path: root/src/main
diff options
authorJakob Odersky <jodersky@gmail.com>2011-08-26 20:29:25 +0200
committerJakob Odersky <jodersky@gmail.com>2011-08-26 20:29:25 +0200
commit2750bc0277c3d929603daceee2e8a1e88368a306 (patch)
tree2db8bdecf84971e550bacb7737a1c19ababb87df /src/main
import from local directory
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main')
46 files changed, 2633 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/AABB.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/AABB.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68782d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/AABB.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.collision
+import sims.math._
+ * y
+ * ^
+ * |
+ * | +-------+
+ * | | max|
+ * | | |
+ * | |min |
+ * | +-------+
+ * |
+ * 0-------------->x
+ *
+ */
+/** Axis Aligned Bounding Boxes (AABBs) are rectangles that frame a shape.
+ * Their X-axis and Y-axis orientation makes it easy to test two AABBs for overlap.
+ * @param minVertex Position vector of the bottom-left vertex
+ * @param maxVertex Position vector of the upper-right vertex */
+case class AABB(val minVertex: Vector2D,
+ val maxVertex: Vector2D) {
+ /** Diagonal vector from `minVertex` to `maxVertex`. */
+ def diagonal = maxVertex - minVertex
+ /** Width of this AABB. */
+ def width = maxVertex.x - minVertex.x
+ /** Height of this AABB. */
+ def height = maxVertex.y - minVertex.y
+ /** Checks if the given point is located within this AABB. */
+ def contains(point: Vector2D): Boolean = minVertex.x <= point.x && point.x <= maxVertex.x && minVertex.y <= point.y && point.y <= maxVertex.y
+ /** Checks if the given AABB is located within this AABB. */
+ def contains(box: AABB): Boolean = contains(box.minVertex) && contains(box.maxVertex)
+ /** Checks this AABB with <code>box</code> for overlap.
+ * @param box AABB with which to check for overlap */
+ def overlaps(box: AABB): Boolean = {
+ val d1 = box.minVertex - maxVertex
+ val d2 = minVertex - box.maxVertex
+ !(d1.x > 0 || d1.y > 0 || d2.x > 0 || d2.y > 0)
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/CachedCollidable.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/CachedCollidable.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3522a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/CachedCollidable.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.collision
+/** Implements features of a collidable object to be evaluated lazily and only
+ * to be be recomputed when the collidable object moves. */
+trait CachedCollidable extends Collidable {
+ /** Invalidates all features and forces their evaluation on next call.
+ * Should be called by clients when this object moves. */
+ def move() = {
+ _aabbValid = false
+ }
+ private var _aabb: AABB = null
+ private var _aabbValid = false
+ abstract override def aabb = {
+ if (! _aabbValid) {
+ _aabb = super.aabb
+ _aabbValid = true
+ }
+ _aabb
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Circle.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Circle.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f40da14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Circle.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.collision
+import sims.math.Vector2D
+/** Properties implemented by a collidable circle.
+ * Note: this class does not define any physical properties, see sims.dynamics.Circle for that.
+ * @see sims.dynamics.Circle */
+trait Circle extends Collidable {
+ /** Position of this circle. */
+ def position: Vector2D
+ /** Radius of this circle. */
+ def radius: Double
+ /** Returns this circle's axis aligned bounding box.
+ * @see collision.AABB */
+ override def aabb = new AABB(Vector2D(position.x - radius, position.y - radius), Vector2D(position.x + radius, position.y + radius))
+ /** Checks if the point `point` is contained in this circle. */
+ override def contains(point: Vector2D) = (point - position).length <= radius
+ /** Returns the projection of this polygon onto the line given by the directional vector `axis`. */
+ override def project(axis: Vector2D) = {
+ val dir = axis.unit
+ new Projection(
+ axis,
+ (position - dir * radius) dot dir,
+ (position + dir * radius) dot dir
+ )
+ }
+ override def support(direction: Vector2D) = position + direction.unit * radius
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Collidable.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Collidable.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..951ef0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Collidable.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.collision
+import sims.math._
+/** A base trait for all collidable objects. */
+trait Collidable extends AnyRef {
+ /** Returns an axis aligned box, bounding this collidable object. */
+ def aabb: AABB
+ /** Projects this collidable object onto the given axis. */
+ def project(axis: Vector2D): Projection
+ /** Checks if the point `point` is contained in this collidable object. */
+ def contains(point: Vector2D): Boolean
+ /** Returns the farthest vertex of this collidable in the given direction. */
+ def support(direction: Vector2D): Vector2D
+ /** A fixed collidable object cannot collide with other fixed collidable objects.
+ * This is useful in improving collision detection performance, since a pair of fixed objects will
+ * be eliminated in the broadphase. */
+ def fixed = false
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Collision.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Collision.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29af3be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Collision.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.collision
+import sims.math.Vector2D
+/** Contains information on the collision between two collidable items. */
+abstract class Collision[A <: Collidable] {
+ val item1: A
+ val item2: A
+ def normal: Vector2D
+ def points: Seq[Vector2D]
+ def overlap: Double
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/ContactPoint.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/ContactPoint.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ebe787
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/ContactPoint.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+package sims.collision
+import sims.math._
+class ContactPoint[A <: Collidable](
+ val item1: A,
+ val item2: A,
+ val normal: Vector2D,
+ val overlap: Double,
+ val point: Vector2D
+ ) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/ConvexPolygon.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/ConvexPolygon.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d7a81b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/ConvexPolygon.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.collision
+import sims.math._
+/** Common properties of all convex polygons.
+ * '''Note: convex polygons are not verified to be convex. It is up to the client to ensure this.''' */
+trait ConvexPolygon extends Polygon {
+ /**Returns the projection of this polygon onto the line given by the directional vector <code>axis</code>.
+ * @param axis directional vector of the line
+ * @return projection of this polygon*/
+ override def project(axis: Vector2D) = {
+ val dir = axis.unit
+ var min = vertices(0) dot dir
+ var max = vertices(0) dot dir
+ for (v <- vertices) {
+ val d = v dot dir
+ if (d < min) min = d
+ if (d > max) max = d
+ }
+ new Projection(axis, min, max)
+ }
+ /**Checks if the point <code>point</code> is contained in this polygon.
+ * <p>
+ * A ray is created, originating from the point and following an arbitrary direction (X-Axis was chosen).
+ * The number of intersections between the ray and this polygon's sides (including vertices) is counted.
+ * The amount of intersections with vertices is subtracted form the previous number.
+ * If the latter number is odd, the point is contained in the polygon.*/
+ override def contains(point: Vector2D) = {
+ val r = new Ray(point, Vector2D.i)
+ var intersections = 0
+ for (s <- sides; if !(r intersection s).isEmpty) intersections += 1
+ for (v <- vertices; if (r contains v)) intersections -= 1
+ intersections % 2 != 0
+ }
+ override def support(direction: Vector2D) = {
+ var maxDistance = vertices(0) dot direction
+ var maxPoint = vertices(0)
+ for (v <- vertices) {
+ val s = v dot direction
+ if (s > maxDistance) {
+ maxDistance = s
+ maxPoint = v
+ }
+ }
+ maxPoint
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Detector.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Detector.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b0559a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Detector.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.collision
+import sims.collision.broadphase._
+import sims.collision.narrowphase._
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+/** Collision detectors are used to compute collisions between
+ * a given collection of items.
+ * They use a [[sims.collision.BroadPhaseDetector]] to determine potentially
+ * colliding pairs of items.
+ * These pairs are then examined with a [[sims.collision.NarrowPhaseDetector]]
+ * to compute the final collisions.
+ *
+ * @param broadphase a broadphase collision detector
+ * @param narrowphase a narrowphase collision detector */
+class Detector[A <: Collidable: ClassManifest](
+ broadphase: BroadPhaseDetector[A],
+ narrowphase: NarrowPhaseDetector[A]
+ ) {
+ /** Collidable items managed by this collision detector. */
+ def items: Seq[A] = broadphase.items
+ /** Adds an item to this collision detector. */
+ def +=(item: A): Unit = broadphase += item
+ /** Adds a collection of items to this collision detector. */
+ def ++=(items: Iterable[A]) = for (i <- items) this += i
+ /** Removes an item from this collision detector. */
+ def -=(item: A): Unit = broadphase -= item
+ /** Removes a collection of items from this collision detector. */
+ def --=(items: Iterable[A]) = for (i <- items) this -= i
+ /** Removes all items from this collision detector. */
+ def clear(): Unit = broadphase.clear
+ /** Indicates the valid state of this collision detector. */
+ private var valid = false
+ /** Invalidates this detector. The next time `collisions()` is called, all collisions will be
+ * recomputed. */
+ def invalidate() = valid = false
+ /** Cache of collisions. */
+ private var _collisions = new ArrayBuffer[Collision[A]]
+ /** Returns a cached sequence of collisions between all items managed by this collision detector.
+ * If no collisions were calculated since the last time `invalidate()` was called, the collisions
+ * will be calculated. */
+ def collisions(): Seq[Collision[A]] = {
+ if (!valid) {
+ _collisions.clear()
+ for (pair <- broadphase) {
+ val collision = narrowphase.collision(pair)
+ if (collision != None) _collisions += collision.get
+ }
+ valid = true
+ }
+ _collisions
+ }
+class DetectorConstructor[A <: Collidable: ClassManifest] (broadphase: BroadPhaseDetector[A]) {
+ def narrowedBy(narrowphase: NarrowPhaseDetector[A]) = new Detector(broadphase, narrowphase)
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Intersectable.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Intersectable.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7232bd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Intersectable.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.collision
+import sims.math._
+trait Intersectable[A <: Linear] {
+ /**Computes the intersection between this linear element and `l`.
+ * The intersection method does <b>not</b> correspond to the geometrical intersection.
