameType = TermName
- type TypeOfClonedSymbol = NoSymbol
- def asNameType(n: Name) = n.toTermName
- def rawname = nme.NO_NAME
- def name = nme.NO_NAME
- def name_=(n: Name) = abort("Cannot set NoSymbol's name to " + n)
- synchronized {
- setInfo(NoType)
- privateWithin = this
- }
- override def info_=(info: Type) = {
- infos = TypeHistory(1, NoType, null)
- unlock()
- validTo = currentPeriod
- }
- override def flagMask = AllFlags
- override def exists = false
- override def isHigherOrderTypeParameter = false
- override def companionClass = NoSymbol
- override def companionModule = NoSymbol
- override def companionSymbol = NoSymbol
- override def isSubClass(that: Symbol) = false
- override def filter(cond: Symbol => Boolean) = this
- override def defString: String = toString
- override def locationString: String = ""
- override def enclClassChain = Nil
- override def enclClass: Symbol = this
- override def enclosingTopLevelClass: Symbol = this
- override def enclosingPackageClass: Symbol = this
- override def enclMethod: Symbol = this
- override def associatedFile = null
- override def ownerChain: List[Symbol] = List()
- override def ownersIterator: Iterator[Symbol] = Iterator.empty
- override def alternatives: List[Symbol] = List()
- override def reset(completer: Type): this.type = this
- override def info: Type = NoType
- override def existentialBound: Type = NoType
- override def rawInfo: Type = NoType
- protected def doCookJavaRawInfo() {}
- override def accessBoundary(base: Symbol): Symbol = enclosingRootClass
- def cloneSymbolImpl(owner: Symbol, newFlags: Long) = abort("NoSymbol.clone()")
- override def originalEnclosingMethod = this
- override def owner: Symbol =
- abort("no-symbol does not have an owner")
- override def typeConstructor: Type =
- abort("no-symbol does not have a type constructor (this may indicate scalac cannot find fundamental classes)")
- }
- protected def makeNoSymbol: NoSymbol = new NoSymbol
- lazy val NoSymbol: NoSymbol = makeNoSymbol
- /** Derives a new list of symbols from the given list by mapping the given
- * list across the given function. Then fixes the info of all the new symbols
- * by substituting the new symbols for the original symbols.
- *
- * @param syms the prototypical symbols
- * @param symFn the function to create new symbols
- * @return the new list of info-adjusted symbols
- */
- def deriveSymbols(syms: List[Symbol], symFn: Symbol => Symbol): List[Symbol] = {
- val syms1 = syms map symFn
- syms1 map (_ substInfo (syms, syms1))
- }
- /** Derives a new Type by first deriving new symbols as in deriveSymbols,
- * then performing the same oldSyms => newSyms substitution on `tpe` as is
- * performed on the symbol infos in deriveSymbols.
- *
- * @param syms the prototypical symbols
- * @param symFn the function to create new symbols
- * @param tpe the prototypical type
- * @return the new symbol-subsituted type
- */
- def deriveType(syms: List[Symbol], symFn: Symbol => Symbol)(tpe: Type): Type = {
- val syms1 = deriveSymbols(syms, symFn)
- tpe.substSym(syms, syms1)
- }
- /** Derives a new Type by instantiating the given list of symbols as
- * WildcardTypes.
- *
- * @param syms the symbols to replace
- * @return the new type with WildcardType replacing those syms
- */
- def deriveTypeWithWildcards(syms: List[Symbol])(tpe: Type): Type = {
- if (syms.isEmpty) tpe
- else tpe.instantiateTypeParams(syms, syms map (_ => WildcardType))
- }
- /** Convenience functions which derive symbols by cloning.
- */
- def cloneSymbols(syms: List[Symbol]): List[Symbol] =
- deriveSymbols(syms, _.cloneSymbol)
- def cloneSymbolsAtOwner(syms: List[Symbol], owner: Symbol): List[Symbol] =
- deriveSymbols(syms, _ cloneSymbol owner)
- /** Clone symbols and apply the given function to each new symbol's info.
- *
- * @param syms the prototypical symbols
- * @param infoFn the function to apply to the infos
- * @return the newly created, info-adjusted symbols
- */
- def cloneSymbolsAndModify(syms: List[Symbol], infoFn: Type => Type): List[Symbol] =
- cloneSymbols(syms) map (_ modifyInfo infoFn)
- def cloneSymbolsAtOwnerAndModify(syms: List[Symbol], owner: Symbol, infoFn: Type => Type): List[Symbol] =
- cloneSymbolsAtOwner(syms, owner) map (_ modifyInfo infoFn)
- /** Functions which perform the standard clone/substituting on the given symbols and type,
- * then call the creator function with the new symbols and type as arguments.
- */
- def createFromClonedSymbols[T](syms: List[Symbol], tpe: Type)(creator: (List[Symbol], Type) => T): T = {
- val syms1 = cloneSymbols(syms)
- creator(syms1, tpe.substSym(syms, syms1))
- }
- def createFromClonedSymbolsAtOwner[T](syms: List[Symbol], owner: Symbol, tpe: Type)(creator: (List[Symbol], Type) => T): T = {
- val syms1 = cloneSymbolsAtOwner(syms, owner)
- creator(syms1, tpe.substSym(syms, syms1))
- }
- /** A deep map on a symbol's paramss.
- */
- def mapParamss[T](sym: Symbol)(f: Symbol => T): List[List[T]] = mmap(
- /** An exception for cyclic references of symbol definitions */
- case class CyclicReference(sym: Symbol, info: Type)
- extends TypeError("illegal cyclic reference involving " + sym) {
- if (settings.debug.value) printStackTrace()
- }
- case class InvalidCompanions(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol) extends Throwable({
- import language.reflectiveCalls
- "Companions '" + sym1 + "' and '" + sym2 + "' must be defined in same file:\n" +
- " Found in " + sym1.sourceFile.canonicalPath + " and " + sym2.sourceFile.canonicalPath
- }) {
- override def toString = getMessage
- }
- /** A class for type histories */
- private sealed case class TypeHistory(var validFrom: Period, info: Type, prev: TypeHistory) {
- assert((prev eq null) || phaseId(validFrom) > phaseId(prev.validFrom), this)
- assert(validFrom != NoPeriod, this)
- override def toString() =
- "TypeHistory(" + phaseOf(validFrom)+":"+runId(validFrom) + "," + info + "," + prev + ")"
- def toList: List[TypeHistory] = this :: ( if (prev eq null) Nil else prev.toList )
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TreeGen.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TreeGen.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c3a6fce164..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TreeGen.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-abstract class TreeGen extends makro.TreeBuilder {
- val global: SymbolTable
- import global._
- import definitions._
- def rootId(name: Name) = Select(Ident(nme.ROOTPKG), name)
- def rootScalaDot(name: Name) = Select(rootId(nme.scala_) setSymbol ScalaPackage, name)
- def scalaDot(name: Name) = Select(Ident(nme.scala_) setSymbol ScalaPackage, name)
- def scalaAnnotationDot(name: Name) = Select(scalaDot(nme.annotation), name)
- def scalaAnyRefConstr = scalaDot(tpnme.AnyRef) setSymbol AnyRefClass
- def scalaUnitConstr = scalaDot(tpnme.Unit) setSymbol UnitClass
- def productConstr = scalaDot(tpnme.Product) setSymbol ProductRootClass
- def serializableConstr = scalaDot(tpnme.Serializable) setSymbol SerializableClass
- def scalaFunctionConstr(argtpes: List[Tree], restpe: Tree, abstractFun: Boolean = false): Tree = {
- val cls = if (abstractFun)
- mkAttributedRef(AbstractFunctionClass(argtpes.length))
- else
- mkAttributedRef(FunctionClass(argtpes.length))
- AppliedTypeTree(cls, argtpes :+ restpe)
- }
- /** A creator for method calls, e.g. fn[T1, T2, ...](v1, v2, ...)
- * There are a number of variations.
- *
- * @param receiver symbol of the method receiver
- * @param methodName name of the method to call
- * @param targs type arguments (if Nil, no TypeApply node will be generated)
- * @param args value arguments
- * @return the newly created trees.
- */
- def mkMethodCall(receiver: Symbol, methodName: Name, targs: List[Type], args: List[Tree]): Tree =
- mkMethodCall(Select(mkAttributedRef(receiver), methodName), targs, args)
- def mkMethodCall(method: Symbol, targs: List[Type], args: List[Tree]): Tree =
- mkMethodCall(mkAttributedRef(method), targs, args)
- def mkMethodCall(method: Symbol, args: List[Tree]): Tree =
- mkMethodCall(method, Nil, args)
- def mkMethodCall(target: Tree, args: List[Tree]): Tree =
- mkMethodCall(target, Nil, args)
- def mkMethodCall(receiver: Symbol, methodName: Name, args: List[Tree]): Tree =
- mkMethodCall(receiver, methodName, Nil, args)
- def mkMethodCall(receiver: Tree, method: Symbol, targs: List[Type], args: List[Tree]): Tree =
- mkMethodCall(Select(receiver, method), targs, args)
- def mkMethodCall(target: Tree, targs: List[Type], args: List[Tree]): Tree =
- Apply(mkTypeApply(target, targs map TypeTree), args)
- def mkNullaryCall(method: Symbol, targs: List[Type]): Tree =
- mkTypeApply(mkAttributedRef(method), targs map TypeTree)
- /** Builds a reference to value whose type is given stable prefix.
- * The type must be suitable for this. For example, it
- * must not be a TypeRef pointing to an abstract type variable.
- */
- def mkAttributedQualifier(tpe: Type): Tree =
- mkAttributedQualifier(tpe, NoSymbol)
- /** Builds a reference to value whose type is given stable prefix.
- * If the type is unsuitable, e.g. it is a TypeRef for an
- * abstract type variable, then an Ident will be made using
- * termSym as the Ident's symbol. In that case, termSym must
- * not be NoSymbol.
- */
- def mkAttributedQualifier(tpe: Type, termSym: Symbol): Tree = {
- def failMessage = "mkAttributedQualifier(" + tpe + ", " + termSym + ")"
- tpe match {
- case NoPrefix =>
- EmptyTree
- case ThisType(clazz) =>
- if (clazz.isEffectiveRoot) EmptyTree
- else mkAttributedThis(clazz)
- case SingleType(pre, sym) =>
- mkApplyIfNeeded(mkAttributedStableRef(pre, sym))
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
- if (sym.isRoot) {
- mkAttributedThis(sym)
- } else if (sym.isModuleClass) {
- mkApplyIfNeeded(mkAttributedRef(pre, sym.sourceModule))
- } else if (sym.isModule || sym.isClass) {
- assert(phase.erasedTypes, failMessage)
- mkAttributedThis(sym)
- } else if (sym.isType) {
- assert(termSym != NoSymbol, failMessage)
- mkAttributedIdent(termSym) setType tpe
- } else {
- mkAttributedRef(pre, sym)
- }
- case ConstantType(value) =>
- Literal(value) setType tpe
- case AnnotatedType(_, atp, _) =>
- mkAttributedQualifier(atp)
- case RefinedType(parents, _) =>
- // I am unclear whether this is reachable, but
- // the following implementation looks logical -Lex
- val firstStable = parents.find(_.isStable)
- assert(!firstStable.isEmpty, failMessage + " parents = " + parents)
- mkAttributedQualifier(firstStable.get)
- case _ =>
- abort("bad qualifier received: " + failMessage)
- }
- }
- /** If this is a reference to a method with an empty
- * parameter list, wrap it in an apply.
- */
- def mkApplyIfNeeded(qual: Tree) = qual.tpe match {
- case MethodType(Nil, restpe) => atPos(qual.pos)(Apply(qual, Nil) setType restpe)
- case _ => qual
- }
- /** Builds a reference to given symbol with given stable prefix. */
- def mkAttributedRef(pre: Type, sym: Symbol): Tree = {
- val qual = mkAttributedQualifier(pre)
- qual match {
- case EmptyTree => mkAttributedIdent(sym)
- case This(clazz) if qual.symbol.isEffectiveRoot => mkAttributedIdent(sym)
- case _ => mkAttributedSelect(qual, sym)
- }
- }
- /** Builds a reference to given symbol. */
- def mkAttributedRef(sym: Symbol): Tree =
- if (sym.owner.isClass) mkAttributedRef(sym.owner.thisType, sym)
- else mkAttributedIdent(sym)
- /** Builds an untyped reference to given symbol. */
- def mkUnattributedRef(sym: Symbol): Tree =
- if (sym.owner.isClass) Select(This(sym.owner), sym)
- else Ident(sym)
- /** Replaces tree type with a stable type if possible */
- def stabilize(tree: Tree): Tree = {
- for(tp <- stableTypeFor(tree)) tree.tpe = tp
- tree
- }
- /** Computes stable type for a tree if possible */
- def stableTypeFor(tree: Tree): Option[Type] = tree match {
- case Ident(_) if tree.symbol.isStable =>
- Some(singleType(tree.symbol.owner.thisType, tree.symbol))
- case Select(qual, _) if ((tree.symbol ne null) && (qual.tpe ne null)) && // turned assert into guard for #4064
- tree.symbol.isStable && qual.tpe.isStable =>
- Some(singleType(qual.tpe, tree.symbol))
- case _ =>
- None
- }
- /** Builds a reference with stable type to given symbol */
- def mkAttributedStableRef(pre: Type, sym: Symbol): Tree =
- stabilize(mkAttributedRef(pre, sym))
- def mkAttributedStableRef(sym: Symbol): Tree =
- stabilize(mkAttributedRef(sym))
- def mkAttributedThis(sym: Symbol): Tree =
- This( setSymbol sym setType sym.thisType
- def mkAttributedIdent(sym: Symbol): Tree =
- Ident( setSymbol sym setType sym.tpe
- def mkAttributedSelect(qual: Tree, sym: Symbol): Tree = {
- // Tests involving the repl fail without the .isEmptyPackage condition.
- if (qual.symbol != null && (qual.symbol.isEffectiveRoot || qual.symbol.isEmptyPackage))
- mkAttributedIdent(sym)
- else {
- val pkgQualifier =
- if (sym != null && sym.owner.isPackageObjectClass && sym.effectiveOwner == qual.tpe.typeSymbol) {
- val obj = sym.owner.sourceModule
- Select(qual, nme.PACKAGE) setSymbol obj setType singleType(qual.tpe, obj)
- }
- else qual
- val tree = Select(pkgQualifier, sym)
- if (pkgQualifier.tpe == null) tree
- else tree setType (qual.tpe memberType sym)
- }
- }
- /** Builds a type application node if args.nonEmpty, returns fun otherwise. */
- def mkTypeApply(fun: Tree, targs: List[Tree]): Tree =
- if (targs.isEmpty) fun else TypeApply(fun, targs)
- def mkTypeApply(target: Tree, method: Symbol, targs: List[Type]): Tree =
- mkTypeApply(Select(target, method), targs map TypeTree)
- def mkAttributedTypeApply(target: Tree, method: Symbol, targs: List[Type]): Tree =
- mkTypeApply(mkAttributedSelect(target, method), targs map TypeTree)
- private def mkSingleTypeApply(value: Tree, tpe: Type, what: Symbol, wrapInApply: Boolean) = {
- val tapp = mkAttributedTypeApply(value, what, List(tpe.normalize))
- if (wrapInApply) Apply(tapp, Nil) else tapp
- }
- private def typeTestSymbol(any: Boolean) = if (any) Any_isInstanceOf else Object_isInstanceOf
- private def typeCastSymbol(any: Boolean) = if (any) Any_asInstanceOf else Object_asInstanceOf
- /** Builds an instance test with given value and type. */
- def mkIsInstanceOf(value: Tree, tpe: Type, any: Boolean = true, wrapInApply: Boolean = true): Tree =
- mkSingleTypeApply(value, tpe, typeTestSymbol(any), wrapInApply)
- /** Builds a cast with given value and type. */
- def mkAsInstanceOf(value: Tree, tpe: Type, any: Boolean = true, wrapInApply: Boolean = true): Tree =
- mkSingleTypeApply(value, tpe, typeCastSymbol(any), wrapInApply)
- /** Cast `tree` to `pt`, unless tpe is a subtype of pt, or pt is Unit. */
- def maybeMkAsInstanceOf(tree: Tree, pt: Type, tpe: Type, beforeRefChecks: Boolean = false): Tree =
- if ((pt == UnitClass.tpe) || (tpe <:< pt)) tree
- else atPos(tree.pos)(mkAsInstanceOf(tree, pt, any = true, wrapInApply = !beforeRefChecks))
- /** Apparently we smuggle a Type around as a Literal(Constant(tp))
- * and the implementation of Constant#tpe is such that x.tpe becomes
- * ClassType(value.asInstanceOf[Type]), i.e. java.lang.Class[Type].
- * Can't find any docs on how/why it's done this way. See ticket
- * SI-490 for some interesting comments from lauri alanko suggesting
- * that the type given by classOf[T] is too strong and should be
- * weakened so as not to suggest that classOf[List[String]] is any
- * different from classOf[List[Int]].
- *
- * !!! See deconstMap in Erasure for one bug this encoding has induced:
- * I would be very surprised if there aren't more.
- */
- def mkClassOf(tp: Type): Tree =
- Literal(Constant(tp)) setType ConstantType(Constant(tp))
- /** Builds a list with given head and tail. */
- def mkNewCons(head: Tree, tail: Tree): Tree =
- New(Apply(mkAttributedRef(ConsClass), List(head, tail)))
- /** Builds a list with given head and tail. */
- def mkNil: Tree = mkAttributedRef(NilModule)
- /** Builds a tree representing an undefined local, as in
- * var x: T = _
- * which is appropriate to the given Type.
- */
- def mkZero(tp: Type): Tree = tp.typeSymbol match {
- case NothingClass => mkMethodCall(Predef_???, Nil) setType NothingClass.tpe
- case _ => Literal(mkConstantZero(tp)) setType tp
- }
- def mkConstantZero(tp: Type): Constant = tp.typeSymbol match {
- case UnitClass => Constant(())
- case BooleanClass => Constant(false)
- case FloatClass => Constant(0.0f)
- case DoubleClass => Constant(0.0d)
- case ByteClass => Constant(0.toByte)
- case ShortClass => Constant(0.toShort)
- case IntClass => Constant(0)
- case LongClass => Constant(0L)
- case CharClass => Constant(0.toChar)
- case _ => Constant(null)
- }
- /** Builds a tuple */
- def mkTuple(elems: List[Tree]): Tree =
- if (elems.isEmpty) Literal(Constant())
- else Apply(
- Select(mkAttributedRef(TupleClass(elems.length).caseModule), nme.apply),
- elems)
- // tree1 AND tree2
- def mkAnd(tree1: Tree, tree2: Tree): Tree =
- Apply(Select(tree1, Boolean_and), List(tree2))
- // tree1 OR tree2
- def mkOr(tree1: Tree, tree2: Tree): Tree =
- Apply(Select(tree1, Boolean_or), List(tree2))
- def mkBasisUniverseRef: Tree =
- mkAttributedRef(ReflectBasis) setType singleType(ReflectBasis.owner.thisPrefix, ReflectBasis)
- def mkRuntimeUniverseRef: Tree = {
- assert(ReflectRuntimeUniverse != NoSymbol)
- mkAttributedRef(ReflectRuntimeUniverse) setType singleType(ReflectRuntimeUniverse.owner.thisPrefix, ReflectRuntimeUniverse)
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TreeInfo.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TreeInfo.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b2105876d..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TreeInfo.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,571 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-import Flags._
-/** This class ...
- *
- * @author Martin Odersky
- * @version 1.0
- */
-abstract class TreeInfo {
- val global: SymbolTable
- import global._
- import definitions.{ isVarArgsList, isCastSymbol, ThrowableClass, TupleClass }
- /* Does not seem to be used. Not sure what it does anyway.
- def isOwnerDefinition(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
- case PackageDef(_, _)
- | ClassDef(_, _, _, _)
- | ModuleDef(_, _, _)
- | DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _)
- | Import(_, _) => true
- case _ => false
- }
- // def isDefinition(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree.isDef
- /** Is tree a declaration or type definition?
- */
- def isDeclarationOrTypeDef(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
- case x: ValOrDefDef => x.rhs eq EmptyTree
- case _ => tree.isInstanceOf[TypeDef]
- }
- /** Is tree legal as a member definition of an interface?
- */
- def isInterfaceMember(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
- case EmptyTree => true
- case Import(_, _) => true
- case TypeDef(_, _, _, _) => true
- case DefDef(mods, _, _, _, _, __) => mods.isDeferred
- case ValDef(mods, _, _, _) => mods.isDeferred
- case _ => false
- }
- /** Is tree a pure (i.e. non-side-effecting) definition?
- */
- def isPureDef(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
- case EmptyTree
- | ClassDef(_, _, _, _)
- | TypeDef(_, _, _, _)
- | Import(_, _)
- | DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) =>
- true
- case ValDef(mods, _, _, rhs) =>
- !mods.isMutable && isExprSafeToInline(rhs)
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- /** Is tree an expression which can be inlined without affecting program semantics?
- *
- * Note that this is not called "isExprSafeToInline" since purity (lack of side-effects)
- * is not the litmus test. References to modules and lazy vals are side-effecting,
- * both because side-effecting code may be executed and because the first reference
- * takes a different code path than all to follow; but they are safe to inline
- * because the expression result from evaluating them is always the same.
- */
- def isExprSafeToInline(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
- case EmptyTree
- | This(_)
- | Super(_, _)
- | Literal(_) =>
- true
- case Ident(_) =>
- tree.symbol.isStable
- // this case is mostly to allow expressions like -5 and +7, but any
- // member of an anyval should be safely pure
- case Select(Literal(const), name) =>
- const.isAnyVal && (const.tpe.member(name) != NoSymbol)
- case Select(qual, _) =>
- tree.symbol.isStable && isExprSafeToInline(qual)
- case TypeApply(fn, _) =>
- isExprSafeToInline(fn)
- case Apply(fn, List()) =>
- /* Note: After uncurry, field accesses are represented as Apply(getter, Nil),
- * so an Apply can also be pure.
- * However, before typing, applications of nullary functional values are also
- * Apply(function, Nil) trees. To prevent them from being treated as pure,
- * we check that the callee is a method. */
- fn.symbol.isMethod && !fn.symbol.isLazy && isExprSafeToInline(fn)
- case Typed(expr, _) =>
- isExprSafeToInline(expr)
- case Block(stats, expr) =>
- (stats forall isPureDef) && isExprSafeToInline(expr)
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- @deprecated("Use isExprSafeToInline instead", "2.10.0")
- def isPureExpr(tree: Tree) = isExprSafeToInline(tree)
- def zipMethodParamsAndArgs(params: List[Symbol], args: List[Tree]): List[(Symbol, Tree)] =
- mapMethodParamsAndArgs(params, args)((param, arg) => ((param, arg)))
- def mapMethodParamsAndArgs[R](params: List[Symbol], args: List[Tree])(f: (Symbol, Tree) => R): List[R] = {
- val b = List.newBuilder[R]
- foreachMethodParamAndArg(params, args)((param, arg) => b += f(param, arg))
- b.result
- }
- def foreachMethodParamAndArg(params: List[Symbol], args: List[Tree])(f: (Symbol, Tree) => Unit): Boolean = {
- val plen = params.length
- val alen = args.length
- def fail() = {
- global.debugwarn(
- "Mismatch trying to zip method parameters and argument list:\n" +
- " params = " + params + "\n" +
- " args = " + args + "\n"
- )
- false
- }
- if (plen == alen) foreach2(params, args)(f)
- else if (params.isEmpty) return fail
- else if (isVarArgsList(params)) {
- val plenInit = plen - 1
- if (alen == plenInit) {
- if (alen == 0) Nil // avoid calling mismatched zip
- else foreach2(params.init, args)(f)
- }
- else if (alen < plenInit) return fail
- else {
- foreach2(params.init, args take plenInit)(f)
- val remainingArgs = args drop plenInit
- foreach2(List.fill(remainingArgs.size)(params.last), remainingArgs)(f)
- }
- }
- else return fail
- true
- }
- /**
- * Selects the correct parameter list when there are nested applications.
- * Given Apply(fn, args), args might correspond to any of fn.symbol's parameter
- * lists. To choose the correct one before uncurry, we have to unwrap any
- * applies: for instance Apply(fn @ Apply(Apply(_, _), _), args) implies args
- * correspond to the third parameter list.
- *
- * The argument fn is the function part of the apply node being considered.
- *
- * Also accounts for varargs.
- */
- private def applyMethodParameters(fn: Tree): List[Symbol] = {
- val depth = applyDepth(fn)
- // There could be applies which go beyond the parameter list(s),
- // being applied to the result of the method call.
- // !!! Note that this still doesn't seem correct, although it should
- // be closer than what it replaced.
- if (depth < fn.symbol.paramss.size) fn.symbol.paramss(depth)
- else if (fn.symbol.paramss.isEmpty) Nil
- else fn.symbol.paramss.last
- }
- def zipMethodParamsAndArgs(t: Tree): List[(Symbol, Tree)] = t match {
- case Apply(fn, args) => zipMethodParamsAndArgs(applyMethodParameters(fn), args)
- case _ => Nil
- }
- def foreachMethodParamAndArg(t: Tree)(f: (Symbol, Tree) => Unit): Unit = t match {
- case Apply(fn, args) => foreachMethodParamAndArg(applyMethodParameters(fn), args)(f)
- case _ =>
- }
- /** Is symbol potentially a getter of a variable?
- */
- def mayBeVarGetter(sym: Symbol): Boolean = match {
- case NullaryMethodType(_) => sym.owner.isClass && !sym.isStable
- case PolyType(_, NullaryMethodType(_)) => sym.owner.isClass && !sym.isStable
- case mt @ MethodType(_, _) => mt.isImplicit && sym.owner.isClass && !sym.isStable
- case _ => false
- }
- /** Is tree a mutable variable, or the getter of a mutable field?
- */
- def isVariableOrGetter(tree: Tree) = {
- def sym = tree.symbol
- def isVar = sym.isVariable
- def isGetter = mayBeVarGetter(sym) && != NoSymbol
- tree match {
- case Ident(_) => isVar
- case Select(_, _) => isVar || isGetter
- case _ =>
- methPart(tree) match {
- case Select(qual, nme.apply) => qual.tpe.member(nme.update) != NoSymbol
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- }
- /** Is tree a self constructor call this(...)? I.e. a call to a constructor of the
- * same object?
- */
- def isSelfConstrCall(tree: Tree): Boolean = methPart(tree) match {
- case Ident(nme.CONSTRUCTOR)
- | Select(This(_), nme.CONSTRUCTOR) => true
- case _ => false
- }
- /** Is tree a super constructor call?
- */
- def isSuperConstrCall(tree: Tree): Boolean = methPart(tree) match {
- case Select(Super(_, _), nme.CONSTRUCTOR) => true
- case _ => false
- }
- /**
- * Named arguments can transform a constructor call into a block, e.g.
- * <init>(b = foo, a = bar)
- * is transformed to
- * { val x$1 = foo
- * val x$2 = bar
- * <init>(x$2, x$1)
- * }
- */
- def stripNamedApplyBlock(tree: Tree) = tree match {
- case Block(stats, expr) if stats.forall(_.isInstanceOf[ValDef]) =>
- expr
- case _ =>
- tree
- }
- /** Is tree a self or super constructor call? */
- def isSelfOrSuperConstrCall(tree: Tree) = {
- // stripNamedApply for SI-3584: adaptToImplicitMethod in Typers creates a special context
- // for implicit search in constructor calls, adaptToImplicitMethod(isSelfOrConstrCall)
- val tree1 = stripNamedApplyBlock(tree)
- isSelfConstrCall(tree1) || isSuperConstrCall(tree1)
- }
- /** Is tree a variable pattern? */
- def isVarPattern(pat: Tree): Boolean = pat match {
- case x: Ident => !x.isBackquoted && isVariableName(
- case _ => false
- }
- def isDeprecatedIdentifier(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
- case x: Ident => !x.isBackquoted && nme.isDeprecatedIdentifierName(
- case _ => false
- }
- /** The first constructor definitions in `stats` */
- def firstConstructor(stats: List[Tree]): Tree = stats find {
- case x: DefDef => nme.isConstructorName(
- case _ => false
- } getOrElse EmptyTree
- /** The arguments to the first constructor in `stats`. */
- def firstConstructorArgs(stats: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = firstConstructor(stats) match {
- case DefDef(_, _, _, args :: _, _, _) => args
- case _ => Nil
- }
- /** The value definitions marked PRESUPER in this statement sequence */
- def preSuperFields(stats: List[Tree]): List[ValDef] =
- stats collect { case vd: ValDef if isEarlyValDef(vd) => vd }
- def isEarlyDef(tree: Tree) = tree match {
- case TypeDef(mods, _, _, _) => mods hasFlag PRESUPER
- case ValDef(mods, _, _, _) => mods hasFlag PRESUPER
- case _ => false
- }
- def isEarlyValDef(tree: Tree) = tree match {
- case ValDef(mods, _, _, _) => mods hasFlag PRESUPER
- case _ => false
- }
- def isEarlyTypeDef(tree: Tree) = tree match {
- case TypeDef(mods, _, _, _) => mods hasFlag PRESUPER
- case _ => false
- }
- /** Is tpt a vararg type of the form T* ? */
- def isRepeatedParamType(tpt: Tree) = tpt match {
- case TypeTree() => definitions.isRepeatedParamType(tpt.tpe)
- case AppliedTypeTree(Select(_, tpnme.REPEATED_PARAM_CLASS_NAME), _) => true
- case AppliedTypeTree(Select(_, tpnme.JAVA_REPEATED_PARAM_CLASS_NAME), _) => true
- case _ => false
- }
- /** The parameter ValDefs of a method definition that have vararg types of the form T*
- */
- def repeatedParams(tree: Tree): List[ValDef] = tree match {
- case DefDef(_, _, _, vparamss, _, _) => vparamss.flatten filter (vd => isRepeatedParamType(vd.tpt))
- case _ => Nil
- }
- /** Is tpt a by-name parameter type of the form => T? */
- def isByNameParamType(tpt: Tree) = tpt match {
- case TypeTree() => definitions.isByNameParamType(tpt.tpe)
- case AppliedTypeTree(Select(_, tpnme.BYNAME_PARAM_CLASS_NAME), _) => true
- case _ => false
- }
- /** Is name a left-associative operator? */
- def isLeftAssoc(operator: Name) = operator.nonEmpty && (operator.endChar != ':')
- private val reserved = Set[Name](nme.false_, nme.true_, nme.null_)
- /** Is name a variable name? */
- def isVariableName(name: Name): Boolean = {
- val first = name(0)
- ((first.isLower && first.isLetter) || first == '_') && !reserved(name)
- }
- /** Is tree a `this` node which belongs to `enclClass`? */
- def isSelf(tree: Tree, enclClass: Symbol): Boolean = tree match {
- case This(_) => tree.symbol == enclClass
- case _ => false
- }
- /** can this type be a type pattern */
- def mayBeTypePat(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
- case CompoundTypeTree(Template(tps, _, Nil)) => tps exists mayBeTypePat
- case Annotated(_, tp) => mayBeTypePat(tp)
- case AppliedTypeTree(constr, args) => mayBeTypePat(constr) || args.exists(_.isInstanceOf[Bind])
- case SelectFromTypeTree(tp, _) => mayBeTypePat(tp)
- case _ => false
- }
- /** Is this tree comprised of nothing but identifiers,
- * but possibly in bindings or tuples? For instance
- *
- * foo @ (bar, (baz, quux))
- *
- * is a variable pattern; if the structure matches,
- * then the remainder is inevitable.
- */
- def isVariablePattern(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
- case Bind(name, pat) => isVariablePattern(pat)
- case Ident(name) => true
- case Apply(sel, args) =>
- ( isReferenceToScalaMember(sel, TupleClass(args.size).name.toTermName)
- && (args forall isVariablePattern)
- )
- case _ => false
- }
- /** Is this argument node of the form <expr> : _* ?
- */
- def isWildcardStarArg(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
- case Typed(_, Ident(tpnme.WILDCARD_STAR)) => true
- case _ => false
- }
- /** If this tree represents a type application (after unwrapping
- * any applies) the first type argument. Otherwise, EmptyTree.
- */
- def firstTypeArg(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
- case Apply(fn, _) => firstTypeArg(fn)
- case TypeApply(_, targ :: _) => targ
- case _ => EmptyTree
- }
- /** If this tree has type parameters, those. Otherwise Nil.
- */
- def typeParameters(tree: Tree): List[TypeDef] = tree match {
- case DefDef(_, _, tparams, _, _, _) => tparams
- case ClassDef(_, _, tparams, _) => tparams
- case TypeDef(_, _, tparams, _) => tparams
- case _ => Nil
- }
- /** Does this argument list end with an argument of the form <expr> : _* ? */
- def isWildcardStarArgList(trees: List[Tree]) =
- trees.nonEmpty && isWildcardStarArg(trees.last)
- /** Is the argument a wildcard argument of the form `_` or `x @ _`?
- */
- def isWildcardArg(tree: Tree): Boolean = unbind(tree) match {
- case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => true
- case _ => false
- }
- /** Is this pattern node a catch-all (wildcard or variable) pattern? */
- def isDefaultCase(cdef: CaseDef) = cdef match {
- case CaseDef(pat, EmptyTree, _) => isWildcardArg(pat)
- case _ => false
- }
- /** Does this CaseDef catch Throwable? */
- def catchesThrowable(cdef: CaseDef) = catchesAllOf(cdef, ThrowableClass.tpe)
- /** Does this CaseDef catch everything of a certain Type? */
- def catchesAllOf(cdef: CaseDef, threshold: Type) =
- isDefaultCase(cdef) || (cdef.guard.isEmpty && (unbind(cdef.pat) match {
- case Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), tpt) => (tpt.tpe != null) && (threshold <:< tpt.tpe)
- case _ => false
- }))
- /** Is this pattern node a catch-all or type-test pattern? */
- def isCatchCase(cdef: CaseDef) = cdef match {
- case CaseDef(Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), tpt), EmptyTree, _) =>
- isSimpleThrowable(tpt.tpe)
- case CaseDef(Bind(_, Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), tpt)), EmptyTree, _) =>
- isSimpleThrowable(tpt.tpe)
- case _ =>
- isDefaultCase(cdef)
- }
- private def isSimpleThrowable(tp: Type): Boolean = tp match {
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
- (pre == NoPrefix || pre.widen.typeSymbol.isStatic) &&
- (sym isNonBottomSubClass ThrowableClass) && /* bq */ !sym.isTrait
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- /* If we have run-time types, and these are used for pattern matching,
- we should replace this by something like:
- tp match {
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
- args.isEmpty && (sym.owner.isPackageClass || isSimple(pre))
- case NoPrefix =>
- true
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- /** Is this pattern node a sequence-valued pattern? */
- def isSequenceValued(tree: Tree): Boolean = unbind(tree) match {
- case Alternative(ts) => ts exists isSequenceValued
- case ArrayValue(_, _) | Star(_) => true
- case _ => false
- }
- /** The underlying pattern ignoring any bindings */
- def unbind(x: Tree): Tree = x match {
- case Bind(_, y) => unbind(y)
- case y => y
- }
- /** Is this tree a Star(_) after removing bindings? */
- def isStar(x: Tree) = unbind(x) match {
- case Star(_) => true
- case _ => false
- }
- /** The method part of an application node
- */
- def methPart(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
- case Apply(fn, _) => methPart(fn)
- case TypeApply(fn, _) => methPart(fn)
- case AppliedTypeTree(fn, _) => methPart(fn)
- case _ => tree
- }
- /** The depth of the nested applies: e.g. Apply(Apply(Apply(_, _), _), _)
- * has depth 3. Continues through type applications (without counting them.)
- */
- def applyDepth(tree: Tree): Int = tree match {
- case Apply(fn, _) => 1 + applyDepth(fn)
- case TypeApply(fn, _) => applyDepth(fn)
- case AppliedTypeTree(fn, _) => applyDepth(fn)
- case _ => 0
- }
- def firstArgument(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
- case Apply(fn, args) =>
- val f = firstArgument(fn)
- if (f == EmptyTree && !args.isEmpty) args.head else f
- case _ =>
- EmptyTree
- }
- /** Does list of trees start with a definition of
- * a class of module with given name (ignoring imports)
- */
- def firstDefinesClassOrObject(trees: List[Tree], name: Name): Boolean = trees match {
- case Import(_, _) :: xs => firstDefinesClassOrObject(xs, name)
- case Annotated(_, tree1) :: Nil => firstDefinesClassOrObject(List(tree1), name)
- case ModuleDef(_, `name`, _) :: Nil => true
- case ClassDef(_, `name`, _, _) :: Nil => true
- case _ => false
- }
- /** Is this file the body of a compilation unit which should not
- * have Predef imported?
- */
- def noPredefImportForUnit(body: Tree) = {
- // Top-level definition whose leading imports include Predef.
- def containsLeadingPredefImport(defs: List[Tree]): Boolean = defs match {
- case PackageDef(_, defs1) :: _ => containsLeadingPredefImport(defs1)
- case Import(expr, _) :: rest => isReferenceToPredef(expr) || containsLeadingPredefImport(rest)
- case _ => false
- }
- // Compilation unit is class or object 'name' in package 'scala'
- def isUnitInScala(tree: Tree, name: Name) = tree match {
- case PackageDef(Ident(nme.scala_), defs) => firstDefinesClassOrObject(defs, name)
- case _ => false
- }
- ( isUnitInScala(body, nme.Predef)
- || containsLeadingPredefImport(List(body)))
- }
- def isAbsTypeDef(tree: Tree) = tree match {
- case TypeDef(_, _, _, TypeBoundsTree(_, _)) => true
- case TypeDef(_, _, _, rhs) => rhs.tpe.isInstanceOf[TypeBounds]
- case _ => false
- }
- def isAliasTypeDef(tree: Tree) = tree match {
- case TypeDef(_, _, _, _) => !isAbsTypeDef(tree)
- case _ => false
- }
- /** Some handy extractors for spotting trees through the
- * the haze of irrelevant braces: i.e. Block(Nil, SomeTree)
- * should not keep us from seeing SomeTree.
- */
- abstract class SeeThroughBlocks[T] {
- protected def unapplyImpl(x: Tree): T
- def unapply(x: Tree): T = x match {
- case Block(Nil, expr) => unapply(expr)
- case _ => unapplyImpl(x)
- }
- }
- object IsTrue extends SeeThroughBlocks[Boolean] {
- protected def unapplyImpl(x: Tree): Boolean = x match {
- case Literal(Constant(true)) => true
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- object IsFalse extends SeeThroughBlocks[Boolean] {
- protected def unapplyImpl(x: Tree): Boolean = x match {
- case Literal(Constant(false)) => true
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- object IsIf extends SeeThroughBlocks[Option[(Tree, Tree, Tree)]] {
- protected def unapplyImpl(x: Tree) = x match {
- case If(cond, thenp, elsep) => Some((cond, thenp, elsep))
- case _ => None
- }
- }
- def isApplyDynamicName(name: Name) = (name == nme.updateDynamic) || (name == nme.selectDynamic) || (name == nme.applyDynamic) || (name == nme.applyDynamicNamed)
- class DynamicApplicationExtractor(nameTest: Name => Boolean) {
- def unapply(tree: Tree) = tree match {
- case Apply(TypeApply(Select(qual, oper), _), List(Literal(Constant(name)))) if nameTest(oper) => Some((qual, name))
- case Apply(Select(qual, oper), List(Literal(Constant(name)))) if nameTest(oper) => Some((qual, name))
- case Apply(Ident(oper), List(Literal(Constant(name)))) if nameTest(oper) => Some((EmptyTree, name))
- case _ => None
- }
- }
- object DynamicUpdate extends DynamicApplicationExtractor(_ == nme.updateDynamic)
- object DynamicApplication extends DynamicApplicationExtractor(isApplyDynamicName)
- object DynamicApplicationNamed extends DynamicApplicationExtractor(_ == nme.applyDynamicNamed)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TreePrinters.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TreePrinters.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d035c8b9d..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TreePrinters.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-// [Eugene++ to Martin] we need to unify this prettyprinter with NodePrinters
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-import{ OutputStream, PrintWriter, StringWriter, Writer }
-import Flags._
-trait TreePrinters extends api.TreePrinters { self: SymbolTable =>
- //nsc import treeInfo.{ IsTrue, IsFalse }
- final val showOuterTests = false
- /** Adds backticks if the name is a scala keyword. */
- def quotedName(name: Name, decode: Boolean): String = {
- val s = if (decode) name.decode else name.toString
- val term = name.toTermName
- if (nme.keywords(term) && term != nme.USCOREkw) "`%s`" format s
- else s
- }
- def quotedName(name: Name): String = quotedName(name, false)
- def quotedName(name: String): String = quotedName(newTermName(name), false)
- private def symNameInternal(tree: Tree, name: Name, decoded: Boolean): String = {
- val sym = tree.symbol
- if ( == nme.ERROR.toString) {
- "<" + quotedName(name, decoded) + ": error>"
- } else if (sym != null && sym != NoSymbol) {
- val prefix = if (sym.isMixinConstructor) "/*%s*/".format(quotedName(, decoded)) else ""
- var suffix = ""
- if (settings.uniqid.value) suffix += ("#" +
- if (settings.Yshowsymkinds.value) suffix += ("#" + sym.abbreviatedKindString)
- prefix + quotedName(tree.symbol.decodedName) + suffix
- } else {
- quotedName(name, decoded)
- }
- }
- def decodedSymName(tree: Tree, name: Name) = symNameInternal(tree, name, true)
- def symName(tree: Tree, name: Name) = symNameInternal(tree, name, false)
- /** Turns a path into a String, introducing backquotes
- * as necessary.
- */
- def backquotedPath(t: Tree): String = {
- t match {
- case Select(qual, name) if name.isTermName => "%s.%s".format(backquotedPath(qual), symName(t, name))
- case Select(qual, name) if name.isTypeName => "%s#%s".format(backquotedPath(qual), symName(t, name))
- case Ident(name) => symName(t, name)
- case _ => t.toString
- }
- }
- class TreePrinter(out: PrintWriter) extends super.TreePrinter {
- protected var indentMargin = 0
- protected val indentStep = 2
- protected var indentString = " " // 40
- typesPrinted = settings.printtypes.value
- uniqueIds = settings.uniqid.value
- protected def doPrintPositions = settings.Xprintpos.value
- def indent() = indentMargin += indentStep
- def undent() = indentMargin -= indentStep
- def printPosition(tree: Tree) = if (doPrintPositions) print(
- def println() {
- out.println()
- while (indentMargin > indentString.length())
- indentString += indentString
- if (indentMargin > 0)
- out.write(indentString, 0, indentMargin)
- }
- def printSeq[a](ls: List[a])(printelem: a => Unit)(printsep: => Unit) {
- ls match {
- case List() =>
- case List(x) => printelem(x)
- case x :: rest => printelem(x); printsep; printSeq(rest)(printelem)(printsep)
- }
- }
- def printColumn(ts: List[Tree], start: String, sep: String, end: String) {
- print(start); indent; println()
- printSeq(ts){print(_)}{print(sep); println()}; undent; println(); print(end)
- }
- def printRow(ts: List[Tree], start: String, sep: String, end: String) {
- print(start); printSeq(ts){print(_)}{print(sep)}; print(end)
- }
- def printRow(ts: List[Tree], sep: String) { printRow(ts, "", sep, "") }
- def printTypeParams(ts: List[TypeDef]) {
- if (!ts.isEmpty) {
- print("["); printSeq(ts){ t =>
- printAnnotations(t)
- printParam(t)
- }{print(", ")}; print("]")
- }
- }
- def printLabelParams(ps: List[Ident]) {
- print("(")
- printSeq(ps){printLabelParam}{print(", ")}
- print(")")
- }
- def printLabelParam(p: Ident) {
- print(symName(p,; printOpt(": ", TypeTree() setType p.tpe)
- }
- def printValueParams(ts: List[ValDef]) {
- print("(")
- if (!ts.isEmpty) printFlags(ts.head.mods.flags & IMPLICIT, "")
- printSeq(ts){printParam}{print(", ")}
- print(")")
- }
- def printParam(tree: Tree) {
- tree match {
- case ValDef(mods, name, tp, rhs) =>
- printPosition(tree)
- printAnnotations(tree)
- print(symName(tree, name)); printOpt(": ", tp); printOpt(" = ", rhs)
- case TypeDef(mods, name, tparams, rhs) =>
- printPosition(tree)
- print(symName(tree, name))
- printTypeParams(tparams); print(rhs)
- }
- }
- def printBlock(tree: Tree) {
- tree match {
- case Block(_, _) =>
- print(tree)
- case _ =>
- printColumn(List(tree), "{", ";", "}")
- }
- }
- private def symFn[T](tree: Tree, f: Symbol => T, orElse: => T): T = tree.symbol match {
- case null | NoSymbol => orElse
- case sym => f(sym)
- }
- private def ifSym(tree: Tree, p: Symbol => Boolean) = symFn(tree, p, false)
- def printOpt(prefix: String, tree: Tree) {
- if (!tree.isEmpty) { print(prefix, tree) }
- }
- def printModifiers(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers): Unit = printFlags(
- if (tree.symbol == NoSymbol) mods.flags else tree.symbol.flags, "" + (
- if (tree.symbol == NoSymbol) mods.privateWithin
- else if (tree.symbol.hasAccessBoundary)
- else ""
- )
- )
- def printFlags(flags: Long, privateWithin: String) {
- var mask: Long = if (settings.debug.value) -1L else PrintableFlags
- val s = flagsToString(flags & mask, privateWithin)
- if (s != "") print(s + " ")
- }
- def printAnnotations(tree: Tree) {
- if (!isCompilerUniverse && tree.symbol != null && tree.symbol != NoSymbol)
- // [Eugene++] todo. this is not 100% correct, but is necessary for sane printing
- // the problem is that getting annotations doesn't automatically initialize the symbol
- // so we might easily print something as if it doesn't have annotations, whereas it does
- tree.symbol.initialize
- val annots = tree.symbol.annotations match {
- case Nil => tree.asInstanceOf[MemberDef].mods.annotations
- case anns => anns
- }
- annots foreach (annot => print("@"+annot+" "))
- }
- private var currentOwner: Symbol = NoSymbol
- private var selectorType: Type = NoType
- def printTree(tree: Tree) {
- tree match {
- case EmptyTree =>
- print("<empty>")
- case ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, impl) =>
- printAnnotations(tree)
- printModifiers(tree, mods)
- val word =
- if (mods.isTrait) "trait"
- else if (ifSym(tree, _.isModuleClass)) "object"
- else "class"
- print(word, " ", symName(tree, name))
- printTypeParams(tparams)
- print(if (mods.isDeferred) " <: " else " extends ", impl)
- case PackageDef(packaged, stats) =>
- printAnnotations(tree)
- print("package ", packaged); printColumn(stats, " {", ";", "}")
- case ModuleDef(mods, name, impl) =>
- printAnnotations(tree)
- printModifiers(tree, mods);
- print("object " + symName(tree, name), " extends ", impl)
- case ValDef(mods, name, tp, rhs) =>
- printAnnotations(tree)
- printModifiers(tree, mods)
- print(if (mods.isMutable) "var " else "val ", symName(tree, name))
- printOpt(": ", tp)
- if (!mods.isDeferred)
- print(" = ", if (rhs.isEmpty) "_" else rhs)
- case DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tp, rhs) =>
- printAnnotations(tree)
- printModifiers(tree, mods)
- print("def " + symName(tree, name))
- printTypeParams(tparams); vparamss foreach printValueParams
- printOpt(": ", tp); printOpt(" = ", rhs)
- case TypeDef(mods, name, tparams, rhs) =>
- if (mods hasFlag (PARAM | DEFERRED)) {
- printAnnotations(tree)
- printModifiers(tree, mods); print("type "); printParam(tree)
- } else {
- printAnnotations(tree)
- printModifiers(tree, mods); print("type " + symName(tree, name))
- printTypeParams(tparams); printOpt(" = ", rhs)
- }
- case LabelDef(name, params, rhs) =>
- print(symName(tree, name)); printLabelParams(params); printBlock(rhs)
- case Import(expr, selectors) =>
- // Is this selector remapping a name (i.e, {name1 => name2})
- def isNotRemap(s: ImportSelector) : Boolean = ( == nme.WILDCARD || == s.rename)
- def selectorToString(s: ImportSelector): String = {
- val from = quotedName(
- if (isNotRemap(s)) from
- else from + "=>" + quotedName(s.rename)
- }
- print("import ", backquotedPath(expr), ".")
- selectors match {
- case List(s) =>
- // If there is just one selector and it is not remapping a name, no braces are needed
- if (isNotRemap(s)) print(selectorToString(s))
- else print("{", selectorToString(s), "}")
- // If there is more than one selector braces are always needed
- case many =>
- print("{", ", ", "}"))
- }
- case Template(parents, self, body) =>
- val currentOwner1 = currentOwner
- if (tree.symbol != NoSymbol) currentOwner = tree.symbol.owner
-// if (parents exists isReferenceToAnyVal) {
-// print("AnyVal")
-// }
-// else {
- printRow(parents, " with ")
- if (!body.isEmpty) {
- if ( != nme.WILDCARD) {
- print(" { ",; printOpt(": ", self.tpt); print(" => ")
- } else if (!self.tpt.isEmpty) {
- print(" { _ : ", self.tpt, " => ")
- } else {
- print(" {")
- }
- printColumn(body, "", ";", "}")
- }
-// }
- currentOwner = currentOwner1
- case Block(stats, expr) =>
- printColumn(stats ::: List(expr), "{", ";", "}")
- case Match(selector, cases) =>
- val selectorType1 = selectorType
- selectorType = selector.tpe
- print(selector); printColumn(cases, " match {", "", "}")
- selectorType = selectorType1
- case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) =>
- print("case ")
- def patConstr(pat: Tree): Tree = pat match {
- case Apply(fn, args) => patConstr(fn)
- case _ => pat
- }
- if (showOuterTests &&
- needsOuterTest(
- patConstr(pat).tpe.finalResultType, selectorType, currentOwner))
- print("???")
- print(pat); printOpt(" if ", guard)
- print(" => ", body)
- case Alternative(trees) =>
- printRow(trees, "(", "| ", ")")
- case Star(elem) =>
- print("(", elem, ")*")
- case Bind(name, t) =>
- print("(", symName(tree, name), " @ ", t, ")")
- case UnApply(fun, args) =>
- print(fun, " <unapply> "); printRow(args, "(", ", ", ")")
- case ArrayValue(elemtpt, trees) =>
- print("Array[", elemtpt); printRow(trees, "]{", ", ", "}")
- case Function(vparams, body) =>
- print("("); printValueParams(vparams); print(" => ", body, ")")
- if (uniqueIds && tree.symbol != null) print("#"
- case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
- print(lhs, " = ", rhs)
- case AssignOrNamedArg(lhs, rhs) =>
- print(lhs, " = ", rhs)
- case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
- print("if (", cond, ")"); indent; println()
- print(thenp); undent
- if (!elsep.isEmpty) {
- println(); print("else"); indent; println(); print(elsep); undent
- }
- case Return(expr) =>
- print("return ", expr)
- case Try(block, catches, finalizer) =>
- print("try "); printBlock(block)
- if (!catches.isEmpty) printColumn(catches, " catch {", "", "}")
- printOpt(" finally ", finalizer)
- case Throw(expr) =>
- print("throw ", expr)
- case New(tpe) =>
- print("new ", tpe)
- case Typed(expr, tp) =>
- print("(", expr, ": ", tp, ")")
- case TypeApply(fun, targs) =>
- print(fun); printRow(targs, "[", ", ", "]")
- case Apply(fun, vargs) =>
- print(fun); printRow(vargs, "(", ", ", ")")
- case ApplyDynamic(qual, vargs) =>
- print("<apply-dynamic>(", qual, "#", tree.symbol.nameString)
- printRow(vargs, ", (", ", ", "))")
- case Super(This(qual), mix) =>
- if (!qual.isEmpty || tree.symbol != NoSymbol) print(symName(tree, qual) + ".")
- print("super")
- if (!mix.isEmpty)
- print("[" + mix + "]")
- case Super(qual, mix) =>
- print(qual, ".super")
- if (!mix.isEmpty)
- print("[" + mix + "]")
- case This(qual) =>
- if (!qual.isEmpty) print(symName(tree, qual) + ".")
- print("this")
- case Select(qual @ New(tpe), name) if (!settings.debug.value) =>
- print(qual)
- case Select(qualifier, name) =>
- print(backquotedPath(qualifier), ".", symName(tree, name))
- case id @ Ident(name) =>
- val str = symName(tree, name)
- print( if (id.isBackquoted) "`" + str + "`" else str )
- case Literal(x) =>
- print(x.escapedStringValue)
- case tt: TypeTree =>
- if ((tree.tpe eq null) || (doPrintPositions && tt.original != null)) {
- if (tt.original != null) print("<type: ", tt.original, ">")
- else print("<type ?>")
- } else if ((tree.tpe.typeSymbol ne null) && tree.tpe.typeSymbol.isAnonymousClass) {
- print(tree.tpe.typeSymbol.toString)
- } else {
- print(tree.tpe.toString)
- }
- case Annotated(Apply(Select(New(tpt), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), args), tree) =>
- def printAnnot() {
- print("@", tpt)
- if (!args.isEmpty)
- printRow(args, "(", ",", ")")
- }
- print(tree, if (tree.isType) " " else ": ")
- printAnnot()
- case SingletonTypeTree(ref) =>
- print(ref, ".type")
- case SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier, selector) =>
- print(qualifier, "#", symName(tree, selector))
- case CompoundTypeTree(templ) =>
- print(templ)
- case AppliedTypeTree(tp, args) =>
- print(tp); printRow(args, "[", ", ", "]")
- case TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi) =>
- printOpt(" >: ", lo); printOpt(" <: ", hi)
- case ExistentialTypeTree(tpt, whereClauses) =>
- print(tpt);
- printColumn(whereClauses, " forSome { ", ";", "}")
-// SelectFromArray is no longer visible in reflect.internal.
-// eliminated until we figure out what we will do with both TreePrinters and
-// SelectFromArray.
-// case SelectFromArray(qualifier, name, _) =>
-// print(qualifier); print(".<arr>"); print(symName(tree, name))
- case tree =>
- xprintTree(this, tree)
- }
- if (typesPrinted && tree.isTerm && !tree.isEmpty) {
- print("{", if (tree.tpe eq null) "<null>" else tree.tpe.toString, "}")
- }
- }
- def print(args: Any*): Unit = args foreach {
- case tree: Tree =>
- printPosition(tree)
- printTree(tree)
- case name: Name =>
- print(quotedName(name))
- case arg =>
- out.print(if (arg == null) "null" else arg.toString)
- }
- }
- /** Hook for extensions */
- def xprintTree(treePrinter: TreePrinter, tree: Tree) =
- treePrinter.print(tree.productPrefix+tree.productIterator.mkString("(", ", ", ")"))
- def newTreePrinter(writer: PrintWriter): TreePrinter = new TreePrinter(writer)
- def newTreePrinter(stream: OutputStream): TreePrinter = newTreePrinter(new PrintWriter(stream))
- def newTreePrinter(): TreePrinter = newTreePrinter(new PrintWriter(ConsoleWriter))
- /** A writer that writes to the current Console and
- * is sensitive to replacement of the Console's
- * output stream.
- */
- object ConsoleWriter extends Writer {
- override def write(str: String) { Console.print(str) }
- def write(cbuf: Array[Char], off: Int, len: Int) {
- write(new String(cbuf, off, len))
- }
- def close = { /* do nothing */ }
- def flush = { /* do nothing */ }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Trees.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Trees.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 11d0790100..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Trees.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1592 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-import Flags._
-import base.Attachments
-import collection.mutable.{ListBuffer, LinkedHashSet}
-trait Trees extends api.Trees { self: SymbolTable =>
- private[scala] var nodeCount = 0
- abstract class Tree extends TreeContextApiImpl with Product {
- val id = nodeCount // TODO: add to attachment?
- nodeCount += 1
- @inline final def pos: Position = rawatt.pos
- def pos_=(pos: Position): Unit = rawatt = (rawatt withPos pos)
- def setPos(newpos: Position): this.type = { pos = newpos; this }
- private var rawatt: Attachments { type Pos = Position } = NoPosition
- def attachments = rawatt
- def addAttachment(attachment: Any): this.type = { rawatt = rawatt.add(attachment); this }
- def removeAttachment[T: ClassTag]: this.type = { rawatt = rawatt.remove[T]; this }
- private[this] var rawtpe: Type = _
- @inline final def tpe = rawtpe
- def tpe_=(t: Type) = rawtpe = t
- def setType(tp: Type): this.type = { rawtpe = tp; this }
- def defineType(tp: Type): this.type = setType(tp)
- def symbol: Symbol = null
- def symbol_=(sym: Symbol) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("symbol_= inapplicable for " + this) }
- def setSymbol(sym: Symbol): this.type = { symbol = sym; this }
- def hasSymbol = false
- def isDef = false
- def isEmpty = false
- /** The canonical way to test if a Tree represents a term.
- */
- def isTerm: Boolean = this match {
- case _: TermTree => true
- case Bind(name, _) => name.isTermName
- case Select(_, name) => name.isTermName
- case Ident(name) => name.isTermName
- case Annotated(_, arg) => arg.isTerm
- case _ => false
- }
- /** The canonical way to test if a Tree represents a type.
- */
- def isType: Boolean = this match {
- case _: TypTree => true
- case Bind(name, _) => name.isTypeName
- case Select(_, name) => name.isTypeName
- case Ident(name) => name.isTypeName
- case Annotated(_, arg) => arg.isType
- case _ => false
- }
- private[scala] def copyAttrs(tree: Tree): this.type = {
- rawatt = tree.rawatt
- tpe = tree.tpe
- if (hasSymbol) symbol = tree.symbol
- this
- }
- override def hashCode(): Int = System.identityHashCode(this)
- override def equals(that: Any) = this eq that.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
- override def duplicate: this.type =
- (duplicator transform this).asInstanceOf[this.type]
- }
- abstract class TreeContextApiImpl extends TreeContextApi { this: Tree =>
- override def orElse(alt: => Tree) = if (!isEmpty) this else alt
- override def foreach(f: Tree => Unit) { new ForeachTreeTraverser(f).traverse(this) }
- override def withFilter(f: Tree => Boolean): List[Tree] = {
- val ft = new FilterTreeTraverser(f)
- ft.traverse(this)
- ft.hits.toList
- }
- override def filter(f: Tree => Boolean): List[Tree] = withFilter(f)
- override def collect[T](pf: PartialFunction[Tree, T]): List[T] = {
- val ctt = new CollectTreeTraverser[T](pf)
- ctt.traverse(this)
- ctt.results.toList
- }
- override def find(p: Tree => Boolean): Option[Tree] = {
- val ft = new FindTreeTraverser(p)
- ft.traverse(this)
- ft.result
- }
- override def exists(p: Tree => Boolean): Boolean = !find(p).isEmpty
- override def forAll(p: Tree => Boolean): Boolean = find(!p(_)).isEmpty
- override def equalsStructure(that : Tree) = correspondsStructure(that)(_ eq _)
- def correspondsStructure(that: Tree)(f: (Tree,Tree) => Boolean): Boolean =
- f(this, that) || ((productArity == that.productArity) && {
- def equals0(this0: Any, that0: Any): Boolean = (this0, that0) match {
- case (x: Tree, y: Tree) => f(x, y) || (x correspondsStructure y)(f)
- case (xs: List[_], ys: List[_]) => (xs corresponds ys)(equals0)
- case _ => this0 == that0
- }
- def compareOriginals() = (this, that) match {
- case (x: TypeTree, y: TypeTree) if x.original != null && y.original != null =>
- (x.original correspondsStructure y.original)(f)
- case _ =>
- true
- }
- (productIterator zip that.productIterator forall { case (x, y) => equals0(x, y) }) && compareOriginals()
- })
- override def children: List[Tree] = {
- def subtrees(x: Any): List[Tree] = x match {
- case EmptyTree => Nil
- case t: Tree => List(t)
- case xs: List[_] => xs flatMap subtrees
- case _ => Nil
- }
- productIterator.toList flatMap subtrees
- }
- override def freeTerms: List[FreeTermSymbol] = freeSyms[FreeTermSymbol](_.isFreeTerm, _.termSymbol)
- override def freeTypes: List[FreeTypeSymbol] = freeSyms[FreeTypeSymbol](_.isFreeType, _.typeSymbol)
- private def freeSyms[S <: Symbol](isFree: Symbol => Boolean, symOfType: Type => Symbol): List[S] = {
- val s = collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[S]()
- def addIfFree(sym: Symbol): Unit = if (sym != null && isFree(sym)) s += sym.asInstanceOf[S]
- for (t <- this) {
- addIfFree(t.symbol)
- if (t.tpe != null) {
- for (tp <- t.tpe) {
- addIfFree(symOfType(tp))
- }
- }
- }
- s.toList
- }
- override def substituteSymbols(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Symbol]): Tree =
- new TreeSymSubstituter(from, to)(this)
- override def substituteTypes(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Type]): Tree =
- new TreeTypeSubstituter(from, to)(this)
- override def substituteThis(clazz: Symbol, to: Tree): Tree =
- new ThisSubstituter(clazz, to) transform this
- def hasSymbolWhich(f: Symbol => Boolean) =
- hasSymbol && symbol != null && f(symbol)
- def isErroneous = (tpe ne null) && tpe.isErroneous
- def isTyped = (tpe ne null) && !tpe.isErroneous
- /** Sets the tree's type to the result of the given function.
- * If the type is null, it remains null - the function is not called.
- */
- def modifyType(f: Type => Type): Tree =
- if (tpe eq null) this
- else this setType f(tpe)
- /** If `pf` is defined for a given subtree, call super.traverse(pf(tree)),
- * otherwise super.traverse(tree).
- */
- def foreachPartial(pf: PartialFunction[Tree, Tree]) {
- new ForeachPartialTreeTraverser(pf).traverse(this)
- }
- def changeOwner(pairs: (Symbol, Symbol)*): Tree = {
- pairs.foldLeft(this) { case (t, (oldOwner, newOwner)) =>
- new ChangeOwnerTraverser(oldOwner, newOwner) apply t
- }
- }
- def shallowDuplicate: Tree = new ShallowDuplicator(this) transform this
- def shortClass: String = (getClass.getName split "[.$]").last
- def isErrorTyped = (tpe ne null) && tpe.isError
- /** When you want to know a little more than the class, but a lot
- * less than the whole tree.
- */
- def summaryString: String = this match {
- case Literal(const) => "Literal(" + const + ")"
- case Ident(name) => "Ident(%s)".format(name.decode)
- case Select(qual, name) => "Select(%s, %s)".format(qual.summaryString, name.decode)
- case t: NameTree =>
- case t =>
- t.shortClass + (
- if (t.symbol != null && t.symbol != NoSymbol) "(" + t.symbol + ")"
- else ""
- )
- }
- }
- trait TermTree extends Tree with TermTreeApi
- trait TypTree extends Tree with TypTreeApi
- trait SymTree extends Tree with SymTreeContextApi {
- override def hasSymbol = true
- override var symbol: Symbol = NoSymbol
- }
- trait NameTree extends Tree with NameTreeApi {
- def name: Name
- }
- trait RefTree extends SymTree with NameTree with RefTreeApi {
- def qualifier: Tree // empty for Idents
- def name: Name
- }
- abstract class DefTree extends SymTree with NameTree with DefTreeApi {
- def name: Name
- override def isDef = true
- }
- case object EmptyTree extends TermTree {
- super.tpe_=(NoType)
- override def tpe_=(t: Type) =
- if (t != NoType) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("tpe_=("+t+") inapplicable for <empty>")
- override def isEmpty = true
- }
- abstract class MemberDef extends DefTree with MemberDefApi {
- def mods: Modifiers
- def keyword: String = this match {
- case TypeDef(_, _, _, _) => "type"
- case ClassDef(mods, _, _, _) => if (mods hasFlag TRAIT) "trait" else "class"
- case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) => "def"
- case ModuleDef(_, _, _) => "object"
- case PackageDef(_, _) => "package"
- case ValDef(mods, _, _, _) => if (mods hasFlag MUTABLE) "var" else "val"
- case _ => ""
- }
- }
- case class PackageDef(pid: RefTree, stats: List[Tree])
- extends MemberDef with PackageDefApi {
- def name =
- def mods = NoMods
- }
- object PackageDef extends PackageDefExtractor
- abstract class ImplDef extends MemberDef with ImplDefApi {
- def impl: Template
- }
- case class ClassDef(mods: Modifiers, name: TypeName, tparams: List[TypeDef], impl: Template)
- extends ImplDef with ClassDefApi
- object ClassDef extends ClassDefExtractor
- case class ModuleDef(mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, impl: Template)
- extends ImplDef with ModuleDefApi
- object ModuleDef extends ModuleDefExtractor
- abstract class ValOrDefDef extends MemberDef with ValOrDefDefApi {
- def name: Name
- def tpt: Tree
- def rhs: Tree
- }
- case class ValDef(mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree) extends ValOrDefDef with ValDefApi
- object ValDef extends ValDefExtractor
- case class DefDef(mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef],
- vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree) extends ValOrDefDef with DefDefApi
- object DefDef extends DefDefExtractor
- case class TypeDef(mods: Modifiers, name: TypeName, tparams: List[TypeDef], rhs: Tree)
- extends MemberDef with TypeDefApi
- object TypeDef extends TypeDefExtractor
- case class LabelDef(name: TermName, params: List[Ident], rhs: Tree)
- extends DefTree with TermTree with LabelDefApi
- object LabelDef extends LabelDefExtractor
- case class ImportSelector(name: Name, namePos: Int, rename: Name, renamePos: Int) extends ImportSelectorApi
- object ImportSelector extends ImportSelectorExtractor
- case class Import(expr: Tree, selectors: List[ImportSelector])
- extends SymTree with ImportApi
- object Import extends ImportExtractor
- case class Template(parents: List[Tree], self: ValDef, body: List[Tree])
- extends SymTree with TemplateApi
- object Template extends TemplateExtractor
- case class Block(stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree)
- extends TermTree with BlockApi
- object Block extends BlockExtractor
- case class CaseDef(pat: Tree, guard: Tree, body: Tree)
- extends Tree with CaseDefApi
- object CaseDef extends CaseDefExtractor
- case class Alternative(trees: List[Tree])
- extends TermTree with AlternativeApi
- object Alternative extends AlternativeExtractor
- case class Star(elem: Tree)
- extends TermTree with StarApi
- object Star extends StarExtractor
- case class Bind(name: Name, body: Tree)
- extends DefTree with BindApi
- object Bind extends BindExtractor
- case class UnApply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree])
- extends TermTree with UnApplyApi
- object UnApply extends UnApplyExtractor
- case class ArrayValue(elemtpt: Tree, elems: List[Tree])
- extends TermTree with ArrayValueApi
- object ArrayValue extends ArrayValueExtractor
- case class Function(vparams: List[ValDef], body: Tree)
- extends TermTree with SymTree with FunctionApi
- object Function extends FunctionExtractor
- case class Assign(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree)
- extends TermTree with AssignApi
- object Assign extends AssignExtractor
- case class AssignOrNamedArg(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree)
- extends TermTree with AssignOrNamedArgApi
- object AssignOrNamedArg extends AssignOrNamedArgExtractor
- case class If(cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree)
- extends TermTree with IfApi
- object If extends IfExtractor
- case class Match(selector: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef])
- extends TermTree with MatchApi
- object Match extends MatchExtractor
- case class Return(expr: Tree)
- extends TermTree with SymTree with ReturnApi
- object Return extends ReturnExtractor
- case class Try(block: Tree, catches: List[CaseDef], finalizer: Tree)
- extends TermTree with TryApi
- object Try extends TryExtractor
- case class Throw(expr: Tree)
- extends TermTree with ThrowApi
- object Throw extends ThrowExtractor
- case class New(tpt: Tree) extends TermTree with NewApi
- object New extends NewExtractor
- case class Typed(expr: Tree, tpt: Tree)
- extends TermTree with TypedApi
- object Typed extends TypedExtractor
- abstract class GenericApply extends TermTree with GenericApplyApi {
- val fun: Tree
- val args: List[Tree]
- }
- case class TypeApply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree])
- extends GenericApply with TypeApplyApi {
- override def symbol: Symbol = fun.symbol
- override def symbol_=(sym: Symbol) { fun.symbol = sym }
- }
- object TypeApply extends TypeApplyExtractor
- case class Apply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree])
- extends GenericApply with ApplyApi {
- override def symbol: Symbol = fun.symbol
- override def symbol_=(sym: Symbol) { fun.symbol = sym }
- }
- object Apply extends ApplyExtractor
- // TODO remove this class, add a tree attachment to Apply to track whether implicits were involved
- // copying trees will all too easily forget to distinguish subclasses
- class ApplyToImplicitArgs(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) extends Apply(fun, args)
- // TODO remove this class, add a tree attachment to Apply to track whether implicits were involved
- // copying trees will all too easily forget to distinguish subclasses
- class ApplyImplicitView(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) extends Apply(fun, args)
- def ApplyConstructor(tpt: Tree, args: List[Tree]) = Apply(Select(New(tpt), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), args)
- case class ApplyDynamic(qual: Tree, args: List[Tree])
- extends TermTree with SymTree with ApplyDynamicApi
- object ApplyDynamic extends ApplyDynamicExtractor
- case class Super(qual: Tree, mix: TypeName) extends TermTree with SuperApi {
- override def symbol: Symbol = qual.symbol
- override def symbol_=(sym: Symbol) { qual.symbol = sym }
- }
- object Super extends SuperExtractor
- case class This(qual: TypeName)
- extends TermTree with SymTree with ThisApi
- object This extends ThisExtractor
- case class Select(qualifier: Tree, name: Name)
- extends RefTree with SelectApi
- object Select extends SelectExtractor
- case class Ident(name: Name) extends RefTree with IdentContextApi {
- def qualifier: Tree = EmptyTree
- def isBackquoted = this.attachments.get[BackquotedIdentifierAttachment.type].isDefined
- }
- object Ident extends IdentExtractor
- case class ReferenceToBoxed(ident: Ident) extends TermTree with ReferenceToBoxedApi {
- override def symbol: Symbol = ident.symbol
- override def symbol_=(sym: Symbol) { ident.symbol = sym }
- }
- object ReferenceToBoxed extends ReferenceToBoxedExtractor
- case class Literal(value: Constant)
- extends TermTree with LiteralApi {
- assert(value ne null)
- }
- object Literal extends LiteralExtractor
-// @deprecated("will be removed and then be re-introduced with changed semantics, use Literal(Constant(x)) instead")
-// def Literal(x: Any) = new Literal(Constant(x))
- case class Annotated(annot: Tree, arg: Tree) extends Tree with AnnotatedApi
- object Annotated extends AnnotatedExtractor
- case class SingletonTypeTree(ref: Tree)
- extends TypTree with SingletonTypeTreeApi
- object SingletonTypeTree extends SingletonTypeTreeExtractor
- case class SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier: Tree, name: TypeName)
- extends TypTree with RefTree with SelectFromTypeTreeApi
- object SelectFromTypeTree extends SelectFromTypeTreeExtractor
- case class CompoundTypeTree(templ: Template)
- extends TypTree with CompoundTypeTreeApi
- object CompoundTypeTree extends CompoundTypeTreeExtractor
- case class AppliedTypeTree(tpt: Tree, args: List[Tree])
- extends TypTree with AppliedTypeTreeApi {
- override def symbol: Symbol = tpt.symbol
- override def symbol_=(sym: Symbol) { tpt.symbol = sym }
- }
- object AppliedTypeTree extends AppliedTypeTreeExtractor
- case class TypeBoundsTree(lo: Tree, hi: Tree)
- extends TypTree with TypeBoundsTreeApi
- object TypeBoundsTree extends TypeBoundsTreeExtractor
- case class ExistentialTypeTree(tpt: Tree, whereClauses: List[Tree])
- extends TypTree with ExistentialTypeTreeApi
- object ExistentialTypeTree extends ExistentialTypeTreeExtractor
- case class TypeTree() extends TypTree with TypeTreeContextApi {
- private var orig: Tree = null
- private[scala] var wasEmpty: Boolean = false
- override def symbol = if (tpe == null) null else tpe.typeSymbol
- override def isEmpty = (tpe eq null) || tpe == NoType
- def original: Tree = orig
- def setOriginal(tree: Tree): this.type = {
- def followOriginal(t: Tree): Tree = t match {
- case tt: TypeTree => followOriginal(tt.original)
- case t => t
- }
- orig = followOriginal(tree); setPos(tree.pos);
- this
- }
- override def defineType(tp: Type): this.type = {
- wasEmpty = isEmpty
- setType(tp)
- }
- }
- object TypeTree extends TypeTreeExtractor
- def TypeTree(tp: Type): TypeTree = TypeTree() setType tp
- class StrictTreeCopier extends TreeCopierOps {
- def ClassDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef], impl: Template) =
- new ClassDef(mods, name.toTypeName, tparams, impl).copyAttrs(tree)
- def PackageDef(tree: Tree, pid: RefTree, stats: List[Tree]) =
- new PackageDef(pid, stats).copyAttrs(tree)
- def ModuleDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, impl: Template) =
- new ModuleDef(mods, name.toTermName, impl).copyAttrs(tree)
- def ValDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree) =
- new ValDef(mods, name.toTermName, tpt, rhs).copyAttrs(tree)
- def DefDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef], vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree) =
- new DefDef(mods, name.toTermName, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs).copyAttrs(tree)
- def TypeDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef], rhs: Tree) =
- new TypeDef(mods, name.toTypeName, tparams, rhs).copyAttrs(tree)
- def LabelDef(tree: Tree, name: Name, params: List[Ident], rhs: Tree) =
- new LabelDef(name.toTermName, params, rhs).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Import(tree: Tree, expr: Tree, selectors: List[ImportSelector]) =
- new Import(expr, selectors).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Template(tree: Tree, parents: List[Tree], self: ValDef, body: List[Tree]) =
- new Template(parents, self, body).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Block(tree: Tree, stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree) =
- new Block(stats, expr).copyAttrs(tree)
- def CaseDef(tree: Tree, pat: Tree, guard: Tree, body: Tree) =
- new CaseDef(pat, guard, body).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Alternative(tree: Tree, trees: List[Tree]) =
- new Alternative(trees).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Star(tree: Tree, elem: Tree) =
- new Star(elem).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Bind(tree: Tree, name: Name, body: Tree) =
- new Bind(name, body).copyAttrs(tree)
- def UnApply(tree: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) =
- new UnApply(fun, args).copyAttrs(tree)
- def ArrayValue(tree: Tree, elemtpt: Tree, trees: List[Tree]) =
- new ArrayValue(elemtpt, trees).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Function(tree: Tree, vparams: List[ValDef], body: Tree) =
- new Function(vparams, body).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Assign(tree: Tree, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree) =
- new Assign(lhs, rhs).copyAttrs(tree)
- def AssignOrNamedArg(tree: Tree, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree) =
- new AssignOrNamedArg(lhs, rhs).copyAttrs(tree)
- def If(tree: Tree, cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree) =
- new If(cond, thenp, elsep).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Match(tree: Tree, selector: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef]) =
- new Match(selector, cases).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Return(tree: Tree, expr: Tree) =
- new Return(expr).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Try(tree: Tree, block: Tree, catches: List[CaseDef], finalizer: Tree) =
- new Try(block, catches, finalizer).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Throw(tree: Tree, expr: Tree) =
- new Throw(expr).copyAttrs(tree)
- def New(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree) =
- new New(tpt).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Typed(tree: Tree, expr: Tree, tpt: Tree) =
- new Typed(expr, tpt).copyAttrs(tree)
- def TypeApply(tree: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) =
- new TypeApply(fun, args).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Apply(tree: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) =
- (tree match { // TODO: use a tree attachment to track whether this is an apply to implicit args or a view
- case _: ApplyToImplicitArgs => new ApplyToImplicitArgs(fun, args)
- case _: ApplyImplicitView => new ApplyImplicitView(fun, args)
- // TODO: ApplyConstructor ???