+ * Let A and B be two linear elements,
+ *
+ * A and B intersect (i.e. an intersection point exists) \u21d4 card(A \u22c2 B) = 1
+ * */
+ def intersection(l: A): Option[Vector2D]
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Linear.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Linear.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c06515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Linear.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.collision
+import scala.math._
+import sims.math._
+/**A base trait for all linear geometric elements specified by one point and a direction.
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the directional vector is the null vector*/
+trait Linear {
+ /**A point contained in this linear element.*/
+ val point: Vector2D
+ /**Direction vector.*/
+ val direction: Vector2D
+ /**Unit directional vector.*/
+ lazy val direction0 = direction.unit
+ /**Right normal vector to <code>direction</code>.*/
+ lazy val rightNormal = direction.rightNormal
+ /**Right normal unit vector to <code>direction</code>.*/
+ lazy val rightNormal0 = rightNormal.unit
+ /**Left normal vector to <code>direction</code>.*/
+ lazy val leftNormal = direction.leftNormal
+ /**Left normal unit vector to <code>direction</code>.*/
+ lazy val leftNormal0 = leftNormal.unit
+ ///**Computes the closest point on this linear element to a given point.*/
+ //def closest(point: Vector2D): Vector2D
+ ///**Computes the shortest distance form this linear element to a given point.*/
+ //def distance(point: Vector2D) = (closest(point) - point).length
+ require(direction != 0, "A linear element's direction cannot be the null vector.")
+object Linear {
+ /** Clips a segment passing through points `p1` and `p2` to a half plain
+ * given by a point `p` and a normal (pointing into the plain) `normal`. */
+ def clip(p1: Vector2D, p2: Vector2D, p: Vector2D, normal: Vector2D): List[Vector2D] = {
+ val normal0 = normal.unit
+ val direction = p2 - p1
+ val d1 = (p1-p) dot normal0
+ val d2 = (p2-p) dot normal0
+ if (d1 < 0 && d2 < 0) return Nil
+ if (d1 >= 0 && d2 >= 0) return List(p1, p2)
+ val intersection = p1 + direction * abs(d1) / (abs(d1) + abs(d2))
+ val inside = if (d1 > 0) p1 else p2
+ List(inside, intersection)
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Polygon.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Polygon.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c97b3d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Polygon.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.collision
+import sims.math._
+/**Common properties of all polygons.*/
+trait Polygon extends Collidable {
+ /**Returns positions of all vertices of this Polygon. Vertices are ordered counter-clockwise.
+ * @return position vectors of the vertices*/
+ def vertices: Seq[Vector2D]
+ /**Returns all sides of this polygon. The sides are ordered counter-clockwise, the first vertex of the side
+ * giving the side index.*/
+ def sides: Seq[Segment] = for (i <- 0 until vertices.length) yield (new Segment(vertices(i), vertices((i + 1) % vertices.length)))
+ /**Returns this polygon's axis aligned bounding box.
+ * @see collision.AABB*/
+ override def aabb = {
+ val xs = vertices.view map (_.x)
+ val ys = vertices.view map (_.y)
+ new AABB(Vector2D(xs.min, ys.min),
+ Vector2D(xs.max, ys.max))
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Projection.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Projection.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7617263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Projection.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.collision
+import sims.math._
+/**Projection on an axis.
+ * <p>
+ * Projections are commonly used in SiMS for collision detection.
+ * @param axis directional vector of the axis of the projection
+ * @param lower lower value of the projection
+ * @param upper upper value of the projection*/
+case class Projection(axis: Vector2D,
+ lower: Double,
+ upper: Double) {
+ require(axis != Vector2D.Null, "A projection's axis cannot be given by a null vector!")
+ require(lower <= upper, "Invalid bounds. Lower must be less than or equal to upper.")
+ /**Checks this projection for overlap with another projection.
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentExcepion if both projections have different axes*/
+ def overlaps(other: Projection): Boolean = {
+ require(axis == other.axis, "Cannot compare two projections on different axes!")
+ !((other.lower - this.upper) > 0 || (this.lower - other.upper) > 0)
+ }
+ /**Returns the overlap between this projection and another projection.
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentExcepion if both projections have different axes*/
+ def overlap(other: Projection): Double = {
+ require(axis == other.axis, "Cannot compare two projections on different axes!")
+ math.min(upper, other.upper) - math.max(lower, other.lower)
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Ray.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Ray.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80a63fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Ray.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.collision
+import scala.math._
+import sims.math._
+/**A ray.
+ * @param point starting point of this ray
+ * @param direction this ray's directional vector
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the directional vector is the null vector*/
+case class Ray(point: Vector2D, direction: Vector2D)
+ extends Linear
+ with Intersectable[Segment] {
+ /*def closest(point: Vector2D) = {
+ var t = ((point - this.point) dot (direction)) / (direction dot direction)
+ if (t < 0) t = 0
+ this.point + direction * t
+ }*/
+ def intersection(segment: Segment): Option[Vector2D] = {
+ val n = segment.leftNormal
+ // Handle case when two segments parallel
+ if ((n dot direction) == 0) None
+ else {
+ val t = (n dot (segment.point1 - point)) / (n dot direction)
+ val i = point + direction * t
+ if (0 <= t && (i - segment.point1).length <= segment.length) Some(i)
+ else None
+ }
+ /*
+ // Returns 2 times the signed triangle area. The result is positive if
+ // abc is ccw, negative if abc is cw, zero if abc is degenerate.
+ def signed2DTriArea(a: Vector2D, b: Vector2D, c: Vector2D) = {
+ (a.x - c.x) * (b.y - c.y) - (a.y - c.y) * (b.x - c.x);
+ }
+ if (signed2DTriArea(point, point + direction, segment.point1) * signed2DTriArea(point, point + direction, segment.point2) < 0) {
+ val ab = segment.point2 - segment.point1
+ val ac = segment.point2 - point
+ val t = (ac.x * ab.y - ac.y * ab.x) / (direction.y * ab.x - direction.x - ab.y)
+ if (t >= 0) Some(point + direction * t) else None
+ } else None*/
+ }
+ /**Checks if this ray contains the point <code>p</code>.*/
+ def contains(p: Vector2D) = {
+ val v = p - point
+ p == point ||
+ v ~ direction &&
+ signum(direction.x) == signum(v.x) &&
+ signum(direction.y) == signum(v.y)
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Segment.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Segment.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45bd7b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Segment.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.collision
+import scala.math._
+import sims.math._
+/** A segment passing through two points.
+ *
+ * @param point1 position vector of the first point
+ * @param point2 position vector of the second point
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if both vertices are equal */
+case class Segment(point1: Vector2D, point2: Vector2D)
+ extends Linear
+ with Intersectable[Segment] {
+ require(point1 != point2, "A segment must have two distinct vertices.")
+ val point = point1
+ /**Vector from <code>vertex1</code> to <code>vertex2</code>.*/
+ val direction = point2 - point
+ /**Length of this segment.*/
+ val length = direction.length
+ def closest(point: Vector2D) = {
+ var t = ((point - point1) dot (direction)) / (direction dot direction)
+ if (t < 0) t = 0
+ if (t > 1) t = 1
+ point1 + direction * t
+ }
+ def distance(p: Vector2D) = {
+ // For more concise code, the following substitutions are made:
+ // * point1 -> a
+ // * point2 -> b
+ // * p -> c
+ val ab = direction
+ val ac = p - point1
+ val bc = p - point2
+ val e = ac dot ab
+ val distanceSquare =
+ // Handle cases where c projects outside ab
+ if (e <= 0) ac dot ac
+ else if (e >= (ab dot ab)) bc dot bc
+ // Handle cases where c projects onto ab
+ else (ac dot ac) - e * e / (ab dot ab)
+ math.sqrt(distanceSquare)
+ }
+ def clipped(reference: Segment): List[Vector2D] = {
+ val clipped = Linear.clip(this.point1, this.point2, reference.point1, reference.direction)
+ if (clipped.length == 0) Nil
+ else Linear.clip(clipped(0), clipped(1), reference.point2, -reference.direction)
+ }
+ def intersection(segment: Segment): Option[Vector2D] = {
+ val n = segment.leftNormal
+ // Handle case when two segments parallel
+ if ((n dot direction) == 0) None
+ else {
+ val t = (n dot (segment.point1 - point1)) / (n dot direction)
+ val i = point + direction * t
+ if (0 <= t && t <= 1 && (i - segment.point1).length <= segment.length) Some(i)
+ else None
+ }
+ /*
+ // Returns 2 times the signed triangle area. The result is positive if
+ // abc is ccw, negative if abc is cw, zero if abc is degenerate.
+ def signed2DTriArea(a: Vector2D, b: Vector2D, c: Vector2D) = {
+ (a.x - c.x) * (b.y - c.y) - (a.y - c.y) * (b.x - c.x);
+ }
+ val a = point1; val b = point2; val c = segment.point; val d = segment.point2
+ // Sign of areas correspond to which side of ab points c and d are
+ val a1 = signed2DTriArea(a, b, d); // Compute winding of abd (+ or -)
+ val a2 = signed2DTriArea(a, b, c); // To intersect, must have sign opposite of a1
+ // If c and d are on different sides of ab, areas have different signs
+ if (a1 * a2 < 0.0f) {
+ // Compute signs for a and b with respect to segment cd
+ val a3 = signed2DTriArea(c, d, a); // Compute winding of cda (+ or -)
+ // Since area is constant a1-a2 = a3-a4, or a4=a3+a2-a1
+ // float a4 = Signed2DTriArea(c, d, b); // Must have opposite sign of a3
+ val a4 = a3 + a2 - a1;
+ // Points a and b on different sides of cd if areas have different signs
+ if (a3 * a4 < 0.0f) {
+ // Segments intersect. Find intersection point along L(t)=a+t*(b-a).
+ // Given height h1 of a over cd and height h2 of b over cd,
+ // t = h1 / (h1 - h2) = (b*h1/2) / (b*h1/2 - b*h2/2) = a3 / (a3 - a4),
+ // where b (the base of the triangles cda and cdb, i.e., the length
+ // of cd) cancels out.