- case _ => new Apply(fun, args)
- }).copyAttrs(tree)
- def ApplyDynamic(tree: Tree, qual: Tree, args: List[Tree]) =
- new ApplyDynamic(qual, args).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Super(tree: Tree, qual: Tree, mix: TypeName) =
- new Super(qual, mix).copyAttrs(tree)
- def This(tree: Tree, qual: Name) =
- new This(qual.toTypeName).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Select(tree: Tree, qualifier: Tree, selector: Name) =
- new Select(qualifier, selector).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Ident(tree: Tree, name: Name) =
- new Ident(name) copyAttrs tree
- def ReferenceToBoxed(tree: Tree, idt: Ident) =
- new ReferenceToBoxed(idt).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Literal(tree: Tree, value: Constant) =
- new Literal(value).copyAttrs(tree)
- def TypeTree(tree: Tree) =
- new TypeTree().copyAttrs(tree)
- def Annotated(tree: Tree, annot: Tree, arg: Tree) =
- new Annotated(annot, arg).copyAttrs(tree)
- def SingletonTypeTree(tree: Tree, ref: Tree) =
- new SingletonTypeTree(ref).copyAttrs(tree)
- def SelectFromTypeTree(tree: Tree, qualifier: Tree, selector: Name) =
- new SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier, selector.toTypeName).copyAttrs(tree)
- def CompoundTypeTree(tree: Tree, templ: Template) =
- new CompoundTypeTree(templ).copyAttrs(tree)
- def AppliedTypeTree(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree, args: List[Tree]) =
- new AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args).copyAttrs(tree)
- def TypeBoundsTree(tree: Tree, lo: Tree, hi: Tree) =
- new TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi).copyAttrs(tree)
- def ExistentialTypeTree(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree, whereClauses: List[Tree]) =
- new ExistentialTypeTree(tpt, whereClauses).copyAttrs(tree)
- }
- class LazyTreeCopier extends TreeCopierOps {
- val treeCopy: TreeCopier = newStrictTreeCopier
- def ClassDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef], impl: Template) = tree match {
- case t @ ClassDef(mods0, name0, tparams0, impl0)
- if (mods0 == mods) && (name0 == name) && (tparams0 == tparams) && (impl0 == impl) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.ClassDef(tree, mods, name, tparams, impl)
- }
- def PackageDef(tree: Tree, pid: RefTree, stats: List[Tree]) = tree match {
- case t @ PackageDef(pid0, stats0)
- if (pid0 == pid) && (stats0 == stats) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.PackageDef(tree, pid, stats)
- }
- def ModuleDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, impl: Template) = tree match {
- case t @ ModuleDef(mods0, name0, impl0)
- if (mods0 == mods) && (name0 == name) && (impl0 == impl) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.ModuleDef(tree, mods, name, impl)
- }
- def ValDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ ValDef(mods0, name0, tpt0, rhs0)
- if (mods0 == mods) && (name0 == name) && (tpt0 == tpt) && (rhs0 == rhs) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.ValDef(tree, mods, name, tpt, rhs)
- }
- def DefDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef], vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ DefDef(mods0, name0, tparams0, vparamss0, tpt0, rhs0)
- if (mods0 == mods) && (name0 == name) && (tparams0 == tparams) &&
- (vparamss0 == vparamss) && (tpt0 == tpt) && (rhs == rhs0) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.DefDef(tree, mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs)
- }
- def TypeDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef], rhs: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ TypeDef(mods0, name0, tparams0, rhs0)
- if (mods0 == mods) && (name0 == name) && (tparams0 == tparams) && (rhs0 == rhs) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.TypeDef(tree, mods, name, tparams, rhs)
- }
- def LabelDef(tree: Tree, name: Name, params: List[Ident], rhs: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ LabelDef(name0, params0, rhs0)
- if (name0 == name) && (params0 == params) && (rhs0 == rhs) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.LabelDef(tree, name, params, rhs)
- }
- def Import(tree: Tree, expr: Tree, selectors: List[ImportSelector]) = tree match {
- case t @ Import(expr0, selectors0)
- if (expr0 == expr) && (selectors0 == selectors) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Import(tree, expr, selectors)
- }
- def Template(tree: Tree, parents: List[Tree], self: ValDef, body: List[Tree]) = tree match {
- case t @ Template(parents0, self0, body0)
- if (parents0 == parents) && (self0 == self) && (body0 == body) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Template(tree, parents, self, body)
- }
- def Block(tree: Tree, stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ Block(stats0, expr0)
- if ((stats0 == stats) && (expr0 == expr)) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Block(tree, stats, expr)
- }
- def CaseDef(tree: Tree, pat: Tree, guard: Tree, body: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ CaseDef(pat0, guard0, body0)
- if (pat0 == pat) && (guard0 == guard) && (body0 == body) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.CaseDef(tree, pat, guard, body)
- }
- def Alternative(tree: Tree, trees: List[Tree]) = tree match {
- case t @ Alternative(trees0)
- if trees0 == trees => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Alternative(tree, trees)
- }
- def Star(tree: Tree, elem: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ Star(elem0)
- if elem0 == elem => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Star(tree, elem)
- }
- def Bind(tree: Tree, name: Name, body: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ Bind(name0, body0)
- if (name0 == name) && (body0 == body) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Bind(tree, name, body)
- }
- def UnApply(tree: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) = tree match {
- case t @ UnApply(fun0, args0)
- if (fun0 == fun) && (args0 == args) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.UnApply(tree, fun, args)
- }
- def ArrayValue(tree: Tree, elemtpt: Tree, trees: List[Tree]) = tree match {
- case t @ ArrayValue(elemtpt0, trees0)
- if (elemtpt0 == elemtpt) && (trees0 == trees) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.ArrayValue(tree, elemtpt, trees)
- }
- def Function(tree: Tree, vparams: List[ValDef], body: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ Function(vparams0, body0)
- if (vparams0 == vparams) && (body0 == body) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Function(tree, vparams, body)
- }
- def Assign(tree: Tree, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ Assign(lhs0, rhs0)
- if (lhs0 == lhs) && (rhs0 == rhs) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Assign(tree, lhs, rhs)
- }
- def AssignOrNamedArg(tree: Tree, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ AssignOrNamedArg(lhs0, rhs0)
- if (lhs0 == lhs) && (rhs0 == rhs) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.AssignOrNamedArg(tree, lhs, rhs)
- }
- def If(tree: Tree, cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ If(cond0, thenp0, elsep0)
- if (cond0 == cond) && (thenp0 == thenp) && (elsep0 == elsep) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.If(tree, cond, thenp, elsep)
- }
- def Match(tree: Tree, selector: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef]) = tree match {
- case t @ Match(selector0, cases0)
- if (selector0 == selector) && (cases0 == cases) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Match(tree, selector, cases)
- }
- def Return(tree: Tree, expr: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ Return(expr0)
- if expr0 == expr => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Return(tree, expr)
- }
- def Try(tree: Tree, block: Tree, catches: List[CaseDef], finalizer: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ Try(block0, catches0, finalizer0)
- if (block0 == block) && (catches0 == catches) && (finalizer0 == finalizer) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Try(tree, block, catches, finalizer)
- }
- def Throw(tree: Tree, expr: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ Throw(expr0)
- if expr0 == expr => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Throw(tree, expr)
- }
- def New(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ New(tpt0)
- if tpt0 == tpt => t
- case _ => treeCopy.New(tree, tpt)
- }
- def Typed(tree: Tree, expr: Tree, tpt: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ Typed(expr0, tpt0)
- if (expr0 == expr) && (tpt0 == tpt) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Typed(tree, expr, tpt)
- }
- def TypeApply(tree: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) = tree match {
- case t @ TypeApply(fun0, args0)
- if (fun0 == fun) && (args0 == args) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.TypeApply(tree, fun, args)
- }
- def Apply(tree: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) = tree match {
- case t @ Apply(fun0, args0)
- if (fun0 == fun) && (args0 == args) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Apply(tree, fun, args)
- }
- def ApplyDynamic(tree: Tree, qual: Tree, args: List[Tree]) = tree match {
- case t @ ApplyDynamic(qual0, args0)
- if (qual0 == qual) && (args0 == args) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.ApplyDynamic(tree, qual, args)
- }
- def Super(tree: Tree, qual: Tree, mix: TypeName) = tree match {
- case t @ Super(qual0, mix0)
- if (qual0 == qual) && (mix0 == mix) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Super(tree, qual, mix)
- }
- def This(tree: Tree, qual: Name) = tree match {
- case t @ This(qual0)
- if qual0 == qual => t
- case _ => treeCopy.This(tree, qual)
- }
- def Select(tree: Tree, qualifier: Tree, selector: Name) = tree match {
- case t @ Select(qualifier0, selector0)
- if (qualifier0 == qualifier) && (selector0 == selector) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Select(tree, qualifier, selector)
- }
- def Ident(tree: Tree, name: Name) = tree match {
- case t @ Ident(name0)
- if name0 == name => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Ident(tree, name)
- }
- def ReferenceToBoxed(tree: Tree, idt: Ident) = tree match {
- case t @ ReferenceToBoxed(idt0)
- if (idt0 == idt) => t
- case _ => this.treeCopy.ReferenceToBoxed(tree, idt)
- }
- def Literal(tree: Tree, value: Constant) = tree match {
- case t @ Literal(value0)
- if value0 == value => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Literal(tree, value)
- }
- def TypeTree(tree: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ TypeTree() => t
- case _ => treeCopy.TypeTree(tree)
- }
- def Annotated(tree: Tree, annot: Tree, arg: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ Annotated(annot0, arg0)
- if (annot0==annot) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Annotated(tree, annot, arg)
- }
- def SingletonTypeTree(tree: Tree, ref: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ SingletonTypeTree(ref0)
- if ref0 == ref => t
- case _ => treeCopy.SingletonTypeTree(tree, ref)
- }
- def SelectFromTypeTree(tree: Tree, qualifier: Tree, selector: Name) = tree match {
- case t @ SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier0, selector0)
- if (qualifier0 == qualifier) && (selector0 == selector) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.SelectFromTypeTree(tree, qualifier, selector)
- }
- def CompoundTypeTree(tree: Tree, templ: Template) = tree match {
- case t @ CompoundTypeTree(templ0)
- if templ0 == templ => t
- case _ => treeCopy.CompoundTypeTree(tree, templ)
- }
- def AppliedTypeTree(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree, args: List[Tree]) = tree match {
- case t @ AppliedTypeTree(tpt0, args0)
- if (tpt0 == tpt) && (args0 == args) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.AppliedTypeTree(tree, tpt, args)
- }
- def TypeBoundsTree(tree: Tree, lo: Tree, hi: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ TypeBoundsTree(lo0, hi0)
- if (lo0 == lo) && (hi0 == hi) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.TypeBoundsTree(tree, lo, hi)
- }
- def ExistentialTypeTree(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree, whereClauses: List[Tree]) = tree match {
- case t @ ExistentialTypeTree(tpt0, whereClauses0)
- if (tpt0 == tpt) && (whereClauses0 == whereClauses) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.ExistentialTypeTree(tree, tpt, whereClauses)
- }
- }
- // Belongs in TreeInfo but then I can't reach it from TreePrinters.
- def isReferenceToScalaMember(t: Tree, Id: Name) = t match {
- case Ident(Id) => true
- case Select(Ident(nme.scala_), Id) => true
- case Select(Select(Ident(nme.ROOTPKG), nme.scala_), Id) => true
- case _ => false
- }
- /** Is the tree Predef, scala.Predef, or _root_.scala.Predef?
- */
- def isReferenceToPredef(t: Tree) = isReferenceToScalaMember(t, nme.Predef)
- def isReferenceToAnyVal(t: Tree) = isReferenceToScalaMember(t, tpnme.AnyVal)
- // --- modifiers implementation ---------------------------------------
- /** @param privateWithin the qualifier for a private (a type name)
- * or tpnme.EMPTY, if none is given.
- * @param annotations the annotations for the definition.
- * '''Note:''' the typechecker drops these annotations,
- * use the AnnotationInfo's (Symbol.annotations) in later phases.
- */
- case class Modifiers(flags: Long,
- privateWithin: Name,
- annotations: List[Tree]) extends ModifiersApi with HasFlags {
- var positions: Map[Long, Position] = Map()
- def setPositions(poss: Map[Long, Position]): this.type = {
- positions = poss; this
- }
- /* Abstract types from HasFlags. */
- type AccessBoundaryType = Name
- type AnnotationType = Tree
- def hasAnnotationNamed(name: TypeName) = {
- annotations exists {
- case Apply(Select(New(Ident(`name`)), _), _) => true
- case Apply(Select(New(Select(_, `name`)), _), _) => true
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- def hasAccessBoundary = privateWithin != tpnme.EMPTY
- def hasAllFlags(mask: Long): Boolean = (flags & mask) == mask
- def hasFlag(flag: Long) = (flag & flags) != 0L
- def & (flag: Long): Modifiers = {
- val flags1 = flags & flag
- if (flags1 == flags) this
- else Modifiers(flags1, privateWithin, annotations) setPositions positions
- }
- def &~ (flag: Long): Modifiers = {
- val flags1 = flags & (~flag)
- if (flags1 == flags) this
- else Modifiers(flags1, privateWithin, annotations) setPositions positions
- }
- def | (flag: Long): Modifiers = {
- val flags1 = flags | flag
- if (flags1 == flags) this
- else Modifiers(flags1, privateWithin, annotations) setPositions positions
- }
- def withAnnotations(annots: List[Tree]) =
- if (annots.isEmpty) this
- else copy(annotations = annotations ::: annots) setPositions positions
- def withPosition(flag: Long, position: Position) =
- copy() setPositions positions + (flag -> position)
- override def mapAnnotations(f: List[Tree] => List[Tree]): Modifiers =
- Modifiers(flags, privateWithin, f(annotations)) setPositions positions
- override def toString = "Modifiers(%s, %s, %s)".format(flagString, annotations mkString ", ", positions)
- }
- object Modifiers extends ModifiersCreator
- implicit val ModifiersTag = ClassTag[Modifiers](classOf[Modifiers])
- // ---- values and creators ---------------------------------------
- /** @param sym the class symbol
- * @return the implementation template
- */
- def ClassDef(sym: Symbol, impl: Template): ClassDef =
- atPos(sym.pos) {
- ClassDef(Modifiers(sym.flags),
- sym.typeParams map TypeDef,
- impl) setSymbol sym
- }
- /**
- * @param sym the class symbol
- * @param impl the implementation template
- */
- def ModuleDef(sym: Symbol, impl: Template): ModuleDef =
- atPos(sym.pos) {
- ModuleDef(Modifiers(sym.flags),, impl) setSymbol sym
- }
- def ValDef(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree): ValDef =
- atPos(sym.pos) {
- ValDef(Modifiers(sym.flags),,
- TypeTree(sym.tpe) setPos sym.pos.focus,
- rhs) setSymbol sym
- }
- def ValDef(sym: Symbol): ValDef = ValDef(sym, EmptyTree)
- object emptyValDef extends ValDef(Modifiers(PRIVATE), nme.WILDCARD, TypeTree(NoType), EmptyTree) {
- override def isEmpty = true
- super.setPos(NoPosition)
- override def setPos(pos: Position) = { assert(false); this }
- }
- def DefDef(sym: Symbol, mods: Modifiers, vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], rhs: Tree): DefDef =
- atPos(sym.pos) {
- assert(sym != NoSymbol)
- DefDef(mods,
- sym.typeParams map TypeDef,
- vparamss,
- TypeTree(sym.tpe.finalResultType) setPos sym.pos.focus,
- rhs) setSymbol sym
- }
- def DefDef(sym: Symbol, vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], rhs: Tree): DefDef =
- DefDef(sym, Modifiers(sym.flags), vparamss, rhs)
- def DefDef(sym: Symbol, mods: Modifiers, rhs: Tree): DefDef =
- DefDef(sym, mods, mapParamss(sym)(ValDef), rhs)
- def DefDef(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree): DefDef =
- DefDef(sym, Modifiers(sym.flags), rhs)
- def DefDef(sym: Symbol, rhs: List[List[Symbol]] => Tree): DefDef =
- DefDef(sym, rhs(
- /** A TypeDef node which defines given `sym` with given tight hand side `rhs`. */
- def TypeDef(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree): TypeDef =
- atPos(sym.pos) {
- TypeDef(Modifiers(sym.flags),, sym.typeParams map TypeDef, rhs) setSymbol sym
- }
- /** A TypeDef node which defines abstract type or type parameter for given `sym` */
- def TypeDef(sym: Symbol): TypeDef =
- TypeDef(sym, TypeBoundsTree(TypeTree(, TypeTree(
- def LabelDef(sym: Symbol, params: List[Symbol], rhs: Tree): LabelDef =
- atPos(sym.pos) {
- LabelDef(, params map Ident, rhs) setSymbol sym
- }
- /** casedef shorthand */
- def CaseDef(pat: Tree, body: Tree): CaseDef =
- CaseDef(pat, EmptyTree, body)
- def Bind(sym: Symbol, body: Tree): Bind =
- Bind(, body) setSymbol sym
- def Try(body: Tree, cases: (Tree, Tree)*): Try =
- Try(body, cases.toList map { case (pat, rhs) => CaseDef(pat, EmptyTree, rhs) }, EmptyTree)
- def Throw(tpe: Type, args: Tree*): Throw =
- Throw(New(tpe, args: _*))
- def Apply(sym: Symbol, args: Tree*): Tree =
- Apply(Ident(sym), args.toList)
- /** Factory method for object creation `new tpt(args_1)...(args_n)`
- * A `New(t, as)` is expanded to: `(new t).<init>(as)`
- */
- def New(tpt: Tree, argss: List[List[Tree]]): Tree = argss match {
- case Nil => ApplyConstructor(tpt, Nil)
- case xs :: rest => {
- def mkApply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) = Apply(fun, args)
- rest.foldLeft(ApplyConstructor(tpt, xs): Tree)(mkApply)
- // [Eugene++] no longer compiles after I moved the `Apply` case class here
- // rest.foldLeft(ApplyConstructor(tpt, xs): Tree)(Apply)
- }
- }
- /** 0-1 argument list new, based on a type.
- */
- def New(tpe: Type, args: Tree*): Tree =
- ApplyConstructor(TypeTree(tpe), args.toList)
- def New(sym: Symbol, args: Tree*): Tree =
- New(sym.tpe, args: _*)
- def Super(sym: Symbol, mix: TypeName): Tree =
- Super(This(sym), mix)
- def This(sym: Symbol): Tree =
- This( setSymbol sym
- def Select(qualifier: Tree, name: String): Select =
- Select(qualifier, newTermName(name))
- def Select(qualifier: Tree, sym: Symbol): Select =
- Select(qualifier, setSymbol sym
- def Ident(name: String): Ident =
- Ident(newTermName(name))
- def Ident(sym: Symbol): Ident =
- Ident( setSymbol sym
- /** Block factory that flattens directly nested blocks.
- */
- def Block(stats: Tree*): Block = {
- if (stats.isEmpty) Block(Nil, Literal(Constant(())))
- else stats match {
- case Seq(b @ Block(_, _)) => b
- case Seq(stat) => Block(stats.toList, Literal(Constant(())))
- case Seq(_, rest @ _*) => Block(stats.init.toList, stats.last)
- }
- }
- // --- generic traversers and transformers
- override protected def itraverse(traverser: Traverser, tree: Tree): Unit = {
- import traverser._
- tree match {
- case EmptyTree =>
- ;
- case PackageDef(pid, stats) =>
- traverse(pid)
- atOwner(mclass(tree.symbol)) {
- traverseTrees(stats)
- }
- case ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, impl) =>
- atOwner(tree.symbol) {
- traverseTrees(mods.annotations); traverseTrees(tparams); traverse(impl)
- }
- case ModuleDef(mods, name, impl) =>
- atOwner(mclass(tree.symbol)) {
- traverseTrees(mods.annotations); traverse(impl)
- }
- case ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) =>
- atOwner(tree.symbol) {
- traverseTrees(mods.annotations); traverse(tpt); traverse(rhs)
- }
- case DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) =>
- atOwner(tree.symbol) {
- traverseTrees(mods.annotations); traverseTrees(tparams); traverseTreess(vparamss); traverse(tpt); traverse(rhs)
- }
- case TypeDef(mods, name, tparams, rhs) =>
- atOwner(tree.symbol) {
- traverseTrees(mods.annotations); traverseTrees(tparams); traverse(rhs)
- }
- case LabelDef(name, params, rhs) =>
- traverseTrees(params); traverse(rhs)
- case Import(expr, selectors) =>
- traverse(expr)
- case Annotated(annot, arg) =>
- traverse(annot); traverse(arg)
- case Template(parents, self, body) =>
- traverseTrees(parents)
- if (!self.isEmpty) traverse(self)
- traverseStats(body, tree.symbol)
- case Block(stats, expr) =>
- traverseTrees(stats); traverse(expr)
- case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) =>
- traverse(pat); traverse(guard); traverse(body)
- case Alternative(trees) =>
- traverseTrees(trees)
- case Star(elem) =>
- traverse(elem)
- case Bind(name, body) =>
- traverse(body)
- case UnApply(fun, args) =>
- traverse(fun); traverseTrees(args)
- case ArrayValue(elemtpt, trees) =>
- traverse(elemtpt); traverseTrees(trees)
- case Function(vparams, body) =>
- atOwner(tree.symbol) {
- traverseTrees(vparams); traverse(body)
- }
- case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
- traverse(lhs); traverse(rhs)
- case AssignOrNamedArg(lhs, rhs) =>
- traverse(lhs); traverse(rhs)
- case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
- traverse(cond); traverse(thenp); traverse(elsep)
- case Match(selector, cases) =>
- traverse(selector); traverseTrees(cases)
- case Return(expr) =>
- traverse(expr)
- case Try(block, catches, finalizer) =>
- traverse(block); traverseTrees(catches); traverse(finalizer)
- case Throw(expr) =>
- traverse(expr)
- case New(tpt) =>
- traverse(tpt)
- case Typed(expr, tpt) =>
- traverse(expr); traverse(tpt)
- case TypeApply(fun, args) =>
- traverse(fun); traverseTrees(args)
- case Apply(fun, args) =>
- traverse(fun); traverseTrees(args)
- case ApplyDynamic(qual, args) =>
- traverse(qual); traverseTrees(args)
- case Super(qual, _) =>
- traverse(qual)
- case This(_) =>
- ;
- case Select(qualifier, selector) =>
- traverse(qualifier)
- case Ident(_) =>
- ;
- case ReferenceToBoxed(idt) =>
- traverse(idt)
- case Literal(_) =>
- ;
- case TypeTree() =>
- ;
- case SingletonTypeTree(ref) =>
- traverse(ref)
- case SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier, selector) =>
- traverse(qualifier)
- case CompoundTypeTree(templ) =>
- traverse(templ)
- case AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args) =>
- traverse(tpt); traverseTrees(args)
- case TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi) =>
- traverse(lo); traverse(hi)
- case ExistentialTypeTree(tpt, whereClauses) =>
- traverse(tpt); traverseTrees(whereClauses)
- case _ => xtraverse(traverser, tree)
- }
- }
- override protected def itransform(transformer: Transformer, tree: Tree): Tree = {
- import transformer._
- val treeCopy = transformer.treeCopy
- tree match {
- case EmptyTree =>
- tree
- case PackageDef(pid, stats) =>
- treeCopy.PackageDef(
- tree, transform(pid).asInstanceOf[RefTree],
- atOwner(mclass(tree.symbol)) {
- transformStats(stats, currentOwner)
- }
- )
- case ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, impl) =>
- atOwner(tree.symbol) {
- treeCopy.ClassDef(tree, transformModifiers(mods), name,
- transformTypeDefs(tparams), transformTemplate(impl))
- }
- case ModuleDef(mods, name, impl) =>
- atOwner(mclass(tree.symbol)) {
- treeCopy.ModuleDef(tree, transformModifiers(mods),
- name, transformTemplate(impl))
- }
- case ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) =>
- atOwner(tree.symbol) {
- treeCopy.ValDef(tree, transformModifiers(mods),
- name, transform(tpt), transform(rhs))
- }
- case DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) =>
- atOwner(tree.symbol) {
- treeCopy.DefDef(tree, transformModifiers(mods), name,
- transformTypeDefs(tparams), transformValDefss(vparamss),
- transform(tpt), transform(rhs))
- }
- case TypeDef(mods, name, tparams, rhs) =>
- atOwner(tree.symbol) {
- treeCopy.TypeDef(tree, transformModifiers(mods), name,
- transformTypeDefs(tparams), transform(rhs))
- }
- case LabelDef(name, params, rhs) =>
- treeCopy.LabelDef(tree, name, transformIdents(params), transform(rhs)) //bq: Martin, once, atOwner(...) works, also change `LamdaLifter.proxy'
- case Import(expr, selectors) =>
- treeCopy.Import(tree, transform(expr), selectors)
- case Template(parents, self, body) =>
- treeCopy.Template(tree, transformTrees(parents), transformValDef(self), transformStats(body, tree.symbol))
- case Block(stats, expr) =>
- treeCopy.Block(tree, transformStats(stats, currentOwner), transform(expr))
- case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) =>
- treeCopy.CaseDef(tree, transform(pat), transform(guard), transform(body))
- case Alternative(trees) =>
- treeCopy.Alternative(tree, transformTrees(trees))
- case Star(elem) =>
- treeCopy.Star(tree, transform(elem))
- case Bind(name, body) =>
- treeCopy.Bind(tree, name, transform(body))
- case UnApply(fun, args) =>
- treeCopy.UnApply(tree, fun, transformTrees(args)) // bq: see test/.../unapplyContexts2.scala
- case ArrayValue(elemtpt, trees) =>
- treeCopy.ArrayValue(tree, transform(elemtpt), transformTrees(trees))
- case Function(vparams, body) =>
- atOwner(tree.symbol) {
- treeCopy.Function(tree, transformValDefs(vparams), transform(body))
- }
- case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
- treeCopy.Assign(tree, transform(lhs), transform(rhs))
- case AssignOrNamedArg(lhs, rhs) =>
- treeCopy.AssignOrNamedArg(tree, transform(lhs), transform(rhs))
- case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
- treeCopy.If(tree, transform(cond), transform(thenp), transform(elsep))
- case Match(selector, cases) =>
- treeCopy.Match(tree, transform(selector), transformCaseDefs(cases))
- case Return(expr) =>
- treeCopy.Return(tree, transform(expr))
- case Try(block, catches, finalizer) =>
- treeCopy.Try(tree, transform(block), transformCaseDefs(catches), transform(finalizer))
- case Throw(expr) =>
- treeCopy.Throw(tree, transform(expr))
- case New(tpt) =>
- treeCopy.New(tree, transform(tpt))
- case Typed(expr, tpt) =>
- treeCopy.Typed(tree, transform(expr), transform(tpt))
- case TypeApply(fun, args) =>
- treeCopy.TypeApply(tree, transform(fun), transformTrees(args))
- case Apply(fun, args) =>
- treeCopy.Apply(tree, transform(fun), transformTrees(args))
- case ApplyDynamic(qual, args) =>
- treeCopy.ApplyDynamic(tree, transform(qual), transformTrees(args))
- case Super(qual, mix) =>
- treeCopy.Super(tree, transform(qual), mix)
- case This(qual) =>
- treeCopy.This(tree, qual)
- case Select(qualifier, selector) =>
- treeCopy.Select(tree, transform(qualifier), selector)
- case Ident(name) =>
- treeCopy.Ident(tree, name)
- case ReferenceToBoxed(idt) =>
- treeCopy.ReferenceToBoxed(tree, transform(idt) match { case idt1: Ident => idt1 })
- case Literal(value) =>
- treeCopy.Literal(tree, value)
- case TypeTree() =>
- treeCopy.TypeTree(tree)
- case Annotated(annot, arg) =>
- treeCopy.Annotated(tree, transform(annot), transform(arg))
- case SingletonTypeTree(ref) =>
- treeCopy.SingletonTypeTree(tree, transform(ref))
- case SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier, selector) =>
- treeCopy.SelectFromTypeTree(tree, transform(qualifier), selector)
- case CompoundTypeTree(templ) =>
- treeCopy.CompoundTypeTree(tree, transformTemplate(templ))
- case AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args) =>
- treeCopy.AppliedTypeTree(tree, transform(tpt), transformTrees(args))
- case TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi) =>
- treeCopy.TypeBoundsTree(tree, transform(lo), transform(hi))
- case ExistentialTypeTree(tpt, whereClauses) =>
- treeCopy.ExistentialTypeTree(tree, transform(tpt), transformTrees(whereClauses))
- case _ =>
- xtransform(transformer, tree)
- }
- }
- private def mclass(sym: Symbol) = sym map (_.asModuleSymbol.moduleClass)
- // --- specific traversers and transformers
- class ForeachPartialTreeTraverser(pf: PartialFunction[Tree, Tree]) extends Traverser {
- override def traverse(tree: Tree) {
- val t = if (pf isDefinedAt tree) pf(tree) else tree
- super.traverse(t)
- }
- }
- class ChangeOwnerTraverser(val oldowner: Symbol, val newowner: Symbol) extends Traverser {
- def changeOwner(tree: Tree) = tree match {
- case Return(expr) =>
- if (tree.symbol == oldowner) {
- // SI-5612
- if (newowner hasTransOwner oldowner)
- log("NOT changing owner of %s because %s is nested in %s".format(tree, newowner, oldowner))
- else {
- log("changing owner of %s: %s => %s".format(tree, oldowner, newowner))
- tree.symbol = newowner
- }
- }
- case _: DefTree | _: Function =>
- if (tree.symbol != NoSymbol && tree.symbol.owner == oldowner) {
- tree.symbol.owner = newowner
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- override def traverse(tree: Tree) {
- changeOwner(tree)
- super.traverse(tree)
- }
- }
- private class ShallowDuplicator(orig: Tree) extends Transformer {
- override val treeCopy = newStrictTreeCopier
- override def transform(tree: Tree) =
- if (tree eq orig) super.transform(tree)
- else tree
- }
- // Create a readable string describing a substitution.
- private def substituterString(fromStr: String, toStr: String, from: List[Any], to: List[Any]): String = {
- "subst[%s, %s](%s)".format(fromStr, toStr, (from, to).zipped map (_ + " -> " + _) mkString ", ")
- }
- // NOTE: calls shallowDuplicate on trees in `to` to avoid problems when symbols in `from`
- // occur multiple times in the `tree` passed to `transform`,
- // otherwise, the resulting Tree would be a graph, not a tree... this breaks all sorts of stuff,
- // notably concerning the mutable aspects of Trees (such as setting their .tpe)
- class TreeSubstituter(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Tree]) extends Transformer {
- override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
- case Ident(_) =>
- def subst(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Tree]): Tree =
- if (from.isEmpty) tree
- else if (tree.symbol == from.head) to.head.shallowDuplicate // TODO: does it ever make sense *not* to perform a shallowDuplicate on `to.head`?
- else subst(from.tail, to.tail);
- subst(from, to)
- case _ =>
- super.transform(tree)
- }
- override def toString = substituterString("Symbol", "Tree", from, to)
- }
- /** Substitute clazz.this with `to`. `to` must be an attributed tree.
- */
- class ThisSubstituter(clazz: Symbol, to: => Tree) extends Transformer {
- val newtpe = to.tpe
- override def transform(tree: Tree) = {
- if (tree.tpe ne null) tree.tpe = tree.tpe.substThis(clazz, newtpe)
- tree match {
- case This(_) if tree.symbol == clazz => to
- case _ => super.transform(tree)
- }
- }
- }
- class TypeMapTreeSubstituter(val typeMap: TypeMap) extends Traverser {
- override def traverse(tree: Tree) {
- if (tree.tpe ne null)
- tree.tpe = typeMap(tree.tpe)
- if (tree.isDef)
- tree.symbol modifyInfo typeMap
- super.traverse(tree)
- }
- override def apply[T <: Tree](tree: T): T = super.apply(tree.duplicate)
- }
- class TreeTypeSubstituter(val from: List[Symbol], val to: List[Type]) extends TypeMapTreeSubstituter(new SubstTypeMap(from, to)) {
- def isEmpty = from.isEmpty && to.isEmpty
- override def toString() = "TreeTypeSubstituter("+from+","+to+")"
- }
- lazy val EmptyTreeTypeSubstituter = new TreeTypeSubstituter(List(), List())
- class TreeSymSubstTraverser(val from: List[Symbol], val to: List[Symbol]) extends TypeMapTreeSubstituter(new SubstSymMap(from, to)) {
- override def toString() = "TreeSymSubstTraverser/" + substituterString("Symbol", "Symbol", from, to)
- }
- /** Substitute symbols in `from` with symbols in `to`. Returns a new
- * tree using the new symbols and whose Ident and Select nodes are
- * name-consistent with the new symbols.
- */
- class TreeSymSubstituter(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Symbol]) extends Transformer {
- val symSubst = new SubstSymMap(from, to)
- override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
- def subst(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Symbol]) {
- if (!from.isEmpty)
- if (tree.symbol == from.head) tree setSymbol to.head
- else subst(from.tail, to.tail)
- }
- if (tree.tpe ne null) tree.tpe = symSubst(tree.tpe)
- if (tree.hasSymbol) {
- subst(from, to)
- tree match {
- case Ident(name0) if tree.symbol != NoSymbol =>
- treeCopy.Ident(tree,
- case Select(qual, name0) if tree.symbol != NoSymbol =>
- treeCopy.Select(tree, transform(qual),
- case _ =>
- super.transform(tree)
- }
- } else
- super.transform(tree)
- }
- def apply[T <: Tree](tree: T): T = transform(tree).asInstanceOf[T]
- override def toString() = "TreeSymSubstituter/" + substituterString("Symbol", "Symbol", from, to)
- }
- class ForeachTreeTraverser(f: Tree => Unit) extends Traverser {
- override def traverse(t: Tree) {
- f(t)
- super.traverse(t)
- }
- }
- class FilterTreeTraverser(p: Tree => Boolean) extends Traverser {
- val hits = new ListBuffer[Tree]
- override def traverse(t: Tree) {
- if (p(t)) hits += t
- super.traverse(t)
- }
- }
- class CollectTreeTraverser[T](pf: PartialFunction[Tree, T]) extends Traverser {
- val results = new ListBuffer[T]
- override def traverse(t: Tree) {
- if (pf.isDefinedAt(t)) results += pf(t)
- super.traverse(t)
- }
- }
- class FindTreeTraverser(p: Tree => Boolean) extends Traverser {
- var result: Option[Tree] = None
- override def traverse(t: Tree) {
- if (result.isEmpty) {
- if (p(t)) result = Some(t)
- super.traverse(t)
- }
- }
- }
- private lazy val duplicator = new Transformer {
- override val treeCopy = newStrictTreeCopier
- override def transform(t: Tree) = {
- val t1 = super.transform(t)
- if ((t1 ne t) && t1.pos.isRange) t1 setPos t.pos.focus
- t1
- }
- }
- // ------ copiers -------------------------------------------
- def copyDefDef(tree: Tree)(
- mods: Modifiers = null,
- name: Name = null,
- tparams: List[TypeDef] = null,
- vparamss: List[List[ValDef]] = null,
- tpt: Tree = null,
- rhs: Tree = null
- ): DefDef = tree match {
- case DefDef(mods0, name0, tparams0, vparamss0, tpt0, rhs0) =>
- treeCopy.DefDef(tree,
- if (mods eq null) mods0 else mods,
- if (name eq null) name0 else name,
- if (tparams eq null) tparams0 else tparams,
- if (vparamss eq null) vparamss0 else vparamss,
- if (tpt eq null) tpt0 else tpt,
- if (rhs eq null) rhs0 else rhs
- )
- case t =>
- sys.error("Not a DefDef: " + t + "/" + t.getClass)
- }
- def copyValDef(tree: Tree)(
- mods: Modifiers = null,
- name: Name = null,
- tpt: Tree = null,
- rhs: Tree = null
- ): ValDef = tree match {
- case ValDef(mods0, name0, tpt0, rhs0) =>
- treeCopy.ValDef(tree,
- if (mods eq null) mods0 else mods,
- if (name eq null) name0 else name,
- if (tpt eq null) tpt0 else tpt,
- if (rhs eq null) rhs0 else rhs
- )
- case t =>
- sys.error("Not a ValDef: " + t + "/" + t.getClass)
- }
- def copyClassDef(tree: Tree)(
- mods: Modifiers = null,
- name: Name = null,
- tparams: List[TypeDef] = null,
- impl: Template = null
- ): ClassDef = tree match {
- case ClassDef(mods0, name0, tparams0, impl0) =>
- treeCopy.ClassDef(tree,
- if (mods eq null) mods0 else mods,
- if (name eq null) name0 else name,
- if (tparams eq null) tparams0 else tparams,
- if (impl eq null) impl0 else impl
- )
- case t =>
- sys.error("Not a ClassDef: " + t + "/" + t.getClass)
- }
- def deriveDefDef(ddef: Tree)(applyToRhs: Tree => Tree): DefDef = ddef match {
- case DefDef(mods0, name0, tparams0, vparamss0, tpt0, rhs0) =>
- treeCopy.DefDef(ddef, mods0, name0, tparams0, vparamss0, tpt0, applyToRhs(rhs0))
- case t =>
- sys.error("Not a DefDef: " + t + "/" + t.getClass)
- }
- def deriveValDef(vdef: Tree)(applyToRhs: Tree => Tree): ValDef = vdef match {
- case ValDef(mods0, name0, tpt0, rhs0) =>
- treeCopy.ValDef(vdef, mods0, name0, tpt0, applyToRhs(rhs0))
- case t =>
- sys.error("Not a ValDef: " + t + "/" + t.getClass)
- }
- def deriveTemplate(templ: Tree)(applyToBody: List[Tree] => List[Tree]): Template = templ match {
- case Template(parents0, self0, body0) =>
- treeCopy.Template(templ, parents0, self0, applyToBody(body0))
- case t =>
- sys.error("Not a Template: " + t + "/" + t.getClass)
- }
- def deriveClassDef(cdef: Tree)(applyToImpl: Template => Template): ClassDef = cdef match {
- case ClassDef(mods0, name0, tparams0, impl0) =>
- treeCopy.ClassDef(cdef, mods0, name0, tparams0, applyToImpl(impl0))
- case t =>
- sys.error("Not a ClassDef: " + t + "/" + t.getClass)
- }
- def deriveModuleDef(mdef: Tree)(applyToImpl: Template => Template): ModuleDef = mdef match {
- case ModuleDef(mods0, name0, impl0) =>
- treeCopy.ModuleDef(mdef, mods0, name0, applyToImpl(impl0))
- case t =>
- sys.error("Not a ModuleDef: " + t + "/" + t.getClass)
- }
- def deriveCaseDef(cdef: Tree)(applyToBody: Tree => Tree): CaseDef = cdef match {
- case CaseDef(pat0, guard0, body0) =>
- treeCopy.CaseDef(cdef, pat0, guard0, applyToBody(body0))
- case t =>
- sys.error("Not a CaseDef: " + t + "/" + t.getClass)
- }
- def deriveLabelDef(ldef: Tree)(applyToRhs: Tree => Tree): LabelDef = ldef match {
- case LabelDef(name0, params0, rhs0) =>
- treeCopy.LabelDef(ldef, name0, params0, applyToRhs(rhs0))
- case t =>
- sys.error("Not a LabelDef: " + t + "/" + t.getClass)
- }
- implicit val TreeTag = ClassTag[Tree](classOf[Tree])
- implicit val TermTreeTag = ClassTag[TermTree](classOf[TermTree])
- implicit val TypTreeTag = ClassTag[TypTree](classOf[TypTree])
- implicit val SymTreeTag = ClassTag[SymTree](classOf[SymTree])
- implicit val NameTreeTag = ClassTag[NameTree](classOf[NameTree])
- implicit val RefTreeTag = ClassTag[RefTree](classOf[RefTree])
- implicit val DefTreeTag = ClassTag[DefTree](classOf[DefTree])
- implicit val MemberDefTag = ClassTag[MemberDef](classOf[MemberDef])
- implicit val PackageDefTag = ClassTag[PackageDef](classOf[PackageDef])
- implicit val ImplDefTag = ClassTag[ImplDef](classOf[ImplDef])
- implicit val ClassDefTag = ClassTag[ClassDef](classOf[ClassDef])
- implicit val ModuleDefTag = ClassTag[ModuleDef](classOf[ModuleDef])
- implicit val ValOrDefDefTag = ClassTag[ValOrDefDef](classOf[ValOrDefDef])
- implicit val ValDefTag = ClassTag[ValDef](classOf[ValDef])
- implicit val DefDefTag = ClassTag[DefDef](classOf[DefDef])
- implicit val TypeDefTag = ClassTag[TypeDef](classOf[TypeDef])
- implicit val LabelDefTag = ClassTag[LabelDef](classOf[LabelDef])
- implicit val ImportSelectorTag = ClassTag[ImportSelector](classOf[ImportSelector])
- implicit val ImportTag = ClassTag[Import](classOf[Import])
- implicit val TemplateTag = ClassTag[Template](classOf[Template])
- implicit val BlockTag = ClassTag[Block](classOf[Block])
- implicit val CaseDefTag = ClassTag[CaseDef](classOf[CaseDef])
- implicit val AlternativeTag = ClassTag[Alternative](classOf[Alternative])
- implicit val StarTag = ClassTag[Star](classOf[Star])
- implicit val BindTag = ClassTag[Bind](classOf[Bind])
- implicit val UnApplyTag = ClassTag[UnApply](classOf[UnApply])
- implicit val ArrayValueTag = ClassTag[ArrayValue](classOf[ArrayValue])
- implicit val FunctionTag = ClassTag[Function](classOf[Function])
- implicit val AssignTag = ClassTag[Assign](classOf[Assign])
- implicit val AssignOrNamedArgTag = ClassTag[AssignOrNamedArg](classOf[AssignOrNamedArg])
- implicit val IfTag = ClassTag[If](classOf[If])
- implicit val MatchTag = ClassTag[Match](classOf[Match])
- implicit val ReturnTag = ClassTag[Return](classOf[Return])
- implicit val TryTag = ClassTag[Try](classOf[Try])
- implicit val ThrowTag = ClassTag[Throw](classOf[Throw])
- implicit val NewTag = ClassTag[New](classOf[New])
- implicit val TypedTag = ClassTag[Typed](classOf[Typed])
- implicit val GenericApplyTag = ClassTag[GenericApply](classOf[GenericApply])
- implicit val TypeApplyTag = ClassTag[TypeApply](classOf[TypeApply])
- implicit val ApplyTag = ClassTag[Apply](classOf[Apply])
- implicit val ApplyDynamicTag = ClassTag[ApplyDynamic](classOf[ApplyDynamic])
- implicit val SuperTag = ClassTag[Super](classOf[Super])
- implicit val ThisTag = ClassTag[This](classOf[This])
- implicit val SelectTag = ClassTag[Select](classOf[Select])
- implicit val IdentTag = ClassTag[Ident](classOf[Ident])
- implicit val ReferenceToBoxedTag = ClassTag[ReferenceToBoxed](classOf[ReferenceToBoxed])
- implicit val LiteralTag = ClassTag[Literal](classOf[Literal])
- implicit val AnnotatedTag = ClassTag[Annotated](classOf[Annotated])
- implicit val SingletonTypeTreeTag = ClassTag[SingletonTypeTree](classOf[SingletonTypeTree])
- implicit val SelectFromTypeTreeTag = ClassTag[SelectFromTypeTree](classOf[SelectFromTypeTree])
- implicit val CompoundTypeTreeTag = ClassTag[CompoundTypeTree](classOf[CompoundTypeTree])
- implicit val AppliedTypeTreeTag = ClassTag[AppliedTypeTree](classOf[AppliedTypeTree])
- implicit val TypeBoundsTreeTag = ClassTag[TypeBoundsTree](classOf[TypeBoundsTree])
- implicit val ExistentialTypeTreeTag = ClassTag[ExistentialTypeTree](classOf[ExistentialTypeTree])
- implicit val TypeTreeTag = ClassTag[TypeTree](classOf[TypeTree])
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TypeDebugging.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TypeDebugging.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 33f6a645e8..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TypeDebugging.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-trait TypeDebugging {
- self: SymbolTable =>
- import definitions._
- // @M toString that is safe during debugging (does not normalize, ...)
- object typeDebug {
- private def to_s(x: Any): String = x match {
- // otherwise case classes are caught looking like products
- case _: Tree | _: Type => "" + x
- case x: TraversableOnce[_] => x mkString ", "
- case x: Product => x.productIterator mkString ("(", ", ", ")")
- case _ => "" + x
- }
- def ptIndent(x: Any) = ("" + x).replaceAll("\\n", " ")
- def ptBlock(label: String, pairs: (String, Any)*): String = {
- if (pairs.isEmpty) label + "{ }"
- else {
- val width = (pairs map (_._1.length)).max
- val fmt = "%-" + (width + 1) + "s %s"
- val strs = pairs map { case (k, v) => fmt.format(k, to_s(v)) }
- strs.mkString(label + " {\n ", "\n ", "\n}")
- }
- }
- def ptLine(label: String, pairs: (String, Any)*): String = {
- val strs = pairs map { case (k, v) => k + "=" + to_s(v) }
- strs.mkString(label + ": ", ", ", "")
- }
- def ptTree(t: Tree) = t match {
- case PackageDef(pid, _) => "package " + pid
- case ModuleDef(_, name, _) => "object " + name
- case ClassDef(_, name, tparams, _) => "class " + name + str.brackets(tparams)
- case _ => to_s(t)
- }
- object str {
- def parentheses(xs: List[_]): String = xs.mkString("(", ", ", ")")
- def brackets(xs: List[_]): String = if (xs.isEmpty) "" else xs.mkString("[", ", ", "]")
- def tparams(tparams: List[Type]): String = brackets(tparams map debug)
- def parents(ps: List[Type]): String = (ps map debug).mkString(" with ")
- def refine(defs: Scope): String = defs.toList.mkString("{", " ;\n ", "}")
- }
- private def debug(tp: Type): String = tp match {
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) => debug(pre) + "." + sym.nameString + str.tparams(args)
- case ThisType(sym) => sym.nameString + ".this"
- case SingleType(pre, sym) => debug(pre) +"."+ sym.nameString +".type"
- case RefinedType(parents, defs) => str.parents(parents) + str.refine(defs)
- case ClassInfoType(parents, defs, clazz) => "class "+ clazz.nameString + str.parents(parents) + str.refine(defs)
- case PolyType(tparams, result) => str.brackets(tparams) + " " + debug(result)
- case TypeBounds(lo, hi) => ">: "+ debug(lo) +" <: "+ debug(hi)
- case tv @ TypeVar(_, _) => tv.toString
- case ExistentialType(tparams, qtpe) => "forSome "+ str.brackets(tparams) + " " + debug(qtpe)
- case _ => "?"+tp.getClass.getName+"?"//tp.toString might produce cyclic error...
- }
- def debugString(tp: Type) = debug(tp)
- }
- def paramString(tp: Type) = typeDebug.str parentheses (tp.params map (_.defString))
- def typeParamsString(tp: Type) = typeDebug.str brackets (tp.typeParams map (_.defString))
- def typeArgsString(tp: Type) = typeDebug.str brackets (tp.typeArgs map (_.safeToString))
- def debugString(tp: Type) = typeDebug debugString tp
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Types.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Types.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 23921d73cc..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Types.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6820 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable, generic }
-import generic.Clearable
-import scala.ref.WeakReference
-import mutable.ListBuffer
-import Flags._
-import scala.util.control.ControlThrowable
-import scala.annotation.tailrec
-import util.Statistics._
-import language.postfixOps
-/* A standard type pattern match:
- case ErrorType =>
- // internal: error
- case WildcardType =>
- // internal: unknown
- case NoType =>
- case NoPrefix =>
- case ThisType(sym) =>
- // sym.this.type
- case SuperType(thistpe, supertpe) =>
- // super references
- case SingleType(pre, sym) =>
- // pre.sym.type
- case ConstantType(value) =>
- // Int(2)
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
- // pre.sym[targs]
- // Outer.this.C would be represented as TypeRef(ThisType(Outer), C, List())
- case RefinedType(parents, defs) =>
- // parent1 with ... with parentn { defs }
- case ExistentialType(tparams, result) =>
- // result forSome { tparams }
- case AnnotatedType(annots, tp, selfsym) =>
- // tp @annots
- // the following are non-value types; you cannot write them down in Scala source.
- case TypeBounds(lo, hi) =>
- // >: lo <: hi
- case ClassInfoType(parents, defs, clazz) =>
- // same as RefinedType except as body of class
- case MethodType(paramtypes, result) =>
- // (paramtypes)result
- // For instance def m(): T is represented as MethodType(List(), T)
- case NullaryMethodType(result) => // eliminated by uncurry
- // an eval-by-name type
- // For instance def m: T is represented as NullaryMethodType(T)
- case PolyType(tparams, result) =>
- // [tparams]result where result is a (Nullary)MethodType or ClassInfoType
- // The remaining types are not used after phase `typer`.
- case OverloadedType(pre, tparams, alts) =>
- // all alternatives of an overloaded ident
- case AntiPolyType(pre, targs) =>
- // rarely used, disappears when combined with a PolyType
- case TypeVar(inst, constr) =>
- // a type variable
- // Replace occurrences of type parameters with type vars, where
- // inst is the instantiation and constr is a list of bounds.
- case DeBruijnIndex(level, index)
- // for dependent method types: a type referring to a method parameter.
- case ErasedValueType(tp)
- // only used during erasure of derived value classes.
-trait Types extends api.Types { self: SymbolTable =>
- import definitions._
- //statistics
- def uniqueTypeCount = if (uniques == null) 0 else uniques.size
- private var explainSwitch = false
- private final val emptySymbolSet = immutable.Set.empty[Symbol]
- private final val LogPendingSubTypesThreshold = 50
- private final val LogPendingBaseTypesThreshold = 50
- private final val LogVolatileThreshold = 50
- /** A don't care value for the depth parameter in lubs/glbs and related operations. */
- private final val AnyDepth = -3
- /** Decrement depth unless it is a don't care. */
- private final def decr(depth: Int) = if (depth == AnyDepth) AnyDepth else depth - 1
- private final val printLubs = sys.props contains "scalac.debug.lub"
- private final val traceTypeVars = sys.props contains "scalac.debug.tvar"
- /** In case anyone wants to turn off lub verification without reverting anything. */
- private final val verifyLubs = true
- /** In case anyone wants to turn off type parameter bounds being used
- * to seed type constraints.
- */
- private final val propagateParameterBoundsToTypeVars = sys.props contains "scalac.debug.prop-constraints"
- protected val enableTypeVarExperimentals = settings.Xexperimental.value
- /** Empty immutable maps to avoid allocations. */
- private val emptySymMap = immutable.Map[Symbol, Symbol]()
- private val emptySymCount = immutable.Map[Symbol, Int]()
- /** The current skolemization level, needed for the algorithms
- * in isSameType, isSubType that do constraint solving under a prefix.
- */
- var skolemizationLevel = 0
- /** A log of type variable with their original constraints. Used in order
- * to undo constraints in the case of isSubType/isSameType failure.
- */
- lazy val undoLog = newUndoLog
- protected def newUndoLog = new UndoLog
- class UndoLog extends Clearable {
- private type UndoPairs = List[(TypeVar, TypeConstraint)]
- private var log: UndoPairs = List()
- // register with the auto-clearing cache manager
- perRunCaches.recordCache(this)
- /** Undo all changes to constraints to type variables upto `limit`. */
- private def undoTo(limit: UndoPairs) {
- while ((log ne limit) && log.nonEmpty) {
- val (tv, constr) = log.head
- tv.constr = constr
- log = log.tail
- }
- }
- /** No sync necessary, because record should only
- * be called from within a undo or undoUnless block,
- * which is already synchronized.
- */
- private[reflect] def record(tv: TypeVar) = {
- log ::= ((tv, tv.constr.cloneInternal))
- }
- def clear() {
- if (settings.debug.value)
- self.log("Clearing " + log.size + " entries from the undoLog.")
- log = Nil
- }
- def size = log.size
- // `block` should not affect constraints on typevars
- def undo[T](block: => T): T = {
- val before = log
- try block
- finally undoTo(before)
- }
- // if `block` evaluates to false, it should not affect constraints on typevars
- def undoUnless(block: => Boolean): Boolean = {
- val before = log
- var result = false
- try result = block
- finally if (!result) undoTo(before)
- result
- }
- }
- /** A map from lists to compound types that have the given list as parents.
- * This is used to avoid duplication in the computation of base type sequences and baseClasses.
- * It makes use of the fact that these two operations depend only on the parents,
- * not on the refinement.
- */
- val intersectionWitness = perRunCaches.newWeakMap[List[Type], WeakReference[Type]]()
- /** A proxy for a type (identified by field `underlying`) that forwards most
- * operations to it (for exceptions, see WrappingProxy, which forwards even more operations).
- * every operation that is overridden for some kind of types should be forwarded.
- */
- trait SimpleTypeProxy extends Type {
- def underlying: Type
- // the following operations + those in RewrappingTypeProxy are all operations
- // in class Type that are overridden in some subclass
- // Important to keep this up-to-date when new operations are added!
- override def isTrivial = underlying.isTrivial
- override def isHigherKinded: Boolean = underlying.isHigherKinded
- override def typeConstructor: Type = underlying.typeConstructor
- override def isNotNull = underlying.isNotNull
- override def isError = underlying.isError
- override def isErroneous = underlying.isErroneous
- override def isStable: Boolean = underlying.isStable
- override def isVolatile = underlying.isVolatile
- override def finalResultType = underlying.finalResultType
- override def paramSectionCount = underlying.paramSectionCount
- override def paramss = underlying.paramss
- override def params = underlying.params
- override def paramTypes = underlying.paramTypes
- override def termSymbol = underlying.termSymbol
- override def termSymbolDirect = underlying.termSymbolDirect
- override def typeParams = underlying.typeParams
- override def boundSyms = underlying.boundSyms
- override def typeSymbol = underlying.typeSymbol
- override def typeSymbolDirect = underlying.typeSymbolDirect
- override def widen = underlying.widen
- override def typeOfThis = underlying.typeOfThis
- override def bounds = underlying.bounds
- override def parents = underlying.parents
- override def prefix = underlying.prefix
- override def decls = underlying.decls
- override def baseType(clazz: Symbol) = underlying.baseType(clazz)
- override def baseTypeSeq = underlying.baseTypeSeq
- override def baseTypeSeqDepth = underlying.baseTypeSeqDepth
- override def baseClasses = underlying.baseClasses
- }
- /** A proxy for a type (identified by field `underlying`) that forwards most
- * operations to it. Every operation that is overridden for some kind of types is
- * forwarded here. Some operations are rewrapped again.
- */
- trait RewrappingTypeProxy extends SimpleTypeProxy {
- protected def maybeRewrap(newtp: Type) = if (newtp eq underlying) this else rewrap(newtp)
- protected def rewrap(newtp: Type): Type
- // the following are all operations in class Type that are overridden in some subclass
- // Important to keep this up-to-date when new operations are added!
- override def widen = maybeRewrap(underlying.widen)
- override def narrow = underlying.narrow
- override def deconst = maybeRewrap(underlying.deconst)
- override def resultType = maybeRewrap(underlying.resultType)
- override def resultType(actuals: List[Type]) = maybeRewrap(underlying.resultType(actuals))
- override def finalResultType = maybeRewrap(underlying.finalResultType)
- override def paramSectionCount = 0
- override def paramss: List[List[Symbol]] = List()
- override def params: List[Symbol] = List()
- override def paramTypes: List[Type] = List()
- override def typeArgs = underlying.typeArgs
- override def notNull = maybeRewrap(underlying.notNull)
- override def instantiateTypeParams(formals: List[Symbol], actuals: List[Type]) = underlying.instantiateTypeParams(formals, actuals)
- override def skolemizeExistential(owner: Symbol, origin: AnyRef) = underlying.skolemizeExistential(owner, origin)
- override def normalize = maybeRewrap(underlying.normalize)
- override def dealias = maybeRewrap(underlying.dealias)
- override def cloneInfo(owner: Symbol) = maybeRewrap(underlying.cloneInfo(owner))
- override def atOwner(owner: Symbol) = maybeRewrap(underlying.atOwner(owner))
- override def prefixString = underlying.prefixString
- override def isComplete = underlying.isComplete
- override def complete(sym: Symbol) = underlying.complete(sym)
- override def load(sym: Symbol) { underlying.load(sym) }
- override def withAnnotations(annots: List[AnnotationInfo]) = maybeRewrap(underlying.withAnnotations(annots))
- override def withoutAnnotations = maybeRewrap(underlying.withoutAnnotations)
- }
- case object UnmappableTree extends TermTree {
- override def toString = "<unmappable>"
- super.tpe_=(NoType)
- override def tpe_=(t: Type) = if (t != NoType) {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("tpe_=("+t+") inapplicable for <empty>")
- }
- }
- abstract class TypeApiImpl extends TypeApi { this: Type =>
- def declaration(name: Name): Symbol = decl(name)
- def nonPrivateDeclaration(name: Name): Symbol = nonPrivateDecl(name)
- def declarations = decls
- def typeArguments = typeArgs
- def erasure = this match {
- case ConstantType(value) => widen.erasure // [Eugene to Martin] constant types are unaffected by erasure. weird.
- case _ =>
- var result: Type = transformedType(this)
- result = result.normalize match { // necessary to deal with erasures of HK types, typeConstructor won't work
- case PolyType(undets, underlying) => existentialAbstraction(undets, underlying) // we don't want undets in the result
- case _ => result
- }
- // [Eugene] erasure screws up all ThisTypes for modules into PackageTypeRefs
- // we need to unscrew them, or certain typechecks will fail mysteriously
- //
- result = => tpe match {
- case tpe: PackageTypeRef => ThisType(tpe.sym)
- case _ => tpe
- })
- result
- }
- def substituteSymbols(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Symbol]): Type = substSym(from, to)
- def substituteTypes(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Type]): Type = subst(from, to)
- // [Eugene] to be discussed and refactored
- def isConcrete = {
- def notConcreteSym(sym: Symbol) =
- sym.isAbstractType && !sym.isExistential
- def notConcreteTpe(tpe: Type): Boolean = tpe match {
- case ThisType(_) => false
- case SuperType(_, _) => false
- case SingleType(pre, sym) => notConcreteSym(sym)
- case ConstantType(_) => false
- case TypeRef(_, sym, args) => notConcreteSym(sym) || (args exists (arg => notConcreteTpe(arg)))
- case RefinedType(_, _) => false
- case ExistentialType(_, _) => false
- case AnnotatedType(_, tp, _) => notConcreteTpe(tp)
- case _ => true
- }
- !notConcreteTpe(this)
- }
- // [Eugene] is this comprehensive?
- // the only thingies that we want to splice are: 1) type parameters, 2) type members
- // the thingies that we don't want to splice are: 1) concrete types (obviously), 2) existential skolems
- // this check seems to cover them all, right?
- // todo. after we discuss this, move the check to subclasses
- def isSpliceable = {
- this.isInstanceOf[TypeRef] && typeSymbol.isAbstractType && !typeSymbol.isExistential
- }
- }
- /** The base class for all types */
- abstract class Type extends TypeApiImpl with Annotatable[Type] {
- /** Types for which asSeenFrom always is the identity, no matter what
- * prefix or owner.
- */
- def isTrivial: Boolean = false
- /** Is this type higher-kinded, i.e., is it a type constructor @M */
- def isHigherKinded: Boolean = false
- /** Does this type denote a stable reference (i.e. singleton type)? */
- def isStable: Boolean = false
- /** Is this type dangerous (i.e. it might contain conflicting
- * type information when empty, so that it can be constructed
- * so that type unsoundness results.) A dangerous type has an underlying
- * type of the form T_1 with T_n { decls }, where one of the
- * T_i (i > 1) is an abstract type.
- */
- def isVolatile: Boolean = false
- /** Is this type guaranteed not to have `null` as a value? */
- def isNotNull: Boolean = false
- /** Is this type a structural refinement type (it ''refines'' members that have not been inherited) */
- def isStructuralRefinement: Boolean = false
- /** Does this type depend immediately on an enclosing method parameter?
- * I.e., is it a singleton type whose termSymbol refers to an argument of the symbol's owner (which is a method)?
- */
- def isImmediatelyDependent: Boolean = false
- /** Does this depend on an enclosing method parameter? */
- def isDependent: Boolean = IsDependentCollector.collect(this)
- /** True for WildcardType or BoundedWildcardType. */
- def isWildcard = false
- /** Is this type produced as a repair for an error? */
- def isError: Boolean = typeSymbol.isError || termSymbol.isError
- /** Is this type produced as a repair for an error? */
- def isErroneous: Boolean = ErroneousCollector.collect(this)
- /** Does this type denote a reference type which can be null? */
- // def isNullable: Boolean = false
- /** Can this type only be subtyped by bottom types?
- * This is assessed to be the case if the class is final,
- * and all type parameters (if any) are invariant.
- */
- def isFinalType =
- typeSymbol.isFinal && (typeSymbol.typeParams forall (_.variance == 0))
- /** Is this type completed (i.e. not a lazy type)? */
- def isComplete: Boolean = true
- /** If this is a lazy type, assign a new type to `sym`. */
- def complete(sym: Symbol) {}
- /** The term symbol associated with the type
- * Note that the symbol of the normalized type is returned (@see normalize)
- */
- def termSymbol: Symbol = NoSymbol
- /** The type symbol associated with the type
- * Note that the symbol of the normalized type is returned (@see normalize)
- * A type's typeSymbol should if possible not be inspected directly, due to
- * the likelihood that what is true for tp.typeSymbol is not true for
- * tp.sym, due to normalization.
- */
- def typeSymbol: Symbol = NoSymbol
- /** The term symbol ''directly'' associated with the type.
- */
- def termSymbolDirect: Symbol = termSymbol
- /** The type symbol ''directly'' associated with the type.
- * In other words, no normalization is performed: if this is an alias type,
- * the symbol returned is that of the alias, not the underlying type.
- */
- def typeSymbolDirect: Symbol = typeSymbol
- /** The base type underlying a type proxy, identity on all other types */
- def underlying: Type = this
- /** Widen from singleton type to its underlying non-singleton
- * base type by applying one or more `underlying` dereferences,
- * identity for all other types.
- *
- * class Outer { class C ; val x: C }
- * val o: Outer
- * <o.x.type>.widen = o.C
- */
- def widen: Type = this
- /** Map a constant type or not-null-type to its underlying base type,
- * identity for all other types.
- */
- def deconst: Type = this
- /** The type of `this` of a class type or reference type. */
- def typeOfThis: Type = typeSymbol.typeOfThis
- /** Map to a singleton type which is a subtype of this type.
- * The fallback implemented here gives
- * T.narrow = T' forSome { type T' <: T with Singleton }
- * Overridden where we know more about where types come from.
- */
- /*
- Note: this implementation of narrow is theoretically superior to the one
- in use below, but imposed a significant performance penalty. It was in trunk
- from svn r24960 through r25080.
- */
- /*
- def narrow: Type =
- if (phase.erasedTypes) this
- else commonOwner(this) freshExistential ".type" setInfo singletonBounds(this) tpe
- */
- /** Map to a singleton type which is a subtype of this type.
- * The fallback implemented here gives:
- * {{{
- * T.narrow = (T {}).this.type
- * }}}
- * Overridden where we know more about where types come from.
- */
- def narrow: Type =
- if (phase.erasedTypes) this
- else {
- val cowner = commonOwner(this)
- refinedType(List(this), cowner, EmptyScope, cowner.pos).narrow
- }
- /** For a TypeBounds type, itself;
- * for a reference denoting an abstract type, its bounds,
- * for all other types, a TypeBounds type all of whose bounds are this type.
- */
- def bounds: TypeBounds = TypeBounds(this, this)
- /** For a class or intersection type, its parents.
- * For a TypeBounds type, the parents of its hi bound.
- * inherited by typerefs, singleton types, and refinement types,
- * The empty list for all other types */
- def parents: List[Type] = List()
- /** For a class with nonEmpty parents, the first parent.
- * Otherwise some specific fixed top type.
- */
- def firstParent = if (parents.nonEmpty) parents.head else ObjectClass.tpe
- /** For a typeref or single-type, the prefix of the normalized type (@see normalize).
- * NoType for all other types. */
- def prefix: Type = NoType
- /** A chain of all typeref or singletype prefixes of this type, longest first.
- * (Only used from safeToString.)
- */
- def prefixChain: List[Type] = this match {
- case TypeRef(pre, _, _) => pre :: pre.prefixChain
- case SingleType(pre, _) => pre :: pre.prefixChain
- case _ => List()
- }
- /** This type, without its type arguments @M */
- def typeConstructor: Type = this
- /** For a typeref, its arguments. The empty list for all other types */
- def typeArgs: List[Type] = List()
- /** A list of placeholder types derived from the type parameters.
- * Used by RefinedType and TypeRef.
- */
- protected def dummyArgs: List[Type] = typeParams map (_.typeConstructor)
- /** For a (nullary) method or poly type, its direct result type,
- * the type itself for all other types. */
- def resultType: Type = this
- def resultType(actuals: List[Type]) = this
- /** Only used for dependent method types. */
- def resultApprox: Type = ApproximateDependentMap(resultType)
- /** If this is a TypeRef `clazz`[`T`], return the argument `T`
- * otherwise return this type
- */
- def remove(clazz: Symbol): Type = this
- /** For a curried/nullary method or poly type its non-method result type,
- * the type itself for all other types */
- def finalResultType: Type = this
- /** For a method type, the number of its value parameter sections,
- * 0 for all other types */
- def paramSectionCount: Int = 0
- /** For a method or poly type, a list of its value parameter sections,
- * the empty list for all other types */
- def paramss: List[List[Symbol]] = List()
- /** For a method or poly type, its first value parameter section,
- * the empty list for all other types */
- def params: List[Symbol] = List()
- /** For a method or poly type, the types of its first value parameter section,
- * the empty list for all other types */
- def paramTypes: List[Type] = List()
- /** For a (potentially wrapped) poly type, its type parameters,
- * the empty list for all other types */
- def typeParams: List[Symbol] = List()
- /** For a (potentially wrapped) poly or existential type, its bound symbols,
- * the empty list for all other types */
- def boundSyms: immutable.Set[Symbol] = emptySymbolSet
- /** Mixin a NotNull trait unless type already has one
- * ...if the option is given, since it is causing typing bugs.
- */
- def notNull: Type =
- if (!settings.Ynotnull.value || isNotNull || phase.erasedTypes) this
- else NotNullType(this)
- /** Replace formal type parameter symbols with actual type arguments.
- *
- * Amounts to substitution except for higher-kinded types. (See overridden method in TypeRef) -- @M
- */
- def instantiateTypeParams(formals: List[Symbol], actuals: List[Type]): Type =
- if (sameLength(formals, actuals)) this.subst(formals, actuals) else ErrorType
- /** If this type is an existential, turn all existentially bound variables to type skolems.
- * @param owner The owner of the created type skolems
- * @param origin The tree whose type was an existential for which the skolem was created.
- */
- def skolemizeExistential(owner: Symbol, origin: AnyRef): Type = this
- /** A simple version of skolemizeExistential for situations where
- * owner or unpack location do not matter (typically used in subtype tests)
- */
- def skolemizeExistential: Type = skolemizeExistential(NoSymbol, null)
- /** Reduce to beta eta-long normal form.
- * Expands type aliases and converts higher-kinded TypeRefs to PolyTypes.
- * Functions on types are also implemented as PolyTypes.
- *
- * Example: (in the below, <List> is the type constructor of List)
- * TypeRef(pre, <List>, List()) is replaced by
- * PolyType(X, TypeRef(pre, <List>, List(X)))
- */
- def normalize = this // @MAT
- /** Expands type aliases. */
- def dealias = this
- /** For a classtype or refined type, its defined or declared members;
- * inherited by subtypes and typerefs.
- * The empty scope for all other types.
- */
- def decls: Scope = EmptyScope
- /** The defined or declared members with name `name` in this type;
- * an OverloadedSymbol if several exist, NoSymbol if none exist.
- * Alternatives of overloaded symbol appear in the order they are declared.
- */
- def decl(name: Name): Symbol = findDecl(name, 0)
- /** A list of all non-private members defined or declared in this type. */
- def nonPrivateDecls: List[Symbol] = decls filter (x => !x.isPrivate) toList
- /** The non-private defined or declared members with name `name` in this type;
- * an OverloadedSymbol if several exist, NoSymbol if none exist.
- * Alternatives of overloaded symbol appear in the order they are declared.
- */
- def nonPrivateDecl(name: Name): Symbol = findDecl(name, PRIVATE)
- /** A list of all members of this type (defined or inherited)
- * Members appear in linearization order of their owners.
- * Members with the same owner appear in reverse order of their declarations.
- */
- def members: List[Symbol] = membersBasedOnFlags(0, 0)
- /** A list of all non-private members of this type (defined or inherited) */
- def nonPrivateMembers: List[Symbol] = membersBasedOnFlags(BridgeAndPrivateFlags, 0)
- /** A list of all non-private members of this type (defined or inherited),
- * admitting members with given flags `admit`
- */
- def nonPrivateMembersAdmitting(admit: Long): List[Symbol] = membersBasedOnFlags(BridgeAndPrivateFlags & ~admit, 0)
- /** A list of all implicit symbols of this type (defined or inherited) */
- def implicitMembers: List[Symbol] = membersBasedOnFlags(BridgeFlags, IMPLICIT)
- /** A list of all deferred symbols of this type (defined or inherited) */
- def deferredMembers: List[Symbol] = membersBasedOnFlags(BridgeFlags, DEFERRED)
- /** The member with given name,
- * an OverloadedSymbol if several exist, NoSymbol if none exist */
- def member(name: Name): Symbol =
- memberBasedOnName(name, BridgeFlags)
- /** The non-private member with given name,
- * an OverloadedSymbol if several exist, NoSymbol if none exist.
- * Bridges are excluded from the result
- */
- def nonPrivateMember(name: Name): Symbol =
- memberBasedOnName(name, BridgeAndPrivateFlags)
- /** All members with the given flags, excluding bridges.
- */
- def membersWithFlags(requiredFlags: Long): List[Symbol] =
- membersBasedOnFlags(BridgeFlags, requiredFlags)
- /** All non-private members with the given flags, excluding bridges.
- */
- def nonPrivateMembersWithFlags(requiredFlags: Long): List[Symbol] =
- membersBasedOnFlags(BridgeAndPrivateFlags, requiredFlags)
- /** The non-private member with given name, admitting members with given flags `admit`.
- * "Admitting" refers to the fact that members with a PRIVATE, BRIDGE, or VBRIDGE
- * flag are usually excluded from findMember results, but supplying any of those flags
- * to this method disables that exclusion.
- *
- * An OverloadedSymbol if several exist, NoSymbol if none exists.
- */
- def nonPrivateMemberAdmitting(name: Name, admit: Long): Symbol =
- memberBasedOnName(name, BridgeAndPrivateFlags & ~admit)
- /** The non-local member with given name,
- * an OverloadedSymbol if several exist, NoSymbol if none exist */
- def nonLocalMember(name: Name): Symbol =
- memberBasedOnName(name, BridgeFlags | LOCAL)
- /** Members excluding and requiring the given flags.
- * Note: unfortunately it doesn't work to exclude DEFERRED this way.
- */
- def membersBasedOnFlags(excludedFlags: Long, requiredFlags: Long): List[Symbol] =
- findMember(nme.ANYNAME, excludedFlags, requiredFlags, false).alternatives
- def memberBasedOnName(name: Name, excludedFlags: Long): Symbol =
- findMember(name, excludedFlags, 0, false)
- /** The least type instance of given class which is a supertype
- * of this type. Example:
- * class D[T]
- * class C extends p.D[Int]
- * ThisType(C).baseType(D) = p.D[Int]
- */
- def baseType(clazz: Symbol): Type = NoType
- /** This type as seen from prefix `pre` and class `clazz`. This means:
- * Replace all thistypes of `clazz` or one of its subclasses
- * by `pre` and instantiate all parameters by arguments of `pre`.
- * Proceed analogously for thistypes referring to outer classes.
- *
- * Example:
- * class D[T] { def m: T }
- * class C extends p.D[Int]
- * T.asSeenFrom(ThisType(C), D) (where D is owner of m)
- * = Int
- */
- def asSeenFrom(pre: Type, clazz: Symbol): Type = {
- if (isTrivial || phase.erasedTypes && pre.typeSymbol != ArrayClass) this
- else {
-//[ExistentialType])("X "+this+".asSeenfrom("+pre+","+clazz+" = ") {
- incCounter(asSeenFromCount)
- val start = startTimer(asSeenFromNanos)
- val m = new AsSeenFromMap(pre.normalize, clazz)
- val tp = m apply this
- val tp1 = existentialAbstraction(m.capturedParams, tp)
- val result: Type =
- if (m.capturedSkolems.isEmpty) tp1
- else deriveType(m.capturedSkolems, _.cloneSymbol setFlag CAPTURED)(tp1)
- stopTimer(asSeenFromNanos, start)
- result
- }
- }
- /** The info of `sym`, seen as a member of this type.
- *
- * Example:
- * {{{
- * class D[T] { def m: T }
- * class C extends p.D[Int]
- * ThisType(C).memberType(m) = Int
- * }}}
- */
- def memberInfo(sym: Symbol): Type = {
-, sym.owner)
- }
- /** The type of `sym`, seen as a member of this type. */
- def memberType(sym: Symbol): Type = sym match {
- case meth: MethodSymbol =>
- meth.typeAsMemberOf(this)
- case _ =>
- computeMemberType(sym)
- }
- def computeMemberType(sym: Symbol): Type = sym.tpeHK match { //@M don't prematurely instantiate higher-kinded types, they will be instantiated by transform, typedTypeApply, etc. when really necessary
- case OverloadedType(_, alts) =>
- OverloadedType(this, alts)
- case tp =>
- tp.asSeenFrom(this, sym.owner)
- }
- /** Substitute types `to` for occurrences of references to
- * symbols `from` in this type.
- */
- def subst(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Type]): Type =
- if (from.isEmpty) this
- else new SubstTypeMap(from, to) apply this
- /** Substitute symbols `to` for occurrences of symbols `from` in this type.
- *
- * !!! NOTE !!!: If you need to do a substThis and a substSym, the substThis has to come
- * first, as otherwise symbols will immediately get rebound in typeRef to the old
- * symbol.
- */
- def substSym(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Symbol]): Type =
- if ((from eq to) || from.isEmpty) this
- else new SubstSymMap(from, to) apply this
- /** Substitute all occurrences of `ThisType(from)` in this type by `to`.
- *
- * !!! NOTE !!!: If you need to do a substThis and a substSym, the substThis has to come
- * first, as otherwise symbols will immediately get rebound in typeRef to the old
- * symbol.
- */
- def substThis(from: Symbol, to: Type): Type =
- new SubstThisMap(from, to) apply this
- def substThis(from: Symbol, to: Symbol): Type =
- substThis(from, to.thisType)
- /** Performs both substThis and substSym, in that order.
- *
- * [JZ] Reverted `SubstThisAndSymMap` from 334872, which was not the same as
- * `substThis(from, to).substSym(symsFrom, symsTo)`.
- *
- * `SubstThisAndSymMap` performs a breadth-first map over this type, which meant that
- * symbol substitution occured before `ThisType` substitution. Consequently, in substitution
- * of a `SingleType(ThisType(`from`), sym), symbols were rebound to `from` rather than `to`.
- */
- def substThisAndSym(from: Symbol, to: Type, symsFrom: List[Symbol], symsTo: List[Symbol]): Type =
- if (symsFrom eq symsTo) substThis(from, to)
- else substThis(from, to).substSym(symsFrom, symsTo)
- /** Returns all parts of this type which satisfy predicate `p` */
- def filter(p: Type => Boolean): List[Type] = new FilterTypeCollector(p) collect this
- def withFilter(p: Type => Boolean) = new FilterMapForeach(p)
- class FilterMapForeach(p: Type => Boolean) extends FilterTypeCollector(p){
- def foreach[U](f: Type => U): Unit = collect(Type.this) foreach f
- def map[T](f: Type => T): List[T] = collect(Type.this) map f
- }
- /** Returns optionally first type (in a preorder traversal) which satisfies predicate `p`,
- * or None if none exists.
- */
- def find(p: Type => Boolean): Option[Type] = new FindTypeCollector(p).collect(this)
- /** Apply `f` to each part of this type */
- def foreach(f: Type => Unit) { new ForEachTypeTraverser(f).traverse(this) }
- /** Apply `pf' to each part of this type on which the function is defined */
- def collect[T](pf: PartialFunction[Type, T]): List[T] = new CollectTypeCollector(pf).collect(this)
- /** Apply `f` to each part of this type; children get mapped before their parents */
- def map(f: Type => Type): Type = new TypeMap {
- def apply(x: Type) = f(mapOver(x))
- } apply this
- /** Is there part of this type which satisfies predicate `p`? */
- def exists(p: Type => Boolean): Boolean = !find(p).isEmpty
- /** Does this type contain a reference to this symbol? */
- def contains(sym: Symbol): Boolean = new ContainsCollector(sym).collect(this)
- /** Does this type contain a reference to this type */
- def containsTp(tp: Type): Boolean = new ContainsTypeCollector(tp).collect(this)
- /** Is this type a subtype of that type? */
- def <:<(that: Type): Boolean = {
- if (util.Statistics.enabled) stat_<:<(that)
- else {
- (this eq that) ||
- (if (explainSwitch) explain("<:", isSubType, this, that)
- else isSubType(this, that, AnyDepth))
- }
- }
- /** Is this type a subtype of that type in a pattern context?
- * Any type arguments on the right hand side are replaced with
- * fresh existentials, except for Arrays.
- *
- * See bug1434.scala for an example of code which would fail
- * if only a <:< test were applied.
- */
- def matchesPattern(that: Type): Boolean = {
- (this <:< that) || ((this, that) match {
- case (TypeRef(_, ArrayClass, List(arg1)), TypeRef(_, ArrayClass, List(arg2))) if arg2.typeSymbol.typeParams.nonEmpty =>
- arg1 matchesPattern arg2
- case (_, TypeRef(_, _, args)) =>
- val newtp = existentialAbstraction(args map (_.typeSymbol), that)
- !(that =:= newtp) && (this <:< newtp)
- case _ =>
- false
- })
- }
- def stat_<:<(that: Type): Boolean = {
- incCounter(subtypeCount)
- val start = startTimer(subtypeNanos)
- val result =
- (this eq that) ||
- (if (explainSwitch) explain("<:", isSubType, this, that)
- else isSubType(this, that, AnyDepth))
- stopTimer(subtypeNanos, start)
- result
- }
- /** Is this type a weak subtype of that type? True also for numeric types, i.e. Int weak_<:< Long.
- */
- def weak_<:<(that: Type): Boolean = {
- incCounter(subtypeCount)
- val start = startTimer(subtypeNanos)
- val result =
- ((this eq that) ||
- (if (explainSwitch) explain("weak_<:", isWeakSubType, this, that)
- else isWeakSubType(this, that)))
- stopTimer(subtypeNanos, start)
- result
- }
- /** Is this type equivalent to that type? */
- def =:=(that: Type): Boolean = (
- (this eq that) ||
- (if (explainSwitch) explain("=", isSameType, this, that)
- else isSameType(this, that))
- );
- /** Does this type implement symbol `sym` with same or stronger type? */
- def specializes(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
- if (explainSwitch) explain("specializes", specializesSym, this, sym)
- else specializesSym(this, sym)
- /** Is this type close enough to that type so that members
- * with the two type would override each other?
- * This means:
- * - Either both types are polytypes with the same number of
- * type parameters and their result types match after renaming
- * corresponding type parameters
- * - Or both types are (nullary) method types with equivalent type parameter types
- * and matching result types
- * - Or both types are equivalent
- * - Or phase.erasedTypes is false and both types are neither method nor
- * poly types.
- */
- def matches(that: Type): Boolean = matchesType(this, that, !phase.erasedTypes)
- /** Same as matches, except that non-method types are always assumed to match. */
- def looselyMatches(that: Type): Boolean = matchesType(this, that, true)
- /** The shortest sorted upwards closed array of types that contains
- * this type as first element.
- *
- * A list or array of types ts is upwards closed if
- *
- * for all t in ts:
- * for all typerefs p.s[args] such that t <: p.s[args]
- * there exists a typeref p'.s[args'] in ts such that
- * t <: p'.s['args] <: p.s[args],
- *
- * and
- *
- * for all singleton types p.s such that t <: p.s
- * there exists a singleton type p'.s in ts such that
- * t <: p'.s <: p.s
- *
- * Sorting is with respect to Symbol.isLess() on type symbols.
- */
- def baseTypeSeq: BaseTypeSeq = baseTypeSingletonSeq(this)
- /** The maximum depth (@see maxDepth)
- * of each type in the BaseTypeSeq of this type.
- */
- def baseTypeSeqDepth: Int = 1
- /** The list of all baseclasses of this type (including its own typeSymbol)
- * in reverse linearization order, starting with the class itself and ending
- * in class Any.
- */
- def baseClasses: List[Symbol] = List()
- /**
- * @param sym the class symbol
- * @return the index of given class symbol in the BaseTypeSeq of this type,
- * or -1 if no base type with given class symbol exists.
- */
- def baseTypeIndex(sym: Symbol): Int = {
- val bts = baseTypeSeq
- var lo = 0
- var hi = bts.length - 1
- while (lo <= hi) {
- val mid = (lo + hi) / 2
- val btssym = bts.typeSymbol(mid)
- if (sym == btssym) return mid
- else if (sym isLess btssym) hi = mid - 1
- else if (btssym isLess sym) lo = mid + 1
- else abort()
- }
- -1
- }
- /** If this is a poly- or methodtype, a copy with cloned type / value parameters
- * owned by `owner`. Identity for all other types.
- */
- def cloneInfo(owner: Symbol) = this
- /** Make sure this type is correct as the info of given owner; clone it if not. */
- def atOwner(owner: Symbol) = this
- protected def objectPrefix = "object "
- protected def packagePrefix = "package "
- def trimPrefix(str: String) = str stripPrefix objectPrefix stripPrefix packagePrefix
- /** The string representation of this type used as a prefix */
- def prefixString = trimPrefix(toString) + "#"
- /** Convert toString avoiding infinite recursions by cutting off
- * after `maxTostringRecursions` recursion levels. Uses `safeToString`
- * to produce a string on each level.
- */
- override def toString: String = typeToString(this)
- /** Method to be implemented in subclasses.
- * Converts this type to a string in calling toString for its parts.
- */
- def safeToString: String = super.toString
- /** The string representation of this type, with singletypes explained. */
- def toLongString = {
- val str = toString
- if (str == "type") widen.toString
- else if ((str endsWith ".type") && !typeSymbol.isModuleClass) str + " (with underlying type " + widen + ")"
- else str
- }
- /** The string representation of this type when the direct object in a sentence.
- * Normally this is no different from the regular representation, but modules
- * read better as "object Foo" here and "Foo.type" the rest of the time.
- */
- def directObjectString = safeToString
- /** A test whether a type contains any unification type variables.
- * Overridden with custom logic except where trivially true.
- */
- def isGround: Boolean = this match {
- case ThisType(_) | NoPrefix | WildcardType | NoType | ErrorType | ConstantType(_) =>
- true
- case _ =>
- typeVarToOriginMap(this) eq this
- }
- /** If this is a symbol loader type, load and assign a new type to `sym`. */
- def load(sym: Symbol) {}
- private def findDecl(name: Name, excludedFlags: Int): Symbol = {
- var alts: List[Symbol] = List()
- var sym: Symbol = NoSymbol
- var e: ScopeEntry = decls.lookupEntry(name)
- while (e ne null) {
- if (!e.sym.hasFlag(excludedFlags)) {
- if (sym == NoSymbol) sym = e.sym
- else {
- if (alts.isEmpty) alts = List(sym)
- alts = e.sym :: alts
- }
- }
- e = decls.lookupNextEntry(e)
- }
- if (alts.isEmpty) sym
- else (baseClasses.head.newOverloaded(this, alts))
- }
- /**
- * Find member(s) in this type. If several members matching criteria are found, they are
- * returned in an OverloadedSymbol
- *
- * @param name The member's name, where nme.ANYNAME means `unspecified`
- * @param excludedFlags Returned members do not have these flags
- * @param requiredFlags Returned members do have these flags
- * @param stableOnly If set, return only members that are types or stable values
- */
- //TODO: use narrow only for modules? (correct? efficiency gain?)
- def findMember(name: Name, excludedFlags: Long, requiredFlags: Long, stableOnly: Boolean): Symbol = {
- // if this type contains type variables, put them to sleep for a while -- don't just wipe them out by
- // replacing them by the corresponding type parameter, as that messes up (e.g.) type variables in type refinements
- // without this, the matchesType call would lead to type variables on both sides
- // of a subtyping/equality judgement, which can lead to recursive types being constructed.
- // See (t0851) for a situation where this happens.
- val suspension: List[TypeVar] = if (this.isGround) null else suspendTypeVarsInType(this)
- incCounter(findMemberCount)
- val start = startTimer(findMemberNanos)
- //Console.println("find member " + name.decode + " in " + this + ":" + this.baseClasses)//DEBUG
- var members: Scope = null
- var member: Symbol = NoSymbol
- var excluded = excludedFlags | DEFERRED
- var continue = true
- var self: Type = null
- var membertpe: Type = null
- while (continue) {
- continue = false
- val bcs0 = baseClasses
- var bcs = bcs0
- while (!bcs.isEmpty) {
- val decls =
- var entry =
- if (name == nme.ANYNAME) decls.elems else decls.lookupEntry(name)
- while (entry ne null) {
- val sym = entry.sym
- if (sym hasAllFlags requiredFlags) {
- val excl = sym.getFlag(excluded)
- if (excl == 0L &&
- (// omit PRIVATE LOCALS unless selector class is contained in class owning the def.
- (bcs eq bcs0) ||
- !sym.isPrivateLocal ||
- (bcs0.head.hasTransOwner(bcs.head)))) {
- if (name.isTypeName || stableOnly && sym.isStable) {
- stopTimer(findMemberNanos, start)
- if (suspension ne null) suspension foreach (_.suspended = false)
- return sym
- } else if (member == NoSymbol) {
- member = sym
- } else if (members eq null) {
- if ( != ||
- !(member == sym ||
- member.owner != sym.owner &&
- !sym.isPrivate && {
- if (self eq null) self = this.narrow
- if (membertpe eq null) membertpe = self.memberType(member)
- (membertpe matches self.memberType(sym))
- })) {
- members = newScope
- members enter member
- members enter sym
- }
- } else {
- var prevEntry = members.lookupEntry(
- var symtpe: Type = null
- while ((prevEntry ne null) &&
- !(prevEntry.sym == sym ||
- prevEntry.sym.owner != sym.owner &&
- !sym.hasFlag(PRIVATE) && {
- if (self eq null) self = this.narrow
- if (symtpe eq null) symtpe = self.memberType(sym)
- self.memberType(prevEntry.sym) matches symtpe
- })) {
- prevEntry = members lookupNextEntry prevEntry
- }
- if (prevEntry eq null) {
- members enter sym
- }
- }
- } else if (excl == DEFERRED.toLong) {
- continue = true
- }
- }
- entry = if (name == nme.ANYNAME) else decls lookupNextEntry entry
- } // while (entry ne null)
- // excluded = excluded | LOCAL
- bcs = if (name == nme.CONSTRUCTOR) Nil else bcs.tail
- } // while (!bcs.isEmpty)
- excluded = excludedFlags
- } // while (continue)
- stopTimer(findMemberNanos, start)
- if (suspension ne null) suspension foreach (_.suspended = false)
- if (members eq null) {
- if (member == NoSymbol) incCounter(noMemberCount)
- member
- } else {
- incCounter(multMemberCount)
- baseClasses.head.newOverloaded(this, members.toList)
- }
- }
- /** The (existential or otherwise) skolems and existentially quantified variables which are free in this type */
- def skolemsExceptMethodTypeParams: List[Symbol] = {
- var boundSyms: List[Symbol] = List()
- var skolems: List[Symbol] = List()
- for (t <- this) {
- t match {
- case ExistentialType(quantified, qtpe) =>
- boundSyms = boundSyms ::: quantified
- case TypeRef(_, sym, _) =>
- if ((sym.isExistentialSkolem || sym.isGADTSkolem) && // treat GADT skolems like existential skolems
- !((boundSyms contains sym) || (skolems contains sym)))
- skolems = sym :: skolems
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- skolems
- }
- // Implementation of Annotatable for all types but AnnotatedType, which
- // overrides these.
- def annotations: List[AnnotationInfo] = Nil
- def withoutAnnotations: Type = this
- def filterAnnotations(p: AnnotationInfo => Boolean): Type = this
- def setAnnotations(annots: List[AnnotationInfo]): Type = annotatedType(annots, this)
- def withAnnotations(annots: List[AnnotationInfo]): Type = annotatedType(annots, this)
- /** Remove any annotations from this type and from any
- * types embedded in this type. */
- def stripAnnotations = StripAnnotationsMap(this)
- /** Set the self symbol of an annotated type, or do nothing
- * otherwise. */
- def withSelfsym(sym: Symbol) = this
- /** The selfsym of an annotated type, or NoSymbol of anything else */
- def selfsym: Symbol = NoSymbol
- /** The kind of this type; used for debugging */
- def kind: String = "unknown type of class "+getClass()
- }
-// Subclasses ------------------------------------------------------------
- trait UniqueType extends Product {
- final override val hashCode = scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime._hashCode(this)
- }
- /** A base class for types that defer some operations
- * to their immediate supertype.
- */
- abstract class SubType extends Type {
- def supertype: Type
- override def parents: List[Type] = supertype.parents
- override def decls: Scope = supertype.decls
- override def baseType(clazz: Symbol): Type = supertype.baseType(clazz)
- override def baseTypeSeq: BaseTypeSeq = supertype.baseTypeSeq
- override def baseTypeSeqDepth: Int = supertype.baseTypeSeqDepth
- override def baseClasses: List[Symbol] = supertype.baseClasses
- override def isNotNull = supertype.isNotNull
- }
- case class NotNullType(override val underlying: Type) extends SubType with RewrappingTypeProxy {
- def supertype = underlying
- protected def rewrap(newtp: Type): Type = NotNullType(newtp)
- override def isNotNull: Boolean = true
- override def notNull = this
- override def deconst: Type = underlying //todo: needed?
- override def safeToString: String = underlying.toString + " with NotNull"
- override def kind = "NotNullType"
- }
- /** A base class for types that represent a single value
- * (single-types and this-types).
- */
- abstract class SingletonType extends SubType with SimpleTypeProxy {
- def supertype = underlying
- override def isTrivial = false
- override def isStable = true
- override def isVolatile = underlying.isVolatile
- override def widen: Type = underlying.widen
- override def baseTypeSeq: BaseTypeSeq = {
- incCounter(singletonBaseTypeSeqCount)
- underlying.baseTypeSeq prepend this
- }
- override def isHigherKinded = false // singleton type classifies objects, thus must be kind *
- override def safeToString: String = {
- // Avoiding printing Predef.type and scala.package.type as "type",
- // since in all other cases we omit those prefixes.
- val pre = underlying.typeSymbol.skipPackageObject
- if (pre.isOmittablePrefix) pre.fullName + ".type"
- else prefixString + "type"
- }
- override def typeOfThis: Type = typeSymbol.typeOfThis
- override def bounds: TypeBounds = TypeBounds(this, this)
- override def prefix: Type = NoType
- override def typeArgs: List[Type] = List()
- override def typeParams: List[Symbol] = List()
- }
- /** An object representing an erroneous type */
- case object ErrorType extends Type {
- // todo see whether we can do without
- override def isError: Boolean = true
- override def decls: Scope = new ErrorScope(NoSymbol)
- override def findMember(name: Name, excludedFlags: Long, requiredFlags: Long, stableOnly: Boolean): Symbol = {
- var sym = decls lookup name
- if (sym == NoSymbol) {
- sym = NoSymbol.newErrorSymbol(name)
- decls enter sym
- }
- sym
- }
- override def baseType(clazz: Symbol): Type = this
- override def safeToString: String = "<error>"
- override def narrow: Type = this
- // override def isNullable: Boolean = true
- override def kind = "ErrorType"
- }
- /** An object representing an unknown type, used during type inference.
- * If you see WildcardType outside of inference it is almost certainly a bug.
- */
- case object WildcardType extends Type {
- override def isWildcard = true
- override def safeToString: String = "?"
- // override def isNullable: Boolean = true
- override def kind = "WildcardType"
- }
- /** BoundedWildcardTypes, used only during type inference, are created in
- * two places that I can find:
- *
- * 1. If the expected type of an expression is an existential type,
- * its hidden symbols are replaced with bounded wildcards.
- * 2. When an implicit conversion is being sought based in part on
- * the name of a method in the converted type, a HasMethodMatching
- * type is created: a MethodType with parameters typed as
- * BoundedWildcardTypes.
- */
- case class BoundedWildcardType(override val bounds: TypeBounds) extends Type with BoundedWildcardTypeApi {
- override def isWildcard = true
- override def safeToString: String = "?" + bounds
- override def kind = "BoundedWildcardType"
- }
- object BoundedWildcardType extends BoundedWildcardTypeExtractor
- /** An object representing a non-existing type */
- case object NoType extends Type {
- override def isTrivial: Boolean = true
- override def safeToString: String = "<notype>"
- // override def isNullable: Boolean = true
- override def kind = "NoType"
- }
- /** An object representing a non-existing prefix */
- case object NoPrefix extends Type {
- override def isTrivial: Boolean = true
- override def isStable: Boolean = true
- override def prefixString = ""
- override def safeToString: String = "<noprefix>"
- // override def isNullable: Boolean = true
- override def kind = "NoPrefixType"
- }
- /** A class for this-types of the form <sym>.this.type
- */
- abstract case class ThisType(sym: Symbol) extends SingletonType with ThisTypeApi {
- assert(sym.isClass)
- //assert(sym.isClass && !sym.isModuleClass || sym.isRoot, sym)
- override def isTrivial: Boolean = sym.isPackageClass
- override def isNotNull = true
- override def typeSymbol = sym
- override def underlying: Type = sym.typeOfThis
- override def isVolatile = false
- override def isHigherKinded = sym.isRefinementClass && underlying.isHigherKinded
- override def prefixString =
- if (settings.debug.value) sym.nameString + ".this."
- else if (sym.isAnonOrRefinementClass) "this."
- else if (sym.isOmittablePrefix) ""
- else if (sym.isModuleClass) sym.fullNameString + "."
- else sym.nameString + ".this."
- override def safeToString: String =
- if (sym.isEffectiveRoot) "" +
- else super.safeToString
- override def narrow: Type = this
- override def kind = "ThisType"
- }
- final class UniqueThisType(sym: Symbol) extends ThisType(sym) with UniqueType { }
- object ThisType extends ThisTypeExtractor {
- def apply(sym: Symbol): Type = {
- if (!phase.erasedTypes) unique(new UniqueThisType(sym))
- else if (sym.isImplClass) sym.typeOfThis
- else sym.tpe
- }
- }
- /** A class for singleton types of the form `<prefix>.<>.type`.
- * Cannot be created directly; one should always use `singleType` for creation.
- */
- abstract case class SingleType(pre: Type, sym: Symbol) extends SingletonType with SingleTypeApi {
- override val isTrivial: Boolean = pre.isTrivial
- override def isGround = sym.isPackageClass || pre.isGround
- // override def isNullable = underlying.isNullable
- override def isNotNull = underlying.isNotNull
- private[reflect] var underlyingCache: Type = NoType
- private[reflect] var underlyingPeriod = NoPeriod
- override def underlying: Type = {
- val cache = underlyingCache
- if (underlyingPeriod == currentPeriod && cache != null) cache
- else {
- defineUnderlyingOfSingleType(this)
- underlyingCache
- }
- }
- // more precise conceptually, but causes cyclic errors: (paramss exists (_ contains sym))
- override def isImmediatelyDependent = (sym ne NoSymbol) && (sym.owner.isMethod && sym.isValueParameter)
- override def isVolatile : Boolean = underlying.isVolatile && !sym.isStable
- override def narrow: Type = {
- if (phase.erasedTypes) this
- else {
- val thissym = refinedType(List(this), sym.owner, EmptyScope).typeSymbol
- if (sym.owner != NoSymbol) {
- //Console.println("narrowing module " + sym + thissym.owner);
- thissym.typeOfThis = this
- }
- thissym.thisType
- }
- }
- override def narrow: Type = this
- override def termSymbol = sym
- override def prefix: Type = pre
- override def prefixString = (
- if (sym.skipPackageObject.isOmittablePrefix) ""
- else if (sym.isPackageObjectOrClass) pre.prefixString
- else pre.prefixString + sym.nameString + "."
- )
- override def kind = "SingleType"
- }
- final class UniqueSingleType(pre: Type, sym: Symbol) extends SingleType(pre, sym) with UniqueType { }
- object SingleType extends SingleTypeExtractor {
- def apply(pre: Type, sym: Symbol): Type = {
- unique(new UniqueSingleType(pre, sym))
- }
- }
- protected def defineUnderlyingOfSingleType(tpe: SingleType) = {
- val period = tpe.underlyingPeriod
- if (period != currentPeriod) {
- tpe.underlyingPeriod = currentPeriod
- if (!isValid(period)) {
- // [Eugene to Paul] needs review
- tpe.underlyingCache = if (tpe.sym == NoSymbol) ThisType(rootMirror.RootClass) else tpe.pre.memberType(tpe.sym).resultType;
- assert(tpe.underlyingCache ne tpe, tpe)
- }
- }
- }
- abstract case class SuperType(thistpe: Type, supertpe: Type) extends SingletonType with SuperTypeApi {
- override val isTrivial: Boolean = thistpe.isTrivial && supertpe.isTrivial
- override def isNotNull = true;
- override def typeSymbol = thistpe.typeSymbol
- override def underlying = supertpe
- override def prefix: Type = supertpe.prefix
- override def prefixString = thistpe.prefixString.replaceAll("""\bthis\.$""", "super.")
- override def narrow: Type = thistpe.narrow
- override def kind = "SuperType"
- }
- final class UniqueSuperType(thistp: Type, supertp: Type) extends SuperType(thistp, supertp) with UniqueType { }
- object SuperType extends SuperTypeExtractor {
- def apply(thistp: Type, supertp: Type): Type = {
- if (phase.erasedTypes) supertp
- else unique(new UniqueSuperType(thistp, supertp))
- }
- }
- /** A class for the bounds of abstract types and type parameters
- */
- abstract case class TypeBounds(lo: Type, hi: Type) extends SubType with TypeBoundsApi {
- def supertype = hi
- override val isTrivial: Boolean = lo.isTrivial && hi.isTrivial
- override def bounds: TypeBounds = this
- def containsType(that: Type) = that match {
- case TypeBounds(_, _) => that <:< this
- case _ => lo <:< that && that <:< hi
- }
- private def lowerString = if (emptyLowerBound) "" else " >: " + lo
- private def upperString = if (emptyUpperBound) "" else " <: " + hi
- private def emptyLowerBound = lo.typeSymbolDirect eq NothingClass
- private def emptyUpperBound = hi.typeSymbolDirect eq AnyClass
- def isEmptyBounds = emptyLowerBound && emptyUpperBound
- // override def isNullable: Boolean = NullClass.tpe <:< lo;
- override def safeToString = lowerString + upperString
- override def kind = "TypeBoundsType"
- }
- final class UniqueTypeBounds(lo: Type, hi: Type) extends TypeBounds(lo, hi) with UniqueType { }
- object TypeBounds extends TypeBoundsExtractor {
- def empty: TypeBounds = apply(NothingClass.tpe, AnyClass.tpe)
- def upper(hi: Type): TypeBounds = apply(NothingClass.tpe, hi)
- def lower(lo: Type): TypeBounds = apply(lo, AnyClass.tpe)
- def apply(lo: Type, hi: Type): TypeBounds = {
- unique(new UniqueTypeBounds(lo, hi)).asInstanceOf[TypeBounds]
- }
- }
- /** A common base class for intersection types and class types
- */
- abstract class CompoundType extends Type {
- private[reflect] var baseTypeSeqCache: BaseTypeSeq = _
- private[reflect] var baseTypeSeqPeriod = NoPeriod
- private[reflect] var baseClassesCache: List[Symbol] = _
- private[reflect] var baseClassesPeriod = NoPeriod
- override def baseTypeSeq: BaseTypeSeq = {
- val cached = baseTypeSeqCache
- if (baseTypeSeqPeriod == currentPeriod && cached != null && cached != undetBaseTypeSeq)
- cached
- else {
- defineBaseTypeSeqOfCompoundType(this)
- if (baseTypeSeqCache eq undetBaseTypeSeq)
- throw new RecoverableCyclicReference(typeSymbol)
- baseTypeSeqCache
- }
- }
- override def baseTypeSeqDepth: Int = baseTypeSeq.maxDepth
- override def baseClasses: List[Symbol] = {
- val cached = baseClassesCache
- if (baseClassesPeriod == currentPeriod && cached != null) cached
- else {
- defineBaseClassesOfCompoundType(this)
- if (baseClassesCache eq null)
- throw new RecoverableCyclicReference(typeSymbol)
- baseClassesCache
- }
- }
- /** The slightly less idiomatic use of Options is due to
- * performance considerations. A version using for comprehensions
- * might be too slow (this is deemed a hotspot of the type checker).
- *
- * See with Martin before changing this method.
- */
- def memo[A](op1: => A)(op2: Type => A): A = {
- def updateCache(): A = {
- intersectionWitness(parents) = new WeakReference(this)
- op1
- }
- intersectionWitness get parents match {
- case Some(ref) =>
- ref.get match {
- case Some(w) => if (w eq this) op1 else op2(w)
- case None => updateCache()
- }
- case None => updateCache()
- }
- }
- override def baseType(sym: Symbol): Type = {
- val index = baseTypeIndex(sym)
- if (index >= 0) baseTypeSeq(index) else NoType
- }
- override def narrow: Type = typeSymbol.thisType
- override def isNotNull: Boolean = parents exists (_.isNotNull)
- override def isStructuralRefinement: Boolean =
- typeSymbol.isAnonOrRefinementClass && decls.exists(_.isPossibleInRefinement)
- // override def isNullable: Boolean =
- // parents forall (p => p.isNullable && !p.typeSymbol.isAbstractType);
- override def safeToString: String = parentsString(parents) + (
- (if (settings.debug.value || parents.isEmpty || (decls.elems ne null))
- decls.mkString("{", "; ", "}") else "")
- )
- }
- protected def defineBaseTypeSeqOfCompoundType(tpe: CompoundType) = {
- val period = tpe.baseTypeSeqPeriod
- if (period != currentPeriod) {
- tpe.baseTypeSeqPeriod = currentPeriod
- if (!isValidForBaseClasses(period)) {
- if (tpe.parents.exists(_.exists(_.isInstanceOf[TypeVar]))) {
- // rename type vars to fresh type params, take base type sequence of
- // resulting type, and rename back all the entries in that sequence
- var tvs = Set[TypeVar]()
- for (p <- tpe.parents)
- for (t <- p) t match {
- case tv: TypeVar => tvs += tv
- case _ =>
- }
- val varToParamMap: Map[Type, Symbol] =
- mapFrom[TypeVar, Type, Symbol](tvs.toList)(_.origin.typeSymbol.cloneSymbol)
- val paramToVarMap = varToParamMap map (_.swap)
- val varToParam = new TypeMap {
- def apply(tp: Type) = varToParamMap get tp match {
- case Some(sym) => sym.tpe
- case _ => mapOver(tp)
- }
- }
- val paramToVar = new TypeMap {
- def apply(tp: Type) = tp match {
- case TypeRef(_, tsym, _) if paramToVarMap.isDefinedAt(tsym) => paramToVarMap(tsym)
- case _ => mapOver(tp)
- }
- }
- val bts = copyRefinedType(tpe.asInstanceOf[RefinedType], tpe.parents map varToParam, varToParam mapOver tpe.decls).baseTypeSeq
- tpe.baseTypeSeqCache = bts lateMap paramToVar
- } else {
- incCounter(compoundBaseTypeSeqCount)
- tpe.baseTypeSeqCache = undetBaseTypeSeq
- tpe.baseTypeSeqCache = if (tpe.typeSymbol.isRefinementClass)
- tpe.memo(compoundBaseTypeSeq(tpe))(_.baseTypeSeq updateHead tpe.typeSymbol.tpe)
- else
- compoundBaseTypeSeq(tpe)
- // [Martin] suppressing memo-ization solves the problem with "same type after erasure" errors
- // when compiling with
- // scalac scala.collection.IterableViewLike.scala scala.collection.IterableLike.scala
- // I have not yet figured out precisely why this is the case.
- // My current assumption is that taking memos forces baseTypeSeqs to be computed
- // at stale types (i.e. the underlying typeSymbol has already another type).
- // I do not yet see precisely why this would cause a problem, but it looks
- // fishy in any case.
- }
- }
- }
- //Console.println("baseTypeSeq(" + typeSymbol + ") = " + baseTypeSeqCache.toList);//DEBUG
- if (tpe.baseTypeSeqCache eq undetBaseTypeSeq)
- throw new TypeError("illegal cyclic inheritance involving " + tpe.typeSymbol)
- }
- protected def defineBaseClassesOfCompoundType(tpe: CompoundType) = {
- def computeBaseClasses: List[Symbol] =
- if (tpe.parents.isEmpty) List(tpe.typeSymbol)
- else {
- //Console.println("computing base classes of " + typeSymbol + " at phase " + phase);//DEBUG
- // optimized, since this seems to be performance critical
- val superclazz = tpe.firstParent
- var mixins = tpe.parents.tail
- val sbcs = superclazz.baseClasses
- var bcs = sbcs
- def isNew(clazz: Symbol): Boolean =
- superclazz.baseTypeIndex(clazz) < 0 &&
- { var p = bcs;
- while ((p ne sbcs) && (p.head != clazz)) p = p.tail;
- p eq sbcs
- }
- while (!mixins.isEmpty) {
- def addMixinBaseClasses(mbcs: List[Symbol]): List[Symbol] =
- if (mbcs.isEmpty) bcs
- else if (isNew(mbcs.head)) mbcs.head :: addMixinBaseClasses(mbcs.tail)
- else addMixinBaseClasses(mbcs.tail)
- bcs = addMixinBaseClasses(mixins.head.baseClasses)
- mixins = mixins.tail
- }
- tpe.typeSymbol :: bcs
- }
- val period = tpe.baseClassesPeriod
- if (period != currentPeriod) {
- tpe.baseClassesPeriod = currentPeriod
- if (!isValidForBaseClasses(period)) {
- tpe.baseClassesCache = null
- tpe.baseClassesCache = tpe.memo(computeBaseClasses)(tpe.typeSymbol :: _.baseClasses.tail)
- }
- }
- if (tpe.baseClassesCache eq null)
- throw new TypeError("illegal cyclic reference involving " + tpe.typeSymbol)
- }
- /** A class representing intersection types with refinements of the form
- * `<parents_0> with ... with <parents_n> { decls }`
- * Cannot be created directly;
- * one should always use `refinedType` for creation.
- */
- case class RefinedType(override val parents: List[Type],
- override val decls: Scope) extends CompoundType with RefinedTypeApi {
- override def isHigherKinded = (
- parents.nonEmpty &&
- (parents forall (_.isHigherKinded)) &&
- !phase.erasedTypes
- )
- override def typeParams =
- if (isHigherKinded) firstParent.typeParams
- else super.typeParams
- //@M may result in an invalid type (references to higher-order args become dangling )
- override def typeConstructor =
- copyRefinedType(this, parents map (_.typeConstructor), decls)
- final override def normalize: Type =
- if (phase.erasedTypes) normalizeImpl
- else {
- if (normalized eq null) normalized = normalizeImpl
- normalized
- }
- private var normalized: Type = _
- private def normalizeImpl = {
- // TODO see comments around def intersectionType and def merge
- def flatten(tps: List[Type]): List[Type] = tps flatMap { case RefinedType(parents, ds) if ds.isEmpty => flatten(parents) case tp => List(tp) }
- val flattened = flatten(parents).distinct
- if (decls.isEmpty && flattened.tail.isEmpty) {
- flattened.head
- } else if (flattened != parents) {
- refinedType(flattened, if (typeSymbol eq NoSymbol) NoSymbol else typeSymbol.owner, decls, NoPosition)
- } else if (isHigherKinded) {
- // MO to AM: This is probably not correct
- // If they are several higher-kinded parents with different bounds we need
- // to take the intersection of their bounds
- typeFun(
- typeParams,
- RefinedType(
- parents map {
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, List()) => TypeRef(pre, sym, dummyArgs)
- case p => p
- },
- decls,
- typeSymbol))
- } else super.normalize
- }
- /** A refined type P1 with ... with Pn { decls } is volatile if
- * one of the parent types Pi is an abstract type, and
- * either i > 1, or decls or a following parent Pj, j > 1, contributes
- * an abstract member.
- * A type contributes an abstract member if it has an abstract member which
- * is also a member of the whole refined type. A scope `decls` contributes
- * an abstract member if it has an abstract definition which is also
- * a member of the whole type.
- */
- override def isVolatile = {
- def isVisible(m: Symbol) =
- this.nonPrivateMember( contains m
- def contributesAbstractMembers(p: Type) =
- p.deferredMembers exists isVisible
- ((parents exists (_.isVolatile))
- ||
- (parents dropWhile (! _.typeSymbol.isAbstractType) match {
- case ps @ (_ :: ps1) =>
- (ps ne parents) ||
- (ps1 exists contributesAbstractMembers) ||
- (decls.iterator exists (m => m.isDeferred && isVisible(m)))
- case _ =>
- false
- }))
- }
- override def kind = "RefinedType"
- }
- final class RefinedType0(parents: List[Type], decls: Scope, clazz: Symbol) extends RefinedType(parents, decls) {
- override def typeSymbol = clazz
- }
- object RefinedType extends RefinedTypeExtractor {
- def apply(parents: List[Type], decls: Scope, clazz: Symbol): RefinedType =
- new RefinedType0(parents, decls, clazz)
- }
- /** Overridden in reflection compiler */
- def validateClassInfo(tp: ClassInfoType) {}
- /** A class representing a class info
- */
- case class ClassInfoType(
- override val parents: List[Type],
- override val decls: Scope,
- override val typeSymbol: Symbol) extends CompoundType with ClassInfoTypeApi
- {
- validateClassInfo(this)
- /** refs indices */
- private final val NonExpansive = 0
- private final val Expansive = 1
- /** initialization states */
- private final val UnInitialized = 0
- private final val Initializing = 1
- private final val Initialized = 2
- private type RefMap = Map[Symbol, immutable.Set[Symbol]]
- /** All type parameters reachable from given type parameter
- * by a path which contains at least one expansive reference.
- * @See Kennedy, Pierce: On Decidability of Nominal Subtyping with Variance
- */
- private[scala] def expansiveRefs(tparam: Symbol) = {
- if (state == UnInitialized) {
- computeRefs()
- while (state != Initialized) propagate()
- }
- getRefs(Expansive, tparam)
- }
- /* The rest of this class is auxiliary code for `expansiveRefs`
- */
- /** The type parameters which are referenced type parameters of this class.
- * Two entries: refs(0): Non-expansive references
- * refs(1): Expansive references
- * Syncnote: This var need not be protected with synchronized, because
- * it is accessed only from expansiveRefs, which is called only from
- * Typer.
- */
- private var refs: Array[RefMap] = _
- /** The initialization state of the class: UnInialized --> Initializing --> Initialized
- * Syncnote: This var need not be protected with synchronized, because
- * it is accessed only from expansiveRefs, which is called only from
- * Typer.
- */
- private var state = UnInitialized
- /** Get references for given type parameter
- * @param which in {NonExpansive, Expansive}
- * @param from The type parameter from which references originate.
- */
- private def getRefs(which: Int, from: Symbol): Set[Symbol] = refs(which) get from match {
- case Some(set) => set
- case none => Set()
- }
- /** Augment existing refs map with reference <pre>from -> to</pre>
- * @param which <- {NonExpansive, Expansive}
- */
- private def addRef(which: Int, from: Symbol, to: Symbol) {
- refs(which) = refs(which) + (from -> (getRefs(which, from) + to))
- }
- /** Augment existing refs map with references <pre>from -> sym</pre>, for
- * all elements <pre>sym</pre> of set `to`.
- * @param which <- {NonExpansive, Expansive}
- */
- private def addRefs(which: Int, from: Symbol, to: Set[Symbol]) {
- refs(which) = refs(which) + (from -> (getRefs(which, from) ++ to))
- }
- /** The ClassInfoType which belongs to the class containing given type parameter
- */
- private def classInfo(tparam: Symbol): ClassInfoType =
- match {
- case ci: ClassInfoType => ci
- case _ => classInfo(ObjectClass) // something's wrong; fall back to safe value
- // (this can happen only for erroneous programs).
- }
- private object enterRefs extends TypeMap {
- private var tparam: Symbol = _
- def apply(tp: Type): Type = {
- tp match {
- case tr @ TypeRef(_, sym, args) if args.nonEmpty =>
- val tparams = tr.initializedTypeParams
- if (settings.debug.value && !sameLength(tparams, args))
- debugwarn("Mismatched zip in computeRefs(): " + + ", " + args)
- foreach2(tparams, args) { (tparam1, arg) =>
- if (arg contains tparam) {
- addRef(NonExpansive, tparam, tparam1)
- if (arg.typeSymbol != tparam)
- addRef(Expansive, tparam, tparam1)
- }
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- mapOver(tp)
- }
- def enter(tparam0: Symbol, parent: Type) {
- this.tparam = tparam0
- this(parent)
- }
- }
- /** Compute initial (one-step) references and set state to `Initializing`.
- */
- private def computeRefs() {
- refs = Array(Map(), Map())
- typeSymbol.typeParams foreach { tparam =>
- parents foreach { p =>
- enterRefs.enter(tparam, p)
- }
- }
- state = Initializing
- }
- /** Propagate to form transitive closure.
- * Set state to Initialized if no change resulted from propagation.
- * @return true iff there as a change in last iteration
- */
- private def propagate(): Boolean = {
- if (state == UnInitialized) computeRefs()
- //Console.println("Propagate "+symbol+", initial expansive = "+refs(Expansive)+", nonexpansive = "+refs(NonExpansive))//DEBUG
- val lastRefs = Array(refs(0), refs(1))
- state = Initialized
- var change = false
- for ((from, targets) <- refs(NonExpansive).iterator)
- for (target <- targets) {
- var thatInfo = classInfo(target)
- if (thatInfo.state != Initialized)
- change = change | thatInfo.propagate()
- addRefs(NonExpansive, from, thatInfo.getRefs(NonExpansive, target))
- addRefs(Expansive, from, thatInfo.getRefs(Expansive, target))
- }
- for ((from, targets) <- refs(Expansive).iterator)
- for (target <- targets) {
- var thatInfo = classInfo(target)
- if (thatInfo.state != Initialized)
- change = change | thatInfo.propagate()
- addRefs(Expansive, from, thatInfo.getRefs(NonExpansive, target))
- }
- change = change || refs(0) != lastRefs(0) || refs(1) != lastRefs(1)
- if (change) state = Initializing
- //else Console.println("Propagate "+symbol+", final expansive = "+refs(Expansive)+", nonexpansive = "+refs(NonExpansive))//DEBUG
- change
- }
- // override def isNullable: Boolean =
- // symbol == AnyClass ||
- // symbol != NothingClass && (symbol isSubClass ObjectClass) && !(symbol isSubClass NonNullClass);
- // override def isNonNull: Boolean = symbol == NonNullClass || super.isNonNull;
- override def kind = "ClassInfoType"
- override def safeToString =
- if (settings.debug.value || decls.size > 1)
- formattedToString
- else
- super.safeToString
- /** A nicely formatted string with newlines and such.
- */
- def formattedToString: String =
- parents.mkString("\n with ") +
- (if (settings.debug.value || parents.isEmpty || (decls.elems ne null))
- decls.mkString(" {\n ", "\n ", "\n}") else "")
- }
- object ClassInfoType extends ClassInfoTypeExtractor
- class PackageClassInfoType(decls: Scope, clazz: Symbol)
- extends ClassInfoType(List(), decls, clazz)
- /** A class representing a constant type.
- *
- * @param value ...
- */
- abstract case class ConstantType(value: Constant) extends SingletonType with ConstantTypeApi {
- override def underlying: Type = value.tpe
- assert(underlying.typeSymbol != UnitClass)
- override def isTrivial: Boolean = true
- override def isNotNull = value.value != null
- override def deconst: Type = underlying
- override def safeToString: String =
- underlying.toString + "(" + value.escapedStringValue + ")"
- // override def isNullable: Boolean = value.value eq null
- // override def isNonNull: Boolean = value.value ne null
- override def kind = "ConstantType"
- }
- final class UniqueConstantType(value: Constant) extends ConstantType(value) with UniqueType {
- /** Save the type of `value`. For Java enums, it depends on finding the linked class,
- * which might not be found after `flatten`. */
- private lazy val _tpe: Type = value.tpe
- override def underlying: Type = _tpe
- }
- object ConstantType extends ConstantTypeExtractor {
- def apply(value: Constant): ConstantType = {
- val tpe = new UniqueConstantType(value)
- if (value.tag == ClazzTag) {
- // if we carry a classOf, we might be in trouble
- //
- // I don't have time for a thorough fix, so I put a hacky workaround here
- val alreadyThere = uniques findEntry tpe
- if ((alreadyThere ne null) && (alreadyThere ne tpe) && (alreadyThere.toString != tpe.toString)) {
- // we need to remove a stale type that has the same hashcode as we do
- // HashSet doesn't support removal, and this makes our task non-trivial
- // also we cannot simply recreate it, because that'd skew hashcodes (that change over time, omg!)
- // the only solution I can see is getting into the underlying array and sneakily manipulating it
- val ftable = uniques.getClass.getDeclaredFields().find(f => f.getName endsWith "table").get
- ftable.setAccessible(true)
- val table = ftable.get(uniques).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
- def overwrite(hc: Int, x: Type) {
- def index(x: Int): Int = math.abs(x % table.length)
- var h = index(hc)
- var entry = table(h)
- while (entry ne null) {
- if (x == entry)
- table(h) = x
- h = index(h + 1)
- entry = table(h)
- }
- }
- overwrite(tpe.##, tpe)
- }
- }
- unique(tpe).asInstanceOf[ConstantType]
- }
- }
- /* Syncnote: The `volatile` var and `pendingVolatiles` mutable set need not be protected
- * with synchronized, because they are accessed only from isVolatile, which is called only from
- * Typer.
- */
- private var volatileRecursions: Int = 0
- private val pendingVolatiles = new mutable.HashSet[Symbol]
- class ArgsTypeRef(pre0: Type, sym0: Symbol, args0: List[Type]) extends TypeRef(pre0, sym0, args0) with UniqueType {
- require(args0.nonEmpty, this)
- /** No unapplied type params size it has (should have) equally as many args. */
- override def isHigherKinded = false
- override def typeParams = Nil
- override def transform(tp: Type): Type = {
- // This situation arises when a typevar is encountered for which
- // too little information is known to determine its kind, and
- // it later turns out not to have kind *. See SI-4070. Only
- // logging it for now.
- if (sym.typeParams.size != args.size)
- log("!!! %s.transform(%s), but tparams.isEmpty and args=".format(this, tp, args))
- asSeenFromOwner(tp).instantiateTypeParams(sym.typeParams, args)
- }
- // note: does not go through typeRef. There's no need to because
- // neither `pre` nor `sym` changes. And there's a performance
- // advantage to call TypeRef directly.
- override def typeConstructor = TypeRef(pre, sym, Nil)
- }
- class ModuleTypeRef(pre0: Type, sym0: Symbol) extends NoArgsTypeRef(pre0, sym0) with ClassTypeRef {
- require(sym.isModuleClass, sym)
- private[this] var narrowedCache: Type = _
- override def isStable = true
- override def narrow = {
- if (narrowedCache eq null)
- narrowedCache = singleType(pre, sym.sourceModule)
- narrowedCache
- }
- final override def isNotNull = true
- override protected def finishPrefix(rest: String) = objectPrefix + rest
- override def directObjectString = super.safeToString
- override def toLongString = toString
- override def safeToString = narrow.toString
- }
- class PackageTypeRef(pre0: Type, sym0: Symbol) extends ModuleTypeRef(pre0, sym0) {
- require(sym.isPackageClass, sym)
- override protected def finishPrefix(rest: String) = packagePrefix + rest
- }
- class RefinementTypeRef(pre0: Type, sym0: Symbol) extends NoArgsTypeRef(pre0, sym0) with ClassTypeRef {
- require(sym.isRefinementClass, sym)
- // I think this is okay, but see #1241 (r12414), #2208, and typedTypeConstructor in Typers
- override protected def normalizeImpl: Type =
- override protected def finishPrefix(rest: String) = "" + thisInfo
- }
- class NoArgsTypeRef(pre0: Type, sym0: Symbol) extends TypeRef(pre0, sym0, Nil) with UniqueType {
- // A reference (in a Scala program) to a type that has type parameters, but where the reference
- // does not include type arguments. Note that it doesn't matter whether the symbol refers
- // to a java or scala symbol, but it does matter whether it occurs in java or scala code.
- // TypeRefs w/o type params that occur in java signatures/code are considered raw types, and are
- // represented as existential types.
- override def isHigherKinded = typeParams.nonEmpty
- override def typeParams = if (isDefinitionsInitialized) sym.typeParams else sym.unsafeTypeParams
- private def isRaw = !phase.erasedTypes && isRawIfWithoutArgs(sym)
- override def instantiateTypeParams(formals: List[Symbol], actuals: List[Type]): Type =
- if (isHigherKinded) {
- if (sameLength(formals intersect typeParams, typeParams))
- copyTypeRef(this, pre, sym, actuals)
- // partial application (needed in infer when bunching type arguments from classes and methods together)
- else
- copyTypeRef(this, pre, sym, dummyArgs).instantiateTypeParams(formals, actuals)
- }
- else
- super.instantiateTypeParams(formals, actuals)
- override def transform(tp: Type): Type = {
- val res = asSeenFromOwner(tp)
- if (isHigherKinded && !isRaw)
- res.instantiateTypeParams(typeParams, dummyArgs)
- else
- res
- }
- override def transformInfo(tp: Type): Type =
- appliedType(asSeenFromOwner(tp), dummyArgs)
- override def narrow =
- if (sym.isModuleClass) singleType(pre, sym.sourceModule)
- else super.narrow
- override def typeConstructor = this
- // eta-expand, subtyping relies on eta-expansion of higher-kinded types
- override protected def normalizeImpl: Type =
- if (isHigherKinded) etaExpand else super.normalizeImpl
- }
- trait ClassTypeRef extends TypeRef {
- // !!! There are scaladoc-created symbols arriving which violate this require.
- // require(sym.isClass, sym)
- override def baseType(clazz: Symbol): Type =
- if (sym == clazz) this
- else transform(
- }
- trait NonClassTypeRef extends TypeRef {
- require(sym.isNonClassType, sym)
- /* Syncnote: These are pure caches for performance; no problem to evaluate these
- * several times. Hence, no need to protected with synchronzied in a mutli-threaded
- * usage scenario.
- */
- private var relativeInfoCache: Type = _
- private var memberInfoCache: Type = _
- private[Types] def relativeInfo = {
- val memberInfo = pre.memberInfo(sym)
- if (relativeInfoCache == null || (memberInfo ne memberInfoCache)) {
- memberInfoCache = memberInfo
- relativeInfoCache = transformInfo(memberInfo)
- }
- relativeInfoCache
- }
- override def baseType(clazz: Symbol): Type =
- if (sym == clazz) this else baseTypeOfNonClassTypeRef(this, clazz)
- }
- protected def baseTypeOfNonClassTypeRef(tpe: NonClassTypeRef, clazz: Symbol) = try {
- basetypeRecursions += 1
- if (basetypeRecursions < LogPendingBaseTypesThreshold)
- tpe.relativeInfo.baseType(clazz)
- else if (pendingBaseTypes contains tpe)
- if (clazz == AnyClass) clazz.tpe else NoType
- else
- try {
- pendingBaseTypes += tpe
- tpe.relativeInfo.baseType(clazz)
- } finally {
- pendingBaseTypes -= tpe
- }
- } finally {
- basetypeRecursions -= 1
- }
- trait AliasTypeRef extends NonClassTypeRef {
- require(sym.isAliasType, sym)
- override def dealias = if (typeParamsMatchArgs) betaReduce.dealias else super.dealias
- override def isStable = normalize.isStable
- override def isVolatile = normalize.isVolatile
- override def narrow = normalize.narrow
- override def thisInfo = normalize
- override def prefix = if (this ne normalize) normalize.prefix else pre
- override def termSymbol = if (this ne normalize) normalize.termSymbol else super.termSymbol
- override def typeSymbol = if (this ne normalize) normalize.typeSymbol else sym
- // beta-reduce, but don't do partial application -- cycles have been checked in typeRef
- override protected def normalizeImpl =
- if (typeParamsMatchArgs) betaReduce.normalize
- else if (isHigherKinded) super.normalizeImpl
- else ErrorType
- // isHKSubType0 introduces synthetic type params so that
- // betaReduce can first apply to typeArgs before calling
- // asSeenFrom. asSeenFrom then skips synthetic type params, which
- // are used to reduce HO subtyping to first-order subtyping, but
- // which can't be instantiated from the given prefix and class.
- //
- // this crashes pos/depmet_implicit_tpbetareduce.scala
- // appliedType(, typeArgs).asSeenFrom(pre, sym.owner)
- def betaReduce = transform(
- // #3731: return sym1 for which holds: pre bound to sym and
- // pre1 now binds to sym1, conceptually exactly the same
- // symbol as sym. The selection of sym on pre must be updated to the
- // selection of sym1 on pre1, since sym's info was probably updated
- // by the TypeMap to yield a new symbol, sym1 with transformed info.
- // @returns sym1
- override def coevolveSym(pre1: Type): Symbol =
- if (pre eq pre1) sym else (pre, pre1) match {
- // don't look at parents -- it would be an error to override alias types anyway
- case (RefinedType(_, _), RefinedType(_, decls1)) => decls1 lookup
- // TODO: is there another way a typeref's symbol can refer to a symbol defined in its pre?
- case _ => sym
- }
- override def kind = "AliasTypeRef"
- }
- trait AbstractTypeRef extends NonClassTypeRef {
- require(sym.isAbstractType, sym)
- /** Syncnote: Pure performance caches; no need to synchronize in multi-threaded environment
- */
- private var symInfoCache: Type = _
- private var thisInfoCache: Type = _
- override def isVolatile = {
- // need to be careful not to fall into an infinite recursion here
- // because volatile checking is done before all cycles are detected.
- // the case to avoid is an abstract type directly or
- // indirectly upper-bounded by itself. See #2918
- try {
- volatileRecursions += 1
- if (volatileRecursions < LogVolatileThreshold)
- bounds.hi.isVolatile
- else if (pendingVolatiles(sym))
- true // we can return true here, because a cycle will be detected
- // here afterwards and an error will result anyway.
- else
- try {
- pendingVolatiles += sym
- bounds.hi.isVolatile
- } finally {
- pendingVolatiles -= sym
- }
- } finally {
- volatileRecursions -= 1
- }
- }
- override def thisInfo = {
- val symInfo =
- if (thisInfoCache == null || (symInfo ne symInfoCache)) {
- symInfoCache = symInfo
- thisInfoCache = transformInfo(symInfo) match {
- // If a subtyping cycle is not detected here, we'll likely enter an infinite
- // loop before a sensible error can be issued. SI-5093 is one example.
- case x: SubType if x.supertype eq this =>
- throw new RecoverableCyclicReference(sym)
- case tp => tp
- }
- }
- thisInfoCache
- }
- override def isStable = bounds.hi.typeSymbol isSubClass SingletonClass
- override def bounds = thisInfo.bounds
- // def transformInfo(tp: Type): Type = appliedType(tp.asSeenFrom(pre, sym.owner), typeArgsOrDummies)
- override protected[Types] def baseTypeSeqImpl: BaseTypeSeq = transform(bounds.hi).baseTypeSeq prepend this
- override def kind = "AbstractTypeRef"
- }
- /** A class for named types of the form
- * `<prefix>.<>[args]`
- * Cannot be created directly; one should always use `typeRef`
- * for creation. (@M: Otherwise hashing breaks)
- *
- * @M: a higher-kinded type is represented as a TypeRef with sym.typeParams.nonEmpty, but args.isEmpty
- */
- abstract case class TypeRef(pre: Type, sym: Symbol, args: List[Type]) extends Type with TypeRefApi {
- private[reflect] var parentsCache: List[Type] = _
- private[reflect] var parentsPeriod = NoPeriod
- private[reflect] var baseTypeSeqCache: BaseTypeSeq = _
- private[reflect] var baseTypeSeqPeriod = NoPeriod
- private var normalized: Type = _
- // @M: propagate actual type params (args) to `tp`, by replacing
- // formal type parameters with actual ones. If tp is higher kinded,
- // the "actual" type arguments are types that simply reference the
- // corresponding type parameters (unbound type variables)
- def transform(tp: Type): Type
- // eta-expand, subtyping relies on eta-expansion of higher-kinded types
- protected def normalizeImpl: Type = if (isHigherKinded) etaExpand else super.normalize
- // TODO: test case that is compiled in a specific order and in different runs
- final override def normalize: Type = {
- // arises when argument-dependent types are approximated (see def depoly in implicits)
- if (pre eq WildcardType) WildcardType
- else if (phase.erasedTypes) normalizeImpl
- else {
- if (normalized eq null)
- normalized = normalizeImpl
- normalized
- }
- }
- override def isGround = (
- sym.isPackageClass
- || pre.isGround && args.forall(_.isGround)
- )
- def etaExpand: Type = {
- // must initialise symbol, see test/files/pos/ticket0137.scala
- val tpars = initializedTypeParams
- if (tpars.isEmpty) this
- else typeFunAnon(tpars, copyTypeRef(this, pre, sym, tpars map (_.tpeHK))) // todo: also beta-reduce?
- }
- // only need to rebind type aliases, as typeRef already handles abstract types
- // (they are allowed to be rebound more liberally)
- def coevolveSym(pre1: Type): Symbol = sym
- //@M! use appliedType on the polytype that represents the bounds (or if aliastype, the rhs)
- def transformInfo(tp: Type): Type = appliedType(asSeenFromOwner(tp), args)
- def thisInfo =
- def initializedTypeParams =
- def typeParamsMatchArgs = sameLength(initializedTypeParams, args)
- def asSeenFromOwner(tp: Type) = tp.asSeenFrom(pre, sym.owner)
- override def baseClasses = thisInfo.baseClasses
- override def baseTypeSeqDepth = baseTypeSeq.maxDepth
- override def isStable = (sym eq NothingClass) || (sym eq SingletonClass)
- override def prefix = pre
- override def termSymbol = super.termSymbol
- override def termSymbolDirect = super.termSymbol
- override def typeArgs = args
- override def typeOfThis = transform(sym.typeOfThis)
- override def typeSymbol = sym
- override def typeSymbolDirect = sym
- override lazy val isTrivial: Boolean =
- !sym.isTypeParameter && pre.isTrivial && args.forall(_.isTrivial)
- override def isNotNull =
- sym.isModuleClass || sym == NothingClass || (sym isNonBottomSubClass NotNullClass) || super.isNotNull
- override def parents: List[Type] = {
- val cache = parentsCache
- if (parentsPeriod == currentPeriod && cache != null) cache
- else {
- defineParentsOfTypeRef(this)
- parentsCache
- }
- }
- override def decls: Scope = {
- match {
- case TypeRef(_, sym1, _) =>
- assert(sym1 != sym, this) // @MAT was != typeSymbol
- case _ =>
- }
- thisInfo.decls
- }
- protected[Types] def baseTypeSeqImpl: BaseTypeSeq = map transform
- override def baseTypeSeq: BaseTypeSeq = {
- val cache = baseTypeSeqCache
- if (baseTypeSeqPeriod == currentPeriod && cache != null && cache != undetBaseTypeSeq)
- cache
- else {
- defineBaseTypeSeqOfTypeRef(this)
- if (baseTypeSeqCache == undetBaseTypeSeq)
- throw new RecoverableCyclicReference(sym)
- baseTypeSeqCache
- }
- }
- // ensure that symbol is not a local copy with a name coincidence
- private def needsPreString = (
- settings.debug.value
- || !shorthands(sym.fullName)
- || sym.ownerChain.exists(s => !s.isClass)
- )
- private def preString = if (needsPreString) pre.prefixString else ""
- private def argsString = if (args.isEmpty) "" else args.mkString("[", ",", "]")
- def refinementString = (
- if (sym.isStructuralRefinement) (
- decls filter (sym => sym.isPossibleInRefinement && sym.isPublic)
- map (_.defString)
- mkString("{", "; ", "}")
- )
- else ""
- )
- protected def finishPrefix(rest: String) = (
- if (sym.isInitialized && sym.isAnonymousClass && !phase.erasedTypes)
- parentsString(thisInfo.parents) + refinementString
- else rest
- )
- private def customToString = sym match {
- case RepeatedParamClass => args.head + "*"
- case ByNameParamClass => "=> " + args.head
- case _ =>
- def targs = normalize.typeArgs
- if (isFunctionType(this)) {
- // Aesthetics: printing Function1 as T => R rather than (T) => R
- // ...but only if it's not a tuple, so ((T1, T2)) => R is distinguishable
- // from (T1, T2) => R.
- targs match {
- case in :: out :: Nil if !isTupleType(in) =>
- // A => B => C should be (A => B) => C or A => (B => C)
- val in_s = if (isFunctionType(in)) "(" + in + ")" else "" + in
- val out_s = if (isFunctionType(out)) "(" + out + ")" else "" + out
- in_s + " => " + out_s
- case xs =>
- xs.init.mkString("(", ", ", ")") + " => " + xs.last
- }
- }
- else if (isTupleType(this))
- targs.mkString("(", ", ", if (hasLength(targs, 1)) ",)" else ")")
- else if (sym.isAliasType && prefixChain.exists(_.termSymbol.isSynthetic) && (this ne this.normalize))
- "" + normalize
- else
- ""
- }
- override def safeToString = {
- val custom = if (settings.debug.value) "" else customToString
- if (custom != "") custom
- else finishPrefix(preString + sym.nameString + argsString)
- }
- override def prefixString = "" + (
- if (settings.debug.value)
- super.prefixString
- else if (sym.isOmittablePrefix)
- ""
- else if (sym.isPackageClass || sym.isPackageObjectOrClass)
- sym.skipPackageObject.fullName + "."
- else if (isStable && nme.isSingletonName(
- tpnme.dropSingletonName( + "."
- else
- super.prefixString
- )
- override def kind = "TypeRef"
- }
- object TypeRef extends TypeRefExtractor {
- def apply(pre: Type, sym: Symbol, args: List[Type]): Type = unique({
- if (args.nonEmpty) {
- if (sym.isAliasType) new ArgsTypeRef(pre, sym, args) with AliasTypeRef
- else if (sym.isAbstractType) new ArgsTypeRef(pre, sym, args) with AbstractTypeRef
- else new ArgsTypeRef(pre, sym, args) with ClassTypeRef
- }
- else {
- if (sym.isAliasType) new NoArgsTypeRef(pre, sym) with AliasTypeRef
- else if (sym.isAbstractType) new NoArgsTypeRef(pre, sym) with AbstractTypeRef
- else if (sym.isRefinementClass) new RefinementTypeRef(pre, sym)
- else if (sym.isPackageClass) new PackageTypeRef(pre, sym)
- else if (sym.isModuleClass) new ModuleTypeRef(pre, sym)
- else new NoArgsTypeRef(pre, sym) with ClassTypeRef
- }
- })
- }
- protected def defineParentsOfTypeRef(tpe: TypeRef) = {
- val period = tpe.parentsPeriod
- if (period != currentPeriod) {
- tpe.parentsPeriod = currentPeriod
- if (!isValidForBaseClasses(period)) {
- tpe.parentsCache = tpe.thisInfo.parents map tpe.transform
- } else if (tpe.parentsCache == null) { // seems this can happen if things are corrupted enough, see #2641
- tpe.parentsCache = List(AnyClass.tpe)
- }
- }
- }
- protected def defineBaseTypeSeqOfTypeRef(tpe: TypeRef) = {
- val period = tpe.baseTypeSeqPeriod
- if (period != currentPeriod) {
- tpe.baseTypeSeqPeriod = currentPeriod
- if (!isValidForBaseClasses(period)) {
- incCounter(typerefBaseTypeSeqCount)
- tpe.baseTypeSeqCache = undetBaseTypeSeq
- tpe.baseTypeSeqCache = tpe.baseTypeSeqImpl
- }
- }
- if (tpe.baseTypeSeqCache == undetBaseTypeSeq)
- throw new TypeError("illegal cyclic inheritance involving " + tpe.sym)
- }
- /** A class representing a method type with parameters.
- * Note that a parameterless method is represented by a NullaryMethodType:
- *
- * def m(): Int MethodType(Nil, Int)
- * def m: Int NullaryMethodType(Int)
- */
- case class MethodType(override val params: List[Symbol],
- override val resultType: Type) extends Type with MethodTypeApi {
- override def isTrivial: Boolean = isTrivial0 && (resultType eq resultType.withoutAnnotations)
- private lazy val isTrivial0 =
- resultType.isTrivial && params.forall{p => p.tpe.isTrivial && (
- !(params.exists(_.tpe.contains(p)) || resultType.contains(p)))
- }
- def isImplicit = params.nonEmpty && params.head.isImplicit
- def isJava = false // can we do something like for implicits? I.e. do Java methods without parameters need to be recognized?
- //assert(paramTypes forall (pt => !pt.typeSymbol.isImplClass))//DEBUG
- override def paramSectionCount: Int = resultType.paramSectionCount + 1
- override def paramss: List[List[Symbol]] = params :: resultType.paramss
- override def paramTypes = params map (_.tpe)
- override def boundSyms = resultType.boundSyms ++ params
- override def resultType(actuals: List[Type]) =
- if (isTrivial || phase.erasedTypes) resultType
- else if (sameLength(actuals, params)) {
- val idm = new InstantiateDependentMap(params, actuals)
- val res = idm(resultType)
- existentialAbstraction(idm.existentialsNeeded, res)
- }
- else existentialAbstraction(params, resultType)
- // implicit args can only be depended on in result type:
- //TODO this may be generalised so that the only constraint is dependencies are acyclic
- def approximate: MethodType = MethodType(params, resultApprox)
- override def finalResultType: Type = resultType.finalResultType
- override def safeToString = paramString(this) + resultType
- override def cloneInfo(owner: Symbol) = {
- val vparams = cloneSymbolsAtOwner(params, owner)
- copyMethodType(this, vparams, resultType.substSym(params, vparams).cloneInfo(owner))
- }
- override def atOwner(owner: Symbol) =
- if ((params exists (_.owner != owner)) || (resultType.atOwner(owner) ne resultType))
- cloneInfo(owner)
- else
- this
- override def kind = "MethodType"
- }
- object MethodType extends MethodTypeExtractor
- class JavaMethodType(ps: List[Symbol], rt: Type) extends MethodType(ps, rt) {
- override def isJava = true
- }
- case class NullaryMethodType(override val resultType: Type) extends Type with NullaryMethodTypeApi {
- override def isTrivial = resultType.isTrivial && (resultType eq resultType.withoutAnnotations)
- override def prefix: Type = resultType.prefix
- override def narrow: Type = resultType.narrow
- override def finalResultType: Type = resultType.finalResultType
- override def termSymbol: Symbol = resultType.termSymbol
- override def typeSymbol: Symbol = resultType.typeSymbol
- override def parents: List[Type] = resultType.parents
- override def decls: Scope = resultType.decls
- override def baseTypeSeq: BaseTypeSeq = resultType.baseTypeSeq
- override def baseTypeSeqDepth: Int = resultType.baseTypeSeqDepth
- override def baseClasses: List[Symbol] = resultType.baseClasses
- override def baseType(clazz: Symbol): Type = resultType.baseType(clazz)
- override def boundSyms = resultType.boundSyms
- override def isVolatile = resultType.isVolatile
- override def safeToString: String = "=> "+ resultType
- override def kind = "NullaryMethodType"
- }
- object NullaryMethodType extends NullaryMethodTypeExtractor
- /** A type function or the type of a polymorphic value (and thus of kind *).
- *
- * Before the introduction of NullaryMethodType, a polymorphic nullary method (e.g, def isInstanceOf[T]: Boolean)
- * used to be typed as PolyType(tps, restpe), and a monomorphic one as PolyType(Nil, restpe)
- * This is now: PolyType(tps, NullaryMethodType(restpe)) and NullaryMethodType(restpe)
- * by symmetry to MethodTypes: PolyType(tps, MethodType(params, restpe)) and MethodType(params, restpe)
- *
- * Thus, a PolyType(tps, TypeRef(...)) unambiguously indicates a type function (which results from eta-expanding a type constructor alias).
- * Similarly, PolyType(tps, ClassInfoType(...)) is a type constructor.
- *
- * A polytype is of kind * iff its resultType is a (nullary) method type.
- */
- case class PolyType(override val typeParams: List[Symbol], override val resultType: Type)
- extends Type with PolyTypeApi {
- //assert(!(typeParams contains NoSymbol), this)
- assert(typeParams nonEmpty, this) // used to be a marker for nullary method type, illegal now (see @NullaryMethodType)
- override def paramSectionCount: Int = resultType.paramSectionCount
- override def paramss: List[List[Symbol]] = resultType.paramss
- override def params: List[Symbol] = resultType.params
- override def paramTypes: List[Type] = resultType.paramTypes
- override def parents: List[Type] = resultType.parents
- override def decls: Scope = resultType.decls
- override def termSymbol: Symbol = resultType.termSymbol
- override def typeSymbol: Symbol = resultType.typeSymbol
- override def boundSyms = immutable.Set[Symbol](typeParams ++ resultType.boundSyms: _*)
- override def prefix: Type = resultType.prefix
- override def baseTypeSeq: BaseTypeSeq = resultType.baseTypeSeq
- override def baseTypeSeqDepth: Int = resultType.baseTypeSeqDepth
- override def baseClasses: List[Symbol] = resultType.baseClasses
- override def baseType(clazz: Symbol): Type = resultType.baseType(clazz)
- override def narrow: Type = resultType.narrow
- override def isVolatile = resultType.isVolatile
- override def finalResultType: Type = resultType.finalResultType
- /** @M: typeDefSig wraps a TypeBounds in a PolyType
- * to represent a higher-kinded type parameter
- * wrap lo&hi in polytypes to bind variables
- */
- override def bounds: TypeBounds =
- TypeBounds(typeFun(typeParams, resultType.bounds.lo),
- typeFun(typeParams, resultType.bounds.hi))
- override def isHigherKinded = !typeParams.isEmpty
- override def safeToString = typeParamsString(this) + resultType
- override def cloneInfo(owner: Symbol) = {
- val tparams = cloneSymbolsAtOwner(typeParams, owner)
- PolyType(tparams, resultType.substSym(typeParams, tparams).cloneInfo(owner))
- }
- override def atOwner(owner: Symbol) =
- if ((typeParams exists (_.owner != owner)) || (resultType.atOwner(owner) ne resultType))
- cloneInfo(owner)
- else
- this
- override def kind = "PolyType"
- }
- object PolyType extends PolyTypeExtractor
- /** A creator for existential types which flattens nested existentials.
- */
- def newExistentialType(quantified: List[Symbol], underlying: Type): Type =
- if (quantified.isEmpty) underlying
- else underlying match {
- case ExistentialType(qs, restpe) => newExistentialType(quantified ::: qs, restpe)
- case _ => ExistentialType(quantified, underlying)
- }
- case class ExistentialType(quantified: List[Symbol],
- override val underlying: Type) extends RewrappingTypeProxy with ExistentialTypeApi
- {
- override protected def rewrap(newtp: Type) = existentialAbstraction(quantified, newtp)
- override def isTrivial = false
- override def isStable: Boolean = false
- override def bounds = TypeBounds(maybeRewrap(underlying.bounds.lo), maybeRewrap(underlying.bounds.hi))
- override def parents = underlying.parents map maybeRewrap
- override def boundSyms = quantified.toSet
- override def prefix = maybeRewrap(underlying.prefix)
- override def typeArgs = underlying.typeArgs map maybeRewrap
- override def params = underlying.params mapConserve { param =>
- val tpe1 = rewrap(param.tpeHK)
- if (tpe1 eq param.tpeHK) param else param.cloneSymbol.setInfo(tpe1)
- }
- override def paramTypes = underlying.paramTypes map maybeRewrap
- override def instantiateTypeParams(formals: List[Symbol], actuals: List[Type]) = {
-// maybeRewrap(underlying.instantiateTypeParams(formals, actuals))
- val quantified1 = new SubstTypeMap(formals, actuals) mapOver quantified
- val underlying1 = underlying.instantiateTypeParams(formals, actuals)
- if ((quantified1 eq quantified) && (underlying1 eq underlying)) this
- else existentialAbstraction(quantified1, underlying1.substSym(quantified, quantified1))
- }
- override def baseType(clazz: Symbol) = maybeRewrap(underlying.baseType(clazz))
- override def baseTypeSeq = underlying.baseTypeSeq map maybeRewrap
- override def isHigherKinded = false
- override def skolemizeExistential(owner: Symbol, origin: AnyRef) =
- deriveType(quantified, tparam => (owner orElse tparam.owner).newExistentialSkolem(tparam, origin))(underlying)
- private def wildcardArgsString(qset: Set[Symbol], args: List[Type]): List[String] = args map {
- case TypeRef(_, sym, _) if (qset contains sym) =>
- "_"+sym.infoString(
- case arg =>
- arg.toString
- }
- /** An existential can only be printed with wildcards if:
- * - the underlying type is a typeref
- * - every quantified variable appears at most once as a type argument and
- * nowhere inside a type argument
- * - no quantified type argument contains a quantified variable in its bound
- * - the typeref's symbol is not itself quantified
- * - the prefix is not quanitified
- */
- def isRepresentableWithWildcards = {
- val qset = quantified.toSet
- underlying match {
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
- def isQuantified(tpe: Type): Boolean = {
- (tpe exists (t => qset contains t.typeSymbol)) ||
- tpe.typeSymbol.isRefinementClass && (tpe.parents exists isQuantified)
- }
- val (wildcardArgs, otherArgs) = args partition (arg => qset contains arg.typeSymbol)
- wildcardArgs.distinct == wildcardArgs &&
- !(otherArgs exists (arg => isQuantified(arg))) &&
- !(wildcardArgs exists (arg => isQuantified( &&
- !(qset contains sym) &&
- !isQuantified(pre)
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- override def safeToString: String = {
- def clauses = {
- val str = quantified map (_.existentialToString) mkString (" forSome { ", "; ", " }")
- if (settings.explaintypes.value) "(" + str + ")" else str
- }
- underlying match {
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) if !settings.debug.value && isRepresentableWithWildcards =>
- "" + TypeRef(pre, sym, Nil) + wildcardArgsString(quantified.toSet, args).mkString("[", ", ", "]")
- case MethodType(_, _) | NullaryMethodType(_) | PolyType(_, _) =>
- "(" + underlying + ")" + clauses
- case _ =>
- "" + underlying + clauses
- }
- }
- override def cloneInfo(owner: Symbol) =
- createFromClonedSymbolsAtOwner(quantified, owner, underlying)(newExistentialType)
- override def atOwner(owner: Symbol) =
- if (quantified exists (_.owner != owner)) cloneInfo(owner) else this
- override def kind = "ExistentialType"
- def withTypeVars(op: Type => Boolean): Boolean = withTypeVars(op, AnyDepth)
- def withTypeVars(op: Type => Boolean, depth: Int): Boolean = {
- val quantifiedFresh = cloneSymbols(quantified)
- val tvars = quantifiedFresh map (tparam => TypeVar(tparam))
- val underlying1 = underlying.instantiateTypeParams(quantified, tvars) // fuse subst quantified -> quantifiedFresh -> tvars
- op(underlying1) && {
- solve(tvars, quantifiedFresh, quantifiedFresh map (x => 0), false, depth) &&
- isWithinBounds(NoPrefix, NoSymbol, quantifiedFresh, tvars map (_.constr.inst))
- }
- }
- }
- object ExistentialType extends ExistentialTypeExtractor
- /** A class containing the alternatives and type prefix of an overloaded symbol.
- * Not used after phase `typer`.
- */
- case class OverloadedType(pre: Type, alternatives: List[Symbol]) extends Type {
- override def prefix: Type = pre
- override def safeToString =
- (alternatives map pre.memberType).mkString("", " <and> ", "")
- override def kind = "OverloadedType"
- }
- def overloadedType(pre: Type, alternatives: List[Symbol]): Type =
- if (alternatives.tail.isEmpty) pre memberType alternatives.head
- else OverloadedType(pre, alternatives)
- /** A class remembering a type instantiation for some a set of overloaded
- * polymorphic symbols.
- * Not used after phase `typer`.
- */
- case class AntiPolyType(pre: Type, targs: List[Type]) extends Type {
- override def safeToString =
- pre.toString + targs.mkString("(with type arguments ", ", ", ")");
- override def memberType(sym: Symbol) = appliedType(pre.memberType(sym), targs)
-// override def memberType(sym: Symbol) = pre.memberType(sym) match {
-// case PolyType(tparams, restp) =>
-// restp.subst(tparams, targs)
-// /* I don't think this is needed, as existential types close only over value types
-// case ExistentialType(tparams, qtpe) =>
-// existentialAbstraction(tparams, qtpe.memberType(sym))
-// */
-// case ErrorType =>
-// ErrorType
-// }
- override def kind = "AntiPolyType"
- }
- //private var tidCount = 0 //DEBUG
- object HasTypeMember {
- def apply(name: TypeName, tp: Type): Type = {
- val bound = refinedType(List(WildcardType), NoSymbol)
- val bsym = bound.typeSymbol.newAliasType(name)
- bsym setInfo tp
- bound.decls enter bsym
- bound
- }
- def unapply(tp: Type): Option[(TypeName, Type)] = tp match {
- case RefinedType(List(WildcardType), Scope(sym)) => Some((,
- case _ => None
- }
- }
- // Not used yet.
- object HasTypeParams {
- def unapply(tp: Type): Option[(List[Symbol], Type)] = tp match {
- case AnnotatedType(_, tp, _) => unapply(tp)
- case ExistentialType(tparams, qtpe) => Some((tparams, qtpe))
- case PolyType(tparams, restpe) => Some((tparams, restpe))
- case _ => None
- }
- }
- //@M
- // a TypeVar used to be a case class with only an origin and a constr
- // then, constr became mutable (to support UndoLog, I guess),
- // but pattern-matching returned the original constr0 (a bug)
- // now, pattern-matching returns the most recent constr
- object TypeVar {
- @inline final def trace[T](action: String, msg: => String)(value: T): T = {
- if (traceTypeVars) {
- val s = msg match {
- case "" => ""
- case str => "( " + str + " )"
- }
- Console.err.println("[%10s] %-25s%s".format(action, value, s))
- }
- value
- }
- /** Create a new TypeConstraint based on the given symbol.
- */
- private def deriveConstraint(tparam: Symbol): TypeConstraint = {
- /** Must force the type parameter's info at this point
- * or things don't end well for higher-order type params.
- * See SI-5359.
- */
- val bounds =
- /** We can seed the type constraint with the type parameter
- * bounds as long as the types are concrete. This should lower
- * the complexity of the search even if it doesn't improve
- * any results.
- */
- if (propagateParameterBoundsToTypeVars) {
- val exclude = bounds.isEmptyBounds || bounds.exists(_.typeSymbolDirect.isNonClassType)
- if (exclude) new TypeConstraint
- else TypeVar.trace("constraint", "For " + tparam.fullLocationString)(new TypeConstraint(bounds))
- }
- else new TypeConstraint
- }
- def unapply(tv: TypeVar): Some[(Type, TypeConstraint)] = Some((tv.origin, tv.constr))
- def untouchable(tparam: Symbol): TypeVar = createTypeVar(tparam, untouchable = true)
- def apply(tparam: Symbol): TypeVar = createTypeVar(tparam, untouchable = false)
- def apply(origin: Type, constr: TypeConstraint): TypeVar = apply(origin, constr, Nil, Nil)
- def apply(origin: Type, constr: TypeConstraint, args: List[Type], params: List[Symbol]): TypeVar =
- createTypeVar(origin, constr, args, params, untouchable = false)
- /** This is the only place TypeVars should be instantiated.
- */
- private def createTypeVar(origin: Type, constr: TypeConstraint, args: List[Type], params: List[Symbol], untouchable: Boolean): TypeVar = {
- val tv = (
- if (args.isEmpty && params.isEmpty) {
- if (untouchable) new TypeVar(origin, constr) with UntouchableTypeVar
- else new TypeVar(origin, constr)
- }
- else if (args.size == params.size) {
- if (untouchable) new AppliedTypeVar(origin, constr, params zip args) with UntouchableTypeVar
- else new AppliedTypeVar(origin, constr, params zip args)
- }
- else if (args.isEmpty) {
- if (untouchable) new HKTypeVar(origin, constr, params) with UntouchableTypeVar
- else new HKTypeVar(origin, constr, params)
- }
- else throw new Error("Invalid TypeVar construction: " + ((origin, constr, args, params)))
- )
- trace("create", "In " + tv.originLocation)(tv)
- }
- private def createTypeVar(tparam: Symbol, untouchable: Boolean): TypeVar =
- createTypeVar(tparam.tpeHK, deriveConstraint(tparam), Nil, tparam.typeParams, untouchable)
- }
- /** Repack existential types, otherwise they sometimes get unpacked in the
- * wrong location (type inference comes up with an unexpected skolem)
- */
- def repackExistential(tp: Type): Type = (
- if (tp == NoType) tp
- else existentialAbstraction(existentialsInType(tp), tp)
- )
- def containsExistential(tpe: Type) =
- tpe exists (_.typeSymbol.isExistentiallyBound)
- def existentialsInType(tpe: Type) = (
- for (tp <- tpe ; if tp.typeSymbol.isExistentiallyBound) yield
- tp.typeSymbol
- )
- /** Precondition: params.nonEmpty. (args.nonEmpty enforced structurally.)
- */
- class HKTypeVar(
- _origin: Type,
- _constr: TypeConstraint,
- override val params: List[Symbol]
- ) extends TypeVar(_origin, _constr) {
- require(params.nonEmpty, this)
- override def isHigherKinded = true
- override protected def typeVarString ="[", ", ", "]=>" + originName)
- }
- /** Precondition: zipped params/args nonEmpty. (Size equivalence enforced structurally.)
- */
- class AppliedTypeVar(
- _origin: Type,
- _constr: TypeConstraint,
- zippedArgs: List[(Symbol, Type)]
- ) extends TypeVar(_origin, _constr) {
- require(zippedArgs.nonEmpty, this)
- override def params: List[Symbol] = zippedArgs map (_._1)
- override def typeArgs: List[Type] = zippedArgs map (_._2)
- override protected def typeVarString = (
- zippedArgs map { case (p, a) => + "=" + a } mkString (origin + "[", ", ", "]")
- )
- }
- trait UntouchableTypeVar extends TypeVar {
- override def untouchable = true
- override def isGround = true
- override def registerTypeEquality(tp: Type, typeVarLHS: Boolean) = tp match {
- case t: TypeVar if !t.untouchable =>
- t.registerTypeEquality(this, !typeVarLHS)
- case _ =>
- super.registerTypeEquality(tp, typeVarLHS)
- }
- override def registerBound(tp: Type, isLowerBound: Boolean, isNumericBound: Boolean = false): Boolean = tp match {
- case t: TypeVar if !t.untouchable =>
- t.registerBound(this, !isLowerBound, isNumericBound)
- case _ =>
- super.registerBound(tp, isLowerBound, isNumericBound)
- }
- }
- /** A class representing a type variable: not used after phase `typer`.
- *
- * A higher-kinded TypeVar has params (Symbols) and typeArgs (Types).
- * A TypeVar with nonEmpty typeArgs can only be instantiated by a higher-kinded
- * type that can be applied to those args. A TypeVar is much like a TypeRef,
- * except it has special logic for equality and subtyping.
- *
- * Precondition for this class, enforced structurally: args.isEmpty && params.isEmpty.
- */
- class TypeVar(
- val origin: Type,
- val constr0: TypeConstraint
- ) extends Type {
- def untouchable = false // by other typevars
- override def params: List[Symbol] = Nil
- override def typeArgs: List[Type] = Nil
- override def isHigherKinded = false
- /** The constraint associated with the variable
- * Syncnote: Type variables are assumed to be used from only one
- * thread. They are not exposed in api.Types and are used only locally
- * in operations that are exposed from types. Hence, no syncing of `constr`
- * or `encounteredHigherLevel` or `suspended` accesses should be necessary.
- */
- var constr = constr0
- def instValid = constr.instValid
- override def isGround = instValid && constr.inst.isGround
- /** The variable's skolemization level */
- val level = skolemizationLevel
- /** Two occurrences of a higher-kinded typevar, e.g. `?CC[Int]` and `?CC[String]`, correspond to
- * ''two instances'' of `TypeVar` that share the ''same'' `TypeConstraint`.
- *
- * `constr` for `?CC` only tracks type constructors anyway,
- * so when `?CC[Int] <:< List[Int]` and `?CC[String] <:< Iterable[String]`
- * `?CC's` hibounds contains List and Iterable.