+ val t = a3 / (a3 - a4);
+ val p = a + (b - a) * t;
+ return Some(p);
+ }
+ }
+ // Segments not intersecting (or collinear)
+ return None;
+ */
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/broadphase/BroadPhaseDetector.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/broadphase/BroadPhaseDetector.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..637da7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/broadphase/BroadPhaseDetector.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.collision.broadphase
+import sims.collision._
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+abstract class BroadPhaseDetector[A <: Collidable: ClassManifest] {
+ protected var _items = new ArrayBuffer[A]
+ /** Collidable items managed by this collision detector. */
+ def items: Seq[A] = _items
+ /** Adds an item to this collision detector. */
+ def +=(item: A) = _items += item
+ /** Adds a collection of items to this collision detector. */
+ def ++=(items: Iterable[A]) = for (i <- items) this += i
+ /**Removes an item from this collision detector. */
+ def -=(item: A) = _items -= item
+ /**Removes a collection of items from this collision detector. */
+ def --=(items: Iterable[A]) = for (i <- items) this -= i
+ /**Removes all items from this collision detector. */
+ def clear() = _items.clear
+ /** Applies a given function to every potentially colliding pair.
+ * @param f function applied to every potentially colliding pair */
+ def foreach(f: ((A, A)) => Unit)
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/broadphase/SAP.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/broadphase/SAP.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..664f620
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/broadphase/SAP.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.collision.broadphase
+import sims.collision._
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+/** A broadphase collision detector implementing the "Sweep and Prune" algorithm.
+ *
+ * The implementation of the broadphase algorithm was adapted from
+ * Real-Time Collision Detection by Christer Ericson, published by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc */
+class SAP[A <: Collidable: ClassManifest] extends BroadPhaseDetector[A]{
+ /*ordering along `axis`
+ * x axis => 0
+ * y axis => 1 */
+ private var axis = 0
+ //use insert sort
+ private var almostSorted = false
+ private var sortedCount = 0
+ private val threshold = 3
+ private implicit def ordering: Ordering[A] = new Ordering[A] {
+ def compare(x: A, y: A) = {
+ val delta = x.aabb.minVertex.components(axis) - y.aabb.minVertex.components(axis)
+ if (delta < 0) -1
+ else if(delta > 0) 1
+ else 0
+ }
+ }
+ private def insertionSort(a: ArrayBuffer[A])(implicit ord: Ordering[A]) = {
+ import ord._
+ val length = a.length
+ var i = 1; while(i < length) {
+ var j = i
+ val t = a(j);
+ while (j>0 && a(j-1) > t) {
+ a(j)=a(j-1)
+ j -= 1
+ }
+ a(j)=t;
+ i += 1
+ }
+ }
+ def foreach(f: ((A, A)) => Unit): Unit = {
+ if (almostSorted)
+ insertionSort(_items)
+ else
+ _items = _items.sorted //quicksort
+ var sumX, sumY = 0.0
+ var sumX2, sumY2 = 0.0
+ var varianceX, varianceY = 0.0
+ var i = 0; while (i < _items.length) {
+ //center point
+ val px = (_items(i).aabb.minVertex.x + _items(i).aabb.maxVertex.x) / 2
+ val py = (_items(i).aabb.minVertex.y + _items(i).aabb.maxVertex.y) / 2
+ //update sum and sum2 for computing variance of AABB centers
+ sumX += px; sumY += py
+ sumX2 += px * px; sumY2 += py * py
+ //collision test
+ var j = i + 1; var break = false; while(!break && j < _items.length) {
+ //stop when tested AABBs are beyond the end of current AABB
+ if (_items(j).aabb.minVertex.components(axis) > _items(i).aabb.maxVertex.components(axis))
+ break = true
+ //collision test here
+ else if (
+ (_items(i).fixed == false || _items(j).fixed == false) &&
+ (_items(i).aabb overlaps _items(j).aabb)
+ ) f(_items(i), _items(j))
+ j += 1
+ }
+ i += 1
+ }
+ varianceX = sumX2 - sumX * sumX
+ varianceY = sumY2 - sumY * sumY
+ //choose sorting axis with greatest variance
+ var newAxis = 0
+ if (varianceX < varianceY) newAxis = 1
+ if (axis == newAxis)
+ sortedCount += 1
+ else sortedCount = 0
+ almostSorted = sortedCount > threshold
+ //if sorting axis changes, items will no longer be almost sorted
+ //and thus quicksort should be used to reorder them
+ //almostSorted = axis == newAxis
+ //update sorting axis
+ axis = newAxis
+ }
+object SAP {
+ def apply[A <: Collidable: ClassManifest] = new SAP[A]
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/narrowphase/NarrowPhaseDetector.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/narrowphase/NarrowPhaseDetector.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..783d366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/narrowphase/NarrowPhaseDetector.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.collision.narrowphase
+import sims.collision._
+abstract class NarrowPhaseDetector[A <: Collidable: ClassManifest] {
+ def collision(pair: (A, A)): Option[Collision[A]]
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/narrowphase/SAT.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/narrowphase/SAT.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e276b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/narrowphase/SAT.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.collision.narrowphase
+import sims.collision._
+import sims.math._
+class SAT[A <: Collidable: ClassManifest] extends NarrowPhaseDetector[A] {
+ def collision(pair: (A, A)): Option[Collision[A]] = {
+ var c = getCollision(pair)
+ c orElse getCollision(pair.swap)
+ }
+ private def getCollision(pair: (A,A)): Option[Collision[A]] = pair match {
+ case (c1: Circle, c2: Circle) =>
+ collisionCircleCircle(c1, c2)(pair)
+ case (p1: ConvexPolygon, p2: ConvexPolygon) =>
+ sat(pair, p1.sides.map(_.rightNormal0) ++ p2.sides.map(_.rightNormal0))
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ private def collisionCircleCircle(c1: Circle, c2: Circle)(pair: (A, A)) = {
+ val d = (c2.position - c1.position)
+ val l = d.length
+ if (l <= c1.radius + c2.radius) {
+ val p = c1.position + d.unit * (l - c2.radius)
+ Some(new Collision[A] {
+ val item1 = pair._1
+ val item2 = pair._2
+ val normal = d.unit
+ val points = List(p)
+ val overlap = (c1.radius + c2.radius - l)
+ })
+ } else None
+ }
+ private def collisionPolyPoly(p1: ConvexPolygon, p2: ConvexPolygon)(pair: (A, A)): Option[Collision[A]] = {
+ var minOverlap = Double.PositiveInfinity
+ var reference: ConvexPolygon = null
+ var incident: ConvexPolygon = null
+ var referenceSide: Segment = null
+ var incidentVerticeNumber = 0
+ for (i <- 0 until p1.sides.length) {
+ var overlaps = false
+ for (j <- 0 until p2.vertices.length) {
+ val s = p1.sides(i)
+ val v = p2.vertices(j)
+ val overlap = (s.rightNormal0 dot s.point1) - (s.rightNormal0 dot v)
+ if (overlap > 0) overlaps = true
+ if (overlap > 0 && overlap < minOverlap.abs) {
+ minOverlap = overlap
+ reference = p1
+ referenceSide = s
+ incident = p2
+ incidentVerticeNumber = j
+ }
+ }
+ if (!overlaps) return None
+ }
+ for (i <- 0 until p2.sides.length) {
+ var overlaps = false
+ for (j <- 0 until p1.vertices.length) {
+ val s = p2.sides(i)
+ val v = p1.vertices(j)
+ val overlap = (s.rightNormal0 dot s.point1) - (s.rightNormal0 dot v)
+ if (overlap > 0) overlaps = true
+ if (overlap > 0 && overlap < minOverlap.abs) {
+ minOverlap = overlap
+ reference = p2
+ referenceSide = s
+ incident = p1
+ incidentVerticeNumber = j
+ }
+ }
+ if (!overlaps) return None
+ }
+ val i = incidentVerticeNumber
+ val side1 = incident.sides(i)
+ val side2 = incident.sides(mod(i-1, incident.sides.length))
+ val incidentSide = if ((side1.direction dot referenceSide.rightNormal0).abs <
+ (side2.direction dot referenceSide.rightNormal0).abs) side1
+ else side2
+ val clipped: Segment = null //incidentSide clippedToSegment referenceSide
+ Some(new Collision[A] {
+ val item1 = reference.asInstanceOf[A]
+ val item2 = incident.asInstanceOf[A]
+ val normal = referenceSide.rightNormal0
+ val points = List(clipped.point1, clipped.point2)
+ val overlap = minOverlap
+ })
+ }
+ def farthestFeature(collidable: Collidable, direction: Vector2D): Either[Vector2D, Segment] = collidable match {
+ case c: Circle => Left(c.position + direction.unit * c.radius)
+ case p: ConvexPolygon => {
+ var max = p.vertices(0) dot direction.unit
+ //maximum vertice index
+ var i = 0
+ for (j <- 0 until p.vertices.length) {
+ val d = p.vertices(j) dot direction.unit
+ if (d > max) {
+ max = d
+ i = j
+ }
+ }
+ /* 1) vertex is considered to be the first point of a segment
+ * 2) polygons vertices are ordered counter-clockwise
+ *
+ * implies:
+ * previous segment is the (i-1)th segment
+ * next segment is the ith segment */
+ val prev = if (i == 0) p.sides.last else p.sides(i - 1)
+ val next = p.sides(i)
+ // check which segment is less parallel to direction
+ val side =
+ if ((prev.direction.unit dot direction).abs <= (next.direction.unit dot direction).abs) prev
+ else next
+ Right(side)
+ }
+ case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Collidable is of unknown type.")
+ }
+ //normal is considered pointing from _1 to _2
+ //_1 reference, _2 incident
+ def getCollisionPoints(pair: (A, A), normal: Vector2D, overlap: Double): Array[Vector2D] = {
+ var points = new scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Vector2D]
+ val feature1 = farthestFeature(pair._1, normal)
+ //is feature 1 a vertex?