- */
- def applyArgs(newArgs: List[Type]): TypeVar = (
- if (newArgs.isEmpty && typeArgs.isEmpty)
- this
- else if (newArgs.size == params.size) {
- val tv = TypeVar(origin, constr, newArgs, params)
- TypeVar.trace("applyArgs", "In " + originLocation + ", apply args " + newArgs.mkString(", ") + " to " + originName)(tv)
- }
- else
- throw new Error("Invalid type application in TypeVar: " + params + ", " + newArgs)
- )
- // newArgs.length may differ from args.length (could've been empty before)
- //
- // !!! @PP - I need an example of this, since this exception never triggers
- // even though I am requiring the size match.
- //
- // example: when making new typevars, you start out with C[A], then you replace C by ?C, which should yield ?C[A], then A by ?A, ?C[?A]
- // we need to track a TypeVar's arguments, and map over them (see TypeMap::mapOver)
- // TypeVars get applied to different arguments over time (in asSeenFrom)
- // -- see pos/tcpoly_infer_implicit_tuplewrapper.scala
- // thus: make new TypeVar's for every application of a TV to args,
- // inference may generate several TypeVar's for a single type parameter that must be inferred,
- // only one of them is in the set of tvars that need to be solved, but
- // they share the same TypeConstraint instance
- // When comparing to types containing skolems, remember the highest level
- // of skolemization. If that highest level is higher than our initial
- // skolemizationLevel, we can't re-use those skolems as the solution of this
- // typevar, which means we'll need to repack our constr.inst into a fresh
- // existential.
- // were we compared to skolems at a higher skolemizationLevel?
- // EXPERIMENTAL: value will not be considered unless enableTypeVarExperimentals is true
- // see SI-5729 for why this is still experimental
- private var encounteredHigherLevel = false
- private def shouldRepackType = enableTypeVarExperimentals && encounteredHigherLevel
- // <region name="constraint mutators + undoLog">
- // invariant: before mutating constr, save old state in undoLog
- // (undoLog is used to reset constraints to avoid piling up unrelated ones)
- def setInst(tp: Type) {
-// assert(!(tp containsTp this), this)
- undoLog record this
- // if we were compared against later typeskolems, repack the existential,
- // because skolems are only compatible if they were created at the same level
- val res = if (shouldRepackType) repackExistential(tp) else tp
- constr.inst = TypeVar.trace("setInst", "In " + originLocation + ", " + originName + "=" + res)(res)
- }
- def addLoBound(tp: Type, isNumericBound: Boolean = false) {
- assert(tp != this, tp) // implies there is a cycle somewhere (?)
- //println("addLoBound: "+(safeToString, debugString(tp))) //DEBUG
- undoLog record this
- constr.addLoBound(tp, isNumericBound)
- }
- def addHiBound(tp: Type, isNumericBound: Boolean = false) {
- // assert(tp != this)
- //println("addHiBound: "+(safeToString, debugString(tp))) //DEBUG
- undoLog record this
- constr.addHiBound(tp, isNumericBound)
- }
- // </region>
- // ignore subtyping&equality checks while true -- see findMember
- private[Types] var suspended = false
- /** Called when a TypeVar is involved in a subtyping check. Result is whether
- * this TypeVar could plausibly be a [super/sub]type of argument `tp` and if so,
- * tracks tp as a [lower/upper] bound of this TypeVar.
- *
- * if (isLowerBound) this typevar could be a subtype, track tp as a lower bound
- * if (!isLowerBound) this typevar could be a supertype, track tp as an upper bound
- *
- * If isNumericBound is true, the subtype check is performed with weak_<:< instead of <:<.
- */
- def registerBound(tp: Type, isLowerBound: Boolean, isNumericBound: Boolean = false): Boolean = {
- // println("regBound: "+(safeToString, debugString(tp), isLowerBound)) //@MDEBUG
- if (isLowerBound)
- assert(tp != this)
- // side effect: adds the type to upper or lower bounds
- def addBound(tp: Type) {
- if (isLowerBound) addLoBound(tp, isNumericBound)
- else addHiBound(tp, isNumericBound)
- }
- // swaps the arguments if it's an upper bound
- def checkSubtype(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) = {
- val lhs = if (isLowerBound) tp1 else tp2
- val rhs = if (isLowerBound) tp2 else tp1
- if (isNumericBound) lhs weak_<:< rhs
- else lhs <:< rhs
- }
- /** Simple case: type arguments can be ignored, because either this typevar has
- * no type parameters, or we are comparing to Any/Nothing.
- *
- * The latter condition is needed because HK unification is limited to constraints of the shape
- * {{{
- * TC1[T1,..., TN] <: TC2[T'1,...,T'N]
- * }}}
- * which would preclude the following important constraints:
- * {{{
- * Nothing <: ?TC[?T]
- * ?TC[?T] <: Any
- * }}}
- */
- def unifySimple = (
- (params.isEmpty || tp.typeSymbol == NothingClass || tp.typeSymbol == AnyClass) && {
- addBound(tp)
- true
- }
- )
- /** Full case: involving a check of the form
- * {{{
- * TC1[T1,..., TN] <: TC2[T'1,...,T'N]
- * }}}
- * Checks subtyping of higher-order type vars, and uses variances as defined in the
- * type parameter we're trying to infer (the result will be sanity-checked later).
- */
- def unifyFull(tpe: Type) = {
- // The alias/widen variations are often no-ops.
- val tpes = (
- if (isLowerBound) List(tpe, tpe.widen, tpe.dealias, tpe.widen.dealias).distinct
- else List(tpe)
- )
- tpes exists { tp =>
- val lhs = if (isLowerBound) tp.typeArgs else typeArgs
- val rhs = if (isLowerBound) typeArgs else tp.typeArgs
- sameLength(lhs, rhs) && {
- // this is a higher-kinded type var with same arity as tp.
- // side effect: adds the type constructor itself as a bound
- addBound(tp.typeConstructor)
- isSubArgs(lhs, rhs, params)
- }
- }
- }
- // There's a <: test taking place right now, where tp is a concrete type and this is a typevar
- // attempting to satisfy that test. Either the test will be unsatisfiable, in which case
- // registerBound will return false; or the upper or lower bounds of this type var will be
- // supplemented with the type being tested against.
- //
- // Eventually the types which have accumulated in the upper and lower bounds will be lubbed
- // (resp. glbbed) to instantiate the typevar.
- //
- // The only types which are eligible for unification are those with the same number of
- // typeArgs as this typevar, or Any/Nothing, which are kind-polymorphic. For the upper bound,
- // any parent or base type of `tp` may be tested here (leading to a corresponding relaxation
- // in the upper bound.) The universe of possible glbs, being somewhat more infinite, is not
- // addressed here: all lower bounds are retained and their intersection calculated when the
- // bounds are solved.
- //
- // In a side-effect free universe, checking tp and tp.parents beofre checking tp.baseTypeSeq
- // would be pointless. In this case, each check we perform causes us to lose specificity: in
- // the end the best we'll do is the least specific type we tested against, since the typevar
- // does not see these checks as "probes" but as requirements to fulfill.
- // TODO: can the `suspended` flag be used to poke around without leaving a trace?
- //
- // So the strategy used here is to test first the type, then the direct parents, and finally
- // to fall back on the individual base types. This warrants eventual re-examination.
- // AM: I think we could use the `suspended` flag to avoid side-effecting during unification
- if (suspended) // constraint accumulation is disabled
- checkSubtype(tp, origin)
- else if (constr.instValid) // type var is already set
- checkSubtype(tp, constr.inst)
- else isRelatable(tp) && {
- unifySimple || unifyFull(tp) || (
- // only look harder if our gaze is oriented toward Any
- isLowerBound && (
- (tp.parents exists unifyFull) || (
- // @PP: Is it going to be faster to filter out the parents we just checked?
- // That's what's done here but I'm not sure it matters.
- tp.baseTypeSeq.toList.tail filterNot (tp.parents contains _) exists unifyFull
- )
- )
- )
- }
- }
- def registerTypeEquality(tp: Type, typeVarLHS: Boolean): Boolean = {
-// println("regTypeEq: "+(safeToString, debugString(tp), tp.getClass, if (typeVarLHS) "in LHS" else "in RHS", if (suspended) "ZZ" else if (constr.instValid) "IV" else "")) //@MDEBUG
-// println("constr: "+ constr)
- def checkIsSameType(tp: Type) =
- if(typeVarLHS) constr.inst =:= tp
- else tp =:= constr.inst
- if (suspended) tp =:= origin
- else if (constr.instValid) checkIsSameType(tp)
- else isRelatable(tp) && {
- val newInst = wildcardToTypeVarMap(tp)
- (constr isWithinBounds newInst) && { setInst(tp); true }
- }
- }
- /**
- * `?A.T =:= tp` is rewritten as the constraint `?A <: {type T = tp}`
- *
- * TODO: make these constraints count (incorporate them into implicit search in `applyImplicitArgs`)
- * (`T` corresponds to @param sym)
- */
- def registerTypeSelection(sym: Symbol, tp: Type): Boolean = {
- registerBound(HasTypeMember(, tp), false)
- }
- private def isSkolemAboveLevel(tp: Type) = tp.typeSymbol match {
- case ts: TypeSkolem => ts.level > level
- case _ => false
- }
- // side-effects encounteredHigherLevel
- private def containsSkolemAboveLevel(tp: Type) =
- (tp exists isSkolemAboveLevel) && { encounteredHigherLevel = true ; true }
- /** Can this variable be related in a constraint to type `tp`?
- * This is not the case if `tp` contains type skolems whose
- * skolemization level is higher than the level of this variable.
- */
- def isRelatable(tp: Type) = (
- shouldRepackType // short circuit if we already know we've seen higher levels
- || !containsSkolemAboveLevel(tp) // side-effects tracking boolean
- || enableTypeVarExperimentals // -Xexperimental: always say we're relatable, track consequences
- )
- override def normalize: Type = (
- if (constr.instValid) constr.inst
- // get here when checking higher-order subtyping of the typevar by itself
- // TODO: check whether this ever happens?
- else if (isHigherKinded) typeFun(params, applyArgs(params map (_.typeConstructor)))
- else super.normalize
- )
- override def typeSymbol = origin.typeSymbol
- override def isStable = origin.isStable
- override def isVolatile = origin.isVolatile
- private def tparamsOfSym(sym: Symbol) = match {
- case PolyType(tparams, _) if tparams.nonEmpty =>
- tparams map (_.defString) mkString("[", ",", "]")
- case _ => ""
- }
- def originName = origin.typeSymbolDirect.decodedName
- def originLocation = {
- val sym = origin.typeSymbolDirect
- val encl = sym.owner.logicallyEnclosingMember
- // This should display somewhere between one and three
- // things which enclose the origin: at most, a class, a
- // a method, and a term. At least, a class.
- List(
- Some(encl.enclClass),
- if (encl.isMethod) Some(encl) else None,
- if (sym.owner.isTerm && (sym.owner != encl)) Some(sym.owner) else None
- ).flatten map (s => s.decodedName + tparamsOfSym(s)) mkString "#"
- }
- private def levelString = if (settings.explaintypes.value) level else ""
- protected def typeVarString = originName
- override def safeToString = (
- if ((constr eq null) || (constr.inst eq null)) "TVar<" + originName + "=null>"
- else if (constr.inst ne NoType) "=?" + constr.inst
- else (if(untouchable) "!?" else "?") + levelString + originName
- )
- override def kind = "TypeVar"
- def cloneInternal = {
- // cloning a suspended type variable when it's suspended will cause the clone
- // to never be resumed with the current implementation
- assert(!suspended, this)
- TypeVar.trace("clone", originLocation)(
- TypeVar(origin, constr cloneInternal, typeArgs, params) // @M TODO: clone args/params?
- )
- }
- }
- /** A type carrying some annotations. Created by the typechecker
- * when eliminating ''Annotated'' trees (see typedAnnotated).
- *
- * @param annotations the list of annotations on the type
- * @param underlying the type without the annotation
- * @param selfsym a "self" symbol with type `underlying`;
- * only available if -Yself-in-annots is turned on. Can be `NoSymbol`
- * if it is not used.
- */
- case class AnnotatedType(override val annotations: List[AnnotationInfo],
- override val underlying: Type,
- override val selfsym: Symbol)
- extends RewrappingTypeProxy with AnnotatedTypeApi {
- assert(!annotations.isEmpty, "" + underlying)
- override protected def rewrap(tp: Type) = copy(underlying = tp)
- override def isTrivial: Boolean = isTrivial0
- private lazy val isTrivial0 = underlying.isTrivial && annotations.forall(_.isTrivial)
- override def safeToString = annotations.mkString(underlying + " @", " @", "")
- override def filterAnnotations(p: AnnotationInfo => Boolean): Type = {
- val (yes, no) = annotations partition p
- if (yes.isEmpty) underlying
- else if (no.isEmpty) this
- else copy(annotations = yes)
- }
- override def setAnnotations(annots: List[AnnotationInfo]): Type =
- if (annots.isEmpty) underlying
- else copy(annotations = annots)
- /** Add a number of annotations to this type */
- override def withAnnotations(annots: List[AnnotationInfo]): Type =
- if (annots.isEmpty) this
- else copy(annots ::: this.annotations)
- /** Remove any annotations from this type.
- * TODO - is it allowed to nest AnnotatedTypes? If not then let's enforce
- * that at creation. At the moment if they do ever turn up nested this
- * recursively calls withoutAnnotations.
- */
- override def withoutAnnotations = underlying.withoutAnnotations
- /** Set the self symbol */
- override def withSelfsym(sym: Symbol) = copy(selfsym = sym)
- /** Drop the annotations on the bounds, unless the low and high
- * bounds are exactly tp.
- */
- override def bounds: TypeBounds = underlying.bounds match {
- case TypeBounds(_: this.type, _: this.type) => TypeBounds(this, this)
- case oftp => oftp
- }
- // ** Replace formal type parameter symbols with actual type arguments. * /
- override def instantiateTypeParams(formals: List[Symbol], actuals: List[Type]) = {
- val annotations1 = => AnnotationInfo(info.atp.instantiateTypeParams(
- formals, actuals), info.args, info.assocs).setPos(info.pos))
- val underlying1 = underlying.instantiateTypeParams(formals, actuals)
- if ((annotations1 eq annotations) && (underlying1 eq underlying)) this
- else AnnotatedType(annotations1, underlying1, selfsym)
- }
- /** Return the base type sequence of tp, dropping the annotations, unless the base type sequence of tp
- * is precisely tp itself. */
- override def baseTypeSeq: BaseTypeSeq = {
- val oftp = underlying.baseTypeSeq
- if ((oftp.length == 1) && (oftp(0) eq underlying))
- baseTypeSingletonSeq(this)
- else
- oftp
- }
- override def kind = "AnnotatedType"
- }
- /** Creator for AnnotatedTypes. It returns the underlying type if annotations.isEmpty
- * rather than walking into the assertion.
- */
- def annotatedType(annots: List[AnnotationInfo], underlying: Type, selfsym: Symbol = NoSymbol): Type =
- if (annots.isEmpty) underlying
- else AnnotatedType(annots, underlying, selfsym)
- object AnnotatedType extends AnnotatedTypeExtractor
- /** A class representing types with a name. When an application uses
- * named arguments, the named argument types for calling isApplicable
- * are represented as NamedType.
- */
- case class NamedType(name: Name, tp: Type) extends Type {
- override def safeToString: String = name.toString +": "+ tp
- }
- /** A De Bruijn index referring to a previous type argument. Only used
- * as a serialization format.
- */
- case class DeBruijnIndex(level: Int, idx: Int, args: List[Type]) extends Type {
- override def safeToString: String = "De Bruijn index("+level+","+idx+")"
- }
- /** A binder defining data associated with De Bruijn indices. Only used
- * as a serialization format.
- */
- case class DeBruijnBinder(pnames: List[Name], ptypes: List[Type], restpe: Type) extends Type {
- override def safeToString = {
- val kind = if (pnames.head.isTypeName) "poly" else "method"
- "De Bruijn "+kind+"("+(pnames mkString ",")+";"+(ptypes mkString ",")+";"+restpe+")"
- }
- }
- abstract case class ErasedValueType(sym: Symbol) extends Type {
- override def safeToString ="$unboxed"
- }
- final class UniqueErasedValueType(sym: Symbol) extends ErasedValueType(sym) with UniqueType
- object ErasedValueType {
- def apply(sym: Symbol): Type = {
- assert(sym ne NoSymbol, "ErasedValueType cannot be NoSymbol")
- unique(new UniqueErasedValueType(sym))
- }
- }
- /** A class representing an as-yet unevaluated type.
- */
- abstract class LazyType extends Type {
- override def isComplete: Boolean = false
- override def complete(sym: Symbol)
- override def safeToString = "<?>"
- override def kind = "LazyType"
- }
- abstract class LazyPolyType(override val typeParams: List[Symbol]) extends LazyType {
- override def safeToString =
- (if (typeParams.isEmpty) "" else typeParamsString(this)) + super.safeToString
- }
- // def mkLazyType(tparams: Symbol*)(f: Symbol => Unit): LazyType = (
- // if (tparams.isEmpty) new LazyType { override def complete(sym: Symbol) = f(sym) }
- // else new LazyPolyType(tparams.toList) { override def complete(sym: Symbol) = f(sym) }
- // )
-// Creators ---------------------------------------------------------------
- /** Rebind symbol `sym` to an overriding member in type `pre`. */
- private def rebind(pre: Type, sym: Symbol): Symbol = {
- if (!sym.isOverridableMember || sym.owner == pre.typeSymbol) sym
- else pre.nonPrivateMember( => sym.isType || sym.isStable) orElse sym
- }
- /** Convert a `super` prefix to a this-type if `sym` is abstract or final. */
- private def removeSuper(tp: Type, sym: Symbol): Type = tp match {
- case SuperType(thistp, _) =>
- if (sym.isEffectivelyFinal || sym.isDeferred) thistp
- else tp
- case _ =>
- tp
- }
- /** The canonical creator for single-types */
- def singleType(pre: Type, sym: Symbol): Type = {
- if (phase.erasedTypes)
- sym.tpe.resultType
- else if (sym.isRootPackage)
- ThisType(sym.moduleClass)
- else {
- var sym1 = rebind(pre, sym)
- val pre1 = removeSuper(pre, sym1)
- if (pre1 ne pre) sym1 = rebind(pre1, sym1)
- SingleType(pre1, sym1)
- }
- }
- /** the canonical creator for a refined type with a given scope */
- def refinedType(parents: List[Type], owner: Symbol, decls: Scope, pos: Position): Type = {
- if (phase.erasedTypes)
- if (parents.isEmpty) ObjectClass.tpe else parents.head
- else {
- val clazz = owner.newRefinementClass(pos) // TODO: why were we passing in NoPosition instead of pos?
- val result = RefinedType(parents, decls, clazz)
- clazz.setInfo(result)
- result
- }
- }
- /** The canonical creator for a refined type with an initially empty scope.
- *
- * @param parents ...
- * @param owner ...
- * @return ...
- */
- def refinedType(parents: List[Type], owner: Symbol): Type =
- refinedType(parents, owner, newScope, owner.pos)
- def copyRefinedType(original: RefinedType, parents: List[Type], decls: Scope) =
- if ((parents eq original.parents) && (decls eq original.decls)) original
- else {
- val owner = if (original.typeSymbol == NoSymbol) NoSymbol else original.typeSymbol.owner
- val result = refinedType(parents, owner)
- val syms1 = decls.toList
- for (sym <- syms1)
- result.decls.enter(sym.cloneSymbol(result.typeSymbol))
- val syms2 = result.decls.toList
- val resultThis = result.typeSymbol.thisType
- for (sym <- syms2)
- sym modifyInfo (_ substThisAndSym(original.typeSymbol, resultThis, syms1, syms2))
- result
- }
- /** The canonical creator for typerefs
- * todo: see how we can clean this up a bit
- */
- def typeRef(pre: Type, sym: Symbol, args: List[Type]): Type = {
- // type alias selections are rebound in TypeMap ("coevolved",
- // actually -- see #3731) e.g., when type parameters that are
- // referenced by the alias are instantiated in the prefix. See
- // pos/depmet_rebind_typealias.
- val sym1 = if (sym.isAbstractType) rebind(pre, sym) else sym
- // don't expand cyclical type alias
- // we require that object is initialized, thus info.typeParams instead of typeParams.
- if (sym1.isAliasType && sameLength(, args) && !sym1.lockOK)
- throw new RecoverableCyclicReference(sym1)
- val pre1 = pre match {
- case x: SuperType if sym1.isEffectivelyFinal || sym1.isDeferred =>
- x.thistpe
- case _: CompoundType if sym1.isClass =>
- // sharpen prefix so that it is maximal and still contains the class.
- pre.parents.reverse dropWhile (_.member( != sym1) match {
- case Nil => pre
- case parent :: _ => parent
- }
- case _ => pre
- }
- if (pre eq pre1) TypeRef(pre, sym1, args)
- else if (sym1.isAbstractType && !sym1.isClass) typeRef(pre1, rebind(pre1, sym1), args)
- else typeRef(pre1, sym1, args)
- }
- // Optimization to avoid creating unnecessary new typerefs.
- def copyTypeRef(tp: Type, pre: Type, sym: Symbol, args: List[Type]): Type = tp match {
- case TypeRef(pre0, sym0, _) if pre == pre0 && == =>
- if (sym.isAliasType && sameLength(, args) && !sym.lockOK)
- throw new RecoverableCyclicReference(sym)
- TypeRef(pre, sym, args)
- case _ =>
- typeRef(pre, sym, args)
- }
- /** The canonical creator for implicit method types */
- def JavaMethodType(params: List[Symbol], resultType: Type): JavaMethodType =
- new JavaMethodType(params, resultType) // don't unique this!
- /** Create a new MethodType of the same class as tp, i.e. keep JavaMethodType */
- def copyMethodType(tp: Type, params: List[Symbol], restpe: Type): Type = tp match {
- case _: JavaMethodType => JavaMethodType(params, restpe)
- case _ => MethodType(params, restpe)
- }
- /** A creator for intersection type where intersections of a single type are
- * replaced by the type itself, and repeated parent classes are merged.
- *
- * !!! Repeated parent classes are not merged - is this a bug in the
- * comment or in the code?
- */
- def intersectionType(tps: List[Type], owner: Symbol): Type = tps match {
- case tp :: Nil => tp
- case _ => refinedType(tps, owner)
- }
- /** A creator for intersection type where intersections of a single type are
- * replaced by the type itself.
- */
- def intersectionType(tps: List[Type]): Type = tps match {
- case tp :: Nil => tp
- case _ => refinedType(tps, commonOwner(tps))
- }
-/**** This implementation to merge parents was checked in in commented-out
- form and has languished unaltered for five years. I think we should
- use it or lose it.
- def merge(tps: List[Type]): List[Type] = tps match {
- case tp :: tps1 =>
- val tps1a = tps1 filter (_.typeSymbol.==(tp.typeSymbol))
- val tps1b = tps1 filter (_.typeSymbol.!=(tp.typeSymbol))
- mergePrefixAndArgs(tps1a, -1) match {
- case Some(tp1) => tp1 :: merge(tps1b)
- case None => throw new MalformedType(
- "malformed type: "+refinedType(tps, owner)+" has repeated parent class "+
- tp.typeSymbol+" with incompatible prefixes or type arguments")
- }
- case _ => tps
- }
- refinedType(merge(tps), owner)
- /** A creator for type applications */
- def appliedType(tycon: Type, args: List[Type]): Type =
- if (args.isEmpty) tycon //@M! `if (args.isEmpty) tycon' is crucial (otherwise we create new types in phases after typer and then they don't get adapted (??))
- else tycon match {
- case TypeRef(pre, sym @ (NothingClass|AnyClass), _) => copyTypeRef(tycon, pre, sym, Nil) //@M drop type args to Any/Nothing
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, _) => copyTypeRef(tycon, pre, sym, args)
- case PolyType(tparams, restpe) => restpe.instantiateTypeParams(tparams, args)
- case ExistentialType(tparams, restpe) => newExistentialType(tparams, appliedType(restpe, args))
- case st: SingletonType => appliedType(st.widen, args) // @M TODO: what to do? see bug1
- case RefinedType(parents, decls) => RefinedType(parents map (appliedType(_, args)), decls) // MO to AM: please check
- case TypeBounds(lo, hi) => TypeBounds(appliedType(lo, args), appliedType(hi, args))
- case tv@TypeVar(_, _) => tv.applyArgs(args)
- case AnnotatedType(annots, underlying, self) => AnnotatedType(annots, appliedType(underlying, args), self)
- case ErrorType => tycon
- case WildcardType => tycon // needed for neg/t0226
- case _ => abort(debugString(tycon))
- }
- /** Very convenient. */
- def appliedType(tyconSym: Symbol, args: Type*): Type =
- appliedType(tyconSym.typeConstructor, args.toList)
- /** A creator for existential types where the type arguments,
- * rather than being applied directly, are interpreted as the
- * upper bounds of unknown types. For instance if the type argument
- * list given is List(AnyRefClass), the resulting type would be
- * e.g. Set[_ <: AnyRef] rather than Set[AnyRef] .
- */
- def appliedTypeAsUpperBounds(tycon: Type, args: List[Type]): Type = {
- tycon match {
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, _) if sameLength(sym.typeParams, args) =>
- val eparams = typeParamsToExistentials(sym)
- val bounds = args map (TypeBounds upper _)
- foreach2(eparams, bounds)(_ setInfo _)
- newExistentialType(eparams, typeRef(pre, sym, eparams map (_.tpe)))
- case _ =>
- appliedType(tycon, args)
- }
- }
- /** A creator and extractor for type parameterizations that strips empty type parameter lists.
- * Use this factory method to indicate the type has kind * (it's a polymorphic value)
- * until we start tracking explicit kinds equivalent to typeFun (except that the latter requires tparams nonEmpty).
- *
- * PP to AM: I've co-opted this for where I know tparams may well be empty, and
- * expecting to get back `tpe` in such cases. Re being "forgiving" below,
- * can we instead say this is the canonical creator for polyTypes which
- * may or may not be poly? (It filched the standard "canonical creator" name.)
- */
- object GenPolyType {
- def apply(tparams: List[Symbol], tpe: Type): Type = (
- if (tparams nonEmpty) typeFun(tparams, tpe)
- else tpe // it's okay to be forgiving here
- )
- def unapply(tpe: Type): Option[(List[Symbol], Type)] = tpe match {
- case PolyType(tparams, restpe) => Some((tparams, restpe))
- case _ => Some((Nil, tpe))
- }
- }
- def genPolyType(params: List[Symbol], tpe: Type): Type = GenPolyType(params, tpe)
- @deprecated("use genPolyType(...) instead", "2.10.0")
- def polyType(params: List[Symbol], tpe: Type): Type = GenPolyType(params, tpe)
- /** A creator for anonymous type functions, where the symbol for the type function still needs to be created.
- *
- * TODO:
- * type params of anonymous type functions, which currently can only arise from normalising type aliases, are owned by the type alias of which they are the eta-expansion
- * higher-order subtyping expects eta-expansion of type constructors that arise from a class; here, the type params are owned by that class, but is that the right thing to do?
- */
- def typeFunAnon(tps: List[Symbol], body: Type): Type = typeFun(tps, body)
- /** A creator for a type functions, assuming the type parameters tps already have the right owner. */
- def typeFun(tps: List[Symbol], body: Type): Type = PolyType(tps, body)
- /** A creator for existential types. This generates:
- *
- * tpe1 where { tparams }
- *
- * where `tpe1` is the result of extrapolating `tpe` wrt to `tparams`.
- * Extrapolating means that type variables in `tparams` occurring
- * in covariant positions are replaced by upper bounds, (minus any
- * SingletonClass markers), type variables in `tparams` occurring in
- * contravariant positions are replaced by upper bounds, provided the
- * resulting type is legal wrt to stability, and does not contain any type
- * variable in `tparams`.
- *
- * The abstraction drops all type parameters that are not directly or
- * indirectly referenced by type `tpe1`. If there are no remaining type
- * parameters, simply returns result type `tpe`.
- */
- def existentialAbstraction(tparams: List[Symbol], tpe0: Type): Type =
- if (tparams.isEmpty) tpe0
- else {
- val tpe = deAlias(tpe0)
- val tpe1 = new ExistentialExtrapolation(tparams) extrapolate tpe
- var tparams0 = tparams
- var tparams1 = tparams0 filter tpe1.contains
- while (tparams1 != tparams0) {
- tparams0 = tparams1
- tparams1 = tparams filter { p =>
- tparams1 exists { p1 => p1 == p || ( contains p) }
- }
- }
- newExistentialType(tparams1, tpe1)
- }
- /** Remove any occurrences of type aliases from this type */
- object deAlias extends TypeMap {
- def apply(tp: Type): Type = mapOver {
- tp match {
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) if sym.isAliasType => tp.normalize
- case _ => tp
- }
- }
- }
- /** Remove any occurrence of type <singleton> from this type and its parents */
- object dropSingletonType extends TypeMap {
- def apply(tp: Type): Type = {
- tp match {
- case TypeRef(_, SingletonClass, _) =>
- AnyClass.tpe
- case tp1 @ RefinedType(parents, decls) =>
- var parents1 = parents filter (_.typeSymbol != SingletonClass)
- if (parents1.isEmpty) parents1 = List(AnyClass.tpe)
- if (parents1.tail.isEmpty && decls.isEmpty) mapOver(parents1.head)
- else mapOver(copyRefinedType(tp1, parents1, decls))
- case tp1 =>
- mapOver(tp1)
- }
- }
- }
- /** Substitutes the empty scope for any non-empty decls in the type. */
- object dropAllRefinements extends TypeMap {
- def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case rt @ RefinedType(parents, decls) if !decls.isEmpty =>
- mapOver(copyRefinedType(rt, parents, EmptyScope))
- case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) if !decls.isEmpty =>
- mapOver(ClassInfoType(parents, EmptyScope, clazz))
- case _ =>
- mapOver(tp)
- }
- }
- /** Type with all top-level occurrences of abstract types replaced by their bounds */
- def abstractTypesToBounds(tp: Type): Type = tp match { // @M don't normalize here (compiler loops on pos/bug1090.scala )
- case TypeRef(_, sym, _) if sym.isAbstractType =>
- abstractTypesToBounds(tp.bounds.hi)
- case TypeRef(_, sym, _) if sym.isAliasType =>
- abstractTypesToBounds(tp.normalize)
- case rtp @ RefinedType(parents, decls) =>
- copyRefinedType(rtp, parents mapConserve abstractTypesToBounds, decls)
- case AnnotatedType(_, underlying, _) =>
- abstractTypesToBounds(underlying)
- case _ =>
- tp
- }
- // Set to true for A* => Seq[A]
- // (And it will only rewrite A* in method result types.)
- // This is the pre-existing behavior.
- // Or false for Seq[A] => Seq[A]
- // (It will rewrite A* everywhere but method parameters.)
- // This is the specified behavior.
- protected def etaExpandKeepsStar = false
- object dropRepeatedParamType extends TypeMap {
- def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case MethodType(params, restpe) =>
- MethodType(params, apply(restpe))
- case PolyType(tparams, restpe) =>
- PolyType(tparams, apply(restpe))
- case TypeRef(_, RepeatedParamClass, arg :: Nil) =>
- seqType(arg)
- case _ =>
- if (etaExpandKeepsStar) tp else mapOver(tp)
- }
- }
- object toDeBruijn extends TypeMap {
- private var paramStack: List[List[Symbol]] = Nil
- def mkDebruijnBinder(params: List[Symbol], restpe: Type) = {
- paramStack = params :: paramStack
- try {
- DeBruijnBinder(params map (, params map (p => this(, this(restpe))
- } finally paramStack = paramStack.tail
- }
- def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case PolyType(tparams, restpe) =>
- mkDebruijnBinder(tparams, restpe)
- case MethodType(params, restpe) =>
- mkDebruijnBinder(params, restpe)
- case TypeRef(NoPrefix, sym, args) =>
- val level = paramStack indexWhere (_ contains sym)
- if (level < 0) mapOver(tp)
- else DeBruijnIndex(level, paramStack(level) indexOf sym, args mapConserve this)
- case _ =>
- mapOver(tp)
- }
- }
- def fromDeBruijn(owner: Symbol) = new TypeMap {
- private var paramStack: List[List[Symbol]] = Nil
- def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case DeBruijnBinder(pnames, ptypes, restpe) =>
- val isType = pnames.head.isTypeName
- val newParams = for (name <- pnames) yield
- if (isType) owner.newTypeParameter(name.toTypeName)
- else owner.newValueParameter(name.toTermName)
- paramStack = newParams :: paramStack
- try {
- foreach2(newParams, ptypes)((p, t) => p setInfo this(t))
- val restpe1 = this(restpe)
- if (isType) PolyType(newParams, restpe1)
- else MethodType(newParams, restpe1)
- } finally paramStack = paramStack.tail
- case DeBruijnIndex(level, idx, args) =>
- TypeRef(NoPrefix, paramStack(level)(idx), args map this)
- case _ =>
- mapOver(tp)
- }
- }
-// Hash consing --------------------------------------------------------------
- private val initialUniquesCapacity = 4096
- private var uniques: util.HashSet[Type] = _
- private var uniqueRunId = NoRunId
- protected def unique[T <: Type](tp: T): T = {
- incCounter(rawTypeCount)
- if (uniqueRunId != currentRunId) {
- uniques = util.HashSet[Type]("uniques", initialUniquesCapacity)
- uniqueRunId = currentRunId
- }
- (uniques findEntryOrUpdate tp).asInstanceOf[T]
- }
-// Helper Classes ---------------------------------------------------------
- /** @PP: Unable to see why these apparently constant types should need vals
- * in every TypeConstraint, I lifted them out.
- */
- private lazy val numericLoBound = IntClass.tpe
- private lazy val numericHiBound = intersectionType(List(ByteClass.tpe, CharClass.tpe), ScalaPackageClass)
- /** A class expressing upper and lower bounds constraints of type variables,
- * as well as their instantiations.
- */
- class TypeConstraint(lo0: List[Type], hi0: List[Type], numlo0: Type, numhi0: Type, avoidWidening0: Boolean = false) {
- def this(lo0: List[Type], hi0: List[Type]) = this(lo0, hi0, NoType, NoType)
- def this(bounds: TypeBounds) = this(List(bounds.lo), List(bounds.hi))
- def this() = this(List(), List())
- /* Syncnote: Type constraints are assumed to be used from only one
- * thread. They are not exposed in api.Types and are used only locally
- * in operations that are exposed from types. Hence, no syncing of any
- * variables should be ncessesary.
- */
- /** Guard these lists against AnyClass and NothingClass appearing,
- * else loBounds.isEmpty will have different results for an empty
- * constraint and one with Nothing as a lower bound. [Actually
- * guarding addLoBound/addHiBound somehow broke raw types so it
- * only guards against being created with them.]
- */
- private var lobounds = lo0 filterNot (_.typeSymbolDirect eq NothingClass)
- private var hibounds = hi0 filterNot (_.typeSymbolDirect eq AnyClass)
- private var numlo = numlo0
- private var numhi = numhi0
- private var avoidWidening = avoidWidening0
- def loBounds: List[Type] = if (numlo == NoType) lobounds else numlo :: lobounds
- def hiBounds: List[Type] = if (numhi == NoType) hibounds else numhi :: hibounds
- def avoidWiden: Boolean = avoidWidening
- def addLoBound(tp: Type, isNumericBound: Boolean = false) {
- if (isNumericBound && isNumericValueType(tp)) {
- if (numlo == NoType || isNumericSubType(numlo, tp))
- numlo = tp
- else if (!isNumericSubType(tp, numlo))
- numlo = numericLoBound
- }
- else lobounds ::= tp
- }
- def checkWidening(tp: Type) {
- if(tp.isStable) avoidWidening = true
- else tp match {
- case HasTypeMember(_, _) => avoidWidening = true
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- def addHiBound(tp: Type, isNumericBound: Boolean = false) {
- checkWidening(tp)
- if (isNumericBound && isNumericValueType(tp)) {
- if (numhi == NoType || isNumericSubType(tp, numhi))
- numhi = tp
- else if (!isNumericSubType(numhi, tp))
- numhi = numericHiBound
- }
- else hibounds ::= tp
- }
- def isWithinBounds(tp: Type): Boolean =
- lobounds.forall(_ <:< tp) &&
- hibounds.forall(tp <:< _) &&
- (numlo == NoType || (numlo weak_<:< tp)) &&
- (numhi == NoType || (tp weak_<:< numhi))
- var inst: Type = NoType // @M reduce visibility?
- def instValid = (inst ne null) && (inst ne NoType)
- def cloneInternal = {
- val tc = new TypeConstraint(lobounds, hibounds, numlo, numhi, avoidWidening)
- tc.inst = inst
- tc
- }
- override def toString = {
- val boundsStr = {
- val lo = loBounds filterNot (_.typeSymbolDirect eq NothingClass)
- val hi = hiBounds filterNot (_.typeSymbolDirect eq AnyClass)
- val lostr = if (lo.isEmpty) Nil else List(lo.mkString(" >: (", ", ", ")"))
- val histr = if (hi.isEmpty) Nil else List(hi.mkString(" <: (", ", ", ")"))
- lostr ++ histr mkString ("[", " | ", "]")
- }
- if (inst eq NoType) boundsStr
- else boundsStr + " _= " + inst.safeToString
- }
- }
- class TypeUnwrapper(poly: Boolean, existential: Boolean, annotated: Boolean, nullary: Boolean) extends (Type => Type) {
- def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case AnnotatedType(_, underlying, _) if annotated => apply(underlying)
- case ExistentialType(_, underlying) if existential => apply(underlying)
- case PolyType(_, underlying) if poly => apply(underlying)
- case NullaryMethodType(underlying) if nullary => apply(underlying)
- case tp => tp
- }
- }
- class ClassUnwrapper(existential: Boolean) extends TypeUnwrapper(poly = true, existential, annotated = true, nullary = false) {
- override def apply(tp: Type) = super.apply(tp.normalize)
- }
- object unwrapToClass extends ClassUnwrapper(existential = true) { }
- object unwrapToStableClass extends ClassUnwrapper(existential = false) { }
- object unwrapWrapperTypes extends TypeUnwrapper(true, true, true, true) { }
- trait AnnotationFilter extends TypeMap {
- def keepAnnotation(annot: AnnotationInfo): Boolean
- override def mapOver(annot: AnnotationInfo) =
- if (keepAnnotation(annot)) super.mapOver(annot)
- else UnmappableAnnotation
- }
- trait KeepOnlyTypeConstraints extends AnnotationFilter {
- // filter keeps only type constraint annotations
- def keepAnnotation(annot: AnnotationInfo) = annot matches TypeConstraintClass
- }
- trait VariantTypeMap extends TypeMap {
- private[this] var _variance = 1
- override def variance = _variance
- def variance_=(x: Int) = _variance = x
- override protected def noChangeToSymbols(origSyms: List[Symbol]) = {
- origSyms forall { sym =>
- val v = variance
- if (sym.isAliasType) variance = 0
- val result = this(
- variance = v
- result eq
- }
- }
- override protected def mapOverArgs(args: List[Type], tparams: List[Symbol]): List[Type] =
- map2Conserve(args, tparams) { (arg, tparam) =>
- val v = variance
- if (tparam.isContravariant) variance = -variance
- else if (!tparam.isCovariant) variance = 0
- val arg1 = this(arg)
- variance = v
- arg1
- }
- /** Map this function over given type */
- override def mapOver(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case MethodType(params, result) =>
- variance = -variance
- val params1 = mapOver(params)
- variance = -variance
- val result1 = this(result)
- if ((params1 eq params) && (result1 eq result)) tp
- else copyMethodType(tp, params1, result1.substSym(params, params1))
- case PolyType(tparams, result) =>
- variance = -variance
- val tparams1 = mapOver(tparams)
- variance = -variance
- var result1 = this(result)
- if ((tparams1 eq tparams) && (result1 eq result)) tp
- else PolyType(tparams1, result1.substSym(tparams, tparams1))
- case TypeBounds(lo, hi) =>
- variance = -variance
- val lo1 = this(lo)
- variance = -variance
- val hi1 = this(hi)
- if ((lo1 eq lo) && (hi1 eq hi)) tp
- else TypeBounds(lo1, hi1)
- case tr @ TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
- val pre1 = this(pre)
- val args1 =
- if (args.isEmpty)
- args
- else if (variance == 0) // fast & safe path: don't need to look at typeparams
- args mapConserve this
- else {
- val tparams = sym.typeParams
- if (tparams.isEmpty) args
- else mapOverArgs(args, tparams)
- }
- if ((pre1 eq pre) && (args1 eq args)) tp
- else copyTypeRef(tp, pre1, tr.coevolveSym(pre1), args1)
- case _ =>
- super.mapOver(tp)
- }
- }
- // todo. move these into scala.reflect.api
- /** A prototype for mapping a function over all possible types
- */
- abstract class TypeMap extends (Type => Type) {
- def apply(tp: Type): Type
- /** Mix in VariantTypeMap if you want variances to be significant.
- */
- def variance = 0
- /** Map this function over given type */
- def mapOver(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case tr @ TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
- val pre1 = this(pre)
- val args1 = args mapConserve this
- if ((pre1 eq pre) && (args1 eq args)) tp
- else copyTypeRef(tp, pre1, tr.coevolveSym(pre1), args1)
- case ThisType(_) => tp
- case SingleType(pre, sym) =>
- if (sym.isPackageClass) tp // short path
- else {
- val pre1 = this(pre)
- if (pre1 eq pre) tp
- else singleType(pre1, sym)
- }
- case MethodType(params, result) =>
- val params1 = mapOver(params)
- val result1 = this(result)
- if ((params1 eq params) && (result1 eq result)) tp
- else copyMethodType(tp, params1, result1.substSym(params, params1))
- case PolyType(tparams, result) =>
- val tparams1 = mapOver(tparams)
- var result1 = this(result)
- if ((tparams1 eq tparams) && (result1 eq result)) tp
- else PolyType(tparams1, result1.substSym(tparams, tparams1))
- case NullaryMethodType(result) =>
- val result1 = this(result)
- if (result1 eq result) tp
- else NullaryMethodType(result1)
- case ConstantType(_) => tp
- case SuperType(thistp, supertp) =>
- val thistp1 = this(thistp)
- val supertp1 = this(supertp)
- if ((thistp1 eq thistp) && (supertp1 eq supertp)) tp
- else SuperType(thistp1, supertp1)
- case TypeBounds(lo, hi) =>
- val lo1 = this(lo)
- val hi1 = this(hi)
- if ((lo1 eq lo) && (hi1 eq hi)) tp
- else TypeBounds(lo1, hi1)
- case BoundedWildcardType(bounds) =>
- val bounds1 = this(bounds)
- if (bounds1 eq bounds) tp
- else BoundedWildcardType(bounds1.asInstanceOf[TypeBounds])
- case rtp @ RefinedType(parents, decls) =>
- val parents1 = parents mapConserve this
- val decls1 = mapOver(decls)
- //if ((parents1 eq parents) && (decls1 eq decls)) tp
- //else refinementOfClass(tp.typeSymbol, parents1, decls1)
- copyRefinedType(rtp, parents1, decls1)
- case ExistentialType(tparams, result) =>
- val tparams1 = mapOver(tparams)
- var result1 = this(result)
- if ((tparams1 eq tparams) && (result1 eq result)) tp
- else newExistentialType(tparams1, result1.substSym(tparams, tparams1))
- case OverloadedType(pre, alts) =>
- val pre1 = if (pre.isInstanceOf[ClassInfoType]) pre else this(pre)
- if (pre1 eq pre) tp
- else OverloadedType(pre1, alts)
- case AntiPolyType(pre, args) =>
- val pre1 = this(pre)
- val args1 = args mapConserve (this)
- if ((pre1 eq pre) && (args1 eq args)) tp
- else AntiPolyType(pre1, args1)
- case tv@TypeVar(_, constr) =>
- if (constr.instValid) this(constr.inst)
- else tv.applyArgs(mapOverArgs(tv.typeArgs, tv.params)) //@M !args.isEmpty implies !typeParams.isEmpty
- case NotNullType(tp) =>
- val tp1 = this(tp)
- if (tp1 eq tp) tp
- else NotNullType(tp1)
- case AnnotatedType(annots, atp, selfsym) =>
- val annots1 = mapOverAnnotations(annots)
- val atp1 = this(atp)
- if ((annots1 eq annots) && (atp1 eq atp)) tp
- else if (annots1.isEmpty) atp1
- else AnnotatedType(annots1, atp1, selfsym)
- case DeBruijnIndex(shift, idx, args) =>
- val args1 = args mapConserve this
- if (args1 eq args) tp
- else DeBruijnIndex(shift, idx, args1)
- case ErrorType => tp
- case WildcardType => tp
- case NoType => tp
- case NoPrefix => tp
- case ErasedSingleType(sym) => tp
- case _ =>
- tp
- // throw new Error("mapOver inapplicable for " + tp);
- }
- protected def mapOverArgs(args: List[Type], tparams: List[Symbol]): List[Type] =
- args mapConserve this
- /** Called by mapOver to determine whether the original symbols can
- * be returned, or whether they must be cloned. Overridden in VariantTypeMap.
- */
- protected def noChangeToSymbols(origSyms: List[Symbol]) =
- origSyms forall (sym => eq this(
- /** Map this function over given scope */
- def mapOver(scope: Scope): Scope = {
- val elems = scope.toList
- val elems1 = mapOver(elems)
- if (elems1 eq elems) scope
- else newScopeWith(elems1: _*)
- }
- /** Map this function over given list of symbols */
- def mapOver(origSyms: List[Symbol]): List[Symbol] = {
- // fast path in case nothing changes due to map
- if (noChangeToSymbols(origSyms)) origSyms
- // map is not the identity --> do cloning properly
- else cloneSymbolsAndModify(origSyms, TypeMap.this)
- }
- def mapOver(annot: AnnotationInfo): AnnotationInfo = {
- val AnnotationInfo(atp, args, assocs) = annot
- val atp1 = mapOver(atp)
- val args1 = mapOverAnnotArgs(args)
- // there is no need to rewrite assocs, as they are constants
- if ((args eq args1) && (atp eq atp1)) annot
- else if (args1.isEmpty && args.nonEmpty) UnmappableAnnotation // some annotation arg was unmappable
- else AnnotationInfo(atp1, args1, assocs) setPos annot.pos
- }
- def mapOverAnnotations(annots: List[AnnotationInfo]): List[AnnotationInfo] = {
- val annots1 = annots mapConserve mapOver
- if (annots1 eq annots) annots
- else annots1 filterNot (_ eq UnmappableAnnotation)
- }
- /** Map over a set of annotation arguments. If any
- * of the arguments cannot be mapped, then return Nil. */
- def mapOverAnnotArgs(args: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = {
- val args1 = args mapConserve mapOver
- if (args1 contains UnmappableTree) Nil
- else args1
- }
- def mapOver(tree: Tree): Tree =
- mapOver(tree, () => return UnmappableTree)
- /** Map a tree that is part of an annotation argument.
- * If the tree cannot be mapped, then invoke giveup().
- * The default is to transform the tree with
- * TypeMapTransformer.
- */
- def mapOver(tree: Tree, giveup: ()=>Nothing): Tree =
- (new TypeMapTransformer).transform(tree)
- /** This transformer leaves the tree alone except to remap
- * its types. */
- class TypeMapTransformer extends Transformer {
- override def transform(tree: Tree) = {
- val tree1 = super.transform(tree)
- val tpe1 = TypeMap.this(tree1.tpe)
- if ((tree eq tree1) && (tree.tpe eq tpe1))
- tree
- else
- tree1.shallowDuplicate.setType(tpe1)
- }
- }
- }
- abstract class TypeTraverser extends TypeMap {
- def traverse(tp: Type): Unit
- def apply(tp: Type): Type = { traverse(tp); tp }
- }
- abstract class TypeTraverserWithResult[T] extends TypeTraverser {
- def result: T
- def clear(): Unit
- }
- abstract class TypeCollector[T](initial: T) extends TypeTraverser {
- var result: T = _
- def collect(tp: Type) = {
- result = initial
- traverse(tp)
- result
- }
- }
- /** A collector that tests for existential types appearing at given variance in a type
- * @PP: Commenting out due to not being used anywhere.
- */
- // class ContainsVariantExistentialCollector(v: Int) extends TypeCollector(false) with VariantTypeMap {
- // variance = v
- //
- // def traverse(tp: Type) = tp match {
- // case ExistentialType(_, _) if (variance == v) => result = true
- // case _ => mapOver(tp)
- // }
- // }
- //
- // val containsCovariantExistentialCollector = new ContainsVariantExistentialCollector(1)
- // val containsContravariantExistentialCollector = new ContainsVariantExistentialCollector(-1)
- def typeParamsToExistentials(clazz: Symbol, tparams: List[Symbol]): List[Symbol] = {
- val eparams = mapWithIndex(tparams)((tparam, i) =>
- clazz.newExistential(newTypeName("?"+i), clazz.pos) setInfo
- eparams map (_ substInfo (tparams, eparams))
- }
- def typeParamsToExistentials(clazz: Symbol): List[Symbol] =
- typeParamsToExistentials(clazz, clazz.typeParams)
- // note: it's important to write the two tests in this order,
- // as only typeParams forces the classfile to be read. See #400
- private def isRawIfWithoutArgs(sym: Symbol) =
- sym.isClass && sym.typeParams.nonEmpty && sym.isJavaDefined
- def isRaw(sym: Symbol, args: List[Type]) =
- !phase.erasedTypes && isRawIfWithoutArgs(sym) && args.isEmpty
- /** Is type tp a ''raw type''? */
- def isRawType(tp: Type) = tp match {
- case TypeRef(_, sym, args) => isRaw(sym, args)
- case _ => false
- }
- /** The raw to existential map converts a ''raw type'' to an existential type.
- * It is necessary because we might have read a raw type of a
- * parameterized Java class from a class file. At the time we read the type
- * the corresponding class file might still not be read, so we do not
- * know what the type parameters of the type are. Therefore
- * the conversion of raw types to existential types might not have taken place
- * in ClassFileparser.sigToType (where it is usually done).
- */
- def rawToExistential = new TypeMap {
- private var expanded = immutable.Set[Symbol]()
- def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, List()) if isRawIfWithoutArgs(sym) =>
- if (expanded contains sym) AnyRefClass.tpe
- else try {
- expanded += sym
- val eparams = mapOver(typeParamsToExistentials(sym))
- existentialAbstraction(eparams, typeRef(apply(pre), sym, eparams map (_.tpe)))
- } finally {
- expanded -= sym
- }
- case _ =>
- mapOver(tp)
- }
- }
- /** Used by existentialAbstraction.
- */
- class ExistentialExtrapolation(tparams: List[Symbol]) extends VariantTypeMap {
- private val occurCount = mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Int]()
- private def countOccs(tp: Type) = {
- tp foreach {
- case TypeRef(_, sym, _) =>
- if (tparams contains sym)
- occurCount(sym) += 1
- case _ => ()
- }
- }
- def extrapolate(tpe: Type): Type = {
- tparams foreach (t => occurCount(t) = 0)
- countOccs(tpe)
- for (tparam <- tparams)
- countOccs(
- apply(tpe)
- }
- def apply(tp: Type): Type = {
- val tp1 = mapOver(tp)
- if (variance == 0) tp1
- else tp1 match {
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) if tparams contains sym =>
- val repl = if (variance == 1) dropSingletonType(tp1.bounds.hi) else tp1.bounds.lo
- //println("eliminate "+sym+"/"+repl+"/"+occurCount(sym)+"/"+(tparams exists (repl.contains)))//DEBUG
- if (!repl.typeSymbol.isBottomClass && occurCount(sym) == 1 && !(tparams exists (repl.contains)))
- repl
- else tp1
- case _ =>
- tp1
- }
- }
- override def mapOver(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case SingleType(pre, sym) =>
- if (sym.isPackageClass) tp // short path
- else {
- val pre1 = this(pre)
- if ((pre1 eq pre) || !pre1.isStable) tp
- else singleType(pre1, sym)
- }
- case _ => super.mapOver(tp)
- }
- // Do not discard the types of existential ident's. The
- // symbol of the Ident itself cannot be listed in the
- // existential's parameters, so the resulting existential
- // type would be ill-formed.
- override def mapOver(tree: Tree) = tree match {
- case Ident(_) if tree.tpe.isStable => tree
- case _ => super.mapOver(tree)
- }
- }
- def singletonBounds(hi: Type) = TypeBounds.upper(intersectionType(List(hi, SingletonClass.tpe)))
- /** A map to compute the asSeenFrom method */
- class AsSeenFromMap(pre: Type, clazz: Symbol) extends TypeMap with KeepOnlyTypeConstraints {
- var capturedSkolems: List[Symbol] = List()
- var capturedParams: List[Symbol] = List()
- var capturedPre = emptySymMap
- override def mapOver(tree: Tree, giveup: ()=>Nothing): Tree = {
- object annotationArgRewriter extends TypeMapTransformer {
- /** Rewrite `This` trees in annotation argument trees */
- def rewriteThis(tree: Tree): Tree =
- tree match {
- case This(_)
- if (tree.symbol isNonBottomSubClass clazz) &&
- (pre.widen.typeSymbol isNonBottomSubClass tree.symbol) =>
- if (pre.isStable) { // XXX why is this in this method? pull it out and guard the call `annotationArgRewriter.transform(tree)`?
- val termSym = (
- pre.typeSymbol.owner.newValue(, pre.typeSymbol.pos) // what symbol should really be used?
- setInfo pre
- )
- gen.mkAttributedQualifier(pre, termSym)
- } else
- giveup()
- case tree => tree
- }
- override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
- val tree1 = rewriteThis(super.transform(tree))
- tree1
- }
- }
- annotationArgRewriter.transform(tree)
- }
- def stabilize(pre: Type, clazz: Symbol): Type =
- capturedPre.getOrElse(clazz, {
- val qvar = clazz freshExistential ".type" setInfo singletonBounds(pre)
- capturedPre += (clazz -> qvar)
- capturedParams = qvar :: capturedParams
- qvar
- }).tpe
- /** Return `pre.baseType(clazz)`, or if that's `NoType` and `clazz` is a refinement, `pre` itself.
- * See bug397.scala for an example where the second alternative is needed.
- * The problem is that when forming the base type sequence of an abstract type,
- * any refinements in the base type list might be regenerated, and thus acquire
- * new class symbols. However, since refinements always have non-interesting prefixes
- * it looks OK to me to just take the prefix directly. */
- def base(pre: Type, clazz: Symbol) = {
- val b = pre.baseType(clazz)
- if (b == NoType && clazz.isRefinementClass) pre
- else b
- }
- def apply(tp: Type): Type =
- if ((pre eq NoType) || (pre eq NoPrefix) || !clazz.isClass) tp
- else tp match {
- case ThisType(sym) =>
- def toPrefix(pre: Type, clazz: Symbol): Type =
- if ((pre eq NoType) || (pre eq NoPrefix) || !clazz.isClass) tp
- else if ((sym isNonBottomSubClass clazz) &&
- (pre.widen.typeSymbol isNonBottomSubClass sym)) {
- val pre1 = pre match {
- case SuperType(thistp, _) => thistp
- case _ => pre
- }
- if (!(pre1.isStable ||
- pre1.typeSymbol.isPackageClass ||
- pre1.typeSymbol.isModuleClass && pre1.typeSymbol.isStatic)) {
- stabilize(pre1, sym)
- } else {
- pre1
- }
- } else {
- toPrefix(base(pre, clazz).prefix, clazz.owner)
- }
- toPrefix(pre, clazz)
- case SingleType(pre, sym) =>
- if (sym.isPackageClass) tp // short path
- else {
- val pre1 = this(pre)
- if (pre1 eq pre) tp
- else if (pre1.isStable) singleType(pre1, sym)
- else pre1.memberType(sym).resultType //todo: this should be rolled into existential abstraction
- }
- // AM: Martin, is this description accurate?
- // walk the owner chain of `clazz` (the original argument to asSeenFrom) until we find the type param's owner (while rewriting pre as we crawl up the owner chain)
- // once we're at the owner, extract the information that pre encodes about the type param,
- // by minimally subsuming pre to the type instance of the class that owns the type param,
- // the type we're looking for is the type instance's type argument at the position corresponding to the type parameter
- // optimisation: skip this type parameter if it's not owned by a class, as those params are not influenced by the prefix through which they are seen
- // (concretely: type params of anonymous type functions, which currently can only arise from normalising type aliases, are owned by the type alias of which they are the eta-expansion)
- // (skolems also aren't affected: they are ruled out by the isTypeParameter check)
- case TypeRef(prefix, sym, args) if (sym.isTypeParameter && sym.owner.isClass) =>
- def toInstance(pre: Type, clazz: Symbol): Type =
- if ((pre eq NoType) || (pre eq NoPrefix) || !clazz.isClass) mapOver(tp)
- //@M! see test pos/tcpoly_return_overriding.scala why mapOver is necessary
- else {
- def throwError = abort("" + tp + sym.locationString + " cannot be instantiated from " + pre.widen)
- val symclazz = sym.owner
- if (symclazz == clazz && !pre.widen.isInstanceOf[TypeVar] && (pre.widen.typeSymbol isNonBottomSubClass symclazz)) {
- // have to deconst because it may be a Class[T].
- pre.baseType(symclazz).deconst match {
- case TypeRef(_, basesym, baseargs) =>
- def instParam(ps: List[Symbol], as: List[Type]): Type =
- if (ps.isEmpty) {
- if (forInteractive) {
- val saved = settings.uniqid.value
- try {
- settings.uniqid.value = true
- println("*** stale type parameter: " + tp + sym.locationString + " cannot be instantiated from " + pre.widen)
- println("*** confused with params: " + sym + " in " + sym.owner + " not in " + ps + " of " + basesym)
- println("*** stacktrace = ")
- new Error().printStackTrace()
- } finally settings.uniqid.value = saved
- instParamRelaxed(basesym.typeParams, baseargs)
- } else throwError
- } else if (sym eq ps.head)
- // @M! don't just replace the whole thing, might be followed by type application
- appliedType(as.head, args mapConserve (this)) // @M: was as.head
- else instParam(ps.tail, as.tail)
- /** Relaxed version of instParams which matches on names not symbols.
- * This is a last fallback in interactive mode because races in calls
- * from the IDE to the compiler may in rare cases lead to symbols referring
- * to type parameters that are no longer current.
- */
- def instParamRelaxed(ps: List[Symbol], as: List[Type]): Type =
- if (ps.isEmpty) throwError
- else if ( ==
- // @M! don't just replace the whole thing, might be followed by type application
- appliedType(as.head, args mapConserve (this)) // @M: was as.head
- else instParamRelaxed(ps.tail, as.tail)
- //Console.println("instantiating " + sym + " from " + basesym + " with " + basesym.typeParams + " and " + baseargs+", pre = "+pre+", symclazz = "+symclazz);//DEBUG
- if (sameLength(basesym.typeParams, baseargs))
- instParam(basesym.typeParams, baseargs)
- else
- if (symclazz.tpe.parents.exists(_.isErroneous))
- ErrorType // don't be to overzealous with throwing exceptions, see #2641
- else
- throw new Error(
- "something is wrong (wrong class file?): "+basesym+
- " with type parameters "+
- " gets applied to arguments "+baseargs.mkString("[",",","]")+", phase = "+phase)
- case ExistentialType(tparams, qtpe) =>
- capturedSkolems = capturedSkolems union tparams
- toInstance(qtpe, clazz)
- case t =>
- throwError
- }
- } else toInstance(base(pre, clazz).prefix, clazz.owner)
- }
- toInstance(pre, clazz)
- case _ =>
- mapOver(tp)
- }
- }
- /** A base class to compute all substitutions */
- abstract class SubstMap[T](from: List[Symbol], to: List[T]) extends TypeMap {
- assert(sameLength(from, to), "Unsound substitution from "+ from +" to "+ to)
- /** Are `sym` and `sym1` the same? Can be tuned by subclasses. */
- protected def matches(sym: Symbol, sym1: Symbol): Boolean = sym eq sym1
- /** Map target to type, can be tuned by subclasses */
- protected def toType(fromtp: Type, tp: T): Type
- protected def renameBoundSyms(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case MethodType(ps, restp) =>
- createFromClonedSymbols(ps, restp)((ps1, tp1) => copyMethodType(tp, ps1, renameBoundSyms(tp1)))
- case PolyType(bs, restp) =>
- createFromClonedSymbols(bs, restp)((ps1, tp1) => PolyType(ps1, renameBoundSyms(tp1)))
- case ExistentialType(bs, restp) =>
- createFromClonedSymbols(bs, restp)(newExistentialType)
- case _ =>
- tp
- }
- def apply(tp0: Type): Type = if (from.isEmpty) tp0 else {
- @tailrec def subst(tp: Type, sym: Symbol, from: List[Symbol], to: List[T]): Type =
- if (from.isEmpty) tp
- // else if (to.isEmpty) error("Unexpected substitution on '%s': from = %s but to == Nil".format(tp, from))
- else if (matches(from.head, sym)) toType(tp, to.head)
- else subst(tp, sym, from.tail, to.tail)
- val boundSyms = tp0.boundSyms
- val tp1 = if (boundSyms exists from.contains) renameBoundSyms(tp0) else tp0
- val tp = mapOver(tp1)
- tp match {
- // @M
- // 1) arguments must also be substituted (even when the "head" of the
- // applied type has already been substituted)
- // example: (subst RBound[RT] from [type RT,type RBound] to
- // [type RT&,type RBound&]) = RBound&[RT&]
- // 2) avoid loops (which occur because alpha-conversion is
- // not performed properly imo)
- // e.g. if in class Iterable[a] there is a new Iterable[(a,b)],
- // we must replace the a in Iterable[a] by (a,b)
- // (must not recurse --> loops)
- // 3) replacing m by List in m[Int] should yield List[Int], not just List
- case TypeRef(NoPrefix, sym, args) =>
- appliedType(subst(tp, sym, from, to), args) // if args.isEmpty, appliedType is the identity
- case SingleType(NoPrefix, sym) =>
- subst(tp, sym, from, to)
- case _ =>
- tp
- }
- }
- }
- /** A map to implement the `substSym` method. */
- class SubstSymMap(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Symbol]) extends SubstMap(from, to) {
- protected def toType(fromtp: Type, sym: Symbol) = fromtp match {
- case TypeRef(pre, _, args) => copyTypeRef(fromtp, pre, sym, args)
- case SingleType(pre, _) => singleType(pre, sym)
- }
- override def apply(tp: Type): Type = if (from.isEmpty) tp else {
- @tailrec def subst(sym: Symbol, from: List[Symbol], to: List[Symbol]): Symbol =
- if (from.isEmpty) sym
- // else if (to.isEmpty) error("Unexpected substitution on '%s': from = %s but to == Nil".format(sym, from))
- else if (matches(from.head, sym)) to.head
- else subst(sym, from.tail, to.tail)
- tp match {
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) if pre ne NoPrefix =>
- val newSym = subst(sym, from, to)
- // assert(newSym.typeParams.length == sym.typeParams.length, "typars mismatch in SubstSymMap: "+(sym, sym.typeParams, newSym, newSym.typeParams))
- mapOver(copyTypeRef(tp, pre, newSym, args)) // mapOver takes care of subst'ing in args
- case SingleType(pre, sym) if pre ne NoPrefix =>
- mapOver(singleType(pre, subst(sym, from, to)))
- case _ =>
- super.apply(tp)
- }
- }
- override def mapOver(tree: Tree, giveup: ()=>Nothing): Tree = {
- object trans extends TypeMapTransformer {
- def termMapsTo(sym: Symbol) = from indexOf sym match {
- case -1 => None
- case idx => Some(to(idx))
- }
- override def transform(tree: Tree) =
- tree match {
- case tree@Ident(_) =>
- termMapsTo(tree.symbol) match {
- case Some(tosym) =>
- if ( isSubClass SingletonClass) {
- Ident(tosym.existentialToString)
- .setSymbol(tosym)
- .setPos(tosym.pos)
- .setType(dropSingletonType(
- } else {
- giveup()
- }
- case none => super.transform(tree)
- }
- case tree => super.transform(tree)
- }
- }
- trans.transform(tree)
- }
- }
- /** A map to implement the `subst` method. */
- class SubstTypeMap(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Type])
- extends SubstMap(from, to) {
- protected def toType(fromtp: Type, tp: Type) = tp
- override def mapOver(tree: Tree, giveup: () => Nothing): Tree = {
- object trans extends TypeMapTransformer {
- override def transform(tree: Tree) = tree match {
- case Ident(name) =>
- from indexOf tree.symbol match {
- case -1 => super.transform(tree)
- case idx =>
- val totpe = to(idx)
- if (totpe.isStable) tree.duplicate setType totpe
- else giveup()
- }
- case _ =>
- super.transform(tree)
- }
- }
- trans.transform(tree)
- }
- }
- /** A map to implement the `substThis` method. */
- class SubstThisMap(from: Symbol, to: Type) extends TypeMap {
- def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case ThisType(sym) if (sym == from) => to
- case _ => mapOver(tp)
- }
- }
- class SubstWildcardMap(from: List[Symbol]) extends TypeMap {
- def apply(tp: Type): Type = try {
- tp match {
- case TypeRef(_, sym, _) if from contains sym =>
- BoundedWildcardType(
- case _ =>
- mapOver(tp)
- }
- } catch {
- case ex: MalformedType =>
- WildcardType
- }
- }
-// dependent method types
- object IsDependentCollector extends TypeCollector(false) {
- def traverse(tp: Type) {
- if(tp isImmediatelyDependent) result = true
- else if (!result) mapOver(tp)
- }
- }
- object ApproximateDependentMap extends TypeMap {
- def apply(tp: Type): Type =
- if(tp isImmediatelyDependent) WildcardType
- else mapOver(tp)
- }
- class InstantiateDependentMap(params: List[Symbol], actuals0: List[Type]) extends TypeMap with KeepOnlyTypeConstraints {
- private val actuals = actuals0.toIndexedSeq
- private val existentials = new Array[Symbol](actuals.size)
- def existentialsNeeded: List[Symbol] = existentials.filter(_ ne null).toList
- private object StableArg {
- def unapply(param: Symbol) = Arg unapply param map actuals filter (tp =>
- tp.isStable && (tp.typeSymbol != NothingClass)
- )
- }
- private object Arg {
- def unapply(param: Symbol) = Some(params indexOf param) filter (_ >= 0)
- }
- def apply(tp: Type): Type = mapOver(tp) match {
- // unsound to replace args by unstable actual #3873
- case SingleType(NoPrefix, StableArg(arg)) => arg
- // (soundly) expand type alias selections on implicit arguments,
- // see depmet_implicit_oopsla* test cases -- typically, `param.isImplicit`
- case tp1 @ TypeRef(SingleType(NoPrefix, Arg(pid)), sym, targs) =>
- val arg = actuals(pid)
- val res = typeRef(arg, sym, targs)
- if (res.typeSymbolDirect.isAliasType) res.dealias else tp1
- // don't return the original `tp`, which may be different from `tp1`,
- // due to dropping annotations
- case tp1 => tp1
- }
- /* Return the type symbol for referencing a parameter inside the existential quantifier.
- * (Only needed if the actual is unstable.)
- */
- private def existentialFor(pid: Int) = {
- if (existentials(pid) eq null) {
- val param = params(pid)
- existentials(pid) = (
- param.owner.newExistential(newTypeName( + ".type"), param.pos, param.flags)
- setInfo singletonBounds(actuals(pid))
- )
- }
- existentials(pid)
- }
- //AM propagate more info to annotations -- this seems a bit ad-hoc... (based on code by spoon)
- override def mapOver(arg: Tree, giveup: ()=>Nothing): Tree = {
- // TODO: this should be simplified; in the stable case, one can
- // probably just use an Ident to the tree.symbol.
- //
- // @PP: That leads to failure here, where stuff no longer has type
- // 'String @Annot("stuff")' but 'String @Annot(x)'.
- //
- // def m(x: String): String @Annot(x) = x
- // val stuff = m("stuff")
- //
- // (TODO cont.) Why an existential in the non-stable case?
- //
- // @PP: In the following:
- //
- // def m = { val x = "three" ; val y: String @Annot(x) = x; y }
- //
- // m is typed as 'String @Annot(x) forSome { val x: String }'.
- //
- // Both examples are from run/constrained-types.scala.
- object treeTrans extends Transformer {
- override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree.symbol match {
- case StableArg(actual) =>
- gen.mkAttributedQualifier(actual, tree.symbol)
- case Arg(pid) =>
- val sym = existentialFor(pid)
- Ident(sym) copyAttrs tree setType typeRef(NoPrefix, sym, Nil)
- case _ =>
- super.transform(tree)
- }
- }
- treeTrans transform arg
- }
- }
- object StripAnnotationsMap extends TypeMap {
- def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case AnnotatedType(_, atp, _) =>
- mapOver(atp)
- case tp =>
- mapOver(tp)
- }
- }
- /** A map to convert every occurrence of a wildcard type to a fresh
- * type variable */
- object wildcardToTypeVarMap extends TypeMap {
- def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case WildcardType =>
- TypeVar(tp, new TypeConstraint)
- case BoundedWildcardType(bounds) =>
- TypeVar(tp, new TypeConstraint(bounds))
- case _ =>
- mapOver(tp)
- }
- }
- /** A map to convert every occurrence of a type variable to a wildcard type. */
- object typeVarToOriginMap extends TypeMap {
- def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case TypeVar(origin, _) => origin
- case _ => mapOver(tp)
- }
- }
- /** A map to implement the `contains` method. */
- class ContainsCollector(sym: Symbol) extends TypeCollector(false) {
- def traverse(tp: Type) {
- if (!result) {
- tp.normalize match {
- case TypeRef(_, sym1, _) if (sym == sym1) => result = true
- case SingleType(_, sym1) if (sym == sym1) => result = true
- case _ => mapOver(tp)
- }
- }
- }
- override def mapOver(arg: Tree) = {
- for (t <- arg) {
- traverse(t.tpe)
- if (t.symbol == sym)
- result = true
- }
- arg
- }
- }
- /** A map to implement the `contains` method. */
- class ContainsTypeCollector(t: Type) extends TypeCollector(false) {
- def traverse(tp: Type) {
- if (!result) {
- if (tp eq t) result = true
- else mapOver(tp)
- }
- }
- override def mapOver(arg: Tree) = {
- for (t <- arg)
- traverse(t.tpe)
- arg
- }
- }
- /** A map to implement the `filter` method. */
- class FilterTypeCollector(p: Type => Boolean) extends TypeCollector[List[Type]](Nil) {
- def withFilter(q: Type => Boolean) = new FilterTypeCollector(tp => p(tp) && q(tp))
- override def collect(tp: Type) = super.collect(tp).reverse
- def traverse(tp: Type) {
- if (p(tp)) result ::= tp
- mapOver(tp)
- }
- }
- /** A map to implement the `collect` method. */
- class CollectTypeCollector[T](pf: PartialFunction[Type, T]) extends TypeCollector[List[T]](Nil) {
- override def collect(tp: Type) = super.collect(tp).reverse
- def traverse(tp: Type) {
- if (pf.isDefinedAt(tp)) result ::= pf(tp)
- mapOver(tp)
- }
- }
- class ForEachTypeTraverser(f: Type => Unit) extends TypeTraverser {
- def traverse(tp: Type) {
- f(tp)
- mapOver(tp)
- }
- }
- /** A map to implement the `filter` method. */
- class FindTypeCollector(p: Type => Boolean) extends TypeCollector[Option[Type]](None) {
- def traverse(tp: Type) {
- if (result.isEmpty) {
- if (p(tp)) result = Some(tp)
- mapOver(tp)
- }
- }
- }
- /** A map to implement the `contains` method. */
- object ErroneousCollector extends TypeCollector(false) {
- def traverse(tp: Type) {
- if (!result) {
- result = tp.isError
- mapOver(tp)
- }
- }
- }
- /** The most deeply nested owner that contains all the symbols
- * of thistype or prefixless typerefs/singletype occurrences in given type.
- */
- private def commonOwner(t: Type): Symbol = commonOwner(t :: Nil)
- /** The most deeply nested owner that contains all the symbols
- * of thistype or prefixless typerefs/singletype occurrences in given list
- * of types.
- */
- private def commonOwner(tps: List[Type]): Symbol = {
- if (tps.isEmpty) NoSymbol
- else {
- commonOwnerMap.clear()
- tps foreach (commonOwnerMap traverse _)
- if (commonOwnerMap.result ne null) commonOwnerMap.result else NoSymbol
- }
- }
- protected def commonOwnerMap: CommonOwnerMap = commonOwnerMapObj
- protected class CommonOwnerMap extends TypeTraverserWithResult[Symbol] {
- var result: Symbol = _
- def clear() { result = null }
- private def register(sym: Symbol) {
- // First considered type is the trivial result.
- if ((result eq null) || (sym eq NoSymbol))
- result = sym
- else
- while ((result ne NoSymbol) && (result ne sym) && !(sym isNestedIn result))
- result = result.owner
- }
- def traverse(tp: Type) = tp.normalize match {
- case ThisType(sym) => register(sym)
- case TypeRef(NoPrefix, sym, args) => register(sym.owner) ; args foreach traverse
- case SingleType(NoPrefix, sym) => register(sym.owner)
- case _ => mapOver(tp)
- }
- }
- private lazy val commonOwnerMapObj = new CommonOwnerMap
- class MissingAliasControl extends ControlThrowable
- val missingAliasException = new MissingAliasControl
- class MissingTypeControl extends ControlThrowable
- object adaptToNewRunMap extends TypeMap {
- private def adaptToNewRun(pre: Type, sym: Symbol): Symbol = {
- if (phase.flatClasses || sym.isRootSymbol || (pre eq NoPrefix) || (pre eq NoType) || sym.isPackageClass)
- sym
- else if (sym.isModuleClass) {
- val sourceModule1 = adaptToNewRun(pre, sym.sourceModule)
- sourceModule1.moduleClass orElse sourceModule1.initialize.moduleClass orElse {
- val msg = "Cannot adapt module class; sym = %s, sourceModule = %s, sourceModule.moduleClass = %s => sourceModule1 = %s, sourceModule1.moduleClass = %s"
- debuglog(msg.format(sym, sym.sourceModule, sym.sourceModule.moduleClass, sourceModule1, sourceModule1.moduleClass))
- sym
- }
- }
- else {
- var rebind0 = pre.findMember(, BRIDGE, 0, true) orElse {
- if (sym.isAliasType) throw missingAliasException
- debugwarn(pre+"."+sym+" does no longer exist, phase = "+phase)
- throw new MissingTypeControl // For build manager and presentation compiler purposes
- }
- /** The two symbols have the same fully qualified name */
- def corresponds(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol): Boolean =
- == && (sym1.isPackageClass || corresponds(sym1.owner, sym2.owner))
- if (!corresponds(sym.owner, rebind0.owner)) {
- debuglog("ADAPT1 pre = "+pre+", sym = "+sym.fullLocationString+", rebind = "+rebind0.fullLocationString)
- val bcs = pre.baseClasses.dropWhile(bc => !corresponds(bc, sym.owner));
- if (bcs.isEmpty)
- assert(pre.typeSymbol.isRefinementClass, pre) // if pre is a refinementclass it might be a structural type => OK to leave it in.
- else
- rebind0 = pre.baseType(bcs.head).member(
- debuglog(
- "ADAPT2 pre = " + pre +
- ", bcs.head = " + bcs.head +
- ", sym = " + sym.fullLocationString +
- ", rebind = " + rebind0.fullLocationString
- )
- }
- rebind0.suchThat(sym => sym.isType || sym.isStable) orElse {
- debuglog("" + phase + " "" "+sym.isType)
- throw new MalformedType(pre, sym.nameString)
- }
- }
- }
- def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case ThisType(sym) =>
- try {
- val sym1 = adaptToNewRun(sym.owner.thisType, sym)
- if (sym1 == sym) tp else ThisType(sym1)
- } catch {
- case ex: MissingTypeControl =>
- tp
- }
- case SingleType(pre, sym) =>
- if (sym.isPackage) tp
- else {
- val pre1 = this(pre)
- try {
- val sym1 = adaptToNewRun(pre1, sym)
- if ((pre1 eq pre) && (sym1 eq sym)) tp
- else singleType(pre1, sym1)
- } catch {
- case _: MissingTypeControl =>
- tp
- }
- }
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
- if (sym.isPackageClass) tp
- else {
- val pre1 = this(pre)
- val args1 = args mapConserve (this)
- try {
- val sym1 = adaptToNewRun(pre1, sym)
- if ((pre1 eq pre) && (sym1 eq sym) && (args1 eq args)/* && sym.isExternal*/) {
- tp
- } else if (sym1 == NoSymbol) {
- debugwarn("adapt fail: "+pre+" "+pre1+" "+sym)
- tp
- } else {
- copyTypeRef(tp, pre1, sym1, args1)
- }
- } catch {
- case ex: MissingAliasControl =>
- apply(tp.dealias)
- case _: MissingTypeControl =>
- tp
- }
- }
- case MethodType(params, restp) =>
- val restp1 = this(restp)
- if (restp1 eq restp) tp
- else copyMethodType(tp, params, restp1)
- case NullaryMethodType(restp) =>
- val restp1 = this(restp)
- if (restp1 eq restp) tp
- else NullaryMethodType(restp1)
- case PolyType(tparams, restp) =>
- val restp1 = this(restp)
- if (restp1 eq restp) tp
- else PolyType(tparams, restp1)
- // Lukas: we need to check (together) whether we should also include parameter types
- // of PolyType and MethodType in adaptToNewRun
- case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) =>
- if (clazz.isPackageClass) tp
- else {
- val parents1 = parents mapConserve (this)
- if (parents1 eq parents) tp
- else ClassInfoType(parents1, decls, clazz)
- }
- case RefinedType(parents, decls) =>
- val parents1 = parents mapConserve (this)
- if (parents1 eq parents) tp
- else refinedType(parents1, tp.typeSymbol.owner, decls, tp.typeSymbol.owner.pos)
- case SuperType(_, _) => mapOver(tp)
- case TypeBounds(_, _) => mapOver(tp)
- case TypeVar(_, _) => mapOver(tp)
- case AnnotatedType(_,_,_) => mapOver(tp)
- case NotNullType(_) => mapOver(tp)
- case ExistentialType(_, _) => mapOver(tp)
- case _ => tp
- }
- }
- class SubTypePair(val tp1: Type, val tp2: Type) {
- override def hashCode = tp1.hashCode * 41 + tp2.hashCode
- override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
- case stp: SubTypePair =>
- // suspend TypeVars in types compared by =:=,
- // since we don't want to mutate them simply to check whether a subtype test is pending
- // in addition to making subtyping "more correct" for type vars,
- // it should avoid the stackoverflow that's been plaguing us (
- // this method is only called when subtyping hits a recursion threshold (subsametypeRecursions >= LogPendingSubTypesThreshold)
- @inline def suspend(tp: Type) =
- if (tp.isGround) null else suspendTypeVarsInType(tp)
- @inline def revive(suspension: List[TypeVar]) =
- if (suspension ne null) suspension foreach (_.suspended = false)
- val suspensions = Array(tp1, stp.tp1, tp2, stp.tp2) map suspend
- val sameTypes = (tp1 =:= stp.tp1) && (tp2 =:= stp.tp2)
- suspensions foreach revive
- sameTypes
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- override def toString = tp1+" <:<? "+tp2
- }
-// Helper Methods -------------------------------------------------------------
- final val LubGlbMargin = 0
- /** The maximum allowable depth of lubs or glbs over types `ts`.
- * This is the maximum depth of all types in the base type sequences
- * of each of the types `ts`, plus LubGlbMargin.
- */
- def lubDepth(ts: List[Type]) = {
- var d = 0
- for (tp <- ts) d = math.max(d, tp.baseTypeSeqDepth)
- d + LubGlbMargin
- }
- /** Is intersection of given types populated? That is,
- * for all types tp1, tp2 in intersection
- * for all common base classes bc of tp1 and tp2
- * let bt1, bt2 be the base types of tp1, tp2 relative to class bc
- * Then:
- * bt1 and bt2 have the same prefix, and
- * any corresponding non-variant type arguments of bt1 and bt2 are the same
- */
- def isPopulated(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = {
- def isConsistent(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = (tp1, tp2) match {
- case (TypeRef(pre1, sym1, args1), TypeRef(pre2, sym2, args2)) =>
- assert(sym1 == sym2)
- pre1 =:= pre2 &&
- forall3(args1, args2, sym1.typeParams) { (arg1, arg2, tparam) =>
- //if (tparam.variance == 0 && !(arg1 =:= arg2)) Console.println("inconsistent: "+arg1+"!="+arg2)//DEBUG
- if (tparam.variance == 0) arg1 =:= arg2
- else if (arg1.isInstanceOf[TypeVar])
- // if left-hand argument is a typevar, make it compatible with variance
- // this is for more precise pattern matching
- // todo: work this in the spec of this method
- // also: think what happens if there are embedded typevars?
- if (tparam.variance < 0) arg1 <:< arg2 else arg2 <:< arg1
- else true
- }
- case (et: ExistentialType, _) =>
- et.withTypeVars(isConsistent(_, tp2))
- case (_, et: ExistentialType) =>
- et.withTypeVars(isConsistent(tp1, _))
- }
- def check(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) =
- if (tp1.typeSymbol.isClass && tp1.typeSymbol.hasFlag(FINAL))
- tp1 <:< tp2 || isNumericValueClass(tp1.typeSymbol) && isNumericValueClass(tp2.typeSymbol)
- else tp1.baseClasses forall (bc =>
- tp2.baseTypeIndex(bc) < 0 || isConsistent(tp1.baseType(bc), tp2.baseType(bc)))
- check(tp1, tp2)/* && check(tp2, tp1)*/ // need to investgate why this can't be made symmetric -- neg/gadts1 fails, and run/existials also.
- }
- /** Does a pattern of type `patType` need an outer test when executed against
- * selector type `selType` in context defined by `currentOwner`?
- */
- def needsOuterTest(patType: Type, selType: Type, currentOwner: Symbol) = {
- def createDummyClone(pre: Type): Type = {
- val dummy = currentOwner.enclClass.newValue(nme.ANYNAME).setInfo(pre.widen)
- singleType(ThisType(currentOwner.enclClass), dummy)
- }
- def maybeCreateDummyClone(pre: Type, sym: Symbol): Type = pre match {
- case SingleType(pre1, sym1) =>
- if (sym1.isModule && sym1.isStatic) {
- NoType
- } else if (sym1.isModule && sym.owner == sym1.moduleClass) {
- val pre2 = maybeCreateDummyClone(pre1, sym1)
- if (pre2 eq NoType) pre2
- else singleType(pre2, sym1)
- } else {
- createDummyClone(pre)
- }
- case ThisType(clazz) =>
- if (clazz.isModuleClass)
- maybeCreateDummyClone(clazz.typeOfThis, sym)
- else if (sym.owner == clazz && (sym.hasFlag(PRIVATE) || sym.privateWithin == clazz))
- NoType
- else
- createDummyClone(pre)
- case _ =>
- NoType
- }
- patType match {
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
- val pre1 = maybeCreateDummyClone(pre, sym)
- (pre1 ne NoType) && isPopulated(copyTypeRef(patType, pre1, sym, args), selType)
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- }
- private var subsametypeRecursions: Int = 0
- private def isUnifiable(pre1: Type, pre2: Type) =
- (beginsWithTypeVarOrIsRefined(pre1) || beginsWithTypeVarOrIsRefined(pre2)) && (pre1 =:= pre2)
- /** Returns true iff we are past phase specialize,
- * sym1 and sym2 are two existential skolems with equal names and bounds,
- * and pre1 and pre2 are equal prefixes
- */
- private def isSameSpecializedSkolem(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol, pre1: Type, pre2: Type) = {
- sym1.isExistentialSkolem && sym2.isExistentialSkolem &&
- == &&
- phase.specialized &&
- =:= &&
- pre1 =:= pre2
- }
- private def isSubPre(pre1: Type, pre2: Type, sym: Symbol) =
- if ((pre1 ne pre2) && (pre1 ne NoPrefix) && (pre2 ne NoPrefix) && pre1 <:< pre2) {
- if (settings.debug.value) println(s"new isSubPre $sym: $pre1 <:< $pre2")
- true
- } else
- false
- private def equalSymsAndPrefixes(sym1: Symbol, pre1: Type, sym2: Symbol, pre2: Type): Boolean =
- if (sym1 == sym2) sym1.hasPackageFlag || phase.erasedTypes || pre1 =:= pre2
- else ( == && isUnifiable(pre1, pre2)
- /** Do `tp1` and `tp2` denote equivalent types? */
- def isSameType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = try {
- incCounter(sametypeCount)
- subsametypeRecursions += 1
- undoLog undoUnless {
- isSameType1(tp1, tp2)
- }
- } finally {
- subsametypeRecursions -= 1
- // XXX AM TODO: figure out when it is safe and needed to clear the log -- the commented approach below is too eager (it breaks #3281, #3866)
- // it doesn't help to keep separate recursion counts for the three methods that now share it
- // if (subsametypeRecursions == 0) undoLog.clear()
- }
- def isDifferentType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = try {
- subsametypeRecursions += 1
- undoLog undo { // undo type constraints that arise from operations in this block
- !isSameType1(tp1, tp2)
- }
- } finally {
- subsametypeRecursions -= 1
- // XXX AM TODO: figure out when it is safe and needed to clear the log -- the commented approach below is too eager (it breaks #3281, #3866)
- // it doesn't help to keep separate recursion counts for the three methods that now share it
- // if (subsametypeRecursions == 0) undoLog.clear()
- }
- def isDifferentTypeConstructor(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = tp1 match {
- case TypeRef(pre1, sym1, _) =>
- tp2 match {
- case TypeRef(pre2, sym2, _) => sym1 != sym2 || isDifferentType(pre1, pre2)
- case _ => true
- }
- case _ => true
- }
- def normalizePlus(tp: Type) =
- if (isRawType(tp)) rawToExistential(tp)
- else tp.normalize
- /*
- todo: change to:
- def normalizePlus(tp: Type) = tp match {
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, List()) =>
- if (!sym.isInitialized) sym.rawInfo.load(sym)
- if (sym.isJavaDefined && !sym.typeParams.isEmpty) rawToExistential(tp)
- else tp.normalize
- case _ => tp.normalize
- }
- */
- private def isSameType0(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = {
- if (tp1 eq tp2) return true
- ((tp1, tp2) match {
- case (ErrorType, _) => true
- case (WildcardType, _) => true
- case (_, ErrorType) => true
- case (_, WildcardType) => true
- case (NoType, _) => false
- case (NoPrefix, _) => tp2.typeSymbol.isPackageClass
- case (_, NoType) => false
- case (_, NoPrefix) => tp1.typeSymbol.isPackageClass
- case (ThisType(sym1), ThisType(sym2))
- if (sym1 == sym2) =>
- true
- case (SingleType(pre1, sym1), SingleType(pre2, sym2))
- if (equalSymsAndPrefixes(sym1, pre1, sym2, pre2)) =>
- true
- case (SingleType(pre1, sym1), ThisType(sym2))
- if (sym1.isModule &&
- sym1.moduleClass == sym2 &&
- pre1 =:= sym2.owner.thisType) =>
- true
- case (ThisType(sym1), SingleType(pre2, sym2))
- if (sym2.isModule &&
- sym2.moduleClass == sym1 &&
- pre2 =:= sym1.owner.thisType) =>
- true
- case (ConstantType(value1), ConstantType(value2)) =>
- value1 == value2
- case (TypeRef(pre1, sym1, args1), TypeRef(pre2, sym2, args2)) =>
- equalSymsAndPrefixes(sym1, pre1, sym2, pre2) &&
- ((tp1.isHigherKinded && tp2.isHigherKinded && tp1.normalize =:= tp2.normalize) ||
- isSameTypes(args1, args2))
- // @M! normalize reduces higher-kinded case to PolyType's
- case (RefinedType(parents1, ref1), RefinedType(parents2, ref2)) =>
- def isSubScope(s1: Scope, s2: Scope): Boolean = s2.toList.forall {
- sym2 =>
- var e1 = s1.lookupEntry(
- (e1 ne null) && {
- val substSym =, e1.sym.owner.thisType)
- var isEqual = false
- while (!isEqual && (e1 ne null)) {
- isEqual = =:= substSym
- e1 = s1.lookupNextEntry(e1)
- }
- isEqual
- }
- }
- //Console.println("is same? " + tp1 + " " + tp2 + " " + tp1.typeSymbol.owner + " " + tp2.typeSymbol.owner)//DEBUG
- isSameTypes(parents1, parents2) && isSubScope(ref1, ref2) && isSubScope(ref2, ref1)
- case (MethodType(params1, res1), MethodType(params2, res2)) =>
- // new dependent types: probably fix this, use substSym as done for PolyType
- (isSameTypes(tp1.paramTypes, tp2.paramTypes) &&
- res1 =:= res2 &&
- tp1.isImplicit == tp2.isImplicit)
- case (PolyType(tparams1, res1), PolyType(tparams2, res2)) =>
- // assert((tparams1 map (_.typeParams.length)) == (tparams2 map (_.typeParams.length)))
- (tparams1.length == tparams2.length) && (tparams1 corresponds tparams2)( =:=, tparams1)) && // @M looks like it might suffer from same problem as #2210
- res1 =:= res2.substSym(tparams2, tparams1)
- case (ExistentialType(tparams1, res1), ExistentialType(tparams2, res2)) =>
- (tparams1.length == tparams2.length) && (tparams1 corresponds tparams2)( =:=, tparams1)) && // @M looks like it might suffer from same problem as #2210
- res1 =:= res2.substSym(tparams2, tparams1)
- case (TypeBounds(lo1, hi1), TypeBounds(lo2, hi2)) =>
- lo1 =:= lo2 && hi1 =:= hi2
- case (BoundedWildcardType(bounds), _) =>
- bounds containsType tp2
- case (_, BoundedWildcardType(bounds)) =>
- bounds containsType tp1
- case (tv @ TypeVar(_,_), tp) =>
- tv.registerTypeEquality(tp, true)
- case (tp, tv @ TypeVar(_,_)) =>
- tv.registerTypeEquality(tp, false)
- case (AnnotatedType(_,_,_), _) =>
- annotationsConform(tp1, tp2) && annotationsConform(tp2, tp1) && tp1.withoutAnnotations =:= tp2.withoutAnnotations
- case (_, AnnotatedType(_,_,_)) =>
- annotationsConform(tp1, tp2) && annotationsConform(tp2, tp1) && tp1.withoutAnnotations =:= tp2.withoutAnnotations
- case (_: SingletonType, _: SingletonType) =>
- var origin1 = tp1
- while (origin1.underlying.isInstanceOf[SingletonType]) {
- assert(origin1 ne origin1.underlying, origin1)
- origin1 = origin1.underlying
- }
- var origin2 = tp2
- while (origin2.underlying.isInstanceOf[SingletonType]) {
- assert(origin2 ne origin2.underlying, origin2)
- origin2 = origin2.underlying
- }
- ((origin1 ne tp1) || (origin2 ne tp2)) && (origin1 =:= origin2)
- case _ =>
- false
- }) || {
- val tp1n = normalizePlus(tp1)
- val tp2n = normalizePlus(tp2)
- ((tp1n ne tp1) || (tp2n ne tp2)) && isSameType(tp1n, tp2n)
- }
- }
- private def isSameType1(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = {
- if ((tp1 eq tp2) ||
- (tp1 eq ErrorType) || (tp1 eq WildcardType) ||
- (tp2 eq ErrorType) || (tp2 eq WildcardType))
- true
- else if ((tp1 eq NoType) || (tp2 eq NoType))
- false
- else if (tp1 eq NoPrefix) // !! I do not see how this would be warranted by the spec
- tp2.typeSymbol.isPackageClass
- else if (tp2 eq NoPrefix) // !! I do not see how this would be warranted by the spec
- tp1.typeSymbol.isPackageClass
- else {
- isSameType2(tp1, tp2) || {
- val tp1n = normalizePlus(tp1)
- val tp2n = normalizePlus(tp2)
- ((tp1n ne tp1) || (tp2n ne tp2)) && isSameType(tp1n, tp2n)
- }
- }
- }
- def isSameType2(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = {
- tp1 match {
- case tr1: TypeRef =>
- tp2 match {
- case tr2: TypeRef =>
- return (equalSymsAndPrefixes(tr1.sym, tr1.pre, tr2.sym, tr2.pre) &&
- ((tp1.isHigherKinded && tp2.isHigherKinded && tp1.normalize =:= tp2.normalize) ||
- isSameTypes(tr1.args, tr2.args))) ||
- ((tr1.pre, tr2.pre) match {
- case (tv @ TypeVar(_,_), _) => tv.registerTypeSelection(tr1.sym, tr2)
- case (_, tv @ TypeVar(_,_)) => tv.registerTypeSelection(tr2.sym, tr1)
- case _ => false
- })
- case _: SingleType =>
- return isSameType2(tp2, tp1) // put singleton type on the left, caught below
- case _ =>
- }
- case tt1: ThisType =>
- tp2 match {
- case tt2: ThisType =>
- if (tt1.sym == tt2.sym) return true
- case _ =>
- }
- case st1: SingleType =>
- tp2 match {
- case st2: SingleType =>
- if (equalSymsAndPrefixes(st1.sym, st1.pre, st2.sym, st2.pre)) return true
- case TypeRef(pre2, sym2, Nil) =>
- if (sym2.isModuleClass && equalSymsAndPrefixes(st1.sym, st1.pre, sym2.sourceModule, pre2)) return true
- case _ =>
- }
- case ct1: ConstantType =>
- tp2 match {
- case ct2: ConstantType =>
- return (ct1.value == ct2.value)
- case _ =>
- }
- case rt1: RefinedType =>
- tp2 match {
- case rt2: RefinedType => //
- def isSubScope(s1: Scope, s2: Scope): Boolean = s2.toList.forall {
- sym2 =>
- var e1 = s1.lookupEntry(
- (e1 ne null) && {
- val substSym =, e1.sym.owner)
- var isEqual = false
- while (!isEqual && (e1 ne null)) {
- isEqual = =:= substSym
- e1 = s1.lookupNextEntry(e1)
- }
- isEqual
- }
- }
- //Console.println("is same? " + tp1 + " " + tp2 + " " + tp1.typeSymbol.owner + " " + tp2.typeSymbol.owner)//DEBUG
- return isSameTypes(rt1.parents, rt2.parents) && {
- val decls1 = rt1.decls
- val decls2 = rt2.decls
- isSubScope(decls1, decls2) && isSubScope(decls2, decls1)
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- case mt1: MethodType =>
- tp2 match {
- case mt2: MethodType =>
- return isSameTypes(mt1.paramTypes, mt2.paramTypes) &&
- mt1.resultType =:= mt2.resultType.substSym(mt2.params, mt1.params) &&
- mt1.isImplicit == mt2.isImplicit
- // note: no case NullaryMethodType(restpe) => return mt1.params.isEmpty && mt1.resultType =:= restpe
- case _ =>
- }
- case NullaryMethodType(restpe1) =>
- tp2 match {
- // note: no case mt2: MethodType => return mt2.params.isEmpty && restpe =:= mt2.resultType
- case NullaryMethodType(restpe2) =>
- return restpe1 =:= restpe2
- case _ =>
- }
- case PolyType(tparams1, res1) =>
- tp2 match {
- case PolyType(tparams2, res2) =>
-// assert((tparams1 map (_.typeParams.length)) == (tparams2 map (_.typeParams.length)))
- // @M looks like it might suffer from same problem as #2210
- return (
- (sameLength(tparams1, tparams2)) && // corresponds does not check length of two sequences before checking the predicate
- (tparams1 corresponds tparams2)( =:=, tparams1)) &&
- res1 =:= res2.substSym(tparams2, tparams1)
- )
- case _ =>
- }
- case ExistentialType(tparams1, res1) =>
- tp2 match {
- case ExistentialType(tparams2, res2) =>
- // @M looks like it might suffer from same problem as #2210
- return (
- // corresponds does not check length of two sequences before checking the predicate -- faster & needed to avoid crasher in #2956
- sameLength(tparams1, tparams2) &&
- (tparams1 corresponds tparams2)( =:=, tparams1)) &&
- res1 =:= res2.substSym(tparams2, tparams1)
- )
- case _ =>
- }
- case TypeBounds(lo1, hi1) =>
- tp2 match {
- case TypeBounds(lo2, hi2) =>
- return lo1 =:= lo2 && hi1 =:= hi2
- case _ =>
- }
- case BoundedWildcardType(bounds) =>
- return bounds containsType tp2
- case _ =>
- }
- tp2 match {
- case BoundedWildcardType(bounds) =>
- return bounds containsType tp1
- case _ =>
- }
- tp1 match {
- case tv @ TypeVar(_,_) =>
- return tv.registerTypeEquality(tp2, true)
- case _ =>
- }
- tp2 match {
- case tv @ TypeVar(_,_) =>
- return tv.registerTypeEquality(tp1, false)
- case _ =>
- }
- tp1 match {
- case _: AnnotatedType =>
- return annotationsConform(tp1, tp2) && annotationsConform(tp2, tp1) && tp1.withoutAnnotations =:= tp2.withoutAnnotations
- case _ =>
- }
- tp2 match {
- case _: AnnotatedType =>
- return annotationsConform(tp1, tp2) && annotationsConform(tp2, tp1) && tp1.withoutAnnotations =:= tp2.withoutAnnotations
- case _ =>
- }
- tp1 match {
- case _: SingletonType =>
- tp2 match {
- case _: SingletonType =>
- @inline def chaseDealiasedUnderlying(tp: Type): Type = {
- var origin = tp
- var next = origin.underlying.dealias
- while (next.isInstanceOf[SingletonType]) {
- assert(origin ne next, origin)
- origin = next
- next = origin.underlying.dealias
- }
- origin
- }
- val origin1 = chaseDealiasedUnderlying(tp1)
- val origin2 = chaseDealiasedUnderlying(tp2)
- ((origin1 ne tp1) || (origin2 ne tp2)) && (origin1 =:= origin2)
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- }
- /** Are `tps1` and `tps2` lists of pairwise equivalent types? */
- def isSameTypes(tps1: List[Type], tps2: List[Type]): Boolean = (tps1 corresponds tps2)(_ =:= _)
- /** True if two lists have the same length. Since calling length on linear sequences
- * is O(n), it is an inadvisable way to test length equality.
- */
- final def sameLength(xs1: List[_], xs2: List[_]) = compareLengths(xs1, xs2) == 0
- @tailrec final def compareLengths(xs1: List[_], xs2: List[_]): Int =
- if (xs1.isEmpty) { if (xs2.isEmpty) 0 else -1 }
- else if (xs2.isEmpty) 1
- else compareLengths(xs1.tail, xs2.tail)
- /** Again avoiding calling length, but the lengthCompare interface is clunky.
- */
- final def hasLength(xs: List[_], len: Int) = xs.lengthCompare(len) == 0
- private val pendingSubTypes = new mutable.HashSet[SubTypePair]
- private var basetypeRecursions: Int = 0
- private val pendingBaseTypes = new mutable.HashSet[Type]
- def isSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = isSubType(tp1, tp2, AnyDepth)
- def isSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, depth: Int): Boolean = try {
- subsametypeRecursions += 1
- undoLog undoUnless { // if subtype test fails, it should not affect constraints on typevars
- if (subsametypeRecursions >= LogPendingSubTypesThreshold) {
- val p = new SubTypePair(tp1, tp2)
- if (pendingSubTypes(p))
- false
- else
- try {
- pendingSubTypes += p
- isSubType2(tp1, tp2, depth)
- } finally {
- pendingSubTypes -= p
- }
- } else {
- isSubType2(tp1, tp2, depth)
- }
- }
- } finally {
- subsametypeRecursions -= 1
- // XXX AM TODO: figure out when it is safe and needed to clear the log -- the commented approach below is too eager (it breaks #3281, #3866)
- // it doesn't help to keep separate recursion counts for the three methods that now share it
- // if (subsametypeRecursions == 0) undoLog.clear()
- }
- /** Does this type have a prefix that begins with a type variable,
- * or is it a refinement type? For type prefixes that fulfil this condition,
- * type selections with the same name of equal (wrt) =:= prefixes are
- * considered equal wrt =:=
- */
- def beginsWithTypeVarOrIsRefined(tp: Type): Boolean = tp match {
- case SingleType(pre, sym) =>
- !(sym hasFlag PACKAGE) && beginsWithTypeVarOrIsRefined(pre)
- case tv@TypeVar(_, constr) =>
- !tv.instValid || beginsWithTypeVarOrIsRefined(constr.inst)
- case RefinedType(_, _) =>
- true
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- def instTypeVar(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
- copyTypeRef(tp, instTypeVar(pre), sym, args)
- case SingleType(pre, sym) =>
- singleType(instTypeVar(pre), sym)
- case TypeVar(_, constr) =>
- instTypeVar(constr.inst)
- case _ =>
- tp
- }
- def isErrorOrWildcard(tp: Type) = (tp eq ErrorType) || (tp eq WildcardType)
- def isSingleType(tp: Type) = tp match {
- case ThisType(_) | SuperType(_, _) | SingleType(_, _) => true
- case _ => false
- }
- def isConstantType(tp: Type) = tp match {
- case ConstantType(_) => true
- case _ => false
- }
- // @assume tp1.isHigherKinded || tp2.isHigherKinded
- def isHKSubType0(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, depth: Int): Boolean = (
- tp1.typeSymbol == NothingClass
- ||
- tp2.typeSymbol == AnyClass // @M Any and Nothing are super-type resp. subtype of every well-kinded type
- || // @M! normalize reduces higher-kinded case to PolyType's
- ((tp1.normalize.withoutAnnotations , tp2.normalize.withoutAnnotations) match {
- case (PolyType(tparams1, res1), PolyType(tparams2, res2)) => // @assume tp1.isHigherKinded && tp2.isHigherKinded (as they were both normalized to PolyType)
- sameLength(tparams1, tparams2) && {
- if (tparams1.head.owner.isMethod) { // fast-path: polymorphic method type -- type params cannot be captured
- (tparams1 corresponds tparams2)((p1, p2) =>, tparams1) <:< &&
- res1 <:< res2.substSym(tparams2, tparams1)
- } else { // normalized higher-kinded type
- //@M for an example of why we need to generate fresh symbols, see neg/tcpoly_ticket2101.scala
- val tpsFresh = cloneSymbols(tparams1)
- (tparams1 corresponds tparams2)((p1, p2) =>
-, tpsFresh) <:<, tpsFresh)) &&
- res1.substSym(tparams1, tpsFresh) <:< res2.substSym(tparams2, tpsFresh)
- //@M the forall in the previous test could be optimised to the following,
- // but not worth the extra complexity since it only shaves 1s from quick.comp
- // (List.forall2(tpsFresh/*optimisation*/, tparams2)((p1, p2) =>
- //, tpsFresh) <:< /*optimisation, == (p1 from tparams1).info.substSym(tparams1, tpsFresh)*/) &&
- // this optimisation holds because inlining cloneSymbols in `val tpsFresh = cloneSymbols(tparams1)` gives:
- // val tpsFresh = tparams1 map (_.cloneSymbol)
- // for (tpFresh <- tpsFresh) tpFresh.setInfo(, tpsFresh))
- }
- } && annotationsConform(tp1.normalize, tp2.normalize)
- case (_, _) => false // @assume !tp1.isHigherKinded || !tp2.isHigherKinded
- // --> thus, cannot be subtypes (Any/Nothing has already been checked)
- }))
- def isSubArg(t1: Type, t2: Type, variance: Int) =
- (variance > 0 || t2 <:< t1) && (variance < 0 || t1 <:< t2)
- def isSubArgs(tps1: List[Type], tps2: List[Type], tparams: List[Symbol]): Boolean =
- corresponds3(tps1, tps2, tparams map (_.variance))(isSubArg)
- def differentOrNone(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) = if (tp1 eq tp2) NoType else tp1
- /** Does type `tp1` conform to `tp2`? */
- private def isSubType2(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, depth: Int): Boolean = {
- if ((tp1 eq tp2) || isErrorOrWildcard(tp1) || isErrorOrWildcard(tp2)) return true
- if ((tp1 eq NoType) || (tp2 eq NoType)) return false
- if (tp1 eq NoPrefix) return (tp2 eq NoPrefix) || tp2.typeSymbol.isPackageClass // !! I do not see how the "isPackageClass" would be warranted by the spec
- if (tp2 eq NoPrefix) return tp1.typeSymbol.isPackageClass
- if (isSingleType(tp1) && isSingleType(tp2) || isConstantType(tp1) && isConstantType(tp2)) return tp1 =:= tp2
- if (tp1.isHigherKinded || tp2.isHigherKinded) return isHKSubType0(tp1, tp2, depth)
- /** First try, on the right:
- * - unwrap Annotated types, BoundedWildcardTypes,
- * - bind TypeVars on the right, if lhs is not Annotated nor BoundedWildcard
- * - handle common cases for first-kind TypeRefs on both sides as a fast path.
- */
- def firstTry = tp2 match {
- // fast path: two typerefs, none of them HK
- case tr2: TypeRef =>
- tp1 match {
- case tr1: TypeRef =>
- val sym1 = tr1.sym
- val sym2 = tr2.sym
- val pre1 = tr1.pre
- val pre2 = tr2.pre
- (((if (sym1 == sym2) phase.erasedTypes || pre1 <:< pre2
- else ( == && !sym1.isModuleClass && !sym2.isModuleClass &&
- (isUnifiable(pre1, pre2) ||
- isSameSpecializedSkolem(sym1, sym2, pre1, pre2) ||
- sym2.isAbstractType && isSubPre(pre1, pre2, sym2)))) &&
- isSubArgs(tr1.args, tr2.args, sym1.typeParams))
- ||
- sym2.isClass && {
- val base = tr1 baseType sym2
- (base ne tr1) && base <:< tr2
- }
- ||
- thirdTryRef(tr1, tr2))
- case _ =>
- secondTry
- }
- case AnnotatedType(_, _, _) =>
- tp1.withoutAnnotations <:< tp2.withoutAnnotations && annotationsConform(tp1, tp2)
- case BoundedWildcardType(bounds) =>
- tp1 <:< bounds.hi
- case tv2 @ TypeVar(_, constr2) =>
- tp1 match {
- case AnnotatedType(_, _, _) | BoundedWildcardType(_) =>
- secondTry
- case _ =>
- tv2.registerBound(tp1, true)
- }
- case _ =>
- secondTry
- }
- /** Second try, on the left:
- * - unwrap AnnotatedTypes, BoundedWildcardTypes,
- * - bind typevars,
- * - handle existential types by skolemization.
- */
- def secondTry = tp1 match {
- case AnnotatedType(_, _, _) =>
- tp1.withoutAnnotations <:< tp2.withoutAnnotations && annotationsConform(tp1, tp2)
- case BoundedWildcardType(bounds) =>
- tp1.bounds.lo <:< tp2
- case tv @ TypeVar(_,_) =>
- tv.registerBound(tp2, false)
- case ExistentialType(_, _) =>
- try {
- skolemizationLevel += 1
- tp1.skolemizeExistential <:< tp2
- } finally {
- skolemizationLevel -= 1
- }
- case _ =>
- thirdTry
- }
- def thirdTryRef(tp1: Type, tp2: TypeRef): Boolean = {
- val sym2 = tp2.sym
- sym2 match {
- case NotNullClass => tp1.isNotNull
- case SingletonClass => tp1.isStable || fourthTry
- case _: ClassSymbol =>
- if (isRaw(sym2, tp2.args))
- isSubType(tp1, rawToExistential(tp2), depth)
- else if ( == tpnme.REFINE_CLASS_NAME)
- isSubType(tp1,, depth)
- else
- fourthTry
- case _: TypeSymbol =>
- if (sym2 hasFlag DEFERRED) {
- val tp2a = tp2.bounds.lo
- isDifferentTypeConstructor(tp2, tp2a) && tp1 <:< tp2a || fourthTry
- } else {
- isSubType(tp1.normalize, tp2.normalize, depth)
- }
- case _ =>
- fourthTry
- }
- }
- /** Third try, on the right:
- * - decompose refined types.
- * - handle typerefs, existentials, and notnull types.
- * - handle left+right method types, polytypes, typebounds
- */
- def thirdTry = tp2 match {
- case tr2: TypeRef =>
- thirdTryRef(tp1, tr2)
- case rt2: RefinedType =>
- (rt2.parents forall (tp1 <:< _)) &&
- (rt2.decls forall tp1.specializes)
- case et2: ExistentialType =>
- et2.withTypeVars(tp1 <:< _, depth) || fourthTry
- case nn2: NotNullType =>
- tp1.isNotNull && tp1 <:< nn2.underlying
- case mt2: MethodType =>
- tp1 match {
- case mt1 @ MethodType(params1, res1) =>
- val params2 = mt2.params
- val res2 = mt2.resultType
- (sameLength(params1, params2) &&
- mt1.isImplicit == mt2.isImplicit &&
- matchingParams(params1, params2, mt1.isJava, mt2.isJava) &&
- (res1 <:< res2.substSym(params2, params1)))
- // TODO: if mt1.params.isEmpty, consider NullaryMethodType?
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- case pt2 @ NullaryMethodType(_) =>
- tp1 match {
- // TODO: consider MethodType mt for which mt.params.isEmpty??
- case pt1 @ NullaryMethodType(_) =>
- pt1.resultType <:< pt2.resultType
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- case TypeBounds(lo2, hi2) =>
- tp1 match {
- case TypeBounds(lo1, hi1) =>
- lo2 <:< lo1 && hi1 <:< hi2
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- case _ =>
- fourthTry
- }
- /** Fourth try, on the left:
- * - handle typerefs, refined types, notnull and singleton types.
- */
- def fourthTry = tp1 match {
- case tr1 @ TypeRef(pre1, sym1, _) =>
- sym1 match {
- case NothingClass => true
- case NullClass =>
- tp2 match {
- case TypeRef(_, sym2, _) =>
- containsNull(sym2)
- case _ =>
- isSingleType(tp2) && tp1 <:< tp2.widen
- }
- case _: ClassSymbol =>
- if (isRaw(sym1, tr1.args))
- isSubType(rawToExistential(tp1), tp2, depth)
- else if (sym1.isModuleClass) tp2 match {
- case SingleType(pre2, sym2) => equalSymsAndPrefixes(sym1.sourceModule, pre1, sym2, pre2)
- case _ => false
- }
- else if (sym1.isRefinementClass)
- isSubType(, tp2, depth)
- else false
- case _: TypeSymbol =>
- if (sym1 hasFlag DEFERRED) {
- val tp1a = tp1.bounds.hi
- isDifferentTypeConstructor(tp1, tp1a) && tp1a <:< tp2
- } else {
- isSubType(tp1.normalize, tp2.normalize, depth)
- }
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- case RefinedType(parents1, _) =>
- parents1 exists (_ <:< tp2)
- case _: SingletonType | _: NotNullType =>
- tp1.underlying <:< tp2
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- firstTry
- }
- private def containsNull(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
- sym.isClass && sym != NothingClass &&
- !(sym isNonBottomSubClass AnyValClass) &&
- !(sym isNonBottomSubClass NotNullClass)
- /** Are `tps1` and `tps2` lists of equal length such that all elements
- * of `tps1` conform to corresponding elements of `tps2`?
- */
- def isSubTypes(tps1: List[Type], tps2: List[Type]): Boolean = (tps1 corresponds tps2)(_ <:< _)
- /** Does type `tp` implement symbol `sym` with same or
- * stronger type? Exact only if `sym` is a member of some
- * refinement type, otherwise we might return false negatives.
- */
- def specializesSym(tp: Type, sym: Symbol): Boolean =
- tp.typeSymbol == NothingClass ||
- tp.typeSymbol == NullClass && containsNull(sym.owner) ||
- (tp.nonPrivateMember( exists
- (alt => sym == alt || specializesSym(tp.narrow, alt, sym.owner.thisType, sym)))
- /** Does member `sym1` of `tp1` have a stronger type
- * than member `sym2` of `tp2`?
- */
- private def specializesSym(tp1: Type, sym1: Symbol, tp2: Type, sym2: Symbol): Boolean = {
- val info1 = tp1.memberInfo(sym1)
- val info2 = tp2.memberInfo(sym2).substThis(tp2.typeSymbol, tp1)
- //System.out.println("specializes "+tp1+"."+sym1+":"+info1+sym1.locationString+" AND "+tp2+"."+sym2+":"+info2)//DEBUG
- ( sym2.isTerm && (info1 <:< info2) && (!sym2.isStable || sym1.isStable)
- || sym2.isAbstractType && {
- val memberTp1 = tp1.memberType(sym1)
- // println("kinds conform? "+(memberTp1, tp1, sym2, kindsConform(List(sym2), List(memberTp1), tp2, sym2.owner)))
- info2.bounds.containsType(memberTp1) &&
- kindsConform(List(sym2), List(memberTp1), tp1, sym1.owner)
- }
- || sym2.isAliasType && tp2.memberType(sym2).substThis(tp2.typeSymbol, tp1) =:= tp1.memberType(sym1) //@MAT ok
- )
- }
- /** A function implementing `tp1` matches `tp2`. */
- final def matchesType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, alwaysMatchSimple: Boolean): Boolean = {
- def matchesQuantified(tparams1: List[Symbol], tparams2: List[Symbol], res1: Type, res2: Type): Boolean = (
- sameLength(tparams1, tparams2) &&
- matchesType(res1, res2.substSym(tparams2, tparams1), alwaysMatchSimple)
- )
- def lastTry =
- tp2 match {
- case ExistentialType(_, res2) if alwaysMatchSimple =>
- matchesType(tp1, res2, true)
- case MethodType(_, _) =>
- false
- case PolyType(_, _) =>
- false
- case _ =>
- alwaysMatchSimple || tp1 =:= tp2
- }
- tp1 match {
- case mt1 @ MethodType(params1, res1) =>
- tp2 match {
- case mt2 @ MethodType(params2, res2) =>
- // sameLength(params1, params2) was used directly as pre-screening optimization (now done by matchesQuantified -- is that ok, performancewise?)
- mt1.isImplicit == mt2.isImplicit &&
- matchingParams(params1, params2, mt1.isJava, mt2.isJava) &&
- matchesQuantified(params1, params2, res1, res2)
- case NullaryMethodType(res2) =>
- if (params1.isEmpty) matchesType(res1, res2, alwaysMatchSimple)
- else matchesType(tp1, res2, alwaysMatchSimple)
- case ExistentialType(_, res2) =>
- alwaysMatchSimple && matchesType(tp1, res2, true)
- case TypeRef(_, sym, Nil) =>
- params1.isEmpty && sym.isModuleClass && matchesType(res1, tp2, alwaysMatchSimple)
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- case mt1 @ NullaryMethodType(res1) =>
- tp2 match {
- case mt2 @ MethodType(Nil, res2) => // could never match if params nonEmpty, and !mt2.isImplicit is implied by empty param list
- matchesType(res1, res2, alwaysMatchSimple)
- case NullaryMethodType(res2) =>
- matchesType(res1, res2, alwaysMatchSimple)
- case ExistentialType(_, res2) =>
- alwaysMatchSimple && matchesType(tp1, res2, true)
- case TypeRef(_, sym, Nil) if sym.isModuleClass =>
- matchesType(res1, tp2, alwaysMatchSimple)
- case _ =>
- matchesType(res1, tp2, alwaysMatchSimple)
- }
- case PolyType(tparams1, res1) =>
- tp2 match {
- case PolyType(tparams2, res2) =>
- if ((tparams1 corresponds tparams2)(_ eq _))
- matchesType(res1, res2, alwaysMatchSimple)
- else
- matchesQuantified(tparams1, tparams2, res1, res2)
- case ExistentialType(_, res2) =>
- alwaysMatchSimple && matchesType(tp1, res2, true)
- case _ =>
- false // remember that tparams1.nonEmpty is now an invariant of PolyType
- }
- case ExistentialType(tparams1, res1) =>
- tp2 match {
- case ExistentialType(tparams2, res2) =>
- matchesQuantified(tparams1, tparams2, res1, res2)
- case _ =>
- if (alwaysMatchSimple) matchesType(res1, tp2, true)
- else lastTry
- }
- case TypeRef(_, sym, Nil) if sym.isModuleClass =>
- tp2 match {
- case MethodType(Nil, res2) => matchesType(tp1, res2, alwaysMatchSimple)
- case NullaryMethodType(res2) => matchesType(tp1, res2, alwaysMatchSimple)
- case _ => lastTry
- }
- case _ =>
- lastTry
- }
- }
-/** matchesType above is an optimized version of the following implementation:
- def matchesType2(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, alwaysMatchSimple: Boolean): Boolean = {
- def matchesQuantified(tparams1: List[Symbol], tparams2: List[Symbol], res1: Type, res2: Type): Boolean =
- tparams1.length == tparams2.length &&
- matchesType(res1, res2.substSym(tparams2, tparams1), alwaysMatchSimple)
- (tp1, tp2) match {
- case (MethodType(params1, res1), MethodType(params2, res2)) =>
- params1.length == params2.length && // useful pre-secreening optimization
- matchingParams(params1, params2, tp1.isInstanceOf[JavaMethodType], tp2.isInstanceOf[JavaMethodType]) &&
- matchesType(res1, res2, alwaysMatchSimple) &&
- tp1.isImplicit == tp2.isImplicit
- case (PolyType(tparams1, res1), PolyType(tparams2, res2)) =>
- matchesQuantified(tparams1, tparams2, res1, res2)
- case (NullaryMethodType(rtp1), MethodType(List(), rtp2)) =>
- matchesType(rtp1, rtp2, alwaysMatchSimple)
- case (MethodType(List(), rtp1), NullaryMethodType(rtp2)) =>
- matchesType(rtp1, rtp2, alwaysMatchSimple)
- case (ExistentialType(tparams1, res1), ExistentialType(tparams2, res2)) =>
- matchesQuantified(tparams1, tparams2, res1, res2)
- case (ExistentialType(_, res1), _) if alwaysMatchSimple =>
- matchesType(res1, tp2, alwaysMatchSimple)
- case (_, ExistentialType(_, res2)) if alwaysMatchSimple =>
- matchesType(tp1, res2, alwaysMatchSimple)
- case (NullaryMethodType(rtp1), _) =>
- matchesType(rtp1, tp2, alwaysMatchSimple)
- case (_, NullaryMethodType(rtp2)) =>
- matchesType(tp1, rtp2, alwaysMatchSimple)
- case (MethodType(_, _), _) => false
- case (PolyType(_, _), _) => false
- case (_, MethodType(_, _)) => false
- case (_, PolyType(_, _)) => false
- case _ =>
- alwaysMatchSimple || tp1 =:= tp2
- }
- }
- /** Are `syms1` and `syms2` parameter lists with pairwise equivalent types? */
- private def matchingParams(syms1: List[Symbol], syms2: List[Symbol], syms1isJava: Boolean, syms2isJava: Boolean): Boolean = syms1 match {
- case Nil =>
- syms2.isEmpty
- case sym1 :: rest1 =>
- syms2 match {
- case Nil =>
- false
- case sym2 :: rest2 =>
- val tp1 = sym1.tpe
- val tp2 = sym2.tpe
- (tp1 =:= tp2 ||
- syms1isJava && tp2.typeSymbol == ObjectClass && tp1.typeSymbol == AnyClass ||
- syms2isJava && tp1.typeSymbol == ObjectClass && tp2.typeSymbol == AnyClass) &&
- matchingParams(rest1, rest2, syms1isJava, syms2isJava)
- }
- }
- /** like map2, but returns list `xs` itself - instead of a copy - if function
- * `f` maps all elements to themselves.
- */
- def map2Conserve[A <: AnyRef, B](xs: List[A], ys: List[B])(f: (A, B) => A): List[A] =
- if (xs.isEmpty) xs
- else {
- val x1 = f(xs.head, ys.head)
- val xs1 = map2Conserve(xs.tail, ys.tail)(f)
- if ((x1 eq xs.head) && (xs1 eq xs.tail)) xs
- else x1 :: xs1
- }
- /** Solve constraint collected in types `tvars`.
- *
- * @param tvars All type variables to be instantiated.
- * @param tparams The type parameters corresponding to `tvars`
- * @param variances The variances of type parameters; need to reverse
- * solution direction for all contravariant variables.
- * @param upper When `true` search for max solution else min.
- */
- def solve(tvars: List[TypeVar], tparams: List[Symbol],
- variances: List[Int], upper: Boolean): Boolean =
- solve(tvars, tparams, variances, upper, AnyDepth)
- def solve(tvars: List[TypeVar], tparams: List[Symbol],
- variances: List[Int], upper: Boolean, depth: Int): Boolean = {
- def solveOne(tvar: TypeVar, tparam: Symbol, variance: Int) {
- if (tvar.constr.inst == NoType) {
- val up = if (variance != CONTRAVARIANT) upper else !upper
- tvar.constr.inst = null
- val bound: Type = if (up) else
- //Console.println("solveOne0(tv, tp, v, b)="+(tvar, tparam, variance, bound))
- var cyclic = bound contains tparam
- foreach3(tvars, tparams, variances)((tvar2, tparam2, variance2) => {
- val ok = (tparam2 != tparam) && (
- (bound contains tparam2)
- || up && ( =:= tparam.tpeHK)
- || !up && ( =:= tparam.tpeHK)
- )
- if (ok) {
- if (tvar2.constr.inst eq null) cyclic = true
- solveOne(tvar2, tparam2, variance2)
- }
- })
- if (!cyclic) {
- if (up) {
- if (bound.typeSymbol != AnyClass)
- tvar addHiBound bound.instantiateTypeParams(tparams, tvars)
- for (tparam2 <- tparams)
- match {
- case TypeRef(_, `tparam`, _) =>
- tvar addHiBound tparam2.tpeHK.instantiateTypeParams(tparams, tvars)
- case _ =>
- }
- } else {
- if (bound.typeSymbol != NothingClass && bound.typeSymbol != tparam) {
- tvar addLoBound bound.instantiateTypeParams(tparams, tvars)
- }
- for (tparam2 <- tparams)
- match {
- case TypeRef(_, `tparam`, _) =>
- tvar addLoBound tparam2.tpeHK.instantiateTypeParams(tparams, tvars)
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- }
- tvar.constr.inst = NoType // necessary because hibounds/lobounds may contain tvar
- //println("solving "+tvar+" "+up+" "+(if (up) (tvar.constr.hiBounds) else tvar.constr.loBounds)+((if (up) (tvar.constr.hiBounds) else tvar.constr.loBounds) map (_.widen)))
- tvar setInst (
- if (up) {
- if (depth != AnyDepth) glb(tvar.constr.hiBounds, depth) else glb(tvar.constr.hiBounds)
- } else {
- if (depth != AnyDepth) lub(tvar.constr.loBounds, depth) else lub(tvar.constr.loBounds)
- })
- //Console.println("solving "+tvar+" "+up+" "+(if (up) (tvar.constr.hiBounds) else tvar.constr.loBounds)+((if (up) (tvar.constr.hiBounds) else tvar.constr.loBounds) map (_.widen))+" = "+tvar.constr.inst)//@MDEBUG
- }
- }
- // println("solving "+tvars+"/"+tparams+"/"+(tparams map (
- foreach3(tvars, tparams, variances)(solveOne)
- tvars forall (tvar => tvar.constr.isWithinBounds(tvar.constr.inst))
- }
- /** Do type arguments `targs` conform to formal parameters `tparams`?
- */
- def isWithinBounds(pre: Type, owner: Symbol, tparams: List[Symbol], targs: List[Type]): Boolean = {
- var bounds = instantiatedBounds(pre, owner, tparams, targs)
- if (targs.exists(_.annotations.nonEmpty))
- bounds = adaptBoundsToAnnotations(bounds, tparams, targs)
- (bounds corresponds targs)(_ containsType _)
- }
- def instantiatedBounds(pre: Type, owner: Symbol, tparams: List[Symbol], targs: List[Type]): List[TypeBounds] =
- tparams map (, owner).instantiateTypeParams(tparams, targs).bounds)
-// Lubs and Glbs ---------------------------------------------------------
- private def printLubMatrix(btsMap: Map[Type, List[Type]], depth: Int) {
- import util.TableDef
- import TableDef.Column
- def str(tp: Type) = {
- if (tp == NoType) ""
- else {
- val s = ("" + tp).replaceAll("""[\w.]+\.(\w+)""", "$1")
- if (s.length < 60) s
- else (s take 57) + "..."
- }
- }
- val sorted = btsMap.toList.sortWith((x, y) => x._1.typeSymbol isLess y._1.typeSymbol)
- val maxSeqLength = sorted map (_._2.size) max
- val padded = sorted map (_._2.padTo(maxSeqLength, NoType))
- val transposed = padded.transpose
- val columns: List[Column[List[Type]]] = mapWithIndex(sorted) {
- case ((k, v), idx) =>
- Column(str(k), (xs: List[Type]) => str(xs(idx)), true)
- }
- val tableDef = TableDef(columns: _*)
- val formatted = tableDef.table(transposed)
- println("** Depth is " + depth + "\n" + formatted)
- }
- /** From a list of types, find any which take type parameters
- * where the type parameter bounds contain references to other
- * any types in the list (including itself.)
- *
- * @return List of symbol pairs holding the recursive type
- * parameter and the parameter which references it.
- */
- def findRecursiveBounds(ts: List[Type]): List[(Symbol, Symbol)] = {
- if (ts.isEmpty) Nil
- else {
- val sym = ts.head.typeSymbol
- require(ts.tail forall (_.typeSymbol == sym), ts)
- for (p <- sym.typeParams ; in <- sym.typeParams ; if contains p) yield
- p -> in
- }
- }
- /** Given a matrix `tsBts` whose columns are basetype sequences (and the symbols `tsParams` that should be interpreted as type parameters in this matrix),
- * compute its least sorted upwards closed upper bound relative to the following ordering <= between lists of types:
- *
- * xs <= ys iff forall y in ys exists x in xs such that x <: y
- *
- * @arg tsParams for each type in the original list of types `ts0`, its list of type parameters (if that type is a type constructor)
- * (these type parameters may be referred to by type arguments in the BTS column of those types,
- * and must be interpreted as bound variables; i.e., under a type lambda that wraps the types that refer to these type params)
- * @arg tsBts a matrix whose columns are basetype sequences
- * the first row is the original list of types for which we're computing the lub
- * (except that type constructors have been applied to their dummyArgs)
- * @See baseTypeSeq for a definition of sorted and upwards closed.
- */
- private def lubList(ts: List[Type], depth: Int): List[Type] = {
- // Matching the type params of one of the initial types means dummies.
- val initialTypeParams = ts map (_.typeParams)
- def isHotForTs(xs: List[Type]) = initialTypeParams contains
- def elimHigherOrderTypeParam(tp: Type) = tp match {
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) if args.nonEmpty && isHotForTs(args) => tp.typeConstructor
- case _ => tp
- }
- var lubListDepth = 0
- def loop(tsBts: List[List[Type]]): List[Type] = {
- lubListDepth += 1
- if (tsBts.isEmpty || tsBts.exists(_.isEmpty)) Nil
- else if (tsBts.tail.isEmpty) tsBts.head
- else {
- // ts0 is the 1-dimensional frontier of symbols cutting through 2-dimensional tsBts.
- // Invariant: all symbols "under" (closer to the first row) the frontier
- // are smaller (according to _.isLess) than the ones "on and beyond" the frontier
- val ts0 = tsBts map (_.head)
- // Is the frontier made up of types with the same symbol?
- val isUniformFrontier = (ts0: @unchecked) match {
- case t :: ts => ts forall (_.typeSymbol == t.typeSymbol)
- }
- // Produce a single type for this frontier by merging the prefixes and arguments of those
- // typerefs that share the same symbol: that symbol is the current maximal symbol for which
- // the invariant holds, i.e., the one that conveys most information wrt subtyping. Before
- // merging, strip targs that refer to bound tparams (when we're computing the lub of type
- // constructors.) Also filter out all types that are a subtype of some other type.
- if (isUniformFrontier) {
- if (settings.debug.value || printLubs) {
- val fbounds = findRecursiveBounds(ts0)
- if (fbounds.nonEmpty) {
- println("Encountered " + fbounds.size + " recursive bounds while lubbing " + ts0.size + " types.")
- for ((p0, p1) <- fbounds) {
- val desc = if (p0 == p1) "its own bounds" else "the bounds of " + p1
- println(" " + p0.fullLocationString + " appears in " + desc)
- println(" " + p1 + " " +
- }
- println("")
- }
- }
- val tails = tsBts map (_.tail)
- mergePrefixAndArgs(elimSub(ts0 map elimHigherOrderTypeParam, depth), 1, depth) match {
- case Some(tp) => tp :: loop(tails)
- case _ => loop(tails)
- }
- }
- else {
- // frontier is not uniform yet, move it beyond the current minimal symbol;
- // lather, rinSe, repeat
- val sym = minSym(ts0)
- val newtps = tsBts map (ts => if (ts.head.typeSymbol == sym) ts.tail else ts)
- if (printLubs) {
- val str = (newtps.zipWithIndex map { case (tps, idx) =>
-" " + _ + "\n").mkString(" (" + idx + ")\n", "", "\n")
- }).mkString("")
- println("Frontier(\n" + str + ")")
- printLubMatrix(ts zip tsBts toMap, lubListDepth)
- }
- loop(newtps)
- }
- }
- }
- val initialBTSes = ts map (_.baseTypeSeq.toList)
- if (printLubs)
- printLubMatrix(ts zip initialBTSes toMap, depth)
- loop(initialBTSes)
- }
- /** The minimal symbol (wrt Symbol.isLess) of a list of types */
- private def minSym(tps: List[Type]): Symbol =
- (tps.head.typeSymbol /: tps.tail) {
- (sym1, tp2) => if (tp2.typeSymbol isLess sym1) tp2.typeSymbol else sym1
- }
- /** A minimal type list which has a given list of types as its base type sequence */
- def spanningTypes(ts: List[Type]): List[Type] = ts match {
- case List() => List()
- case first :: rest =>
- first :: spanningTypes(
- rest filter (t => !first.typeSymbol.isSubClass(t.typeSymbol)))
- }
- /** Eliminate from list of types all elements which are a supertype
- * of some other element of the list. */
- private def elimSuper(ts: List[Type]): List[Type] = ts match {
- case List() => List()
- case t :: ts1 =>
- val rest = elimSuper(ts1 filter (t1 => !(t <:< t1)))
- if (rest exists (t1 => t1 <:< t)) rest else t :: rest
- }
- def elimAnonymousClass(t: Type) = t match {
- case TypeRef(pre, clazz, Nil) if clazz.isAnonymousClass =>
- clazz.classBound.asSeenFrom(pre, clazz.owner)
- case _ =>
- t
- }
- def elimRefinement(t: Type) = t match {
- case RefinedType(parents, decls) if !decls.isEmpty => intersectionType(parents)
- case _ => t
- }
- /** Eliminate from list of types all elements which are a subtype
- * of some other element of the list. */
- private def elimSub(ts: List[Type], depth: Int): List[Type] = {
- def elimSub0(ts: List[Type]): List[Type] = ts match {
- case List() => List()
- case t :: ts1 =>
- val rest = elimSub0(ts1 filter (t1 => !isSubType(t1, t, decr(depth))))
- if (rest exists (t1 => isSubType(t, t1, decr(depth)))) rest else t :: rest
- }
- val ts0 = elimSub0(ts)
- if (ts0.isEmpty || ts0.tail.isEmpty) ts0
- else {
- val ts1 = ts0 mapConserve (t => elimAnonymousClass(t.underlying))
- if (ts1 eq ts0) ts0
- else elimSub(ts1, depth)
- }
- }
- private def stripExistentialsAndTypeVars(ts: List[Type]): (List[Type], List[Symbol]) = {
- val quantified = ts flatMap {
- case ExistentialType(qs, _) => qs
- case t => List()
- }
- def stripType(tp: Type) = tp match {
- case ExistentialType(_, res) =>
- res
- case tv@TypeVar(_, constr) =>
- if (tv.instValid) constr.inst
- else if (tv.untouchable) tv
- else abort("trying to do lub/glb of typevar "+tp)
- case t => t
- }
- val strippedTypes = ts mapConserve stripType
- (strippedTypes, quantified)
- }
- def weakLub(ts: List[Type]) =
- if (ts.nonEmpty && (ts forall isNumericValueType)) (numericLub(ts), true)
- else if (ts.nonEmpty && (ts exists (_.annotations.nonEmpty)))
- (annotationsLub(lub(ts map (_.withoutAnnotations)), ts), true)
- else (lub(ts), false)
- def weakGlb(ts: List[Type]) = {
- if (ts.nonEmpty && (ts forall isNumericValueType)) {
- val nglb = numericGlb(ts)
- if (nglb != NoType) (nglb, true)
- else (glb(ts), false)
- } else if (ts.nonEmpty && (ts exists (_.annotations.nonEmpty))) {
- (annotationsGlb(glb(ts map (_.withoutAnnotations)), ts), true)
- } else (glb(ts), false)
- }
- def numericLub(ts: List[Type]) =
- ts reduceLeft ((t1, t2) =>
- if (isNumericSubType(t1, t2)) t2
- else if (isNumericSubType(t2, t1)) t1
- else IntClass.tpe)
- def numericGlb(ts: List[Type]) =
- ts reduceLeft ((t1, t2) =>
- if (isNumericSubType(t1, t2)) t1
- else if (isNumericSubType(t2, t1)) t2
- else NoType)
- def isWeakSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) =
- tp1.deconst.normalize match {
- case TypeRef(_, sym1, _) if isNumericValueClass(sym1) =>
- tp2.deconst.normalize match {
- case TypeRef(_, sym2, _) if isNumericValueClass(sym2) =>
- isNumericSubClass(sym1, sym2)
- case tv2 @ TypeVar(_, _) =>
- tv2.registerBound(tp1, isLowerBound = true, isNumericBound = true)
- case _ =>
- isSubType(tp1, tp2)
- }
- case tv1 @ TypeVar(_, _) =>
- tp2.deconst.normalize match {
- case TypeRef(_, sym2, _) if isNumericValueClass(sym2) =>
- tv1.registerBound(tp2, isLowerBound = false, isNumericBound = true)
- case _ =>
- isSubType(tp1, tp2)
- }
- case _ =>
- isSubType(tp1, tp2)
- }
- /** The isNumericValueType tests appear redundant, but without them
- * test/continuations-neg/function3.scala goes into an infinite loop.
- * (Even if the calls are to typeSymbolDirect.)
- */
- def isNumericSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) = (
- isNumericValueType(tp1)
- && isNumericValueType(tp2)
- && isNumericSubClass(tp1.typeSymbol, tp2.typeSymbol)
- )
- private val lubResults = new mutable.HashMap[(Int, List[Type]), Type]
- private val glbResults = new mutable.HashMap[(Int, List[Type]), Type]
- def lub(ts: List[Type]): Type = ts match {
- case List() => NothingClass.tpe
- case List(t) => t
- case _ =>
- try {
- lub(ts, lubDepth(ts))
- } finally {
- lubResults.clear()
- glbResults.clear()
- }
- }
- /** The least upper bound wrt <:< of a list of types */
- private def lub(ts: List[Type], depth: Int): Type = {
- def lub0(ts0: List[Type]): Type = elimSub(ts0, depth) match {
- case List() => NothingClass.tpe
- case List(t) => t
- case ts @ PolyType(tparams, _) :: _ =>
- val tparams1 = map2(tparams, matchingBounds(ts, tparams).transpose)((tparam, bounds) =>
- tparam.cloneSymbol.setInfo(glb(bounds, depth)))
- PolyType(tparams1, lub0(matchingInstTypes(ts, tparams1)))
- case ts @ MethodType(params, _) :: rest =>
- MethodType(params, lub0(matchingRestypes(ts, params map (_.tpe))))
- case ts @ NullaryMethodType(_) :: rest =>
- NullaryMethodType(lub0(matchingRestypes(ts, Nil)))
- case ts @ TypeBounds(_, _) :: rest =>
- TypeBounds(glb(ts map (_.bounds.lo), depth), lub(ts map (_.bounds.hi), depth))
- case ts =>
- lubResults get (depth, ts) match {
- case Some(lubType) =>
- lubType
- case None =>
- lubResults((depth, ts)) = AnyClass.tpe
- val res = if (depth < 0) AnyClass.tpe else lub1(ts)
- lubResults((depth, ts)) = res
- res
- }
- }
- def lub1(ts0: List[Type]): Type = {
- val (ts, tparams) = stripExistentialsAndTypeVars(ts0)
- val lubBaseTypes: List[Type] = lubList(ts, depth)
- val lubParents = spanningTypes(lubBaseTypes)
- val lubOwner = commonOwner(ts)
- val lubBase = intersectionType(lubParents, lubOwner)
- val lubType =
- if (phase.erasedTypes || depth == 0) lubBase
- else {
- val lubRefined = refinedType(lubParents, lubOwner)
- val lubThisType = lubRefined.typeSymbol.thisType
- val narrowts = ts map (_.narrow)
- def excludeFromLub(sym: Symbol) = (
- sym.isClass
- || sym.isConstructor
- || !sym.isPublic
- || isGetClass(sym)
- || narrowts.exists(t => !refines(t, sym))
- )
- def lubsym(proto: Symbol): Symbol = {
- val prototp = lubThisType.memberInfo(proto)
- val syms = narrowts map (t =>
- t.nonPrivateMember( =>
- sym.tpe matches prototp.substThis(lubThisType.typeSymbol, t)))
- if (syms contains NoSymbol) NoSymbol
- else {
- val symtypes =
- map2(narrowts, syms)((t, sym) => t.memberInfo(sym).substThis(t.typeSymbol, lubThisType))
- if (proto.isTerm) // possible problem: owner of info is still the old one, instead of new refinement class
- proto.cloneSymbol(lubRefined.typeSymbol).setInfoOwnerAdjusted(lub(symtypes, decr(depth)))
- else if (symtypes.tail forall (symtypes.head =:=))
- proto.cloneSymbol(lubRefined.typeSymbol).setInfoOwnerAdjusted(symtypes.head)
- else {
- def lubBounds(bnds: List[TypeBounds]): TypeBounds =
- TypeBounds(glb(bnds map (_.lo), decr(depth)), lub(bnds map (_.hi), decr(depth)))
- lubRefined.typeSymbol.newAbstractType(, proto.pos)
- .setInfoOwnerAdjusted(lubBounds(symtypes map (_.bounds)))
- }
- }
- }
- def refines(tp: Type, sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
- val syms = tp.nonPrivateMember(;
- !syms.isEmpty && (syms forall (alt =>
- // todo alt != sym is strictly speaking not correct, but without it we lose
- // efficiency.
- alt != sym && !specializesSym(lubThisType, sym, tp, alt)))
- }
- // add a refinement symbol for all non-class members of lubBase
- // which are refined by every type in ts.
- for (sym <- lubBase.nonPrivateMembers ; if !excludeFromLub(sym)) {
- try {
- val lsym = lubsym(sym)
- if (lsym != NoSymbol) addMember(lubThisType, lubRefined, lsym)
- } catch {
- case ex: NoCommonType =>
- }
- }
- if (lubRefined.decls.isEmpty) lubBase
- else if (!verifyLubs) lubRefined
- else {
- // Verify that every given type conforms to the calculated lub.
- // In theory this should not be necessary, but higher-order type
- // parameters are not handled correctly.
- val ok = ts forall { t =>
- (t <:< lubRefined) || {
- if (settings.debug.value || printLubs) {
- Console.println(
- "Malformed lub: " + lubRefined + "\n" +
- "Argument " + t + " does not conform. Falling back to " + lubBase
- )
- }
- false
- }
- }
- // If not, fall back on the more conservative calculation.
- if (ok) lubRefined
- else lubBase
- }
- }
- existentialAbstraction(tparams, lubType)
- }
- if (printLubs) {
- println(indent + "lub of " + ts + " at depth "+depth)//debug
- indent = indent + " "
- assert(indent.length <= 100)
- }
- val res = lub0(ts)
- if (printLubs) {
- indent = indent stripSuffix " "
- println(indent + "lub of " + ts + " is " + res)//debug
- }
- if (ts forall (_.isNotNull)) res.notNull else res
- }
- val GlbFailure = new Throwable
- /** A global counter for glb calls in the `specializes` query connected to the `addMembers`
- * call in `glb`. There's a possible infinite recursion when `specializes` calls
- * memberType, which calls baseTypeSeq, which calls mergePrefixAndArgs, which calls glb.
- * The counter breaks this recursion after two calls.
- * If the recursion is broken, no member is added to the glb.
- */
- private var globalGlbDepth = 0
- private final val globalGlbLimit = 2
- /** The greatest lower bound wrt <:< of a list of types */
- def glb(ts: List[Type]): Type = elimSuper(ts) match {
- case List() => AnyClass.tpe
- case List(t) => t
- case ts0 =>
- try {
- glbNorm(ts0, lubDepth(ts0))
- } finally {
- lubResults.clear()
- glbResults.clear()
- }
- }
- private def glb(ts: List[Type], depth: Int): Type = elimSuper(ts) match {
- case List() => AnyClass.tpe
- case List(t) => t
- case ts0 => glbNorm(ts0, depth)
- }
- /** The greatest lower bound wrt <:< of a list of types, which have been normalized
- * wrt elimSuper */
- protected def glbNorm(ts: List[Type], depth: Int): Type = {
- def glb0(ts0: List[Type]): Type = ts0 match {
- case List() => AnyClass.tpe
- case List(t) => t
- case ts @ PolyType(tparams, _) :: _ =>
- val tparams1 = map2(tparams, matchingBounds(ts, tparams).transpose)((tparam, bounds) =>
- tparam.cloneSymbol.setInfo(lub(bounds, depth)))
- PolyType(tparams1, glbNorm(matchingInstTypes(ts, tparams1), depth))
- case ts @ MethodType(params, _) :: rest =>
- MethodType(params, glbNorm(matchingRestypes(ts, params map (_.tpe)), depth))
- case ts @ NullaryMethodType(_) :: rest =>
- NullaryMethodType(glbNorm(matchingRestypes(ts, Nil), depth))
- case ts @ TypeBounds(_, _) :: rest =>
- TypeBounds(lub(ts map (_.bounds.lo), depth), glb(ts map (_.bounds.hi), depth))
- case ts =>
- glbResults get (depth, ts) match {
- case Some(glbType) =>
- glbType
- case _ =>
- glbResults((depth, ts)) = NothingClass.tpe
- val res = if (depth < 0) NothingClass.tpe else glb1(ts)
- glbResults((depth, ts)) = res
- res
- }
- }
- def glb1(ts0: List[Type]): Type = {
- try {
- val (ts, tparams) = stripExistentialsAndTypeVars(ts0)
- val glbOwner = commonOwner(ts)
- def refinedToParents(t: Type): List[Type] = t match {
- case RefinedType(ps, _) => ps flatMap refinedToParents
- case _ => List(t)
- }
- def refinedToDecls(t: Type): List[Scope] = t match {
- case RefinedType(ps, decls) =>
- val dss = ps flatMap refinedToDecls
- if (decls.isEmpty) dss else decls :: dss
- case _ => List()
- }
- val ts1 = ts flatMap refinedToParents
- val glbBase = intersectionType(ts1, glbOwner)
- val glbType =
- if (phase.erasedTypes || depth == 0) glbBase
- else {
- val glbRefined = refinedType(ts1, glbOwner)
- val glbThisType = glbRefined.typeSymbol.thisType
- def glbsym(proto: Symbol): Symbol = {
- val prototp = glbThisType.memberInfo(proto)
- val syms = for (t <- ts;
- alt <- (t.nonPrivateMember(;
- if glbThisType.memberInfo(alt) matches prototp
- ) yield alt
- val symtypes = syms map glbThisType.memberInfo
- assert(!symtypes.isEmpty)
- proto.cloneSymbol(glbRefined.typeSymbol).setInfoOwnerAdjusted(
- if (proto.isTerm) glb(symtypes, decr(depth))
- else {
- def isTypeBound(tp: Type) = tp match {
- case TypeBounds(_, _) => true
- case _ => false
- }
- def glbBounds(bnds: List[Type]): TypeBounds = {
- val lo = lub(bnds map (_.bounds.lo), decr(depth))
- val hi = glb(bnds map (_.bounds.hi), decr(depth))
- if (lo <:< hi) TypeBounds(lo, hi)
- else throw GlbFailure
- }
- val symbounds = symtypes filter isTypeBound
- var result: Type =
- if (symbounds.isEmpty)
- TypeBounds.empty
- else glbBounds(symbounds)
- for (t <- symtypes if !isTypeBound(t))
- if (result.bounds containsType t) result = t
- else throw GlbFailure
- result
- })
- }
- if (globalGlbDepth < globalGlbLimit)
- try {
- globalGlbDepth += 1
- val dss = ts flatMap refinedToDecls
- for (ds <- dss; sym <- ds.iterator)
- if (globalGlbDepth < globalGlbLimit && !(glbThisType specializes sym))
- try {
- addMember(glbThisType, glbRefined, glbsym(sym))
- } catch {
- case ex: NoCommonType =>
- }
- } finally {
- globalGlbDepth -= 1
- }
- if (glbRefined.decls.isEmpty) glbBase else glbRefined
- }
- existentialAbstraction(tparams, glbType)
- } catch {
- case GlbFailure =>
- if (ts forall (t => NullClass.tpe <:< t)) NullClass.tpe
- else NothingClass.tpe
- }
- }
- // if (settings.debug.value) { println(indent + "glb of " + ts + " at depth "+depth); indent = indent + " " } //DEBUG
- val res = glb0(ts)
- // if (settings.debug.value) { indent = indent.substring(0, indent.length() - 2); log(indent + "glb of " + ts + " is " + res) }//DEBUG
- if (ts exists (_.isNotNull)) res.notNull else res
- }
- /** A list of the typevars in a type. */
- def typeVarsInType(tp: Type): List[TypeVar] = {
- var tvs: List[TypeVar] = Nil
- tp foreach {
- case t: TypeVar => tvs ::= t
- case _ =>
- }
- tvs.reverse
- }
- /** Make each type var in this type use its original type for comparisons instead
- * of collecting constraints.
- */
- def suspendTypeVarsInType(tp: Type): List[TypeVar] = {
- val tvs = typeVarsInType(tp)
- // !!! Is it somehow guaranteed that this will not break under nesting?
- // In general one has to save and restore the contents of the field...
- tvs foreach (_.suspended = true)
- tvs
- }
- /** Compute lub (if `variance == 1`) or glb (if `variance == -1`) of given list
- * of types `tps`. All types in `tps` are typerefs or singletypes
- * with the same symbol.
- * Return `Some(x)` if the computation succeeds with result `x`.
- * Return `None` if the computation fails.
- */
- def mergePrefixAndArgs(tps: List[Type], variance: Int, depth: Int): Option[Type] = tps match {
- case List(tp) =>
- Some(tp)
- case TypeRef(_, sym, _) :: rest =>
- val pres = tps map (_.prefix) // prefix normalizes automatically
- val pre = if (variance == 1) lub(pres, depth) else glb(pres, depth)
- val argss = tps map (_.normalize.typeArgs) // symbol equality (of the tp in tps) was checked using typeSymbol, which normalizes, so should normalize before retrieving arguments
- val capturedParams = new ListBuffer[Symbol]
- try {
- if (sym == ArrayClass && phase.erasedTypes) {
- // special treatment for lubs of array types after erasure:
- // if argss contain one value type and some other type, the lub is Object
- // if argss contain several reference types, the lub is an array over lub of argtypes
- if (argss exists (_.isEmpty)) {
- None // something is wrong: an array without a type arg.
- } else {
- val args = argss map (_.head)
- if (args.tail forall (_ =:= args.head)) Some(typeRef(pre, sym, List(args.head)))
- else if (args exists (arg => isPrimitiveValueClass(arg.typeSymbol))) Some(ObjectClass.tpe)
- else Some(typeRef(pre, sym, List(lub(args))))
- }
- }
- else transposeSafe(argss) match {
- case None =>
- // transpose freaked out because of irregular argss
- // catching just in case (shouldn't happen, but also doesn't cost us)
- // [JZ] It happens: see SI-5683.
- debuglog("transposed irregular matrix!?" +(tps, argss))
- None
- case Some(argsst) =>
- val args = map2(sym.typeParams, argsst) { (tparam, as) =>
- if (depth == 0) {
- if (tparam.variance == variance) {
- // Take the intersection of the upper bounds of the type parameters
- // rather than falling all the way back to "Any", otherwise we end up not
- // conforming to bounds.
- val bounds0 = sym.typeParams map ( filterNot (_.typeSymbol == AnyClass)
- if (bounds0.isEmpty) AnyClass.tpe
- else intersectionType(bounds0 map (b => b.asSeenFrom(tps.head, sym)))
- }
- else if (tparam.variance == -variance) NothingClass.tpe
- else NoType
- }
- else {
- if (tparam.variance == variance) lub(as, decr(depth))
- else if (tparam.variance == -variance) glb(as, decr(depth))
- else {
- val l = lub(as, decr(depth))
- val g = glb(as, decr(depth))
- if (l <:< g) l
- else { // Martin: I removed this, because incomplete. Not sure there is a good way to fix it. For the moment we
- // just err on the conservative side, i.e. with a bound that is too high.
- // if(!( contains tparam)) //@M can't deal with f-bounds, see #2251
- val qvar = commonOwner(as) freshExistential "" setInfo TypeBounds(g, l)
- capturedParams += qvar
- qvar.tpe
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (args contains NoType) None
- else Some(existentialAbstraction(capturedParams.toList, typeRef(pre, sym, args)))
- }
- } catch {
- case ex: MalformedType => None
- }
- case SingleType(_, sym) :: rest =>
- val pres = tps map (_.prefix)
- val pre = if (variance == 1) lub(pres, depth) else glb(pres, depth)
- try {
- Some(singleType(pre, sym))
- } catch {
- case ex: MalformedType => None
- }
- case ExistentialType(tparams, quantified) :: rest =>
- mergePrefixAndArgs(quantified :: rest, variance, depth) map (existentialAbstraction(tparams, _))
- case _ =>
- assert(false, tps); None
- }
- /** Make symbol `sym` a member of scope `tp.decls`
- * where `thistp` is the narrowed owner type of the scope.
- */
- def addMember(thistp: Type, tp: Type, sym: Symbol) {
- assert(sym != NoSymbol)
- // debuglog("add member " + sym+":"" to "+thistp) //DEBUG
- if (!(thistp specializes sym)) {
- if (sym.isTerm)
- for (alt <- tp.nonPrivateDecl(
- if (specializesSym(thistp, sym, thistp, alt))
- tp.decls unlink alt;
- tp.decls enter sym
- }
- }
- /** All types in list must be polytypes with type parameter lists of
- * same length as tparams.
- * Returns list of list of bounds infos, where corresponding type
- * parameters are renamed to tparams.
- */
- private def matchingBounds(tps: List[Type], tparams: List[Symbol]): List[List[Type]] = {
- def getBounds(tp: Type): List[Type] = tp match {
- case PolyType(tparams1, _) if sameLength(tparams1, tparams) =>
- tparams1 map (tparam =>, tparams))
- case tp =>
- if (tp ne tp.normalize) getBounds(tp.normalize)
- else throw new NoCommonType(tps)
- }
- tps map getBounds
- }
- /** All types in list must be polytypes with type parameter lists of
- * same length as tparams.
- * Returns list of instance types, where corresponding type
- * parameters are renamed to tparams.
- */
- private def matchingInstTypes(tps: List[Type], tparams: List[Symbol]): List[Type] = {
- def transformResultType(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case PolyType(tparams1, restpe) if sameLength(tparams1, tparams) =>
- restpe.substSym(tparams1, tparams)
- case tp =>
- if (tp ne tp.normalize) transformResultType(tp.normalize)
- else throw new NoCommonType(tps)
- }
- tps map transformResultType
- }
- /** All types in list must be method types with equal parameter types.
- * Returns list of their result types.
- */
- private def matchingRestypes(tps: List[Type], pts: List[Type]): List[Type] =
- tps map {
- case MethodType(params1, res) if (isSameTypes(params1 map (_.tpe), pts)) =>
- res
- case NullaryMethodType(res) if pts isEmpty =>
- res
- case _ =>
- throw new NoCommonType(tps)
- }
-// Errors and Diagnostics -----------------------------------------------------
- /** A throwable signalling a type error */
- class TypeError(var pos: Position, val msg: String) extends Throwable(msg) {
- def this(msg: String) = this(NoPosition, msg)
- }
- // TODO: RecoverableCyclicReference should be separated from TypeError,
- // but that would be a big change. Left for further refactoring.
- /** An exception for cyclic references from which we can recover */
- case class RecoverableCyclicReference(sym: Symbol)
- extends TypeError("illegal cyclic reference involving " + sym) {
- if (settings.debug.value) printStackTrace()
- }
- class NoCommonType(tps: List[Type]) extends Throwable(
- "lub/glb of incompatible types: " + tps.mkString("", " and ", "")) with ControlThrowable
- /** A throwable signalling a malformed type */
- class MalformedType(msg: String) extends TypeError(msg) {
- def this(pre: Type, tp: String) = this("malformed type: " + pre + "#" + tp)
- }
- /** The current indentation string for traces */
- private var indent: String = ""
- /** Perform operation `p` on arguments `tp1`, `arg2` and print trace of computation. */
- protected def explain[T](op: String, p: (Type, T) => Boolean, tp1: Type, arg2: T): Boolean = {
- Console.println(indent + tp1 + " " + op + " " + arg2 + "?" /* + "("+tp1.getClass+","+arg2.getClass+")"*/)
- indent = indent + " "
- val result = p(tp1, arg2)
- indent = indent stripSuffix " "
- Console.println(indent + result)
- result
- }
- /** If option `explaintypes` is set, print a subtype trace for `found <:< required`. */
- def explainTypes(found: Type, required: Type) {
- if (settings.explaintypes.value) withTypesExplained(found <:< required)
- }
- /** If option `explaintypes` is set, print a subtype trace for `op(found, required)`. */
- def explainTypes(op: (Type, Type) => Any, found: Type, required: Type) {
- if (settings.explaintypes.value) withTypesExplained(op(found, required))
- }
- /** Execute `op` while printing a trace of the operations on types executed. */
- def withTypesExplained[A](op: => A): A = {
- val s = explainSwitch
- try { explainSwitch = true; op } finally { explainSwitch = s }
- }
- def isUnboundedGeneric(tp: Type) = tp match {
- case t @ TypeRef(_, sym, _) => sym.isAbstractType && !(t <:< AnyRefClass.tpe)
- case _ => false
- }
- def isBoundedGeneric(tp: Type) = tp match {
- case TypeRef(_, sym, _) if sym.isAbstractType => (tp <:< AnyRefClass.tpe)
- case TypeRef(_, sym, _) => !isPrimitiveValueClass(sym)
- case _ => false
- }
- // Add serializable to a list of parents, unless one of them already is
- def addSerializable(ps: Type*): List[Type] = (
- if (ps exists (_ <:< SerializableClass.tpe)) ps.toList
- else (ps :+ SerializableClass.tpe).toList
- )
- def objToAny(tp: Type): Type =
- if (!phase.erasedTypes && tp.typeSymbol == ObjectClass) AnyClass.tpe
- else tp
- val shorthands = Set(
- "scala.collection.immutable.List",
- "scala.collection.immutable.Nil",
- "scala.collection.Seq",
- "scala.collection.Traversable",
- "scala.collection.Iterable",
- "scala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder",
- "scala.collection.IndexedSeq",
- "scala.collection.Iterator")
- /** The maximum number of recursions allowed in toString
- */
- final val maxTostringRecursions = 50
- private var tostringRecursions = 0
- protected def typeToString(tpe: Type): String =
- if (tostringRecursions >= maxTostringRecursions)
- "..."