+ if (feature1.isLeft) {
+ return Array(feature1.left.get)
+ }
+ val feature2 = farthestFeature(pair._2, -normal)
+ //is feature 2 a vertex?
+ if (feature2.isLeft) {
+ return Array(feature2.left.get)
+ }
+ //neither feature is a vertex
+ val side1 = feature1.right.get
+ val side2 = feature2.right.get
+ val flipped = (side1.direction.unit dot normal).abs > (side2.direction.unit dot -normal).abs
+ val reference = if (!flipped) side1 else side2
+ val incident = if (!flipped) side2 else side1
+ //both features are sides, clip feature2 to feature1
+ val clipped: Option[Segment] = None //incident clipped reference
+ clipped match {
+ case None => Array()
+ case Some(Segment(point1, point2)) => Array(point1, point2) filter ((v: Vector2D) => ((v - reference.point1) dot reference.rightNormal0) <= 0)
+ }
+ }
+ def sat(pair: (A, A), axes: Seq[Vector2D]): Option[Collision[A]] = {
+ var min = Double.PositiveInfinity
+ var n = axes(0)
+ for (axis <- axes) {
+ val overlap = pair._1.project(axis) overlap pair._2.project(axis)
+ if (overlap < 0) return None
+ if (overlap < min) {
+ min = overlap
+ n = axis
+ }
+ }
+ val pts = getCollisionPoints(pair, n, min)
+ if (pts.length == 0) return None
+ Some(new Collision[A] {
+ val item1 = pair._1
+ val item2 = pair._2
+ val normal = n
+ val points = pts.toSeq
+ val overlap = min
+ })
+ }
+object SAT {
+ def apply[A <: Collidable: ClassManifest] = new SAT[A]
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/narrowphase/gjk/CS.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/narrowphase/gjk/CS.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d97b37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/narrowphase/gjk/CS.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+package sims.collision.narrowphase
+package gjk
+import scala.math._
+import sims.collision._
+import sims.math._
+object CS {
+ def farthestFeature(collidable: Collidable, direction: Vector2D): Either[Vector2D, Segment] = collidable match {
+ case c: Circle => Left(c.support(direction))
+ case p: ConvexPolygon => {
+ var max = p.vertices(0) dot direction.unit
+ //maximum vertice index
+ var i = 0
+ for (j <- 0 until p.vertices.length) {
+ val d = p.vertices(j) dot direction.unit
+ if (d > max) {
+ max = d
+ i = j
+ }
+ }
+ /* 1) vertex is considered to be the first point of a segment
+ * 2) polygons vertices are ordered counter-clockwise
+ *
+ * implies:
+ * previous segment is the (i-1)th segment
+ * next segment is the ith segment */
+ val prev = if (i == 0) p.sides.last else p.sides(i - 1)
+ val next = p.sides(i)
+ // check which segment is less parallel to direction
+ val side =
+ if ((prev.direction0 dot direction).abs <= (next.direction0 dot direction).abs) prev
+ else next
+ Right(side)
+ }
+ case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Collidable is of unknown type.")
+ }
+ def getCollisionPoints(pair: (Collidable, Collidable), normal: Vector2D): Manifold = {
+ var points = new scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Vector2D]
+ val feature1 = farthestFeature(pair._1, normal)
+ //is feature 1 a vertex?
+ if (feature1.isLeft) {
+ return new Manifold(List(feature1.left.get), normal)
+ }
+ val feature2 = farthestFeature(pair._2, -normal)
+ //is feature 2 a vertex?
+ if (feature2.isLeft) {
+ return new Manifold(List(feature2.left.get), -normal)
+ }
+ //neither feature is a vertex
+ val side1 = feature1.right.get
+ val side2 = feature2.right.get
+ val flipped = (side1.direction0 dot normal).abs > (side2.direction0 dot normal).abs
+ val reference = if (!flipped) side1 else side2
+ val incident = if (!flipped) side2 else side1
+ val n = if (!flipped) normal else -normal
+ //both features are sides, clip feature2 to feature1
+ val clipped = incident clipped reference
+ val c = clipped filter ((v: Vector2D) => ((v - reference.point1) dot n) > 0)
+ new Manifold(c, n)
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/narrowphase/gjk/EPA.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/narrowphase/gjk/EPA.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f53690
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/narrowphase/gjk/EPA.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+package sims.collision.narrowphase
+package gjk
+import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
+import sims.collision._
+import sims.math._
+/** The implementation was adapted from dyn4j by William Bittle (see http://www.dyn4j.org). */
+object EPA {
+ val MaxIterations = 20
+ val DistanceEpsilon = 0.0001
+ private class Edge(val normal: Vector2D, val distance: Double, val index: Int)
+ private def winding(simplex: ListBuffer[Vector2D]) = {
+ for (i <- 0 until simplex.size) {
+ val j = if (i + 1 == simplex.size) 0 else i + 1
+ //val winding = math.signum(simplex(j) - simplex(i))
+ }
+ }
+ def penetration(simplex: ListBuffer[Vector2D], minkowskiSum: MinkowskiSum): Penetration = {
+ // this method is called from the GJK detect method and therefore we can assume
+ // that the simplex has 3 points
+ // get the winding of the simplex points
+ // the winding may be different depending on the points added by GJK
+ // however EPA will preserve the winding so we only need to compute this once
+ val winding = math.signum((simplex(1) - simplex(0)) cross (simplex(2) - simplex(1))).toInt
+ // store the last point added to the simplex
+ var point = Vector2D.Null
+ // the current closest edge
+ var edge: Edge = null;
+ // start the loop
+ for (i <- 0 until MaxIterations) {
+ // get the closest edge to the origin
+ edge = this.findClosestEdge(simplex, winding);
+ // get a new support point in the direction of the edge normal
+ point = minkowskiSum.support(edge.normal);
+ // see if the new point is significantly past the edge
+ val projection: Double = point dot edge.normal
+ if ((projection - edge.distance) < DistanceEpsilon) {
+ // then the new point we just made is not far enough
+ // in the direction of n so we can stop now and
+ // return n as the direction and the projection
+ // as the depth since this is the closest found
+ // edge and it cannot increase any more
+ return new Penetration(edge.normal, projection)
+ }
+ // lastly add the point to the simplex
+ // this breaks the edge we just found to be closest into two edges
+ // from a -> b to a -> newPoint -> b
+ simplex.insert(edge.index, point);
+ }
+ // if we made it here then we know that we hit the maximum number of iterations
+ // this is really a catch all termination case
+ // set the normal and depth equal to the last edge we created
+ new Penetration(edge.normal, point dot edge.normal)
+ }
+ @inline private def findClosestEdge(simplex: ListBuffer[Vector2D], winding: Int): Edge = {
+ // get the current size of the simplex
+ val size = simplex.size;
+ // create an edge
+ var edge = new Edge(Vector2D.Null, Double.PositiveInfinity, 0)
+ // find the edge on the simplex closest to the origin
+ for (i <- 0 until size) {
+ // compute j
+ val j = if (i + 1 == size) 0 else i + 1
+ // get the points that make up the current edge
+ val a = simplex(i);
+ val b = simplex(j);
+ // create the edge
+ val direction = simplex(j) - simplex(i);
+ // depending on the winding get the edge normal
+ // it would findClosestEdge(List<Vector2> simplex, int winding) {
+ // get the current size of the simplex
+ val normal = if (winding > 0) direction.rightNormal.unit
+ else direction.leftNormal.unit
+ // project the first point onto the normal (it doesnt matter which
+ // you project since the normal is perpendicular to the edge)
+ val d: Double = math.abs(simplex(i) dot normal);
+ // record the closest edge
+ if (d < edge.distance)
+ edge = new Edge(normal, d, j)
+ }
+ // return the closest edge
+ edge
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/narrowphase/gjk/GJK.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/narrowphase/gjk/GJK.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71ccee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/narrowphase/gjk/GJK.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+package sims.collision.narrowphase
+package gjk
+import sims.collision._
+import sims.math._
+import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
+class GJK[A <: Collidable: ClassManifest] extends narrowphase.NarrowPhaseDetector[A] {
+ def penetration(pair: (A, A)): Option[Penetration] = {
+ val ms = new MinkowskiSum(pair)
+ val s = ms.support(Vector2D.i)
+ val simplex = new ListBuffer[Vector2D]
+ simplex prepend s
+ var direction = -s
+ while (true) {
+ val a = ms.support(direction)
+ if ((a dot direction) < 0) return None
+ simplex prepend a
+ val newDirection = checkSimplex(simplex, direction)
+ if (newDirection == null) return Some(EPA.penetration(simplex, ms))
+ else direction = newDirection
+ }
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Something went wrong, should not reach here.")
+ }
+ /** Checks whether the given simplex contains the origin. If it does, `null` is returned.
+ * Otherwise a new search direction is returned and the simplex is updated. */
+ private def checkSimplex(simplex: ListBuffer[Vector2D], direction: Vector2D): Vector2D = {
+ if (simplex.length == 2) { //simplex == 2
+ val a = simplex(0)
+ val b = simplex(1)
+ val ab = b - a
+ val ao = -a
+ if (ao directionOf ab) {
+ ab cross ao cross ab
+ } else {
+ simplex.remove(1)
+ ao
+ }
+ } // end simplex == 2
+ else if (simplex.length == 3) { //simplex == 3
+ val a = simplex(0)
+ val b = simplex(1)
+ val c = simplex(2)
+ val ab = b - a
+ val ac = c - a
+ val ao = -a
+ val winding = ab cross ac
+ if (ao directionOf (ab cross winding)) {
+ if (ao directionOf ab) {
+ simplex.remove(2)
+ ab cross ao cross ab
+ } else if (ao directionOf ac) {
+ simplex.remove(1)
+ ac cross ao cross ac
+ } else {
+ simplex.remove(2)
+ simplex.remove(1)
+ ao
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (ao directionOf (winding cross ac)) {
+ if (ao directionOf ac) {
+ simplex.remove(1)
+ ac cross ao cross ac
+ } else {
+ simplex.remove(2)
+ simplex.remove(1)
+ ao
+ }
+ } else {
+ null
+ }
+ }
+ } //end simplex == 3
+ else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid simplex size.")
+ }
+ def collision(pair: (A, A)): Option[Collision[A]] = {
+ val p = penetration(pair)
+ if (p.isEmpty) return None
+ val manif = CS.getCollisionPoints(pair, p.get.normal)
+ Some(new Collision[A] {
+ val item1 = pair._1
+ val item2 = pair._2
+ val normal = manif.normal
+ val overlap = p.get.overlap
+ val points = manif.points
+ })
+ }
+object GJK {
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/narrowphase/gjk/GJK2.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/narrowphase/gjk/GJK2.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81764d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/narrowphase/gjk/GJK2.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+package sims.collision.narrowphase.gjk
+ * Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
+ * User: jakob
+ * Date: 3/27/11
+ * Time: 7:47 PM
+ * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
+ */
+import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
+import sims.math._
+import sims.collision._
+import sims.collision.narrowphase.NarrowPhaseDetector
+case class Separation(distance: Double, normal: Vector2D, point1: Vector2D, point2: Vector2D)
+class GJK2[A <: Collidable: ClassManifest] extends NarrowPhaseDetector[A] {
+ val margin = 0.01
+ case class MinkowskiPoint(convex1: Collidable, convex2: Collidable, direction: Vector2D) {
+ val point1 = convex1.support(direction) - direction.unit * margin
+ val point2 = convex2.support(-direction) + direction.unit * margin
+ val point = point1 - point2
+ }
+ def support(c1: A, c2: A, direction: Vector2D) = MinkowskiPoint(c1, c2, direction)
+ implicit def minkowsi2Vector(mp: MinkowskiPoint) = mp.point
+ def separation(c1: A, c2: A): Option[(Separation)] = {
+ //initial search direction
+ val direction0 = Vector2D.i
+ //simplex points
+ var a = support(c1, c2, direction0)
+ var b = support(c1, c2, -direction0)
+ var counter = 0
+ while (counter < 100) {
+ //closest point on the current simplex closest to origin
+ val point = segmentClosestPoint(a, b,Vector2D.Null)
+ if (point.isNull) return None
+ //new search direction
+ val direction = -point.unit
+ //new Minkowski Sum point
+ val c = support(c1, c2, direction)
+ if (containsOrigin(a, b, c)) return None
+ val dc = (direction dot c)
+ val da = (direction dot a)
+ if (dc - da < 0.0001) {
+ val (point1, point2) = findClosestPoints(a, b)
+ return Some(Separation(dc, direction, point1, point2))
+ }
+ if (a.lengthSquare < b.lengthSquare) b = c
+ else a = c
+ //counter += 1
+ }
+ return None
+ }
+ def findClosestPoints(a: MinkowskiPoint, b: MinkowskiPoint): (Vector2D, Vector2D) = {
+ var p1 = Vector2D.Null
+ var p2 = Vector2D.Null
+ // find lambda1 and lambda2
+ val l: Vector2D = b - a
+ // check if a and b are the same point
+ if (l.isNull) {
+ // then the closest points are a or b support points
+ p1 = a.point1
+ p2 = a.point2
+ } else {
+ // otherwise compute lambda1 and lambda2
+ val ll = l dot l;
+ val l2 = -l.dot(a) / ll;
+ val l1 = 1 - l2;
+ // check if either lambda1 or lambda2 is less than zero
+ if (l1 < 0) {
+ // if lambda1 is less than zero then that means that
+ // the support points of the Minkowski point B are
+ // the closest points
+ p1 = b.point1
+ p2 = b.point2
+ } else if (l2 < 0) {
+ // if lambda2 is less than zero then that means that
+ // the support points of the Minkowski point A are
+ // the closest points
+ p1 = a.point1
+ p2 = a.point2
+ } else {
+ // compute the closest points using lambda1 and lambda2
+ // this is the expanded version of
+ // p1 = a.p1.multiply(l1).add(b.p1.multiply(l2));
+ // p2 = a.p2.multiply(l1).add(b.p2.multiply(l2));
+ p1 = a.point1 * l1 + b.point1 * l2
+ p2 = a.point2 * l1 + b.point2 * l2
+ }
+ }
+ (p1, p2)
+ }
+ def segmentClosestPoint(a: Vector2D, b: Vector2D, point: Vector2D): Vector2D = {
+ if (a == b) return a
+ val direction = b - a
+ var t = ((point - a) dot (direction)) / (direction dot direction)
+ if (t < 0) t = 0
+ if (t > 1) t = 1
+ a + direction * t
+ }
+ def containsOrigin(a: Vector2D, b: Vector2D, c: Vector2D): Boolean = {
+ val sa = a.cross(b);
+ val sb = b.cross(c);
+ val sc = c.cross(a);
+ // this is sufficient (we do not need to test sb * sc)
+ sa * sb > 0 && sa * sc > 0
+ }
+ def collision(pair: (A, A)): Option[Collision[A]] = {
+ pair match {
+ case (c1: Circle, c2: Circle) => collisionCircleCircle(c1, c2)(pair)
+ case _ => gjkCollision(pair)
+ }
+ }
+ private def gjkCollision(pair: (A, A)): Option[Collision[A]] = {
+ val so = separation(pair._1, pair._2)
+ if (so.isEmpty) return None //deep contact is not implemented yet
+ val s = so.get
+ Some(new Collision[A] {
+ val item1 = pair._1
+ val item2 = pair._2
+ val overlap = -(s.distance - 2 * margin)
+ val points = List(s.point1)
+ val normal = s.normal.unit
+ })
+ }
+ private def collisionCircleCircle(c1: Circle, c2: Circle)(pair: (A, A)) = {
+ val d = (c2.position - c1.position)
+ val l = d.length
+ if (l <= c1.radius + c2.radius) {
+ val p = c1.position + d.unit * (l - c2.radius)
+ Some(new Collision[A] {
+ val item1 = pair._1
+ val item2 = pair._2
+ val normal = d.unit
+ val points = List(p)
+ val overlap = (c1.radius + c2.radius - l)
+ })
+ } else None
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/narrowphase/gjk/Manifold.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/narrowphase/gjk/Manifold.scala
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index 0000000..fb9a433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/narrowphase/gjk/Manifold.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+package sims.collision.narrowphase.gjk
+import sims.math._
+class Manifold(val points: Seq[Vector2D], val normal: Vector2D) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/narrowphase/gjk/MinkowskiSum.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/narrowphase/gjk/MinkowskiSum.scala
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index 0000000..f59905b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/narrowphase/gjk/MinkowskiSum.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+package sims.collision.narrowphase
+package gjk
+import sims.collision._
+import sims.math._
+class MinkowskiSum(pair: (Collidable, Collidable)) {
+ def support(direction: Vector2D) =
+ pair._1.support(direction) - pair._2.support(-direction)
+} \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..0ecfcb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/narrowphase/gjk/Penetration.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+package sims.collision.narrowphase.gjk
+import sims.collision._
+import sims.math._
+class Penetration(
+ val normal: Vector2D,
+ val overlap: Double
+ ) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/package.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/package.scala
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index 0000000..aa19a5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/package.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims
+import sims.collision.broadphase._
+import sims.collision.narrowphase._
+package object collision {
+ implicit def broadphaseToConstructor[A <: Collidable: ClassManifest](b: BroadPhaseDetector[A]) =
+ new DetectorConstructor(b)
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/dsl/BodyPoint.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/dsl/BodyPoint.scala
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index 0000000..5572b48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dsl/BodyPoint.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.dsl
+import sims.dynamics._
+import sims.math._
+class BodyPoint(val body: Body, val point: Vector2D) {
+ def this(body: Body) = this(body, body.position)
+ def distance(bp: BodyPoint) = new DistanceJoint(body, point, bp.body, bp.point)
+ def revolute(bp: BodyPoint) = new RevoluteJoint(body, bp.body, point)
+} \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c7b234
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dsl/RichBody.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.dsl
+import sims.dynamics._
+import sims.math._
+class RichBody(val body: Body) {
+ def at(point: Vector2D) = new BodyPoint(body, point)
+ def atLocal(point: Vector2D) = new BodyPoint(body, body.position + point)
+ def :@(point: Vector2D) = at(point)
+ def :@@(point: Vector2D) = atLocal(point)
+ def @:(point: Vector2D) = at(point)
+ def @@:(point: Vector2D) = atLocal(point)
+ def @@(point: Vector2D) = at(point)
+object Test {
+ val b = new Body(null)
+ val q = b :@@ (1.0, 2.0) revolute b
+} \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..de5fa8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dsl/dsl.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims
+/** @todo implement DSL properly */
+package object dsl {
+ implicit def body2Rich(b: sims.dynamics.Body) = new RichBody(b)
+ implicit def body2BodyPoint(b: sims.dynamics.Body) = new BodyPoint(b)
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Body.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Body.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5262468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Body.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.dynamics
+import sims.math._
+class Body(shapes0: Shape*) {
+ val shapes: List[Shape] = shapes0.toList
+ var force: Vector2D = Vector2D.Null
+ var torque: Double = 0.0
+ var linearVelocity: Vector2D = Vector2D.Null
+ var angularVelocity: Double = 0.0
+ private var _position: Vector2D =
+ (Vector2D.Null /: shapes)((v: Vector2D, s: Shape) => v + s.position * s.mass) / shapes.map(_.mass).sum
+ def position = _position
+ def position_=(pos: Vector2D) = {
+ val delta = pos - _position
+ _position = pos
+ for (s <- shapes) s.position += delta
+ }
+ private var _rotation: Double = 0.0
+ def rotation = _rotation
+ def rotation_=(r: Double) = {
+ val delta = _rotation - r
+ _rotation = r
+ for (s <- shapes) {
+ s.rotation += delta
+ s.position = position + (s.local.get rotate r)
+ }
+ }
+ var fixed = false
+ /**Returns the mass of this body. If the body is free, its mass is the sum of the masses of its shapes.