- else
- try {
- tostringRecursions += 1
- tpe.safeToString
- } finally {
- tostringRecursions -= 1
- }
- implicit val AnnotatedTypeTag = ClassTag[AnnotatedType](classOf[AnnotatedType])
- implicit val BoundedWildcardTypeTag = ClassTag[BoundedWildcardType](classOf[BoundedWildcardType])
- implicit val ClassInfoTypeTag = ClassTag[ClassInfoType](classOf[ClassInfoType])
- implicit val CompoundTypeTag = ClassTag[CompoundType](classOf[CompoundType])
- implicit val ConstantTypeTag = ClassTag[ConstantType](classOf[ConstantType])
- implicit val ExistentialTypeTag = ClassTag[ExistentialType](classOf[ExistentialType])
- implicit val MethodTypeTag = ClassTag[MethodType](classOf[MethodType])
- implicit val NullaryMethodTypeTag = ClassTag[NullaryMethodType](classOf[NullaryMethodType])
- implicit val PolyTypeTag = ClassTag[PolyType](classOf[PolyType])
- implicit val RefinedTypeTag = ClassTag[RefinedType](classOf[RefinedType])
- implicit val SingletonTypeTag = ClassTag[SingletonType](classOf[SingletonType])
- implicit val SingleTypeTag = ClassTag[SingleType](classOf[SingleType])
- implicit val SuperTypeTag = ClassTag[SuperType](classOf[SuperType])
- implicit val ThisTypeTag = ClassTag[ThisType](classOf[ThisType])
- implicit val TypeBoundsTag = ClassTag[TypeBounds](classOf[TypeBounds])
- implicit val TypeRefTag = ClassTag[TypeRef](classOf[TypeRef])
- implicit val TypeTagg = ClassTag[Type](classOf[Type])
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/package.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/package.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 99b837152d..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/package.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package object internal {
- type MirrorOf[U <: base.Universe with Singleton] = base.MirrorOf[U]
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/ByteCodecs.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/ByteCodecs.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4670bd4eef..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/ByteCodecs.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2007-2011, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala.reflect.internal.pickling
-object ByteCodecs {
- def avoidZero(src: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = {
- var i = 0
- val srclen = src.length
- var count = 0
- while (i < srclen) {
- if (src(i) == 0x7f) count += 1
- i += 1
- }
- val dst = new Array[Byte](srclen + count)
- i = 0
- var j = 0
- while (i < srclen) {
- val in = src(i)
- if (in == 0x7f) {
- dst(j) = (0xc0).toByte
- dst(j + 1) = (0x80).toByte
- j += 2
- } else {
- dst(j) = (in + 1).toByte
- j += 1
- }
- i += 1
- }
- dst
- }
- def regenerateZero(src: Array[Byte]): Int = {
- var i = 0
- val srclen = src.length
- var j = 0
- while (i < srclen) {
- val in: Int = src(i) & 0xff
- if (in == 0xc0 && (src(i + 1) & 0xff) == 0x80) {
- src(j) = 0x7f
- i += 2
- } else if (in == 0) {
- src(j) = 0x7f
- i += 1
- } else {
- src(j) = (in - 1).toByte
- i += 1
- }
- j += 1
- }
- j
- }
- def encode8to7(src: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = {
- val srclen = src.length
- val dstlen = (srclen * 8 + 6) / 7
- val dst = new Array[Byte](dstlen)
- var i = 0
- var j = 0
- while (i + 6 < srclen) {
- var in: Int = src(i) & 0xff
- dst(j) = (in & 0x7f).toByte
- var out: Int = in >>> 7
- in = src(i + 1) & 0xff
- dst(j + 1) = (out | (in << 1) & 0x7f).toByte
- out = in >>> 6
- in = src(i + 2) & 0xff
- dst(j + 2) = (out | (in << 2) & 0x7f).toByte
- out = in >>> 5
- in = src(i + 3) & 0xff
- dst(j + 3) = (out | (in << 3) & 0x7f).toByte
- out = in >>> 4
- in = src(i + 4) & 0xff
- dst(j + 4) = (out | (in << 4) & 0x7f).toByte
- out = in >>> 3
- in = src(i + 5) & 0xff
- dst(j + 5) = (out | (in << 5) & 0x7f).toByte
- out = in >>> 2
- in = src(i + 6) & 0xff
- dst(j + 6) = (out | (in << 6) & 0x7f).toByte
- out = in >>> 1
- dst(j + 7) = out.toByte
- i += 7
- j += 8
- }
- if (i < srclen) {
- var in: Int = src(i) & 0xff
- dst(j) = (in & 0x7f).toByte; j += 1
- var out: Int = in >>> 7
- if (i + 1 < srclen) {
- in = src(i + 1) & 0xff
- dst(j) = (out | (in << 1) & 0x7f).toByte; j += 1
- out = in >>> 6
- if (i + 2 < srclen) {
- in = src(i + 2) & 0xff
- dst(j) = (out | (in << 2) & 0x7f).toByte; j += 1
- out = in >>> 5
- if (i + 3 < srclen) {
- in = src(i + 3) & 0xff
- dst(j) = (out | (in << 3) & 0x7f).toByte; j += 1
- out = in >>> 4
- if (i + 4 < srclen) {
- in = src(i + 4) & 0xff
- dst(j) = (out | (in << 4) & 0x7f).toByte; j += 1
- out = in >>> 3
- if (i + 5 < srclen) {
- in = src(i + 5) & 0xff
- dst(j) = (out | (in << 5) & 0x7f).toByte; j += 1
- out = in >>> 2
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (j < dstlen) dst(j) = out.toByte
- }
- dst
- }
- def decode7to8(src: Array[Byte], srclen: Int): Int = {
- var i = 0
- var j = 0
- val dstlen = (srclen * 7 + 7) / 8
- while (i + 7 < srclen) {
- var out: Int = src(i)
- var in: Byte = src(i + 1)
- src(j) = (out | (in & 0x01) << 7).toByte
- out = in >>> 1
- in = src(i + 2)
- src(j + 1) = (out | (in & 0x03) << 6).toByte
- out = in >>> 2
- in = src(i + 3)
- src(j + 2) = (out | (in & 0x07) << 5).toByte
- out = in >>> 3
- in = src(i + 4)
- src(j + 3) = (out | (in & 0x0f) << 4).toByte
- out = in >>> 4
- in = src(i + 5)
- src(j + 4) = (out | (in & 0x1f) << 3).toByte
- out = in >>> 5
- in = src(i + 6)
- src(j + 5) = (out | (in & 0x3f) << 2).toByte
- out = in >>> 6
- in = src(i + 7)
- src(j + 6) = (out | in << 1).toByte
- i += 8
- j += 7
- }
- if (i < srclen) {
- var out: Int = src(i)
- if (i + 1 < srclen) {
- var in: Byte = src(i + 1)
- src(j) = (out | (in & 0x01) << 7).toByte; j += 1
- out = in >>> 1
- if (i + 2 < srclen) {
- in = src(i + 2)
- src(j) = (out | (in & 0x03) << 6).toByte; j += 1
- out = in >>> 2
- if (i + 3 < srclen) {
- in = src(i + 3)
- src(j) = (out | (in & 0x07) << 5).toByte; j += 1
- out = in >>> 3
- if (i + 4 < srclen) {
- in = src(i + 4)
- src(j) = (out | (in & 0x0f) << 4).toByte; j += 1
- out = in >>> 4
- if (i + 5 < srclen) {
- in = src(i + 5)
- src(j) = (out | (in & 0x1f) << 3).toByte; j += 1
- out = in >>> 5
- if (i + 6 < srclen) {
- in = src(i + 6)
- src(j) = (out | (in & 0x3f) << 2).toByte; j += 1
- out = in >>> 6
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (j < dstlen) src(j) = out.toByte
- }
- dstlen
- }
- def encode(xs: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = avoidZero(encode8to7(xs))
- /**
- * Destructively decodes array xs and returns the length of the decoded array.
- *
- * Sometimes returns (length+1) of the decoded array. Example:
- *
- * scala> val enc = reflect.generic.ByteCodecs.encode(Array(1,2,3))
- * enc: Array[Byte] = Array(2, 5, 13, 1)
- *
- * scala> reflect.generic.ByteCodecs.decode(enc)
- * res43: Int = 4
- *
- * scala> enc
- * res44: Array[Byte] = Array(1, 2, 3, 0)
- *
- * However, this does not always happen.
- */
- def decode(xs: Array[Byte]): Int = {
- val len = regenerateZero(xs)
- decode7to8(xs, len)
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/PickleBuffer.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/PickleBuffer.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f0895ce64..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/PickleBuffer.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-package pickling
-/** Variable length byte arrays, with methods for basic pickling and unpickling.
- *
- * @param data The initial buffer
- * @param from The first index where defined data are found
- * @param to The first index where new data can be written
- */
-class PickleBuffer(data: Array[Byte], from: Int, to: Int) {
- var bytes = data
- var readIndex = from
- var writeIndex = to
- /** Double bytes array */
- private def dble() {
- val bytes1 = new Array[Byte](bytes.length * 2)
- Array.copy(bytes, 0, bytes1, 0, writeIndex)
- bytes = bytes1
- }
- def ensureCapacity(capacity: Int) =
- while (bytes.length < writeIndex + capacity) dble()
- // -- Basic output routines --------------------------------------------
- /** Write a byte of data */
- def writeByte(b: Int) {
- if (writeIndex == bytes.length) dble()
- bytes(writeIndex) = b.toByte
- writeIndex += 1
- }
- /** Write a natural number in big endian format, base 128.
- * All but the last digits have bit 0x80 set.
- */
- def writeNat(x: Int) =
- writeLongNat(x.toLong & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFL)
- /**
- * Like writeNat, but for longs. This is not the same as
- * writeLong, which writes in base 256. Note that the
- * binary representation of LongNat is identical to Nat
- * if the long value is in the range Int.MIN_VALUE to
- * Int.MAX_VALUE.
- */
- def writeLongNat(x: Long) {
- def writeNatPrefix(x: Long) {
- val y = x >>> 7
- if (y != 0L) writeNatPrefix(y)
- writeByte(((x & 0x7f) | 0x80).toInt)
- }
- val y = x >>> 7
- if (y != 0L) writeNatPrefix(y)
- writeByte((x & 0x7f).toInt)
- }
- /** Write a natural number <code>x</code> at position <code>pos</code>.
- * If number is more than one byte, shift rest of array to make space.
- *
- * @param pos ...
- * @param x ...
- */
- def patchNat(pos: Int, x: Int) {
- def patchNatPrefix(x: Int) {
- writeByte(0)
- Array.copy(bytes, pos, bytes, pos+1, writeIndex - (pos+1))
- bytes(pos) = ((x & 0x7f) | 0x80).toByte
- val y = x >>> 7
- if (y != 0) patchNatPrefix(y)
- }
- bytes(pos) = (x & 0x7f).toByte
- val y = x >>> 7
- if (y != 0) patchNatPrefix(y)
- }
- /** Write a long number <code>x</code> in signed big endian format, base 256.
- *
- * @param x The long number to be written.
- */
- def writeLong(x: Long) {
- val y = x >> 8
- val z = x & 0xff
- if (-y != (z >> 7)) writeLong(y)
- writeByte(z.toInt)
- }
- // -- Basic input routines --------------------------------------------
- /** Peek at the current byte without moving the read index */
- def peekByte(): Int = bytes(readIndex)
- /** Read a byte */
- def readByte(): Int = {
- val x = bytes(readIndex); readIndex += 1; x
- }
- /** Read a natural number in big endian format, base 128.
- * All but the last digits have bit 0x80 set.*/
- def readNat(): Int = readLongNat().toInt
- def readLongNat(): Long = {
- var b = 0L
- var x = 0L
- do {
- b = readByte()
- x = (x << 7) + (b & 0x7f)
- } while ((b & 0x80) != 0L);
- x
- }
- /** Read a long number in signed big endian format, base 256. */
- def readLong(len: Int): Long = {
- var x = 0L
- var i = 0
- while (i < len) {
- x = (x << 8) + (readByte() & 0xff)
- i += 1
- }
- val leading = 64 - (len << 3)
- x << leading >> leading
- }
- /** Returns the buffer as a sequence of (Int, Array[Byte]) representing
- * (tag, data) of the individual entries. Saves and restores buffer state.
- */
- def toIndexedSeq: IndexedSeq[(Int, Array[Byte])] = {
- val saved = readIndex
- readIndex = 0
- readNat() ; readNat() // discarding version
- val result = new Array[(Int, Array[Byte])](readNat())
- result.indices foreach { index =>
- val tag = readNat()
- val len = readNat()
- val bytes = data.slice(readIndex, len + readIndex)
- readIndex += len
- result(index) = tag -> bytes
- }
- readIndex = saved
- result.toIndexedSeq
- }
- /** Perform operation <code>op</code> until the condition
- * <code>readIndex == end</code> is satisfied.
- * Concatenate results into a list.
- *
- * @param end ...
- * @param op ...
- * @return ...
- */
- def until[T](end: Int, op: () => T): List[T] =
- if (readIndex == end) List() else op() :: until(end, op);
- /** Perform operation <code>op</code> the number of
- * times specified. Concatenate the results into a list.
- */
- def times[T](n: Int, op: ()=>T): List[T] =
- if (n == 0) List() else op() :: times(n-1, op)
- /** Pickle = majorVersion_Nat minorVersion_Nat nbEntries_Nat {Entry}
- * Entry = type_Nat length_Nat [actual entries]
- *
- * Assumes that the ..Version_Nat are already consumed.
- *
- * @return an array mapping entry numbers to locations in
- * the byte array where the entries start.
- */
- def createIndex: Array[Int] = {
- val index = new Array[Int](readNat()) // nbEntries_Nat
- for (i <- 0 until index.length) {
- index(i) = readIndex
- readByte() // skip type_Nat
- readIndex = readNat() + readIndex // read length_Nat, jump to next entry
- }
- index
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/PickleFormat.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/PickleFormat.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 16747af08a..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/PickleFormat.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-package pickling
-/** This object provides constants for pickling attributes.
- *
- * If you extend the format, be sure to increase the
- * version minor number.
- *
- * @author Martin Odersky
- * @version 1.0
- */
-object PickleFormat {
- * Symbol table attribute format:
- * Symtab = nentries_Nat {Entry}
- * Entry = 1 TERMNAME len_Nat NameInfo
- * | 2 TYPENAME len_Nat NameInfo
- * | 3 NONEsym len_Nat
- * | 4 TYPEsym len_Nat SymbolInfo
- * | 5 ALIASsym len_Nat SymbolInfo
- * | 6 CLASSsym len_Nat SymbolInfo [thistype_Ref]
- * | 7 MODULEsym len_Nat SymbolInfo
- * | 8 VALsym len_Nat [defaultGetter_Ref /* no longer needed*/] SymbolInfo [alias_Ref]
- * | 9 EXTref len_Nat name_Ref [owner_Ref]
- * | 10 EXTMODCLASSref len_Nat name_Ref [owner_Ref]
- * | 11 NOtpe len_Nat
- * | 12 NOPREFIXtpe len_Nat
- * | 13 THIStpe len_Nat sym_Ref
- * | 14 SINGLEtpe len_Nat type_Ref sym_Ref
- * | 15 CONSTANTtpe len_Nat constant_Ref
- * | 16 TYPEREFtpe len_Nat type_Ref sym_Ref {targ_Ref}
- * | 17 TYPEBOUNDStpe len_Nat tpe_Ref tpe_Ref
- * | 18 REFINEDtpe len_Nat classsym_Ref {tpe_Ref}
- * | 19 CLASSINFOtpe len_Nat classsym_Ref {tpe_Ref}
- * | 20 METHODtpe len_Nat tpe_Ref {sym_Ref}
- * | 21 POLYTtpe len_Nat tpe_Ref {sym_Ref}
- * | 22 IMPLICITMETHODtpe len_Nat tpe_Ref {sym_Ref} /* no longer needed */
- * | 52 SUPERtpe len_Nat tpe_Ref tpe_Ref
- * | 24 LITERALunit len_Nat
- * | 25 LITERALboolean len_Nat value_Long
- * | 26 LITERALbyte len_Nat value_Long
- * | 27 LITERALshort len_Nat value_Long
- * | 28 LITERALchar len_Nat value_Long
- * | 29 LITERALint len_Nat value_Long
- * | 30 LITERALlong len_Nat value_Long
- * | 31 LITERALfloat len_Nat value_Long
- * | 32 LITERALdouble len_Nat value_Long
- * | 33 LITERALstring len_Nat name_Ref
- * | 34 LITERALnull len_Nat
- * | 35 LITERALclass len_Nat tpe_Ref
- * | 36 LITERALenum len_Nat sym_Ref
- * | 40 SYMANNOT len_Nat sym_Ref AnnotInfoBody
- * | 41 CHILDREN len_Nat sym_Ref {sym_Ref}
- * | 42 ANNOTATEDtpe len_Nat [sym_Ref /* no longer needed */] tpe_Ref {annotinfo_Ref}
- * | 43 ANNOTINFO len_Nat AnnotInfoBody
- * | 44 ANNOTARGARRAY len_Nat {constAnnotArg_Ref}
- * | 47 DEBRUIJNINDEXtpe len_Nat level_Nat index_Nat
- * | 48 EXISTENTIALtpe len_Nat type_Ref {symbol_Ref}
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 1 EMPTYtree
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 2 PACKAGEtree type_Ref sym_Ref mods_Ref name_Ref {tree_Ref}
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 3 CLASStree type_Ref sym_Ref mods_Ref name_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 4 MODULEtree type_Ref sym_Ref mods_Ref name_Ref tree_Ref
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 5 VALDEFtree type_Ref sym_Ref mods_Ref name_Ref tree_Ref tree_Ref
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 6 DEFDEFtree type_Ref sym_Ref mods_Ref name_Ref numtparams_Nat {tree_Ref} numparamss_Nat {numparams_Nat {tree_Ref}} tree_Ref tree_Ref
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 7 TYPEDEFtree type_Ref sym_Ref mods_Ref name_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 8 LABELtree type_Ref sym_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 9 IMPORTtree type_Ref sym_Ref tree_Ref {name_Ref name_Ref}
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 11 DOCDEFtree type_Ref sym_Ref string_Ref tree_Ref
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 12 TEMPLATEtree type_Ref sym_Ref numparents_Nat {tree_Ref} tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 13 BLOCKtree type_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 14 CASEtree type_Ref tree_Ref tree_Ref tree_Ref
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 15 SEQUENCEtree type_Ref {tree_Ref}
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 16 ALTERNATIVEtree type_Ref {tree_Ref}
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 17 STARtree type_Ref {tree_Ref}
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 18 BINDtree type_Ref sym_Ref name_Ref tree_Ref
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 19 UNAPPLYtree type_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 20 ARRAYVALUEtree type_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 21 FUNCTIONtree type_Ref sym_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 22 ASSIGNtree type_Ref tree_Ref tree_Ref
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 23 IFtree type_Ref tree_Ref tree_Ref tree_Ref
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 24 MATCHtree type_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 25 RETURNtree type_Ref sym_Ref tree_Ref
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 26 TREtree type_Ref tree_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 27 THROWtree type_Ref tree_Ref
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 28 NEWtree type_Ref tree_Ref
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 29 TYPEDtree type_Ref tree_Ref tree_Ref
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 30 TYPEAPPLYtree type_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 31 APPLYtree type_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 32 APPLYDYNAMICtree type_Ref sym_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 33 SUPERtree type_Ref sym_Ref tree_Ref name_Ref
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 34 THIStree type_Ref sym_Ref name_Ref
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 35 SELECTtree type_Ref sym_Ref tree_Ref name_Ref
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 36 IDENTtree type_Ref sym_Ref name_Ref
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 37 LITERALtree type_Ref constant_Ref
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 38 TYPEtree type_Ref
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 39 ANNOTATEDtree type_Ref tree_Ref tree_Ref
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 40 SINGLETONTYPEtree type_Ref tree_Ref
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 41 SELECTFROMTYPEtree type_Ref tree_Ref name_Ref
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 42 COMPOUNDTYPEtree type_Ref tree_Ref
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 43 APPLIEDTYPEtree type_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 44 TYPEBOUNDStree type_Ref tree_Ref tree_Ref
- * | 49 TREE len_Nat 45 EXISTENTIALTYPEtree type_Ref tree_Ref {tree_Ref}
- * | 50 MODIFIERS len_Nat flags_Long privateWithin_Ref
- * SymbolInfo = name_Ref owner_Ref flags_LongNat [privateWithin_Ref] info_Ref
- * NameInfo = <character sequence of length len_Nat in Utf8 format>
- * NumInfo = <len_Nat-byte signed number in big endian format>
- * Ref = Nat
- * AnnotInfoBody = info_Ref {annotArg_Ref} {name_Ref constAnnotArg_Ref}
- * AnnotArg = Tree | Constant
- * ConstAnnotArg = Constant | AnnotInfo | AnnotArgArray
- *
- * len is remaining length after `len`.
- */
- val MajorVersion = 5
- val MinorVersion = 0
- def VersionString = "V" + MajorVersion + "." + MinorVersion
- final val TERMname = 1
- final val TYPEname = 2
- final val NONEsym = 3
- final val TYPEsym = 4
- final val ALIASsym = 5
- final val CLASSsym = 6
- final val MODULEsym = 7
- final val VALsym = 8
- final val EXTref = 9
- final val EXTMODCLASSref = 10
- final val NOtpe = 11
- final val NOPREFIXtpe = 12
- final val THIStpe = 13
- final val SINGLEtpe = 14
- final val CONSTANTtpe = 15
- final val TYPEREFtpe = 16
- final val TYPEBOUNDStpe = 17
- final val REFINEDtpe = 18
- final val CLASSINFOtpe = 19
- final val METHODtpe = 20
- final val POLYtpe = 21
- final val IMPLICITMETHODtpe = 22 // no longer generated
- final val LITERAL = 23 // base line for literals
- final val LITERALunit = 24
- final val LITERALboolean = 25
- final val LITERALbyte = 26
- final val LITERALshort = 27
- final val LITERALchar = 28
- final val LITERALint = 29
- final val LITERALlong = 30
- final val LITERALfloat = 31
- final val LITERALdouble = 32
- final val LITERALstring = 33
- final val LITERALnull = 34
- final val LITERALclass = 35
- final val LITERALenum = 36
- final val SYMANNOT = 40
- final val CHILDREN = 41
- final val ANNOTATEDtpe = 42
- final val ANNOTINFO = 43
- final val ANNOTARGARRAY = 44
- final val SUPERtpe = 46
- final val DEBRUIJNINDEXtpe = 47
- final val EXISTENTIALtpe = 48
- final val TREE = 49 // prefix code that means a tree is coming
- final val EMPTYtree = 1
- final val PACKAGEtree = 2
- final val CLASStree = 3
- final val MODULEtree = 4
- final val VALDEFtree = 5
- final val DEFDEFtree = 6
- final val TYPEDEFtree = 7
- final val LABELtree = 8
- final val IMPORTtree = 9
- final val DOCDEFtree = 11
- final val TEMPLATEtree = 12
- final val BLOCKtree = 13
- final val CASEtree = 14
- // This node type has been removed.
- // final val SEQUENCEtree = 15
- final val ALTERNATIVEtree = 16
- final val STARtree = 17
- final val BINDtree = 18
- final val UNAPPLYtree = 19
- final val ARRAYVALUEtree = 20
- final val FUNCTIONtree = 21
- final val ASSIGNtree = 22
- final val IFtree = 23
- final val MATCHtree = 24
- final val RETURNtree = 25
- final val TREtree = 26
- final val THROWtree = 27
- final val NEWtree = 28
- final val TYPEDtree = 29
- final val TYPEAPPLYtree = 30
- final val APPLYtree = 31
- final val APPLYDYNAMICtree = 32
- final val SUPERtree = 33
- final val THIStree = 34
- final val SELECTtree = 35
- final val IDENTtree = 36
- final val LITERALtree = 37
- final val TYPEtree = 38
- final val ANNOTATEDtree = 39
- final val SINGLETONTYPEtree = 40
- final val SELECTFROMTYPEtree = 41
- final val COMPOUNDTYPEtree = 42
- final val APPLIEDTYPEtree = 43
- final val TYPEBOUNDStree = 44
- final val EXISTENTIALTYPEtree = 45
- final val MODIFIERS = 50
- final val firstSymTag = NONEsym
- final val lastSymTag = VALsym
- final val lastExtSymTag = EXTMODCLASSref
- //The following two are no longer accurate, because ANNOTATEDtpe,
- //SUPERtpe, ... are not in the same range as the other types
- //final val firstTypeTag = NOtpe
- //final val lastTypeTag = POLYtpe
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/UnPickler.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/UnPickler.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 757163a074..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/UnPickler.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,871 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-package pickling
-import java.lang.Float.intBitsToFloat
-import java.lang.Double.longBitsToDouble
-import Flags._
-import PickleFormat._
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import collection.mutable.ListBuffer
-import annotation.switch
-/** @author Martin Odersky
- * @version 1.0
- */
-abstract class UnPickler /*extends reflect.generic.UnPickler*/ {
- val global: SymbolTable
- import global._
- /** Unpickle symbol table information descending from a class and/or module root
- * from an array of bytes.
- * @param bytes bytearray from which we unpickle
- * @param offset offset from which unpickling starts
- * @param classroot the top-level class which is unpickled, or NoSymbol if inapplicable
- * @param moduleroot the top-level module which is unpickled, or NoSymbol if inapplicable
- * @param filename filename associated with bytearray, only used for error messages
- */
- def unpickle(bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int, classRoot: Symbol, moduleRoot: Symbol, filename: String) {
- try {
- new Scan(bytes, offset, classRoot, moduleRoot, filename).run()
- } catch {
- case ex: IOException =>
- throw ex
- case ex: MissingRequirementError =>
- throw ex
- case ex: Throwable =>
- /*if (settings.debug.value)*/ ex.printStackTrace()
- throw new RuntimeException("error reading Scala signature of "+filename+": "+ex.getMessage())
- }
- }
- class Scan(_bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int, classRoot: Symbol, moduleRoot: Symbol, filename: String) extends PickleBuffer(_bytes, offset, -1) {
- //println("unpickle " + classRoot + " and " + moduleRoot)//debug
- protected def debug = settings.debug.value
- checkVersion()
- private val loadingMirror = mirrorThatLoaded(classRoot)
- /** A map from entry numbers to array offsets */
- private val index = createIndex
- /** A map from entry numbers to symbols, types, or annotations */
- private val entries = new Array[AnyRef](index.length)
- /** A map from symbols to their associated `decls` scopes */
- private val symScopes = mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Scope]()
- //println("unpickled " + classRoot + ":" + classRoot.rawInfo + ", " + moduleRoot + ":" + moduleRoot.rawInfo);//debug
- // Laboriously unrolled for performance.
- def run() {
- var i = 0
- while (i < index.length) {
- if (entries(i) == null && isSymbolEntry(i)) {
- val savedIndex = readIndex
- readIndex = index(i)
- entries(i) = readSymbol()
- readIndex = savedIndex
- }
- i += 1
- }
- // read children last, fix for #3951
- i = 0
- while (i < index.length) {
- if (entries(i) == null) {
- if (isSymbolAnnotationEntry(i)) {
- val savedIndex = readIndex
- readIndex = index(i)
- readSymbolAnnotation()
- readIndex = savedIndex
- }
- else if (isChildrenEntry(i)) {
- val savedIndex = readIndex
- readIndex = index(i)
- readChildren()
- readIndex = savedIndex
- }
- }
- i += 1
- }
- }
- private def checkVersion() {
- val major = readNat()
- val minor = readNat()
- if (major != MajorVersion || minor > MinorVersion)
- throw new IOException("Scala signature " + classRoot.decodedName +
- " has wrong version\n expected: " +
- MajorVersion + "." + MinorVersion +
- "\n found: " + major + "." + minor +
- " in "+filename)
- }
- /** The `decls` scope associated with given symbol */
- protected def symScope(sym: Symbol) = symScopes.getOrElseUpdate(sym, newScope)
- /** Does entry represent an (internal) symbol */
- protected def isSymbolEntry(i: Int): Boolean = {
- val tag = bytes(index(i)).toInt
- (firstSymTag <= tag && tag <= lastSymTag &&
- (tag != CLASSsym || !isRefinementSymbolEntry(i)))
- }
- /** Does entry represent an (internal or external) symbol */
- protected def isSymbolRef(i: Int): Boolean = {
- val tag = bytes(index(i))
- (firstSymTag <= tag && tag <= lastExtSymTag)
- }
- /** Does entry represent a name? */
- protected def isNameEntry(i: Int): Boolean = {
- val tag = bytes(index(i)).toInt
- tag == TERMname || tag == TYPEname
- }
- /** Does entry represent a symbol annotation? */
- protected def isSymbolAnnotationEntry(i: Int): Boolean = {
- val tag = bytes(index(i)).toInt
- tag == SYMANNOT
- }
- /** Does the entry represent children of a symbol? */
- protected def isChildrenEntry(i: Int): Boolean = {
- val tag = bytes(index(i)).toInt
- tag == CHILDREN
- }
- /** Does entry represent a refinement symbol?
- * pre: Entry is a class symbol
- */
- protected def isRefinementSymbolEntry(i: Int): Boolean = {
- val savedIndex = readIndex
- readIndex = index(i)
- val tag = readByte().toInt
- assert(tag == CLASSsym)
- readNat(); // read length
- val result = readNameRef() == tpnme.REFINE_CLASS_NAME
- readIndex = savedIndex
- result
- }
- /** If entry at <code>i</code> is undefined, define it by performing
- * operation <code>op</code> with <code>readIndex at start of i'th
- * entry. Restore <code>readIndex</code> afterwards.
- */
- protected def at[T <: AnyRef](i: Int, op: () => T): T = {
- var r = entries(i)
- if (r eq null) {
- val savedIndex = readIndex
- readIndex = index(i)
- r = op()
- assert(entries(i) eq null, entries(i))
- entries(i) = r
- readIndex = savedIndex
- }
- r.asInstanceOf[T]
- }
- /** Read a name */
- protected def readName(): Name = {
- val tag = readByte()
- val len = readNat()
- tag match {
- case TERMname => newTermName(bytes, readIndex, len)
- case TYPEname => newTypeName(bytes, readIndex, len)
- case _ => errorBadSignature("bad name tag: " + tag)
- }
- }
- protected def readTermName(): TermName = readName().toTermName
- protected def readTypeName(): TypeName = readName().toTypeName
- /** Read a symbol */
- protected def readSymbol(): Symbol = {
- val tag = readByte()
- val end = readNat() + readIndex
- def atEnd = readIndex == end
- def readExtSymbol(): Symbol = {
- val name = readNameRef()
- val owner = if (atEnd) loadingMirror.RootClass else readSymbolRef()
- def adjust(sym: Symbol) = if (tag == EXTref) sym else sym.moduleClass
- def fromName(name: Name) = name.toTermName match {
- case nme.ROOT => loadingMirror.RootClass
- case nme.ROOTPKG => loadingMirror.RootPackage
- case _ => adjust(
- }
- def nestedObjectSymbol: Symbol = {
- // If the owner is overloaded (i.e. a method), it's not possible to select the
- // right member, so return NoSymbol. This can only happen when unpickling a tree.
- // the "case Apply" in readTree() takes care of selecting the correct alternative
- // after parsing the arguments.
- if (owner.isOverloaded)
- return NoSymbol
- if (tag == EXTMODCLASSref) {
- val moduleVar =
- if (moduleVar.isLazyAccessor)
- return moduleVar.lazyAccessor.lazyAccessor
- }
- NoSymbol
- }
- // (1) Try name.
- fromName(name) orElse {
- // (2) Try with expanded name. Can happen if references to private
- // symbols are read from outside: for instance when checking the children
- // of a class. See #1722.
- fromName(nme.expandedName(name.toTermName, owner)) orElse {
- // (3) Try as a nested object symbol.
- nestedObjectSymbol orElse {
- // (4) Otherwise, fail.
- //System.err.println("missing "+name+" in "+owner+"/"" "
- adjust(errorMissingRequirement(name, owner))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- tag match {
- case NONEsym => return NoSymbol
- case EXTref | EXTMODCLASSref => return readExtSymbol()
- case _ => ()
- }
- // symbols that were pickled with Pickler.writeSymInfo
- val nameref = readNat()
- val name = at(nameref, readName)
- val owner = readSymbolRef()
- val flags = pickledToRawFlags(readLongNat())
- var inforef = readNat()
- val privateWithin =
- if (!isSymbolRef(inforef)) NoSymbol
- else {
- val pw = at(inforef, readSymbol)
- inforef = readNat()
- pw
- }
- def isModuleFlag = (flags & MODULE) != 0L
- def isClassRoot = (name == && (owner == classRoot.owner)
- def isModuleRoot = (name == && (owner == moduleRoot.owner)
- def pflags = flags & PickledFlags
- def finishSym(sym: Symbol): Symbol = {
- sym.privateWithin = privateWithin
- = (
- if (atEnd) {
- assert(!sym.isSuperAccessor, sym)
- newLazyTypeRef(inforef)
- }
- else {
- assert(sym.isSuperAccessor || sym.isParamAccessor, sym)
- newLazyTypeRefAndAlias(inforef, readNat())
- }
- )
- if (sym.owner.isClass && sym != classRoot && sym != moduleRoot &&
- !sym.isModuleClass && !sym.isRefinementClass && !sym.isTypeParameter && !sym.isExistentiallyBound)
- symScope(sym.owner) enter sym
- sym
- }
- finishSym(tag match {
- case TYPEsym | ALIASsym =>
- owner.newNonClassSymbol(name.toTypeName, NoPosition, pflags)
- case CLASSsym =>
- val sym = (
- if (isClassRoot) {
- if (isModuleFlag) moduleRoot.moduleClass setFlag pflags
- else classRoot setFlag pflags
- }
- else owner.newClassSymbol(name.toTypeName, NoPosition, pflags)
- )
- if (!atEnd)
- sym.typeOfThis = newLazyTypeRef(readNat())
- sym
- case MODULEsym =>
- val clazz = at(inforef, () => readType()).typeSymbol // after the NMT_TRANSITION period, we can leave off the () => ... ()
- if (isModuleRoot) moduleRoot setFlag pflags
- else owner.newLinkedModule(clazz, pflags)
- case VALsym =>
- if (isModuleRoot) { assert(false); NoSymbol }
- else owner.newTermSymbol(name.toTermName, NoPosition, pflags)
- case _ =>
- errorBadSignature("bad symbol tag: " + tag)
- })
- }
- /** Read a type
- *
- * @param forceProperType is used to ease the transition to NullaryMethodTypes (commentmarker: NMT_TRANSITION)
- * the flag say that a type of kind * is expected, so that PolyType(tps, restpe) can be disambiguated to PolyType(tps, NullaryMethodType(restpe))
- * (if restpe is not a ClassInfoType, a MethodType or a NullaryMethodType, which leaves TypeRef/SingletonType -- the latter would make the polytype a type constructor)
- */
- protected def readType(forceProperType: Boolean = false): Type = {
- val tag = readByte()
- val end = readNat() + readIndex
- (tag: @switch) match {
- case NOtpe =>
- NoType
- case NOPREFIXtpe =>
- NoPrefix
- case THIStpe =>
- ThisType(readSymbolRef())
- case SINGLEtpe =>
- SingleType(readTypeRef(), readSymbolRef()) // !!! was singleType
- case SUPERtpe =>
- val thistpe = readTypeRef()
- val supertpe = readTypeRef()
- SuperType(thistpe, supertpe)
- case CONSTANTtpe =>
- ConstantType(readConstantRef())
- case TYPEREFtpe =>
- val pre = readTypeRef()
- val sym = readSymbolRef()
- var args = until(end, readTypeRef)
- TypeRef(pre, sym, args)
- case TYPEBOUNDStpe =>
- TypeBounds(readTypeRef(), readTypeRef())
- case REFINEDtpe =>
- val clazz = readSymbolRef()
- RefinedType(until(end, readTypeRef), symScope(clazz), clazz)
- case CLASSINFOtpe =>
- val clazz = readSymbolRef()
- ClassInfoType(until(end, readTypeRef), symScope(clazz), clazz)
- val restpe = readTypeRef()
- val params = until(end, readSymbolRef)
- // if the method is overloaded, the params cannot be determined (see readSymbol) => return NoType.
- // Only happen for trees, "case Apply" in readTree() takes care of selecting the correct
- // alternative after parsing the arguments.
- if (params.contains(NoSymbol) || restpe == NoType) NoType
- else MethodType(params, restpe)
- case POLYtpe =>
- val restpe = readTypeRef()
- val typeParams = until(end, readSymbolRef)
- if (typeParams.nonEmpty) {
- // NMT_TRANSITION: old class files denoted a polymorphic nullary method as PolyType(tps, restpe), we now require PolyType(tps, NullaryMethodType(restpe))
- // when a type of kind * is expected (forceProperType is true), we know restpe should be wrapped in a NullaryMethodType (if it wasn't suitably wrapped yet)
- def transitionNMT(restpe: Type) = {
- val resTpeCls = restpe.getClass.toString // what's uglier than isInstanceOf? right! -- isInstanceOf does not work since the concrete types are defined in the compiler (not in scope here)
- if(forceProperType /*&& pickleformat < 2.9 */ && !(resTpeCls.endsWith("MethodType"))) { assert(!resTpeCls.contains("ClassInfoType"))
- NullaryMethodType(restpe) }
- else restpe
- }
- PolyType(typeParams, transitionNMT(restpe))
- }
- else
- NullaryMethodType(restpe)
- case EXISTENTIALtpe =>
- val restpe = readTypeRef()
- // @PP: Where is the flag setting supposed to happen? I infer
- // from the lack of flag setting in the rest of the unpickler
- // that it isn't right here. See #4757 for the immediate
- // motivation to fix it.
- val tparams = until(end, readSymbolRef) map (_ setFlag EXISTENTIAL)
- newExistentialType(tparams, restpe)
- case ANNOTATEDtpe =>
- var typeRef = readNat()
- val selfsym = if (isSymbolRef(typeRef)) {
- val s = at(typeRef, readSymbol)
- typeRef = readNat()
- s
- } else NoSymbol // selfsym can go.
- val tp = at(typeRef, () => readType(forceProperType)) // NMT_TRANSITION
- val annots = until(end, readAnnotationRef)
- if (selfsym == NoSymbol) AnnotatedType(annots, tp, selfsym)
- else tp
- case _ =>
- noSuchTypeTag(tag, end)
- }
- }
- def noSuchTypeTag(tag: Int, end: Int): Type =
- errorBadSignature("bad type tag: " + tag)
- /** Read a constant */
- protected def readConstant(): Constant = {
- val tag = readByte().toInt
- val len = readNat()
- (tag: @switch) match {
- case LITERALunit => Constant(())
- case LITERALboolean => Constant(readLong(len) != 0L)
- case LITERALbyte => Constant(readLong(len).toByte)
- case LITERALshort => Constant(readLong(len).toShort)
- case LITERALchar => Constant(readLong(len).toChar)
- case LITERALint => Constant(readLong(len).toInt)
- case LITERALlong => Constant(readLong(len))
- case LITERALfloat => Constant(intBitsToFloat(readLong(len).toInt))
- case LITERALdouble => Constant(longBitsToDouble(readLong(len)))
- case LITERALstring => Constant(readNameRef().toString)
- case LITERALnull => Constant(null)
- case LITERALclass => Constant(readTypeRef())
- case LITERALenum => Constant(readSymbolRef())
- case _ => noSuchConstantTag(tag, len)
- }
- }
- def noSuchConstantTag(tag: Int, len: Int): Constant =
- errorBadSignature("bad constant tag: " + tag)
- /** Read children and store them into the corresponding symbol.
- */
- protected def readChildren() {
- val tag = readByte()
- assert(tag == CHILDREN)
- val end = readNat() + readIndex
- val target = readSymbolRef()
- while (readIndex != end) target addChild readSymbolRef()
- }
- /** Read an annotation argument, which is pickled either
- * as a Constant or a Tree.
- */
- protected def readAnnotArg(i: Int): Tree = bytes(index(i)) match {
- case TREE => at(i, readTree)
- case _ =>
- val const = at(i, readConstant)
- Literal(const) setType const.tpe
- }
- /** Read a ClassfileAnnotArg (argument to a classfile annotation)
- */
- private def readArrayAnnot() = {
- readByte() // skip the `annotargarray` tag
- val end = readNat() + readIndex
- until(end, () => readClassfileAnnotArg(readNat())).toArray(ClassfileAnnotArgTag)
- }
- protected def readClassfileAnnotArg(i: Int): ClassfileAnnotArg = bytes(index(i)) match {
- case ANNOTINFO => NestedAnnotArg(at(i, readAnnotation))
- case ANNOTARGARRAY => at(i, () => ArrayAnnotArg(readArrayAnnot()))
- case _ => LiteralAnnotArg(at(i, readConstant))
- }
- /** Read an AnnotationInfo. Not to be called directly, use
- * readAnnotation or readSymbolAnnotation
- */
- protected def readAnnotationInfo(end: Int): AnnotationInfo = {
- val atp = readTypeRef()
- val args = new ListBuffer[Tree]
- val assocs = new ListBuffer[(Name, ClassfileAnnotArg)]
- while (readIndex != end) {
- val argref = readNat()
- if (isNameEntry(argref)) {
- val name = at(argref, readName)
- val arg = readClassfileAnnotArg(readNat())
- assocs += ((name, arg))
- }
- else
- args += readAnnotArg(argref)
- }
- AnnotationInfo(atp, args.toList, assocs.toList)
- }
- /** Read an annotation and as a side effect store it into
- * the symbol it requests. Called at top-level, for all
- * (symbol, annotInfo) entries. */
- protected def readSymbolAnnotation() {
- val tag = readByte()
- if (tag != SYMANNOT)
- errorBadSignature("symbol annotation expected ("+ tag +")")
- val end = readNat() + readIndex
- val target = readSymbolRef()
- target.addAnnotation(readAnnotationInfo(end))
- }
- /** Read an annotation and return it. Used when unpickling
- * an ANNOTATED(WSELF)tpe or a NestedAnnotArg */
- protected def readAnnotation(): AnnotationInfo = {
- val tag = readByte()
- if (tag != ANNOTINFO)
- errorBadSignature("annotation expected (" + tag + ")")
- val end = readNat() + readIndex
- readAnnotationInfo(end)
- }
- /* Read an abstract syntax tree */
- protected def readTree(): Tree = {
- val outerTag = readByte()
- if (outerTag != TREE)
- errorBadSignature("tree expected (" + outerTag + ")")
- val end = readNat() + readIndex
- val tag = readByte()
- val tpe = if (tag == EMPTYtree) NoType else readTypeRef()
- // Set by the three functions to follow. If symbol is non-null
- // after the new tree 't' has been created, t has its Symbol
- // set to symbol; and it always has its Type set to tpe.
- var symbol: Symbol = null
- var mods: Modifiers = null
- var name: Name = null
- /** Read a Symbol, Modifiers, and a Name */
- def setSymModsName() {
- symbol = readSymbolRef()
- mods = readModifiersRef()
- name = readNameRef()
- }
- /** Read a Symbol and a Name */
- def setSymName() {
- symbol = readSymbolRef()
- name = readNameRef()
- }
- /** Read a Symbol */
- def setSym() {
- symbol = readSymbolRef()
- }
- val t = tag match {
- case EMPTYtree =>
- EmptyTree
- case PACKAGEtree =>
- setSym()
- val pid = readTreeRef().asInstanceOf[RefTree]
- val stats = until(end, readTreeRef)
- PackageDef(pid, stats)
- case CLASStree =>
- setSymModsName()
- val impl = readTemplateRef()
- val tparams = until(end, readTypeDefRef)
- ClassDef(mods, name.toTypeName, tparams, impl)
- case MODULEtree =>
- setSymModsName()
- ModuleDef(mods, name.toTermName, readTemplateRef())
- case VALDEFtree =>
- setSymModsName()
- val tpt = readTreeRef()
- val rhs = readTreeRef()
- ValDef(mods, name.toTermName, tpt, rhs)
- case DEFDEFtree =>
- setSymModsName()
- val tparams = times(readNat(), readTypeDefRef)
- val vparamss = times(readNat(), () => times(readNat(), readValDefRef))
- val tpt = readTreeRef()
- val rhs = readTreeRef()
- DefDef(mods, name.toTermName, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs)
- case TYPEDEFtree =>
- setSymModsName()
- val rhs = readTreeRef()
- val tparams = until(end, readTypeDefRef)
- TypeDef(mods, name.toTypeName, tparams, rhs)
- case LABELtree =>
- setSymName()
- val rhs = readTreeRef()
- val params = until(end, readIdentRef)
- LabelDef(name.toTermName, params, rhs)
- case IMPORTtree =>
- setSym()
- val expr = readTreeRef()
- val selectors = until(end, () => {
- val from = readNameRef()
- val to = readNameRef()
- ImportSelector(from, -1, to, -1)
- })
- Import(expr, selectors)
- case TEMPLATEtree =>
- setSym()
- val parents = times(readNat(), readTreeRef)
- val self = readValDefRef()
- val body = until(end, readTreeRef)
- Template(parents, self, body)
- case BLOCKtree =>
- val expr = readTreeRef()
- val stats = until(end, readTreeRef)
- Block(stats, expr)
- case CASEtree =>
- val pat = readTreeRef()
- val guard = readTreeRef()
- val body = readTreeRef()
- CaseDef(pat, guard, body)
- case ALTERNATIVEtree =>
- Alternative(until(end, readTreeRef))
- case STARtree =>
- Star(readTreeRef())
- case BINDtree =>
- setSymName()
- Bind(name, readTreeRef())
- case UNAPPLYtree =>
- val fun = readTreeRef()
- val args = until(end, readTreeRef)
- UnApply(fun, args)
- case ARRAYVALUEtree =>
- val elemtpt = readTreeRef()
- val trees = until(end, readTreeRef)
- ArrayValue(elemtpt, trees)
- case FUNCTIONtree =>
- setSym()
- val body = readTreeRef()
- val vparams = until(end, readValDefRef)
- Function(vparams, body)
- case ASSIGNtree =>
- val lhs = readTreeRef()
- val rhs = readTreeRef()
- Assign(lhs, rhs)
- case IFtree =>
- val cond = readTreeRef()
- val thenp = readTreeRef()
- val elsep = readTreeRef()
- If(cond, thenp, elsep)
- case MATCHtree =>
- val selector = readTreeRef()
- val cases = until(end, readCaseDefRef)
- Match(selector, cases)
- case RETURNtree =>
- setSym()
- Return(readTreeRef())
- case TREtree =>
- val block = readTreeRef()
- val finalizer = readTreeRef()
- val catches = until(end, readCaseDefRef)
- Try(block, catches, finalizer)
- case THROWtree =>
- Throw(readTreeRef())
- case NEWtree =>
- New(readTreeRef())
- case TYPEDtree =>
- val expr = readTreeRef()
- val tpt = readTreeRef()
- Typed(expr, tpt)
- case TYPEAPPLYtree =>
- val fun = readTreeRef()
- val args = until(end, readTreeRef)
- TypeApply(fun, args)
- case APPLYtree =>
- val fun = readTreeRef()
- val args = until(end, readTreeRef)
- if (fun.symbol.isOverloaded) {
- fun.setType(
- inferMethodAlternative(fun, args map (_.tpe), tpe)
- }
- Apply(fun, args)
- case APPLYDYNAMICtree =>
- setSym()
- val qual = readTreeRef()
- val args = until(end, readTreeRef)
- ApplyDynamic(qual, args)
- case SUPERtree =>
- setSym()
- val qual = readTreeRef()
- val mix = readTypeNameRef()
- Super(qual, mix)
- case THIStree =>
- setSym()
- This(readTypeNameRef())
- case SELECTtree =>
- setSym()
- val qualifier = readTreeRef()
- val selector = readNameRef()
- Select(qualifier, selector)
- case IDENTtree =>
- setSymName()
- Ident(name)
- case LITERALtree =>
- Literal(readConstantRef())
- case TYPEtree =>
- TypeTree()
- case ANNOTATEDtree =>
- val annot = readTreeRef()
- val arg = readTreeRef()
- Annotated(annot, arg)
- case SINGLETONTYPEtree =>
- SingletonTypeTree(readTreeRef())
- case SELECTFROMTYPEtree =>
- val qualifier = readTreeRef()
- val selector = readTypeNameRef()
- SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier, selector)
- case COMPOUNDTYPEtree =>
- CompoundTypeTree(readTemplateRef())
- case APPLIEDTYPEtree =>
- val tpt = readTreeRef()
- val args = until(end, readTreeRef)
- AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args)
- case TYPEBOUNDStree =>
- val lo = readTreeRef()
- val hi = readTreeRef()
- TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi)
- val tpt = readTreeRef()
- val whereClauses = until(end, readTreeRef)
- ExistentialTypeTree(tpt, whereClauses)
- case _ =>
- noSuchTreeTag(tag, end)
- }
- if (symbol == null) t setType tpe
- else t setSymbol symbol setType tpe
- }
- def noSuchTreeTag(tag: Int, end: Int) =
- errorBadSignature("unknown tree type (" + tag + ")")
- def readModifiers(): Modifiers = {
- val tag = readNat()
- if (tag != MODIFIERS)
- errorBadSignature("expected a modifiers tag (" + tag + ")")
- val end = readNat() + readIndex
- val pflagsHi = readNat()
- val pflagsLo = readNat()
- val pflags = (pflagsHi.toLong << 32) + pflagsLo
- val flags = pickledToRawFlags(pflags)
- val privateWithin = readNameRef()
- Modifiers(flags, privateWithin, Nil)
- }
- /* Read a reference to a pickled item */
- protected def readNameRef(): Name = at(readNat(), readName)
- protected def readSymbolRef(): Symbol = at(readNat(), readSymbol)
- protected def readTypeRef(): Type = at(readNat(), () => readType()) // after the NMT_TRANSITION period, we can leave off the () => ... ()
- protected def readConstantRef(): Constant = at(readNat(), readConstant)
- protected def readAnnotationRef(): AnnotationInfo = at(readNat(), readAnnotation)
- protected def readModifiersRef(): Modifiers = at(readNat(), readModifiers)
- protected def readTreeRef(): Tree = at(readNat(), readTree)
- protected def readTypeNameRef(): TypeName = readNameRef().toTypeName
- protected def readTermNameRef(): TermName = readNameRef().toTermName
- protected def readTemplateRef(): Template =
- readTreeRef() match {
- case templ:Template => templ
- case other =>
- errorBadSignature("expected a template (" + other + ")")
- }
- protected def readCaseDefRef(): CaseDef =
- readTreeRef() match {
- case tree:CaseDef => tree
- case other =>
- errorBadSignature("expected a case def (" + other + ")")
- }
- protected def readValDefRef(): ValDef =
- readTreeRef() match {
- case tree:ValDef => tree
- case other =>
- errorBadSignature("expected a ValDef (" + other + ")")
- }
- protected def readIdentRef(): Ident =
- readTreeRef() match {
- case tree:Ident => tree
- case other =>
- errorBadSignature("expected an Ident (" + other + ")")
- }
- protected def readTypeDefRef(): TypeDef =
- readTreeRef() match {
- case tree:TypeDef => tree
- case other =>
- errorBadSignature("expected an TypeDef (" + other + ")")
- }
- protected def errorBadSignature(msg: String) =
- throw new RuntimeException("malformed Scala signature of " + + " at " + readIndex + "; " + msg)
- protected def errorMissingRequirement(name: Name, owner: Symbol): Symbol =
- missingHook(owner, name) orElse MissingRequirementError.signal(
- s"bad reference while unpickling $filename: ${name.longString} not found in ${owner.tpe.widen}"
- )
- def inferMethodAlternative(fun: Tree, argtpes: List[Type], restpe: Type) {} // can't do it; need a compiler for that.
- def newLazyTypeRef(i: Int): LazyType = new LazyTypeRef(i)
- def newLazyTypeRefAndAlias(i: Int, j: Int): LazyType = new LazyTypeRefAndAlias(i, j)
- /** Convert to a type error, that is printed gracefully instead of crashing.
- *
- * Similar in intent to what SymbolLoader does (but here we don't have access to
- * error reporting, so we rely on the typechecker to report the error).
- */
- def toTypeError(e: MissingRequirementError) =
- new TypeError(e.msg)
- /** A lazy type which when completed returns type at index `i`. */
- private class LazyTypeRef(i: Int) extends LazyType {
- private val definedAtRunId = currentRunId
- private val p = phase
- override def complete(sym: Symbol) : Unit = try {
- val tp = at(i, () => readType(sym.isTerm)) // after NMT_TRANSITION, revert `() => readType(sym.isTerm)` to `readType`
- atPhase(p) (sym setInfo tp)
- if (currentRunId != definedAtRunId)
- sym.setInfo(adaptToNewRunMap(tp))
- }
- catch {
- case e: MissingRequirementError => throw toTypeError(e)
- }
- override def load(sym: Symbol) { complete(sym) }
- }
- /** A lazy type which when completed returns type at index `i` and sets alias
- * of completed symbol to symbol at index `j`.
- */
- private class LazyTypeRefAndAlias(i: Int, j: Int) extends LazyTypeRef(i) {
- override def complete(sym: Symbol) = try {
- super.complete(sym)
- var alias = at(j, readSymbol)
- if (alias.isOverloaded)
- alias = atPhase(picklerPhase)((alias suchThat (alt => sym.tpe =:= sym.owner.thisType.memberType(alt))))
- sym.asInstanceOf[TermSymbol].setAlias(alias)
- }
- catch {
- case e: MissingRequirementError => throw toTypeError(e)
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/settings/AbsSettings.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/settings/AbsSettings.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bbba3f079..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/settings/AbsSettings.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package scala.reflect.internal
-package settings
-/** A Settings abstraction boiled out of the original highly mutable Settings
- * class with the intention of creating an ImmutableSettings which can be used
- * interchangeably. Except of course without the mutants.
- */
-trait AbsSettings {
- type Setting <: AbsSettingValue // Fix to the concrete Setting type
- trait AbsSettingValue {
- type T <: Any
- def value: T
- def isDefault: Boolean
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/settings/MutableSettings.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/settings/MutableSettings.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 8640a23aa7..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/settings/MutableSettings.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-// $Id$
-package scala.reflect.internal
-package settings
-/** A mutable Settings object.
- */
-abstract class MutableSettings extends AbsSettings {
- type Setting <: SettingValue
- type BooleanSetting <: Setting { type T = Boolean }
- type IntSetting <: Setting { type T = Int }
- // basically this is a value which remembers if it's been modified
- trait SettingValue extends AbsSettingValue {
- protected var v: T
- protected var setByUser: Boolean = false
- def postSetHook(): Unit = ()
- def isDefault = !setByUser
- def isSetByUser = setByUser
- def value: T = v
- def value_=(arg: T) = {
- setByUser = true
- v = arg
- postSetHook()
- }
- }
- def overrideObjects: BooleanSetting
- def printtypes: BooleanSetting
- def debug: BooleanSetting
- def Ynotnull: BooleanSetting
- def explaintypes: BooleanSetting
- def verbose: BooleanSetting
- def uniqid: BooleanSetting
- def Yshowsymkinds: BooleanSetting
- def Xprintpos: BooleanSetting
- def Yrecursion: IntSetting
- def maxClassfileName: IntSetting
- def Xexperimental: BooleanSetting
- def XoldPatmat: BooleanSetting
- def XnoPatmatAnalysis: BooleanSetting
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/transform/Erasure.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/transform/Erasure.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 5beec70d62..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/transform/Erasure.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-package transform
-trait Erasure {
- val global: SymbolTable
- import global._
- import definitions._
- /** An extractor object for generic arrays */
- object GenericArray {
- /** Is `tp` an unbounded generic type (i.e. which could be instantiated
- * with primitive as well as class types)?.
- */
- private def genericCore(tp: Type): Type = tp.normalize match {
- /* A Java Array<T> is erased to Array[Object] (T can only be a reference type), where as a Scala Array[T] is
- * erased to Object. However, there is only symbol for the Array class. So to make the distinction between
- * a Java and a Scala array, we check if the owner of T comes from a Java class.
- * This however caused issue SI-5654. The additional test for EXSITENTIAL fixes it, see the ticket comments.
- * In short, members of an existential type (e.g. `T` in `forSome { type T }`) can have pretty arbitrary
- * owners (e.g. when computing lubs, <root> is used). All packageClass symbols have `isJavaDefined == true`.
- */
- case TypeRef(_, sym, _) if sym.isAbstractType && (!sym.owner.isJavaDefined || sym.hasFlag(Flags.EXISTENTIAL)) =>
- tp
- case ExistentialType(tparams, restp) =>
- genericCore(restp)
- case _ =>
- NoType
- }
- /** If `tp` is of the form Array[...Array[T]...] where `T` is an abstract type
- * then Some((N, T)) where N is the number of Array constructors enclosing `T`,
- * otherwise None. Existentials on any level are ignored.
- */
- def unapply(tp: Type): Option[(Int, Type)] = tp.normalize match {
- case TypeRef(_, ArrayClass, List(arg)) =>
- genericCore(arg) match {
- case NoType =>
- unapply(arg) match {
- case Some((level, core)) => Some((level + 1, core))
- case None => None
- }
- case core =>
- Some((1, core))
- }
- case ExistentialType(tparams, restp) =>
- unapply(restp)
- case _ =>
- None
- }
- }
- protected def unboundedGenericArrayLevel(tp: Type): Int = tp match {
- case GenericArray(level, core) if !(core <:< AnyRefClass.tpe) => level
- case _ => 0
- }
- // @M #2585 when generating a java generic signature that includes
- // a selection of an inner class p.I, (p = `pre`, I = `cls`) must
- // rewrite to p'.I, where p' refers to the class that directly defines
- // the nested class I.
- //
- // See also #2585 marker in javaSig: there, type arguments must be
- // included (use pre.baseType(cls.owner)).
- //
- // This requires that cls.isClass.
- protected def rebindInnerClass(pre: Type, cls: Symbol): Type = {
- if (cls.owner.isClass) cls.owner.tpe else pre // why not cls.isNestedClass?
- }
- def underlyingOfValueClass(clazz: Symbol): Type =
- clazz.firstParamAccessor.tpe.resultType
- abstract class ErasureMap extends TypeMap {
- private lazy val ObjectArray = arrayType(ObjectClass.tpe)
- private lazy val ErasedObject = erasedTypeRef(ObjectClass)
- def mergeParents(parents: List[Type]): Type
- def eraseNormalClassRef(pre: Type, clazz: Symbol): Type =
- typeRef(apply(rebindInnerClass(pre, clazz)), clazz, List()) // #2585
- protected def eraseDerivedValueClassRef(clazz: Symbol): Type =
- scalaErasure(underlyingOfValueClass(clazz))
- def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case ConstantType(_) =>
- tp
- case st: SubType =>
- apply(st.supertype)
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
- if (sym == ArrayClass)
- if (unboundedGenericArrayLevel(tp) == 1) ObjectClass.tpe
- else if (args.head.typeSymbol.isBottomClass) ObjectArray
- else typeRef(apply(pre), sym, args map applyInArray)
- else if (sym == AnyClass || sym == AnyValClass || sym == SingletonClass || sym == NotNullClass) ErasedObject
- else if (sym == UnitClass) erasedTypeRef(BoxedUnitClass)
- else if (sym.isRefinementClass) apply(mergeParents(tp.parents))
- else if (sym.isDerivedValueClass) eraseDerivedValueClassRef(sym)
- else if (sym.isClass) eraseNormalClassRef(pre, sym)
- else apply( // alias type or abstract type
- case PolyType(tparams, restpe) =>
- apply(restpe)
- case ExistentialType(tparams, restpe) =>
- apply(restpe)
- case mt @ MethodType(params, restpe) =>
- MethodType(
- cloneSymbolsAndModify(params, ErasureMap.this),
- if (restpe.typeSymbol == UnitClass) erasedTypeRef(UnitClass)
- // this replaces each typeref that refers to an argument
- // by the type `p.tpe` of the actual argument p (p in params)
- else apply(mt.resultType(params map (_.tpe))))
- case RefinedType(parents, decls) =>
- apply(mergeParents(parents))
- case AnnotatedType(_, atp, _) =>
- apply(atp)
- case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) =>
- ClassInfoType(
- if (clazz == ObjectClass || isPrimitiveValueClass(clazz)) Nil
- else if (clazz == ArrayClass) List(ErasedObject)
- else removeLaterObjects(parents map this),
- decls, clazz)
- case _ =>
- mapOver(tp)
- }
- def applyInArray(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) if (sym.isDerivedValueClass) => eraseNormalClassRef(pre, sym)
- case _ => apply(tp)
- }
- }
- protected def verifyJavaErasure = false
- /** The erasure |T| of a type T. This is:
- *
- * - For a constant type, itself.
- * - For a type-bounds structure, the erasure of its upper bound.
- * - For every other singleton type, the erasure of its supertype.
- * - For a typeref scala.Array+[T] where T is an abstract type, AnyRef.
- * - For a typeref scala.Array+[T] where T is not an abstract type, scala.Array+[|T|].
- * - For a typeref scala.Any or scala.AnyVal, java.lang.Object.
- * - For a typeref scala.Unit, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit.
- * - For a typeref P.C[Ts] where C refers to a class, |P|.C.
- * (Where P is first rebound to the class that directly defines C.)
- * - For a typeref P.C[Ts] where C refers to an alias type, the erasure of C's alias.
- * - For a typeref P.C[Ts] where C refers to an abstract type, the
- * erasure of C's upper bound.
- * - For a non-empty type intersection (possibly with refinement)
- * - in scala, the erasure of the intersection dominator
- * - in java, the erasure of its first parent <--- @PP: not yet in spec.
- * - For an empty type intersection, java.lang.Object.
- * - For a method type (Fs)scala.Unit, (|Fs|)scala#Unit.
- * - For any other method type (Fs)Y, (|Fs|)|T|.
- * - For a polymorphic type, the erasure of its result type.
- * - For the class info type of java.lang.Object, the same type without any parents.
- * - For a class info type of a value class, the same type without any parents.
- * - For any other class info type with parents Ps, the same type with
- * parents |Ps|, but with duplicate references of Object removed.
- * - for all other types, the type itself (with any sub-components erased)
- */
- def erasure(sym: Symbol): ErasureMap =
- if (sym == NoSymbol || !sym.enclClass.isJavaDefined) scalaErasure
- else if (verifyJavaErasure && sym.isMethod) verifiedJavaErasure
- else javaErasure
- /** This is used as the Scala erasure during the erasure phase itself
- * It differs from normal erasure in that value classes are erased to ErasedValueTypes which
- * are then later converted to the underlying parameter type in phase posterasure.
- */
- def specialErasure(sym: Symbol)(tp: Type): Type =
- if (sym != NoSymbol && sym.enclClass.isJavaDefined)
- erasure(sym)(tp)
- else if (sym.isTerm && sym.owner.isDerivedValueClass)
- specialErasureAvoiding(sym.owner, tp)
- else if (sym.isValue && sym.owner.isMethodWithExtension)
- specialErasureAvoiding(sym.owner.owner, tp)
- else
- specialScalaErasure(tp)
- def specialErasureAvoiding(clazz: Symbol, tpe: Type): Type = {
- tpe match {
- case PolyType(tparams, restpe) =>
- specialErasureAvoiding(clazz, restpe)
- case ExistentialType(tparams, restpe) =>
- specialErasureAvoiding(clazz, restpe)
- case mt @ MethodType(params, restpe) =>
- MethodType(
- cloneSymbolsAndModify(params, specialErasureAvoiding(clazz, _)),
- if (restpe.typeSymbol == UnitClass) erasedTypeRef(UnitClass)
- else specialErasureAvoiding(clazz, (mt.resultType(params map (_.tpe)))))
- case TypeRef(pre, `clazz`, args) =>
- typeRef(pre, clazz, List())
- case _ =>
- specialScalaErasure(tpe)
- }
- }
- /** Scala's more precise erasure than java's is problematic as follows:
- *
- * - Symbols are read from classfiles and populated with types
- * - The textual signature read from the bytecode is forgotten
- * - Bytecode generation must know the precise signature of a method
- * - the signature is derived from the erasure of the method type
- * - If that derivation does not adhere to the rules by which the original
- * signature was created, a NoSuchMethod error will result.
- *
- * For this reason and others (such as distinguishing constructors from other methods)
- * erasure is now (Symbol, Type) => Type rather than Type => Type.
- */
- class ScalaErasureMap extends ErasureMap {
- /** In scala, calculate a useful parent.
- * An intersection such as `Object with Trait` erases to Trait.
- */
- def mergeParents(parents: List[Type]): Type =
- intersectionDominator(parents)
- }
- class JavaErasureMap extends ErasureMap {
- /** In java, always take the first parent.
- * An intersection such as `Object with Trait` erases to Object.
- */
- def mergeParents(parents: List[Type]): Type =
- if (parents.isEmpty) ObjectClass.tpe
- else parents.head
- }
- object scalaErasure extends ScalaErasureMap
- /** This is used as the Scala erasure during the erasure phase itself
- * It differs from normal erasure in that value classes are erased to ErasedValueTypes which
- * are then later converted to the underlying parameter type in phase posterasure.
- */
- object specialScalaErasure extends ScalaErasureMap {
- override def eraseDerivedValueClassRef(clazz: Symbol): Type = ErasedValueType(clazz)
- }
- object javaErasure extends JavaErasureMap
- object verifiedJavaErasure extends JavaErasureMap {
- override def apply(tp: Type): Type = {
- val res = javaErasure(tp)
- val old = scalaErasure(tp)
- if (!(res =:= old))
- log("Identified divergence between java/scala erasure:\n scala: " + old + "\n java: " + res)
- res
- }
- }
- /** The intersection dominator (SLS 3.7) of a list of types is computed as follows.
- *
- * - If the list contains one or more occurrences of scala.Array with
- * type parameters El1, El2, ... then the dominator is scala.Array with
- * type parameter of intersectionDominator(List(El1, El2, ...)). <--- @PP: not yet in spec.
- * - Otherwise, the list is reduced to a subsequence containing only types
- * which are not subtypes of other listed types (the span.)
- * - If the span is empty, the dominator is Object.
- * - If the span contains a class Tc which is not a trait and which is
- * not Object, the dominator is Tc. <--- @PP: "which is not Object" not in spec.
- * - Otherwise, the dominator is the first element of the span.
- */
- def intersectionDominator(parents: List[Type]): Type = {
- if (parents.isEmpty) ObjectClass.tpe
- else {
- val psyms = parents map (_.typeSymbol)
- if (psyms contains ArrayClass) {
- // treat arrays specially
- arrayType(
- intersectionDominator(
- parents filter (_.typeSymbol == ArrayClass) map (_.typeArgs.head)))
- } else {
- // implement new spec for erasure of refined types.
- def isUnshadowed(psym: Symbol) =
- !(psyms exists (qsym => (psym ne qsym) && (qsym isNonBottomSubClass psym)))
- val cs = parents.iterator.filter { p => // isUnshadowed is a bit expensive, so try classes first
- val psym = p.typeSymbol
- psym.initialize
- psym.isClass && !psym.isTrait && isUnshadowed(psym)
- }
- (if (cs.hasNext) cs else parents.iterator.filter(p => isUnshadowed(p.typeSymbol))).next()
- }
- }
- }
- /** Type reference after erasure */
- def erasedTypeRef(sym: Symbol): Type =
- typeRef(erasure(sym)(sym.owner.tpe), sym, Nil)
- /** The symbol's erased info. This is the type's erasure, except for the following symbols:
- *
- * - For $asInstanceOf : [T]T
- * - For $isInstanceOf : [T]scala#Boolean
- * - For class Array : [T]C where C is the erased classinfo of the Array class.
- * - For Array[T].<init> : {scala#Int)Array[T]
- * - For a type parameter : A type bounds type consisting of the erasures of its bounds.
- */
- def transformInfo(sym: Symbol, tp: Type): Type = {
- if (sym == Object_asInstanceOf)
- else if (sym == Object_isInstanceOf || sym == ArrayClass)
- PolyType(, specialErasure(sym)(
- else if (sym.isAbstractType)
- TypeBounds(WildcardType, WildcardType)
- else if (sym.isTerm && sym.owner == ArrayClass) {
- if (sym.isClassConstructor)
- tp match {
- case MethodType(params, TypeRef(pre, sym1, args)) =>
- MethodType(cloneSymbolsAndModify(params, specialErasure(sym)),
- typeRef(specialErasure(sym)(pre), sym1, args))
- }
- else if ( == nme.apply)
- tp
- else if ( == nme.update)
- (tp: @unchecked) match {
- case MethodType(List(index, tvar), restpe) =>
- MethodType(List(index.cloneSymbol.setInfo(specialErasure(sym)(index.tpe)), tvar),
- erasedTypeRef(UnitClass))
- }
- else specialErasure(sym)(tp)
- } else if (
- sym.owner != NoSymbol &&
- sym.owner.owner == ArrayClass &&
- sym == Array_update.paramss.head(1)) {
- // special case for Array.update: the non-erased type remains, i.e. (Int,A)Unit
- // since the erasure type map gets applied to every symbol, we have to catch the
- // symbol here
- tp
- } else {
- specialErasure(sym)(tp)
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/transform/RefChecks.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/transform/RefChecks.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d6108ab665..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/transform/RefChecks.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-package transform
-trait RefChecks {
- val global: SymbolTable
- import global._
- def transformInfo(sym: Symbol, tp: Type): Type =
- if (sym.isModule && !sym.isStatic) NullaryMethodType(tp)
- else tp
-} \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/transform/Transforms.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-package transform
-import language.existentials
-trait Transforms { self: SymbolTable =>
- /** We need to encode laziness by hand here because the three components refChecks, uncurry and erasure
- * are overwritten by objects in Global.
- * It would be best of objects could override lazy values. See SI-5187.
- * In the absence of this, the Lazy functionality should probably be somewhere
- * in the standard library. Or is it already?
- */
- private class Lazy[T](op: => T) {
- private var value: T = _
- private var _isDefined = false
- def isDefined = _isDefined
- def force: T = {
- if (!isDefined) { value = op; _isDefined = true }
- value
- }
- }
- private val refChecksLazy = new Lazy(new { val global: Transforms.this.type = self } with RefChecks)
- private val uncurryLazy = new Lazy(new { val global: Transforms.this.type = self } with UnCurry)
- private val erasureLazy = new Lazy(new { val global: Transforms.this.type = self } with Erasure)
- def refChecks = refChecksLazy.force
- def uncurry = uncurryLazy.force
- def erasure = erasureLazy.force
- def transformedType(sym: Symbol) =
- erasure.transformInfo(sym,
- uncurry.transformInfo(sym,
- refChecks.transformInfo(sym,
- def transformedType(tpe: Type) =
- erasure.scalaErasure(uncurry.uncurry(tpe))
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/transform/UnCurry.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/transform/UnCurry.scala
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index 0c1640ceb9..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/transform/UnCurry.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package internal
-package transform
-import Flags._
-trait UnCurry {
- val global: SymbolTable
- import global._
- import definitions._
- private def expandAlias(tp: Type): Type = if (!tp.isHigherKinded) tp.normalize else tp
- val uncurry: TypeMap = new TypeMap {
- def apply(tp0: Type): Type = {
- val tp = expandAlias(tp0)
- tp match {
- case MethodType(params, MethodType(params1, restpe)) =>
- apply(MethodType(params ::: params1, restpe))
- case MethodType(params, ExistentialType(tparams, restpe @ MethodType(_, _))) =>
- assert(false, "unexpected curried method types with intervening existential")
- tp0
- case MethodType(h :: t, restpe) if h.isImplicit =>
- apply(MethodType(h.cloneSymbol.resetFlag(IMPLICIT) :: t, restpe))
- case NullaryMethodType(restpe) =>
- apply(MethodType(List(), restpe))
- case TypeRef(pre, ByNameParamClass, arg :: Nil) =>
- apply(functionType(List(), arg))
- case TypeRef(pre, RepeatedParamClass, arg :: Nil) =>
- apply(seqType(arg))
- case TypeRef(pre, JavaRepeatedParamClass, arg :: Nil) =>
- apply(arrayType(
- if (isUnboundedGeneric(arg)) ObjectClass.tpe else arg))
- case _ =>
- expandAlias(mapOver(tp))
- }
- }
- }
- private val uncurryType = new TypeMap {
- def apply(tp0: Type): Type = {
- val tp = expandAlias(tp0)
- tp match {
- case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) =>
- val parents1 = parents mapConserve uncurry
- if (parents1 eq parents) tp
- else ClassInfoType(parents1, decls, clazz) // @MAT normalize in decls??
- case PolyType(_, _) =>
- mapOver(tp)
- case _ =>
- tp
- }
- }
- }
- /** - return symbol's transformed type,
- * - if symbol is a def parameter with transformed type T, return () => T
- *
- * @MAT: starting with this phase, the info of every symbol will be normalized
- */
- def transformInfo(sym: Symbol, tp: Type): Type =
- if (sym.isType) uncurryType(tp) else uncurry(tp)
-} \ No newline at end of file
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index 1f8eb15c90..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/Collections.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package scala.reflect.internal.util
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import scala.annotation.tailrec
-import mutable.ListBuffer
-/** Profiler driven changes.
- * TODO - inlining doesn't work from here because of the bug that
- * methods in traits aren't inlined.
- */
-trait Collections {
- /** True if all three arguments have the same number of elements and
- * the function is true for all the triples.
- */
- @tailrec final def corresponds3[A, B, C](xs1: List[A], xs2: List[B], xs3: List[C])
- (f: (A, B, C) => Boolean): Boolean = (
- if (xs1.isEmpty) xs2.isEmpty && xs3.isEmpty
- else !xs2.isEmpty && !xs3.isEmpty && f(xs1.head, xs2.head, xs3.head) && corresponds3(xs1.tail, xs2.tail, xs3.tail)(f)
- )
- /** All these mm methods are "deep map" style methods for
- * mapping etc. on a list of lists while avoiding unnecessary
- * intermediate structures like those created via flatten.