+ * If the body is fixed, its mass is infinite (`Double.PositiveInfinity`).
+ * @return this body's mass*/
+ lazy val mass: Double = if (!fixed) shapes.map(_.mass).sum else Double.PositiveInfinity
+ /**Returns the moment of inertia for rotations about the COM of this body.
+ * It is calculated using the moments of inertia of this body's shapes and the parallel axis theorem.
+ * If the body is fixed, its moment of inertia is infinite (`Double.PositiveInfinity`).
+ * @return moment of inertia for rotations about the center of mass of this body*/
+ lazy val inertia: Double = if (!fixed) shapes.map((s: Shape) => s.inertia + s.mass * (s.local.get dot s.local.get)).sum else Double.PositiveInfinity
+ /**Applies a force to the center of mass of this body.
+ * @param force applied force*/
+ def applyForce(force: Vector2D) = if (!fixed) this.force += force
+ /**Applies a force to a point on this body. The point is considered to be contained within this body.
+ * @param force applied force
+ * @param point position vector of the point (in world coordinates)*/
+ def applyForce(force: Vector2D, point: Vector2D) = if (!fixed) {this.force += force; torque += (point - position) cross force}
+ /**Applies a torque to the center of mass.*/
+ def applyTorque(torque: Double) = if (!fixed) this.torque += torque
+ /**Applies an impulse to the center of mass of this body.
+ * @param impulse applied impulse*/
+ def applyImpulse(impulse: Vector2D) = if (!fixed) linearVelocity += impulse / mass
+ /**Applies an impulse to a point on this body. The point is considered to be contained within this body.
+ * @param impulse applied impulse
+ * @param point position vector of the point (in world coordinates)*/
+ def applyImpulse(impulse: Vector2D, point: Vector2D) = if (!fixed) {linearVelocity += impulse / mass; angularVelocity += ((point - position) cross impulse) / inertia}
+ /**Applies an angular impulse to the center of mass.*/
+ def applyAngularImpulse(impulse: Double) = if (!fixed) angularVelocity += impulse / inertia
+ /**Linear velocity of the given point on this body (in world coordinates).*/
+ def velocityOfPoint(point: Vector2D) = linearVelocity + (angularVelocity cross (point - position))
+ /**Linear momentum.*/
+ def linearMomentum = linearVelocity * mass
+ for (s0 <- shapes0) {
+ s0.local = Some(s0.position - _position)
+ s0.body = this
+ }
+ def contains(point: Vector2D) = shapes.exists(_.contains(point))
+ def info = {
+ "Body@" + hashCode + "(" + this.getClass() + ")\n" +
+ "\tPosition: " + position + "\n" +
+ "\tRotation: " + rotation + "\n" +
+ "\tLinear velocity: " + linearVelocity + "\n" +
+ "\tAngular velocity: " + angularVelocity + "\n" +
+ "\tForce: " + force + "\n" +
+ "\tTorque: " + torque + "\n" +
+ "\tMass: " + mass + "\n" +
+ "\tInertia: " + inertia + "\n" +
+ "\tFixed: " + fixed + "\n" +
+ "\tShape count" + shapes.length
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Circle.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Circle.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e00815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Circle.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.dynamics
+import scala.math.Pi
+import sims.collision.{AABB, Projection}
+import sims.math._
+/** A circle.
+ * @define shape circle
+ *
+ * @param radius radius of this circle */
+case class Circle(radius: Double) extends sims.collision.Circle with Shape {
+ val area: Double = Pi * radius * radius
+ lazy val inertia: Double = mass * radius * radius / 2
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Collision.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Collision.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e47c346
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Collision.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.dynamics
+import sims.dynamics._
+import sims.dynamics.constraints._
+import sims.collision.{Collision => CCollision}
+/** A class representing a physical collision,
+ * implementing constraints to handle collision response. */
+class Collision(collision: CCollision[Shape]) extends Constraining {
+ private def getNonPenetrationConstraints() = for (point <- collision.points) yield
+ new Constraint {
+ val body1 = collision.item1.body
+ val body2 = collision.item2.body
+ def v = body2.velocityOfPoint(point) - body1.velocityOfPoint(point)
+ val e = {
+ if ((v dot collision.normal.unit) > 0) 0.0
+ else if ((v dot collision.normal.unit) > -1) 0.0
+ else math.min(collision.item1.restitution, collision.item2.restitution)
+ }
+ def jacobian = new Jacobian(-collision.normal, -((point - body1.position) cross collision.normal),
+ collision.normal, ((point - body2.position) cross collision.normal))
+ override def bias = (v dot collision.normal.unit) * e
+ def value = -collision.overlap
+ override def inequality = true
+ override val limit = Some((0.0, Double.PositiveInfinity))
+ val slop = 0.005
+ override def error =
+ if (collision.overlap > slop)
+ -(collision.overlap - slop)
+ else 0.0
+ }
+ val constraints = getNonPenetrationConstraints()
+object Collision {
+ /**Converts a collision to a physical collision
+ * (sims.collision.Collision to a sims.dynamics.Collision)*/
+ implicit def collision2Physical(c: sims.collision.Collision[Shape]) = new Collision(c)
+ implicit def collision2Constructor(c: sims.collision.Collision[Shape]) = new { def toPhysical = new Collision(c) }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/ContactPoint.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/ContactPoint.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31eb1b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/ContactPoint.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+package sims.dynamics
+import sims.collision.{Collision => CCollision}
+import sims.dynamics.constraints._
+import sims.math._
+class RestingPoint(collision: CCollision[Shape], point: Vector2D) extends Constraint {
+ import collision._
+ val body1 = item1.body
+ val body2 = item2.body
+ def relativeVelocity = body2.velocityOfPoint(point) - body1.velocityOfPoint(point)
+ override def inequality = true
+ override val limit = Some((0.0, Double.PositiveInfinity))
+ override def value = -overlap
+ override def jacobian =
+ new Jacobian(-normal.unit, -((point - body1.position) cross normal.unit),
+ normal.unit, ((point - body2.position) cross normal.unit))
+ val slop = 0.005
+ override def error =
+ if (collision.overlap > slop)
+ -(collision.overlap - slop)
+ else 0.0
+class ImpactPoint(collision: CCollision[Shape], point: Vector2D) extends Constraint {
+ import collision._
+ val body1 = item1.body
+ val body2 = item2.body
+ def relativeVelocity = body2.velocityOfPoint(point) - body1.velocityOfPoint(point)
+ override def inequality = true
+ override val limit = Some((0.0, Double.PositiveInfinity))
+ override def value = -overlap
+ override def jacobian =
+ new Jacobian(-normal.unit, -((point - body1.position) cross normal.unit),
+ normal.unit, ((point - body2.position) cross normal.unit))
+ val restitution = math.min(collision.item1.restitution, collision.item2.restitution)
+ override def bias = (relativeVelocity dot collision.normal.unit) * restitution
+ override def error = 0
+object ContactResolver {
+ def relativeVelocity(collision: CCollision[Shape], point: Vector2D) =
+ collision.item2.body.velocityOfPoint(point) - collision.item2.body.velocityOfPoint(point)
+ def resolve(collision: CCollision[Shape]): Seq[Constraint] = for (p <- collision.points) yield {
+ val v = (relativeVelocity(collision, p) dot collision.normal.unit)
+ if (v < -1) new RestingPoint(collision, p)
+ else new ImpactPoint(collision, p)
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/DistanceJoint.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/DistanceJoint.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e24e30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/DistanceJoint.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.dynamics
+import sims.dynamics.constraints._
+import sims.math._
+/** A distance joint, used to keep two bodies at a fixed distance.
+ * The distance is given by the initial distance of the anchor points.
+ *
+ * This joint removes one degree of freedom between two bodies,
+ * hence it contains one [[sims.dynamics.constraints.Constraint]].
+ *
+ * @param body1 first body connected by this joint
+ * @param anchor1 anchor point on first body (in world coordinates)
+ * @param body2 second body connected by this joint
+ * @param anchor2 anchor point on second body (in world coordinates) */
+class DistanceJoint(val body1: Body, val anchor1: Vector2D, val body2: Body, val anchor2: Vector2D) extends Joint {
+ def this(body1: Body, body2: Body) = this(body1, Vector2D.Null, body2, Vector2D.Null)
+ private val self = this
+ val local1 = anchor1 - body1.position
+ val local2 = anchor2 - body2.position
+ private val l = (anchor2 - anchor1).length //(body2.position + local2 - body1.position - local1).length
+ private val rotation01 = body1.rotation
+ private val rotation02 = body2.rotation
+ def r1 = (local1 rotate (body1.rotation - rotation01))
+ def r2 = (local2 rotate (body2.rotation - rotation02))
+ def x1 = body1.position + r1
+ def x2 = body2.position + r2
+ private def v1 = body1 velocityOfPoint x1
+ private def v2 = body2 velocityOfPoint x2
+ private def x = x2 - x1
+ private def v = v2 - v1
+ val constraints = List(new Constraint{
+ val body1 = self.body1
+ val body2 = self.body2
+ def value = x.length - l
+ def jacobian = new Jacobian(-x.unit, -(r1 cross x.unit), x.unit, (r2 cross x.unit))
+ })
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Joint.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Joint.scala
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index 0000000..a3eb847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Joint.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.dynamics
+import sims.dynamics.constraints.Constraining
+/** A base trait for all joints between two bodies. */
+trait Joint extends Constraining {
+ /** First body connected by this joint. */
+ def body1: Body
+ /** Second body connected by this joint. */
+ def body2: Body
+} \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..90b8d9d
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+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Rectangle.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.dynamics
+import sims.math._
+import sims.collision.ConvexPolygon
+/**A rectangle is a polygon.
+ * @define shape rectangle
+ *
+ * @param halfWidth this rectangle's half width
+ * @param halfHeight this rectangle's half height
+ * @param density density of this rectangle */
+case class Rectangle(halfWidth: Double, halfHeight : Double) extends ConvexPolygon with Shape {
+ val area = halfWidth * halfHeight * 4
+ val inertia = 1.0 / 12.0 * mass * ((2 * halfWidth) * (2 * halfWidth) + (2 * halfHeight) * (2 * halfHeight))
+ /**Returns the vectors from the center to the vertices of this rectangle.
+ * The first vertex is the upper-right vertex at a rotation of 0.
+ * Vertices are ordered counter-clockwise.*/
+ def halfDiags: Array[Vector2D] = Array(Vector2D(halfWidth, halfHeight),
+ Vector2D(-halfWidth, halfHeight),
+ Vector2D(-halfWidth, -halfHeight),
+ Vector2D(halfWidth, -halfHeight)) map (_ rotate rotation)
+ /**Returns the position vectors of this rectangle's vertices.
+ * The first vertex is the upper-right vertex at a rotation of 0.
+ * Vertices are ordered counter-clockwise.*/
+ def vertices = for (h <- halfDiags) yield position + h
+} \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..7f62ea8
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+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/RegularPolygon.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.dynamics
+import scala.math._
+import sims.collision.ConvexPolygon
+import sims.math._
+/**A regular polygon with <code>n</code> sides whose excircle has a radius <code>radius</code>.
+ * @define shape regular polygon
+ *
+ * @param n number of sides.
+ * @param radius radius of the excircle
+ * @param density density of this regular polygon
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>n</code> is smaller than 3 */
+case class RegularPolygon(n: Int, radius: Double) extends ConvexPolygon with Shape {
+ require(n >= 3, "A polygon must have at least 3 sides.")
+ /**Height of one of the constituting triangles.*/
+ private val h: Double = radius * cos(Pi / n)
+ /**Half width of one of the constituting triangles.*/
+ private val b: Double = radius * sin(Pi / n)
+ def halfDiags = (for (i <- (0 until n).toArray) yield (Vector2D(0, radius) rotate (2 * Pi * i / n))) map (_ rotate rotation)
+ def vertices = for (h <- halfDiags) yield position + h
+ val area = n * h * b / 2
+ /**Moment of inertia of one of the constituting triangles about the center of this polygon.*/
+ private val Ic: Double = density * b * (3 * b + 16) * pow(h, 4) / 54
+ val inertia = n * Ic
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/RevoluteJoint.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/RevoluteJoint.scala
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index 0000000..5d7a85f
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+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/RevoluteJoint.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.dynamics
+import sims.dynamics.constraints._
+import sims.math._
+/** A revolute joint, used to keep two bodies fixed relatively at one point.
+ *
+ * This joint removes two degrees of freedom between two bodies,
+ * hence it contains two [[sims.dynamics.constraints.Constraint]]s.
+ *
+ * @param body1 first body connected by this joint
+ * @param body2 second body connected by this joint
+ * @param anchor anchor point where bodies are fixed relatively */
+class RevoluteJoint(val body1: Body, val body2: Body, val anchor: Vector2D) extends Joint {
+ def this(body1: Body, body2: Body) = this(body1, body2, body1.position)
+ private val self = this
+ private val local1 = anchor - body1.position
+ private val local2 = anchor - body2.position
+ private val rotation01 = body1.rotation
+ private val rotation02 = body2.rotation
+ def r1 = (local1 rotate (body1.rotation - rotation01))
+ def r2 = (local2 rotate (body2.rotation - rotation02))
+ def x1 = body1.position + r1
+ def x2 = body2.position + r2
+ def x = x2 - x1
+ val constraints = List(
+ new Constraint {
+ val body1 = self.body1
+ val body2 = self.body2
+ def value = x.x
+ def jacobian = new Jacobian(-Vector2D(1, 0), r1.y, Vector2D(1, 0), -r2.y)
+ },
+ new Constraint {
+ val body1 = self.body1
+ val body2 = self.body2
+ def value = x.y
+ def jacobian = new Jacobian(-Vector2D(0, 1), -r1.x, Vector2D(0, 1), r2.x)
+ }
+ )
+} \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..d1aa1ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/Shape.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.dynamics
+import sims.collision._
+import sims.math._
+ * @define shape shape */
+trait Shape extends AnyRef with Collidable with CachedCollidable {
+ override def equals(that: Any) = super.equals(that)
+ override def hashCode = super.hashCode
+ /** (temporary solution) Local position of $shape to body.
+ * @deprecated find solution avoiding NullPointers
+ * @todo find solution avoiding NullPointers */
+ var local: Option[Vector2D] = None
+ var body: sims.dynamics.Body = null
+ override def fixed = body.fixed
+ var restitution = 1.0
+ /**Position of this $shape's center of mass in world coordinates.*/
+ private var _position: Vector2D = Vector2D.Null
+ def position = _position
+ def position_=(pos: Vector2D) = {
+ _position = pos
+ move()
+ }
+ /**Rotation of this shape about its center of mass.*/
+ var rotation: Double = 0.0
+ /** Mass per area. */
+ def density: Double = 1.0
+ /** Area of this $shape. */
+ def area: Double
+ /** Mass of this $shape. The mass is given by volume times density. */
+ def mass: Double = area * density
+ /**Moment of inertia for a rotation about this $shape's center of mass.*/
+ def inertia: Double
+ /**Returns this $shape's axis aligned bounding box.*/
+ def aabb: sims.collision.AABB
+ /**Returns the projection of this $shape onto the line given by the directional vector <code>axis</code>.
+ * @param axis directional vector of the line
+ * @return projection of this shape*/
+ def project(axis: Vector2D): Projection
+ /**Checks if the point <code>point</code> is contained in this $shape.*/
+ def contains(point: Vector2D): Boolean
+ def asBody = new sims.dynamics.Body(this)
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/World.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/World.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e02f38a
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+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/World.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.dynamics
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+import sims.collision._
+import sims.collision.broadphase.SAP
+import sims.collision.narrowphase.SAT
+import sims.math.Vector2D
+class World {
+ val detector = SAP[sims.dynamics.Shape] narrowedBy
+ new sims.collision.narrowphase.gjk.GJK2[sims.dynamics.Shape]
+ //SAT[sims.dynamics.Shape]
+ var collisionDetection = true
+ private val _bodies = new ArrayBuffer[Body]
+ def bodies: Seq[Body] = _bodies
+ def +=(b: Body): Unit = {
+ _bodies += b
+ detector ++= b.shapes
+ }
+ def -=(b: Body): Unit = {
+ _bodies -= b
+ detector --= b.shapes
+ }
+ def shapes: Seq[sims.dynamics.Shape] = for (b <- bodies; s <- b.shapes) yield s
+ private val _joints = new ArrayBuffer[Joint]
+ def joints: Seq[Joint] = _joints
+ def +=(j: Joint): Unit = _joints += j
+ def -=(j: Joint): Unit = _joints -= j
+ def clear() = {
+ detector.clear()
+ for (b <- bodies) _bodies -= b
+ for (j <- joints) _joints -= j
+ }
+ var h = 1.0 / 60
+ var iterations = 10
+ var errorReduction = 0.2
+ var gravity = sims.math.Vector2D(0, -9.8)
+ def preStep() = {}
+ def step() = {
+ preStep()
+ for (b <- _bodies) {
+ b applyForce gravity * b.mass
+ b.linearVelocity += (b.force / b.mass) * h
+ b.angularVelocity += (b.torque / b.inertia) * h
+ }
+ for (j <- joints) {
+ j.preSolve()
+ }
+ for (i <- 0 until iterations)
+ for (j <- joints) j.correctVelocity(h, errorReduction)
+ if (collisionDetection) {
+ import Collision._
+ val physicalCollisions: Seq[Collision] = detector.collisions.map(_.toPhysical)
+ for (c <- physicalCollisions) c.preSolve()
+ for (i <- 0 until iterations)
+ for (c <- physicalCollisions) c.correctVelocity(h, errorReduction)
+ }
+ for (b <- _bodies) {
+ b.position += b.linearVelocity * h
+ b.rotation += b.angularVelocity * h
+ b.force = Vector2D.Null
+ }
+ postStep()
+ }
+ def postStep(): Unit = {
+ detector.invalidate()
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1834a2
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+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/constraints/Constraining.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.dynamics.constraints
+import sims.dynamics._
+/**A base trait implemented by objects representing constraints (such as joints or collisions).
+ * @see sims.dynamics.constraints.Constraint
+ */
+trait Constraining {
+ /**All constraints represented by this constraining object.*/
+ def constraints: Seq[Constraint]
+ /**Invoke `preSolve()` on each constraint.
+ * @see sims.dynamics.constraints.Constraint*/
+ def preSolve() = for (c <- constraints) c.preSolve()
+ /**Solves all constraints of this constraining object.
+ * @see sims.dynamics.constraints.Constraint*/
+ def correctVelocity(h: Double, erp: Double): Unit = for (c <- constraints) c.correctVelocity(h, erp)
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/constraints/Constraint.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/constraints/Constraint.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..367c84d
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+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/constraints/Constraint.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.dynamics.constraints
+import sims.dynamics._
+import sims.math._
+/** A base trait for implementing and solving constraints.
+ * Constraints are solved using the 'sequential impulse' method presented by Erin Catto
+ * at Game Developpers Conference 2008 (see http://www.box2d.org/documentation.html).
+ *
+ * One instance of this trait represents one constraint for one degree of freedom between
+ * two bodies.
+ * @see sims.dynamics.constraints.Constrained */
+trait Constraint {
+ /** First constrained body. */
+ def body1: Body
+ /** Second constrained body. */
+ def body2: Body
+ /** Value of the position constraint function ('C' in the presentation). */
+ def value: Double
+ /** Jacobian for the velocity constraint ('J' in 'Ċ=Jv+b' in the presentation). */
+ def jacobian: Jacobian
+ /** Velocity bias ('b' in 'Ċ=Jv+b' in the presentation).*/
+ def bias: Double = 0
+ /** Lower and upper limits of the total corrective impulse allowed
+ * when solving this constraint.