- */
- final def mexists[A](xss: List[List[A]])(p: A => Boolean) =
- xss exists (_ exists p)
- final def mforall[A](xss: List[List[A]])(p: A => Boolean) =
- xss forall (_ forall p)
- final def mmap[A, B](xss: List[List[A]])(f: A => B) =
- xss map (_ map f)
- final def mforeach[A](xss: List[List[A]])(f: A => Unit) =
- xss foreach (_ foreach f)
- final def mfind[A](xss: List[List[A]])(p: A => Boolean): Option[A] = {
- var res: Option[A] = null
- mforeach(xss)(x => if ((res eq null) && p(x)) res = Some(x))
- if (res eq null) None else res
- }
- final def mfilter[A](xss: List[List[A]])(p: A => Boolean) =
- for (xs <- xss; x <- xs; if p(x)) yield x
- final def map2[A, B, C](xs1: List[A], xs2: List[B])(f: (A, B) => C): List[C] = {
- val lb = new ListBuffer[C]
- var ys1 = xs1
- var ys2 = xs2
- while (!ys1.isEmpty && !ys2.isEmpty) {
- lb += f(ys1.head, ys2.head)
- ys1 = ys1.tail
- ys2 = ys2.tail
- }
- lb.toList
- }
- final def map3[A, B, C, D](xs1: List[A], xs2: List[B], xs3: List[C])(f: (A, B, C) => D): List[D] = {
- if (xs1.isEmpty || xs2.isEmpty || xs3.isEmpty) Nil
- else f(xs1.head, xs2.head, xs3.head) :: map3(xs1.tail, xs2.tail, xs3.tail)(f)
- }
- final def flatMap2[A, B, C](xs1: List[A], xs2: List[B])(f: (A, B) => List[C]): List[C] = {
- val lb = new ListBuffer[C]
- var ys1 = xs1
- var ys2 = xs2
- while (!ys1.isEmpty && !ys2.isEmpty) {
- lb ++= f(ys1.head, ys2.head)
- ys1 = ys1.tail
- ys2 = ys2.tail
- }
- lb.toList
- }
- final def flatCollect[A, B](elems: List[A])(pf: PartialFunction[A, Traversable[B]]): List[B] = {
- val lb = new ListBuffer[B]
- for (x <- elems ; if pf isDefinedAt x)
- lb ++= pf(x)
- lb.toList
- }
- final def distinctBy[A, B](xs: List[A])(f: A => B): List[A] = {
- val buf = new ListBuffer[A]
- val seen = mutable.Set[B]()
- xs foreach { x =>
- val y = f(x)
- if (!seen(y)) {
- buf += x
- seen += y
- }
- }
- buf.toList
- }
- @tailrec final def flattensToEmpty(xss: Seq[Seq[_]]): Boolean = {
- xss.isEmpty || xss.head.isEmpty && flattensToEmpty(xss.tail)
- }
- final def foreachWithIndex[A, B](xs: List[A])(f: (A, Int) => Unit) {
- var index = 0
- var ys = xs
- while (!ys.isEmpty) {
- f(ys.head, index)
- ys = ys.tail
- index += 1
- }
- }
- // @inline
- final def findOrElse[A](xs: TraversableOnce[A])(p: A => Boolean)(orElse: => A): A = {
- xs find p getOrElse orElse
- }
- final def mapFrom[A, A1 >: A, B](xs: List[A])(f: A => B): Map[A1, B] = {
- Map[A1, B](xs map (x => (x, f(x))): _*)
- }
- final def mapWithIndex[A, B](xs: List[A])(f: (A, Int) => B): List[B] = {
- val lb = new ListBuffer[B]
- var index = 0
- var ys = xs
- while (!ys.isEmpty) {
- lb += f(ys.head, index)
- ys = ys.tail
- index += 1
- }
- lb.toList
- }
- final def collectMap2[A, B, C](xs1: List[A], xs2: List[B])(p: (A, B) => Boolean): Map[A, B] = {
- if (xs1.isEmpty || xs2.isEmpty)
- return Map()
- val buf = immutable.Map.newBuilder[A, B]
- var ys1 = xs1
- var ys2 = xs2
- while (!ys1.isEmpty && !ys2.isEmpty) {
- val x1 = ys1.head
- val x2 = ys2.head
- if (p(x1, x2))
- buf += ((x1, x2))
- ys1 = ys1.tail
- ys2 = ys2.tail
- }
- buf.result
- }
- final def foreach2[A, B](xs1: List[A], xs2: List[B])(f: (A, B) => Unit): Unit = {
- var ys1 = xs1
- var ys2 = xs2
- while (!ys1.isEmpty && !ys2.isEmpty) {
- f(ys1.head, ys2.head)
- ys1 = ys1.tail
- ys2 = ys2.tail
- }
- }
- final def foreach3[A, B, C](xs1: List[A], xs2: List[B], xs3: List[C])(f: (A, B, C) => Unit): Unit = {
- var ys1 = xs1
- var ys2 = xs2
- var ys3 = xs3
- while (!ys1.isEmpty && !ys2.isEmpty && !ys3.isEmpty) {
- f(ys1.head, ys2.head, ys3.head)
- ys1 = ys1.tail
- ys2 = ys2.tail
- ys3 = ys3.tail
- }
- }
- final def exists2[A, B](xs1: List[A], xs2: List[B])(f: (A, B) => Boolean): Boolean = {
- var ys1 = xs1
- var ys2 = xs2
- while (!ys1.isEmpty && !ys2.isEmpty) {
- if (f(ys1.head, ys2.head))
- return true
- ys1 = ys1.tail
- ys2 = ys2.tail
- }
- false
- }
- final def forall2[A, B](xs1: List[A], xs2: List[B])(f: (A, B) => Boolean): Boolean = {
- var ys1 = xs1
- var ys2 = xs2
- while (!ys1.isEmpty && !ys2.isEmpty) {
- if (!f(ys1.head, ys2.head))
- return false
- ys1 = ys1.tail
- ys2 = ys2.tail
- }
- true
- }
- final def forall3[A, B, C](xs1: List[A], xs2: List[B], xs3: List[C])(f: (A, B, C) => Boolean): Boolean = {
- var ys1 = xs1
- var ys2 = xs2
- var ys3 = xs3
- while (!ys1.isEmpty && !ys2.isEmpty && !ys3.isEmpty) {
- if (!f(ys1.head, ys2.head, ys3.head))
- return false
- ys1 = ys1.tail
- ys2 = ys2.tail
- ys3 = ys3.tail
- }
- true
- }
- final def transposeSafe[A](ass: List[List[A]]): Option[List[List[A]]] = try {
- Some(ass.transpose)
- } catch {
- case _: IllegalArgumentException => None
- }
-object Collections extends Collections { }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/HashSet.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/HashSet.scala
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index a771dad2b0..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/HashSet.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect.internal.util
-object HashSet {
- def apply[T >: Null <: AnyRef](): HashSet[T] = this(16)
- def apply[T >: Null <: AnyRef](label: String): HashSet[T] = this(label, 16)
- def apply[T >: Null <: AnyRef](initialCapacity: Int): HashSet[T] = this("No Label", initialCapacity)
- def apply[T >: Null <: AnyRef](label: String, initialCapacity: Int): HashSet[T] =
- new HashSet[T](label, initialCapacity)
-class HashSet[T >: Null <: AnyRef](val label: String, initialCapacity: Int) extends Set[T] {
- private var used = 0
- private var table = new Array[AnyRef](initialCapacity)
- private def index(x: Int): Int = math.abs(x % table.length)
- def size: Int = used
- def clear() {
- used = 0
- table = new Array[AnyRef](initialCapacity)
- }
- def findEntryOrUpdate(x: T): T = {
- var h = index(x.##)
- var entry = table(h)
- while (entry ne null) {
- if (x == entry)
- return entry.asInstanceOf[T]
- h = index(h + 1)
- entry = table(h)
- }
- table(h) = x
- used += 1
- if (used > (table.length >> 2)) growTable()
- x
- }
- def findEntry(x: T): T = {
- var h = index(x.##)
- var entry = table(h)
- while ((entry ne null) && x != entry) {
- h = index(h + 1)
- entry = table(h)
- }
- entry.asInstanceOf[T]
- }
- def addEntry(x: T) {
- var h = index(x.##)
- var entry = table(h)
- while (entry ne null) {
- if (x == entry) return
- h = index(h + 1)
- entry = table(h)
- }
- table(h) = x
- used += 1
- if (used > (table.length >> 2)) growTable()
- }
- def addEntries(xs: TraversableOnce[T]) {
- xs foreach addEntry
- }
- def iterator = new Iterator[T] {
- private var i = 0
- def hasNext: Boolean = {
- while (i < table.length && (table(i) eq null)) i += 1
- i < table.length
- }
- def next(): T =
- if (hasNext) { i += 1; table(i - 1).asInstanceOf[T] }
- else null
- }
- private def addOldEntry(x: T) {
- var h = index(x.##)
- var entry = table(h)
- while (entry ne null) {
- h = index(h + 1)
- entry = table(h)
- }
- table(h) = x
- }
- private def growTable() {
- val oldtable = table
- val growthFactor =
- if (table.length <= initialCapacity) 8
- else if (table.length <= (initialCapacity * 8)) 4
- else 2
- table = new Array[AnyRef](table.length * growthFactor)
- var i = 0
- while (i < oldtable.length) {
- val entry = oldtable(i)
- if (entry ne null) addOldEntry(entry.asInstanceOf[T])
- i += 1
- }
- }
- override def toString() = "HashSet %s(%d / %d)".format(label, used, table.length)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/Origins.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/Origins.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bd5ad55ca..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/Origins.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package internal.util
-import NameTransformer._
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import Origins._
-/** A debugging class for logging from whence a method is being called.
- * Say you wanted to discover who was calling phase_= in SymbolTable.
- * You could do this:
- *
- * {{{
- * private lazy val origins = Origins("arbitraryTag")
- * // Commented out original enclosed for contrast
- * // final def phase_=(p: Phase): Unit = {
- * final def phase_=(p: Phase): Unit = origins {
- * }}}
- *
- * And that's it. When the JVM exits it would issue a report something like this:
- {{{
- >> Origins tag 'arbitraryTag' logged 145585 calls from 51 distinguished sources.
- 71114$Symbol.unsafeTypeParams(Symbols.scala:862)
- 16584$Symbol.rawInfo(Symbols.scala:757)
- 15411$Symbol.unsafeTypeParams(Symbols.scala:869)
- 11507$Symbol.rawInfo(Symbols.scala:770)
- 10285$Symbol.unsafeTypeParams(Symbols.scala:864)
- 6860
- ...
- }}}
- *
- */
-abstract class Origins {
- type Rep
- type StackSlice = Array[StackTraceElement]
- def tag: String
- def isCutoff(el: StackTraceElement): Boolean
- def newRep(xs: StackSlice): Rep
- def repString(rep: Rep): String
- private val origins = new mutable.HashMap[Rep, Int] withDefaultValue 0
- private def add(xs: Rep) = origins(xs) += 1
- private def total = origins.values.foldLeft(0L)(_ + _)
- // Create a stack and whittle it down to the interesting part.
- def readStack(): Array[StackTraceElement] = (
- Thread.currentThread.getStackTrace dropWhile (x => !isCutoff(x)) dropWhile isCutoff drop 1
- )
- def apply[T](body: => T): T = {
- add(newRep(readStack()))
- body
- }
- def clear() = origins.clear()
- def show() = {
- println("\n>> Origins tag '%s' logged %s calls from %s distinguished sources.\n".format(tag, total, origins.keys.size))
- origins.toList sortBy (-_._2) foreach {
- case (k, v) => println("%7s %s".format(v, repString(k)))
- }
- }
- def purge() = {
- show()
- clear()
- }
-object Origins {
- private val counters = mutable.HashMap[String, Origins]()
- private val thisClass = this.getClass.getName
- locally {
- sys.addShutdownHook(counters.values foreach (_.purge()))
- }
- case class OriginId(className: String, methodName: String) {
- def matches(el: StackTraceElement) = (
- (methodName == el.getMethodName) && (className startsWith el.getClassName)
- )
- }
- def lookup(tag: String, orElse: String => Origins): Origins =
- counters.getOrElseUpdate(tag, orElse(tag))
- def register(x: Origins): Origins = {
- counters(x.tag) = x
- x
- }
- private def preCutoff(el: StackTraceElement) = (
- (el.getClassName == thisClass)
- || (el.getClassName startsWith "java.lang.")
- )
- private def findCutoff() = {
- val cutoff = Thread.currentThread.getStackTrace dropWhile preCutoff head;
- OriginId(cutoff.getClassName, cutoff.getMethodName)
- }
- def apply(tag: String): Origins = counters.getOrElseUpdate(tag, new OneLine(tag, findCutoff()))
- def apply(tag: String, frames: Int): Origins = counters.getOrElseUpdate(tag, new MultiLine(tag, findCutoff(), frames))
- class OneLine(val tag: String, id: OriginId) extends Origins {
- type Rep = StackTraceElement
- def isCutoff(el: StackTraceElement) = id matches el
- def newRep(xs: StackSlice): Rep = if ((xs eq null) || (xs.length == 0)) null else xs(0)
- def repString(rep: Rep) = " " + rep
- }
- class MultiLine(val tag: String, id: OriginId, numLines: Int) extends Origins {
- type Rep = List[StackTraceElement]
- def isCutoff(el: StackTraceElement) = id matches el
- def newRep(xs: StackSlice): Rep = (xs take numLines).toList
- def repString(rep: Rep) ="\n " + _).mkString
- override def readStack() = super.readStack() drop 1
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/Position.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/Position.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c251b3b31..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/Position.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- *
- */
-package scala.reflect.internal.util
-import reflect.ClassTag
-import reflect.base.Attachments
-import reflect.api.PositionApi
-object Position {
- val tabInc = 8
- /** Prints the message with the given position indication. */
- def formatMessage(posIn: Position, msg: String, shortenFile: Boolean): String = {
- val pos = (
- if (posIn eq null) NoPosition
- else if (posIn.isDefined) posIn.inUltimateSource(posIn.source)
- else posIn
- )
- def file = pos.source.file
- def prefix = if (shortenFile) else file.path
- pos match {
- case FakePos(fmsg) => fmsg+" "+msg
- case NoPosition => msg
- case _ =>
- List(
- "%s:%s: %s".format(prefix, pos.line, msg),
- pos.lineContent.stripLineEnd,
- " " * (pos.column - 1) + "^"
- ) mkString "\n"
- }
- }
-abstract class Position extends PositionApi { self =>
- type Pos = Position
- def pos: Position = this
- def withPos(newPos: Position): Attachments { type Pos = self.Pos } = newPos
- /** Java file corresponding to the source file of this position.
- */
- // necessary for conformance with scala.reflect.api.Position
- def fileInfo: = source.file.file
- /** Contents of the source file that contains this position.
- */
- // necessary for conformance with scala.reflect.api.Position
- def fileContent: Array[Char] = source.content
- /** An optional value containing the source file referred to by this position, or
- * None if not defined.
- */
- def source: SourceFile = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Position.source")
- /** Is this position neither a NoPosition nor a FakePosition?
- * If isDefined is true, offset and source are both defined.
- */
- def isDefined: Boolean = false
- /** Is this position a transparent position? */
- def isTransparent: Boolean = false
- /** Is this position a range position? */
- def isRange: Boolean = false
- /** Is this position a non-transparent range position? */
- def isOpaqueRange: Boolean = false
- /** if opaque range, make this position transparent */
- def makeTransparent: Position = this
- /** The start of the position's range, error if not a range position */
- def start: Int = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Position.start")
- /** The start of the position's range, or point if not a range position */
- def startOrPoint: Int = point
- /** The point (where the ^ is) of the position */
- def point: Int = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Position.point")
- /** The point (where the ^ is) of the position, or else `default` if undefined */
- def pointOrElse(default: Int): Int = default
- /** The end of the position's range, error if not a range position */
- def end: Int = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Position.end")
- /** The end of the position's range, or point if not a range position */
- def endOrPoint: Int = point
- @deprecated("use point instead", "2.9.0")
- def offset: Option[Int] = if (isDefined) Some(point) else None
- /** The same position with a different start value (if a range) */
- def withStart(off: Int): Position = this
- /** The same position with a different end value (if a range) */
- def withEnd(off: Int): Position = this
- /** The same position with a different point value (if a range or offset) */
- def withPoint(off: Int): Position = this
- /** The same position with a different source value, and its values shifted by given offset */
- def withSource(source: SourceFile, shift: Int): Position = this
- /** If this is a range, the union with the other range, with the point of this position.
- * Otherwise, this position
- */
- def union(pos: Position): Position = this
- /** If this is a range position, the offset position of its start.
- * Otherwise the position itself
- */
- def focusStart: Position = this
- /** If this is a range position, the offset position of its point.
- * Otherwise the position itself
- */
- def focus: Position = this
- /** If this is a range position, the offset position of its end.
- * Otherwise the position itself
- */
- def focusEnd: Position = this
- /** Does this position include the given position `pos`.
- * This holds if `this` is a range position and its range [start..end]
- * is the same or covers the range of the given position, which may or may not be a range position.
- */
- def includes(pos: Position): Boolean = false
- /** Does this position properly include the given position `pos` ("properly" meaning their
- * ranges are not the same)?
- */
- def properlyIncludes(pos: Position): Boolean =
- includes(pos) && (start < pos.startOrPoint || pos.endOrPoint < end)
- /** Does this position precede that position?
- * This holds if both positions are defined and the end point of this position
- * is not larger than the start point of the given position.
- */
- def precedes(pos: Position): Boolean =
- isDefined && pos.isDefined && endOrPoint <= pos.startOrPoint
- /** Does this position properly precede the given position `pos` ("properly" meaning their ranges
- * do not share a common point).
- */
- def properlyPrecedes(pos: Position): Boolean =
- isDefined && pos.isDefined && endOrPoint < pos.startOrPoint
- /** Does this position overlap with that position?
- * This holds if both positions are ranges and there is an interval of
- * non-zero length that is shared by both position ranges.
- */
- def overlaps(pos: Position): Boolean =
- isRange && pos.isRange &&
- ((pos.start < end && start < pos.end) || (start < pos.end && pos.start < end))
- /** Does this position cover the same range as that position?
- * Holds only if both position are ranges
- */
- def sameRange(pos: Position): Boolean =
- isRange && pos.isRange && start == pos.start && end == pos.end
- def line: Int = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Position.line")
- def column: Int = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Position.column")
- /** Convert this to a position around `point` that spans a single source line */
- def toSingleLine: Position = this
- def lineContent: String =
- if (isDefined) source.lineToString(line - 1)
- else "NO_LINE"
- /** Map this position to a position in an original source
- * file. If the SourceFile is a normal SourceFile, simply
- * return this.
- */
- def inUltimateSource(source : SourceFile): Position =
- if (source == null) this else source.positionInUltimateSource(this)
- def dbgString: String = toString
- def safeLine: Int = try line catch { case _: UnsupportedOperationException => -1 }
- def show: String = "["+toString+"]"
-case object NoPosition extends Position {
- override def dbgString = toString
-case class FakePos(msg: String) extends Position {
- override def toString = msg
-class OffsetPosition(override val source: SourceFile, override val point: Int) extends Position {
- override def isDefined = true
- override def pointOrElse(default: Int): Int = point
- override def withPoint(off: Int) = new OffsetPosition(source, off)
- override def withSource(source: SourceFile, shift: Int) = new OffsetPosition(source, point + shift)
- override def line: Int = source.offsetToLine(point) + 1
- override def column: Int = {
- var idx = source.lineToOffset(source.offsetToLine(point))
- var col = 0
- while (idx != point) {
- col += (if (source.content(idx) == '\t') Position.tabInc - col % Position.tabInc else 1)
- idx += 1
- }
- col + 1
- }
- override def union(pos: Position) = if (pos.isRange) pos else this
- override def equals(that : Any) = that match {
- case that : OffsetPosition => point == that.point && source.file == that.source.file
- case that => false
- }
- override def hashCode = point * 37 + source.file.hashCode
- override def toString = {
- val pointmsg = if (point > source.length) "out-of-bounds-" else "offset="
- "source-%s,line-%s,%s%s".format(source.file.canonicalPath, line, pointmsg, point)
- }
- override def show = "["+point+"]"
-/** new for position ranges */
-class RangePosition(source: SourceFile, override val start: Int, point: Int, override val end: Int)
-extends OffsetPosition(source, point) {
- if (start > end) assert(false, "bad position: "+show)
- override def isRange: Boolean = true
- override def isOpaqueRange: Boolean = true
- override def startOrPoint: Int = start
- override def endOrPoint: Int = end
- override def withStart(off: Int) = new RangePosition(source, off, point, end)
- override def withEnd(off: Int) = new RangePosition(source, start, point, off)
- override def withPoint(off: Int) = new RangePosition(source, start, off, end)
- override def withSource(source: SourceFile, shift: Int) = new RangePosition(source, start + shift, point + shift, end + shift)
- override def focusStart = new OffsetPosition(source, start)
- override def focus = {
- if (focusCache eq NoPosition) focusCache = new OffsetPosition(source, point)
- focusCache
- }
- override def focusEnd = new OffsetPosition(source, end)
- override def makeTransparent = new TransparentPosition(source, start, point, end)
- override def includes(pos: Position) = pos.isDefined && start <= pos.startOrPoint && pos.endOrPoint <= end
- override def union(pos: Position): Position =
- if (pos.isRange) new RangePosition(source, start min pos.start, point, end max pos.end) else this
- override def toSingleLine: Position = source match {
- case bs: BatchSourceFile
- if end > 0 && bs.offsetToLine(start) < bs.offsetToLine(end - 1) =>
- val pointLine = bs.offsetToLine(point)
- new RangePosition(source, bs.lineToOffset(pointLine), point, bs.lineToOffset(pointLine + 1))
- case _ => this
- }
- override def toString = "RangePosition("+source.file.canonicalPath+", "+start+", "+point+", "+end+")"
- override def show = "["+start+":"+end+"]"
- private var focusCache: Position = NoPosition
-class TransparentPosition(source: SourceFile, start: Int, point: Int, end: Int) extends RangePosition(source, start, point, end) {
- override def isOpaqueRange: Boolean = false
- override def isTransparent = true
- override def makeTransparent = this
- override def show = "<"+start+":"+end+">"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/Set.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/Set.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index cfc3e7eada..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/Set.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect.internal.util
-/** A common class for lightweight sets.
- */
-abstract class Set[T <: AnyRef] {
- def findEntry(x: T): T
- def addEntry(x: T): Unit
- def iterator: Iterator[T]
- def foreach[U](f: T => U): Unit = iterator foreach f
- def apply(x: T): Boolean = contains(x)
- @deprecated("use `iterator` instead", "2.9.0") def elements = iterator
- def contains(x: T): Boolean =
- findEntry(x) ne null
- def toList = iterator.toList
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/SourceFile.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/SourceFile.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c80ddd37d..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/SourceFile.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect.internal.util
-import{ AbstractFile, VirtualFile }
-import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
-import annotation.tailrec
-import java.util.regex.Pattern
-import scala.reflect.internal.Chars._
-/** abstract base class of a source file used in the compiler */
-abstract class SourceFile {
- def content : Array[Char] // normalized, must end in SU
- def file : AbstractFile
- def isLineBreak(idx : Int) : Boolean
- def isSelfContained: Boolean
- def length : Int
- def position(offset: Int) : Position = {
- assert(offset < length, file + ": " + offset + " >= " + length)
- new OffsetPosition(this, offset)
- }
- def position(line: Int, column: Int) : Position = new OffsetPosition(this, lineToOffset(line) + column)
- def offsetToLine(offset: Int): Int
- def lineToOffset(index : Int): Int
- /** Map a position to a position in the underlying source file.
- * For regular source files, simply return the argument.
- */
- def positionInUltimateSource(position: Position) = position
- override def toString() =
- def dbg(offset: Int) = (new OffsetPosition(this, offset)).dbgString
- def path = file.path
- def beginsWith(offset: Int, text: String): Boolean =
- (content drop offset) startsWith text
- def lineToString(index: Int): String =
- content drop lineToOffset(index) takeWhile (c => !isLineBreakChar(c.toChar)) mkString
- @tailrec
- final def skipWhitespace(offset: Int): Int =
- if (content(offset).isWhitespace) skipWhitespace(offset + 1) else offset
- def identifier(pos: Position): Option[String] = None
-/** An object representing a missing source file.
- */
-object NoSourceFile extends SourceFile {
- def content = Array()
- def file = NoFile
- def isLineBreak(idx: Int) = false
- def isSelfContained = true
- def length = -1
- def offsetToLine(offset: Int) = -1
- def lineToOffset(index : Int) = -1
- override def toString = "<no source file>"
-object NoFile extends VirtualFile("<no file>", "<no file>")
-object ScriptSourceFile {
- /** Length of the script header from the given content, if there is one.
- * The header begins with "#!" or "::#!" and ends with a line starting
- * with "!#" or "::!#".
- */
- def headerLength(cs: Array[Char]): Int = {
- val headerPattern = Pattern.compile("""((?m)^(::)?!#.*|^.*/env .*)(\r|\n|\r\n)""")
- val headerStarts = List("#!", "::#!")
- if (headerStarts exists (cs startsWith _)) {
- val matcher = headerPattern matcher cs.mkString
- if (matcher.find) matcher.end
- else throw new IOException("script file does not close its header with !# or ::!#")
- }
- else 0
- }
- def stripHeader(cs: Array[Char]): Array[Char] = cs drop headerLength(cs)
- def apply(file: AbstractFile, content: Array[Char]) = {
- val underlying = new BatchSourceFile(file, content)
- val headerLen = headerLength(content)
- val stripped = new ScriptSourceFile(underlying, content drop headerLen, headerLen)
- stripped
- }
-import ScriptSourceFile._
-class ScriptSourceFile(underlying: BatchSourceFile, content: Array[Char], override val start: Int) extends BatchSourceFile(underlying.file, content) {
- override def isSelfContained = false
- override def positionInUltimateSource(pos: Position) =
- if (!pos.isDefined) super.positionInUltimateSource(pos)
- else new OffsetPosition(underlying, pos.point + start)
-/** a file whose contents do not change over time */
-class BatchSourceFile(val file : AbstractFile, val content: Array[Char]) extends SourceFile {
- def this(_file: AbstractFile) = this(_file, _file.toCharArray)
- def this(sourceName: String, cs: Seq[Char]) = this(new VirtualFile(sourceName), cs.toArray)
- def this(file: AbstractFile, cs: Seq[Char]) = this(file, cs.toArray)
- override def equals(that : Any) = that match {
- case that : BatchSourceFile => file.path == that.file.path && start == that.start
- case _ => false
- }
- override def hashCode = file.path.## + start.##
- val length = content.length
- def start = 0
- def isSelfContained = true
- override def identifier(pos: Position) =
- if (pos.isDefined && pos.source == this && pos.point != -1) {
- def isOK(c: Char) = isIdentifierPart(c) || isOperatorPart(c)
- Some(new String(content drop pos.point takeWhile isOK))
- } else {
- super.identifier(pos)
- }
- def isLineBreak(idx: Int) =
- if (idx >= length) false else {
- val ch = content(idx)
- // don't identify the CR in CR LF as a line break, since LF will do.
- if (ch == CR) (idx + 1 == length) || (content(idx + 1) != LF)
- else isLineBreakChar(ch)
- }
- def calculateLineIndices(cs: Array[Char]) = {
- val buf = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
- buf += 0
- for (i <- 0 until cs.length) if (isLineBreak(i)) buf += i + 1
- buf += cs.length // sentinel, so that findLine below works smoother
- buf.toArray
- }
- private lazy val lineIndices: Array[Int] = calculateLineIndices(content)
- def lineToOffset(index : Int): Int = lineIndices(index)
- private var lastLine = 0
- /** Convert offset to line in this source file
- * Lines are numbered from 0
- */
- def offsetToLine(offset: Int): Int = {
- val lines = lineIndices
- def findLine(lo: Int, hi: Int, mid: Int): Int =
- if (offset < lines(mid)) findLine(lo, mid - 1, (lo + mid - 1) / 2)
- else if (offset >= lines(mid + 1)) findLine(mid + 1, hi, (mid + 1 + hi) / 2)
- else mid
- lastLine = findLine(0, lines.length, lastLine)
- lastLine
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/StatBase.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/StatBase.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b033ff98bc..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/StatBase.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect.internal.util
-class StatBase {
- private var _enabled = false
- def enabled = _enabled
- def enabled_=(cond: Boolean) = {
- if (cond && !_enabled) {
- val test = new Timer()
- val start = System.nanoTime()
- var total = 0L
- for (i <- 1 to 10000) {
- val time = System.nanoTime()
- total += System.nanoTime() - time
- }
- val total2 = System.nanoTime() - start
- println("Enabling statistics, measuring overhead = "+
- total/10000.0+"ns to "+total2/10000.0+"ns per timer")
- _enabled = true
- }
- }
- def currentTime() =
- if (_enabled) System.nanoTime() else 0L
- def showPercent(x: Double, base: Double) =
- if (base == 0) "" else " ("+"%2.1f".format(x / base * 100)+"%)"
- def incCounter(c: Counter) {
- if (_enabled) c.value += 1
- }
- def incCounter(c: Counter, delta: Int) {
- if (_enabled) c.value += delta
- }
- def startCounter(sc: SubCounter): IntPair =
- if (_enabled) sc.start() else null
- def stopCounter(sc: SubCounter, start: IntPair) {
- if (_enabled) sc.stop(start)
- }
- def startTimer(tm: Timer): LongPair =
- if (_enabled) tm.start() else null
- def stopTimer(tm: Timer, start: LongPair) {
- if (_enabled) tm.stop(start)
- }
- case class IntPair(x: Int, y: Int)
- case class LongPair(x: Long, y: Long)
- class Counter {
- var value: Int = 0
- override def toString = value.toString
- }
- class SubCounter(c: Counter) {
- var value: Int = 0
- def start(): IntPair =
- if (_enabled) IntPair(value, c.value) else null
- def stop(prev: IntPair) {
- if (_enabled) {
- val IntPair(value0, cvalue0) = prev
- value = value0 + c.value - cvalue0
- }
- }
- override def toString =
- value+showPercent(value, c.value)
- }
- class Timer {
- var nanos: Long = 0
- var timings = 0
- def start(): LongPair =
- if (_enabled) {
- timings += 1
- LongPair(nanos, System.nanoTime())
- } else null
- def stop(prev: LongPair) {
- if (_enabled) {
- val LongPair(nanos0, start) = prev
- nanos = nanos0 + System.nanoTime() - start
- timings += 1
- }
- }
- override def toString = (timings/2)+" spans, "+nanos.toString+"ns"
- }
- import Predef.Class
- class ClassCounts extends scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[Class[_], Int] {
- override def default(key: Class[_]) = 0
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/Statistics.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/Statistics.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index ef17327fda..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/Statistics.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect.internal.util
-class Statistics extends StatBase {
- val singletonBaseTypeSeqCount = new Counter
- val compoundBaseTypeSeqCount = new Counter
- val typerefBaseTypeSeqCount = new Counter
- val findMemberCount = new Counter
- val noMemberCount = new Counter
- val multMemberCount = new Counter
- val findMemberNanos = new Timer
- val asSeenFromCount = new Counter
- val asSeenFromNanos = new Timer
- val subtypeCount = new Counter
- val subtypeNanos = new Timer
- val sametypeCount = new Counter
- val rawTypeCount = new Counter
- val rawTypeFailed = new SubCounter(rawTypeCount)
- val findMemberFailed = new SubCounter(findMemberCount)
- val subtypeFailed = new SubCounter(subtypeCount)
- val rawTypeImpl = new SubCounter(rawTypeCount)
- val findMemberImpl = new SubCounter(findMemberCount)
- val subtypeImpl = new SubCounter(subtypeCount)
- val baseTypeSeqCount = new Counter
- val baseTypeSeqLenTotal = new Counter
- val typeSymbolCount = new Counter
- val classSymbolCount = new Counter
-object Statistics extends Statistics
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/StringOps.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/StringOps.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 281ade8134..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/StringOps.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2011, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala.reflect.internal.util
-/** This object provides utility methods to extract elements
- * from Strings.
- *
- * @author Martin Odersky
- * @version 1.0
- */
-trait StringOps {
- def onull(s: String) = if (s == null) "" else s
- def oempty(xs: String*) = xs filterNot (x => x == null || x == "")
- def ojoin(xs: String*): String = oempty(xs: _*) mkString " "
- def ojoin(xs: Seq[String], sep: String): String = oempty(xs: _*) mkString sep
- def ojoinOr(xs: Seq[String], sep: String, orElse: String) = {
- val ys = oempty(xs: _*)
- if (ys.isEmpty) orElse else ys mkString sep
- }
- def trimTrailingSpace(s: String) = {
- if (s.length == 0 || !s.charAt(s.length - 1).isWhitespace) s
- else {
- var idx = s.length - 1
- while (idx >= 0 && s.charAt(idx).isWhitespace)
- idx -= 1
- s.substring(0, idx + 1)
- }
- }
- def decompose(str: String, sep: Char): List[String] = {
- def ws(start: Int): List[String] =
- if (start == str.length) List()
- else if (str.charAt(start) == sep) ws(start + 1)
- else {
- val end = str.indexOf(sep, start)
- if (end < 0) List(str.substring(start))
- else str.substring(start, end) :: ws(end + 1)
- }
- ws(0)
- }
- def words(str: String): List[String] = decompose(str, ' ')
- def stripPrefixOpt(str: String, prefix: String): Option[String] =
- if (str startsWith prefix) Some(str drop prefix.length)
- else None
- def stripSuffixOpt(str: String, suffix: String): Option[String] =
- if (str endsWith suffix) Some(str dropRight suffix.length)
- else None
- def splitWhere(str: String, f: Char => Boolean, doDropIndex: Boolean = false): Option[(String, String)] =
- splitAt(str, str indexWhere f, doDropIndex)
- def splitAt(str: String, idx: Int, doDropIndex: Boolean = false): Option[(String, String)] =
- if (idx == -1) None
- else Some((str take idx, str drop (if (doDropIndex) idx + 1 else idx)))
- /** Returns a string meaning "n elements".
- *
- * @param n ...
- * @param elements ...
- * @return ...
- */
- def countElementsAsString(n: Int, elements: String): String =
- n match {
- case 0 => "no " + elements + "s"
- case 1 => "one " + elements
- case 2 => "two " + elements + "s"
- case 3 => "three " + elements + "s"
- case 4 => "four " + elements + "s"
- case _ => "" + n + " " + elements + "s"
- }
- /** Turns a count into a friendly English description if n<=4.
- *
- * @param n ...
- * @return ...
- */
- def countAsString(n: Int): String =
- n match {
- case 0 => "none"
- case 1 => "one"
- case 2 => "two"
- case 3 => "three"
- case 4 => "four"
- case _ => "" + n
- }
-object StringOps extends StringOps { }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/TableDef.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/TableDef.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d692a6d8f5..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/TableDef.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect.internal.util
-import TableDef._
-/** A class for representing tabular data in a way that preserves
- * its inner beauty. See Exceptional for an example usage.
- * One creates an instance of TableDef by defining the columns of
- * the table, then uses that to create an instance of Table by
- * passing in a sequence of rows.
- */
-class TableDef[T](_cols: Column[T]*) {
- /** These operators are about all there is to it.
- *
- * ~ appends a column to the table
- * >> creates a right-justified column and appends it
- * << creates a left-justified column and appends it
- * >+ specifies a string to separate the previous column from the next.
- * if none is specified, a space is used.
- */
- def ~(next: Column[T]) = retThis(cols :+= next)
- def >>(pair: (String, T => Any)) = this ~ Column(pair._1, pair._2, false)
- def <<(pair: (String, T => Any)) = this ~ Column(pair._1, pair._2, true)
- def >+(sep: String) = retThis(separators += ((cols.size - 1, sep)))
- /** Below this point should all be considered private/internal.
- */
- private var cols: List[Column[T]] = _cols.toList
- private var separators: Map[Int, String] = Map()
- def defaultSep(index: Int) = if (index > (cols.size - 2)) "" else " "
- def sepAfter(i: Int): String = separators.getOrElse(i, defaultSep(i))
- def sepWidths = cols.indices map (i => sepAfter(i).length)
- def columns = cols
- def colNames = cols map (
- def colFunctions = cols map (_.f)
- def colApply(el: T) = colFunctions map (f => f(el))
- def retThis(body: => Unit): this.type = { body ; this }
- class Table(val rows: Seq[T]) extends Seq[T] {
- def iterator = rows.iterator
- def apply(index: Int) = rows(index)
- def length = rows.length
- def maxColWidth(col: Column[T]) = +: (rows map col.f) map (_.toString.length) max
- def specs = cols map (_ formatSpec rows)
- val colWidths = cols map maxColWidth
- val rowFormat = mkFormatString(sepAfter)
- val headFormat = mkFormatString(i => " " * sepWidths(i))
- val argLists = rows map colApply
- val headers = List(
- headFormat.format(colNames: _*),
- (colWidths, sepWidths).zipped map ((w1, w2) => "-" * w1 + " " * w2) mkString
- )
- def mkFormatString(sepf: Int => String): String =
- specs.zipWithIndex map { case (c, i) => c + sepf(i) } mkString
- def pp(): Unit = allToSeq foreach println
- def toFormattedSeq = argLists map (xs => rowFormat.format(xs: _*))
- def allToSeq = headers ++ toFormattedSeq
- override def toString = allToSeq mkString "\n"
- }
- def formatterFor(rows: Seq[T]): T => String = {
- val formatStr = new Table(rows).rowFormat
- x => formatStr.format(colApply(x) : _*)
- }
- def table(rows: Seq[T]) = new Table(rows)
- override def toString = cols.mkString("TableDef(", ", ", ")")
-object TableDef {
- case class Column[-T](name: String, f: T => Any, left: Boolean) {
- def maxWidth(elems: Seq[T]): Int = name +: (elems map f) map (_.toString.length) max
- def formatSpec(elems: Seq[T]): String = {
- val justify = if (left) "-" else ""
- "%" + justify + maxWidth(elems) + "s"
- }
- override def toString = {
- val justify = if (left) "<<" else ">>"
- justify + "(" + name + ")"
- }
- }
- def apply[T](cols: Column[T]*) = new TableDef[T](cols: _*)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/TraceSymbolActivity.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/TraceSymbolActivity.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fbeb5f576..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/TraceSymbolActivity.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect.internal
-package util
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import language.postfixOps
-trait TraceSymbolActivity {
- val global: SymbolTable
- import global._
- if (traceSymbolActivity && global.isCompilerUniverse)
- scala.sys addShutdownHook showAllSymbols()
- private type Set[T] = scala.collection.immutable.Set[T]
- private val Set = scala.collection.immutable.Set
- val allSymbols = mutable.Map[Int, Symbol]()
- val allChildren = mutable.Map[Int, List[Int]]() withDefaultValue Nil
- val prevOwners = mutable.Map[Int, List[(Int, Phase)]]() withDefaultValue Nil
- val symsCaused = mutable.Map[Int, Int]() withDefaultValue 0
- val allTrees = mutable.Set[Tree]()
- def recordSymbolsInTree(tree: Tree) {
- allTrees += tree
- }
- def recordNewSymbol(sym: Symbol) {
- if ( > 1) {
- allSymbols( = sym
- allChildren( ::=
- }
- }
- def recordNewSymbolOwner(sym: Symbol, newOwner: Symbol) {
- val sid =
- val oid =
- val nid =
- prevOwners(sid) ::= (oid -> phase)
- allChildren(oid) = allChildren(oid) filterNot (_ == sid)
- allChildren(nid) ::= sid
- }
- /** TODO.
- */
- private def reachableDirectlyFromSymbol(sym: Symbol): List[Symbol] = (
- List(sym.owner, sym.alias, sym.thisSym)
- ++ sym.children
- ++
- ++ sym.typeParams
- ++ sym.paramss.flatten
- )
- private def reachable[T](inputs: Traversable[T], mkSymbol: T => Symbol): Set[Symbol] = {
- def loop(seen: Set[Symbol], remaining: List[Symbol]): Set[Symbol] = {
- remaining match {
- case Nil => seen
- case head :: rest =>
- if ((head eq null) || (head eq NoSymbol) || seen(head)) loop(seen, rest)
- else loop(seen + head, rest ++ reachableDirectlyFromSymbol(head).filterNot(seen))
- }
- }
- loop(immutable.Set(), inputs.toList map mkSymbol filterNot (_ eq null) distinct)
- }
- private def treeList(t: Tree) = {
- val buf = mutable.ListBuffer[Tree]()
- t foreach (buf += _)
- buf.toList
- }
- private def reachableFromSymbol(root: Symbol): Set[Symbol] =
- reachable[Symbol](List(root,, x => x)
- private def reachableFromTree(tree: Tree): Set[Symbol] =
- reachable[Tree](treeList(tree), _.symbol)
- private def signature(id: Int) = runBeforeErasure(allSymbols(id).defString)
- private def dashes(s: Any): String = ("" + s) map (_ => '-')
- private def show(s1: Any, ss: Any*) {
- println("%-12s".format(s1) +: ss mkString " ")
- }
- private def showHeader(s1: Any, ss: Any*) {
- show(s1, ss: _*)
- show(dashes(s1), ss map dashes: _*)
- }
- private def showSym(sym: Symbol) {
- def prefix = (" " * (sym.ownerChain.length - 1)) +
- try println("%s#%s %s".format(prefix, sym.accurateKindString,
- catch {
- case x => println(prefix + " failed: " + x)
- }
- allChildren( foreach showIdAndRemove
- }
- private def showIdAndRemove(id: Int) {
- allSymbols remove id foreach showSym
- }
- private def symbolStr(id: Int): String = {
- if (id == 1) "NoSymbol" else {
- val sym = allSymbols(id)
- sym.accurateKindString + " " +
- }
- }
- private def ownerStr(id: Int): String = {
- val sym = allSymbols(id)
- + "#" +
- }
- private def freq[T, U](xs: collection.Traversable[T])(fn: T => U): List[(U, Int)] = {
- val ys = xs groupBy fn mapValues (_.size)
- ys.toList sortBy (-_._2)
- }
- private def showMapFreq[T](xs: collection.Map[T, Traversable[_]])(showFn: T => String) {
- xs.mapValues(_.size).toList.sortBy(-_._2) take 100 foreach { case (k, size) =>
- show(size, showFn(k))
- }
- println("\n")
- }
- private def showFreq[T, U](xs: Traversable[T])(groupFn: T => U, showFn: U => String = (x: U) => "" + x) = {
- showMapFreq(xs.toList groupBy groupFn)(showFn)
- }
- private lazy val findErasurePhase: Phase = {
- var ph = phase
- while (ph != NoPhase && != "erasure") {
- ph = ph.prev
- }
- ph
- }
- private def runBeforeErasure[T](body: => T): T = atPhase(findErasurePhase)(body)
- def showAllSymbols() {
- if (!traceSymbolActivity) return
- allSymbols(1) = NoSymbol
- println("" + allSymbols.size + " symbols created.")
- println("")
- showHeader("descendants", "symbol")
- showFreq(allSymbols.values flatMap (_.ownerChain drop 1))(, symbolStr)
- showHeader("children", "symbol")
- showMapFreq(allChildren)(symbolStr)
- if (prevOwners.nonEmpty) {
- showHeader("prev owners", "symbol")
- showMapFreq(prevOwners) { k =>
- val owners = (((allSymbols(k), NoPhase)) :: prevOwners(k)) map {
- case (oid, NoPhase) => "-> owned by " + ownerStr(oid)
- case (oid, ph) => "-> owned by %s (until %s)".format(ownerStr(oid), ph)
- }
- signature(k) :: owners mkString "\n "
- }
- }
- val nameFreq = allSymbols.values.toList groupBy (
- showHeader("frequency", "%-15s".format("name"), "owners")
- showMapFreq(nameFreq) { name =>
- "%-15s %s".format(name.decode, {
- val owners = freq(nameFreq(name))(_.owner)
- "%4s owners (%s)".format(
- owners.size,
- owners.take(3).map({ case (k, v) => v + "/" + k }).mkString(", ") + ", ..."
- )
- })
- }
- allSymbols.keys.toList.sorted foreach showIdAndRemove
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/WeakHashSet.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/WeakHashSet.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 9882aad5e5..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/util/WeakHashSet.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect.internal.util
-import scala.collection.mutable
-import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
-import scala.collection.mutable.Builder
-import scala.collection.mutable.SetBuilder
-import scala.collection.generic.Clearable
-import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1
-/** A bare-bones implementation of a mutable `Set` that uses weak references
- * to hold the elements.
- *
- * This implementation offers only add/remove/test operations,
- * therefore it does not fulfill the contract of Scala collection sets.
- */
-class WeakHashSet[T <: AnyRef] extends AbstractFunction1[T, Boolean] with Clearable {
- private val underlying = mutable.HashSet[WeakReferenceWithEquals[T]]()
- /** Add the given element to this set. */
- def +=(elem: T): this.type = {
- underlying += new WeakReferenceWithEquals(elem)
- this
- }
- /** Remove the given element from this set. */
- def -=(elem: T): this.type = {
- underlying -= new WeakReferenceWithEquals(elem)
- this
- }
- /** Does the given element belong to this set? */
- def contains(elem: T): Boolean =
- underlying.contains(new WeakReferenceWithEquals(elem))
- /** Does the given element belong to this set? */
- def apply(elem: T): Boolean = contains(elem)
- /** Return the number of elements in this set, including reclaimed elements. */
- def size = underlying.size
- /** Remove all elements in this set. */
- def clear() = underlying.clear()
-/** A WeakReference implementation that implements equals and hashCode by
- * delegating to the referent.
- */
-class WeakReferenceWithEquals[T <: AnyRef](ref: T) {
- def get(): T = underlying.get()
- override val hashCode = ref.hashCode
- override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
- case wf: WeakReferenceWithEquals[_] =>
- underlying.get() == wf.get()
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- private val underlying = new java.lang.ref.WeakReference(ref)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/AbstractFile.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/AbstractFile.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f88af1b0a..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/AbstractFile.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package runtime
-class AbstractFile(val jfile: extends internal.AbstractFileApi {
- def path: String = jfile.getPath()
- def canonicalPath: String = jfile.getCanonicalPath()
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/JavaMirrors.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/JavaMirrors.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a8120d220a..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/JavaMirrors.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,981 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package runtime
-import scala.ref.WeakReference
-import scala.collection.mutable.WeakHashMap
-import java.lang.{Class => jClass, Package => jPackage}
-import java.lang.reflect.{
- Method => jMethod, Constructor => jConstructor, Modifier => jModifier, Field => jField,
- Member => jMember, Type => jType, TypeVariable => jTypeVariable, Array => jArray,
- GenericDeclaration, GenericArrayType, ParameterizedType, WildcardType, AnnotatedElement }
-import internal.MissingRequirementError
-import internal.pickling.ByteCodecs
-import internal.ClassfileConstants._
-import internal.pickling.UnPickler
-import collection.mutable.{ HashMap, ListBuffer }
-import internal.Flags._
-import ReflectionUtils.{singletonInstance}
-import language.existentials
-trait JavaMirrors extends internal.SymbolTable with api.JavaUniverse { self: SymbolTable =>
- private lazy val mirrors = new WeakHashMap[ClassLoader, WeakReference[JavaMirror]]()
- private def createMirror(owner: Symbol, cl: ClassLoader): Mirror = {
- val jm = new JavaMirror(owner, cl)
- mirrors(cl) = new WeakReference(jm)
- jm.init()
- jm
- }
- override type Mirror = JavaMirror
- override lazy val rootMirror: Mirror = createMirror(NoSymbol, rootClassLoader)
- // overriden by ReflectGlobal
- def rootClassLoader: ClassLoader = this.getClass.getClassLoader
- def init() = {
- definitions.AnyValClass // force it.
- // establish root association to avoid cyclic dependency errors later
- rootMirror.classToScala(classOf[java.lang.Object]).initialize
- // println("initializing definitions")
- definitions.init()
- }
- def runtimeMirror(cl: ClassLoader): Mirror = mirrors get cl match {
- case Some(WeakReference(m)) => m
- case _ => createMirror(rootMirror.RootClass, cl)
- }
- /** The API of a mirror for a reflective universe */
- class JavaMirror(owner: Symbol,
- /** Class loader that is a mastermind behind the reflexive mirror */
- val classLoader: ClassLoader
- ) extends Roots(owner) with super.JavaMirror { wholemirror =>
- val universe: self.type = self
- import definitions._
- /** The lazy type for root.
- */
- override lazy val rootLoader = new LazyType {
- override def complete(sym: Symbol) = sym setInfo new LazyPackageType
- }
-// ----------- Caching ------------------------------------------------------------------
- // [Eugene++ to Martin] not weak? why?
- private val classCache = new TwoWayCache[jClass[_], ClassSymbol]
- private val packageCache = new TwoWayCache[Package, ModuleSymbol]
- private val methodCache = new TwoWayCache[jMethod, MethodSymbol]
- private val constructorCache = new TwoWayCache[jConstructor[_], MethodSymbol]
- private val fieldCache = new TwoWayCache[jField, TermSymbol]
- private val tparamCache = new TwoWayCache[jTypeVariable[_ <: GenericDeclaration], TypeSymbol]
- def toScala[J: HasJavaClass, S](cache: TwoWayCache[J, S], key: J)(body: (JavaMirror, J) => S): S =
- cache.toScala(key){
- val jclazz = implicitly[HasJavaClass[J]] getClazz key
- body(mirrorDefining(jclazz), key)
- }
- private implicit val classHasJavaClass: HasJavaClass[jClass[_]] =
- new HasJavaClass(identity)
- private implicit val methHasJavaClass: HasJavaClass[jMethod]
- = new HasJavaClass(_.getDeclaringClass)
- private implicit val fieldHasJavaClass: HasJavaClass[jField] =
- new HasJavaClass(_.getDeclaringClass)
- private implicit val constrHasJavaClass: HasJavaClass[jConstructor[_]] =
- new HasJavaClass(_.getDeclaringClass)
- private implicit val tparamHasJavaClass: HasJavaClass[jTypeVariable[_ <: GenericDeclaration]] =
- new HasJavaClass ( (tparam: jTypeVariable[_ <: GenericDeclaration]) => {
- tparam.getGenericDeclaration match {
- case jclazz: jClass[_] => jclazz
- case jmeth: jMethod => jmeth.getDeclaringClass
- case jconstr: jConstructor[_] => jconstr.getDeclaringClass
- }
- })
-// ----------- Implementations of mirror operations and classes -------------------
- def reflect(obj: Any): InstanceMirror =
- new JavaInstanceMirror(obj.asInstanceOf[AnyRef])
- def reflectClass(runtimeClass: RuntimeClass): ClassMirror =
- new JavaClassMirror(classToScala(runtimeClass))
- def reflectClass(fullName: String): ClassMirror =
- reflectClass(java.lang.Class.forName(fullName))
- def reflectModule(runtimeClass: RuntimeClass): ModuleMirror =
- new JavaModuleMirror(classToScala(runtimeClass).companionModule.asModuleSymbol)
- def reflectModule(fullName: String): ModuleMirror =
- reflectModule(java.lang.Class.forName(fullName))
- def runtimeClass(tpe: Type): RuntimeClass = typeToJavaClass(tpe)
- def runtimeClass(cls: ClassSymbol): RuntimeClass = classToJava(cls)
- private class JavaInstanceMirror(obj: AnyRef)
- extends InstanceMirror {
- def instance = obj
- def reflectClass = wholemirror.reflectClass(obj.getClass)
- def reflectField(field: TermSymbol): FieldMirror = new JavaFieldMirror(obj, field)
- def reflectMethod(method: MethodSymbol): MethodMirror = new JavaMethodMirror(obj, method)
- }
- private class JavaFieldMirror(val receiver: AnyRef, val field: TermSymbol)
- extends FieldMirror {
- lazy val jfield = fieldToJava(field)
- def get = jfield.get(receiver)
- def set(value: Any) = jfield.set(receiver, value)
- }
- private class JavaMethodMirror(val receiver: AnyRef, val method: MethodSymbol)
- extends MethodMirror {
- lazy val jmeth = methodToJava(method)
- def apply(args: Any*): Any =
- if (method.owner == ArrayClass)
- match {
- case nme.length => jArray.getLength(receiver)
- case nme.apply => jArray.get(receiver, args(0).asInstanceOf[Int])
- case nme.update => jArray.set(receiver, args(0).asInstanceOf[Int], args(1))
- case _ => throw new Error(s"unexpected array method $method")
- }
- else
- jmeth.invoke(receiver, args.asInstanceOf[Seq[AnyRef]]: _*)
- }
- private class JavaConstructorMirror(val method: MethodSymbol)
- extends MethodMirror {
- override val receiver = null
- lazy val jconstr = constructorToJava(method)
- def apply(args: Any*): Any = jconstr.newInstance(args.asInstanceOf[Seq[AnyRef]]: _*)
- }
- private abstract class JavaTemplateMirror
- extends TemplateMirror {
- def erasure: ClassSymbol
- lazy val runtimeClass = classToJava(erasure)
- lazy val signature = typeToScala(runtimeClass)
- }
- private class JavaClassMirror(val symbol: ClassSymbol)
- extends JavaTemplateMirror with ClassMirror {
- def erasure = symbol
- def isStatic = false
- def reflectConstructor(constructor: MethodSymbol) = new JavaConstructorMirror(constructor)
- def companion: Option[ModuleMirror] = symbol.companionModule match {
- case module: ModuleSymbol => Some(new JavaModuleMirror(module))
- case _ => None
- }
- }
- private class JavaModuleMirror(val symbol: ModuleSymbol)
- extends JavaTemplateMirror with ModuleMirror {
- def erasure = symbol.moduleClass.asClassSymbol
- def isStatic = true
- def instance = singletonInstance(classLoader, symbol.fullName)
- def companion: Option[ClassMirror] = symbol.companionClass match {
- case cls: ClassSymbol => Some(new JavaClassMirror(cls))
- case _ => None
- }
- }
-// -------------------- Java to Scala -----------------------------------
- /** Does method `meth` erase to Java method `jmeth`?
- * This is true if the Java method type is the same as the Scala method type after performing
- * all Scala-specific transformations in InfoTransformers. (to be done)
- */
- private def erasesTo(meth: Symbol, jmeth: jMethod): Boolean = {
- val mtpe = transformedType(meth)
- (mtpe.paramTypes map runtimeClass) == jmeth.getParameterTypes.toList &&
- runtimeClass(mtpe.resultType) == jmeth.getReturnType
- }
- private def erasesTo(meth: Symbol, jconstr: jConstructor[_]): Boolean = {
- val mtpe = transformedType(meth)
- (mtpe.paramTypes map runtimeClass) == jconstr.getParameterTypes.toList &&
- runtimeClass(mtpe.resultType) == jconstr.getDeclaringClass
- }
- def javaClass(path: String): jClass[_] =
- Class.forName(path, true, classLoader)
- /** Does `path` correspond to a Java class with that fully qualified name in the current class loader? */
- def tryJavaClass(path: String): Option[jClass[_]] =
- try {
- Some(javaClass(path))
- } catch {
- case (_: ClassNotFoundException) | (_: NoClassDefFoundError) | (_: IncompatibleClassChangeError) =>
- None
- }
- /** The mirror that corresponds to the classloader that original defined the given Java class */
- def mirrorDefining(jclazz: jClass[_]): JavaMirror = {
- val cl = jclazz.getClassLoader
- if (cl == this.classLoader) this else runtimeMirror(cl)
- }
- private object unpickler extends UnPickler {
- val global: self.type = self
- }
- /** how connected????
- * Generate types for top-level Scala root class and root companion object
- * from the pickled information stored in a corresponding Java class
- * @param clazz The top-level Scala class for which info is unpickled
- * @param module The top-level Scala companion object for which info is unpickled
- * @param jclazz The Java class which contains the unpickled information in a
- * ScalaSignature or ScalaLongSignature annotation.
- */
- def unpickleClass(clazz: Symbol, module: Symbol, jclazz: jClass[_]): Unit = {
- def markAbsent(tpe: Type) = setAllInfos(clazz, module, tpe)
- def handleError(ex: Exception) = {
- markAbsent(ErrorType)
- if (settings.debug.value) ex.printStackTrace()
- val msg = ex.getMessage()
- MissingRequirementError.signal(
- (if (msg eq null) "reflection error while loading " +
- else "error while loading " + + ", " + msg)
- }
- // don't use classOf[scala.reflect.ScalaSignature] here, because it will use getClass.getClassLoader, not mirror's classLoader
- // don't use asInstanceOf either because of the same reason (lol, I cannot believe I fell for it)
- // don't use structural types to simplify reflective invocations because of the same reason
- def loadAnnotation(name: String): Option[java.lang.annotation.Annotation] =
- tryJavaClass(name) flatMap { annotClass =>
- val anns = jclazz.getAnnotations
- val result = anns find (_.annotationType == annotClass)
- if (result.isEmpty && (anns exists (_.annotationType.getName == name)))
- throw new ClassNotFoundException(
- s"""Mirror classloader mismatch: $jclazz (loaded by ${})
- |is unrelated to the mirror's classloader: (${})""".stripMargin)
- result
- }
- def loadBytes[T: ClassTag](name: String): Option[T] =
- loadAnnotation(name) map { ssig =>
- val bytesMethod = ssig.annotationType.getMethod("bytes")
- bytesMethod.invoke(ssig).asInstanceOf[T]
- }
- try {
- markAbsent(NoType)
- loadBytes[String]("scala.reflect.ScalaSignature") match {
- case Some(ssig) =>
- info(s"unpickling Scala $clazz and $module, owner = ${clazz.owner}")
- val bytes = ssig.getBytes
- val len = ByteCodecs.decode(bytes)
- unpickler.unpickle(bytes take len, 0, clazz, module, jclazz.getName)
- case None =>
- loadBytes[Array[String]]("scala.reflect.ScalaLongSignature") match {
- case Some(slsig) =>
- info(s"unpickling Scala $clazz and $module with long Scala signature")
- val byteSegments = slsig map (_.getBytes)
- val lens = byteSegments map ByteCodecs.decode
- val bytes = Array.ofDim[Byte](lens.sum)
- var len = 0
- for ((bs, l) <- byteSegments zip lens) {
- bs.copyToArray(bytes, len, l)
- len += l
- }
- unpickler.unpickle(bytes, 0, clazz, module, jclazz.getName)
- case None =>
- // class does not have a Scala signature; it's a Java class
- info("translating reflection info for Java " + jclazz) //debug
- initClassModule(clazz, module, new FromJavaClassCompleter(clazz, module, jclazz))
- }
- }
- } catch {
- case ex: MissingRequirementError =>
- handleError(ex)
- case ex: IOException =>
- handleError(ex)
- }
- }
- /**
- * A fresh Scala type parameter that corresponds to a Java type variable.
- * The association between Scala type parameter and Java type variable is entered in the cache.
- * @param jtvar The Java type variable
- */
- private def createTypeParameter(jtvar: jTypeVariable[_ <: GenericDeclaration]): TypeSymbol = {
- val tparam = sOwner(jtvar).newTypeParameter(newTypeName(jtvar.getName))
- .setInfo(new TypeParamCompleter(jtvar))
- tparamCache enter (jtvar, tparam)
- tparam
- }
- /**
- * A completer that fills in the type of a Scala type parameter from the bounds of a Java type variable.
- * @param jtvar The Java type variable
- */
- private class TypeParamCompleter(jtvar: jTypeVariable[_ <: GenericDeclaration]) extends LazyType {
- override def load(sym: Symbol) = complete(sym)
- override def complete(sym: Symbol) = {
- sym setInfo TypeBounds.upper(glb(jtvar.getBounds.toList map typeToScala map objToAny))
- }
- }
- /**
- * Copy all annotations of Java annotated element `jann` over to Scala symbol `sym`.
- * Pre: `sym` is already initialized with a concrete type.
- * Note: If `sym` is a method or constructor, its parameter annotations are copied as well.
- */
- private def copyAnnotations(sym: Symbol, jann: AnnotatedElement) {
- // to do: implement
- }
- /**
- * A completer that fills in the types of a Scala class and its companion object
- * by copying corresponding type info from a Java class. This completer is used
- * to reflect classes in Scala that do not have a Scala pickle info, be it
- * because they are local classes or have been compiled from Java sources.
- * @param clazz The Scala class for which info is copied
- * @param module The Scala companion object for which info is copied
- * @param jclazz The Java class
- */
- private class FromJavaClassCompleter(clazz: Symbol, module: Symbol, jclazz: jClass[_]) extends LazyType {
- /** used to avoid cycles while initializing classes */
- private var parentsLevel = 0
- private var pendingLoadActions: List[() => Unit] = Nil
- override def load(sym: Symbol): Unit = {
- debugInfo("completing from Java " + sym + "/" + clazz.fullName)//debug
- assert(sym == clazz || (module != NoSymbol && (sym == module || sym == module.moduleClass)), sym)
- val flags = toScalaClassFlags(jclazz.getModifiers)
- clazz setFlag (flags | JAVA)
- if (module != NoSymbol) {
- module setFlag (flags & PRIVATE | JAVA)
- module.moduleClass setFlag (flags & PRIVATE | JAVA)
- }
- copyAnnotations(clazz, jclazz)
- // to do: annotations to set also for module?
- clazz setInfo new LazyPolyType(jclazz.getTypeParameters.toList map createTypeParameter)
- if (module != NoSymbol) {
- module setInfo module.moduleClass.tpe
- module.moduleClass setInfo new LazyPolyType(List())
- }
- }
- override def complete(sym: Symbol): Unit = {
- load(sym)
- completeRest()
- }
- def completeRest(): Unit = self.synchronized {
- val tparams = clazz.rawInfo.typeParams
- val parents = try {
- parentsLevel += 1
- val jsuperclazz = jclazz.getGenericSuperclass
- val superclazz = if (jsuperclazz == null) AnyClass.tpe else typeToScala(jsuperclazz)
- superclazz :: (jclazz.getGenericInterfaces.toList map typeToScala)
- } finally {
- parentsLevel -= 1
- }
- clazz setInfo GenPolyType(tparams, new ClassInfoType(parents, newScope, clazz))
- if (module != NoSymbol) {
- module.moduleClass setInfo new ClassInfoType(List(), newScope, module.moduleClass)
- }
- def enter(sym: Symbol, mods: Int) =
- (if (jModifier.isStatic(mods)) module.moduleClass else clazz).info.decls enter sym
- for (jinner <- jclazz.getDeclaredClasses) {
- enter(jclassAsScala(jinner, clazz), jinner.getModifiers)
- }
- pendingLoadActions = { () =>
- for (jfield <- jclazz.getDeclaredFields)
- enter(jfieldAsScala(jfield), jfield.getModifiers)
- for (jmeth <- jclazz.getDeclaredMethods)
- enter(jmethodAsScala(jmeth), jmeth.getModifiers)
- for (jconstr <- jclazz.getConstructors)
- enter(jconstrAsScala(jconstr), jconstr.getModifiers)
- } :: pendingLoadActions
- if (parentsLevel == 0) {
- while (!pendingLoadActions.isEmpty) {
- val item = pendingLoadActions.head
- pendingLoadActions = pendingLoadActions.tail
- item()
- }
- }
- }
- class LazyPolyType(override val typeParams: List[Symbol]) extends LazyType {
- override def complete(sym: Symbol) {
- completeRest()
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * If Java modifiers `mods` contain STATIC, return the module class
- * of the companion module of `clazz`, otherwise the class `clazz` itself.
- */
- private def followStatic(clazz: Symbol, mods: Int) =
- if (jModifier.isStatic(mods)) clazz.companionModule.moduleClass else clazz
- implicit class RichClass(jclazz: jClass[_]) {
- // [Eugene++] `jclazz.isLocalClass` doesn't work because of problems with `getSimpleName`
- // java.lang.Error: sOwner(class Test$A$1) has failed
- // Caused by: java.lang.InternalError: Malformed class name
- // at java.lang.Class.getSimpleName(
- // at java.lang.Class.isAnonymousClass(
- // at java.lang.Class.isLocalClass(
- // (see t5256c.scala for more details)
- // hence we have to approximate by removing the `isAnonymousClass` check
-// def isLocalClass0: Boolean = jclazz.isLocalClass
- def isLocalClass0: Boolean = jclazz.getEnclosingMethod != null || jclazz.getEnclosingConstructor != null
- }
- // [Eugene++] overflow from Paul's changes made concurrently with reflection refactoring
- //
- //
- // /** Methods which need to be wrapped because they either are getSimpleName
- // * or call getSimpleName:
- // *
- // * public String getSimpleName()
- // * public boolean isAnonymousClass()
- // * public boolean isLocalClass()
- // * public boolean isMemberClass()
- // * public String getCanonicalName()
- // *
- // * TODO - find all such calls and wrap them.
- // * TODO - create mechanism to avoid the recurrence of unwrapped calls.
- // */
- // private def wrapClassCheck[T](alt: T)(body: => T): T =
- // try body catch { case x: InternalError if x.getMessage == "Malformed class name" => alt }
- // private def wrapIsLocalClass(clazz: jClass[_]): Boolean =
- // wrapClassCheck(false)(clazz.isLocalClass)
- // private def wrapGetSimpleName(clazz: jClass[_]): String =
- // wrapClassCheck("")(clazz.getSimpleName)
- /**
- * The Scala owner of the Scala class corresponding to the Java class `jclazz`
- */
- private def sOwner(jclazz: jClass[_]): Symbol =
- if (jclazz.isMemberClass) {
- val jEnclosingClass = jclazz.getEnclosingClass
- val sEnclosingClass = classToScala(jEnclosingClass)
- followStatic(sEnclosingClass, jclazz.getModifiers)
- } else if (jclazz.isLocalClass0) {
- val jEnclosingMethod = jclazz.getEnclosingMethod
- if (jEnclosingMethod != null) {
- methodToScala(jEnclosingMethod)
- } else {
- val jEnclosingConstructor = jclazz.getEnclosingConstructor
- constructorToScala(jEnclosingConstructor)
- }
- } else if (jclazz.isPrimitive || jclazz.isArray) {
- ScalaPackageClass
- } else if (jclazz.getPackage != null) {
- val jPackage = jclazz.getPackage
- packageToScala(jPackage).moduleClass
- } else {
- // @eb: a weird classloader might return a null package for something with a non-empty package name
- // for example,
- // in that case we could invoke packageNameToScala(jPackageName) and, probably, be okay
- // however, I think, it's better to blow up, since weirdness of the class loader might bite us elsewhere
- // [martin] I think it's better to be forgiving here. Restoring packageNameToScala.
- val jPackageName = jclazz.getName take jclazz.getName.lastIndexOf('.')
- packageNameToScala(jPackageName).moduleClass
- }
- /**
- * The Scala owner of the Scala symbol corresponding to the Java member `jmember`
- */
- private def sOwner(jmember: jMember): Symbol = {
- followStatic(classToScala(jmember.getDeclaringClass), jmember.getModifiers)
- }
- /**
- * The Scala owner of the Scala type parameter corresponding to the Java type variable `jtvar`
- */
- private def sOwner(jtvar: jTypeVariable[_ <: GenericDeclaration]): Symbol =
- genericDeclarationToScala(jtvar.getGenericDeclaration)
- /**
- * Find declarations or definition in class `clazz` that maps to a Java
- * entity with name `jname`. Because of name-mangling, this is more difficult
- * than a simple name-based lookup via `decl`. If `decl` fails, members
- * that start with the given name are searched instead.
- */
- private def lookup(clazz: Symbol, jname: String): Symbol = {
- def approximateMatch(sym: Symbol, jstr: String): Boolean =
- ( == jstr) ||
- sym.isPrivate && nme.expandedName(, sym.owner).toString == jstr
- orElse {
- ( filter (approximateMatch(_, jname))).toList match {
- case List() => NoSymbol
- case List(sym) => sym
- case alts => clazz.newOverloaded(alts.head.tpe.prefix, alts)
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * The Scala method corresponding to given Java method.
- * @param jmeth The Java method
- * @return A Scala method object that corresponds to `jmeth`.
- */
- def methodToScala(jmeth: jMethod): MethodSymbol =
- toScala(methodCache, jmeth)(_ methodToScala1 _)
- private def methodToScala1(jmeth: jMethod): MethodSymbol = {
- val jOwner = jmeth.getDeclaringClass
- val preOwner = classToScala(jOwner)
- val owner = followStatic(preOwner, jmeth.getModifiers)
- (lookup(owner, jmeth.getName) suchThat (erasesTo(_, jmeth)) orElse jmethodAsScala(jmeth))
- .asMethodSymbol
- }
- /**
- * The Scala constructor corresponding to given Java constructor.
- * @param jconstr The Java constructor
- * @return A Scala method object that corresponds to `jconstr`.
- */
- def constructorToScala(jconstr: jConstructor[_]): MethodSymbol =
- toScala(constructorCache, jconstr)(_ constructorToScala1 _)
- private def constructorToScala1(jconstr: jConstructor[_]): MethodSymbol = {
- val owner = followStatic(classToScala(jconstr.getDeclaringClass), jconstr.getModifiers)
- (lookup(owner, jconstr.getName) suchThat (erasesTo(_, jconstr)) orElse jconstrAsScala(jconstr))
- .asMethodSymbol
- }
- /**
- * The Scala field corresponding to given Java field.
- * @param jfield The Java field
- * @return A Scala field object that corresponds to `jfield`.
- * // ??? should we return the getter instead?
- */
- def fieldToScala(jfield: jField): TermSymbol =
- toScala(fieldCache, jfield)(_ fieldToScala1 _)
- private def fieldToScala1(jfield: jField): TermSymbol = {
- val owner = followStatic(classToScala(jfield.getDeclaringClass), jfield.getModifiers)
- (lookup(owner, jfield.getName) suchThat (!_.isMethod) orElse jfieldAsScala(jfield))
- .asTermSymbol
- }
- /**
- * The Scala package corresponding to given Java package
- */
- def packageToScala(jpkg: jPackage): ModuleSymbol = packageCache.toScala(jpkg) {
- makeScalaPackage(jpkg.getName)
- }
- /**
- * The Scala package with given fully qualified name.
- */
- def packageNameToScala(fullname: String): ModuleSymbol = {
- if (fullname == "") EmptyPackage
- else {
- val jpkg = jPackage.getPackage(fullname)
- if (jpkg != null) packageToScala(jpkg) else makeScalaPackage(fullname)
- }
- }
- /**
- * The Scala package with given fully qualified name. Unlike `packageNameToScala`,
- * this one bypasses the cache.
- */
- private[JavaMirrors] def makeScalaPackage(fullname: String): ModuleSymbol = {
- val split = fullname lastIndexOf '.'
- val ownerModule: ModuleSymbol =
- if (split > 0) packageNameToScala(fullname take split) else this.RootPackage
- val owner = ownerModule.moduleClass
- val name = newTermName(fullname drop (split + 1))
- val opkg = decl name
- if (opkg.isPackage)
- opkg.asModuleSymbol
- else if (opkg == NoSymbol) {
- val pkg = owner.newPackage(name)
- pkg.moduleClass setInfo new LazyPackageType
- pkg setInfoAndEnter pkg.moduleClass.tpe
- info("made Scala "+pkg)
- pkg
- } else
- throw new ReflectError(opkg+" is not a package")
- }
- private def scalaSimpleName(jclazz: jClass[_]): TypeName = {
- val owner = sOwner(jclazz)
- val enclosingClass = jclazz.getEnclosingClass
- var prefix = if (enclosingClass != null) enclosingClass.getName else ""
- val isObject = owner.isModuleClass && !owner.isPackageClass
- if (isObject && !prefix.endsWith(nme.MODULE_SUFFIX_STRING)) prefix += nme.MODULE_SUFFIX_STRING
- assert(jclazz.getName.startsWith(prefix))
- var name = jclazz.getName.substring(prefix.length)
- name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)
- newTypeName(name)
- }
- /**
- * The Scala class that corresponds to a given Java class.
- * @param jclazz The Java class
- * @return A Scala class symbol that reflects all elements of the Java class,
- * in the form they appear in the Scala pickling info, or, if that is
- * not available, wrapped from the Java reflection info.
- */
- def classToScala(jclazz: jClass[_]): ClassSymbol =
- toScala(classCache, jclazz)(_ classToScala1 _)
- private def classToScala1(jclazz: jClass[_]): ClassSymbol = {
- val jname = newTypeName(jclazz.getName)
- if (jname == fulltpnme.RuntimeNothing) NothingClass
- else if (jname == fulltpnme.RuntimeNull) NullClass
- else {
- val owner = sOwner(jclazz)
- val simpleName = scalaSimpleName(jclazz)
- def lookupClass = {
- def coreLookup(name: Name): Symbol =
- orElse {
- if (name.startsWith(nme.NAME_JOIN_STRING)) coreLookup(name drop 1) else NoSymbol
- }
- if (nme.isModuleName(simpleName))
- coreLookup(nme.stripModuleSuffix(simpleName).toTermName) map (_.moduleClass)
- else
- coreLookup(simpleName)
- }
- val cls =
- if (jclazz.isMemberClass && !nme.isImplClassName(jname))
- lookupClass
- else if (jclazz.isLocalClass0 || isInvalidClassName(jname))
- // local classes and implementation classes not preserved by unpickling - treat as Java
- jclassAsScala(jclazz)
- else if (jclazz.isArray)
- ArrayClass
- else
- javaTypeToValueClass(jclazz) orElse lookupClass
- assert (cls.isType,
- s"""${if (cls == NoSymbol) "not a type: symbol" else "no symbol could be"}
- | loaded from $jclazz in $owner with name $simpleName and classloader $classLoader""".stripMargin)
- cls.asClassSymbol
- }
- }
- /**
- * The Scala type parameter that corresponds to a given Java type parameter.
- * @param jparam The Java type parameter
- * @return A Scala type parameter symbol that has the same owner and name as the Java type parameter
- */
- def typeParamToScala(jparam: jTypeVariable[_ <: GenericDeclaration]): TypeSymbol =
- toScala(tparamCache, jparam)(_ typeParamToScala1 _)
- private def typeParamToScala1(jparam: jTypeVariable[_ <: GenericDeclaration]): TypeSymbol = {
- val owner = genericDeclarationToScala(jparam.getGenericDeclaration)
- match {
- case PolyType(tparams, _) => tparams.find( == jparam.getName).get.asTypeSymbol
- }
- }
- /**
- * The Scala symbol that corresponds to a given Java generic declaration (class, method, or constructor)
- */
- def genericDeclarationToScala(jdecl: GenericDeclaration): Symbol = jdecl match {
- case jclazz: jClass[_] => classToScala(jclazz)
- case jmeth: jMethod => methodToScala(jmeth)
- case jconstr: jConstructor[_] => constructorToScala(jconstr)
- }
- /**
- * Given some Java type arguments, a corresponding list of Scala types, plus potentially
- * some existentially bound type variables that represent wildcard arguments.
- */
- private def targsToScala(owner: Symbol, args: List[jType]): (List[Type], List[TypeSymbol]) = {
- val tparams = new ListBuffer[TypeSymbol]
- def targToScala(arg: jType): Type = arg match {
- case jwild: WildcardType =>
- val tparam = owner.newExistential(newTypeName("T$" + tparams.length))
- .setInfo(TypeBounds(
- lub(jwild.getLowerBounds.toList map typeToScala),
- glb(jwild.getUpperBounds.toList map typeToScala map objToAny)))
- tparams += tparam
- typeRef(NoPrefix, tparam, List())
- case _ =>
- typeToScala(arg)
- }
- (args map targToScala, tparams.toList)
- }
- /**
- * The Scala type that corresponds to given Java type
- */
- def typeToScala(jtpe: jType): Type = jtpe match {
- case jclazz: jClass[_] =>
- if (jclazz.isArray)
- arrayType(typeToScala(jclazz.getComponentType))
- else {
- val clazz = classToScala(jclazz)
- rawToExistential(typeRef(clazz.owner.thisType, clazz, List()))
- }
- case japplied: ParameterizedType =>
- val (pre, sym) = typeToScala(japplied.getRawType) match {
- case ExistentialType(tparams, TypeRef(pre, sym, _)) => (pre, sym)
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, _) => (pre, sym)
- }
- val args0 = japplied.getActualTypeArguments
- val (args, bounds) = targsToScala(pre.typeSymbol, args0.toList)
- ExistentialType(bounds, typeRef(pre, sym, args))
- case jarr: GenericArrayType =>
- arrayType(typeToScala(jarr.getGenericComponentType))
- case jtvar: jTypeVariable[_] =>
- val tparam = typeParamToScala(jtvar)
- typeRef(NoPrefix, tparam, List())
- }
- /**
- * The Scala class that corresponds to given Java class without taking
- * Scala pickling info into account.
- * @param jclazz The Java class
- * @return A Scala class symbol that wraps all reflection info of `jclazz`
- */
- private def jclassAsScala(jclazz: jClass[_]): Symbol = jclassAsScala(jclazz, sOwner(jclazz))
- private def jclassAsScala(jclazz: jClass[_], owner: Symbol): ClassSymbol = {
- val name = scalaSimpleName(jclazz)
- val completer = (clazz: Symbol, module: Symbol) => new FromJavaClassCompleter(clazz, module, jclazz)
- val (clazz, module) = createClassModule(owner, name, completer)
- classCache enter (jclazz, clazz)
- clazz
- }
- /**
- * The Scala field that corresponds to given Java field without taking
- * Scala pickling info into account.
- * @param jfield The Java field
- * @return A Scala value symbol that wraps all reflection info of `jfield`
- */
- private def jfieldAsScala(jfield: jField): TermSymbol =
- toScala(fieldCache, jfield)(_ jfieldAsScala1 _)
- private def jfieldAsScala1(jfield: jField): TermSymbol = {
- val field = sOwner(jfield)
- .newValue(newTermName(jfield.getName), NoPosition, toScalaFieldFlags(jfield.getModifiers))
- .setInfo(typeToScala(jfield.getGenericType))
- fieldCache enter (jfield, field)
- copyAnnotations(field, jfield)
- field
- }
- private def setMethType(meth: Symbol, tparams: List[Symbol], paramtpes: List[Type], restpe: Type) = {
- meth setInfo GenPolyType(tparams, MethodType(meth.owner.newSyntheticValueParams(paramtpes map objToAny), restpe))
- }
- /**
- * The Scala method that corresponds to given Java method without taking
- * Scala pickling info into account.
- * @param jmeth The Java method
- * @return A Scala method symbol that wraps all reflection info of `jmethod`
- */
- private def jmethodAsScala(jmeth: jMethod): MethodSymbol =
- toScala(methodCache, jmeth)(_ jmethodAsScala1 _)
- private def jmethodAsScala1(jmeth: jMethod): MethodSymbol = {
- val clazz = sOwner(jmeth)
- val meth = clazz.newMethod(newTermName(jmeth.getName), NoPosition, toScalaMethodFlags(jmeth.getModifiers))
- methodCache enter (jmeth, meth)
- val tparams = jmeth.getTypeParameters.toList map createTypeParameter
- val paramtpes = jmeth.getGenericParameterTypes.toList map typeToScala
- val resulttpe = typeToScala(jmeth.getGenericReturnType)
- setMethType(meth, tparams, paramtpes, resulttpe)
- copyAnnotations(meth, jmeth)
- if ((jmeth.getModifiers & JAVA_ACC_VARARGS) != 0) meth.setInfo(arrayToRepeated(
- meth
- }
- /**
- * The Scala constructor that corresponds to given Java constructor without taking
- * Scala pickling info into account.
- * @param jconstr The Java constructor
- * @return A Scala constructor symbol that wraps all reflection info of `jconstr`
- */
- private def jconstrAsScala(jconstr: jConstructor[_]): MethodSymbol =
- toScala(constructorCache, jconstr)(_ jconstrAsScala1 _)
- private def jconstrAsScala1(jconstr: jConstructor[_]): MethodSymbol = {
- // [Martin] Note: I know there's a lot of duplication wrt jmethodAsScala, but don't think it's worth it to factor this out.
- val clazz = sOwner(jconstr)
- val constr = clazz.newConstructor(NoPosition, toScalaMethodFlags(jconstr.getModifiers))
- constructorCache enter (jconstr, constr)
- val tparams = jconstr.getTypeParameters.toList map createTypeParameter
- val paramtpes = jconstr.getGenericParameterTypes.toList map typeToScala
- setMethType(constr, tparams, paramtpes, clazz.tpe)
- constr setInfo GenPolyType(tparams, MethodType(clazz.newSyntheticValueParams(paramtpes), clazz.tpe))
- copyAnnotations(constr, jconstr)
- constr
- }
-// -------------------- Scala to Java -----------------------------------
- /** Optionally, the Java package corresponding to a given Scala package, or None if no such Java package exists.
- * @param pkg The Scala package
- */
- def packageToJavaOption(pkg: ModuleSymbol): Option[jPackage] = packageCache.toJavaOption(pkg) {
- Option(jPackage.getPackage(pkg.fullName.toString))
- }
- /** The Java class corresponding to given Scala class.
- * Note: This only works for
- * - top-level classes
- * - Scala classes that were generated via jclassToScala
- * - classes that have a class owner that has a corresponding Java class
- * @throws A `ClassNotFoundException` for all Scala classes not in one of these categories.
- */
- @throws(classOf[ClassNotFoundException])
- def classToJava(clazz: ClassSymbol): jClass[_] = classCache.toJava(clazz) {
- def noClass = throw new ClassNotFoundException("no Java class corresponding to "+clazz+" found")
- //println("classToJava "+clazz+" "+clazz.owner+" "+clazz.owner.isPackageClass)//debug
- if (clazz.isPrimitiveValueClass)
- valueClassToJavaType(clazz)
- else if (clazz == ArrayClass)
- noClass
- else if (clazz.owner.isPackageClass)
- javaClass(clazz.javaClassName)
- else if (clazz.owner.isClass)
- classToJava(clazz.owner.asClassSymbol)
- .getDeclaredClasses
- .find(_.getSimpleName ==
- .getOrElse(noClass)
- else
- noClass
- }
- private def expandedName(sym: Symbol): String =
- if (sym.isPrivate) nme.expandedName(, sym.owner).toString
- else
- /** The Java field corresponding to a given Scala field.