+ * The first element represents the lower limit,
+ * the second the upper limit.
+ * None represents no limits. */
+ def limit: Option[(Double, Double)] = None
+ /** Defines whether or not this constraint should be treated as an inequality constraint.
+ * An inequality constraint will only be solved if the constraint function is less than
+ * zero (i.e. `value < 0`). */
+ def inequality = false
+ /** Position error used for Baumgarte sabilization.
+ * Corresponds to `value` by default. */
+ def error = value
+ /** Accumulated impulse. */
+ private var accumulated = 0.0
+ /** Constraint mass cache, constant for all iterations. */
+ private var m = 0.0
+ /** Jacobian cache, constant for all iterations. */
+ private var J: Jacobian = null
+ /** Velocity bias cache, constant for all iterations. */
+ private var b = 0.0
+ /** Method that should be called before solving this constraint.
+ * Computes constraint masses and other invariable data for iterating over constraints. */
+ def preSolve() = {
+ //compute jacobian and bias for next solving
+ J = jacobian
+ b = bias
+ //invMass=(J*invert(M)*transpose(J))
+ val invMass: Double = (
+ (J.v1.x * J.v1.x + J.v1.y * J.v1.y) / body1.mass + J.w1 * J.w1 / body1.inertia +
+ (J.v2.x * J.v2.x + J.v2.y * J.v2.y) / body2.mass + J.w2 * J.w2 / body2.inertia
+ )
+ //if invMass == 0, both bodies have infinite mass (i.e. are fixed)
+ m = if (invMass == 0.0) 0.0 else 1.0 / invMass
+ //apply accumulated impulse from prevoius step
+ body1.applyImpulse(J.v1 * accumulated)
+ body1.applyAngularImpulse(J.w1 * accumulated)
+ body2.applyImpulse(J.v2 * accumulated)
+ body2.applyAngularImpulse(J.w2 * accumulated)
+ //initialize accumulated impulse
+ //accumulated = 0.0
+ }
+ /** Solves this constraint by applying corrective impulses to its constrained bodies.
+ * @todo implement error correction properly for collisiions (add slop tolerance, etc)
+ * @param h time interval over which the correction should be applied
+ * @param erp error reduction parameter. */
+ def correctVelocity(h: Double, erp: Double): Unit = {
+ //if m == 0, both bodies are fixed and there is no point in applying corrective impulse
+ if (m == 0) return ()
+ //C > 0 => ignore
+ if (inequality && value > 0.0) return ()
+ //lambda
+ var lambda = -m * (
+ J.v1.x * body1.linearVelocity.x + J.v1.y * body1.linearVelocity.y + J.w1 * body1.angularVelocity +
+ J.v2.x * body2.linearVelocity.x + J.v2.y * body2.linearVelocity.y + J.w2 * body2.angularVelocity +
+ b + (erp / h * error)
+ )
+ //clamp accumulated impulse
+ if (limit != None) {
+ val temp = accumulated
+ accumulated = math.max(limit.get._1, math.min(accumulated + lambda, limit.get._2))
+ lambda = accumulated - temp
+ }
+ //apply accumulated impulse
+ body1.applyImpulse(J.v1 * lambda)
+ body1.applyAngularImpulse(J.w1 * lambda)
+ body2.applyImpulse(J.v2 * lambda)
+ body2.applyAngularImpulse(J.w2 * lambda)
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/constraints/Jacobian.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/constraints/Jacobian.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b16bde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/dynamics/constraints/Jacobian.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.dynamics.constraints
+import sims.math.Vector2D
+/** A Jacobian matrix used for solving constraints.
+ *
+ * In SiMS 2 constraints are considered to remove one degree of freedom for two bodies.
+ * Let '''v''',,1,,, w,,1,,, '''v''',,2,,, w,,2,, be the linear and angular velocities of both bodies
+ * respectively.
+ * Let v = ['''v''',,1,,, w,,1,,, '''v''',,2,,, w,,2,,].
+ * The velocity constraint function is then given by 'Ċ='''Jv'''+b' and
+ * the Jacobian ('''J''') is given by '''J''' = ['''Jv''',,1,,, Jw,,1,,, '''Jv''',,2,,, Jw,,2,,] = [Jv,,1,x,,, Jv,,1,y,,, Jw,,1,,, Jv,,2,x,,, Jv,,2,y,,, Jw,,2,,]
+ *
+ * @param v1 corresponds to '''Jv''',,1,, in the description above
+ * @param w1 corresponds to Jw,,1,, in the description above
+ * @param v2 corresponds to '''Jv''',,2,, in the description above
+ * @param w2 corresponds to Jw,,2,, in the description above
+ * @see sims.dynamics.constraints.Constraint */
+class Jacobian(val v1: Vector2D, val w1: Double, val v2: Vector2D, val w2: Double) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/math/PseudoVector3D.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/math/PseudoVector3D.scala
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index 0000000..ea51c10
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+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/math/PseudoVector3D.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.math
+/**An x3-axis aligned vector. Since SIMS is in 2D, 3D vectors are only used as a convenience to simulate operations that only exist
+ * in three dimensions such as the cross product.*/
+case class PseudoVector3D(x3: Double) {
+ def cross(v: Vector2D): Vector2D = v.leftNormal * x3
+} \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..36f7a8b
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims
+package object math {
+ implicit def double2PseudoVector3D(x3: Double) = new PseudoVector3D(x3)
+ implicit def tuple2Vector[A: Numeric, B: Numeric](t: (A, B)): Vector2D = {
+ val x = implicitly[Numeric[A]].toDouble(t._1)
+ val y = implicitly[Numeric[B]].toDouble(t._2)
+ new Vector2D(x, y)
+ }
+ def mod(x: Int, y: Int): Int = {val r = x % y; if (r < 0) r + y else r}
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/math/vector.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/math/vector.scala
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index 0000000..8e7c716
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+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/math/vector.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.math
+import scala.math._
+/** A 2D vector.
+ * @param x 1st component
+ * @param y 2nd component */
+case class Vector2D(x: Double, y: Double) {
+ /** Components of this vector. */
+ lazy val components = List(x, y)
+ /** Vector addition. */
+ def +(v: Vector2D): Vector2D = new Vector2D(x + v.x, y + v.y)
+ /** Scalar multiplication. */
+ def *(n: Double): Vector2D = new Vector2D(x * n, y * n)
+ /** Inverse of this vector. */
+ lazy val unary_- = this * (-1)
+ /** Add inverse of another vector. */
+ def -(v: Vector2D) = this + -v
+ /** Multiply by inverse of scalar. */
+ def /(n: Double) = this * (1 / n)
+ /** Dot product. */
+ def dot(v: Vector2D): Double = x * v.x + y * v.y
+ /** Cross product. Length only because in 2D. The direction would be given by the x3-axis. */
+ def cross(v: Vector2D): Double = x * v.y - y * v.x
+ /** Cross product with an imaginary vector parallel to the x3-axis.
+ * Its magnitude is given by |p| and its direction sign(p). */
+ def cross(p: PseudoVector3D): Vector2D = rightNormal * p.x3
+ /** Magnitude of this vector. */
+ lazy val length: Double = math.sqrt(lengthSquare)
+ lazy val lengthSquare: Double = x * x + y * y
+ /** Unit vector. */
+ lazy val unit: UnitVector2D =
+ if (!(x == 0.0 && y == 0.0)) new UnitVector2D(x / length, y / length)
+ else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Null vector does not have a unit vector.")
+ /** Returns the projection of this vector onto the vector `v`. */
+ def project(v: Vector2D): Vector2D = {
+ if (v != Vector2D.Null)
+ v * ((this dot v) / (v.lengthSquare))
+ else
+ Vector2D.Null
+ }
+ /** Returns the projection of this vector onto the unit vector `v`. */
+ def project(v: UnitVector2D): Vector2D = {
+ if (v != Vector2D.Null)
+ v * (this dot v)
+ else
+ Vector2D.Null
+ }
+ /** Returns this vector rotated by `angle` radians. */
+ def rotate(angle: Double): Vector2D = {
+ Vector2D(cos(angle) * x - sin(angle) * y,
+ cos(angle) * y + sin(angle) * x)
+ }
+ /** Left normal vector. (-y, x) */
+ lazy val leftNormal: Vector2D = Vector2D(-y, x)
+ /** Right normal vector. (y, -x) */
+ lazy val rightNormal: Vector2D = Vector2D(y, -x)
+ /** Checks if this vector is the null vector. */
+ def isNull: Boolean = this == Vector2D.Null
+ /** Colinearity check. */
+ def ~(v: Vector2D): Boolean = x * v.y - v.x * y == 0
+ def leftOf(v: Vector2D): Boolean = (this dot v.leftNormal) > 0
+ def rightOf(v: Vector2D): Boolean = (this dot v.rightNormal) > 0
+ def directionOf(v: Vector2D): Boolean = (this dot v) > 0
+object Vector2D {
+ /**Null vector.*/
+ val Null = Vector2D(0,0)
+ /**Horizontal unit vector. (1,0)*/
+ val i = new UnitVector2D(1,0)
+ /**Vertical unit vector. (0,1)*/
+ val j = new UnitVector2D(0,1)
+/** A two dimensional vector considered having a magnitude of one.
+ * Unit vectors are used internally for increasing performance
+ * (i.e. the length of a unit vector is always one, the unit vector of
+ * a unit vector is always itself). */
+class UnitVector2D(x: Double, y: Double) extends Vector2D(x, y) {
+ def isValid = x * x + y * y == 1
+ override lazy val unit = this
+ override lazy val length = 1.0
+ override lazy val lengthSquare = 1.0
+ override lazy val leftNormal = new UnitVector2D(-y, x)
+ override lazy val rightNormal = new UnitVector2D(y, -x)
+} \ No newline at end of file