- * @param meth The Scala field.
- */
- def fieldToJava(fld: TermSymbol): jField = fieldCache.toJava(fld) {
- val jclazz = classToJava(fld.owner.asClassSymbol)
- try jclazz getDeclaredField
- catch {
- case ex: NoSuchFieldException => jclazz getDeclaredField expandedName(fld)
- }
- }
- /** The Java method corresponding to a given Scala method.
- * @param meth The Scala method
- */
- def methodToJava(meth: MethodSymbol): jMethod = methodCache.toJava(meth) {
- val jclazz = classToJava(meth.owner.asClassSymbol)
- val paramClasses = transformedType(meth).paramTypes map typeToJavaClass
- try jclazz getDeclaredMethod (, paramClasses: _*)
- catch {
- case ex: NoSuchMethodException =>
- jclazz getDeclaredMethod (expandedName(meth), paramClasses: _*)
- }
- }
- /** The Java constructor corresponding to a given Scala constructor.
- * @param constr The Scala constructor
- */
- def constructorToJava(constr: MethodSymbol): jConstructor[_] = constructorCache.toJava(constr) {
- val jclazz = classToJava(constr.owner.asClassSymbol)
- val paramClasses = transformedType(constr).paramTypes map typeToJavaClass
- jclazz getConstructor (paramClasses: _*)
- }
- private def jArrayClass(elemClazz: jClass[_]): jClass[_] = {
- jArray.newInstance(elemClazz, 0).getClass
- }
- /** The Java class that corresponds to given Scala type.
- * Pre: Scala type is already transformed to Java level.
- */
- def typeToJavaClass(tpe: Type): jClass[_] = tpe match {
- case ExistentialType(_, rtpe) => typeToJavaClass(rtpe)
- case TypeRef(_, ArrayClass, List(elemtpe)) => jArrayClass(typeToJavaClass(elemtpe))
- case TypeRef(_, sym: ClassSymbol, _) => classToJava(sym.asClassSymbol)
- case _ => throw new NoClassDefFoundError("no Java class corresponding to "+tpe+" found")
- }
- }
- /** Assert that packages have package scopes */
- override def validateClassInfo(tp: ClassInfoType) {
- assert(!tp.typeSymbol.isPackageClass || tp.decls.isInstanceOf[PackageScope])
- }
- override def newPackageScope(pkgClass: Symbol) = new PackageScope(pkgClass)
- override def scopeTransform(owner: Symbol)(op: => Scope): Scope =
- if (owner.isPackageClass) else op
- private lazy val rootToLoader = new WeakHashMap[Symbol, ClassLoader]
- override def mirrorThatLoaded(sym: Symbol): Mirror = {
- val root = sym.enclosingRootClass
- def findLoader = {
- val loaders = (mirrors collect { case (cl, ref) if ref.get.get.RootClass == root => cl })
- assert(loaders.nonEmpty, sym)
- loaders.head
- }
- mirrors(rootToLoader getOrElseUpdate(root, findLoader)).get.get
- }
- private def byName(sym: Symbol): (Name, Symbol) = -> sym
- private lazy val phantomTypes: Map[Name, Symbol] =
- Map(byName(definitions.AnyRefClass)) ++ (definitions.isPhantomClass map byName)
- /** 1. If `owner` is a package class (but not the empty package) and `name` is a term name, make a new package
- * <owner>.<name>, otherwise return NoSymbol.
- * Exception: If owner is root and a java class with given name exists, create symbol in empty package instead
- * 2. If `owner` is the scala package and `name` designates a phantom class, return
- * the corresponding class symbol and enter it into this mirror's ScalaPackage.
- */
- override def missingHook(owner: Symbol, name: Name): Symbol = {
- if (owner.hasPackageFlag) {
- val mirror = mirrorThatLoaded(owner)
- // [Eugene++] this makes toolbox tests pass, but it's a mere workaround for SI-5865
-// assert(( decl name) == NoSymbol, s"already exists: $owner . $name")
- if (owner.isRootSymbol && mirror.tryJavaClass(name.toString).isDefined)
- return decl name
- if (name.isTermName && !owner.isEmptyPackageClass)
- return mirror.makeScalaPackage(
- if (owner.isRootSymbol) name.toString else owner.fullName+"."+name)
- if ( == nme.scala_ && owner.owner.isRoot)
- phantomTypes get name match {
- case Some(tsym) =>
- enter tsym
- return tsym
- case None =>
- }
- }
- info("*** missing: "+name+"/"+name.isTermName+"/"+owner+"/"+owner.hasPackageFlag+"/"
- super.missingHook(owner, name)
- }
-class ReflectError(msg: String) extends java.lang.Error(msg)
-class HasJavaClass[J](val getClazz: J => java.lang.Class[_])
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/JavaUniverse.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/JavaUniverse.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d4a83b960d..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/JavaUniverse.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package runtime
-import internal.{SomePhase, NoPhase, Phase, TreeGen}
-/** The universe for standard runtime reflection from Java.
- * This type implements all abstract term members in internal.SymbolTable.
- */
-class JavaUniverse extends internal.SymbolTable with ReflectSetup with runtime.SymbolTable { self =>
- type AbstractFileType = AbstractFile
- def picklerPhase = SomePhase
- type TreeGen = internal.TreeGen
- override type Position = scala.reflect.internal.util.Position
- override val gen = new TreeGen { val global: self.type = self }
- lazy val settings = new Settings
- def forInteractive = false
- def forScaladoc = false
- def log(msg: => AnyRef): Unit = println(" [] "+msg)
- type TreeCopier = TreeCopierOps
- def newStrictTreeCopier: TreeCopier = new StrictTreeCopier
- def newLazyTreeCopier: TreeCopier = new LazyTreeCopier
- init()
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/ReflectSetup.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/ReflectSetup.scala
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index 6e28fc8520..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/ReflectSetup.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package runtime
-import internal.{SomePhase, NoPhase, Phase, TreeGen}
-/** A helper trait to initialize things that need to be set before JavaMirrors and other
- * reflect specific traits are initialized */
-private[runtime] trait ReflectSetup extends internal.SymbolTable {
- override val phaseWithId: Array[Phase] = Array(NoPhase, SomePhase)
- override val currentRunId = 1 // fake a run id so that it is different from NoRunId
- phase = SomePhase // set to a phase different from NoPhase
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/ReflectionUtils.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/ReflectionUtils.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e82fe8ad2..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/ReflectionUtils.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package scala.reflect.runtime
-import java.lang.{Class => jClass}
-import java.lang.reflect.{ InvocationTargetException, UndeclaredThrowableException }
-/** A few java-reflection oriented utility functions useful during reflection bootstrapping.
- */
-object ReflectionUtils {
- // Unwraps some chained exceptions which arise during reflective calls.
- def unwrapThrowable(x: Throwable): Throwable = x match {
- case _: InvocationTargetException | // thrown by reflectively invoked method or constructor
- _: ExceptionInInitializerError | // thrown when running a static initializer (e.g. a scala module constructor)
- _: UndeclaredThrowableException | // invocation on a proxy instance if its invocation handler's `invoke` throws an exception
- _: ClassNotFoundException | // no definition for a class instantiated by name
- _: NoClassDefFoundError // the definition existed when the executing class was compiled, but can no longer be found
- if x.getCause != null =>
- unwrapThrowable(x.getCause)
- case _ => x
- }
- // Transforms an exception handler into one which will only receive the unwrapped
- // exceptions (for the values of wrap covered in unwrapThrowable.)
- def unwrapHandler[T](pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, T]): PartialFunction[Throwable, T] = {
- case ex if pf isDefinedAt unwrapThrowable(ex) => pf(unwrapThrowable(ex))
- }
- private def systemProperties: Iterator[(String, String)] = {
- import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
- System.getProperties.asScala.iterator
- }
- private def inferBootClasspath: String = (
- systemProperties find (_._1 endsWith ".boot.class.path") map (_._2) getOrElse ""
- )
- def show(cl: ClassLoader) = {
- def inferClasspath(cl: ClassLoader): String = cl match {
- case cl: =>
- "[" + (cl.getURLs mkString ",") + "]"
- case cl if cl != null && cl.getClass.getName == "" =>
- "[" + cl.asInstanceOf[{val root: scala.reflect.internal.AbstractFileApi}].root + "] and " + inferClasspath(cl.getParent)
- case null =>
- inferBootClasspath
- case _ =>
- "<unknown>"
- }
- cl match {
- case cl if cl != null =>
- "%s of type %s with classpath %s".format(cl, cl.getClass, inferClasspath(cl))
- case null =>
- "primordial classloader with boot classpath [%s]".format(inferClasspath(cl))
- }
- }
- def singletonInstance(cl: ClassLoader, className: String): AnyRef = {
- val name = if (className endsWith "$") className else className + "$"
- val clazz = java.lang.Class.forName(name, true, cl)
- val singleton = clazz getField "MODULE$" get null
- singleton
- }
- // Retrieves the MODULE$ field for the given class name.
- def singletonInstanceOpt(cl: ClassLoader, className: String): Option[AnyRef] =
- try Some(singletonInstance(cl, className))
- catch { case _: ClassNotFoundException => None }
- def invokeFactory(cl: ClassLoader, className: String, methodName: String, args: AnyRef*): AnyRef = {
- val singleton = singletonInstance(cl, className)
- val method = singleton.getClass.getMethod(methodName, classOf[ClassLoader])
- method.invoke(singleton, args: _*)
- }
- def invokeFactoryOpt(cl: ClassLoader, className: String, methodName: String, args: AnyRef*): Option[AnyRef] =
- try Some(invokeFactory(cl, className, methodName, args: _*))
- catch { case _: ClassNotFoundException => None }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/Settings.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/Settings.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b247797c6c..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/Settings.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package runtime
-/** The Settings class for runtime reflection.
- * This should be refined, so that settings are settable via command
- * line options or properties.
- */
-class Settings extends internal.settings.MutableSettings {
- trait Setting extends SettingValue { }
- class BooleanSetting(x: Boolean) extends Setting {
- type T = Boolean
- protected var v: Boolean = x
- override def value: Boolean = v
- }
- class IntSetting(x: Int) extends Setting {
- type T = Int
- protected var v: Int = x
- override def value: Int = v
- }
- val overrideObjects = new BooleanSetting(false)
- val debug = new BooleanSetting(false)
- val Ynotnull = new BooleanSetting(false)
- val explaintypes = new BooleanSetting(false)
- val verbose = new BooleanSetting(false)
- val uniqid = new BooleanSetting(false)
- val Yshowsymkinds = new BooleanSetting(false)
- val Xprintpos = new BooleanSetting(false)
- val printtypes = new BooleanSetting(false)
- val Yrecursion = new IntSetting(0)
- val maxClassfileName = new IntSetting(255)
- val Xexperimental = new BooleanSetting(false)
- val deepCloning = new BooleanSetting (false)
- val XoldPatmat = new BooleanSetting(false)
- val XnoPatmatAnalysis = new BooleanSetting(false)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/SymbolLoaders.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/SymbolLoaders.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c1cd5d2911..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/SymbolLoaders.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package runtime
-import internal.Flags
-import java.lang.{Class => jClass, Package => jPackage}
-import collection.mutable
-trait SymbolLoaders { self: SymbolTable =>
- /** The standard completer for top-level classes
- * @param clazz The top-level class
- * @param module The companion object of `clazz`
- * Calling `complete` on this type will assign the infos of `clazz` and `module`
- * by unpickling information from the corresponding Java class. If no Java class
- * is found, a package is created instead.
- */
- class TopClassCompleter(clazz: Symbol, module: Symbol) extends SymLoader {
-// def makePackage() {
-// println("wrong guess; making package "+clazz)
-// val ptpe = newPackageType(module.moduleClass)
-// for (sym <- List(clazz, module, module.moduleClass)) {
-// sym setFlag Flags.PACKAGE
-// sym setInfo ptpe
-// }
-// }
- override def complete(sym: Symbol) = {
- debugInfo("completing "+sym+"/"+clazz.fullName)
- assert(sym == clazz || sym == module || sym == module.moduleClass)
-// try {
- atPhaseNotLaterThan(picklerPhase) {
- val loadingMirror = mirrorThatLoaded(sym)
- val javaClass = loadingMirror.javaClass(clazz.javaClassName)
- loadingMirror.unpickleClass(clazz, module, javaClass)
-// } catch {
-// case ex: ClassNotFoundException => makePackage()
-// case ex: NoClassDefFoundError => makePackage()
- // Note: We catch NoClassDefFoundError because there are situations
- // where a package and a class have the same name except for capitalization.
- // It seems in this case the class is loaded even if capitalization differs
- // but then a NoClassDefFound error is issued with a ("wrong name: ...")
- // reason. (I guess this is a concession to Windows).
- // The present behavior is a bit too forgiving, in that it masks
- // all class load errors, not just wrong name errors. We should try
- // to be more discriminating. To get on the right track simply delete
- // the clause above and load a collection class such as collection.Iterable.
- // You'll see an error that class `parallel` has the wrong name.
-// }
- }
- }
- override def load(sym: Symbol) = complete(sym)
- }
- /** Create a class and a companion object, enter in enclosing scope,
- * and initialize with a lazy type completer.
- * @param owner The owner of the newly created class and object
- * @param name The simple name of the newly created class
- * @param completer The completer to be used to set the info of the class and the module
- */
- protected def createClassModule(owner: Symbol, name: TypeName, completer: (Symbol, Symbol) => LazyType) = {
- assert(!(name.toString endsWith "[]"), name)
- val clazz = owner.newClass(name)
- val module = owner.newModule(name.toTermName)
- // [Eugene++] am I doing this right?
- // todo: drop condition, see what goes wrong
- // [Eugene++ to Martin] test/files/run/t5256g and test/files/run/t5256h will crash
- // reflection meeting verdict: need to enter the symbols into the first symbol in the owner chain that has a non-empty scope
- if ( != EmptyScope) {
- enter clazz
- enter module
- }
- initClassModule(clazz, module, completer(clazz, module))
- (clazz, module)
- }
- protected def setAllInfos(clazz: Symbol, module: Symbol, info: Type) = {
- List(clazz, module, module.moduleClass) foreach (_ setInfo info)
- }
- protected def initClassModule(clazz: Symbol, module: Symbol, completer: LazyType) =
- setAllInfos(clazz, module, completer)
- /** The type completer for packages.
- */
- class LazyPackageType extends LazyType {
- override def complete(sym: Symbol) {
- assert(sym.isPackageClass)
- sym setInfo new ClassInfoType(List(), new PackageScope(sym), sym)
- // override def safeToString = pkgClass.toString
- openPackageModule(sym)
- }
- }
- /** Is the given name valid for a top-level class? We exclude names with embedded $-signs, because
- * these are nested classes or anonymous classes,
- */
- def isInvalidClassName(name: Name) = {
- val dp = name pos '$'
- 0 < dp && dp < (name.length - 1)
- }
- class PackageScope(pkgClass: Symbol) extends Scope() with SynchronizedScope {
- assert(pkgClass.isType)
- private val negatives = mutable.Set[Name]() // Syncnote: Performance only, so need not be protected.
- override def lookupEntry(name: Name): ScopeEntry = {
- val e = super.lookupEntry(name)
- if (e != null)
- e
- else if (isInvalidClassName(name) || (negatives contains name))
- null
- else {
- val path =
- if (pkgClass.isEmptyPackageClass) name.toString
- else pkgClass.fullName + "." + name
- val currentMirror = mirrorThatLoaded(pkgClass)
- currentMirror.tryJavaClass(path) match {
- case Some(cls) =>
- val loadingMirror = currentMirror.mirrorDefining(cls)
- val (clazz, module) =
- if (loadingMirror eq currentMirror) {
- createClassModule(pkgClass, name.toTypeName, new TopClassCompleter(_, _))
- } else {
- val origOwner = loadingMirror.packageNameToScala(pkgClass.fullName)
- val clazz = decl name.toTypeName
- val module = decl name.toTermName
- assert(clazz != NoSymbol)
- assert(module != NoSymbol)
- enter clazz
- enter module
- (clazz, module)
- }
- debugInfo(s"created $module/${module.moduleClass} in $pkgClass")
- lookupEntry(name)
- case none =>
- debugInfo("*** not found : "+path)
- negatives += name
- null
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /** Assert that packages have package scopes */
- override def validateClassInfo(tp: ClassInfoType) {
- assert(!tp.typeSymbol.isPackageClass || tp.decls.isInstanceOf[PackageScope])
- }
- override def newPackageScope(pkgClass: Symbol) = new PackageScope(pkgClass)
- override def scopeTransform(owner: Symbol)(op: => Scope): Scope =
- if (owner.isPackageClass) else op
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/SymbolTable.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/SymbolTable.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c90665508b..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/SymbolTable.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package runtime
- * This symbol table trait fills in the definitions so that class information is obtained by refection.
- * It can be used either from a reflexive universe (class scala.reflect.runtime.JavaUniverse), or else from
- * a runtime compiler that uses reflection to get a class information (class
- */
-trait SymbolTable extends internal.SymbolTable with JavaMirrors with SymbolLoaders with SynchronizedOps {
- def info(msg: => String) =
- if (settings.verbose.value) println("[reflect-compiler] "+msg)
- def debugInfo(msg: => String) =
- if (settings.debug.value) info(msg)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/SynchronizedOps.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/SynchronizedOps.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 907c0dd369..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/SynchronizedOps.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package runtime
-trait SynchronizedOps extends internal.SymbolTable
- with SynchronizedSymbols
- with SynchronizedTypes { self: SymbolTable =>
-// Names
- private lazy val nameLock = new Object
- override def newTermName(s: String): TermName = nameLock.synchronized { super.newTermName(s) }
- override def newTypeName(s: String): TypeName = nameLock.synchronized { super.newTypeName(s) }
-// BaseTypeSeqs
- override protected def newBaseTypeSeq(parents: List[Type], elems: Array[Type]) =
- new BaseTypeSeq(parents, elems) with SynchronizedBaseTypeSeq
- trait SynchronizedBaseTypeSeq extends BaseTypeSeq {
- override def apply(i: Int): Type = synchronized { super.apply(i) }
- override def rawElem(i: Int) = synchronized { super.rawElem(i) }
- override def typeSymbol(i: Int): Symbol = synchronized { super.typeSymbol(i) }
- override def toList: List[Type] = synchronized { super.toList }
- override def copy(head: Type, offset: Int): BaseTypeSeq = synchronized { super.copy(head, offset) }
- override def map(f: Type => Type): BaseTypeSeq = synchronized { }
- override def exists(p: Type => Boolean): Boolean = synchronized { super.exists(p) }
- override lazy val maxDepth = synchronized { maxDepthOfElems }
- override def toString = synchronized { super.toString }
- override def lateMap(f: Type => Type): BaseTypeSeq = new MappedBaseTypeSeq(this, f) with SynchronizedBaseTypeSeq
- }
-// Scopes
- override def newScope = new Scope() with SynchronizedScope
- override def newNestedScope(outer: Scope): Scope = new Scope(outer) with SynchronizedScope
- trait SynchronizedScope extends Scope {
- override def isEmpty: Boolean = synchronized { super.isEmpty }
- override def size: Int = synchronized { super.size }
- override def enter[T <: Symbol](sym: T): T = synchronized { super.enter(sym) }
- override def rehash(sym: Symbol, newname: Name) = synchronized { super.rehash(sym, newname) }
- override def unlink(e: ScopeEntry) = synchronized { super.unlink(e) }
- override def unlink(sym: Symbol) = synchronized { super.unlink(sym) }
- override def lookupAll(name: Name) = synchronized { super.lookupAll(name) }
- override def lookupEntry(name: Name) = synchronized { super.lookupEntry(name) }
- override def lookupNextEntry(entry: ScopeEntry) = synchronized { super.lookupNextEntry(entry) }
- override def toList: List[Symbol] = synchronized { super.toList }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/SynchronizedSymbols.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/SynchronizedSymbols.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b28ddf42c..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/SynchronizedSymbols.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package runtime
-import internal.Flags.DEFERRED
-trait SynchronizedSymbols extends internal.Symbols { self: SymbolTable =>
- override protected def nextId() = synchronized { super.nextId() }
- override protected def freshExistentialName(suffix: String) =
- synchronized { super.freshExistentialName(suffix) }
- // Set the fields which point companions at one another. Returns the module.
- override def connectModuleToClass(m: ModuleSymbol, moduleClass: ClassSymbol): ModuleSymbol =
- synchronized { super.connectModuleToClass(m, moduleClass) }
- override def newFreeTermSymbol(name: TermName, info: Type, value: => Any, flags: Long = 0L, origin: String = null): FreeTermSymbol =
- new FreeTermSymbol(name, value, origin) with SynchronizedTermSymbol initFlags flags setInfo info
- override def newFreeTypeSymbol(name: TypeName, info: Type, value: => Any, flags: Long = 0L, origin: String = null): FreeTypeSymbol =
- new FreeTypeSymbol(name, value, origin) with SynchronizedTypeSymbol initFlags flags setInfo info
- override protected def makeNoSymbol: NoSymbol = new NoSymbol with SynchronizedSymbol
- trait SynchronizedSymbol extends Symbol {
- override def rawflags = synchronized { super.rawflags }
- override def rawflags_=(x: Long) = synchronized { super.rawflags_=(x) }
- override def rawowner = synchronized { super.rawowner }
- override def owner_=(owner: Symbol) = synchronized { super.owner_=(owner) }
- override def validTo = synchronized { super.validTo }
- override def validTo_=(x: Period) = synchronized { super.validTo_=(x) }
- override def pos = synchronized { super.pos }
- override def setPos(pos: Position): this.type = { synchronized { super.setPos(pos) }; this }
- override def privateWithin = synchronized { super.privateWithin }
- override def privateWithin_=(sym: Symbol) = synchronized { super.privateWithin_=(sym) }
- override def info = synchronized { }
- override def info_=(info: Type) = synchronized { super.info_=(info) }
- override def updateInfo(info: Type): Symbol = synchronized { super.updateInfo(info) }
- override def rawInfo: Type = synchronized { super.rawInfo }
- override def typeParams: List[Symbol] = synchronized { super.typeParams }
- override def reset(completer: Type): this.type = synchronized { super.reset(completer) }
- override def infosString: String = synchronized { super.infosString }
- override def annotations: List[AnnotationInfo] = synchronized { super.annotations }
- override def setAnnotations(annots: List[AnnotationInfo]): this.type = { synchronized { super.setAnnotations(annots) }; this }
-// ------ creators -------------------------------------------------------------------
- override protected def createAbstractTypeSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position, newFlags: Long): AbstractTypeSymbol =
- new AbstractTypeSymbol(this, pos, name) with SynchronizedTypeSymbol initFlags newFlags
- override protected def createAliasTypeSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position, newFlags: Long): AliasTypeSymbol =
- new AliasTypeSymbol(this, pos, name) with SynchronizedTypeSymbol initFlags newFlags
- override protected def createTypeSkolemSymbol(name: TypeName, origin: AnyRef, pos: Position, newFlags: Long): TypeSkolem =
- new TypeSkolem(this, pos, name, origin) with SynchronizedTypeSymbol initFlags newFlags
- override protected def createClassSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position, newFlags: Long): ClassSymbol =
- new ClassSymbol(this, pos, name) with SynchronizedClassSymbol initFlags newFlags
- override protected def createModuleClassSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position, newFlags: Long): ModuleClassSymbol =
- new ModuleClassSymbol(this, pos, name) with SynchronizedModuleClassSymbol initFlags newFlags
- override protected def createPackageClassSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position, newFlags: Long): PackageClassSymbol =
- new PackageClassSymbol(this, pos, name) with SynchronizedModuleClassSymbol initFlags newFlags
- override protected def createRefinementClassSymbol(pos: Position, newFlags: Long): RefinementClassSymbol =
- new RefinementClassSymbol(this, pos) with SynchronizedClassSymbol initFlags newFlags
- override protected def createImplClassSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position, newFlags: Long): ClassSymbol =
- new ClassSymbol(this, pos, name) with ImplClassSymbol with SynchronizedClassSymbol initFlags newFlags
- override protected def createPackageObjectClassSymbol(pos: Position, newFlags: Long): PackageObjectClassSymbol =
- new PackageObjectClassSymbol(this, pos) with SynchronizedClassSymbol initFlags newFlags
- override protected def createTermSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position, newFlags: Long): TermSymbol =
- new TermSymbol(this, pos, name) with SynchronizedTermSymbol initFlags newFlags
- override protected def createMethodSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position, newFlags: Long): MethodSymbol =
- new MethodSymbol(this, pos, name) with SynchronizedMethodSymbol initFlags newFlags
- override protected def createModuleSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position, newFlags: Long): ModuleSymbol =
- new ModuleSymbol(this, pos, name) with SynchronizedTermSymbol initFlags newFlags
- override protected def createPackageSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position, newFlags: Long): ModuleSymbol = createModuleSymbol(name, pos, newFlags)
- // TODO
- // override protected def createValueParameterSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position, newFlags: Long)
- // override protected def createValueMemberSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position, newFlags: Long)
- }
-// ------- subclasses ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- trait SynchronizedTermSymbol extends TermSymbol with SynchronizedSymbol {
- override def name_=(x: Name) = synchronized { super.name_=(x) }
- override def rawname = synchronized { super.rawname }
- override def referenced: Symbol = synchronized { super.referenced }
- override def referenced_=(x: Symbol) = synchronized { super.referenced_=(x) }
- }
- trait SynchronizedMethodSymbol extends MethodSymbol with SynchronizedTermSymbol {
- override def typeAsMemberOf(pre: Type): Type = synchronized { super.typeAsMemberOf(pre) }
- }
- trait SynchronizedTypeSymbol extends TypeSymbol with SynchronizedSymbol {
- override def name_=(x: Name) = synchronized { super.name_=(x) }
- override def rawname = synchronized { super.rawname }
- override def typeConstructor: Type = synchronized { super.typeConstructor }
- override def tpe: Type = synchronized { super.tpe }
- }
- trait SynchronizedClassSymbol extends ClassSymbol with SynchronizedTypeSymbol {
- override def associatedFile = synchronized { super.associatedFile }
- override def associatedFile_=(f: AbstractFileType) = synchronized { super.associatedFile_=(f) }
- override def thisSym: Symbol = synchronized { super.thisSym }
- override def thisType: Type = synchronized { super.thisType }
- override def typeOfThis: Type = synchronized { super.typeOfThis }
- override def typeOfThis_=(tp: Type) = synchronized { super.typeOfThis_=(tp) }
- override def children = synchronized { super.children }
- override def addChild(sym: Symbol) = synchronized { super.addChild(sym) }
- }
- trait SynchronizedModuleClassSymbol extends ModuleClassSymbol with SynchronizedClassSymbol {
- override def sourceModule = synchronized { super.sourceModule }
- // [Eugene++ to Martin] doesn't override anything. no longer necessary?
- // def sourceModule_=(module: ModuleSymbol) = synchronized { super.sourceModule_=(module) }
- override def implicitMembers: List[Symbol] = synchronized { super.implicitMembers }
- }
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index e1eb7a57fe..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/SynchronizedTypes.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package runtime
-/** This trait overrides methods in reflect.internal, bracketing
- * them in synchronized { ... } to make them thread-safe
- */
-trait SynchronizedTypes extends internal.Types { self: SymbolTable =>
- // No sharing of map objects:
- override protected def commonOwnerMap = new CommonOwnerMap
- private object uniqueLock
- override def unique[T <: Type](tp: T): T = uniqueLock.synchronized { super.unique(tp) }
- class SynchronizedUndoLog extends UndoLog {
- override def clear() =
- synchronized { super.clear() }
- override def undo[T](block: => T): T =
- synchronized { super.undo(block) }
- override def undoUnless(block: => Boolean): Boolean =
- synchronized { super.undoUnless(block) }
- }
- override protected def newUndoLog = new SynchronizedUndoLog
- override protected def baseTypeOfNonClassTypeRef(tpe: NonClassTypeRef, clazz: Symbol) =
- synchronized { super.baseTypeOfNonClassTypeRef(tpe, clazz) }
- private object subsametypeLock
- override def isSameType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean =
- subsametypeLock.synchronized { super.isSameType(tp1, tp2) }
- override def isDifferentType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean =
- subsametypeLock.synchronized { super.isDifferentType(tp1, tp2) }
- override def isSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, depth: Int): Boolean =
- subsametypeLock.synchronized { super.isSubType(tp1, tp2, depth) }
- private object lubglbLock
- override def glb(ts: List[Type]): Type =
- lubglbLock.synchronized { super.glb(ts) }
- override def lub(ts: List[Type]): Type =
- lubglbLock.synchronized { super.lub(ts) }
- private object indentLock
- override protected def explain[T](op: String, p: (Type, T) => Boolean, tp1: Type, arg2: T): Boolean = {
- indentLock.synchronized { super.explain(op, p, tp1, arg2) }
- }
- private object toStringLock
- override protected def typeToString(tpe: Type): String =
- toStringLock.synchronized(super.typeToString(tpe))
- /* The idea of caches is as follows.
- * When in reflexive mode, a cache is either null, or one sentinal
- * value representing undefined or the final defined
- * value. Hence, we can ask in non-synchronized ode whether the cache field
- * is non null and different from the sentinel (if a sentinel exists).
- * If that's true, the cache value is current.
- * Otherwise we arrive in one of the defined... methods listed below
- * which go through all steps in synchronized mode.
- */
- override protected def defineUnderlyingOfSingleType(tpe: SingleType) =
- tpe.synchronized { super.defineUnderlyingOfSingleType(tpe) }
- override protected def defineBaseTypeSeqOfCompoundType(tpe: CompoundType) =
- tpe.synchronized { super.defineBaseTypeSeqOfCompoundType(tpe) }
- override protected def defineBaseClassesOfCompoundType(tpe: CompoundType) =
- tpe.synchronized { super.defineBaseClassesOfCompoundType(tpe) }
- override protected def defineParentsOfTypeRef(tpe: TypeRef) =
- tpe.synchronized { super.defineParentsOfTypeRef(tpe) }
- override protected def defineBaseTypeSeqOfTypeRef(tpe: TypeRef) =
- tpe.synchronized { super.defineBaseTypeSeqOfTypeRef(tpe) }
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index c7bfb3435d..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/TwoWayCache.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package runtime
-/** A cache that maintains a bijection between Java reflection type `J`
- * and Scala reflection type `S`.
- */
-import collection.mutable.HashMap
-private[runtime] class TwoWayCache[J, S] {
- private val toScalaMap = new HashMap[J, S]
- private val toJavaMap = new HashMap[S, J]
- def enter(j: J, s: S) = synchronized {
- // debugInfo("cached: "+j+"/"+s)
- toScalaMap(j) = s
- toJavaMap(s) = j
- }
- def toScala(key: J)(body: => S): S = synchronized {
- toScalaMap get key match {
- case Some(v) =>
- v
- case none =>
- val result = body
- enter(key, result)
- result
- }
- }
- def toJava(key: S)(body: => J): J = synchronized {
- toJavaMap get key match {
- case Some(v) =>
- v
- case none =>
- val result = body
- enter(result, key)
- result
- }
- }
- def toJavaOption(key: S)(body: => Option[J]): Option[J] = synchronized {
- toJavaMap get key match {
- case None =>
- val result = body
- for (value <- result) enter(value, key)
- result
- case some => some
- }
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index a5809a2629..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/package.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-import language.experimental.macros
-package object runtime {
- // type is api.JavaUniverse because we only want to expose the `scala.reflect.api.*` subset of reflection
- lazy val universe: api.JavaUniverse = new runtime.JavaUniverse
- // [Eugene++ to Martin] removed `mirrorOfLoader`, because one can use `universe.runtimeMirror` instead
- def currentMirror: universe.Mirror = macro Macros.currentMirror
-package runtime {
- object Macros {
- def currentMirror(c: scala.reflect.makro.Context): c.Expr[universe.Mirror] = {
- import c.universe._
- val runtimeClass = c.reifyEnclosingRuntimeClass
- if (runtimeClass.isEmpty) c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "call site does not have an enclosing class")
- val runtimeUniverse = Select(Select(Select(Ident(newTermName("scala")), newTermName("reflect")), newTermName("runtime")), newTermName("universe"))
- val currentMirror = Apply(Select(runtimeUniverse, newTermName("runtimeMirror")), List(Select(runtimeClass, newTermName("getClassLoader"))))
- c.Expr[Nothing](currentMirror)(c.TypeTag.Nothing)
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/AbstractFile.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/AbstractFile.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3faaeaeaec..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/AbstractFile.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package io
-import{ FileOutputStream, IOException, InputStream, OutputStream, BufferedOutputStream }
-// [scala-reflect.jar migration note] uncomment when creating scala-reflect.jar
-// import{ File => JFile }
-import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
- * @author Philippe Altherr
- * @version 1.0, 23/03/2004
- */
-object AbstractFile {
- /** Returns "getFile(new File(path))". */
- def getFile(path: String): AbstractFile = getFile(File(path))
- def getFile(path: Path): AbstractFile = getFile(path.toFile)
- /**
- * If the specified File exists and is a regular file, returns an
- * abstract regular file backed by it. Otherwise, returns <code>null</code>.
- */
- def getFile(file: File): AbstractFile =
- if (file.isFile) new PlainFile(file) else null
- /** Returns "getDirectory(new File(path))". */
- def getDirectory(path: Path): AbstractFile = getDirectory(path.toFile)
- /**
- * If the specified File exists and is either a directory or a
- * readable zip or jar archive, returns an abstract directory
- * backed by it. Otherwise, returns <code>null</code>.
- *
- * @param file ...
- * @return ...
- */
- def getDirectory(file: File): AbstractFile =
- if (file.isDirectory) new PlainFile(file)
- else if (file.isFile && Path.isExtensionJarOrZip(file.jfile)) ZipArchive fromFile file
- else null
- /**
- * If the specified URL exists and is a readable zip or jar archive,
- * returns an abstract directory backed by it. Otherwise, returns
- * <code>null</code>.
- *
- * @param file ...
- * @return ...
- */
- def getURL(url: URL): AbstractFile = {
- if (url == null || !Path.isExtensionJarOrZip(url.getPath)) null
- else ZipArchive fromURL url
- }
- * <p>
- * This class and its children serve to unify handling of files and
- * directories. These files and directories may or may not have some
- * real counter part within the file system. For example, some file
- * handles reference files within a zip archive or virtual ones
- * that exist only in memory.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * Every abstract file has a path (i.e. a full name) and a name
- * (i.e. a short name) and may be backed by some real File. There are
- * two different kinds of abstract files: regular files and
- * directories. Regular files may be read and have a last modification
- * time. Directories may list their content and look for subfiles with
- * a specified name or path and of a specified kind.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * The interface does <b>not</b> allow to access the content.
- * The class <code>symtab.classfile.AbstractFileReader</code> accesses
- * bytes, knowing that the character set of classfiles is UTF-8. For
- * all other cases, the class <code>SourceFile</code> is used, which honors
- * <code>global.settings.encoding.value</code>.
- * </p>
- */
-abstract class AbstractFile extends reflect.internal.AbstractFileApi with Iterable[AbstractFile] {
- /** Returns the name of this abstract file. */
- def name: String
- /** Returns the path of this abstract file. */
- def path: String
- /** Returns the path of this abstract file in a canonical form. */
- def canonicalPath: String = if (file == null) path else file.getCanonicalPath
- /** Checks extension case insensitively. */
- def hasExtension(other: String) = extension == other.toLowerCase
- private lazy val extension: String = Path.extension(name)
- /** The absolute file, if this is a relative file. */
- def absolute: AbstractFile
- /** Returns the containing directory of this abstract file */
- def container : AbstractFile
- /** Returns the underlying File if any and null otherwise. */
- def file: JFile
- /** An underlying source, if known. Mostly, a zip/jar file. */
- def underlyingSource: Option[AbstractFile] = None
- /** Does this abstract file denote an existing file? */
- def exists: Boolean = (file eq null) || file.exists
- /** Does this abstract file represent something which can contain classfiles? */
- def isClassContainer = isDirectory || (file != null && (extension == "jar" || extension == "zip"))
- /** Create a file on disk, if one does not exist already. */
- def create(): Unit
- /** Delete the underlying file or directory (recursively). */
- def delete(): Unit
- /** Is this abstract file a directory? */
- def isDirectory: Boolean
- /** Returns the time that this abstract file was last modified. */
- def lastModified: Long
- /** returns an input stream so the file can be read */
- def input: InputStream
- /** Returns an output stream for writing the file */
- def output: OutputStream
- /** Returns a buffered output stream for writing the file - defaults to out */
- def bufferedOutput: BufferedOutputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(output)
- /** size of this file if it is a concrete file. */
- def sizeOption: Option[Int] = None
- def toURL: URL = if (file == null) null else file.toURI.toURL
- /** Returns contents of file (if applicable) in a Char array.
- * warning: use <code>Global.getSourceFile()</code> to use the proper
- * encoding when converting to the char array.
- */
- @throws(classOf[IOException])
- def toCharArray = new String(toByteArray).toCharArray
- /** Returns contents of file (if applicable) in a byte array.
- */
- @throws(classOf[IOException])
- def toByteArray: Array[Byte] = {
- val in = input
- var rest = sizeOption.getOrElse(0)
- val arr = new Array[Byte](rest)
- while (rest > 0) {
- val res =, arr.length - rest, rest)
- if (res == -1)
- throw new IOException("read error")
- rest -= res
- }
- in.close()
- arr
- }
- /** Returns all abstract subfiles of this abstract directory. */
- def iterator: Iterator[AbstractFile]
- /** Returns the abstract file in this abstract directory with the specified
- * name. If there is no such file, returns <code>null</code>. The argument
- * <code>directory</code> tells whether to look for a directory or
- * a regular file.
- */
- def lookupName(name: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile
- /** Returns an abstract file with the given name. It does not
- * check that it exists.
- */
- def lookupNameUnchecked(name: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile
- /** Returns the abstract file in this abstract directory with the specified
- * path relative to it, If there is no such file, returns null. The argument
- * <code>directory</code> tells whether to look for a directory or a regular
- * file.
- *
- * @param path ...
- * @param directory ...
- * @return ...
- */
- def lookupPath(path: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = {
- lookup((f, p, dir) => f.lookupName(p, dir), path, directory)
- }
- /** Return an abstract file that does not check that `path` denotes
- * an existing file.
- */
- def lookupPathUnchecked(path: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = {
- lookup((f, p, dir) => f.lookupNameUnchecked(p, dir), path, directory)
- }
- private def lookup(getFile: (AbstractFile, String, Boolean) => AbstractFile,
- path0: String,
- directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = {
- val separator =
- // trim trailing '/'s
- val path: String = if (path0.last == separator) path0 dropRight 1 else path0
- val length = path.length()
- assert(length > 0 && !(path.last == separator), path)
- var file = this
- var start = 0
- while (true) {
- val index = path.indexOf(separator, start)
- assert(index < 0 || start < index, ((path, directory, start, index)))
- val name = path.substring(start, if (index < 0) length else index)
- file = getFile(file, name, if (index < 0) directory else true)
- if ((file eq null) || index < 0) return file
- start = index + 1
- }
- file
- }
- private def fileOrSubdirectoryNamed(name: String, isDir: Boolean): AbstractFile = {
- val lookup = lookupName(name, isDir)
- if (lookup != null) lookup
- else {
- val jfile = new JFile(file, name)
- if (isDir) jfile.mkdirs() else jfile.createNewFile()
- new PlainFile(jfile)
- }
- }
- /**
- * Get the file in this directory with the given name,
- * creating an empty file if it does not already existing.
- */
- def fileNamed(name: String): AbstractFile = {
- assert(isDirectory, "Tried to find '%s' in '%s' but it is not a directory".format(name, path))
- fileOrSubdirectoryNamed(name, false)
- }
- /**
- * Get the subdirectory with a given name, creating it if it
- * does not already exist.
- */
- def subdirectoryNamed(name: String): AbstractFile = {
- assert (isDirectory, "Tried to find '%s' in '%s' but it is not a directory".format(name, path))
- fileOrSubdirectoryNamed(name, true)
- }
- protected def unsupported(): Nothing = unsupported(null)
- protected def unsupported(msg: String): Nothing = throw new UnsupportedOperationException(msg)
- /** Returns the path of this abstract file. */
- override def toString() = path
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/Directory.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/Directory.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 0eecd9a6e2..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/Directory.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2011, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package io
-// [scala-reflect.jar migration note] uncomment when creating scala-reflect.jar
-// import{ File => JFile }
-object Directory {
- import scala.util.Properties.{ tmpDir, userHome, userDir }
- private def normalizePath(s: String) = Some(apply(Path(s).normalize))
- def Current: Option[Directory] = if (userDir == "") None else normalizePath(userDir)
- def Home: Option[Directory] = if (userHome == "") None else normalizePath(userHome)
- def TmpDir: Option[Directory] = if (tmpDir == "") None else normalizePath(tmpDir)
- def apply(path: Path): Directory = path.toDirectory
- // Like File.makeTemp but creates a directory instead
- def makeTemp(prefix: String = Path.randomPrefix, suffix: String = null, dir: JFile = null): Directory = {
- val path = File.makeTemp(prefix, suffix, dir)
- path.delete()
- path.createDirectory()
- }
-import Path._
-/** An abstraction for directories.
- *
- * @author Paul Phillips
- * @since 2.8
- */
-class Directory(jfile: JFile) extends Path(jfile) {
- override def toAbsolute: Directory = if (isAbsolute) this else super.toAbsolute.toDirectory
- override def toDirectory: Directory = this
- override def toFile: File = new File(jfile)
- override def isValid = jfile.isDirectory() || !jfile.exists()
- override def normalize: Directory = super.normalize.toDirectory
- /** An iterator over the contents of this directory.
- */
- def list: Iterator[Path] =
- jfile.listFiles match {
- case null => Iterator.empty
- case xs => xs.iterator map Path.apply
- }
- def dirs: Iterator[Directory] = list collect { case x: Directory => x }
- def files: Iterator[File] = list collect { case x: File => x }
- override def walkFilter(cond: Path => Boolean): Iterator[Path] =
- list filter cond flatMap (_ walkFilter cond)
- def deepDirs: Iterator[Directory] = Path.onlyDirs(deepList())
- def deepFiles: Iterator[File] = Path.onlyFiles(deepList())
- /** If optional depth argument is not given, will recurse
- * until it runs out of contents.
- */
- def deepList(depth: Int = -1): Iterator[Path] =
- if (depth < 0) list ++ (dirs flatMap (_ deepList (depth)))
- else if (depth == 0) Iterator.empty
- else list ++ (dirs flatMap (_ deepList (depth - 1)))
- /** An iterator over the directories underneath this directory,
- * to the (optionally) given depth.
- */
- def subdirs(depth: Int = 1): Iterator[Directory] =
- deepList(depth) collect { case x: Directory => x }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/File.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/File.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cea8439b1..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/File.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2011, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package io
- FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, BufferedReader, BufferedWriter, InputStreamReader, OutputStreamWriter,
- BufferedInputStream, BufferedOutputStream, IOException, PrintStream, PrintWriter, Closeable => JCloseable }
-// [scala-reflect.jar migration note] uncomment when creating scala-reflect.jar
-// import{ File => JFile }
-import java.nio.channels.{ Channel, FileChannel }
-import language.{reflectiveCalls, implicitConversions}
-object File {
- def pathSeparator =
- def separator =
- def apply(path: Path)(implicit codec: Codec) = new File(path.jfile)(codec)
- // Create a temporary file, which will be deleted upon jvm exit.
- def makeTemp(prefix: String = Path.randomPrefix, suffix: String = null, dir: JFile = null) = {
- val jfile =, suffix, dir)
- jfile.deleteOnExit()
- apply(jfile)
- }
- type HasClose = { def close(): Unit }
- def closeQuietly(target: HasClose) {
- try target.close() catch { case e: IOException => }
- }
- def closeQuietly(target: JCloseable) {
- try target.close() catch { case e: IOException => }
- }
- // this is a workaround for
- // we are using a static initializer to statically initialize a java class so we don't
- // trigger java.lang.InternalErrors later when using it concurrently. We ignore all
- // the exceptions so as not to cause spurious failures when no write access is available,
- // e.g. google app engine.
- //
- // XXX need to put this behind a setting.
- //
- // try {
- // import Streamable.closing
- // val tmp ="bug6503430", null, null)
- // try closing(new FileInputStream(tmp)) { in =>
- // val inc = in.getChannel()
- // closing(new FileOutputStream(tmp, true)) { out =>
- // out.getChannel().transferFrom(inc, 0, 0)
- // }
- // }
- // finally tmp.delete()
- // }
- // catch {
- // case _: IllegalArgumentException | _: IllegalStateException | _: IOException | _: SecurityException => ()
- // }
-import File._
-import Path._
-/** An abstraction for files. For character data, a Codec
- * can be supplied at either creation time or when a method
- * involving character data is called (with the latter taking
- * precedence if supplied.) If neither is available, the value
- * of is used.
- *
- * @author Paul Phillips
- * @since 2.8
- */
-class File(jfile: JFile)(implicit constructorCodec: Codec) extends Path(jfile) with Streamable.Chars {
- override val creationCodec = constructorCodec
- def withCodec(codec: Codec): File = new File(jfile)(codec)
- override def addExtension(ext: String): File = super.addExtension(ext).toFile
- override def toAbsolute: File = if (isAbsolute) this else super.toAbsolute.toFile
- override def toDirectory: Directory = new Directory(jfile)
- override def toFile: File = this
- override def normalize: File = super.normalize.toFile
- override def isValid = jfile.isFile() || !jfile.exists()
- override def length = super[Path].length
- override def walkFilter(cond: Path => Boolean): Iterator[Path] =
- if (cond(this)) Iterator.single(this) else Iterator.empty
- /** Obtains an InputStream. */
- def inputStream() = new FileInputStream(jfile)
- /** Obtains a OutputStream. */
- def outputStream(append: Boolean = false) = new FileOutputStream(jfile, append)
- def bufferedOutput(append: Boolean = false) = new BufferedOutputStream(outputStream(append))
- def printStream(append: Boolean = false) = new PrintStream(outputStream(append), true)
- /** Obtains an OutputStreamWriter wrapped around a FileOutputStream.
- * This should behave like a less broken version of,
- * in that unlike the java version you can specify the encoding.
- */
- def writer(): OutputStreamWriter = writer(false)
- def writer(append: Boolean): OutputStreamWriter = writer(append, creationCodec)
- def writer(append: Boolean, codec: Codec): OutputStreamWriter =
- new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream(append), codec.charSet)
- /** Wraps a BufferedWriter around the result of writer().
- */
- def bufferedWriter(): BufferedWriter = bufferedWriter(false)
- def bufferedWriter(append: Boolean): BufferedWriter = bufferedWriter(append, creationCodec)
- def bufferedWriter(append: Boolean, codec: Codec): BufferedWriter =
- new BufferedWriter(writer(append, codec))
- def printWriter(): PrintWriter = new PrintWriter(bufferedWriter(), true)
- def printWriter(append: Boolean): PrintWriter = new PrintWriter(bufferedWriter(append), true)
- /** Creates a new file and writes all the Strings to it. */
- def writeAll(strings: String*): Unit = {
- val out = bufferedWriter()
- try strings foreach (out write _)
- finally out close
- }
- def writeBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]): Unit = {
- val out = bufferedOutput()
- try out write bytes
- finally out close
- }
- def appendAll(strings: String*): Unit = {
- val out = bufferedWriter(append = true)
- try strings foreach (out write _)
- finally out.close()
- }
- /** Calls println on each string (so it adds a newline in the PrintWriter fashion.) */
- def printlnAll(strings: String*): Unit = {
- val out = printWriter()
- try strings foreach (out println _)
- finally out close
- }
- def safeSlurp(): Option[String] =
- try Some(slurp())
- catch { case _: IOException => None }
- def copyTo(destPath: Path, preserveFileDate: Boolean = false): Boolean = {
- val CHUNK = 1024 * 1024 * 16 // 16 MB
- val dest = destPath.toFile
- if (!isValid) fail("Source %s is not a valid file." format name)
- if (this.normalize == dest.normalize) fail("Source and destination are the same.")
- if (!dest.parent.exists) fail("Destination cannot be created.")
- if (dest.exists && !dest.canWrite) fail("Destination exists but is not writable.")
- if (dest.isDirectory) fail("Destination exists but is a directory.")
- lazy val in_s = inputStream()
- lazy val out_s = dest.outputStream()
- lazy val in = in_s.getChannel()
- lazy val out = out_s.getChannel()
- try {
- val size = in.size()
- var pos, count = 0L
- while (pos < size) {
- count = (size - pos) min CHUNK
- pos += out.transferFrom(in, pos, count)
- }
- }
- finally List[HasClose](out, out_s, in, in_s) foreach closeQuietly
- if (this.length != dest.length)
- fail("Failed to completely copy %s to %s".format(name,
- if (preserveFileDate)
- dest.lastModified = this.lastModified
- true
- }
- /** Reflection since we're into the java 6+ API.
- */
- def setExecutable(executable: Boolean, ownerOnly: Boolean = true): Boolean = {
- type JBoolean = java.lang.Boolean
- val method =
- try classOf[JFile].getMethod("setExecutable", classOf[Boolean], classOf[Boolean])
- catch { case _: NoSuchMethodException => return false }
- try method.invoke(jfile, executable: JBoolean, ownerOnly: JBoolean).asInstanceOf[JBoolean].booleanValue
- catch { case _: Exception => false }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/FileOperationException.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/FileOperationException.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f23658efbc..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/FileOperationException.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2011, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package io
-case class FileOperationException(msg: String) extends RuntimeException(msg)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/NoAbstractFile.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/NoAbstractFile.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e468356722..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/NoAbstractFile.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package io
-// [scala-reflect.jar migration note] uncomment when creating scala-reflect.jar
-// import{ File => JFile }
-/** A distinguished object so you can avoid both null
- * and Option.
- */
-object NoAbstractFile extends AbstractFile {
- def absolute: AbstractFile = this
- def container: AbstractFile = this
- def create(): Unit = ???
- def delete(): Unit = ???
- def file: JFile = null
- def input: InputStream = null
- def isDirectory: Boolean = false
- def iterator: Iterator[AbstractFile] = Iterator.empty
- def lastModified: Long = 0L
- def lookupName(name: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = null
- def lookupNameUnchecked(name: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = null
- def name: String = ""
- def output: = null
- def path: String = ""
- override def toByteArray = Array[Byte]()
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/Path.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/Path.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 1db015e2f5..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/Path.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package io
- FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, BufferedReader, BufferedWriter, InputStreamReader, OutputStreamWriter,
- BufferedInputStream, BufferedOutputStream, RandomAccessFile }
-// [scala-reflect.jar migration note] uncomment when creating scala-reflect.jar
-// import{ File => JFile }
-import{ URI, URL }
-import scala.util.Random.alphanumeric
-import language.implicitConversions
-/** An abstraction for filesystem paths. The differences between
- * Path, File, and Directory are primarily to communicate intent.
- * Since the filesystem can change at any time, there is no way to
- * reliably associate Files only with files and so on. Any Path
- * can be converted to a File or Directory (and thus gain access to
- * the additional entity specific methods) by calling toFile or
- * toDirectory, which has no effect on the filesystem.
- *
- * Also available are createFile and createDirectory, which attempt
- * to create the path in question.
- *
- * @author Paul Phillips
- * @since 2.8
- */
-object Path {
- def isExtensionJarOrZip(jfile: JFile): Boolean = isExtensionJarOrZip(jfile.getName)
- def isExtensionJarOrZip(name: String): Boolean = {
- val ext = extension(name)
- ext == "jar" || ext == "zip"
- }
- def extension(name: String): String = {
- var i = name.length - 1
- while (i >= 0 && name.charAt(i) != '.')
- i -= 1
- if (i < 0) ""
- else name.substring(i + 1).toLowerCase
- }
- // [Eugene++] I hope that noone relied on this method
-// def isJarOrZip(f: Path, examineFile: Boolean = true) = Jar.isJarOrZip(f, examineFile)
- // not certain these won't be problematic, but looks good so far
- implicit def string2path(s: String): Path = apply(s)
- implicit def jfile2path(jfile: JFile): Path = apply(jfile)
- // java 7 style, we don't use it yet
- // object AccessMode extends Enumeration {
- // val EXECUTE, READ, WRITE = Value
- // }
- // def checkAccess(modes: AccessMode*): Boolean = {
- // modes foreach {
- // case EXECUTE => throw new Exception("Unsupported") // can't check in java 5
- // case READ => if (!jfile.canRead()) return false
- // case WRITE => if (!jfile.canWrite()) return false
- // }
- // true
- // }
- def onlyDirs(xs: Iterator[Path]): Iterator[Directory] = xs filter (_.isDirectory) map (_.toDirectory)
- def onlyDirs(xs: List[Path]): List[Directory] = xs filter (_.isDirectory) map (_.toDirectory)
- def onlyFiles(xs: Iterator[Path]): Iterator[File] = xs filter (_.isFile) map (_.toFile)
- def onlyFiles(xs: List[Path]): List[File] = xs filter (_.isFile) map (_.toFile)
- def roots: List[Path] = map Path.apply
- def apply(segments: Seq[String]): Path = apply(segments mkString
- def apply(path: String): Path = apply(new JFile(path))
- def apply(jfile: JFile): Path =
- if (jfile.isFile) new File(jfile)
- else if (jfile.isDirectory) new Directory(jfile)
- else new Path(jfile)
- /** Avoiding any shell/path issues by only using alphanumerics. */
- private[io] def randomPrefix = alphanumeric take 6 mkString
- private[io] def fail(msg: String) = throw FileOperationException(msg)
-import Path._
-/** The Path constructor is private so we can enforce some
- * semantics regarding how a Path might relate to the world.
- */
-class Path private[io] (val jfile: JFile) {
- val separator =
- val separatorStr =
- // Validation: this verifies that the type of this object and the
- // contents of the filesystem are in agreement. All objects are
- // valid except File objects whose path points to a directory and
- // Directory objects whose path points to a file.
- def isValid: Boolean = true
- // conversions
- def toFile: File = new File(jfile)
- def toDirectory: Directory = new Directory(jfile)
- def toAbsolute: Path = if (isAbsolute) this else Path(jfile.getAbsolutePath())
- def toCanonical: Path = Path(jfile.getCanonicalPath())
- def toURI: URI = jfile.toURI()
- def toURL: URL = toURI.toURL()
- /** If this path is absolute, returns it: otherwise, returns an absolute
- * path made up of root / this.
- */
- def toAbsoluteWithRoot(root: Path) = if (isAbsolute) this else root.toAbsolute / this
- /** Creates a new Path with the specified path appended. Assumes
- * the type of the new component implies the type of the result.
- */
- def /(child: Path): Path = if (isEmpty) child else new Path(new JFile(jfile, child.path))
- def /(child: Directory): Directory = /(child: Path).toDirectory
- def /(child: File): File = /(child: Path).toFile
- /** If this path is a container, recursively iterate over its contents.
- * The supplied condition is a filter which is applied to each element,
- * with that branch of the tree being closed off if it is true. So for
- * example if the condition is true for some subdirectory, nothing
- * under that directory will be in the Iterator; but otherwise each
- * file and subdirectory underneath it will appear.
- */
- def walkFilter(cond: Path => Boolean): Iterator[Path] =
- if (isFile) toFile walkFilter cond
- else if (isDirectory) toDirectory walkFilter cond
- else Iterator.empty
- /** Equivalent to walkFilter(_ => false).
- */
- def walk: Iterator[Path] = walkFilter(_ => true)
- // identity
- def name: String = jfile.getName()
- def path: String = jfile.getPath()
- def normalize: Path = Path(jfile.getAbsolutePath())
- def isRootPath: Boolean = roots exists (_ isSame this)
- def resolve(other: Path) = if (other.isAbsolute || isEmpty) other else /(other)
- def relativize(other: Path) = {
- assert(isAbsolute == other.isAbsolute, "Paths not of same type: "+this+", "+other)
- def createRelativePath(baseSegs: List[String], otherSegs: List[String]) : String = {
- (baseSegs, otherSegs) match {
- case (b :: bs, o :: os) if b == o => createRelativePath(bs, os)
- case (bs, os) => ((".."+separator)*bs.length)+os.mkString(separatorStr)
- }
- }
- Path(createRelativePath(segments, other.segments))
- }
- // derived from identity
- def root: Option[Path] = roots find (this startsWith _)
- def segments: List[String] = (path split separator).toList filterNot (_.length == 0)
- /**
- * @return The path of the parent directory, or root if path is already root
- */
- def parent: Directory = path match {
- case "" | "." => Directory("..")
- case _ =>
- // the only solution <-- a comment which could have used elaboration
- if (segments.nonEmpty && segments.last == "..")
- (path / "..").toDirectory
- else jfile.getParent match {
- case null =>
- if (isAbsolute) toDirectory // it should be a root. BTW, don't need to worry about relative pathed root
- else Directory(".") // a dir under pwd
- case x =>
- Directory(x)
- }
- }
- def parents: List[Directory] = {
- val p = parent
- if (p isSame this) Nil else p :: p.parents
- }
- // if name ends with an extension (e.g. "foo.jpg") returns the extension ("jpg"), otherwise ""
- def extension: String = {
- var i = name.length - 1
- while (i >= 0 && name.charAt(i) != '.')
- i -= 1
- if (i < 0) ""
- else name.substring(i + 1)
- }
- // def extension: String = (name lastIndexOf '.') match {
- // case -1 => ""
- // case idx => name drop (idx + 1)
- // }
- // compares against extensions in a CASE INSENSITIVE way.
- def hasExtension(ext: String, exts: String*) = {
- val lower = extension.toLowerCase
- ext.toLowerCase == lower || exts.exists(_.toLowerCase == lower)
- }
- // returns the filename without the extension.
- def stripExtension: String = name stripSuffix ("." + extension)
- // returns the Path with the extension.
- def addExtension(ext: String): Path = Path(path + "." + ext)
- // changes the existing extension out for a new one, or adds it
- // if the current path has none.
- def changeExtension(ext: String): Path = (
- if (extension == "") addExtension(ext)
- else Path(path.stripSuffix(extension) + ext)
- )
- // conditionally execute
- def ifFile[T](f: File => T): Option[T] = if (isFile) Some(f(toFile)) else None
- def ifDirectory[T](f: Directory => T): Option[T] = if (isDirectory) Some(f(toDirectory)) else None
- // Boolean tests
- def canRead = jfile.canRead()
- def canWrite = jfile.canWrite()
- def exists = jfile.exists()
- def notExists = try !jfile.exists() catch { case ex: SecurityException => false }
- def isFile = jfile.isFile()
- def isDirectory = jfile.isDirectory()
- def isAbsolute = jfile.isAbsolute()
- def isHidden = jfile.isHidden()
- def isEmpty = path.length == 0
- // Information
- def lastModified = jfile.lastModified()
- def lastModified_=(time: Long) = jfile setLastModified time // should use setXXX function?
- def length = jfile.length()
- // Boolean path comparisons
- def endsWith(other: Path) = segments endsWith other.segments
- def startsWith(other: Path) = segments startsWith other.segments
- def isSame(other: Path) = toCanonical == other.toCanonical
- def isFresher(other: Path) = lastModified > other.lastModified
- // creations
- def createDirectory(force: Boolean = true, failIfExists: Boolean = false): Directory = {
- val res = if (force) jfile.mkdirs() else jfile.mkdir()
- if (!res && failIfExists && exists) fail("Directory '%s' already exists." format name)
- else if (isDirectory) toDirectory
- else new Directory(jfile)
- }
- def createFile(failIfExists: Boolean = false): File = {
- val res = jfile.createNewFile()
- if (!res && failIfExists && exists) fail("File '%s' already exists." format name)
- else if (isFile) toFile
- else new File(jfile)
- }
- // deletions
- def delete() = jfile.delete()
- def deleteIfExists() = if (jfile.exists()) delete() else false
- /** Deletes the path recursively. Returns false on failure.
- * Use with caution!
- */
- def deleteRecursively(): Boolean = deleteRecursively(jfile)
- private def deleteRecursively(f: JFile): Boolean = {
- if (f.isDirectory) f.listFiles match {
- case null =>
- case xs => xs foreach deleteRecursively
- }
- f.delete()
- }
- def truncate() =
- isFile && {
- val raf = new RandomAccessFile(jfile, "rw")
- raf setLength 0
- raf.close()
- length == 0
- }
- def touch(modTime: Long = System.currentTimeMillis) = {
- createFile()
- if (isFile)
- lastModified = modTime
- }
- // todo
- // def copyTo(target: Path, options ...): Boolean
- // def moveTo(target: Path, options ...): Boolean
- override def toString() = path
- override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
- case x: Path => path == x.path
- case _ => false
- }
- override def hashCode() = path.hashCode()
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/PlainFile.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/PlainFile.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 21276e8740..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/PlainFile.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package io
-import{ FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, IOException }
-import PartialFunction._
-object PlainFile {
- /**
- * If the specified File exists, returns an abstract file backed
- * by it. Otherwise, returns null.
- */
- def fromPath(file: Path): PlainFile =
- if (file.isDirectory) new PlainDirectory(file.toDirectory)
- else if (file.isFile) new PlainFile(file)
- else null
-class PlainDirectory(givenPath: Directory) extends PlainFile(givenPath) {
- override def isDirectory = true
- override def iterator = givenPath.list filter (_.exists) map (x => new PlainFile(x))
- override def delete(): Unit = givenPath.deleteRecursively()
-/** This class implements an abstract file backed by a File.
- */
-class PlainFile(val givenPath: Path) extends AbstractFile {
- assert(path ne null)
- val file = givenPath.jfile
- override def underlyingSource = Some(this)
- private val fpath = givenPath.toAbsolute
- /** Returns the name of this abstract file. */
- def name =
- /** Returns the path of this abstract file. */
- def path = givenPath.path
- /** The absolute file. */
- def absolute = new PlainFile(givenPath.toAbsolute)
- override def container: AbstractFile = new PlainFile(givenPath.parent)
- override def input = givenPath.toFile.inputStream()
- override def output = givenPath.toFile.outputStream()
- override def sizeOption = Some(givenPath.length.toInt)
- override def toString = path
- override def hashCode(): Int = fpath.hashCode
- override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
- case x: PlainFile => fpath == x.fpath
- case _ => false
- }
- /** Is this abstract file a directory? */
- def isDirectory: Boolean = givenPath.isDirectory
- /** Returns the time that this abstract file was last modified. */
- def lastModified: Long = givenPath.lastModified
- /** Returns all abstract subfiles of this abstract directory. */
- def iterator: Iterator[AbstractFile] = {
- if (!isDirectory) Iterator.empty
- else givenPath.toDirectory.list filter (_.exists) map (new PlainFile(_))
- }
- /**
- * Returns the abstract file in this abstract directory with the
- * specified name. If there is no such file, returns null. The
- * argument "directory" tells whether to look for a directory or
- * or a regular file.
- *
- * @param name ...
- * @param directory ...
- * @return ...
- */
- def lookupName(name: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = {
- val child = givenPath / name
- if ((child.isDirectory && directory) || (child.isFile && !directory)) new PlainFile(child)
- else null
- }
- /** Does this abstract file denote an existing file? */
- def create(): Unit = if (!exists) givenPath.createFile()
- /** Delete the underlying file or directory (recursively). */
- def delete(): Unit =
- if (givenPath.isFile) givenPath.delete()
- else if (givenPath.isDirectory) givenPath.toDirectory.deleteRecursively()
- /** Returns a plain file with the given name. It does not
- * check that it exists.
- */
- def lookupNameUnchecked(name: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile =
- new PlainFile(givenPath / name)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/Streamable.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/Streamable.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 03318674ee..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/Streamable.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package io
-import{ URI, URL }
-import{ BufferedInputStream, InputStream, PrintStream }
-import{ BufferedReader, InputStreamReader, Closeable => JCloseable }
-import{ Codec, BufferedSource, Source }
-import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
-/** Traits for objects which can be represented as Streams.
- *
- * @author Paul Phillips
- * @since 2.8
- */
-object Streamable {
- /** Traits which can be viewed as a sequence of bytes. Source types
- * which know their length should override def length: Long for more
- * efficient method implementations.
- */
- trait Bytes {
- def inputStream(): InputStream
- def length: Long = -1
- def bufferedInput() = new BufferedInputStream(inputStream())
- def bytes(): Iterator[Byte] = bytesAsInts() map (_.toByte)
- def bytesAsInts(): Iterator[Int] = {
- val in = bufferedInput()
- Iterator continually takeWhile (_ != -1)
- }
- /** This method aspires to be the fastest way to read
- * a stream of known length into memory.
- */
- def toByteArray(): Array[Byte] = {
- // if we don't know the length, fall back on relative inefficiency
- if (length == -1L)
- return (new ArrayBuffer[Byte]() ++= bytes()).toArray
- val arr = new Array[Byte](length.toInt)
- val len = arr.length
- lazy val in = bufferedInput()
- var offset = 0
- def loop() {
- if (offset < len) {
- val read =, offset, len - offset)
- if (read >= 0) {
- offset += read
- loop()
- }
- }
- }
- try loop()
- finally in.close()
- if (offset == arr.length) arr
- else fail("Could not read entire source (%d of %d bytes)".format(offset, len))
- }
- }
- /** For objects which can be viewed as Chars.
- */
- trait Chars extends Bytes {
- /** Calls to methods requiring byte<->char transformations should be offered
- * in a form which allows specifying the codec. When it is not specified,
- * the one discovered at creation time will be used, which will always find the
- * one in if no other is available. This can be overridden
- * to use a different default.
- */
- def creationCodec: Codec = implicitly[Codec]
- def chars(): BufferedSource = chars(creationCodec)
- def chars(codec: Codec): BufferedSource = Source.fromInputStream(inputStream())(codec)
- def lines(): Iterator[String] = lines(creationCodec)
- def lines(codec: Codec): Iterator[String] = chars(codec).getLines()
- /** Obtains an InputStreamReader wrapped around a FileInputStream.
- */
- def reader(): InputStreamReader = reader(creationCodec)
- def reader(codec: Codec): InputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream, codec.charSet)
- /** Wraps a BufferedReader around the result of reader().
- */
- def bufferedReader(): BufferedReader = bufferedReader(creationCodec)
- def bufferedReader(codec: Codec) = new BufferedReader(reader(codec))
- /** Creates a BufferedReader and applies the closure, automatically closing it on completion.
- */
- def applyReader[T](f: BufferedReader => T): T = {
- val in = bufferedReader()
- try f(in)
- finally in.close()
- }
- /** Convenience function to import entire file into a String.
- */
- def slurp(): String = slurp(creationCodec)
- def slurp(codec: Codec) = chars(codec).mkString
- }
- /** Call a function on something Closeable, finally closing it. */
- def closing[T <: JCloseable, U](stream: T)(f: T => U): U =
- try f(stream)
- finally stream.close()
- def bytes(is: => InputStream): Array[Byte] =
- new Bytes { def inputStream() = is } toByteArray
- def slurp(is: => InputStream)(implicit codec: Codec): String =
- new Chars { def inputStream() = is } slurp codec
- def slurp(url: URL)(implicit codec: Codec): String =
- slurp(url.openStream())
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/VirtualDirectory.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/VirtualDirectory.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bcb2de43f..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/VirtualDirectory.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- */
-package io
-import scala.collection.mutable
- * An in-memory directory.
- *
- * @author Lex Spoon
- */
-class VirtualDirectory(val name: String, maybeContainer: Option[VirtualDirectory])
-extends AbstractFile {
- def path: String =
- maybeContainer match {
- case None => name
- case Some(parent) => parent.path+'/'+ name
- }
- def absolute = this
- def container = maybeContainer.get
- def isDirectory = true
- var lastModified: Long = System.currentTimeMillis
- override def file = null
- override def input = sys.error("directories cannot be read")
- override def output = sys.error("directories cannot be written")
- /** Does this abstract file denote an existing file? */
- def create() { unsupported }
- /** Delete the underlying file or directory (recursively). */
- def delete() { unsupported }
- /** Returns an abstract file with the given name. It does not
- * check that it exists.
- */
- def lookupNameUnchecked(name: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = unsupported
- private val files = mutable.Map.empty[String, AbstractFile]
- // the toList is so that the directory may continue to be
- // modified while its elements are iterated
- def iterator = files.values.toList.iterator
- override def lookupName(name: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile =
- files get name filter (_.isDirectory == directory) orNull
- override def fileNamed(name: String): AbstractFile =
- Option(lookupName(name, false)) getOrElse {
- val newFile = new VirtualFile(name, path+'/'+name)
- files(name) = newFile
- newFile
- }
- override def subdirectoryNamed(name: String): AbstractFile =
- Option(lookupName(name, true)) getOrElse {
- val dir = new VirtualDirectory(name, Some(this))
- files(name) = dir
- dir
- }
- def clear() {
- files.clear();
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/VirtualFile.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/VirtualFile.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 48826ed191..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/VirtualFile.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package io
-import{ ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, InputStream, OutputStream }
-// [scala-reflect.jar migration note] uncomment when creating scala-reflect.jar
-// import{ File => JFile }
-/** This class implements an in-memory file.
- *
- * @author Philippe Altherr
- * @version 1.0, 23/03/2004
- */
-class VirtualFile(val name: String, override val path: String) extends AbstractFile {
- /**
- * Initializes this instance with the specified name and an
- * identical path.
- *
- * @param name the name of the virtual file to be created
- * @return the created virtual file
- */
- def this(name: String) = this(name, name)
- override def hashCode = path.hashCode
- override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
- case x: VirtualFile => x.path == path
- case _ => false
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Private data
- private var content = new Array[Byte](0)
- //########################################################################
- // Public Methods
- def absolute = this
- /** Returns null. */
- final def file: JFile = null
- override def sizeOption: Option[Int] = Some(content.size)
- def input : InputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(content);
- override def output: OutputStream = {
- new ByteArrayOutputStream() {
- override def close() {
- super.close()
- content = toByteArray()
- }
- }
- }
- def container: AbstractFile = unsupported
- /** Is this abstract file a directory? */
- def isDirectory: Boolean = false
- /** Returns the time that this abstract file was last modified. */
- private var _lastModified: Long = 0
- def lastModified: Long = _lastModified
- def lastModified_=(x: Long) = _lastModified = x
- /** Returns all abstract subfiles of this abstract directory. */
- def iterator: Iterator[AbstractFile] = {
- assert(isDirectory, "not a directory '" + this + "'")
- Iterator.empty
- }
- /** Does this abstract file denote an existing file? */
- def create() { unsupported }
- /** Delete the underlying file or directory (recursively). */
- def delete() { unsupported }
- /**
- * Returns the abstract file in this abstract directory with the
- * specified name. If there is no such file, returns null. The
- * argument "directory" tells whether to look for a directory or
- * or a regular file.
- *
- * @param name ...
- * @param directory ...
- * @return ...
- */
- def lookupName(name: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = {
- assert(isDirectory, "not a directory '" + this + "'")
- null
- }
- /** Returns an abstract file with the given name. It does not
- * check that it exists.
- */
- def lookupNameUnchecked(name: String, directory: Boolean) = unsupported
- //########################################################################
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/ZipArchive.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/ZipArchive.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e61a9ba0da..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/ZipArchive.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package io
-import{ IOException, InputStream, ByteArrayInputStream }
-// [scala-reflect.jar migration note] uncomment when creating scala-reflect.jar
-// import{ File => JFile }
-import{ ZipEntry, ZipFile, ZipInputStream }
-import scala.collection.{ immutable, mutable }
-import annotation.tailrec
-/** An abstraction for zip files and streams. Everything is written the way
- * it is for performance: we come through here a lot on every run. Be careful
- * about changing it.
- *
- * @author Philippe Altherr (original version)
- * @author Paul Phillips (this one)
- * @version 2.0,
- */
-object ZipArchive {
- def fromPath(path: String): FileZipArchive = fromFile(new JFile(path))
- def fromPath(path: Path): FileZipArchive = fromFile(path.toFile)
- /**
- * @param file a File
- * @return A ZipArchive if `file` is a readable zip file, otherwise null.
- */
- def fromFile(file: File): FileZipArchive = fromFile(file.jfile)
- def fromFile(file: JFile): FileZipArchive =
- try { new FileZipArchive(file) }
- catch { case _: IOException => null }
- /**
- * @param url the url of a zip file
- * @return A ZipArchive backed by the given url.
- */
- def fromURL(url: URL): URLZipArchive = new URLZipArchive(url)
- def fromURL(url: String): URLZipArchive = fromURL(new URL(url))
- private def dirName(path: String) = splitPath(path, true)
- private def baseName(path: String) = splitPath(path, false)
- private def splitPath(path0: String, front: Boolean): String = {
- val isDir = path0.charAt(path0.length - 1) == '/'
- val path = if (isDir) path0.substring(0, path0.length - 1) else path0
- val idx = path.lastIndexOf('/')
- if (idx < 0)
- if (front) "/"
- else path
- else
- if (front) path.substring(0, idx + 1)
- else path.substring(idx + 1)
- }
-import ZipArchive._
-abstract class ZipArchive(override val file: JFile) extends AbstractFile with Equals {
- self =>
- override def underlyingSource = Some(this)
- def isDirectory = true
- def lookupName(name: String, directory: Boolean) = unsupported
- def lookupNameUnchecked(name: String, directory: Boolean) = unsupported
- def create() = unsupported
- def delete() = unsupported
- def output = unsupported
- def container = unsupported
- def absolute = unsupported
- private def walkIterator(its: Iterator[AbstractFile]): Iterator[AbstractFile] = {
- its flatMap { f =>
- if (f.isDirectory) walkIterator(f.iterator)
- else Iterator(f)
- }
- }
- def deepIterator = walkIterator(iterator)
- sealed abstract class Entry(path: String) extends VirtualFile(baseName(path), path) {
- // have to keep this name for compat with sbt's compiler-interface
- def getArchive: ZipFile = null
- override def underlyingSource = Some(self)
- override def toString = self.path + "(" + path + ")"
- }
- class DirEntry(path: String) extends Entry(path) {
- val entries = mutable.HashMap[String, Entry]()
- override def isDirectory = true
- override def iterator: Iterator[Entry] = entries.valuesIterator
- override def lookupName(name: String, directory: Boolean): Entry = {
- if (directory) entries(name + "/")
- else entries(name)
- }
- }
- private def ensureDir(dirs: mutable.Map[String, DirEntry], path: String, zipEntry: ZipEntry): DirEntry = {
- dirs.getOrElseUpdate(path, {
- val parent = ensureDir(dirs, dirName(path), null)
- val dir = new DirEntry(path)
- parent.entries(baseName(path)) = dir
- dir
- })
- }
- protected def getDir(dirs: mutable.Map[String, DirEntry], entry: ZipEntry): DirEntry = {
- if (entry.isDirectory) ensureDir(dirs, entry.getName, entry)
- else ensureDir(dirs, dirName(entry.getName), null)
- }
-final class FileZipArchive(file: JFile) extends ZipArchive(file) {
- def iterator: Iterator[Entry] = {
- val zipFile = new ZipFile(file)
- val root = new DirEntry("/")
- val dirs = mutable.HashMap[String, DirEntry]("/" -> root)
- val enum = zipFile.entries()
- while (enum.hasMoreElements) {
- val zipEntry = enum.nextElement
- val dir = getDir(dirs, zipEntry)
- if (zipEntry.isDirectory) dir
- else {
- class FileEntry() extends Entry(zipEntry.getName) {
- override def getArchive = zipFile
- override def lastModified = zipEntry.getTime()
- override def input = getArchive getInputStream zipEntry
- override def sizeOption = Some(zipEntry.getSize().toInt)
- }
- val f = new FileEntry()
- dir.entries( = f
- }
- }
- try root.iterator
- finally dirs.clear()
- }
- def name = file.getName
- def path = file.getPath
- def input = File(file).inputStream()
- def lastModified = file.lastModified
- override def sizeOption = Some(file.length.toInt)
- override def canEqual(other: Any) = other.isInstanceOf[FileZipArchive]
- override def hashCode() = file.hashCode
- override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
- case x: FileZipArchive => file.getAbsoluteFile == x.file.getAbsoluteFile
- case _ => false
- }
-final class URLZipArchive(val url: URL) extends ZipArchive(null) {
- def iterator: Iterator[Entry] = {
- val root = new DirEntry("/")
- val dirs = mutable.HashMap[String, DirEntry]("/" -> root)
- val in = new ZipInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(Streamable.bytes(input)))
- @tailrec def loop() {
- val zipEntry = in.getNextEntry()
- class EmptyFileEntry() extends Entry(zipEntry.getName) {
- override def toByteArray: Array[Byte] = null
- override def sizeOption = Some(0)
- }
- class FileEntry() extends Entry(zipEntry.getName) {
- override val toByteArray: Array[Byte] = {
- val len = zipEntry.getSize().toInt
- val arr = new Array[Byte](len)
- var offset = 0
- def loop() {
- if (offset < len) {
- val read =, offset, len - offset)
- if (read >= 0) {
- offset += read
- loop()
- }
- }
- }
- loop()
- if (offset == arr.length) arr
- else throw new IOException("Input stream truncated: read %d of %d bytes".format(offset, len))
- }
- override def sizeOption = Some(zipEntry.getSize().toInt)
- }
- if (zipEntry != null) {
- val dir = getDir(dirs, zipEntry)
- if (zipEntry.isDirectory)
- dir
- else {
- val f = if (zipEntry.getSize() == 0) new EmptyFileEntry() else new FileEntry()
- dir.entries( = f
- }
- in.closeEntry()
- loop()
- }
- }
- loop()
- try root.iterator
- finally dirs.clear()
- }
- def name = url.getFile()
- def path = url.getPath()
- def input = url.openStream()
- def lastModified =
- try url.openConnection().getLastModified()
- catch { case _: IOException => 0 }
- override def canEqual(other: Any) = other.isInstanceOf[URLZipArchive]
- override def hashCode() = url.hashCode
- override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
- case x: URLZipArchive => url == x.url
- case _ => false
- }